#Fandom: Alien Stage
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specterthief · 5 months ago
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(sk8 x alien stage)
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diverse-hearts · 4 months ago
@frozcnhearts - Was successfully converted <3
Under the arifical skies of the garden, the small boy had silently wandered away from the rest of the small group of children, having taken part in the desinated playtime for long enough to have been considered as having participated. It wasn't even as though he didn't get along with the others. It could be difficult to tell at times, as his expressions were usually rather difficult for the other children to read, but Ivan rather enjoyed just watching over their antics, rather than taking part himself. But, that day there was something that had caught his interest even more, something that he was now drawn too, a rumour that the rest of his classmates hadn't seemed to pay too much attention too, yet one that had caught his own attention almost immediatly, or maybe he simply liked knowing what was going on around him? Either way, he'd soon crossed by the pond, the area he usually would now be sitting by, his pace slowing ever so slightly as he approached the edges of the play area.
And there was were he caught his first glimpse of his newest classmate, Ivan half hidden behind one of the trees as he watched the new arrival with silent interest. Anything new or out of place tended to catch his attention, and he wanted the chance to see them before the others - simply out of curiosity, or maybe even protection? Who knew?
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just-a-random-bakugo-stan · 25 days ago
Fanfic so good you gotta stop and scroll on social media to not get overwhelmed
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bluemoonscape · 8 months ago
My favorite relationship dynamic in fiction is a worshipper and their God. Not a literal God, but their God. The only thing in the whole world that matters to them. I will live for you, I would die for you, I would kill for you. My only moral compass is You. You can do no wrong in my eyes and I will never stray from your side. I was born to meet you and to love you. You are the only being I pray to. Your life isn’t just my passion, it’s my religion. You don’t think you’re anything special but you don’t see what I see. You don’t see that you’re the only person who’s ever made me feel this way. You don’t understand how beautiful you are to me and I will devote my entire life to making you understand and accept it.
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mirrorcatcreditcard · 3 months ago
Your honor, they were watering down my favorite character and not letting them be a jerk.
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m00nbuggies · 4 months ago
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theyre bffs guys
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lonelykamui · 11 months ago
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me, just chilling on twitter, oh! Whats this alien stage thing? .
oh no.
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chibiskoo · 8 months ago
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i have no regrets
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uzi-x33 · 2 months ago
they make me physically ill.
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juusbox · 11 months ago
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in another place and time
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always-a-joyful-note · 18 days ago
Actually, something about the way Vivinos has shown a world where people are dehumanized, treated not even as second class citizens but as PETS, and the way alnst keeps showing that no matter how dehumanised, no matter how obsessive and messed up you turn out to be because of that, you are still human with so much love to give - even in flawed, painful, messed up ways. The message isn't that love triumphs over all but also, it kind of does, and aksjryrnsnnsnshdfjfjd
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specterthief · 5 months ago
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R O U N D 1
(sk8 x alien stage)
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diverse-hearts · 1 month ago
what's your role in the tragic play?
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misunderstood villain
prepare for an onslaught of both the most dehumanizing and hateful takes, and flood of thirst comments. you are chronically misunderstood. whether or not you're actually evil is debatable. you may be acting out for revenge, to defend someone you love, or even just to protect yourself. you're a pretty jaded person. you don't trust or even really like most people. maybe you did at one point. but that part of you is gone, and you don't go a single day without grieving it. you think a lot about what your life could have been. you're stuck in the past. you're angry and maybe you don't even want to be, but this is the only way you can see to survive. you're open, but less in a trusting way and more like a wound. you don't like to let people see you, but the hurt spills out of you before you can stop it. you're impulsive, even as you try hard to plan and prepare. maybe someday your side of the story will finally be heard. until then, you can convince yourself that being hated is safer anyway.
Tagged by - @smol-sirens-garden
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junjunjunko · 7 months ago
F!Robin x PC[?]
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blaccchknislost · 19 days ago
was bored, so i re-drew that one scene from the wiege teaser at school :D
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I bet you guys would’ve never guessed I’m an Alien Stage fan, and have been one for over a year now.. heheh… (don’t mind the colors. I had limited supplies </3)
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okkos-ferrum · 4 months ago
The fandom's disregard of Till's emotions
As a Till fan since day 1 (round 2) I feel like some of the fanbase is so willing to ignore till's emotions for the sake of ivantill, especially after this round (and I'm saying this as someone who loves the tragedy of Ivantill and would love to see a world where they could get together)
It almost feels like this strange entitlement where because Ivan sacrificed himself for Till that somehow till must be in love with Ivan now, when his entire guiding light was Mizi. Ofc he doesn't change his mind overnight, and no, Ivan's sacrifice wasn't "wasted". Till was deeply affected by Ivan's death (why else was he fighting to stay alive in r7) and it's clear throughout r7 how much Ivan weighs on him. But his actions when seeing Mizi are totally align with his character, like u can't just drop his deep rooted feelings for Mizi SINCE CHILDHOOD just due for the convinence of the ship "becoming canon"
I see some people despairing that somehow mizitill is confirmed now (do u guys not know WHO VIVINOS AND QMENG are????) and it just shows that lack of nuance in Till's emotions. He isn't this rag doll that is only capable of simple mindedly liking ONE person at a time. He's a character with different layers to himself and complicated relationships with the cast
Fandom seems so overinvolved with shipping discourse that to me it feels like they have stopped viewing till as a seperate character but rather an award for Ivan's sacrifice. But I feel like the whole point of Ivan's sacrifice was his momentary selfishness in kissing Till when really all he had to do was fake an attack on Till to sacrifice himself. It is the culmination and a final acceptance in how his love will never be requieted by till, so if he must die, he will be selfish one last time and that's it. At the end of the day, Ivan was a tragedy of his unrequited love. Till was close to death in round 6 and he was running on borrowed time ("tik tok tik tok blink gone") in round 7, as his own distressed emotional state made in inevitable he couldn't hold himself against the emotional manipulator that is luka when he barely coped with mizi's "death" and even less so with Ivan's
Again no hate to Ivantill fans (eyes mizitill a bit suspiciously but I'm not the fandom fun police lol) and I pretty sure this a vocal minority but putting it out there
Also quick PSA for people feeling underwhelmed for this being a "final round", VIVINOS confirmed on patreon a while back there are like 2(?) more episodes left to wrap up the series dwww
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