#an elegant and charismatic drama queen
jasmineaoi · 6 months
Reaction au (again)
Cale and the lcf crew got kidnapped (lol) to react to cale (not)hero life.
Suddenly the door was opened by someone on the outside. A muscular man with a lot of scars came in while talking on something the crew doesnt recognize, except for the two person in the room. It seems like the man still doesnt notice them until he closed the door...and turned around.
Cue kim roksoo walking in on them and not noticing until it's too late. Cale and kim roksoo's eyes clashed, but our team leader wore the 'i-dont-know-you-im-just-a-stranger' mask, smile, bow and apologize politely(formally) to them before excusing himself to leave. He turned and twisted the doorknob...
He tried another door...it doesnt budge.
He faced them and with a polite smile, asked for the key so that he can leave and wont bother them anymore.
The answer of course, none. Nobody can open the door except the god.
The smile doesnt fall, everyone pitied the man who got stuck with them.
...Until that said man pulled out a fucking rifle (still with the unchanging smile of course).
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hotvintagepoll · 2 months
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Katharine Hepburn (Bringing Up Baby, The Philadelphia Story, The African Queen)—(I hope someone else submits real propaganda but just in case they don't:) Cries. Screams. Wails. The woman who singlehandedly made me realize I was bi. A real "do i want to look like her. be her. or be with her.' crisis, where the answer was all three. Holy shit please all three.
Diahann Carroll (Paris Blues, Carmen Jones, Porgy and Bess)— Face of an angel. She had the range. She brought chemistry with every romance she portrayed. She also had a great fashion sense, and was so pretty Mattel made a doll based off of her.
This is round 6 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Diahann Carroll:
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Another groundbreaking black actress, although she might be better remembered for her television roles. She was also an activist and worked with charities to support women in need.
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here she is hanging out with shadow prince anthony perkins :3
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Katharine Hepburn propaganda:
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I'm sure one million people will submit her as an iconic Hollywood star but that iconicness might lead people to forget just how insanely hot she was like she had it ALL she was skilled she was funny she was smart she was beautiful AND she was likely bisexual
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The single word I would use to explain Katherine Hepburn's appeal is *range*. In her acting career, that meant covering all the ground between lush period dramas and the comedies she did with Carey Grant and Spencer Tracey. In terms of hotness, it meant an uncanny ability to bring anything from a Dietrich-esque androgyny to some of the best Classic Hollywood Glamour you will ever see.
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Katharine hep was so cool. The VIBES, the INDEPENDENCE,,, living life on her own terms.
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she just had this.... bearing to her, this power. she could be funny, even silly (like in bringing up baby) but also so regal and elegant. she was nobody's fool and dear GOD that's so hot
Fancam link
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She’s not only stunningly gorgeous (those eyes that pierce your soul! a jawline you could cut glass with!) but her delivery and physical presence in roles gives off confidence and authority in such a sexy way (truly the biggest dick energy of Old Hollywood). Her fiery energy in The Philadelphia Story? Unmatched.
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God she's. She's so hot y'all. She has the range!!!!! Funny and dramatic and lovely
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She IS the transatlantic accent. Classically gorgeous and such a strong personality.
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She's literally one of the funniest women to ever live! She goes shot for shot with Cary Grant in Philadelphia Story and we damn well love her for it! She's the most annoying creature to ever live in Bringing Up Baby but she's so insane and funny that we simply cannot help but fall in love with her (and root for her to give Grant an aneurysm!)
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i know she's accounted for but i really want to be sure someone has submitted the scene in bringing up baby where she's pretending to be a gangster
She simply stuns onscreen; you cannot do anything but be captivated by her presence. Also a non-gender-conforming icon and mild tumblr celebrity by virtue of that one picture from The Warrior's Husband (stage play).
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Katharine Hepburn was out here casually changing the lives of young butch lesbians with her gender swag! She wore pants even when people said she shouldn’t, she refused to marry or have kids, and she wore menswear in at LEAST one movie!
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If I start thinking about her face for too long I will cry she is so so hot. Katherine is so charismatic and charming in everything she appears in - watch her adopt a leopard and fall in love with her. Also she has the biggest dick energy ever (she and her pal Lauren Bacall share that accolade). Also had an incredibly long and varied career from screw ball comedies to serious dramas - she’s a queen of the screen and I adore her.
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Someone's got to mention it, but she's won the most Oscars out of any performer and is largely considered one of the greatest actresses ever. She's got an incredible voice, an incredible presence, and she absolutely steals every scene she's in. She was private person and deemed standoffish and unapproachable, but she was also profoundly concerned for people's rights and was an outspoken supporter of abortion access. Finally, the Katharine Hepburn slacks look is just iconic. I mean look at her.
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This woman. I have been obsessed with her for years. I know the urban legend is a popular one at this point of her walking around set in her underwear when her pants were stolen and she was left with only a skirt, but the pants thing is honestly enough for her to be the hottest in the room in my book. She refused to wear anything else at a time when the public in general and especially the studios did not like that. She was independent, stubborn, and so so very capable. Competency kink anyone? Also, if you want one final way that Katharine's entire life was saying "fuck you" to the establishment, it started young! Her mother took her to suffrage events, and she never got rid of that attitude of justice. I feel like I have barely scratched the surface of all the ways she was such a badass that I'm turning into a rambling mess instead.
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midnightdelights-if · 2 years
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[Midnight Delights]
Genre(s): Modern/Low Fantasy
Rating: 18+ for explicit depictions of violence, blood, and death, discussions of torture, kidnapping, sexual content (optional), mentions of past child abuse, xenophobia (between supernaturals and humans), one or two instances of sexism and classism, body horror, gore, and explicit language.
Asks: All types of asks are welcome (including explicit asks which will be tagged as midnightsins).
Disclaimer: this IF is based off of a book series called The Morganville Vampires.
Other IF account: @kaiwrites-if
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You play as a Divine, a child of a blessed line. Ancient blood runs through your veins, granting you mastery over life and death. Trained from a young age to slay the supernatural, you’ve often found yourself wondering if there’s more to life than the hand that you’ve been dealt.
Fortunately, most creatures are few and far between these days, and you, the ever reluctant destroyer, have finally been granted the chance to finish your physics doctorate at the university of Aloiswick, a town in the middle of nowhere, Aotearoa, New Zealand.
What you weren’t expecting were the three housemates who were completely incapable of staying out of trouble, nor were you expecting that the sleepy, run-down town that you now temporarily called your base was actually home to the remnants of the vampire population.
If you're discovered, you'll be forced into a situation that you have no desire to be in. So you plan to lay low, finish your research, and go, but unfortunately, the universe has never been that kind to you.
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Customisable MC (gender (cis + trans), pronouns, appearance, sexuality, height, body type, hair colour/length/style, eye colour(s), skin colour, scars, etc…)
Set skills include weapon mastery, hand-to-hand combat, high intelligence, basic mastery over elemental powers.
Non-traditional vampire lore.
Variations/flavour text depending on gender.
Six ROs to possibly romance. Two triad poly options available and one quad poly option. Options for platonic and QPR will also be available.
Found family.
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Jace/Jade Cooper [Cis!M/Cis!F]
24 | 6’2ft | Bisexual | Based on: Shane Collins
With a hot temper, a charismatic attitude, and a degree in sarcasm, it’s no wonder that Jace/Jade has been branded the ‘local troublemaker and resident heartbreaker’. On the surface, they seem to take pride in their titles, but beneath that, is a cesspool of grief and survivors guilt. Due to this, Jace/Jade claims that they would do anything to protect their loved ones, and after baring witness to their brutal fighting style and near predatory instincts, you don’t doubt that.
Jace/Jade is not difficult to romance, and their route can either be fast or slow burn. They love fiercely and with all their heart, and they would do anything to protect you from harm.
[Character Page]
Aslan/Asena Kaminski/a [Cis!M/Cis!F]
25 | 5’10ft | Demiromantic, Bisexual | Based on: Michael Glass
Aslan/Asena seems like they have their life together. A nice house, a cushy job, and friends and family who love them. However, you are quickly coming to learn that even the seemingly sanest people have a deep routed darkness within them. Their elegant charm, calming presence, and knack for mediation allows you to feel comfortable and at home in company, but you can’t help but wonder if anyone truly knows Aslan/Asena, including themself.
Aslan/Asena is not difficult to romance, but their route is on the slower burn side. They are a complicated soul, but they will love you passionately and without regret.
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Shae Peters [NB]
24 | 5'7ft | Pansexual | Based on: Eve Rosser
If you looked up the definition of ‘bubbly’ in the dictionary, you would likely find a picture of Shae. Xe wears xyr heart upon xyr sleeve, and is one of the most genuinely sweet people that you’ve ever met. Although excitable and at times, a major drama queen(gn), when needed, Shae can be as cold-hearted as the rest. With a quiet anger to match Jace/Jade’s burning one, Shae is not someone to underestimate, especially when it comes to something as important as xyr families safety.
Shae is not difficult to romance, and xyr route can either be fast or slow burn. Falling in love with Shae feels natural, like it could have been something you were always meant to do.
[Character Page]
Eirian [Cis!M/Cis!F/NB]
200+ (27) | 6'4ft | Panromantic, Demisexual | Based on: Myrnin
Eirian is a mystery to all. As a pureblood vampire with a mind to rival that of the greats, ze could easily be a huge threat to Céléna’s reign. Lucky for them, Eirian has no desire to rule over anyone, and is content to stay in the background. For now. Unfortunately, ze is completely unpredictable, and with zir cheerful disposition, most never see the warning signs of an incoming decision change. Eirian also has a vicious territorial streak which can make zir unpredictability even more dangerous. However, for reasons you can’t fathom, ze seems to develop a soft spot for you right from your very first meeting.
Eirian is not necessarily difficult to romance, but zir route is slow burn. However, once you’re zirs, ze would defy the laws of reality in order to simply see you smile.
[Character Page]
Tarak/Talia [Trans!M/Trans!F]
300+ (40) | 5'8ft | Demiromantic, Demisexual | Based on: Oliver
When you first met them, they seemed laid-back and unassuming. Trustworthy even. It doesn’t take long for you to realise that there’s something not quite right about them though. Tarka/Talia is stoic and authoritative, and is constantly vying against Céléna for the chance to rule Aloiswick. Despite this, you wouldn’t class them as a bad person, especially not when you’ve seen them giving away free coffees and sandwiches to those who are less well off. Tarka/Talia might be ruthless, but they’re also kind, no matter how much they deny it.
Tarak/Talia is difficult to romance, but with their love comes a feeling of safety and warmth. They would defend you against all others.
[Character Page]
Céléna [NB-F]
900+ (25) | 5'1ft I Demiromantic, Asexual | Based on: Amelie
Cold, calculating, and powerful. A queen with almost a millennium of experience, and bodies, behind them and a willingness to sacrifice anything or anyone to protect their people, Céléna is not someone that you’d desire to have as an enemy. Which makes it all the more shocking when you see just how much she cares about Aloiswick and it’s people. So much so that it has almost destroyed her on several occasions. Is there more to this ice queen than you’ve been lead to believe?
Céléna is difficult to romance, but once you have their love, you will never want for anything again. She would give you everything she was capable of.
[Character Page]
Poly options: A/Shae (triad), J/Eirian (triad), & J/A/Shae (quad).
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g0ttal0ve101 · 8 months
🪩 School Dance Headcanons! 🪩
I just thought. I should elaborate on the fact that ALL my ocs go to the same school therefore would attend the dances together and I’m……at a lost for words 💀 anyway tho i’ll include @billys-bbg ‘s ocs bc shipping reasons so yea :3
The dance king by default. like. DEFAULT. before the dance was even ANNOUNCED he was alr it. and that’s on peaking in high school….so obv all the girls want to be the dance queen, blah blah blah, ok. BUT HOW WILL THOMAS CHOOSE? (spoiler alert: murder 🥱)
He’ll lock up all the girls hot enough to go with him in one room, force them to murder each other in a certain amount of time, then whoever lasts he’ll go with!!
^ Until Thomas changes his mind and goes with Riley anyway. Indecisive people are the worst, right? :3
Anyway he wears the most expensive brands and shit to a fucking FOUR hour party…..like bro…it’s never that deep
he tries to pull riley before and after the dance but…no. she was too busy hanging out with that sam boy or whatever. BOOOORING. YAAAWNINGGG. am i right? (no)
^ bc he’s salty, he convinces everyone to vote for riley to be the dance’s queen, just to make sam pissed off. (again, spoiler alert!! IT WORKS!!)
His after party is to KILL for though. Drugs, sex, and alcohol included!!! just forget abt the missing young ladies ok?
stunning, gorgeous, beautiful, radiant, captivating, charming, elegant, striking, dashing, alluring, exquisite, lovely, mesmerizing, enchanting, irresistible, fabulous, charismatic, fashionable, incredible, incomparable, graceful, appealing, el-
Violet is sooo supportive of her…despite having to go dress shopping for eight hours straight 😻 (Evelyn couldn’t decide and her gf was passing out from the amount of beauty she witnessed 💀)
At the party though, she immediately wants to leave. She literally just showed up bc getting ready is fun n shi…
everyone’s honest reaction when she showed up in a limbo that she actually owned: 😦
^ she was definitely the ride for everyone to get there……..
sigh. this boy has been preparing to propose to riley since the beginning of the school year. he literally had fifty mental breakdowns beforehand just for her to say ‘uh babe obv we’re going together, you’re my bf?’
but the issue is…they both don’t know what their gonna wear. riley HATES dresses and sam is going through the horrors of gender dysphoria…HOWEVER!! THEY CONQUER THEIR FEARS AND GO SHOPPING AT THE MALL TOGETHER!!!!!! only for them to get really cute outfits that compliment each other very well. (sam sobbed when seeing riley all dressed up for the first time.)
GAAAAAH THEY DID EACH OTHER’S HAIR AND NAILS!!! THE CUTIES!!! ofc riley’s parents didnt want anything to do with the dance so sam’s mom ended up doing the photo shoot and taking them to dinner!! she lit thinks of riley as her own daughter atp…. (she is the #1 riam shipper!!)
at the party, jordan is pissed off that riley had moved on from him and tried to rub it in her face that he pulled tons of other bitches. (A.K.A. lindsey hall who sleeps with literally every single man she can get with and has 91827391927382 diseases. 😻) sam wants to brutally murder him but doesn’t want to ruin the night by causing any sort of drama, so let’s the side eyeing go and plans the murder for later.
everything is going well up until the king and queen are announced!! for some reason, riley won the queen position even though half the girls at school hated her, especially after the breakup with jordan. they knew IMMEDIATELY that thomas rigged the whole thing…….
once she’s called up there, thomas spews out some bullshit about sam to embarrass him and make him cry in front of everyone. it was all fun and games until girlie literally slapped the shit outta him in front of the entire fucking school. 💀
^ everyone was STUNNED. JAW ELONGATED. EYES BUGGING OUT. ETC. The chaperones wanted to escort both riley and sam out, but thomas told them to let it go and let them continue dancing. after convincing them of it, he had the balls to invite both of them to his after party too. asshole, am i right?
….they both end up going lmao. (alcohol 😻)
he tags along with the gang ™️ even though he’s super poor and cannot afford to get any sort of outfit!!
^ ends up wearing his older brother’s clothes instead lmao.
he tries to stick with lucian for the beginning of the night, but seeing kai’s eyes shooting out daggers to ensure he knew his place…sorta scared him off……
then he tries to stick with evelyn!! but she leaves early to go make out with her gf 💀
then he tries to stick with sam!! but….something was off? how much fruit punch did he spill on himself and……did he splash it on riley too? they looked like they murdered someone or something haha!
^ wait where did that big group of girls go?
ANYWAY. it’s time to stick around thomas on the dance floor. surely nothing could go wrong, right? ….uh. did Thomas just drug that girl’s drink?
after seeing that, he called his brother to come pick him up. 💀
*lovely dovey sigh* lucian loves school dances! he loves the lights, the food, the dancing, the music…but the same could not be said about his date. Kai DESPISES these sorta gatherings, considering he doesn’t like ANY of these motherfuckers around them. he only went since he knew lucian was excited for it and didn’t want to disappoint.
the proposal (made by our silly boy kai :3) went as follows: lucian wil u plez go to the danse with me ? i wil birng ring pops i love u (dyslexic rizz)
despite having completely different styles, their suits still complimented each other to a T. lucian wore a soft, fitting suit while his bf wore his usual spikes and combat boots he always did. everyone could recognize who they were from miles away.
lucian hung out with a few other groups of friends while there, having a light hearted conversation and a good time. he always wondered why they would be quick to leave and almost look….scared? kai reassured him that it was probably nothing, knowing DAMN WELL he was scaring them off by death staring into their fucking souls.
they ate everyone up when slow dancing bc obv two idiots who have no idea what they’re doing is MUCH cuter and efficient than losers who take things seriously 🥱
whenever they got tired of walking around or dancing or whatever, kai would claim a table and let lucian sit in his lap to take a drink. (these bitches WISH they had what they had 💀)
the dance ended at 10:30 and lucian’s usual bedtime was at 9:00…..he was nearly passing out by the time they got in the car to leave. kai had to carry him to bed….
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idolskpop · 9 months
Lee Min Ho to Star in New Drama with Gong Hyo Jin and Attend Milan Fashion Week
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Lee Min Ho, one of the most popular Korean actors, is busy with his upcoming projects as a global ambassador and a drama star. He recently flew to Milan to attend the Fall/Winter 2024 show of Hugo Boss, a luxury fashion brand that he endorses. He also confirmed his role in a new romantic comedy drama with Gong Hyo Jin, another well-known actress in Korea.
Lee Min Ho’s Dapper Looks at the Airport
On September 20, Lee Min Ho was spotted at Incheon International Airport, where he wowed the crowd with his head-turning visuals. He wore an all-black ensemble that consisted of a leather jacket, a turtleneck sweater, pants, and boots. He accessorized his look with a black mask, sunglasses, and a backpack.
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(Photo : Merry Aesthethic Thailand) The actor looked confident and charismatic as he walked through the airport, attracting the attention of the media and fans. He smiled and waved at the cameras, showing his friendly and polite personality. Lee Min Ho was heading to Milan, Italy, to attend the Hugo Boss presentation at Milan Fashion Week 2024. He is invited as a global ambassador of the brand, along with other celebrities and influencers from different countries. https://twitter.com/caramelhershey/status/1704344536477298853?s=20 This is not the first time that Lee Min Ho has attended a fashion show in Milan. He also graced the Spring/Summer 2023 show of Hugo Boss last year, where he impressed the audience with his elegant and sophisticated style. Lee Min Ho has been working with Hugo Boss since 2019, when he became the first Korean actor to be chosen as a global ambassador for the brand. He has appeared in various campaigns and events for Hugo Boss, showcasing his versatile and refined fashion sense.
Lee Min Ho’s New Drama with Gong Hyo Jin
Aside from his activities as a global ambassador, Lee Min Ho is also preparing for his comeback to the small screen. He has confirmed his role in a new romantic comedy drama titled “When the Stars Gossip” (literal translation), where he will star opposite Gong Hyo Jin.
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(Photo : Lee Min Ho Instagram) Lee Min Ho “When the Stars Gossip” is a story about an astronaut and a tourist who meet and fall in love at a space station. Lee Min Ho will play Gong Ryong, an OB-GYN (obstetrician-gynecologist) who visits the space station as a tourist. Gong Hyo Jin will play Eve Kim, a Korean-American astronaut who leads the expedition. The drama will be directed by Park Shin Woo, who is known for his works such as “It’s Okay to Not Be Okay” and “Lovestruck in the City”. The script will be written by Seo Sook Hyang, who has penned hit dramas such as “Don’t Dare to Dream (Jealousy Incarnate)” and “Pasta”. The drama is expected to premiere in 2023, and will be Lee Min Ho’s first romantic comedy since “Personal Taste” in 2010. It will also be his second project after his two-year hiatus since “The King: Eternal Monarch” in 2020.
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(Photo : Lee Min Ho Instagram) Lee Min Ho, Gong Hyo Jin Lee Min Ho has been one of the most successful and influential Korean actors since his breakthrough role in “Boys Over Flowers” in 2009. He has starred in many hit dramas such as “City Hunter”, “The Heirs”, “Legend of the Blue Sea”, and “Pachinko”. He has also won numerous awards and accolades for his acting and popularity. Gong Hyo Jin is also one of the most respected and loved actresses in Korea, who has been dubbed as the “queen of romantic comedy”. She has starred in many memorable dramas such as “The Greatest Love”, “Master’s Sun”, “It’s Okay, That’s Love”, and “When the Camellia Blooms”. She has also received many awards and recognition for her acting and charm.
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(Photo : Lee Min Ho's Official Instagram) Fans are excited to see the chemistry between Lee Min Ho and Gong Hyo Jin, who are both veterans and icons in the Korean entertainment industry. They are also curious about how they will portray their characters who are involved in a unique and unconventional romance.
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(Photo : Dispatch Korea)
Netizens’ Reactions
Netizens have expressed their anticipation and support for Lee Min Ho’s upcoming projects. Here are some of their comments: - “Lee Min Ho is so handsome and cool. I can’t wait to see him in Milan Fashion Week and his new drama.” - “Gong Hyo Jin is my favorite actress. She always chooses good projects and partners. I’m sure she and Lee Min Ho will make a great couple.” - “I’m so happy that Lee Min Ho is doing a romantic comedy again. He is so funny and charming when he does comedy. And Gong Hyo Jin is perfect for him.” - “Lee Min Ho and Gong Hyo Jin are both legends. They have amazing acting skills and charisma. I’m looking forward to their collaboration.” - “I’m so curious about the story of ‘When the Stars Gossip’. How will they fall in love in space? It sounds interesting and fun.” Subscribe to IDOLS KPOP for exclusive updates and captivating content. Read the full article
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danijimenezv · 3 years
Jill Valentine: All About the Past
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Date of Birth: February 14th, 1992
Place of Birth: Manhattan, New York
Home: Valentine-Westbrook Estate, in the outskirts of Manhattan.
Family: She’s the third child of Haley (née Westbrook) and Matthew Valentine, and the second daughter. The oldest, Lucas Valentine, was born on January 12th, 1882, followed by Katherine Valentine, born on March 16th, 1884. The youngest, Ivy Valentine, was born on April 18th, 1994.
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Growing up, Jill was a total daddy’s girl. And the Valentine girls had Matthew completely wrapped around their little fingers. He would go to the ends of the Earth if his girls asked him to. She wasn’t as close with her mother; the two of them had similar strong character, so they usually clashed, but their relationship was still strong. All of that was until the moment Jill decided to pursue human medicine instead of veterinary medicine, like she was supposed to. Her decision created a huge rift between them, and although they didn’t disown her and still paid for her education, her parents didn’t save their comments to themselves. Both of them, but especially her mother, made sure that she understood how disappointed they were in her. They thought she was throwing away her life, all they had built for her. Jill got used to those resentful comments and passive-aggressive remarks, but they still did their fair share of damage, and her relationship with her parents was never the same after that.
Jill is much closer with her older brother than with any of her sisters, because they share the most similarities, but the four of them are tight-knit. Lucas is ten years older than her, and the considerable age-gap caused their relationship to be as smooth as it could get between siblings. Since the moment she was born, Jill became Luke’s little princess, he spoils her immensely and he’s defensive and overprotective when it comes to her. In turn, Luke became Jill’s hero, and she looks up to him for absolutely everything. And when the time came, Luke was the one to really believe and support her, unlike their parents.
Her relationship with Katherine varies from time to time. Kat is eight years older than Jill, and acts as a protective and bossy older sister as much as she can. The age-gap is enough so they don’t exactly fight for possessions or games like a pair of sisters would. Though, much to Jill’s dismay, Katherine is almost an exact copy of their mother, so she clashes with her more than with the rest of her siblings. It also doesn’t help that Jill grew up being constantly compared to Katherine, so there’s a residual resentment underneath that make their relationship rocky from time to time. Still, the two love each other deeply and would do anything for one another.
With Ivy, the dynamic shifted, because she was no longer dealing with older siblings; with her, Jill became the older sister. she’s two years older than Ivy. She’s protective and defensive of her, but without being overbearing like their two older siblings would. Being closest in age, they shared most moments growing up and bonded over their similar experiences together. Between them, existed the usual fights for toys, games, clothes and make-up that didn’t exist with the other two, but also a better understanding of what the other was experiencing. Still, while Jill is a close copy of their older brother, Ivy resembles Katherine more, so they clash from time to time.
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Jill grew up in a privileged home, as part of a wealthy family. Though, her parents didn’t want a nanny to raise their kids, so they got involved as much as they could and were really hands-on. They had a butler, Roman, that was just as involved as their parents, but never stepped in as a replacement for them. She grew up with three siblings, two older and one younger, in the family estate, in the outskirts of Manhattan.
Coming from a traditional family with old money, Jill’s upbringing was different from what anyone expected; it was a pretty strict environment. As per custom, at the age of six, each Valentine has to take a set of important decisions, established from generation to generation; they have to choose an artistic skill to develop, a music instrument, a language to study and a sport, so all of them would be educated in every area. Jill chose dancing, piano, French and tennis, respectively. And, coming from a family of veterinarians, at the age of ten each Valentine gets a pet, so they can learn to be responsible and mature from a young age; each of them are in charge of everything their pet might need, including food, exercise, medicines, etc. Jill’s first pet was a cat named Theo.
Even though she’s from a wealthy family, Jill was taught to do chores and earn everything by herself. She was taught to cook the basics, do laundry, sweep, vacuum, wash dishes, clean bathrooms, dust, mop, iron clothes, mow the lawn… And once she turned fifteen, she was also expected to work half-time two days a week at the Veterinary Hospital with her parents, to learn about hard work. She had a trust-fund, but she never used it because she only spent what she had truly earned.
Growing up, she also struggled with really connecting with people outside of her family. Because of her vibrant personality, Jill got along with everyone, but she only considered one of them her true friend, Hunter Griffin. Hunter and Jill became inseparable from the moment they met, when they were merely five years-old, and their friendship only grew stronger with time, and she was sure Hunter loved her for exactly who she was, that’s why it was easy to open up to him. Jill always hated how most of people either wanted her for her family’s fame or money, or expected her to be a clone of her older sister, so she learned to not get too attached to people, friendship-wise and relationship-wise.
All in all, it was a pretty strict and intense environment. It didn’t help that, in her eyes, her older sister, Katherine, was apparently perfect in every aspect, and Jill always felt like she was living in her sister’s shadow, being constantly compared to her. All of it combined only prompted Jill’s partying habit to break out, as a coping mechanism. And even if she partied up as a teenager, she was always the responsible one, never drinking nor doing drugs, but simply letting loose.
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Even though Jill lived to her party girl reputation, she kept up her grades close to perfect, which was the main reason her parents could never ground her for going to any and every party and staying out all she wanted. She attended Léman Manhattan Preparatory School with perfect record. She kept up her GPA and was appointed Valedictorian and Prom Queen, just like the rest of her siblings and family members before them. As a teen socialite, she was constantly bothered by paparazzi and also quite under the spotlight, so every little thing she did ended up being public knowledge, to the point where she’s also been photographed for a few magazine issues. She was a debutante, like it was custom for everyone in her family, and has attended more balls, galas, reunions and charity events than any normal teenager. Though, even if she gained quite a reputation, in public events with her family she’s always been seen as polite, diplomatic, elegant, and downright charismatic, which earned the media’s favor.
Most of it continued all the way to college. She moved away from New York when she was accepted into Harvard; however, she wasn’t a known public figure in Boston, which was something she welcomed deeply, so she finally earned some peace and privacy. She toned down her party girl habits to only from time to time when she felt like it, and instead focused mainly on her studies. Jill quickly became the top student of her class and graduated with honors, part of it because it was something she was passionate about, and another part of it to prove her parents that this was the path for her.
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From the moment she turned fifteen, her family set them up with one of her classmates, from another well-known family. His name was Augustus Danvers. The two of them got along great and even though they both tried to make it work, for their families’ sakes, they quickly discovered they didn’t have any actual romantic feelings for one another. Their first time was with each other, but not because there were feelings; it was more because they were used to each other and wanted to get over the curiosity. After that, they came to an agreement, to keep it an open relationship, where both of them could see other people and date whoever they wanted, but for family gatherings and social events, they pretended to be together. Even though they weren’t really together, they agreed to break-up, secretly, during winter break in their senior year, and later amicably broke-up in public after their prom dance.
It was Jill’s only ‘serious’ relationship. Given that she had learned to not get too attached to people, friendship-wise and relationship-wise because of her family name, she never got too close to anyone, and never felt the true want to commit to a single person. She had a long string of casual dates and hookups, but never an actual relationship. It also didn’t help that, from a young age, Jill was witness to Katherine’s devastating heartbreak after being left at the altar, and since that moment, Jill swore to never let that happen to herself. Though, she’s always honest with anyone she’s seeing about what she wants and what she doesn’t, because she would never get someone’s hopes up just to destroy them. She’s mature enough to know what to say to keep things honest and transparent, drama-free, and when to walk away when it’s not something that works for her or the other person.
Once she moved to Boston, she kept things short and casual with everyone. At Edenbrook, she pursued a friends-with-benefits, no-strings-attached kind of relationship with Bryce Lahela, and even went on a couple of casual dates with Rafael Aveiro. Though, Ethan was the game changer. She didn’t realize she was falling for him until it was too late and there was no going back.
A few of Jill’s magazine appearances
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For @openheartfanfics Meet My MC Event ☺💕
Tags: @jamespotterthefirst, @takeharryandgo, @aestheticartsx, @choicesfanaf, @fireycookie, @liaromancewriter, @trappedinfanfiction, @tsrookie, @genevievemd, @lucy-268, @writinghereandthere, @queencarb, @gryffindordaughterofathena, @ohchoices, @anntoldst0ries, @bluebellot, @schnitzelbutterfingers, @mysticaurathings, @iemcpbchoices, @itsjustamesshonestly, @shanzay44, @lsvdw-blog, @heauxplesslydevoted, @starryeyedrookie, @casey-v​, @mercury84choices, @chaoticchopshopheart, @quixoticdreamer16
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blacksunscorpio · 4 years
Scorp you're a genius! So relatable and I love how you don't judge others or anyone who comes to you for help. Keep it up! I just had to ask since I see that you make pop culture references to make analogies with astrology. You've mentioned GoT a few times and im a huge fan! Can you do a quick post on Game of Thrones characters and their potential zodiac signs? I'd love to hear your input! Thank you so much!!
Game of Thrones Characters & Their Zodiac Signs
Khal Drogo- Impulsive. Warlike. Bloodthirsty. Alpha. Conqueror. Hardcore athlete [did you see him on that horse?] Extremely sexual. Forceful. When he first meets Daenerys, he forces himself on her. Afterward, however, he is the first to go to war if he feels the people around him have been disrespected.
Aerys Targaryen- Impulsive, sadistic. Boastful. imperial. He would be the Emperor [reversed] in Tarot, lol. Not as good with being a tactician as he ought to have been. Cruel. Rage problems. The need to be the first and the best. Fire and blood, anyone?
Maergery Tyrell - Classy, wealthy, sexy, laid-back, frank but with an air of elegance. Highgardeners have a love for the finer things in life. A love of fine wines and foods. Beautiful clothing and aesthetics. RICH RICH. Get on their bad side and they will take their time finding a way to subvert your authority.
Robert Baratheon- Love of luxury, bullheaded, strong, takes no shit. Fixed in his opinions of others, highkey jealous. In his youth, he enjoyed the gifts of Venus: Charm, wealth coming from the noble house of Baratheon, widely considered handsome by almost all in the 7 kingdoms. 
Tyrion Lannister- Silver-tongued. HIGHKEY intelligent. Social. Charming. Great sense of humor. A freak [in the sheets]. Chatty. Always finds his way out of a sticky situation. Finds a way to use his intel to bolster diplomacy between his family and the families who hate them.
Little Finger- Cunning, quick-witted, works behind the scenes, manipulative, a  snake, jack of all trades. Top dog in the social circles of the 7 Kingdoms. There wasn’t a person who didn’t know of him and his... reputation. He singlehandedly, through his Machiavellian tactics, caused the events of Game of Thrones to unfold. 
Cersei Lannister- Protective, moody, caring [to her kids], motherly, cantankerous, jealous. A savage. People don’t give Cancer’s the credit they deserve in terms of what they’re capable of. Cersei is a prime example of the type of person who can show unrivaled levels of devotion to the one’s they love. “No one matters but us.” She can be cruel because she lets her emotions rule her actions. When her safety is threatened, she makes sure no one else feels safe either. She loves with a ferocity only rivaled by...
Catelyn Stark- Another mother who would die [quite literally] for her children. Fierce, Protective. Doting. JEALOUS. Let’s not forget how she treated Jon all because she believed Ned’s lie about him being a bastard. Followed her son into battle. Damn near lost her hands fighting off Bran’s would-be assassin. 
Jaime Lannister- Proud. Handsome. Princely. Funny. We seem him go from underdeveloped Leo [arrogant, selfish, bully, prideful, snob, loyal to no one but himself] to developed [Kind, helpful, warm, honest]. Fought bears for his friends. Skilled and proud fighter even without the use of both his hands. Unfortunately, his loyalty caused him to stay loyal to his twin towards the end, but such is the nature of a Leo. They’re hard-pressed to abandon those they truly care for.
Brienne of Tarth- LOYAL. Proud. Devoted. A bit of a flare for drama especially brandishing her sword. Brienne is the definition of Leonine traits. Hard to miss. Devoted to those who show her kindness, i.e Renly, Catelyn, Jaime, Sansa, etc. Always at the front lines in war screaming “STAND YOUR GROUND”. Unrivaled levels of bravery and courage. Not to be fucked with. A true Queen.
Samwell Tarley- Intelligent. Scholarly. Methodical. Always with his nose in a book. Unproblematic king. Caught the things everyone else missed, especially when he was an apprentice in Old Towne. Figured out how to cure Jorah Mormont’s affliction on his OWN without any formal training. Genius.
Lord Varys- Remember, Virgo is also ruled by Mercury who is the most cunning of the planetary rulers. Varys always had a spy to collect intel on everyone. A tactician. Never lost his temper. Always had the scoop but didn’t partake in gossip for gossip's sake. Not afraid to be critical or tell those “in charge” his opinion. We can see this specifically when he critiques Aerys, Daenerys, and Robert. 
Davos Seaworth- a skilled diplomat. Davos is always seen seeking balance and fairness in the situations he finds himself in. The minute you see this man in a scene you know he’s going to give a moving speech and get someone out fo a sticky situation. He convinced the Iron Bank to support Stannis. Convinced Daenerys to entertain Jon Snow when they traveled to Dragonstone. Always breaking up a fight. He is in full support of law and order, especially when he called for Melisandre’s head after discovering her part in Shireen’s death [RIP.]
Rhaegar Targaryen- Had a love of music. Harmony. Balance. He brought two families together [Stark and Targaryen]. He was also blessed by Venus in my opinion because he was said to be extremely handsome. A fabulous singer. A fighter yes, but a lover first. Very good with diplomacy but not the best with defending himself against his cousin sign, Taurus [Robert Baratheon].
Daenerys Targaryen- Many see her as an Aries but I have to respectfully disagree. Daenerys is a Scorpio in my opinion. Remember, Scorpio is honorary fire. She was literally “reborn from the ashes”. A Phoenix, Scorpio’s final form. She went from a silent and meek girl to a skilled and commanding Empress. Unlike Arians, she did not jump headfirst into battle. It took many arrows in her dragons, many slights to her ego, copious council from her advisors, dozens of her loved ones lost for her to go nuclear. Like her father, she hungered for power, a very Scorpionic trait. However she, unlike her father, listened to reason [Jorah, Tyrion, and Barristan Selmy]. She had a long fuse until she didn’t, and then that’s when she rained fire and blood on everyone in King’s Landing. She was skilled at retribution and was unapologetic with it *cough* the Tarleys *cough*.. Unlike Arians who pop off at the drop of a hat, she gave her enemies fair warning if/when they crossed her.
Arya Stark- You already know what it is with this one. Arya is pretty much death [Pluto], personified. Stealthy. A tactician. VENGEFUL. I think we all fist-pumped when she served Filch Walder Frey his sons in that pie. Never forgets a slight. Keeps a list of people who’ve wronged her [All Scorpios can probably relate]. You never see her coming. She is “no-one”. She is the assassin that slips through the back. She may seem calm at first but trust that she has been planning your downfall for a while. LOYAL. The definition of a Scorpio.
Melisandre- Dark. Mysterious. Unafraid of the occult. So much of her life is unknown and I’m sure that’s how she preferred it. Even her Lord of light was mysterious. Strong supernatural abilities and highkey psychic. Knew immediately how many “eyes” Arya would “close.” Had ties to the underworld which is demonstrated with her ability to resurrect the dead. Came through at the clutch in the last battle wielding fire [Mars] with her witchcraft. It’s no secret that Scorpios are some of the most skilled in sorcery.
Missandei- Exotic. From Naath which is an island just above the mysterious continent of Sothoryos. A world traveler. Lucky enough to escape slavery [until the end]. Jupiter's influence is here in my opinion because she is so kind and friendly. Also a polyglot and gifted with the ability to speak 19 languages. Her fire is seen at the end of the series when she tells her best friend “Dracarys”-- meaning “fire” in High Valyrian. She isn’t afraid to call wrath down on others.
Olenna Tyrell- Loud, unapologetically blunt, zero-filter, feisty. Olenna to me is the definition of Sagittarius. Always speaks her mind. Clap back queen. Will call you out. Was also quite promiscuous in her younger years. Very charismatic and extremely likable despite her penchant for saying whatever was on her mind.
Tywin Lannister- I can’t see the patriarch of the most notorious family in Westeros being anything other than a Capricorn. Methodical. Structured. Business-minded. Karmic [A "Lannister always repays his debts"] Cold. Cruel. Unfeeling. Like Saturn, he is the father figure. Basically ran the 7 Kingdoms for Aerys, [which was probably why the latter was so salty towards him.] Always has a plan. The man you want in charge if we’re strictly talking about law and order. Vindictive [had the mountain kill Elia because Rhaegar rejected Cersei.] He’s the ultimate son-of-a-bitch.
Jon Snow- Brooding hero that he is, Bae Jon Snow is without a doubt a Capricorn in my eyes. Duty-bound. Serious. A leader in his own right. Could also be cold and unfeeling in terms of distributing karmic justice. Lest we forget the “fetch-me-a-block” situation with Janos Slynt. In addition, the moment he was resurrected he took vengeance against the black brothers who betrayed him. Saturn, Like Pluto, is all about karmic justice. The beating he put on Ramsey after The Battle of the Bastards was one thousand percent a karmic beating. A proper lover as well, according to Ygritte, Jon also knew how to handle himself in the bedroom, a trait very akin to Capricorns.
Bran Stark- I thought about making Bran a Pisces, but then I changed my mind. Remember Uranus rules sudden insights and hardcore psychic receptivity. It also rules sudden and unexpected catastrophes or surprises/ sudden breaks. Bran suffered a literal “tower” moment at the beginning of the series which resulted in his psychic powers developing. Once he became the three-eyed raven, he became very detached from the world.
Grey Worm- Aquarius is also androgynous. Grey Worm is a eunuch. He is always down to fight for a cause though, specifically his queen’s. Cares about others, specifically Missandei, and was seen towards the latter season speaking up for the Unsullied against the slavers. Fierce combatant but also very detached. His job is his job.
Jaqen H’ghar- Much like Neptune, Pisces’ ruler Jaqen has a mysterious and illusive personality. He wears “many faces”. Skilled at illusion and very very intuitive. Has a soft side though which is clearly seen with how he treats Arya. Hardly ever flies off the handle. Calm. Cool. Collected.
Hodor- Sweet and gentle giant, Hodor is a Pisces to me. Affected by psychic trauma, it’s revealed why “Hodor” is the only thing he can say. Calm. A bit of a baby. Caring. Easily adaptable [think of all the terrain he carried Bran through]
Eddard Stark- I don't care what anyone says, Ned stark to me represents the most developed form of a Pisces. Like the Hanged-Man in Tarot that represents sacrifice and which Neptune Rules, he willingly sacrificed his reputation as honorable for his sister, Lyanna. He later sacrifices himself for his children when he died at Joffrey’s [little bitch] command. He is wise. Though appears cold, he is actually a well of feeling and caring. Unfortunately, he also suffered from the naivety of Neptunian influence which is why he wasn’t very skilled at the Game of Thrones, which calls for more tactical ruthlessness. Pisceans however also have the rage of Poseidon flowing through their veins [which people like to forget]. This was displayed when he pinned Petyr Baelish to the Wall in King’s Landing for daring to dishonor Cat by inviting her into a Brothel. RIP, King Stark.
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thecomfywriter · 4 years
Questions / Ask game
Hey guys! I haven’t posted in a while because school so I decided to do something nice, fun and simple because why not. At first I was gonna do a “ask me a question from this list!” kinda thing until I realized none of y’all will do that LOL
So I was like screw it. I’ll answer my own questions 😎
Imma put the questions as bolded, so if you would like to, answer these questions yourself. Consider this me tagging you lol. Alright, let’s begin:
1) Why did you join tumblr?
because I honestly feel it’s the most inclusive of all social medias, and the most chill. you have a community for everything here, and the writing community here >>>
2) Tea or coffee?
tea, 100% i grew up on chai (because i’m punjabi lol) but chai is now more a comfort/culture tea. my staple tea is green tea, especially for writing or studying.
I tried coffee, and it did nothing to keep me awake. All it really did for me was take my appetite away and considering i am recovering from an ed...? yeah no.
3) Who’s your favourite author?
i don’t think I have one specific favourite, to be honest. But i feel like i’m betraying uncle rick by saying that LOL
Okay but in all seriousness, my favourite authors would be Rick Riordan, Khaled Hosseni, Lois Lowry, HOMBOI HOMER (yes he counts), Emily Bronte, and Kristen Britain
4) What books are on your favourites shelf?
Glad you asked! Or didn’t lol.
My favourites shelf is right beside my desk so I can look at it every day. It included the books (not in order):
A Sense of the Infinite (i have a lot of memories with this book. it was the first thing i was able to read again when i started recovering from my ed)
The Vampire Diaries: I’m a whore for Damon. I hate Stefan because of this inexplicable grudge I have had on him from the very beginning. I love Elena since she acc has a personality and it’s completely diva at first. The angst had me rolling
The Last Dragon: a book translated from italian that I read in my childhood. it was the first book i ever pulled an all-nighter for and i’m pretty sure it’s the reason why I love dragons so much. 10/10 recommend
The Giver: if I could say one book out of all of them is my favourite, it’s the giver. it changed my entire perspective on life and my entire worldview. it got me thinking so much and, god, i still get emotional and think about what an amazing and impactful book it was to me. and i love the adaption to the movie because it made the brilliant decision to add the music scene. i still listen to rosemary’s lullaby whenever i need a pick me up or feel like crying LOL
A Thousand Splendid Suns: the first book to ever make me ball my eyes out. it was 1 am, I had just reached part 4 of the book and I was crying so hard and loud, I had to hide in my closet to muffle my tears so my parents didn’t wake up. Wow, it was such a beautiful and well written book. 10/10 recommend. Khaled Hosseni only likes my heart after he shatters it
Wuthering Heights: I have never read a book more well written or with such elegant and descriptive and captivating english than this book. from the very first description of heathcliff’s suspicious brows that darkened shadows under his eyes, god, it inspired my writing style so much. plus, i’m a whore for emily bronte
the ILIAD: i will always like the iliad more than the odyssey. it just hits different. the epicness of the war. the meddling of the gods. the tragedy of achilles and the fear and glory from his wrath. achilles was the biggest piece of shit asshole ever, after agamemnon, but god he was such a drama queen, it was kind of fashionable. it was epic to see him be such a glorified warrior and he was so humanized by patroclus. by the way, patrochilles. if you disagree, i don’t understand you and i will fight you on your opinion. the man almost took a dagger to his heart the moment he found out patroclus died, like...
Percy Jackson is not on the favourites shelf for one reason and one reason only. He has his own shelf dedicated to him. :)
Also, Kristen Britain’s green rider has their own shelf too. with the pretty pastel horse covers. god i love them
5) What am I studying in school:
I’m a senior in highschool in Canada, first of all. Second of all, I am in the SHSM (Specialist High School Major Program) for healthcare. I’m applying to universities for health/life sciences but I wanna get an english degree too, sometime in the future
6) My favourite OC’s and why?
You knew I was gonna say him LOL
Okay acc fr tho. lemme rank them.
Evan is first, then Amaka, then Caramel, Blaire, Faer, Vranks and Shadow. And I can’t forget about Yozar, of course, but he kinda counts with Evan.
Now lemme explain why.
Evan is charismatic. He’s brave. He’s resilient. He tries to make the best of every shitty situation that is thrown his way and despite all the shit that he goes through, he believes that he deserves better and so he works and trying to get to the end of the tunnel, where there is light and happiness waiting for him. he tries his best and enjoys the process, even if the results aren’t guaranteed or success. he’s charming, and humourous because he knows how to have a good laugh. he doesn’t take life to seriously and i admire him for it.
I made evan’s charavter when i was going through a rough patch of life, and I would put him in similar situations to my own just so I can see him persevere and survive. to teach myself that you can be brave and strong, and that you can make it out at the end of the day. evan’s character gives me hope.
Amaka was a character I made as a child. i grew up with her, creating her, writing her, watching her grow, adoring her. She was so realistic about life. Not overly cheerful or optimistic. Not a jokester for everything. She was a bit more serious toned. A bit more mature. A bit more quiet natured and sordid. Serene. She has this quiet beauty to her; always thinking, always pondering, always wanting to learn more.
She went through it rough too. And she took her time to make it out. She accepted it for what happened to her, and she let herself feel. to grieve. Amaka taught me friendship. She taught me maturity. She taught me how to process emotions. And she inspired so much of my knowledge-lust.
Caramel was the first female character I had ever made. I made her in complete defiance to every stereotype I had ever faced or heard about girls. I made her the strongest in her lot, not because she was a girl or she was quirky, but because she worked hard and was determined. She was a thief, and a bit rowdy. She knew how to have fun and was the life of the party. A flirt, a romantic. She didn’t fancy reading only because she didn’t think she was good at it, but the things that she was good at, she worked to excel. She was a mentor, despite her impatience. She grew as a person, and learned selflessness. She wasn’t a natural mother or an empathetic person at all really. She had to figure that out and learn, but she took the time and she did. Caramel felt real to me, because she had her strengths and her flaws, but she was amazing nonetheless because she always tried to be better. And she was fun. Caramel was the character that gave me pride in being a girl.
This post will get too long if I continue on, so I will cut it off here. But this was fun so I might do this again :)
Tag yourself and respond to these questions. I’m curious about all your responses!
@p-tchaikovsky @bottleofspilledink @pretend-im-normal @writingismydrugs @genuinewriting @adelinemwriting @amarantine-amirite
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astrognossienne · 5 years
If you’re a woman, this is your dark, sexual and uncompromising side that represents who you are to your core; if you’re a man, you’ll be hopelessly attracted to women with these traits. For example, If a man has Lilith in Aries, he’ll be attracted to women who take charge and are brash and ballsy.
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*portrait of Erzsébet Báthory
lilith in aries: fiercely independent; probably won’t win many popularity contests, defensive, dominant in the bedroom, frank when it comes to sex and other hot-button issues, most likely into bdsm, wants excitement, may go for the fake plastic hollywood look a-la Pamela Anderson, uncompromising feminine warrior
lilith in taurus: an outlier who uses her body for profit if need be, instinctual, libidinous and gutsy, slutty and very good in the bedroom, has an intense sexual appetite and uses sex for relaxation, cash rules everything around her, greedy, ambitious, natural, original
lilith in gemini: juicy, witty, and wise, supremely articulate and charming, appeals highly to the opposite sex, promiscuous, independent and in control, strings people along, a siren who can talk her way into positions of power as well as anyone’s bed, cunning linguists
lilith in cancer: nastily manipulative, independent, compulsively seductive, wild hearts, sex raises their intuitive awareness and lunar ferocity, fiercely headstrong, beautiful, eccentric, radical, controversial, outwardly angelic but inwardly fiendish
lilith in leo: has a repulsive need to be more than human, massively appealing, strong and demanding, frank, passions rule their better judgment, sexually magnetic and uses sex to make people love them, has flamboyant love affairs, charismatic, the fierce lioness
lilith in virgo: insouciant, fiercely intellectual, controlling, makes practical sexual arrangements, unapologetic about her sexuality, most likely to be a porn star, bright, not too popular with their peers, makes their way in life through their wits, the madonna/whore
lilith in libra: what stevie sang about in “rhiannon”, brilliant and psychologically nuanced, outwits everyone smoothly and effortlessly, classy, you never know what’s real with them, worldly, loves the good life, boldly intolerant of unfairness, sexual adventurers, glamorous, twisted elegance
lilith in scorpio: the most sexual, stunningly transformative, bold, troubled and haunted by their own demons, vicious, abysmally vengeful, petty, shit starters, outspoken, very powerful, intense, can’t be bothered with small minds, most likely to be homewreckers, agent provocateurs
lilith in sagittarius: does whatever they want, has a strong need for sex with intellectually stimulating individuals, most likely to have a lover in every port, low-key loves chaos, fiercely carefree, shapeshifters, free with their ideas, their bodies and their affections
lilith in capricorn: interested in sexual power as well as achieving in business, the best revenge is their success, scrappy, has a lot to prove, the most controlling, marble and red lips, plucky, savage, the female james bond, do not fuck with her money or her time
lilith in aquarius: game changers, a willful free spirit, original thinkers, weird, their subversiveness has a massive influence on others, scandalous, has an amazingly varied sex life, doesn’t conform to the mould of female sexuality, fiercely individualistic and unique, makes their own rules
lilith in pisces: lives in alternate dimensions, witchy, bitches who believe their own myth, cunningly mystical, the most likely to be into daddy kink, drama queens, reinvents themselves, supremely sensual, black magic women
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For the ask meme: mockingbird, little bird, lemoncake, moon door, arbor gold!
1. mockingbird: describe petyr baelish in 5 words 
charismatic, obsessive, iconoclast*, neat, corrupting
*in the sense that he destroys/overthrows Westerosi society’s ideals, like kingship and marriage and hierarchy, considering nothing sacrosanct
2. little bird: describe sansa stark in 5 words
charismatic, precocious, cultured, conflicted, mournful*
*this applies more to Sansa ACoK-AFFC. In TWoW she seems to have cheered up a fair bit
6. lemoncake: favourite pxs headcanon
Just as Catelyn brushed Sansa’s hair herself when Sansa was little, Petyr brushes Alayne’s hair for her (maybe when dying it). In the quiet intimacy of the moment, Alayne’s mask slips, and Sansa pretends it’s her mother who is brushing her hair again.
Wow that was dark what is wrong with me
9. moon door: what kind of ending would you like to see, for petyr and sansa, in the books?
Petyr: I want Karma to bite him in his fashionably-clad derriere. I like the idea he gets pneumonia and dies just before his crimes are uncovered. It would be realistic: sometimes terrible people in history “got away with it” because they die of natural causes. Also, ASOIAF is the medieval period, nobody has antibiotics. Or cancer, he betrayed everyone, corrupting everything from the inside. Now his own body betrays him, killed by his internal corruption. 
Petyr is such a drama queen, he’d LOVE to get attention and notoriety, almost as much as he wants to get away with everything. A quiet deathbed would be so humiliatingly ordinary. It would subvert expectations ‘cause we’re all expecting him to die because of his schemes, or Sansa. Also, it would mirror his arc: his journey of villainy started because he was too physically weak to defeat Brandon Stark, now his journey of villainy ends... because of his own physical weakness. Not even Petyr Baelish can change his own physical mortality. Everything he did was for nothing, because his ending would always have been the same. His only lasting legacy is Sansa,  tainted by association with him.
Also that cloak he was wearing in Winterfell? Way too thin. No way he could wear that and not catch cold.
Sansa: the whole apprentice-surpasses-the-master-and-kills-him thing... feels too obvious/cliché? Too Star Wars-y? Bittersweet. She comes back to Winterfell, she’s the head of House Stark- or the only surviving Stark- but she’s not a True Honourable Stark anymore, even though her Stark name gives her legitimacy. 
She’s done things her parents- and her younger self- would never have DREAMED she’s capable of. She’s the princess who killed her handsome prince (Harry) for power, she had sex before marriage/committed adultery so she’s not “pure” in the eyes of the gods. Her children are the future of House Stark, but they're actually bastards, or she’s haunted by the memory of Sweetrobin. She married for love, it ended in disaster.
She has no closure- she finds out what Petyr has done (somehow) but only after he’s died, so she can't ask him WHY???? or take revenge. She’s the Queen in the North, and she’s good at it- but it isn't as triumphant as we think it will be. She hates Petyr but she misses him: he corrupted her, made her complicit in his crimes... but nobody left alive understands her the way he did. She finds solace from everything she’s been through by writing songs and poems: a songbird whose cage is her kingdom.
19. arbor gold: 5 favourite pxs fanvid
Gosh I haven’t seen many! I like this one even though it is technically Sansa related not pxs. I like this one the song esp the “I know you” refrain works really well. It’s very haunting and elegant and gothic. 
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hotvintagepoll · 2 months
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Natalie Wood (West Side Story, The Great Race)—She went through so much shit which I know can be said for all these women but Natalie really was a star and her death often overshadows her career and life. She could make you cry, but she also had the capacity to be incredibly funny which I think is lost on people.
Katharine Hepburn (Bringing Up Baby, The Philadelphia Story, The African Queen)—(I hope someone else submits real propaganda but just in case they don't:) Cries. Screams. Wails. The woman who singlehandedly made me realize I was bi. A real "do i want to look like her. be her. or be with her.' crisis, where the answer was all three. Holy shit please all three.
This is round 5 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Natalie Wood:
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Katharine Hepburn propaganda:
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I'm sure one million people will submit her as an iconic Hollywood star but that iconicness might lead people to forget just how insanely hot she was like she had it ALL she was skilled she was funny she was smart she was beautiful AND she was likely bisexual
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The single word I would use to explain Katherine Hepburn's appeal is *range*. In her acting career, that meant covering all the ground between lush period dramas and the comedies she did with Carey Grant and Spencer Tracey. In terms of hotness, it meant an uncanny ability to bring anything from a Dietrich-esque androgyny to some of the best Classic Hollywood Glamour you will ever see.
Katharine hep was so cool. The VIBES, the INDEPENDENCE,,, living life on her own terms.
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she just had this.... bearing to her, this power. she could be funny, even silly (like in bringing up baby) but also so regal and elegant. she was nobody's fool and dear GOD that's so hot
Fancam link
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She’s not only stunningly gorgeous (those eyes that pierce your soul! a jawline you could cut glass with!) but her delivery and physical presence in roles gives off confidence and authority in such a sexy way (truly the biggest dick energy of Old Hollywood). Her fiery energy in The Philadelphia Story? Unmatched.
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God she's. She's so hot y'all. She has the range!!!!! Funny and dramatic and lovely
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She IS the transatlantic accent. Classically gorgeous and such a strong personality.
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She's literally one of the funniest women to ever live! She goes shot for shot with Cary Grant in Philadelphia Story and we damn well love her for it! She's the most annoying creature to ever live in Bringing Up Baby but she's so insane and funny that we simply cannot help but fall in love with her (and root for her to give Grant an aneurysm!)
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i know she's accounted for but i really want to be sure someone has submitted the scene in bringing up baby where she's pretending to be a gangster
She simply stuns onscreen; you cannot do anything but be captivated by her presence. Also a non-gender-conforming icon and mild tumblr celebrity by virtue of that one picture from The Warrior's Husband (stage play).
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Katharine Hepburn was out here casually changing the lives of young butch lesbians with her gender swag! She wore pants even when people said she shouldn’t, she refused to marry or have kids, and she wore menswear in at LEAST one movie!
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If I start thinking about her face for too long I will cry she is so so hot. Katherine is so charismatic and charming in everything she appears in - watch her adopt a leopard and fall in love with her. Also she has the biggest dick energy ever (she and her pal Lauren Bacall share that accolade). Also had an incredibly long and varied career from screw ball comedies to serious dramas - she’s a queen of the screen and I adore her.
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Someone's got to mention it, but she's won the most Oscars out of any performer and is largely considered one of the greatest actresses ever. She's got an incredible voice, an incredible presence, and she absolutely steals every scene she's in. She was private person and deemed standoffish and unapproachable, but she was also profoundly concerned for people's rights and was an outspoken supporter of abortion access. Finally, the Katharine Hepburn slacks look is just iconic. I mean look at her.
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This woman. I have been obsessed with her for years. I know the urban legend is a popular one at this point of her walking around set in her underwear when her pants were stolen and she was left with only a skirt, but the pants thing is honestly enough for her to be the hottest in the room in my book. She refused to wear anything else at a time when the public in general and especially the studios did not like that. She was independent, stubborn, and so so very capable. Competency kink anyone? Also, if you want one final way that Katharine's entire life was saying "fuck you" to the establishment, it started young! Her mother took her to suffrage events, and she never got rid of that attitude of justice. I feel like I have barely scratched the surface of all the ways she was such a badass that I'm turning into a rambling mess instead.
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gothiccharmschool · 7 years
Hi!!! I don't know if you have ever been asked this but, why is Lestat one of your faves???
I have not ever been asked this!
When I first read Interview with the Vampire, I adored the ideas and worldbuilding, but ... Louis didn’t grab my heart. His ongoing moral crisis and, well, whining wasn’t what resonated with me. I loved (and still do!) Claudia, because she’s one of my favorite tropes: murderous ambition wrapped in a sweet, harmless-looking exterior. But Lestat intrigued me; he was obviously charismatic, and I knew there had to be more to him than what Louis was telling us.
Then I read The Vampire Lestat. He was flamboyant! He was a drama queen in the way I appreciate! He tried to be optimistic about the world most of the time (his fights with Nicholas over the goodness and intrinsic value of the theatre, for example), but was prone to bouts of despair and melancholy! He made impulsive decisions that turned out badly, but he admitted that!
In short, he was fabulous but flawed. 
Aaaaaand, even when he was despairing, he presented himself as a well-dressed fiend. Well, except when he went into the earth, but once he resurfaced, he went and found himself an elegant new wardrobe. Oh, and he wanted to be a rock star. He was the epitome of every charismatic-with-an-air-of-enticing-danger/bad-boy musician I ever had a crush on. How could I not love him?
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Basic rundown of the roguesmol's personalities? Pretty please?
Ok the roguesmols in summary, in order:
Tobi is awkward and weird.  He’s not very good with social interaction and spends a lot of his time watching dramas or reading.  He’s a reptile lover, gets around on heelies, and wears aviators when it’s sunny out.  Let it be known he has a wonderful sense of humor, but it’s also like 95% memes and puns.  His smile also lights up the whole room because it’s just so damn precious.
Dorothy is a mix of her parents in a lot of ways.  Like Jon she is spiteful, snarky, extremely clever, and cynical, but like Diana she’s determined, good-natured, and can come off as very charming and charismatic (people tend to like Dorothy, despite her being difficult at times).  She’s not very social despite this and doesn’t really have that many friends).  Along with this she is good at reading people and navigating their emotions and demands, on the other hand sometimes she just doesn’t really care what other people want, from her or otherwise.
Pluto’s personality is nowhere near as intense as other people in the family.  He’s often overlooked by people outside of the family.  While as intelligent, good-natured, and sharp-tongued as Dorothy, he is also quiet, reserved, and shy.  Some people on the outside think this is proof of poor treatment, but this is just how Pluto ended up.
Zeke can be as charismatic and charming as Dent was in his early days, but physical and emotional abuse has made it hard for him to trust others or his own feelings, and he has a very low opinion of himself.  Zeke is quiet and usually rather sullen.
Eva was raised by Nora primarily and as a result takes after her.  She is friendly, kind-hearted, and gentle, though she is also rather cynical and has her father’s tendency for dry humor and snide remarks.  Despite her cynicism, Eva loves fairy tales.
Violet takes after her father in many regards.  She is innately musical like him and can be very vindictive, but she’s also cheerful and witty.  Violet is, however, despite all this, relatively soft-spoken and quiet, mostly due to her meta-ability.
The best description I can think of for Clover is “little shit” because she’s the queen of snide remarks, mischievous, and loves tricks.  Her only really close friends aside from Lavender are Barbara Quinzel and Ellie Nygma.  She likes plants a bit more.
Lavender is mellow compared to her sister.  She’s gentle and soft-spoken, but not without Pamela’s sharp tongue and independence.  She is quiet and kind but by no means a doormat.  She essentially lives by the motto “do no harm, take no shit”.
Ayah is a cheerful, friendly girl, a little awkward at times but nice and she does her best.  Despite her unsuspecting personality, Ayah is a skilled boxer and likes to help Dork Squad 2.0 when they’re causing trouble in Gotham.
Hunter is as friendly and kind-hearted as Ayah, but oftentimes his emotions are a lot softer, gentler.  He seldom gets angry and is relatively quieter.  He has a habit of letting slights roll off his back, and is generally regarded as a gentle giant.
Aiden is energetic and excitable, as well as being very warm and caring.  Like Tobi he loves puns and is pretty good at making them.  When he gets extremely emotional he’ll sometimes go nonverbal, and true to form can have a bit of a hot temper.  That said he’s basically accepted his powers and how much of an oddity they are.
Aisling is the typical eldest sister, acting a bit more like a mother to her two brothers than a sister.  As Lonnie wasn’t a very good parent, Aisling ended up filling in the role for him, making her responsible, neat, and caring.  She is also very protective of Max.
Max was treated the worst by Lonnie, and as a result is not very keen on social interaction or trusting others.  He’s introverted, prone to snide remarks, and asocial.  That said he is seldom grumpy and a complete daredevil.  If it’s dangerous and gives you an adrenaline rush, Max probably loves it.
Niall was Lonnie’s favorite, so he is the most like Lonnie: childish, immature, chaotic, and rude.  He acts like a bit of a spoiled brat and can be rather arrogant, which drives his older siblings crazy, especially Max.  Niall also is a lot more forgiving towards Lonnie than the other two.
Sarah is laid back and friendly.  She talks softly most of the time and is usually at least okay with most people.  She has an incurable wanderlust and loves exploring abandoned places in her spare time.  She tends to find that they’re good places to practice gymnastics too.
Andrea is extremely cheerful, almost annoyingly so (think Glinda from Wicked), but part of this is a front (she acts cheery to make her mother happy).  Andrea is a touch vain and judgmental towards people, particularly when initially meeting someone.  That said she does try to be friendly to everyone.
Ellie is pretty much a cat.  She can be elegant, beautiful, and quiet, but she can also be obnoxious, lazy, and downright rude.  That said she is, no matter what, very graceful and agile, and quite easily charms people when she wants to.
Lizzie can be as charming as Ellie, but she’s also an utter geek.  She is extremely passionate about the things she likes and loves talking about them.  Like her father, she can be very single-minded when she wants something.
Barbara is a mix of most of Harley and Joker’s...loudest qualities.  She’s loud, obnoxious, infectiously cheerful, and unfortunately also very temperamental.  Some people find it hard to get along with her, though she is still very friendly.
Todd is as much of a showman as his father, and like Barbara is very cheerful and friendly in a rather infectious way, but Todd can also be a bit air-headed and isn’t so consumed by his own wants that he forgets the needs of others.  He’s selfless, essentially.
Leo is quiet, but has a whole host of snide remarks and sarcastic comments to say in response to people when he decides it’s a good time.  Leo is regularly very serious or apathetic but can break from that rather quickly under the right circumstances.
Gwen is shy and quiet, but often very friendly and cheerful.  She prefers to hide behind Lizzie or Dorothy than talk to people, though she is rather confident with her technopathic abilities.
Jeremy is passive aggressive and snide.  He can be extremely rude and sarcastic, but usually accepts when someone tells him he’s gone too far or needs to apologize.  He doesn’t quite like people in the first place though.
Cosette is gentle, friendly, and likes talking to people, but usually prefers time alone.  She’s a bit of a showman like Todd, and loves singing and dancing, especially to upbeat music.
Marcus is nervous, shy, and jumpy, but he does his best to be friendly.  He has a bit of a mean streak and has a bit of a habit of putting his foot in his mouth.
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afrikanza · 6 years
Top 10 Most Popular Girl Names in Sierra Leone
Sierra Leone is a West African country that is predominantly English-speaking. It is a country that is a melting pot of indigenous, Portuguese and Creole (Krio) cultural influences. As such, both indigenous and non-indigenous names are common. In this article, we have tried as much as possible to find popular uniquely indigenous African girl names. Nonetheless, we have also included a few popular exotic names that have become indigenized.
10. Tenneh
Tenneh is a popular feminine name in West Africa, mostly Sierra Leone. It is a common name among the Vai people occupying territories in both Sierra Leon and Liberia.
Potentially, a person named Tenneh is creative and extroverted. She has a penchant for enjoying life to the limit. She is very optimistic and sees the positive side of things no matter how negative others seem to see things. She is full of energy and exhibits magnetic persona that attracts people towards her. She is artistic by nature and loves flourishing in the limelight.
Ladies named Tenneh are motivated by inner desire to lead others. They are visionary and focus on the bigger picture rather than the finer details. They are highly imaginative, affectionate and desire to sacrifice for the sake of others. They prosper in challenging environments due to their highly adaptive nature.
9. Kadie
Though its origin is not particularly known, Kadie is one of those names that seems to have been indigenized from their English version, mostly by the Krio.
Potentially, a person named Kadie is creative and outgoing. She cherishes any opportunity to show her glamorous prowess. She is idealistic and highly intuitive.
Kadie is motivated by the desire for self-concept. She does well in an environment that is refreshing and easily gets bored being in a stagnating environment.
8. Titi
Although Titi is used in Sierra Leone, it is a very common African name that can be found not only in Western Africa but also in Eastern and Southern Africa. However, the meanings may differ from region to region. For example, while in Nigeria, the word means ‘flower’, in East African Swahili it means ‘breast’.
Potentially, Titi is a brilliant character who has a strong sense of humor. She is highly creative and naturally an entertainer. She is honest, loyal, and radiant.
Titi is motivated by the desire to make others feel good. She endeavors to achieve this through creative entertainment and charitable service. She loves offering servant leadership through mentorship, counseling, and thought-leadership.
7. Georgieta
Georgieta is a popular female name in Sierra Leone. However, it is an indigenized exotic name of Roman origin. Thus, its meaning is basically Romanic. Georgieta simply means ‘earth-worker’
Potentially, Georgieta is highly devoted to her cause and work. She can sacrifice all she is capable of just to achieve excellence and honor in her devoted cause or duty. She is someone who enjoys seeing the fruits of her success. She is mission-driven, highly emotive and abhors being tricked and lied about. She loves an honest endeavor and always wants to develop productive relationships with trustworthy persons.
Georgieta is highly motivated towards the call of duty. She always desires opportunities in which she can utilize her inner strengths of resilience, devotion, and goodwill towards the welfare of others. She flourishes in situations that grant her high sense of responsibility. Though she likes modest adventure, she prefers stability and predictability.
Another Must Read: http://afrikanza.com/most-populous-african-countries/
6. Mariatu
Mariatu simply means “one who is pure and innocent”.
Potentially, Mariatu is a positive-minded person and authoritative. She is highly emotive, impulsive and restless. She desires quick action. Though, she is strong-willed and hence capable of being in full control of her emotions which makes her discreet, calm and balanced. She is like a silent volcano actively boiling underground but not explosive enough to be visible on the earth surface.  Yet, she still affords to be highly seductive and passionate. This often sways her off the moral path.
Mariatu is motivated by being part of a highly explosive activity that requires vast reactions. She is a drama queen, though not overtly manifest. She desires an environment where she is stirred up to release her burning emotions and vigorous ambitions. Thus, activities such as public protests, demonstrations, action-oriented dramas are what helps her inner combative energy to achieve her potential.
5. Adama
Adama simply means “queenly and beautiful”.
Adama is predominantly a female name in Sierra Leone. However, in some other parts of West Africa, it is often used as a male name.
Potentially, Adama is a tender, sociable and highly responsive to sentimental expressions. She is highly mobile and emotionally unstable. She is inertly seductive, charming, passionate, and dazzling. She falls in love at first sight.
Adama is motivated by the desire for elegance, glamour, beauty, and sense of nobility. She has a penchant for beautiful things, luxury, and jewelry. She is a dreamer who desires thrilling and being thrilled. Due to her unstable emotions, she is hardly capable of maintaining a relationship for long. She is a girl always on an emotional rollercoaster.
You May Also Like: http://afrikanza.com/richest-countries-in-africa/
4. Aminata
Aminata simply means “good-mannered and trustworthy”. Though popularly used in Sierra Leone, it is not confined to its borders. It is common in Swahili-speaking countries of East Africa.
Potentially, Aminata inspires confidence and trust. As much as she is short-tempered and stubborn, she is honest, brave, energetic, and excitable. Though she is at times egoistic, eccentric and demanding, she is soft-hearted and considers other people’s concerns on a priority basis.
Aminata is motivated by the desire for an environment that allows her to exchange ideas, be self-expressive, and inspire action. She tends to be charismatic. She can be a good spiritualist, or politician.
3. Fatmata
Fatmata is a popular name in Sierra Leone and its neighborhoods.
Potentially, Fatmata is gentle, hospitable, kind, and home-loving. She is a great social organizer and takes pride in her engagement in social activities.
Fatmata is motivated by high social status. She likes pursuing societal dreams that seem impossible. Due to social inclinations, Fatmata has high regard for social justice and endeavors to achieve the same for others.
What to Read Next: http://afrikanza.com/largest-country-in-africa/
2. Fatou
Fatou is not only common in Sierra Leone but also its neighborhood. It simply means “Beloved by all”.
Potentially, Fatou endeavors to be a big sister to others. She has strong humanistic instincts and strives to pursue the best of humanity. She is compassionate and sensitive to the needs of others.
Fatou is motivated by a sense of usefulness to others. She always desires to be a loyal and trustworthy leader.
1. Mariama
Mariama simply means “gift of God”.
Potentially, Mariama has a good-natured personality, easy going, and a passionate love for people. Though, as a result of endeavoring to be cool-headed and loveable, she suppresses her emotional feelings and filters her thoughts so as not hurt other people.
Mariama is motivated by the desire to be at peace with everyone around her. She desires altruism and a special place in everyone’s heart. Balance and harmony are what she aspires to experience in life.
All indigenous African girl names have their deep cultural and spiritual meaning. Babies are named based on the understanding of their potential to reflect the meaning of these names once they grow up. Sierra Leone has largely kept this tradition that seems to be wearing off quickly in some other parts of Africa.
    The post Top 10 Most Popular Girl Names in Sierra Leone appeared first on Afrikanza.
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[Dispatch articles]
https://www.dispatch.co.kr/861601 2017-08-20 (end drama PARTY) “Goddess of the Goddess”, Kim Hee Sun the beauty with Elegance
https://www.dispatch.co.kr/861019 2017-08-19 “wind Blowing pictorial” Lovely Kim Hee sun
https://www.dispatch.co.kr/860830 2017-08-19 (BTS) [Bonus] “KHS + Janghoon, is this true?” not included in ‘Her Classy’
https://www.dispatch.co.kr/860515  2017-08-19 BTS (dispatchGO) “what’s more important than the criminal?”
https://www.dispatch.co.kr/824790 (press) “Husband having an affair? he’s dead” KHS’s remarks, making the fan cheers
https://www.dispatch.co.kr/859418 2017-08-18 PRESS “I think i’m born again”...Kim Hee Sun a feeling of ‘Dignity’
https://www.dispatch.co.kr/833037 costar Her Classy hangout
https://www.dispatch.co.kr/848697 costar- “Hot Pasta scene, felt like being slapped with rubber gloves” Jung Da-Hye 
https://www.dispatch.co.kr/859889 [TV @ Pick] Kim Hee sun Woo Ajin 3 beautiful faces
https://www.dispatch.co.kr/835772 “The most popular, 3 weeks in a row” Kim Hee-sun Drama Buzz Queen
https://www.dispatch.co.kr/831664 [D-View] “if you get excited, you lose” Kim Hee Sun’s Temperament https://www.dispatch.co.kr/872186 2017-08-31 jungsanghoon ③ interview
https://www.dispatch.co.kr/821763 2017-07-20 ‘Her Classy’ Director, “kim SunA’s killer, you can’t guess at all”
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https://www.dispatch.co.kr/823076 2017-07-21 “I'm here to look after my house” Kim Hee Sun, full of class
https://www.dispatch.co.kr/823854 2017-07-22 Kim yong Goon to Kim Hee Sun, “I’ll give you all of Sang Hoon’s shares”
https://www.dispatch.co.kr/860426 2017-08-19 https://www.dispatch.co.kr/861140 2017-08-20 ‘Her Classy’ Lee Gun Hee, Kim Suna’s Real killer  is a shocking reversal
0 notes
afrikanza · 6 years
Top 10 Most Popular Girl Names in Sierra Leone
Sierra Leone is a West African country that is predominantly English-speaking. It is a country that is a melting pot of indigenous, Portuguese and Creole (Krio) cultural influences. As such, both indigenous and non-indigenous names are common. In this article, we have tried as much as possible to find popular uniquely indigenous African girl names. Nonetheless, we have also included a few popular exotic names that have become indigenized.
10. Tenneh
Tenneh is a popular feminine name in West Africa, mostly Sierra Leone. It is a common name among the Vai people occupying territories in both Sierra Leon and Liberia.
Potentially, a person named Tenneh is creative and extroverted. She has a penchant for enjoying life to the limit. She is very optimistic and sees the positive side of things no matter how negative others seem to see things. She is full of energy and exhibits magnetic persona that attracts people towards her. She is artistic by nature and loves flourishing in the limelight.
Ladies named Tenneh are motivated by inner desire to lead others. They are visionary and focus on the bigger picture rather than the finer details. They are highly imaginative, affectionate and desire to sacrifice for the sake of others. They prosper in challenging environments due to their highly adaptive nature.
9. Kadie
Though its origin is not particularly known, Kadie is one of those names that seems to have been indigenized from their English version, mostly by the Krio.
Potentially, a person named Kadie is creative and outgoing. She cherishes any opportunity to show her glamorous prowess. She is idealistic and highly intuitive.
Kadie is motivated by the desire for self-concept. She does well in an environment that is refreshing and easily gets bored being in a stagnating environment.
8. Titi
Although Titi is used in Sierra Leone, it is a very common African name that can be found not only in Western Africa but also in Eastern and Southern Africa. However, the meanings may differ from region to region. For example, while in Nigeria, the word means ‘flower’, in East African Swahili it means ‘breast’.
Potentially, Titi is a brilliant character who has a strong sense of humor. She is highly creative and naturally an entertainer. She is honest, loyal, and radiant.
Titi is motivated by the desire to make others feel good. She endeavors to achieve this through creative entertainment and charitable service. She loves offering servant leadership through mentorship, counseling, and thought-leadership.
7. Georgieta
Georgieta is a popular female name in Sierra Leone. However, it is an indigenized exotic name of Roman origin. Thus, its meaning is basically Romanic. Georgieta simply means ‘earth-worker’
Potentially, Georgieta is highly devoted to her cause and work. She can sacrifice all she is capable of just to achieve excellence and honor in her devoted cause or duty. She is someone who enjoys seeing the fruits of her success. She is mission-driven, highly emotive and abhors being tricked and lied about. She loves an honest endeavor and always wants to develop productive relationships with trustworthy persons.
Georgieta is highly motivated towards the call of duty. She always desires opportunities in which she can utilize her inner strengths of resilience, devotion, and goodwill towards the welfare of others. She flourishes in situations that grant her high sense of responsibility. Though she likes modest adventure, she prefers stability and predictability.
6. Mariatu
Mariatu simply means “one who is pure and innocent”.
Potentially, Mariatu is a positive-minded person and authoritative. She is highly emotive, impulsive and restless. She desires quick action. Though, she is strong-willed and hence capable of being in full control of her emotions which makes her discreet, calm and balanced. She is like a silent volcano actively boiling underground but not explosive enough to be visible on the earth surface.  Yet, she still affords to be highly seductive and passionate. This often sways her off the moral path.
Mariatu is motivated by being part of a highly explosive activity that requires vast reactions. She is a drama queen, though not overtly manifest. She desires an environment where she is stirred up to release her burning emotions and vigorous ambitions. Thus, activities such as public protests, demonstrations, action-oriented dramas are what helps her inner combative energy to achieve her potential.
5. Adama
Adama simply means “queenly and beautiful”.
Adama is predominantly a female name in Sierra Leone. However, in some other parts of West Africa, it is often used as a male name.
Potentially, Adama is a tender, sociable and highly responsive to sentimental expressions. She is highly mobile and emotionally unstable. She is inertly seductive, charming, passionate, and dazzling. She falls in love at first sight.
Adama is motivated by the desire for elegance, glamour, beauty, and sense of nobility. She has a penchant for beautiful things, luxury, and jewelry. She is a dreamer who desires thrilling and being thrilled. Due to her unstable emotions, she is hardly capable of maintaining a relationship for long. She is a girl always on an emotional rollercoaster.
4. Aminata
Aminata simply means “good-mannered and trustworthy”. Though popularly used in Sierra Leone, it is not confined to its borders. It is common in Swahili-speaking countries of East Africa.
Potentially, Aminata inspires confidence and trust. As much as she is short-tempered and stubborn, she is honest, brave, energetic, and excitable. Though she is at times egoistic, eccentric and demanding, she is soft-hearted and considers other people’s concerns on a priority basis.
Aminata is motivated by the desire for an environment that allows her to exchange ideas, be self-expressive, and inspire action. She tends to be charismatic. She can be a good spiritualist, or politician.
3. Fatmata
Fatmata is a popular name in Sierra Leone and its neighborhoods.
Potentially, Fatmata is gentle, hospitable, kind, and home-loving. She is a great social organizer and takes pride in her engagement in social activities.
Fatmata is motivated by high social status. She likes pursuing societal dreams that seem impossible. Due to social inclinations, Fatmata has high regard for social justice and endeavors to achieve the same for others.
2. Fatou
Fatou is not only common in Sierra Leone but also its neighborhood. It simply means “Beloved by all”.
Potentially, Fatou endeavors to be a big sister to others. She has strong humanistic instincts and strives to pursue the best of humanity. She is compassionate and sensitive to the needs of others.
Fatou is motivated by a sense of usefulness to others. She always desires to be a loyal and trustworthy leader.
1. Mariama
Mariama simply means “gift of God”.
Potentially, Mariama has a good-natured personality, easy going, and a passionate love for people. Though, as a result of endeavoring to be cool-headed and loveable, she suppresses her emotional feelings and filters her thoughts so as not hurt other people.
Mariama is motivated by the desire to be at peace with everyone around her. She desires altruism and a special place in everyone’s heart. Balance and harmony are what she aspires to experience in life.
All indigenous African girl names have their deep cultural and spiritual meaning. Babies are named based on the understanding of their potential to reflect the meaning of these names once they grow up. Sierra Leone has largely kept this tradition that seems to be wearing off quickly in some other parts of Africa.
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