#Fan of Paul Wesley
dr-lizortecho · 29 days
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Katgraham See how Paul and I pose? Very mindful. Very demure.
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cartoongirlblog · 6 months
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Find Me After
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Kirk x La'an (Strange New Worlds)
Summary: What if Kirk was single when La’an told him about her love affair with his Alternate Self?
Warnings: 18+ Only!, Mature Content, Mutual Pining, Survivor's Guilt, Angst, Longing, Grief, Alcohol, Flirting, Confessions of Love, Kissing, Neck Kissing, Dry Humping, Vaginal Fingering, Finger Sucking, Kirk being his usual slutty self:)
Tags: @bluemoonperegrine @liminal-zone
An entire universe of possibilities flickers in the golden browns of his eyes, blending into olive streaks as he stares at her from across the table. Those deep, earthy tones hold her fast as she tries to convince herself to look away, to look at anything else in her immediate vicinity, but she finds herself helplessly drawn in. Drawn into the same eyes that had longingly studied her face in a world far beyond her own, ones that had once lingered on her lips before he decided to press his against hers. Eyes that will now forever remain shut.
“So what did Sam really do to make you dig through his personnel file, huh?” His smile warms the empty space between them as he takes a sip of whiskey, those lively eyes of his all but twinkling in the dimming lights of the bar.
“Oh, you know Sam,” she reaches for a believable answer to give him as she follows suit, cautiously sipping her espresso martini for a jolt of energy and a bit of liquid courage. “Always pushing the limits of protocol in the name of xenobiology.”
She doesn’t have the heart to tell him that Sam is just as far gone as his own doppelgänger, that both of them are lucky to be alive in this current universe where she gets to enjoy their company in very different ways. That the news that his brother could still be alive in another timeline was enough for him to help her until the very end.
“Nah, that’s typical,” he interrupts her morose thought pattern with a slight, barely noticeable lean forward; but La’an notices everything. “You know, when I asked him about the Enterprise’s chief security officer, the person that I pictured was more gruff, stern and cold…” He pauses his cruel description of her to gently place his hand on top of hers, his half-cocked smirk reminding her of the familiarity he once shared with her. “Not someone nearly as warm and beautiful as you.”
La’an freezes at his touch, his warm fingertips brushing over the fine hair of her knuckles as the space between them grows smaller with his blatant compliment. Is it possible that the instant connection she’d felt with his alternate is somehow still there between them, here and now as the blood rushes to warm her cheeks? Or is she merely projecting her own desires onto this unknowing version of a man she barely knows, a man who only looks like the first person who’s ever seen that side of her?
“You don't mean that.” She leans in just enough to mirror his level of interest, a smile curling at the corner of her lips as her hand happily remains under his. She figures it couldn’t hurt to play into it, after all.
“I’m a Star Fleet officer, Lieutenant,” he reassures her with a wink. “I always say what I mean.” He smiles before swiftly pulling away, leaving her hand cool and empty as he leans back in his chair to take another swig of his drink. “So why don’t you start with the truth.”
“Excuse me?” She leans back in unison, taking offense at his tone before removing her hand from the table.
“So, why don’t you tell me why you really called me that day about Sam’s record,” he prods, a knowing smile crossing his lips, contradicting the consistent warmth of his friendly stare. “I may not always get along with my brother the way that I should, but I know he isn’t one to break protocol or get into trouble.”
He knows. The Jim that she’d gotten close to was always two or three moves ahead of everyone else on the chessboard, constantly thinking his way out of any problem that might come across his path, and saw no reason for this version of him to be any different.
“Lieutenant?” He attempts to bring her back to reality.
Uh-oh, she panics.
This was a mistake. She should have known better than to have tempted fate like this, than to have said anything or brought him here as if nothing had ever happened between the two of them. She should have never thought that she deserved something more than that brief glimmer of hope… than that fleeting flash of love she chose to share with him. She should have known that all she was destined to experience in this life was the heavy grief and painful heartache of survivor’s guilt.
“I should go,” she whispers under her breath, standing up from her seat to disguise her obvious embarrassment.
“Please don’t.” He grabs onto her wrist, eyes wearily aiding him in keeping her near as he silently pleads for her to stay. “You’ll waste a perfectly good martini.” He points to her half finished cocktail with his opposite hand as nearly every eye in the bar begins to watch them, their collective conversations hushed into a dull whisper.
La’an watches his features soften, that mask of performative flirtation seeming to melt away entirely as flashes of the other Kirk, of ‘her Jim’ begin to break through. She takes her time sitting with the obvious discomfort of her crew’s heated glare, weighing the pros and cons of berating him in front of them for touching her in such a flippant manner. They all knew that if any other person had grabbed her like that, they’d have been met with a quick elbow to the nose or shoulder… or something worse. Only he wasn’t any other person.
“You can finish it for me, if you’d like,” she suggests, gingerly taking her arm back from his longing grasp as the crowd slowly begins talking amongst themselves again. “But if you really want to know,” she clears her throat and adjusts the top half of her uniform, pulling it taut down her torso. “Meet me in my quarters in twenty minutes.”
“So what was so important you couldn’t tell me at the bar, huh?” He waltzes into her personal quarters after she opens the door, turning around to face her once he’s halfway into her living room. “Did Sam tell you about all the bar fights I got into back in the day or…?”
“No,” she cuts him off with a shake of her head. “Nothing like that.” Instead, she points to her coffee table adorned with an ancient tea set, silently inviting him to sit and stay a while.
He follows her gaze over to the couch, nodding before casually sitting down on the stiff sofa with his arm slung across the back rest. “Is there another reason you invited me back to your quarters late at night?” He smirks, “People might talk.”
“Right,” she hadn’t really thought of that. “Well, I just didn’t want anyone else to hear what I’m about to tell you.”
“Okay,” he leans forward with piqued interest. “I’m listening.”
“It’s just that I know you.” She bites the bullet and confesses the bulk of the bitter truth right away, not allowing herself any room for retreat. If she doesn’t tell him how she feels right here and now, she fears that she won't ever be able to do it again.
“Yeah, and now I know you. That’s hardly a good enough reason to invite someone out then leave your guest all alone at the bar after only one drink.” He relaxes a bit and sits back in his seat. “Half of one, actually.”
“No, that’s not what I'm saying.” She follows suit and sits down next to him, his scent somehow more intoxicating at this close proximity. Are those notes of sandalwood and citrus she’s smelling? How had she not noticed those before?
Focus, La’an, focus!
“What I’m trying to say is that I really know you… romantically.” She picks up the handle of the teapot and begins pouring the piping hot liquid into both of their cups, glancing up quickly before setting it down and looking away. “Or at least… a different version of you.”
“A different version of me?” His eyebrows all but disappear into his hairline before falling back down, only to furrow in between his eyes. He swallows hard, scooting in closer with genuine curiosity as she maintains her stoic posture. “You’re serious, aren’t you?”
She nods, mentally urging herself to continue. “I know that I’m supposed to ignore it, to pretend that it never happened, but whenever I see you here on this ship…” She takes the chance to stare into his eyes, ready to be ridiculed, only to be met with solemn understanding. “Whenever you look at me like that, it reminds me of the other version of you and it’s almost the exact same feeling I get when he looked at me on Earth.”
Jim tilts his head before placing his hand onto her knee, holding eye contact as he studies the pieces on the board in front of him, trying to plan out his next move. He allows his thumb to gently rub the inside of her thigh, to change that worried expression on her face into a relaxed smile as it brushes over the dark fabric of her uniform. “Do you like the way I look at you?”
“More than anything,” she confesses in a stifled whisper. “And I know it wasn’t you, but a part of me can’t help but wish that it was.” She takes in a deep breath, turning her body towards him as his knee slowly slides between her thighs, his hand all but guiding her into him. “Look, I know it’s a lot to take in, that it’s unfair to compare you to someone who made me feel so happy and free, but there was an alternate timeline and he…”
Jim’s lips press against hers just as easily as they had before, soft and gentle as the warmth of his kiss intensifies, magically relieving all the tension she held in her neck and shoulders. That faint scent of his cologne mixes in with the hint of whiskey still on his lips as she parts her own to embrace this welcome connection. Somehow all of that grief and sorrow she’s been carrying with her has been lifted, the sensation of his mouth now all she can think about as her hands find their way onto his chest.
“What was that for?” She can’t help but ask as he barely pulls away.
“You were about to tell me the secrets to an alternate timeline,” he pecks at her lips again, an amused smile wrinkling the skin around his eyes as he runs his fingertips over the grooves in her braids. “I’m just trying to save your ass from the time police.”
“Oh, is that right?” She laughs, nudging her nose against his as her hands smooth their way up his neck into his hairline. “You know about the time police?”
“I thought everybody did.” He kisses her again, more fervently this time as his tongue brushes against hers, parting her lips with a more passionate hunger than the other version of him ever had.
La’an allows herself to feel that hunger, too, that need she always heard about but never quite understood until now. It pulses in her core, growing in warmth the more he touches her as he practically breathes new life into her lungs. She inhales this new yet familiar feeling, remembering flashes of it with the other Jim before it increases her desire to taste every inch of him, that primal urge to feel his skin flush against hers. In an attempt to do so, her teeth practically clash against his as she pulls him in even closer, her breath quickening as she feels the shock of his palms against the bare skin beneath her uniform.
“Did the other Me make you feel anything like this?” He shifts his weight so that he’s practically on top of her, his thigh rhythmically rubbing against her needy center as his hands survey every supple peak and valley of her chest beneath the fabric of her shirt.
“Yes,” she gasps as he continues kissing a blissful trail down her jaw and neck, his tongue doing wonders to her sensitive, untouched skin. “I mean no, nothing like this.”
He smirks against her throat as he feels her match the slow, hypnotic rhythm of his knee, thrusting her hips up into him as the sporadic pattern of her breathing eventually mirrors his own.
“How about this?” He slides his hand down the front of her pants and watches her face change, those dark brows of hers knitting together in pleasure as his fingers dip down between her folds before the deafening sound of a hail echoes against the walls, halting his progress.
“LA’AN, YOU’RE NEEDED ON THE BRIDGE.” Una’s authoritative tone brings them out of the moment and into the present as they both hold their breath in unison, looking up at the speaker on the wall. “LA’AN?”
“Yes,” she finally responds as Jim brushes his fingertips over her swollen bud a few times, spreading her growing moisture up and down her length before freeing his hand from her wasteband. She watches him coyly suck her juices off his digits as she attempts to finish communicating with her superior officer, clearing her throat in order to sound more professional. “Yes, I’ll be there soon. Umm… acknowledged!”
“Damnit.” He laughs before his head drops onto her chest with a defeated sigh, his auburn locks now resting against her chin as he listens to the pounding beat of her heart. He smoothes his hands up under her shirt as her back instinctively arches into his embrace, kissing the fabric of her shirt before laying there in silence. He wonders just how lucky his alternate had to have been to find her in an another universe, especially one that ended up bringing them both together in this one, here and now.
“I’d better go,” she sighs, weaving her fingers through his hair as her chest rises and falls in utter disbelief. “Even if I don’t want to.”
“I don’t want you to, either.” He lifts his head to look her over, to really take her in as he caresses her cheek with the back of his knuckles. “But I’m pretty sure Captain Pike would have something to say if he knew I was keeping you.” He leans down to kiss her lips one more time. “Come find me after?”
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daenysthedreamer101 · 7 months
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Stefan Salvatore, the Ripper of Monterey
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yelyahrodrigo · 1 year
pov: Elena Gilbert's camera roll
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listen to Stelena's entire relationship timeline here ♡
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d4rkpluto · 2 years
𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔯𝔬𝔩𝔬𝔤𝔶 𝔬𝔟𝔰𝔢𝔯𝔳𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫𝔰 𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔢𝔱𝔢𝔢𝔫
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♇ something about you chiron in 1H individuals and looking ancient and there's always something pointy about their chin or their chin just stands out.
♇ scorpio placements are very likely to have doppelganger, katy perry; who is a scorpio sun. her look a like zooey deschanel who is scorpio dominant. it is said emily blunt also looks like katy perry she doesnt have scorpio dominant or scorpio in her big six but she does have sun trine pluto.
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⟶ victoria justice who is a scorpio rising and her "doppelganger" nina dobrev who is an alleged scorpio rising, both women are aquarius moons.
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⟶ kiernan shipka a scorpio sun and mckenna grace who has jupiter in scorpio [don't think it's prominent] but they do have much similar appearance.
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⟶ i think she was also used to play young sabrina because of their strong resemblance. ⟶ jessica chastain who is a scorpio rising and bryce dallas howard a scorpio lilith.
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⟶ natalie portman who is a scorpio rising and keira knightley who is scorpio dominant.
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⟶ margot robbie a scorpio moon and samara weaving who is a scorpio moon you could say emma mackey is a look a like, she's pluto dominant; jamie pressly is a look a like and an alleged scorpio rising. but jamie also has sun sextile pluto.
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⟶ the eyes do a big play for these women; scorpio's opposite sign is taurus which i heard rules the eyes. ⟶ paul wesley a scorpio ascendan and kj apa a scorpio moon.
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⟶ another good example is drake, if you're on social media you'll know that there's like a drake look-alike that pops out every minute. you could literally search up "drake lookalikes" and a pool of them would appear, but i think that also happens because drake's appearance is easy to imitate. ⟶ mariah the scientist a scorpio sun and mercury and brittany renner who is a pluto dom
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⟶ [brittany renner right and mariah the scientist left]
♇ do not romanticise lilith in the 7h it is the trenches. you're either the insane partner or you attract the insane partner, and when you see the insanity it's ludicrous.
♇ noticed a lot of scorpio rising women have short heads, especially if they have fire placements.
♇ characters who have mars aspecting their moon will have people ATTACHED. actors of eddie munson and ser harwin strong have their moon and mars aspect each other, this causes fans to feel very connected to them and grieve very intensely over their character's deaths. along with the character joel miller from the last of us, people's reaction to his death was soooo bad.
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♇ the more you use astrology to feel validated all the time the more you'll feel insecure! mostly because aside from looking within yourself, some people will use the placements of planets or asteroids to see if they're attractive, or skilled and when they dont see it they get insecure. [coming from actual conversations i used with people].
♇ i might've said this before but libra placements usually put themselves in situations they can easily get out of but choose to dwell in their sadness, specifically libra moons.
♇ aries venuses either do too much or nothing at all.
♇ aries moon with scorpio moon barely goes well, scorpio moon provokes aries moon and aries moon reacts just exactly how scorpio moon wants.
♇ moon badly aspecting venus; [specifically square and opposition, even conjunction] can cause someone to be heartbreakers, especially if they're a man.
♇ pisces in the 3h or mercury aspecting neptune [along with neptune in 3h] is an indicator of dyslexia, i looked at over 60+ natal charts and pointed it out to individuals who have those placements and majority of them said they do have trouble reading words, i myself have those placements and sometimes words jumble up for me. [this could also imply to having pisces or neptune in the 6h as 6h rules reading].
♇ people with aquarius placements are likely to always have strange interactions, someone with aqua in their big six or placements in their 11h always have a story to tell about someone strange.
♇ it has been implied that taurus beauty is more natural beauty and libra beauty is more cosmetic beauty. not insinuating that libra is all about surgery, but libra placements might be interested in make up more than taurus placements.
♇ as i have explained in the majestic virgo, i do believe those with virgo placements, 6h placements, prominent ceres specifically along with mercury dominance create the best creators, whether it is music, art, skills etc.
♇ this mostly is directed to people who have virgo or ceres in the ascendant, virgo in the big 6, first house ruler being in virgo, for example someone could be a cancer rising and have a virgo moon and that implies of their first house ruler being in virgo. ceres aspecting the ascendant or aspecting inner planets, which are ↴
⟶ sun, moon, mercury, venus and mars.
♇ i learnt that the 9H is about the next life and 5H is about your past life from the ruler ship book by rex. e bliss; it's interesting because they're both fire houses, this could insinuate that the 1H is about the current life, but im sure everyone is informed about the 1H ruling that!
⟶ someone with venus in the 1H could live a pleasant life [not all the time as there are bad sides to venus, it doesnt have to apply to everyone], and someone with pluto in their 5H could've had a very destructive and intense past life though might find themselves lucky in their next life if they have jupiter in the 9H but be aware of becoming over-indulgent.
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astrology observation masterlist
pluto's masterlist
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supercap2319 · 1 year
Stefan and reader who has the power to see into other universes and the one that stood out to him is ours where Him and Paul got married after filming TVD and Stefan finds it interesting that reader has the same name in both universes after reader shows him our universe
"So what is this power called again?" Stefan asked. He watched his boyfriend sitting in the middle of his room in a circle of candles. Y/N's eyes were closed his breathing had slowed down, but he was still awake. At least that's what Stefan could hear from super senses.
Y/N opened his eyes and he looked at Stefan. "According to the internet, it's called Parallel Viewing, but I prefer to call it dream walking. It's like an upgraded version of astral projection. It allows me to travel and see into other universes in the multiverse."
"Isn't that dangerous? I mean did you see the latest Doctor Strange film?"
"Not if you don't get caught. Besides there's no way that's true. What's funny is I saw multiple versions of Stefan Salvatore. Very similar to you."
Stefan raised an eyebrow. "Oh? In what way?"
"In one universe you were with Elena and there was no me in that world. But she chose Damon over you, and you ended up marrying Caroline. In another, you looked completely different. Black curls and very defined green eyes. And you were from Italy."
"Wow, that's pretty cool. Anything else?" Stefan asked.
"Well, there was one universe that stood out to me. In that universe mystic falls is a fictional in tv show and book series called the Vampire Diaries. And you're an actor named Paul Wesley. Oh, and we're married."
Stefan's eyes widened at that. "You're saying that you and I are...?"
"We are. Wanna see?" Y/N asked.
The youngest Salvatore brother nods as Y/N motions for Stefan to sit down across from him. Stefan sits down in the circle of fire as they link hands and Y/N uses his magic to project them both into the universe where they're both fictional characters in a tv show. Stefan and Y/N walk through the veil that separates them from this world as they look on to an interview with Stefan and Y/N's lookalikes.
"So, Paul. I understand you and Y/N tied the knot after the Vampire Diaries ended. What made you want to do that?" The interviewer said.
Paul smiled and chuckled. "I guess you could say that when you play a character who's in love with your coworker's character for eight years, it's kind of hard not to act on those feelings."
"Did you always love Y/N? From the first day on set?"
"Not at first. At first I couldn't stand him, but he eventually grew on me." Paul smiled.
"Well, I think I speak for all of us and your fans that we support you always."
The dreamwalking ended as Y/N opened his eyes and he looked at Stefan. "Told you."
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geekysteven · 1 year
It's amazing how Star Trek fans will latch onto a character even if they only appear briefly. Fans are wild about James Kirk, yet Paul Wesley has only played the character in four episodes so far.
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rabnerd28 · 1 year
Can we take a moment to appreciate that Paul Wesley and Ethan Peck like Spirk?
Aside from the fact that it's just nice when the actors like the ship, they're the only two Spock/Kirk actors that we know for a fact like it. William Shatner is pretty open about not liking Kirk being queer, and Zachary Quinto stated outright that he doesn't like the ship. (I have no idea how Chris Pine or Leonard Nimoy felt)
But Wesley and Peck are never dismissive about it and just kinda enjoy that fans enjoy it. Are they Oscar Isaac saying in every interview how much he wants Finn and Poe to be a couple levels of shipping it? No, but it's enough.
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shifterdomain · 2 months
Your favorite movie to watch together
A/N: I highly suggest watching (most of) these movies if you haven't yet. I also added in Tom Blyth from The Hunger Games A Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes and have added him to the previous preferences as well.
Jonah Hauer-King
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The Lion King will be playing on repeat during movie night. Maybe the sequel Simba's Pride will also play once in a blue moon.
Be ready for a sing-along with Jonah blasting I Can't Wait To Be King.
Tom Glynn-Carney
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Saltburn is a fun movie to have on on a Sunday evening.
He likes mysterious movies almost as much as playfully teasing his on-screen brother Ewan Mitchell by pestering him with theories of Mitchell's character. And let's not forget that him and Barry Keoghan also go way back to Tom's debut movie 'Dunkirk'.
Ewan Mitchell
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The Mask of Zorro is one of those movies you can watch every week and not tire of.
He likes the idea of a masked man with a somewhat troubled past being the hero and will find a way to make it about his character Aemond Targaryen. Whatever you watch, there will always be a parellel drawn. He just loves him too much.
Matt Smith
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Gremlins, especially the first installment, is just a whimsical movie that will always remain entertaining.
Die Hard would be a runner up, but he just enjoys the sillyness that Gremlins has. And it is even better knowing that it used to be a feared horror movie.
Joseph Morgan
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Joseph is a big fan of scifi movies, especially Star Wars.
His favorites would be the old movies with Han Solo, but you also like to watch the ones with Anakin Skywalker, interested in the arc of him turning into Darth Vader.
Daniel Gillies
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Fifty Shades of Grey.
You both love making fun of how bad the movie truly is, jokingly making headcannons about the story to try and make it better. But failing.
Paul Wesley
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Deadpool is one of his favorite movies to watch with you.
Deadpool & Wolverine would probably be his favorite. He loves how unhinged they are and Ryan Reynolds is just a comedy legend. His favorite character would be Dogpool.
Ian Somerhalder
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The Graduate is his favorite film, but he enjoys it even more when he watches it with you.
He likes the more classical and old movies and discussing them afterwards while finishing your snacks and tea, or Bourbon, especially because there is something nostalgic about movies made before Hollywood became as big as it is. He enjoys the simplicity of the old school.
Chris Wood
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The Scream franchise are fun movies to watch, whether it's Halloween or early August.
He likes the first two because they're new and they're classics, but the first installment of the reboot is also up there, being more creepy and gory. He will also probably be performing songs from the parody musical.
Jensen Ackles
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The Silence of the Lambs is a thrilling movie that with the brilliance that is Anthony Hopkins will never be a bad watch.
It's a little spooky, has some humor and shows one of the greatest characters brought to life by Hopkins. While other movies in the franchise are enjoyable, nothing can truly top the brilliance of the original.
Jared Padalecki
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Good Will Hunting is a movie that means a lot to Jared, especially with the passing of Robin Williams (RIP).
The movie gives a good and well-read view into the psychy of Matt Damon's character Will. Especially the line 'Some people can never believe in themselves, until someone believes in them,' is a line that really hits home for him.
Matthew Daddario
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Grown Ups (RIP Cameron Boyce) is just a fun-loving movie to watch in whatever mood you're in.
It is a campy and funny movie that doesn't require any deep thinking, which is especially good after a long day of work. You can just relax, grab a bite and cuddle up on the couch without worrying about anything else but each other.
Dominic Sherwood
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James Bond might be a classic British franchise, but it's always fun.
There's plenty of movies in the franchise with plenty of actors stepping into the shoes of the titular character, so you can always pick another movie in the franchise and by the time you've seen all, you probably won't remember all of the one you started with. The ones that will probably be played most are those with Daniel Craig, Pierce Brosnan or Sean Connery (RIP). There will probably also be a lot of teasing with you trying to convince him to audition to be the next Bond.
Dylan O'Brien
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Never Been Kissed.
Are you even surprised? It's Dylan's favorite movie as it's a funny and cute movie. He will however probably be mouthing along the words as you watch.
Tom Holland
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Spider-Man has been Tom's favorite for almost all of his life.
Whether it is Andrew Garfield or Toby Maguire behind the mask, as long as it is not him because, like most actors, he doesn't like watching himself. But they're funny and have enough action to keep your attention.
Josh Hutcherson
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Josh likes scary movies, but with you his favorite would be Saw.
It's creepy and bloody and has a hint of mystery to it. He especially likes the way you curl up against him and hide your face in his shoulder with the scary moments or the scenes that make your skin crawl.
Tom Blyth
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An underrated movie that he loves to watch with you is the trilogy of Sissi, Die Junge Kaiserin with Romy Schneider as Elisabeth.
The original movies are old and mostly forgotten and skipped as they lack the sense of excitement in today's movies. But that old school feeling is one of the things he likes about it. It's romantic and very sweet and also brings out the romantic in him.
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lol-jackles · 4 months
Was wondering if you've watched The Vampire Diaries? Another CW show that has a pair of codependent brothers, but not really because the codependency is kind of ruined because both the brothers can't stop fighting over a woman (Sam and Dean would never lol). Damon and Stefan give me major Dean and Sam vibes respectively, right down to Ian Somerhalder's Damon being very one note (wisecracking bad boy with daddy issues) while Paul Wesley's Stefan is the self-sacrificial "good brother" (Paul also has to play different versions of Stefan on the same show, much like Jared with Sam). Would love to know your thoughts if you have seen the show.
I only watched the series finale. Stefan sacrificed his life so that his ex girlfriend and his brother can have a life together, waited in a cabin in heaven until Damon joined him and the series ended with the two embracing. Yeah I was having strong Sam vibes from Stefan and the actor also had higher Q scores than Ian (x) for the same reasons; he played the good brother. Bad boy characters are fun and often the fan favorites, but there's a reason why they are rarely the lead characters.
Remember kids, actors' Q scores are based on the characters they play in their current projects. It's Stefen, not the actor, that the audience likes.
Though I haven't seen Vampire Diaries, I'm guessing the general audience gravitates to Stefen for the same reason they gravitated to Sam Winchester and Steve Rogers (Captain America); there is no macho repressing, there is no angst, there are no angry outbursts that hurt the ones he cares about. Captain America and Sam Winchester (and Stefan) are proof that you don’t have to be an angsty, emotionally-stunted man to be an interesting character and a lead protagonist.
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itsss4t4n · 10 months
Who I write for /Rules
I'm new-ish to writing (i used to write fanfiction when i was like 13. i'm 18 now soo..) but I really wanna do it again.
So this is a list of characters/fandoms I write for as well as some rules for asks. Some things may be missing from this list so if you dont see something on this list, feel free to ask. :))
I will add a prompt list to this blog soon but again feel free to request other scenarious. Do add as much detail as you want to a request and please ALWAYS have at least some sort of prompt, as i'm really not good with coming up with storys on my own yet.
I WILL NOT DO SMUT SO DONT REQUEST IT! I might however do spicy stuff (Nothing more than making out tho).
My writing will be for all ages but please still be careful if the fic-warnings include sensitive topics and i might repost some 18+ things so be careful when navigating my blog.
Please be nice and have manners when requesting.
If you have any questions at all if i write for something, or if a topic you want me to write about is okay or not, please reach out through my asks or my inbox.
Also please include what gender/pronouns you want the reader to have (i write for all genders):)))
I write both romantic and platonic for all my characters. Although Teen!readers will always be platonic if the character is an adult.
I also write poly relationships. AUs are also totally on the table (big Fan of celebrity AUs).
Some things I will not write include: Pregnancy, toxic/yandere, student x teacher.
(Also english isnt my first language, and even know in my opinion i speak it really well, if they are any mistakes, thats why.)
Sally face
-Sal Fisher
-Travis Phelps (male or gn readers)
-Larry Johnson
-Ashley Campbell
Harry Potter
-Fred Weasley
-george Weasley
-lee jordan
-Charly weasley
-Bill weasley
-cedric diggory
-Fleur delacour
-olliver wood
-sirius black
-remus lupin
-James potter
-sirius black
-remus lupin
-regulus black
-Evan rosier
-Barty crouch jr
-pandora lestrange
-lilly evans
-marlene mckinnon
Hogwarts Legacy
-Sebastian Sallow
-Ominus Gaunt
-Gareth Weasley
-Poppy Sweetings
-Imelda Reyes
Die drei fragezeichen / the three investigators
-Bob Andrews
-Peter Shaw
-Justus Jonas
-Skinny Norris
-Jasper Hale
-Emmet Cullen
-carlisle cullen
-esme cullen
-rosalie hale
-alice cullen
-sam uley
-Paul lahote
-charlie swan
-Leah clearwater
-Percy jackson
-Anabeth chase
-luke castellan
-clarrisse larue
-selena beauregard
-charles beckendorf
-ethan nakamura
-nico di anglo (no romantic fem readers)
-rachel elizabeth dare
-will solace (no romantic fem reader)
-travis stoll
-connor stoll
-hazel levesque (no romantic)
-jason grace
-leo valdez
-piper mclean
Magnus chase
-Magnus chase
-samirah al abbas ( no romantic)
-alex fierro
-malory keen
-tj (thomas jefferson jr)
Kane chronicles (havent read it in a while so might be ooc)
-Carter kane
-sadie kane
-walt stone
MCU (Avengers)
-bucky Barnes
-steve rogers
-tony stark
-sam wilson
-natasha romanoff
-yelena belova
-Peter Parker (tom holland and andrew garfield)
-Wanda maximof
-Piedro maximof
-Clint barton
-scott lang
-stephen strange
-kate bishop
MCU ( Guardians of the galaxy)
-peter quill
-steven grant
-mark spector
-layla el-faouly
Daredevil (Season 1)
-matt murdock
-Foggy nelson
-Karen page
-James wesley
X-men universe
-Eddie Brock
-Harley Quinn
-Jason Todd
-Dick Grayson (any version, young justice, robin, nightwing,etc.)
-wally west
-roy harper (young justice)
Disney Descendants
-Carlos devil
-Benjamin beast
-Chad charming
-Audrey rose
-Harry hook
Rise of red
-james hook
Tiny Pretty things (Netflix)
-Bette Whitlaw
-oren lennox
-shane madej (no romantic fem readers)
-June park
Jennifers Body
-Jennifer Check
-Colin gray
Ever after high
-all characters
Redacted Audios (no x reader, just ships)
-literally all characters
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the-vampire-queer · 9 months
The Vampires Digital Media Poll: Round 2, Bracket 2
Please reblog for a bigger sample size.
Results get posted on December 20th. at 5PM CST.
<- Previous poll | Next poll ->
If you wish to learn more about your options, either as a refresher or an introduction, press the "Keep reading" button.
What is Being Human (US + UK) about?
US version: ""Being Human," based on a BBC series of the same name, features three 20-something roommates who each try to keep a secret from the rest of the world -- one is a ghost, another is a vampire and the third is a werewolf. The three roomies try to help one another navigate the complexities of living double lives." Source: Rotten Tomatoes
UK version: "Deciding to turn over a new leaf, a group of friends who also happen to be vampires and werewolves move into a house together, only to find that it is haunted by ghosts of people who have been killed under mysterious circumstances. As they deal with the challenges of being supernatural creatures, their desire to be human bonds them." Source: Rotten Tomatoes
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Source: Being Human UK
Russell Tovey - George Sands
Guy Flanagan (pilot) + Aidan Turner - John Mitchell (UK)
Andrea Riseborough (pilot) + Lenora Crichlow - Annie Sawyer (UK)
Sam Huntington - Josh Levison (US)
Sam Witwer - Aidan Waite (US)
Meaghan Rath - Sally Malik (US)
Mark Pellegrino - Bishop (US)
Note: Cast lists provided here are not complete lists of people and characters featured in the media being listed. These are partial lists that include some of the main characters and their actors.
Additional information: The UK version of the show came out first, airing on the BBC, dubbed Being Human (UK). Later, a new show of the same title would come out, dubbed Being Human (US).
In the UK version, two of the original three cast from the pilot would be replaced. These two would be Guy Flanagan and Andrea Riseborough, replaced by Aidan Turner and Lenora Crichlow respectively.
What is The Vampire Diaries (+ The Originals + Legacies) about?
Summary (TVD only, due to nature of spoilers when it comes to spin-offs): "This supernatural drama, based on the series of novels by L.J. Smith, details the lives of two brothers, Damon and Stefan Salvatore, who have been living as vampires for centuries. After years of moving from from place-to-place to hide their eternal youth (and bloodthirsty condition), the brothers return to the small Virginia town, Mystic Falls, where their lives as humans ended. Damon is snarky, handsome and charming, with a propensity for evil, while Stefan tries to remain noble -- in part to atone for bad behavior in his past." Source: Rotten Tomatoes
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Source: The Vampire Diaries
Nina Dobrev - Elena Gilbert (TVD)
Ian Somerhalder - Damon Salvatore (TVD)
Paul Wesley - Stefan Salvatore (TVD)
Candice King - Caroline Forbes (TVD)
Kat Graham - Bonnie Bennett (TVD)
Note: Cast lists provided here are not complete lists of people and characters featured in the media being listed. These are partial lists that include some of the main characters and their actors.
Additional information: The Vampire Diaries show is based on the books of the same name by L. J. Smith. Lots was changed in the book-to-show transfer. Some fans prefer the show over the books.
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kaybronz · 1 year
Warning, incoming novel ahead.
If the Chris Evans shit show has taught me anything it's that you truly can't trust anything about public figures. There's always a narrative being spun or some kind of image being crafted and projected. I think that's the part that is the most disappointing to me that I bought into the image and it was nothing more than a mirage.
I had always liked the marvel movies, RDJ was my favorite for the longest, but I really started getting into Chris once he started being politically vocal. He seemed like a breath of fresh air, down to earth, relatively normal for his position in life, vocally on the right side of political history, and a self-proclaimed feminist. So I dove right in! It felt good to throw my support behind a famous person that for once, didn't seem to be so wildly out of touch with the everyday individual, whose values seemed to align with mine. I invested time and energy into promoting him and his work, I frequented and participated in his fan spaces, and I followed his ventures outside of acting. The red flags were there along the way, particularly with ASP, but I wanted to believe he had the best of intentions but was fumbling the follow through, so I pushed those to the back of my mind and kept supporting.
That investment and support existed solely because of the image he presented to the public, humble, down to earth, politically and socially conscious everyday guy. But that glass has shattered now. I'm a firm believer in the fact that you are who you surround yourself with. And I clung to the idea that this was pr because because it was some kind of hope that the image wasn't a false narrative and that he wasn't actually a phoney underneath a facade. But now it's quite plain that his morals and values very much align with his racist, fatphobic, antisemitic bride and her like minded friends. If he was the man he projected himself to be we wouldn't be where we are now. Who you marry says even more about you than your friends do and this marriage doesn't say anything positive about him and most certainly shines a light on who he actually is and how he actually feels about marginalized groups.
I do not believe in the ability to separate the art from the artist. I believe that continued participation and interaction with the work and other ventures of a problematic person is inherently showing acceptance and support to that person. Which I cannot condone any longer. This is why if you're a fiction writer and I unfollow please understand that while I likely think you are incredibly talented I cannot in good conscience continue to interact with your work as in my mind it supports and benefits him, even if indirectly. In my mind continuing to read and reblog like nothing has happened is a big fuck you to the most most directly affected by this farcical of a man.
With that being said, I've met some great people throughout my time in this fandom, and I hope that they stay on and pivot to other more worthwhile things (though I understand if they leave), I hope to be able to continue those wonderful interactions with the smart, kind, empathetic people I've encountered. I personally don't think I'll be jumping into another fandom space anytime soon for fear of another let down. But in the meantime I may venture back into my old faithful, I present to you Mr. Paul Wesley.
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Paul who while not a politically active as Chris once was (and maybe that's a good thing as it's likely far less performative) he has directly called out his very own costars for their right wing political support and backwards ass thinking. And was one of the few on the vampire diaries set to stick up for Kat Graham and pushed back so far on the abhorrent treatment from the show creators that he as one of the main characters threatened to leave the series if they killed her character off.
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sunnydaleherald · 5 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Sunday, April 14 - Monday, April 15
DAWN: I'm not a child. I'm not even human. Not originally. SPIKE: (sighs) Yeah, well, originally I was. I got over it. Doesn't seem to me it matters very much how you start out. DAWN: That's smart. I get that. (pauses) I like how you talk to me like I can understand things. Everyone else is being all ... twitchy and secretive.
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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PUNK SPUNK by jizzyliz (Good Omens crossover, Spike/Crowley, Explicit)
5h 15m (Nonstop) by belledamn (Giles/Jenny, Giles & Buffy, Jenny & Buffy, T)
Dead Hearts by Geliot99 (Buffy/Spike, M)
Worms in the Earth by TheClowniestLivInExistence (Xander/Angelus/Drusilla, Explicit)
sucker for punishment by CallMeVampy (Giles/Jenny, Explicit)
my thoughts will echo your name (until i see you again) by untiljanuary (Buffy/Spike, Willow, M)
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Untitled (Look, do you know anything or not?) by scooby-group-texts (Buffy, Spike, worksafe, posted as an image)
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Forget Me Not by cawthraven (Buffy/Spike, R)
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Heaven’s Teardrops by VeroNyxK84 (Buffy/Spike, R)
Taste and Temptation by RavenLove12 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Ябл��чки и яблони - Chapter 1-7 (COMPLETE!) by B_E_S (Supernatural crossover, Buffy/Angel, Joyce/John, T, in Russian)
If I Could Turn Back Time - Chapter 1-2 by Tropicmorningnews (Buffy/Angel, M)
Я не могу вспомнить - Chapter 1-6 (COMPLETE!) by B_E_S (Buffy/Angel, Explicit, in Russian)
Valkyrie vs. Cordelia - Chapter 1-27 (COMPLETE!) by Nonkosherian (Faith/Willow, OC, Cordelia/Dennis, Lilah/Wesley, T)
Bathroom Wall - Chapter 1 by hulettwyo (Buffy/Spike, Explicit)
Parent Trap - Chapter 1 by Bobbie23 (Giles/Jenny, G)
Poetry in the Margins - Chapter 1 by Anonymous (Spike/OC, Explicit)
In the Dark of the Night - Chapter 1-3 by norik23 (Spike/Buffy, Giles & Spike, Giles & Buffy, Giles/Jenny, Mature)
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To Survive I Forged You Like a Weapon, Ch. 1 by cawthraven (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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New Banner Art #17 by veronyxk84 (Buffy, worksafe)
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Drawings: been thinking about the Pjo au lately by pzyii (Percy Jackson and the Olympians fusion, Buffy, Cordelia, Angel, Spike, Anya, Willow, Tara, worksafe)
Robin and Nikki doodles by aa-arttss (worksafe)
Willow by taniaairiarte (worksafe)
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I did drawings from the quotes post I did the other week! by BPD-and-Lipstick (worksafe)
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Drawings by Fren (LeFrenchUnicorn) (Spike, Buffy, Clem, worksafe)
[Reviews & Recaps]
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BTVS/Angel Rewatch Chronicles: Seasons 5/2 [BtVS s5 and AtS s2], Part Three by QualifiedApathetic
Season 6 Favorite moments? by agirlhasnoname17
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Help S7 E4 (Buffy and the Art of Story Podcast) - Lisa Lilly
[Community Announcements]
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Sign up for Spring 2024 of Seasonal Spuffy! This round will run on LiveJournal and Dreamwidth with the theme "Thanks for the Memories"
[Fandom Discussions]
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My most self-indulgent headcanon is that, when Buffy died in The Gift... by coraniaid
ats s5 truly where my pathetic little meow meow men from prior seasons went to die by justafriendofxanders
I do wonder if Wesley would have been less insufferable if... by nicnacsnonsense
Do you think the writers of Season 7's Lessons were thinking about Rupert Giles... by coraniaid (with tags by rachaeljurassic)
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One thing each about two [AtS] Season 3 episodes by TelephoneCertain5344
Season 3 thoughts… holtz kind of makes sense… by ukcountrylover
Ways that Buffy could save money by Tuxedo_Mark
[7x18 "Dirty Girls"] Was Caleb referencing something specific when he mentioned Paul? by halyasgirl
Spike and Dawn. by ceecee1909
Does the creature known as a Kennedy fan exist? by danielbrennan6900
Theories on Xander/Cordy not having sex despite dating for a year. by RokToBer26
I can't be the only person who thinks Robin and Giles' plan to get rid of Spike was a good one by cascadingtundra
Was Angel’s budget higher than Buffy? by starsandbribes
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zalrb · 7 months
I genuinely do not see what is so attractive about Ian Somerhalder. His face looks almost exaggerated to me, like a kid’s drawing of a cartoon. That is not even intended to be mean, it’s just true!
I’m not even a huge fan of Paul Wesley or anything, but it’s not even close. The man has the eyes, the jawline, and the charm. If it’s about Ian’s coloring, Henry Cavill exists. Henry’s not my type, but his features are more refined and even than Ian’s.
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