#oc evanora
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ladylyra · 7 months ago
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undertook the task of drawing all my ocs from a specific universe of mine, forgot how many i actually had so this is only batch #1. its going great
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teddyyybeaarr · 2 months ago
Edith sees bits of her mother's past and meets her grandmother
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iffasart · 7 months ago
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Here is my girl Evanora!!
She's an ambivert that likes to prank people, and also an animagi!!
The template is made by @kiwiplaetzchen here!
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Evanora Atreides formal outfit 💚🤍🖤❤️
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starcrossedjedis · 2 years ago
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like mother like daughter
♥ just three generations of badass witches ♥
tagged: @acabecca @akabluekat @arrthurpendragon @asirensrage @bravelittleflower @chrissymunson @curious-kittens-ocs @darknightfrombeyond @darkwolf76 @drbobbimorse @eddiemunscns @elmunson @fyeahharrypotterocs @harleyquinnzelz @heirsoflilith @if-you-onlyknew @julieelliewrites @kingsmakers @margoshansons @mystic-scripture @notanannoyingfangirl @ocappreciationtag @sgtbuckyybarnes @stachedocs @susiesamurai @victoriapedrcttis @foxesandmagic @reggiemantleholdmyhand-tle
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eddysocs · 3 months ago
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OC Wedding Board: Evanora Graves x Lilith
Send 💒+ an OC for a wedding board!
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Forever Tag: @baubeautyandthegeek, @kmc1989, @curious-kittens-ocs, @fanficanatic-tw, @gcthvile, @kenjioharashotspot, @immyowndefender
Evanora Graves: @itsthevilqueen, @ghostlyxserenade, @gay-and-sad-tm, @hallospaceboyy, @hermosoharry, @jkthighs, @hellbentredhead, @deepobservationcherryblossom, @venablessally, @freshmoneyalmondathlete
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manyfandomocs · 5 months ago
New HP OC Introductions
Okay so these three are revived ocs from a long long time ago (like some of my original Harry Potter ocs), huge thanks to @randomestfandoms-ocs for hearing me talk about them for the past couple days and for helping (they are all Slytherins when I first made HP ocs I only made Slytherin’s and I did not wanna change that for these guys)
Jacqueline Yaxley (Inde Navarrette FC), Catherine Ainsworth ship. Pureblood, Slytherin. Daughter of Corban Yaxley, she has been raised by deeply devoted Death Eater parents that do not settle for less than perfection. She has been raised with all the “right” people, and any time she steps out of line it is swiftly dealt with, which unfortunately for her is often. She knows her place is supposed to be with other purebloods, not mingling with muggleborns and blood traitors. But when Harry Potter starts Hogwarts and things get more and more serious, Jacqueline needs to decide what side she’s truly taking
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Daniel Potter (Jack Wolfe FC), George Weasley ship. Half-blood, Slytherin. Daniel was born just after James and Lily graduated Hogwarts, he was three years old when he lost his parents and his baby brother forever. Daniel wasn’t part of the prophecy, so Dumbledore didn’t send him to his aunt and uncle and frankly, didn’t worry too much about it. He’d go with Sirius like James and Lily intended. Except Sirius didn’t get to take him, instead Sirius tracked down Peter and, by all accounts, killed him. So Mary Macdonald, already dealing with the grief of losing her friends, decided to take Daniel in. And she raised him, telling him everything about his family and when Daniel went to Hogwarts, he made friends, he didn’t care for being just “The Brother of The Boy Who Lived” but he was happy enough. When it was time for Harry to finally start, no one was more excited than Daniel, he finally could meet the brother he’s been waiting a lifetime to see.
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Evanora Malfoy (Maddie Hasson FC), Potentially James Potter and Lily Evans ship. Pureblood and Slytherin. The younger sister of Lucius Malfoy, Evanora’s whole life had been decided from the moment she was born. She would marry Rabastan Lestrange, continue the pureblood family line and be the perfect wife. She didn’t have a choice in the matter and why would she want to? Her parents knew best. But then she gets paired with Lily Evans for potions, and though she knows she should request a change since Lily is a muggleborn, she is also the smartest in their class, and good grades are very important. So she stays, which may end up changing her life.
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There is potentially a Salazar Slytherin descendant I’m working on and I’m sure I’ll think of more at some point but these are the three revived (and heavily reworked) ocs
(And gonna tag @daughter-of-melpomene because Harry Potter)
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dvdkisser · 4 months ago
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More doomed yuri
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anonymousboxcar · 2 years ago
TTTE/RWS Headcanon: Caroline’s Pen Pal
I don’t have any in-universe justification for my thought processes here. All I can say is that I like the idea of Caroline being a long-term pen pal of a 1920s American car.
The car in question is a Duesenberg Model A named Evanora, who worked for a Hollywood starlet. Evanora accompanied said starlet on a vacation to Sodor. There, she was offloaded from a ship so the actress could drive her favorite car around the Sudrian countryside.
It was on these drives that Evanora and Caroline met. Caroline was initially wary; the starlet’s speedy driving and Evanora’s opulent design soured her first impression. But later, Evanora apologized for the recklessness. She proved to be soft-spoken, genuine, and graceful. This disarmed and even charmed Caroline.
Over several conversations, Caroline liked hearing about Hollywood and its big personalities, and grew to respect Evanora’s patience and adaptability. Evanora in turn enjoyed the perspective of a slower, quieter life. And she appreciated Caroline’s willingness to speak her (opinionated) mind.
When the vacation ended, the two agreed to keep in touch. They sent letters to each other for decades. Caroline told Evanora how she was slowing down, how she came to be the cricket club’s car. Evanora told her about the ever-changing Hollywood and the other actors she drove over the years.
They helped each other out, too. When Caroline needed repairs the cricket club couldn’t afford — even after pooling their funds and taking donations — Evanora’s next letter showed up with a check enclosed.
Caroline, embarrassed, tried to refuse the money. Evanora wouldn’t have it.
( “This may be terribly selfish of me,” she wrote, “but I don’t want to lose my friend. Your cricket club doesn’t want to lose you either. Consider the impact losing you would have on us, darling. Consider accepting the money for our sakes if not your own.
“Also, I can’t take the money back even if I wanted to. My driver signed that check. I wish you the best of luck at reaching him on his indefinite vacation in Alaska, at my recommendation.”)
Touched and humbled, Caroline accepted the check, but not without vowing to one day repay Evanora.
That day came in the 1980s. By then, Evanora’s current driver was too old to drive anymore. And any potential new drivers didn’t want her to be a daily driver anymore; they saw her as a collector’s item to hoard in a sterile garage.
Evanora developed a taste for the quiet life in her correspondence with Caroline, but she wanted to be outside, to move. So she took another page out of Caroline’s book and advocated for herself.
Unfortunately, nobody would listen in Hollywood. She considered the Auburn Cord Duesenburg Museum in Indiana, but she would be on static display, fawned over by hundreds of people. And she was tired of the celebrity lifestyle.
Caroline stayed appraised of all these things through their letters. As it happened, she’d appeared by this point in The Railway Series and Thomas the Tank Engine. These were opportunities she took on with Evanora’s advice and industry knowledge in mind — a small taste of the “fast lane” that she found enjoyable. There were also royalties and paychecks in the hands of her generous, loyal cricket club.
In her next letter to Evanora, Caroline enclosed an ocean liner ticket for Sodor.
Thrilled, Evanora beat back the last aggressive offers from collectors before her voyage across the Atlantic. By the time she arrived, Caroline also set her up with an assisted living home, where older folks going into town could get there in nostalgic comfort and style. It was a slower-paced life in a place where she wasn’t known as a rare car, but would still be appreciated and fulfilled.
(“Are you sure this is what—”
“It’s what she wants. I know it,” Caroline told the cricket player.)
When they reunited, Caroline could’ve fussed about the things that didn’t go right — delayed timetables, muddy roads, etc. — but she didn’t. She only expressed her delight and gratitude at seeing her dear friend again. And Evanora did the same, deciding to take this new phase of friendship and life one wheel-turn at a time.
(Bonus: Elizabeth is intensely jealous of Evanora. Evanora is oblivious and thinks it’s all friendly rivalry. Caroline fluctuates between scolding and reassuring Elizabeth that she isn’t trying to replace her.)
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 11 months ago
New Narnia OC
thanks to @ginevrastilinski-ocs I'm going to make so many new Narnia ocs soon, faces and ideas are already bounding around in my head, but I couldn't wait any longer to introduce this one! I love the Narnia books but the movies are also some of my go-to comfort movies so I'll be mixing lore based on what's most convenient to different ocs' plots
Evanora in Cracks Of Light
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She's the memory of Narnia
Aslan created her at the dawn of Narnia and she has all memories of Narnia in her head (whether she was there or not)
She's semi-immortal, can't die of natural causes but can be killed
Jadis turned her to stone at the start of her reign, she didn't want Evanora dead because her memory could be useful, but couldn't just leave her alive either, Evanora still has all of the memories from that time
She's unfrozen during the Pevensie's battle against Jadis and joins their army, is their chief advisor when they become kings & queens
After they leave, she's sort of ruling narnia in their place, but during the Telmar invasion, Aslan puts her into a magical coma and hides her in a glass coffin in the pevensies' tomb room thing (where they find their swords & statues in Prince Caspian) to protect her
She's woken up when Caspian blows the horn Post-Prince Caspian, she stays in Narnia as Caspian's chief advisor + he makes her a princess & his heir, she's on the dawn treader with him
between Prince Caspian & Dawn Treader she might grow up and become Olivia Cooke but maybe not, tbd!
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born-to-be-mischievous · 2 years ago
Evanora Astoria~
Wizarding World AU:
Wand: Aspen and Unicorn tail hair, 13¼ inches, Quite bendy flexibility
Patronus: Grey fox
Grades:Study of Ancient Runes (E), Care of Magical Creatures (O), Charms (O), Defence Against the Dark Arts (E), Divination (E), History of Magic (O), Potions (O), Transfiguration (O)
House: Ravenclaw
Notable Traits: Intelligent, compassionate, artistic, optimistic, Sincere
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ladylyra · 15 days ago
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happy valentines you'll have to rip this meme format from my cold dead hands
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teddyyybeaarr · 2 months ago
”And mamá cooked breakfast this morning so I'm cooking dinner. Why? Is there a specific way you want something cooked?“ Evanora shook her head. ”No. Just...trying to get to know you.“ Edith turned to see if someone was behind her in pure dramatic fashion, before pointing to herself.
”Me? You're trying to get to know...me?“ She questioned. Evanora sighed. “Yes, Edith. You. I understand you've had some...doubts about my affections towards you.” Edith raised an eyebrow. “Well, I do look like the very daughter that you hate, so.."
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oc-oc-oc · 3 days ago
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apocalypse: evanora goode [ahs oc]
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All the artfight work because artfight is being picky with their links 😔✌️
Pt 1 because I'm on my phone and can only do 10 at a time
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Penelope by rissidraws2
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Buggy by ThatOneEldritch
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Abigail by Sisi41599
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Royona Clegane by monsieurnoel
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Evanora by Imp_Sam
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Evanora by Handache
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Abigail by mothra
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Evanora by ocpdzim
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Verther by Llafrats
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Royona by Dasora
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starcrossedjedis · 1 year ago
How many of your ocs have superpowers?
*opens handy dandy masterlist* 🧐
- Gol D Mira (Sairen Sun) has been given a Mythical Zoan Fruit that gives her the ability to turn into a mermaid and submit people to her will (she later learns to utilize her devil fruit power to tab into the Haki abilities she inherited from her father, but they are always intertwined with her Sairen form)
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- Moira Finnigan, Evanora Black, Minerva Weasley and Olivia Nott are witches
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- Mila Lebedev has been given a knockoff version of the supersoldier serum which makes her a little faster, better, stronger and less breakable
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- as a fighter for Earthrealm in Mortal Kombat Katherine Chen has an Arcana - she can turn the kinetic energy of an attack and turn it into a shield
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- Nyka'a Sundar and Jaren Korr are full on jedi and Inara'a Brae is a force sensitive seer and telepath
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And that's it for my fandom OCs 😊 thank you for asking ❤️
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