#Evanora Adopts
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draco-glacialis · 5 months ago
Agatha: Lilia, I got suspended from school…
Lilia: WHAT?!?! What did you do?
Agatha: My teacher pointed at me with a ruler, and he said “there is an idiot at the end of this ruler”.
Lilia: And…?
Agatha: I asked which end…
Lilia, unable to contain their laughter: Okay, you just made my day.
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moiraineology · 3 months ago
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Agatha All Along (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Agatha Harkness/Rio Vidal, Agatha Harkness & Billy Maximoff Characters: Agatha Harkness, Rio Vidal, Billy Maximoff, Evanora Harkness, Jennifer Kale Additional Tags: Christmas Fluff, frenemies to lovers, Co-workers, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Non-Magical Summary:
Agatha and Rio are office rivals who find themselves on a holiday road trip to visit Agatha's ailing mother. All of the expected hijinks ensue.
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marvelousazula · 3 months ago
Agatha calling Rio: help, I think I've been adopted by a witch and a human, they're being motherly.
*amused Billy noises*
Agatha: Teen said he approves, hELp.
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cassiebones · 5 months ago
I think it's a hallucination
I think that the Salem Seven's bugs bit/stung the group as they flew through them because, otherwise, what was the point of including that in the episode? It didn't do shit to stop them. It would have been more effective for that one Salemite to stay there, blocking them with her body. She may have caught at least one of them or slowed them down for the others to catch up.
So, assuming they did get bit/stung by those bugs and assuming they are, in fact, all hallucinating:
They're not all hallucinating the same thing.
This episode was mainly Agatha's hallucination, obviously. She's the one they most want to punish. I guess she never explained why their parents died, or they were just too upset to care why it happened, just that it did happen. It's said that they were young, so how young are we talking? Younger than Agatha, most likely. Maybe they were babies and toddlers, being cared for by other parents/ family members, who filled their heads with the same vitriol that led to Agatha's attempted execution by their mothers.
Honestly, Agatha should have adopted them all and turned them into her little army of baby witches, but she didn't. She was probably also scarred by the experience and then literally meeting Death (aka Rio Vidal, the love of her life) and got distracted.
But that makes me think that, maybe, when a witch is killed in a duel, it's expected for the witch to wipe out the children, to end the bloodline with that witch. And Agatha Harkness showed mercy to these babies. She allowed them to live, which eventually became her biggest regret.
Showing Humanity is one of Agatha's biggest regrets.
That explains so much about this woman, I swear.
Anyway, hallucinations.
Agatha's is an embodiment of everything she has ever feared:
Losing Control - Agatha cannot rely on other people. She learned that, probably, at a young age because her mother despised her. She kept Agatha alive despite her claims that she knew she should have killed Agatha when she was born. I cannot find shit about her father, but he's never mentioned so maybe he wasn't in the picture. Hard to believe Evanora wouldn't have been married before having children but idk. Bitch is crazy. Anyway, Agatha knew that she couldn't rely on anybody: not her mother, not even her own coven. She was alone in the world, even when Rio came. She tried not to rely on anybody. Being possessed means relying on others to save her.
Her mother - this old fucking crone. I cannot stand her. Just in, like, six minutes of an episode, I have beef with an old ghost. This woman terrorized her daughter from the moment she was born. She "knew" she was evil (then why didn't you kill her, Voldemort? she was a baby. all you needed was a knife. or just leave her somewhere without food?!?! lying bitch...sorry) and yet raised this child, torturing her, punishing her for shit she probably had no control over. If Agatha had a father, he definitely didn't protect her. Probably didn't love her, either. Poor Agatha had such a rough start. And this bitch CONTINUES to try and torture her daughter. WTF just die.
Her coven turning on her - trauma, trauma, trauma. Agatha can be callous, but she has shown each of them kindness while they've been on the road. But still they immediately turn on her, frothing at the mouth to punish her, to leave her behind with her mother. Agatha shows genuine fear for the first time and the only one who has empathy is Teen. And Rio, I think, because both Rio and Agatha know that she can't actually do anything to Agatha, and even if Agatha dies, that they'll be together.
Involuntary Power Grab - I believe Agatha when she says that she couldn't control it when she took Alice's power. The same thing happened to her as a young witch. She didn't know that she could do that, that that was something that could happen just from people blasting her with their magic. But, of course, she knew that nobody would believe her. Even the teen boy who had been so enthralled her is blaming her for what happened to his friend. It's grief, I know, but still.
Agatha cries "I can be good" and it breaks my heart (Kathryn better get an Emmy for this one) because this is a middle-aged witch (I'm guessing, Idk how old witches get, but this iteration was probably 20 when they tried to kill her in the 1600's so...eh) who is begging for understanding and forgiveness, for them to take her with them because she is so fucking terrified of her own mother.
And then she inadvertently kills a member of her coven. A member who was trying to save her while the others stood and watched. She didn't mean to do it, didn't want Alice to die, but who's going to believe her based on her past? Nobody.
I believe the also worst fears were for Teen, who had gone into this practically worshipping Agatha, and then he was seemingly proven wrong about her. What everybody else said is correct; Agatha is power-hungry and cares for nobody. She's just a remorseless killer.
Or it could be another part of her own fears. Finally, she has somebody who gives her praise (besides Rio) who has heard all the legends and likes her, anyway. Teen treats her like a hero, like a powerful witch, and goddammit does she care about him. She cares so much about this child, who has become almost like a stand-in for Nicholas. And the way she tries to explain to him, desperate for him to understand her? Ugh, my heart.
I'm gonna trust that Jac Schaeffer knows what she's doing and that the next episode is going to be a sort of Part 2 to this. That we may see either the other hallucinations or what really is happening here.
I, personally, cannot wait.
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azysia · 3 months ago
Hello everyone!
I need your advice real quick. I'm writing a modern setting no magic AU for Agatha All Along where everyone is alive (at the beginning at least) and I'm in need of some ideas or headcanons that you would like to read. I have many of my own but I'd really like to hear something from another perspective. I have ideas for three stories right now but I'll start with one at a time. Which one should I write first? Do you have any ideas for any of it that I can add here?
1. Where Agatha is a little girl living in an orphanage after her mother abandoned her (better for Agatha tbh). Agatha makes friends with Alice and it turns out they have more in common than it seemed. They become friends. Now option A. Alice is living with Lilia after her mom died or B. Alice is living with Lorna but Lorna and Lilia are friends. Alice talks about Agatha all the time and when Lilia hears it it makes her think of her own past and upbringing. Lorna knows that Lilia had lost her family before they met. They talk about it for a while. Lilia eventually adopts a girl and she's living with her (alongside young Alice in option A and alone with Alice and her mother as neighbours in option B). Jen is Alice's friend from school and Rio is a girl from around somewhere (where? Not gonna tell you yet). Don't know where that story is going, I have it mostly planned for like just a half. (Teen went out the window for this one)
2. Agatha is the youngest here, she's a teen. Alice is Agatha's only friend (Agatha's in denial and she doesn't acknowledge it but Alice knows). Lilia is Evanora's friend (like they talk much but don't really see each other) so she doesn't know what Evanora's doing to her daughter. She finds out and tries to confront Evanora but the woman's a delulu bítch. Evanora's committing suicide and Lila's doing everything she can to take Agatha in, because they already know each other somehow and she doesn't want her to end up in foster care with random people. She's blaming herself for not noticing sooner and for Evanora's death, even though it wasn't really her fault. After some time she takes Agatha in and chaos ensues. (can't tell you what. I know where Rio is in here, can't tell you either. Where is Jenn and Billy? I don't know, you tell me)
3. Agatha's like 20 in this. She's dating Rio but her mother doesn't know about it. She's in some kind of Westview gay club groupchat and that's how she met Rio, Alice, Jen, Lilia and Billy. Billy goes to her house but Evanora opens him (Agatha's not there) and she's asking who is he. So he tells her about why he's here and Evanora finds out about the groupchat (Billy doesn't know Evanora doesn't approve, Agatha doesn't talk about her and his own parents are really understanding). He's kicked out so he calls Agatha and tells her what happened. She decides not to come home so she does best second thing she can. She runs. The she's missing for a few days but only the groupchat cares. Eventually Jen finds her (they're not really friendly with each other but Alice likes them both, so they're putting up with it). Then she comes to live with Rio while trying to avoid her mother at all costs, but she's guilty about it.
And Sharon is like that nosy neighbour in every one of these cause I can't imagine her differently, sorry.
I can't give you like full details but that's mostly what the stories are about. Maybe not that straightforward, I'm gonna make it a little more dramatic (I love seeing people suffer, don't mind me) but I need your opinion.
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hotbingusbf · 5 months ago
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New oc
His name is Salt
He adopted Razor after Evanora disappeared
He likes stars :3
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fleabagreact · 4 months ago
If Agatha was being accused by her coven of practicing black magic but she still didn't have possession of the Darkhold as we saw in her flashbacks with Nicky, would her coven have set her up? So, Evanora Harkness could prove that her daughter had always been a freak? As much as Agatha's behavior has been erratic at all the times we thought it wasn't, I still believe she has adopted this evil persona and used forbidden knowledge to gain a better understanding of her powers and also how to control them.
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witchkillr · 4 months ago
* verse drop: modern no magic.
the harkness family lineage is ashkenazi jewish. evanora was a fundamentalist christian and raised agatha in that tradition as well. her father died when she was too young to remember him.
the other main thing evanora was is abusive, especially when agatha began to develop certain """deviant proclivities""" (read: pasted sapphic poetry into her PRIVATE journal that evanora helped herself to). agatha killed her at age eighteen, inheriting her family fortune in the process. she was never charged.
this awoke in her a bloodlust that she would become highly skilled at indulging over the course of her life. throughout all that follows, agatha is also developing her signature (incredibly thought out, competent and discreetly repeatable) way of committing murder.
double majors in history (with a concentration in american history circa late 1600s) and criminal psychology at harvard, then goes on to publish several seminal books re: witchcraft and the occult, eventually teaching at princeton.
marries [a woman, i generally conceive of her as rio but will not assume this in threads with rios], adopts nick. i hc him as autistic here. agatha is neurodivergent in some other way. she does not kill anyone for the entirety of nick's life, but after he succumbs to his illness she falls back into the "habit" with fresh intensity. there's an ugly divorce.
serial womanizer.
fashion girlie in the extreme. if it isn't designer (she has a particular fondness for vintage chanel and owns at least one custom armani suit) she is not wearing it.
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rootspiral · 4 months ago
(Wandavision entries: [1][2][3])
(AAA entries: ep1 [1][2][3][4] ep2 [1][2][3][4] ep3 [1][2][3] ep4 [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][+1] ep5 [1][2][3][4][5] ep6 [1][2][3] ep7 [1][2][3][4][5][6] ep8 [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9] ep9 [1][2][3][4][5][6])
In which I continue looking through Agatha scenes in Wandavision, I want to get to AAA nowwwwww but I can't stop taking screenshots. I forgot how good this show is
We are on episode 6 and it's naughty couture time! (so much for less screenshotting)
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Oh wow, these three together, very cute and not painful in any way! Also not foreshadowing or anything.
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I'm not clear on this point, did Ralph have ANY free will or was Agatha just puppeteering him at all times? Because he totally sounds like Agatha doing a half-assed Quicksilver impression. You want to know about Wanda's trauma, don't you Fietro???
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Bit much there, buddy. That's right. Too much ham. Off you go.
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yep, that's Agatha's manipulative ass alright. and she almost got away with it too.
Episode 7, where Agatha can't wait to get her paws on those little boys and do horrible villainous things to them (like making them snacks and watch cartoons. And some light trauma)
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That's why Billy's her favorite, he's such a mama's boy.
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the exact faces the three of them will make when auntie Agatha tries to ghost-mom the twins
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babies are delicious
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why is she being such an ASSHOLE TO WANDA OH MY GOD. psychological torture for days and days and days
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IMMEDIATELY tries to bond with Billy. she's also prodding for his powers but there's genuine kindness there too
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Billy genuinely likes Agatha though, that's the thing. despite everything, even in the future he instinctively trusts her and seeks her out. in a way they kind of adopt each other
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why does her voice get so tender goddamnit Hahn. you know Agatha is thinking about Nicky and having so many feels
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this whole dynamic really hits differently now, doesn't it?
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her body language with Monica is so threatening, she's containing herself but you can see she wants to KILL
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At this point Monica and SWORD are approaching and there's not much time left, so Agatha takes another big risk and openly approaches Wanda - or actually, not *much* more openly. She goes from over-the-top neighbor to over-the-top witch, the same trick she always uses, except she never went against someone as scary powerful as Wanda. She is truly gambling here, and you can tell by how rigid her body language is. She's projecting strength more than feeling it, and I think she's using señor Scratchy both as a prop for her villain persona (hilarious. that's a cuddly bunny, you idiot!) and also as moral strength, she's holding him like a shield.
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^^Agatha when she's purposely being a clown and fucking with people
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^^the real Agatha, razor-focused, serious, and, more often than not, cruel.
Episode 8. We now know that Evanora hates Agatha because she was born with succubus powers - born different, born evil, queer analogies abound. Jac Schaeffer says that Agatha has never been loved by her mother or really by anyone before she met Rio, so let's just sit on that.
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Here we have a very young Agatha, still a teenager, already up to mischief. Interesting that Evanora does not mention her killing anyone quite yet, Agatha's crimes are about seeking knowledge, something she'll keep doing all her life. She's already a self-fulfilled prophecy, she's being bad and going against her coven because her coven calls her bad and pushes her away. This is supposedly her family, her sisters, her community. She committed a bloodless crime, and they're about to execute her for it.
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She denies, Evanora calls her out. Agatha is already refining her greatest skill: deception.
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Can she control it? Did they ever try to teach her? And why is she talking about her powers now? She is not being executed for stealing at all, is she? And she knows it. (Also I LOVE that when Agatha is at her lowest she resorts to beg. Her survival instincts are stronger than anything, even her pride, she is self-centered to her very core. That's the only way she could ever survive.)
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Evanora starts chanting "mors monstrum innaturale", death to the unnatural monster. And, I'm sorry, that's incredibly fucked up. It gets more fucked up the more I think about it.
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"Watch this, Lisa. You can actually pinpoint the second when her heart rips in half."
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The coven in an excess of prudence must have decided to kill Agatha in a joint effort, just in case her powers are too much for one witch or two. They thought they would destroy the so called evil with their moral superiority, they actually had no idea of what Agatha was capable of, and by her shocked expression, neither did she - she was never allowed to explore her abilities, not to such an extent anyway.
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That's the same expression again, completely focused and merciless. I know I'm repeating myself but the real Agatha is anything but bombastic. Her emotions are subtle but formidable.
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When I first watched this scene 3 years ago I came to the conclusion that Agatha was conning the Salemites in order to kill them. She was absolutely not. She is shell-shocked at what happened.
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Hahn is very deliberately making understated choices here. No evil cackling, no gloating, just contempt and bitterness.
And I'm running out of space again but it was worth it, this scene was so interesting to analyze. Hopefully part 3 will be the last one for Wandavision
go to part 3
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damnedsoulsneedsleep · 1 year ago
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AGE: 28 YO at time of death / 429 (spent most of this time being tortured in Hell because she sold her soul and she also refused LUCIFER’s marriage proposal)
FAMILY (biological mother) SEELIE QUEEN TATIANA (adoptive father) PIERRE DE LANCRE (jules and julian's ancestor) † (descendant of her adoptive father and business partner) FINN DE LANCRE  (adoptive child) LUCINDA L’ESPÉRANCE (who was in fact LUX) †   
PARTNERS: ENORA CLAIRE (ancestor of Evanora, Serafine and Mike), SAGE 
The lost princess was born under a blood moon and a sky devoid of stars. A bad omen, they all said. A harbinger of death and carnage. Perhaps her disappearance will bring prosperity to the kingdom after all. 
From day one, she hadn’t been destined for grandeur. As a first born child MARKED BY THE BLEEDING MOON, there was no way Princess Velara would ever ascend to the Seelie Throne of her mother’s kingdom and so she was raised at the palace (by servants) up until the tender age of 3. The Queen had only kept her around as backup heir in case she couldn’t conceive another one. Though as soon as the Queen found out she was pregnant with the legitimate heir, SHE ORDERED FOR HER FIRST CHILD TO BE KILLED IN A CLANDESTINE SACRIFICE to the Great Mother to bring prosperity to the kingdom. Fortunately for the little one, a servant snatched her just in time, glamoured her and tossed her into a portal for her own protection. LITTLE DID THE SERVANT KNOW THAT THE CHILD SHE’D SAVED WOULD WIND UP IN THE HANDS OF A HUNTER…  
She was found in the hollow of a tree by A WEALTHY HUNTER NAMED PIERRE DE LANCRE and was raised by him whilst also being of the very kind he hunted. He named her Arthenice (an anagram of the name Catherine, which means pure). And as the man who raised her held her on a pedestal, bragging about her being some kind of saint/savior who would point in the direction of magic users (she was able to feel magic in others), SHE GREW TO HATE ANY MANIFESTATION OF MAGIC IN HERSELF, WHICH SHE SUPPRESSED AND KEPT HIDDEN UNTIL SHE LET IT ALL OUT IN PUBLIC AS HER HANDMAIDEN AND ONLY FRIEND ENORA WAS BEING UNJUSTLY ACCUSED OF WITCHCRAFT. The men who held the innocent girl bled from all orifices of their faces until their bodies went limp and lifeless. That’s when the pure one they painted her as finally earned the devil’s child title.  She wasn’t a miracle child anymore nor a successful experiment of the church. She was its ruination and she needed to be annihilated. She was ultimately rescued by the friend she’d saved who turned out to be a magic user as well but was just very good at concealing her magic from her special sight. Both of them fled after Enora unleashed a curse on the village (a plague of paranoia that had the villagers turn against each other until they all burned at the stake). ENORA TAUGHT HER ALL SHE KNEW BECAUSE SHE ASKED HER TO. SHE WANTED TO KNOW ALL THERE WAS TO KNOW ABOUT WITCHCRAFT, ALL SHE WAS MISSING, LACKING. AND FROM FRIENDS AND MASTER/APPRENTICE, THEY BECAME LOVERS. Later, Enora was killed by hunters and she swore to avenge her death. To harness more power, SHE SACRIFICED HER ABILITY TO BRING LIFE INTO THIS WORLD. Power and rage was all she had left now. Even after avenging Enora’s death, she didn’t feel any better. IT WAS AN ENDLESS NIGHT, ONE EVEN THE BLOOD OF HER ENEMIES COULDN’T BRIGHTEN. 
THAT’S WHEN NYX AND THE CIRCLE OF EMBERS WAS BORN. Finding a new purpose, creating a community but, even then, THE THIRST FOR POWER STILL REMAINS AS A WAY TO FILL THE VOID. She makes quite a reputation as a young but powerful sorceress, known as both a tyrant and a savior among her kind. SHE HAS NO RESPECT FOR ANYONE WHO PERSECUTES OTHERS FOR THE SAKE OF BEING BORN LIKE THEY ARE AND FEELS A KINSHIP WITH THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN SUBJECT TO SUCH TREATMENT. Those who are part of her small yet powerful coven are considered untouchable. Her coven accomplishes deeds for supernatural beings in exchange for payment in the form of magical artefacts  orreturns of favor they would come to collect eventually and often without warning.  She’ll be known as Lady Night or the Queen of Embers. 
After Enora’s death, she buries herself in a quest for power but still longs for something more. Later when she was 25, she made a deal, selling her soul to protect the one person (adoptive child who was 10 yo at the time) that made her feel that spark of life again. Upon her arrival in Hell six years later (when she was 28 yo and the child 18), she found out that the being she bargained with was the actual Devil/Lucifer/Satan. He told her she could escape an eternity of torment if she accepted to be his wife. She spat in his face for only answer and he condemned her to endless torture whilst the child she’d made her own remained unharmed, had a fulfilling life and peacefully died of old age.
APOLLYON SAGE, LUCIFER’S SON, EVENTUALLY USED HIS SINGLE GET-OUT-OF-HELL FREE CARD TO FREE HER SOUL BEFORE THE REBELLION AGAINST HELL. Eventually, he asked her to marry him and become his Queen in the Dark Dimension but she refused. He respected her decision to not marry him and they resumed their relationship where they left off. Sage is the only person she let into her heart so far and she panicked when he asked her to marry him and be his queen because she knows what having power does to her and she’s terrified of falling back into those old patterns again. She told him she couldn’t marry him because she hadn’t processed her wife’s death, which is true but she keeps the other reasons for herself. Also, NYX IS STILL LINKED TO LUCIFER TO THIS DAY (he did it as a way to make sure Sage would never attempt to kill him because it would’ve meant killing his new love too). Even though her soul had been freed by Sage, she still isn’t able to leave Hell’s territory (for a long period of time) because of that curse. THE DARK DIMENSION IS THE FARTHEST SHE CAN GO AND THE CLOSEST TO EARTH SHE’LL EVER BE UNLESS THEY FIND A WAY TO BREAK THAT CONNECTION. If Nyx dies while living a life where she gives into her old patterns of Greed, she will end up right back into Hell and Sage’s gesture would’ve been for nothing. 
NOWADAYS, SHE’S ON AN ENDLESS QUEST TO FIND PURPOSE. She tries many things/hobbies. She currently working with FINN designing and providing gender-affirming clothing for trans and non-binary youth. She also helps pregnant people get safe abortions. Despite these modern missions of hers, SHE STRUGGLES TO ADJUST TO THE 21ST CENTURY. That’s the reason she remains in the Dark Dimension most of the time because it is modeled after the Renaissance Era, which is the time period she lived through as an earthling.
She is furious when someone breaks their word with her as she always keeps her own (some might say she does not, but if those people listened carefully to every word she says before bargaining with her, they’d know better than to complain). She despises when people lie to her and is quite prone to revenge.
She’s a master of deception and a great secret keeper. 
Several times in her life, she fell for people, often more than one person at a time, but denied herself this deeper connection, sticking to something casual instead, because loving as deeply as she could felt like betraying her wife’s memory. She’s also convinced she doesn’t deserve to be loved so deeply once again because of all the evil deeds she’s committed to fulfill her revenge fantasies and quench her thirst for power. 
She never really processed her wife’s death. She never got the chance to give her love a proper burial. She should’ve been there to protect her but she wasn’t and she will never forgive herself for what happened that day. 
She makes all her clothes herself. Sewing is a comfort for her, same for making potions. 
She cares for very few people and will always be willing to do whatever it takes, including killing, to keep them safe. She didn’t hesitate to kill a child in order to protect her own adoptive one. 
She has had multiple occasions of escaping her abusive caretaker but she never escaped until that person threatened to harm her love. The reason Nyx has stayed for so long is because she knew they would find another kid to brainwash/experiment on if she left and she didn’t want another kid to go through this, especially if she knew she could prevent another soul from suffering by enduring it all herself. Nyx wouldn’t fight for her own survival, but she did fight fiercely to protect the one person she cared about back then.
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ensiriustea · 2 years ago
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2022 art
Uomara is a pathetic loserrrrr ♠️
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lucianalight · 4 years ago
Death to the Monster of Nature
There are many examples of terrible parents in MCU; Howard, Odin, Ego, Thanos etc. The newest member of this club is Evanora. I believe there is a certain kind of cruelty and prejudice in a parent who condemns their child to death. Specially when the said child begs them for help over and over again.
Evanora, the head of Agatha’s coven accuses her of betraying the coven by stealing knowledge above her age and station and practicing the darkest of magic. Agatha answers that “I did not break your rules. They simply bent to my power”. This implies to me that she has found loopholes in the rules and used them and/or she was so powerful that the magical rules didn’t work for her.
After this admission, the witches start chanting and Agatha recognizes what they’re doing and panics and starts begging to them. Interestingly the first thing she says isn’t begging for her life. It’s a warning for the coven’s safety.
“No, I can’t control it! If only you would teach me! Help me! Please!”
Then she turns to her mother and begs her, pleads with her. But Evanora starts chanting with other witches too.
“Mors monstrum natura”
Which if I have translated it correctly(I don’t know Latin. I used Wikitionary to find the meaning), means “death to the monster of nature”. Agatha’s expression is so heartbreaking when she realizes her own mother condemns her to death.
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When the coven try to execute Agatha, at first she screams in pain, but as she had warned them and to her own surprise, her power which she could not control, reacts and starts taking the coven’s power from them.
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Then Evanora joins the execution. But Agatha still has enough compassion to not let her mother be affected.
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[Source of the gifs]
Again she begs her mother that she can be good. But Evanora rejects her.
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As some fans has noticed, this moment is a parallel to the scene where Odin rejects Loki and denies his love and approval from him, when Loki physically and mentally is hanging on the edge of an abyss. This causes Loki to commit suicide.
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[Source of the gifs]
But there are other similarities that Odin and Evanora share.
Odin raised his children with the belief that Jotuns were monsters, while one of his children was adopted from that race. He hid the truth about Loki’s race from him, claiming he wanted to protect Loki from the truth. Meaning the truth, which was Loki being Jotun, in Odin’s mind was so horrible that Loki needed protecting from!
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In TDW, Odin doesn’t give Loki a fair trial. Because he has already made up his mind about him. He calls Loki a creature he doesn’t recognize and “Laufeyson” based on the canonical tie-in comic. Odin tells Loki that his birth right was to die as a child, cast out onto a frozen rock.
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He tells Loki that the reason he won’t execute him is Frigga and sentences Loki to never seeing his mother again and solitary confinement for life. This for a crime Odin himself committed in a worse way in the past. A crime which was done when Loki’s mind was under the influence of the mind stone and he was under duress and threat of torture.
Evanora doeas the same to Agatha. Agatha in that scene, seemed like a young and curious witch who is a little arrogant because of her amount of power. She probably sought knowledge and experimented with dark magic because of these characteristics and her thirst for knowledge. But she was not evil. As she warns the coven that she can’t control her power and repeatedly begs them and her mother for help and teaching. But Evanora has already made up her mind about her. She doesn’t ask Agatha for her reasons, or what exactly happened. What they brought Agatha to, wasn’t a trial, it was a planned execution. Evanora sees her child as a monster and probably fears her because of how powerful Agatha is, and condemns her to death.
Still after all their parents done to them, Agatha and Loki still feel some kind of affection for them.
Loki, after erasing Odin’s memory brings him to a retirement home so he can be comfortable and you can clearly see how sad he was after Odin’s death.
And Agatha takes her mother’s pendant hesitantly, and wears it all the time afterward.
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As a token from the mother who created her worst fear. Because the execution was where Wanda’s magic(which shows someone their worst fear), took them in the final battle.
Agatha and Loki, unlike what their parents believed, were not monsters, nor deserved death.
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marvelousazula · 2 months ago
I love how the witches are shippable because if you think about Agatha doing the deed with them you have her coven being her exes, a twink, her estranged wife and the old lady they adopted.
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fenrirswood-hq · 2 years ago
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… the 7th of December, is when the next Full Moon happens. The covens of Fenrir’s Wood are prepared, or so they hope, and the Werewolves are happy to let go but worried about the consequences. They all have been having bad days, the break-ins, the death that showed the city once more. Some have not slept well for days now. 
As the full moon begins, several members of the community notice strange things. 
The SEVEN sleepers pass out once more - but now it’s almost to be expected - and this time their dream is of a young Witch looking at a horse. Those who know ROXANNE ALLEYNE will recognise her right away, as she faces one of the Horses of the Wild Hunt - riderless. 
During a routine inspection, ZHYAN SURI and OH CHUNG-AE, come upon the stables just within the city limits, and find the whole place lacking in magic. A spot far greater than any of the others they’ve seen. 
As the Witches learn of this news and take care of the SEVEN, a new Witch by the name of EVANORA RAY comes upon the bodies of three witches. She recognises them as her adoptive father and two others from her coven. For a moment only, because a minute later the three bodies shift to reveal three Witches from SAGA’S COVEN.
ooc; this concludes the Full Moon event! You can now use the conclusion of this night in your threads, your write about the events if you want! Friday I’ll post the next season post and introduce Fenrir’s holiday plans! Information about the deaths will follow over the weekend. For all the Supernaturals, the information above becomes common knowledge before Friday.
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mistsorceress · 3 years ago
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Name: Circe
Species: ½ Delphox, ½ Hisuian Zoroark
Type: Fire/Psychic | Fire/Ghost (later)
Gender: Female
Age: Unknown
Orientation: Straight
Current Status (Modern days): Deceased/Guardian Spirit
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She’s a Delphox with Hisuian Zoroark colors. Her fur is more flowing and wispier, giving her a more unnatural appearance. The tips of her ears, tail, cheeks, ear tufts and shoulders are red, with the tips of her fur “skirt” and ”sleeves” being white, with her paws and legs being dark grey. She is tall, slender and graceful. Sometimes she is seen around wearing a dark cloak and a pointy black witch hat, along with some amulets around her neck.  
In her ghost/spirit form, she is translucent and intangible. She doesn’t have feet and floats, but can still use some ghost-type moves on other Pokémon and hostile people who threatens those she protects.
Cerridwen (Delphox Mother);
Mowdred (Hisuian Zoroark Father);
Dahlia (Sister);
Taliesin (Lucario Mate);
Cyra (Daughter);
Myra (descendant);
Witch Partner: Evanora
Occupation: Witch/Witch’s familiar
Ability: Blaze
Home Region: Almes (fan-made)
Known moves: Flamethrower, Mystical Fire, Will-O-Wisp, Psychic, Psyshock, Shadow Ball, Future Sight, Flame Charge, Psybeam, Fire Blast
Telepathy: She can speak to humans using her psychic powers, reaching into their minds and transmiting her thoughts through a psychic link with the receiver. Because of this, she is also able to read minds, but she doesn’t do that often as she doesn’t like to pry on other’s thoughts.
Fire Manipulation: Being a fire-type Pokémon, she can naturally manipulate flames and is resistant to it.
Psychic Powers: Being half-psychic type, she is also capable of telekinesis, visions of the future and other such powers related to the mind.
Healing: Being a witch, she has a natural knowledge of healing herbs and potions and makes them to help heal injured Pokémon and people she finds lost in her forest.
Magic Knowledge: Being a witch, she has a vast knowledge of Magic and can use a variety of magic spells and enchantments.
Illusion: Due to her Zoroark heritage, she is able to cast illusions, perfecting them with the help of magic spells to make them look more real. She usually hides her identity with Illusions when walking amongst humans, since Pokémon who are able to speak are persecuted.
Connection to the spiritual realm: Being half-Hisuian Zoroark, she is able to see and communicate with spirits of the deceased. She also has a sort of resistance to ghost-types, despite her psychic typing.
Circe is usually calm and reserved, sometimes even a bit shy. She also tends to remain positive, even in the darkest of situations. She is very selfless and caring and wouldn’t hesitate to put her life on the line for those she cares about, putting the safety of others before her own. She will go to great lengths to ensure the happiness of those around her. Circe is sympathetic and sensitive to other’s feelings. She’s also creative and imaginative. She’s a natural dreamer who may be readily persuaded to pursue unrealistic objectives or ideals even when others can see that she should be following a more rational route.
She’s also very curious and loves to learn about new things. She’s also kind of a bookworm and loves to study, which helped her become a formidable witch.
Early Life
Circe was born roughly 300 years ago to a Delphox mother, Cerridwen, and a Hisuain Zoroark father, Mowdred, in a region called Almes. She, along with her sister, Dahlia, were adopted into their mother’s coven and assigned as familiars to a human witch partner. Circe was partnered to a witch named Evanora and the two became great friends. During her childhood growing up in the coven, she befriended another familiar Pokémon of her coven, an Abra named Gwydion. The two grew up together and evolved together, often training their magic and battle skills, as well as getting into lots of trouble, which led them to have developed a very strong bond.
Being a very blatant hybrid was always something that brought attention towards her. Her “exotic” looks would gather attention from people and Pokémon around her, something that always made her wonder what kind of Pokémon her father really was, especially since her sister, Dahlia, looked more like a regular Fennekin. She’d listen to her mother’s stories about her father with great curiosity and interest, prompting her to actually go on a secret trip to find him one day.
The Almes Witch Hunts
During her time period, humans started to become very supertitious towards magic users and certain kinds of Pokémon. Even a Pokémon who was able to communicate with humans somehow (through telepathy or other means) was considered a demon and hunted down. The witch hunts began and many people and their Pokémon were accused and sentenced to death by the Inquisition. Most of these targets, however, were women and that also included the Delphox species, as it was believed only females inherited the magical power (though not exactly true, as males can also wield magic, though females tend to be more powerful in it.) Because of the witch hunts, many female Delphoxes were killed and the females of the species were nearly going extinct, which is why modern-day Fennekin gender percentage has more males than females.
In these turbulent times, Circe and her coven had to live on the run, though one day they were caught by the local townsfolk and most of the witches, wizards and their familiars were executed, including Circe’s mother and her witch partner, Evanora.
The only few survivals of her coven included Gwydion, now an Alakazam and her sister, Dahlia. Tired of witnessing people and Pokémon dying, she started to help as many as she could, rescuing familiar Pokémon, but mostly the female Delphoxes, from the Inquisition.
The founding of the hidden village of Hope
In a desperate attempt to save the females of her species, along with the other persecuted Pokémon of the time, Gwydion and Circe came up with the idea of founding a hidden village for the few remaining magic Pokémon. They called it Hope, as a last hope for the few remaining magic Pokémon. The village was protected by magic and could only be found by other Pokémon.
Since humans couldn’t find the village, they sent a Lucario named Taliesin to search for it. Taliesin, being a Lucario and having the natural ability of telepathy, thus making him a potential target, joined the humans’ side as a way to protect himself from the witch trials, having to hide his natural telepathy and behaving more like a hound dog. Taliesin found Circe and chased her, but upon meeting her, he couldn’t bring himself to hand her over to the humans. He eventually decided to join her and help her save the other persecuted Pokémon. The two eventually fell in love with each other and became a couple, much to Gwydion’s sadness as he was secretly in love with Circe since they were children but never had the courage to tell her his feelings until it was too late.
Taliesin and Circe had a daughter, whom they named Cyra. But just as it seemed everything was alright, the humans managed to find the village with the help of other Pokémon and they had to run again. Circe was ambushed by a pack of houndooms and just when the humans were about to capture her, Gwydion appeared to save her, but in the battle he was terribly injured by a human spear. She managed to take him away, but his injuries were too severe. As he was dying, Gwydion declared his love for Circe and she cried, for he had never told her before.
With Gwydion’s death, she became even more determined to save the rest of the persecuted Pokémon and went to find another safe place for the hidden village.
Dahlia’s Betrayal
Gwydion’s death left more scars than it seemed, however. Circe’s sister, Dahlia, had always been envious of her sister for being such a beautiful hybrid while Dahlia looked more like her mother, a regular Delphox. And she was also in love with Gwydion, but her feelings were unreciprocated, as he loved Circe. But Dahlia blamed Gwydion’s death on Circe, as he had sacrificed himself to save her. Filled with envy, she ended up informing the humans about the hidden village’s location in exchange for her own salvation. The humans then invaded the village once again with Dahlia leading them and manage to capture Circe. Circe, however, begged Taliesin to run with their daughter and not try to save her, as she didn’t want them to die like Gwydion. Heartbroken, Taliesin did as she asked and ran away with their daughter, leaving Circe at the humans’ mercy.
Execution and Legacy
Circe was then taken away for the trial. She begged Dahlia for help but found out that her sister was actually the responsible for the attack on the village because of envy and to save her own skin. But unfortunately for Dahlia, the humans turned on her and sentenced both sisters to death. Dahlia questioned them why they were doing this and the humans replied that she was still a witch and thus deserved to die and she couldn’t buy her salvation simply by denouncing the others. Both sisters were tied to rocks and thrown in a river to drown.
Taliesin, who managed to escape with the other Pokémon, founded a new hidden village and raised Cyra with the other few survivors, which included more female Delphoxes. The village managed to survive this time and it’s still hidden from humans thanks to the protection spell. The village of New Hope now serves as a sanctuary for all the remaining magic Pokémon, but mostly to the Delphox species.
Being half-hisuain Zoroark, Circe managed to come back as a ghost. But instead of coming back for spite, she came back as a sort of guardian spirit to watch over the residents of New Hope and protect them from harm.
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sybilgrimal-kin · 4 years ago
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Is that MELISSA BENOIST? No, that’s just SYBIL GRIMALKIN. They were born on 01/10/1988 and are a WITCH (SACRED CIRCLE COVEN). They teach SPELL CASTING at Northknot University. Some say they're PERCEPTIVE and CREATIVE, but I’ve heard others say they're CLUMSY and IMPULSIVE. When you think of HER don’t you think of CRYSTALS, BOOKS and GHOSTS?
Name: Sybil Evanora Grimalkin Nickname(s): Butterfingers Birthday: October 1st, 1988 Age: 36 Zodiac Sign: Libra Sun Gender: Cis-Female Pronouns: She/Her Species: Witch Sexuality: Very Occupation: Spellcasting Professor Faceclaim: Melissa Benoist
No one really knows much about Sybil before she came to live with the Sacred Circle coven. She was orphaned at a very young age. She took care of herself for about 3 months before she was taken in
She’s very smart and very talented but she’s always been quirky and clumsy. She never grew out of it so a lot of people underestimate her abilities
Very dark and twisty on the inside bc she carries a lot of shame around her parents’ death but bubbly and loud on the outside
Deeply haunted by her parents’ death, which she blames on herself. She channels this guilt into her teaching and magic, though it often leads to moments of obsessive perfectionism
She has a pet pig, named Pig 🐷 that she adopted at 26 when she started getting baby fever. Pig is 10 now and he is very much a comforting presence during her moments of stress
Everyone knows Sybil; She’s always making herself known but almost always on accident by making a mess or falling. She has a loud personality so you’ll notice her wherever she is
She teaches spellcasting and decorates her home and classroom for special occasions and holidays. She’s known as the klutz who often has spells going wrong on students but it makes the students enjoy her class more
Exceptional with fire spells, mastering the very element she once feared
Finds solace in fire, using it as both a reminder of her past and a symbol of her strength
If you can get past her mask of goofiness, there just leaves a gloomy shadow figure who’s there but not really. She feels as though she’s just floating most of the time. It’s the shame she carries with her since childhood
She’s a guy's girl (sports, beer, and cars). She is into all the girly stuff too but just is bad at it. 
Big foodie. Loves to eat. It makes her happy
Hates that she looks like her dead moms; their names are Miranda Faye & Elara Vesper Grimalkin
She has a hidden talent for inventing magical gadgets, which she figured out by accident, such as enchanted timers or self-sorting spell ingredient jars
Despite her clumsiness, she has an innate talent for calming others and resolving crises making her a favorite among students
She is known to be late to things. Her students even know that they have a grace period at the start of her classes because she’s always late. They affectionately call the first 10 minutes of class “Sybil Time”
Sybil stands out with her charmingly disheveled look and effortlessly quirky style. Her blonde hair, often worn in a loose, wavy mane, frames her face and accentuates her expressive eyes, magnified by her signature, funky glasses. She gravitates towards a palette of dark and neutral colors, think blacks, browns, and grays, often accentuated with playful patterns or textures. Sybil is usually seen in flowy dresses or skirts, chosen for their ease of movement as she navigates her eccentric life. Her oversized bag is a constant companion, brimming with a chaotic assortment of magical gadgets, spell ingredients, and snacks. Her wardrobe and personal style reflect her blend of academic seriousness and whimsical nature. Despite her tendency to be a bit of a mess, there’s an endearing charm to her clumsy grace, making her a memorable and beloved figure in her magical community.
Sybil is a paradox of chaos and comfort, blending bubbly exuberance with a deep well of hidden pain. Outwardly vibrant, quirky, and unforgettable, she’s known for her loud laugh, creative mind, and knack for turning mishaps into teachable moments. Her students adore her warm, approachable nature, while her closest friends see the brooding, self-critical side she keeps hidden. Haunted by unresolved guilt over her parents’ deaths, Sybil channels her pain into her spellcasting and teaching, often overcompensating to prove her worth. Despite her clumsiness, she’s a formidable spellcaster, particularly skilled with fire magic, and has a surprising talent for inventing magical gadgets. Equal parts comforting and chaotic, Sybil is a loyal and loving presence whose inner turmoil only adds depth to her charm.
Trash Panda - Charmed Misfit - Foodie - Quirky Scholar - Crystals - Loves Outdoors - Bubbly - Glowing Cauldrons - Bookworm - Flowy Skirts - LOUD - Guy’s Girl - Eco-Witch - Eccentric Book Nook - Mysterious - Books Stacked Haphazardly - Klutz - Oversized Cardigans - Fitness - Playful Mysticism - Black or White - Wisdom - Handyman - Eccentric Inventor - Wandering Alchemist - The Faint Smell of Cinnamon
First Kiss This was the girl's first big love... They were children so they had no clue what real love was but they shared their lunches... they're snacks and crafts. They even shared each other's first kiss. They grew up to be just friends.
Best Friend (Astra) Sybil lived on the streets for a few months before she befriended a fellow witch. She invited her into her makeshift home and the friend would not stand for it. She was brought back to her coven and basically adopted into the family.
Parental Figure An adult or an older teenager who kind of kept their eye on the young girl as she was growing up. She was raised by the coven and mostly slept at Astra's house but there was someone looking out for her.
Ghost Parents Sybil lost her moms in a fire when she was just a little girl. There’s a lot of mystery surrounding their deaths and Sybil still carries a lot of guilt surrounding their deaths. With the ghosts being in town, she’s hoping they had some unfinished business and she could see them one more time.
tw: fire, death
"And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you..."
They all thought she died alongside her parents in the fire. However, the little orphaned six-year-old spent thirteen weeks fending for herself in the streets. Sybil made herself a home in an abandoned outhouse in the woods. She was terrified to go home... If anyone found out the truth about that terrible night, she’d be as good as dead anyway. She blamed herself for the fire and felt as though she deserved to be punished. Things were going well for her in isolation until she came across another young witch playing in the woods.
She bonded quickly with the young witch. One day, Sybil invited her back into her home and let her in on her secret. She told her how she was working on a fire spell when the house caught flames. The older witch quickly put two and two together realizing that Sybil’s family was a part of her coven and that the younger witch was supposedly dead. She brought her back to the coven after vowing to never tell her secret.
"Because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places."
The coven tried to give her the best experience of a somewhat normal childhood. She was cared for; had a lot of parental figures. She was taught about the world and trained to be a witch. Sybil became extremely outgoing and carefree while also struggling with really low self-worth issues. She still carried a lot of guilt and shame over her parents’ death although she never showed it nor talked about it. Most people knew Sybil as bubbly, loud, and sweet.
They knew things were a little off with the little girl because she obsessed over fires. She painted them, perfected how to cast them, and manipulated them to her will. She never used it for harm and people looked past it; associating it with her trauma. Other than that, things for Sybil were pretty regular. She lived life like the rest of the children around her. She rarely thought about her parents but when she did she handled it better each time.
"Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it."
Sybil continued on to become a professor at Northknot University where she teaches Spellcasting. She’s notorious for decorating her room for holidays and the occasional, accidental spell gone wrong. Her classroom is very easy to find. It has an obnoxious, talking skull hanging on the door. You can almost always find her eating or working on a new spell almost always with fire.
She is still best friends with the witch, Astra, that brought her back to her coven. Sybil considers her family at this point. She has been dating but she’s ready for something serious. She’s sort of been developing a crush on a guy she’s known since she was a teen but hasn’t built up the nerve to let him know yet. Sybil is still bubbly, outgoing and very much a klutz but there are times when she’s with her best friend that she can be her somewhat dark, gloomy self.
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