oi-lucy · 4 months
Some queer rap/hip hop artists for y'all to add to your pride playlists cause we know how much y'all hate rap. (Music is picked by the queerest I could find or just my favorite of theirs. also added a lot of LGBT south African artists that probably don't count as rap but I never get the opportunity to share them, so fuck off)
MX Blouse (I will always share them, one of my all time favorite artists) - We Can Fall In Love
Tyler the Creator - I Ain't Got Time
Princess Nokia - No Effort
Lil Nas X - J Christ
Megan Thee Stallion - Tuned in
Isaiah Rashad - Wat U Sed (he was sadly forcibly outed so there's no explicitly queer songs, but this one features Doechii who is explicitly queer)
Doechii - Alter Ego (you just need to add this to any pride playlist)
Kevin Fret (RIP, you will be missed) - Soy Asi
Tori Fixx(one of the first ever openly gay hip hop artists) - Woof
God Des and She - Lick it (this is a really good tutorial as well)
FAKA (every queer person should know FAKA) - Uyang'khumbula
Dope St Jude - Grrrl Like
Moonchild Sanelly - Weh Mameh
There are so many more but this is my second time making this and I've got shit to do, reblog with any queer rappers y'all know or just queer POC you'd like to share.
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smadzadzalyte · 11 months
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FAKA by Jamal Nxedlana
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rausule · 1 year
Die probleem van die etimologie van Die Romeinse Egiptiese kultuur wil hê dat die naam van 'n stad in die geheim gegee moet word.die naam van Rome het hom reeds aan die antieke mense voorgehou, maar die oplossings wat hulle aangebied het, het nie die wetenskaplike kritiek deurstaan ​​nie.Gelukkig is daar nog mense wat antieke Latyn in Botswana praat; Rome Ek gee jou in kommissie om Rōmŭlus bestel remolo so van bestellings. Vir nou is dit onmoontlik dat Rōma van Rōmŭlus aflei, eerder die omgekeerde blyk waar te wees (soos Philargirio reeds gesien het). Die mees gunstig ontvang afleiding in die oudheid was dié van gr. ῥώμη «sterkte», maar dit lyk net 'n wetenskaplike etimologie. In die moderne era is verskeie ander hipoteses voorgehou. Een dateer terug na die antieke naam van die Tiber Rūmōn, sodat rōmānus "rivier" sou beteken het (die Rōmŭla-poort van die primitiewe mure is geleë in ooreenstemming met die Flumentana-poort van die Serviese mure). 'n Ander hipotese noem die naam Rūma, eintlik. «mammella jy gee my maar of het dit vir my ,_ ma o me l'ha_ », gegee in antieke tye aan die Palatyn-heuwel (maar die etimologie van hierdie naam is onseker). Aan die begin van die 20ste eeu. (1904) W. Schulze het die naam van die stad laat aflei van die Etruskiese adellike familie van die Ruma, waaraan die antieke naam van die Tiber soortgelyk sou wees. Dit is die tesis wat vandag die meeste aanvaar word, terwyl die verbintenisse met die gr. ῥέω «om te vloei» of met die naam van die Strymon-rivier. Antieke getuienisse dokumenteer die bestaan ​​van 'n geheime naam van die stad wat verband hou met sekere rites.
Seker Wie ook al die boodskap meer as 3 000 jaar gelede gestuur het, het 'n doel gehad aangesien ek na 'n duisend jaar die dokument net asseblief of die woorde of die taal net kon vertaal as gevolg van die feit dat dit teruggegaan het na sy oorsprong in Afrika. Meer as drie duisend jaar om terug te gaan na die oorsprong slegte oordrag: niemand verstaan ​​'n f****....die boodskap is heel eenvoudig gaan en beskaaf die mensdom uit onbeskaafdheid van wanorde meer as enigiets anders: gaan en stel wette in die wêreld volgens God se natuur uit sy wil
Dr De Beer
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bsidibe · 2 years
La bande à Ali Farka Touré sur la scène du Club de Jazz de Bamako [Reportage photo]
La bande à Ali Farka Touré sur la scène du Club de Jazz de Bamako [Reportage photo]
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vampyr-boyfriend · 8 months
One of my favorite things about Skyrim is when a bandit runs away from me only to be met by Farkas and his very large axe.
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mazeppafanart · 2 years
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croszukis · 3 months
idk lots of things in pidgin are just way more satisfying to say than in standard english
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riahlepapaya · 1 year
Okay wassup, what we celebrating? Cus clearly I never got the memo since Waipahu like blast 🎆
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imagination-void · 1 year
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Meet Luna, my team sona! I love her <3
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skrzynka · 1 year
ok duncan troche niefortunny palec wybrales sb zeby namalowac na paznokciu flage ukrainy
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carmineline · 1 year
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chizu117 · 7 months
It's so weird seeing how adultified by both the text and fandom Wyll has been. When we meet him in game, if you look past the scars, and then later the devil ridges, he's honestly very baby-faced. I can't even imagine how young he looked when he actually made his pact. At SEVENTEEN. As a CHILD.
Like why are all the dialogue options mean when you find out about his father, pact, etc. He wasn't some gnarled, wise adventurer when Mizora preyed on him, he was a good hearted kid who just wanted to save his city and the people in it and was manipulated into thinking that the only way to do that was to literally SELL HIS SOUL. And of course he wouldn't tell you about his father, the man threw him out. He loved his dad and when he needed him most the man tossed him away. He didn't just lose his house either, he was banished from the whole city, essentially pushed out into the wilds. OF-FAKAN-COURSE he's going to have immense trauma from that.
The whole persona he has seems like a coping mechanism and it's so bizarre that fans can love a character for becoming even more of a piece of shit because of trauma, but call another boring and annoying because his trauma response was to throw himself into heroism and helping others. If he went "Chee all you fakas" and went holo holo in the woods, I wouldn't even blame him, but he was out there saving lives where he could while literally being bound to the whims of a DEVIL.
Anyway, I am a Wyll stan first and a human second.
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the-golden-vanity · 4 days
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8/16/2024, Boston, Massachusetts: I ended my voyage in the only way fitting, by getting a traditional handpoked tattoo from artist, boat builder, and tattooist Owen Payette McGarry, a master of his craft and a fount of knowledge of New England maritime folk traditions.
In addition to the 19th century Nantucket whaler I chose from his flash book, the other tattoos you can see in this photo are by Facundo "Faka" Cejas (the Peglar Papers eye), Laceyrea Barrett (the fish with legs), and Chelsea Rhea (the tailfin of a huge mermaid that takes up the other side of my arm).
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pasquiart · 7 months
Blackarachnia my dear,you blind faka Optimus is worried about you unlike certain someone who's hungry for power <3
Maybe you should watch closely on who's the one at fault here instead of jumping into conclusion dear
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dungeonmeshi-polls · 1 month
* I'm not really sure if they're canon though... Including because Obrin definitely had a crush on her
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