#Fandom drama
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fleshqounds · 3 days ago
Stay safe out there everyone <3
Important PSA
I normally don't do call-out posts, but after everything that went and what I've been told/shown, I can't stay silent about this, especially after it has badly effected close friends of mine.
TRIGGER WARNING UNDER THE CUT: Threats of suicide, self-harm, doxxing and harassment. Please proceed with caution when engaging with this post.
As of this month, this individual has been the subject of drama and unprompted harassment in the Ghosts fandom as well as in both servers (one of which I'm the moderator), as well as on here due to them harassing and acting aggressive on here to those who attempted to reach out to them.
*Urls blacked out for privacy reasons*
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They've attempted to get back into the server despite leaving, and if you're here in there, do not understand any circumstance send them a link. This is for safety reasons
•Them sending anonymous hate in response to being blocked
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Huge trigger warning for the images down below, as they contain a photo of their self-harm they themselves posted in the server as well as doxxing someone they've had issues with
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*Openly bragging about someone who deactivated due to the constant harassment and doxxing*
I have been made aware of his behavior in the other server, where he harassed and insulted a minor over their art, as well as breaking the rules over SFW/NSFW content
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Him also openly admitting to being transphobic on his alt account.
Due to the image limit on posts, I will be reblogging additional screenshots through there, and possibly a lot if anything else comes out.
Please block and report this person, and do not engage or talk to them under any circumstance. Please stay safe out there!
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allthingswhumpyandangsty · 8 months ago
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tag y’all’s problematic ships 🫶🏻
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tthelady · 1 year ago
"Genshin is better", "honkai is better", "star rail is better", "wuthering waves is better" could some of you all possibly shut the hell up. Would it kill you all to just simply enjoy stuff without turning into it some kind of dick measuring contest
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the-bar-sinister · 3 months ago
So I keep seeing people warning others about a "gore raid" that is supposedly going to happen and to close their inboxes to 'stay safe'.
And I want to remind people that most of the time the warning itself IS the attack. It's people trying to make you afraid and shut down your blog without having to do anything.
It's like how people call in a bomb threat without there actually being a bomb at all.
The threat is the point.
I know a lot of the people spreading the message are well meaning, but never capitulate to mysterious warnings of impending terrorism.
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fuji09 · 16 hours ago
After seeing 2 of my friends in the past couple of says get death threats and told to kill themselves because of who they ship, I feel this needs to be reblogged.
People should never receive messages like these. The people who send these horrible messages are trolls. And we should call them what they are. Trolls.
We need to bring kindness back to fandom.
We need to stop judging people based on who they ship or who they stan.
We need to stop treating others like they're stupid and exasperating for bringing up "old news" when they are new to the fandom and for them it's all new.
We need to go back to ship and let ship. It never should have come to proship and anti. People didn't used to harass and judge others for who they shipped.
We need to go back to quietly filtering the tags we don't want to see, not scroll through the content we hate and then attack people who love that content.
We need to stop accusing people of being a pedophile because of who they ship. The only thing tha makes you a pedo, is being an adult who is attracted to prepubescent children. Adults attracted to teenagers (post pubescent) are hebephiles. Stop calling hebephilia, pedophilia. It does more harm than good and waters down the severity of the words.
We need to stop being ageist. The amount of ageism in fandom now is disgraceful. Teens and young adults constantly judging older adults and trying to push them out of fandom is so wrong. Who do you think gives y'all the most content? Adults. Stop acting like 30 years old is ancient. One day you'll be 30, it's not that old, seriously.
We need to stop acting like minors and adults can't be friends because "they have nothing in common and it's creepy." Their shared interest is fandom! Fandom elders used to be treated as the coolest people in the fandom, and now they are treated like they are intruding on the spaces they made.
We need to stop with minors openly engaging with NSFW content. Stop following people who have "no minors" on their page. Stop openly engaging with adult content because you may not get in trouble, but the adult could.
We need to stop ignoring fandom etiquette. It's there for a reason. Going into tags of what you hate isn't healthy for you and it's annoying to the people who like those tags. Making a post about hating a certain ship? Don't tag that ship, use "anti [insert ship name here]".
We need to stop demonizing DDDNE (dead dove do not eat). Whether it's there to warn about triggering content or there to emphasize that you're getting exactly what was said you'll get, it's there to not only protect the author, but the reader as well.
We need to stop accusing people of things they are clearly not. Accusations of racism, especially towards poc, is not only hurtful, but it's constantly used for when someone doesn't like a character that is a poc because other reasons to not like a character is just apparently not thought of anymore.
We need to stop judging other people's headcanons. Headcanons are there for us to enjoy.
We need to stop insulting each other and each other's art and writing in fandom. Don't like don't read. Move along and check out something you do like.
We need to stop with making everything about a ship or character you hate and spreading said hate throughout the fandom. It really isn't cool to have pages dedicated to hating characters and ships. It's not edgy, it's sad.
We need to stop trying to control how people perceived what they read and watch. We are all different, we all won't see things exactly the same due to our life experiences and how our minds work.
Fandom is supposed to be an escape from the world, to have fun, and to meet others who are interested in the same things.
All this hate and discourse makes everything unpleasant. End the cycle that started less than a decade ago. Fandom can go back to being just being fun and not a morality contest.
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tremendouszinelovermug · 9 months ago
*Seeing two fictional characters interacting with each other*
*Headcanon them as siblings*
*Seeing other people ship them*
*Their mind cannot comprehend the fact that people have different opinions and start attacking the shippers and calling them names*
*"Why would you ship siblings -who are not actually siblings but my headcanon says so- together?"*
Congratulations, for being delusional.
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New comment by Lana on Instagram.
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moondustinfj · 4 months ago
THE Jam Reiderson vs Zamasian fever dream poll be like:
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discourse after the results..
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fishfishlove · 1 year ago
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speedsketch · 2 months ago
Digimon Fandom Space Alert
PSA to those of us in the Digimon community. We got a rotten egg spouting anti-gay BS whilst bitching the fandom is dead. Bro, We don't want you here.
Get that shit out of here, there's no place for anti-LGBTQ+ on Tumblr or anywhere else frankly. Go be a hateful ass in a different community, we don't fucking want you.
If you can't interact with a community without being "given the ick" by some the people in it, you do not belong here.
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scarefox · 9 months ago
Haven't watched anything KristSingto recently but he's right
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You can think of fanservice what you want. But the moment you want to police or censor it, it turns into something really problematic. And this stance comes from 2 or even 3 different oppinioned sides but they ironically melt into the same outcome.
But at the end of the day most people forget / ignore, regardless of anything, fanservice still helps normalising public queer affection. And let's be real, most of the stuff in those stage and event shows are that... a show or even a performance! Do you protest at your local theater when they have queer characters kissing? Do you notice how this sounds in a sentence? Yes actors are real people and not characters but especially BL actors & idols still perform stage shows and kind of have a public enertainer persona. You notice how different they are on stage vs. in their personal live streams + nowadays most actors are even very honest about just doing fs for show & fun and often genuine (platonic) affection towards their acting partner but don't pretend to be actual dating (and the ones who do will most likely not lightheartedly come out with it like that... apparently there are exceptions but I have not enough insight on them to judge). You should watch some serious interviews or live stream (translations) of your favs now and then maybe to learn more about them and the industry, they are more than just pretty faces... Actors in just my bubble who talked open about the fanservice topic as far as legally possible at least: JamesSu, Perth Nakhun and I guess we can count Pavel and Nut as well.
What fans make out of it is a whole different story.... and one of the reasons people want to shut down fanservice as a whole. But imagine how lighthearted, fun and easy going this whole thing could be if we didn't had all these toxic naive fans who think every interaction is proof of actors dating (or worse: cheating) in RL. That mindset of "we are BL fans of course we are delulu" is not a joke anymore among some of them. They srsly take pride in that... babes you are part of the problem, stop encouraging it!
Then on the other side, being critical of some of the practices of the industry is one thing but it should not lead into backwards queer censoring... but that's what some are swaying to with their "real people queerbait" agenda or getting the cringes when (samesex) people interact romantically or erotically during live events (that's a bit of a you thing my dears. not necessarily in a queerphobic way but in a purity / shy way and that is a you problem to deal with not anyone elses problem)....
And a lot of people don't even understand or get what most people criticise about fanservice and just jump onto the ban-fanservice train. Without understanding the nuances nor the actual industry circumstances. Like one main argument here isn't even true. Lot of people assume actors get forced into fs. Which is not true (source: one of Perth Nakhuns Q&A vids, the 2. vid i think). BL actors usually know what they get into by entering the industry, decide with eo how much they want to do. Now that can still cause internal personal conflicts like one going over board or not playing enough but that's human miscommunication. Or companies can still be bastards but it's unfair to generalise it over the whole industry when we nowadays have companies who give their actors that freedom.
There are still some points to criticise, definitely. Like I personally dislike how MCs and sponsors sometimes treat actors during events or how fans scream at every little move or glance like crazy.... But the topic is a bit more nuanced (as always in this world) than how most people look at it. I just mean it really always sticks out when you talk with people about their reasons why they are anti fanservice that they just repeat after another with no sources or without actual up to date information or only look at it from one side.
I personally am in the middle. I only like fs when the actors have fun with it and are transparent about it. In the end it comes down to actors consent what they want to give to the audience (reason why it annoys me when people write "i feel like i am interrupting something here / am intuding their privacy" the actors consented! they want you to watch if you want to see it! consent babes! it is fine)
(when i see someone coming in with "but Krist is a homophobe" I will bite you. I am not even his fan and already researched what happened back then when I first saw those accusations when I got into BL 2021ish. It is really not that hard to look up the source and reports of people who were live pressent at the time to understand what went down back then. Ya know instead of believing rumors that twist and lie for rage bait)
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allthingswhumpyandangsty · 10 months ago
what people think pro ship means: dangerous people who want to harm children in real life and/or think taboo subjects in real life are justified
what pro ship actually is about: the belief that people are allowed to enjoy fictional thing however they want, as long as it's fictional and no one in real life gets harmed or harassed in any way, and as long as they tag their trigger warnings properly.
most pro ship folks I've come across are just "hey, you like this fucked up thing that is fictional? okay, cool. you do you, man. I myself don't even like this thing that you like, but hey, it's not real. and I trust that you know the difference between fiction and reality, so you do you. if it ever gets too much for me, I will just block or mute you and move on with my life, but that doesn't mean I think you're a horrible person in real life because of the fictional thing you like, it just means I'd rather not see or engage with this thing that can make me uncomfortable. I still want you to have fun doing what you love, and I still think you're cool as fuck. love and respect, dude"
meanwhile most anti ship I've seen are like "omg you like this fictional thing where fictional children are harmed??! Red Flag Red Flag. put this gross piece of shit behind bars immediately!!!"
and I'm just ????? I don't normally engage in fandom wars, but I think, as long as you don't harass anyone in real life and as long as no one in real life is in danger or is harmed, how you enjoy fictional things is none of my business. and I'm not gonna make any "call out post" where I encourage my followers to harass you because you like fucked up fictional things that I personally don't like or believe is wrong either.
I mean, from personal experience, I was exposed against my will to thing I didn't want to see from anti's screenshot of fanart or fanfic where they encourage their followers to harass this person whose fanart or fanfic, that was screenshot and spread by them, was originally tagged properly with all the trigger warnings so that people who didn't want to see it wouldn't get exposed to it. until anti screenshot it and flaunted it around in the name of being morally superior while also, at the same time, advocated for the witch hunt against someone who just wanted to mind their own business. so... the irony. lol
fandoms used to be more peaceful before Fandom Police starts their witch hunting, but it's a good thing we can just block these people and keep on enjoying our blorbos however we want to enjoy them.
and I'll always encourage every artist to write whatever they want, draw whatever they want. don't let people who think they're "morally superior" tell you you can't make art this way or that way. my best advice would be to block and ignore and keep on creating what you want. they may be loud, but at the end of the day they're just noises and they're not worth your attention x
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pastelpinkkadan · 10 days ago
I try not to get involved in this topic, since it comes up every other month like clockwork, but here’s my thoughts.
I have never, in any fandom I’ve ever been in, had one side of the fandom DEMAND the other side apologize for the behavior of a few individuals.
So if some random Elriels are mean or rude, the other Elriels (who aren’t mean or rude) now have to apologize for their behavior, apparently.
What in the heck would that accomplish? I’m not a parent, apologizing for my unruly kids. And my apology wouldn’t mean much since I didn’t do anything. In fact, any apology would just be used as a way to say “See! Elriels are the worst! Even other Elriels admit it! They’re bullies and delusional!”
It’s painfully obvious what the angle is.
That’s such a weird demand, and I’ve only ever seen this kind of thing happen with ELs/GAs.
And personally, considering I’ve never seen ELs/GAs apologize for the massive misogyny and hate their side of the fandom creates and supports near daily, I’m not especially inclined to rush to their defense if a random Elriel says something mean. Not when I’ve received hateful anons and unwarranted comments from ELs/GAs for well over a year. Didn’t see a single EL/GA coming to apologize to me, even when I know for a fact my posts were seen by them.
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rockjulemantis · 13 days ago
Alright I don't like getting into drama or whatever but there's just been so much negativity in the bg3 community especially Astarion community lately. As someone who loves the character of Astarion, I want to say that the majority of us do not tolerate racism or facism of any kind within our Fandom space. (Yes this is specifically about that one piece of...I don't even want to call it artwork at this point.)
I personally really do not like Ascended Astarion and if someone does, okay you do you. But we don't claim racism or facism within our space.
On a positive note: the amount of love and appreciation through art that has been created to show love to the character of Wyll has been lovely. I was recently online and I wish I could find the art but someone drew Wyll getting hugged by their Tav and Astarion. It makes me happy. Goes to show there's always a silver lining in a situation like this...also it has gotten me to see Wyllstarion/bloodpact art and all of you are talented as hell!
But yeah, I wanted to just discuss this because I feel like we really need to address shit like this yall
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hestzhyen · 2 months ago
So, About That Drama...
After seeing the Kagurabachi community meltdown play out on Twitter, Discord, and Reddit, I'm pretty sure it's safe to say that the era of peace towards all is over. I'm so glad I put down roots here instead of the other places.
Whatever might have been true when the fandom just started out, the gen spaces are no longer safe for fujoshi/shippers.
Katsu, the biggest artist in the Western fandom -and someone I consider a friend-, was bullied out because of two individuals with personal vendettas and not enough resistance against them. Her final message is here:
I'm not going to write an in-depth essay about everything that happened. It's been less than a month since I got back from the hospital and the last thing I need in my life is stress over online "discourse". I've just been trying to help the main victim behind the scenes and speak up when I'm able. I so sincerely do not want to be involved in this bullshit... I just want my friend to be okay no matter what she decides to do in the future.
I usually don't get involved in fan spaces because I'm tired of trying to exist in places I'm not wanted. I don't expect everyone to enjoy things the same way I do. I just want to talk about them with the handful of other people who see things the same way... but it's so tiresome to be punched down on because I think it would be neat if two fictional guys fell in love.
I wanted to believe that Kagurabachi could be different. I did at the start, which helped me embrace the series wholeheartedly where I would normally hold back. And I don't regret letting this manga take over the precious few working brain cells I have. My only regret is believing the warmth and acceptance would last. As of now, the Kagurabachi fandom is far more interested in keeping a false peace that only benefits the usual suspects instead of making the space truly welcoming to all fans.
I won't stop posting about this manga and I won't write off everyone else- a lot of people sent well-wishes to Katsu and got their accounts banned on Avizie's Discord and subreddit to support her. I'm just putting expectations for the general fandom's behaviour back down to where they should have been all along.
I simply won't be telling people that it's worth joining the community any more or that it's wholesome compared to others. It's just more of the same with a thin veneer of acceptance over the same old tendency to belittle and ostracise. I'm glad I decided to keep to myself for the most part and only toss my thoughts out to the void instead of engaging on a deeper level. I should be sad or upset over this, but... I've been in fan spaces for long enough that it's just normal now. Not once have I ever felt at home in a main anime/manga space even if I didn't ship any characters from the series. Seems like I'll have to keep waiting for a place to belong.
And if anyone tries to cast this as a "ship war" because it involved the two most well-known shippers in the fandom and their "rival" ships, that's not it. That's misconstruing what actually happened to write it off as dumb fandom drama. Trying to cast the bullshit as a moral argument because Hakuri is 17 or because Katsu drew clearly labeled NSFW YuraChihi isn't the point- it's a deflection. Katsu was bullied out because Yuna (YunAris) and Avizie hated her guts despite her giving them every possible chance to act like decent people.
Avizie never liked her after she called him out for trying to get JJK-style leak culture in the fandom, and Yuna... I don't know her, but seeing how she stalked and harassed minors for weeks because they called Chiyuki and her art mid (without tagging her or anyone else!), then kicked off all this drama by pulling in Katsu and simbay who had nothing to do with it... she needs to get a grip on herself and grow up. Both of these individuals are adults, mind you. And both of them cannot stand Katsu for very personal and petty reasons.
So here we are.
It was never about the HakuHiro vs. Chiyuki nonsense, Hakuri's age, or anything else for Yuna and Avizie. All of it was merely an excuse to harass and slander Katsu until she was driven out. And good for them I guess because it worked. I hope they find the healing they obviously need to grow and become better people, but for now, I'm going to further distance myself from the fandom at large and be there for my friend.
Not much else to say really. If you have a choice, be kind.
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