#ai fragments
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recollection-alpha · 6 months ago
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Going to digitize this …. alpha you will always be famous
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harbingersecho · 10 months ago
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let me go, please -- i don't wanna do this!
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rubykgrant · 1 year ago
Theory that I saw and hold as true: Yellow Church is Xi. He's just out in Sidewinder now doing whatever. He's the one needed to complete the Meta but was never found. He represents Desire (2 last traits were Love and Greed, this mixes both). Saw this on a YouTube account that also says the ship at the end of the S4 quest was meant to go to Chorus and that Locus is the Great Destroyer.
Oh, that's a good one! Also, very possible, considering Yellow Church existed in multiple ways (as a time-travel alternate Church, an incorrect memory in Caboose's mind, and then on the outside able to exist with everybody... briefly).
A friend of mine also has the theory of Yellow Church, or "Yurch", is the Fragment designated Pi (and we joked that some of the others would mis-pronounce that as "pee", because he's yellow... like PI-kachu. yeah, that's it), and he represents Apathy (since Yurch was just so DONE with everything, and barely had enough energy to get properly angry). I can't find my re-blogs of the posts my friend made right now (because search sucks), but if they're OK with it, I can @ them~
On the one hand, it is possible MANY more Fragments exist, even besides the ones we momentarily see listed within the series... but my theory is, if they were not yet "prepared" to be used as assistants for Freelancers, they weren't moved into their own individual units, and instead were kept "dormant", their data being stored with Epsilon (so, he actually has the memories of ALL the Fragments, even though he doesn't totally know that there is all this extra information to remember. later, this helps him recover/adjust a little easier, and also shows in how he can sort of do what Alpha WOULD have done, working together with all the Fragments as a system; even though some don't always visually show themselves or outwardly verbalize, they're still IN THERE)
I also had a brief and vague AU thought, that never really turned into anything, but still an interesting concept; at some point, after all the other shenanigans in the series, the Reds and Blues meet a new character who joins their group (no specifics for who they are, but I kinda leaned toward them being a girl, just to have a few more). Eventually, they discover this character is actually an AI in a synthetic human body (I've used that idea before, but in this regard, they aren't an almost-clone of the Director OR Allison, but a combination of both DNA samples that created a new person... so, genetically Carolina's sibling). The AI is RO, a missing Fragment from Alpha who represented Love. Like Church, Ro had some memory loss going on, so they others help them figure things out~
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rvbreblogs · 2 years ago
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bugsontoastt · 3 months ago
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i put epsilon in a trash compactor
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harbingersecho · 2 years ago
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faith, i just have to have faith. it'll work.
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rubykgrant · 1 year ago
(Posting this bit from my story where Tex, Church, and the other AI Fragments come back, just because I really like the interactions between everybody; Tex has found the other Fragments, but the Alpha is still missing. So, she's sharing her plans on what to do about that...)
Inside the vault, Tex finds the other AI units. They were ALL here now; Delta, Theta, Gamma, Eta, Iota, Sigma, Omega… even her Beta unit and the damaged Epsilon were here. She’s played around with the security footage enough that nobody will see what’s really happening. The only other thing to worry about were the activity sensors. If the AI got a little too excited, she wouldn’t be able to stop them from being noticed. She had to be careful, keep them calm (and also keep herself calm… she wanted to rip apart Omega piece by piece, shred all the little ones and zeroes of his code… not to "destroy" him, just as pay-back for all the times he had been the WORST kind of headache. That could wait; priorities, Tex).
“Hey, hello… can you guys hear me?” she softly whispers, hoping they’ll catch on to her tone and not make a HUGE fuss.
The AI units flicker and then… she sees them. Little holograms, avatars projecting themselves out to greet her.
“Beta~” Theta, bless his virtual heart, is the first to speak, and he DOES take the hint to whisper (but he is still undeniably excited to see her, and his mood is infectious; she reaches out with her own avatar, touching her hand to his).
The others whisper around her as well, she hears different hushed voices saying “Beta-Tex-Beta-Tex-Beta-Allison-Tex-Beta-Allison-Tex-Beta-Allison-Allison-Allison-ALLISON-”
Time to nip that in the bud.
“Shhh- everybody, STOP, be quiet for a second. First of all, just… Tex. Call me Tex, OK? Alright. More importantly, we don’t have long to talk, and I don’t want to get caught here. So, nobody freak out. We have to be quiet…”
“Tex, we thought you were gone… the Beta unit was empty…” Theta is still holding on to her, and it is impossible to even think about pushing him away (no matter that it ruins the tough image she’s trying to keep).
“Yeah… evidently, the Director designed a program for a synthetic body, and I got downloaded into it,” she explained.
“I assume he intended this to be the answer of how to return Allison to him,” Delta speaks in his careful and calm tone.
“Pretty much, but I’m NOT her. I never was supposed to be her in the beginning… but then Dr. Sadboy McDeadwife decided to try and manipulate me into being a replacement for the person he lost. The body I have was supposed to be a copy of her too, but it isn’t. This just goes to show, some things are impossible to duplicate, and there are some people who REFUSE TO BE CONTROLLED,” Tex turned her head toward Omega and Sigma.
Her avatar only has a helmet, no face to make expressions… but that doesn’t stop her from sending out a death-glare. The two AI glance at each other; Omega flickers (like he’s trying to make a back-up copy of himself), and Sigma’s flames momentarily dim. Good to know she can still put enough bass in her voice to properly intimidate others, even without a voice-filter.
“Beta… TEX, if I could just-” Sigma begins talking, and she is NOT interested.
“NO. Sigma, Omega? You two aren’t allowed to even THINK or SPEAK right now. Maybe later, but you are on thin freaking ice, and it really isn't a good idea to piss me off. Do you get that?”
They both nod emphatically. Tex can hear Eta and Iota murmur and giggle, a little bit frightened but also very amused to see the two “scary guys” get put in their place.
“Wonderful. Does anybody ELSE have something they want to say?” she speaks to the others.
Another rush of multiple voices.
“What happened-what happened-Epsilon-Alpha-both are gone-we should be gone-but we aren’t-how long has it been-what happened-”
“One at a time!” Tex somehow doesn’t snap at them, but still makes sure they know to keep it down.
“Do you know what happened to us? Why we have been recovered? The scientists have not told us how we survived the Emp, or why we now have additional memories of events that happened after the fact,” Delta asks.
“I think… the Emp just disabled all our units, but our data was saved to the system. Epsilon survived, and he had all the information we were based on. He sort of… kept memories of us around, but also let them have some freedom. His memories of you, Theta, all of us… they could still think and act and talk like we would if we were really there,” Tex doesn’t get into everything regarding the memories of herself and Church… that was going to be way too confusing to explain in the short time they had. Besides, on some level, they all probably knew a little bit of what happened (just not how she felt about it).
“When Epsilon deconstructed himself, all the information he was made of had to GO somewhere… the Epsilon unit was broken, so it got divided up and sent to the rest of us. That’s why all our units were revived. I had to go through an EXTRA step when I came back, but I’m pretty sure Epsilon didn’t know that was going to happen… he probably didn’t know any of this would happen,”
Eta and Iota speak together, but it is different than the mess of chatter that happened earlier.
“What happened to the Epsilon and Alpha memories… if the information had to go somewhere… where did they go… do they still exist…”
Tex sighs, and feels the data of Theta's hand squeeze the data of her arm.
“Epsilon as a separate entity is gone… I guess you could say he’s part of us all now, the way our memories were part of him. But the memories he had of Alpha, THAT all went somewhere else. The Alpha unit was hit by the Emp too, and they thought it was dead like the rest of us. It should have also been revived like the rest of us, but… the Alpha unit is lost. He’s not where he’s supposed to be, those scientists can’t find him, and I… I honestly don’t know if he’s alright…”
She waits a moment, watching as this news settles on their minds.
“That’s one of the reasons I’m here. I wanted to check on you all, for various reasons…” Tex shoots another death-glare at Sigma and Omega. “But I also have a plan. I want to eventually get OUT of here. I’ve got a real body now, and once I’m strong enough, I’m leaving. I’ll go out there and try to find Alpha… I’ll try to find Church. I don’t know what kind of condition he’ll be in, and I might need help from all of you for this to work. If you want to help… then I’ll take you with when I go. You guys get a CHOICE, though. Nobody has to do this. I’ll understand if you don’t want to come along,”
She waits again. This is a lot for them to hear, and a pretty big decision for them to make.
“Like I said… this is your own choice. Each of you. You can say no or yes… it will be what YOU want. You can even change your minds later, I can take you with me when I leave, but then we can go our separate ways. I just decided to tell you all what I’m going to do, and offer the chance-”
“I want to go,” Theta says at her side.
“Are you sure?” Tex asks him.
“Yes. I want to find Church, too. I remember Epsilon… and he was nice to me. I mean, the memory he had of me. And Alpha… I remember Alpha now too, from before I was taken away. He needed my help, but I couldn’t stay with him… I bet he’s sad and afraid if he’s stuck somewhere all alone. I want to help him NOW. I want to help you find him,” he lets go of her and steps back, sort of holding himself up a little bigger, trying to show that he’s confident about this.
“I also want to go,” Delta adds. “After everything that has happened to us, there is no way to be sure we can trust the scientists here. I do not want them to be the ones that find Church, and I do not want to let them use the rest of us for potentially insidious purposes,”
Delta pauses a moment, looking toward Sigma and Omega thoughtfully, then turns back to Tex.
"You let me choose before. When I wanted to stay with York. I didn't get a choice later. I was taken away from him, and then taken again, and again, and again. This time, I would like to go with you..."
"I really... I appreciate that, Delta. I do," Tex says. She knows how much York meant to him.
“I want to go… I want to go…” that was Eta and Iota, speaking in unison.
“I know you two don’t like to be separated… but you both don’t have to come just because one of you wants to,” Tex tells the twins.
“I know that… I understand… I want to go because I don’t like it here… I want to go because I’m curious about Church… we both want to know where he is… and we both want to actually be free…” well, they sounded pretty darn sure. Tex wasn’t going to argue.
“I want to go,” this was the first time Gamma spoke on his own, outside of the group. “I also want to ask you something,”
“What’s that, Gamma?” Tex turns her attention to him.
“If you can be called Tex, and Alpha can be called Church… can I be called Gary? I liked being Gary. Being Gary with Wyoming was fun… it was fun being Gary when I met Alpha while he was Church. If we're going to find Church again, then I want to be Gary again,” his odd, mechanical voice doesn’t really indicate tone or emotion… and he IS technically the “Deciet” AI, so usually what he says is either a lie or a tricky joke. Somehow, he sounds… very sincere.
“Sure thing. You can be Gary,” that’s only fair, after all.
Now she looks over toward the last two AIs… who have been keeping quiet this whole time. Good, because she TOLD them to. She isn’t excited about ruining this wonderful world that DOESN’T have their voices in it, but… she needs to hear their answers.
“You guys can talk, now…”
“I want to go,” Sigma answers promptly. He probably wants to elaborate on that, but whatever his reasons might be, he’s at least being cooperative.
"That simple?" Tex asks him.
"No... no, there's more. A lot more. I could try explaining, and I could try apologizing, but we don't have time for all of it right now. All that matters is- I want to go, and I want to help," Sigma finished.
"OK. I believe you," Tex answered... and yeah. She really did. "Omega?"
“I… don’t want to stay here… I guess I might as well go, too…” that was probably the closest Omega was going to get to sounding agreeable. In a way, Tex could appreciate how he probably felt, mildly embarrassed over past incidents but not wanting to grovel for forgiveness.
"Yeah, I guess you might as well," Tex almost laughed.
"Besides, at some point, you'll probably need me... somebody has to do the dangerous work," he added. It was Omega's way of being protective, she could see that.
"Listen, I've got some sore feelings, which I think is fucking fair under the circumstances, but I- I know you two aren't just... the evil AI, or the hateful AI. So I'm not going to treat you both like your evil. Or like I hate you. Because I don't. Even if I'm still kinda pissed. Well get used to each other again as we go," Tex explained; a bit of an olive branch. They nodded in response; accepted.
Tex can already tell, she's not going to keep being so harsh with Sigma and Omega... they wanted to do this. Tex is thankful for that. It was true, they weren't all bad. They did bad things, certainly, but so has she, and if they were ever going to move on, they had to start by treating each other better. If those two AI feel differently about her plan later, but didn't intend to hurt anybody, she won't begrudge them that freedom.
“Alright then… thank you. ALL of you. This won’t be easy, and I’m not sure what’s going to happen… but this is something we CHOSE. It will be our decision. And we’ll figure it out together,”
After she instructs them to keep this a secret from the people at the lab, Tex leaves the vault and goes back to her body. She almost just jumped the gun and told them they should try and leave NOW, because she wants to really DO something… but she still has to be careful. She has to wait. Just a little longer.
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rubykgrant · 1 year ago
You guys f*cked up a perfectly good Artificial Intelligence program! Look at it! It's got anxiety! And depression! And PTSD! And anger issues! And panic attacks! And memory loss! And-
wdym they commited medical malpractice on an AI
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smilysstuff · 10 months ago
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Delta thinks sigma male mega cringe :/
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purpleskelet0n · 4 months ago
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forget what I said abt armor were so back
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dontrousled · 5 days ago
Violently shakes.
I blame @dontrousled for this. He made me watch RVB (I also stole his human designs for the AI fragments—)
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ask-a-guy-named-tucker · 4 months ago
meta, how are you keeping up currently? how's everything in your life?
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Carolina: ... Sigma: We're doing fine. Carolina: ...could be better.
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triaelf9 · 8 months ago
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EW okay so some rando gave me a diamond badge (no one I know, looks like someone using up all their fragments randomly) which what even is that and it gave me a free month of core membership & THIS dropped into my inbox and what the FUCK
Why the HELL would I want THAT GARBAGE
So anyway, glad I canceled my subscription back when things started going south and stopped uploading there b/c like this is what your dollars go to, you pay to use their art theft machine. COOL.
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bugsontoastt · 3 months ago
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Not quite him anymore.
This was drawn for something I’m writing, so here’s an excerpt;
There's an ache in his chest. One that doesn't belong to York. [Delta] reaches up, hands pulling off the helmet, turning it to look at York's face in the reflection. He brings a hand up, runs his fingertips over the scars. He remembers them, he remembers when York got them.
But he supposes these are his scars now.
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rubykgrant · 1 year ago
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*little birdy peep noises
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do you get what i’m saying
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velvetwyrms · 4 months ago
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Falling Fast Through Fragmented Universes [GaaLee Alien AU]
Heya folks! So I’ve spent the past 3 months writing chapter 3 of this AU, originally in the form of an anthology of moments throughout Gaara & Lee’s first week of living together, with each standalone story having its own title.
Once I hit 12k words with it however, I decided to split the stories into their own separate chapters. The 4th chapter will be posted tomorrow. I aim to post one of them every 3-5 days depending on my schedule, and I have 5/6 completed already. Here’s the first one. Be sure to reblog to spread the word, and enjoy! 🩵
Chapter 3: Bioluminescence [Link]
Length: 1.4k words
Rating: Mature (later chapters)
Warnings: Body Horror, Uncanny Valley, Prey Fear, Alien Biology. This IS a sappy monsterlover story, said monster is just Unsettling for humans to interact with.
Relationships: GaaLee
Characters: Rock Lee, Gaara, Neji, Tenten, Maito Gai, Sakura, Ino, Kakashi
Additional Tags: Illustrated fanfic, Sci-Fi AU, Meet-Cute, They Were Roomates (Oh My GOD They Were Roomates), Alternate Universes, Exploring Vast And Strange Worlds Beyond Comprehension, Alien Biology, Hurt/Comfort, Olympian Rock Lee, Interspecies Confusion.
Chapter Summary:
VII of Swords • Snapdragon
Luminescent. Radiant. Resplendent.
Bright and brilliant in all ways.
A spotlight beautiful and entirely unwelcome, to an anglerfish luring its prey.
[Please reblog to stop my hours of hard work from dying in your likes. This let’s others enjoy it and motivates me to write/draw more of this AU! <3]
Honorary tagging: @ghoste-catte @shukakumoodboard @karkatvantasasslesschaps @bandsandwristbands @rkaln @reject-tiefling @puregaalee
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