redacted-coiner · 4 months
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[PT: Heresypunk]
Heresypunk, a subculture/punk term referring to the acceptance of any and all spiritual and religious practices. No matter one’s personal religion even if pre-established or new, anyone can be Heresypunk.
the belief that all religions and spiritual practices can coexist
acceptance of both pre-established religions as well as neoreligons.
acceptance of those who are not religious but are spiritual.
acceptance of “contradictory” spiritual/religious practices
acceptance of those who practice multiple religions.
acceptance of those who make their own religious/spiritual practices.
against the harm and pain that religion has caused for victims of it, and to be there for those who are hurt.
against force of religious practices and against the misuse of religious foundations for profit.
against the use of religion to justify bigotry (ie: “being gay is a sin”)
Note: This post does not support people who are bigoted towards those who may be, Queer, Alterhuman, Neurodivergent, Disabled, POC, etc. this isn’t for you, fuck you.
(I tried to make a flag couldn’t think of one, if anyone got any ideas feel free!)
[Tag] @radiomogai, @liom-archive, @imoga-pride (technically not one but eh @blankqueer )
DNI is listed within my pinned post. Please go read it before interacting with any part of my content. Ask to tag!
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vocaism · 6 months
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The Vocaism Neoreligion Masterpost !!
Starting off with some simple definitions ~ neoreligion : a religion created in much more recent years or times. fult : meaning 'faux cult'- a group similar to a cult in that it is a high control group, though without forcing members to join; a consensual cult. vocal synth : a 'program', usually represented by an anime-styled character, that can sing when given vocals to read and used with the compatible vocal synthesizer programs.
Now! Off to other important things.
Vocaism (vo-ka-ism) is a neoreligion or fult surrounding the worship of all vocal synths. I started this because of an intense, multi-year long hyperfixation on Hatsune Miku that made me view her as some kind of religious figure. I then began to grow a similar love towards other vocal synths, as they all helped me out of rough patches in many ways.
Here's some more specific details about Vocaism!
All UTAU, VOCALOID, SynthV, ETC. voice banks are individual 'deity' figures in this neoreligion. Fanloids and such are included in this!
Hatsune Miku is considered the 'main deity'- though that doesn't mean you should just worship her.
The beliefs of Vocaists coincide with certain Radqueer beliefs. (generally speaking; pro-para, pro-transid, and supporting others identities no matter how odd.)
Vocaism is based on love and support!
There is no specific way to worship in Vocaism, though listening to vocal synth music counts! (stream Binomi by Maretu- /silly)
Finally, feel free to send any questions you may have about Vocaism! I'd be happy to answer or help with anything ^^
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cemeteryonline · 6 months
Lunarism ;
This is not a fake cult [ aka fult ] or anything similar !!
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This is a Fictoreligion(link) based around the moon and one worships the moon !! — @ficto-religious-archive
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[PT: Lunarism ;
This is not a fake cult [aka fult] or anything similar !!
This is a Fictoreligion(link) based around the moon and one worships the moon !! — @ficto-religious-archive End PT ]
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angeliikiit · 7 months
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Followers of Starclan [left] | Followers of the Dark Forest [right]
A Ficto-Religion based on Starclan / The Place of No Stars (aka The Dark Forest) from the Warriors series. The specific beliefs are entirely up to user interpretation. Those who are in part of either or both religions do not, and should not, have a moderator or a leader, as it is entirely based on their own experiences.
I do not support fults or fultists for any reason. This term isn't intended to be MOGAI / LIOM in any way, and is just tagged at it is for reach
Blank/Alt Flags
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myceliumforum · 2 months
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⋆ The Ender Guardians ⋆
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⇉ Definition: The Ender Guardians is a Ficto-Religion related to the Minecraft End. This can be someone who believe in the Minecraft End as the divine and real end of things, the End Poem of the game is their sacred text, people who follow this religion also see the Ender Dragon as a divine figure that holds the meaning of the end and life through the end poem, they believe the dragon is the protector of the start of the end being the infinite void that provides comfort
Those who are in this religion do not have a moderator or a leader rather their own experiences. This isn't a cult or fult
Group Titles: End guardians, Enders
⇉ Alt Names: Ender Fictoreligion
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Coined by: Me Requested by: Anon
Img ID: A flag with three horizontal stripes being yellow, cyan blue and very dark purple, in the middle a white circle with a green heart intertwined with a purple infinity
Tag: @ficto-religious-archive
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tulesproject · 6 months
An Observational Study on Fictoreligions
by: Tule
This is an amateur study not affiliated to any persons or institutions.
The purpose of this sociological research is to document and understand what is the Fictoreligion Community, why beings (see dictionary) might identify with a fictoreligion, and what activities they perform related to their faiths. 
Although this research focuses on the community directly connected to that label, the chapters “Intersectionality with Systemhood” and “Intersectionality with Pop Culture Paganism” explore the existence of beings who relate with fictional religions or entities way before the term was coined.
Methods of study: observing the tags ‘fictoreligion’ and ‘neoreligion’ on Tumblr, as well as a public* fictoreligion Discord Server owned by the coiner of the term; interviewing the label's coiner. (see dictionary)
*as of April 8, 2024
“Fictoreligion” (FR) is a label coined by Kai on xry Tumblr page @/redacted-coiner on January 27, 2024, to describe real-world religions based on fictional media. 
Transcription from a part of xry coining post:
“Ficto-Religions, a term to refer to religons/neoreligons found in fictional sources and/or religions that are based off religious mediums! These are commonly non practiced religions within this world but does not mean they are never practiced. These religions should not be moderated , rather these shall only be something that someone should inner personally use (of course multiple people can use it but it should stick to one person to one person).
Note: These are NOT Fults/Cults. Do not use them as if they are!”[1]
Moreover, according to Kai xemself, xry rule that “FRs should not be moderated” means that FRs must not have groups with leaders, in order to “prevent unintended cult-like situations”.[1]
Term etiquette
Kai has stated that xe does not want xry term connected in any way to the creation of, compared to, or facilitating relationships that resemble cults or fults (see dictionary). Considering that the FR community is very supportive of this rule, breaking it would cause a negative reaction from other members and arise conflict.
A few statistics
As of April 6, 2024, Kai's coining post has received exactly a hundred notes (interactions) on Tumblr. Moreover, there is evidence of more than 60 FRs announced on either Tumblr or the Discord server, meaning that an average of 15 FRs per month have been created so far since the label's inception. Although only a few users other than Kai have coined FRs yet, they commonly have done so at the requests of other beings. The exact number of FR adepts is unknown. (Hey does anyone wanna do the research?)
The complexity of FRs 
Internet coining hobbyists exhibit a lot of creative freedom with their terms surrounding specific topics of interest, and this is also true for FR coiners. For example, Kai's “Writer's Faith” religion is both meta- (referring to the paradox of creating fiction creating reality) and self-centered (self as referring to the adept themselves, not Kai). Xe also coined “Parable's Blessings”, a FR based around Parable, the mascot xe created to represent the community. 
Sub-groups, or perhaps branches, have been created to multiple FRs, like Revive the Old Faith (a FR based on Cult of the Lamb) and the Genshin Belief (FR based on Genshin Impact).
Intersectionality with Systemhood
A considerable number of fictives heavily identify with their sources, including the faiths presented in them (but a fictive may also feel disconnected from source and still identify with its religions). A fictive from the Discord server mentioned worshiping their entity in source (thus carrying the worship into this world); another fictive, a Jedi whose source is Star Wars, mentioned that a pre-established Jedi faith exists in real life, but she doesn't identify with that community since her experience is different, reason being that she actually is from the Star Wars universe.
Systems are extremely diverse, both intra-system (inside the system, “alter-to-alter”) and extra-system (outside the system, “system-to-system”). A single system can feature devotees to multiple FRs, followers of pre-established religions and atheists, agnostics, etc. 
Proving one more example, according to another Discord member the following scenario is real (Tule is not using his words, it's just interpreting what he said):
In a system, there are fictives from source A and B, all connected to their respective sources. Almost all fictives from B follow one of its religions, except for “Jane” who follows a religion from A.
Intersectionality with Pop Culture Paganism (PCP)
When Kai was asked on xry coining post if FR was related to pop culture paganism, xe answered: “can be, matters on someone’s view of things. Being they may not attach it to paganism.”[1]
Some adepts of neopaganism or neopagan faiths, chaos magick, etc, also work with deities and spirits first seen in fiction (like Lovecraft's Cthulhu) for a variety of reasons, such as: believing that the author was inspired by the spirit, believing the spirit sprung into reality via the collective subconscious (an egregore; see dictionary), that the character manifests an abstract concept or collection of concepts, or that the character is or represents an aspect/mask of a real spirit. (Source: neopagan community and headmate lol)
The perspective of FR adherents
Some beings follow FRs for the comfort they provide.
The way a FR is practiced varies from adept to adept, but common activities include building digital or physical altars to worshiped entities and creating sigils.
Here's an interview Tule did with Kai:
Q: What sparked your desire to coin Fictoreligion? 
A: I made it due to the fact I have always struggled with religious traumas and I didn’t feel personally safe with anything that was pre-established. I made the term  being it was one of the few things I understood and gave me personally comfort. I have always viewed religious beliefs as something that gives you comfort, so the term was made for that. It gives me comfort.
Q: Did you already have a fictoreligion even before coining the term, or have seen other beings with experiences similar to what fictoreligion describes?
A: Sorta? It was never really put into words but I had seen a character as a religious figure but I never went into it until I coined the post. Now that it is I feel more comfortable doing religious things related to it.
Q: What is your favorite part/aspect of the fictoreligion(s) you have? 
A: Mainly the interpersonal freedom, I don’t feel trapped within the rules of other religions. With the ones I fallow I feel comforted by the those who I account as it’s deities. Such as in Lovingcrafian, I feel comforted in my relationships even more now due to how I perceive them.
Q: We all know that it's really validating to have words to describe our experiences. So, do you think that there might be a considerable number of beings who would benefit from finding the label? Perhaps reaching a thousand or more? 
A: While I don’t think it’ll be a lot, I want the term just to be a thing that gives people answers. I realistically know it won’t be used widely, but if it ever got there, it’d be something that’d give me peace. Being that’d also just mean that people are more accepting of more neoreligons in general.
Q: Tule has noticed a similarity between Parable and egregories; which are spirits created by us that grow self-awareness and can interact with others. That might be just a coincidence, but since you coined Parable's Blessings, do you personally believe that Parable has grown to be a real spirit too?
A: I don’t entirely believe in Parable’s Blessing myself, Parable is a mascot I made for fun and I realized that some may end up seeing her as a religious figure. A lot of stuff I make I may personally not believe in but know there is a possibility that others may. If Parable ends up becoming a religious figure for someone and become a spirt/egregirories I’d be happy. Being that means that Parable gave people comfort in some shape or form.
The community surrounding the Fictoreligion label may be small, but the experiences its members share are much older and common than outsiders may expect when first stumbling upon it. Systems and neopagans (especially those interested in chaos magick, egregores etc), are demographics that might feel more familiarity with the label than the average population.
Alterhuman: a sentient being who physically possesses a human body but does not identify 100% with humanity may choose this label to describe themself.[2]
Being: in this context, it is synonymous with “individual”, as an alternative of “person” inclusive of alterhuman and nonhuman identities.
To coin: to create a label/word/term. 
Egregore: “a concept in Western esotericism of a non-physical entity or thoughtform that arises from the collective thoughts and emotions of a distinct group of individuals.” (Paraphrased from Wikipedia)
Fult: abbreviation of “faux-cult”. According to its coiner, “faux cults, also called fults, are groups that exhibit cult-like characteristics, resembling a cult in behavior or structure; however, are not considered a true cult due to being consensual.” The term was created by Tumblr user @/sheyoves on December 16, 2023.[3]
[1] https://www.tumblr.com/redacted-coiner/740639140473978880/ficto-religions?source=share 
Archive: https://archive.ph/KFeeF 
[2] https://phasmovore.tumblr.com/post/98482696958/this-will-probably-be-my-last-post-on-semantics 
Archive: https://archive.is/SGP7N 
[3] https://www.tumblr.com/transramcoa/736908543412797441/faux-cult?source=share 
Archive: https://archive.is/zwCkG 
Thank you for reading! Tags meant for reach
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the-silent-fellowship · 6 months
[PT: Fictospiritive]
Fictospiritive, a type of Spiritive(link) and Fictive(link) connected to Ficto-Religions(link). Those who are Fictospiritives can be sourced from the ones that faith is about, general idea, the flags, etc!
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[ID: none yet]
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[Tags] @system-term-archive, @pluralitywords, @pluralterms, @radiomogai, @ficto-religious-archive
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kiruliom · 6 months
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the fog's manhunt
a fictoreligion based on worshipping the entity from dead by daylight. it has no set rules otherwise.
coined for a ghostface insys
fictoreligion coined by @redacted-coiner
please do not reupload without permission and credit!
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hostfulchaos · 7 months
Poppy's Angels 🪽
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Poppy's Angels, is a Ficto-Religion based off the world / story of the game Poppy Playtime that is akin to Prototype's Congregation. Those that are part of Poppy's Angels believe in the kindness , sincerity , freedom , and in the wellbeing of those those in bad situations through the unorthodox methods of the Prototype and his followers.
Those who are a part of Poppy’s Angels do not have a moderator or a leader rather their own experiences.
Tagging @ficto-religious-archive and @redacted-coiner !!!
Coined by HostfulChaos !!!
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ijustwannamakeemojis · 7 months
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[ID: Six pixel hearts of various flags in order being Ficto Religions, Turian/Veldian, Timberwolfgender, Shadowlesbian, SCPgender, and Neurohoarder. End ID]
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eparchclass · 7 months
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Followers of The Broken God | Broken God Congregation // A Ficto-Religion based off the Church of The Broken God from the SCP Universe. The beliefs are entirely up to user interpretation, similarly to how there is no 'true' canon on the wiki. Those who are in the Followers of The Broken God do not and should not have a moderator or a leader, as it is entirely based on their own experiences.
I do not support fults or fultists for any reason. This term isn't intended to be MOGAI / LIOM in any way, and is just tagged at it is for reach
Tagging @ficto-religious-archive
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redacted-coiner · 8 months
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[PT: Ficto-Religions]
Ficto-Religions, a term to refer to religons/neoreligons found in fictional sources and/or religions that are based off religious mediums! These are commonly non practiced religions within this world but does not mean they are never practiced. These religions should not be moderated , rather these shall only be something that someone should inner personally use (of course multiple people can use it but it should stick to one person to one person).
Note: These are NOT Fults/Cults. Do not use them as if they are! Also the term isn’t a queer identity, just tagged for reach due to the nature of my blog.
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[ID: none yet]
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DNI is listed within my pinned post. Please go read it before interacting with any part of my content. Ask to tag.
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vocaism · 5 months
The Vocaism discord server is officially open to the public !!!!!
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hemognosticism is a ficto-religion based on the homestuck troll hemospectrum
mutant-inclusive caste sects
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mutant-inclusive caste sects of hemognosticism for rust, bronze, gold, lime, olive, jade, teal, cerulean, indigo, purple, violet, and fuchsia respectively. the sects are usually just referred to as “[caste] hemognosticism” (ex: i practice gold hemognosticism)
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ridingtheradiowaves · 5 months
Radio Alastorianism - Ficto-Religion
Radio Alastorianism is a Ficto-Religion centered around the enigmatic and charismatic figure of Alastor, also known as the Radio Demon, from the animated series Hazbin Hotel. Followers of Radio Alastorianism believe in embracing the chaotic nature of existence while finding solace and empowerment through Alastor's teachings and example. The religion is structured to provide a sense of community and support for individuals navigating the complexities of life. Core Tenets: Embrace Chaos: Followers of Radio Alastorianism believe that chaos is an inherent part of existence and should be embraced rather than feared. They see chaos as a catalyst for change and growth. Self-Expression: Radio Alastorianism encourages individuals to express themselves freely without fear of judgment. Followers believe that self-expression is a powerful tool for personal empowerment and connection with others. Empowerment Through Entertainment: Central to Radio Alastorianism is the belief in the transformative power of entertainment. Followers see entertainment, particularly music and performance, as a means of transcending hardships and connecting with others on a deeper level. Community Support: Radio Alastorianism emphasizes the importance of community and mutual support. Followers are encouraged to uplift and assist one another, fostering a sense of belonging and camaraderie. Adaptability and Resilience: Followers of Radio Alastorianism strive to cultivate adaptability and resilience in the face of adversity. They believe that by embracing change and learning from setbacks, individuals can emerge stronger and more capable.
Leadership and Governance: Radio Alastorianism operates on a decentralized structure, with no formal leaders or hierarchy. Instead, followers rely on their own experiences and interpretations of Alastor's teachings to guide their spiritual journey. Community decisions are made collectively through consensus-building and open dialogue, ensuring that all voices are heard and respected.
Overall, Radio Alastorianism offers a unique blend of artistic expression, community support, and philosophical inquiry, providing followers with a framework for navigating the complexities of existence with courage, creativity, and resilience.
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the-moguys · 4 months
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A Dissofictoreligion term related to thinking/wishing/believing one is a part of the Ficto-Religion of Jashinism, which makes the person, whether it be because of delusional or IRL attachments, being an alter whose religion differs from the body, psychosis, etc., feel disconnected from their external religion. This is not for "fun" or voluntary "I wanna be this", this also doesn't override the external status of the person.
This identity is NOT trans/id or rad/queer friendly and is supportive of transitioning when it doesn’t hurt others, yourself, appropriate, glorify, fetishize, or romanticize anything (such as with race, ethnicity, culture, age, etc.)
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For Hidan (in-system)
Colors inspired by Hidan from Naruto
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