ao3feed-Steve Rogers
154K posts
This is an AO3 feed for Steve Rogers a.k.a Captain America. This feed is bassed off the RRS feed fro AO3 and will update as the their feed  does. 
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ao3feed-steverogers · 3 years ago
Welcome to A.R.C.
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by greenleaf
The adventures of Dr. Tony Stark, Veterinarian Extraordinaire, and his fabulous team.
Words: 3557, Chapters: 1/5, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Bruce Banner, Pepper Potts, Peter Parker, Michelle Jones, Ned Leeds, Darcy Lewis, Clint Barton
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Veterinarians, Slice of Life, Parent Tony Stark, Animals, Fluff, And Literal Animal Fluff, Animal Injuries, Veterinary Medicine, Medical Procedures, Possible medical inaccuracies, animal lovers, Developing Relationship, One Big Happy Family, And Their Many Pets
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ao3feed-steverogers · 3 years ago
you are the reason [FANART]
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by wingheads
steve arrives in their secret meeting when tony is toweling himself off and he likes what he sees.
Words: 0, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel 616
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Steve Rogers, Tony Stark
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
Additional Tags: Fanart, Naked Tony, Tony Stark's Red Thong of Justice
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ao3feed-steverogers · 3 years ago
Funny that.
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by kellymaire1824
Dreams turn into reality, and sometimes the people left awake....well when they are Steve Rogers... They lay and wondered what god awful thing they did in a past life to deserve this.
Words: 1798, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, Thor (Marvel)
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers
Additional Tags: Inappropriate Erections, Bucky Barnes Recovering, Bucky Barnes's Metal Arm, Sleeping Together, Steve Rogers Feels, Steve Rogers Needs a Hug, Hurt Steve Rogers
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ao3feed-steverogers · 3 years ago
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by navaan
They're marriage averted a superhero war - but now it feels more and more like they're heading for a separation. Rumors are running wild. But not all may be as it seems and neither Steve Rogers nor Natasha Stark are people who give up easily.
Words: 7170, Chapters: 4/4, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel 3490, Marvel (Comics)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Steve Rogers, Natasha Stark | Tony Stark, Reed Richards, Veranke (Marvel)
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Natasha Stark | Steve Rogers/Tony Stark (Marvel 3490)
Additional Tags: Angst with a Happy Ending, Skrull(s), Established Relationship, Complicated Relationships, Secret Invasion (Marvel), Cap_Ironman Reverse Bang Challenge, Inspired by Fanart
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ao3feed-steverogers · 3 years ago
so long, traveling song
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by Welcoming_Disaster
The gem burns hot, singing the tender skin in the center of his palm, and he can see the possibilities unfolding in technicolor around him. A thought, and he wouldn’t be able to feel the pain. A thought, and he’d tear the whole building to the ground, turn the Hudson River to coffee, rain frogs down from the sky, send clouds of locusts upon the hot dog vendors on the street. 
Wood splinters crunch underfoot as Tony walks slowly into the husk of the mansion, unworried about the possibility of it crumpling down on him. The problem with the place is that it refuses to stay as stagnant as his memories of it; rain has already began to bleach color from the exposed wood, the ceilings to bulge oddly under pressure. 
Stop, a voice somewhere far away warns him, something like the Watcher’s voice, something like Stephen’s. Stop now. 
A thought, and he can fix all of his worst mistakes. 
Possibilities shimmer effervescent in front of him, momentarily gold under the power of the gem. A thought, and he can make this better for everyone, make it a world worth living in. A thought, and he can come home. 
Words: 7672, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel 616
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Stephen Strange cameo - Character
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
Additional Tags: Angst, Civil War, Unhappy Ending, Reality Bending, Grief, Ghosts, Reality Gem, Canon Temporary Character Death, Not A Fix-It
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ao3feed-steverogers · 3 years ago
Au Revoir
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by Itsjustmay
You were bad, and Steve knows just how to punish his little girl.
Words: 1180, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, Steve Rogers - Fandom, MCU
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con
Categories: F/M
Characters: Steve Rogers, steven grant rogers, Female Reader - Character
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Reader, Steve Rogers/F Reader, steve rogers and female reader, Steve Rogers x Reader
Additional Tags: Rape/Non-con Elements, non con, Dubious Consent, dub con, Temperature Play, Forced Isolation, Restraints, Collars, isolation outside, established kidnapping, Forced Intimacy, Begging, please heed the warnings, If you are not ok with this, then please do not read:), Cock Warming, p in v
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ao3feed-steverogers · 3 years ago
The Pacifier
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by ttfan111robstar1
When Steve’s pacifier goes missing, it’s no accident.
Written as a bit of a follow up to chapter 4 of “A Day With Papaw”.
Words: 1572, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 16 of Child Of Mine: The Universe
Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Bruce Banner, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Tony Stark, Original Male Character(s), Friday (Marvel)
Relationships: Bruce Banner & Steve Rogers, Steve Rogers & Natasha Romanov, Bruce Banner/Natasha Romanov, Bruce Banner & Tony Stark
Additional Tags: Age Regression/De-Aging, Non-Sexual Age Play, Pacifiers, Men Crying, Steve Rogers Needs a Hug, Steve Rogers Feels, Protective Bruce Banner, Bruce Banner Hulks Out, Protective Natasha Romanov, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Swearing, Protective Hulk (Marvel), Hulk Talks (Marvel), Intimidation
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ao3feed-steverogers · 3 years ago
Wrong Number. (Hamilton/Marvel/Sherlock crossover)
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by Kadi_WatsonHolmes
Basically me and my Wattpad sibling, Historic_Fics, decided to merge our individual fandoms together.
This was the result.
I regret nothing.
Words: 2592, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Hamilton - Miranda, Sherlock (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Alexander Hamilton, John Laurens, Hercules Mulligan, Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette, The Schuyler Sisters (Hamilton), Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, Angelica Schuyler, Margaret "Peggy" Schuyler, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, George Washington, Martha Washington, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, Thor (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Pepper Potts, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Samuel Seabury (1729-1796), George III of the United Kingdom, Maria Lewis Reynolds, Theodosia Prevost Burr, Aaron Burr, Philip Hamilton, Pietro Maximoff, Wanda Maximoff, Peter Parker, Peter Quill, Shuri (Marvel), T'Challa (Marvel), May Parker (Spider-Man), James "Bucky" Barnes, Vision (Marvel), Stephen Strange, Gamora (Marvel), Mantis (Marvel), Drax the Destroyer, Rocket Raccoon, Sherlock Holmes, John Watson, Everett Ross
Relationships: Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, George Washington/Martha Washington, Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Alexander Hamilton/Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, Thomas Jefferson/James Madison, Wanda Maximoff/Vision
Additional Tags: Crossover, Chaos
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ao3feed-steverogers · 3 years ago
Made For This (The Yoga Breaks)
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by jedusaur
Practically everyone Bruce knows has a weird relationship with their body. Being a superhero is weird in a lot of ways, but the physicality of it especially so. This body has been a part of him for a long time, this power has been there, but he's never really known it. He's never been able to remember. To control.
"Do you need to work out?" Bruce asks.
"Yes," Steve says immediately, like he's answered this before. "Not to stay in shape, but to stay in tune with myself. If I don't use my body, if I don't remind myself what it is, I slip up and move like I'm still small. You don't want that to happen in the middle of a fight."
"That's what it is!" Bruce says, more loudly than he means to.
Words: 2055, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Bruce Banner, Steve Rogers, Thor (Marvel), Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Rocket Raccoon, Scott Lang
Additional Tags: Yoga, Character Study, proprioception, Self-Acceptance, embodiment is tough when you're a superhero
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ao3feed-steverogers · 3 years ago
While On The Restless Sea
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by percyjacksonfan9261
Words: 4789, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel Movies), WandaVision (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Multi
Characters: Wanda Maximoff, Vision (Marvel), Pietro Maximoff, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Sam Wilson (Marvel), James "Bucky" Barnes, Clint Barton, Scott Lang, Cassie Lang, Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, T'Challa (Marvel), Hope Van Dyne, Bruce Banner, Helmut Zemo
Relationships: Wanda Maximoff/Vision, Pietro Maximoff & Wanda Maximoff & Vision, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Vision, Bruce Banner & Vision, Steve Rogers/Natasha Romanov, Pietro Maximoff & Wanda Maximoff & Steve Rogers & Natasha Romanov, Clint Barton & Vision, Scott Lang & Vision, James "Bucky" Barnes & Wanda Maximoff & Sam Wilson, Clint Barton & Pietro Maximoff & Wanda Maximoff, Cassie Lang & Scott Lang, Scott Lang/Hope Van Dyne, Vision & T'Challa, Vision & James "Rhodey" Rhodes
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Pirate, Human Vision (Marvel), BAMF Wanda Maximoff, BAMF Vision (Marvel)
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ao3feed-steverogers · 3 years ago
Team Shellhead Art
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by DragonK
Here is my art for team Shellhead for the 2022 RBB! maybe-a-villain iron man flirts with captain america - identity hijinks and love ensue! There is the original artwork claimed by ishipallthings, plus bonus art!
Words: 257, Chapters: 3/3, Language: English
Fandoms: Iron Man (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Captain America (Movies)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Tony Stark, Steve Rogers
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
Additional Tags: Villain Tony Stark, but not really, AU, Fanart, Identity Porn
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ao3feed-steverogers · 3 years ago
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by WeederSneeder
What happens when a certain Knight and a group of superheroes collide?
Words: 2616, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Moon Knight (TV 2022), The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Marc Spector, Steven Grant (Marvel), Tony Stark, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Steve Rogers, Jake Lockley
Additional Tags: i didn’t proof read, I'm Sorry, yes the title is a pun, Out of Character
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ao3feed-steverogers · 3 years ago
Falling From Valhalla
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by abstractnerddreams
What do a super soldier out of his time and a wild punk rockstar have in common? It should be nothing but Steve can't help but be drawn to a woman that was the very last type of woman anyone probably imagined him drawn to. He doesn't know what it is about her but he wants her and she seems to want to rock his world in a way he never considered before.
Trixie goes after what she wants, when she wants it. Right now, she wants a certain golden boy. But what starts out as a fun time turns into something else and she might be ready for what that means for her.
Words: 1945, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Captain America (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: Multi
Characters: Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Sam Wilson (Marvel), Tony Stark, Thor (Marvel), Bruce Banner
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Original Female Character(s)
Additional Tags: Recreational Drug Use, Not Canon Compliant, Drug Use, Implied/Referenced Drug Use, Sex Drugs and Rock and Roll, Sub Steve Rogers, Switch Steve Rogers, Dom Steve Rogers, Smut, Rock Stars, Dom/sub Undertones, Original Female Character(s) - Freeform, Alcohol, Tattoos, tags updated as i go
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ao3feed-steverogers · 3 years ago
Sweet Home Georgia Peach
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by marvelcriminalhoe
She has it all in New York. A beautiful apartment. A dream design job. A wonderful boyfriend.
But when that boyfriend turns into a fiancé, she must go back home to Georgia, and face the dark secrets of her past, so they don’t show up in her bright future.
a Steve Rogers x Fem Reader story
Words: 19367, Chapters: 11/11, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), James "Bucky" Barnes, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Yelena Belova, Sharon Carter (Marvel), Peggy Carter, Reader
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Reader, Steve Rogers & Reader, James "Bucky" Barnes/Natasha Romanov, Wanda Maximoff/Sam Wilson, Yelena Belova/Sharon Carter
Additional Tags: Inspired by Sweet Home Alabama (2002), rewritten for marvel, marvel AU, Steve Rogers AU - Freeform, Married to Divorced, past relationship, flash backs, No Smut, Some angst, Hurt feelings, Idiots in Love, Lack of Communication, 2 chapters where there is an indirect mention of miscarriage, But its not described, we dont even use the word, just point to that, New Relationship, Fighting, Leaving, Divorce, Getting Back Together, its bacically the movie, Some cute moments, peggy carter is a tool, if you like her keep it to yourself, we do however love Sharon Carter in this house, and will not tolerate hate, go to your own house to hate who you want, in my house we hate who I want, thats all enjoy reading, No use of y/n
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ao3feed-steverogers · 3 years ago
Pride Month with Harley and Peter
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by ilove_klance
Peter coming out, in the most chaotic way possible.
Words: 1042, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of Happy Pride Month!
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Harley Keener, Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov, James "Bucky" Barnes, The whole Avengers team
Relationships: Harley Keener/Peter Parker, Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Harley Keener & Tony Stark, Michelle Jones/Shuri, Ned Leeds & Michelle Jones
Additional Tags: pride month, Coming Out, Asexuality, Peter is asexual, Tony thinks Peter is straight, Peter and Harley are in a relationship, But no one knows apparently, Lesbian Michelle Jones, Crack, Crack Treated Seriously, but not really
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ao3feed-steverogers · 3 years ago
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by WritingmyMind
When Steve Rogers goes to return the soul stone, he decides to make a deal. Alternatively, Steve protects his friends.
Words: 1752, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov, Clint Barton, Laura Barton, Peggy Carter, Johann Schmidt
Relationships: Steve Rogers & Natasha Romanov, Peggy Carter/Steve Rogers, Clint Barton & Natasha Romanov
Additional Tags: mcu - Freeform, Steve returning the stones, Vormir, I had to fix Endgame, Steve gets his dance, Natasha didn't deserve that, Friendship
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ao3feed-steverogers · 3 years ago
A cup of Joe
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by m_calculus
Set after Steve arrives back at the camp with the recovered prisoners in Captain America, the First Avenger
Words: 786, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Captain America (Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers
Additional Tags: Not Canon Compliant, Kissing, Sharing a Bed, First Kiss
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