#Finally got to code
twstrpg · 7 months
yay, he jumps now
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keepinventory · 2 years
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eva-birdman-art · 3 months
I don't know why I bite
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 months
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The Quest Continues...
(part 1- part 2)
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respectthepetty · 19 days
Happy of the End has given me the perfect Black Brooder.
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Black Brooders are secretive.
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They are sexy.
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And they are elegant.
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But they can also be very dangerous.
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Which makes Keito the perfect Black Brooder.
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Because like with most Black Brooders, he didn't start out that way. He was actually a very light child.
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But then life started to dim his light.
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Until he was completely dark.
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But when one has the backstory he does, life really gave him no other option.
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So it would make perfect sense that the only thing that could save him is a Heavenly Human.
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But Chihiro isn't that.
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Chihiro has also had a tough upbringing and a rough life.
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And he is dangerous as well in his own way.
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Yet he is still lighter than Keito.
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And that's important because even in all of Keito's darkness, there is still the slightest hint of color.
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He just needs someone to bring it out.
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And that's no job for an angel.
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sevscig · 1 month
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me :333
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dizzybevvie · 4 months
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You're the sunflower/I think your love would be too much
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harbingersecho · 5 months
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let me go, please -- i don't wanna do this!
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herbgerblin · 5 months
happy birthday, but also i am BEGGING you to elaborate on 'TLT TAZ AU' because me and my friend have been bouncing back and forth ideas on what that could possibly mean and there are a million different directions you could take it. where's your brain at
apologies for this reply being several months old. i am blaming the vitamin d deficiency (this is not a bit, i was super deficient and in depressy mode for a few months.) I'll admit I haven't marinated on this more than a few surface thoughts because trying to determine who was what got very complicated. But I have provided the amalgam of scribbles i have made as is a continuation of this post.
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ID: On the left of the first image is a drawing of Barry and Lup standing and talking to each other. An arrow pointing to Barry is captioned "guys with no pulse" and an arrow pointing to Lup is captioned "girl whose whole thing is blood circulation". Between them is a shared thought bubble that reads, "I want to study you under a microscope." They're both wearing black, nondescript clothes. Lup is wearing a belt containing various vials of blood. She also has a cardiovascular tattoo on her chest and arms.
On the right of the image is a doodle of Lup and Taako. Taako is wearing a wizard hat of bones. Lup stares off in the distance, muttering, "I'm gonna take that guy." Taako asks, "In a fight, right?" Lup blushes beside a thought bubble that reads, "NSFW" Taako reiterates in all caps, "In a fight right?"
The second image is sketches of Magnus, Davenport, and Merle. Magnus is a tall man with messy hair and a beard. He wears a long military jacket, open with no shirt, breeches, and knee-high boots. He is beaming and leaning on his leg, one foot resting on top of a skull. Davenport is a short man with a neat little mustache. He wears a tailored military outfit with a cape. He is standing on a platform of bones. Merle is a short, portly man with a hair bun and a beard. He wears a surcoat with a skull and bones insignia over military clothes with epaulets. He is smiling with his hands on his hips.
The third image is three drawings of Lucretia as a necromancer. She has short, curly hair, and a slim build. She wears a black, sleeveless turtleneck dress with double slits and platform sandals. On the left, she is pointing a quill pen towards a skull perched to her hand. Int he middle, she is wearing a dark veil and looking forlornly, an open book resting on her lap. On the right, she is standing and holding her book close to her chest, looking uneasy.
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tricoufamily · 7 months
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idk how experimental you can say this really is for me but it's a new reshade and skin details so this counts <3 anyway yesterday i wrote down an idea for a short story and it's one bullet point and it says "a rockstar picks up a homeless hitchhiker in the 70s. something homosexual happens" and that's the whole thing. the rockstar 👨‍🎤
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Billy's way of showing affection is a bit... Unorthodox.
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(it will happen again)
Stu is probably way more pleased about the discovery than any other sane individual would be
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alrightbuckaroo · 9 months
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“and you were gazing at me, more than gazing — my gaze was dreaming you, and yours was dreaming me.”
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aj521z · 1 month
Just came back to drop a quick poem ❤️
Brick wall uncle Naeher always saving our asses.
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muzzleroars · 1 year
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Michael, the Ruined Prince
Michael, having used all of his power to seek out God, had failed as the Prince of Heaven. He had abandoned his people, absent for centuries on a fruitless search filled with unheard, increasingly desperate prayers and an unrelenting, bone-deep exhaustion that is now permanent. His grief grew day by day, and an angel in isolation begins to wither, to warp – they must be with one another lest they twist into their extremes, retreating into their divine purpose until it becomes self-destructive parody. And Michael had already been scarred long ago by his role in banishing Lucifer, by God’s own ever-mounting wrath that ate away at the mercy he was meant to feel alongside it. Michael had already been insular, something had already pulled at the seams of his soul, and now centuries of failure consume him. He would return to Heaven with nothing for his people. Nothing for the siblings he swore to protect.
So his final thought in a deeply troubled mind urged him to try one last time. That if he could not find God, then he must bring God to himself. He must sin, he must beg for punishment, and then God will come to deliver it onto him. Just as He once did to Lucifer. It disgusted him, to think he had to debase himself to be as the sinners he held nothing but vile contempt for ever since he couldn’t cope with the guilt of the first fallen angels. But his prayers have failed, his days of weeping have failed, he moved Heaven, Earth, and all of Hell to come up with empty hands. Less than that. Not even a feeling. So Michael, even as a Cherub who could not, did everything he could to replicate his memories of when he had witnessed God Himself tear the light from His angels. Michael had seen it every time, it was he that had to bind any fallen angel that survived it to their place in Hell. He knew, implicitly, what the ritual was even if God seemed to enact it in one beautiful, elegant motion. And he did just that. Imperfect pantomiming, flawed execution, but the same ritual as best as Michael could copy it. All to himself.
But only God and the high Seraphim can sever an angel from their light.
His soul was rent from his body. His light was torn to shreds by his inexperienced hands. The agony that it screeched resounded all the way back to Heaven in unintelligible, muted whispers of nauseous grief no one could understand. Michael felt himself die, but it was incomplete. He was left in a corpse, a body destroyed and succumbing to all it meant but with him still inside of it. God did not come, and Michael was trapped a ruined body, bereft of a soul, of his light, giving way to rot and deterioration yet fully functional. He could do nothing but take this as a sign from God, one that he will not be punished no matter his crime for being such a loyal servant. Even as his body falls apart, as plants begin to burst from his remains, he believes himself to be blessed – see how he grows God’s garden. See how his crown remains pristine. He adorns his exposed bones with gems and finery, ostensibly as thanks to God for keeping him alive, keeping him sinless when he had so despised his impending fall from grace. But. Michael is, in the back of his mind, highly aware of what he’s become. He knows he is rotting, he knows he is in a dead body, he knows, somewhere, God had nothing to do with it. It was just a mistake, it was just his own foolishness with catastrophic consequence. He is more noxious than a fallen angel now, a botch job shambling numbly back to Heaven when he feels the death of Gabriel.
Upon his return, he largely attempts to hide the rot of his body, at least from the citizenry – he cannot hide it from Raphael or Uriel, nor does he try. To Michael, it proves his devotion, it shows God’s still present love for him, and it is a testimony to how he cannot fall, that he can never lose his place in Heaven. Raphael begs for him to be healed, Uriel pleads reason to him, but neither had ever been as strong as Michael and ultimately, he is their leader. No matter the state he returns in, he is the Prince of the Archangels and truthfully...they both fear him now. He is not the Michael they loved, not the one that had been quiet and stoic yet still loving in return. The Michael that would have done anything for them, that never wanted to lose another like he lost Lucifer. He commands them now to join him in binding Gabriel, his tangible grief the only thing that seems to be left of who he had once been.
Internally, Michael sees their fear, he feels the crushing guilt of Gabriel’s fall, he is violently ill with one true look at himself. He had gone wrong a long, long time ago, when he lost Lucifer, and now all of that was being made manifest, but he can’t face it. As flesh falls away, he covers it more and more with jewels as if that could hide the decay he can feel spreading night and day, the only thing he feels now. He must retreat into his purpose, he must not allow such devastating failure to be his legacy. So he turns on Gabriel. Gabriel, whose light had been severed. Who walks freely in an abandoned Hell. Who still has a living, breathing body. Michael’s vitriol toward the damned hones in on Gabriel, consumed with being sure he is left nailed to the lowest pit in Hell for his treachery. All the love he once had turns to hatred and in it, the other three can see that Michael has been left shattered, that nothing in him truly believes God made him this way. God’s most loyal, left to rot.
Additional information:
Michael now always exudes the Odor of Sanctity, but there is a distinct undertone of mold to it
The opalescent webbing that runs through his body is the angelic brain - normally it is iridescent and transparent with a strange glow, but Michael's is opaque and dull
Michael now prefers walking, something noted as unusual when he returned to Heaven, but it's simply due to the fact that his body has been left entirely numb and so it's difficult to maneuver in the air properly
He is very protective of his crown and dragon-skin bag, as they seem to be the only things left uncorrupted on him
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respectthepetty · 4 days
Episode five and six of Happy of the End dealt with the aftermath of the death of Keito's Haoran's mother, so this Black Brooder is completely dark now.
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He sits in the dark contemplating his life and how much he hates it.
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And even though Chihiro brings light to his life (as well as food), Haoran remains dark.
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However, Chihiro is the perfect person to lift Haoran out of this darkness because no matter how shitty Chihiro's life is, he continues to be colorful.
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His family has disowned him. He gets fired from his job. Yet he is still light.
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Kaji, who he considers a friend, is rude to him and belittles his relationship with Haoran, yet he stays light.
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And that's why when he gets the slightest indication that Haoran needs his help, he quickly reaches out to him.
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He takes Haoran from the dark into the light as they walk around the city from the night into the morning.
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He gives him a gift, not only of warmth in his moment of coldness.
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But also the gift of color.
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And because of this one moment of warmth in Haoran's cold existence, this moment of light in Haoran's dark life, this moment of color in Haoran's black world, he believes he can die now. Is it because he has finally had a moment of joy? Is it because he thinks he will never experience it again?
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It isn't clear, which isn't a problem because either way Haoran has settled into the idea that death is a suitable outcome, but Chihiro is more than willing to die right next to him, which is a problem.
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Because Haoran doesn't want Chihiro to die. He doesn't want to dim Chihiro's light. He wants Chihiro to live.
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And that's what gives Haoran the will to live.
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Haoran isn't living for himself anymore because he isn't alone anymore.
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He still has the darkness.
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But he doesn't seem to be afraid of the light the way he was before. He tells Chihiro he likes him. He tells Kaji they are boyfriends.
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He cries because he realizes he has something to lose, but that also means he has something worth keeping.
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So even though his darkness pops up when he argues with Chihiro because he hasn't revealed his past,
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Once Chihiro appears next to him in his confrontation with Maya, that color reemerges.
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And he finally bares his soul and body to Chihiro and tells Chihiro how truly dark his past was.
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And a shift happens.
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For the first time since Haoran was a child, he is light.
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Even as he is forced to run away from Maya again, he has someone to run with him. Even though his world is still dark, he sees the light.
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So it's no surprise that Maya decides the easiest way to bring Haoran back into the darkness is to kill the light.
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0turnthelightsout0 · 1 month
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Made a gif!!! :D
It's been a while since I've tried animating anything- I..have some small issues with it but I think it mostly boils down to skill issue hfkagsjsk. I just need to practice more '^-^> it really did turn out cute tho-
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