slotsguy · 2 months
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Fairy Tail Freed Justine Thesis
Part 1 (of ???)
The most detailed explanation I have found describes Freed’s magic as having two distinct parts: Dark Ecriture and Jutsu Shiki. The former is responsible for everything enacted on people, things like Pain, literally inflicting pain, and Darkness and Absolute Shadow (we’ll come back to this. Jutsu Shiki is responsible for the barriers of all kinds, both from season 1 and season 9.
First, and most important, point: what got me started on this insanity? Well, when activating Jutsu Shiki on several occasions, the terminology is ‘Enchatment Activated’ in the English dub and similar vocabulary across the board. But,,, Wendy’s magic is enchanting? To make a long story much shorter, I agonized until I came to a true epiphany: Wendy enchants people and objects, whereas Freed enchants TIME AND SPACE.
Let’s talk about that. Freed’s enchantments are, for the most part, absolute, but I can’t just leave it at that. As far as I can tell, there are two (main?) types of barriers: those that are laid out ahead of time and those that need to be maintain. The former of which are ones that are absolute. As of season 1, Freed is able to keep Makarov himself contained without any strain. For further clarification, the absolute barriers are presumably laid ahead of time and have set rules once activated. The maintainable barriers are presumably shorter notice and/or covering much larger areas, resembling magic shields. Very significantly, I would like to clarify the unintentional details of this magic to desperately try to justify how insane I am about Freed. Thus far I have explained the steps in my thinking so I would hope to justify the assumptions I have had to make because this awesome character has been sidelined. Operating under the assumption that Freed is enchanting space itself (and what else am I supposed to assume?) that means that in the areas that Freed enchanted (think those squares and rectangles in the battle of fairy tail) are spaces in which Freed has absolute domination over the laws of reality in every cubic millimeter of space within his runes.
And, now that that tangent is done, let’s talk about runes. I’m willing to admit that I am not super sure about the exact canon lore surrounding the Magic Counsel’s Rune Knights, because their appearances are so sparse, but I am simply going to try my best. There isn’t as much to say here as one might think, at least for me, but a couple of points still exist. For one thing, as the rune knights are THE enforcement agency of the magic counsel and possibly the government depending on the circumstances, the government’s default way of apprehending people is literally inaplicable to Freed. The counsel’s cops literally can’t do shit to him. And Freed can outclass the government officials.
Next we can get on to the very important thing:
Dark Ecriture: Darkness and Dark Ecriture: Absolute Shadow.
Both of these are runes that Freed can enact on himself to take on entirely new forms. I specifically want to talk about Darkness, although most everything I am about to say applies to both forms. You see, Darkness is a demonic form. It is, presumably, similar to take over magic. except Darkness is Freed’s demonic form. The implication of this is that Freed first used the technical strength of rune letter magic to REINVENT take over magic and then pulled a ZEREF and MADE A DEMON. Of course, obviously, it wasn’t actually a zeref thing, but you can presume he embutes himself with demonic magic, curses?, to turn himself into a partially demonic creature. WHICH IS INSANE. Im so normal about him.
Honorable mentions include: his ability to teleport, his ability to fly, and a never displayed spell that presumably causes INSTANT DEATH.
Finally, let’s talk about his power level. The first point I want to make is that, judging by the displayed battle and the circumstances of the fight between Freed and Mira at the battle of Fairy Tail as well as the circumstances of the trials, Freed could be considered at the level of an S-Class wizard. I’m not going to say he’s as strong as Erza or Mira or try to say that OOO he COULDVE beaten Cana or if he ended up fighting someone else in the trials he would’ve beat them, because pitting characters against each other is always just confusing and frustrating. However, in terms of a test, like the way we say Gildarts acting with Natsu, I think Freed could succeed in an EXAMINATION against one of the S-Class wizards, and therefore earn the rank. The next big thing is the very obvious: in season 9 Freed single handedly maintains a barrier around the entirety of Magnolia against the combined might of all the long range weapons of 50 of Alakitasia’s flying warships. Come on.
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Ask and ye shall receive (I HAVE SO MANY OTHER FICS OOUUAGAHHH/lh)
Edwins ✨soulmarks✨
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@2-59-amwater @imaginaryboyfriend @sweet-and-sour-sauce @theashesofthefirststar @fandomtrash-whataboutit @lilized @nix-nihili @cbartonscoffee @flufallo @lereadinggrinch @oneofapollosillegitimatekids @pineappletortilla @an0leander @anxious-witch @crowleys-turtleneck @2rose2furious @froget-me-nots @anxious-polyptoton @fic-uratively @spacegirlsgang @atariakana @tipsyscone
(Sorry if I missed you or you didn’t wanna be tagged! I tried to get everyone. I’m only tagging people once cause I don’t wanna be annoying but if you want to be tagged for each chapter let me know. If I misspelled any usernames I’ll die.💔💔)
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kaytaygayquirks · 4 months
So, I have a quirk idea, I just need help expanding it when you have the time. It's called Devil Deal. It's where the quirk user can decrease an attribute of themselves in exchange for another. But I need some help expanding on it. I don't know know what any ultimate moves for this quirk. Or any hero costume ideas for it. If expanding on quirks isn't your thing. Than feel free to ignore this.
Well I’ve never really tried to come up with an ultimate move for quirks before or any costumes but I can certainly try!
First I’ll just start with the quirk itself
Devil Deal: this quirk gives its user the ability to decrease an attribute of their own and in turn increase another, for example, if you’re in a fight and need speed but are not super fast you can lower your strength to make yourself faster. The downsides of this quirk are, the user can increase multiple attributes at a time but the same amount will decrease, the more you increase one attribute the more you decrease another.
Here’s an ultimate move
Extreme Increase: for this ultimate move the user increases half of their attributes to five times their normal strength and only decreases half their attributes two times their normal strength, however this only lasts for ten minutes at most and decreases all the users attributes two times less than normal for the next hour
For costume I’m thinking something that helps all different strengths so it’d need to be durable and I’d put some tech in it too since with the quirk you can increase your intelligence,
Something like this that I was able to find though you can change the color or change the shape if the character is male presenting
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Also like I said prior there would be tech in the sleeves, but you can also have it cover your face to protect it from head injuries
I’ve never really come up with ultimate moves or costumes for quirks so hopefully this is good but I did have a lot of fun doing this! :)
Thanks for the ask fandomtrash! Ooh that rhymes!
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fabshroom · 1 year
Another Art Fight attack I’m really proud of!
Again challenged myself with more lighting
(character is the Splatoon Sona of @fandomtrash-16)
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iotauri · 1 year
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artfight attack on @fandomtrash-16
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vishuni · 2 years
Me, saying that I'll be posting more information about my goober AU but never actually getting around to it. Totally not a common occurrence. Cough.
Anyways, count this as a stupid little introduction to the Corrupted Locket, a joint project shared with my homie @fandomtrash-16 (go follow her rn!!!) This was made out of a spark of random inspiration. Audri Drew belongs to Fandom, the massive cryptid crawled outta the wrinkles of my brain.
The Dark Revival has me by the neck folks, it's terminal.
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thesnailkiwi · 2 years
Man I really need to answer that ask that fandomtrash sent me.
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plaidposh · 3 years
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spazztrapavacado · 4 years
Okay so, if Godot can't see red on a white background that must mean he either thinks Write is wearing a white tie or he just can't see Write's tie altogether and I know it's not important but it keeps me up at night.
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chaotic-anomaly · 4 years
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aromanticautobot · 5 years
"What will you give me in return?"
Megatron's sharp talons took Ratchet's chin and forced his gaze upward; dark, fiery red met tearful, afraid blue. "What did you say, Doctor?" The warlord drawled, in a low, dangerous voice.
Swallowing his pride, Ratchet answered in a soft whimper, "Don't terminate him... Please..." His optics flickered in the direction of his leader, who laid on the ground, battered, energon pooling onto the earth beneath him, monstrous gashes streaking his frame and a gaping hole where his voice box used to be. "Please spare him..."
"And what will you give me in return?"
Ratchet exhaled slowly, locking optics with Megatron again. "I... Anything... Anything you want from me..." He choked out through his shaking voice. He despised the tears rolling down his cheeks.
A smirk crossed Megatron's scarred lips, as he leaned lower, dangerously close to his prey. "Anything?"
There was a frantic gurgling sound. Optimus was shaking his helm, struggling to force something from his voicebox, but he only received a thick gush of energon.
Ratchet squeezed his optics shut and gave a tiny nod. He didn't want to see his leader covered in energon, so close to death, pleading him to let Megatron terminate him. He didn't want to see Megatron's face as he laughed darkly.
Claws stroked his face, feather light, gentle. Megatron pet him in mock affection, engines rumbling. "What a good lapdog you are, Autobot... But you're not his pet anymore." Ratchet gasped as a servo took his neck roughly, and he was pulled forward so Megatron could whisper into his audial-
"You're mine now."
It's up to your own interpretation what Ratchet gives Megatron in exchange for Optimus' life.
If you're feeling bold with your idea, send me your thoughts and perhaps I'll create several endings to this!
I am TheEnchantedQuill on AO3.
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Fairy Tail Freed Justine Thesis
Character! Part 2b. (Of ???)
The first important thing to do is realize how outstanding Freed is in his characterization as compared to others with whom he should be similar. I mention this in part 2a, but Freed is introduced as a side antagonist (not that i think any of the Thunder Legion are villains, but the point stands) and yet is given this depth of character, this internal conflict, that comes a a great surprise. Compare him even just with Bixlow and Evergreen in season 1. Both are one-note characters, and that’s not necessarily a jab at the show, it sort of makes sense for the first introduction of a side character. In a show like FT, that runs for a very long time, side characters do tend to get proper characterization, but it is a lengthy process. Bix and Ever are both having fun with the fight, they both follow Laxus’ orders easily, they both are just support antagonists. Yet Freed is presented with this crisis of conscious that, if you bother to think about it, shows things like the loyalty he has to the guild, a trait assigned to many of Fairy Tail’s members, especially those raised in the guild, yet something that is not shown for Bix and Ever until later appearances. Freed’s love and care for his home and family are represented in a way Bix and Ever’s aren’t, not to mention the guilt of causing harm to others.
Which brings us to the next stopping point: Tenrou Island. As we all know: freed doesn’t fight his hardest against Cana during their battle during the S-Class trials, eliminating him from the running. This is in reference to the fight he had with Cana (and Juvia?? She sorta didn’t fight) during the Battle of Fairy Tail. We’ve established that Freed is shown to have that dedication to the guild that is shown in characters like Natsu, Erza, and Elfman. He has very real, very strong motivations to want to gain that high honor of being recognized as an S-Class wizard. But he remembers the unfair situation he put Cana in, the pain that he doesn’t and never did agree with or want to carry out, her anger over his treatment of Juvia. And he feels guilty, he is remorseful, and more than that he actively wants to take repentant action because he wants not just to apologize but to make up for his actions. And no other characters get that sort of treatment. Laxus has the obvious way to make you have to think about the Battle of Fairy Tail even after season 1: he’s freaking exiled. He doesn’t come back until season 3. But in terms of lasting emotional consequences? Fairy Tail follows in the footsteps of a million other action/adventure shows, they forgive and forget past grievances offscreen. No one is shown to still be mad at the Thunder Legion, Bixlow and Evergreen don’t really mention it, and Laxus is only connected back to it through the exile itself, not in reference to any specific actions. While I believe it is mentioned a couple of times, it is only ever in reference. Freed is once again given this significant emotional maturity and general representation that is not afforded to any other character.
But now let’s talk about the Thunder Legion, shall we? Because with a bit of time we do get the Bixlow and Evergreen characterization that I so desperately seek. Bixlow is loud and excitable and sharp, Evergreen is snarky and rude and confrontational. Freed is not similar to either of them in terms of character traits, but he sees their better sides beneath the sarcasm. For whatever reasons you think are behind Bix or Ever’s motivation for being standoffish, Freed recognizes that. And he knows the roots of Laxus’ anger, he knows the pain that the lightning wizard is trying to hide. During the time that were teenagers and young adults, Freed was probably one of the only people who saw the gruff himbo behind the angry asshole persona. Freed is bookish and somewhat introverted, no-nonsense as he can be. Yet he is also someone who really loves his obnoxious, crazy friends. The dichotomy between him and his closest friends is an important aspect of who he is. And it is important for another reason, because it shows a significant, not directly stated aspect of his character. He is someone who repeatedly makes that choice to look beyond the rough exterior of those around him, who chooses to give others the benefit of the doubt. He is a trusting, optimistic person at heart.
Another thing that is less overlooked but still not discussed enough bc we don’t talk about Freed enough: he goes beyond bookish into scholarly. He is an academic, and I therefore hypothesize that he is something of an expert, or at least considered a reasonable authority on subjects of ancient magic and the roots of magic. Runes are essentially the legos of magic, they can be used to construct pretty much anything with the right pieces, and considered to be a very old form of magic with a lot of history. I think that should be respected considering how much his knowledge probably contributes to his strength, while also contributing to how fearsome of an opponent he is. In any given fight, he probably knows more about your magic than you do.
My final addition is that I want to highlight that Freed is incredibly generous. The selflessness with Cana on Tenrou, the willingness to give up his own beliefs for Laxus’ cause, his willingness to DIE in season 9 to protect his friends. He takes on the responsibility to cook for his team every time they go out on a mission. I bet he loves teaching Asuka and helping her with reading, I bet he goes out of his way to recommend books to Levy. I bet he never turns down someone asking for help with a weird obscure magical thing for a job. I bet he helps Wendy learn more about her lost magic. I bet he coos at Bixlow’s babies. (Can you tell i am normal about him?? Cus i am so normal about him.)
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missjaceofalltrades · 4 years
I just watched Trolls World Tour yesterday and my gosh, Justin's voice is too perfect! The song "Perfect for Me" is definitely my favorite and I realized the song actually fits Reylo! Like for a Reylo PMV or something. (≧▽≦)😍❤️
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dreamdemon69666 · 4 years
Gargoyles incorrect qutoes 7
PUCK: Yes, hello? 911?
ELISA MAZA: This is 911, what is your emergency?
PUCK: Oh I just wanna talk...
ELISA MAZA: ...About what?
PUCK: Oh I don’t know...feelings?
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bbreadroll · 4 years
i’m cancelling my amazon prime because fuck bezos but i was just about to buy a kindle 😭😭
does anyone use a good kindle substitute, or have a kindle without using the kindle library? i’m so confused
i was planning on using it mostly for pd stuff and nonfiction, i still like having my hardcovers for sci-fi/fantasty/fiction
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