king-leos-world · 3 months
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Rubyshine; Pronouns: She/Her
Ginger; Pronouns: She/Her; Girlfriend: Nightcharge
Rose; Pronouns: She/Her/They; Boyfriend: Blue
Firequake; Pronouns: He/They; Boyfriend: Malachite
TFP belongs to Hasbro
These guys belong to me
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thecake37 · 1 year
What do you get if you cross a duck with a firework? A firequaker
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Magnus: Can you pass me a knife?
Alec: For what?
Magnus: To cut this cake
Alec: Well, I don't know where the knives are but you could use my seraph blade
Magnus: Do I seem like I'm dramatic enough for that?
Alec: I mean...yeah. You definitely do.
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ineffablefool · 5 years
What do you call a very rude bird? A mockingbird Why couldn’t anyone see the bird? Because it was in da skies What kind of birds do you usually find locked up? Jail-birds What kind of bird runs the church? A cardinal Why did the pelican get kicked out of the restaurant? Because he had a very big bill. What do you get when you kiss a diseased bird? Cherpies. Hope you are having a lovely day/afternoon/evening/night Only 8 more bird puns! Then i have a stash of owl specific puns. -Punon
What do you get if you cross a duck with a firework? A firequaker What is a parrot’s favorite game? Hide and Speak Which bird is always out of breath? A puffin What does duck eat with his soup? Quackers What do you call a crate of ducks? A box of quackers. How do chickens get strong? Egg-cersize Why do hummingbirds hum? Because they don’t know the words I couldn't wait 2 do the rest of these Hope ur having a good day/night & if u arent I hope it gets better soon. - Punon             
Y’know, I had it uh pretty rough Wednesday evening, but by Thursday things were back to not being so bad.  So thank you for the well-wishes -- perhaps they helped!
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limbo-stasis · 5 years
So it's been a while since Ember has been nerfed. I'm sure many of you have seen the arguments and the outcries for a rework.
So I was playing with my friends the other day and we were talking about ember. You know, the same old arguments about the need being unnecessary and contradictory and a rework or buff being needed when my brother shared this video
After watching it, we could only start brainstorming possible reworks for her kit.
So here we go, this is how I would rework Ember's kit:
Ignition (passive): It's fine as it is but it's not super impactful as you rarely get set on fire. The only way to reliable get set on fire would by map hazards or a javlock. The buff and energy regen is nice to have, but it's really not consistent enough for most players to keep it in mind when playing ember. Otherwise, possibly allow its energy regen to remain active through World on Fire but that might bug out the code since energy regen is supposed to pause for Ember when WoF is active and allow other energy regens to affect her.
Fireball: I would honestly just scrap it but it would feel kinda strange to have an "element frame" like Ember not be able to sling fireballs around similar to Frost or Volt's first ability. However, I would make the charge to be much, much quicker since it is currently way to slow to be practical and allow the napalm aoe to be moddable by range.
Alternatively, instead of a napalm like effect, the charged fireball could have a larger lasting aoe le ring of fire does. I would have made it so that the charged fireball would act as a ranged ring of fire, including the huge fire aoe when fire blast is cast but that seems like a bit much.
Accelerant: It's nearly a must for Ember players on higher levels. It provides you a heat damage multiplier which allows you to do just that little more damage against enemies with hear damage, but more importantly, it acts as a stun and provides survivability to the squishy caster frame that is Ember. Yeah, it's fine as it is, no change neccessary.
Fire Blast: it's a fun ability. It lights people on fin a large area when its cast and leaves a ring of fore to deal more aoe. Small tweak, maybe anybody inside the fire ring could receive a damage reduction or damage boost buff. Otherwise it's not the worst ability and I can see it being used occasionally. Accelerant and the fire fright augment aren't bad for cc.
World on Fire: Okay first off, no range reduction. You could take that away by itself and ignore any of the changes before and/or after this and then its be fine because then, I could use firequake for some cc. The damage and energy drain ramp up is good actually since heat damage isn't the most effective damage type there is. But yeah, Ember needs the range.
But what would be really nice would be if World on Fire gave Ember some sort of damage resistance while it was active that ramped up and maxed out along with the damage and energy drain in order to give her more survivability. If the damage resistance was implemented, it would probably be okay if the range of WoF stayed low as it is currently.
This supposed rework isn't meant to meant to make her a god like frame like Octavia, post-reworked pre-nerfed Saryn, or Nidus, it's just meant to make her more appealing to play.
Any thoughts or criticisms would be great.
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yeniyeniseyler · 4 years
TV'de Bu Akşam (24 Temmuz 2020 Cuma - Prime-Time Yayın Akışı)
TV’de Bu Akşam (24 Temmuz 2020 Cuma – Prime-Time Yayın Akışı)
Ana akım televizyon kanallarının (TRT 1, Star, SHOW, atv, Kanal D, FOX, TV8)  günlük prime-time yayın akışlarını bu başlığımızda bulabilirsiniz.
  TRT 1 20:00 Yabancı Sinema / Inception – Başlangıç 23:20 Pelin Çift ile Gündem Özel 01:00 Yabancı Sinema / Inception – Başlangıç (Tekrar)
  Star 20:00 Yabancı Sinema / Dead Man Down – İntikam Benim 22:30 Yabancı Sinema / Dead Man Down – İntikam Benim
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movie-titlecards · 5 years
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Firequake (2014)
My rating: 2/10
Shit, and not even in a fun way.
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hikaru-shirogane · 2 years
The Inamorta Chronicles: An Introduction
"There is a city known as Inamorta, where humans and the supernatural coexist. However, various entities of darkness plan on disrupting the peace. With the power granted to him by a Windstorm Elf named Ka'rell, Nicholas Evans becomes Tailwind, the hero Inamorta needed."
This sentence is more or less the plot synopsis for the Inamorta Chronicles, a series influenced by Tokusatsu shows such as Kamen Rider and Garo.
The story focuses on two characters: Nicholas Evans, a human fascinated by the city, and Ka'rell, a Windstorm Elf who acts as his guardian. With the Arcgale Buckle, the two become Tailwind, a ninja-themed superhero.
The two are later joined by Miltrous, an Orc who works as a bartender at the local bar, his Firequake Elf partner Barkos, as well as Nick's sister Judith Evans, and her Primrose Elf partner Ikitos.
The antagonists are demons knowns as the Atrius. They were cursed with a desire to consume souls. Their leader is an archlich named Arfus.
The main transformation device is a belt known as the Arcgale Buckle, which uses stones known as Emblems. This is where the gimmick comes in. You see, Elves in this universe serve as guardians, regardless of race. With the Emblems, Arcgale Buckle users are capable of donning armor based on the subspecies of their Guardians. This allows them to take on their abilities.
This is the rundown of everything I know about this project so far. If I'm able to go through with this, it would be fun.
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chaotictempleknight · 6 years
Saryn’s 2018 updates...
... in a nutshell:
Me: You know, Saryn really did not need that big of an update to begin with...
Random Warframe player: Go play another warframe.
Me: Okay then... Well I am not too sure about switching spores to corrosive damage. Corrosive is only really effective against...
Random Warframe player: Go play another warframe.
Me: Um, could you let me talk? Anyways: I do not think making Molt immune to spores was the best idea. It just removes some of the utility that saryn had and...
Random Warframe player: Go play another warframe.
Me: STOP...doing that and let me talk. Removing spread on enemy death from spore was a bad idea. It just makes things more tedious and...
Random Warframe player: Go play another warframe.
Me: You are not interrupting me! As I was saying: Removing death spread just makes it so you have to cast Spore more often. This just makes Saryn more energy hungry and goes against the idea of Saryn not needing energy generation in regards to having toxic lash not grant energy for popping spores anymore. Yes, Spores still spread, but they have one less method of spreading and death spread was the easiset and most convenient method. And do not even get me...
Random Warframe player: Go...play...another...warframe...
Me: ...started on low level content. Gee, if you go in with a powerful Warframe, low level enemies will die pretty quickly. That does not warrant a rework. Now Saryn is only viable in end game content. Why would I use a warframe who is only good in something like sanctuary onslaught or sorties? I want a warframe that is good and fun everywhere. And someone will say “Use your weapons, that is what they are there for...” I DO, but sometimes I like casting abilities or need to cast abilities to clear out a room. The new Saryn changes make that more tedious as death spread is gone and...
Random Warframe player: GO PLAY ANOTHER WARFRAME!!!
Random Warframe player: (silence)
- - - - -
Now before you go flipping your lid on me in the comments, asks, or reblogs: The words of the day are Hyperbole and Satire. I mean seriously, I would not have used the best clip on the web if I was being 100% serious. And I have yet to see anyone pull that kind of stunt.
But this post does underline my frustrations with the 2018 Saryn updates. I feel she has been made overly complicated and energy hungry. Yes, I am a console player and the update is not out as of me typing this, but I have been keeping an eye on things and watching videos. And the general sentiment I have seen from people (or at the very least: interpreted) who are in full support of this update is "Go play another warframe.” And yes, that could be a bit of a generalization, but still.
It is frustrating. Now I don't want to play Saryn. I had a similar situation with Ember. She got a power boost with World on Fire, but her range gets cut in half and her energy consumption ramps up. Yes, she has other abilities, but that change was a kick to the balls. World on Fire was barely good to begin with. The only thing that saved it was Firequake. It is kind of pointless when your range gets cut in half.
And before there is that one smart ass in the notes who calls me a "scrublord" or "Noob" or something to those effects: I did not use Ember all the time (you legitimately could not use Ember all the time). I do get bored using a particular loadout after a short while. I was on a Nova kick, a Nidus kick, a Chroma kick, a Mirage kick, a Mesa kick, an Excalibur kick, a Valkyr kick, a Limbo kick, a Titania kick, a Volt kick, and an Atlas Kick. Seriously, I am nut case when it comes to what Warframe mood I am in.
And yes, I will openly admit that Chroma is overly complex. I did not say he was not.
Sorry if all of that was unnecessary, but we all know there will be that one person.
I feel like there needs to be a balance between simple and complex in Warframes. Ash is too simple. And now Saryn has be come an example of a warframe who is too complex. You could argue she was a bit too complex back in Saryn 2.0 and that was the primary complaint I saw. And yes, she was indeed a little too complex.
Saryn 2.0: So you need to cast spore to have them spread to other enemies. The spores will cut the enemies health in half with viral procs. Use molt to create a base for your spores. Now cast toxic lash and use your melee weapon to pop the spores. Then cast miasma to AOE the area. But do not randomly cast Miasma. If you do it without spores, it will be very weak. Miasma will do more damage to enemies that are proc'd and will do corrosive damage which is effective against armor. Make sure you give your spores enough power strength to deal decent damage and so your miasma does damage too. Do not forget power range so you have good range. You will also need duration so your spores last and you can have more time on toxic lash and molt. The health of molt is also affected by power strength. And do not forget efficiency as you need to activate 3-4 abilities to make this startegy work.
Saryn 3.0/3.5: You need to cast spores to have them spread to enemies. The spores will do corrosive damage which is effective against armor. The spores have a 50% status chane to proc corrosive on the enemies, Damage ramps up based on how many are affected. The damage ramp up caps at 10 enemies infected. Spores will not spread on enemy death by the spore so you need to keep casting. Toxic lash will not grant you enenrgy like it did before, but it will allow you to pop spores so they can spread and grants a toxin buff to your weapons. Now if you re-cast spor on an infected enemy, it will detonate the spore and do twice the damage. The damage you accumilated will decay quickly if nothing is infected. Keep an eye on your energy. You can metigate this decay with duration mods. Molt can no longer be used as a base for spores, but it will be temporarily invincible and will grant you a speed boost. Miasma now does Viral damage is has 100% to proc viral and it will refresh the proc. Idealy you want to run effeciency because of how much casting you will do, but remember you need duration to slow down the damage decay of the spores and you need power strength to get goo damage. And you still need range to spread spores. This will be hard to juggle with corrupted mods, but anything is possible.
See how long those paragraphs are and how much I had to explain? I can describe Valkyr in less.
Valkyr: Ripline is ability that allows you to bring enemies to you or grapple to a location if you hit the terrain. Warcry speeds you up and slows down your enemies that were caught in the cast. Paralysis is a stun ability. And Hysteria is a berserker state where you become invicible, gain a claws based weapon, and can recover health. But you need to be careful as Valkyr will be vulnerable after deactivating it. Your best bet for Valkyr is power strength.
How about Harrow?
Harrow: Condemn allows you to stun enemies and gain overshields. The base range is good enough not to need range mods. Sacrifice sacrifices your current shields to give you a speed buff and team healing based on the damage you do to enemies. Thurible drains your enenrgy to allow you to generate energy for your squad based on your kills and how much energy you sacrifiiced. Headshots will grant more energy than bodyshots. Covenant allows you to absorb damage for a brief time and convert into crit chance for your weapons. While absorbing damage, you and you squad will be invicible.  A simple build giving a basic boost to all stats and giving you a lot of shields and good health is ideal for Harrow.
Almost as long as Saryn 2.0, but I did not have to explain as much. Harrow is pretty straight forward.
As you can see, Saryn is a bit of a complicated mess at the moment. And the updates made things worse. Saryn is a good idea in concept, but the execution is questionable. 
And the thing is: I will probably use Sayrn for Toxic lash and molt and miasma if I can get a good strength build. It is just that this whole situation leaves a sour taste in my mouth. Saryn is not ruined, she is just a bit of a mess right now.
And the true kick to the balls is this: Even though I mocked the sentiment of "go play another Warframe," it is actually a viable solution and I hate that fact.
And if for some reason this post upsets you, remember this: I am just a random nobody venting his frustrations. I have no influence over DE and they would probably not listen to me either way.
I am just frustrated. Not angry, just frustrated.
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king-leos-world · 4 months
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Luna; Pronouns: She/Her; Mate: Shadow
Shadow; Pronouns: He/Him
Emerald; Pronouns: She/Her; Mate: Ultra Magnus
Malachite; Pronouns: He/Him/They/Them; Boyfriend: Firequake
TFP belongs to Hasbro
These guys belong to me
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freshleadprovider · 4 years
Best complete 2020 SEO course to take?
I was working as an SEO for 4 years way back 2010 to 2014. I moved to Wordpress Development since then. Last Friday, I got an offer as an SEO manager/WP Admin. I am inclined to accept the offer but I really have to get updated with my SEO skills. I know things are very different now from 6 years ago. I was searching for some $18 SEO courses on Udemy but still undecided which one to choose. Any recommendation for an up to date resource/study material or what udemy course in particular should I pick is very much welcome. submitted by /u/firequak [link] [comments] https://www.reddit.com/r/SEO/comments/hpsvjm/best_complete_2020_seo_course_to_take/
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ceceliaofthesuburbs · 5 years
what if we kissed during the firequake drill... haha jkjk... unless?
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ao3feed-starker · 7 years
by babyblueglasses
When Avengers Academy announces that they’re holding a robotics competition, Tony completely throws himself into it.
Words: 1530, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Avengers Academy (Video Game), Marvel, Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Janet Van Dyne, Steve Rogers, Justin Hammer, Tony Stark, Loki (Marvel)
Relationships: Loki & Tony Stark
Additional Tags: Cute, Friendship, Robots, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Fun
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ao3feed-avac · 7 years
Firequaker 2000
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2GK7gxA
by babyblueglasses
When Avengers Academy announces that they’re holding a robotics competition, Tony completely throws himself into it.
Words: 1530, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Avengers Academy (Video Game), Marvel, Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Janet Van Dyne, Steve Rogers, Justin Hammer, Tony Stark, Loki (Marvel)
Relationships: Loki & Tony Stark
Additional Tags: Cute, Friendship, Robots, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Fun
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2GK7gxA
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ao3feed-lokiangst · 7 years
Firequaker 2000
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2GK7gxA
by babyblueglasses
When Avengers Academy announces that they’re holding a robotics competition, Tony completely throws himself into it.
Words: 1530, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Avengers Academy (Video Game), Marvel, Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Janet Van Dyne, Steve Rogers, Justin Hammer, Tony Stark, Loki (Marvel)
Relationships: Loki & Tony Stark
Additional Tags: Cute, Friendship, Robots, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Fun
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2GK7gxA
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