#Expert commentary
sportshub16 · 10 months
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koriand3r · 28 days
in saw v several times keys that are vital to forward movement and salvation are stored in glass boxes and containers
peter strahm is also shown in a glass box
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this is to symbolize how if hoffman had saved strahm and let/forced him to go into the final glass box, strahm would've been the key to hoffman's salvation and saved him from the fate that he faces in the later movies
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silviakundera · 4 months
a snippet of the droll Duke Su from the source novel of The Double, to show how well the drama is capturing his vibes. (Spoilers obviously)
Seeing such a thrilling examination, [Kong Liu] felt it was more tiring than the usual practice drill. However, he was still happy. He spoke to Ji Heng, “Did you see? Jiang second miss was so powerful. Today was really an eye opened for everyone, this would let her be in the limelight. I suppose she’s very happy.”
“I think she is a little disappointed,” Ji Heng said.
“Disappointed?” Kong Liu doubted, “Why disappointed? She got first place. These damn six arts competitions are over, she’s number one in each and every one of them. What is to be disappointed about?”
“Unable to borrow a knife to kill somebody, naturally one is disappointed.” Ji Heng laughed lightly and stood up: “Today’s drama is also not bad, just there’s no blood, a bit simpler, let’s see another day.”
Then he walked away.
“Truly a pervert.” Kong Liu muttered. He thought of something and said, “You still haven’t judged!”
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jasmineaoi · 8 months
Reaction au (again)
Cale and the lcf crew got kidnapped (lol) to react to cale (not)hero life.
Suddenly the door was opened by someone on the outside. A muscular man with a lot of scars came in while talking on something the crew doesnt recognize, except for the two person in the room. It seems like the man still doesnt notice them until he closed the door...and turned around.
Cue kim roksoo walking in on them and not noticing until it's too late. Cale and kim roksoo's eyes clashed, but our team leader wore the 'i-dont-know-you-im-just-a-stranger' mask, smile, bow and apologize politely(formally) to them before excusing himself to leave. He turned and twisted the doorknob...
He tried another door...it doesnt budge.
He faced them and with a polite smile, asked for the key so that he can leave and wont bother them anymore.
The answer of course, none. Nobody can open the door except the god.
The smile doesnt fall, everyone pitied the man who got stuck with them.
...Until that said man pulled out a fucking rifle (still with the unchanging smile of course).
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dragonomatopoeia · 10 months
sick to bastard death of 'analysis' or commentary that takes on an authoritative tone when it's completely vibes based. especially when the author tries to claim that it's an objective assessment instead of a subjective perspective that lacks any basis in evidence or expertise
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pianokantzart · 1 year
What do you think of Movie! Peach in comparison to Game! Peach?
Honestly? They're quite different from each other, and yet at the same time I really like them both.
I truly have a soft spot for videogame Peach. She is a big soft huggable ball of sugar. She's bright eyed, giggly, girly, and leans in to her girliness hardcore and without shame. She gives cheek kisses, sends cute little hand-written notes, plans parties, and bakes cakes for all her friends! She's tenderhearted, soft spoken, and slow to fight unless it's absolutely necessary. She's a big, pink, frilly, bright-eyed doll of a princess.
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Anyone who sees this behavior from the outset might assume that these traits make her childish, and though she is fun-loving, that couldn't be further from the truth! She's a competent and beloved ruler! She runs a tight ship, and will absolutely put her foot down when necessary, and I feel like we need more characters like that– characters who are fun, and silly, and lighthearted, and competent, all while being unashamedly girly.
However, it is important to keep in mind that Game Peach and Movie Peach have different backgrounds. Game Peach has had Mario around to watch her back since almost the very beginning, and... depending on the game/canon... a father figure in Toadsworth to turn to when she needs advice. Movie Peach, up until the very recent arrival of Mario, was the sole guardian of The Mushroom Kingdom, and though she was raised by The Toads she has adopted something of a maternal role toward them despite still being fairly young herself.
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Peaches' different relationships with their respective Bowsers also has an impact on their personalities. While Game Peach has to put up with Bowser's kidnappings, outbursts, and shenanigans, he is mostly just a temperamental prick who can't accept "no" for an answer. Meanwhile, Movie Bowser is a raging sociopath who has a long history of being sworn enemies with Princess Peach. Now... much to her confusion and dismay... that hatred has suddenly been turned on its head into terrifying infatuation. Bowser can and will destroy everything she loves if he thinks it'll put him in a position of power over her. I mean, he caught her being friendly with some guy for 5 seconds, and proceeded to try and nuke her entire kingdom over it.
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Though Movie Peach is thankfully still feminine and sweet, she's got an edge to her that comes from a heavy weight of responsibility she has had to bear herself. Unlike her game counterpart, she has had no chance to relax and unwind... though that may change now that she's allies with Mario and Luigi. Let the poor girl breathe for a change. TL;DR
Videogame Peach is the extroverted best friend who throws and attends a lot of parties and brings the most delicious home-made muffins to book club, all while somehow being on honor roll and maintaining a perfect sleep schedule.
Movie Peach is the mom friend who is ever vigilant, always notices when something's gone wrong/someone's not feeling well, and is as ridiculously resourceful as she is sympathetic.
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saltyfilmmajor · 2 months
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quit telling everyone i'm dead
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folatefangirl · 6 months
I found this article by Carlee Gomes on current American Puritanism in our media interesting, especially since while the article mostly focuses on heterosexuality, it's not hard to read it and make the jump to understand why censorship of this is associated with censorship of queer depictions as well in media and online.
Important quotes:
The current state of cultural and material decline plays an important role in the shift toward Puritanism in media and art, in consumer appetite, and in the political posture of the State. That is to say, with the compounding crises we are bombarded with (everything from climate disaster to rampant racialized police violence to genocide) as a part of our daily lives under late capitalism, the need for escape, and indeed, the need for that escape to be completely unchallenging and non-confrontational, has become imperative. Moreover, as control over our own material realities becomes less and less feasible, the last lone place we believe we can exercise agency is within the landscape of that which we consume. This has resulted in the consuming public approaching all media and art with a moral imperative — that which we consume must be perfectly virtuous, sanitized of all problematic or complicated ideas and depictions, because it has become the stand-in for our very realities, our very political action as citizens; consuming has become our praxis. [...] The desire to exclusively engage with media and art made by “unproblematic” artists is a direct result of Americans viewing media consumption as an inherently political act because that is the supreme promise of Western prosperity and the religion of consumerism, and because it’s seemingly all that’s left. We’ve been stripped and socialized out of any real political energy and agency. Our ability to consume is the only thing remaining that’s “ours” in late capitalism, and as a result it’s become a stand-in for (or perhaps the sole defining quality of) every aspect of being alive today — consuming is activism, it’s love, it’s thinking, it’s sex, it’s fill in the blank. When the act of consuming is all you have left and indeed the only thing society tells you is valuable and meaningful, the act must necessarily be a moral one, which is why people send themselves down manic spirals deciding what, who is “problematic” or not, because for us the stakes are that high now.
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m00n-pr1sm · 1 year
Amy Dunne Character Analysis
This analysis will be of Amy’s character from both the book and the movie, although the 2014 movie adaption takes greater precedence with only some additional details and quotes included from the book as it does delve deeper into Amy’s psyche and add further characterization. Thus some traits may be accentuated further than they are in the movie, not being completely faithful to either story. It’s an analysis of Amy in her totality across mediums, of course being entirely my opinion. There are of course adaptational differences but I will not include the major ones from the books (ex. her relationship with Hillary Hand). This is an analysis focusing primarily on Amy’s neuroses she demonstrates and the childhood links to them, it doesn’t cover in-depth the events nor themes of Gone Girl.
Amy Elliott Dunne, the ever enigmatic dual protagonist- antagonist of Gone Girl is one of the most iconic female villains in modern memory, and one of the paragons of the “good for her” trope in media, is, frankly, one of my favorite characters of all time. As such I have been dying to write a full analysis examining her neuroses and characterization. Beneath the cultural perception of just another “crazy psycho” for girls to claim “she did no wrong” or “she just like me fr!”, lies a fascinating character who is masterfully written and developed by Gillian Flynn, as well as perfectly portrayed by Rosamund Pike. Amy Dunne is a character with a deep, complex psychology that I will do my best to thoroughly explore in this analysis.
From Amy’s childhood we first see the emergence of a literal high ego ideal, Amazing Amy. Of course this is the children’s book series created by her parents with a fictionalized version of Amy being the eponymous protagonist. This was a version of herself that rectified her own personal failures. Amazing Amy became a prodigy at cello, when Amy quit at 10, Amazing Amy made varsity volleyball, Amy got cut freshman year. Even in the (at time) final book in the series, Amazing Amy got married, a task Amy had not yet done. The entire book series revolved around Amy always making the most virtuous, the most selfless, the most perfect decisions.
>”With me, regular, flawed, real Amy, jealous, as always, of the golden child.”
An interesting detail in the book that is omitted from the movie is Marybeth’s numerous miscarriages and stillbirths (which totaled 7). All of these girls were named Hope, until Amy was born. Amy expresses her jealousy towards them, as they were always seen as perfect without ever living; meanwhile Amy herself has to live life everyday knowing that she will never truly live up to the Hopes. That she has to try everyday to be the best she can be. Her very birth was mired in the expectation of a perfect child; given that she was practically a gift from the heavens to her parents.
This sets up Amy’s perfectionism, as the childhood experience of never living up to a projected ideal led her to want to be perfect (and as we’ll later see, the expectation that everyone else is too), to live life always through the gaze of another. Evidently this leads to a loss of one’s inner essence, one’s individuality and sense of self.
>“-I’d never really felt like a person, because I was always a product” (Book Quote)
Amy’s obsession with personas can be seen as emerging from this, as she adapts a personality depending on who she’s interacting with, as to always be the most appealing she can, she is Amazing Amy after all.
>”I’m not sure, exactly, how to be Dead Amy. I’m trying to figure out what that means for me, what I become for the next few months. Anyone, I suppose, except people I’ve already been: Amazing Amy. Preppy ’80s Girl. Ultimate-Frisbee Granola and Blushing Ingenue and Witty Hepburnian Sophisticate. Brainy Ironic Girl and Boho Babe (the latest version of Frisbee Granola). Cool Girl and Loved Wife and Unloved Wife and Vengeful Scorned Wife. Diary Amy.” (Book Quote)
This general attitude leads to people trying to impress her as she places herself as someone special and especially someone to keep around. She entices both the characters and viewers of the film through her manufactured charisma and enchantment. However, we’ll see this dramatically backfire in her relationship with Nick, just you wait!
For now we can focus on the beginning of their relationship as well as what I believe to be Amy’s view on romance.
I believe that Amy has an impossibly high standard of love, one that stems from her perfectionism and general inability to let down her guise of being amazing. Not to mention how her parents were a perfect match, Amy even referring to them as soul-mates.
>”They have no harsh edges with each other, no spiny conflicts, they ride through life like conjoined jellyfish—expanding and contracting instinctively, filling each other’s spaces liquidly. Making it look easy, the soul-mate thing.” (Book Quote)
In her childhood it’s implied that she was into romance novels, specifically Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, which obviously contributes to the idealization of romance, of a literal scripted love.
>”You were an alienated teen and only Elizabeth Bennet understood you”
I think this little quote is incredibly indicative; it establishes a sense of alienation, of Amy never quite fitting in and blending with others.
>”So many lessons and opportunities and advantages, and they never taught me how to be happy. I remember always being baffled by other children. I would be at a birthday party and watch the other kids giggling and making faces, and I would try to do that too, but I wouldn’t understand why. I would sit there with the tight elastic thread of the birthday hat parting the pudge of my underchin, with the grainy frosting of the cake bluing my teeth, and I would try to figure out why it was fun.” (Book Quote)
Back to the topic of romance, through these stories it allowed her to imagine her perfect romance: if Amy could find that one person that truly understood her, beyond the illusion, that then would constitute a perfect union of love. She does deep down (whether consciously or not) want to be loved for who she is; not the idealized, palatable, literal marketed version of herself. Thus she holds trust as a premium, expecting that if she does the Herculean task of unspooling and revealing herself to another, that the other person would love her no matter what.
>”Can you imagine, finally showing your true self to your spouse, your soul mate, and having him not like you?” (Book Quote)
However all of this culminates in an impossibly high standard of a lover, of a practically divine mythical love; where one loves totally and absolutely. Of course where this neurosis is most demonstrated is in Nick and Amy’s relationship.
Amy comments that after meeting Nick she finally felt like a person as he brought out a side of herself that hadn’t been seen, in her own words “a lightness and an ease”, something that Amy enjoyed. In her eyes they had the perfect relationship in the beginning, Nick was her compliment with the witty banter, with their inside jokes, and charm.
However this doesn’t just vanquish her childhood neuroses, through her desire to be seen as perfect, she modifies herself to be a “cool girl” for Nick, complying endlessly to standards to maintain this perception.
>” When I met Nick Dunne, I knew he wanted a cool girl and for him, I’ll admit, I was willing to try.”
Amy essentially became Nick’s image of a perfect girl, witty, fun, and most of all easy-going and forgiving.
Yet one cannot live forever in images and ideas; and as such, the real, true Amy emerged. The Amy that cares too much, that’s hard to get along with, that is a controlling perfectionist. She also tests Nick through the treasure hunts, weaving in little details about their relationship as to challenge Nick and hope that he remembers the things they do together as deeply as she does. Combined with the 2008 recession and declining health of Nick’s mother (the consequences of which will be explored later). As well as Nick’s growing dissatisfaction in the relationship (evidenced by his worsening performances in the treasure hunts, the cheating, using her for sex and ignoring her otherwise, etc). The illusion both Nick and Amy were living in crumbled; they couldn’t possibly sustain their relationship as they were both striving to fulfill reciprocating images for the other.
One of the biggest parts of her character is Amy’s elitism and entitlement, in which she thinks of herself as someone superior, someone that deserves to be loved absolutely for who she is, although only to people she considers worthy.
>”She’s easy to like. I’ve never understood why that’s considered a compliment—that just anyone could like you.” (Book Quote)
Once again this stems from her childhood, in a seemingly contradictory way, she also sees herself as special for being the one that survived from her mother’s attempts, as well as the fact that her birth was so tumultuous that she would be an only child. From this also stems her entitlement for love.
Amy actively looks down upon women she considers “average”, whom she sees as coming from mediocrity and continuously perpetuating that in their lives. She scoffs at them with her wealthy parents and NYC background until her marriage with Nick crumbles. Only then does she realize that she’s become the very woman she would previously disdain. A woman with a failing marriage, the loss of her previous wealth following the recession, and moving to a failed development in Missouri (What the hell’s in Missouri?) for Nick’s mother.
I truly believe this, combined with Nick’s infidelity, and most importantly the loss of her idyllic love culminated in the iconic Gone Girl plan.
>”Nick took and took from me until I no longer existed, that’s murder. Let the punishment fit the crime”.
Nick took Amy’s identity, her sense of self that she so generously revealed to him and rejected her. Implying that she would only be loved if played the role of the “cool girl”; stripping her of who she really was, losing herself in yet another persona. Although Amy admits she doesn’t really have a personality and lives through personas, she still has a semblance of self that she holds dear.
>”-made me realize that there was a Real Amy in there, and she was so much better, more interesting and complicated and challenging, than Cool Amy”. (Book Quote)
Worse yet, Nick had cheated on her with a “newer, younger, bouncer Cool Girl”, leaving Amy in the dust, surely damaging her pride.
But Amy truly fell in love with her idealized version of Nick, believing that she was responsible for shaping that version of Nick. That she deserved that man in his entirety, of course what gets Amy to come back to Nick is the Sharon Scheiber interview, in which he promises to make up with Amy in just the way that makes her think that Nick is the one person who gets her. He makes the little references to their inside jokes (2 fingers on the chin when they’re not bullshitting the other) and a reference to the end of the treasure hunt (always a contentious issue in their relationship). She’s reminded of who he was, that he was once perfect for her, who else could know how to appeal to her heart in just the right way? With the same passion and conviction she reverses the judgment on Nick, clawing her way back to him. She does so in an especially brutal manner, slashing Desi’s throat with a boxcutter right after he climaxes. Putting aside my enormous personal bias against Desi, he was technically an innocent man, taking a great risk in sheltering Amy. However it’s clear that Amy sees him as merely an asset and something to be disposed of once he serves his value, as another prop in her ever evolving masterplan; she did string him along for years through their letter correspondences. He was just another casualty in Amy’s search for idyllic love. She comes back dramatically, literally falling into Nick’s arms while still covered in Desi’s blood like a dress; fabricating an elaborate story about a love obsessed former boyfriend kidnapping and violating her. Despite the glaring holes in her whole story (If Amy’s marriage was as bad as she made it out to be, why did she go back to Nick so easily? How did she get access to a knife and kill him so seamlessly? Why didn’t Amy do anything when she discovered the stuff in Margo’s shed? etc), law enforcement, media, and the public all fully believe it, infatuated with the persona and narrative that Amy’s created for herself. In the end she traps Nick into the marriage and eventually, the family. The last shot of the film is a haunting recall to the beginning shot of the film, as Amy has both revealed and secured herself to be the master of the narrative, finally obtaining her perfect love, no matter what the cost may have been.
Through a constant demand in Amy’s childhood emerges a need for perfection, simultaneously bringing about a sense of superiority and entitlement. The use of personas and façades facilitate this, painting Amy as the most amazing cool girl for whomever she’s performing for, to feed her need to be seen as perfect and desirable. Yet there emerges a psychological detachment from others; as the need to perform inevitably leads to an internal hollowness. However underneath all these layers there also lies the true Amy who has the deep unconscious desire of wanting to be loved absolutely, to have a perfect union of love where she can reveal herself fully and be loved for who she is truly.
>disclaimer for tumblr lol, this is not me trying to claim Amy was innocent I am fully aware that she’s a terribly entitled and narcissistic person but she can still be complex and have relatable desires & be a person even if she’s massively fucked up!!
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uncanny-tranny · 2 years
I don't think what you said about cis ppl wanting to be a affirmed is true. Most cis ppl don't dress to look as their agab, and they usually don't dress as strictly masculine and feminine ppl. Most cis ppl don't rly care about being affirmed and usually will at best me mildly annoyed. I'm cis and recently got "misgendered" and I thought it was funny and went about my day. I know I'm a woman so idc, being misgendered isn't a hate crime.
I mean, my cis brother complained so much about people misgendering him over the phone before puberty really set in, and the amount of cis people I know who would hate being gendered wrong and express that, yes, they are a man or woman and want to be treated as such is why I made that post. It isn't that they need affirmation to even be a man or woman. It is that they are a man or woman, and thus want to be treated as such. It's the same with trans people.
You don't have to relate with what I said, it was an observation of what I noticed in the circles I'm in. By nature, it isn't going to apply to all cis people. What I have noticed is that trans people do certain things that cis people also do, but we are treated poorly, while cis people are not. It's a textbook double standard.
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in light of a second migration to this site i just need to speak my truth which is that harrow is a redditor gideon is a twitter user and ianthe is a tumblrina hope this helps
#coronabeth is an instagram influencer obviously#and babs is a tiktok one they collab#camilla is like that one user on that math forum who posts answers to insane equations no one can solve without a proof to explain how#palamedes meanwhile is a quora/yahoo answers (rip) certified expert who gives helpful and detailed answers to everything#slash ao3 writer on the side#i know we all see john as a twitch streamer but i think he's most like a discord mod#wait lowkey that's mercy but i want to give them all unique sites so. ok fine john is the streamer and mercy is his insufferable twitch mod#pyrrha stars in like a woodworking/survivalist skill youtube channel that's filmed and run by nona#who is always giving encouraging commentary from behind the camera she just wants everyone to see how awesome her dadmom is#abigail has a channel where she talks about famous historical events or like analyzes media based on historical accuracy#magnus pops into frame as her every now and then bringing her tea or asking a question. she doesn't edit him out bc the fans love him#augustine is a podcaster. the WORST kind#isaac and jeannemary run a gaming channel where they play the same games as jod and bully him online#one day magnus pops in during a livestream. they are embarrassed but the few crossover fans from abi's channel start going crazy in the chat#judith would just like. write a memoir i think#one of those with a super patriotic portrait on the cover#dulcinea is also an ao3 author she and pal do fic exchanges and she's also like a cool fanartist idk on what platform. maybe here#silas has a girl defined channel or he's one of those people who spends all their time arguing in facebook comments#mercy would also be that person considering she literally references that one church lady. her neuroticism is just peak overly online person#oh oh nona and the gang also get pyrrha to do sexy tiktok dances for her channel they are highly successful#god i haven't even gotten into the BoE characters this cast is so fucking large i'm stopping here#the way i was literally just going to add one tag to this and then i couldn't stop lol anyways we have fun here#tlt#the locked tomb#ntn spoilers#nona spoilers#nona the ninth spoilers#tlt spoilers#the locked tomb spoilers#(just in case bc of a few tags)
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cpcposting · 1 year
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universestreasures · 3 months
@abysseeker / @galaxyeyed :
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presdestigatto · 7 months
f1 turns me into such an immense hater but beyond that rationally i think the skysports commentators need to take a moment to reflect and think about how they present the races? oh carlos is “a thinking driver” yes charles should have thought his brake issues out of existence
the bar is so low i was grateful that crofty mentioned charles’ brake issues at the end of the race
trying to be objective as possible and ik they see the exact same things we do on the broadcast, the live commentators probably didn’t know about the full extent of charles’ problems, but if you’re going to waffle after the race i fully expect you to have done your homework lmao
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lilithism1848 · 8 months
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indomiitas · 1 year
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↑ Wagering his chances of how likely Crocodile and Mihawk would be to beat him up if he laid the offer of marriage on the table.
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