#Fang mk 2
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lunastars21 · 4 months ago
Welp, today is one year since Sonic superstars came out,
so for this special day I’ll finally put all my thoughts in this blog, so I can finally put this gosh darn game behind me! XD, so read if you like and enjoy the ride!
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My (Hopefully) last Superstars Rant:
Well, this is it. Today is Sonic superstars first anniversary, and unlike the two classic games before it, this one doesn't come with a plus version at all. To say I'm not surprised is an understatement.
Now before we start let me get some things out of the way, First of all: This is MY OPINION on the game, if you like it that's fine, if you hate it that's fine too! I just want to get my thoughts out now and finally bury this game into the ground where it can stay there, alright! Second of all, I have no hatred for Trip, I may sound like I hate her, but I do think she is really neat and fun to play as and I hope she returns in future classic titles.
Now with that out the way let's begin:
I became obsessed with Fang the Sniper/Hunter on August 15, 2022 (yes, I remember the exact date), and when I finished reading all the information, one thing was clear to me.
Okay, I'm NEVER seeing him again
Pretty simple mindset I gave myself because of a few reasons!
1. He's a classic character, so he isn't allowed in modern with cool cutscenes nor voice acting
2. He hasn't had a big appearance since sonic the fighters and only had a cameo in mania
3. What kept him relevant was Archie, and that got canceled in 2017, so his only hope was idw. But they only do classic for anniversary specials, so once again, nothing for a good while anyway
All of it was clear to me that Sega wasn't going to use him, nor Bean or Bark. So I immediately adopted them as any fan who has been waiting for their return for over 20 years would, I gave them headcanons and their own story, Because if sega wouldn't, I will!
..and then Jun 8, 2023 arrived during a direct. Sonic superstars was revealed, and Fang would return in it. A coincidence I got into him a year before his return!? I dunno! But I thought it was a blessing in disguise! I was excited about it! October 17th was gonna be the best day of my life, I thought.
I was there for the comic short, I was there for the trio of trouble animation, and I was planning to buy his miniseries books once they were READY in January! I was prepared to give my full support so Fang could have more appearances just like Mighty and Ray! Hell, even hearing that Sonic Superstars takes place BEFORE Sonic Adventure gave me hope that if this game does well! They'll finally put classic characters in modern, this is where the barrier was and if Fang could break it! That would be awesome! I had my hopes way too high, and that was my mistake.
October 17th finally arrives and I buy the digital deluxe version, giving sega 70 smackeroons for the art book mostly and to support my jerboa in his career.
And then I played the game. It took probably 3 to 4 days to finish all the stories. My pros about it! Mostly great stages and atmosphere, I love the little cutscenes that were in, the controls were okay, and Trip as a playable character was fun to play as! Basically, being a better knuckles and Amy combined, the emerald powers could use work, but overall, I thought it was a neat idea to have these gems show they weren't useless on their own! This game has a ton of potential with all the ideas they were cooking with!
And uh
That's about it
Now for why you're probably here and why I'm writing this to begin with
The cons..
First off,
I have mixed feelings about Fang's theme in this game, it's groovy at first but then when we get to the part the song usually drops and goes into an absolute banger, it LOOPS early and doesn't play the part! My favorite part of his theme is CUT OFF from the song! Making it shorter and more annoying! And I can only listen to it maybe 2 times before I get sick of it!
Listen to the srb2 version that is more of a banger.
Another Con is the lack of story! I KINDA get the idea of what's going on, but where is this STUPID EGG FROM, HOW DID IT GET UNLEASHED? There's no cutscene that shows Eggman or Fang opening it up! It just spawns on its own and then gets sealed away, fucker doesn't even have a name it's just DARK DRAGON. Also the animation in this game that's 2D went down in quality compared to its trio of trouble short! What happened!? And why does Fang have SHREK EARS, just remove the tube's, don't give him earholes its fine! It's not supposed to make sense anyway!
Also, Trip's story is the same as knuckles, she's the last of her kind in an isolated island because her people fucked with the emeralds, she's now it's quote on quote guardian and she gets tricked (more like forced) by Eggman and Fang to be their tour guide through the islands untill she meets sonic and defeats them together, Lack of FIGHTING sonic because despite the game calling her an antagonist she doesn't really do shit against the heroes at all. But she's BASICALLY knuckles but a shy girl. We got this story before man, come on.
Okay, got the small points out the way, now for the spotlight of the hour..
Why the fuck does this game market Fang when he RARELY SHOWS UP!
This game went full force on marketing for Fang when it was announced, he got a mini comic explaining why he's there, he got an animated short, he got a miniseries announcement, HE FINALLY GOT A MINI FIGURE! He had comics in super fast friends that were going on at the time! And other official art from the main account!
But when you play the game, yes he shows up in cutscenes, but you only face him off 3 times and TWO OF EM ARE OPTIONAL, you have no choice but to play level sonic to run away from him, but the golden capital Boss fight (which is really time consuming) can be skipped via a glitch, and you DON'T have to fight him In trip's story if ya don’t want too, ya could just play and finish the main story and put it on the shelf bam boom ya done!
“But I wanna fight the dragon”
Not worth it, it's a pain in the ass like the other boss fights. So in reality if you skip golden capital and never play trip's story, you fight Fang
And it's not even a fight you just run away from him!
This game was fully marketed for him, and he only made ONE ACTUAL SHOWING, and that's it! He doesn't have an ending cutscene. He doesn't show up at all during or after the dark dragon fight. He just vanishes. The End.
When I finished the game, I was absolutely pissed about it. I gave Sega 70 dollars to show my support, and he only showed up for a few minutes, and then he peace sign vanished. Ya wanna stay with him for 2 hours? Play his final boss fight because that's how long it took me to beat him.
Speaking of, I actually had a more annoying time with the Eggman final boss than Fang's. The second phase of eggmans was always buggy with me and kept killing me, at least with Fang my deaths were more of my mistake than a bug and his ending blow with his nose made me actually laugh because I didn't expect it and found it funny, and his boss theme is a banger too. (So that's a plus)
Another fault with Fang is the scene after his golden capital fight, where Trip stands up to him after he kicks Her in which the whole Fandom started calling him an abuser (even tho she has armor on so it shouldn't even do much) and now it's all over his god damn wiki, doesn't help his miniseries supports that now more too. And I know, people will love a genuine asshole character, but what bothers me is that
He is just EGGMAN 2.0 IN THIS GAME
Who else mistreats their allies, eggman
Who else builds a giant robot of themselves, eggman
Who else runs away when things get dire, EGGMAN
The only difference between them is that Fang is still greedy, but they are basically the SAME CHARACTER HERE.
I thought this game would go a different direction for him because the animated short and Fang's big break have the same morals.
Learning from your mistakes.
In both stories, Fang struggles against a giant animal ( the giant flicky and giant snake), but once he calms himself down or remembers a past experience, he focuses and defeats the foe! Both stories show how smart Fang can be if he puts his mind to it, and he is not called a hunter for nothing!
So I thought superstars would do the same thing in that scene in golden capital Zone, Fang would realize he is out numbered, his robot isn't done and Trip moved to the hero side, taking all the emeralds he had. at that point, it wouldn't be worth it, especially if Eggman already paid him in advance, and team up with the heroes instead to save his own hide. At the start of the game, Fang ALREADY got what he wanted. He could leave if he wanted to. Those stories showed Fang was smarter than he seemed, but instead in this FUCKING GAME he doesn't do that! He still goes in the UNFINISHED ROBOT and gets one shot by Trip.
I get that at the end of the day he's still an antagonist, BUT PREVIOUS STORIES SHOWED ME HE WASN'T THIS STUPID, SO FUCKING WHY.
This continues in his miniseries! Doesn't wanna go back for Bark, wastes TWO ISSUES searching for an 8th Emerald and getting nothing, and the 4th he separates from bark and bean because of his stupidity Not learning at all to be grateful or show any remorse, which is fine if people like him that way it's cool, but once again that just makes him EGGGGMMMMAAAAAN.
What I found cool about Fang is that he could be NEUTRAL! he'd be an enemy of sonic in triple trouble, but then the next beats up eggman and saves the world in sonic the fighters, and even fights THEN TEAMS UP with sonic at the end of the season of chaos special.
It was clear to me that fang can be a bad or good person as long as it benefits HIM. So him jumping in that Mech and kicking Trip DIDN'T benefit him at all, and losing Bean and bark didn't either because them not being there leads to his fate in superstars.
You can like the hooligans being together or not, but the whole thing stands, these boys were last seen in archie together, which got canceled and didn't show up again till season of chaos. At this point, specifically archie fans, WE GOT ATTACHED TO THEM as a team, we saw them up there with the other teams! And I got an entire discord server to prove it!
So, just splitting them up like that is a stab in the gut. That despite all of the waiting, sega decided to listen To fucking 2, 3, or more people (no offense to you) who hated team hooligan to seperate them and blame it all on fang.
Which by the way Bean ANNOYED me in the miniseries, and not in a good way, him and Fang arguing EACH issue was getting on my nerves, issue 3 being the best of the whole thing because they RARELY argued in that one. That issue showed the potential of the Hooligans and how good they worked as a team. AND SEGA THREW IT OUT THE WINDOW!!!! FUCKING GENIUSES HERE.
Plus they could've EASILY left In issue 2 if they could separate the side cars from the Queen since they could already LATER ON in issue 4. (Bean and Bark ya both fuckin stupid ya not escaping my wrath either I'm ANGY
I Still love yall tho)
I'm fine with Fang being a jerk, But there should be a limit and getting him to “abusive Level” isn't it, despite issue 3, I wasn't happy or laughing as I thought I would for the game or miniseries, Because the hooligans are like looney tunes for me, when I see them, I wana laugh and have a good time. Not be depressed. And I know people like when Fang is cool and serious, I do too, but he was also made to be funny. If you want a 100% serious character, Shadow is RIGHT THERE.
Superstars was marketed for Fang fans. Everything related to it was, it was SUPPOSED to be his grand return. But no, it's a lie. This game was made so you could feel bad for Trip and like her. Fang was just a tool used to lure people to the game and love this lizard. That's all it was. He was just bait, so once Trip got the fans sega wanted, they would throw him away into the vault again, but this time with no Bean, no Bark, not even a bloody popgun, they just left him there to suffer.
That's how I view sonic superstars, a game baited to classic sonic fans, making it seem like an old character's return, when in reality, it's to get people to like Trip, a new character. Who won't even fucking show up till a new classic sonic game comes out or a new anniversary special.
That's why I find it so frustrating, and no matter how much I try, I won't be able to fully like this game because of this information, HELL SHE GOT A FULL SUPER FORM! NOT EVEN AMY, TAILS, NOR KNUCKLES GOT THAT SHIT.
They just got “Super powers” ooOoOo
Bullshit, and the fact your friends can't play as the same character in their levels sucks, Kirby easily did it for magolor, but nope! Ya gotta play level sonic with one player as your friends watch.
Anyway, I think that's everything. Thanks for reading this far. Once again this is just my opinion, I wanted to finally let that all out as for certain there's no plus adaptation for this, and that I want to finally forget this game, I already made a fanfic chapter doing it my way to satisfy how this story actually ends while being consistent. And maybe Fang will get another chance in another 20 years. But until then, I'll enjoy the small moments that did make me smile in that game and his miniseries, like him using an ice sword or having a big mech, and if you actually Enjoyed the game and everything it came with, and still love Fang despite it all, good for you! I'm glad you still like fang, whether he's good, bad, or neutral in your book! All I care about is that you like him, so thank you. :] but I'm fairly certain. Rarely any Sonic fans will celebrate its anniversary. If anything, mostly Trip fans will as it's her birthday.
Cough if you want a better 2D game with more playable characters and a good story with great music.
Play Mario Wonder
Or play the new mario party! That's out today! ^^
Okay, have a nice day <333
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kyri45 · 2 months ago
✨ShadowPeach Bio Parents Bio AU Q&A! 30/12✨
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Welcome to the Q&A! A space where I can answer related or similar question about the Shadowpeach Bio Parents AU! If you submitted your ask anonimously, then you’ll have to check the whole post if it’s answered here, if it’s not, worry not! Your asks might have been used for a future comic or just in the queue~
@pandorainabox ha chiesto: Hope this isn't a dumb question,but do you plan to/already are posting the bio parents ah anywhere where it can be viewed all in one piece? With the between posts in tumblr,it gets confusing and I still don't quite know how to navigate it so I was curious if I could binge read it anywhere all in one clean read? (I constantly want to re-read it lmao,it brings me so much joy,its so damn cute!!) Anyway apologies for the random question!! I love your work,you're doing so good and I hope you have an absolutely wonderful rest of your day/night! Thank you so much for taking your time to read and respond if you do so!! 💚💚🌙
i mean… I THINK the masterpost is the easiest way to read it for now (and once you read one chapter you press “NEXT” at the end of it.)
if I would put it, let’s say, on Webtoon (which I can’t) it kind of would be the same thing. A list if chapters, when you click on one it opens the chapter with the 10-20 panels and then you click the “next” to go to the next one.
i don’t think putting all chapters from one part would be nice since it would be a super duper long list of panels (and the page would take a lot to load with so many medias) and one Part of the comic contains multiple arcs.
i’m open to suggestions though!
@robinpika ha chiesto: I was just wondering why is wukong kaiju form unstable? What inspired you to go that route
it was an headcanon of my of why we never see it in the show, even though it is present in JTTW AND war forms are… well normal in LMK, so I figured he must have a reason why he didn’t use it, considering it could have spare them a lot of trouble giving its power.
@imafluffycupcakey ha chiesto: I can't find the option to ask anonymously oof— Enyway this is Tumblr and that's what I'm here for. Ever made a design for a Red son and MK kid? From your AU I mean (ignoring every nature law for a second). Also, where did you got that name for MK from? Is something from Jurney to the west? Mainly thanks to your AU I am going to try and read that book (has more them a 1000 pages :') )
we all subconsciously agreed that the spicynoodle lovechild is Kai from lego ninjago and MK real name is his name in the chinese dub.
@avencaeheng ha chiesto: Can you reccomend any websites to watch lmk? 🙏
You can find MOST of the episodes on youtube. BUT you need also the specials to understand the story. If I link you a site in 2 weeks it will be down. The best is that you join the Lego Monkie Kid Fanspace discord. They have links to see the show and they update them every once in a while.
@astro-lmk-enjoyer ha chiesto: Another silly headcanon <3 Since MK unlocked he’s monkey form he started teething like a baby monkey but… adult. I don’t know how baby monkey teethe but when dogs teethe they get a lot more bite-y and the bites hurt a lot more than before teething. I can imagineMK getting a lot more bitey with things, like chewing food longer then needed be and maybe when he’s play fighting with the baby monkeys he bites one and it chirps and Wukong is like: ! One of my children is in need! And he discovers MK is teething and does something idk yet. After having given my evidence… Do you think this would happen? Does MK have fangs in his human form like how some people draw him?
hi! I guess he did have a period in which he had a little teething.
no, his human form doesn’t have fangs, because his human form is just a kind of glamour/shapeshift. In the AU the monkey form became his normal form (since it always has been his original form to begin with)
toomanylegos ha chiesto: Hey, I just want to say I absolutely adore your ShadowPeach comic and the beautiful art with it. I went through nasal surgery on the 19th, and seeing an update from you really helped soothe my nerves about it, so thank you! I can't wait to see more updates throughout my recovery :D burry-penguin ha chiesto: As a spicynoodle shipper I love your work sm and what ur doing for this community KEEPING US FEED FOR DAYSSS!! 🔥🍜 🔥🍜 You’re so amazing and keep doing what you’re doing because you’re a damn good story teller and artist. You’ll go so far someday! You’ve helped put a smile on my face on my best and worst days just from seeing each new update and going absolutely fuckin feral over it and I thank you for that 🫶 imafluffycupcakey ha chiesto: Not really a ask. I would just like to say I inhaled your AU comic like a vacum cleaner in less them a day, also big fan of the art style. Anonimo ha chiesto: I'm recovering from a toxic relationship and the shadowpeach bio parents au is helping me think through everything ,, The love these monkies show me how relationships are supposed to make you feel good... thank u
turtlewearingclothes ha chiesto: Howdy! I just wanted to say thank you for making your amazing comic, and being the reason I got into Lego Monkie Kid. I've heard of the show, but I never watched it. Then I came across your comic like, 2-3 weeks ago? And after binging it, I decided to watch the show, and now I'm obsessed lol. Thank you!
@selfdestructivecat ha chiesto: Hey so I recently binged your LMK comic because I absolutely fell in love with your ISAT x COTL comic and knew anything you made would be amazing. I’ve never seen LMK though so I’m sure I lost some of the context (it was still so good though, I’m really rooting for everything to work out for the characters!) But I decided to give the actual series a try because of the comic! And here was where I planned on writing you a message after a few episodes to thank you for getting me into a new series, but… I’m on episode one. I only watched the intro. Dude. IM ABSOLUTELY HOOKED. THE ANIMATION! THE STYLE! THE CHARACTERS! I’m so so excited to watch more (which I’m gonna do now!) but thank you so much for bringing this series to my attention!!!
ahaha welcome to the club!, now you can enjoy both comics!
@therivergirl ha chiesto: I remember back in the beggining of eclipse arc you mentioned that Mac feels insecure about his body being part of the reason he's hesitant to take of his clothes even in front of Wukong and it being part of the reason (aside from basic decency) that Wukong looked away. And now in this part Mac appears butt-naked to help Wukong out, adding yet another layer of vulnerability...gah! (Maybe I should finally watch LMK because I feel I would be doubly obsessed with this comic then...)
For Mac being exposed was the last of his issues considering that what he was seeing was Wukong at his lowest and most naked. Now excuse me while I cry.
@astro-lmk-enjoyer ha chiesto: You probably know Chang’E’s story from LMK, but did you know there is a second version of her story that I like better? In the second version Chang’E and her husband(I forgot his name), are getting used to living as mortals after being kicked out of heaven. But someone hears of the immortal elixir they have and try to steel it while Chang’E’s husband is out hunting. After getting beat up a bit she decides to drink the elixir so the robber couldn’t get it. But she instead went to the moon so she could be closer to her lover. Her husband dies because he’s still mortal, and Chang’E is left be herself. I have silly little headcanon the day MK and the others went to the moon was her and her husband’s anniversary 🙃 Bye <3
Anonimo ha chiesto: Do you think that wukong and macaque act like cats?
as in they would purr? I moslty think Wukong wants to cuddle and stroke his head on Mac neck like a cat, while Mac is that one cat that sometime is annoyed when people touch him but eventually let them do it.
Anonimo ha chiesto: ✨Hear me out :3✨ MK can hear the past. He heard the fight of of prentice and held his eye like he was getting hurt by Wukong and not Macaque. So now picture this: MK has a vision again, his this time it is about how the monk used the circlet on him :3
Anonimo ha chiesto: When I first found your comic in your TikTok account, I thought it was something very silly... How very VERY wrong I was.(As I get shot 57 times.) I hope you are taking very good care of yourself because when I downloaded Tumblr to keep myself updated to your comics(which was somewhere around 13-16 December probably) there are a LOT of panels. I enjoyed the newest and most recent parts of the shadowpeach bio parent au and can't wait for the next!!! Don't work yourself to the bone too much! Remember to take mental and physical breaks.
Anonimo ha chiesto: Are there others who flirt with MK ? He looks good, is very powerful and has a sunshine personality. I bet there are others who are interested in him
I guess there haven’t been any for NOW.
Anonimo ha chiesto: After reading the post about swk's circlet, I srsly want him to look at mk and say "oh, hey we're matching!" ... "OH SHIT WHY ARE WE'RE MATCHING?!"
@delightfulcupquakequeen ha chiesto: Hey there!!! Been awhile sincenI've written an ask, just wanted to send love and being greatful that you are doig this amazing AU!!!! Appreciating ever pannel you make and gosh dammit hitting me right in the korokoro!!!! Keep being your fabulous self!!! Until next time!
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@l1br4rycrypt1d ha chiesto: Feel free to ignore this if it's spoilers for the comic, but are we gonna get to see the Gold Star of Venus? Just curious, since you reblogged the meme post that mentioned him during the takeover
There will be a small space for them as well, yes.
@kaothedemon ha chiesto: Fun fact, while I doubt Pigsy has all of Zhu Bajie's powers, his ancestor did have a kaiju form, which he could use if he ate a fuckton I'm sure it's not gonna appear in the story, but the idea of Heaven having to deal with 3 Kaiju dads (+ theoretically a sworn uncle) is extremely funny to me (picture courtesy of OSP's latest JTTW episode cause even when I read the book there weren't any illustrations of this)
I SAW THAT!! Man now they must add it to the show. Yeah I don't think he has ALL of Zhu Bajie's powers (I don't think he would ever want to have them) but it would be interesting if it was a high stake situation
@roseltelle ha chiesto: I think Macaque would actually enjoy working/ volunteering at the playhouse specifically doing shadow plays. But he does regular plays as well. His favorite days are when classes of children come in for field trips. Wukong often paints the backdrops, scenery, and other items for plays. They both enjoy their hobbies.
Awwwww yeah I think Macaque would totally love that.
@lmk4ever ha chiesto: Can you imagine Wukong just being out of it after he distracted the celestials for too long in his war form?
I think that as soon as he sees Macaque again he immediately switch back and become behaved again.
@peach-fury ha chiesto: I think I know the answer but theoretically... Who's war form/kajiu is stronger Wukongs or Macaque's and how would it go? I don't know it started as a thought. Now I can't stop laughing.
Wukong's is stronger.
blbllblblblll ha chiesto: do you know the pronunciation of xiaotian? ive been stuck on how to say his name for so long 😭
I know that the "Qi" is pronunced "Chi" and I think "xiao" is pronunced the same as you would read it, while I THINK the "t" in "tian" is more of a mix between a t and a c/k? I aint chinese and the way I pronounce things or read them is probably different from u cause I'm italian.
eerieqloss ha chiesto: Okay question, is Wukong's war form bigger/taller than MK's?
it's taller.
@elliboom ha chiesto: I was wondering, will Erlang Shen ever appear in the Shadowpeach parent series? (And questa domanda la scrivo in italiano giusto per levarmi un’altra curiosità in futuro, preferisci che le domande vengono scritte solo in inglese o vanno bene anche in italiano? So che non ci sono molti italiani ad essere fan di LMK e JTTW, posso capire la scelta di scriverli solo in inglese per rispetto e far capire ai altri fan, e generalmente per scrivere le domande uso google translate, perché faccio pena con la grammatica inglese, mi scuso se in futuro farò domande con qualche errore 🥲🥲)
Si apparirà. Manda pure in italiano shalla ahah.
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sthbigbang · 7 months ago
✨ 2024 Creations Masterpost Part 1 ✨
See below for the first 91 works that were created during this event!
Part 2 | Part 3
Memories In The Sky
[Sonic & Tails]
Art 1 Art 2 Art 3
For What It's Worth
[Sonic & Tails]
Art 1 Art 2 Art 3
Growing Pains (& Defunct Planes)
[Sonic & Tails]
Art 1 Art 2 Art 3
Cross My Heart
[Sonic & Tails, Sonic & Surge, Sonic & Kit, Sonic & Sage, Surge & Kit]
Art 1 Art 2 Art 3
Relative Dissonance
[Sonic & Tails, Sonic & Sonia & Manic]
Art 1 Art 2 Art 3
A Slip of the Tongue Can Cost More Than Just Your Peace of Mind
[Sonic & Tails]
Art 1 Art 2 Art 3
Hedgehog Hunt
[Sonic & Tails & Knuckles]
Art 1 Art 2 Art 3
Safe Ship, Harboured
[Sonic & Tails]
Art 1 Art 2 Art 3
Nothing Can Shoot Me Down
[Shadow & Tails]
Art 1 Art 2 Art 3 Art 4
Hex Value
[Shadow & Omega, Rouge & Omega]
Art 1 Art 2
Ball & Chain of My Own Making
[Sonic & Porker Lewis, background Sonic & Knuckles, background Sonic & Tails]
Art 1 Art 2
Sonic Together - Chaos and Soul
[Sonic & Tails & Amy & Blaze, Knuckles & Shadow & Rouge & Omega]
Art 1 Art 2 Art 3
Star Opposites
[Surge & Kit, Sonic & Tails]
Art 1 Art 2 Art 3
The E-103 Delta mk. II Incident
[Sonic & Tails & Knuckles & Amy]
Art 1 Art 2
Close Encounters of the Grim Kind
[Tails & Nine, Tails & Sonic]
Art 1 Art 2 Art 3
Hunger Pangs & Bloody Fangs
[Shadow & Sonic, Shadow & Rouge, Shadow & Tails, Shadow & Everyone]
Art 1 Art 2 Art 3
[E-123 Omega & Sonic, E-123 Omega & Rouge, E-123 Omega & Amy]
Art 1 Art 2 Art 3
What Was I Made For?
[Metal Sonic & Amy, Metal Sonic & Sonic]
Art 1 Art 2 Art 3
Return to Sender
[Silver & Shadow]
Art 1 Art 2 Art 3 Art 4
Woke Up New
[Sage & Eggman & Metal Sonic]
Art 1 Art 2 Art 3
Moving Forward
[Shadow & Rouge]
Art 1 Art 2 Art 3 Art 4
I See Your Monsters, I'll Chase Them All Away
[Shadow & Maria, Shadow & Gerald Robotnik]
Art 1 Art 2 Art 3
Our Lights In The Sky
[Sonic & Shadow, Sonic & Tails]
Art 1 Art 2
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shadowuserannie · 2 months ago
Accidental Brother-Sorry, Babysitter-Acquisition (Fic WIP) (Part 2)
“You know you don’t have to do this, right?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Nezha replied smoothly, skates whirring in their true form as he flitted about the area, getting it set up nicely with his true power before the others arrived. Unlit paper lanterns on strings were hung around the trees, soft blankets in the cleared area that was on the side of the cliff facing Megapolis, checking the snacks he’d brought that weren’t made of hair-
“Seriously, Ne-”
“-End that with that foolish nickname and the group will arrive to see a healing wound from a spear thrust to your mouth.”
Nezha’s back was to the simian, but he could feel the troublemaking smile.
“Nezhy, c’mon-”
Without looking, Nezha summoned his spear, split it to lotus petals, and thrust them at Wukong.
“What happened to hanging with your own family for New Years?!” Wukong yelped as he evaded them with no real effort, merely being dramatic in his movements for closer shaves. Nezha aimed more precisely-he was not tarnishing the surroundings before they could even get here.
“I am.”
There was an oof as several petals caught Wukong off guard, pinning him to the floor.
“What about your brothers? And your dad?”
“Busy.” Whenever time allowed, usually his father, mother and brothers tried to visit their poor, stuck brother/son who actually set plenty of seals long ago to be able to sneak out. Still, more eyes were on him during New Years’, that owing to celebrations being something more worthy of “leaving one’s post” for. Stupid.
Anyways, he typically got visited at least once during New Years’ with goodies brought by Muzha, but this year Jinzha had stopped by early and said apologetically that their father had decided to follow him and Muzha on an assignment that might not have them back until long after the celebrations had passed. Mother herself...well there were much better parties to attend to than an empty temple. Which was fine. Nezha saw them for New Years’ once every three years or so anyway. Missed New Years' was nothing in the overall of eternity of the Heavenly Realm.
Nezha tried his best not to leave his post during New Years’ festivities, because of the eyes, and also because paranoia meant celebrations = cover for thieves, despite the sheer amount of magic layered over his temple paranoia…was paranoia. That changed…rather recently, considering the spam habits MK and Mei had gotten into as they grew up and became larger yet somehow fonder annoyances to him.
“Still, I swear-”
“Wukong. How many New Years have you spent alone?”
“Come on, you stop by-”
“Once every few decades. For a few minutes.”
Wukong lets his head flop onto the ground. “Still unnecessary.”
“Making sure you don’t drown your sorrows in jiu for eternity, giving you tasks so you can get out of a place you’ve retired to for centuries, so the Heavens don’t impose worser tasks? Yes, definitely.” Nezha deadpanned.
Hmm. That string of lanterns was stretched too far.
Wukong made a sound that was somewhere between disbelief and teasing. “Psshh, Nezhy, I’ve seen you after cases with really bad assholes, remember? Know how long I had to spend convincing my subjects not to try what they saw you doing?”
“Why would you discourage them from following a far more responsible person?” Nezha arranged the plates carefully. Orange for MK, green for Mei, white for Pigsy, pink for Tang, blue for Sandy, gold for the irritating annoyance.
“Right, because over-steeping a dozen packets of black tea in baijiu instead of water is a fantastic example of sobriety.”
Nezha dropped the tin of almond biscuits, catching them just in time with his sash.
“That was-”
“-Most definitely not one time,” Wukong spoke with a fanged grin. “Remember when you told me about the fling with-”
The idiotic primate he would dearly love to cleave apart merely cackles at his misery. Unfortunately, he’s still the safest option when it comes to needing someone to sober him up or watch him in his drunken state, in the rare times Nezha cracks from sheer rage and brews his black tea with wine instead of water. Keyword being rare.
“…so didja bring any-”
“I refuse to kill children’s livers.”
“But yours is faiRRRAAAAA-”
“Stabbing your liver is fair game too.”
“Little shit.”
“Who’s not even five feet and uses glamours again?”
At last, with no help from the host whatsoever, Nezha finishes tidying the area and getting it ready for a small party. There are even snacks-double checked by Nezha to be safe-specifically for the monkeys, mostly consisting of fruits.
“Add any fur to this and I will chop off all 84,000 hairs on your body.”
Wukong hides the piece of fur behind his back and whistles.
“Reach for any peaches before they arrive and I will also rob your home of your peach chips.”
Wukong gasps dramatically, falling to the ground as if deeply hurt. “These accusations-”
“Are wholly true, you little-”
“Who’s calling who little-”
Nezha froze as voices definitely not quiet rose up from the foot of the mountain.
“They’re here.”
Wukong frowned at him for no reason as Nezha glamoured his Wind//Fire Wheels back to three-wheeled roller skates. He’d already dressed up before coming down to Flower Fruit Mountain, in a knee-length sleeveless red qipao and dark kuzi, no illusions needed there. His Armillary Sash was wrapped in a slightly fancier style about his arms, still and mimicking sleeves as usual. Rather than twin buns, he’d opted for a simple small one with the rest of his hair let down.
“You…ever going to tell them?”
“I’ve gone lifetimes without doing so with others, Wukong. Remember our deal.”
“You know that’s long gotten as ancient as you, right?”
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odditycircus-2002 · 1 year ago
Medusa!Reader and Shang Tsung MK 1 (Part 2)
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Shang Tsung and Syzoth rushed to rinse the elixirs and glass off your body. This was made difficult by how you continued to writhe around, blinded and sensitive to the point that running water felt like glass being rubbed against you. Eventually, your voice would become hoarse and bloody from your screaming, and then, finally and mercifully, exhaustion would take over. You were unaware of the claw marks you left on Shang and Syzoth in your blind panic.
You slept for the entire night and most of the next day. When you woke again, you were met with darkness and the feeling of something covering your body. You figured Shang must've bandaged you.
The Sorcerer confirms this and informs you that he's putting you on bed rest for the next few days, given the extensive damage that accident caused your body's nerves and muscles. While you may lose sight, he assured you it shouldn't be likely that it's permanent, much to your relief.
Shang Tsung was the one who primarily cared for your health. This included tending and disinfecting your wounds, changing your bandages, gently bathing you, having you drink a strong-smelling elixir to supposedly speed up the healing process daily, and even helping you relearn to use your muscles. Sometimes Syzoth would assist and talk with you, but these visits would often be cut short as Shang Tsung insisted that you needed rest.
Fortunately, you had Mileena and Kitana from time to time. You weren't surprised to hear from the sisters that Sindel couldn't come in person but sent condolences and flowers from the Hanging Gardens. This made you feel a little better, at least. It was better than the constant smell of disinfecting elixirs. However, your little ember of morale was smothered out when Shang took the bandages off you, Syzoth ready nearby with a mirror.
You were blinded by the light after days of nothing but darkness. When your eyes adjusted, you immediately gasped at the figure before you. Her skin was reddened and marred with rough patches that were a completely different color from the rest of her. She had no hair but a head full of hissing and writhing snakes with long fangs jutting from her mouth. Her eyes were snake-like with slit pupils that blinked with a second eyelid. As you touched yourself simultaneously as the stranger before you, you realized that the creature before you was… you!
"By the Elder Gods! What's happened to me?!"
You screamed before hiding your face in your hands with long claws at the ends before starting to weep. Shang Tsung attempted to comfort you as he held you close and petted your head, assuring you he didn't care what your form looked like. He knows it's still you. You both remained like that until you fell asleep from exhaustion.
For the next few days, you remained held up in your room to obsessively look in your mirror to try and imagine what you used to look like. You took up wearing a mask you purchased from the last festival you went to to retain some sense of your old beauty. You didn't allow Shang Tsung, Syzoth, or anyone to look at your face, refusing to look any of them in the eye. Yet, during those days, you had time to think without Shang whispering in your ear.
It's unbelievable to think that while you confronted Shang about the floor beneath, you'd happen to have your "accident" right in the middle of it. And how chivalrous the man you've been suspicious of would also nurse you back to health. You concluded that it couldn't be a coincidence; Shang Tsung purposefully caused your accident. Yet, seeing how your last confrontation with him alone went, you weren't going to approach him with your accusations immediately. For all you knew, you were infected with a new form of Tarkat.
It wouldn't stop you from doing your damn job, though. So you gathered the essentials, your belongings, and as many medical supplies as you could carry before slipping from the laboratory in the dead of night to head toward the nearby Tarkatan colony. Unbeknownst to you, Syzoth saw you leave but said nothing to Shang Tsung, silently wishing you well.
When you arrived, the colony appeared to be in better condition the last you looked at it. It isn't much, but it wasn't precisely the chaotic cesspool you remember. As you were "escorted" by other Tarkatans, you soon learned that the credit for the Colony's improvement goes to former tribune and merchant Baraka. Who now led the Tarkat Colony.
At first, the Tarkatan was wary when you claimed to have come out here on order from the Royal family, even when you presented the scroll stamped with the Royal House's seal that proves this claim true. At least, until you showed an ungloved arm with spikes forming where they shouldn't. You understood his paranoia and explained that you and your research partner, Shang Tsung, had a laboratory nearby to study Tarkat; however, you left to continue your research here because of your current affliction and possible infection. As a show of good faith, you present the supplies you took from the lab and offer to share them with the rest of the colony.
Baraka allowed you to stay within the camp and continue your work for a cure as long as you did your part within the colony. You accepted and soon set up shop within one makeshift adobe house. Wasting no time, you got to work. You soon set up a system to divide the work between you and any other Healers or anyone with extensive medical knowledge who can treat the sick as best as possible.
Often, you have to patch some of them up when bloodlust overtakes their minds, and others have to hold them down. Some days, you're mostly trying to find ways to ration the remaining medical supplies and treat your patients' symptoms. You even went as far as to set up regimens to help soothe the Tarkatans and keep morale up.
For months, you worked with Baraka to improve the colony's life to the best of your abilities. Eventually, because of this and your role as an Imperial Healer, you unofficially began to become a second figure of authority among the Tarkatans. It helped that you didn't take bullshit from any of your patients, no matter how difficult they can be(i.e., how strong and bloodthirsty they can be). Thanks to your mutations, you can match the strength of most of your patients. You're not above wrestling them into submission to take their medicine, including Baraka. Fortunately, you rarely had to with Baraka.
In fact, you and Baraka would come to appreciate each other because you can rely on each other for support. Especially since neither of you has anyone else to do so for the positions you found yourselves in. In fact, other colony residents couldn't help but notice the fondness and affection you both began to show one another as moons passed by.
You often could be seen conversing with Baraka, whether or not you are busy with your healing duties. Baraka usually would choose to share meals with you. You constantly check on each other's well-being. Once, Baraka gifted you a piece of jewelry from his merchant days that you now continuously wear. Anyone with eyes could see the herculean task for you to not instantly tackle hug Baraka.
Yet, an unspoken agreement prevented either of you from furthering your relationship. Baraka knew deep within his soul that he was fated to die from his illness long before you or anyone else could find a cure. He only wished to spare you the heartache of loving a dead man walking. You, on the other hand, were reluctant to love again.
You had seen each other at your lowest points. You when Baraka has a rare bout of feral bloodthirst that led you to have to sedate him with a crap ton of tranquilizers with a few minor wounds gained. He was there to just sit by you when you had to euthanize a Tarkatan that eventually lost its mind and asked before being put down when that happened. No one saw you leaving your adobe the next day except for Baraka.
That day, Baraka learned the true nature of your affliction as he caught you looking at your mirror without your mask. You were observing how your mutation was advancing when Baraka caught you, and you spun around in surprise before making direct eye contact with him. Baraka's face became frozen in surprise as he instantly turned into stone on the spot.
It took you hours before you could make a powder to reverse the petrification. You didn't know whether or not Baraka heard you, but that didn't stop you from fervently apologizing to him as you swiftly worked.
When Baraka was unstoned, he immediately asked about the exact nature of your condition. Which is when you gave the whole story about how this happened to you and how you confronted Shang Tsung before your accident occurred. You went as far as to show him your body without as much covering to demonstrate the full extent of your condition, including your newly grown wings.
"I never asked to become this! An- and- and yet, he took my body away from me."
That's when you collapsed to your knees and started to weep. The Tarkatan leader could only sit close to you as he spoke calming words. To your surprise, Baraka didn't kick you out of the colony after turning him to stone. In fact, he vowed to keep your true form a secret even from the colony. You were left speechless by his proclamation. This incident didn't cause him to treat you any differently than before.
However, given what you told him, Baraka was immediately on the defense when Shang Tsung came to the colony with an escort of armed Imperial soldiers more than he usually would be. Baraka doesn't trust Shang Tsung because his presence resembles a bad omen. A few Tarkatans seemed to "disappear" whenever he came by to gather genetic samples from his colony. However, Shang wasn't just here for blood or skin samples this time. No, this time, he was here for bone marrow, and it seemed he had his eye on Baraka in particular.
You were attending to some unfortunately afflicted tarkatan children when you were aroused from your workshop from Baraka's howling in pain. You immediately spot him forced to kneel in front of the man you've been hiding from for months, Shang Tsung. He also brought imperial soldiers, including some that held back the crowds of enraged Tarkatans. Despite the brief fear that gripped you, you were spurned into action when turning your attention to Baraka. You went down to confront the Sorcerer, demanding he release Baraka.
A/N: Sorry again folks that I have to cut it short, but I went over the word limit again. But I do hope you enjoyed this latest installment. Let me know about what y'all think about it and any ideas you have. Stay Weird, my fellow humans.
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jiecomic · 6 months ago
Chapter 2- That’s him?
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"Perfect for what?" MK asked the Monkey King with confusion
"To be... MY SUCCESSOR!" Sun Wukong answered in the most dramatic way possible
" Uh... Are you sure you are the Monkey King? You've been cooked up in here for way too long…" MK was checking the monkey's condition as if he was sick " I think your brain went moshed up..."
At that moment Monkey King put MK on the ground with his tail "Listen Kid" Suddenly he started searching for something in the stock of garbage behind him " You fought demons- and you didn't die and you made it here!" He opened a back of dry peaches " Not anyone can lift my staff, but you did" and started eating them.
MK looked at him with even bigger confusion.
"But what about the DBK?!"
"Pff..!" Wukong laughed "You can handle it!" He said while still eating peaches on his cloud "Consider it's a trial!"
"But I-" MK looked down
With that Wukong had no other choice but to give a kid some words.
" Look, if you can lift my staff you can use it" He came to MK and put a hand on his shoulder "Just believe in yourself- even a snitch makes all the difference"
MK looked at his idol with much more relief in his eyes.
AAAND... just when Wukong was about to finish...
A little friend came for a visit.
" Em... Monkey King?" MK looked behind Sun Wukong "I think something is trying to eat your tail"
Wukong didn't even have to look behind him. He knew this pair of little sharp fangs and a sound of wagging tail.
"You...." He looked at Gou all pissed for ruining his moment
Gou on the other hand let go of his tail to bark, probably for him it was a hello.
In no more than 5 second Wukong had summoned his cloud, put Gou on it and gave him a ride to his home.
" IF YOUR OWNER WILL LEAVE YOU HERE AGAIN I SWEAR TO HEAVEN I'M GONNA...- he thought for a while- "LOSE HER WAGES!!"- "though I don't remember paying her anyway..." he muttered the last part to himself
After a while he remembered about MK.
"Ah right!- Sorry, can you remind me when we have finished?"
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Hello I don't know if you remember but my name is Jie! In case you wonder who I am let me introduce myself...
You see, once I was a pretty powerful fox demon- Buuuuut for some reason the Jade emperor said that I'm a little bit too powerful and dangerous or something like that, anyway after that the not so good Jade emperor took away half of my power and e.t.c, I had some boring depression after that when suddenly I decided that it would be nice to start a second life!
I was doing pretty great!
Till I realised that I was not fully able to protect myself anymore... after a long, long journey I found myself a perfect place to call home, I spent hundreds years peacefully till the evil lady and her angry son said 'Let's summon the angry bull demon and destroy the city! “Hahahaha”
And I didn't like their plan since lately I too live in the city!
So, brave me asked Monkey King, my old enemy (not really an enemy though) to help me fight the evil guys! He agreed and took me in as his servant (which is really a great honour to me) just before telling me...
That instead of lifting a finger he is going to send some human boy with no experience at all, so to sum it up kids...
"I was scammed..."
"Jie, You're being delusional again" Said Monkey King after the demoness finished her monologue, it was hard to hear his words since he still didn't finish his pack of peaches "I had never deceived you, if anything you should be grateful!
After saying that, he looked at Jie's face which was wearing a suspicious expression mixed with all her complaints.
'What the heck am I supposed to be grateful for?!'- was what she wanted to say
"Think about it this way!" Wukong tried to ease the mood "You practically won't need to intervene in anything since MK will take care of it, after I'll teach him of cou-
He stopped when he noticed that Jie's face didn't fix itself but rather the opposite, now it was screaming 'What a bullshit!'
"A-anyway..." Wukong continued not so confident anymore "Can't you at least wait till you meet him?"
"I'm sure you'll change your mind once you see him! I'm telling you, this boy is a true diamond in the rough!"
"And what if he isn't?" Suddenly Jie spoke with a serious look on her face "What if he's not a diamond but just a normal stone?"
Wukong fell silent for a while but sent her a dissatisfied look to show that she's going too far, yet Jie ignored it and continued.
" Think again master, after spending thousands years with humans you should know it already but humans are wicked creatures, they tend to be greedy and unlike other species they have a changing nature"
"... You're right, but demons also tend to be evil and unlike humans- they rarely change"
This time it was Jie who became silent, she actually didn't have anything more to say so she just clenched her teeth and looked away admitting defeat. Seeing this Monkey King let out a long sigh.
"Listen, we know each other for long enough-
"One month"
"Let me finish!*ahem* Okay, since we already know each other for those long, tiring 4 weeks... Why won't you just trust my judgment for now. I believe in that kid!"
Jie calculated everything they've been saying a while ago
"Alright Master"Her voice was much calmer "When will I get the chance to meet that precious successor of yours?
Within a second a loud sound reached their ears
"How about now?"
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Everything was turned into ruins.
Jie wasn't sure who caused more damage- DBK or this black haired boy who wielded Monkey King's stuff
She and her master were standing on the head of a robot watching the group of those new "heroes"
"Soo... what do you think?" Wukong asked as if he was waiting for an applause from the fox demoness
"Master, do you want my opinion?"Jie looked at him kindly
Monkey King didn't respond, but there were more stars shining around him, so Jie treated it as an approval.
"I think you're not in your right mind" Jie spoke without hesitation in a cold tone
"Wha-WHY?!"- Wukong was really shocked by her reaction
" Is that him?" Unlike him, Jie stayed as calm as at the beginning
" Yes"
"THAT'S HIM?!" There was this one tiny blaze of fury in her voice
"...yes?" Wukong felt that blaze on the back of his neck
" So you- ahem..!- Master, you want to tell me that your successor, the new Monkey King, is this mortal? And my peace lays in his hands?!" She pointed at a boy who was swirling the staff around him and making some 'hero' poses
The great sage for some reason started escaping the red, piercing gaze of a fox demoness. But then he remembered his position as her master.
" Well~ if you want to know, I've been keeping a close eye on him from a very long time- AND LOOK"- he started pointing at the boy,  who was going somewhere with his friends "You see what he holds in his hands- MY STUFF!"
" Wow, the chosen of a stick" Jie didn't even care about her attitude towards her master "Beware of his power demons and builders" at the last word she looked around the ruins of the city
Monkey King was at the end of his patience. The times when Jie would use sarcasm where rare, but honestly's she was acting a hell of arrogant while using them. It can be said that it was her tricky fox nature switching on.
" Just give kid some time and you'll see for yourself"
Jie didn't expect such a calm answer.
"Your right"
"Of course!- now go, make yourself some tea, feed your... pet and-
"I need to check for myself"
With that Jie disappeared leaving poor Monkey King with tons of unanswered questions.
"I wonder if I should worry about it?"
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nekohime19 · 6 months ago
Heart behind the lie # 2 : Guess I'll be the babysitter
They all decides what to do with feral Wukong.
Wukong is just following Mac around like a lost duckling!
Macaque didn't expect much when he agreed to fight the ice wraith. He knew that with his history he wouldn't be welcomed with open arms no matter how much he contributed to the victory. Who in their right mind would wholly embrace the man who made them bleed? No. The best he would get was a brief goodbye. Then he would go on his way and roam the earth like he did eons ago. Alone. Traveling shadows through shadows until his magic depleted and he met his unavoidable end. He certainly didn't expect to be healed, cared for, and sat in a large room with his arch-nemesis latching on him like the mere thought of him not being near was unbearable. 
The heroes were all before him, standing a few meters away. Each time they tried to approach him the King growled and stood before him, as if he was trying to protect him. Which was surely the funniest joke Macaque heard in a while, him being protected by Sun Wukong of all people ? Hell was freezing over. The only one who could somehow approach the sage without being growled at was MK but the moment he did so much as lift his hand to touch his mentor he was mercilessly clawed at.
“What did you do to him ?” Accused the pig, which was by far the most normal reaction Macaque got from someone these last few days. Suspicion was familiar, it was something he saw in the eye of others when they learnt of his nature. Shadows were suspicious, formless things roaming in the dark, listening to each of your secrets. He knew how to deal with suspicion, how to forge his mask, how to wield his words. It was easier to deal with this than the unfamiliar encompassing kindness he was shown lately. 
“I didn't do anything, it's the possession, from what I heard.” Explained the macaque, carefully hiding his unease. 
“Then why is he so attached to you ?” Retorted the pig, if he recalled right his name was Pigsy, but he wasn't sure. . 
“Trust me, that's what I want to know.” Snorted the ebony monkey as he tried to push away the sage, in vain, Sun Wukong was as clingy as a touch-starved octopus. Macaque wasn't used to touch anymore, and he was trying his damn best to hide how his enemy’s touch was unnerving him. 
“Macaque is right, LBD is the one who broke the Monkey King.” Chimed the boy, ever the defender. 
“But why is Mr King glued to Macaque of all people? I mean didn't he hate the guy? That's hella suspicious.” Retorted the dragon girl with crossed arms. 
“Perhaps something happened when Monkey King fought with Macaque, something that warrants this behavior.” Macaque cursed the scholar for being so insightful, he didn't want to talk about how he jumped after his enemy like a brainless fool, he didn't like to show this sort of weakness. 
“I just kicked his ass, that's all.” Replied the ebony monkey with an overbearing smug face. His smirk was quickly wiped away by the great sage wandering paws, Sun Wukong was pawing at his face, lightly tracing his skin with childish wonder. Macaque growled at him, but the sage didn't seem to take his warning seriously. Rude. He only cooed curiously and continued his endeavor. Bothered by the intrusive paws, Macaque battled the sage, pawing aggressively at him as he flashed his fangs, but Sun Wukong only giggled, a high pitched monkeyish sound.
“Aw, you look like two cats.” Cooed the young hero, Macaque immediately stopped his onslaught of hisses and straightened himself, acting like he never pawed the sage in the first place. 
“Are we really going to let Macaque take care of Monkey King ? He wants to kill him.” Cried the scholar, pointing at the ebony monkey with a shaking hand, Macaque liked to see fear in his eyes, fear was more predictable than kindness. 
“I think we could give Mr Macquack a chance.” Replied the blue giant. 
“And we don't really have a choice…He's the only one who can approach Monkey King.” Sighed the MK. 
“Do I have a say in this ?” Asked Macaque, trying to look stern but failing because of the golden leach glued to his side. “Because I don't really want to babysit this overgrown child, I never agree to this.”
While it is true that he owed something to the dragon girl, and thus the kid, involving himself in Wukong's messes was another story altogether, he didn't know what possession could entails, and what would be the secondary effects except for this strange mind regression. What if the sage lost control of his powers, who would take the burn of this ? He wasn't strong enough to canalize an unruly King. What if Sun Wukong regained some memories and thought of him as an enemy. 
What if he tried to kill him again ? 
Macaque knew he would die no matter what he tried to do, but, at least, he didn't want his life to end the same way it ended the first time. If he could choose to die on his own terms, this would be a small mercy in the wrecked thing he called life. 
“You're healing in my house, emo monkey, so you can at least try to help him.” Bickered the dragon girl. 
“Besides, I don't think Monkey King is going to let you go.” Argued MK, Macaque sighed at that. 
“I don't want to be stuck with this guy. I'm not a doctor either, what do you expect me to do ?”
“Red Son said Monkey King was afraid, so maybe we need to reassure him.” Explained the blue giant. 
“In this case, I'm really the last person for this job, I suck at reassuring.”
“No kidding.” Snorted the dragon girl. 
“Could you at least stay tonight with him, and maybe tomorrow. You still have to heal after all.” Proposed MK, and Macaque couldn't refute this. His body was still aching everywhere, and he had some trouble walking. One or two days more of rest, with a proper roof, sounded nice
"… Alright, but after I'm out of here."
"Yes, of course."The heroes looked at the kid with skeptic eyes, no doubts questioning his reasoning, but the kid shushed all their inquiries with loud coughs. 
Macaque knew the kid must had some sort of plan to make him agree, but he didn't care about it, he didn't want to spend the rest of his days with the man responsible for so much of his misery (admittedly also responsible for so much of his happiness, but that was irrelevant). The ebony monkey left soon after that, using his own recovery as an excuse to escape the heroes' useless chatter. He greatly enjoyed Sun Wukong's surprised chirp when he rose. 
He wobbled in the lavish corridors, leaning over the walls when his muscles cried in pain, unable to hold his weight. He stopped after a bit, frowning at the sound of steps other than his. Macaque turned and groaned at what he saw. Sun Wukong was there, following him around, walking on all four, dutifully stepping in his shadow (perhaps too afraid to step out of it). 
"Are you serious ?" Groaned the macaque, he threw a burning glare at the golden monkey, and the fool known as Sun Wukong looked behind him, as if Macaque was upset at someone else. "How did the kid even allow this." Muttered the ebony monkey. "You know what, whatever, but bother me and I send you to the Shadow realm."
Macaque whipped around and kept walking, ignoring the sage's curious coos and his hurried steps (the fool was trying to keep up with him). He quickly reached his room and slipped in the measle comfort of his sheets. He saw Wukong, from the corner of his eye, skipping in the room, curious and cautious at the same time. The sage sat at the foot of his bed, watching him with round eyes, as if he didn't know what to do except follow him. Macaque huffed, amused by such irony (him, the follower, being followed) and closed his eyes. 
He reopened his eyes when Sun Wukong jumped on his bed. Settling comfortably besides him as if it was common between them. 
"Wha–get down."Grumbled the macaque, but Wukong only huffed, like the warrior was nothing more but an unruly infant not wanting to sleep, the nerve of this guy. "I'm serious, get down."
Macaque pushed the sage out of the bed. Sun Wukong yelped and stumbled on the floor. He threw him a heated gaze, full of annoyance, which, excuse him mighty King, he was the annoyed one here. The sage jumped on the bed once more, not deterred by his distaste, his tail tying itself on the ebony monkey's wrist. 
"I am not gonna be bullied by you of all people." Groaned the macaque as he tried to push the sage out of the bed, again. Sun Wukong fell out, again, and hissed at him, but kept jumping on the bed nonetheless. "Are you kidding me, I'm too tired for this shit." Sighed the macaque, his muscles were aching and his confrontation with the heroes tired him, so he gave up and scouted away, on the other side of the bed. Sun Wukong tried to follow him but the ebony monkey hissed at him, voice thundering. The sage chirped sadly, but didn't breach his privacy, and let him sleep in peace (except for the tail still firmly tied to the warrior's wrist). 
Macaque slept rather peacefully, a dreamless, painless slumber, like an endless fall. He woke up after hearing a rowdy noise, his peace shattered by coos and cracks. He blinked, still sluggish, and looked around. The one responsible for the noises was Sun Wukong, nothing too surprising, really. The golden monkey was on the dresser, sniffing around, tail widely wagging behind him. He had dropped some expensive looking dragon sculpture on the floor, and looked like he didn't even care about it. 
"Can you just let me sleep ?" Sighed the macaque, the golden monkey chirped happily, but never got off of the dresser. Laying on it like an oversized house cat, and mayhaps this was what he really was in this state, nothing but an unruly lap cat. 
It could be amusing to see such a mighty legend being reduced to such a pitiful existence, if he wasn't the one designated to take care of him. Why was he even pulled into this masquerade ? Didn't he give enough already ? As he thought about this, he noticed that the sage still had the claws marks he gave him. His face was marred by two long, red slashes, going from his forehead to the end of his left ear. His left eye was partially closed, white and red at the same time, a crude reflection of his own scar. 
"Why aren't you healing ?" Mumbled the warrior with furrowed eyebrows. Sun Wukong possessed incredible healing, his body was honed with multiple forms of immortalities, it shouldn't be so easily scarred. 
The sage was still wearing his armor, perhaps the heroes failed to change him. The golden breast was soiled with blood, clawed and scratched. His hanfu was dirtied with mud and filth, his russet fur matted, resembling the one of a bristling lion. If he narrowed his eyes, the warrior could see wounds bleeding beneath his battered clothes. The King looked rough, beastly almost. Macaque wondered if he had trouble seeing from his left eye. The warrior felt a sick satisfaction at the idea, a petty sense of vengeance. 
"Come closer, I can't see you well."Groaned the warrior, but because the sage was petty he didn't heed his word. "Are you really upset because I pushed you ?" The King averted his eyes, tail thumping against the dresser, annoyed. "Gods you're insufferable." Macaque tried to rise, but he was too quick and winced painfully. The King immediately straightened up and got off of the dresser, trotting towards him with a trail of worried coos. "Stop nuzzling me." Sighed the ebony monkey as the golden monkey jumped on the bed and smothered him with concerned chirps.
Macaque looked more closely at the King, he couldn't see what was happening beyond his flesh but he could sense the flow of his magic inside of his veins. It was weak, more weak than it ought to be. It was like magic evaded the sage, as if he gave it away, or someone took it. A side effect of the possession perhaps. Of course he would replendish himself naturally (contrary to him) but it would take time.Perhaps, this loss of magic was the reason Wukong's healing was so slow. It weakened his flesh. Weakened his body. Hindering the natural abilities given by his multiple forms of invincibility. 
The warrior felt better after this short power nap, better than normal. Macaque looked at the state of his body, sensing the magic flowing inside of him. He was quite surprised to see he had more magic than before his nap. This wasn't possible, his body didn't have the strength to do that anymore. Macaque looked at the sage with furrowed eyebrows. He didn't want to believe it, but that was the only thing that could make sense.
Did Wukong gave him his magic? 
If he was right, this changed a number of things. Babysitting the great sage sounded dangerous, and annoying, but if he could gain something (something as valuable as more time living) he would be willing to do it. The idea of not dying was strange, he was so sure of his end. But now, his murderer appeared with, maybe, a way to extend his life. And if a part of him was reeling with disgust at the thought of leaching off his murderer, another was desperate enough to indulge it. 
He was at death doors, did he really have the luxury to choose from whom he would steal ? This was only but an equivalent exchange, he would take care of the sage, and in exchange he would leach off of him. 
Even if the King didn't give him his magic, he could still find a way to take it. In this state Sun Wukong wouldn't know better, and it wasn't like he could die from magic depletion (the guy was too immortal for that). 
"Hm, well I think we're gonna stay a bit longer together, my guy." Sun Wukong cooed at him, looking at him with round eyes, he booped the warrior's nose with his claw and cackled like a madmonkey. Macaque rolled his eyes and pushed the smothering sage away, the guy was really forgetting what personal space meant. 
MK entered the room shortly after, looking at the sage with twinkling eyes, perhaps happy to see him outside of his hideout. Sun Wukong wasn't as happy, he hissed, fur bristling, and crawled towards the macaque, backing away from the boy. Macaque put a hand on the sage's face and pushed him away, behind him, placing himself between the King and the kid. The sage cooed at him, surprised by the gesture, and Macaque shushed him with his tail. 
"Hey kiddo, I didn't think I'd see you so soon." Greeted the macaque, trying to appear at ease, even with a cooing sage in his back, the bastard started playing with his tail. Macaque let him do it only because it shushed him. 
"Yeah, hm, Red Son is here." Answered the boy. 
"Okay. So what ?" 
"Well, we couldn't inspect Monkey King before because he was quite resistant, but I was wondering if, with you, he would be more… agreeable."
Macaque sighed, already knowing where this would go. He didn't want to aid Wukong, or even to assist him in any means possible, but, if he had to play the do-gooder part, he should begin now to not arouse any suspicion. The ebony monkey knew quite well that the kid wouldn’t like his “magic theft” plan, the boy liked the Monkey King too much for allowing something like that. He had to be discreet, to be swift, a pretender, like he always had been. 
People wore masks on a daily basis, this was nothing but another piled upon mountains of others. 
"I don't like it. But I guess I could do that, this idiot kinda needs it." Grumbled the warrior, and the kid beamed like a thousand suns, a light that burned crisps of the macaque's mask. 
Macaque rose, abandoning the soft sheets and the grumbling King. Sun Wukong whined at his departure, he followed him (to the warrior's great displeasure), walking in the heart of his shadows, eyeing the kid suspiciously (as if MK was the one at fault for his sudden departure, which wasn't entirely untrue). 
MK was walking upfront, he did try to walk alongside the warrior, but the sage growled every time he dared to approach the ebony monkey. Macaque didn't understand why Sun Wukong was so protective of him. Was this because he saved him when he fell out of the cliff ? It was quite foolish of him to give such trust for such a small gesture, especially since he seemed very hostile to any others. Maybe there was another reason, unknown to him, but Macaque didn't dare fathom it. 
He feared what he would learn, and what it would mean. 
Red Son seemed quite annoyed to mingle with Wukong's mess, waiting impatiently in a lavish room, machines buzzing in his back. His fiery face softened ever so slightly when he caught a glimpse of MK there was a blooming respect within the young bull, something akin to acceptance, a feeling quite rare in demonic kind, but he guessed the kid had a way of worming his way in every hearts, even the most dry and cold. 
Sun Wukong hissed the second he saw the young bull, claws etched in the floor, ears pinned back, eyes narrowed, reduced to two murderous slits. The two kids froze on spots, one openly anxious, the other trying to hide his unease with a shattering scowl. The Monkey King, even mindless, stayed a dangerous foe, a golden threat unkillable by heaven itself.
Macaque growled back at the King, fangs glittering in the dim light. He wasn't very intimidating with his battered body and his struggling breath, but he hoped the sage would be fond of him enough to listen. Sun Wukong glared at him, eyes full of fire and outrage, and Macaque had to repress the fear overtaking his heart. 
Those eyes, glittering rivers of blood, shaped like raging bolts, he hated them. They were the last thing he saw when Diyu claimed him. An image burned behind his eyelids, something he saw, again and again, when he was chained and cleansed in hell depths. He feared them, feared the powers they held, and what cruelty they were capable of. 
Fortunately, Macaque was good at lying. He knew how to use every inch of his skin to hide the true beating of his heart, to conceal what was flowing through his veins. 
He was born to cheat, at least that's what he's been told. 
Sun Wukong ceased his growls, even if his eyes were still burning with rage. He trotted towards the ebony monkey and sat at his feet with a lashing tail, some of his wag were beating the macaque's legs, a sign of rebellion, mayhaps. 
"What do you need to do ?" Asked the macaque, unsure of what the sage would allow. 
"A quick scan would be enough, for now."Replied the young Bull." If you could… persuade him to jump on the table, it would be easier."
Macaque approached said table, the sage hot on his heels. He didn't want to pick up the Monkey King, he also didn't know if the King would let him in the first place, and he didn't want to know, he cared too much about his own hide for that. The warrior sat on the table, hoping the King would be curious enough to follow after him. Sun Wukong watched him with a tilted head, tail anxiously waving in his back, perhaps he didn't like to be so cautiously watched by the two kids. He followed the warrior, and curled up at his side, eyes narrowed at the two boys, daring them to get closer. 
Macaque huffed at that, finding this overbearing protectiveness hilarious, and disgusting. Sun Wukong wasn't supposed to be like this, not with him, not anymore. His furrowed eyes weren't supposed to be thrown at MK, quite the contrary. The warrior felt like an imposter, someone wearing a skin he shouldn't. He ought to flee to the other side of the earth once Wukong recovered his mind, for fear of being killed, again. 
"Will it bother you if I stay on the table ?" Asked the warrior, eyeing the great sage with worry, worry for himself, of course. 
"It would be easier if you're not. But I don't want to be attacked." Mumbled the red boy, Macaque took that as form of agreement and stayed alongside the sage. He didn't like to be scanned with the King. He didn't want to think about what sort of gruesome painting his corpse-like body would show. But he knew the little Bull wasn't the kind to disclose his private information so easily, at least he hoped.
The scanning was fast, the table heated a little, but nothing worrying. The sage did trash around slightly, perhaps sensing what they were doing, but he calmed down the second Macaque put a hand on his head. The warrior felt his heart squeeze itself dry, bothered by such close proximity between him and his killer, muscles tensing ever so slightly at each of the sage's flinches. 
It was a mentally taxing, to resist fleeing when the one capable of ending you was pressed against your hips. Macaque wasn't a coward by any means, he quite hated that particular word, but he didn't forget easily, his heart didn't let him forget. Either love, or fear, he lived with those weights forever, each day pressed down by memories of a long gone past. 
The little bull did gaze at him with something akin to pity, but he said nothing of his shattered body. He was an imposter among the living, glued together by a rapidly fading away magic. But that could change, hopefully, if he was successful in his endeavor. 
As always, hope was beating in his body, and he couldn't extinguish it at will. 
"His magic is low." Informed the little bull. "Too low, he will not die of course, he is blessed with immortalities that repulse death itself. But his body had been scarred and the low level of his magic hinder the natural healing ability given by his immortalities.I don't know what the witch did to him, I can't know until I do a thorough inspection. But I am quite certain that his condition is the result of a preservation instinct. Possession has always been the art of breaking the mind, each demon responds differently to it. In this case, it seems Sun Wukong returned to a more juvenile mindset, spirit completely shut down by fear of it being broken."
"Spirit shut down… like-"
"Like a forced self-induced coma." Cut Red Son. "Beings that know their mind well enough can enter this sort of deep meditative state, this… juvenile persona… is temporary, basic functions, primal memories, taking over the body to sustain it. At least, that is my theorie."
"He will wake up, right ?" Asked the boy. 
"It is difficult to say without a proper inspection, but the existence of this juvenile persona sugger that Sun Wukong has control over what's going on. He will probably wake up when he feels safe enough to do so. However, his low magic is a little concerning, it will be better for him to be in a safe environment, with a high enough rate of magic."
"Like flower fruit mountain!" Exclaimed the boy. 
"Indeed. I also advise the black simian to stay with him. For a reason or another, Sun Wukong sees him as someone safe. It would appease him if he had a trusted being at his side."
There was a pregnant silence veiling them for a moment, Macaque was still processing the idea of returning home. His heart was incapable of comprehending such a simple thing, beating with fear and excitement. After eons of wandering, of following, of roaming, of emprisonnement, eons of chasing away the very thought of home, because his home was the kingdom of his murderer. Would he be allowed to return ? 
He had killed the idea of returning to the mountain a long time ago, pushing away the memories of sun drenched grass and kind touches. Knowing very well that if he longed for his home, he would crumble forever, not capable of pushing through his life without the comfort of it. 
Liu’er Mihou was dead. Buried by the hands of his King, lost to the eternal soil. The mountain had been Liu'er's home, but still, Macaque had been Liu'er, and the mountain the only home he ever had. 
Was he allowed to nap under the summer sky once again ? He would trade the world for that chance, and every drop of his blood or even another. 
"I'll… stay with him." Mumbled the warrior, voice frail enough to be buried under the winds. 
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ninjasmudge · 9 months ago
Hi, I just wanted to say that I really love your arts, your Au ideas are incredible, and I don't know if you'll see this but I have some doubts
About Labyrinth Au
1- I didn't understand correctly, in this universe, did Wukong really kill Macaque or just leave him extremely injured? If he killed, was it LBD who resurrected him again? So she has control over his soul, why does she still need the weapon?
2- About pocket dimensions, can the owner of that dimension make any type of modification to it or is it completely fixed?
About Entanglement Au
Where is the rest of the Bull family? We saw that Red was with MK but where is DBK and Princess Iron Fang, don't they miss Red Son?
ty very much im glad you like them! ive been out of the lmk fandom for a while now, but these were very interesting questions so ill do my best to answer
1- in this au swk didnt kill macaque, he heavily injured him, and macaque assumed swk was aiming to kill him. because swks mind was being influenced by lbd when he attacked macaque, he doesnt remember doing it at all and he thought maq just ran bc he was a coward. at the end of the war, swk killed lbd, and she clawed her own way back from the underworld using her own budding necromancy magic, but this meant her soul didnt fully belong to her, which is why she needed macaques weapon- she couldnt have her own.
2- the owner of a pocket dimension can make many modifications while theyre inside it, but they tend to bounce back to default shape because its a magic that pulls its shape from your unconscious mind. someone could form a table and chair in their pocket dimension to sit on, but if they left that area itd disappear unless the person was very very focused on keeping it there. its nearly impossible to change the entire shape of your dimension though, if your dimension was a forest, you could make a few arcade machines to play on, but you couldnt reshape the whole thing to be a mall
3- if i remember everything right, in that au dbk and iron fan were running an empire. they really wanted red to stay with them and learn to run the empire but it was pretty obvious he wasnt that interested. they couldnt really stop him when he decided to stay with mk, mei and nezha, but theyre still kind of holding out hope that its just an adventure phase. they still keep in contact, its just more formal than the others.
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real-total-drama-takes · 7 months ago
Caleb at the start of Reboot Season 2: Dear sweet Priya, how I love her!... Past winning.
Scott: I hate B! I hate Dawn! And I hate Mike! They drive me to drink!
Scott being flung with Fang: Help B! Help Dawn! Help Mike!
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lunastars21 · 1 year ago
Inktober day 29
Minor superstar spoilers under the cut
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He’s a massive boi
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magician-kitty · 1 year ago
The Macaque and the Huli-Jing Part 2
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The next day at Flower Fruit Mountain, Monkey King, who was eating a bag of peach chips, while MK hammered at the mural. "Remember, Patience and focus! Step into the strike!"
MK growled in frustration, she was really starting to get sick and tired of this lesson. This was getting her nowhere at all.
She needs to get stronger!
"They are slowing you down. you have power inside you," Jade's voice echoed in her mind. "If you want something, take it! Take the power and destroy! Remember: You don't use the weapon," MK's eyes glowed as she took out her staff, twirling it and swung it at the mural.
"You are the weapon!"
MK threw the hammer at them as hard as possible, causing it to go through all four rocks and fly off. When the dust settled, standing there was an astonished Wukong.
Monkey King stared wide eyed, "Whoa. How'd you learn to do that?" He asked before gasping dramatically looking at the girl. "Have you been running around behind my back young lady?!" He asked angrily.
MK sneered as she turned away from him "Patience and focus. isn't that what you said?"
Wukong glares at MK. "Look kid, using that much power, your body can't handle it."
She scoffed. "Oh, is that right? Or maybe you just don't like the fact that there's someone who's actually teaching me what I need to know! Quit acting like you care, cause frankly you don't!!" She yelled angrily, her teeth resembling canine fangs for a bit.
Monkey King stared at her, had a hurt look in his eye. "MK..." he trailed off.
She huffed, turning away from her mentor. "Whatever, I'm outta here." MK then walks away. It was then that Monkey King saw MK's logo blue, the Huli-Jing grinning menacingly.
Monkey King frowned, furrowed his brows. 'Wait, It can't be...' He thought in his head, all of a sudden his ears twitched, he looks around hearing something.
It definitely wasn't MK, for sure.
"Alright, who's there! You'd know better not to mess with The Monkey King!" He called out to whoever was lurking, unknowingly that his shadow was starting to change form.
"Aww, you know I wouldn't dream of hurting you, Peaches~"
Wukong yelped and looked behind him, The mysterious shadowy figure from earlier appeared in front of him.
Monkey King gasped, smiling brightly. "It's you!"
Later, Mk grunts as she continues to train in the dojo. Her logo shines a bright blue as she trains, making Jade smirk. MK pants for breath, her chest heaving as sweat fell down her forehead. She felt a hand on her shoulder and heard a chuckle. "You're ready sweetheart."
MK looks up at Jade, "Ready for what?"
Jade grins, leaning down to her. "You'll see. Luckily for you, I've found where it lives."
MK followed Jade up an old summit, holding the staff tightly in her hands with a frown. "The Monster you fought today is actually an ancient  demon. A very, very powerful one." Jade explained, MK was out of breath as she stumbled trying not to lose her balance. "I need your help to destroy it once and for all."
Jade told her before pushing the girl out, causing MK to stumble and look at her mentor with wide eyes. 
"Wait, what? Last time, I barely hit it!" MK panicked.
The fox demoness sighed as she glanced away. "I know. But since then, you've had me teaching you. You're stronger now," She turned to her with a smile. "You feel stronger, right?" She asked MK, who frowned but nodded.
Jade grabbed her shoulders. "Good. Remember. You're the weapon. Give it everything you've got." She then shoved MK towards the creature, Mk regains her composure, grip tightening around her staff.
"Okay! "Here... Comes... Monkie Kid." She twirls the staff in her hand unknowing of the glow on her jacket, lunging at the creature. The fox creature's eyes shine as MK shouts, spinning her staff. "I am the weapon!"
She lands of her feet, catching her breathe. She looks to see the creature had vanished.
"Woah, I did it! I can't believe I did it!" MK cheered.
Jade grins as she starts stalking towards behind MK, fangs baring. "Excellent, I knew you'd could do it...~"
MK beamed in excitement, turned towards her. "Jade! Did you see me? I was like, totally whooping a-"
MK's eyes widened as she felt an excruciating pain in her gut. Jade grinned, retracting her hand, bits of blood seeping from her claws.
MK falls to the ground, the staff shrinking, groaning in pain. Jade laughed, "You know, you really are a nice kid," Jade grinned, ruffling MK's hair before stepping back. "Super cute, but so naive~" She chuckled darkly holding a golden orb of light in her hands.
MK grunts, clutching the wound from her stomach, coughing up bits of blood. "Why..Why are you..?" She struggled to say.
She smiled. 'Why'? Because I can. Like I told you: If you want something, you take it." The ball of light that's in her hand, before she crushed it, as golden energy coursed through her.
"I..I trusted you!" She struggled to get away from her.
"Oh sweetheart, I hate to tell you this, but you're not my type. At all." Jade went to MK--who was struggling to stand. "Thank you for giving me all of Monkey King's power, Like really, Thank you." She told her, a cruel smirk appearing on her face. MK struggled to lift her staff, but couldn't.
"What's wrong, little Kit? Can't you hold the magic staff anymore?" She taunted her. "Well, you know what that means? There really isn't anything special about you. You're just some little girl with a heavy stick."
She grabbed MK by her neck, lifting her up. "Too bad, I was starting to like you." MK grunts, struggling to get out of the demoness hold.
"Just Who the hell are you, really!?" MK demanded.
Jade scoffed, rolling her eyes. "You really don't know who I am, do you? Figured since your such a little Monkey King Fan." She shrugged her shoulders.
"But if you insist, I'm Jade, as in Jade-Face, ringing any bells?~"
'Jade-Face' MK thought, she gasped, eyes widened in realization.
It was her, The Jade-Faced Princess.
"No, that's impossible. You can't be, I read that you were killed by Zhu Bajie long ago!"
She sneered. "Tch, don't believe everything you hear in the stories. It's been fun spending time with you dear, Anyway, I'm afraid this is where we part ways.." She summoned her tessen blade, raising it for the final blow.
MK whimpered and shuts her eyes, tears streaming from her eyes. 'I'm so sorry Monkey King..' She thought in her head.
Jade was sent flying away from MK, MK falls to the ground, coughs catching her breathing. She looked up Monkey king landed in front of him, arms crossed and face full of anger.
"Monkey King?" She looked to see that it wasn't Monkey King.
The mysterious Monkey had dark hair, he has what looks like dark facial hair, violet eyes, but one was scratched and clouded, clothing consists of a yellow and black tunic with a black sash around the waist. Over his shirt is a brown and gold chest armor, that is crossed left, and an armored skirt. He wears a tattered red scarf, a singular red feather on his head and black and gold boots.
"I didn't think you'd be low enough to hurt little kids, Jade."
"Oh, Six-Eared Macaque! Well isn't this a nice surprise, Did you came all the way here to this city just to see me?" Jade said smiling at the darker simian.
"Don't give me that! You know exactly why I'm here, you have something that belongs to me." Macaque growls, frowning. "And I want them Back..!"
"Aw, you mean this?" She pulled something from her hanfu sleeve and pulls out some sort of lantern, two dark dots shining inside of it. "Well if you want it back so badly," She took a step back showing her true form, her dark green hair had turn snow white, her fangs and nails became longer, she sprouted nine tails from behind.
"Come and get it then."
"Bring it, you ugly bitch!" Macaque bared his fangs, before both demons charged at the other, roaring, their fists colliding. An explosion of white and purple followed them as they fought. MK couldn't comprehend what was happening, but she took the chance to get to a safe distance.
MK looked up at the sky to see Monkey King flying down her way on his cloud. "Are you okay? He gasp noticing her wound. "You're hurt!!" He cried.
"Monkey King, I-I don't know what's going on, I was- and then she- them this weird guy shows up and-" She rambled on, holding her wound.
Monkey King shushed her. "Shh, don't worry we'll deal with all that later. Right now it's time for the Hero stuff." He told her before Wukong joined Macaque and both started to fight Jade, At one point, both monkeys are thrown back.
When they transform back Wukong is able to pin her down to the ground but Jade uses her tessen to slice his arm, releasing her. "Aaahh!" He screamed in pain, holding his arm.
"I'm sorry, did that hurt little ape~" She taunted him. Growling, Wukong runs up to finish her off, but she transforms into MK making Wukong hesitates.
"No Wukong, it's a trap!" Macaque cried out to him, but it was too late, A clone tackled him, sending him flying through multiple mountains. When he lands he tries to get up but is held down by many different clones.
Jade appears in front of him laughing, "Are you kidding, You fell for that? Ha!"
She then looked over to where MK was, Jade then turns and looks at Wukong and smiles before doing the same thing to her. She appears next to MK.
"So sorry little Kit, but playtime is over." She said before snapping her fingers. When she did, a whirlwind of blue fire foxes appeared in front of her. Soon they all merge to create one giant Kaiju form.
She gets ready to squish her, but before she could, a giant purple smoke monster appears stopping her and throwing her back. When she looks back, standing there was Macaque.
Jade huffed irritated, "You just don't know when to quit do you, Liu Ér?"
"Nah, now give me back my lantern!" He growled. She just stares at him, pretending to think. "Hm, no.." And before that the two started fighting again. Back at the mountain, Wukong walks up to MK, "We do not have long, he will not be able to hold her off for much longer. You need to fix your mistake."
"B-But how? I lost all my powers, I can't even lift the staff," MK said with shame and guilt.
Monkey King's face softens as goes up and puts a paw on her chin, making her face her, "You didn't lose all your power to her, you only lost the power you inherited from me, There's still power inside of you, I can feel it. You just need to believe in yourself and you'll be able to lift the staff and gain new powers."
At that moment the moment was cut short as they heard a painful yelp and look over, Jade had defeated Macaque's smoke monster. The dark furred monkey skidded across the ground.
"Macaque!" Wukong cried out, worried for the guy.
Jade laughed maliciously as she stared at her claws, "You're power is even more greater than I imagined Sun Wukong." She looked over at the mountain, growling, and then started running towards them.
Monkey King turned back to MK, "Remember patience and focus. Step into the strike," he said before fading, trying to hold off Jade.
MK closed her eyes and tried to find the power that was hidden deep in her, Jade jumped in the air ready to finish off Wukong and MK but before she can, MK's eyes opened to reveal orange. When she opened them it sent a powerful shockwave, throwing the huli-Jing back.
"Patience...Focus...Step in to the strike!!"
The battle ended when MK reached into Jade's Kaiju form and grabbed her, throwing her off into the distance. This caused MK to get her powers back, An explosion followed soon after, Wukong quickly holding onto MK, as Macaque appeared behind them.
She swung the staff, as it spun and twirled around the shadow monster, straight towards Jade. The monster splits in half, as the staff comes flying back, MK catching it with ease. An explosion followed soon after, Wukong quickly holding onto MK, as Macaque appeared behind them.
"You did it, bud. you remember what I taught you."
MK then looked at the ground and shame before saying, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for everything. For acting out, for yelling at you. I just wanted to be good enough for you and- And.."
Unfortunately, She started feeling dizzy as she succumbed to her wounds and started to collapse.
The last thing she saw was Monkey King reaching towards her.
"Wake up, MK...."
MK wakes up with a groan as she feels something poking her cheek, the teen opens her eyes to come face to face with the baby monkeys, all of them chittering happily before jumping her, giving her wet licks/kisses.
"Ew! Wait! Stop! I'm okay!" MK begs as she's bombarded by the monkeys.
"Wait, stop that's enough," A little girl's voice said, making the small monkeys all stop harassing MK. "Leave her alone." They were all shooed away.
Wiping the slobber off her face, MK gasped, "Monkey King!" MK tries to get up, She looks to see her wounds had been bandaged and cleaned. Bai-He gently eased her back down. "Woah, your wounds aren't fully healed yet."
"Where am..?" She glanced down to see torso bandaged up. "You're back on the mountain, don't worry you'll be fine." She said in a soft tone.
The brunette sighed in relief, gently lying back down. "That's a relief..."
Wait, hold on.....
MK's eyes snapped open when she realized something. "BAI-HE!?"
There standing in front of her was the same little girl she'd met a while back, Bai-He was wearing a light blue cheongsam with gold lining and buttons, maroon pants, Her shoes are black with white lining. Her raven hair tied in a high bun.
"Hi!" She greeted with a smile.
"W-what are- how are- What are you doing here??" MK asked, completely baffling as to why she's here.
"Um...I live here?"
"Say what?" MK blinked in disbelief.
"Ah I see you two have already met already." Wukong said as he entered the room with a tray of food in his hand.
"Monkey King! W-what is going on here?" She asked.
"Woah, calm down bud." Wukong said soothingly "I assure you everything is going to be fine."
"She's pretty freaked out, Bába." Bai-He laughed, making the confused girl more confused. "B-Bába?"
Wukong chuckled as he sets the tray down, "Okay, okay... I'm gonna come straight with you." Bai-He goes over to Wukong and he picks her up in his arms. "This is Bai-He, my daughter."
"Well, I'm glad to see you're up and about Princess,~" Said a deep voice behind MK, she looked up to see the black furred simian looking down at her grinning.
"Eek!" She stumbled back, Monkey King had held her still, calming her down. "Woah, take it easy kid, Macaque's harmless...Sometimes."
"Oh, ha-ha very funny Peaches." Macaque rolled his eyes playfully.
'Peaches?' MK thought, raised a brow.
"Wait, a minute," She pointed towards Macaque. "Who the heck is this guy!?"
A laugh escaped Macaque's throat, and the black furred simian walked over to MK, using his tail to bring the teen over and set her on the couch.
"At ease soldier. The name's Macaque, well "The Six-Eared Macaque" is my full name." He takes her hand, kissing it. "Au chante mademoiselle~"
MK's jaw literally dropped, she couldn't believe that standing right in front of her was Liu Ér Mihou, The Six-Eared Macaque. And damn! She knew Monkey King was gorgeous but this dude is fine as hell!
However, MK wasn't all that convinced, "Wait, Are you sure you're really him?" She began poking and pulling at Macaque's clothes and fur. "You look way too old, and where's your other sets of ears? Aren't there supposed to be Six, not Two? And I don't remember him having a beard."
Macaque's eyebrow twitch In irritation, he glanced over at Wukong who watched in amusement. "A little help please?" He asked.
Monkey King chuckled, setting Bai-He down and happily walked to pull the girl off him. "Trust me kid, he's the real deal. I think I would recognized know my own husband~" he smiled, hugging him from behind.
It took MK a moment to process what he said, before she jumped up in shock, looking between the two monkeys, and little girl.
Monkey King's Married?
And he's got a little human daughter?????
This was all way too much for her to comprehend as the poor girl fainted, lying back on the couch. Macaque and Monkey King sweat-dropped, glancing at each other. "Wow, That's a fine kid you got there, peaches."
"Pfft! Please...wait until she meets the twins."
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orange-s-mario · 9 months ago
Bomberman Mounts & Charaboms
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(the creatures are riding the mounts) (Super Bomberman 2)
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Louies (Bomberman '94)
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Motobomber (Bomberman GB)
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Louies (Super Bomberman 3)
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Mounts (Virtual Bomber); From Left to Right: Launcher Armor, Deebo, Rick, Nyanjirou, Lock-On Armor
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Super Bomberman 4 Mounts Organics (Trikeradops, Angora, Swim, Haguhagu, Crazy Balloon, Bobo) Mechanical (Ponpon, Dogun Jr, Daruman, Pakkunga, Bomb Tank, Gamefry, Dancing Clown)
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Tirras + Bonus Kepo & Dr. Ein (Saturn Bomberman)
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Motobomber Mk. 1-4 (Bomberman GB 3)
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Super Bomberman 5 Louies (Top to Bottom, then left to right): Kerooi, Gyarooi, Hanerooi, Magicarooi, Marooi, Nagurooi, Warooi
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Neo Bomberman Mounts: Organic: Dachon, Torisan, Ombu, Tamagon, Baketama Mechanical: Dokyuun, Gaikottsu, Charge, Nucha, Ridge-Razor
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White Horse (Saturn Bomberman Fight)
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Bomberman World Mounts (Teebo, Launcher Armor, Rick, Nyanjirou, Rick, Lock-On Armor)
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Bomber Dragon & Bomber Cerebus (Bomberman Wars)
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Louie (Bomberman Hero)
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Bomberman Fantasy Race Louies & Tirras: Louies (Green Louie, Hopping Louie, Tri-Louie, Soaring Louie, Hyper Louie, Black Louie) Tirras (Tirra, Brave Tirra, Flying Tirra, Mighty Tirra, Super Tirra, King Tirra)
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Bomberman Party Edition Mounts (Louies, Pytera, Simeon, Drakko, Kai-Man, Dox)
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Pommy (Bomberman 64: The Second Attack)
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Bomberman Max Charaboms (Left to Right, Top to Bottom, Image per Image): Draco, Kai-Man, Pommy, Elephan, Seadran, Marine-Eel, Knuckle Pommy, Panther Fang, Twin Dragon, Sea Balloon, Animal Pommy, Big Ox, Pteradon, Sharkun, Hammer Pommy, Unicornos, Iron Dragon, Iron Squid, Beast Pommy, Mecha Kong, Aqua Dragon, Pommy Dragon, Thunder Kong, Thunder Shark, Rock Snakey, Fire Force, Shardra, Ox Battra, Heat Rock, Oct Kong)
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Bomberman Tournament Charaboms (Top to Bottom Left to Right, Image per Image): Pommy, Seadran, Elephan, Sharkun, Kai-Man, Twin Dragon, Knuckle Pommy, ToughGuy, Beast Pommy, Pteradon, Draco, Unicornos, Sea Balloon, Animal Pommy, Marine-Eel, Youni, Pommy Fangs, Pommy Sea, Pommy Dragon, Seawing, Maringon, Fire Kong, Thunder Liger, Elekong, Kameking)
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Bomberman Max 2 Charaboms (2d Art, Left to Right): Draco (+ Max), Pommy (+ Bomberman), Draco, Elephan, Twin Dragon, Youni, Sharkun, Big Ox
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Bomberman Max 2 Charaboms (Sprites, Left to Right): Draco, Seadran, Twin Dragon, Pteradon, Stegodon, Sea Balloon, Sharkun, Kai-Man, Seapony, Anglar, Pommy, Pommy Claw, Animal Pommy, Pommy Hen, Beast Pommy, Elephan, Rhinon, Youni, ToughGuy, Big Ox, Shargon, Pommy Dragon, Pommy Fangs, Sparkun, Rhinaus, Elephandon, Kameking, Thunder Liger, FlyShark, Elemouse
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Bomberman Generation Charaboms (Top to Bottom, Left to Right): Stegodon, Draco, Pteradon, Anglar, Marine-Eel, Kai-Man, Beast Pommy, Nox/Pokes, Pommy, Ligon, Unicornos, Big Ox, Angol, Pommy Dragon, Pomyugar, Lai-Eel, Fire Horn)
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Bomberman Jetters: Legend of Bomberman Charaboms: (Elifphu, Elipha, Eliphan, Big Elephan, Pan, Panther, Panther Fang, Rapid Panther, Eel, Sheel, Marine-Eel, Dra, Drac, Draco, Dracon, Great Eel, Budu, Ptera, Pteradon, Pteragudon, Popo, Poke, Nox/Pokes, Elks, Pommy, Fly Pommy, Wind Pommy, Angel Pommy, Kai-Man, Songuru-Man, Twinkai-Man, Torpedo-Man)
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Bomberman Jetters (Game) Charaboms (Manual Artwork): Sharkun, Nox, Pommy, Pommy, Dragon, Seadran, & Draco (+ evos)
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Bomberman Jetters (Game) Charaboms (sprites): Sharkun, Sparkun, Kai-Man, Pommy, Nox, Pommy Dragon, Seadran, Draco, Elephan, ToughGuy, & Unicornos (+ Evos)
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auburnitzy · 2 years ago
Any more fun facts about your lmk ocs?
- Terrible at cooking, but great at baking. MK on the other hand, is great at cooking, but terrible at baking. Solution? They teach each other!
- Nawa thinks spiders are adorable and helpful to eliminate pests in the house. Since MK has arachnophobia, she's the one who catches the spiders and releases them outside.
- Nawa is taller than MK, but when it comes to their Mystic forms, he is absolutely bigger than her.
- Nawa is the big spoon. That is final.
- MK or the others can't visit Nawa during eclipse seasons as she turns feral during those 19 days. The clothes and belongings that he left in her apartment are considered lost during this time, because Nawa's extremely territorial of the 'treasure' she has hoarded.
- Rivals with Mei's son (even though he's like, 5 years older than her). Frequently taunts him during collab streams.
- Do not give soda. Not recommended. You want chaos? You want destruction? You want the end of the world to happen?
- Gremlin. Room is frequently a mess. Can't do physical exercise because of low stamina (which is why LBD sometimes begrudingly possesses her just to do Physical Education at school.)
- You know how kids sometimes randomly do Fortnite dances out in public? She does that - and she's aware that Haoran becomes embarrassed because of it.
- Got grounded from the computer by her mom for a month once because she used it for 2 days straight.
- Favors her dad more than her mom because of the last fact. And also because he's more lenient and fun.
- Absolutely loves spicy food. Always orders the 'INFERNO' option whenever Red Son sells food during New Years. His mother is awed that he could handle it. He also sometimes uses it to practice masking his expressions.
- He dislikes sweets because he actually eats a lot of those and it puts him at ease (he stole a tray of brownies his mom made once.)
- Favors his mom over his dad.
- Despite being popular at school, he is actually quite introverted.
- Likes using Kaomojis instead of normal emojis.
- Originally left-handed, but trained to use right-hand for a long time just to flex on people.
- Genuinely nice to the elderly. Likes his grandparents Pigsy and Tang's company.
- Extreme gamer rage, mostly because his sister keeps beating him at video games. He busted 4 controllers before Nawa gave him the amulet as a solution.
- He has teeny fangs and he's embarrassed about it.
- Immature jokes are his weakness. Just say something like "weiner" or "balls" and watch his face go frozen as he sweats profusely (he is trying not to laugh).
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ycewa · 10 months ago
Heya, It’s Dune!!
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[Dune from UnderIsle aka my shared AU with @personalshredder]
They’re like a MK variant (there are two(2) more MK variants that are in the Waterfall area)
Snippets/lore from pre-canon below 👇
How BlackLace found the trash gremlin child
"mama..? daddy.?"
"wh- where.?"
Black Lace stumbled apon a small child seemingly dumped in the Garbage dumps of the Hollows
"Kiddo? where are you bud? You alright?"
"hic- mama.?"
"kid, where are you? I want to help"
Black Lace finally found the kid, picking the kid up to take them to some sort of doctor, then to find whoever abandoned this young monster all alone.
"d- dad.?"
Black Lace gaped at the fact that the kid called them dad, smiling awkwardly, they readjusted the kid to not prick them with their thorns.
"u- uhm.. y-yeah kiddo, sure"
It seems Black Lace was stuck with this kid for longer than expected..
And then 🥁🥁🥁🥁
brief desc
Fennec fox sand fox thingy
Was abandoned in the Garbage Dumps and found by Black Lace
Black Lace is their dad
Gold Fang(Gold Fang is an outlaw) is also their Papa
dumb dumb baby
watches their parents die in Geno run
wonders why their parents don’t kiss and stuff like other parents do 🤔
ok that’s it
time to
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beepawz · 2 years ago
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(Enjoy the quick drawing up top) Some DC x LMK headcannons. I really need a name for this AU. I’ll be posting some Batfam headcannons about this au next. Have some general lmk oriented hcs for now
Here’s a link to the DC general headcannons. Enjoy:
· Still working on how exactly she got there
· Cass lives with MK in the apartment above Pigsy’s (it’s a 2-bedroom apartment in this au)
· Shadowpeach :)
· After season 3, Wukong and Macaque become a family with Bai He, Mk, and Cass
· Rumble and Savage are a part of the family too cause I say so
· Bai He gets taken in and now Cass and MK have a younger sister
· Cass and MK have 3 dads now- Wukong, Macaque, and Pigsy with Sandy and Tang as odd uncles
· Bai He ends up keeping LBD’s powers and gains ✨trauma✨
· Cass is Macaque’s successor as a treat
· Cass started to train with Macaque towards the end of season 2 before season 3. She can tell he’s really not that bad. It took a lot pestering, but Macaque finally gave in. Cass forced Macaque to try and start his redemption arc earlier in this au
· It slowly starts working as he warms up to her
· She warms his heart and the next thing you know, Cass gains another dad
· When he chased them in season 3 she was disappointed
· Later she (kinda) understands his reasoning but still gives him shit about it. She lectures him on how he went about it all wrong and that he shoulda came to them instead
· Wholesome family moments ensure
· Cass is 16 and MK is 19 when he first finds Monkey King’s staff
· She was there with him when he got it, so she knows he’s not lying
· After season 3 MK and Cass are no longer human
· They’re both Demi-Demons not yet fully demons
· They have pointier ears, fangs, and are stronger and more durable than regular humans
· It takes them a while to notice
· Mei is a dragon. By the time season 3 is over has patches of scales and pointier ears. She’s always had fangs. When she feels strong negative emotions, her eyes becomes more dragon like.
· They all don’t notice until Tang points it out. They celebrate this by going out to the anti-grav arcade and eating whatever junk food they find.
· They drag Red Son along
· He pretends to hate it
· The four are all really good friends and they cause trouble a lot for fun.
· They’re a terrifying group but they all love and care about each other deeply. God forbid you try hurting one of them
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sapphicmsmarvel · 1 year ago
2023 reading catalog
a million to one by adiba jaigirdar 💜
Iron widow by xiran jay zhao 💜
An encore of roses by st gibson 💜
Im a therapist and my patient is going to be the next school shooter by Dr. Harper 💜
I’m a therapist and my patient is in love with a pedophile by Dr. Harper 💜
I’m a therapist and my patient is a vegan terrorist by Dr. Harper 💜
The disturbing incident at lonesome woods boarding school by dr. harper 💜
One dark window by rachel gillig 
The twisted dead by darcy coates 
The house across the lake by riley sager 
Renegades by marissa meyer 🤍
Archenemies by marissa meyer 🤍
Supernova by marissa meyer 🤍
Daisy darker by alice feeney 
The lost apothecary by susan penner 
MHA 37 by kohei horikoshi 
The pronoun lowdown by nevo zisin 
The queen's english by chloe o davis
MHA team up 1 by kohei horikoshi and yoko akiyama 
To make monsters out of girls by amanda lovelace 
MHA team up 2 by kohei horikoshi and yoko akiyama 
JJK 0 by gege akutami 
MHA team up 3 by kohei horikoshi and yoko akiyama 
Hell bent by leigh bardugo 
Spice road by maiya ibrahim 
The stardust thief by chelsea abdullah 
The london seance society by susan penner 💜
All the dangerous things by stacy willingham 
The fae princes by nikki st crowe 
Carnage by sarah bailey 
Final offer by lauren asher. 
Glitch by briana michaels 
Never lie by frieda mcfadden 
The locked door by frieda mcfadden 
The inheritance by cassie cole 
Emily wildes encyclopedia of faeries by heather fawcett 
 The stolen heir by holly black 
Chaos by sarah bailey 
Corrode by sarah bailey 
Cataclysm by sarah bailey 
Howl's moving castle by diana wynne jones 
Fourth wing by rebecca yarros 
Cursed crowns by catherine doyle + katherine webber 
Girls of fate and fury by natasha ngan 💜
We free the stars by hafsah faizal 
A war of two queens by jennifer l armentrout 
The crown of gilded bones by jennifer l armentrout 🤍
Malice by heather walter 💜
Misrule by heather walter 💜
MHA vol 38 by kohei horikoshi 
Sofi and the bone song by adrienne tooley 
jjk vol 21 by gege akutami 
jjk vol 22 by gege akutami 
lore olympus vol 4 by rachel smythe 
the fiancee farce by alexandria bellefleur 💜
the only survivors by megan miranda 
what lies in the woods by kate alice marshall 
the last word by taylor adams 
you’re invited by amanda jayatissa 
ward d by freida mcfadden 
once returned by darcy coates 
double pucked by lauren blakely 
mated to the monster by sarah spade 
the thicket by noelle w ihli 
the good lie by ar torre
a naughty lesson by mika lane 
love creekwood by becky albertalli 💜
the heartstopper yearbook by alice oseman 💜
demon in the wood by leigh bardugo and dani pendergast 
the young elites by marie lu 
nick and charlie by alice oseman 💜
a haunted road atlas by christine schiefer and em schulz 
the rose society by marie lu 
the midnight star by marie lu 
a wicked education by mika lane 
a sinful classroom by mika lane 
the girl from the sea by molly knox ostertag 💜
how to sell a haunted house by grady hendrix 
the foxglove king by hannah whitten 
seven faceless saints by mk lobb 💜
divine rivals by rebecca ross 
sing me to sleep by gabi burton 
silver in the bone by alexandra bracken 
foxglove by adalyn grace 
assistant to the villain by hannah nicole maehrer 
a broken blade by melissa blair 
bonesmith by nicki pau preto 
the angelmaker by alex north 
the family across the street by nicole trope 
the sun and the star by rick riordan and mark oshiro 💜
lore olympus vol 5 by rachel smythe 
the chalice of the gods by rick riordan 
fangs by sarah anderson 
throne of the fallen by kerri maniscalco 
kingdom of the wicked by kerri maniscalco 🤍
kingdom of the cursed by kerri mansicalco 🤍
kingdom of the feared by kerri maniscalco 🤍
the priory of the orange tree by samantha shannon 💜
catwoman soulstealer by louise simonson, samantha dodge and sarah j maas
starling house by alix e harrow 
savage hate by amanda richardson 
a curse for true love by stephanie garber 
forged by blood by ehigbor okosun 
if i have to be haunted by miranda sun 
heart trick by kristen granata 
the legacy by elle kennedy 
odd man rush by kristen granata 💜
that one night by emily rath 
pucking around by emily rath 💜
pucking ever after vol 1 by emily rath 💜
iron flame by rebecca yarros 
my hero academia team up missions vol 4 by yoko akiyama and koehi horikoshi 
spin the bottle by stephanie alves 
as good as dead by holly jackson 
the lightning thief by rick riordan 🤍
the sea of monsters by rick riordan 🤍
i am not your final girl by claire c holland 
the titans curse by rick riordan 🤍
the battle of the labyrinth by rick riordan 🤍
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