#Explaining them at the moment. Also if I messed up some history sorry. Also a lot of ideas for their relationship I didnt even mention haha
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estbela · 1 year ago
Me thinking about the fact that during the 19th and 20th centuries there were several proposals to unify romania and bulgaria, mostly made by bulgarians: alrighty, now how can I make this angsty
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nwarrior777 · 3 months ago
Read your hospital notes. Sorry to hear that you were overwhelmed at first and that your room was not comfortable. I am glad that they seem to have moved you to a better one.
The realization of not having your own space is a difficult one to contend with, especially with no quick solution in sight. It's completely understandable to desire privacy and your own place where you can set things up just as you like them. I am sorry that you do not have that now, but I hope that the future you are working towards meets you faster than expected and that you can rejoice in making the space your own. Maybe think of that future as a motivating reward, like your waking up comic? Thinking things like, "When I have my own flat, I'll hang curtains like this" or, "Someday I will keep a set of dishes like these in my kitchen and they'll be my favorites." I am not in my own space right now either, but the idea of a better future comforts me somewhat, so I hope that maybe it could help you, too.
I hope that you continue to have good moments while you are resting and that any surprises when you leave are the good and pleasant kind.
Wishing you well on your journey.
i am sorry i know its all around now in text and this blog is a mess atm but
that bird-bringed letter brings me so much happiness, i can't explain why it can't be just my love for dandy aesthetic vibes right???
its just.. its like i often think, how i will stay in history. i think about that poets which letters and diary now in museums. about artists, who are on conversation even after decades.
and its such a... cute heartwarming feeling to get those Sir, messages yk?? i feel like i am in history, i am some poet some artist. laying sick'ish in renesanse pose on bed with light flickering on face yeah but there is something other
like. its just. some person, anonymously, making it for me. maybe not one even, i can't say cause its anon letters. So much effort of styling this message in such poetic form. So much care. For many times! It just touches my heart so deep
also the bit about me-now getting closer to me from future? like. that is literally poetic. it is a poem itself its such poetic image.
i love it so much and it calms me, it makes me happy and i feel so many emotions, but they are all calm and poetic. Incredible
Thank you so much, thank you. I mean, i have a lot others asks in ask box with support, which i love too so much, but its just so. I mean you get it, just read this i want to print it in old type and on wall i mean, that thing about menow getting closer to future one really got me
Thank you a lot, Dear gentelman Bird Letter Sender
With Love Love Love, Kris! 🖤
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namjhyun · 16 days ago
DRAMA REVIEW | Motel California (2025)
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It gives me absolutely no pleasure to tell you this drama was a hot mess. So much so, I don't even know where to start so I can properly explain myself as I am still reeling from what can only be one of the most underwhelming endings I have seen in a while.
At the beginning, I was all in. Motel California starts with a funeral, a bang and a slap; and I was ready to fight for Kang-hee after seeing the way the town's people treated her. I liked her spirit and refusal to backdown and bow down. Everyone expected her to be meek at their hurtful comments and prejudices but she didn't let any of them get away with it. No matter if it was her boss, a rich kid, or even an elder. I also liked all the secondary characters, except those annoying childhood antagonist, and the story seemed to be very interesting.
The cinematography through the entire run of the drama it's beautiful to watch. From the daylight landscaping to the snowy nights, the neon lights and the warm bedrooms keeping secrets. Each scene a reflection of our characters' most private emotions, and there's a lot of that. It's not so much a story about introverts but mostly about repressed emotions and the ongoing effects of trauma when people don't communicate properly. The performances from everyone in the cast were perfect, each other did their absolute best.
And because of all the things I mentioned before, I was seated the first few weeks of Motel California… but then the drama didn't seem to know what kind of story wanted to tell. Every episode was a repetition of the one before. I got whiplash even on the last two episodes when Kang-hee breaks Yeon-soo's heart, walking away from him, only to ask him why he didn't call the next time she sees him. The entire drama was like that when it came to the two leads.
Putting aside my deep empathy for Kang-hee and everything she went through on that town, every week, she became more unlikeable thanks to her constant overemotional tantrums and complete disregard of other people's feelings. She would spat whatever she wanted, without thinking how it would affect others and then come back, say sorry and move on. No, that's not how you develop a character with deep emotional scars regarding her childhood, abandonment and a complicate family history.
Yeon-soo, her love interest, was basically her doormat for most of the drama. When he finally pushed back, I was happy because I thought there would be some kind of change but sadly very little happened. He stood up to his mother, good. I wish he would have done it for himself instead of Kang-hee. The woman was an absolute nightmare and every time she showed up I wanted to scratch my eyes.
Chun-pil, her father, would never actively defend his daughter from the towns' worst gossip or even explain himself in regards of the drift between them. His own trauma, that was mostly the root of Kang-hee's trauma, was left underdeveloped and the drama's scriptwriter decided to go with such an old-fashioned resolution that it made me wanted to scream.
As for their friends group, they were all really interesting characters with incredible full fleshed stories ready to be developed but the drama centred so much around the Kang-hee and Yeon-soo melodrama, those secondary characters never really got their moment to shine. Not truly. Instead we got glimpses of what could have been wonderful stories about overcoming trauma related to child abandonment, domestic abuse, parents' expectations and cheating husbands.
Motel California had all the right elements to be really good and, for a brief moment, it was. Until it wasn't anymore and that was more than half of the drama. A complete waste of talent, in front and behind the camera, on a script that never figured itself out.
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Ok, I'm pretty sure I've read one before where Joey joins Kaiba's security team in two different fics but, I got another one.
It starts with a future scene of Kaiba and Joey older and its them probs arguing about something while hanging out with the Yugi gang. The Yugi gang question's how Joey ended up as head of KC security when they are still going at it like they are.
Time jump to maybe a year or two after highschool graduation. Tea goes to America, Yugi having had enough excitement for one life has taken over more of his gandpa's store responsibilities (which is doing really good with the King of Games manning the store lol), Tristan and Bakura made it into some collage, Duke is running his game company while Joey jumped into the work force with some duel tournaments on the side. He is doing pretty well for himself after escaping his father's house and living on his own. Nothing extravagant but he is much happier living now instead of just trying to survive.
He is probably the one who sees Kaiba the most as he does receive (obligatory) invites to Kaiba duel tournaments held each season that Kaiba attends not to duel but its a KC duel tournament he has to appear at least once or twice.
Yugi gang probably has a group chat that also includes Mokuba so everyone is still keeping in touch and try to meet when they can during holiday or school breaks. Joey often visits Yugi's shop on the way to work or on days off. He sometimes hops a train to bother Tristan at school or with Yugi to surprise Bakura when he starts to stress about finals.
Something big happens at Kaiba Corp. security is bribed, something gets stolen, leaked, Mokuba gets kidnapped again but Kaiba is not happy. He is now on the hunt for a more reliable security and is viscous cause this will not happen again.
Skip to a KC tournament. Joey managed to get Yugi into this one. Mokuba shows up in disguise is even joining in cause he was bored. They are all messing around talking about decks when Kaiba comes to collect his brother. Again something happens. Someone tries to attack the Kaibas or steal something and Joey steps in. Joey of course has his gang history and has been working heavy lifting jobs so is pretty tough and takes down the person just as security comes trotting. Kaiba has had it with them at this point. The only one who is saved from being fired was his personal guard/assistant (sorry don't remember how to spell his name).
Everything gets settled. Joey maybe returns what is stolen or turns the person over to the cops. Tournament goes off without any further interruptions.
Later Kaiba is contemplating about is predicament. He needs someone reasonably competent, strong, with enough guts to fight someone if need be, and above all else loyal. TV somewhere is running the duel news about the KC tournament and shows a clip of Joey during one of his duels. *lightbulb*
Within a week Kaiba is knocking on Joey's door with a contract in hand all necessary paper work to hire Joey as a security guard at KC. Joey refuses till Kaiba explains why he is trying to hire him. Its like pulling teeth but Kaiba eventually explains his recent predicaments with his current security and needs someone who he can *sigh* trust to work for him. Joey would be Kaiba's sort of inside man on his security team as an added bonus Joey is also super social so he can figure out who is slacking on the security team. (This is not temporary contract just to wheedle out slackers he is try to hire Joey outright for security. Especially since he doesn't need to do a background check or anything since he knows Joey. Yes joey was in a gang but that's a plus cause it means he can fight with little extra training and he can get him working sooner.)
Joey is fine where he is at the moment and doesn't really need the money but, he has seen the recent drama around KC. He hates it but, as much as Kaiba brushes them off the Yugi gang are the closes people this this guy has to friends. This is basically Kaiba's way of asking for help with this matter and the main reason Kaiba wants to hire him gets Joey to sign the contract. Kaiba may not be his best friend but it was close enough that Joey couldn't bring himself to turn the guy down when he was asking for help. Not that he would call Kaiba out since the contract was pretty generous.
He probably sent Kaiba home for the day and talked to Yugi about it. Yugi said the same thing his conscious told him but says not to take the job if he really does not want to.
Joey ends up taking the job.
Insert inner cooperate espionage, paparazzi, saving lives and forced communication that eventually leads to dating.
Cuts back to present day of Kaiba and Joey still with the Yugi gang having told only about the first half of the story to their audience. Joey probably cuts it short with somethin like "Then I had to save this nerd's life a couple of times and he decide he couldn't live without me." Kaiba gives him a side eye at the slight over embellishment but denies nothing about the statement.
The gang laugh. Good joke....It was a joke right........!!!!!!!!!!
Kaiba and Joey are unbothered by their friend's outburst and talk about the relationship as if they were talking about the weather. They probs are eating out somewhere. Joey and Kaiba interrupt the outburst by getting into super domestic bickering as Kaiba complains about his order not being right or something.
"oh god how did we not notice they bicker like an old married couple."
Somehow the gang only just realize the two are in fact wearing matching rings. (It was a Vegas drunk night wedding after a really good business deal party so that's why no wedding party) Nothing changed other than they both wear their rings all the time. Joey often ears his on a chain while at work and Kaiba likes that it keeps a few of the girls from trying to flirt with him at dinner parties and events.
Joey still has an apartment he owns. Its closer to KC now and nicer than the one he got after high school. Partially because Kaiba was picky. Joey owns the apartment while Kaiba still has his manor. A good bit of the manor has been renovated to be more of a lab with some living spaces for large gatherings or guests. They usually stay together but they like their separate spaces from time to time. Kaiba when he is working on a project while Joey wants to invite his friends over or to be angy alone till they can't sleep alone then kiss and make up though this happens less as they mellowed out in their older age.
Gang realizes Kaiba was early to Joey's birthday party not because it was close to work but because he had been sleeping there the night before.
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shima-draws · 1 year ago
Saw your tags and omg HARD AGREE. Dragon Cry is SO bad nfkanmdsa
Actually yes thanks for giving me the excuse to rant. Hold on. I'm typing furiously rn.
-Okay first of all they gave us the most ridiculously confusing plot I've ever seen. The twist with Sonya being Animus was kinda cool but they never really. Explained why she had a bond with him? She mentioned he used to be kindhearted at some point but we never see that literally ever at any point in the movie?
-The storyline is so all over the place it's a HOT mess. Especially the scene right after Natsu escapes the weird bird cage thing he runs off to find the others and suddenly they're all there? For some reason? Where did they come from. Why didn't they have a little reuniting scene. I literally rewound the movie to make sure I didn't accidentally skip a scene but nope they just made the most awkward cut/story progression in history I guess!!!
-The fanservice was so. SO bad. Like yeah the majority of the time I can at least tolerate it but this time it just made me extremely uncomfortable. Why are Erza and Lucy's boobs SO fucking large. Why did they have to make Lucy dance in like two strips of cloth. I thought I woke up in an alternate universe where Fairy Tail was a hentai. I genuinely wanted to vomit lmao
-The animation style really threw me off like I can tell it was either animated by a different studio or they wanted to try a different art style for the movie? But it just felt wrong and the proportions and faces were weird and. Yeah idk.
-What was up with the Three Stars?? Iirc we never got to learn their names or what their motivations were they were literally just. There. And they were built up to be these super powerful wizards only to get their asses kicked by FT like two scenes later. I get that being a movie obviously the fights had to be shortened but they literally did the same thing in Phoenix Priestess but WAY better. They really were like yeah uh we need some enemies for Team Natsu to fight let's just go with these guys and not give them any personality or backstory or motivations. (Except for the doll dad he was okay I guess)
-WHY WAS LEVY THERE. LITERALLY. ACTUALLY. She literally did nothing she served NO purpose in the movie she was just there?? Did they just want to shove in as many cameos as possible??? I know generally Levy isn't much of a fighter which is fine, I was kinda expecting them to do a Gajevy scene where Gajeel rescues her from some soldiers or smth which would have been fine but they didn't even do that. She literally just stood there and had like 2 voice lines. GO GIRL GIVE US NOTHING
-SPEAKING OF CAMEOS this is more personal beef than anything but man WHYYY wasn't Loke in the movie,, my boy my beloved my stupid idiot lion I'm so mad he wasn't even onscreen for like, 5 seconds
-I'm sorry but Juvia was so unhinged this movie her possessive/stalker behavior over Gray was actually super fucking creepy lmao
-What did they do to Happy. What the FUCK did they do to Happy
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-ALSO the scene where Happy and Lucy were crying over Natsu and we got tons of flashbacks from his POV of people who are important to him? WHY THE FUCK WASN'T HAPPY THERE?? They literally showed everyone from Fairy Tail precious to Natsu except Happy and I'm just sitting here like. HELLO?? You are SO wrong for that
-I will say I DID enjoy the little Nalu teasers we got especially the scene where Natsu showed Lucy the stars 🤧
But yeah I was here for this and this only:
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The Nalu + Happy family bonding moments made it OKAY
Anyway sorry rant over. Dragon Cry bad. Natsu's brief moment of looking half dragon was a super sexy character design choice but the buildup is not worth it imo
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glitterguts13 · 2 months ago
Personal rant incoming
I have a 16 year old chihuahua, shes the light of the whole family, everyone adores her. She has issues with HGE (aka explosive diarrhea) but this is an issue we have dealt with in the past and we were always able to get a handle on it.
Our vet is wonderful, always gives us very clear directions, but also doesn't bullshit us. We've always told him, with all our pets, if in his professional opinion they have no quality of life and are suffering more by being treated, to tell us so we can let them go.
Friday my old girl had another flare up, but we were fully iced in. There was no way to get out and into town without putting ourselves in very serious danger. We live super rural, no snow trucks or anti ice shit on the roads of us. When it shows it ices until it melts.
So we gave her leftover medicine from her last flare up 6 weeks ago, and waited. Finally Sunday it melted just enough we could get to the emergency vet. It took 3 hours to make a 1 hour drive, but she needed medicine and fluids and I couldn't wait any more.
The vet there was super fucking dismissive. He said she's 16, she's old, it's probably not HGE and most likely is cancer, and in his opinion we should have her put down.
Please keep in mind, I have always upheld my personal belief that if my babies are suffering and I can't treat them, I will let them go.
But I just didn't feel like he was right.
I told him I was going to see her usual vet Tuesday, and I would discuss the topic of euthanasia then, but I didn't feel right making a snap decision at that very moment when she was still active, eating and being herself.
He told me it was responsibility to consider her wellbeing over my personal emotions and I, admittedly, snapped a bit.
I told him I understood he was giving me his professional opinion, but I also know my dog, and I know she's stable, she just needs some fluids and a refill on her medicine.
He reluctantly took her back and give her some fluids, but told me he didn't feel comfortable giving me more medicine. Luckily it's non prescription, so I ordered more from fucking Amazon while I was waiting for them to bring her back to me.
He brought her back, asked me if I was certain I wouldn't consider putting her down and I said yes, that was something I only felt comfortable letting her usual vey do, and I also wasn't going to euthanasia her when she was still acting perfectly fine.
Yes, she's sick, she's shitting everywhere, it's a mess, but she's not in pain, she's eating drinking and running around.
So I took her to her usual vet this afternoon, explained the situation. He was horrified.
He said she's extremely healthy considering her age, (btw by this time the HGE flare up has ended, she's pooping nice and solid now) and all he would advise is we swap to a gut healthy food and a stronger prescription probiotic.
He said he was going to give that emergency vet a call and speak to him about all this. Apparently, this vet has a history of being rude (the hospitals are connected through the same network)
I asked him point blank if I was being unreasonable. If I was putting her through too much, if letting her go was the right thing to do.
He assured me it wasn't.
She's healthy, happy and has a few more years in her as long as we keep her flare ups controlled, and putting her down right now would only be the answer if I was tired of cleaning up poop.
I honestly thought it was a joke till he told me, no, a lot of people euthanasia their dogs because they don't want to deal with cleaning the floors and giving them baths constantly.
I mop the floors every hour on the hour and wash her butt and feet everytime she poops. I can't imagine putting her down over something she can't control.
Sorry for the long winded story, I'm just so angry and shaken up that he wanted to euthanasia my baby just because she's old and has a leaky butt sometimes.
I can clean my floor, I can give her baths, I can't replace the love she gives us in return. I know she's old, I know her time is coming, but goddamn I will not give up just because things are a little difficult Jesus christ.
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shallow145 · 7 months ago
I keep seeing your beautiful art of your ocs and I must know about them! I'm giving you full permission to yap all you want about them. I'd love it!!
Also, I hope you are having an amazing day/night!
Oh gosh thank you mate XD I might do two parts to this merely just to explain coppers lore alone. As for other ocs like Colín and Shallow I really need to figure out their lore more and write it down 😭 Anywaysss here’s part 1 for Copper:
Copper had lived a past life about 300,000 years before the present as a god. She was taken care of by a lot of the major big gods at the time and she always listened to them. One day she found out the gods had planned to do some things that could mess up the world below and harm the mortals, so decided to retaliate. She ended up fighting the two biggest gods, nearly killing them but was eventually stopped and gave up. (Needless to say she didn’t like these gods anymore)
300,000 years later, the current queen of the land is having twins. She ends up having a boy and a girl which she is disgusted by, as there is a myth in history that princesses bring misfortune and bad luck to the land. She orders the king (he has the true Royal blood btw) to kill their daughter instantly. However he secretly ends up giving her away to a local village family he knows where he knows his daughter will be safe(Cody’s family).
Cody and Copper end up growing up together but copper knows that they are not her real family. Her father(the king) tried to visit her the best he could, to try and be a part of her life. They all swore to keep this a secret
Copper and Cody eventually start working as royal knights at age 13. A couple of months later Copper is promoted to prince Tobys right hand knight.
And then only another couple of months later the war breaks out. A great evil has broken out of his seal. The seal which was the queens job to protect and keep an eye on(obviously she didn’t do her job). At this time the king had died of “mysterious circumstances” that no one knew about, around a month ago and then when the war broke out the queen was believed to be killed by the monsters(whether that was true or not no one knew)
Copper stepped up to protect her kingdom. She went to fight the great evil(I’m sorry I don’t have a name for it yet 😭), but upon reaching it her other best friend, a fellow knight, she had been travelling with(not Cody I need to give him a name aswell😭) ends up betraying her. Stalling her with a battle, which she ends up winning. However she doesn’t kill him, she can’t bring herself to do it. She lets him live but threatens that if he would to return to the town she will kill him without mercy.
Once she leaves and eventually find the great evil again, she is already greatly injured and looses the fight quickly as a sword is plunged right through her. Toby then arrives not long later and finds her, cold and dead. With the help of the gods he ends up reviving her and lending her some of his magic.
She once again immediately goes to finish the fight, along with Cody this time and Toby hangs back to keep monsters at bay. The pair find the great evil once again only an hour or two later and are doing well in the fight this time, until Cody is killed. Copper was so frozen in shock that she didn’t see the sword making its way towards her. Her back ends up being sliced open and she slowly bleeds out once again. This time it’s some of the gods themselves that ends up reviving her, needing her to finish this battle or else the world will be lost to evil and chaos.
Copper slowly stand once again. The Great evil she was fighting was already pretty injured. She grabs her sword and goes for the final blow, and as she does that’s the moment she’s cursed. You see when she was revived the gods lent Copper their power, and the biggest god of all (the one she hates) didn’t like this. So she ended up cursing Copper as she killed the great evil. Seeing her “no longer worthy of the title of a hero”.Cursing her to be haunted by the innocent souls that are killed on her journeys.
(Copper does however end up finding its more of a blessing in disguise as she is able to bring back Cody with it, and the curse has some secret benefits she can exploit)
Anddddd with that, that’s her first journey and her past pretty much summed up XD, I’ll probably make a part 2 to describe her second and third adventure in a bit. I didn’t realise how long this would end up being💀
Thank you for giving me the chance to yap about all this ✨
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beardedhandstoadshark · 8 months ago
How do I explain to someone when they ask question about Gaza and they unsure to give support for them & they feel neutral about it.
Umhh hello… The soldiers literally killed the babies of Gaza and bomb a hospital?!?! WHY DO WE NEED TO EXPLAIN THE SITUATION. IT’s A HUMAN LIVE BEING MURDERED
I’m sorry for venting.. I’m very heartbreak for the people of Palestine and Gaza.. Nobody deserves something like this. No mothers or fathers deserve to lose a child by the hand of heartless soldier
text wall
Some folks say it’s karma for attacking, some folks say it’s karma for voting Hamas and getting fucked by them like 20y ago, that it‘s just what happens in war, there‘s the issue that speaking out unfortunately inevitably puts you on the same side as Nazis who want it to stop not because it’s a fucking bad situation but so all the Jewish folks can die instead, the fact that people on both sides of the argument pretend government = country = religion = anyone who happens to have that religion, which is utter bs,
but then there’s also that Hamas is very much still a terror organization and not a buncha noble freedom fighters like some folks make them out to be (seriously, good vs bad doesn’t exist and it’s concerning how many people think "ohh they fight against those who did a bad thing so they gotta be perfect good guys!! bruh NOOOOO. NO. This is real life and not a fucking kids cartoon holy shit) Like, "they literally killed babies“ applies to what happened to Israel too, this whole debacle did escalate with 1.2k dead folks there, and they didn‘t deserve it any more than the others (seriously, again, concerning how many people think that).
Also don‘t know bout where you live but over here the media manipulation is insane (and pathetically easy to spot the very moment you wander outside the german language; I used to analyze stuff like this for my German and History classes in 10th grade.) Like, calling a buncha 50y olds "adult children“ while actual chidren are "minor aged people“, emotional vs. clinical language or straight up not reporting on certain things kinda shit. Germany try not to be cool with murder challenge failed twice in 70 years while on its best way to make it 3
since those are some key points as to why someone can be on the fence, it could help to explain it via those then. Put some Links to articles explaining how it looks from the other side, go into history, there‘s enough info on some government folks saying messed up stuff, maybe go "yea fighting the literal terrorist organization is good but it‘s going too far“ or "the unrelated civilians still need support to survive regardless“
Generally just try going into details on why the happenings rn are bad and the people there need support even in the context of "necessary evil to win back peace“; as that seems to be the most common stance people take from what I saw, so maybe that can help. Idk.
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viky2318 · 1 year ago
Chapter 3: your best friend
It had been a few days. Alphys tried to explain to him what happened back when he first woke up. She said he was the result of an experiment of hers: she was trying to create a monster from scratch and that she decided to make a skeleton because it was all just bones and so simpler than other monsters, but she remained pretty vague about how she did that or any other detail. She said he felt weird because she probably messed up something, but she didn’t specify what she may have messed up. Alphys did her best to help him heal up that huge hole he had in his chest, but sadly she hadn’t been able to completely close it. She also kept calling him Duo: he didn’t feel like it was actually his name, but since he couldn’t think of anything better he simply decided to go with that one. “Duo”. A short and simple name. He remembered perfectly, the day when he woke up, hearing Alphys calling him “D-1”. Maybe she just misspelled it out of nervousness. Alphys constantly seemed nervous. Almost anxious. Especially when Duo was around. Maybe she was like this with everyone, but the skeleton never saw anyone else in the laboratory and therefore had no idea. Yes, laboratory. Duo spent the last 4 long days in the laboratory. Aside from the “surface lab”, there was an underground area which was huge, with many rooms (some of them open and some others locked) and interesting things in nearly each of them. Alphys gave him a small spare room with a table and a bed she brought in (it looked kinda like a hospital bed, but he didn’t mind). Somehow, the skeleton found all that place and the machinery terribly familiar. He had no idea why, but it was interesting and unsettling at the same time. Maybe also that was just a “mistake” made by Alphys while creating him? he didn’t know, and he was pretty sure if he asked her he would just get a vague reply without clear explanation.
That day, Duo was alone. Alphys went out to meet the king and talk about some things, so the skeleton was free to do nearly whatever he wanted without her getting concerned because he moved too quickly. In the previous days he explored all the available rooms and all the interesting machines, so it was time to take a look at that big bookshelf on the upper area of the surface lab. At first sight the bookshelf was split in two: the left side had human comics and DVD’s of cartoons, divided by series and in alphabetical order, and the right side had books of many other things: anatomy, mechanics, chemistry, magic, history, electronics… all of them neatly organized in alphabetical order by author and by subject. Duo took a book from the right side and read the title. “Robotics- book 2”. Oh, he knew that book! He read it so many times when-
wait what.
The skeleton sat at a working table nearby, reading the first page of the book. Then the second. Then the third.
He knew that book. He couldn't remember it, but when he read the pages he felt as if it wasn't the first time. Even more interesting was the fact that, despite this book explaining very complex and advanced concepts, the moment he read those he realized he already knew them. He kept reading, trying in the meanwhile to understand why. Alphys said she created him, so maybe she programmed his mind to know that stuff?
Duo got so lost in the reading he didn’t notice the completely out of place golden flower looking at him. “Why, howdy!” the flower exclaimed, taking the skeleton completely by surprise as he shouted. He looked down at the flower, his eyes wide in surprise. “wha- I- who are you?!” he exclaimed, confused and surprised. Another monster? Here? wait- monsters usually don’t look like plants- he didn’t even finish formulating his thought the flower spoke again. “Golly, I’m sorry friend! I didn’t mean to startle you!” he explained, frowning a little. Duo took a few breaths, calming down again. “... n-no worries. I just… really wasn’t expecting it”, he replied. The flower huffed in relief. “oh, thankfully. I thought you were scared of me! I don’t even know why I thought so, but for some curious reason it still concerned me”. The skeleton frowned, then shook his head. “no, no, I wasn’t scared of you. Though you still scared the hell out of me…”. The flower chuckled, then climbed up the table and got a little close to the skeleton. “Alright, then let’s do this all over: Howdy, I’m Flowey! Flowey the Flower!”, the flower exclaimed. He seemed like a pretty cheerful guy. Flowey extended a leaf as if he was offering it for a handshake, looking at the skeleton with a friendly smile. “... I am Duo, nice to meet you”, the skeleton simply introduced himself, taking the leaf and shaking it gently. “Duo, huh? Nice name! Are you new around here? I never saw you, and trust me when I say I know everyone”, Flowey asked. Duo was about to explain to the flower what Alphys told him, but then thought that before spreading an information it was better to make sure it was correct. “well- uhm- I honestly don’t know. I probably- uhm- hit my head and… yeah, I just don’t remember”. Geez, that sure was a bad lie. He was a terrible liar. The flower remained silent for a moment, frowning, but then unexpectedly said: “I’m terribly sorry to hear that, friend. I’m sure you’ll remember one day”. Was that guy serious or was he just making fun of the skeleton? How on earth could he believe such a bad lie?? Duo decided to not question himself any further and hope this guy actually believed him. “... so, what are you reading? looks like a nice book”, Flowey asked. The two ended up spending a lot of time chatting. Flowey was a surprisingly good listener, and also one of a nerd. He knew almost more stuff than Duo! and sure that wasn’t a simple task since every time the flower mentioned a concept Duo almost always remembered what that was. He seemed like a friendly guy. a bit childish from time to time, but still a nice person to be around. After a while he went away, saying that he had stuff to do “stay safe young man! I'll be watching you”, he added before disappearing into the ground. Nearly at the same moment, the door of the lab opened and Alphys came back. “H-hi Duo!” the lizard started as she quickly came to him. “T-the king was so happy to know you’re-
Duo opened his eyes, feeling slightly tense. He sat up and looked around, feeling like someone was watching him. 
Just a dream. It was just a dream. Just another damn dream.
He didn't like the fact that he was dreaming so much lately. Usually he had blank nights where he dreamt nothing. This sequence of dreams was starting to concern him. Those weren't even casual dreams like- I dunno- whatever a normal person would dream. Those were memories from the lab. He hated that place. People died there. Dozens of innocent monsters. He just couldn't figure out why on earth he would dream about-
Focus. He had better things to do than to bother because of some old memories. He got up and noticed Kate wasn't sleeping. Did he wake up late again? He walked downstairs and saw her sitting on the couch with  Paps as the two chatted quietly. “Oh- Duo! Good morning! I'm sorry if I woke you up, but- I was having hard times sleeping. I'm so excited for today's second trip!” The human exclaimed the second she saw Duo coming in. Trip? What was she- oh right. The Ruins. The skeleton felt a little nervous at the idea of going there again, the simple thought of that creepy pile of dust laying straight at the entrance giving him goosebumps. He gave a glance to the clock: 6:32. He woke up at a decent time today. Still too soon, but better than the day before. “I'm happy to know you're excited buttercup, but next time try to sleep a bit more. It's not healthy to sleep too little”. Paps glanced at Duo with a severe frown. “says the one who woke up at nearly 5 am and didn’t even think about going back to sleep”, he commented. Kate gave him a curious look, hearing nothing but garbage noise, but Papyrus didn’t translate.
Napstablook came by around 8:30, and the four ended up reaching the Ruins’ entrance around 10 am, Kate continuously talking about this awesome place in there without describing it, saying she wanted to keep it a surprise. Duo took a deep breath before walking in the long corridor that led to the house, but when he opened the door… the dust was gone? There wasn’t even a grain of it, as if it was never there. Did he imagine it- yeah no, he wouldn’t imagine seeing a corpse laying on the ground. Where did it go? Not that he wanted to go look for it now, but he seriously felt concerned. Duo ended up letting aside that unsettling thought and kept going, not wanting to let Kate get lost in there. The place was as beautiful as the day before, with its ancient walls and breathtaking views of Home. This time the group didn’t linger around as much as the day before, mainly because of Kate’s energical walking- almost running- to this mysterious awesome place. She didn’t slow down a single time, but this didn’t bother the three monsters- two of them floated and the third had a good physical resistance. After some time, the human girl started walking even faster. She turned around to the others for a second, smiling widely. “I know this place, we’re close! c’mon Duo, walk faster! You won’t regret it, I promise!!” she exclaimed. The skeleton raised a brow, but did as she told him to not lose her in that labyrinth of corridors. Then…
A huge, circular room. The walls were made of pure gray stone differently to the ones in the rest of the Ruins, and some old pillars stood straight under the delightful sunlight that came down from a hole hundreds of meters higher. And straight under the light… Golden flowers. Big, soft, slightly cartoonish and yet real flowers, their petals colored in a bright yellow shining under the sunlight. Truly beautiful flowers… and yet, with a taste of bittersweet. Golden flowers were the King’s favorite flowers, a symbol of rebirth and hope, and a Golden flower was the one and only talking flower the skeleton knew and hated. What an ironic coincidence, right? Duo sighed quietly, looking at those wonderful plants gently swinging in the delicate wind present in that room only with a slight frown. Suddenly someone pulled his sleeve, forcing him to walk closer. “Look Duo- look! I fell on these from up there, and they were still perfectly intact! And I didn’t get a single scratch, you know? every one of these flowers feels like a huge pillow!” Kate eagerly exclaimed, looking at the skeleton with a bright smile and an excited look. Duo took a few seconds to get what she said, but then smiled gently at the girl and crouched next to her, taking in his hands one of those flowers without ripping it from the ground. “Of course. It is because Golden flowers are made of 50% magic, and so they feel way softer than normal flowers. Not only that, but Golden flowers’ petals are this soft also to better absorb the Barrier’s magic radiations in order to live for centuries”. Kate sat on Duo’s leg, listening to him with eyes wide in wonder. She loved every time someone explained her things, either them being things about science, magic, mechanics- everything was fine. She said it was because a lot of things worked differently on the surface. Because on the surface there was no magic. Of course, when humans locked the monsters away all the magic got locked with them. Human wizards casted spells thanks to wands and scepters that stole magic from other beings. Without monsters and their magic auras, magic plants soon stopped growing up there and magic stones lost their enchantments. The girl once told them how humans started hunting down other humans that still had magic powers, either out of fear of those almost rare people or out of hate towards what others didn’t have anymore. They burned their bodies and left the ashes to the wind, uncaring if these people tried to help others with their powers or if they kept them for themselves. The surface this little human knew was truly different to the one described in monsters’ history books, and even more different to the Underground. That was also the reason why Duo liked listening to Kate. It was difficult for a mind like his to reason without applying the magic factor to things, and there were so many things that humans discovered in the past decades that seemed like coming out from a fantasy book.
The four hung out in that little corner of the world for a few hours, either chatting about whatever went through their mind or simply enjoying the place. For a little while they laid down with Blooky to do what they called “feeling like garbage”. Duo wasn’t sure why they called it that since it was nice laying down with friends, but he didn’t bother asking them. They said it was a family tradition, so maybe the reason got lost with time or never existed. The skeleton, most of the time, looked up to the source of the light. It was so high he couldn’t see the top of it, but Kate said that hole was inside of a little cavern close to the top of Mount Ebott. but if it was inside of a cavern, how did the light reach them? Did the cavern have another hole that went to the surface? And even so, wasn’t the huge hole too deep to let the light reach the room? Was the sun really that bright? The skeleton kept making himself questions, sometimes asking them to Kate out loud, and he was so taken by the nice environment that he didn’t even notice time passing. After some time he fell asleep, the warm light feeling comforting and the sound of the flowers to the breeze soothing.
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lugonzalez94 · 1 year ago
Seen Nombre,
Feb 6
A dear friend reached out to me telling me how brilliant my IG handle was. I had changed it for the hundredth time and I told him I think I finally landed on something that I actually liked and something that reflected me and my artwork, which then spiraled down a rabbit hole of self-reflection and some “ah-ha” moments (TK, sorry to have bombarded you with an essay through IG DM’s, you’re a real one I love you so much my friend). 
My IG art-handle is: seen.nombre (a play on the saying “sin nombre”, which means “nameless” in Spanish). “Sin nombre” was already taken on the platform, but I wanted the name so I had to get playful with it, but I think it has a deeper meaning that I originally meant it to have, much like my art. In the end, it’s working out for me. It feels right. 
Throughout my whole life I have struggled with my name. Don’t get me wrong, I love my name, but its history and my culture and the society I live in that makes things a bit complicated. For example, I didn’t learn that my real name is actually “Maria” and “Lupita” was just a nickname until I was in Kindergarten. It was a whole thing and it was devastating. Every time I started a new school or entered a new class I had to explain my name to my teacher and my friends. Same thing with jobs. And checking in at the airport. Or signing a new lease. For some this wasn’t a big deal, for others it was ridiculous. At my first job my boss told me that trying to remember to call me Lupita instead of Maria was going to be hard for her to remember and she wasn’t going to do it. I had a few professors in college mix my names up in front of everyone in class and I couldn’t help but feel embarrassed for them. Like why the fuck did she just call me Maria when she called me Lupita 2 minutes before? I could go on and on. In every situation I couldn’t help but feel this nervousness creep up inside me. I felt like explaining my name was complicated and it makes me almost start to feel bad about my name and the confusion it can cause people which is total bullshit. But that’s what it’s been like. “Lupita” directly translated is “little Lupe” and is derived from “Maria Guadalupe”, my legal name. This is the name of la Virgen Maria, la Virgen de Guadalupe, otherwise known as Mother Mary, an icon and symbol of strength in Mexican culture. It’s pretty badass. It’s old school. It’s hella common in Mexico.
So with the trauma I carry with explaining and defending my name came debilitating anxiousness when trying to find a name for myself as an artist. Naturally, using Lupita Gonzalez felt like a problem. 1) I feel like it doesn’t reflect who I am as an artist accurately and 2) the amount of Lupita Gonzalez’s there are in the world is insane and I find it hard to make a name for myself because of everything I’ve talked about so far. Let’s unpack this together shall we. This may be my own insecurity talking, but my name is Mexican as fuck. I know it’s messed up to think that my name is “too Mexican” for me and if I think about it long enough I feel ashamed, but I can’t help but feel like it is! Yes I grew up speaking Spanish and in a family with strong Mexican-Catholic values, but we’re also pretty Americanized. When my family moved to the states, when my grandparents raised my mom in Redwood City, and when my parents settled down in the Bay Area, they tried to fit in by learning how to cook Thanksgiving dinners and meatloaf and other foods that are absolutely not in our culture. They began picking up English and teaching us that as our first language. We celebrated the American holidays more than we celebrated the Mexican holidays. I didn’t even know the significance of Día de los Muertos or our Independence Day til later in life. Sure we’d watch telenovelas and Spanish cartoons, listened to reggaeton and banda every now and then, but in the end we’re pretty Americanized. I didn’t even have a quince because my mom said that’s “too Mexican” for us. So I feel like when people see my name they’ll expect something out of me. Or, they’ll label me as “Mexican” and maybe pass me up because it doesn’t fit their “aesthetic” or what’s trending. Then they’ll miss my art entirely. Maybe I’m just overthinking it. 
But this is how I feel as an artist. The art community, while beginning to uplift the voices of women, femme, and POC artists, is still hella white. A majority of the spaces that hold art are white-dominant. The art that sells the most or get the most likes fits this “white aesthetic”. Sure it’s pretty and clean cut and modern and nice to look at, but it’s everywhere and it’s exhausting and it’s becoming so basic. So when thinking of what my IG handle or website or brand will be named or look like, I felt this pressure of fitting the mould and be succumbed to this white, perfect aesthetic, and that doesn’t feel right at all. Even when I tried to give in, something pulled me back and was like nah, this isn’t it. Naturally, I go against the mould and march to the beat of my own drum (can you guess what sign I am?). And through my practice I don’t follow many rules, I value imperfection, I keep it real. I don’t really care about fitting in or following the trends. I just want to paint. 
So let’s make it more confusing. I am Seen Nombre. Seen Nombre is by me, Lupita Gonzalez. I want to be seen in my own way and I don’t want to be labeled as hella Mexican or not Mexican enough or not being trendy or whatever. I just want to put my art out there because I like sharing it and I like making things and it makes people happy. It makes me happy. My art evolves, the world evolves, we all evolve, and I am constantly evolving, so it’s no use being tied to something like a name or a brand or an aesthetic or a trend. I just want to be me. Now that I’m an adult I’m putting in the work to learn more about my culture and the symbols that I feel connected to and who I am as a Mexican-American female artist, which is beginning to become reflected in my art more and more. 
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sabrondabrainrot · 5 months ago
I've been waiting until my lunch break to yap more
But like!!! You get me!!! You see my vision!!!!
I think Nexus and especially Eclipse V1 have SO MANY story parallels at the moment.
Eclipse V1 was established as an error and mistake caused by OM running from his problems and inadvertently harming Sun by accidentally trapping Eclipse. Which also harmed Eclipse. So he lashed out and became a big bag which ultimately tripped Sun and Moon in their own heads. The entire conflict between them ends with OM forcing Sun's hand to use magic to permanently cast Eclipse away and hopefully killing him.
Still can't get over how Eclipse begged Sun not to and Sun actually did hesitate despite having his own attempts at reaching out to Eclipse brushed away. He had a lot of sympathy and at the very last moment he didn't want to kill Eclipse. That was the only option given to him at the moment and it actually didn't fix anything.
Basically a round two from then was started and what causes Sun to spiral etc etc. we all know what happened there.
But in my eyes I just see a repeat of history.
Nexus/new Moon was created by OM actions of once again running away from his problems. His actions once again harmed Sun and New Moon. When New Moon was at his lowest and reached out to the only person who might be able to help him he was given an answer that actively made him spiral worst and was straight up told to die. (Again you and most ppl already know all this hdfhh sorry for redundancy) And it caused him to act out and go off on his own etc etc.
Like Eclipse V1, Nexus is being made out to be this big bag guy because he made people feel intimidated and said some messed up stuff.
Another thing to point out. Eclipse V1 only killed once but was blamed actively for July 16th (he is partially responsible but he never killed those kids) similarly to how Nexus is being blamed for BloodMoon's death along with Earth's burns (Puppet implies that it's Nexus' fault that her hand and was forced)
So now we have the same set up again, a big bad that's somehow irredeemable despite showing signs and clear evidence he's not fully evil and can be redeemed.
I think it'd be neat if Sun has to once again face the consequences of OMs actions. (Similarly how he's also partially responsible for Eclipse V1 and Nexus own complexes...)
Once again Sun will have his hands forced to deal with a threat to himself and his family.
And he'll have to do it with a power he's not familiar with (the first time was magic he had no idea about and this time it'll probably be through NSP).
The big difference, when the chance is made and Nexus, like Eclipse V1 was, is beat down and Sun has the opportunity for the death blow. I think he'll stop. Not just hesitate, but actively choose not to kill Nexus.
Sun knows where it gets him when he kills threats. He's not a static character and I think he's grown and changed so much since Eclipse V1 and we know he actively regrets what happened to Eclipse and even BloodMoon (I'm so proud he forgave himself and moved on but that doesn't stop the regret)
Plus I know out of everyone he still loves Nexus.
Any ways this bled into my last break I hope you enjoy my crackpot rambles.
Join me next time I explain where I think Eclipse V1 ended up-
I'm sorry but "MY BEAUTIFUL PRINCESS WITH A DISORDER<3" really made my day and I needed you to know
I can't believe Nexus is bullying peepaw war criminal.
Do you think Nexus is going to be stopped by big bro Sun or do you think the lil guy is going beyond the point of no return?
(Please talk about baby cringe Lord Nexus, I want to hear about your blorbo 🙏)
That's because Nexus IS my beautiful princess with a disorder, I'll have you know <3 they're diseased but it's okay I can give them their tetanus and flu shots and it'll all be better I GOT THIS
But. ahem, okay, blorbo yapping time. I'm not even gonna say "I'll try to keep this short" because I know it wont end up that way HAHAHAHAHA
"Do you think Nexus is going to be stopped by big bro Sun or do you think the lil guy is going beyond the point of no return?"
I... have absolutely no idea!!!1! (and also it took me an embarrassingly long amount of time to realize peepaw war criminal was Ruin KJDFHSDF)
The most frustrating thing about canon Nexus is how his morals, motivations, and goals seem to see-saw back and forth all the time. at first, he became how he is now due to Solar's death. he spiraled in his grief, identity-issues, and abandonment. but... now his motivation is to become an all powerful god??? while it's most likely that NSP is at play and affecting his thought process, it's... well, it's really hard to take him seriously as a villain because of it, lol. for an audience to enjoy, and even sympathize in some cases, with a villain, their goals and motivations have to be concrete. they have to be relatable, or at least understandable, but Nexus' whole thing is... not, Imho. and I know I'm not the only person who feels this way!!!
I see a lot of people calling Nexus "cringe", and the thing is, when it comes to canon Nexus, they're not really... wrong??? The worst thing Nexus has done so far is make Old Moon see his past victims, which is fucked up of him to do, but.. so far, that's kind of it??? other than that, his "villainy" consists of saying empty threats and cheesy evil one-liners. hell, he was supposed to kidnap Sun yesterday but instead spent the whole episode yapping and venting to him, chasing Sun around in the worlds darkest game of tag before getting some lead right in the face dkfjhsdfsd
Also, notice how he's only targeted Old Moon when it comes to actual physical violence? not Lunar, Earth, Solar, or Sun, but Old Moon? yeah, I did too. we already know that Nexus does everything because he's lashing out, but as of rn the only target he's gotten his hands on physically being O.M...? well. I think it says a lot. cause' yeah, he sure as shit scared the life out of the other Celestials, but he's never put his hands on them!! the only other one of them he harmed physically was Earth- and not only was he not aiming for her, she was just in the way- he felt immediate regret for his actions once in space, and has yet to even see Earth ever since that day.
So, I really have no idea if he's going to be "redeemed" or not. one second he's showing signs he might be, and the next he's falling further down the "pretty badly written villain" rabbit-hole. if he does get something akin to a redemption arc, he'll prolly mostly be accepted in the eyes of the viewers, considering a lot of peeps sympathize or at least understand where he's coming from, but I seriously doubt the other Celestials would take him back. the only one's who might see him as family/a close friend again are Sun and Solar, but even then, nothing would ever be the same.
I hope he gets redeemed, or at least freed from the hold Dark Sun has on him and he's able to live his own life, I really do. at his core, Nexus is a good person. a good person who was crushed under the weight of the shadow of the man he was born under. and we know this because he used to be New Moon. sweet, dorky New Moon.
New Moon, who made inventions like sentient knives and whoopee cushions. New Moon, who had matching My Little Pony stickers with his best friend. New Moon, who bought a whole ass island-luxury-house for Sun because he wanted to make him feel better and give him the proper space to heal. and New Moon- the poor freshly-baked A.I who gave his all to make sure he could do everything that Old Moon could, but it just wasn't enough. he tried and tried and tried, but it wasn't enough.
So yeah, idk if he's getting one in canon, but to me, he more than deserves a good ending, for the life he was given. let him be at peace.
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bi-bard · 2 years ago
I Polish Up Real Nice - Kelly Severide Imagine (Chicago Fire)
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Title: I Polish Up Real Nice
Pairing: Kelly Severide X Reader
Based On: Bejeweled
Word Count: 1,479 words
Warning(s): mention of unhealthy relationship
Summary: After Kelly messes up what he and (Y/n) had, he sees (Y/n) seemingly thrive on their own.
Author's Note: This is such a good song.
Also, I feel like I am so mean to Kelly and I'm sorry. He just fits a lot of these kinds of stories. I'll write something cute for him soon, I promise.
My first memory of that night was getting pulled into a hug as soon as I walked into the bar.
It was Sylvie, who had been texting me every time she went out to join them.
I hugged her back, chuckling a bit at her excitement.
I had been ignoring her.
I had been ignoring most people outside of work.
It was a natural part of the last few weeks I had gone through.
"I missed you," she mumbled into my ear before stepping back. "You look amazing."
"Thanks," I replied, looking down at myself for a moment.
It had been a while since I had worn the outfit that I wore that night. I liked it. It made me feel confident and happy. It was a feeling that I deserved... even though I had to actively work to convince myself of that fact.
"I'm sorry for not joining you sooner," I explained.
"No, no, it's fine," she promised. "I was just getting worried about you."
I hugged her again before letting her drag me to the bar.
I personally believe that we all deserve a Sylvie. The golden retriever that is incredibly protective and supportive. We all deserved that love and support from someone. It would suit us all well if we all took on that role for another person.
I hopped up on the bar stool.
It was a good night... for the most part.
I got to see plenty of people that I hadn't seen in a long time. It was nice to be back with them all. I had spent so much time running from work to home and then back to work that I had lost sight of the joy of being connected to my friends during times that weren't emergencies.
There was a lull in the conversation.
It was met with someone placing themself in the seat on the other side of me. Sylvie grinned at me before standing up and walking to one of the tables. I turned around and saw Jay Halstead sitting next to me.
I didn't know him super well. We had mostly seen each other in passing. He'd be at the E.D with a victim or suspect or just to talk to his brother while I was going about my work. The environment was usually too fast to give me time to stop and make small talk with him.
But now, I had the time and will to make that effort.
"Hey," I said. "Nice to see you, Jay."
"You too," he replied. "It's strange to not see you running around from room to room."
I chuckled. "Yeah... been a long time since I went out."
"I hope I don't make you regret the choice."
"I doubt it," I shrugged. "May make it worth the time."
He chuckled this time.
The conversation was nice. Natural. It had been a long time since I had so naturally fallen into a conversation with someone that I hadn't known for an extended period of time.
And then, I just felt uncomfortable.
Something washed over me like a wave.
There's this feeling when you're being stared at. It's almost like a tickle. Something just felt off, even if you couldn't see it.
I turned my head, pretending to scratch my eye as I looked over.
I managed to catch Kelly's eyes on me as I did so.
I almost groaned.
Kelly and I had a history.
He was the reason that I hadn't wanted to go out. I didn't want to see him again. I didn't want to deal with him.
Our relationship was messy. Messy and private.
I didn't mind a private relationship. I did mind Kelly's definition of a private relationship. When I pushed for more, he made me feel guilty for trying. It was all just... too much.
I felt like a secret.
He was free to talk to and flirt with whomever he wanted to. However, if he ever thought I did the same, he'd find some way to make me feel guilty.
I wanted to believe none of it was intentional. That he just didn't know better. But that doesn't make it better. That didn't mean I had to sit there in it.
So, I didn't.
I called the whole thing off.
Adjusting back to being myself was rough. I hadn't even realized how much I had changed. That's what I was trying to do by focusing on work and then going straight home. I was trying to go back to who I was before.
But here he was, already making me feel like my confidence for the night shouldn't be on display for everyone else. Just him.
I turned back to Jay a moment after I looked away.
I must've tensed a little too much. He noticed something.
"You okay," he asked. I furrowed my eyebrows, confused by the question. "You just seem uneasy."
"I'm fine," I waved it off. "Please, keep telling your story. Sorry."
"You sure?"
"Yes, I'm sure," I promised.
He grinned at me and nodded. He found his way back to the story had been telling me. Something about his brother. I made a note to make fun of Will at work later using the information I was being given.
We had been talking for another few minutes before I felt a hand on my upper arm.
I looked over to see Kelly right next to me.
"Can we talk," he asked like I wasn't in the middle of a conversation.
I looked over at Jay for a moment. "Just a minute. I'll be right back, I promise."
Jay nodded. "I'll be here."
I grinned at him.
I stood up and followed Kelly outside. I knew that I needed to handle this now. Firm line in the sand. I needed to put up a boundary... which was nerve-wracking but necessary.
"What do you want," I asked.
"What's going on there?" he replied.
"I'm having a conversation with a person at a bar," I shrugged. "Why do you care?"
"Because I care about you."
"I'm sure," I nodded. "But good news, you and I aren't a thing anymore, meaning that you don't have to supervise my conversations. I'm an adult, Kelly."
He sighed, looking down.
"I... I don't want you to be involved in my life, Kelly. I'm sorry but I don't. You may not realize it completely, but I... I wasn't happy with you. Not the way we were. So, we're done. I would appreciate it if you would try to maintain your distance outside of work-related circumstances."
"What are you talking about?"
There it was.
That fear that he truly was unaware of what he had been doing. I thought he would have had some kind of wake-up call. I was wrong.
"I tried everything just to get you to see me as more than... whatever you thought I was," I explained. "I... I wasted so much time giving all of myself just for you to dismiss me in the morning after you got your fix."
He rolled his eyes. "Come on, you're being a bit dramatic-"
"Gifts and date plans and birthdays and new clothes to impress and... let's face it, we had different intentions when it came to this relationship, Kelly," I shrugged at him. "I'm not gonna stay in a relationship where the effort I put in isn't appreciated or reciprocated."
"So, what?" he said. "You're just gonna go hook up with Jay? A couple of weeks is what it took for you to be ready to jump into bed with someone?"
"I was gonna be mature about this," I muttered. I took a deep breath and offered him a sickeningly sweet smile. "Some of us can be friendly without the intention of getting into someone's pants. I know that's a new concept for you."
"He doesn't see it that way."
"And I can handle that," I nodded. "Be sure he takes me to dinner first."
Kelly's jaw just clenched.
"Have a good night, Kelly," I waved before walking back inside.
Jay was still sitting at the bar, awkwardly tapping his fingers against the side of his glass.
"Hey, sorry about that," I said as I sat next to him again.
"Everything okay," he asked.
"Yeah," I nodded. "All taken care of."
Jay just nodded.
"You were telling me a story," I motioned for him to keep talking, wanting to get back into the conversation.
"Right, yeah..."
If Kelly came into the bar after that, I didn't see him.
I felt like a weight rolled off my shoulders as I had walked back inside that night. I felt more freedom. It was easier to breathe and smile and talk without focusing on every piece of my relationship with Kelly. I only had to focus on myself.
And I have to say... focusing on myself felt really, really good.
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chloeillustrates16 · 2 years ago
No Door Nor Wall
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Summary: Eddie and you met in a very strange way.
Warnings: Long AF I'm sorry, lack of Y/N use, fluff
Pairing: Eddie Munson X Reader
The music room was your safe haven; especially, when it came to a particular stranger behind the middle door of the private room. You remembered the day that you met the stranger, you ran into the music room, upset, because of a few people.
You sat down on the floor, your back pressed against the wooden door. Then a voice asked, "Why are you crying?" you stopped in surprise. "Is someone there?"
"Obviously," the voice deadpanned.
"Wait, I thought everyone was at lunch," you asked confused.
"So did I," a guitar picked up. It was a soft acoustic guitar, "Which is why I'm in a practice room."
"You eat lunch in a practice room?"
"No, I practice, in the practice room. It's a part of the music room, you know?" he voiced with annoyance. He paused, "So, what's wrong?"
"It's a long story..."
Like that, it was history. It wasn't long before those people stopped messing with you. Which, honestly, you weren't expecting.
You made your way down the halls of Hawkins High, and paused, the guy, haven't been coming around as much anymore. You were excited when you heard the soft guitar behind that third door.
"Hey stranger," you voiced.
"Hey," he greeted, you could hear a smile in his voice.
"It's been a while since we last talked; where have you been?"
"Sorry, I've been a little busy," you paused.
"Sorry, that sounded rude."
"No, it didn't. I should be saying sorry for not explaining myself. I've been busy with a few friends of mine; they get into some trouble recently."
"Yeah, are they okay?"
"Yeah, they're fine, just a little scuffle, nothing too major." You sat down, as he started to play again.
"Why haven't you told who you are? We've known each other for weeks," you pointed out.
"It's better if you don't know who I am."
"Look, just know if you're seen with me outside of this room, you might be heavily judged."
"I don't care, you're my friend. Hell, I don't even know your name. Can I at least get that?"
"My friends call me Eddie," you thought for a moment.
"Why exactly would I be judged if people saw me with you?"
"Cause, I'm not the best person. I have a reputation, people around me will also be judged because of my reputation; I don't want that for you." The bell rung, cutting them off from their conversation. "You should get to class."
"What about you?"
"I'll be out in a minute," he explained.
"Okay, I'll...talk to you later," you stood and walked out of the room.
Eddie sighed, pressing his head against the wall. What the hell was he getting into? You're Y/n, one the nicest girls he's ever seen, and yet, here he was, talking to you for WEEKS and you haven't even seen his face. If he was being honest with himself, he'd say that he was scared, scared of your rejection of him. He didn't want that; this long friendship would become nothing in a matter of seconds.
Eddie was sitting at the lunch table, where he usually did, front in center. For once, he didn't feel like wanting to be the center of attention. He sat back, really quiet, the entire lunch. Dustin, Mike, Jeff, and Gareth were talking.
Y/n walked by Eddie stopped and stared as you walked past; you were talking to one of your friends.
"Eddie?" He snapped out of it. He turned his attention towards Dustin, "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine, why?"
"You've been really quiet," he pointed out. The others turned to look at him with the same worry that was on Dustin's face.
Eddie stood abruptly, startling some of the Hellfire members and walked out of the cafeteria. He retreated into the hallway, "He's been like this all week," Gerth explained.
"What's wrong with him?" Mike asked.
"I honestly don't know."
Eddie's heart was pounding in his ears as he entered the music room. Eddie really needed you right now. There was a knock on the door, "Hey, you in there?"
"Yeah," he said with a shaky voice.
"I didn't hear you play so, I thought that maybe you weren't in the practice room."
"Hey, um...I know I said that maybe it would be better if you didn't know who I am."
"Yeah?" your voice was so soft.
"Promise me, you won't judge me."
"Why would I judge you? We've been talking for so long, I doubt I wouldn't want to talk to you after seeing what you look like," you argue.
Eddie swallowed thickly, "Please."
"I promise."
You moved away from the door; you waited nervously as the door slowly opened. Eddie stared down at you, his heart racing.
Your eyes widened in shock; you've heard of Eddie Munson, bad reputation and all. But you thought that he sounded like the coolest guy in the world. Here he was, standing in front of you, he was your friend this whole time and you never knew.
"I'm sorry, I know I was probably the last person you thought of when..." You cut him off almost immediately, your arms wrapped tightly around his surprisingly thin waist. Eddie gasped as you pulled him tightly against your body.
You pulled your head away from his chest, "It's finally nice to see you, Stranger."
"It's nice to see you too," he smiled. You stared at him mesmerized; you never thought someone could be so beautiful. His doe-like brown eyes, his long-disheveled hair, everything made you fall harder for him.
The two of you sat in the music room, no door nor wall separating the space. Lunch felt like hours, you spoke and laughed at the end of all it. Eddie invited you to one of his performances with his band at The Hideout. VIP passes and all so you could see him afterwards. You promised that you'd go to every single one, he laughed, saying that he couldn't wait to see you in the crowd.
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tgammsideblog · 2 years ago
¨First Day Frights¨ Episode analysis (S1 E1B)
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As a follow up to the the first episode ¨The Curse¨ we have the episode ¨First Day Frights¨. Based on the way Molly and Scratch interact with each other it appears that some days have passed since the events of ¨The Curse¨. Scratch is little bit more calm around Molly, he calls her by her name and the nickname ¨Mol¨ to mess with her in this scenario. Molly doesn’t hug Scratch as much as she did in ¨The Curse¨ and gets frustrated with him a few times.
In contrast to ¨The Curse¨, ¨First Day Frights¨ has better pacing and narrative. This is because the episode has a simple clear premise: Molly tries to make a good impression the first day of school while Scratch tries to ruin it so he is able to break the curse. This allows the interactions and jokes to flow better given that the plot doesn’t have to move every 2 seconds,
One of the highlights of  ¨First Day Frights¨ is that it introduces two important characters: Libby Stein-Torres and Andrea Davenport. I have to say that i really like both characters introductions and how they have a history with each other. Libby has been treated like an outcast by Andrea for years for mispronouncing her name on 8th grade. This gives some hightsight that explains part of Libby’s anxious nature since she was pushed around by the other kids thanks to Andrea.
Andrea’s introduction quickly establishes her snobby-rich-girl attitude, her desire to get attention from others, something that gets explored later on during the season, and her status in Brighton’s highschool. It’s also a bit interesting how she tries to be friendly to Molly at first for to change when Molly accidentally mispronouces her name a few times.
Scratch gets a better exploration of his character too. His social status is brought a few times showing how he is treated like the "worst of the worst" in Ghost World. He isn't a popular ghost, which leads him to be kicked out of the "Haunty Haunts" club. He is both very lonely and mistreated by his ghosts peers, explaining in part why he didn't have any friends before the events of the show.
One of my favourite things about this episode is how Scratch ends up repeating the same treatment he receives in the Ghost World when he is trying to humiliate Molly at school. There is a certain lesson of "don't treat others the same way you wouldn't like to be treated" and how we repeat abusive behaviours if we live in a toxic enviroment. When Scratch realizes this, he decides to possess Andrea and free both Libby and Molly from their outcast status. This is a very sweet moment for his character because it is one of the first times Scratch is shown to care about other people and be able to regret his actions. He frees Libby as well, someone who he never interacted with, probably because he felt sorry about her.
On last note, I like seeing Molly not having all things go her way in the first day of school. In other animated series it feels like positive characters like Molly usually have it too easy and they don’t have much obstacles except from some exceptions. It was nice to seeing her struggle while her not giving up, demostrating she has a lot of determination in her goals. It was also satisfying seeing her getting angry at times. It gives her more dimension as a character that way.
In conclusion: I enjoyed this segment more than ¨The Curse¨ when i first watched the show. It’s a better introduction to the humor and the character dynamic of the series. It’s less chaotic, more clear in its narrative. If you ever want make someone get into this show make them watch ¨First Day Frights¨ too since they are more likely to get a better idea of what the show is about.
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icefire149 · 4 years ago
Certain parts of season 14 and 15 just rub me the wrong way. Everything about the shift when Mary dies again to set up conflict between Dean and Cas just doesn’t hit right. So here’s a new way I’d do it:
Jack still accidentally murders Mary, but after zipping around the Earth in a panic, he goes to Castiel. He has no fear that he’ll lose Cas over this. It’s Sam and Dean that he’s worried about. Especially Dean since he was horrible when he was born. Dean only more recently seemed like he really cared about him. He can’t mess this up. Jack brings Cas back to the house and explains what happened. 
We know Cas is a strategist and his mind would be in overdrive, because of course the Winchesters weren’t going to be okay with any of this. Hell, he’s barely keeping it together. Mary was his friend. But, Jack is his child and responsibility. And he loves him too much to let him suffer. So he devises a plan: Nick was trying to summon Lucifer from the Empty. He was succeeding. Jack and Mary were trying to stop him and Lucifer obliterated Mary. Jack wasn’t quick enough but he was able to send Lucifer back into the Empty and in a rage killed Nick. Now Jack is panicking because it’s still his fault, but not his fault. It’s Nick and Lucifer’s. And Jack while being mostly soulless is still a bit hesitant to weave such a lie to their family, but he agrees. Cas reassures him that the Winchesters will be devastated, but they’ll understand better this way. As a family, all of them will be able to grieve and move on eventually. Because: Nick shouldn’t have done what he did. It was high tension and everyone was upset, and it was inevitable an accident happened. It was just a terrible accident. 
Distraught, Jack asks if there’s anything they can do to fix things? If they can bring Mary back? If they had a body....maybe. This leads Jack to want to see Rowena to see if she could just bring Mary back. They decide to try, but stick to the story. Cas gets zapped back to his truck and Jack goes to Rowena. So we have the similar situation where Jack in a panic tries to force Rowena to fix things and she tries, but also still tips off the Winchesters. Still the magic doesn’t work and Jack is scared. Sam and Dean get to the house and are a mess trying to make heads or tails of the mess. Automatically the blame is on Jack. They’ve been worried about his soul. He must have gone completely dark side. And we’ll note that Dean is the one crawling out of his skin pacing and ranting. Sam is more withdrawn. Jack flies into Cas’ truck when he’s almost there. Cas goes into the house first. He tells Jack to wait in the truck. Cas bars the doorway with his body while he tries to explain the ‘tale’ Jack told him in the car and how devastated he is over Mary and terrified of what they, Sam & Dean, will do next. 
Dean believes Cas. It’s Cas. His anger rolls into grief & tears. His mom died. How did he get here where he has to bury her again. Cas comforts Dean with soft touch and words. He’s sorry. He’s so sorry. Cas gives into his own grief a bit. It’s Sam that continues to stand there in quiet rage. It’s like his whole lifetime of trauma is torn open again. And now there’s this new angry wound that’s only festered since Amara brought Mary back. Yes, he should be grateful that he’s gotten to know her at all, but.....it was never right. She never stayed long enough to really know him. Emotionally her bond with Dean was always stronger. He was always just a fly on the wall. She was his mom too. And now...even Cas is crying more than him. When the hell was she ever anything to him? Sam’s anger spirals, but he’s trying to keep it down. He keeps going over the house there. Something about everything isn’t sitting right with him. There’s something off. He knows it. 
So with the funeral and going home to the bunker, things feel flipped. Jack and Cas were most worried about Dean, but it’s Sam they should be worried about. Dean is angry and upset, but he’s not blaming Jack. He’s actually trying to be there for Jack. This development has Cas over the moon, because this is all he ever wanted. For them to be a family. While Dean fell into the cycle of his father’s anger when Cas died s12/13....this time he’s being what he/John should have been. And Sam is the one sinking into John’s cycle of anger. Sam’s the one drinking a bit more. He’s quiet, but there’s an anger that’s clearly there. He’s distancing himself from Jack and Cas. Eventually he blows up and admits that he blames Jack and his soullessness. For all they know he hurt her / let her get hurt purposely. Which gets Cas angry and Sam flat out admits that he doesn’t trust Cas’ word. Something feels off to him, and this isn’t the first time Cas has tried to go behind their backs. He has quite the history of it. 
This causes Sam, Dean, and Cas to go at it yelling. Jack overhears some and blames himself for ruining everything again. He’s been nothing but trouble for their family. Maybe it would be better if he just left. So he does. This ties us back to Jack being manipulated by Heaven. Dean and Cas are out trying to find him. All ties back in to Jack goes home and finds Sam alone in the bunker. And it’s easy to fall back into the trust Jack has always had with Sam. He’s always had Jack’s back. And he manipulates Jack, telling him that they’ve worked out a spell to bring Mary back. They altered the malak box spell work to harness and focus Jack’s powers. It should be enough. Dean and Cas will be back any minute with Rowena. Jack eagerly believes him and does as he’s told. Jack gets in the box and he stares up at Sam nervous. Sam tells him that there’s nothing to worry about anymore. Cas told them everything. They can fix things now. And Jack looks at him confused, everything? Sam presses that yes, Cas explained how it was an accident. Jack breathes a sigh of relief and then crumbles into tears, how he didn’t mean to. He asked her to stop, but she wouldn’t give him a moment to breathe and then..it was an accident. He didn’t mean to hurt her. And cold as ice Sam goes, I know, and closes the lid. Locking the box. 
It’s a while before Dean and Cas make it back. Jack has enough time to completely unravel in his grief, and anger, and realization that Sam lied and tricked him. Everyone keeps manipulating him and lying. Dean and Cas get back and start arguing with Sam. Just like in the show, Jack breaks out and leaves. Sam still goes into it explaining the truth he got from Jack. Cas LIED. He covered up Mary’s death. He’s known the truth all along. Dean refuses to believe Sam. He’s mistaken. 
Things roll into Moriah and Jack makes it so no one can lie. And because of that the truth finally comes out of Cas’ mouth. And Dean breaks. He tells Cas that he’s dead to him. Cas leaves to look for Jack on his own. Dean’s fury goes in on Jack. He never should have gotten attached. Jack was always a monster. All of this rolls into Chuck’s return and manipulation. He pushes Dean to kill Jack. And the puzzle pieces click into place for Sam. He realizes how much this is all a game to Chuck. Chuck pulled the strings to make every bad thing that’s happened in his life happen just for his own entertainment: Mom, their childhood, dad’s shitty parenting, Jess, demon deals, demon blood, Dean going to Hell, Ruby, the apocalypse, visions, unanswered prayers, EVERYTHING..... Chuck’s newest episode of entertainment was causing Jack to accidentally kill Mary and have to live with the consequences of losing his only family over it. Sam’s anger goes directly into Chuck. 
He needs to get to Dean. Meanwhile Dean finds Cas and Jack in the cemetery. Cas gets between them and tries to talk Dean down. Dean is shaking with fury. He’s never been this mad before. He hated Jack for being born and getting Cas killed, and then he grew to love the kid as family, and he hates him for making him feel this much. He killed his mom, and lied about it. Cas tries to explain that he was trying to protect all of them. He was trying to maintain their family. Dean coldly goes, there’s no family here to maintain. I’m a hunter. Saving people and hunting monsters is the family business, and....I see two monsters in front of me. And he holds the equalizer up, shakily. Jack sends Cas flying so he can approach Dean. He understands what Dean has to do. He accepts it and he’s sorry. Jack gets on his knees and waits. Dean can’t quite do it. He’s trying.
Sam and Chuck get there. Sam starts yelling how Chuck set this whole thing up. Chuck is trying to make Dean do this...for his own entertainment. And everything rolls back into what the actual show did. Dean can’t kill Jack and Sam shoots Chuck. Everything continues to roll similarly as s15 did, but the divorce arc is leaning heavily on Dean is angry about Cas betraying him. 
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fernweh-writes · 4 years ago
Can I request the slashers with a reader with really watery eyes and whenever he/she/they blink it looks like their crying but their not and cause of that they constantly need water to drink? I have to deal with this when the pollens really bad where I live and I swear I'd be rich if i gain a dollar eachtime someone asks if I'm ok
Allergies are the worst as it is I can’t imagine having to deal with my eyes watering 24/7. Sorry this took so long to get to!
S/O With Bad Allergies
Michael Myers
Michael has a pretty good immune system and has never dealt with bad allergies. Guess he just got lucky. So seeing your eyes water so much just because of the pollen kind of freaks him out.
At first, he genuinely thought that you were crying. His first thought was that he was fixing to have to quickly take care of a new victim, assuming that someone has messed with you.
After you catch him staring though you quickly figure that he’s worried. You’ll have to reassure him multiple times that it’s just your allergies and that he won’t have to hunt anyone down today.
Still doesn’t believe that you aren’t crying until it continues over the course of a few days. Then he figures that it’s best to not let you get dehydrated. It may seem like Michael is never around but you’ll be finding glasses of water all over the house. It’s his way of reminding you to drink water.
Bo Sinclair
When Bo first catches you dabbing at your eyes with a tissue, of course his first thought is that you’re crying. His first instinct is to turn and run. Bo does care about you but he doesn’t handle crying people very well and all he can think about at that moment is making a getaway.
Sadly, you catch him before he can bolt. “Hey, Bo, do we have any more tissues? My allergies are killing me and my eyes won’t stop leaking.”
You have no clue how relived he is that your eyes are just watering from allergies and you’re not bawling. He can handle allergies better than he can crying, so don’t worry, Bo to the rescue!
When he brings you a box of tissues he also makes sure to bring you a bottle of water. Although his thoughts are less about you getting dehydrated from your eyes watering and more of just knowing that it’s good to drink water when you’re sick.
Vincent Sinclair
I still believe that Vincent has a lot of medical knowledge. So when he catches you wiping away at your eyes even though you’re not sobbing or sniffling he puts two and two together pretty quickly.
Because of this, he’s also pretty well at handling the situation. He’ll quickly return with allergy meds, a box of tissues, and of course water. Louisiana is already hot, he can’t have you getting dehydrated because of your allergies.
He keeps his brothers from giving you weird looks and asking questions as well. Vincent knows he hates being stared at and wouldn’t want his brothers to make you feel the same way. Besides, even if you were crying it’s none of their business.
Your his so it’s job to worry over you and take care of you not his brothers. Expect him to keep you close to him until you recover a little bit. He may be just a little bit possessive over you.
Brahms Heelshire
You freak him out a little bit when he first witnesses the symptoms of your allergies. Brahms has lived a very sheltered life and hasn’t been exposed to anyone being very sick so it’s something new for him.
When you reassure him that you’re not crying it’s just your allergies he’s just even more confused honestly. You’re really telling him plants made you cry? Brahms may be smart when it comes to literature and history but he’s hopeless with anything science related.
Still he does his best to help you out. He’ll be more lenient with the rule following and the schedule. Brahms might even be sweet enough to let you sleep in and rest some.
He’ll be easily frustrated by the fact you’re not taking care of him like normal though. Because of this you can still expect the occasional tantrum, however, luckily for you, it’s not directed at you and it’s Brahms not knowing how to deal with his frustration.
Thomas Hewitt
When he sees you and thinks you’re crying he freaks out. Immediately begins wondering what happened. Did you get hurt? Are you injured? Did Hoyt or Monty do something to you?
After explaining to him that you’re just dealing with really bad allergies he immediately takes you to Luda Mae. She always takes care of everyone when they’re sick, so surely she’ll know how to help you.
She’ll give you tea and send you up to bed to get some rest. Sends Thomas to keep an eye on you and makes sure he gets you to drink plenty of water. It’s already easy to get dehydrated in the Texas weather, much less with your eyes watering like crazy.
Thomas will stay by your side the entire time to make sure that you’re okay, fetching you anything you need or want. He’s worried sick about you and just wants you to feel better and not look so sad and miserable.
Billy Loomis
He’s scared of emotions and while he can play the part of very concerned boy next door type of boyfriend he really wants nothing more than to get the hell away before you notice him.
Even once you explain to him that no you’re not crying, he’s still not going to be much help. If you needed him to murder fight someone for you, then he could help. But a really bad case of allergies? Sorry, you’re on your own.
Still, if you insist of going somewhere he’s watching over you like a hawk. Billy will deter anyone from asking you if you’re okay, knowing that you hate being confronted about crying when really your eyes just won’t stop watering.
Still, he’s not stupid and pretty much forces you to drink water. It’s the closest thing you’re going to get to affection from him during this. He’s trying his best okay.
Stu Macher
Stu was most likely rambling on about who knows what when he looks up and you’re wiping away at all the tears on your face. The best response he can think of is a very uninterested, “what are you crying about?”
Much like Billy he’s not much help besides making sure you drink plenty of water.
He’s also more likely to make fun of you that anyone else. Billy keeps people from asking questions or making fun while Stu is the one asking questions and bullying you. He loves you but he’s not going to pass up the chance to pick on you.
Of course, he’ll stop if you tell him that it bother you but if you don’t speak up he’ll go on and on. If someone else tries to make fun of you though, then he just might start a fight. He can make fun of you, anyone else just has a death wish.
Asa Emory
Again, doesn’t do emotions. Asa doesn’t see himself as an emotional person and doesn’t do good at comforting others or dealing with their emotions. So when he sees what he thinks to be crying he’s going to try his hardest to sneak away.
Asa can be very awkward when it comes to trying to take care of you. He’s not sure what to do considering having a relationship with anyone is very foreign to him.
Still, you’re his responsibility and it’s his job to take care of you so he’ll do his best. Asa sends you constant reminders throughout the day to drink water so that you don’t get dehydrated. It’s best if you listen, cause even if he isn’t home all day, he’ll know. Asa always knows.
Jesse Cromeans
As soon as Jesse spots you he rushes over to figure out what’s wrong. Scooping you up into his arms, he’ll be checking over you to make sure you’re not injured.
Once you explain to him that it’s just your allergies he’s still going to be a big mother hen about the whole ordeal. Have you drank water? You can’t get dehydrated! You haven’t taken your allergy meds? He’ll stand over you to make sure that you take them.
He’s very protective so if he feels the need to he’ll have his medical team check in on you to make sure that it is just your allergies. Jesse just hates seeing you be miserable and will do anything in his power to help you.
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