dr-lizortecho · 29 days
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Katgraham See how Paul and I pose? Very mindful. Very demure.
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amariaamaris · 1 year
Bonnie Bennett’s Rarepair Bash: Day One
Stefan Salvatore/Bonnie Bennett
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Stefan is in awe, watching as Bonnie rips through the enemies without sweating and with calm breath. Magic is heavy in the air as sparks fly off of Bonnie’s fingers, her blood turning into the sparks. Her eyes are electric green as they stay focused on the people who thought they could get away with starting a fight. What they didn’t realize is that Bonnie Bennett is more than happy to let you start a fight. She’ll be the one to end it. Symbols make themselves known in the air for a brief moment before they activate and slam into more enemies. 
Stefan’s breath catches; he’s never seen her like this, never seen Bonnie so… Transcendent.
( @hollowed-hallowed​ and @bbtvducollection​)
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fluffyglass · 4 months
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Coming ABSOLUTELY NEVER, Bugsnax 2! Taking place 2 decades after the first game, explore Snaktooth Island from a new perspective with an entire new cast of characters!
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(Character Info under cut, I'm putting way too much effort into this)
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First off, our new protagonist: Yolka Woolbag! Lacking a feeling of purpose after the death of her mother, Yolka arranged an expedition to Snaktooth Island to uncover the mystery of where she was born. However, throwing a wrench into that plan is her sudden disappearance and loss of memory, leading her to have to rediscover who she is and why she's there at all!
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The first grumpus you'll meet, Writney Bumblenuzzle is the crew's nurse, and is already very tired of dealing with Yolka's amnesia. Contrary to her profession, she's passive-aggressive and would really rather do anything but her actual job.
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A roughhousing ex-rodeo clown, Kessie Cattlespur's a rootin' tootin' has-been, longing for the good old days. While he's far past his prime, he believes he still has it in him to act as he did in his youth, but those days are long behind him.
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If you need any information on the new bugsnax you'll uncover in Bugsnax 2, Camby's your grump! A zoologist with a bit of an obsessive streak, Camby is passionate about preserving the habitats of native creatures, and isn't too keen on consuming all the natural wildlife.
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A niche painter and successful architect, Alferg Barbweaver's incredibly talented, but not very passionate about his art. Laid back and not particularly driven, Alferg's coasted by on the minimum effort required in... almost all parts of his life.
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Very large, very stupid, and very, very cowardly, Garriel Grizloop's had a history of people being scared of him for his appearance. He's always trying to gain the approval of others by helping whenever he can, but hasn't found much success in his attempts.
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A faded star, Charona Dapplechap has moved on from her days as a showgirl, but still longs for her youth when she was talented and beautiful. She and Kessie have quite the history, and really would rather not speak about it.
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An alumni of the brilliant Professor Fizzlebean, Hadley Stormbrewer is an obnoxious snob with an ego the size of his brain (which he claims to be quite, quite large). Despite his accolades, he's quite secretive about his area of study, and besides his previous studies, he doesn't let on much about his background.
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If you don't wake up at 4am to work out, can't lift twice your body weight, and dare to eat something with more than a gram of sugar, you're clearly not putting in enough effort, according to Steffonie Jumpinjack. The biggest health nut around, Steffonie's a bit pushy and judgemental, but ultimately well-meaning in her want for everyone to be healthy.
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Come one, come all, to Biggie Scotchtop's Bugsnax Circus! Always desiring fame but never achieving it back home, Biggie's attempting to create something the world has never seen: a full circus with bugsnax performers! Her endeavours have yet to be successful, but she'll try anything to get the fame she desires.
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If you've read a single magazine in the past years, you've obviously heard of infamous travel blogger, Gazzo Starsnap. A bit airheaded and out of touch with "poor people" reality, Gazzo's only on Snaktooth to take photos of the exotic landscape, take a vacation from his "very busy" life, and of course, dig into the local food!
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Nobody quite knows Druple Jamnut. She's secretive, somewhat off-putting, and seems to know a bit too much about the island for someone who's never stepped foot there. She disappeared around the same time as Yolka, but unfortunately hasn't resurfaced since. Nobody's been too keen on looking for her.
That's all of them I'm obsessed with this project please ask me about it ok byeee
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writingsofwesteros · 4 months
In canon Sansa wanted all golden haired babies
In the tragedy of love Happy au when she marries Rogan all she has are the cutest sliver haired, purple eyed babies.
And so do Jon and Steffonie. Everyone thinks that her targaryen blood is just strong even though she looks like a Baratheon.
Sweet loves they are!
The babies run circles around them; close to their cousins and grandma Kat
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bloomsburry-dhazel · 4 years
Pairings: Bonnie Bennett x Multi
Summary: Bonnie Bennett was told that Bennett witches undergo a special time of their lives. They call it the ‘Awakening’. This usually happens at the age of sixteen and only occurs in a dream, where the witches finally see some glimpses of their future and interact with the person they are destined to be with. 
The night Bonnie turns sixteen, she realizes that her Awakening is far different than what she expects. It looks like her ‘Awakening’ is more sexual in nature than anything else and instead of seeing one man destined to be with her, Bonnie sees seven men waiting. PWP 
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ascottywrites · 5 years
The Mini Bonnie-centric Fic List
Just a few of my favorite Bonnie Bennett revolving stories that I have found myself able to read and re-read over the years. 
Let’s face it, they did wrong by her and sometimes you just need the wrong-doings to be touched on instead of arbitrarily glossed over. And, ya know, some other interesting things thrown in. Like, who doesn’t dig time travel? 
if you love me (don't let go) by sarcastic_fina (Complete: 6/6| 76,135) --Bamon
"You think victims are born? No. Victims are made. And you? You're the perfect victim. Always willing to throw herself on the fire. A martyr. Because at least if you die saving them, they'll remember you."
Stranger then Fiction by norrific (wip: 28/?| 104,543) --Tonnie 
Oh my God, you're caught between a vampire and a wolf. You know who that makes you'
 'Don't say it, Caroline.'
 'Bella Swan.' 'I told you not to say it.'
 'Come on Bonnie, how could I not say it.'
*This story hasn't been updated since 2011, so I would think it's safe to say it's been abandoned BUT I still like re-reading what's there from time to time.  
SIlver Linings by Blood And Bites (godrics_quill22) (Complete: 13/13| 45,922) --Bamon 
“Bon bon” Damon made a sound between a groan and a whimper as her pulse sounded loud and harsh in his ear. He could feel his face changing, feel his fangs start to extend as the sweet nectar that was her blood beckoned him and yet he made no move. Never in his life has he felt so pained. “please...—” it came out as a broken gasp. Usually he would speed off but he couldn't even gather the strength to do that.
Something there (that wasn't there before?) by wavesketcher (Complete: 12/12| 29,463) -- Bamon 
It has been a month since Bonnie returned from the Prison World and everyone is adjusting. Damon and Bonnie's relationship has shifted but to what, and where does Elena Gilbert fit? Slow-burn Bamon.
The Summoning by Jazzywazzy08 (wip: 15/?) --Klonnie 
Bonnie is called by her ancestor to the time of the Originals to ensure that they remain human. However, everything doesn't go as planned. 
you know I will adore you ('til eternity) bysarcastic_fina (wip: 16/?| 165,113) --Bamon 
"Run all you want, but it won't change anything, Bonnie. It doesn't matter what world we're in, you'll always be my wife." After being sucked up into what they assumed would be oblivion, Damon and Bonnie soon find themselves in an idyllic little town where they're free to find peace. Which is exactly what they have for twelve years, until reality comes calling to bring them home.
The Truth is a Hard Thing to Admit by LilCoqui90 (Complete: 1/1| 793) --Bamon 
When Bonnie hasn't returned after an argument over his *immature* breakfast choices, Damon is forced to deal with what he may lose if she never comes back.
*just a shamless self promotion, yo
A Kiss Goodnight by Lapis Love (Complete 35/35|  241,517) --Stefonnie
It was movie night. One friend showed up and then moments later, a vampire with a notorious and voracious appetite arrived looking to turn Bonnie into dessert. He wanted to devour and she needed devouring. Re-live the love story of Ripper Stefan and Bonnie Bennett.
Think Twice by Lapis Love (Complete: 58/58| 458,478) --Bamon 
They were two sides of the same coin. Enemies that shared the same name, the same background, the same face. One had blue eyes. The other had black. Yet they both consumed the same woman. 
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zalrb · 4 years
Hey why don't you put up a post regarding your steffonie ff, maybe reblog it and see the response. You could decide to continue if you want to.
oh i know. people have wanted me to continue it, i just forgot where i was going with it tbh
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the-elemental-sides · 6 years
Sanders Sides Punk AU Fanfic
Some of you may know of my love for @asofterfan’s Punk AU. However, it is deeply conflicting to me because I Am Not A Punk. I’ve never even asked to be part of the Punk Fam. That’s how Not Punk I am.
Therefore, I’ve written a fanfic that takes the form of a text chat between two characters that are a little more like me...Sloane and Corbin! In this AU for this AU, Sloane and Corbin are Nerds(tm). Corbin is on the bookish side of the spectrum, while Sloane is just. he’s really passionate about cartoons, ya know? Please enjoy! Warnings: swearing.
Monday 3:00 PM
Sloane: Hey Corbin
check your gosh freakin heck phone
Corbin: what
Sloane: Dilemma
Should i be in drama this year
Corbin: ?? you’re thinking about that?
Sloane: it sounds fun
Corbin: what about study group
Sloane: i’ll still have time for study group you absolute nerd
Corbin: don’t call me a nerd before you’ve taken those stickers off your locker
Sloane: picani gave them to me!!! it’s steven universe you don’t understand
Corbin: they’re pastel women sloane
Sloane: 1v1 me
so like drama
i might join it but i’m not sure i’ll like the people in it
Corbin: you like everyone :/
Sloane: roman’s in it
Corbin: ohhh
Sloane: so there’s no avoiding him and i’m scared
Corbin: Have you ever even talked to him
Sloane: exCUSE me have YOU ever talked to him
Corbin: of course not. he’s got tattoos and hair dye and attitude
Sloane: looking at him is like staring down an aztec god
he’s so far beyond our level
Corbin: a fair point
I saw him w patton the other day
Sloane: fuck they’re grouping
Corbin: no, patton’s the nice one
Sloane: you absolute goddamn madman how have you been fooled
he is a Punk
Corbin: maybe he’d take pity on us
Sloane: you wore crocs the other day. i SAW you.
Corbin: i ran out of socks
Sloane: the point is that we will never fit in with or understand the ways of a punk
Corbin: maybe you would if...you joined drama?
Sloane: just go do homework you nerd
Tuesday 2:30 PM
Corbin: ummm you’re not trying to find roman right now right?
Sloane: yeah have you seen him?
Corbin: he’s outside with logan and virgil
Corbin: im sitting like 10 feet from them waiting for you
i’ve never been so scared
you have no idea what kind of energy these punks radiate
Sloane: I’m coming to save you
Sloane: RIP
4:00 PM
Corbin: ok i’ve never made eye contact with someone who could literally murder me. that was traumatizing
Sloane: I told you I was in the class when logan threw the textbook at d’s head right
Corbin: do you think i would forget?
Sloane: the worst part is that he’s also a frickin genius so we can’t even use our nerd powers to defeat him
Corbin: you’d probably beat him at a steven universe contest though
Sloane: true
!!!! :D
Corbin: ??
Sloane: you remembered the name of the show!
Corbin: you were JUST talking about it to me until two in the morning
Sloane: i barely remember what i said
Corbin: something about a steffonie character
Sloane: holy shit i’m calling you we gotta talk about them
Corbin: NO
Wednesday 3:00 PM
Sloane: you’re gonna be so proud i just talked to roman
Corbin: are you alive?
Sloane: yes but the raw punk essence pouring off him almost flayed me
i was asking him what plays they’re doing this year and then virgil came outta nowhere
Corbin: i should have been there for you
Sloane: no it’s fine
it was weird though
he went up to roman to ask when he was coming over and he actually looked like chill and stuff
then he noticed me and i s2g he bared his fangs like one of those feral raccoons around my house
then roman left with him
Corbin: i had a group project with him once. he’s not that bad
he did his work but he didn’t talk to me at all
Sloane: i know he’s not trying to be elitist or anything
but i don’t get why anyone would want to look so scary
Corbin: Nerd culture is choosing the things that you can and can not understand
and we can’t understand punk culture
Sloane: word
Thursday 2:00 AM
Sloane: here’s what i’m thinking right
i’ll join drama
but i’ll wear camo so nobody sees me
rehearsing? camo
auditions? camo
showtime? camo bitch!!! no one will know where my voice is coming from
roman will never even look at me
Corbin: go the FUCK to sleep
Thursday 3:00 PM
6:00 PM
Sloane: im home
Corbin: everything good?
Sloane: yeah it was pretty chill
turns out that some kids from your study group are in drama
Corbin: traitors
Sloane: and we just did a readthrough of Tempest and made a time for official character auditions
Corbin: Who will you be
Sloane: i kinda want to be ariel
Corbin: nice. never seen the play
Sloane: ok well the main character is Prospero the magic dude and roman read his parts during the practice and holy FUCK
he’s definitely getting the part
Corbin: But you faced your fears, and I’m proud
Sloane: thx babe
Friday 6:00 AM
Sloane: and also patton was sitting in at rehearsals
Corbin: scary?
Sloane: not so bad. he recognized me
i don’t really get his style but he seems pretty happy
does he have tattoos?? how does one just walk in with a fake id to get pain needles stabbed into you. What are these punks
Corbin: i think you should ask him that
Sloane: working up to it
7:00 PM
Corbin: rehearsals good?
Sloane: yeah, some tattoo artist named remy came
Corbin: is he cool?
Sloane: she today, and hella
she got lost on the way here though
which was weird considering she used to go to this school
Corbin: i’ve been thinking
Sloane: SHIT
Corbin: no not that kind
Stop calling me! everything’s fine
I was just thinking what if we invited roman and patton to hang out or get food
Sloane: holy hell are you sure
Corbin: I mean, you clearly like them since punks are all we’ve been talking about for five days
Sloane: haha i didn’t notice. okay let’s change the subject
Saturday 1:00 AM
Corbin: sorry i fell asleep
10:00 AM
Sloane: i guess i can do that, i’ll text roman. hang tight
12:00 PM
Sloane: he says yes but he wants to bring logan and virgil too
Corbin: dear sweet aristotle’s circles
Sloane: (wtf)
i’m down for it
Corbin: you know what? let’s go for it
Sloane: hell yeah, i’ll wear my Steven Universe shirt
Corbin: please. why
Sloane: tomorrow at 11AM?
Corbin: i can do that
Sloane: it’s a date
Corbin: a Punk Date
Sloane: a date with Punk Accompaniment
Corbin: Punkcompaniment
Sunday 10:00 AM
Sloane: hey i’m coming over. you ready?
Corbin: just pretty nervous
Sloane: it’s just a lunch thing. it’s not like they’re dangerous
Corbin: only if you get on their bad side
Sloane: who’s on their bad sides? d? i trust their reasons
10:30 AM
Sloane: i’m in the driveway
Corbin: all right. let’s go
you ready to befriend some punks?
Sloane: HELL yeah
stop texting and get out here, you nerd
Corbin: nerd <3
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Any new Steffonie and Klonnie fic recs?
yes, here four recs, which are worth reading and reviewing
1. The Other side of Heaven by Maniq1
Post S.8] After Stefan and Bonnie saved everyone in Mystic Falls, he died and she disappeared. What happens when two unlikely souls are brought back together four years late, to face their unfinished business? [Stefonnie ONE-SHOT Easy Read]
pairing: Stefonnie
2. heavenly bodies by Elsac2
An illicit affair between passion-driven individuals. KLONNIE short fic
pairing: klonnie
3. Eden lost by sweetpeachytrina
When Stefan provokes Bonnie into a dangerous game of cat and mouse, Bonnie must decide between destroying or saving the Ripper. After she makes her choice, battle lines are drawn in the sand, and she finds herself facing unspeakable evil. Will Bonnie become the Salvatore brothers savior, or will they become her downfall…
pairing: stefonnie
4. Little Love by Redqueen 78
Seven years later, Bonnie finally finds Klaus. Seven years later, their little family is reunited at last.
pairing: klonnie
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sixmorningsafter · 7 years
And Five Foot Three by Flannel Graph for Bonnie (Bamon, Baroline, Steffonie, whatever). Am I driving you crazy yet?
Oh, I'm quite small and I never have it all togetherAnd I'm just a girl who doesn't have any diamonds or pearls.But don't give me your pity 'cause there's more to life than pretty thingsSo I'll just give you me.Yeah I'll just give you me.And I'm not even five foot three.
THIS IS SO INSANELY BONNIE. The rest of the lyrics, too. Like the ‘say if I had the world on a map on my desk/I would take all the hurt and then give you the rest’ - soooo many bamon/baroline/stefonnie feels. Only thing driving me crazy is how long it took me to get around to this.
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amariaamaris · 2 years
Bonnie Bennett’s Rarepair Bash: Day Six
Stefan Salvatore/Bonnie Bennett
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“I never thought that Miss Righteousness would join me in Darkness.” Bonnie sits herself next to Stefan in a dark bar with dead and barely bleeding bodies strewn about. Right as he is about to take another drink from his alcohol Bonnie steals it from him and polishes it off. 
She continues to look forward even though she can feel his raised brows. “It’s ironic… how none of you figured it out… I’ve always been in the Darkness.” He quickly turns her to face him, cupping her face with one hand and keeping the other cupping the back of her neck. The Ripper and The Bennett Witch; his lips twitch in slight amusement - sounds like the start of a bad joke - though he doesn’t feel much of anything after flipping his switch.
Bonnie allows him to study her - to truly see her for the first time - whatever it is that he sees… a wicked grin spreads across his face. Stefan lets go of her and brings her hand up, dropping a kiss onto it. Bonnie’s glinting, dark magic filled eyes watch him closely. Waiting for him to make a move; she wants to see him truly snap.
“Well, Bonnie Sheila Bennett, care to make a wager?” Bonnie’s lips curl up into a smirk. Bonnie lets the silence draw on for a bit, wanting the tension to build even more before answering.
“What do you have in mind, Salvatore?”
(@hollowed-hallowed and @bbtvducollection​)
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anotheralix · 8 years
Ok I’m totally just a biased shipper but I loved that episode! I love how every mention of Stefan leaving was framed as a “he thinks Caroline is too good for him and she’s better off without him” I loved Kai being the delightful weirdo that he is I loved the second steroline proposal, I loved the bamon and the steffonie.
I really really loved Kai kicking Alaric in the balls
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writingsofwesteros · 5 months
She would definitely let Steffonie marry him. She saw their bond in winterfell.
She has Robert legitimize him and allows them to marry. Her daughter would get to be happy and marry a man she loves.
She'll do anything to make sure it happens.
The sweetest truly !!
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bloomsburry-dhazel · 4 years
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LINKS:  AO3 (https://archiveofourown.org/works/25041364)
FANFICTION (https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13632734/1/An-Uneasy-Compromise)
GENRE: Romance/Drama/Adventure/Humor
RATING: T (Future M)
SUMMARY: Bonnie Bennett quickly discovered that Klaus and Elijah had returned to Mystic Falls after they heard about the collapsing Other Side and the threat of Mikael using this chance to come back from the dead. Unfortunately for her, Bonnie soon became trapped with them alongside Kol, Damon, Stefan and Tyler in the 1994 Prison World, where an imprisoned Kai Parker lay in wait for his chance to escape. 
Now, what was Bonnie going to do in a world where she was the only woman amongst seven men? (Bonnie x Multi)
"Kol, I presume the Anchor you speak of is none other than the Bennett witch, correct?" was Elijah Mikaelson's question as his eyes focused on Bonnie.
Suddenly, Bonnie felt coldness settle at the pit of her stomach as all eyes turned to her.
Bonnie swiftly realized that she was the only female present there among the six testosterone-fuelled Supernaturals.
"Yes, it's her. She's the Anchor and the only way out of this bloody place."
As soon as the youngest Mikaelson said those words, Damon, Stefan and Tyler swiftly moved to stand in front of Bonnie in a defensive line. Their bodies tensed and ready for a fight. Their previous animosity towards each other was gone when they soon realized what the Mikaelsons intended to do with her.
"We won't let you three assholes get through Bonnie!" Tyler growled at once.
"If you want her, you need to go through us first," Stefan added. His face set in a grim expression.
"I'm sorry but all the rides to the living world in Bonnieland are currently closed at the moment, mainly due to an unscheduled maintenance. So kindly please come back later, specifically when hell freezes over," Damon told the Mikaelson brothers with an infuriating smirk on his face, which clearly meant to provoke their enemy.
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zalrb · 4 years
Is there a fourth part to your steffonie ff? Guys need to make out asap or i might throw myself out of that damn window. Lmao
LOL nah I never continued it.
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tuxedomarz · 9 years
I havent posted bonnie related stuff in ages lmao
but anyway  i was thinking how in earlier seasons when grams was alive she wanted stefan to watch out for bonnie but then damon promised emily he’d protect her family line. I know TvD was originally suppsoed to focus on elena & stefan sometimes damon lol but how come they never had an insntance where damon and stefan race to save bonnie cause of the promises they made like when stefan saved bonnie in the tomb and Damon tried to save her when she battled klaus they couldve had so much storyline potential cause then elenor wouldve been jelly  and maybe bonnie wouldn have died so much?? cause stefan would have persuaded her to not endanger herself magic wise.
oh i also kind of feel like when elena left  stefan that him and bonnie couldve been so close and maybe shed help him find closure and maybe hed realize he actually likes her but isnt sure its the right time ;) uh i mean lol and damon sees them all buddy buddy and starts to ignore elena ~ it sometimes feelslike caroline gets everything so i would be content if she were with matt or klaus and earlier tyler lol
but i really wish the writers for s1 were writers for the newer seasons cause s1 and 2 were like the main reason i kept watching TVD
i dunno dont mind me
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