#Everyone Needs a Little Hero
narrans · 1 year
A Tall and Small Collection | S2.36 | & Everyone Needs a Little Hero :: Crossover :: Saving Our Hero pt. 2
This was bad!
This was really bad!
There were so many questions, and yet none of them mattered more than the overwhelming declaration that Hero Rafter had just been seen and captured by a human!
Raze Pinch, a Borrower in the community, had seen the whole interaction.
He had been watching this apartment for the past few days, borrowing as furniture and boxes were moved out. He loved when humans moved. They could misplace practically anything and blame it on the move instead of the Borrowing community. He managed to grab an entire box worth of straight pins from the mason jar as well as a couple of popsicle sticks. From the pantry, he snagged five Borrower sized bags each of chips, dried fruit, and some of the dried goods like rice and sugar packages.
He had returned to watch from above because he heard the humans fighting with who he assumed was the daughter. Something about not wanting to move and leaving behind friends and a guy she was interested in.
How dull.
The struggles of humans. They get to bring everything with them in luxury and she’s worried about leaving behind friends.
Just make new ones! Borrowers did it all of the time.
He watched in horror from the top trim piece as Hero Rafter, son of Casper and Prim Rafter, boldly walked out onto the desk and made eye-contact with the human. Raze didn’t know who this “Austin” boy was, but what he saw next was more bone chilling than the thought that someone had mentioned the existence of Borrowers to another human.
He watched as Rey, the boy rumored to be one of the “human pets” to a human known as Ashlynn, managed to get Hero free from his trap in the mason jar.
Alas, it did not last. Raze watched the boys vanish under the desk and then saw the human girl drag out Hero once again. Her finger was bleeding profusely as she held Hero aloft.
“That little rat!” she said as she cursed under her breath and began sucking on her wound like some kind of monster. “And you! You’d better not try that little stunt again.”
Raze heard Hero shout in pain as, with horror, Raze heard him speak.
“N-n-no. Please. I don’t know why you’re doing this, but you don’t have to. Please! W-w-we can be friends!”
“Oh, we’re going to be friends alright. You get to be my live-in friend – and you’re coming with me,” said the girl as she opened the top drawer of her bedside table, dumped the contents onto her bed, and shoved Hero inside.
“N-no! Please!” pleaded Hero as the girl snapped the drawer shut.
Raze immediately ran for the Rafter’s home.
He needed to tell them what he just saw.
They needed to know!
This wasn’t good!
This really wasn’t good!
Soren quickly darted through the walls and across beams until he reached the massive elevator shaft. He didn’t have time to wait. After listening to Rey recount what happened to Hero, there wasn’t much time left.
Soren practically leapt down each set of stairs as he delved down further into the community. He swore he could feel their eyes on him as he passed. There was little doubt the Borrowers who attacked him had spread the rumor that he, as well as his family, were human pets.
He understood their fear, but couldn’t they put together that if something were going to happen to them by Ashlynn’s hands that it would have already happened? Wouldn’t he have already told Ashlynn where to find them? Wouldn’t they already be captured if that was his deal with her?
Soren didn’t have time to explain everything to them. He didn’t want to try and convince an entire community to accept Ashlynn, despite how much it pained him. He was once like them, believing that humans would only seek personal gain if they were revealed. His mind would not be changed about most humans being dangerous, but it was hard to believe after getting to know Ashlynn and Hero’s tales about Sam and Eliza that all humans were bad.
Now, however, was not the time to argue with anyone that humans had the capacity to be good.
Now was the time to tell the Rafters what happened and offer every ounce of help they could spare.
Soren made his way through the walls and passageways until, finally, he arrived at the Rafter family door. The moment he did, however, he could feel that something was off. He heard sobbing from the other side of the door as well as some of the Rafter children speaking loudly.
A hollow feeling sank into Soren’s middle as he reluctantly raised his fist and knocked on the door. It took a moment, but soon Soren heard stomping footsteps approach the door. It was wrenched open to reveal the oldest Rafter son, Atlas, looking angry and distraught. Soren could see the bitterness in his eyes. There was something loathing in his eyes as he looked at Soren, obvious tear stains on his cheeks and in his eyes.
From just behind Atlas, Soren saw Casper sitting at the table, hunched over and his head in his hands. Prim, their mother, had collapsed onto their Borrower made sofa, sobbing and muttering hopeless nonsense that Soren couldn’t quite understand. Cali, Tiron, and Winnie were all at their mother’s side, tears streaking their faces too.
Soren also saw another Borrower who he had seen around the community standing just in front of Casper, but Soren couldn’t recall his name at the moment. He had wild blond hair that frayed out on either side of his head and made him look like he had been in a windstorm. His pale blue-green eyes were completely fear stricken. He looked at Soren with apprehension before backing away a few steps.
Soren didn’t have time for this. He turned his attention to the eldest boy.
“Atlas, I know now is probably not a good time, but I need to speak to your father,” said Soren briskly. Shoulders shaking with anger and fear, Atlas stood aside and let Soren pass. He shut the door forcefully behind Soren, trapping him in with the distraught sobs of the family.
This was no time to feel out of place. This was the time to act – for Hero’s sake.
“Casper,” said Soren cautiously as he approached. “I…”
“You’re here because of Hero?” asked Casper, his voice hoarse and strained. “Because he was caught?” Soren’s fears were true. This other Borrower, whoever he was, must’ve seen what happened and already told the Rafters what happened to Hero.
“I… I’m sorry, b-” Soren was interrupted by Casper suddenly leaping up, seizing the front of Soren’s shirt, and charging forward until Soren slammed into the far wall. Soren grunted in pain as his chest and the back of his head were slammed into the hard wooden wall. The sudden aggression caught everyone in the room off-guard, and everyone seemed to quiet despite their desire to continue crying.
“Sorry? You parade around as a human’s pet and you come here to say sorry? You and your family infected Hero with the idea that humans are safe, and now he’s been captured!” growled Casper. “I knew I should ha-”
“With all due respect, sir,” interrupted Soren boldly, daring not to grab onto Casper for fear that Casper was one wrong move away from pounding Soren into the ground. “But my family didn’t infect Hero with this idea. He came up with it on his own. We’ve been trying to tell him that humans are dangerous.”
“Liar!” roared Casper and pulled Soren off of the wall only to slam him back into it. Soren dared not fight back and merely tensed, trying to fight off the swirling in his head.
“Why would I lie about it?” grunted Soren, now feeling Casper twisting his shirt. It tightened against his throat. “Hero came up with this idea himself. He’s been talking to humans for a while now. He has humans he considers friends!”
“Shut up!” Casper shouted as he forced his fist higher into Soren’s throat. “It’s not true!”
“If it’s not true, then ask yourself why Hero walked out into the open when a human was in the room. Ask yourself if you know where he’s been going when he says he’s helping the community? Did you ask him who he was helping? Did you ask the other Borrowers if they saw him around?”
Soren was starting to see stars swirl in his eyes. His vision was swimming and definitely trying to fade around the edges. He dared to struggle a little against the father’s grip, which seemed to slacken ever so slightly before tightening again.
“You saying I don’t know how to take care of my family? That I don’t know what my own family is into?” demanded Casper. Soren swallowed dryly as his vision swirled again.
“Of course not. Casper, please, you have to believe me when I say we were trying to prevent Hero from meeting with his human friends. Rey was going with him on his ‘helping the community’ campaign to keep him from going and talking to humans,” said Soren in the most factual, level tone he could manage. His heart was starting to pound frantically in his chest though, and every instinct was starting to flex, daring Soren to try and pry Casper’s hands away from him.
“Sir,” interrupted the new Borrower. “Based on what I saw, it seems to make sense. Hero was the first up, and the other Borrower, who I assume was Rey, managed to get him out of the jar. Rey was hiding and looked like he was trying to get Hero to come back. I… I don’t want to side with the pet, but….”
“I am not a pet,” spat Soren. “And I’m not working for Ashlynn to capture other Borrowers. I’m here to inform Casper that we, Ashlynn and my whole family, are doing everything we can right now to get Hero back from the human.”
There was a stunned silence that followed Soren’s statement. Soren swallowed again and just as his vision was starting to darken around the edges, Casper relinquished his grip. He slumped to the ground, utterly defeated, and sucked in what Soren assumed was about to be a sob.
“My son… my youngest son… captured… talking to humans…” muttered Casper. He turned his blue eyes onto Soren. “You said he has… humans… who he thinks are friends?”
Soren, trying to keep himself from gasping for air, nodded and composed himself.
“Yes. Ashlynn knows one of them, a young boy about Rey and Hero’s age. His name is Sam, and he is apparently one of the good humans according to Ashlynn. Sam isn’t the one who has Hero though. It is apparently some girl who seems to be moving out today.”
Casper, looking hopeless, looked away from Soren and glanced backward at his family. In that moment, Soren knew exactly what Casper was feeling – uncertain. It was the same look Soren knew he had when Brady, his stepfather, left him for dead as Soren was trapped in a mouse trap. It was the dread of the uncertain. It was the hopelessness he felt when he was completely alone, forced to endure whatever was going to happen next.
Soren, taking in several more deep breaths, dared to lay a single hand on Casper’s shoulder.
“We’re working on a plan to get him back. Ashlynn is doing reconnaissance now, but we need help. We can’t do this on our own,” said Soren. “Anyone who you trust, we could use their help. If… if you want to help, we are working out a plan to get Hero back now. We’re stronger together. Will you help us?”
Casper looked Soren deep into his hazel eyes. There was still a hint of distrust in his eyes, but it was understandable. Soren sighed.
It would have been nice to have their help, but we can manage on our o-
Soren’s thoughts were interrupted when Casper forced himself to his feet and nodded.
“I won’t ask others to risk their lives, but I’m coming with you. I’m going to get my son back,” said Casper.
“I’m coming too,” said Atlas. “Don’t even think about stopping me, dad. I should have paid more attention to Hero and his movements. He’s my little brother. I’m helping.”
“Me too,” said Tiron.
“Same. Mom, I’m sorry, but I’m getting Hero back – and then I’m going to box his wooden ears for not listening to our warnings,” said Cali. The family approached one another and embraced. Soren turned away, feeling like he was interrupting some kind of private moment between the family members, before they broke away and turned to face Soren.
“If you double-cross us…” warned Casper.
“I know, and I’m not. Now, get everything you think you might need. We’re going right now,” said Soren. He watched as the family delved into their stores for hooks, line, wires, blades, and a number of other tools that could possibly help. With everything prepped and ready, Prim gave her children another kiss on their foreheads before kissing her husband.
“Bring him back,” she whimpered. “Please, bring back our boy.”
“I will,” said Casper.
With that, Casper and his oldest three children followed faithfully and silently behind Soren. Some of the Borrower community saw them walking together, but many of them dared no approach. The air around Soren and the Rafter family seemed to chill their surroundings. There was a sense of determination filling them as they marched up the stairs and into the hallways leading to Ashlynn’s home.
Soren hoped Ashlynn had some information for them because, if not, things were going to get messy fast. At the moment, Casper and his family were working with him. He didn’t want to fracture their already fraying trust. How long would it last? More importantly, how were they going to get Hero back?
Hero huddled in the back corner of the bedside table drawer. He felt completely sick, but he had already thrown up twice out of sheer panic and anxiety.
What was happening?
Why was this happening?
He just wanted to help.
Why wasn’t the human listening?
Why wouldn’t she let him go?
She refused to give any kind of explanation, only to say again that this “Austin” guy had talked to her once or twice about why he made traps. He was keen to catch one and keep it for scientific purposes.
The thought made Hero sick.
The stories were true. He curled in on himself, tears pricking the corners of his eyes, as the sinking feeling of realizing the stories were true really sank into his mind. His mind was moving a million miles a minute, and there was nowhere for those thoughts to go except to spiral over and over in his head.
Hero looked at the seam of the drawer. He had already tried to pry himself out and there was no way for him to open the drawer by running and throwing himself against the seam of the drawer. His bruised shoulder reminded him of that.
He heard footsteps on the other side and the muffled voices of the girl and another human voice. By the sound of it and the way the girl called the woman “mom,” it was easy for Hero to conclude this was the girl’s mother. For a moment, he thought she was going to show him to her mother, but it sounded like they were preoccupied.
“Mom! I told you I don’t want to go! I’m staying right here,” spat the girl.
“Lily, I can’t change anything about it either. You are going to stay with your grandparents while your father and I move,” said the woman.
“You mean finalize the divorce. It’s what you really mean, right? I’m almost an adult! You can call it what it is!” shouted Lily.
“What your father and I are going through is not the same. Now, start packing your things. You haven’t even started. Corban and Aven are almost finished and ready. You need to set a good example and get ready,” scolded the mother.
“Oh, I need to be a good example? You’re one to talk,” shot back Lily. The two of them continued to argue loudly, each accusing the other of not understanding.
Hero hunkered down and drew his limbs in tight to his chest. Terror forced his heart to skip the next few beats as he held his breath.
So, the girl is moving? That’s why she wants to bring me with her? So, she has someone to talk to? I can’t leave! I don’t want to leave!
Hero felt fresh tears drip down his face as he buried his face into his arms, but not a lot came out. He felt exhausted and dehydrated, mouth dry and feeling like sandpaper. The two continued to fight while he cowered in the back corner. Hero knew he needed to work on an escape plan. He knew he needed to try and fight his way out, but Hero couldn’t summon the energy to even stand.
He felt drained and hopeless.
Everything he thought and everything he believed – that humans would never actually try and trap a Borrower and turn them into a pet once they knew they were sentient – was wrong.
What else was he wrong about?
Were people really not as good as he thought? Who else was like Lily? Ready to change on a dime…
Ashlynn stood outside in the lobby and watched as movers negotiated the main doors. She made the excuse that she was waiting for a delivery herself and kept holding the door open for the movers. In the meantime, she paid attention to who was going in and out of the building.
Based on what Rey said, Ashlynn had a good idea of what the girl looked like. Even if she didn’t have a name, she could still be on the lookout.
With each passing moment, Ashlynn felt sickness plaguing her. What was Hero going through? Was he alright? Was there anything else they could be doing to rescue him?
Ashlynn’s head was spiraling out of control when something caught her attention.
“Oh, hello Miss Ashlynn.” Ashlynn looked over to see Sam exiting the elevator. It looked like he had a key in his hands. Most likely, he was helping out with his chores and retrieving the mail. His bright smile was a momentary distraction, but Ashlynn suddenly felt as though she had been punched in the gut.
Sam didn’t know about Hero. He didn’t know what kind of danger his friend was in.
For a moment, Ashlynn thought about disregarding her notion to tell Sam when a brilliant thought came to her.
Sam could help get Hero back.
Yes, it would require her telling Sam that his friend was in danger, but Sam could also be the perfect lookout. He could ride the elevator and warn if someone matching the description Rey gave came into the elevator.
Ashlynn watched as Sam continued to the mailroom and, as he did, Eliza rounded the corner to her own mailbox. Sam managed to dodge out of the way before addressing her in his sweet voice.
“Hello Miss Eliza,” said Sam.
“Oh! Hey there, Sam. Sorry. Did I almost bump into you?” asked Eliza, withdrawing her white stick and bringing it closer to her body.
“Nope! I mean… no ma’am. I just thought I’d say hello and see how you were doing,” he chirped.
Ashlynn couldn’t believe her good fortune. This was absolutely perfect! Eliza and Sam both knew about Hero, and both would care that he was captured and needed help. Ashlynn hesitated just for a moment. Would the other Borrowers approve? She doubted it, but they needed all the help they could get – and they, as humans, were the perfect distraction for other humans.
Acting on pure instinct and impulse, Ashlynn abandoned her spot by the door and prayed that the person she was looking for wouldn’t arrive at that precise moment. She approached Eliza and Sam, who were discussing the weather, and dared to approach the topic that she swore to secrecy.
“Hey Eliza. Hey Sam,” she said, hoping no one sensed her anxiousness.
“Ashlynn? Hey! Seems like everyone is getting their mail at the same time today. How have you been?” asked Eliza. Sam gave a little wave and a smile to Ashlynn.
“Pretty great until today actually,” Ashlynn replied, keeping her voice low. She saw both Sam and Eliza’s brows furrow in the exact same way.
“Oh? Something wrong?” asked Eliza.
“Yeah, and I’m thinking you two could help,” said Ashlynn, almost whispering.
“Ashlynn, why are you whispering? You’re not in trouble, are you?” asked Eliza.
“Umm… I should…” Sam started, but Ashlynn shook her head.
“No. I need you both. Here. Come over here to the mailroom really quick,” said Ashlynn. Curiously, the two of them stepped back into the mailroom, Sam a bit more hesitant than Eliza. Ashlynn pulled the door slightly shut before looking back at the two of them.
Her heart was hammering out of her chest. She felt like she could barely breathe. There was no going back now. There was no time for doubts, and she had to trust she was doing the right thing.
“Okay, I’m going to cut to the chase,” said Ashlynn quietly. “I know you both know about Hero.”
Ashlynn’s statement obviously took them both off guard. Eliza, looking stiff, tried to play it off.
“I… what? What Hero?” she asked. Sam, looking nervous, kept glancing from Eliza to Ashlynn. It was clear he was trying to keep his word to Ashlynn that he wouldn’t reveal what he knew about the hand-sized teenage boy.
“Eliza, we don’t have time for this. Hero told me that he introduced himself to both of you some time ago. He’s been helping other humans around the building, and now he’s in trouble,” said Ashlynn. There was so much that needed to be said and explained, but there was no time for it. Ashlynn felt her chest tightening with anxiety. This was the first time she talked to another person about knowing about the Borrowers.
“You… know about him? But… how?” asked Eliza. She was obviously working through what Ashlynn said, almost as if she didn’t believe that this kind of conversation was happening.
“Hero’s in trouble?” asked Sam, now disregarding the previous bit of the awkwardness and delving into the heart of the matter. “What kind of trouble?” Ashlynn was more than grateful that Sam was keeping them on track.
“Yes, he’s been captured. There was a girl who saw him and now she has him,” explained Ashlynn. “I’m working to get him back, but I can’t do it alone. I need you two to help me. Please.”
“Wait, Ashlynn. Slow down. How can we help? And how do you plan on getting him back? Can’t you just ask the girl to let Hero go?” asked Eliza.
“I wish it were that easy,” muttered Ashlynn. “Apparently, Hero tried to reason with her, but she wants to take him with her. She’s moving out today and will most likely lie in order to keep him.”
“Count me in!” said Sam. “If Hero’s in trouble, I want to help. What can I do?”
“Wait… how do you know this?” asked Eliza. Ashlynn grit her teeth. She thought something like this might come up. Taking a partial breath, she decided to be just obscure enough while also telling the truth.
“Let’s just say that Hero isn’t alone,” said Ashlynn. “Now, please. Will you help me – us – get him back?”
“Hey! I said I’m in! What can I do?” asked Sam.
“Alright, I’m in too. What’s the makeshift plan?” asked Eliza. Thinking on the fly, Ashlynn came up with the first thing that popped into her head.
“Sam, you have your phone, right? I need you to ride in the elevator and let me know if you see a girl who is older than you, but younger than me. She was wearing a lot of make-up and will most likely be carrying something that will be big enough to carry Hero. When that happens, Eliza needs to run interference. Find some way to distract them and keep them in the building. I’ll be down as soon as possible to try and help.”
“Wait, then where are you going?” asked Eliza.
“I’ll be right back. I have to give an update and then I’ll be right back looking for her. Okay?” said Ashlynn. The two of them nodded after a moment of consideration. “Good. Then man your positions and I’ll be right back. Sam, here’s my number. Plug my number and Eliza’s number into your phone. Call us immediately if you see someone. Okay?”
“You got it!” said Sam, looking more determined than ever. Eliza went back to her apartment to get some supplies, undoubtedly ready to stumble out of her apartment and spill everything to distract anyone going through.
Sam and Ashlynn rode the elevator up to her floor and she darted back to her apartment. She hoped Soren would be understanding that she roped them in. They needed help, and there were no better people to ask than these two. The main question now was how they were actually going to get Hero back.
            Soren and the others marched forward through the walls and over beams to get to Ashlynn’s apartment. It seemed like the most logical choice to make it there before proceeding. At any rate, they needed Rey to tell them where to go and how to get to the right apartment.
Soren felt a terrible guilt knowing he would be subjecting his youngest brother to this horror once again. It felt like the incident with Dorian’s friend all over again, but they had all been close and managed to get his friend back before anything terrible happened. Now? It sounded like this human could be leaving any second with Hero, and if that happened he would be gone forever.
None felt the gravity of the situation more than the Rafters, especially Casper. His mind swirled with every terrible notion and the pain of his child being in pain and danger. How could he have not known what his son was up to? How did he not realize that Hero had been talking to humans for so long? What kind of father was he, to not know what was happening with his youngest son? What kind of example was he setting? What were his children thinking of him now?
That didn’t matter now.
What mattered was getting Hero back home safe and sound.
Soren continued to lead the way silently until, finally, they reached the permanent line that led down into the kitchen – Ashlynn’s kitchen. He quickly descended the line and touched down just inside of the wall. To make room for the Rafter family, Soren went ahead and stepped out onto the counter.
Just as he did, he heard the front door close and the sound of footsteps.
“Ashlynn?” Soren called.
“Soren? You’re back!” Ashlynn returned the call. “Boys, do you want to come over to the counter?” Soren heard a faint “yes” that was undoubtedly from Rey. There was a slight pause before Ashlynn rounded the corner with Soren’s brothers and daughter cupped carefully in her hands.
“How did it go? Did you talk to the Rafters? Do they know?” She asked as she set them down on the counter. Soren nodded before he started speaking.
“Yes, and they knew as soon as I got there. Someone else told them. They saw the whole thing happen,” muttered Soren. Rey’s eyes widened, jaw slackening.
“They did?” he asked, shrinking in on himself ever so slightly. He pulled his blanket over his shoulders a little tighter.
“Yeah,” said Soren. He glanced over his shoulder. Did he just see two of the Rafter children duck behind the electrical cover? “They decided to come and help get Hero back.”
Ashlynn and Soren made eye-contact, hazel against blue-grey, and Ashlynn immediately knew what Soren meant.
“Oh… right… okay… um… well…” Ashlynn stammered. “Well, I have a bit of news of my own.”
“Yeah?” asked Soren. Ashlynn nodded before glancing at the electrical cover and then back to him.
“Okay, Soren, I don’t want you to be angry, but I got a little bit of help,” said Ashlynn quietly. Soren’s eyes widened. He suspected this was coming, but he wasn’t sure the Rafters, who were mere inches away, were prepared to hear something like this.
Sadly, they would have to accept reality quickly if they were going to get Hero back.
“Who?” asked Soren, glancing over his shoulder, hoping the Rafters weren’t changing their minds in helping them get their son – their brother – back.
“Eliza and Sam. I saw both of them when I was down there, and they are helping out right now. Eliza is preparing a distraction and Sam is in the elevator making sure no one matching the girl’s description gets in. He’s going to call if he sees her,” explained Ashlynn. “They were two of the humans who Hero was friends with, so… it was easier to get them to help.”
Soren nodded slowly, only glancing back one more time to see if he could see any of the Rafters.
Then, Ashlynn sighed and folded her arms.
“Okay, let’s just cut to the chase, okay?” she said. Soren felt his heart jumped into his throat, and he was absolutely certain the Rafter family was on the verge of losing their minds with fear and anxiety.
“No, Soren. We don’t have any time to lose,” stated Ashlynn. “Look, I know you’re scared. You’re terrified what might happen to your son. You don’t know what’s going on right now with your brother. You have a million questions, but now is not the time. I’m not asking you to trust me blindly or saying you need to trust me outright. What I am saying is that I’m not trying to hurt anyone. I’m trying to help. I’m not the enemy. Right now, we need to work together to get Hero back. You can be angry at me later when Hero is safe.”
The entire time, she was looking directly at the wall cover.
There was complete silence in the home. Soren wondered if the Rafters had gone, left so they could handle the situation themselves.
But they hadn’t left.
Casper and his children were on the other side of the electrical cover absolutely petrified with fear. The human, Ashlynn, was talking directly to them. She revealed two of the human’s names who Hero had become friends with.
Casper felt himself shaken to his core. Hearing it from a Borrower and then hearing it from a human were two entirely different things.
Still… Ashlynn was right…
They didn’t have time.
Casper looked back at his children, who looked at him with the same reflected fear that was in his eyes. He looked back at the electrical cover. An entire world was just beyond the piece of plastic and drywall beside him. Humans and danger were mere feet away, but it didn’t matter now.
What mattered was, for the moment, working together and saving Hero.
Casper looked back at his family, hoping he was making the right decision.
“I know,” said Casper as loudly as he dared. “I’ve been watching all of you… and I know you are just trying to help.” His children looked panicked that their father had spoken directly to a human, but none dared to raise their voices against him. He smiled at them in some wise way before turning his eyes back to the electrical cover.
Then, to everyone’s astonishment, Casper stepped out from behind the electrical cover and stepped out onto the kitchen counter. Ashlynn’s eyes widened as she stared at the older Borrower, daring not to move. “Please,” said Casper. “You’ve earned my trust. Now, help me save my son.”
A Tall and Small Collection
A Tall and Small Collection | Soren
Everyone Needs a Little Hero
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 months
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Flower Empowered.
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#poorly drawn mdzs#mdzs#lan wangji#wei wuxian#lan wunian#The absolute chaos that ensued when Lan Wangji showed up...those girls went wild.#We have to give kudos to narration that takes the form of a bunch of suitor seeking ladies.#They were so loud about being here for the hotties and whispering gossip. You go girls.#Wei Wuxian most likely just picked up a already tossed flower to throw. Second hand flowers...are still flowers I suppose.#Can you imagine if LWJ had allergies? Poor lad.#Okay it's time for the real gritty discussion point. The one everyone is waiting for me to talk about:#So...from where we are in the timeline...what the hell is WWX supposed to be wearing?#I'm serious. Put all the fanart out of your brain for a moment.#We are post burial grounds and sunshot campaign so he's had his little goth moment reveal.#*BUT* he is still with the Jiang sect. And by proxy of this flashback talking about his disrespect - they never bring up his attire.#meaning he is likely in some kind of Jiang Purple.#Continuity wise it really feels like this scene should have been *before* the burial mounds.#I understand why it's post - we need to build up on the mystery of how he became the YLLZ.#But also his personality feels way more 'pre-burial mounds WWX'. I think this was probably a 'I don't want to kill my darling' scene.#(The Phoenix mountain flashback is a lot of people's 'darling'. I am knowingly putting myself in the line of fire here).#I'm willingly putting him in Wen Qing's borrowed cloak and assuming people take him wearing it as like...a war trophy.#Historians will revise this moment later on but for now he *is* a hero of that war.
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froggydraws · 4 months
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Ballad of the fox
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magicpiano · 4 days
AU where the justice league finds out that Captain Marvel is homeless. Not Billy, they still have no idea about the captain's secret identity, but the Captain.
Maybe they were discussing a case or something, and he says something that is just a little too knowledgeable. Something only someone who has been there would know. He tries to backtrack when he realizes that he said too much, tries to explain that getting a job and an apartment is hard when you do hero work which doesn't pay (and hopes they don't find out the real reason he can't get a job is because no one will hire a kid).
The league comes to the conclusion the reason he is so secretive about his identity is because he is ashamed he is homeless. Naturally, everyone immediately feels super bad about this and tries to help him much to his dismay.
Identity shenanigans ensue.
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valewritessss · 21 days
I’ve seen someone say that Sally was selfish and inconsiderate for telling Percy they need his room for Estelle???
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doodlejoltik · 18 days
my favourite writing device is having an un-Rei-liable narrator
#rei#volo#cheren#// tikposting#// character meta#the crowd booes me off the stage#forgive the pun XDDD his name is too easy to pun on#the way i write it it's not a conscious choice. it's just how the pov character (rei) experiences and contextualises the world#revealing backstory and personality and mindset through narration !!!!#not necessarily out of malice it's just. how he views things#interpreting new and foreign experiences through the lens of what came before...#conversations which read differently to different people.#in the context of rei that's stuff like unease around authority figures#always choosing his words carefully to project an image of competence (he has to be needed)#distrust and not taking things at face value but also paradoxically a fragile and nurtured sense of almost blind optimism#when it comes to friendships. like volo. (everyone turned on me when the sky turned red but it all resolved itself in the end didn't it?)#(what makes this different? / a lot of things. / i choose to believe)#volo [directly]: “i won't be stopped from my goal” rei thoughts: we can work with this!!!!#and everything with Arceus too and his divine blessings and a plan that will work out in the end#if Rei can just... figure out what part he's meant to play. interpreting events as a narrative hurtling towards some unknown conclusion#i am talking about rei here specifically but this writing device is so good in general#would be fun to try get inside volo's head. there's so much going on there i don't understand yet#quite fond of that one analysis post about how volo lacks emotional intelligence and sees relationships as transactions#not necessarily out of malice it's just how he views things. whether because of past experience or brain chemistry#also need to give a shout to cheren my guy who is an outsider pov who projects his own experiences onto new things so that he Understands#(an outsider to Hilbert and N's clash of truth and ideals. life changing experience and knowledge but felt just a little off to the left)#(the narrative repeated again with new heroes. all he can do is help them but it falls on their shoulders in the end)#(no wonder he tries to insert himself into Situations)#anyway tag ramble over feel free to also ramble to me about your takes XD#rei pokemon
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weebsinstash · 1 year
Sigh but like ok, ATSV spoilers but, that scene where Miguel is chokeslammimg and saying all that awful mean shit, which is kinda justified because from his perspective what Miles wants to do could, as far as he knows, destroy an entire universe. Well I'm such a sucker for "ok you burned me and betrayed me and now that you want my help or forgiveness, you don't get it" as a trope, so
imagine Reader being in a similar situation and of course Miguel is even starting to kind of catch feelings. You get introduced to him and the society and everything is hunky dory for a few months but, the Bad Thing Happening now has to happen to you, and, you feel hurt, you feel betrayed, you feel like all semblance of choice has been ripped away from you. Wait, you mean this super cool but massive responsibility that took you from a zero to hero... was never supposed to happen to you? You're a mistake? Like imagine you're actually doing an amazing job at being a hero and then running away from the Society, an above average gifted spider, maybe even potentially a mutant, but Miguel pins you down and says those things to you to try and get you to stop and it. Breaks you. Suddenly nothing you have ever done has ever even mattered. Wait, so they preach this horrible thing about to happen to you, that you're forcing you to not stop, THAT'S preordained, but you becoming a hero, you trying to make something of yourself, THAT'S a huge fuck up, a mistake, not supposed to happen? You don't BELONG there?
Miguel eventually comes to your cell and tries to speak to you, but you're just quietly crying and refuse to look at him. You won't talk to Peter or Gwen or anyone else, and they can't even get you to eat until you're practically vomiting from hunger and even then, it's just small, untrusting bites. They try to apologize and cheer you up but you reject any and all forms of communication and especially touch, if any of them tries to hug you, you shove them back, suddenly furious like you're about to throw punches.
You break down sobbing when you're told The Bad Thing happened, and you're asking, can you go home now? You look right at Miguel, look right in his eyes, "so you guys are going to leave me alone now, right? I get to go home and never see any of you ever again?"
That's... not quite what they wanted? You're a talented hero, just a little green! Just because you're kind of, an anomaly, doesn't mean they hate you! This wasn't personal! They realize a little too late that this didn't "forge you in the fires of adversity" or some poetic shit like that, it RUINED YOU. You hate them, you hate yourself, you hate ever donning this costume and risking your life for others only to be told it was all a mistake. You did this because you thought you were making a choice, but how is this any different than being some kind of slave, expected to burn yourself out and suffer for others?
But unlucky for you, there's some canon events Miguel will need your help with in the future, and if that means he has to atone by sticking to you like glue and forcing you to accept his mentorship as he basically drags you around forcing you to be Spiderman, then that's just what he's going to have to do. And if you turn out to be some kind of special mutant or other such creature that isn't affected by canon or shifting dimensions like they are, then, clearly there's no consequence if he wants to scoop you up for himself, right? And that will just be another reason he can have the Spider Society hunt you down with him if you ever escape his clutches
But also imagine you were destined to do something like lowkey amazing like cure cancer or develop groundbreaking tech or become one of the greatest spiders who ever lived and they check back in on you and you've like. Sold a vial of your blood to Osborne or something and you get royalties from whatever drugs he uses it for and you're just. Living a millionaire lifestyle refusing to care about anyone ever again and dont even own your spider costume anymore. Just the punishment and pain and manipulation of them realizing that they should've done things differently and they might have doomed your world in a different way altogether but also feeling guilt because they changed who you were, they don't have that person that was their friend anymore, you look at them with either hatred or indifference and just want to be left alone, and Miguel decides, ok, fixing you all up nice and better is going to become a little passion project of his
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skyloftian-nutcase · 6 months
Breath of the Sky Ch 14 (SS meets BotW)
Summary: When Princess Zelda goes to the Spring of Courage to pray, accompanied by her appointed knight, a giant magical cog spitting out a goddess is the last thing she expects, but it is what she gets. Meanwhile, the Spirit Maiden Zelda is trying to figure out what the heck is happening and where her missing chosen hero is.
AO3 link
Chapter 14: A Set Path
The sunlight was being hidden away by the clouds, reminding him strikingly of his days on the Surface a few months ago. It was still warm, almost too warm, but he shivered nonetheless.
Link and Zelda had been given some privacy as they’d walked away from the picnic site, instead standing on a hill overlooking a good portion of the field. In the distance there were many structures, some stone and some wood, some with people and some with strange animals.
“I didn’t think we’d be stuck doing this again,” Link finally commented, feeling Zelda’s fingers interlace with his own.
Zelda sighed solemnly, staring out at the vastness of the land alongside him. “I… didn’t either.”
There was no going home at this point. They both knew it.
“You sure this wasn’t part of your plan?” he asked, glancing at her. Given his earlier accusation, he felt like dirt even asking, but he had to at least have something to cling to.
“I wish it was,” Zelda muttered bitterly. “At least then I’d know what to do.”
Link felt… hopelessly lost. The words of assurance from the captain echoed in his mind, but what good were those assurances when Hylia’s own plan fell through?
Well. It wasn’t like Hylia had been perfect, he thought with maybe a touch too much resentment. He squeezed Zelda’s hand all the more, trying to push that out of his mind. As much as he tried to separate the two, there was no separating them. As much as Zelda insisted she was still the person he knew, that didn’t change the fact that her past was intermingled with something far beyond his comprehension.
That didn’t mean she still hadn’t used him.
What difference does that make? It was for a good reason.
A reason which had failed. But he knew that was his own doing, not Hylia’s.
Link’s gaze drifted back towards the stone pillars, towards the area in the center of the field where the other two sat. His successor and his descendant. The pair were eating quietly, one more eagerly than the other, but both seemed to occasionally remember Link and Zelda were there and would glance in their direction.
He supposed there was no avoiding them now. Not that he minded being near Zellie all that much, but goddesses above sometimes it was just too much hearing about all of it. As for his successor…
“Link, I…” Zelda started to say, her words lost in the wind for a moment. Link looked back at her, heart clenching at the torn look on her face. “I’m sorry. For all of this.”
“Don’t apologize,” he immediately replied. “This isn’t your fault, it’s mine.”
“But it all started with me,” Zelda noted quietly. “It all started with Hylia.”
Link bit his lip. He’d be a hypocrite to argue against her at this point, at least after all he’d said earlier. Goddesses he wished he’d kept silent. He tried a different tactic. “Whoever started it, I’m the one who—”
“Oh, just stop,” Zelda cut in tiredly, releasing his hand and hugging herself. “Please, just—I just—”
“I just wish it wasn’t like this,” Link finished for her, slowly wrapping his arms around her and letting her melt into the reassuring embrace.
They were in the future. The future. They were beholding the fruits of their efforts. Why couldn’t this just be a happy occasion? At least for Zelda – for Link it would’ve been beyond his comprehension, really, overwhelming and amazing and wild and wonderful, but… anything would’ve been better than this sinking realization.
It’s over. It’s finally over.
Zelda’s words, mixed with tears and choking on relief and joy, echoed in his mind. They’d thought it was over.
“What are we going to do?” he asked her.
Zelda shuddered in his hold, burying her face in his chest. “I don’t know. They… they don’t even know if the Triforce still exists.”
Link blanched, pulling away. “What? That was the entire crux of our plan!”
“I know,” Zelda cried. “I know! I don’t understand how—what—they said something about beasts, about those guardian things and the sword—”
“Fi? How’s Fi going to fix this?” Link asked. “Can she—is she even awake? Can she talk?”
He didn’t think she could, honestly – not based on her reaction when he’d held her at the festival. She’d sung, yes, but he should’ve heard her voice. Fi had said she’d go into an eternal slumber for the sole purpose of keeping Demise sealed away.
Maybe that was where they could start, then. Maybe something had happened to Fi.
“We need to talk to them,” Link said firmly, looking back at the pair again. His resolve faltered at the thought of speaking to his successor, as he didn’t really even deserve to, but Zelda’s tears motivated him well enough. If his beloved was floundering, he’d find a solution, because he would never leave her in such a helpless state.
Link’s resolve faded the closer they got to the pair, but it was too late by then. Zellie and the new Hero noticed their approach, watching them. As Link’s steps faltered from shame over his failure, Zelda took the lead, guiding him forward with a gentle hand. When the pair sat across from the other two, the Hero carefully pushed food towards Link.
Everyone stared at each other awkwardly.
“So,” Zelda said, finally taking the lead. “You mentioned guardians and divine beasts would help you fight De—Calamity Ganon. And then… you two would fight him? Right?”
Zellie looked at her Hero and then back at Zelda before nodding.
Link opened his mouth to ask about Fi and then found his voice not cooperating. He looked down, hands balling up his tunic and releasing it in anxious movements.
“And you need help with your powers,” Zelda continued.
The princess visibly wilted, looking down.
Link blinked. “What powers?”
Zellie and the new Hero’s eyes immediately went to him, widened as if he’d spoken some kind of heresy.
“I think she’s supposed to have the magic to seal him away,” Zelda answered hesitantly. “That’s what I’ve gathered, at least?”
The pair switched their horrified gazes to Zelda now. Well… at least Link wasn’t melting under their stares anymore. But why the faces?
“You—you think?” Zellie repeated. “But I—my prayers—”
“Look,” Zelda interrupted. “Let’s get this straight. Whatever prayers you’re saying, or anyone is saying—I’m not hearing them. I’m not—I don’t have that kind of power, to read people’s minds and stuff. And—and whoever you’re praying to, you’re doing it in this era, you know? I’m—we’re from the past.”
“W-well, yes,” Zellie acknowledged a little uncomfortably. But it seemed curiosity got the better of her, her eyes shining. “But—how—what is it like, where you are? Can you sense—I mean, you got here somehow, and—”
“I got here because of Link,” Zelda interrupted before hastily adding, “B-but obviously we were destined to be here, too. I mean—what else are the odds that we learn of the demon king’s survival just as you’re preparing for him? But I—this wasn’t my planning. I don’t know what’s happening. We’re trying to piece it together.”
Link’s gaze drifted towards the Master Sword, and he found himself making eye contact with the Hero wielding it. He quickly looked back at Zellie, who seemed simultaneously worried and fascinated.
“All my life, I’ve… I’ve had to try and teach myself this power,” Zellie said softly, her expression growing despairing, frustrated, before she looked hopefully at Zelda. “If you can… if Your Grace would be so kind as to help me… I…”
“I already promised you I would,” Zelda assured her with a smile. “Knight’s honor.”
Zellie blinked. “Knight’s… honor?”
“Oh. Sorry. Expression,” Zelda chuckled nervously, rubbing her hands together.
“Zelda’s a knight,” Link immediately said. “Not a goddess.”
Well. She was his goddess, but that was beside the point. The point was he knew how much this Your Grace nonsense was bothering her. He’d seen her tolerate it fine with Impa, but that was during her rediscovery of her past. She’d been trying to reconcile it since then, and Farore knew this wasn’t helping.
Zelda sighed at the bemused expressions they were receiving. “I… I am the goddess Hylia reborn. But I… look. I’m just… I was born a human like everyone else. I can barely remember my life as Hylia. I…”
“Why?” the princess asked before catching herself.
Zelda quickly waved off her apology that she was about to splutter. “Because I—Hylia, I mean—was killed. I—Hylia sacrificed herself to seal the calamity away until I could come back to defeat him with Link.”
Here she paused, looking at Link, eyes alight with love, face glowing with pride. Despite his own guilt and shame, Link couldn’t help melting a little at the gaze, smiling at her in return.
“Fascinating,” Zellie whispered.
Zelda and Link lost the girl’s wonder in their own attention to each other before his beloved finally smiled back at the other two. “If we’re going to figure out how to stop the demon king, we’ll need to see everything involved in this plan of yours. And as for your powers… my memories were awakened at the sacred springs. Maybe we could start there?”
It was interesting watching the princess’ reactions to Zelda’s words. She was delighted at first, and ashamed at the end. Clearly, her powers were a point of contention for her.
Link could sympathize. Goddess… he hoped she didn’t feel as he did, but he had a sinking suspicion that was indeed the case. How could she possibly feel such a way? It wasn’t as if her lack of abilities had caused harm yet, right? It couldn’t be any more catastrophic than his own failures – despite the obvious one, he’d also nearly let Zelda die at the hands of Ghirahim. Were it not for Impa in the Earth Temple, all would have been lost due to Link’s ineptitude.
And in the end, what difference did it make?
Link shook his head, squeezing his eyes shut. Stop. This isn’t helping.
He looked ahead again and saw the knight staring at him. Abruptly, he felt his cheeks flush and he looked down at his uneaten food. He hesitantly pushed it back towards the knight.
The pair stared at each other again before their gaze drifted to the plate. The knight hesitantly took the food back, eating it.
“Well, if you want to see guardians, I can show you some at the castle,” Zellie said eagerly, rising to her feet. “But the divine beasts reside in their champions’ domains. I can arrange for all of us to travel across Hyrule! It will—we can stop at the springs as well, but—you’ll see all that we have built, all we have prepared for the coming calamity.”
Link and Zelda looked at each other, surprised, before looking back at the princess. “There’s… more to Hyrule?”
Zellie practically glowed with pride. “Why yes, of course! Come, we must hurry, I’ll prepare everything!”
Well… at least they had a plan. Link rose at the same time as the knight, and the two nearly bumped shoulders, making Link stumbled towards Zelda. He was pretty certain he’d fumbled enough conversations today, so perhaps he’d save asking about Fi for later. But as the four walked, it was immediately apparent he was stuck lingering with his successor while Zellie babbled excitedly in the front of the group, nearly holding Zelda hostage with her conversation. Link found that he couldn’t help but stare at the blade, aching for its warmth, for Fi’s voice to echo in his mind and heart.
He felt so incredibly alone seeing her on someone else’s back.
Zelda stopped abruptly. “Oh! I almost forgot. We have to have nicknames, or this is going to get way too confusing. We have a few already – Dove, you’ll go by Cloud, and he’ll go by Champion. Now we just need to figure out me and the princess.”
Cloud? Link tilted his head to the side, raising an eyebrow at his wife, curious where that nickname had come from. He’d accept it, of course… did this have to do with the cloud barrier? Skyloft? Or was it a joke based on that story at the festival?
He felt a smile pull at his lips. As much as he’d shot down the ideas the princess had brought up about his existence, it was beginning to grow on him. He could at least garner some entertainment from the absolute ignorance surrounding his identity. Besides, he’d promised himself he’d buy into it the next time someone brought it up. It was too funny not to.
Helpfully, he added, “The princess said she’s okay with going by Zellie.”
The knight, Champion, stared at the princess a moment, and though his face was placid as ever, Link could sense some kind of underlying question hidden in it.
“I guess that just leaves me,” Zelda muttered thoughtfully.
“Your Grace… wants a nickname?” Zellie questioned.
“Of course I do!” Zelda answered sincerely. “I mean… we’re going to be friends! I don’t want you addressing me like some distant deity and the like. I may be the spirit maiden, but… I want us to be friends. This isn’t… this isn’t my…”
Zelda faltered, stumbling on words and thoughts, and Link watched her reluctantly. He wasn’t exactly eager to back her up in this instance – she’d spent their entire venture discovering her identity as someone else, and she had been struggling to retain her own self as Zelda since then. He wasn’t going to encourage her taking on a new persona, even if it was just a nickname.
“We’ll figure it out,” he finally cut in quietly just to move the conversation away from it.
Zelda sighed, shrugging, and the princess continued to lead them back to the castle. Link kept up this time, though, so as to avoid looking at Fi any longer. It seemed Champion always remained two steps behind his princess, anyway.
Noticing how the Champion lagged behind, Zelda smiled welcomingly and fell back so she could be in step with him, leaving Zellie and Link in the front. As Link looked around, he found other things to focus on. Like how distinctly open and alive this place felt while simultaneously… lacking something. The more he stared at the world around him, the strangely more apparent it became, and he wasn’t sure why he’d only just noticed it now, or what it meant.
This land of Hyrule was beautiful and vast, stunning beyond all comprehension. But the Surface that Link knew was brimming with something else in the air, the very fabric of the life woven through the land was teeming with magic and energy. Here, it simply… wasn’t. He wasn’t sure what to make of that. It felt like something had been lost while so much had been gained, and it suddenly made him pause. Perhaps this was what was lost when there was no trace of the Triforce, no guidance from Fi, with magic steadily draining from this land.
Link felt all the lonelier for it.
“Hero? Um… C-Cloud?”
Cloud? Oh, yes. That was him. Link looked somewhat reluctantly at the princess, waiting for her to continue. They’d talked so easily earlier, but he’d left that conversation rather abruptly. He hoped he hadn’t seemed too rude. Not that his conversation with Zelda had gone any better, though at least…
Wait. Wait. Had those two… had they been there? If that captain had heard his argument…
Oh goddess.
Despite his own feelings on the matter, the princess’ eyes showed only pity. That solidified his dreaded suspicion, though it simultaneously confused him – given how horribly he’d talked to Zelda, he’d expect disgust or disdain, not whatever it was Zellie was currently conveying.
Despite seeming to be practically overflowing with words to say, the princess faltered in her approach. Instead, she looked down at her clasped hands, wringing them nervously. Link wished he could say something instead, wished that he could maybe figure out if she truly did feel like she was failing because of whatever issue she was having with her powers, but… he could hardly hold on to any kind of assurances for himself; there was little way he could find a way to comfort her.
But Link hated to see her like this. He hated to see anyone he cared about hurting. And by the goddesses, he could see Zelda in every feature of this girl, in her blonde hair, in her intelligent eyes, in her love and pride in her people.
And he could see himself. He could see his sensitivity in her, he could see how the responsibility on her shoulders was crushing her just as his journey had crushed him.
Instinctively, Link reached out, letting his hand rest on her shoulder. Zellie jumped a little, startled, and looked back at him as he smiled at her. Perhaps he didn’t have the words to cheer her up at the moment, but he could at least offer support in other ways.
Zellie let out a soft sigh and smiled. “I can��t wait for you to see Hyrule.”
The words settled in Link’s heart, and he smiled in return. Despite his catastrophic failure, this land had not only survived but grown far beyond his ability to even fathom. And that… that had to mean something, didn’t it? If time and time again Demise had tried to destroy the land, and it had still somehow managed to turn into this, then…
Then maybe it wasn’t such a failure, after all.
The beauty of the castle gardens was terrifyingly diminished with the howls of anguish and anger coming from the royal horticulturalist as Mipha awkwardly sidled away from the newly tainted silent princess flower bed. She had escorted the Hero of Myth to the others before excusing herself, as she was not at all capable or important enough to be near a goddess, and had sought peace near the fountains in the castle grounds. Given the drama unfolding with other royal attendants trying to calm the woman, Mipha decided it was best to patrol the area.
Seeing Hyrule Castle was always an incredible sight, but the longer she lingered here, the more she ached for home. She missed her baby brother Sidon, she missed her father, she missed the flowing rivers and waterfalls, the diving places and beautiful scenery and mountains. Zora’s Domain was a sprawling city in its own right, but it somehow was far more homely than Castle Town, and it was less stifling than the royal halls. Perhaps it was the open architecture of her home, or perhaps it was the looming responsibility that hung heavily in the air here, a constant reminder of an evil that was coming.
It was no wonder Link had grown to be so quiet and stressed. Mipha would too if she were constantly living here.
The Zora princess leaned against a stone wall, hiding in the shade so she could enjoy the cool a little bit. She would be returning to the Domain tomorrow with her entourage, which was a relief. She would miss Link, but… well… duty came first. For all of them.
Her heart a little heavier, she tried to cheer herself up by finding her guards and attendants, when she instead nearly walked into the path of the goddess Hylia herself, and Mipha bit back a startled yelp as she dove for the nearest bush to hide in. She landed highly unceremoniously, feet in the air as she was caught in branches, hissing as twigs rubbed against her scales, though thankfully they could not cut through them. Mipha wiggled helplessly, at least tucking her feet in as best she could, before she heard gravel crunch and footsteps stop in front of her newfound prison.
When silence prevailed, Mipha turned her gaze as best she could, catching sight of familiar boots. She hesitantly whispered, “L-Link?”
Hands rested around her waist, making her heart speed up far more than it really should have (and oh why did that have to be the case, when they used to be able to laugh and play and push each other and fight as children and never was it so strange or awkward or different), and she was gently lifted out of the bush and placed on the ground. Link’s hold stayed on her as he stared at her, face calm but eyes soft, one cheek sucked in like he was trying desperately not to laugh. Mipha’s eyes looked frantically around them, and she was relieved to see that the rest of the party must have moved forward without him.
“O-oh, I’m—that was so incredibly—I’m very sorry, Link,” Mipha stammered, growing ever more frantic the longer the two of them stood so close to each other. Link’s hands slid off her waist at that, and he took a step back. Mipha cleared her throat and also mirrored the move, giving both of them more breathing room. “W-well. I. Yes. Thank you.”
Link watched her for a while longer, all earlier frazzled energy long gone. He was back to the stoic knight he always seemed to be, or at least most of the time. His eyes caught sight of something, and he reached forward to pluck a leaf out of her jewelry on her head.
Mipha felt herself blush in embarrassment at the reminder of her silly maneuver and even sillier predicament, and she ran her fingers across all her jewelry to ensure she was presentable. Trying to push the matter aside, she asked, “D-did… did everything go well with the goddess?”
Her friend nodded.
“Well, that’s good,” Mipha said with a smile. Then she shifted a little, heart growing heavy once more. “Link, I… I’m going to be leaving tomorrow. I… it was truly wonderful to see you again. I hope, perhaps, we can see each other again soon.”
Another nod was the acknowledgement. Mipha bit back a sigh. She understood, truly. But… well…
There was a way for him to ease up a little. But he had to agree to it.
“I was wondering… before I left… if—if, well…” oh goodness, this shouldn’t be so hard to ask! They used to swim together all the time! “I was going to go for a swim in the moat tonight. Would… would you like to join me?”
Link watched her a moment, and Mipha felt like she could melt into a puddle as he deliberated it. But then he nodded again, and her heart fluttered as a genuine smile pulled at her lips. She gave him a place where they could meet up, and he nodded, continuing along the path where the others had gone.
To say that he felt sure of anything in his life anymore was little more than a joke. Ever since his wife’s death and the prophecy, King Rhoam had felt like his life had spiraled entirely out of control. He had been an outsider to the royals, marrying into the family, purely there for support of his wife as she ruled the kingdom and served as a religious symbol and leader to their people. Yet her untimely death left him in charge, a man who had not been raised for such a rule, a man who had to do everything in his power to be the steady leader the people looked up to him to be, and to somehow raise his daughter to be just as wise and powerful as her mother.
He was failing, of course. As was Zelda. But Rhoam had continued to persevere, and if pushing his daughter to the breaking point was the way to protect her and help her grow, he’d be the subject of her ire. Despite it all, she had to prevail, even if he was failing.
But by the ancient goddesses, he had never in his life felt so utterly useless and lost. The franticness and demands that Her Grace Hylia had spouted during their conversation rang in his mind like a bell. Words of a mystical Triforce, something that was only remembered through symbolism and threadbare stories, made him feel far more incapable than he thought possible. How could he have failed Hyrule so? The prophecy had spoken of the solution to the Calamity being found under the ground, and the ancient Sheikah tech had been discovered buried in the earth. It had seemed heaven-sent solution, alongside the appearance of the Hero. Rhoam had just needed to get Zelda ready and it would have been fine. But what of the Triforce, then? The goddess seemed downright frantic at his lack of knowledge on the matter, and though she had promised to help Zelda, giving him hope, he still felt like he’d failed catastrophically.
He had to figure this out. A trip to the royal library was in order. To his surprise, the king found his daughter there as well. “Zelda?”
His dearest yelped as she whirled around. “Father! I was just doing some research and preparation. Her Grace, the goddess Hylia, and her Sacred Hero will be accompanying me as I show them the Divine Beasts and—”
The Divine Beasts?! What did that have to do with her training? Feeling his cheeks grow hot, the king interrupted, “You should be focusing on your duty, Zelda, not that of the Champions. Do not waste such prestigious guests’ time. I prayed to Her Grace for your sake.”
Zelda stiffened. “Y-yes, I—I know, Father, I just—they wanted to see them too.”
Oh. Well, then. The king found himself incapable of backtracking after snapping at her, and he felt all the worse for it. “When will you leave?”
“The sooner the better,” his daughter answered, regaining some of her excitement, though it was far more muted. Rhoam truly prayed that Hylia could help his child – the sooner she could discover her powers, the sooner she could be safe, the kingdom could be safe, and maybe… maybe he could attempt to rebuild his relationship with her. “I was thinking tomorrow, perhaps? But I wanted to plan the trip a little first.”
Rhoam agreed that the sooner his daughter could embark on her training the better, but he also felt his heart beat a little faster at the thought of such a quick departure. It wasn’t just his daughter with her appointed knight, a pair who could travel fairly indiscriminately and not attract too much attention outside of towns and villages. The two were safe together. But to include the goddess and her Hero… it felt nearly inappropriate to rush such a journey with them involved. Perhaps he should get the captain of the royal guard and arrange for some kind of escort?
The king left his daughter in peace to prepare, catching movement out of the corner of his eye, but when he looked there was no one there. Filling with anxious energy, he set out to summon the captain and then he could return to his own studies. Perhaps he should save researching about the Triforce for tomorrow… but no. He had to focus on his own duties as much as he pushed Zelda to focus on hers.
The captain of the royal guard came promptly when called for, and he knelt immediately upon entering the sanctum.
“Rise,” Rhoam ordered. “My daughter will be setting out with her knight tomorrow, and Her Grace, the Goddess Hylia, will be accompanying them alongside the Hero of Myth. I want to ensure their security is of paramount importance.”
Captain Abel watched the king a moment, stoic demeanor the spitting image of his son. The boy had come from a fine lineage of knights, and his father was no different. The captain was reliable, and Rhoam waited patiently as the man thought through the process.
“Your Majesty,” he started. “With all due respect, Princess Zelda and Her Grace Hylia are protected by the best Hylian knight in the land and the Hero of Myth and Legend, a warrior created by the goddess for the sole purpose of defeating Ganon. It would be a misuse of resources to send the royal guard, or even a battalion of knights, to go with them. We must stay here and protect you and the royal scientists, as well as their important work on the guardians.”
Ah, and this was where father differed from son. Link was a silent knight, obeying every command given to him. While his father’s loyalty was unquestionable, the man did what he believed was best for Hyrule, and though he would also inevitably follow any command ordered of him, he might offer a rebuttal first. Rhoam appreciated it, as his advice was usually sound.
Such as now. But the king couldn’t help but worry. “Surely we can afford to send at least a few knights, Captain.”
“I will do as Your Majesty commands if you wish it so,” the captain answered with a bow. “Where will they be going?”
“They will be visiting the Divine Beasts, as well as the sacred springs,” Rhoam replied.
Captain Abel remained quiet a moment, considering, and then suggested, “Perhaps we could request the Champions to accompany them? I can think of no finer protection.”
Ah, yes, of course! Although Rhoam had little authority to command certain Champions to act as guards for his daughter, they would be obliged to accompany Hylia, particularly if going to their own domains. Rhoam smiled at the captain. “That is a perfect idea, Captain. Please, summon the Champions to the sanctum. I will make my request to them.”
The royal knight bowed deeply before exiting the sanctum, leaving Rhoam to his thoughts. With the added protection of the Champions, the goddess would be both safe and honored properly. Perhaps it would help his daughter focus a little better too, as she often lost her way when left in charge of an expedition. Nevertheless, Zelda was the commander of the Champions, and it was good for her to travel a bit more with them anyway. Rhoam prayed it was enough. He would research tirelessly on other ways to help, however minimal it might be.
It would be enough. It had to be.
The sun hung heavily on the horizon as Link and Zelda sat side by side on stone that helped support the highest tower in the castle. After the fairly awkward picnic lunch, the group had gone their separate ways, Champion disappearing entirely upon reentering the castle grounds while Zellie eagerly said she’d plan out their trip and vanished around a corner. Link and Zelda had remained quiet for most of the afternoon, piecing together their resolve while still drawing strength from each other. They had silently grown tired of the confinement of the stone walls and climbed to the highest point of the castle. The air was a touch chillier here, though not nearly clear and relieving enough, but it was still better than being trapped inside.
And Zelda would be lying if she said it wasn’t beautiful.
The scale of the castle was all the more apparent up here, rivaling Skyloft in size, and Castle Town was nearly as large. Beyond the large protective walls of the town was the sprawling green beauty of greater Hyrule, and settlements speckled the area, promising of more to see and more to explore. Zelda could hardly believe it.
Link’s fingers settled over hers as he shifted his hand closer. Zelda glanced over at him, seeing the sunlight sparkle in his eyes as he gazed out in wonder.
This felt like all the times they’d sit together at the edge of Skyloft, having played themselves into exhaustion and silence. Link had always been a quiet one, and Zelda had never had an issue with it, sometimes enjoying the tenderness such silence could bring. She especially appreciated it on days that Groose was particularly loud and annoying.
But looking at her beloved husband right now reminded her of their earlier fight, of his words and the princess’ fears and the king’s request and her own anxieties. She again found herself wondering how she was going to juggle all this, how she could help the princess fight Demise, how they could even defeat him this time. At least with a trip to look at these divine beast things, there was a plan in place. Zelda could work with a plan.
Besides… maybe the springs could hold something for her as well. Maybe… maybe in the past… when she’d been Hylia… surely she’d seen this coming, right?
Zelda didn’t know what to do. She had no guide. She missed Impa so much it hurt.
At least I have Link with me this time, she thought, though there was a touch of bitterness to it. Of course he was with her this time – it wasn’t like he could escape this wretched fate, either. But honestly… she couldn’t imagine dealing with this with anyone else. As much as she wished Impa was here, she was forever grateful that Link was. If only both of them could accompany her. If only things could make sense.
But never mind that. There was a whole new world to explore. The Surface had been amazingly new and beautiful, and her restored memories had not lessened that. She couldn’t wait to see what the Surface had become now.
She tried to focus on that, tried to reorient her mind to recognizing that this wasn’t just a terrifying preparation for the war to begin anew. It was an adventure, and she would make sure it ended well.
But wait. Someone else had been on their adventure.
Zelda found herself thinking of her own people, of her friends and her father and the other settlers. She hoped and prayed they were alright.
And that they wouldn’t get near the Gate. Surely… surely they wouldn’t. There was no way they could. Groose was injured (Golden Three, she hoped he was doing okay), and no one else dared enter the Sealed Temple.
She hoped the guards she asked for would keep the place safe.
Zelda leaned over, letting her head rest on Link’s shoulder, and her husband settled his head atop hers. Tomorrow was going to be the start of something entirely new, and she was glad they would face it together.
“I love you,” she whispered.
Link turned his head to nuzzle into her hair a little more, and his arm moved to wrap around her. “I love you too.”
Hyrule Castle hummed with anticipation as the last rays of sunlight seeped out of the sky. Champions genuflected to the king, spoke with their guards and servants, and prepared themselves for the honor of accompanying a deity. The princess of Hyrule sprawled out on her bed, maps and books all over the covers, though they did little benefit as the girl’s head slowly plopped directly on to a book about the history of the Temple of Time, soft snores escaping her. The royal guards protecting the goddess’ quarters grew anxious as no goddess appeared, while two teenagers snuggled high up above the castle, enjoying the clear night sky. The captain of the guard prayed quietly in his quarters, dinner forgotten, as he thought about the trip the next day. The king moved restlessly through the royal library as he tried to find any clues of the Triforce.
Meanwhile, the princess’ appointed knight snuck around the castle walls, looking around the docks before finding a suitable place to strip off his shirt as the Zora princess waved at him.
The water was cold, and Link felt himself involuntarily gasp as he dipped his bare feet into it. Grabbing hold of his resolve, he leapt into the water, knowing the best way to adjust to the temperature was to just take the plunge. He let it invigorate him, startling all the worries of the day out of his mind as he just focused on swimming. Somehow, just floating in the water helped carry his worries away. He always enjoyed it.
Mipha giggled, catching his attention, and he swam over to her, smiling. They hadn’t done this in what felt like years—maybe it actually had been that long. He hadn’t realized how much he’d missed it until just now.
“Oh Link,” Mipha said happily. “I’m so glad you could join me!”
Link’s smile grew, and the princess took that as a cue to continue.
“King Rhoam asked for me,” she noted, catching his attention. “Alongside all the other Champions. He asked us to accompany you and the princess as she took the goddess Hylia around Hyrule. I could hardly say no to such a request, but—oh, Link, how can I even get near such a being? Surely I’m not worthy of that. Do you think she’ll go in a carriage or something? At least that way she’ll never see me.”
Link stared at her a moment, letting the words flow through him like the water. The king wished the Champions to go with them? That wasn’t unreasonable, but it certainly changed things a little. Mostly for the better, honestly.
Except for Revali. Ugh. Great.
But having Mipha around would be nice. And Princess Zelda would appreciate Chief Urbosa’s company. Not to mention Daruk’s company would be nice. Though… Link wasn’t sure how Hylia or her Hero would take it.
But Mipha’s concerns registered in his mind, and he shook his head. In the solitude of the castle waters, he didn’t have to hide himself, though the paranoia persisted despite being with his friend. He pushed himself to speak freely. “She’s… not what I expected. I don’t think she’ll dislike you, Mipha.”
“Perhaps,” his friend agreed uncertainly, eyes looking at the moonlight dancing on the water.
“Nobody could dislike you,” Link reassured her, swimming a little closer and sinking into the water so he ended up in her line of sight. Mipha giggled at him as the only part of him that was visible above water was from his nose to the top of his head. She dove abruptly, and Link followed suit, the pair smiling at each other as they swam in circles. It almost felt like they were kids again, playing in Zora’s Domain while Link’s father was assigned there. It almost made him forget everything that was happening.
Though, now that he had stepped away from the others, now that he was allowed to just have some simple fun and be with a friend, his mind felt much clearer. The usual immense weight on his shoulders felt a little less heavy, even just momentarily. While Hylia herself was still quite the mystery, her Hero was less so. And while Link still felt a little intimidated approaching him or Her Grace, he could at least draw courage from the fact that neither of them hated him.
He hoped the trip would be fruitful for Zelda. He truly did. The poor princess deserved it.
But what else would this trip bring? What could Link possibly contribute to it? Nothing, he supposed, except for his protection, as always. He supposed that was enough.
As Link and Mipha breached the water’s surface, he glanced back at the castle, wondering what this journey would bring. The playful moment was gone, Mipha stilled beside him, and then she said quietly, “The Calamity draws ever nearer… but Link… we have so much going for us. It must all end well, right?”
I don’t know. He truly didn’t. But… he nodded nonetheless. Because Mipha didn’t need to worry, and honestly, Link would do everything in his power to ensure that Calamity Ganon would be defeated. That had always been enough.
“I pray it will,” Mipha continued, before smiling gently at him. “I will strive to improve my fighting abilities in the meantime. I hope Her Grace and the Hero enjoy seeing the Domain—oh! Oh, I must send word to my father! We can’t be unprepared over such a visit!”
And just like that, his friend was in a frenzy, fretting about divine visitors and speaking about how Zora’s Domain should be ready. Link followed her back to the shore, somewhat amused—he was pretty certain there was nothing she could do to alert her father at the moment, but he was no stranger to worrying over everything and nothing in the middle of the night—and the pair snuck back into the castle. Link tried to hide his shivers as he crept along, listening to water drip off them both on the cobblestone.
“Oh, you’re freezing!” Mipha fretted, immediately grabbing him and holding him close. Link felt his heart skip a beat and by the goddesses he wished he didn’t—they’d done this as children; all the Zora had huddled together for warmth when exiting frigid waters. As children they weren’t quite adept and regulating their temperature, and they knew that Link himself was not capable. But it felt—now it was—
Link swallowed, feeling his cheeks warm up far faster than the rest of him, and Mipha froze. The two locked eyes for a moment, and the Zora princess immediately spluttered and stumbled back so quickly she nearly fell into yet another plant. Link reached out automatically, catching her by the wrist, and she hastily said, “I m-must go, I’m so very sorry, Link, good night!”
The young knight watched his friend practically flee indoors, and he felt… he didn’t know. Guilty? Sad? Embarrassed? All three?
He sighed as his gaze drifted upward along the castle. The worries from a moment ago bled out of him easily as anxieties over tomorrow filled the void. He didn’t think he would be sleeping much tonight. But the focus was back on Princess Zelda, where it belonged. He was there to fulfill a duty as well, but it didn’t require attention or scrutiny. He could guard and watch. He could do that.
He found himself wondering if the Hero of Legend would do that as well. He found himself wondering what he was even supposed to do with that Hero.
He didn’t know what he was supposed to do anymore, honestly. And while he no longer held any worry that his predecessor hated him, he certainly had little idea of how to help him. Assuming he even needed help.
It was all just… confusing. If this trip was fruitful in any way, he hoped it would at least make things less confusing.
I suppose I’ll find out, he thought as he followed Mipha’s wet footprints inside the castle, slipping back into the façade of the perfect soldier.
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iamumbra195 · 6 months
You know what I just realized? Jason Todd is the Dabi/Todoroki Touya of the Batman fandom
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for a little bit there, i forgot about secondary goals in scenes and that might've been part of why writing has been so fucking hard.
anyhoo, i remember now. So now i have a whole checklist of Shit That Needs to Be Done this chapter. I am giving myself just one chapter to do it all. And all the groundies are doing is sitting there. Doesn't sounds so complicated, right?
holy fucking shit. i am excited to see if i can do it.
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narrans · 6 months
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Hey there tall, small, and in the walls!
It's official! Hero is up next for the OC Ask saga.
If you have any questions for our friendly neighborhood Borrower, comment down below or message me directly on any of my social media platforms.
Thank you all so much for your love and support and I can't wait to see your questions for Hero.
Cheers and, as always, stay awesome! ~Narrans
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naturenaruto · 3 months
#killer bee sweepppp sndnsj#anyways killer bee bc hes so fuckin irritating i dont even want his tailed beast i would just kill him#jiraiya bc he mughtve once been funny but in his old age he let himself go. just an old creep now pip pip#kushina bc her rage and resentment over failed dreams is understandable but her abusiveness is not#fugaku bc those two lines under his mouth piss me tf off and hes the reason itachi had to do that. also he was mean to bb saske insta-die#those two elders are fuckinng everyone else over to satiate their need to conquer their own trauma. like is it enough. could it ever be#danzo idk his pissy litle voice and the fact that he tries so hard to be cool but hes just not. obviously hes living thru his little boytoy#hiruzen he just pisses me off. like in general. like ur not the hero and u had ur son murdered bc ur obsessed with a little boy. so#sakura dont get me wrong shes the epitamy of complicated mostly shes just annoying bc she wants to be different but then it doesnt happen#gai i like gai dont get me wrong but he does get annoying sometimes and i have issues with him and tenten idk#obito is literly incel annoying like he used rin as his sunshine power a complete lack of self awareness and hes that type that like uses#girls as like little cheerleaders like theyre just supporting characters for His Life and not actusl people#rin is so annoying too tho like damn girl i Understand the torment of having to hype up a mid guy that cheesed on you. like that was legit#probly harder for u than the exams but shes annoying bc she then used that role and idk something grody about her manipulating them but ma#naruto
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welcometogrouchland · 2 years
Actually. The most fucked up line from the trailer is how the collectors collect things so they can "never pass". Because I mean like. The Implications of it.
In a show that's all about change and grief. Where the collectors' main enemies were the Titans, beings that notably made new life, instead of just preserving what was already there. Where the main villains motive is his selfish inability to let go of his big brother and their childhood dream, resulting in a brutal cycle of destruction for the grimwalkers and the near genocide of the boilings isles. Where the main character's conflict stems from being pulled between an old, familiar but unkind world where she has only one person whos fighting for her, and a new, strange, horrifying but ultimately accepting world where she's grown a family that's now in danger of being turned into mindless puppets.
This is the thematic backdrop against which the collector and his kind have been set.
In other words: my friend who's seen spoilers was right. This episode IS going to make me cry
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gay-hoe-boy · 7 months
Aizawa: I'm thinking clearly
Also Aizawa: Thinking of his daughter smiling
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starlooove · 15 days
Call me jaded bitter and black but I’ll never care about the nuances of the police fill in on tv. Like we already have to deal with the ‘my dad is a cop :(‘ or ‘my broke brother joined the military’ irl why the fuck am I wasting my brain power on Caitlyn or vi. Like we know materialistically the authority of being a cop can get u what u want faster and that emotionally u either need strict routine with an outlet for ur violence or ur so used to it that u have to be a cop. I still fucking hate u tho like idc about how sad u are about being privileged and I said cop fill in but it’s really every kind of that character on tv like Zuko esque sorry I genuinely have less empathy for you than I do for other people idc
#vis a bit eh#but sorry idgaf about Caitlyn on principal of her being an enforcer#vi can be gay w/ anybody else#do I hate how silco is woobified as a skinny white man especially in comparison to sevika#who arguably has Better morals - if better is defined by not directly doing the MOST heinous shit?#yeah#do I hate how yt ppl are yt ppling for Caitvi and jinx in order to call them revolutionaries or what zaun needs like ekkos not right there?#like his obstacles haven’t been THEM the whole time?#them as in the systems they work to maintain now?#YES#idk shit about season 2 this ain’t about that#if I’m wrong whoops#but yeah I hate that ekko got so little screen time but what little we see of him is taken and jammed into the other characters by fandom#jinx is not a communist bro she’s a white girl who’s mad and gets to break shit for a cause peddled to her by a white man who’s only issue#is his own position in life and fuck everyone else unless it’s to keep them in line and loyal#does she have the potential?#eh. whatever idc#but the whole she carried zaun on her back thing? mm#and it’s not even explored in a humans thirsting for revenge and violence and power fantasies in their idols as opposed to the tangible#change they could make at ground level#ie the idolization of jinx’s act of violence that stemmed from her own feelings of hurt towards her own personal situation which just so#happened to be tangled with the council#vs ppl saying the firelights stopping shimmer production does nothing or their own base is bad bc not everyone is invited. also double#standards. racially charged but we knew that#but yeah not it’s not even explored in that way it’s just genuine ‘the ppl love jinx bc she’s a hero!’ and ignoring ekko and his cause#entirely. do I think this worship could be the shove to rock bottom thatll eventually nudge her in the right direction? maybe idc#but it’s weird that nobody sees this as like weird. like ekkos about that action and has the principals to back it up#like he’s standing on business and jinx is waving a gun around to prove she’s not a naive weak kid anymore and that’s it
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if i had to stop at only one headcanon about casey jr and future raph ever its that middle ground where casey did know him just when he was younger so the vibe is 
someone asks about future raph at some point and with ALL the same reverence of talking about greatest ninjas greatest inventors mystic masters amazing commanders and their big heroic battles etc etc casey is just like “he called me little snapper bc when i first met him i was like 3 and i tried to bite him. when i was 7 he looped a rope around his arm and stood there with it held out for hours so i could play on a swing. he was my best friend.”
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