#wanted rp connect
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oliverstarkfame · 2 months ago
Wanted Connection
Can someone bring in the wonderful Lou Ferrigno Jr. to come and play with Oliver!
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xrafexcameronx · 20 days ago
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your ride is ready, angel.
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loveshard · 4 months ago
like this to discuss more detailed, established familial/platonic/romantic/antagonistic plots (for current threads and new ones)!
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doctorspringerspaniel · 6 days ago
Sooo @thunderbird-3-best-bird
I know you’re still iffy on going to uni in person or doing it remotely…
I have compiled a spreadsheet of universities with their rankings, prices, facilities, accommodation, entry requirements and open day dates.
There are at least 40 and counting.
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okthatsgreat · 6 months ago
i’m realizing that one of my favorite ways to create a character is by first establishing a major flaw of theirs and then examining how that will inevitably fuck them up a bit. then fleshing them out from there
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guckies · 1 year ago
It’s always Bolas forever until one guy is a cop… 😔
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pleinsdemuses · 1 year ago
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Black Widow & Daredevil
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outerbanksfm · 6 days ago
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The Outer Banks is in turmoil. Ward Cameron is dead—his final act a shocking confession to the murder of Sheriff Peterkin before taking his own life. The revelation has sent shockwaves through the island. Meanwhile, the Pogues are back, but life isn’t any easier. John B’s name may be cleared, but the fight isn’t over—the treasure is still out there, the law is watching, and survival is never guaranteed. Between underground parties, illicit deals, and the ever-growing divide between Kooks and Pogues, everyone is scrambling to find their place in the chaos. With secrets surfacing, revenge brewing, and summer heating up, one thing is certain: in the Outer Banks, paradise always comes with a price.
we are a 20+, slice of life, no word count, outerbanks roleplay based around world building and character building. realistic faceclaims only, to create a realistic environment for our characters. now accepting reserves and applications !
join us, here !
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xrafexcameronx · 18 days ago
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heard youre all sluts for hands. youre fuckin’ welcome.
been tired af today, ill get to all my replies tomorrow. dms for faster replies during the day ❤️
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House Lannister: Hear Me Roar
A SONG OF GOLDEN FIRE AND BLACK BLOOD is a No Dance!Fire and Blood / House of the Dragon AU RP, but that doesn’t mean we’re short on the scheming, intrigue, and drama that makes ASoIaF RP so thrilling. Just because the Dragons won’t be Dancing doesn’t mean there aren’t dangerous tensions simmering just beneath the surface, wild ambitions ready to sacrifice peace in pursuit of their grand visions for Westeros, and the Kingdom may yet still find itself at War.
The site is currently in our FIRST EVENT-DROP; check out our Our Plot, Most Wanted, and come join our Discord to share your vision and help build our AU!
Lord Jason Lannister is especially Wanted on our site!
home - plot - wanted - apply - discord - message - q&a
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bcntbouquet · 13 days ago
“We’re not strangers anymore.”
(From Charlotte)
Sentence Meme: Lost Highway
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"... That's right; we're not."
Jennings smiled sentimentally, looking over at Charlotte as he walked beside her. He really had grown fond of being her companion, and fond of Charlotte herself, too.
"Sometimes I feel as though we've met, before, and other times I feel as though everything I've ever done... and even that which I've failed to do... occurred just so we could meet..." Perhaps it was bold of him to speak so grandly about another's spouse and destiny at once, but Derward didn't feel justified in holding back, or watering down what they had. Charlotte had suffered enough obliviousness in the wake of her marriage to the self-possessed doctor, as well the ghosts that haunted her day'ing and dream'ing.
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briarridgerp · 6 months ago
we've got some pretty cool wanted connections that our members have submitted and we'd love it if you checked them out!! PLEASE feel free to message the corresponding writer with any questions/interest! benny hellstrom (bill skarsgard) is looking for their ex-girlfriend, david alexander (charlie hunnam) is looking for their younger brother, lorenzo de luca (rob raco) is looking for their non-biological siblings, and tomas hernandez (octavio pisano) is looking for their brother.
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incarnadinerp · 3 months ago
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AHN JETT is looking for his Sibling!
Character's Name: Jett Ahn Character Clan: Lasombra Connection Title/Type: "Sibling" Brief Description: Jett's 'sibling' is the only other kindred surviving their late sire, thanks in large part to Jett himself. He has hunted and eliminated every trace of his sire from this world. All, that is, except you. Only Jett knows the real reason he hated your sire so much, and only you know why you were spared from the hunt. Life isn't always what it seems to be, and even Jett has his days when he lets the darkness win. Preferred Clan: Lasombra/any Preferred Face Claim(s): Any
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mistfallengw2 · 5 months ago
It's "really missing the connection of having someone as into the hyperfix as you are to brainstorm OCs with" hours.
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toxiquewoman · 12 days ago
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【 Procura-se: Axel Magnusson  】  
Relação: mãe e filho
Idade: 21 à 23 anos;
Sugestões de FC: Lucas lynggaard tønnesen, Danny Griffin, Froy Gutierrez, Rudy Pankow, Maxence Danet-Fauvel, Louis Hofman, Neels Visser, ou algum que pareça com Nicole Kidman.
RP: @umbrahqs
Verônica sempre tentou proteger Axel dos perigos do mundo, expressando seu amor de formas singelas, com gestos que escondiam suas cicatrizes profundas. Na infância do garoto havia risos e cumplicidade até que a casa se tornou fria. O destino não foi generoso com eles, deixando traços de perdas e um afastamento entre eles após o divórcio. Agora, Axel luta contra os próprios demônios, enquanto Verônica deseja intensamente refazer os laços antes que o perca para sempre. Essa relação é escrita com dores, amores e silêncio.
Narcissa e Draco Malfoy (HP); Alicent Hightower e Aegon (Casa do Dragão); Marisa Coulter e Lyra Belacqua (His Dark Materials); Frigga e Loki (Thor); Rainha Elinor e Merida (Valente); 
⸻ Conheça mais sobre a relação:
Verônica foi criada em um lar com muitas expectativas para que ela e seu irmão ocupassem um lugar rentável na Stargate. Por este motivo, Ronnie não possui muitas referências de maternidade. Após o falecimento de seu irmão decidiu que ao constituir sua família iria evitar que seu filho sentisse a crueldade do mundo.
Replicar padrões, no entanto, é mais fácil do que se parece! Ela possui dificuldade em expressar seus sentimentos por palavras. Sua forma de demonstrar o afeto sempre foi através de seus gestos, sua presença e atos de serviço. Gostava de antecipar erros e qualquer situação que pudesse ferir seu filho. Se chovesse? Axel não tinha a oportunidade de pular poças de água! Se fizesse frio? Axel não pegava uma brisa se quer! E se ele adoecesse, não tinha tempo suficiente de adquirir anticorpos pois sempre havia remédios em prontidão.
Axel teve uma infância inicialmente feliz, com muitos risos e cumplicidade como quando cozinhavam juntos, dançavam, liam livros ou brincavam de faz de conta.
As dificuldades surgiram no final da segunda infância de Axel. O casamento começou a ruir em brigas e a casa se tornou fria, os jantares antes amistosos sendo preenchidos simplesmente com músicas ambiente. Esta foi também a época em que Verônica havia anunciado ao filho que estava tentando dar-lhe um irmão. Várias foram as tentativas até que Verônica engravidou de Isabella, a perdendo no final da gestação.
Aos 14 anos de Axel ocorreu o divórcio. Verônica descobriu que Viktor a estava traindo com uma heroína. Este foi o período em que Ronnie teve uma crise emocional, sendo acolhidos no Instituto Umbra. Ela precisou de intensos treinamentos para refrear os efeitos colaterais do descontrole em seu poder.
Apenas um ano depois Axel demonstrou os primeiros sinais de seu poder, desapontando Verônica que desejava que ele não tivesse os poderes extraordinários.
Inevitavelmente a vida os distanciou. Verônica sente que perdeu seu filho, se sente culpada de seu casamento ter afetado o garoto e sente que não tem o direito de se aproximar. Tentou dar-lhe espaço, tardiamente, para ter as próprias experiências, porém, isso aumentou os comportamentos perigosos do garoto (de personalidade ou nos poderes).
Hoje Verônica tenta se aproximar para ajudá-lo e conseguir uma redenção para que possam estar juntos novamente. O problema é que não sabe por onde começar, há muitas verdades ocultas que ele não sabe (como o que ocorreu no casamento e a perda real de Isabella) e tem profundo medo de ser rejeitada de uma vez por todas. Porém, ela está motivada a reconquistá-lo.
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theitcouplerp · 15 days ago
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Welcome to The It Couple !
The ultimate luxury dating competition where 20 of the world’s most elite celebrities—actors, musicians, athletes, influencers, and socialites—gather in an exclusive paradise to find love and win a grand prize. With cameras capturing every glamorous ( and messy ) moment, these muses must navigate romance, rivalry, and reputation in a high-stakes game where passion is the currency. With no forced eliminations, alliances shift, heartbreaks sting deeper, and egos clash harder—because even if you lose the prize, you never lose your place in the spotlight.
Will you have what it takes to be the IT couple ?
the it couple rp is a 21+, celebrity oc, love island inspired discord roleplay server. it will be focused on the lives of hollywood's elite as they navigate the gameshow. heavily plot based, with games, events and plot drops! join us here !
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