#FRANCE English too so just learning the most basic shit
tabb1tha · 4 months
Doctor who the devils chord English book doodle dump
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musicoftheheart · 3 months
oh my gosh okay so I wanna ask about all ur wips honestly but that kind of defeats the purpose soooooooo
4 because it sounds really ominous, 7 because the title makes me think someone (probably james) freaks out every time someone else (probably regulus) speaks french and a third person (probably sirius) thinks hes having an allergic reaction, 8 because this sounds like a sequel to hold me tight (and never let me go)??? and I have been loving that fic so far and cant wait for you to finish it (but no pressure, take ur time of course), and 14 because thats funny as shit
also, I remember you saying a while ago you might write a snooker au? is that happening? (again no pressure, I just wondered if u forgot to list it since you mentioned having brain fog recently (which is a cool name for it btw and I will be using it in future))
hi!! thanks for asking! <33
so ive covered a couple of these in another ask, so ill only sum them up here (you still get rambled at though dw <3)
4. dont walk too close
so! as i said in another ask, this is a fic following sirius (and regulus, later) starting hogwarts as walburga’s obedient heir, only to end up in gryffindor and learning that life isnt quite the way he’d been taught. his revelations and his sorting end up causing tension at home in the yule holidays, and a series of events end up with regulus in gryffindor too. im sure we can all imagine how that one goes. i posted a snippet in the other ask here
7. french epi fic
HA okay i love your guess, but— well, actually, youre closer to the truth than you might’ve thought. sort of.
regulus has just escaped his parents’ clutches and moves across from france to the one place he hoped he might be welcome: sirius’ home in england. its set in yorkshire, because thats where i grew up before i had to move away, and i miss it :( regulus’ english is poor as it is, but meeting sirius’ ridiculously attractive housemate, james potter, muddles his brain enough where the few basic greetings he knew were gone
james has epilepsy (thats where the ‘epi’ in the title comes from), remus gets them all free donuts, and sirius refuses to flirt on behalf of either james or regulus with the other. its chaos, its fun, and im enjoying it so far despite only being a few thousand words in. here’s a snippet:
Regulus slowly set his eyes back on the house. “It’s so big.”
Seeming to finally catch up on Regulus’ surprise, Sirius explained, “Effie and Monty helped us get on our feet, but with what Alphard left…”
”Mon dieu,” he breathed. But this time, it wasn’t at the house. It was at the man stepping out of it.
Stood at the front door, one hand shielding his eyes from the sun that had emerged from behind the rain clouds, was the most beautiful man Regulus had ever laid his gaze upon. His dark brown hair was tussled in a mess of curls on his head, but almost like it was purposefully messy rather than just uncontrollable. Round golden glasses sat upon his bronze skin, framing his chocolatey eyes perfectly, and a wide grin pulled at his mouth and revealed a little dimple on his left cheek.
When Regulus was eventually able to tear his eyes from the man’s face, his breath caught again at the sight of the rest of him. He clearly worked out, if the muscles making his t-shit stretch were anything to go by, but he wasn’t tall — perhaps only a couple of inches larger than Regulus himself, and he reached only a measly 5’7. Something shining in the sun caught Regulus’ eye, and he saw a thin metal bracelet on one of the man’s wrists.
”Hey, James!” Sirius called, climbing out of the car and snapping Regulus out of his trance. He’d made it to the boot to pull Regulus’ suitcase out before Regulus had even managed to open the passenger door.
”Padfoot!” James called with just as much enthusiasm — that was, far too much considering they lived together and had presumably seen each other just a few hours ago before Sirius had left to pick Regulus up. “And mini Pads!” he added, spotting Regulus finally getting out of the car.
Regulus shot him a swift glare for that nickname. He may be cute, but looks could only get him so far.
8. the warmth of your arms rivals the sun (its burning out)
this is another ive covered in another ask but i love it so im still gonna talk about it. youre exactly right, by the way — it is a hmt sequel! i guess the naming conventions were similar enough ahaha. its very james-centric with background storylines, and focuses on much heavier themes than those in hmt. i wont go into what they are, but anyone who was around during chapter… four? five? i dont remember, but it was early on. i added some tags, then took them away once i decided id split it into two parts. if anyone remembers those tags, that’s what twoya will cover :))
14. sirius is actually helpful for once wtf
this is planned to be a shorter fic, but still multi chapter. its pretty much just sirius shipping jegulus and doing everything he can to get his two favourite people together :) not written yet, but ive got a fair bit planned so far
bonus: snooker au
okay so, i would love to say i’ve worked on this some more since then but… i haven’t :( i really want to, but i want to do it well, which i know will take a lot of time. but, the details i have so far:
its the snooker world championships. regulus black’s first, but james potter’s third. sirius black — former world champion — is the estranged brother of the newbie regulus black, and the mentor and best friend of james potter, who was second place two years ago, but couldnt compete last year due to an unrelated injury, though healed up now. james, of course, is head over heels for regulus. regulus, of course, pretends hes not pining madly for the boy who stole his brother. sirius, of course, pretends hes not offended or hurt that regulus wont even try to fix their relationship. he also just happens to be stealing glances at remus lupin, who came fourth last year and seemed rather close to regulus. theyre all hopeless, and determined to win.
thanks for your ask! <33
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skamenglishsubs · 3 years
Subtext and Culture, Young Royals, Season 1, Episode 2
Episode 2 picks up the morning day after the initiation party, the girls are having breakfast lunch at their dorm, the boys at theirs, and everyone wants the juicy details about what happened at the party...
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Culture: Tell me more, tell me more, did you get very far? Although, it's pretty funny how the roles are reversed, Maddie is all "meh" about it, while Nils tells a different story. Then again, since when do you get together after a blowjob?
Culture: I actually have no idea why Simon is having breakfast at Skogsbacken, since regular schools only cover lunch for students, everyone eats breakfast at home, and then goes to school. Then again, it allows a scene where (Never mind, they're having lunch, thanks @kamand !) Blink and you miss it: Wilhelm casts some nervous glances at Simon after having been called out for disappearing at the party and almost forced to confess to making out with someone.
Culture: I know Felice is trying to put August down, but don't knock a proper Swedish pizza! As much as I like living in the US, they can't fucking make pizzas here, and the first thing I eat every time I go back to Sweden is always a real pizza. With pineapple and shrimp as God intended pizza to be made!
Culture: August is namedropping ski resorts in the Alps, which is where you go skiing in Europe if you have money, although Saint-Martin-de-Belleville is actually near Val Thorens in France, while Verbier is in Switzerland. It does have a three-star restaurant, though. Sweden and Norway have a couple of decent ski resorts, but the Scandinavian mountain chain is simply not as impressive as the Alps.
Subtext: Remember Wilhelm getting up and hurrying to math class in the beginning of the scene? It was so he could grab the other seat next to Simon, because he knows Simon is gonna sit next to Sara, since no-one else does.
Culture: Formally greeting your teacher before class is very uncommon in Sweden, but since Hillerska is all about discipline and tradition, of course they do it. Note that they're again using the formal Swedish title for male teachers, Magister, which in a regular school would be kind of a joke, since teachers and students are on a first-name basis with each other.
Subtext: Wilhelm is exposing how the world works if you have money. At Simon's old school, studying alone would result in good grades, but Hillerska is slightly corrupt and almost expects the students to essentially pay for getting a good grade.
Subtext: Simon is lying to his teacher, he absolutely hasn't talked to his parents about paying for private lessons.
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Subtext: No, Sara absolutely does care about what other people think about her, and when she directly tells Felice that she would actually like some friends, that's when Felice gets it and starts making an effort to become real friends with her.
Culture: They're all bilingual at Simon's home, they're all speaking Spanish and Swedish, although Linda has a very noticeable accent to her Swedish. Based on demographics and statistics, the most likely scenario is that Linda immigrated to Sweden from Chile, met Micke, and started a family. In real life, Omar Rudberg was born in Venezuela and grew up in Sweden, while Carmen Gloria Pérez was born in New York, and grew up in Puerto Rico.
Subtext: Remember how I talked in the intro post about how distant social classes know nothing of each other? Ayub and Rosh are either working class or lower middle class like Simon, and since rowing is a typical upper class sport, they know nothing of it, they don't even think of it as a real sport. Unlike football, which is a proper working class sport, they know all about that!
Subtext: Scandinavia has Jantelagen, and everyone there thinks it's uniquely Scandinavian, but all countries have some form of Tall Poppy Syndrome. In this scene, Simon is starting to make a class journey, he started rowing, he started trying to fit in with the other upper-class kids, and getting into a relationship with someone as upper-class as Wilhelm would definitely move him all the way. But going on a journey means leaving things behind, which is why Rosh and Ayub are cutting him down and literally turning their backs on him. They like it in the small town of Bjärstad, why can't he be happy there too? Why is he betraying his roots?
Subtext: This comment from August nicely foreshadows a later episode when August does something traceable on a School computer...
Subtext: What August means is that he's not sure Wilhelm has the same desire to be accultured into the upper class, to play the part of a proper prince, in the same way that he and Erik have accepted their roles and are even enjoying them.
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Culture: Although it's impossible to read the name of the medicine, the paper tag on the bottle indicates that it's some kind of prescription medicine. From the conversation with Vincent, we learn that it's some kind of ADHD medication, probably some kind of Dextroamphetamine since those improve athletic ability and cognitive functions in healthy people.
Culture: Birkenstock sandals are associated with hippies in Sweden as well as in many parts of the world, so August is actually saying that the school counselor isn't really part of the same upper-class society as the rest of the staff. And again, his use of the word sosse drives the point home.
Subtext: Consequently, the counselor sees right through August and refuses to immediately prescribe him the medication that he wants...
Subtext: ...even though August tries to both bribe him and threaten him into giving him the medication he wants.
Subtext: A big theme of this episode is class journeys, and in this scene and a previous exercise scene, August gushes about how good a thing that is, how proud he is of Simon for going on one, and spouts some crap about how everyone can make it if they really want to.
Subtext: Thankfully, Madison says what we're all thinking: August is full of shit, life isn't fair, and they're only at the school because they were born into privilege.
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Blink and you miss it: After Wilhelm has nervously texted his crush for the first time, he starts to bite his fingernails, but quickly stops himself, because why would he be nervous? He's just texting another boy about rowing practice, there's nothing more to it!
Subtext: Simon's texting game is on point though, he knows exactly what he should write to get Wilhelm to go on a totally-not-a-date with him.
Subtext: In the same way that August couldn't convince the counselor about being sick, I don't think Wilhelm's atrocious acting here convinces August that he's sick either.
Culture: Public transport in the greater Stockholm area - or wherever we're supposed to be - is of course cash-less, and you pay by either charging a special card, or by signing up in their app and buying tickets through there. The point of this scene though is to drive home how Wilhelm has never ever had to take the bus before in his life, and therefore has no idea how it works.
Culture: The totally-not-a-date starts at a Circle K, which in Sweden is just another gas station, but it is actually a Canadian multi-national convenience store corporation. The price of gas is of course posted in kr/l, and 13.98kr/l corresponds to roughly $6/gal.
Subtext: Throughout the totally-not-a-date, Wilhelm is trying to reach for common ground with Simon, trying to show him how he's just a regular guy...
Subtext: ...but then real life intrudes, Wilhelm is recognized by some local girls, who call out to him and run away giggling, which shows how he's not a regular guy, he's going to get recognized wherever he goes.
Culture: Kokt eller grillat, boiled or grilled, are the two ways you can get your hot-dog at pretty much any hot-dog place in Sweden, and ketchup and mustard is always offered. The correct answer to this question is of course grilled, with ketchup and mustard, and this just shows that Wilhelm is a man of culture and good taste. Unfortunately, they were out grilled ones, so they all got boring soggy boiled hot-dogs instead. Is there a metaphor here? I don't know.
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Subtext: Again, the show drives home the point that absolutely no-one has a problem with people being gay. Simon is clearly out to Ayub and the rest of his friends, and Ayub immediately picks up on the fact that this is totally a date.
Blink and you miss it: Ayub nudges Simon with his elbow to tell him that he should make a move on Wilhelm.
Culture: What we're looking at is just the local junior/high school football team, Bjärstad, playing a match against some other unnamed junior football team. Since the stakes are super low, the audience basically consists of whichever parents and friends of the players that could be bothered showing up.
Culture: Driving age is 18 in Sweden, and even then getting your own car at that age is extremely uncommon. However, you can easily get a license for a moped when you turn 15, so these are the vehicles of choice for teenagers to get around.
Subtext: August found out about Wilhelm's trip to town, but his main problem with it is that he wants Wilhelm to stop slumming it with lower class people, and to start hanging out with everyone at school instead, so that he can be properly accultured into the upper class. Again, sosse in this context means working class, not socialist.
Subtext: Although Simon felt really great about his first date with Wilhelm, the text message reminds him that Wilhelm isn't a regular person, and that even this innocent little trip generates interest and scrutiny, and can't be posted publicly.
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Culture: As everyone should have noticed by now, Madison keeps speaking English, while everyone speaks to her in Swedish, so clearly she understands it. But here she gives her motivation for sticking to English, and that is that she doesn't feel she's good enough at speaking Swedish. Boarding schools like Hillerska attracts international students that have some kind of connection to the country, so a likely scenario is that Madison grew up in the US with a Swedish parent, and she's being sent here to experience Swedish culture and get immersed in the language to learn it better.
Cinematography: This shot of August drives really home all the pressure he is under, he's out of drugs, the headmistress just hinted that he's out of money, and he's literally being weighed down by books and work-out weights.
Subtext: Simon has kept his visits to Micke a secret from Sara, so here he has to intervene to make sure August doesn't accidentally reveal this to her. He also wants to protect his sister, so he's redirecting August's search for drugs onto himself.
Subtext: And on the flipside, Simon isn't really telling his dad that Sara still hates him and really doesn't want to see him, so he's vague when Micke asks about Sara and Linda.
Culture: Finally a bottle of medicine where we can read the label! Unfortunately for Simon, this is Tramadol, an opiate prescribed for pain relief, which is the complete opposite of the kind of drugs August wants.
Subtext: If you haven't figured out yet that this episode is about class journeys, August spells it out for us here. However, the reason he's "congratulating" Simon in front of everybody is because Simon just supplied him with more drugs, so this is his way of thanking him, since he can't really pay him.
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Blink and you miss it: For a split second, Wilhelm grabs Simon's leg during the scary scene.
Subtext: The entire dialogue of the movie works as subtext for what's actually going on between Wilhelm and Simon at this point, and Wilhelm is getting a little freaked out by this sneaky display of affection.
Subtext: The movie also puts words on the implications of Wilhelm getting together with a boy, what about having kids in the future? Can you carry on your family name and traditions, or will they die with you?
Lost in translation: The plaque actually says "FEEL YOUR RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE HERITAGE". Even though the plaque means the heritage and legacy of the school itself, Wilhelm is thinking about his legacy, his heritage, and how getting together with Simon would threaten that.
Lost in translation: Wilhelm actually says "jag är inte en..." - "I'm not a..." before he stops himself. So it's not possible that he was trying to say "I'm not gay", because that doesn't work grammatically in Swedish either. He could be trying to say "I'm not a guy like that" or "I'm not a guy who likes guys", that would work.
Cinematography: The framing and silhouetting of this shot is just chef's kiss. The outline of their hair allows us to see who is who, and we can see from their poses that Simon is welcoming a kiss, while Wilhelm is still hesitating.
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metisket · 3 years
Books about language
For someone who has never studied linguistics, I am a huge nerd about linguistics in an Amateur Hour sort of way. And so I will torment you with my favorite books about language! No one can stop me.
Most of these books are just dragging English, but some of them wander over and make cruel remarks about other languages as well. Love that for them.
The Mother Tongue, by Bill Bryson
It’s been many years since I read this, and I need to re-read it desperately, because I remember it being hugely fun and just Bill Bryson being like, “So, the English language. WHAT A HOT MESS, AM I RIGHT? Let’s discuss.”
I love Bill Bryson anyway, but he’s also very suited for discussing the theater of the absurd that is the English language. He’s having fun with it and he feels that you should be, too.
Spellbound, by James Essinger
Presumably you are already super mad about English spelling. If you want to direct that anger to a specific source, this is the book for you. (TLDR; it was the Norman Invasion. The Normans did this to us, guys. IT WAS THEM.) This book is very fun and educational and will make you froth at the mouth with rage, because why. WHY. See if learning about the Y thorn doesn’t make you just want to hurl the book out the window. It’s not the book’s fault, but still. STILL.
In the words of the author, “Many people, whether native speakers of English or those learning English as a second language, regard English spelling as at best a joke and at worst a nightmare deliberately designed to bamboozle and perplex anyone who tries to learn it.”
(Also he randomly calls out Bill Bryson at one point, because the world of linguistics is apparently both small and catty. Academia! Love it.)
Our Magnificent Bastard Tongue, by John McWhorter
This entire book feels like an ongoing argument the author is having with someone who is not you. He never introduces a topic with, “Here’s what I think about x.” No, it’s always, “SOME people may argue OTHERWISE, but here are all the reasons why they are DEAD WRONG...”
(idk who he’s fighting with, but I thought his arguments about the Celtic influence on English were very strong. Cheering for you, John McWhorter!)
John McWhorter clearly speaks a lot of languages and is mad about literally all of them. He seems to be mad about everything, frankly, but in a way you can respect. Here’s a good quote about a Theory I have also heard and also found to be nonsense in the case of, say, Japanese:
“There is a canny objection one sometimes hears out there, that English is easy at first but hard to master the details of, while other languages are hard at first but easy to master the details of. Purportedly, then, Russian means starting out cracking your teeth on its tables of conjugations and case markers and gender marking, but after that it’s smooth sailing.
“Nonsense. English really is easy(-ish) at first and hard later, while other languages like Russian are hard at first and then just as hard later! Show me one person who has said that learning Russian was no problem after they mastered the basics--after the basics, you just keep wondering how anybody could speak the language without blacking out.”
...Just so angry. *pats on head* *draws back bloody stump*
The Prodigal Tongue, by Lynne Murphy
Another Angry Linguist I love. She’s a New Yorker who’s spent decades living in the UK and being constantly harassed about her American accent, and she’s officially taken all the shit on that subject that she is willing to take in this life. She runs a blog called Separated by a Common Language. She is Done.
But with one thing and another, she has an encyclopedic knowledge of and fascination with all the differences between British English and American English, and it’s really fun to read. Weirdly enough, American English is apparently the more conservative dialect--it’s changed more slowly than British English over the centuries. I feel like I’ve read that this is also true of France French and Quebec French? Strange.
Anyway, excellent book: educational, funny, and full of bitter sarcasm.
Is That a Fish in Your Ear?, by David Bellos
This is about translation, and won me over immediately by having a Douglas Adams nerd reference right there in the title. Bless.
It discusses translation in general, the impossibility of literal translation, machine translations, trade languages, dragomans of the Ottoman Empire, and other translation drama.
There is also a really fascinating chapter on the history of simultaneous translation, which was first used in the form we know it now at the Nuremberg Trials. (Fun for everyone, of course. Nobody knew how exhausting it was going to be for the translators, plus translators kept bursting into tears and having to be replaced due to the nature of the testimony.)
The history of translation: challenging, cool, and a lot more politically fraught than I’d imagined.
Have fun with these navel-gazing books about language. They are great. XD
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lunapwrites · 3 years
[...]Inversion serves no practical purpose for the layman caster, being a complicated and delicate process that requires such a high level of skill in abstract visualisation that most would struggle to perform even a basic matrix alteration without risking compromising the integrity of the spell. Conversely, adding a twist of the wand during the final motion will increase the shield's efficacy by approximately 33%, while adding a reflective effect. The direction and degree of the twist determines the angle of the rebounding spell within a statistically insignificant margin of error[...]
"I leave you alone for five minutes, and you've got your nose in that book again."
James reached down and pulled the journal from his hands -- gently, and with care not to lose the page, which Remus appreciated.
"I only had an idea--"
"You're always having ideas," James supplied archly, pressing a cup of some dubious liquid into his hands.
"At least mine are good," Remus grumbled, sniffing the drink tentatively. "Urgh, what did you put in this?"
"Little of this, little of that," came the cryptic reply.
Remus briefly debated the merits of burying his best mate in his own backyard. Maybe beneath the tree; he'd probably get a kick out of that. Probably make a joke about permanent wood or something equally crass, which honestly would just set Remus to giggling like one of his third years and he'd never get the job done. He'd keep dropping the shovel.
He must have made a face because James just laughed at him -- that big, booming laugh of his, like a shot in the heart, and Remus loved him so much he could just punch himself in the fucking face.
"I hate you," he insisted, kicking James in the shins (gently.) James grinned and kicked him back.
"Love you too, Moony."
"I will rip your arms off and use them to play YYZ off your fat fucking head."
"It will be the best thing to happen to it, I assure you."
"Since when do you play the drums?" Lily asked as she swept into the room with her own drink in hand. She paused to brush her lips against Remus' forehead before kissing James on the cheek and settling down on the chair beside him.
(Lily did not ask why Remus was threatening her husband with violence, because after more than twenty years of dealing with their antics, she was well inured to them.)
"I don't," Remus admitted, "but I'd learn. I'd learn just for that."
Lily shook her head fondly.
"I'm sure you would, you're obsessive like that." She took a sip of her mystery drink and grimaced, but did not flinch. "Speaking of obsessive, how's the feud?"
Remus groaned, dragging a hand down his face.
"I'm about to single-handedly start a war with France at this rate." He picked the deck up and shuffled it, just to have something to do with his hands. "He's fucking relentless. He published a thirty-three page treatise on my subject, in English, in one of the biggest international journals in existence and it's like he went out of his way to disprove every word I've ever written in the snidest way humanly possible."
"That does take some dedication," James allowed.
"He included pictures."
"Oh, now that's just petty."
Remus began dealing.
"The worst bit is with the pictures, I can see what he's doing with his wand" -- James snorted -- "so I know he's not lying, which was my first thought, or fucking up the wand movement. So it is rebounding on him. Somehow."
Remus was still not entirely clear on how Black was managing that, but it had also not been Black's first time reproducing his results, as he had worn full protective gear in the photographs -- including a face shield. And while it was gratifying to watch the bastard set himself on fire, that was... also very much not the result that Remus wanted to see, from an academic perspective.
... He was definitely framing that picture, though.
"So what's your next move?" asked James as he examined the hand Remus had dealt him.
(It was shit; Remus could tell because that little knot between his brows had flickered into existence for just a second.)
If Remus was honest with himself -- and he generally wasn't -- what he should do was use Black's findings as a starting point for testing his own methods for flaws. And he would do that. Probably. But what he was also going to do was to test Black's suggestions -- because oh, did he ever have suggestions, and of course they all included using Mordenkainen's sodding Method, because Black obviously had a hard-on for the man the size of the fucking Eiffel Tower.
So yes. Remus would play by his rules, and he'd figure out a way to break them. It was kind of his thing. And then...
"You know that guest lecture I'm scheduled to give at the end of August?" he asked lightly, meeting Lily's eyes over the table. She nodded.
(She'd also been chewing her lip. A middling hand; not bad, not great.)
"At the academy in Reykjavík, wasn't it?"
Remus hummed affirmatively, leaning back in his chair as he picked up his own cards.
"Well, I'll have a captive audience of aspiring academicians and a whole stage to myself. Reckon I can get in some quality time making my bloody point."
James discarded two cards and replaced them, throwing his head back and letting out a single, sharp bark of laughter.
(Whatever he'd just drawn was worse.)
"Aren't they broadcasting you over the Wireless? I think I remember you saying something about that before. It was rather a big deal."
The only answer Remus gave in return was a wide, wild grin, and two quiet knocks on the table.
James folded with a colourful oath; Lily frowned, but raised him, pushing a small stack of three red chips forward.
She would, that arsehole.
Remus responded by pushing a red stack of equal size towards her, followed by a pair of black chips.
They stared one another down unblinkingly, each trying to bluff the other into breaking.
Lily pushed two black chips forward, and knocked twice.
"Call," said Remus. Lily arched a brow at him challengingly.
"Show 'em, Lupin."
They slapped their cards down on the table in unison, and Remus felt his triumphant shout die in his throat.
He had forgotten, in his hubris, that Lily bit her lip when she was trying not to laugh, too.
"Oh, cachu hwch," he groaned, dropping his head onto his arms.
"Aww, Lily, you've broken him," James cooed, poking Remus in the shoulder and earning himself a firm punch in the ribs.
Lily grinned smugly.
"Right, so the favours you can cash in by getting Harry through History, kicking and screaming if you must."
"Oh, I must," Remus muttered.
"And the first of your dares will be to attend a luncheon with me on Sunday, in James' place."
Remus looked at James, who shook his head.
"I am begging you. Her sister will be there."
"Brilliant." Remus turned back to Lily with a deeply aggrieved sigh. "The second?"
Her grin turned positively wicked.
"If you ever happen meet your eternal rival in person, you are hereby honour-bound to buy him a drink on my behalf."
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xoxo-ren-xoxo · 2 years
stares insanely... coins spreadsheet...
Ok tumblr is gonna ruin the quality of these images so you WILL have to click on them to read. But yes hi I collect coins, both old shit and shit from around the world. And I have a pretty big collection (about 600, just under I think) so I decided to record all the coins in a spreadsheet. I would’ve graded them too but honestly this took long enough. I’m gonna post the spreadsheets now with little fun comments because I’m fun. Here we go!
Pics under the cut for the sanity of people who just wanna scroll...
First up we have my home, England (more accurately, the UK)! This is the biggest portion of my collection, with 150 coins. It is a lot to get through so I’ll let it speak for itself, though my favourites in the collection include the inexplicable 4 pence piece from 1848, and the gold half sovereign which my dad bit into when he was a kid.
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Next up we have the Euros. Pretty average stuff, still used in most of Europe today, nothin’ special. However, you will note that I have two seperate tables for these. This is purely because I have two different books of coins and needed to differentiate which book the coins are in. That is all, you will see it throughout.
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Now onto my second largest part of the collection, the French coins. Ah, the French. I like how some of the coins have a rooster on them. Also, my 1 franc coin from 1941 is made from different material than the others, likely because of the war! What an interesting history some of these coins tell...
Additionally, you may notice some of these coins have the same value, but are listed in different sections of the table. This is because they are different versions of the coin, aka circulated at different times and therefore have a different design.
Also, Belgium is here too!
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Next on the list is... Italy, San Marino, and Malta! (I’m certainly trying to get my hands on something from the Vatican City, to complete the set!) This selection is pretty small, but I enjoy the coins nonetheless. They have braille on them!
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Now we move on to... uh... well, I call this my ‘fuck it, Europe.’ section. I only have a few coins for a lot of central, northern and eastern European countries, so I put them all together in what seems to be a declaration of world war three. Whoops!
Interestingly, Switzerland calls itself Helvetica on its coins, which took me way too long to figure out. Google describes Helvetica as the ‘female national personification of Switzerland’... okay. Also, Sweden and Norway have very similar coins, which caused me a whole lot more confusion. These coins took a whole lotta Google-ing in general.
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Now we have Greece and Cyprus, lovingly placed together. These ones were quite fun, as they gave me a little challenge (not all in English/similar to English) while not forcing me to spend hours learning a new language to translate them. For that, Greece and Cyprus, I thank you.
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Next up, SPAIN!! (And Portugal, and Barcelona?). The first coin, the 4 reals, is the most interesting to me, as it is attached to a brooch of some kind, which I think is also made of silver. Also of note is the fact that Spanish currency, up until 1982, doesn’t have the true date simply written on the front like most coins do. No, that is the date of authentication, while the actual date is found in a tiny 6-pointed star on the back. Why? I assume purely to fuck with people. Had to get the magnifying glass out for this one...
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Last on the list for Europe, we have the wonderful islands. This includes Ireland, but also some islands such as Jersey and The Isle of Man. Very basic stuff, as they use the same currency system as the UK, at least until Ireland changed over to the Euro!
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Now we move on to the Middle East and Asia, which were perhaps the hardest coins to translate out of all I will show here. Learning the numbers 1-9 in Arabic was fun, but I did have to scroll through coin collection forums trying to find exact matches to some of the coins, as I could only describe them in the vaguest ways. The dates on the Japanese coins were quite a challenge, but after some researching, I managed to translate the dates as accurately as I could. They have a very interesting date system for currency!
No idea if some of these are right, but we hope and pray.
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We travel down to the third smallest part of my collection: Africa! I only have a few coins from Africa, but they are an interesting part of my collection nonetheless. You may notice, from the previous pic and this one, that some dates are written in brackets. This is to account for countries that use a different calendar to the traditional Christianity-based one most Western countries use! This caused me a lot of confusion at first, but I eventually figured it out.
It’s also worth noting that I don’t know where many of these coins came from. I did not buy any of them; they are all handed down from family members. Some make sense, such as the European coins (mostly) and some others where family went on holiday (Tunisia, Dominican Republic) but some I just don’t know. Nonetheless, it is super interesting to discover these things and to wonder how you ended up with them!
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Now for my second smallest group in the collection: Oceania! Consisting of only three countries (despite Oceania containing many more) this group is by far my favourite in terms of coin design. I mean, the Australian coin has a platypus on it! Again, not sure how I got these, especially the French Polynesian one, but it’s nice to have :)
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Next, approximately, The Caribbean! Sort of. Okay, I’m pretty sure the Dominican Republic is only an honorary member of the official Caribbean? Oh well, I didn’t know where else to put it, haha.
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Now it’s time for the big guns, North America! What fascinates me about American (USA) coins is that they have stayed relatively the same for... 80 years. As someone from Europe, that is insane to me!
P.S. No idea how I got the coin from Panama! The Mexican coins were a present from a friend, though :) and I love Canadian currency- it’s so fun!
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Now, to complete the continents (barring Antarctica) we have the smallest part of my collection: South America. Two countries, Brazil and the Falkland Islands, the latter of which has cute penguins on their coin! I was very happy when I got these, as they completed my goal of getting a coin from each continent. These are the last coins on the list for countries/states that still exist today.
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Lastly, we have coins from states/countries/colonies that do not exist anymore. In Europe, this includes Yugoslavia. In Africa, this is Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), and in Asia, this is the East India Company and Ottoman Empire. Sadly, several of these coins carry the weight of colonisation with them, which is part of the reason I will not sell them or advertise them as purely ‘interesting’ like some of the other coins in my collection. These coins are part of history, and I aim to be respectful in my documenting and keeping of them.
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I hope you have enjoyed viewing my documentation of my coin collection! I know it’s a bit boring to most people, but hopefully this will reach some folks who are interested! I should really get around to posting more of the actual coins, but they are all individually kept inside plastic sleeves, so that’ll have to wait until I get some free time, haha.
Thanks for reading, peace out!
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ethelphantom · 5 years
Prompts? Uh Okay not a romantic pairing but what about Mari and the Central City Rogues like the ones from the arrowverse e.g. captain cold heatwave and golden glider or maybe for a different prompt what about mari and the batfam but following the old crossover cliche of falling into another universe/dimension through an akuma or something
Alright, so. I’m not familiar with the arrowverse like, at all, so you can have the latter one. This certainly took me a while, oops. Also there are no romantic ships in this, just things happening (and no, I don’t know what said things are. Don’t ask.)
Ao3 || Second part
This is Maribat – don’t like; don’t read
A scream and what felt like an endless darkness later, Marinette found herself standing on the roof of a tall building in a strange city. She was rather certain that it was even taller than the Eiffel Tower.
It was only then that she realised it was windy but not cold, and that made her check what clothing she was in because not many of her outfits she used during the summer could hold cold out very well. And yeah, she was in the Ladybug suit. Goddamnit. She was in a strange city with no means of returning, and the fact she was transformed meant there was an akuma running rampant in Paris.
The day could have certainly gone so much better.
It was also the middle of the night right now and that certainly didn’t help because that meant she would not be able to find anyone to help her all that easily. Yeah, indeed, the day could have certainly gone so much better, but it seems fate didn’t like her enough and was intent on making it go downhill and straight to hell.
She could probably ask Tikki if she knew how to get home from here.
Then, just as Marinette was about to throw her yoyo and swing around to see if she could see someone to ask them where in the world she was (preferably untransformed) or to at least try to figure out the place herself, she heard someone landing behind her with a loud thump. Marinette whipped around fast, meeting the… well, certainly not their eyes . All she really saw was someone with a god awful red helmet in her opinion no one should actually wear unironically, a leather jacket and… was that a giant red bat on their chest?
Good god.
Soon enough, someone in a red skinsuit and a black cowl (how old was this person? Marinette got the vibe of maybe an eighteen-year-old but the cowl made them look like fourty) landed next to them. Scowling. Of course. That was definitely what she fucking needed from this day.
Seriously, fate? It was bad enough finding yourself in a strange place in the middle of the night, random people in masks and fucking capes and angry at something (her?) really wasn’t needed.
“Who the fuck are you and how did you get here?” the one in a helmet asks her, in English. How fun, she’s not even in France anymore. Hopefully she’s still in Europe, but she isn’t holding her breath. The area is too weird for the Great Britain and the person’s accent sounds more American than British. Their voice is modified, but Marinette estimates them to be a little over twenty. It’s not that hard to guess. Probably. They walk closer to her and—
Oh god, did they really need to be that tall? It was like watching a crane, like, the kind you use in the construction sites. To be able to look them where she thinks their eyes might be, she needs to actually look up.
“Well. I certainly don’t know how I got here, but I think I should blame the latest fashion catastrophe of Paris that Papillon calls an akuma. I am Ladybug, the superheroine of Paris who’s both way too young to do this and has got no idea where she is so if you could be so kind as to tell where I am so I can see if my teammate could get me back home, I’d be very happy to get out of your hair.”
She’s pretty sure that was how you said it in English anyway. If otherwise never, she’s certainly overjoyed right now about the fact she took extra English courses in school. It made communicating a lot easier.
“Since when has Paris had superheroes? Hey, Replacement, when was it you or B were in Paris the last time?” the helmet head asks the smaller person behind them.
“Two weeks ago, I think? We had a meeting there. Why?”
“Were there any superheroes or villains or some shit like that there?”
“Not as far as I was aware, no. Well, other than Emilie Agreste’s horrible fashion sense, that is.”
Marinette could feel colour draining from her face. This couldn’t be happening. Where had that akuma thrown her? “Mm. Agreste is alive?” she asked with a strained voice.
“Yes, yes she is, and she is one of the most known actresses in the world, as well as the wife of one of the most liked fashion designers. And it very much seems you are lying, miss Ladybug. You a new villain? Or a meta trying to be a hero? Because let me tell you, you won’t get far here in Gotham.”
The helmet head’s voice turned borderline threatening (although after Hawkmoth and all the akumas, her idea of “threatening” was rather screwed so she wasn’t too sure) and they stepped forwards as she backed away, her hand already placed on her yoyo to throw it if she needed to get away. Surely enough, the second helmet head’s body jerked weirdly towards her, she threw out her yoyo to the nearest thing it could be wrapped around.
“Goddamnit you fucker—”
And then there was a sharp, stinging and burning pain in her knee, as though something had hit her hard. Her hand slipped and she fell helpless to the ground, hitting her head. It took her a lot to be able to force herself on her knees, supported by her arms.
“…Did her suit deflect the bullets? What the fuck. How did that even happen?”
They’d shot her?! What the hell was wrong with this place?
“Magic?” Mari suggested, wincing as she tried to move her knee. She picked up her yoyo and flicked it open, trying to contact Chat so he could get Kaalki and get her home. She couldn’t stay here, wherever she was.
The problem was, the idea that Emilie was alive and there were no superheroes or supervillains in Paris was frightening. If that was true, then there was a big chance she would not be able to contact Chat, or anyone, really.
The yoyo just made a long sound of not being able to contact anyone, taking away all Marinette’s hope with it. She slumped right back down, barely able to support her weight and cried. Even being Ladybug couldn’t stop her. The only reason it couldn’t connect was if she wasn’t in her world anymore. And if that wasn’t a scary thought, Marinette didn’t know what was.
“Hood, do you think there’s any chance she’s telling the truth but she’s just from another universe? Like, an alternate one. I can’t really notice signs of lying in her so either she’s the best goddamn liar I’ve seen in a long time or she’s telling the truth. It’s not like it’s the first time we’ve seen alternate universes,” the one with the cowl and the cape says, tired, and Marinette can’t remember when was the last time she just wanted to hug someone and cry against someone this much if she didn’t count the times Chat basically sacrificed himself and died in front of her eyes.
(Seriously, that cat really did not know how to take care of himself. He better learn while she’s here because otherwise Paris will have no one to save them.)
“But that… That means there’s no way I can get home,” she murmurs and feels her transformation fall away as she sobs hopelessly. She knows she hasn’t used her lucky charm and she certainly didn’t call it off, so Tikki must have decided it didn’t matter in this situation.
“Oh Marinette,” Tikki says and caresses her cheek as well as she can with those tiny paws of hers before she presses her forehead against Marinette’s. Marinette can’t help the tears that fall from her eyes as she lets Tikki try to comfort her, completely oblivious to the helmet head freaking out behind her.
“Holy shit that is a fucking child and I just shot her in the kneecap? Hell, if that suit hadn’t been there I swear that would’ve crippled her and oh fuck she’s crying. What do I do now? What have I done?” There’s a clatter of guns and other stuff before they’re kneeling next to Marinette but not touching — very polite of them, because they don’t know what her boundaries are and it’s not like she’s bleeding or something that would require the contact regardless of what she likes. Regardless of the fact they just shot her, she thinks they are rather nice.
“I’m so sorry kid. I didn’t— God, yeah, no excuses here, it’s become a reflex and I didn’t realise you were a child. How old are you anyway? Eleven? Twelve?” Then she sees a red helmet on the ground without its wearer and all Marinette can guess from that is they took it off. She’s not looking at them to find out whether they’re wearing another mask under it or not though. She doesn’t think she’d be too surprised if they were.
It was… a little strange how their voice goes from angry and threatening to this soft voice that tries to soothe her. Marinette definitely appreciates it as it does bring her comfort. Tikki shoots a glare at the helmet head (well, helmet-less head at this point) before she flies to them, picks their hand up and lets it go only when it’s above Marinette’s shoulder that’s definitely not closer to them.
“The least you can do is give her some kind of a hug if you don’t want me to ruin you for hurting my bug,” she hisses, and weirdly enough, they comply immediately. To be honest, Tikki can be kinda scary when she wants to so it isn’t that surprising. Maybe. Probably. Possibly. Whatever. The hug is kinda awkward, like they haven’t hugged people much in years, but that’s fine. Marinette melts into it anyway and now she doesn’t need to support her weight anymore so she goes limp. They don’t seem intent on hurting her anymore and also she can trust Tikki to take care of her should something happen so she doesn’t care too much.
She can feel the stare of the other person on her, not sure what she should expect from them. When they do open their mouth though, it’s nothing she could have guessed, because: “Hey you know what, Hood? She looks like a Wayne and if she’s not from this world, it technically makes her an orphaned superhero child with traumatic past. Do you think B would take her in until we figure out how to get her home?”
Marinette perks up at that and turns to look at the cape person. She knows she’s gaping but it seems neither mind. “Wait. You’re going to help me get home?” It’s just a little sad how excited she gets over the idea of two complete strangers helping her after said strangers seemed ready to take her down at any given second just moments earlier but this is not her Paris — this isn’t Paris at all — and she doesn’t need to play the role of a mature and responsible heroine right now.
“Uh, yes, obviously? You’re not supposed to be here and I’m sure you’d like to get back home,” helmet head says, and god Marinette needs better names for both of them but it’s kinda awkward at this point. Well, helmet head has used Replacement (and isn’t that just a bit rude, Monsieur Helmet Head, be more respectful and learn some manners, please) of the cape person and cape person called helmet head “Hood”. Like, what hood? She can’t see any hoods here, especially not on their person.
Regardless, Marinette just straight out beams and throws herself first into the helmet head’s arms and hugs him like it’s no problem at all before she scrambled up and hug attacked cape person as well. “Thank you so much!” And oh, maybe Cape isn’t that old after all because they’re only a little taller than she is. Maybe they’re around sixteen?
Helmet just stares at her. “I— How did she manage to do what only Nightwing can? Like, I can’t remember anyone managing to hug you that easily — aside from Spoiler and Black Bat maybe — in like, years.”
“Same right back to you, dear Hood, right back to you,” Cape replies, a little tense as Mari is still hugging him.
The name “Nightwing” takes a moment before it registers in Marinette’s brain. Wasn’t that the name of that one superhero in the comics Alya loved to tell her about? The one that ended up being Chat’s sexual awakening a bit ago?
Oh my god.
“Wait, Nightwing? You don’t happen to be the Red Hood — where’s your hood though and yes I’m going to critique your style, that’s kinda my job as a fashion designer — and Red Robin — you, on the other hand, what is that cowl supposed to be? Make you look fifty?”
And yes, apparently she managed to recover from her shock because there she is, sassing two people like she knows them very well. Or like they were Papillon because she was rather tired of his shit.
“So, it turns out the akuma threw me into a fictional universe that I only know about because of my friends who kinda made me read and watch as much as humanly possible during the summer and there are actually comics about you in my world. I also probably know your identities because of that. Do you think you could contact Wonder Woman and ask if she knows anything about the Miraculous because if she does, that could be one way to send me back home. Her mother was one of the Ladybug successors, right, Tikki?”
“Yes, Hippolyta was one of my first holders indeed. Not the first, but one of the first. It would be nice to see her or her daughter after such a long time even if they weren’t necessarily my Bug and her daughter.”
Both the Red Hood — Jason Todd, she’s pretty sure of that — and Red Robin — definitely Tim Drake — are staring at her bewildered. It’s a little amusing. Then she remembers her knee as she takes a step wrong and winces again, falling to the ground. Tikki rushes to her side to soothe the pain, but Red Robin is nearly as fast as he picks her up. “Well. Since you apparently know who we are — though I’d like to have confirmation of it first just in case —, I think we should take you to Agent A for check up,” he says, trying to be as gentle as possible with her.
“Yeeahhh, about that, can we please leave out the part where I shot a child? Or at least heavily emphasise the fact I did not realise it in time? N is going to have my head — as though I wouldn’t do it myself for the same reason — when he hears about it, and you know it’s worse to have N disappointed in you than to have B disappointed in you. He looks at you like you kicked his puppy and stole all his cereal and is ready to relive the memory of his parents’ death and I can’t take more of it so soon,” Red Hood says, looking torn between flinging himself down from the roof without the safety of his grabble and just burying his face in his hands right there.
It’s kind of amusing.
“Yeah, I get you. Let’s see if we can avoid it, and if not, then we just explain the story — or let her explain. That sounds like a good idea, she didn’t look too furious with you after a while there,” Red Robin snorts, and Marinette can hear and feel the rumble in his chest before he can hear the actual sound in the air. “So. Will you help me convince B to take her in?”
Red Hood turns the helmet — and no, she’s never going to stop needing to mention that all the time — in his hands a few times before putting it back on. “Well. I kinda want to say no because of the probably eternal grudge I have with B, but yeah, she’s way too sweet to stay with me considering the stuff I do on the daily, and B definitely has the space for more kids, and there’s not really a way to put her with anyone else considering we do need to send her back at some point. It would be too problematic,” he finally says and pulls out the grabble. “You gonna carry the girlie or let her do it herself? It looked like she knows how to with that yoyo of hers, even if I’ll never understand how it can support her weight that easily or how she can shoot it with such pinpoint accuracy.”
That having been said, Red Robin turns back to look at Marinette. “Well? Do you think you can grabble — or swing, however you call it — yourself with us to where we’re going with that knee? Grabbling with you would be a little more difficult but not impossible so you can say you can’t if you need to.”
Marinette shakes her head. “I think I can manage. The suit eases the pain anyway. It will help if you only let me down after I transform though? And you might want to close your eyes because I’ve been told the light is rather bright to other people?” she says and as soon as she thinks Red Robin has closed his eyes, she calls to Tikki with “Tikki, spots on!”
After she was done, she let Red Robin put her down as she tested her knee. Yeah, it kinda stung but it didn’t hurt, per se, so it was fine. She would survive, probably. Hopefully.
“Let’s go before I regret this,” she huffed and played with the yoyo, waiting for the Reds to make a move. When they did, she followed.
Okay, so maybe the day wasn’t going so badly after all. It was rather fun swinging in a new city with two people she only knew as fictional characters.
…Marinette wondered if she was a fictional character in their world and now she really needed to find out as soon as possible.
“Who— Tim, who is this and why are you bringing her here while you and Jason are still in full costume sans the masks? Since when has either of you used the front door anyway. I know very well you two are part of the family that literally cannot use front doors to save their life because crawling in through a window does not give you time to reflect on your bad life choices and make you want to turn away as fast. And what is this tiny child doing here in the first place?”
Tim smiles brightly at Bruce who is in the Batsuit for some reason. Why was he inside the manor in the Batsuit to begin with? He has absolutely no right to nag about it to him. Absolutely none. “Do introduce yourself to him,” he says to the tiny girl (that is not that tiny compared to him but he’s just happy she’s still shorter than him) in front of him while still keeping a hand on her shoulder like a proud big brother showing his sister around or a parent showing his child around. It’s a bit weird to be honest but Tim can’t find it in himself to mind too much right now. It’s too much fun being able to mess with Bruce without actually messing with him.
“Hello Monsieur Wayne—” Bruce gapes at her and it’s so much fun to see, “—I’m Marinette Dupain-Cheng, the only daughter of the best bakers in my Paris, as well as the superhero of my Paris. I’m also from an alternate universe where this world is a fictional verse and that kinda has me knowing everyone’s identities. It’s nice to meet you.”
Tim laughs — actually, genuinely laughs and he can hear people falling over inside the manor before hurrying to them and looking at him like he’s sick. It makes him laugh even more. He pushes everyone aside and drags Marinette inside, waiting for Jason to follow him. He does, eventually.
“So. Hey Bruce, here’s a ‘tiny and young Tim Drake comes in for the first time without his parents and with an older Bat’ - situation all over again for you, except this time there’s no older dead Bat that has her here and it’s, in fact, the older Bats who want her in. Jason and I like her, let’s adopt her. She even fits the black hair-blue eyes - theme your kids seem to mostly have going on. She’s even a superhero and knows all our identities, she’s a great addition to the family. If you won’t take her in, I’m going to do that myself—” because regardless of the fact he was not old enough, money could do hell of a lot things in this city,  “—and she’ll still come over here because then she’s family. Or, we could get Jason to adopt her and then you’ll want to take them both here because you’re not sure if you can trust either of them enough. Your pick.”
The flabbergasted expression painted on Bruce’s face that could be seen even with the cowl was totally worth all of this. It took a lot to not laugh at Bruce’s expression after Tim’s analysis. Jason did not possess that strength, it seemed, because he did burst out laughing at Bruce.
“Fine. We’re sending her back as soon as possible, though.”
In the end, they did not end up sending her back as soon as possible and figured out a way for her to come by whenever she wanted, and for them to go to her world to meet her when they felt like it.
(None of them had been able to avoid falling in love with the sweet girl and deciding she was a part of the family, their daughter or sister.)
@kris-pines04 @thethirdwheelfriend @daminett4life
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monkeebratz · 5 years
Bio!Dad Bruce - Summer Begins
Initial idea | How it Happened | Addition by iggy-of-fans | Reply to iggy’s Addition | Summer Begins (you are here) | Summer Part 2 | Supers Meet | Scarecrow Interlude 
Going with the nice, Sabine-and-Tom-send-Marinette-to-Gotham-during-the-summer version, Marinette goes to visit Bruce and Alfred in Gotham during the summer. Its honestly kinda a clusterfuck, since you have the Miraculous Team being told she’ll be out of town and coming back as needed using the horse miraculous. (Her notification for the akuma alerts is the alt. Ladybug intro at full volume. Same for the hero discord they made pre-hawkmoth defeat. Adrian set it to that right before she left. Marinette’s going to kill him next time she sees him.) 
(also the miraculous team consists of Abeelle (Chloe), Viperion (Luka), Chat Noir (Adrian), and Himeryu (Kagami). Please forgive my horrible mangling of French and Japanese but Chloe and Kagami got to keep their miraculous with a costume and name change. Everybody knows each others identities and support Marinette going to Gotham after Hawkmoths defeat. They’re hoping she’ll be able to have a break. She absolutely doesn’t.) 
Anyway. Bruce and Alfred sit the boys down and tell them that another of Bruce’s children will be coming to stay with them over the summer. She’s had a rough time in Paris and she’s coming to have a break. Damien is threatened by the idea that Bruce has a younger, blood child, and is not excited about having a civilian in the house while they do hero work. Jason makes jokes about how of course Bruce has a hidden child in France, that’s just par for the course at this point. Tim’s pretty excited? more family! Dick, on the other hand, is all about it. He’s so ready. 
(Again, forgive me, i’m not familiar with most of the robin’s but I’ll do my best.) 
(Jason: Wait. You have more children? Where the fuck have you been hiding them?  Alfred: Marinette lives in Paris with her mother and father. Tim: OH my god. Is she an assassin too by any chance? Is she going to murder us with an Eiffel Tower charm?  Damien: Oh, shut up, Drake. Dick: We’re all going to die, holy shit. That or she’ll be like. Sweeter than sugar. Bruce: -DEEP SIGH- Boys. Please.) 
Alfred makes it clear that they’re not to interrogate Marinette and make her feel uncomfortable. She’s been having a rough time at school and in the city in general and she doesn’t need all the boys getting on her case. Its still a lot, though. Four brothers she hadn’t really interacted with beyond what Bruce and Alfred have told them, and she’s pretty proficient with English but having 3-4 native speakers all talking over each other while you’re trying to figure out what’s going on is Stressful As Hell. Bruce is tired. There’s many jokes about how Bruce’s bio children are a little devil and a little angel. 
The first week is a crazy adjustment period. The first few days are just the Wayne’s going about their routine and Marientte getting used to everything. Mostly the fact that the Wayne’s live in a mansion and she knew Bruce was rich and ran a company but its different knowing and seeing that first hand. Bruce offers to take Marinette shopping or to Wayne Enterprises but she declines, saying she’ll go out once she’s more settled. There’s lots of her being on the phone with the Super Squad bc she’s super anxious about being in the house with near strangers and in a new city and with all the Miraculi she hasn’t given out yet. 
Because yeah, did I mention that she’s the Official Guardian now? And has all the Miraculi hidden in a box in a box. Like. She made a box for the Miraculous Box similar to her diary box. And you know that Damien. Suspicious, assassin-trained, Damien. Went to snoop through her room. And got his hand caught in the box. Kaalki sees this and warns Marinette, who’s probably chilling out in the library, and rushes up. There’s yelling. Yelling that brings Alfred and Jason and possibly Dick up to see the youngest of them screaming at each other in French and Marinette is in the middle of a panic attack and Damien’s pride is hurting that he got caught and couldn’t get out. Alfred breaks it up and brings the boys back downstairs an when he tries to comfort Marinette, he comes back to a locked door and Marinette being comforted by the kwami’s. He assume’s she’s just on the phone with people tho. There’s panic with the Super Squad about someone trying to steal the miraculi and everyone promptly plans to come to Gotham. Without telling Marinette. 
Its all around a rough time.
The next day, Bruce tries to sooth all the ruffled feathers and they take a family trip out to the city. Shows Marinette all the interesting stuff around Gotham, the old buildings and historic district and lots of Wayne buildings and such. They stop at the city gardens and Marinette just lays in the flowers and tries to calm down. Damien makes a comment and oh wow, look at that. You somehow got an incredibly staining flower on your suit. Such. A. Shame. 
How do Damien and Marinette make up, you ask? But kicking the shit out of each other under the guise of training, of course. Because, lets be real, nobody ever expects Marinette to be a fighter. The Wayne’s all train, of course, and Bruce and Alfred know that Sabine taught their girl some things. But she can hold her own against all the boys. All of them. Hell, she can hold her own against Bruce. Against Damien. They’re all frankly shocked and slightly terrified bc uh? Where did you learn this? How? Why? 
Meanwhile, Damien and Marinette are still yelling in French and basically tearing the training room you know the Wayne’s have apart as they jump around and use the room to their advantage. But its cathartic. Because Damien doesn’t want this newcomer to hurt his family and he’s used to high level threats and even family can be a threat. Especially family, honestly. And he’d do whatever it took to keep his family safe, despite his piss poor attitude about everything. And Marinette? Marinette still has such a weight on her shoulders, she took over a duty she wasn’t truly prepared for, and she’s terrified about what will happen if she fails, even if everyone keeps telling her she’s won. Because lets face it, evil never really dies and she has to be above it all and always on top of her game. And she doesn’t really know the Wayne’s, not like her family back in Paris, and she wants to be close, but it scares the shit out of her. She’s always messed everything up, what happens if she messes this up too?
... Basically this fight ends up with a big heart to heart and they call a truce while the rest of the family stands there confused and a little terrified. Bruce. Bruce what is wrong with your bio!children? BRUCE. 
Alfred has a sinking suspicion about what’s going on here though, but keeps it to himself. 
(Next in, Multimouse meets Batman and the Birds. Also a partial identity reveil. Family bonding. Y’know. The usual. Also the Super Squad kidnaps their leader and the Wayne’s promptly panic. Again.) 
(Also just a reminder, guys, if you’d like to be added to the tag list, please send me an ask!) 
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rileywrites · 4 years
If you’re still doing prompts, this is from your prompt list in the random section — nos. 4 or 14, or from the fluff section, no. 12, in yet another of my reluctantly shipped ships, the Book of Nile. *sigh* (I have fulfilled the requirement of the manifesto) 😆
I wanted to give you options just in case someone already asked for any one of these!
Or, if you want, you could go for my original prompt, which would be: Nile has now learned Italian, Ancient Greek, Modern Greek, perfected her Arabic, etc. When Booker returns to the fold, Nile asks him to teach her French, (which Andy, Joe, and Nicky always said would be his job when he came back) but he basically gives her the “Ask your mother” “Ask your father” treatment, passing the responsibility like a hot potato between the other members of the Guard. After some time has passed, Nile catches him quietly singing songs in his old dialect of French, and oddly, only when the two of them are alone in a room. Since his old dialect has basically died out, she can’t exactly google translate. But she begins to suspect something’s up when Quynh stops dead in her tracks after she walks in on Booker singing something while making breakfast, as Nile sits at the table, enjoying everything, which leads to Quynh disappearing, and quiet laughter coming from the bedrooms. After a confrontation, he admits he didn’t want to teach her French, at least not for a while, because he wanted to have the ability to tell her how he feels about her through singing ancient French love songs, without her knowing, promising himself he’d teach her his language, when or if the day ever came that he could tell her in words.
I’m so sorry it’s a bit long, but this just popped in my head, and I know you’ll do wonders with this, if you decide to do it. No hard feelings at all if you don’t!
Thank you so much, you’re an amazing writer, you capture the voices of the TOG characters so well — I always smile when I see your name pop up with a new BoN story on AO3!
Thank you for this wonderful prompt, darling! I have absolutely run with it. I will write the snippet prompts eventually, but this one grabbed me by the throat.
Read on Ao3 Here.
After fifteen years with the Guard, Nile has a pretty good handle on just about any language you could think of.
Nile can give a eulogy in Spanish, ask for directions in Pashto, negotiate a weapons deal in Russian, woo a honeypot target in Italian, con a businessman in Greek, and navigate trade in Arabic. She can read, write, and speak Ancient Greek (circa Nicky and Joe's era) and is passable in several dead languages from the Steppe and Southern Asia. She's decent at Mandarin, getting pretty fucking good at Vietnamese, and doing her damnedest to learn Hindi. (It's  a struggle.)
The one language she hasn't picked up yet is French.
It isn't for lack of trying. Her grasp at French is enough to not get her killed, but most of her practice has been with Quebecois or the dialects spoken in Morocco. Basically, if she spoke French in France, they would laugh at her, and her comprehension isn't great
"When Booker comes back, he'll teach you," Andy promises. "He has the most modern French between the five of us. It will do you better to learn from him."
"That doesn't do me any good in the interim," Nile points out.
"He'll be back any day now," Andy says. "Trust me, he'll crack soon."
Nile gets to their most recent safehouse late after a long night of schmoozing. She hates long cons, hates that some of humanity's evil can only be taken down with espionage and not brute force.
Her feet are killing her. These sky high boots make her ass look amazing, but her leg muscles regret every life choice she's ever made.
The TV is on, even though Joe and Nicky are supposed to be on recon. With Andy and Quyhn in Istanbul following a lead (to keep a grouchy Andy off of desk duty for a weekend), Nile's senses are on high alert.
She enters carefully, gun drawn.
"Don't shoot," Booker says, hands up. He smiles slightly. "I would have messaged, but I don't have your latest code."
"I still have the Nokia you gave me," Nile points out. "Andy could have told you that."
"Maybe I wanted to surprise you."
"You definitely have too much of a death wish for someone who can't die."
Booker doesn't have a comeback for that. Nile holsters her gun.
"Hug me, you sneaky bastard. It's been literal years."
He doesn’t need to be told twice. He crosses the room in two strides and steps into her waiting arms.
When they collide, it knocks the wind out of Nile's lungs. Breathing is irrelevant anyway, when she's in Booker's arms.
"I missed you, asshole," Nile says into his shoulder, probably getting makeup on his dumb denim shirt.
"I missed you too. I'm sorry that I did not visit sooner." Booker rubs one massive hand over her back. "Your feet probably hurt. I should let you get changed."
"One more minute."
Later, when Nile has had time to change into an oversized t-shirt and Nike shorts, her wig back on its mannequin head, Nile sits down with her feet in Booker's lap and grills him for information.
"I got sober about five years ago." Booker rubs her feet without hesitation, well-trained from centuries with Andy. "I haven't had a drop since."
Nile nudges his chest with the foot he isn't massaging.
"I'm proud of you. It can't have been easy."
"It wasn't." Booker bats her foot away. "It was worth it, though. You deserve a better teammate - you all do. Besides, I don't need to spend the rest of my immortality intoxicated. Six thousand years is a long time to be drunk."
"So what have you been doing since?"
"I spent a lot of time Journaling, processing my emotions. I worked in several literacy programs across the world, staying long enough to help but not too long." Booker shrugs. "Safer that way, I guess."
"Did you bring me pictures?"
"Of course. I have no clue how you keep finding film for Polaroid knockoffs though. It's twenty-thirty-five."
"I have my ways." Nile makes grabby hands in his direction. "Pictures. Please tell me there's pictures of you holding cute children you're teaching to read."
"Of course there is." Booker finds the envelope in his bag, careful not to dislodge her.
The tiny gesture is so fucking heartwarming it hurts.
"I have training in literacy coaching in English and French, so I've worked just about everywhere."
The photos are fucking adorable. Nile flips through them with glee, enjoying the tiny humans and huge Booker sharing textbooks and screens. One little girl in particular pops up in several.
"That's Adelaide," Booker says when Nile holds one up. "I stayed in Port Au Prince for almost a solid year, because I couldn't bear being another to abandon them. When she was adopted by a family in the church, I decided it was time for me to come home myself."
"That reminds me. You're back, which means I finally get to learn proper French."
Booker hesitates.
"Come on, Book, I know you have the qualifications." Nile retrieves her feet so she can kneel by his side on the couch. "You promised. Andy promised. No one else will teach me."
"Nicky hates French," Booker points out.
"I know, and everyone else is too stubborn. They all want you to teach me." Nile fidgets with his rolled-up sleeve. "I want you to teach me."
One good bat of her eyelashes later, and Booker finally agrees.
"Fine, fine, I will teach you French."
"Eventually. For now, you need rest. Andy will insist on a stupidly early call tomorrow."
Six months later, and Booker hasn't said three words to Nile in French. He uses it on jobs, with Joe and Andy, when he talks to himself, but not with her.
They end up in Calais for three days, longer than expected, and Nile bugs him to go out with her.
"Come on, you can teach me in the field. I can practice." Nile pokes him in the arm. "You can laugh at my shitty attempts to use your language, and then you can correct me. Fun and educational!"
"I have too much to do, Nile. I have to make sure this program runs properly, or else we can't get on that plane." Booker waves her off. "Go read something. We have more books than sense here."
"That's not hard, when you're dumb." It's petty, infantile, but it gets Booker to smile and that's enough. "Fine. Don't think it's the end of this, though. You promised to teach me."
"I know, ma cherie, and I will. But for now, entertain yourself."
Nile grumbles. "I am forty-one years old. Don't act like I'm a child."
"I know you aren't a child. However, you are being a brat, so shoo."
Nile pokes through the books in Booker's latest pile and fishes out something newer and trashy. Brainless. It'll do.
(And if she gets him to throw couch pillows at her by doing dramatic readings of the worst bits, all the better.)
Booker has been back in the fold for almost a year.
"Booker, you promised."
A year, and Nile is still just as shit with French - except for the curse words. She knows a whole stable of curse words now.
"Ask Andy."
Nile huffs. "I've been asking Andy for almost sixteen years, Booker. She says you'd be the best one to teach me."
"I don't know about that," Booker says, frowning.
"You're the French one."
"They've spoken French since it was invented."
Nile sighs. "Forget it. I'm going for a run."
She slides her ancient Nokia into her armband and pulls on her sneakers. A run will clear her head.
He doesn't say anything when she leaves. Nile tries not to take it personally.
They're in Istanbul, following up on the lead Andy and Quyhn have been chasing down. They're going to the Hippodrome in the morning, but for now, Nile has the evening to herself.
Why does this whole French thing piss her off so much?
(Nile isn't an idiot. She knows why.)
Maybe she'd be less irritated if he hadn't started singing recently.
It's nothing too obvious, just little snippets of old-sounding songs in a version of French that is either impossible for her to spell, too old for Google Translate, or both.
Nile turns a corner, mentally marking her distance as her feet hit the pavement.
Maybe she wouldn't care as much if Booker sang when the others were around, but he doesn't. It's just when it's the two of them.
Booker is asleep in the armchair by the time Nile gets back. She pokes and prods at him until he's awake enough to shuffle back to the bedroom.
"We've got a long day tomorrow." Nile shakes him gently. "Don't fall asleep in your boots."
"M'good," Booker says, then mumbles something incomprehensible in French.
"Goodnight, Booker."
"Bonne nuit, ma cherie," Booker says.
Nile can figure that much out.
The next morning, Nile wakes to singing and the smell of breakfast. She pulls on a hoodie and shuffles out of her room, scarf still on because fuck it.
"G'morning," she says, muffled by a yawn. "Coffee?"
Booker pours her a cup as she sits at the table. Before she's done with the coffee, an omelet appears before her.
"You are the fucking best." Nile digs in, content to enjoy the moment.
Good food, good company, and surprisingly good singing.
Nile is halfway through her omelet, Booker still be-bopping around the kitchen singing, when Quyhn and Andy get in from their morning run.
Both freeze in the doorway before Booker can notice, but Nile watches their minds race.
"Good morning," Nile says.
Quyhn whispers something in Andy's ear, and they walk quickly back to their bedroom.
Booker seems to realize they're there about the moment quiet giggling comes down the halls.
Nile didn't realize Andy could do anything other than chuckle gruffly these days.
Booker blushes bright red and his eyes go wide.
"Booker, your breakfast," Nile points out before it can burn.
"Fuck." Booker rescues his omelet. "I should go talk to them."
Nile stands, hemming him into the kitchen.
"Why are they giggling, Book?"
Booker refuses to make eye contact, but Nile doesn't back down.
She's been a mercenary for a decade and a half. She's faced down gangsters and serial killers and oligarchs. She can handle pinning Booker down with a glare.
"They, ah..." Booker rubs the back of his neck. "They speak French?"
"I know they speak French. Why were they giggling?"
Booker finally makes eye contact.
"They're love songs, Nile. I've been... I've been singing sappy shit from my youth, because I knew you wouldn't understand."
"That's why you wouldn't teach me."
It isn't a question, but Booker nods anyway.
"I was scared," he finally admits. "Scared for you to know."
Nile wants to say something meaningful. Wants to sweep him off his feet, wants to kiss him stupid, wants everything in the world.
Instead, she steps back.
"We have a job to do. Tonight, if you want to, if you're ready, I want you to translate your songs for me. Then we can talk, yeah?"
"I-" Booker nods. "Yeah. Yeah, that works for me."
She turns on her heel to go get ready for the day, leaving Booker in the kitchen staring after her, baffled.
Later, blood and mud spattered and healing from a sizeable fall from a horse, Nile limps into her bedroom. She manages to get most of her layers off and into a basket to see if they can be salvaged, but her ribs are still healing so bending too much is out of the question.
Getting her bra off is an Olympic event.
Booker doesn't knock until after she's showered.
"Come in."
"I brought you... well, the translations." Booker holds out a new-feeling leather journal. "I wrote down all the ones I could think of. You can read them, and I'll just-"
"Sit," Nile says before he can escape. "Please, stay."
Nile reads, connecting words to tunes he's been singing for weeks.
They're sappy, fond, romantic, saucy. Nile enjoys peeking up at Booker to see him blush almost as much as the love confession she's holding in her hands.
When she reaches the end of the lyrics, Nile crosses the tiny bedroom and looks Booker in the eyes.
"Are you ready to teach me French?"
Booker nods, blushing. "If you would like, ma cherie."
Nile finally kisses him. "I would like that very much."
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Cordelia Grey Crossovers
OKAY SO @luucypevensie ily and I love Cordelia so here are just a few thoughts on potential crossovers!!!
Cassia Potter
Alright so tbh Cassia just needs friends in general!!!
I mentioned it a bit here but Cassia’s sorting is like, the biggest deal in Hogwarts and people generally give her a wide berth after that because Yikes™
But Cassia is v smart and especially good at potions so maybe Cordelia decides to basically say “lmao fuck that” and invites her to join her and her friends in a little study group?
Older Slytherins are already used to her being in the common room because of Snape so no one would bat an eye at that lmao, and Cassia has no sense of “slytherins are evil” so it would work well
Cordelia learns more about Cassia’s childhood and probably teams up with Hermione to set Snape on fire tbh
They would be the absolute ultimate Slytherin-Gryffindor duo I love the thought of them tbh
And in later years as things go to shit they’d just get closer and be super protective of each other???
I could see them as a ship or as Cassia being the biggest Cordelia x Harry shipper ever!
Venus Malfoy
Venus wouldn’t really be sure what to make of her at first because basically everyone she knows already knows everything about the wizarding world
But she’d be happy to answer questions and would even be willing to learn about the muggle world!
She would probably say that it was so that she would know how to uphold the magical secrecy laws or something but honestly she’s just curious
She would love Jane Austen books so maybe she asks about one that Cordelia is reading which turns into Cordelia inviting her to join the book club?
Venus doesn’t speak her mind much for a long time because of how she was raised so consider: Cordelia is Venus’ anger translator
Best roommate squad ever and just the best squad with Daphne and Tracey!
Phoenix Dumbledore
oooh okay so for a bit of context, Phoenix doesn’t go to Hogwarts until Goblet Of Fire where she goes with the Beauxbatons delegation
Obviously her last name causes quite the scandal so she’s in that position of no one talks to her but everyone talks to her
So maybe one day she’s sitting at the edge of a table alone having breakfast and Cordelia just goes over to her, introduces herself, and basically drags her over to sit with she and her friends instead
She’s the first friend Phoenix has made at Hogwarts!!!
Cordelia is 100% ready to tear into anyone who treats her like an animal in a zoo
She’s also the most hyped when Phoenix officially transfers to Hogwarts
They could spend hours comparing cultures, both between wizarding-UK and wizarding-France and muggle-UK and muggle-France!
book club!!
Phoenix speaks English fluently but reading it is a bit harder, but Cordelia never makes her feel bad for it!!
By virtue of being the first person in Hogwarts that treats her like a person and not an exhibit, Cordelia (and probably Daphne and Tracey!) is the first person that Phoenix ever talks to about her family/childhood
Slytherin-Hufflepuff besties yes please oh my god 
Ara Black
Ooh okay so Harry and Ara first cross paths in Diagon Alley (I’m not sure if that’s going to be in the story or pre-series though) so maybe they met then too?
If not, they could totally meet on the train!
Ara is very withdrawn at first because she’s so worried about accidentally revealing her secret, but she’s a total bookworm and very familiar with muggle culture because of Ted, so maybe she sees the book Cordelia is reading and comments on it and they hit it off!
Ara is 100% against the “all slytherins are evil” thing because like, she was raised by Andromeda Tonks and knows better, so she would definitely stand up for Cordelia to Harry and Ron!!
And Cordelia would totally defend Ara when some of the Slytherins (notably Malfoy bc he’s her cousin and they have a history™) comment on how she’s disgracing the Black family by being a gryffindor
Cordelia would probably also be the first person that Ara would tell about her dad in Prisoner Of Azkaban!
Could see them as best friends, girlfriends, or an ot3 with Harry!
Miranda Granger
I think that she and Miranda would probably hit if off pretty fast bc Miranda is just as smart as Hermione but less competitive so like, she’d love having a little fun rivalry with Cordelia (i saw you mention that hermione took it a lot more seriously than cordelia but miranda wouldn’t)
But I could see Miranda being kind of hurt/worried when Cordelia and Hermione become friends bc she just doesn’t want to be cast aside for her sister again
But Cordelia would very emphatically assure her that that would never happen!
Miranda would still hesitate to let Hermione into their group (I feel like she’d def be part of the Jane Austen book club!) at first but would slowly warm up to it
And then the badass genius girl squad would expand!!!
Also tbh Miranda would have a huge crush on Cordelia but she’s a little disaster bi who would take until like, probably Goblet of Fire, to realize that she has actual feelings for her and not just friendship
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dcrbyalbright · 4 years
Ok pinterest is here I missed my little Scam queen sm....
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Ingrid Radley! Real name Georgia Radley but we’ll get to that later. A self-proclaimed Francophile who’s always walking around with one of those dramatic long cigarette holders like eva green in the dreamers
Born in the Florida panhandle. Her parents liked to brag growin up about how she was conceived in a pickup truck during a fourth of july fireworks display sdgf
She grew up in a trailer park and her parents were… really abusive, physically and emotionally. They were both alcoholics, and Frank Gallagher style con artists who would always take what other people had
Just to demonstrate how bad her childhood was her dad once drunkenly ran over her dog and then laughed at her for cryin about it :/
Soundtrack to her youth was the buzz of cicadas and the crack of a freshly opened bud light
Ingrid learned how to con people from her parents as well. Change her drawling accent to a posh one, twirl her hair at the gas station attendant while her dad siphoned fuel
Was a Really Rebellious Girl in school and didn’t do well in any classes except for English. Was always ditching to do drink beer out in the woods with boys
Was a bit of a… mess in high school tbh. Basically just slept around with anyone trying to Feel Something. She had a lot of really nasty nicknames but tbh she didn’t like anybody and she didn’t want them to like her. Florida was not her scene at all. She read constantly and fantasized about some other type of life for herself where gourmet did not equal Bud Light
She always dreamed of getting out of florida and becoming someone else, like making reinventing herself into the greatest long con
Her senior year she cheated on every exam she had, more out of pure laziness than lack of intelligence. BUT by doing this she managed to get a scholarship to Yates University and packed like one suitcase to get out of town and head to Vermont, changing her first name so that no one could look her up online 
Hasn’t seen her parents since and hasn’t been back to Florida at all
When she got to Yates she started telling people that both of her parents are dead, from a car accident. Often borrows book and movie plots to fill in the gaps of the elaborate lie of a life she created for herself. She had a wealthy friend her freshman year named Katherine who basically treated Ingrid like a pet project. She bought Ingrid whatever she wanted, designer clothes, meals, anything, as long as Ingrid was Katherine’s only friend and vice versa
It was kind of an abusive relationship?? Katherine always had a crush on Ingrid and threatened to out her real background whenever Ingrid started to get too independent
Katherine eventually dropped out due to mental health issues but the thing is... Ingrid still has one of her credit cards. And they look remarkably alike. And there was that time last year when Katherine had the hit and run accident and Ingrid never told anyone. So she uses Katherine’s credit now to keep up appearances of her rich lifestyle
Also tells people that she’s an heiress to the fortune of some obscure real estate company based in France. Speaks with a strange accent sometimes, like someone who grew up in Paris but hasn’t been back there in years
Especially loves to use this lie on the men she meets through like SeekingArrangment and shit. Is currently juggling like 5 older guys who buy her shit and think her name is Jasmine from Paris.
Okay she sounds odd but is really fun at parties? Like she’s the girl to take care of the drunk people even though she’s wasted herself
Always has a supply of coke and is always willing to share it
Will sleep with just about anyone but she will not do relationships. Or when she does do them she’s really bad at it
Keeps everyone at a Distance but is really funny and kind when you get to know her
Ummm but doesn’t want you to really know her? Knowing her = someone finds out she’s lying about every aspect of her life. 
She’s addicted to pixi sticks and is constantly pouring them into her mouth in class
Kleptomaniac. If something goes missing from your room she’s probably stolen it. She has a box in her closet full of other people’s trinkets like a dragon’s hoard 
Is a compulsive liar. like of you like to bike ride? suddenly she’s a competitive racer. always has to one up everyone
She diys most of her clothes. Picture like, floor-length vintage nightgowns hacked off at the knees to make a babydoll dress, white boots with abstract faces drawn on, Vivienne Westwood corsets, Lego figures glued to hair barettes. Her style is a bit bizarre but most of it’s expensive. 
Lol she also runs a popular Depop shop where she sells her own designer stuff at wayyyyy more than she bought it for like I said she hustles
ABUSE TW: She only smokes menthol cigarettes bc any other kind reminds her of the Marlboros her dad would press into her skin
Is studying english and honestly… is probably on of the people that will Make It in a creative career. Queen of hustling
OKAY WANTED PLOTS TIME: an ex that she cheated on, maybe an unrequited crush, maybe a friend who’s started to catch inrid in all her lies?? Ummm hook ups of course, a drug dealer, maybe some rich friends that she’s using for their money?? Girl friends, party friends, like give me a wild Skins type gang
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blackevermore · 4 years
🌻 Random Headcanons pt 2🌻
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[ Ivan x Mel ]
x Mel makes its her job to correctly pronounce people’s names how they are pronounced in their language. Alfred thinks she’s doing too much and she tells him that he is jealous he has a basic old english white man name. Ivan finds it alluring and does his best to say her name how it’s pronounced in Greek. She tells him there is no need but really she enjoys it. This also starts Mel correcting others when they say Ivan’s human name in public. 
x Mel only addresses the countries by their human names unless they get under her skin then she calls them by their whole name. I mean official government name, Republic (United ) and all. She might even get fancy and say it in their language so they will know she’s serious. 
x With the assistants being around the countries interact a lot more than they normally do. A lot more hanging out outside of work, stronger friendships, Canada had the biggest impact with everyone in the meeting knowing who he was because his assistant is very much a hot head and will cuss you out if you call him anything other than Canada.
x Ivan didn’t have an assistant for a while but eventually he got one and it was a rather strict slightly older than the rest male. Alfred made a joke that Putin sent a minime and Mel had to shut him up before anyone else heard him. Luckily the strictness slowly faded away and Mel found out Ivan’s assistant was actually a old soul dork who was a dancer on the side. 
x Mel and Ivan play matchmaker with other nations and sometimes their assistants. This is how Mel found out that half the world has already slept with each other. She really can’t look at England the same. This is how Ivan found out he has two admirers that are Germany and France’s assistants. Since Ivan and Me’s relationship is still private she finds it cute the others fond over Ivan. She even joins in on letting them talk about him as if they have a chance. She keeps her victory to herself.
x Mel found out Ivan can sing his fucking heart out (literally), but he keeps it to himself so she has to catch him around his house when she comes over. This is rather difficult since she doesn’t know the lay out of his big ass house very well and he moves around a lot when he is busy. He can even throat sing as well, he learned from China and Mongolia when he was a child. At first it scared the shit out of Mel. 
x Mel has stumbled upon Ivan’s wide collection of pipe that he keeps in his normally locked artillery. When she asked him about it he looked pale and admitted that during wars with other countries when his people destroyed towns he would collect them as trophy.  When Mel looked closer on the sides Ivan had carved in the sides the name of the county and towns. When Mel asked him about the pipe he used to carry in his trench coat. He told her it was actually a pipe from his old capital/home. 
x Ivan was the one to teach Mel how to shoot different types of guns. She told him it wasn’t necessary but he kinda tricked her into learning with a bribe. Now she knows how to aim and fire machine guns. What was the bribe you may be asking? Ivan keeps his april fools dress and other dress like costumes and told her he would model them for her. Mel couldn’t resist after she overheard how cute Ivan looked from Francis. 
x Some of the countries have some supernatural element besides being immortal. Ivan falls into the list despite not being fully aware he can do it. He is aware that he can teleport and be summoned, he can see and very rarely control Gentral Winter, but he isn’t aware that he has full control over his scarf like extra hands. He isn’t fully aware that he can control anything winter related outside of the season. Many times Mel has woken up to Ivan’s body being completely frozen and the bedroom being iced over. She’s had to wake him so she wouldn’t die.
x With that being said Mel is kinda terrified of spending some winters with Ivan because he does this thing were he shuts down completely and “freezes to death” and can be sleep for days before waking up fully energized. When this happens tho his whole house turns into a tundra and no matter how many times Mel turns up the heat its still cold. She’s had to call Tolys to come help her either make it through Ivan’s snow hibernations or take her somewhere else to stay. 
x Ivan always feels bad when he wakes up to find a note and blanket draped over him. When Mel finally asked why that happens it was a very touchy topic and she understood if he didn’t want to talk about it. He admitted months later while they were in the countryside enjoying the summer that he has actually died and been reborn twice, everytime he died he did so outside in the snow from freezing to death. Both times he was reborn he had woken up in sunflower fields because it was the warmest part of his country. But when he is home his powers try to replicate the harsh winters inside which causes him to freeze for a few days then wake back up.
x Ivan doesn’t want Mel’s pity from his time growing up and his time as a country. He just wishes for her to listen to him when he speaks even if she doesn’t understand it all. Ivan has a lot of baggage he carries and he is aware of his outstandish behaviors and interactions. He is better than what he was but he still has his moments were he relapse back into his dark days. But he never takes it out on Mel or anyone around him, he always locks himself away until he feel able to come out. Those are the days Mel feels that Ivan is most human  and she stays by his side.
x Ivan loves spontaneous vacations and he offers them to Mel every chance he gets. But Mel being Alfred’s assistant and a public affairs member has to work long hours. Ivan takes pity on humans for having to work so hard but he understand it (I mean this IS Russia we are talking about...) But when she turns in her vacation days she is quick to pack her bags to go to somewhere random. Yao has welcomed them many times his his home.
x Yao was the first person Ivan told about his relationship. Although Yao scold him about how dangerous and stupid falling in love with a human was he still supports him. To Yao Ivan is still a child looking for someone to love him more than anything. Yao wont take that away but he will pay attention to Ivan in future dates when the time comes when Mel is no longer with him.
x Ivan has taken Mel snow drifting and nearly gave the girl a heart attack. Matthew has offered to join them and she has never seen two grown as men nearly flip a car so easily from having fun. Alfred likes the rush when he is driving but he panics when anyone else takes the wheels. IVan and Matthew purposefully shove Alfred in the back with Mel. 
x Mel really loves museums and Ivan makes it his duty to take her his when she comes over. They have a lot of dates at the museums and  Opera Houses. Ivan finally gets to express his love for the arts unlike before when Mel is around. He admits he’s favorite culture besides is own is Francis’s and it’s noticeable. 
x Ivan keeps many historical items in his house that even historians know nothing about. He thought it was the only way to keep them safe and away from the public so they wouldn’t be stolen. Though he admits some of the items he took because he liked them. Ivan told Mel that even though he didn’t like Nicholas II (more like he really didn’t like the fact he was in charge) he was very fond of his wife and children. They used to call him uncle Ivan. Ivan owns a few dresses and crowns that belonged to the girls. He even owns a crown and a gown from his favorite queen, Catherine The Great. He has allowed Mel to wear the crowns before and has even commissioned a republica of a few of the dresses for Mel. Though she prefers to wear Ivan’s traditional clothing when she can. But playing royalty is a wonder touch.
x ^^^ Ivan has even joined her in dressing up and they’ve done countless Beauty and the Beast like dances in Ivan’s living room.
x Ivan doesn’t like the movie Anastasia but he will admit the song Once Upon a December is a really good song. Mel had caught him singing it a few times. 
x Ivan can grow body hair, Mel really wanted to see him with a fancy bread and mustache he used to wear back in time. Ivan has a lot of portraits of himself scattered across his country that other humans are unaware are all the same person. She noticed a rather famous painting of Ivan hanging in his international museum during one of their dates and it was one of him with a full beard. So in the time he was growing a beard everyone at the meetings were confused. Until one day He showed up with an icon russian beard and Author nearly choked on his tea thinking he saw a ghost of a czar. Francis loved it. Alfred was high key jealous because he could never grow good facial hair. 
x Ivan is the Justice Dance master, he doesn’t care how silly he looks he wins everytime. Nation sleep overs are fucking wide. 
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agemnor · 4 years
Thank you so much for tagging me @haoranghae haoranghae you’re an angel!
20 questions tag
1. what do you prefer to be called name wise?
My name is Morgane so you can call me that if you want, my friends also call me Morgani ^^ But like if you want to give me a nickname go for it, I live for that shit.
2. when is your birthday?
June 16th!
3. where do you live
4. three things u are doing right now?
listening to Turn back time, thinking about learning a new language (but I don’t know which one yet), and stressing about getting my exam results.
5. four fandoms that have piqued your interest right now?
I’m been listening to some Everglow and The boyz’s songs so I would like to know more about them. I’ve been really into Hands up by Cherry Bullet and Scream by Dreamcatcher, I need to stan more gg so yeah I think I’m really gonna look into them (especially Dreamcatcher, from what I see, their concept looks really boom.).
6. how’s this pandemic been treating you?
I realised how much I really loved being able to live alone and to just live my life instead of having to line with my family.It was a real hell living with my two brothers, I cannot stand them. I miss my friends too :(. However I’m glad that I had the chance to be safe and that no one that I knew got sick.
7. a song u cant stop listening to right now?
Like I said Scream by Dreamcatcher! But also Sleepsong by Bastille, I really love their songs and honestly All this bad blood was really the album that got me through those past few months.
8. recommend a movie
I just realised how long it has been since I’ve watched a movie lol. Most of the times I need to do something while doing it so I’m lost in the plot and stop watching it. But I would recommend Anna Karerina, I really love this movie, and basically any Barbie movie, you can never go wrong with them.
9. how old are u?
18 but like 19 in our days.
10. school, university, occupation, other?
I’m in my first year of University (I’m doing a Letter (?? Is this how it’s called in english) major). I’m also searching for a summer job, please pray for me.
11. do u prefer heat or cold?
Cold! Listen being hot is just so inconvenient like there are so many layers of clothes that you can take off, it’s harder to breathe because there is like no air and there are flies everytime you eat. When you’re cold you put on a sweatshirt, you cuddle and it’s okay!
12. name one fact others may not know about u
I had to think a lot about this one, I’m not that interesting ^^ But I really like sewing! Especially making plushies! (I’m not really good at it yet but it’s something that I’m really interested in.).
13. are u shy?
It’s not that I’m shy, it’s that I hate being the center of attention and I’m always afraid to bother everyone so it’s rare that I’m the person to take the first step.
14. do u have preferred pronouns?
15. biggest pet peeve?
When people don’t clean up after themselves!! Especially when you just organised everything!! I also hate when people talk for others, like no you don’t live in their brain, you don’t know what they think, they can talk and say what they want to say.
16. what is your favorite ‘dere’ type?
I had to look it up lol. Deredere and Kuudere I think
17. rate your life 1-10, 1 being rlly crappy and 10 being the best it could ever be
6? I don’t know, this quarantine really put me in a weird place where I lost interest for anything and I don’t know where I am in my life but at the same time I’m content? idk. But I started to think about projects that I wanna do this summer, to become more motivated so we’ll see ^^
18. what’s your main blog?
I only have one so it’s this one!
19. list your side blogs and what they’re used for?
I used to have one when I first started and tried to gif, but I think I only posted two gifsets on there before deleting it.
20. is there anything u think people need to know about u before becoming friends with u?
(oof I’m the same about the responding thing) I don’t know, I think that at first I seem very closed but it’s just because I don’t know you and I’m afraid of saying/doing something wrong, but once you know me I’m very loyal.
Thank you once again for tagging me Jill! I was fun! 
I tag @17dad @supermariohrothers @01fly @pja2jae @yixing-zhang @whenxoxosmilesunshines @axizzles @dxzzlinglight @je0nghans @electrofat  but only if you want to oc ^^
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cryptidcalling · 4 years
Vampire Horace headcanons because why not?
-He can’t go out in the sun of course, but he still needs to go to work and whatnot. So he does indeed walk around with an umbrella to hide away from the sunlight. Thankfully the sun doesn’t instantly burn him alive or anything, it’s more like an allergic reaction. He gets a rash and if he’s exposed long enough he’ll start to get blisters. However, if he were exposed to the sun for too long, like many hours, his skin would begin to actually burn. He wouldn’t light on fire, but it would feel like his skin was on fire, and eventually he’d die. 
-Using his Biology Knowledge he’s actually figured out how to make a sort of ointment that will heal up any rashes or blisters he’s managed to get.  -He still works as a biology professor, and occasionally he’ll slip up and talk about some random experience he had during the French Revolution or the age of Napoleon, and have to pass it off like he learned it from a text book and was simply exaggerating.
-He was originally born in France and was turned in the late 1700s during the reign of Marie Antoinette and the course of the French Revolution. He was actually born rather wealthy at the time, which is what caused him and his family to become turned. They were all fed vampire’s blood by someone in an attempt to kill them. The person believed that the blood would act as a sort of unholy acid to them, but it turned them instead. So now he and his whole big family are immortal vampires.  -He’s done his best to adapt to the modern times in terms of style and speech, but he’s always going to be a little stuck. No, he doesn’t go around wearing  1800s French fashion, but he does wear more maroon vests and puffy-sleeved undershirts than needed. And no matter how hard he tries he can’t feel comfortable not pulling his socks up all the way. He still wears the kind that go up to his knees, but thankfully they’re usually hidden under more modern pants now. 
-He’s also terrible at slang, he just can never manage to catch on. Especially trying to go from French to English, then British English to American English after moving there with his family. 
-By now he’s got almost an entirely American accent, maybe with a tad of French still slipping through. He’s been sure to maintain his full knowledge of French though, so he’s fluent in both languages. 
-He’s been a biology professor for as long as he’s been allowed to, and if there’s been one benefit to immortality it’s been being able to walk through life and observe so much of the science world as it grows. 
-He absolutely despises the depiction of vampires in pop culture, ESPECIALLY Twilight and the ridiculous notion that vampires *Twinkle.* He also tried to watch the Vampire Diaries, but he just couldn’t get into that one either despite it having somewhat more ‘Accurate’ vampire lore. And he certainly can’t stand how much of media shows vampires as evil feral monsters that should be hunted for sport. 
-“Barely ANY vampires take the risk of live feeding anymore! It’s absurd! Humans really think they’re so special that we need their blood specifically? We can drink ANY blood, human blood just tastes best. It... *really* does taste best. It’s so much sweeter, so much *richer.* Compared to livestock it’s like, it’s like honey compared to corn syrup. It’s *divine,* it’s really- Ahem. Anyways. My point stands that vampires can control themselves perfectly fine.”
-Horace does, clearly, have a preference for human blood. He can live just fine without it, but he certainly does miss it. Back in his middling years, between first being turned and the invention of regulations and whatnot that really keep track of people, Horace did live feed. However, he can’t live without blood in general. Some vampires have been able to, but only by avoiding a fully blood-based diet from the start.
-Horace has “frenzied” a few times in his modern life. Working for so long that you forget to eat is serious in all cases, but when your diet is blood based it’s all the worse. He’s never killed a person in modern times, but there have been a couple of unfortunate pigs and goats.
-A frenzy isn’t just instant, it’s built up over many days. He gets much paler, it gets harder to breathe and to focus, his sense of smell because very intense, and he’ll start to salivate a lot. He never goes “feral” or anything like that. The hunger will just become overwhelming, so he’ll give in and leave the house to hunt. It’s called a frenzy because a vampire in frenzy doesn’t stop eating until it feels like they’re going to vomit basically.
-Thankfully Horace usually keeps blood on hand. Just locally sourced things that are easy enough to buy from a butcher’s shop. Cody is actually the one who remembers to restock though.
-Cody is Horace’s roommate, and he doesn’t give two shits that Horace is a vampire. He’s also, in the most recent years, been the person preventing any future frenzies by making sure Horace is eating regularly. Cody is also half regenerator, meaning he can perfectly heal any injuries. Because he’s only half, he can’t do them as quickly as a full blooded regenerator could. That also means in really dire situations Horace could drink his blood and everything would be okay, but he couldn’t do it frequently enough for it to be a healthy option for either of them. Cody can’t replenish blood fast enough for Horace to regularly be full, and Horace avoids it anyways. It’s kind of like when you know some kind of fancy expensive chocolate would taste so much better than the cheap dollar store kind, but you’ve gotten used to the dollar store brand. So if you have some of the expensive stuff the brand your used to won’t taste good to you anymore. 
-On a lighter note: Horace can shapeshift! And fly, though he prefers to do neither. He only does so on dire occasions. And maybe he’ll shapeshift into a mouse to spy on his arch nemesis, but who’s to say?
-Horace does like being a vampire. Sure there are setbacks, but aside from monster hunters he really never has to fear death, and blood is always plentiful. Most of all though, he enjoys just being able to progress with the world and always see what’s coming next.
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greatchaosgentlemen · 4 years
I think that its great to enjoy the characters and the stories that are told within the Skamverse. Discovered the OG in 2017 and was like whoah this shit is really  cool. Coming from the UK we already had the tales of Skins (great show check it out for British teenage life) but Skam is like life Monday-Friday and then Skins is more like the intense crazy weekend experience. Sorry if no one gets that analogy.
But basically I just think sure it is fine to comment on the shows and say what your liking and what you most definitely don't. It’s all art and I feel like we should all expect and accept that. But just don't stress out too much guys, sometimes I see so much anger and like i don't know if you guys are actually that angry irl but I don't know i hope not because that shit must be so bad. Skamverse is great but hey remember that these are just fictional characters and we shouldn't be loosing ourselves to them and forget to live our own lives. and of course some versions are better than others with their storytelling, acting, cinematography, score, representation etc. and some are just cringy af. Don't know if that to do with translations (shoutout to all the translators out there, Skam is one big reason that I've gotten in other language films and tv, you all do such an amazing job so thanks). But i just want to say I hope that we all remember that we can be the change and work towards creating the right dialogue in which any tom, dick and harry can feel happy and discover an art form (film, tv, book, poem etc) where they feel represented. 
just basically im just like saying A LOT MORE RESPECT NEEDS TO BE GIVEN PARTICUARLY TO THE ACTORS because some of y’all are T-H-I-R-S-T-Y and it ain’t cute. and like there's a difference being critiquing and being annoyed or being angry and expressing that normally; whereas some of you are just really dam rude to people. 
basically i think we all should just be happy that such a good show exists, and take all the positive and negatives that come from living at such a time where the Skamverse exists ( albeit this time is weird because CORONA !!!! Hope that everyone is safe and is practicing social distancing. We will eventually defeat this). We are all so talented and no matter what I want to reinforce that belief that truly you are loved no matter what your race, skin colour, sexuality, belief in religion, whether you forgot when your uni assignment was due and thought you had a weekend but actually it was due on the Friday so you had to spend 12 hours in the library (whoops just me ?!), thoughts on climate change (im just saying that to be inclusive because the science is there and if you don't believe that well im sorry your being ridiculous and i think you should be concerned about mother nature and that we should be fighting the 1% who truly control everything, your academic prowess and a million more things that frankly i can't be bothered to write down but the intention is there
and heck if you want to vent your frustrations just let them out of course because they shouldn't be bottled in, in my opinion. go and talk to someone irl and say how ridiculous you think this thing is that you think happen. or if you don't feel like you have one then hell message me because i LOVE to talk and in particular at this point in the world i got all the time in the world. personally i also like making my own retellings and writings of the Skam stories where i make it better (hahah ;)) and if you want to do that then heck do that and ill be more than happy to read it 
basically those are just some thoughts i had and because my fingers are beginning to hurt im just going to list what im feeling about the shows 
sidenote - i think capitalism sucks and that money and views have to be taken into account by companies etc because i really think all of the four og stories should just be told automatically by all versions. let them stories and actors shine babyyyy
skam usa - bro like being a fellow english speaker yours is the one i can follow obviously the easiest so why are you just so kinda i don't know different and blah. is skam really just an european thing ? i don't know but i think an argument could be made 
skam og - nei vilde. what a ride and what a vibe. your basically iron man and have spewed the Skamverse. in my opinion great actors and great stories, in particular for me my first introduction to someone who follows Islam. also your soundtrack is smashing. though who is perfect ya know and obviously would have loved for you to have continue up to graduation 
skam france - oooo la la la. i do like the french language so its cool to help me learn and stuff but i really feel like you guys have got hit with a lot of bts drama and rules and order so i just don't know. your original seasons i don't know yet. still its only a story so i mean it is what it is. but like also people around this cast need to be a hella more respective of the actors *sips tea*
skam espana- hola amigos. you the edgy one that got everyone on their toes. I like that and i tip my hat to you. just i don't know sometimes i feel it sometimes i don't. shout out for so far being the only wlw representation (don't know if that's the right acronym, so please don't hate me. but i hope that women found some positives there) and with norando i like totally get it with the story told there but still i love to love and just like sad to miss out on the on screen growth of the relationship but still its cool
skam italia - ciao bella - some of you is hot some of you is not. i think the story is good but i don't know i just want more italian flavour. still thats from a foreigner view and in fact maybe it is very italian. hopefully your season 4 will be good, exciting with all this Netflix additions ooooo 
druck - danke- you cool bro just going powering on through. like your a bit of juggernaut really and im like whoah. actually do like a lot of your vibe and stylistic choices. its tres cool. also very exciting about this new season etc that has broken, really vibing a possible skins similarity with the set up. fingers crossed 
skam nl - eskild you crossover legend - ticking all my boxes just so sad for your premature closure. didn't know much about netherlands so cool to experience language and culture. maybe you'll come back to the skamverse again like Hawkeye as he buggered off for first of infinity war. sending you good vibes 
wtfock- yes yes yes. not going to lie so far you are my favourite.overall good vibes and everything. hopefully its good vibes and the proper belgian kids like it. just good stuff and so innovative to discuss lockdown and everything. exciting times and exciting for season 4 when it drops 
basically all of this came from one beer so yolo, still out here living my best life and one day hoping that the UK gets a Skam version. so many ideas so many possibilities
and like if ive offended anyone then i am sorry wasn't my intention. just writing down my thoughts and im sure you will get over it because were all amazing. Just keep it chill and honestly like i wont give any negative stuff the time of day anyway so don't waste your time heheh *sips tea* 
also most importantly i am very sorry for my grammar and punctuation and everything. honestly i am just being lazy and cannot be bothered to go over and rectify it. also sorry for making a very confusing message that probably really doesn't make sense at all. haha 
still alt er love everyone 
*renegades away from the computer*
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sastrugie · 4 years
my christmas break starts this friday as well! what’s up with your coworker? have her test results come back? is she doing okay?
alright, so my fav topics include:
- the russian revolution, as already stated :D
- the cold war (mostly from the east european point of view)
- the tudors
- victorian era england
i also really love peaky blinders (the show) and i occasionally enjoy reading about how different gangs operated back in those days but i don’t know much lmao
also, monarchy is just such a terrible system but i completely get your interest in the people! for example, i also adore reading and learning about the tudors and the romanovs but only as a part of history and not because i’m such a big fan of the monarchy? lmao if that makes sense.
and like, i lowkey get why the bolsheviks thought they needed to assassinate the whole family but it’s also really sketchy, dude ://
i think i like britain’s history just because it’s so rich and influential, but like we simply can’t ignore the fucked up shit they’ve done through the centuries. so again, i enjoy it but mostly because i love judging them for their actions lmao
and to answer your question, i don’t really know if i have many historical favs? i feel like i enjoy way too many problematic people lmao. nevertheless, the ones i’m most interested in atm are: lenin (shockers), anne boleyn, anne bonny, malcolm x - this list shifts constantly depending on my mood though.
oh shush you, i’m sure your style is bombing based on everything i just read :)
lmao i actually do that sometimes, but mostly in my mother tongue! but i also just love shakespearean insults in english, those are impeccable
and merci beaucoup! good luck with russian; maybe you’ll be able teach me a few phrases in the future :D
ooh what are you studying atm? if you don’t mind sharing, that is.
and me, i’d like to become a psychologist some day, so that’s pretty far from history as well haha but i never want the enthusiasm to die ever and i’m really loving how the two of us can just scream to each other about history in every single ask/answer :D
thank you so much for these beautiful recommendations, i’ll definitely check them out!!
here are some of mine:
- maria stuart by stefan zweig (german author, so it shouldn’t be too hard for you to find it!!)
- red crosses by sasha filipenko (fiction about the stalinist regime)
- the age of light by whitney scharer (historical fiction again lmao; tells the story of photographers lee miller and man ray’s romance in the 30s with little snippets into wwii through lee’s pov; the writing was stunning)
- sapiens by yuval noah harari (basically the history of mankind; so informative and enjoyable, i adored it)
- the real peaky blinders by carl chinn (what the title says, really; the actual gangs of birmingham and their not so shiny careers)
these are the best ones i read in 2020 but i’ll let you know if i remember any of my other reads!!
i also haven’t read any actual books about the 1917 revolution because i haven’t really had the chance to go to the library yet and i’ve been busy doing my research on the internet haha (it’s a fairly new hyperfixation of mine, to be frank). however, i’ll hit you up if i find anything worthwhile <3
- the russian revolution (the title speaks for itself lmao)
- genius of the modern world (3-part docuseries about marx, nietzsche and freud)
- world war ii in colour (lmao just a classic, innit)
- secrets of great british castles
- the last tzars (tho i’m pretty sure you’re quite familiar with this one haha)
- forbidden history
- secrets of the six wives
- anything by lucy worsley, tbh
these are all off the top of my head but again, i’ll let you know if i remember any more!!
oml i apologise for the long message and i hope your week is going well :D
dont apologize for long messages! <3 im always happy to talk to you 
sadly her test was positive UGH which means i have to get myself tested too (today) and if the worst case happens: i´ll have to spend christmas alone in my student flat bc then i obviously cant go home to my family (my grandparents live there..) so yeah, today 14:20 o clock... i have the test :( cross your fingers for me pls huhuhu
thats cool that we have the russian revolution and vicxtorian era as common interest ^^ i read a book recently its called “the ordeal” and its a triology written by alexej tolstoi during the times of the revolution. its a story about two sister and their love interests during the war times and its really good!!! 
oh i barely know anything about the tudors! pls hmu
ah yes.. the cold war... i have to admit im rather interested in the music and sociology of the cold war times but the political stuff is super interesting too! esp as you said from an east european view, so we can talk about that too!
yep. monarchy sucks! i understanbd from like a logical point of view why they shot them all, but the human side of me thinks its just cruel.. i mean yeah tsar nicholas wasnt a good politician but he wasnt a bad person either. but yeah, a difficult topic.. tbh he´s the only romanov im really interested in (i really dislike his wife alexandra tho lmao) hbu? 
leninnn :D i kinda excpected that! i havent really read much about him but he seems to be an interesting person! and who is anne boyd? malcom X yes! im really interested into the civil rights movement as well. I really like martin luther king jr.
englands history really fascinates me, and i honestly cant tell you why... but it is what is is hahhaa! nand duuudeeee omg they fucked so many shit up.. the british are a funny nation. but honestly none is unproblematic and every nation screwed up big time once:D judging is really important when youre intereste din history! like im interested in king george and queen mary but not solely for political reasons, more actually for their personal lives and victorian times and how they were as a couple, but i know... they did bad stuff too!
omg teach me some shakespearean insults pls! i only know a few victorian ones! and a bit of sixties slang :D 
im gonna reblog this and add some russian phrases bc my russian keyboard in on my phone :) but i use duolingo so the sentences are ... really weird lmao
im studying physical geography in Erlangen right now and am in my 7th semester.) im actually writing my bachelor thesis rn UGHHHHHHH
ohhhhh psychology is cool!! im really intersted in it, sadly i cant ever be one bc i suffer from poor mental health too much myself, in fact i have an appointment my therapist in a few minutes haha BUT i think youre super trustworthy and nice and easy to talk to so these are really good qualities for a therapist <3<3<3<3
i already read sapiens! its so good! and i know maria stuart by schiller haha but oml i love stefan zweig so imma add it on my list
ok and i will watch ALL of these (except the last tsars bc yeah i already saw it! and liked it ... kinda .. i didnt like the actor they chose for nicky, he didnt remind me of him at all)
i have alot of historical fiction books to recomment too: 
if you like ww2 “a time to live and a time to die”
ww1: “all quiet on the western front”
russian revolution and war time “the ordeal”
“intrige” by robert harris is also good (france 1896)
oh and documentary wise:
they shall not grow old is a coloured ww1 docu!
thank you so much for everything again i love talking to you :) have a nice day <3 (sorry for typos i was in a hurry)
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