#Fëanor is trying
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rputthebottledown · 14 hours ago
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Nelyo isn‘t very impressed with his new baby brother.
Its part III this if officially a series now!
part I & II
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inthehouseoffinwe · 6 months ago
Finarfin Fades.
No one expects it, no one’s faded in Valinor since Miriel. The War of Wrath is won and he comes back, waving off the courtiers, well wishers, and congratulators with his usual grace, and walks into the palace of Tirion. To rooms abandoned since their owners left so long ago. Winding deeper and deeper his feet take him to what was once Finwë’s favourite garden.
He’s so tired.
He’s fulfilled his promise to Fëanaro and Nolofinwë, to avenge them. To make the agony of their final moments - agony Finarfin felt, falling to the floor screaming as fire and darkness consumed his spirit - count for something. Now Morgoth is finally gone, but he’s not the only one.
His brothers, larger than life, larger than death, are gone. With them his sons. Niece. Nephews. Grandchildren. His daughter is never to return. He Saw little Nelyo’s death in his dreams and is sure hopes for the child’s own sake that Makalaurë will be close behind.
Little remains. Even less on these golden shores.
So Finarfin sits on a bench long overgrown with vines and weeds, and watches the sun filter through the thicket, wishing the ghosts he sees in his father’s garden would flesh out.
He sits. He waits.
And by the time anyone finds him, it’s too late.
…at least he’s smiling again.
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crownedwithstars · 8 months ago
the reasons I think Fëanorians should not get the Silmarils back
it's a better and more compelling story this way. their fall from grace and the way they corrupt and destroy themselves because of a hopeless quest is peak tragedy, which would be ruined by their success.
it's a justified consequence of the Kinslayings: the right of ownership is not and cannot ever be more important than somebody else's right to live.
it's also a justified consequence of them stealing and destroying someone else's priceless semi-sacred property: Teleri will never get their ships back because Fëanor burned them out of spite, so it's only fair and square that the Silmarils are never returned to him or his heirs. 
if Stuff is so important to you that it causes you to ruin the lives of all your children, losing that Stuff forever is probably just karmic justice. (see also: "if more of us valued food and cheer above hoarded gold...")
And no, nobody else should have the Silmarils either. It's clear that having a Silmaril messes with your brain. At the end of the Silm, they should become public property. I would go even further than this and say that the actual resolution of the Silm, where nobody can have them and the single surviving jewel is carried as a star that everyone can indiscriminately see by a guy who never expressed a desire for it, is probably the only correct one. 
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desperately need a bill wurtz-style history of arda
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chaos-of-the-abyss · 8 months ago
im sorry but i find it funny how you went from tolerating feanorians and those apologists to just straight up admitting your disdain for them. seriously, i feel you on that, because its those type that pushed me away from liking the feanorians, and sadly, it drove me away from liking elrond as well (i know, i'm horrible) because of the many times he's been used as a weapon to shit on elwing or any of her family like y'all i can see the bs from miles away with that
let me tell you anon, i've reached my limit for "everyone can have their own opinion uwu" after the continuous slew of """opinions""" that have zero canon basis and are obviously trying to make the feanorians look better and more moral while simultaneously condemning their literal victims. it is funny too bc like i've said they used to be some of my favorite characters - and i still very much enjoy them as they are in the story - but the refusal of so many of their "fans" to engage with the people they actually are is frustrating and ridiculous. you'd think if you like a character you wouldn't feel the need to sanitize their actions. at that point just write your own original story of misunderstood "forced by circumstance to commit mass murder" tragic heroes, because whichever characters it is you're stanning there, it's not the feanorians
i still do adore elrond (the canon version of him, not the fanon "maglor is my real dad!!11!1! also i hate my parents bc they Abandoned Me" knockoff), but i do steer clear of content that's not from my mutuals lol. like you said some characterization choices are so blatantly just using him as ammunition for their "we want m&m to be elrond and elros' real parents, so we have to make elwing as bad as possible so m&m become better caretakers by comparison despite being the reason elrond and elros no longer have their family, home, and friends" pipeline. it's transparent as hell and especially annoying considering that elwing lost her family and home and was displaced as a toddler thanks to the feanorians' actions. then when they come back and take everything from her a second time you want to vilify her while glorifying them? using her sons who in canon clearly loved and respected her? lmao
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edennill-archived · 11 months ago
Where does this extremely pervasive piece of fanon that Fëanor put pieces of his soul in the Silmarils come from though?
I get why it's so popular -- people want to excuse the Fëanorians somehow, and after all, we do not deal out death penalty in disputes over property, stolen or otherwise, so their actions will always be overkill if the Silmarils are just special treasures. But there is zero things pointing towards it in the books.
In fact I would argue that canon actually provides evidence against it, given how the catholic understanding of the soul holds it to be indivisible, and I'm quite sure a statement to similar effect is available about the fëa somewhere*. So you cannot "put a piece of your soul in something", unless metaphorically.
I feel like Fëanor probably was connected with the Silmarils on some deeper level -- but they can't have been made of his soul. It doesn't work like that.
*"The fëa is indestructible, a unique identity which cannot be disintegrated or absorbed into any other identity" - HoME X
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symphonyofsilence · 1 year ago
"That damn Fëanor & his sheer fucking HUBRIS!!"
-All of Arda, clutching to the Silmarils like their lives depend on it. bringing death & destruction to their lands, people & even children just to hold on to the Silmaril against the unstoppable force they KNOW the sons of Fëanor are. And the Valar who confessed they can't make something like Silmarils, and are after them so bad it's embarrassing-
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mamawasatesttube · 1 year ago
started thinking of how i'd do some kind of fusion with superfam/yj and tolkien's legendarium and. well it doesn't work very well BUT i'm entranced by two concepts:
a) clois as a thingol/melian type situation, where a minor god falls in love with someone who seems lesser than him in the eyes of others, but who he loves wholly and who loves him back and inspires him and. etc. clois invented romance you get it. but also
b) vanyarin wonderfam (maybe mixed with another ainu??? see this is where it starts to get thorny w the worldbuilding). specifically i'm just thinking of glorious golden warrior cassie with the light of the trees in her eyes. you know the tolkienesque descriptors would go so hard about her.
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redbootsindoriath · 2 years ago
Fëanorian Week 2023, Day 7: Fëanor and Nerdanel
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You can see I gave up on the barely-there draping and went for full clothes in this one, mostly because Nerdanel would require more of it to get past Tumblr guidelines and I didn’t want to deal with all that.
And yes, I know the pose is almost identical to that Gwindor-and-Finduilas drawing I did that one time.  I’m not very creative when it comes to romantic stuff in drawings so we just have to take what we can get.
So...yeah, that’s the end of Fëanorian Week.  No more updates and excuses and explanations!  Huzzah!  I shall now disappear again for an undetermined length of time.
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4nnatar · 1 month ago
Ordered a shirt.
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Just so the world knows where I stand I have something to wear at the con in April.
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nercynorning · 2 years ago
Comfort Character Tag Game
Thank you to @belovedblabber for the tag!!
In no particular order:
Maedhros (the Silmarillion): Mr. Doomed by the Narrative himself. The way he tries to do good (ceding the kingship to Fingolfin, the union of Maedhros) but ultimately will not give up the oath. He’s an eldest daughter, he’s a diplomat, he’s a war criminal, he’s a survivor until he’s not.
Celebrimbor (the Silmarillion): BABY BOI. Like his grandfather, he is a genius smith. Unlike him, he is trying to share his gifts. He befriends dwarves, he founds a guild, he creates the rings of power out of desire (in my opinion) to help rebuild Beleriand (and also probs for the Creative Challenge and Conceptual Implications of it all. Which. Same). Shame his boyfriend smithing partner turned out to be evil.
Mercymorn (the locked tomb): Eugh! Yuck! She’s iconic. Love to put her in Situations. Especially the “moments of unexpected tenderness between fucked up characters” type situation.
Harrowhark (the locked tomb): Sometimes a favorite character is just a little freak (affectionate). She exploded a man with soup made from her own marrow and that’s only the tip of the iceberg. I cherish her.
Jonathan Sims (the Magnus archives): Another little freak. Sopping fucking wet disaster of a man, but trying to do right by others even as he goes further down the road of becoming an avatar. One of my favorite character moments: burning Jerry’s page even though it causes him physical pain, because it was the merciful thing to do. Canonically likes cats.
Katara (avatar: the last airbender): Baby’s First Blorbo. I latched onto her like a limpet at age 10-12. I loved how passionate she was about fighting injustice. I also loved waterbending; how fluid it was and how creative Katara got with it.
Thanks again for tagging me, it was fun 😊
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vrtlkm · 1 year ago
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I could not post this without these hilarious tags by @stormygopher
The best possible adaptation of The Silmarillion would be musical in the style of SIX with all the kings of the Noldor singing about their horrific deaths.
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balrogballs · 24 days ago
You know which two characters I’d love to watch interact? Fëanor and Bilbo. I just know that Bilbo would put the fear of god in Fëanor. The guy would change his name to Fëarnor after ten minutes in a room with Bilbo. Bilbo says completely out-of-pocket things every five minutes like it’s his day job. He once stabbed a pillar in Elrond’s house just to show Frodo that his sword was actually sharp as if there was no other way to do it.
That Hobbit would take one look at the Silmarils and ask Fëanor why he threw away his immortal soul for “what to me looks like a glorified matchstick, my dear fellow”. He would write a five page poem about all of Fëanor’s misdeeds from the time he broke a window as an elfling to the kinslaying, and then recite it to his face and make him give constructive criticism on the rhyme and meter. He’d say Nerdanel should have “gone for the smart one, not the pretty one”. He would say “my dear father is dead too but you don’t see me going around screaming like a banshee and killing everyone, do you?” He would tell Fëanor that many problems of the psyche can be traced to trapped wind, and inquire as to whether or not he ate anything “bean-adjacent” on the morning he made the Oath. He would ask him if he’d never heard of contraception, and suggest that he try breathing exercises next time he feels the urge to burn a ship or two. He’s mansplain Tengwar to him. He’d write a letter to Finwë telling him all this was the result of not disciplining his child at the age of five and send him a list of Supernanny-type childcare tips, “in case you want to try again, because I don’t think this world can handle underpopulation”. He’d have Fëanor crying in two minutes, I know it, I know it in my bones.
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comeontakemyname · 1 month ago
Nerdanel and Fëanor over a baby Curufin:
Nerdanel: Absolutely not, Fëanáro, his first word will be ammë!
Fëanor: No, I can feel it, he is a father's boy! You named him yourself! His first word will be atar!
Curufin: -gurgles-
Nerdanel: Say ammë, a-m-m-ë!
Fëanor: Say atar! Or perhaps atya, which is a permutation of the--
Curufin: N, n, n, n....
Nerdanel: Oh! He's trying to say my name! How sweet! And see? An elfling will call for his moth--
- Camera pans to a frazzled, disheveled, and tired looking Maedhros with Maglor, Celegorm, and Caranthir already hanging off him -
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ilaneya · 1 month ago
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i’m trying out new brushes so here’s fëanor and nerdanel sketch
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corsairspade · 7 months ago
there are many reasons I like the "Erestor son of Caranthir" headcanon but secretly the main one is that I'm imagining all of the remaining noldo auditors sighing of relief when Caranthir dies and they don't have to try play 4d chess with multiverse time travel trying to catch this guy doing tax evasion. life is good for exilic auditors now.
and then suddenly Elrond and Elros turn up again! even better! oh who's this, Elrond? your good friend Erestor? he's helping you with your taxes? oh how swe- what is this Elrond. What is this. your paperwork for your taxes you say. not a declaration of war? because it looks like a declaration of war on the exilic auditors, Elrond.
and then all the auditors are so busy doing "extreme tax auditing™" for the first time since the second Kinslaying that they don't tell anyone they're pretty sure there's another scion of the house of Fëanor running around.
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