#wanted connections
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xrafexcameronx · 18 days ago
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your ride is ready, angel.
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pleinsdemuses · 1 year ago
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Black Widow & Daredevil
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oliverstarkfame · 2 months ago
Wanted Connection
Can someone bring in the wonderful Lou Ferrigno Jr. to come and play with Oliver!
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outerbanksfm · 5 days ago
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The Outer Banks is in turmoil. Ward Cameron is dead—his final act a shocking confession to the murder of Sheriff Peterkin before taking his own life. The revelation has sent shockwaves through the island. Meanwhile, the Pogues are back, but life isn’t any easier. John B’s name may be cleared, but the fight isn’t over—the treasure is still out there, the law is watching, and survival is never guaranteed. Between underground parties, illicit deals, and the ever-growing divide between Kooks and Pogues, everyone is scrambling to find their place in the chaos. With secrets surfacing, revenge brewing, and summer heating up, one thing is certain: in the Outer Banks, paradise always comes with a price.
we are a 20+, slice of life, no word count, outerbanks roleplay based around world building and character building. realistic faceclaims only, to create a realistic environment for our characters. now accepting reserves and applications !
join us, here !
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briarridgerp · 6 months ago
we've got some pretty cool wanted connections that our members have submitted and we'd love it if you checked them out!! PLEASE feel free to message the corresponding writer with any questions/interest! benny hellstrom (bill skarsgard) is looking for their ex-girlfriend, david alexander (charlie hunnam) is looking for their younger brother, lorenzo de luca (rob raco) is looking for their non-biological siblings, and tomas hernandez (octavio pisano) is looking for their brother.
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theitcouplerp · 14 days ago
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Welcome to The It Couple !
The ultimate luxury dating competition where 20 of the world’s most elite celebrities—actors, musicians, athletes, influencers, and socialites—gather in an exclusive paradise to find love and win a grand prize. With cameras capturing every glamorous ( and messy ) moment, these muses must navigate romance, rivalry, and reputation in a high-stakes game where passion is the currency. With no forced eliminations, alliances shift, heartbreaks sting deeper, and egos clash harder—because even if you lose the prize, you never lose your place in the spotlight.
Will you have what it takes to be the IT couple ?
the it couple rp is a 21+, celebrity oc, love island inspired discord roleplay server. it will be focused on the lives of hollywood's elite as they navigate the gameshow. heavily plot based, with games, events and plot drops! join us here !
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offairytale · 18 days ago
LORD ROSEWOOD: Sophie's husband. Both met at a masquerade ball one evening and had an instant connection. Sophie appeared at this ball with her best friend and hiding her true nature (being the daughter of a maid and a lesser lord who abandoned her when she was born). As the evening ended, Lord Rosewood asked Sophie when he could see her and call on her. Feeling guilt invading her, she couldn't lie to this man and admitted that she wasn't of the same rank than him. This didn't stop the man from wishing to marry her and both eloped a few days later. He protects her secret at all costs, and she tries to fit in the ton the way she can.
Sophie's FC: Lily James
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KATE'S TRUE LOVE: Kate is the jeweler of Mayfair but isn't aware of her own secret (convinced that she truly is the daughter of Ross Beckett, jeweler, whereas she's in fact a true aristocrat whose family perished in a carriage accident). She is very devoted to her own job and is willing to meet her customer's needs. She fell in love with a man from the aristocratic world, who sees her the way she is. Knowing that this is a forbidden love considering that she's (technically) not an aristocrat, both hide their relationship. When her secret comes out and passed the shock, finally they will both realize that they can live truly their story together and perhaps, Kate can finally step into this world that she always admire from afar.
Kate's FC: Katie McGrath
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mcktub · 19 days ago
𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐚 𝐟𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐝𝐨
i thought i could do it : an attempted rebound she gave up on a little too soon. after her most recent break-up, agata thought she should just get herself out there and find something else and she did. but on the way home from a restaurant the words stop the car were said with no further explanation, she hopped out the car and never looked back.
you'll see me on tv : coworkers ? just people that also work at the local news television channel and walk around the corridors of the building arm in arm bitching about everyone else.
𝐤𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐢𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠
you never chose me : someone he pined over and was definitely very open about his feelings a while back and rejected him pretty hard but now it’s the other way around? not that he holds a grudge, they can be cool about it, but he shut himself off to the possibility of something with them and it’s damn near impossible to change his mind.
we better run : more bois? palmview natives around the same age as him and/or grew up in town, possibly went to school together, was also a bit of a beloved troublemaker in town.
𝐬𝐞𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐣𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐳
friends, the benefit is silent : the usual what happens in this bedroom stays in this bedroom. maybe with an undertone of she wants more, he's always been open about the lack of possibility of it going anywhere and there's been a few fights about it but they just don't break it off. kind of toxic tbh.
fuck you and your motherfucking mama : let's be honest here, basti isn't a hard to hate man. and being obnoxiously rude at times makes it so that the list of people who would want to punch him a long one. your mother included. yes, he was an asshole to someone's mother and now this person has a vendetta against basti.
it's a parent thing : you have a child around the same age as his son, the kids don't get along so now you don't get along with him. different parenting styles collapsing.
𝐯𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐳𝐢𝐞𝐫𝐞
that's why i left :  her high school sweetheart. he and vivi started dating at 16, and got engaged at 21. she believed they would be a forever type of thing until finding out he’d cheated on her not too long before the wedding (could’ve been a misunderstanding and/or a setup). the discovery made her snap and leave town without a word to him or anybody else other than her family. still now, twelve years later, she’s still harbouring a grudge.
not your fucking friend : this person and vivi simply do not get along. be it due to something that happened before she left twelve years ago or their personalities simply don’t match. either way, any time they’re forced to interact there’s no holding back the animosity between them. it’s pointless but unavoidable.
it went south : they went on one incredible first date that ended up in one of their beds, but during the second date, in their drunken states, they fought over the most trivial subject and now the two can't stand to even look at each other. the funniest part? neither of them remembers what the fight was even about.
our names carved in a tree : childhood crush, first kiss, cute innocent stuff from a long time ago.
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danceofdragonsrphq · 10 months ago
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as we are quickly approaching our fourth (!!!!) year together as a group, the admin team at dance of dragons are super excited to announce there are multiple important & juicy connections that have been opened up / created. we've had some changes here recently in regard to family trees, especially in the run up to season 2 of hotd coming up! (which...ps...we watch together every sunday night it airs thanks to admin quen and kosmi! join us for that and live reactions) dance of dragons rp is set four years, in 144AC, after the end of our AU version of the dance of dragons, which lasted ten years in our verse. all the kingdoms have become independent, with two main exceptions: the stormlands bow to a targaryen king in kings landing, and the iron islands were buried under the revenge of the westerlands and the reach for thousands of years of sacking.
hit up our wanted connections page, or skim over some of our most exciting below:
youngest prince of house stark, 26 - brother of king owen stark.
green targaryen prince, son of prince daeron targaryen, 25-17 - cousin to king jaehaerys targaryen (green)
black targaryen prince of dragonstone, son of daemon i and rhaenyra, 27-28 - cousin to king jaehaerys targaryen (green) and brother of the former king, daemon ii, murdered in year 141ac.
two martell princesses under the age of 31, sisters to prince regent ravi martell and aunts to ruling princess leila of house martell.
tully princess, 26-30, sister to queen iona and prince casimir of house tully.
green targaryen princess: 29, twin sister of king jaehaerys targaryen,
black targaryen princess of dragonstone, daughter of daemon i and rhaenyra, 25-28: cousin to king jaehaerys targaryen (green) and brother of the former king, daemon ii, murdered in year 141ac.
lord tyrell, cousin of king cedric of house tyrell and brother of lady matilda of house tyrell, 32-29 - has lore.
lord fowler, brother of lady ophelia fowler recently turned allyrion, 27-33
lord manwoody, lord of kingsgrave: rightful regent of kingsgrave - has lore.
lord serrett, ruling lord of silverhill, master of coin of king tyland lannister, 34-36 - has lore (involved in the rains of castamere and the wiping out of house reyne and tarbeck)
two black targaryen ladies of dragonstone, daughters of daemon i and lady laena velaryon, 33-29 - half siblings of the prince and princess of dragonstone, cousins of king jaehaerys targaryen
lady jordayne of the tor, 25-28, younger sister of ruling lady safeerah jordayne and former ruling lord, rashid jordayne - has lore.
lady blackbar, wife of lord kieran blackbar, mother of 8 girls (cat i am still cackling at this)
lady manwoody, lady of kingsgrave: rightful regent of kingsgrave - has lore.
bastard of daemon targaryen and nettles, living undercover in the vale of arryn
ser waters, allegedly the bastard of prince aemond targaryen and alys rivers
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victorferrariforever · 1 year ago
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Aqui vão algumas inspirações para conexões a serem desenvolvidas! Apenas algumas dessas têm limite de personagem, as mais específicas. Com o tempo, vou colocando mais algumas. Podemos desenvolver qualquer uma dessas da maneira que ficar melhor, a ser combinado! Manda um oi aqui se tiver interesse, ou mensagem no chat, que vou plotar com vocês <3
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geral . . .
Mecânico 24h - Victor tem perna mecânica que precisa de manutenção constante, seja um ajuste ou colocar óleo no joelho. Encaixa bem com muses engenhosos, tipo filhos de hefesto e atena.
H(D)ealer - Ele tem episódios de dor frequentes e muse tem aptidão curandeira e/ou medicamentos/ambrosia de fácil acesso.
Aspirante I - Alguém que se interesse por habilidades atléticas por algum motivo, mas que tenha zero aptidão para isso. Victor pode ser o instrutor do seu muse.
Aspirante II- Seu muse é alguém que precisa tratar um problema crônico de arrogância e ego, e o Victor definitivamente não é a pessoa certa pra isso. Mas juntos eles podem aprender alguma coisa? Talvez?
Treino - desde o acidente, os reflexos dele estão meio prejudicados, então aqui seria alguém para treinar e incentivar ele nesse quesito.
F1 FÃ - Esse muse entende o que significa a palavra grid, paddock, pole position e prosenna, e com certeza sabe quem é o ex-corredor e com certeza assistia edit no tiktok da relação dele com o Leo Santoro. OU muse odeia a Ferrari.
Eurotour - Ele passa o ano todo inteiro praticamente na Europa, então amigos de festinhas, gente que anda com ele, etc, são bem-vindos.
Rival - Como filho da deusa da vitória, não é muito difícil para ele ser extremamente competitivo a ponto de ter um rival. Muse provavelmente não vai com a cara dele, também.
Rivals to friends - muse não suportava Victor quando ele chegou no acampamento, aos quinze. Era cheio de si, arrogante, ligeiramente mimado. A impressão não mudou muito ao longo dos anos, apesar de Victor ter se mostrado muito melhor que inicialmente. Após o acidente, muse estava inexplicavelmente lá por ele e desenvolveram uma amizade desde então.
romântico . . .
Don Juan! - Victor está no acampamento desde os quinze, nas férias principalmente, e com uma lábia ridiculamente boa, ele talvez seja o boy lixo dos seus pesadelos ou o coito casual dos seus sonhos, quem sabe.
Desculpas - Victor machucou muse de alguma forma, consciente ou inconscientemente.
Não correspondido - Já foram em missões juntos e muse se tornou uma grande amiga dele, embora ela veja ele como mais que isso, friendzoned.
Arrependimento - Que ele é meio boy lixo todo mundo sabe, mas talvez ele realmente tenha gostado e se importado com MUSE e eles tenham namorado meio sério assim antes do acidente dele, até que teve o acidente e ele afastou ela e as coisas entre eles são meio estranhas agora...
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xrafexcameronx · 16 days ago
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heard youre all sluts for hands. youre fuckin’ welcome.
been tired af today, ill get to all my replies tomorrow. dms for faster replies during the day ❤️
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warriorsweaver · 2 months ago
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Albatross (Nemesis) is a cat from the far north who has migrated south alongside other cats from the area. I’d love if anyone wanted to pick up his mom (currently unnamed, your choice) who he has traveled with, or other cats that have come from the north and have been working together.
For more information about Albatross and the group he came from, please reach out to Nemesis or Ursys on our Discord server: https://discord.gg/DsYBN8W4CP (Yet) Another Warriors RP (click) is an 18+ Jcink roleplay with an RPG rating of 3/1/3!
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vegasaros · 2 months ago
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Name: Vega Aisling Lior Katsaros Nickname(s): V, Kat Birthday: October 21st, 1979 Age: 45 Zodiac Sign: Libra Sun, Scorpio Moon, Cancer Rising Gender: Cis-Female/Gender Fluid Pronouns: She/They Species: Shapeshifter (Luna & Selena Bloodlines) Orientation: Demisexual, Panromantic Occupation: Curator at Northknot Historical Museum/Mixed Bloodlines Coven Leader Faceclaim: Angie Harmon
Vega means "the swooping eagle" in Arabic, Aisling is Irish for "dream" or "vision" and Lior is "my light" in Hebrew.
Vega's favorite animal to shift into is a sleek black panther, which they find both empowering and comforting.
She enjoys painting and often uses her art to express her emotions and experiences.
She has a soft spot for Greek cuisine, especially moussaka and baklava.
Vega loves listening to a mix of traditional folk music from various cultures and modern indie rock.
They've collected small trinkets and souvenirs from every place they visit and keep them in a special box.
Vega practices meditation daily to maintain their mental and emotional balance.
They love autumn for its vibrant colors and the sense of change it brings.
She is fluent in Greek, English, and Hindi, and knows basic phrases in several other languages.
Vega's wardrobe is a mix of practical clothing and unique pieces from different cultures, reflecting their travels.
They have a small garden where they grow herbs and flowers, finding peace in nurturing plants.
She is more active and creative at night, often staying up late to work on projects or reflect.
She has a tattoo of a phoenix on her back, symbolizing rebirth and resilience.
Vega enjoys cooking and often experiments with recipes from different cultures.
Their favorite color is deep blue, which reminds them of the ocean and the sky.
She has a special fondness for the beaches of Greece, where she feels most at peace.
Vega believes in living a life true to oneself, even if it means going against societal norms.
They are surprisingly good at playing the guitar and often play to relax.
Vega dreams of one day opening an art gallery that showcases works from diverse cultures and artists.
Vega stands tall with a commanding presence, their dark hair framing a strong jawline that speaks to their inner strength. Her deep, raspy voice carries a sense of authority and wisdom, making her a natural leader. Vega's movements are deliberate and confident, reflecting their balanced nature and the fluidity of their shifting abilities. Their eyes hold a depth of experience and understanding, drawing people in and making them feel seen and valued. Despite the toll her illness has taken, Vega's appearance remains striking, embodying both her resilience and her vulnerability. She has a well-defined, athletic build that hints at her active lifestyle and her love for sports and physical activities. Vega's style is a blend of practicality and personal expression, often incorporating elements from the various cultures they've encountered in their travels. Their walk is purposeful, exuding confidence and determination, while their speech is measured and thoughtful, often leaving a lasting impression on those who hear them. Vega's presence is both calming and inspiring, making her a figure of strength and support.
Vega is a resilient and compassionate individual who has faced numerous challenges throughout her life. As a mother and coven leader, they balance strength and empathy, leading with love, grace, and a fierce protectiveness. Vega is deeply supportive and generous, always putting others' needs before her own. Despite their struggles with illness, they remain dedicated to helping those around them, though they tend to distance themselves emotionally. Vega values individuality and encourages others to find their own path and purpose, even as she grapples with the consequences of her own choices. Their ability to embrace both their human and animal sides, as well as their non-binary identity, speaks to their fluid and adaptable nature. Vega is also very introspective and thoughtful, often reflecting on her past experiences to guide their decisions. She has a strong sense of justice and is not afraid to stand up for what she believes in, even if it means going against the norms of their community.
the serenity of a quiet beach at dawn - the glow of fireflies on a summer night - golden hour shadows dancing over weathered skin - the comfort of a well-loved book - loose-knit sweaters that feel like an embrace - the earthy scent of a blooming garden - quiet smiles that light up stormy skies - the tranquility of a mountain retreat - the rustle of leaves in a hidden forest - worn leather journals filled with secrets - the soft hum of a guitar at twilight - delicate tattoos that tell a story - the warmth of a steaming cup of tea - whispered conversations under a starlit sky - the gentle sway of a hammock in the breeze - the embrace of a handwoven blanket
Child (Edeline) Vega's child is a curious and adventurous individual, inheriting their parent's love for exploration and learning. They have a strong sense of justice and a compassionate heart, always eager to help others. Growing up with Vega, they have learned the importance of balance and acceptance, embracing their own unique identity. They are fiercely protective of their mother and often worry about Vega, noticing the subtle changes in her that others might miss. Despite their young age, 25-26, they possess a wisdom beyond their years and a determination to make a difference in the world.
Best Friend/Future Love Interest? Vega's best friend is a skilled and empathetic doctor who has been a constant source of support throughout Vega's life. They share a deep bond built on trust and understanding, often providing a listening ear and sage advice. This friend is perceptive and intuitive, able to sense when Vega is struggling even when they try to hide it. They are fiercely loyal and protective, always ready to step in and help, whether it's with medical expertise or emotional support. Their friendship is a cornerstone of Vega's life, providing stability and comfort in times of need. Though they’d probably never admit it, Vega is in love with them.
Museum Staff The museum staff at Northknot Historical Museum are a dedicated and passionate group of individuals who share a love for history and culture. They work closely with Vega, respecting their expertise and leadership as the museum's curator. Each staff member brings their own unique skills and perspectives, contributing to the museum's success. They are a tight-knit team, often collaborating on projects and supporting each other in their professional and personal endeavors. The staff admires Vega's dedication and resilience, and they strive to create an inclusive and enriching environment for all visitors.
Found Family Vega's found family consists of a diverse group of mixed bloodline shapeshifters who have come together to create a supportive and accepting community. Each member brings their own unique abilities and experiences, enriching the group's dynamic. They share a deep bond, forged through shared struggles and triumphs, and are always there for each other in times of need. This found family values individuality and encourages each member to embrace their true self. They have become Vega's sanctuary, providing love, support, and a sense of belonging that Vega had long sought.
Former Coven Leader The former coven leader is a wise and experienced individual who has guided the Mixed Bloodlines Coven with a steady hand for many years. They possess a deep knowledge of supernatural lore and a strong sense of duty to their community. Under their leadership, the coven has thrived, fostering a sense of unity and acceptance among its members. They saw potential in Vega from a young age and mentored them, passing on their wisdom and values. Even after stepping down due to illness, they remain a respected figure within the coven, offering guidance and support whenever needed. Vega often looks to them for advice as the rest of the coven looks to to her.
tw: violence, death, pregnancy, chronic pain & illness
"It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change."
Born in Thessaloniki, Greece, at night after her mother, a human shapeshifter, fled from Ireland by foot and boat to escape hunters, ran into her father, an animal shapeshifter who shifted into a large, powerful lion to protect her even though he didn’t know her. They fell in love, got married, and had four kids; Vega being the third. Growing up, Vega knew from a young age that they were different from their peers and even their family. Vega embraced all sides of herself: the human and animal shifting part and the other part that didn’t identify as just a woman. Their abilities made them feel like they were more fluid than anything. Vega was into sports, dolls and action figures, cars, and playing dress-up. They were always a very balanced child. It shouldn’t have been a surprise that Vega would grow up to reject their people’s way of living.
In the Katsaros family, at the time you hit puberty, you’re supposed to choose which path you want to go down as far as animal shifting or human shifting. It’s frowned upon in the supernatural world to utilize both because you can end up ill from overexertion. Vega couldn’t understand that. They weren’t hurting anyone and they weren’t in pain either, so it didn’t make sense to them to choose. Watching her two older siblings struggle in making their choice and their life after choosing only reinforced that she wanted different for herself. It was a couple of months before her 14th birthday that she wrote a letter to her younger sibling, the one she was closest to, explaining herself and her choice before running away from home.
"We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the life that is waiting for us."
Having heard the story of their mother’s travel from Ireland to Greece, Vega decided to backtrack it; traveling from Greece to Italy, through France, the UK, and ending in Ireland by bus, train, and ferry. She lived in Ireland for a few months, working as a waitress to save up money. She spent her 14th birthday there and learned more about her family’s history without ever letting anyone know she was a part of it. Vega yearned to see the rest of the world and meet new people who were like her; ones who were seeking balance. They’d fallen in love with traveling and learning a place’s culture and history through indulging in it, communication, and art. So, they started their journey across the water to Spain by ferry, where they fell in with a group of hippies backpacking their way to India. Vega traveled with them through Northern Africa by bus, train, and plane; starting in Morocco and ending in Egypt before they crossed over to Israel, then caught their last flight to India.
Vega fell in love with India and its culture and decided to plant roots. She stayed in India for five years, started following Buddhism, finished school, and made a life for herself there; even fell in love for the first time. They would’ve stayed longer if the Kargil War hadn’t broken out in 1999, their partner hadn’t been killed, and they didn’t find themselves alone and pregnant. At only 19 years old, she found herself fleeing again. This time, heading west for North America on a direct flight. Vega had heard about the Rainbow Gatherings and needed something peaceful to counteract the war and tragedy she’d just experienced, so she made her way to Pennsylvania’s Allegheny National Forest to live communally for two weeks amongst like-minded people who wanted change and strove for peace and harmony. Eventually, Vega found a friend amongst the hippies who invited her out to San Francisco to stay with them and offered to help her raise her child. Their friendship turned into something more about a year into living together, then ended about a year after that.
"Home is not where you were born; home is where all your attempts to escape cease."
Freshly 22 and with an almost 2-year-old, Vega found herself picking up her life and moving again; this time traveling north to a city amongst the forest in Canada where she heard that the supernatural and humans co-exist freely. They met a dragon in the woods one night who was taking a break on their nightly flight and told them of Northknot and how to get there. Following the dragon’s directions exactly, Vega stumbled upon the city and was stunned to see that what she was told was true. She felt comfortable being herself there and had enough savings to rent a small apartment. She was invited into the Mixed Bloodlines Coven by their leader and found family within it. They worked various jobs while they finished school after transferring to the university there. Then after graduating with her degree in Art History, she interned at Northknot Historical Museum while pursuing her master’s in Cultural Studies.
Things were going well for Vega. She had found family, friends, a job, a roof over her head, and her child was happy. They found acceptance; they found home. She only thought about her family some nights, and it would keep her up, but as the years passed, that happened less. Vega had started to move up the ranks at the museum. At 30 years old, she found herself being handed the coven when the former leader fell ill. Vega was nervous in the beginning, but they took on the role with grace and led with peace, love, and acceptance. It was only a few years later, at 36, that they were promoted to being the museum’s curator. They were at the top of their game, managing both their professional and personal life with balance. It wasn’t until not long after her 43rd birthday that she started to feel a little off. She was lethargic all the time, concentrating was hard, and shifting was growing more and more painful each time.
"The strongest people are not those who show strength in front of us but those who win battles we know nothing about."
It was obvious that her body was starting to give way to overexertion from shifting into both humans and animals all her life, but Vega didn’t have time to be sick. She was a mother and a coven leader, so she denied it and pushed past it. But the illness pushed back harder. Now at 45, not only were they in chronic pain and feeling weak, but they were having difficulty maintaining a stable form, experiencing involuntary shifts and sometimes only partial transformations. Vega found herself more susceptible to illnesses and infections and taking longer to recover from them. Knowing that they couldn’t deny their problem any longer, Vega sought out a medical professional, their best friend, who was a doctor. Being a fairly private person, Vega hasn’t told anyone, not even their child, that they're sick nor the reason they think they're feeling so ill. She made her best friend believe that it was something she was just starting to feel with the hope that it was a human-related illness and not something she’d done to herself.
Vega is a strong supporter of letting people be themselves and find their own path and purpose, so knowing her choice to not choose and find balance has come with consequences has kept her in denial about her illness and is part of the reason she won’t ask for help; the other part being that Vega is a coven leader, and while she leads with love and grace, she is also strong and fierce. They are the protector in all ways and can’t be that if others knew they’d fallen ill. Vega is still supportive, generous, and helpful to anyone in need but has started distancing herself emotionally, becoming more and more private with even those she considers family. No one’s really noticed her distancing herself except her child, who nags her about closing herself off. Vega has always been the type to put everyone else’s needs before theirs, so people who don’t know them personally would think it’s just them being them. But those who know Vega personally are starting to see that something’s wrong.
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outerbanksfm · 8 days ago
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The Outer Banks is in turmoil. Ward Cameron is dead—his final act a shocking confession to the murder of Sheriff Peterkin before taking his own life. The revelation has sent shockwaves through the island. Meanwhile, the Pogues are back, but life isn’t any easier. John B’s name may be cleared, but the fight isn’t over—the treasure is still out there, the law is watching, and survival is never guaranteed. Between underground parties, illicit deals, and the ever-growing divide between Kooks and Pogues, everyone is scrambling to find their place in the chaos. With secrets surfacing, revenge brewing, and summer heating up, one thing is certain: in the Outer Banks, paradise always comes with a price.
we are a 20+, slice of life, no word count, outerbanks roleplay based around world building and character building. realistic faceclaims only, to create a realistic environment for our characters. now accepting reserves and applications !
join us, here !
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graziellz · 2 months ago
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Abaixo do read more, estão as conexões que eu criei para minha querida “A Menina Malvada”, Graziella Giordano. Tirando as que estão com gênero específico, todas as outras podem ser para qualquer gênero. Pode comentar qual muse deseja ou apenas dar like que eu chamo para a gente conversar! ps: Se já tiver conexão pré-estabelecida e quiser outra, pode falar também.
➢ ex-amigue: Auto-explicativo. Grazi e MUSE A eram amigues no passado mas por algum motivo que podemos combinar, hoje em dia não são mais. Graziella é uma pessoa que guarda mágoas e bastante rancorosa então vai ser um pouco difícil. (00/01)
➢ secret friendship: Com a pose de Graziella de fria, inalcançável, poucos conseguiam realmente fazer uma amizade verdadeira com a garota. MUSE B foi um dos que quebrou as regras e conseguiu essa proeza. No entanto, não é assim tão simples: Ela prefere deixar somente entre os dois e pela cidade continua sendo como todos conhecem. (00/01)
➢ cliente fiel: Seja nos cosméticos de última linha ou nas mais variadas garrafas de vinho, Graziella é a primeira pessoa que MUSE C busca quando deseja algo novo. (00/02)
➢ você pensa que me engana?: Tal qual Serena Van Der Woodsen, Graziella voltou para a cidade meses depois de ter o filho e criou um burburinho pelas ruas. MUSE D é um dos que não acredita muito essa versão dada pela garota de "querer um novo ar" e tem a curiosidade de descobrir o que aconteceu. (00/01)
➢ her puppet: Sabe aquele bonequinho que você sabe moldar a seu bel prazer? Esse é MUSE E nas mãos de Graziella. Ela sabe que elu não é bobo, mas usa do interesse que elu possui em si conseguir manipulá-lo. (00/01)
➢ dirty little secret: Nenhum dos dois esperava que isso fosse acontecer, mas quando estava em uma festa, rolou um clima entre Graziella e @christopherd-amato que acabou com os dois dormindo juntos. Juraram que isso nunca iria acontecer novamente, mas se viram mais algumas vezes depois disso. Agora eles mantém essa relação de pegação em segredo. (male - 01/01)
➢ love/hate: Basicamente se “odeiam", um não gostando do jeito do outro, das suas ações e das suas manias. Mas quando para para conversar com MUSE G de verdade, para conhecer melhor um ao outro, sempre ficam horas juntos, as vezes até se pegam, mas então percebem e começam com a implicância mais uma vez. (00/01)
➢ papai do ano: A famigerada conexão que tanto quero. Os dois poderiam estar tendo um caso 3 anos atrás, como pode ter sido apenas um lance de uma noite só, mas acabou resultando no pequeno Romeo. MUSE H não sabe dele e Graziella pretende não contar tão cedo. (male - 00/01)
➢ não gosto de você. não sinto verdade em você:  @aaronblackwell Simplesmente alguém que não vai com a cara da Graziella. A enxerga como falsa, esnobe, acreditando que tudo o que ela realmente mostra externamente, seja real. E a Grazi não faz nada pra mudar isso, e nem quer, apenas põe mais lenha na fogueira. (00/01)
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