#Find a plumber
billntrade2022 · 2 years
Find a plumber
Not from today, many people associate a plumber with an elderly man who repairs pipes under the sink and performs other small work related to similar matters. Well, nothing could be more wrong, because in recent years it has become a profession much more popular among young people. This is mainly due to the increasing salaries and the relatively high demand for this type of professionals.
Over the last several years, a plumber has changed its character as a profession. One of the reasons is certainly the development of hydraulic systems that were previously only made of steel. Now we have copper and plastic pipes. Due to the fact that the entire market of hydraulic systems is being modernized in general, the existing tools, which are used by professionals, are also subject to such changes.
Characteristics of the tools of a modern plumber A few years ago, the most popular tool was the threader, thanks to which it was possible to connect subsequent elements. Today it has been replaced with special couplings and a pipe welding machine. The joints made in this case are created by delicately melting the joined layers. As long as the plumber does the job well, there is no chance of any leaks.
A specialized crimping tool is also often used for the assembly of Pex-Al-Pex systems. Here, in turn, a special fitting is used, into which the pipe is inserted and then pressed.
It is also worth mentioning the systems built of copper pipes. They are more expensive than those mentioned above, but they are perfect for central heating. In this case, connections are made by soldering and it is quite laborious.
However, we have only mentioned modern methods of assembling pipes and heating installations. So let's move on to other services that a plumber deals with, and these are the ones you most know of most.
Clogged pipes after failure - Find a plumber This is one of the most common breakdowns a plumber is called for. It's easy to recognize that we need his services, because if something is wrong, you will surely notice clogged drains in the house and water remaining in the bathtub or sink that refuses to run down the drain. In addition, we are then dealing with a very unpleasant odor. This is when the best solution is to call professionals, because you may not be able to cope on your own. This is because without experience it will be difficult for you to find the cause of the entire failure and remove it effectively.
Plumbing services usually include unblocking clogged pipes, repairing leaking taps or installing central heating systems. Of course, with many situations, e.g. a dripping tap, you can deal with it yourself. If, on the other hand, a failure is too much for us, it is definitely better to hire professional plumbing services, which, thanks to the use of modern tools, will deal with it at an express pace.
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lecoindecachou · 5 months
You know, as someone living in France, I always feel like I should specify how I feel about women wearing the hijab since it's so controversial here so there goes the disclaimer: I don't give a fuck what people wear on their heads, how long their skirts are, and I especially don't care what kind of bathing suit they wear to the beach. Pls god let me have one fucking summer without having to hear about the fucking burkini. I wish the French government would spend even HALF as much time trying to solve homelessness at it does policing how Muslim women dress. There.
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champagnemoon · 1 month
This new wave of young women who romanticize blue collar men to an extreme are so interesting lmao you can tell when they didn’t grow up with that brand of man in their family at all
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transitofmercury · 1 year
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The Return of the Prodigal Son - Eric Rimmington // The Average Fourth Grader Is a Better Poet Than You (and Me Too) - Hannah Gamble // East, West - Salman Rushdie // Newsies Script - Harvey Fierstein // Watch What Happens - Newsies // Someday I’ll Love Ocean Vuong - Ocean Vuong // Steve Blanchard and Kara Lindsay as Pulitzer and Katherine in Newsies // Pulitzer: A Life in Politics, Print and Power - James McGrath Morris // Under the Burden of Misery - Teodor Axentowicz // Folding a Five-Cornered Star So the Corners Meet - Li-Young Lee // A Portrait of Maya Angelou - Maya Angelou speaking to Bill Moyers
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jackmkelly · 1 day
i think its awesome that kath starts out stranger and by the end of kony theyre all ready to die for her if it comes to that
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noxexistant · 1 year
that scene where jack is going off at katherine for not telling him her real name and she tells him he didn’t even ask for it, and jack francis sullivan kelly is like “i wouldn’t think i had to!”
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*sits down, while holding a bottle of soda from the movie theater*
I'll patiently wait for the fics about the Super Mario Bros Movie despicting Mario's aftermath of the whole ordeal, with the adrenaline wearing off and he processing all that happened. How close Luigi's death was if he didn't save him at the last minute, how much he was beaten up badly by everyone and how almost scorched himself (and Luigi) at the end. Knowing that everything came to be by being stubborn. Then coming to terms with not only his new separation anxiety, ptsd, and broken bones and bruises but with the realization that "Holy shit, all that happened in less than 48 hours."
*sips sprite*
I know some of you have him as your little skrunkly, blorbo, little fella and also adore and seek angst and whump like maniacs who finds pure pleasure and happinness in putting your favorite character through hell and back, twice even. Then, shall you all enjoy this and write your hearts content. ❤
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top-tier-tickles · 1 year
Peaches Peaches Peaches Peaches Peaches
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virtualcarrot · 23 days
For context, my (cursed) house sits below the street. It relies on a sump pump to evacuate waste water. I had it installed seven years ago because when I bought the house, the water went directly into the river which is a nono. It's since been my greatest fear that it might one day break.
Well, it happened. Which I only realized when my shower started flooding with dirty backwater from the basin three days ago.
(In hindsight, there were signs--the pump had been much louder than usual for days--that I ignored, because I am an anxious person by nature and tend to overreact)
Anyway: shock and horror, and then panic because it's still summer and most plumbers are on vacation and those that are available won't put their hands in the basin to access the sump pump and can't be bothered pumping the water out. They advised using a wastewater collecting service, which announced a 250 euros fee for that alone + the need to block 3 parking spaces in the constantly packed street for their hugeass truck.
Well, will you believe that my neighbor, whom I asked for simple advice because she's very handy, just dropped by with a bucket? And proceeded to help me haul the dirty dirty water up the stairs of the front yard all the way to the sewer manhole in the street? No hesitation--if anything, she was the one driving the whole thing--just set to the task, and even kept doing it while I bleached my shower clean.
Anyway, you know that moment where you realize there are people around you that you can count on? That will just help with no expectation of anything? The sheer gratitude you feel from it? Well, that.
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spinningerster · 1 year
ah yes the four lead characters in newsies
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Legit tho the easiest way to get me to slow down on shipping Glass Heart is to give me another juicy sapphic ship to chase after. Like sure, don’t have it be between two PCs, and it sure doesn’t have to end well, but just go with two femme-ish characters that have some kind of lady-gay chemistry
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whatudottu · 8 months
So, Derrick J. Wyatt has gone on record saying that cerebrocrustaceans do not have a feud with the galvans over which species is smarter and Dr. Psychobos is the only one who cares. However, in Alien Force, we clearly see Ben as Brainstorm getting insecure and competitive around Azmuth to the point of coming off as passive-aggressive and bitter. Assuming this isn’t just yet another retcon, this implies one of three things:
Cerebrocrustaceans do have a distaste for galvans, but very few of them hate galvans enough to actively want to hurt and/or kill them.
Rather than hating galvans, cerebrocrustaceans hate not getting to be the smartest person in the room as they tend to view anyone more intelligent than them as a potential threat and thus their first instinct is to assert their dominance over them (much like how many species of Earth crabs are highly territorial), meaning that how Brainstorm acted around Azmuth is how the average cerebrocrustacean would act when in the presence of anyone who knows more about anything than them regardless of species.
As an alternate take on the idea that they’re highly territorial just like many species of Earth crabs, cerebrocrustaceans are naturally competitive but the vast majority of them view outright hostility as beneath them, it’s just that Ben’s own competitive streak as a human mixed with cerebrocrustaceans’ competitive instincts resulted in him acting like a dick and Dr. Psychobos is an insecure megalomaniac who can’t stand the thought of anyone being better than him at anything.
I really, REALLY like the idea to give cerebrocrustaceans a little bit of territorial behaviours, haha! Kinda reminds me of how many fields of science have their own in-groups and are potentially a bit stuck up to outsiders, which seems to fit the egocentric coded smart guy niche they fill in terms of power and personality. Especially so since it contrasts with the ‘literally has no in-group’ isolationist galvans that love and value working alone (especially so given Azmuth didn’t go crazy on Xenon) to the point where it is both an honour to be someone’s assistant but also comes with the risk of being neglected.
Which Myaxx, not being a galvan, is more noticeably pissed off at Azmuth for that over Albedo who’s only really pissed off at Azmuth because of Ben (a child) wields the Omnitrix.
Still though, since galvans seem to be heavily involved with the Plumbers their eh, isolationist behaviour when it comes to science is mostly ignored in favour of their outcome and the stereotype of them being cold is overlooked in favour of seeing cerebrocrustaceans as being hotheaded in comparison. Up to and including the assumption by the galactic audience that cerebrocrustaceans have a feud with the galvans even if galvans do not return those feelings.
I think somewhere in the tags of one of my posts I had the idea that a galvan with a cerebrocrustacean assistant works better than a cerebrocrustacean does with a galvan assistant because of the strengths and weaknesses of their work flow. If you mix in the solitary nature of a galvan with the territorial nature of a cerebrocrustacean, alongside the previously mentioned methodology that galvans invent things for long term while cerebrocrustaceans invent things fast and efficient, a galvan assistant would complain that their carefully considered first drafts were butchered, dissected, and stitched back together by their cerebrocrustacean boss, the leading cerebrocrustacean complaining in turn that their assistant is a maverick that either attempts to control the project themselves or keep findings to themselves making the workspace unable to communicate to the understanding of another. The majority of complaining a cerebrocrustacean assistant would make with their galvan boss would be the aforementioned neglect to anything other than their work, the fact that having only two active scientists imposes strict working conditions galvans are perhaps more used to, and the fact that despite all these complaints they are simply by default peeved that their leading galvan is smarter than them. Honestly the main reason the galvan doesn't have any complaints to list is that, like any assistant, they slightly forgot to note anything; if everything is working as optimally as it can, there is no need to complain.
Keep in mind this is a general rule lmao- given the territorial behaviour of cerebrocrustaceans, while they may be stand-offish towards the out-group, they work much more efficiently within their in-group; critique, even unwarranted, is an open invitation for communication in in-group workspaces… even if other species including galvans may tire of such ‘interference’. Likewise with the solitary galvan, with no in-group everyone else is part of the out-group, and criticise all you like but an out-group is not going to change if you list off all the things you dislike about them; why make a complaint at all if the out-group does what you need them to. This stuff just gets brushed over because it’s the galvans that work closely to the Plumbers not the cerebrocrustaceans, so Plumber propaganda and presence influences the galactic audience’s understanding on who’s the ‘smartest beings of the galaxy’ while the only notable cerebrocrustacean doctor, Dr Psychobos, goes about the universe saying ‘oh how he hates that hedgehog frog’
Oh, I think I got carried away!
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wrishwrosh · 21 days
was gonna get soooo much reading done today and then my goddamn bathroom ceiling fell in
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rowenabean · 2 months
this week is a stress for the record i do not recommend moving house
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generic-lab-assistant · 9 months
My dish machine is so beautiful and keeps puking up grease but that’s okay it makes him prettier
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swimmingnewsie · 2 years
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Okay so it's been pointed out a million times that the newsies are excited to be in a paper that no one will read because they aren't out there to distribute it, but can we also point out the fact that Katherine's article ran the night before. So when she comes to visit and show it to them, she's literally showing them that they were yesterday's news. But coverage is coverage, and I'm so happy that we get King of New York from it.
But also props to Katherine for showing up to the strike at 7:00/8:00am and having everything ready for at the latest the early afternoon for printing of a nighttime edition
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