#Finale predictions
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fanfic-fugue · 2 years ago
Listen: Laszlo found the cure for vampirism. He found the cure, and doesn’t know what to do about it. It caused him to shut down for 3 weeks because now that he’s found it? It’s caused a malfunction.
Why would he shut down? Why wouldn’t he just give it to Guillermo and move onto his next hobby?
Laszlo, who says time and time again how much he loves being a vampire, mister “I became a vampire to suck blood and fuck forever”, is actually the one in the house with the most connections to humanity. His knowledge of human culture, his human friends, his life as Jackie Daytona… for fuck’s sake, his favorite hobby is GARDENING.
A foray into the sun for one day made him radiant, the smile on that face was priceless, but that was just a one time thing. He could, in his mind, still be a vampire and enjoy one day in the sun. But once he found the cure, that could be every day.
His entire identity (to himself) is being a vampire, and he is madly in love with a woman who, i do not believe for once second, would even entertain the idea of taking a cure for herself. Nadja LOVES being a vampire through and through, but does Laszlo, really?
His hypnosis skills aren’t the best, he can’t do telekinesis or pyrokinisis. He can’t fly as high as the others. He doesn’t claw up walls. He doesn’t have any special powers that we know of. I don’t think it’s because he’s deficient at all, I think it just simply doesn’t interest him. Beyond yelling “BAT!”, and making the most of that infinite libido, does he truly revel in vampirism?
So yeah… I think he’s found the cure and doesn’t know where to go next. I think he feels tempted to take it, and it’s fracturing his identity.
We will see if I’m wrong next week.
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shutupineedtothink · 4 months ago
Things I need from the final two eps tonight:
Forty minute plus episodes, I actually loved both the 30 minute ones but we got too much to wrap up here ok
What happened to Nicky, no real doubt there
What happened to Nicky to be a little more than just “Agatha accidently stole his magic and killed him” - I got a wild theory going
How Agatha got the Darkhold (and how it has nothing to do with sacrificing her son but instead trying to save him/bring him back to life)
Confirmation that Agatha was still looking for a way to bring Nicky back when she infiltrated the Hex and that’s been her motivation for power this whole time
Billy to wake the eff up in multiple ways and stop going for Agatha’s neck when she’s been telling him the truth
Billy’s Road theory confirmed 🤞
Jen’s role as birth/rebirth confirmed (re: Maiden Mother Crone theory aka my only correct theory so far)
AgathaRio flashbacks, how they met, family time with Nicky, kisses (yes more than one), happy times before the bad times, etc.
Whatever Rio’s game is revealed - presumably she’s after Billy/William but why/how etc.
“I’ll see you at the end” - all the coven restored/brought back to life yeah I said it fight me this is my ideal scenario and tbh makes sense if Billy’s Road theory is confirmed and we’re not making Billy a villain
Hugs & understanding, specifically Agatha and Billy
at least coven two - Agatha and Billy
No sacrifices allowed - see my previous rant
I actually don’t want or think we’re getting Tommy or anyone else at the end of the Road, just like Wanda left with no one. Except this time, it’s the friends we made along the way.
Agatha and Rio don’t end up together but they do end up on better footing than they’ve been in centuries and part ways knowing they’ll always return to each other
Wild conjecture but, how about another Florence song for the credits? Spectrum perhaps??
Ballad of the Witches Road (Reprise)
A wild end credits scene I never would have thought of
Damn they have their work cut out for them don’t they? See y’all on the other side!
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kendallville · 2 years ago
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Wild and unfounded Succession finale predictions started by seeing those ⬆️ two images:
It's interesting for me that we see Stewy next to Ewan twice, including in the final vote. If they make an alliance, everything might depend on what their angle would be.
Ewan voted with Logan in the no confidence vote "because he was his brother", but he hates everything that Waystar represents and does. So now that his brother is gone, and as he said in the eulogy that he "fed this dark flame in men", he might want to extinguish it and vote for selling the company, especially since he said "he's trying" to be a good man. Selling is good for Stewy as well, the only thing that might stop him for voting "yes" being the price (however it's already high, and Waystar's stock price will probably drop when election-related emotions will subside).
So, it could be parallel to vote of no confidence from season 1, but maybe Roman withholds or is not present (it's mentioned in the synopsis of the last episode that they don't know where he is at some point), and Stewy votes "yes" to sell. The only difference is that I think Ken is disillusioned by now and he anticipates that he can't rely on them.
And I wouldn't be surprised if Matsson screws over Shiv, because at no point he explicitly said that she'll be CEO, he said it will be US CEO.
It would be totally insane if it would turn out that Ken made a deal with Matsson and he's the one taking CEO sit. But... he knows Shiv's plan, he sees that Rome is having a breakdown and it's obvious that Stewy will follow the money... And he was ready to take company out of family's hands in season 1, when he was promised position of the CEO. So...
Both possibilities seem fitting - Ken somehow wins, practically becomes Logan, taking kids from Rava and alienating the whole family, or they all "lose" and company is sold.
I don't see a way that Shiv "wins", because at the end of episode 9 it seems like she will, and we know Succession writing. I think it might be like with Roman's eulogy - once I saw him being so confident rehearsing in the promo, it was clear it will be a disaster.
It will probably be something totally different, though... I can't believe it's over.
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tay-likes-toons · 2 years ago
If Winston lives: His name ain't WINston for nothing!
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phantomoftheorpheum · 9 months ago
PLL: OS (Summer School) Finale Predictions
*Spoilers for 2x01-2x07, the final 3 episodes trailer, AND SOME ONLINE BTS AND CONCEPT ART
Okay, I wanted to post my 2x08 predictions early enough in the week that I could hear your thoughts as well. So here they are-
I believe Bloody Rose is a team of minimum 3 people. My best guess is 1 mother who has lost a child (Mrs. Lansgberry, Mrs. Beasley, Dr. Sullivan), 1 film obsessed character (Wes, Christian, not actually dead Chip [though I have some reservations about that last one which I'll talk about in a minute]), 1 additional love interest (Jen, Johnny, Christian, etc.)
I've been saying most of the season that I think the BR team members may have different end goals. I believe someone is attempting to make a movie, but I also believe someone else (in this case, one of the mothers who has lost a child) fully believes their own lore and has a motivation related to their child. As for the love interests, depending on which one is on the team, I believe it would be for different reasons. If it's Christian, I think it's movie related. If it's Jen, I believe it's financially motivated. And if it's Johnny, then I think he must be related to or former friends with Chip (or possibly someone else, but Chip makes the most sense) because I don't believe we've been given any other possible motivation for him.
I think the "mother" of the BR team is attempting to resurrect her dead child. I have to shout out mr.-walkingrainbow for this one, I highly recommend going back and read this ask, because this has completely informed this part of my theory (I would tag you, but I'm about to talk about some concept art that was released in a minute, and since this is extra spoilery, I didn't want to spoil you if you don't want to know), which is based in the use of Christian imagery and the focus on resurrection. To me, this makes the most sense for it to be Mrs. Langsberry attempting to resurrect Chip, because of Tabby being the final, final girl. She has more connection to this storyline if it is Chip-centric. However, some of my lingering questions point more to Dr. Sullivan attempting to resurrect Sebastian.
I believe the BR team is setting up a fall guy for their plot. Or, more accurately, I believe whichever member of the team is making a movie is setting up a fall guy (they may intend for the other members of the team to die). At this point, it feels the most likely that if there is a fall guy, that person is Wes, but it could also be Christian or even Mrs. Beasley.
Characters most likely to die, even if they aren't villains, imo - Johnny, Greg, Shawn, and Henry. Johnny because of the shots from the trailer (though I think this is less likely since I believe an officially affiliated account posted this screen-cap, drawing attention to it, and that feels like a huge spoiler. This has me leaning towards "this is either an Imogen hallucination/nightmare, or he is wounded but not killed"). Greg because it feels like they could be setting him up to die for Faran (however, the fact that we know he's had scenes cut earlier in the season makes me feel less confident about this, since you would think if they were going to kill him off, they'd do their best to make us really care about that first), Shawn because at this point I find myself asking why they even bothered to bring him back for this season, and this could be used as a consequence for Noa's actions, particularly if Jen is a bad guy, and finally Henry because, again, why is he even here? He's had a fall from grace this season so I could see him being killed off to add to the finale body count.
Imogen will stab someone. This may happen in a nightmare or hallucination, or it may be real, but I think this is a "rule of threes" thing and she is stabbing someone in 2x08.
If a dead character is going to be revealed as alive, I think it will be Chip. I'm not convinced that we are getting a "surprise, they're alive!" reveal at all, but if there is one, it makes the most sense for this to be Chip, imo. Chip is connected to Tabby, who is the final, final girl. He is obsessed with horror movies. His mother is a member of the cult. He is the father (biologically only, it feels gross to call this man a father) of Imogen's baby. He died off screen. The actor was brought back for flashbacks and that nightmare scene with Wes, but despite 2x01 opening with all of Archie's kills, we still don't see Chip's death. And he had a great motivation to fake his death, as he was going to be forced to either stand trial or take a plea deal in his r*pe case, which the girls specifically mention not getting the closure of that in 2x01.
OKAY SERIOUSLY SOME SPOILERS FROM ONLINE, NOT THE SHOW OR THE TRAILER, PLEASE STOP READING IF YOU DON'T WANT TO SEE ANYTHING. ---- However, I think it's more likely Chip is the dead child whose mother is attempting to resurrect him. This feeling comes from some a combo of the concept art (which I think is real because it matches the BTS footage that has been released, though I don't know where the concept art was originally posted or by whom) of the season and the promotional poster. It's been pointed out to me that there appears to be some sort of body underneath the roses that Tabby is kneeling in front of in the promotional poster. In the concept art for 2x08 that is floating around, we see what is presumably Tabby's test location, which is the altar of Kelly's church. On one side, there is a body lying on a bed of roses. There's been some speculation that this is one of Rose's other victims, but... why only one? She's killed at least 4 people that we know of, so why place only one of these on the altar alongside the throne? (The only one I could make an argument for is Pastor Malachi, since he was the pastor of this church). The bed of roses feels like a veneration of this character, which I can't imagine BR doing with any of her victims. I believe this is a loved one, probably her child.
I believe the purpose of the online BR cult and "The Reckoning" is to create big finale action sequences for the film. If someone is making a real life horror movie, you can't exactly advertise that you're looking for extras.
Some Unresolved Stuff That Really Bothers Me
There are a few things that bother me with my own predictions, elements of the story that I don't have a strong explanation for, unless Dr. Sullivan turns out to be the "mother" in my theory. I do want to mention them here, in case any of you have any ideas.
Who/What does the snake in Imogen's poster represent? All of the posters have reflected quite literally the "tests" the girls are going through, except for the snake in Imogen's. The rest of her poster accurately represents her test, so why is there a snake? It seems that this would either be representative of "The Serpent" from the Garden of Eden, possibly whispering to/influencing Imogen. If so, the character that fits this the best would be Dr. Sullivan. Or possibly the snake represents temptation, which could be Johnny. I also noticed that Imogen wears a snake ring in the scene where she threatens to cut off Rebecca's fingers.
What is the connection to Rose Waters, Angela, and Archie? While Chip and his mother would have the most relevance to Tabby specifically, I struggle to see how any of this would connect to the Waters plot. It that seems out of the remaining characters, Dr. Sullivan in the mother with the most connection here.
Who pushed Dr. Sullivan down the stairs? Another unresolved Dr. Sullivan plot point. It feels weird that they've completely dropped this.
The Bloody Rose poster - In the concept art, we see a poster with Bloody Rose and a golden figure (a mother?) above her. I'm far too tired to try to understand what this is referencing.
So, that's it for now. I think I got most of my big predictions out of the way. As always, shoot me an ask if you have any thoughts/theories that you'd like to share!
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cloudcastor · 10 months ago
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some dungeon meshis đź’Ą
from patreon
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thefishywizard · 11 months ago
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POV: you are Willy Stampler
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auggiedrawsturts · 8 months ago
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I forgot to post this here oops
I made these at the end of June (before my tablet broke down 🥲), they're basically my prediction/hc for the s3 finalfest :3 I know it's unrealistic but I still rlly like it
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cosmichorrorlesbians · 6 months ago
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'Look how it splits the light… like a prism. It’s so… beautiful.'
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palewwave · 6 months ago
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You know that scene from The Little mermaid with the statue?
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featherfangart · 11 months ago
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| Don't leave me All by myself in this world |
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veerbles · 25 days ago
Pynch Fic Rec Wrap-Up
35 fics you would be doing yourself a favor by reading. divided into 5 (+1) neat categories for your convenience.
the best to ever (ever ever) do it.
Free as a Bird by pinkhorizon rating: M | wc: 31k (10 chapters) | musician au this fic is at the very top of this top tier list not because my heart was pounding and I was giggling and teary-eyed and overwhelmed and emotional throughout it - although it's all true; but because I obsessed over it non-stop for a week after reading it, and still think about it with alarming frequency. this is, truly and embarrassingly, my roman empire. if you ever read an au from this fandom, please dear lord: let it be this one.
Ronan is the lead guitarist of the Ravens, and Adam is a roadie. Romance ensues.
Friends We Keep by pinkhorizon rating: M | wc: 56k (10 chapters) | non-magical future this section of the list only has three recs, and this is the second one by pinkhorizon. this is not by mistake. in this case, ronan and adam are occasionally friends with benefits but continuously deeply in love; this fic gives you the kind of good pain that puts a lump in your throat but keeps you so, so hopeful for that happy ending because it earns it. for bonus points, it deals with mental health issues and trauma and just all the heavy stuff from canon in a truly superb way.
Adam doesn’t know what he wants, and Ronan wants whatever he can have.
Fall Back by flightspath rating: E | wc: 14k (6 chapters) | college au unlike free as a bird, I didn't fall into obsession with this fic immediately. I read it once and enjoyed it, found myself craving a reread shockingly soon thereafter, and loved it more and more each time. I only noticed how special it was when I easily passed the 10+ rereads. much like adam and ronan in this fic, friends with benefits whose feelings creep up upon, my deep pure love for this fic creeped up on me.
Adam, at the library, scanning books with a pen behind his ear. Adam, trudging across the quad in the snow. A recurring dream, all throughout fall semester, a bright spot in Ronan’s days.
Canon Compliant
* compliant with the original series; I tend to ignore td3's existence.
Of Being the Tenders of Gardens by shaenie rating: E | wc: 85k it's honestly beyond my comprehension how this fic isn't its own classic in this fandom, if only for its arguably unparalleled focus on the magic system and adam's powers and the connection to cabeswater. in short, it's a post-canon take on adam and ronan trying to bring cabeswater back, but not by dreaming a new one.
It's Adam Ronan takes to what he thinks might be a remnant of Cabeswater first.
Rock Me Like by zephfair / @zephfair rating: E | wc: 6k I read many fics about different aspects of adam and ronan cohabiting during the summer after high school, but I specifically liked how this fic alludes to their different upbringing in the more practical ways.
When bad weather threatens the Barns, Adam does his best to take care of his loved ones.
negative capability by smileymikey / @smileymikey rating: G | wc: 3k the general consensus is that these two find it easier to communicate through touch than through words, so I really liked how this tackles the way touch may present its own issues as well.
If Adam were poetic, he and Ronan would be spinning planets, constantly drawn together by gravity and the sheer power of the universe, sometimes aligning so they would be both at the furthest points of their orbits at the same time with millions of miles of emptiness and dust between them, but sometimes aligning so they would be at the other edge of their orbits, hovering inches away from one another, the dust between ionised and pulsing with tension. But he’s not. So they’re just assholes.
lavender and burning skin by deathlessaphrodite rating: E | wc: 8k very early in their relationship, spending time in the barns with the lynch brothers and fumbling around sex and communication the way god intended.
To: Adam Parrish From: Ronan Lynch Subject: (no subject) come round tonight? not if you’re working obv r. Adam stared at the email for several seconds before he could even begin to comprehend it. Ronan Lynch and email did not belong in the same sentence.
Between Eternities by BeautifulSoup / @thebeautifulsoup rating: T | wc: 12k (10 chapters) actually fucking brilliant vignettes of moments from the year after trk ended.
The world is waiting for them. Not the world they saved last night, but the other one. The solid, undreamt and undreamlike world of Aglionby and Ganseys.
Wringing Out the Hours by quietcoast / @sentimentalspiders rating: T | wc: 8k one of the very few future fics which gave me that exactly-right feeling.
It felt irresponsible to leave. He had willed the thought away, and breathed in the sleep-sweat of Ronan’s neck instead. He thought about the scratch of Ronan’s jaw, and the soft fury of his mouth. He thought about how far into the drive his first exit would be. He thought about Opal, who had hidden herself in the enthusiastic buttonbush that grew alongside the house; she had taken to crouching there whenever it looked like Adam and Ronan were doing things related to Leaving, and had gnawed an entire branch clean. She watched them as they swayed and whispered, and Adam had thought she would stay in the bush and not come see him at all, but he was wrong: at the last minute she had been unable to stand it, and had burst out to wrap herself around his legs. It was impossible to leave them. He had gotten in the car.
The hang of being alive again by Goshen (applecrumbledore) / @goshen-applecrumbledore rating: E | wc: 13k I can say with a good amount of authority that I've read every single iteration of immediately-post-canon pynch, and every single take on their first time, and this is just the most heart-stopping and disarming and gorgeously written one of them all.
Falling for Ronan had felt like going to speak at the same time as someone else after a long silence, two people bumbling over their words to say, no, sorry, go ahead before one of them says what they were going to say.
Roses in Between My Thighs by orphan_account (*) rating: E | wc: 6k I marked this with an asterisk because technically speaking, it's not canon compliant - it was written before the series was completed. but its grasp on the characters is so good that it's honestly impossible to tell it wasn't written post-trk, so I'm counting it.
Four things that could have ruined them but didn't.
Canon Divergence/Non-Magical
where the setting is close enough to the original universe, with minor changes.
Never Knock by burn_it_slow / @burn-it-slow rating: E | wc: 28k | non-magical adam goes off to college and unintentionally loses touch with his best friend ronan, all the while realizing he's in love with him. a summer later they meet again. also: all the emails adam never sent, but probably should have.
“We good here?” Ronan sweeps a knuckle across his lower lip and glares at Adam as if daring him to say something about… any of this whole situation. Whether it’s the destroyed car, the forgotten phone number, or the gratuitous kiss from a super hot dude with an expensive motorcycle, Adam can’t exactly determine.
A Strange and Complicated Thing by ungoodpirate / @ungoodgatsby rating: T | wc: 39k (12 chapters) | non-magical a retelling of select parts of a non-magical canon if adam and ronan started sneaking around to hook up first and became friends and boyfriends later - with a slow and excellent build of emotional intimacy.
Didn’t Adam Parrish deserve nice things? Didn’t Adam Parrish deserve to be pushed against the back wall of Boyd’s and be kissed like he was addictive by a boy who had the cheekbones of a model? Didn’t he deserve hands grasping at his waist with an eagerness to be held close that Adam had never known? Adam Parrish didn’t have many nice things in his life, and he wasn’t going to question this one that had happened unanticipated this one random, Saturday afternoon.
every dream i've ever had has been of myself by cloverspies / @parrishh rating: T | wc: 8k a different version of how their first kiss could've gone that literally had me breathless and kicking my feet.
Chasing down a mysterious address left behind by a dead psychic was much more attainable than getting ice cream, which was all sorts of messed up but also the truest thought Ronan had had all day, so he shifted into reverse and peeled out of the two spots the BMW had been taking up without even bothering to glance at his mirrors. He was already burning rubber, practically drifting around the corner of the parking lot exit, when he asked, "Where to?"
Every Stupid Little Thing by Diana_Dreams / @diana-dreams rating: M | wc: 10k a canon-divergence vaguely placed in the timeline in which floundering teenagers struggle through expressing their emotions. more importantly, this has a first kiss car scene that still lives rent free in my brain.
Courting. Jesus. It sounds like an awful joke. Parrishs don't court. They get girls knocked up and beat the shit out of the people they're supposed to love.
Alternate Universe
A Moment in Time by pinkhorizon rating: M | wc: 132k (20 chapters) falling in love, getting together, breaking up, pining, getting back together, all crafted by pinkhorizon's masterful hand. if you're still not convinced to read all of their works: why, and also, do.
Ronan likes being alone. Adam's looking for summer work.
(i’ll clean up) the mess that you are by ecoterrorism / @bartskull rating: M | wc: 5k there's just something about baseball au's and soulmatism.
It will work because Adam willed it so. Even when Ronan doubts God, he still knows better than to doubt this.
go running by thesehands / @ahotknife rating: E | wc: 72k (5 chapters) emotionally unavailable rich professional adam starts having kinky sex with his co-worker's brother ronan and somehow convinces himself there are no feelings involved. then it blows up in his face.
most of the time, ronan takes his crucifix off when they have sex. sometimes, he doesn't. sometimes, adam thinks he might be ready for a relationship. most of the time, he doesn’t.
light by paintedpolarbear rating: T | wc: 3k a paramedic au with the tangible sort of attraction that makes you want to read meet-cutes in the first place.
When the tones drop at four in the morning, Adam briefly entertains the fantasy of rolling over and getting more sleep. Then he puts his boots on.
seek ye the living by charactershoes / @charactershoesfic rating: T | wc: 40k (9 chapters) a fleabag au that I enjoyed with all my whole ass self despite committing the cardinal sin of not really enjoying fleabag. this deals with grief and religion and god-slash-magic and purpose versus autonomy in a way that changed my interpretation of trc forevermore.
Ronan says, “What’s the church’s stance on fratricide?” “Frowned upon,” says the almost-priest. He’s got a remote, orphan-eyed face like something off a prayer card, but his voice is as Henrietta as cicada song. “Although there’s precedent.”
gets late early by charactershoes / @charactershoesfic rating: G | wc: 18k I've already made my point about baseball au's and soulmatism, so let me add this: there is just something about authentic depictions of teenage boys and their repressed emotions. also, like, essentially everything by this author is gold.
That year, Ronan was Declan Lynch’s Little Brother, The Kid With The Dead Dad. That year Adam Parrish was The Public School Kid. That year Adam Parrish was God’s Gift To Southpaws. That year they went to the league championship and blew it badly. Next year, Ronan was Academically Ineligible. Next year, Adam Parrish was gone. Now, Ronan is a senior and starting catcher on the Aglionby Ravens. Now, Adam is back on the clubhouse bench, tightening the ragged laces on his cleats.
A stillness at once awful and sublime by Wisteria_Leigh / @purrincesscatitude rating: T | wc: 18k adam experiences a crisis and applies to be a fire lookout on an isolated mountaintop in montana. this is a truly remarkable lesson in interweaving canon into a completely alternate setting, which manages to be both beautiful and poignant.
It’s a momentary lapse of emotional regulation, if one is generous. An absolute fucking meltdown, if one is honest. When Adam comes back into his body, he’s lying on his bed, empty styrofoam staining his duvet with red chili oil, blank-eyed scrolling through his LinkedIn feed of job openings at Harley-Davidson for motorcycle engineers. He doesn’t want to work for Harley; he’s got brand loyalty to Honda. Also, being a mechanic again would be backsliding, and he is absolutely, most certainly, not backsliding. No, he just needs a sabbatical. A break from reality. Something temporary. Remote. Far from Virginia. Then he sees it: "Fire lookout."
The Course of Certain Stars by quietcoast / @sentimentalspiders rating: T | wc: 9k truly an exemplary take on adam's characterization and the existence of demons and the catholic church.
Once upon a time, Adam Parrish had not - if you’ll pardon him - given a good God damn about God or the devil. At eleven, Adam took for granted that praying did not mean an answered prayer. At twelve, he understood that devil was just another word for the man who lived in his house and shared his eye color. At thirteen, Adam realized that, actually, he was fucking wrong, that the devil was literal and maybe so was God. He knew this because one day, a demon crept into his parents’ trailer. As an adult, unmaking the rules of good and evil consumed Adam Parrish. Proving his experience was the undercurrent to everything he did. That was why it was so absolutely fucked up that when he did finally encounter a demon for the second time, he wasn’t even trying to do it.
Careful the Tale You Tell by shinealightonme rating: T | wc: 26k (4 chapters) if there's one thing I like, it's trope subversion. this had that misty, fairytale-like grimms vibe and incredible relationship development, but more notably, it managed to not be at all what I was expecting.
Ronan makes a deal with a witch. It's okay, though. He'll never have to go through with his end of the bargain.
This Is Canon To Me
a collection of short fics-turned-headcanons that you could not pry from my cold dead hands.
How To Train Your Fire-Breathing Reptile by pinkhorizon rating: T | wc: 1k if you weren't hoping for this during the end of tdt, idk what is up with you.
If you asked Adam, Ronan's latest dreamthing is absolutely not a dragon. (If you asked Ronan, it totally is.)
worship by ssstrychnine / @oneangryshot rating: T | wc: 1k do you ever remember that ronan canonically worships adam like his god. because I sure do.
ronan dreams stained glass.
oreos and peanut butter by lizpaige / @lizpaige rating: G | wc: 1k this is actually bronan in a pynch disguise, and I fully mean that in a complimentary way.
Adam shows up at Monmouth after work and Gansey is breathing into a paper bag while Blue pierces Ronan's ear with a sewing needle and an apple Parent Trap style.
Dog Days by cheeryos / @cheeeryos rating: T | wc: 1.5k I legitimately wondered about this while reading trb and was sad it never came up again.
Ronan picks up a surprise for Adam.
Unfold Me by cherishadamparrish / @cherishadamparrish rating: N/A | wc: 1k the idea of ronan pulling embarrassingly mushy things out of his dreams, especially after they have sex, is so important to me (you can also find this scenario referenced in another fic on this list, and it's great both times).
The entire bedspread was covered in a canvas of rose petals.
like a dog with a bird by charactershoes rating: G | wc: 3k so many attempts have been made at what this conversation would be like, but none have stuck with me quite as much as this one, so this is the Canon one to me.
The bruises at Ronan’s neck are fading, the pools of dark green and purple dispersing. Adam knows intimately the phases of a bruise, how the brutal press of fingers washes out dingy and yellow. Still, if he looks, he can discern where his nails bit in, where his thumbs pressed hard against Ronan’s windpipe.  “I’m sorry,” he says. His hands shiver.  “Don’t start,” Ronan says.
out of the dark day, into the brighter night by York / @ellipsesetcetera rating: G | wc: 4k I always wished we'd seen more of their st. agnes sleepovers and their burgeoning friendship moments.
"Blink and you'll miss it. I'm not doing this shit all night, so when it does happen, don't be fucking daydreaming and gripe about it later like some —" "I won't miss it," Adam promised. "It's not a circus act." "Ronan. I won't miss it."
Honorary Mentions
made me laugh / surprised me somehow.
i told the moon about you by broyals rating: T | wc: N/A (10 chapters) mixed media fic, told through fake social media images
ronan lynch and adam parrish grew up together on the set of the strange case of jane armstrong, and as their careers took very different paths the media couldn’t help but compare them every step of the way, creating a rivalry that wasn’t quite there. as they accidentally feed into the rumors, they must now get along publicly to dispel them, and get to know each other once again.
vanitas vanitatum, omnia (pro Adam) by JayJEx rating: T | wc: 11k in a truly unhinged post-canon universe that somehow almost feels plausible, ronan becomes instagram famous.
“You can’t really blame him,” Ronan hears Adam shifting on the other end of the call, like he’s moving into a more comfortable position. “You’re using your phone. Willingly. That’s gotta be, like, a sign of the apocalypse, or something.”
should've left my phone at home ('cause this is a disaster) by shinealightonme rating: T | wc: 4.5k the only thing you need to know is that I laughed out loud through the vast majority of this fic.
Most of the interesting customers that Adam meets are terrible interesting rather than fun interesting. The hot guy who can't keep a cell phone alive might be both.
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kendallville · 2 years ago
Oh noo... Could it be the sequence (I won't lie, I hoped it was cut). Hope I'm wrong.
Maybe-succession-spoilers for the last episode below - taken from promos (I don't know, I'm currently seeing things).
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Cuffs of Ken's shirt seem to match... And he's sitting next to the same glass door from the gif, probably.
I don't like this.
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queen-of-hawkins-why-ler · 4 months ago
“The Right Side Up” you mean when Vecna will finally leave Will alone and Will’s trauma will begin to heal and all of the horrible things that have happened to Mike and Will will begin to disappear along with the internalized homophobia they’ve both grown up with and the self-hatred they’ve both internalized because they love each other and they know that they love each other and they can finally be together with no shame bc the shame is on the other side and they drive off happily together holding hands into the sunset??? That kind of Right Side Up???”
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thenewsnow · 2 months ago
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Yeah ik it's shitty (hate the format but didn't know how else to do it) but I'm contributing to this 🙏 I've been hyperfixating on hannibal for a few months now and after watching season 2 of squid game and shipping these two I only have thoughts about the parallels of those two relationship in head (and I think I just love old men toxic yaoi doomed by the narrative)
Wasn't the 2024 hannigram comeback I expected but I'm glad nonetheless
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outerjersey · 11 months ago
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🕯️ revival kiss 🕯️
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