#Ernesto De Pascale
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queerographies · 2 years ago
[Tondelli e la musica][Bruno Casini]
Un libro a più voci che indaga il rapporto tra Pier Vittorio Tondelli e la musica, tra la parola scritta e il ritmo musicale che la sostiene.
Un libro a più voci che indaga il rapporto tra Pier Vittorio Tondelli e la musica, tra la parola scritta e il ritmo musicale che la sostiene, un tema tanto caro allo scrittore emiliano. Tanti i contributi nel libro: dai testi inediti scritti da Pier Vittorio per gli Skiantos, e qui presentati da Freak Antoni, ai ricordi di Luciano Ligabue, che abitava nello stesso palazzo a Correggio ,dalle…
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jenniferdarjeeling · 9 months ago
Hear me out:
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diceriadelluntore · 8 months ago
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Storia Di Musica #329 - Diaframma, Siberia, 1984
Nella scatola ritrovata in soffitta, questo disco stava sotto un altro, con la copertina leggermente rovinata dall'umidità (e che sarà protagonista di una prossima Storia di Musica). All'interno c'era il bigliettino da visita di un negozio di dischi, Data Records 93, Via dei Neri, Firenze. Il disco di oggi è l'inizio di una delle più intense e importanti storie musicali italiane degli ultimi 40 anni nel nostro paese. Tutto inizia a Firenze, fine anni '70, quando l'onda punk in Europa è al massimo livello: in un liceo si formano i CFS, con Federico Fiumani alla chitarra e due suoi amici, Gianni Cicchi (batterista) e Salvatore Susini (bassista). Suonano cover delle band punk rock britanniche, nel 1980 Susini se ne va e viene sostituito dal fratello di Cicchi, Leandro, e nascono così i Diaframma, nome scelto per la comune passione dei tre per la fotografia (il diaframma fotografico è il meccanismo usato in ottica per regolare la quantità di luce che deve attraversare un obiettivo). Sin da subito, si appassionano alle sonorità post punk che in quegli anni saranno chiamate darkwave, ispirati a gruppi leggendari come i Joy Division o i primissimi The Cure di Robert Smith. Nel 1981 conoscono Nicola Vannini, un giovane cantante, e gli propongono di entrare nel gruppo: pubblicano in pochi mesi due canzoni unite in un singolo, Pioggia/Illusione Ottica e poi Circuito Chiuso (1982) e Altrove (1983). Vannini non si ambienterà mai del tutto, e poco prima delle registrazione del loro primo disco, viene sostituito da Miro Sassolini. Nelle stesse settimane, vengono scritturati da una neonata casa editrice musicale, la IRA Records di Firenze: fondata da Alberto Pirelli insieme alla moglie Anne Marie Parrocel diviene una delle etichette più attive e creative del panorama italiano. Ne è esempio il primo disco prodotto, Catalogue Issue, una compilation con alcune delle più interessanti band del territorio, tra cui oltre che i Diaframma si ricordano i Litfiba, i Moda, ed gli Underground Life. Pirelli coniò lo slogan nuova musica italiana cantata in italiano, dando consistenza all'impegno delle 4 band sull'utilizzo della lingua italiana nella musica alternativa del nostro paese, contro l'anglofila e l'alglofonia dominante di quegli anni.
Tutto è pronto per il primo disco: scritto tutto da Federico Fiumani, prodotto da Ernesto De Pascale (che fu anche grande giornalista di musica) Siberia esce nel Dicembre del 1984. È un album in cui l'eleganza e la forza espressiva della musica incontra la poetica decadente di Fiumani, che nella voce di Sassolini trova un interprete perfetto del suo pensiero musicale e artistico. 8 brani che sono una carrellata di immagini che regalano sensazioni fredde, pungenti, dominate dalle falciate chitarristiche tipiche della musica del periodo e dal ritmo sincopato della batteria, e illuminati dai testi romantici e decadenti di Fiumani. Siberia, che apre il disco, è già l'emblema: una chitarra malinconica, il basso dai toni ombrosi ed un elegante sassofono accompagnano una voce tenebrosa rendendo il brano misterioso, Aspetterò questa notte pensandoti,\nascondendo nella neve il respiro,\poi in un momento diverso dagli altri\io coprirò il peso di queste distanze…\di queste distanze… di queste distanze. Non da meno Neogrigio, angosciante, turbinante, ventosa, capolavoro per i più sconosciuto. Impronte è una dolente poesia ritmata (Ho preferito andare prima di esser lasciat\Prima che il cuore da solo scivolasse nel buio\Insieme ai ventagli ingialliti\Resti un lampo intravisto oltre i vetri del treno\Nello spazio improvviso sopravvive in un sogno), e arriva un altro capolavoro: Amsterdam, dal leggendario ritornello (Dove il giorno ferito impazziva di luce\Dove il giorno ferito impazziva di luce) è una speranza di uscita dal dolore, e l'anno dopo, nel 1985, diventerà un formidabile duetto con i Litfiba di Piero Pelù e Ghigo Renzulli, band amica\nemica di quei tempi e destinata d un futuro radioso. Delorenzo è una ode baudeleriana, incentrata su un asfissiante basso, Memoria è un altro brano di discesa nell'oscurità, potente e misterioso, Specchi D'Acqua dal ritmo incalzante e quasi galoppante, è una fuga dagli incubi (Forse non sento le voci\Che mi allontanano\Sempre più in fretta\Dal ricordo latente\Di quei giorni sofferti), chiude il disco Desiderio Dal Nulla, trepidante, spasmodica, che continua nei suoi testi decadenti a raccontare il disagio.
Il disco fu osannato dalla critica dell'epoca, ma vista anche la dimensione indipendente del progetto, vendette poco. I Diaframma si fanno però un nome nella scena musicale alternativa italiana: è meno cupo ma altrettanto bello 3 Volte Lacrime, del 1986 e dopo Boxe (1988), un po' deludente, Fiumani scioglie il gruppo e lo riforma prendendo le redini anche del canto: pubblicherà con i nuovi Diaframma In Perfetta Solitudine (1990), che segnerà la sua volontà di continuare una carriera solista, tra cantautorato e musica rock, incisiva a volte a tratti scostante, con in primo piano la sua poesia dei testi, mai mancata.
Questo disco verrà ripubblicato in cd per la prima volta nel 1992, con aggiunta di altri due brani Elena e Ultimo Boulevard e nel 2001 con Amsterdam cantata con i Litfiba e numero brani live. Nel 2012, per il suo centesimo numero dell'edizione italiana, la rivista Rolling Stone Italia lo inserisce nella classifica del 100 migliori dischi italiani addirittura al 7.mo posto. È una riscoperta per almeno due generazioni: persino io lo comprai, non conoscendoli e non sapendo che nella soffitta di casa era, integro e impolverato, uno dei dischi più compiuti, affascinanti e belli non solo della stagione new wave post punk degli anni '80, ma dell'intera musica italiana.
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drunkenbagel · 2 years ago
Enchanted to meet you- Part 1 (repost)
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Pairing: Pedro Pascal x Spanish f!reader Contents: slow burn, strangers to friends to lovers, reader is in her mid-late 20s, sometimes a little strong language, not that many yet. Word count: 1,8k A/N: reposting because apparently I messed with something on my acc and it got deleted :') Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
In days like this, moving to New York seemed like the wrong idea. You were late to one of your deadlines, your boss just yelled at you, you were missing your family an awful lot, and everything seemed like it was against you. That's why you were on your way to the small cafeteria you went regularly. The café/bar almost felt like one of those you had back home, and it made you feel at ease when you felt like everything was falling out of your reach. Walking in, you saw a few people seated on the chairs, and you smiled as you made your way into the counter to the lovely old Spanish man that had become your friend.
“Hola Ernesto. ¿Cómo estás hoy?” you asked him. (Hello Ernesto. How are you today?)
“¡y/n, querida! Bien, ahora que te he visto” he smiled sweetly. “¿Estas bien? Se te ve cansada, cielo” (y/n, dear! Good, now that I've seen you. / Are you alright? You look tired, darling.)
You sighed.
“I'm good. Tired. That's why I came here. You know your café con leche always cheers me up. The best in all the city” you said, taking your jacket off and leaving it one of the tables beside the counter.
„Ah, eres la única que lo aprecia. The others just like the café solo or black coffee, anyways” he chuckled, and started preparing one right away. (Ah, you're the only one that appreciates it.)
The two of you made small talk until another customer came in, and you sat at your usual table. You took out your laptop and started working on that damned deadline you had. After a while, you had finished the work you were behind, and after stretching yourself on the chair, you took the last sip of your coffee.
“Anita! Hola, querida” you heard Ernesto say. You turned around, curious, and you met with a woman that often visited the shop. (Anita! Hello, dear. btw, -ita/-ito is used as a diminutive, in names often lovingly.)
“¡Hola Ernesto! Lo de siempre, para llevar, por favor. And a croissant” she said, smiling. Then when she turned around to reach her purse, she saw you. “Hey, y/n! Long time no see” (Hello Ernesto! The usual, to take away, please)
After paying, she sat next to you on the table while she waited for her order. You knew Ana from a while back, since you first met in Ernesto's shop. It was quite a spot for Hispanic people, honestly, since a lot of them longed for a piece of familiarity in this big city. You two made small talk about your lives, and then Ernesto called her name.
“Well, it's always nice seeing you, y/n, we really have to go out like old times. I miss getting drunk with you!” she laughed.
“I could really use a little fun, honestly. So I might take up on your offer, Ana” you smiled.
“Well, I might be going out this weekend, if I don't end up dead because of workload. I'll text you!” she said while taking her order and heading out. “Bye, cielo. Hasta luego, Ernesto!” (See you later, Ernesto!)
The old man waved her goodbye, and you stood up to take another coffee. Then you sat back and scrolled a little through TikTok. The page was flooding with new Pedro Pascal edits, and you welcomed each and every one of them. How can a man be so fine without even trying?
You heard another person entering the shop, but kept your eyes on yet another video of your 'for you' page.
“Ah, Pedrito! Cuanto tiempo sin verte, mijo” you heard Ernesto say cheerfully. (Ah, Pedrito! It has been a while without seeing you, son.)
You snorted, a bit too loud, and without looking into their direction, you quietly apologized.
“Igualmente, ya sabes que me gusta pasarme a verte cuando estoy en la ciudad” you heard the man say. Funny, because you came a lot, and his voice sounded familiar, but not from hearing it around here. (Same, you know I like to come around and see you when I'm in the city.)
“¿Te pongo lo de siempre?” Ernesto asked. (Do I get you the usual?)
“Sí, por favor. Si tienes, ese café colombiano tan rico” the other man answered, and you almost felt him smile. Oh, that coffee was good. He had a good taste. (Yes, please. If you have some, that tasty Colombian coffee.)
You didn't hear their small talk, but your attention chimed in again when Ernesto talked.
“Aquí tienes, Pedrito. Si quieres algo más ya sabes donde encontrarme.” (Here you go, Pedrito. If you want anything else, you know where to find me.)
You unconciously snorted again when hearing the nickname, and you felt their eyes on you again.
“Do I know you?”
“No, sorry, I just know someone called like that. I'm really sorry. Promise I'm not laughing at you” you said, again not tearing your eyes from the screen. Funny enough, another Pedro Pascal edit popped up in your phone. You smiled to yourself. After a bit, you saw someone approaching you sideways.
“Can I sit here?”
You stopped the video and looked up to answer.
“Yeah su-”
Your eyes met another coffee coloured ones, and your mouth stopped mid sentence. You blinked. Wait... What? This can't be happening. You frowned and looked down at the paused video on your screen. Then again at his face. The same face.
“Can I still sit? If you don't mind. I'm a little tired”
“Ye-yeah. Sure” you made a little space on the table by scooting your things to you, still a little dumbfounded.
You watched him as he sat down, took his jacket and scarf off, and put his hands around the cup to warm them. You were at loss of words. Was this a joke? Were you hallucinating from a coffee overdose? Where you the only one seeing Pedro motherfucking Pascal sat in front of you? Your eyes scanned the shop, no one turned around to watch your table or made any move to come to you. You moved your eyes back to him, and he was already looking at you.
“You alright?“
“I'm guessing you finally recognized me” he said, a small side smirk creeping on his lips.
“And you're fine?”
“Do you know more words than that?”
“Yeah” you answered without thinking. He laughed at that. “Wait- I mean-”
“‘S alright. I can leave if I'm making you uncomfortable or something.”
“I should be the one telling you that” you huffed, now smiling a bit.
“Ah, so the lady knows how to speak properly” he said mockingly.
“Oye! You're making it a little hard for me. Just let me process it. I'm having kind of a weird moment now.”
He chuckled, and took a sip of his coffee. You two sat there for a couple minutes, just sipping your coffees and occasionally glancing at each other.
“Are you freaking out?”
“Surprisingly? Not much. I thought it would be different. That you would be different.”
He gasped dramatically, taking a hand to his chest. “Ouch. That offends me. Am I not enough for you?”
“What? I didn't say that! Just- If I ever met you, I thought I would feel different. More excited, I guess? I don't know. Maybe it's just the stress knocking me out.”
“Oof. Know that one. I have just returned from filming, and I finally have some free time in my hands. I'm guessing you know what I do for a living, so... What do you do?”
“I work in an editorial. I'm kind of a translator. And everyone's recadera, honestly” you scoffed. (Gofer? aka basically the person that runs around doing what everyone wants or needs, I think lol)
You both sat there for hours, just talking to each other and enjoying your company. That was until Ernesto came up to you.
“Hey, I don't want to interrupt, parejita, but I already closed for the day. If you don't mind closing up the doors, y/n, you can stay here if you'd like” he said.
You both then looked around and realized that he had, in fact, closed everything and you two were the only ones left.
“You should have said something! No te preocupes, yo cierro. Go rest, I'll see you next day” you said almost lovingly scolding him. When he left, you sighed. “I swear this man reminds me of my grandpa. He goes every day to la huerta. And he's in his 90s!” (Don't worry, I'll close up)
“Damn, that abuelo of yours sounds like he's made of steel” he said chuckling.
“If only you knew” you said, laughing back.
The two of you started picking up your things and putting your jackets and scarfs. Ugh, sometimes you hated New York's cold. When you got out of the shop, you took out your keys and closed the cristal door, and then the blinds. When you turned to Pedro, he was looking at you funny.
“Nothing. Just thinking of how a young girl has an old man's keys to his establishment” he said, and you rolled your eyes at the comment.
“I've know Ernesto for years, and sometimes I've helped him with the shop. He's like my grandpa, you idiot! I like older men, but it's not that bad” you laughed, but froze while putting your keys into your bag. You did not just say that to him. Your eyes widened and you felt the heat in your cheeks. “I didn't-”
He was looking at you with a raised brow, smiling. “So you think I'm old, huh?”
“So you think I like you?” you answered him without thinking.
He raised both of his brows, and then laughed. “Fair enough.”
You both stood there, looking at each other, not knowing what to say. You wanted to tell him that you wanted to see him again, but without seeming like a stalker. You genuinely had a good time with him.
“So... I guess this is goodbye. It was nice meeting you, Pedro” you said with a small smile. “I'd say see you around, but New York is big, and I don't think you'd had that good of a time.”
“I actually like to come to Ernesto's a bit often when I'm here, so maybe I will. I mean, if that's okay with you. I wouldn't want to disturb or anything” he said, and you almost forgot he was international celebrity. He stood there, looking like a big cuddly thing with his scarf and beanie, with his hand on his pockets and his adorable little smile.
“Why would you? He seems to like you, and any sale is good for the business anyway” you told him.
“Then I'll come back. Maybe see you around. I had fun today, thanks for the chatting and all.”
Oh god, why was he so adorable? You wanted to squish his face into your hands.
“Yeah... That would be great. See you, Pedro.”
“See ya’, kid.”
With a small wave, he turned around, and you watched him leave. You then started walking your way into your apartment, still not knowing how to process what just happened. You took out your phone and opened your sister's chat.
“Nora, you won't believe what the fuck just happened.”
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msweebyness · 2 years ago
This is a list of all the characters currently assigned in my AU, it will be updated as I go along. As always, credit to @imsparky2002 and @artzychic27 for their support and help with this AU!
Marinette Dupain-Cheng- Fa Mulan
Adrien Agreste- Rapunzel
Alya Cesaire- Tiana
Nino Lahiffe- Fairy Godmother(brother)
Rose Lavillant- Belle
Juleka Couffaine- Beast/Prince Adam
Max Kante- Hiro Hamada
Le Chien Kim- Hercules
Alix Kubdel- Aladdin
Ivan Bruel- Quasimodo
Mylene Haprele- Snow White
Chloé Bourgeois- Anastasia Tremaine
Zoe Lee- Cinderella
Sabrina Raincomprix- Pinocchio
Nathaniel Kurtzberg- Aurora/Sleeping Beauty
Marc Anciel- Elsa
Ondine- Ariel
Kagami Tsurugi- Merida
Aurore Beaureal- The Blue Fairy
Mireille Caquet- Simba
Jean Duparc- Kuzco
Cosette Bellamy- Robaire
Denise Cabello- Wreck-It Ralph
Simon O’Connor- Peter Pan
Ismael Prisk- Genie
Reshma Leghari- Isabela Madrigal
Lacey Greene- Tinker Bell
Austin Tomassian- Jasmine
Lila Rossi- Ernesto de la Cruz
Felix Fathom- Cassandra Gothel
Markov- Baymax
Caline Bustier- Flora
Ms. Mendeliev- Yen Sid
Principal Damocles- Prince John
Sabine Cheng- Fa Zhou
Tom Dupain- Fa Li
Gina Dupain- Grandmother Fa
Gabriel Agreste- Mother Gothel
Nathalie Sancoeur & Emilie Agreste- Rulers of Corona
Marlena Cesaire- Eudora
Otis Cesaire- James (Tiana’s father)
Luka Couffaine- Julebeast’s brother, a Grand Piano due to the curse
Anarka Couffaine- Mrs. Potts/Julebeast’s Mother
Penny Rolling- Cogsworth/Julebeast’s stepmom
Jagged Stone- Lumiere/Julebeast’s father
Roger Raincomprix- Gepetto
Aya Kurtzberg- Queen Leah
Kiran Anciel- Anna
Penny & Alyssa Anciel- Rulers of Arendelle
Tomoe Tsurugi- King Fergus/Queen Eleanor of Dunbroch
Jessica Keynes- Pocahontas
Aeon Hill- WALL-E/EVE (Composite Character)
Austin Armbruster- Charlotte LaBeuff
Austin Quinlan- Moana
Austin Boulet- Winston Deavor
Audrey Bourgeois- Lady Tremaine
Sarah(Fred’s Producer)- Evil Queen
Manon Chamack- Vanellope Von Schweetz
Bob Roth- Hades
Alec Cataldi- Timon
Theo Barbot- Pumbaa
Jalil Kubdel- Abu
Clara Nightingale- Lead Muse
Amelie Graham De Vanily- Ursula
Grand Master Su Han- Arendelle Royal Advisor
Mr. XY- Gaston
Chung, Kang, and Jiao- Yao, Ling and Chien-Po
Fei Wu- Li Shang
Plagg- Mushu
Tikki- Cri Kee
Kaalki- Khan
Sass- Pascal
Xuppu- Pegasus
Nooroo- Jiminy Cricket
Duusu- Scuttle
Stompp- Hugo
Pollen- Victor
Wayzz- Laverne
Mullo- Jaq
Fluff- Gus
Longg- Angus
Roaar- Rajah
Emani- Alameda Slim
Lucien-Hans of the Southern Isles
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chrancecriber · 2 years ago
Radio SunLounge Romania (March 31, 2023)
23:57 York - Iceflowers 23:50 Razoof Feat. Lady Alma - Jah Is Watching You 23:45 Yppah - Shot Into The Sun 23:40 Mop Mop - Blue Soul 23:36 Lenny Mac Dowell - Deepest Inner (Original Mix) 23:32 Asheni - Butterfly (Original Mix) 23:27 Michael E - Promise 23:26 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 23:22 Lebensart - Eastern Sunset (World Colours Mix) 23:17 Uppermost - Believe 23:11 Orange Music - Leave It All Behind (Vocal Mix) 23:06 Placid Larry - Dew Drops 23:01 Charly Mclion - Beachday 22:58 Beanfield - Chosen (Feat. Ernesto) 22:53 Ana Criado - Can’t Hold Back The Rain (Dark Matters Original) 22:48 Monique Bon - La Musique 22:45 Federico Aubele - La Esquina 22:41 Fenomenon - Out Of Control 22:35 Jane Maximova Feat. Dmitry Raschepkin - Morning Bird 22:31 Dejamove - Warmin-' 22:27 Architect - Closer 22:24 C.cil - Calm And Quiet 22:17 Trumpet Thing - The Kiss 22:12 Jasmon - Delight 22:09 Weathertunes - Siddharta 22:05 Sweet Ocean - Stray Whisper 22:01 Funkorama - Funkachild 21:56 Pat Appleton - Good (Original Mix) 21:50 Kosta Rodrigez - Soul 2 Sell (Boosanova Chill Mix) Feat. Denise 21:46 Korte - Schwebende Gedanken 21:41 351 Lake Shore Drive Feat. J'unique - Xtc 21:37 Chris Le Blanc - Enjoy Your Life 21:32 Madita - Unspoken 21:28 Pluto Project - Erophone 21:24 Ingo Herrmann - Enough Of You (Original Mix) 21:19 Solarflow - Im Living For Today 21:16 Triangle Sun - Dry My Tears 21:11 Zenyatta - Swimming Into Vibrations (Ibiza Downbeat Vocal Mix) 21:09 Triangle Sun - Back To Infinity 21:03 Schwarz & Funk - Fate Of Destiny 20:57 Giyo - Earthbound 20:51 Javier Orlando - Petalo 20:46 Marga Sol - So Long 20:41 Ambray - Carousel 20:37 Mark One & Kevin Shawn - Between The Lines 20:33 Ed Geater - Catch (Enigma Dubz Remix) 20:30 Fudge X - Memories 20:25 Collioure - Timeless Pulse 20:25 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 20:20 Marga Sol - Other Side 20:15 The Maxwell Implosion - The Upper Left Hand (Album Version) 20:10 The Shapeshifters - Lola's Theme (Lola's Loungin' Mix) 20:06 Vincenzo - Today 19:59 Dos Buratinos - Control U Inbox (Take Control Remix) 19:55 Paul Hardcastle - Dancing Galaxies 19:50 Reference T - Bad Raider 19:46 Karen Gibson Roc - Painted Room 19:41 Alien Cafe - Sacred Mountain 19:37 Melorman - Ten 19:34 Velvet Lounge Project - The Secret Of Your Heart (Airplay Cut) 19:31 Everything But The Girl - Mirrorball 19:27 Weathertunes - Champs De Lavande 19:24 Garden City Movement - Slightly All The Time 19:18 Afterlife - Breather (Arithunda Mix) 19:13 Caibedo Island - Catching The Thoughts (Original Mix) 19:13 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 19:07 Vincenzo - Summer Breeze 19:01 Stefan Reh - Way Out Here 18:55 Gushi & Raffunk - Travel (G&r Celebration Mix) 18:49 Faro - Shape Of Sence 18:49 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 18:40 Exoplanet - Ancient Aeons (Original Mix) 18:36 Acoustique Parfum - Petite Eto 18:30 Lo64n5 - Retrogram 18:25 Moe Turk - What I Feel Like 18:20 Pablo Nouvelle - You Don-'t Understand (Feat. Alx) 18:16 Five Seasons - Endlessly 18:12 The Spirit Level - Star Gazer (Phobos Remix) 18:09 Cheprox - Take My Bary (Original Mix) 18:09 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 18:04 D. Batistatos - Downtown 18:01 Rangiroa - La Isabela Beach (Original Mix) 17:55 Sub - Missions - Four Horizons 17:51 Milosh - Another Day 17:50 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 17:45 Omnimotion (Feat. Aleah) - Days Of Silence 17:40 Loretta Heywood - Butterfly 17:36 Faro - Shanti Sunset 17:32 Mahl-a - Scent Of You 17:25 Jp - Juice - Cette Planete (Sushi Club Remix) 17:21 Aria Nova - Pop 17:16 Velvet Dreamer - Mystic Traveller 17:12 Michael E - Don't Stop 17:08 Twentyeight - In My Arms 17:02 Sunyata Project - Sudden Moments (Extended Mix) 16:57 Dj Maretimo - Sardinia Sailor (Small Waves Cut) 16:52 Trinah - Every Day 16:47 Viggor Lasslo - Fooled 16:42 Vinny Troia Feat. Jaidene Veda - Do For Love (Mike Hiratzka Downtempo Remix) 16:35 Cinematic - Empty Eoom (Daydreaming Mix) 16:31 Dreamhunter - Good Morning 16:31 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 16:27 Dining Rooms - Invocation 16:23 Pascal Dubois - Suitcase To Berlin (Travellers Cut) 16:17 Dj Monique Vs. Stephane Le Coque - You're Like An Angel 16:12 Pnfa - Miles And Miles (Slowly) 16:08 Electric Moonlight - Celebrating Love 16:03 Marga Sol - Midnight Flight 15:56 Triangle Sun - Buddha 15:52 Emma Hewitt - These Days Are Ours (Zetandel Chill Out Mix) 15:51 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 15:45 Nightmares On Wax - I Am You 15:42 Urban Phunk Society - Siesta 15:36 Titiyo - Come Along (Naid Remix) 15:31 Mathieu & Florzinho, Amroota Natu - Maha-amba (Living Room Remix) 15:30 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 15:26 Polyopia - Just For You (Soleil Fisher Mix) 15:22 Kranich - Between 15:17 Soul Avenue - Yearn To Love (Original Mix) 15:12 Tom Schlueter Feat. Valery Brusilovsky - Stadtillusion (Experience 20 Mix) 15:12 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 15:04 Max Sedgley - Life-'s A Beach 15:01 Consoul Trainin Feat Joan Kolova - Beautiful (Kosmopolitans Mix) 14:56 Sundance Girl - Open Your Arms (Falling To Pieces Mix) 14:50 Merlion - Chillin Nightflight (Golden Buddha Sunset Del Mar Mix) 14:45 Marie Therese - Magic Of The Night 14:42 Zimmer - Bai 14:36 Bonobo - The Keeper 14:31 S.w. - Humans And Gods 14:27 Vargo - Talking One Language (Anniversary Mix) 14:22 Lake Shore Drive - Forever (Feat. Genius Jane) 14:19 Velvet Lounge Project - You Broke My Heart (Video Cut) 14:14 Moca - Entspanner 14:09 Boom Jinx - Half The Man (Feat. Justine Suissa) 14:04 Soundset City - Get It On (Deep Lounge Mix) 13:59 Slackwax - Midnight 13:54 Chicane - No Ordinary Morning (Original Mix) 13:54 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 13:48 Silky Wave - Under My Skin 13:45 Approaching Black, Avalon Mia - Fade Away With You 13:39 L' Art Mystique - Beautiful Things 13:35 Idenline - At Sunset (Original Mix) 13:32 Kabanjak - Gypsy Soul (Ancient Astronauts Remix) 13:28 Nicola Conte - Fica Mal Com Deus 13:23 Velvet Dreamer - Chasing The Moment 13:17 La Brisa Del Mar - Session One 13:12 Moodorama - Weird Love 13:07 Persia Beatz - Princess Of Persia (Miracle Mixxx) 13:03 Lemongrass - All There (Skadi Vocal Edit) 12:59 Amour Fou - J-'aime Comme Tu Rit (Original Mix) 12:59 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 12:56 Cloudchord, G Mills - Bodega Grapes 12:52 Luke - Heaven-'s On Fire 12:49 Product 01 - Heart Ov Glass 12:44 Polished Chrome - Outside 12:39 Zatonsky, A&i, Sasha Colos - Damage Inside (Christos Fourkis Remix) 12:32 Max Melvin - Whatever 12:28 Phontaine - I Should 12:24 Frameworks - Breaks My Heart Ft. Kathrin Deboer 12:20 P.m.fm - Nice 12:14 Weathertunes - Happy Birthday (Feat. Wawa) (Original Mix) 12:11 Coffee Machine & Eriq Johnson - I've Got You 12:05 Guru Sax - People Can't Stop Chillin (Costes Buddha Hotel Mix) 11:59 Mirage Of Deep - Ave Maria (Sights Of The Mediterranean) 11:55 Weathertunes - Grand View 11:51 Alternative Jazz Lounge - All Around 11:47 Marcus Koch - Beautiful Day 11:41 Mahoroba - The Lost Space (Zero G. Mix) 11:37 Califonia Girl - Can See The Light (Beachside Mix) 11:33 Chris Coco - Summertime 11:29 Phontaine - Wellingtons 11:24 Elliot Berger Feat. Laura Brehm - Diamond Sky (Shaddike Remix) 11:17 Cary August, Computer World - Tour De France (St. Tropez Chill) 11:12 Castlebed - Heaven (Original Mix) 11:08 D. Batistatos, Evita Saloustrou - Anymore 11:04 Ambray - Sails (Original Mix) 10:59 Achillea - Desndame 10:54 Sunset Boulevard Project, Marc Hartman - Sweet Freedom 10:49 Fragmentorchestra - The Muse 10:49 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 10:43 Michael E - Ship To America 10:39 Kondencuotas Pienas - Elegantish Elephantish (Original Mix) 10:36 Dharma - Probedas 10:30 Saba Rock - What A Feeling 10:30 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 10:25 Peter Pearson - Drifting Along 10:20 Twentyeight - Destiny (Original Mix) 10:16 Marcel - Backseat Blues 10:12 Marga Sol - Come & Love Me 10:07 Lemongrass - Frozen Boy 10:03 Sphere - Is It Sun (Original Mix) 09:58 Middle - Sunday's Walk 09:54 Jaytech Feat. Melody Gough - Blue Ocean (Original Mix) 09:54 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 09:49 Max Laire - Good Vibes (Original Mix) 09:46 Tosca - Forte 09:41 The Sura Quintet - Lampedusa (Sunset Session) 09:36 Fairlight - Te Amo (Feat. Linda Lowe) 09:36 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 09:31 Comfort - In Travel 09:29 Strehlow Feat. Aylior - Ocean Alley 09:24 Jerome Noak Feat. Al Miller - You Got Me (Thomas Lemmer Chillout Remix) 09:20 Mike Tohr & Jonas Johannes - Napthali (Feat. Salome) 09:20 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 09:15 Marco Moli - Like A Roller Coaster (Original Mix) 09:09 D. Batistatos - Homeless 09:04 Marcus Koch - Leaving 09:01 Anthony Island - Promets 09:01 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 08:55 Lemongrass - Deep River (Eskadet Remix) 08:48 Olive - Miracle 08:44 Keep Shelly In Athens - Flyway 08:39 Jesus Mondejar - Esencia De Mar (Original Mix) 08:32 Homebase - Dzihan & Kamien 08:27 Johannes Huppertz Feat. Twila. Too - To Les Mots 08:21 Briza - Reflections On The Highway 08:17 Capa - People & Places 08:13 Polina Geht! - Hochzeit Der Steine 08:09 Gabriel Le Mar - Welcome To Dreamland 08:04 The Dining Rooms - Tunnel (Gone Remix) 08:01 D.o.s. - Nightfly 07:56 Evolve - Well I Gotta Story 07:52 Urban Phunk Society - De Janeiro 07:46 Saba Rock - What A Feeling 07:41 Faro - Language Of The Stars (Remake) 07:37 Island Dreams - Ohm G 07:34 Spektrum - Gebeit - Genug (Original Mix) 07:29 Clelia Felix - Dreaming Of You 07:23 Bloomfield - Rendez-vous A Paris 07:19 Triangle Sun - Summer Of Our Love 07:13 White Flag - The Light In The Distance Feat. Mkay (Darjeeling Banghra Mix) 07:10 Hot City Walk (Original Mix) - Lasteden 07:05 Climatic - L-'horizzonte 07:04 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 07:01 Lemongrass - Lovely 06:55 Vernon, Matthew Kramer - Sunshine (Louie Chandler Remix) 06:52 Moby - Lie Down In Darkness 06:47 Collective Sound Members - Do It Like That 06:41 Phreek Plus One - The Model 06:37 Marc Hartman - Shady Days 06:33 Rafau Etamski - Patience 06:28 Florzinho - Deixe O Sol Entrar (Feat. Ana Paula & Luis Viola) (Original Mix) 06:25 Cafe Ibiza - Take It To - Original Mix 06:20 Vargo - Talking One Language 06:15 Blank & Jones With Cathy Battistessa - Miracle Man (Afterlife Mix) 06:09 Vincent Vegas - Via Del Sol (Canyamel Mix) 06:09 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 06:05 Felivand - Recollections 06:00 Don Gorda Project - Cielo Terso 05:55 Shivana Faction - Talking In Whispers 05:46 Lamb - Trans Fatty Acid (K&d Session) 05:42 Marga Sol - Desedena (Instrumental Mix) 05:39 Castlebed - Snapshot 05:35 M-seven - Unspoken 05:31 Selfie - Sambuca (Wet And Glitchy Waves Edit) 05:31 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 05:25 Hior Chronik - Still Foggy (Cosmonaut Grechko Version) 05:22 Leonardo Bortolotto - Redford (Original Mix) 05:19 Myth Syzer - Bonbon A La Menthe Feat. Bonnie Banane (Stwo Remix) 05:13 Kentaro Takizawa - Gradual Life (Silent Dream Version) 05:13 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 05:10 Stepo Del Sol - Summer Dreams 05:02 Under The Sun - Waves Of The Sun 04:58 Gary B - Never Been Free 04:54 Funkaholics - I Don't Wanna Give You Up (Chill Version) 04:54 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 04:49 Yonderboi - Another Geometry 04:43 Van - Mime Actor (Original Mix) 04:40 Mary Elizabeth Mcglynn - I Want Love 04:35 Bliss Feat Lisbeth Scott - Mivahetsek 04:31 Stereo Dub - Luna De Alegrias 04:29 Poldoore - Paradise 04:24 D. Batistatos - Sunshine Velvet 04:18 Bent - Star Of Loneliness 04:18 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 04:13 The Diventa Project - Impossible Dream (Ibiza Chillout Mix) 04:09 Santerna Feat. Vadim Kapustin - Feeling Like A River (Chillout Mix) 04:03 Kraak & Smaak Feat. Parcels - Stumble (Blue Motel Remix) 03:57 Rapossa - The Ocean Inside (Original Mix) 03:54 Nitin Sawhney - Sunset 03:49 Madelin Zero - Perfect Day To Lose 03:46 Dave Palmer - Venezia (Love In The City Mix) 03:41 Steve Osaka - Lazy Day 03:41 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 03:37 Tafubar & Eskadet Feat. Airily - Paradise Reconquered (Original Mix) 03:33 Clelia Felix - Keep Watching The Stars 03:27 Baghira - A Thrill Of Anticipation 03:23 Soul 'n' Soda - What Kind Of Woman (Amazon Mix) 03:18 Ielo - Beautiful Flower (Feat. Karen Gibson Roc) 03:14 Clelia Felix - Endless Dream 03:10 Five Seasons - Round And Round 03:05 Sarah Mclachlan - Dirty Little Secret (Thievery Corporation Mix) 03:01 Jens Buchert - Fluffy Time 02:56 Everything But The Girl - Single (Brad Wood Memphis Remix) 02:52 Atb - We Belong 02:46 Minus Blue - Be As One (Klangstein Mix) 02:46 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 02:42 Kasseo Ft. Cordelia O'driscoll - In Your Eyes 02:38 Living Room - The Essence 02:33 Marga Sol - My Dream (Original Mix) 02:30 Vincenzo - Today 02:29 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 02:24 Chicane - Locking Down (Drax & Goodings Room With A View Remix) 02:19 Cafe Americaine - L Amour 02:15 Florzinho, Euphonic Traveller - Staring At The Stars (Feat. Barbara Yaa Boahene) 02:12 Duane Alpert - Cool Experience (Laurent Paradise Mix) 02:07 E-sonic - For What I Want 02:04 Stepo Del Sol - Touch My Soul (Instrumental Mix) 02:00 Waldeck - So Black & Blue 01:56 First Harmony - Let's Start Again (Bar Mix) 01:51 Cesar Martinez Ensemble - Abaco 01:45 Urban Phunk Society - Changing Spaces 01:41 James Bright - Low 01:37 Natalia Clavier - Azul 01:32 Faro - Dreaming In Orange 01:27 Luis Hermandez - Aura (Original Mix) 01:23 Houie D. - Endlesslove 01:18 At The Eleventh - Venice Beach Girls (Springbreak In The Hotel Californa Mix) 01:18 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 01:14 Lignin - Come Home 01:10 Beth Orton - Daybreaker 01:06 Index - Noon Hour Blues 01:01 Monique Bon - La Musique 01:01 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 00:58 Ross Couch - Music Is My Life 00:52 Weekend Players - Higher Ground 00:44 Sidewinder - The Adventure (Original Mix) 00:40 Mozart - Homegirl 00:33 Cinematic - Empty Eoom (Daydreaming Mix) 00:27 Lemongrass - Magnificent (Tim Angrave Resplendent Remix) 00:21 Sunpeople - Lost (Born This Way Mix) 00:17 Weathertunes - Forest (Original Mix) 00:17 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 00:13 Krystian Shek - The Easy Way Of Life 00:06 Rodney Hunter - Electric Lady (Elektrische Bidde Mix) 00:03 Ronin - Just Walking
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disneyorder66 · 6 years ago
The Goatee Boys
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L' ITALIA, LA DIGITALIZZAZIONE e il lungo "Black Friday" delle Privatizzazioni di Stato.
L’ ITALIA, LA DIGITALIZZAZIONE e il lungo “Black Friday” delle Privatizzazioni di Stato.
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marcello lopez – geopolitical and intelligence analyst – blogger, editor & entrepreneur
Con lo scoppio della pandemia cinese, che ha costretto tutto il mondo al lockdown, l’arretratezza digitale dell’Italia sta emergendo in tutta la sua drammaticità. Il pensiero allora mi corre al progetto SOCRATE (acronimo di Sviluppo Ottico Coassiale Rete Accesso TElecom), ideato negli anni novanta da Te…
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trans-and-baby-names · 5 years ago
Masculine Names
Aaron  Abdul Abe  Abel Abraham  Abram Ace Achilles  Adair Adam Adonis Adrian Adriel  Ahmed Ajax Ajay Aiden Alan Albert Alejandro Alex Alexander Alfonso Alfred Alistair Alister Allen  Alonzo Amadeo Amadeus Amani Amari Ambrose Amir Anders  Anderson Andre Andreas Andrew Andy Angel Angelo Angus Ansel  Anson Anthony Antonio Apollo Aries Archer Archie Aristotle Arlo  Arnaldo Arnold Arsenio Arthur Arturo Arwin Asa Asher Aslan Atlas  Atticus Aubrey August Augustin Augustine Augustus Aurelio Aurelius Austin Axel  Aziz
Balthazar  Bane Barnabas  Barnaby Barney Baron  Barrett Basil Bastian  Bear Beau Beck Ben Benjamin  Benji Bentley Bernard Bertram Bertrand  Blake Blaze Blue Bobby Bodhi Booker Boris  Boston Bowie Boyd Brad Bradford Bradley Bram  Bramwell Bran Brandon Brandt Braxton Braylen Brayden Brendon  Brent Brett Brian Briar Brick Bridge Bridger Brock Brody Brogan  Bronx Brook Brooks Bruce Bruno Brutus Bryce Bryson Buck Bud Buddha  Buddy Buck Burt Burton Buster Buzz Byron 
Cade  Caden Cain  Cairo Caius Calder  Caleb Callum Calvin Cam  Cameron Camillo Campbell Carl  Carlisle Carlito Carlo Carlos Carlton  Carmine Carson Carter Casper Caspian Cassian  Cassias Cato Cecil Cedar Cedric Cesar Chad Chadwick  Chance Charles Charlton Chase Chauncey Chester Chidi Chip  Christoff Christoph Christopher Christian Chuck Cian Cillian  Clarence Clark Claud Clay Clayton Cliff Clifford Clint Clinton  Clyde Coby Cody Colby Cole Collin Colt Colton Conan Connor Conrad  Constantine Cooper Copper Corbin Cornelius Cory Cosmo Cosmos Costas Craig Crispin Cruz Curt Curtis Cyrus
Dale  Dallas  Dalton Damien  Damon Dan Dane Daniel  Dante Darius Darrel Darren  Dash Dashiell Davey David Dawson  Dax Daxton Deacon Dean DeAndre Declan  Demetrius Denali Dennis Denny Denzel Derek  Derrick Des Desmond Dewey Dex Dexter Diego Diesel  Dion Dirk Dixon Dmitri Dominic Donatello Donovan Dorian  Doug Douglas Draco Drew Duke Duncan Dustin Dusty Dwayne Dwight  Dylan Dyson 
Earl  Easton  Edgar Edmund  Eduardo Edward Edwin  Egon Eli Elijah Elias  Elliott Ellis Elroy Elton  Emanuel Emeric Emerson Emery  Emil Emiliano Emmett Emrys Enrique  Enzo Eric Ernest Ernesto Ernie Esteban  Ethan Eugene Eustace Euvan Evan Evander Everett  Ezekiel Ezra 
Fabian  Fabio Falcon  Faustus Felix Ferdinand  Fergus Ferguson Fernando Fidel  Fido Finbar Findlay Finn Finnley  Fionn Fisher Fitz Fletcher Flint Florence  Florian Ford Forrest Fort Foster Fowler Fox  Francesco Francis Francisco Franco Frank Frankie  Franklin Fred Freddy Fredrick Frederico
Gabe  Gabriel  Gael Gage  Gale Galen Garfield Garrett Gaston Gatsby  Gavin Geoffrey Geordie George  Gerald Gerard Gideon Gil Gilbert  Gilberto Giovanni Glenn Gordon Gordy  Grady Graham Grant Gray Grayson Gregg  Gregory Grey Griffin Griffith Grover Gunner  Gunther Gus Gustavo Guy 
Hades  Hal Hamilton  Hank Hans Harley Harrison  Harry Hawk Hayden Hayes Heath Hector  Henrik Hendrix Henry Herb Herbert Herbie  Hercules Hermes Hershel Hiram Holden Howard  Howie Hudson Hugo Humphrey Hunter Hux Huxley 
Ian Igor Iker Irvin Isaac Isaiah Ivan 
Jace  Jack Jackson  Jacob Jaques Jaden  Jake Jalen Jamal James  Jameson Jared Jason Jax  Jay Jed Jedidiah Jefferson  Jeffrey Jeremiah Jeremy Jerome  Jerry Jesus Jethro Jett Jim Jimmy  Joe Joel Johan Johannes John Johnny Jonah  Jonas Jonathan Jones Jordan Jose Joseph Joshua  Josiah Juan Juanito Judah Judas Judd Jude Jules Julian  Julien Julio Julius Junior Jupiter Jurgen Justice Justin Justus 
Kaden  Kai Kaiser  Kale Kaleb Kane  Keane Keanu Keaton  Keegan Keenan Keith  Kellen Kenan Kendrick  Kenneth Kenzo Keoni Kevin Khalid  Kian Kieran Kiernan Kingsley Kingston Killian  Kip Kwan Kyle
Lachlan  Lake Lamar  Lance Lancelot  Landon Lane Larkin  Larry Lars Laurence Laurent  Lawrence Lawson Lazlo Legend Leif  Leith Leland Leo Leon Leonardo Leopold  Leroy Levi Liam Lincoln Linden Logan Loki  London Lonnie Lonny Lorcan Lorenzo Lou Louie  Louis Luc Luca Lucas Lucian Lucky Luke Lupe Luther
Maddox  Maksim Malachi  Malachy Malakai Malcolm  Malik Manfred Manny Marcel Marcello  Marcellus Marcio Marcius Marco Marcos  Marcus Marian Marino Mario Marius Mark  Marlin Marlon Marmaduke Marques Mars Marshall  Martin Marty Marvel Marvin Massimo Mason Matt Matteo  Matthew Maurice Maverick Max Maximilian Maximus Maxwell  Melvin Mercury Meredith Merritt Micah Michael Miguel Miles  Milo Mitchell Moe Monte Montgomery Murdoch Murphy Murray Murtagh  Murtaugh Myles
Nathan  Nathaniel  Ned Nelson  Nemo Neo Neon  Neptune Neville  Newt Newton Nick  Nicky Nicola Nicolai  Nicholas Niko Noah Noel Nolan  Norm Norman Novak 
Obadiah  Octavio Octavius  Odin Olaf Oleg Oliver  Olivier Omar Orion Orlando  Orville Osborn Oscar Oso Osvaldo  Oswald Ottis Otto Owen Oz Ozzy
Pablo  Palmer Panther  Parker Pascal Patrick Paul  Paxton Pedro Penn Percival Percy Perseus  Peter Peyton Phil Philip Phineas Phoenix Pier  Pierce Pierre Pilot Pluto Porter Poseidon Preston  Prince Prosper
Qadir  Quincy Quinn  Quinton 
Raiden  Ralph Ramone  Ramses Randall Randolph  Randy Raphael Ravi Ray Raymond Red  Reece Reggie Reginald Regis Reid Remington  Reuben Rex Reynald Reynaldo Reynard Rhett Rhys  Ricardo Richard Richie Richmond Rick Ricky Rico Ridge  Riley Rio Riordan River Robert Roberto Robbie Rocco Rocky  Rodney Rodrigo Roger Ricky Riley Rod Rodrick Roger Roland  Roman Romeo Ross Rowan Rudy Rufus Russell Ryder Ryker Rylan Ryland 
Salem  Salvador  Salvator Sam  Samir Sampson Samson  Samuel Sander Sandford Sanjay  Santiago Saul Sawyer Scott Sean Sebastian  Septimus Serge Sergio Seth Seus Seymour Shane  Shawn Shayne Sheldon Shepherd Sherlock Sherman Shin Sidney  Sigmund Silas Silver Silvester Simon Sinclair Sinjin Sirius  Slade Slate Sol Solomon Sonny Sparrow Spartacus Spencer Spike  Soren Stan Stanford Stanley Steele Stephen Steven Stevie Stone Sven Summit  Sullivan Sully Sylvester
Tad  Tag Talon  Tanner Tate  Ted Teddy Teo Teodor  Teodoro Terence Terrell  Terry Tex Thad Thaddeus Thane  Thatcher Theo Theoden Theodore Thomas  Thor Thorn Tiberius Tiger Tito Titus Timothy  Titus Tobias Toby Tommy Tony Topher Trace Travis  Trent Trenton Trev Trevor Trey Tristan Troy Truman Tucker  Tudor Tullio Tullius Tully Tycho Tyler Tyrell Tyrese Tyrone  Tyson
Uberto  Ulric Ulrich  Ulysses Uriah Urban Urijah  Uriel
Van  Vance  Vaugn Victor  Vince Vincenco Vincent  Vinny Virgil Vlad Vladimir 
Wade  Walden  Waldo Walker  Wallace Wally Walt  Walter Warner Warren  Watson Waylon Wayne Wendall  Wesley Westley Weston Wilbert  Wilbur Wilder Wiley Wilfred Will William  Winston Wolf Wolfe Wolfgang Woodrow Wyatt 
Xander  Xavier Xavion  Xenon
Yael  Yahir York Yosef  Yousef Yusef
Zac  Zach Zachariah  Zacharias Zachary Zack  Zander Zane Zayden Zeke  Zeus Ziggy Zion Zoltan
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storybrookeofold · 4 years ago
character navigation (1)
Snow White:
Snow White
Evil Queen
Prince Florian
7 dwarves
Magic Mirror
Jiminy Cricket
The Blue Fairy
Mickey Mouse
Yen Sid
Donald Duck
Daisy Duck
Minnie Mouse
Madame Upanova
Hyacinth Hippo
Spring Sprite
Timothy Q Mouse
Prince of the forest
Miss Bunny
Three Caballeros:
Donald Duck
Jose Carioca
Panchito Pistoles
Lady Tremaine
Anastasia Tremaine
Drizella Tremaine
Gus Gus
Fairy Godmother
Prince Charming
Bruno and Major
The King
Alice and Wonderland:
Queen of Hearts
Mad Hatter
Cheshire Cat
March Hare
White Rabbit
King of Hearts
Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum
The red queen and king
The white queen and king
White knight and red knight
Peter Pan:
Peter Pan
Wendy Darling
John Darling
Michael Darling
Captain Hook
Darling Parents
Mr Smee
Tiger Lily
Lost Boys
Neverland Mermaids
Lady and the Tramp / II:
Mr Busy
Si and Am
Junkyard gang
Annette, Colette & Danielle
Sleeping Beauty:
Prince Phillip
King Stefan
Flora, Fauna & Merryweather 
King Hubert
Queen Leah
101 Dalmations:
Cruella De Vil
Roger Radcliffe
Anita Radcliffe
Sword in the Stone:
Sir Ector
Sir Kay
Madam Mim
The Jungle Book/ II:
Sher Khan
King Louie
Colonel Hathi
Thomas O’Malley
Edgar Balthazar
The Scat Cats
Madame Adelaide Bonfamille
Frou Frou
Abigail and Amelia Gabbie
Robin Hood:
Robin Hood
Maid Marion
Little John
King John
Friar Tuck
Lady Cluck
Sir Hiss
Sheriff of Nottingham
Winnie the Pooh:
Kanga & Roo
Christopher Robin
The Rescuers / II:
Madame Medusa
Mr Snoops
Percival McLeach
Fox and the Hound / II:
Big Mama
Amos Slade
Widow Tweed
Black Cauldron:
Horned King
The Great Mouse Detective:
 David Dawson
Mrs Judson
Mouse Queen
Oliver and Company:
Bill Sykes
Roscoe and Desoto
The Little Mermaid:
Prince Eric
King Triton
Marina Del Ray
Queen Athena
Tip & Dash
Beauty and the Beast:
Mrs Potts
Ms Wardrobe
The Oracle
The Lion King:
Timon & Pumbaa
Shenzi, Banzai and Ed
A Goofy Movie:
John Smith
Chief Powhatan
Grandmother Willow
Toy Story:
Buzz Lightyear
Bo Peep
Stinky Pete
Emperor Zurg
Andys toys
Hunchback of Notre Dame:
Captain Phoebus
Victor, Hugo & Laverne
Pain and Panic
The Muses
Mulan / II:
Fa Mulan
Li Shang
Shan Yu
Fa Zhou
Grandmother Fa
Fa Li
The Emperor
A Bugs Life:
Queen Ant
Circus Bugs
Professor Porter
Emperors New Groove:
Helga Sinclair
Preston B Whitmore
Dr Sweet
Mrs Packard
Kashekim Nedakh
Monsters Inc:
James P Sullivan
Mike Wazowski
Randall Boggs
Celia Mae
Mr Waternoose
Lilo & Stitch:
Grand Councilwoman
Captain Gantu
Dr Hamsterviel
Treasure Planet:
Jim Hawkins
John Silver
Dr Doppler
Captain Amelia
Sarah Hawkins
Finding Nemo:
The Fishtank
Brother Bear:
Home on the Range:
Mrs Calloway
Alameda Slim
Lucky Jack
Pearl Gesner
The Incredibles:
Bob Parr
Helen Parr
Dash Parr
Violet Parr
Edna Mode
Winston Deavor
Evelyn Deavor
Tony Rydinger
Lightning Mcqueen
Sally Carrera
Doc Hudson
Chick Hicks
Strip Weathers
Finn McMissle
Holly Shiftwell
Cruz Ramirez
Jackson Storm
Chef Skinner
Anton Ego
Captain B McCrea
Charles F Muntz
Princess and the Frog:
Charlotte La Bouff
Dr Facilier
Mama Odie
Eli La Bouff
Eugene/Flynn Ryder
Mother Gothel
The Stabbington Brothers
Queen Elinor
King Fergus
The Witch
Harris, Hubert, Hamish
Wreck it Ralph:
Wreck-it Ralph
Vanellope von Schweetz
Fix-it Felix
Sergeant Calhoun
King Candy
The Racers
Lieutenant Mattias
Big Hero Six:
Honey Lemon
Aunt Cass
Professer Callaghan
Inside Out:
Bing Bong
Judy Hopps
Nick Wilde
Chief Bogo
Dawn Bellweather
Mayor Lionheart
Hei Hei
Gramma Tala
Te Fiti
Chief Tui
Mama Coco
Ernesto de la cruz
Mama Imelda Rivera
Raya and the Last Dragon:
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karensitalianlitblog · 4 years ago
10 Interesting Italian Novels
1. Cesare Pavese’s The Moon and The Bonfires
“Yet, this is a book not only about returning to the past, it is also a lament for the lost innocence of youth. In an effort to reach into his past, almost in the way that we sometimes fantasize about going back to advise our younger selves, our protagonist becomes attached to Cinto, a crippled young boy who lives with his aunt, grandmother and explosively violent father in the hut where Eel spent his earliest years with the family that first adopted him. In this boy he sees himself and he is struck with a pained nostalgia mixed with a desire to offer Cinto hope of a future, an encouragement to look beyond the nearest horizon. The bond they forge is touching, and becomes central to one of the most intense episodes in the novel.” (roughghosts.com)
2. Nicolo’ Ammaniti: I’m not scared 
“The novel I’m not scared tells the story of Michele, a 9-year-old growing up in a small farming community in the 1970s southern Italy. Michele’s summers are simple and free, spent playing across the infinite wheat fields with his sister and peers until he discovers something so bad he can’t even tell his broke but loving parents about. This book is a must-read if you love an Italian novel with a captivating plot set in agricultural southern Italy. And you shouldn’t miss the movie by Italian director Gabriele Salvatores either, which features spectacular actors and photography. Have a tissue ready…” (travelconnectexperience.net)
3. Ernesto de Martino: The Land of Remorse
“If you are attached to Puglia, Ernesto de Martino’s land of remorse is a must read. The book was originally an anthropological field-study into the rites, the origins and the social importance of the tarantella and Tarantism with women dancing themselves into a trance to prevent death from a spider bites.” (italiannotes.com)
4. Ignazio Silone: The Secret of Luca
“The protagonist returns to his native village near L’Aquila after 40 years in prison for a murder he did not commit. The villagers still hold him responsible, until they learn why he did not defend himself during the trial.“ (italiannotes.com)
5. Alessandro Baricco: Ocean Sea
“With a style close to magic realism, “Ocean Sea” ‘s characters all move in and around the Almayer Hotel, a small, family run pension near the sea. Surreal atmospheres and ethereal interactions, all contribute to the magical beauty of this novel, where the sea, with his taumaturgic, but also deadly power, represents the common denominator among all characters.” (www.lifeinitaly.com)
6. Paolo Giordano: The Solitude of Prime Numbers
“Set in the elegant, charming Turin (the city is never openly mentioned, but monuments, streets and specific locations are easily recognizable), ” The Solitude of Prime Numbers: A Novel ” is the story of two friends, Alice and Mattia, whose lives run parallely for decades, from the times of high school to adulthood. This popular Italian novel also became a movie in 2010.”  (www.lifeinitaly.com)
7.  Beppe Fenoglio: A Private Affair
“After the fateful day of September 8,1943--when Italy surrendered to the Allies and was occupied by the Wehrmacht--Milton, a university student, joins the anti-German partisan militia in the mountainous areas of the Piedmont. It is a hard life of watches, patrols, ambushes, and close escapes, but Milton seems to live in a kind of daze, heedless of the danger of being captured by Fascist bands, and immersed in his own world of thoughts and memories. History and life are fused together through a masterful use of flashback, while Milton’s romantic, obsessive, and desperate quest for love and truth carries a wealth of connotations that still reverberate to this day.” (www.librarything.com)
8. Luigi Pirandello: The Late Mattia Pascal
“Mattia Pascal endures a life of drudgery in a provincial town. Then, providentially, he discovers that he has been declared dead. Realizing he has a chance to start over, to do it right this time, he moves to a new city, adopts a new name, and a new course of life--only to find that this new existence is as insufferable as the old one. But when he returns to the world he left behind, it's too late: his job is gone, his wife has remarried. Mattia Pascal's fate is to live on as the ghost of the man he was.” (www.librarything.com)
9. Luigi Pirandello: Uno, nessuno, centomila
“The tragedy, modern and emblematic, of Vitangelo Moscarda, who discovers that he is a stranger even to himself, a person built by others in their own way.If man pretends to unite himself as one, he will never know each other.It remains for him then to strip himself of all the connotations, the so-called qualities, the possessions, to be given to the madman, to live no longer in himself, but ‘in everything outside’.A book about alienation and knowledge of ourselves.” (listenitaly.com)
10. Alessandro Manzoni: I promessi sposi 
“Lucia, the unfortunate one. Ventured because all the novel is built on the experience of the world that these two anonymous poor, Renzo and Lucia, are forced to do without understanding the why of the actions.To master the Manzonian masterpiece there is the resolute disposition to respect the disorderly and unpredictable development of life. A real gem that today attracts thousand of visitors to the supposed houses where the so well created characters have lived in the imagination of the author, in Lecco.” (listenitaly.com)
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scatteredstorieshq · 5 years ago
mw families that aren’t already here?
We’d love to see families of Roger and Anita, Jasmine and Aladdin, the Genie, the Mad Hatter, the Cheshire Cat, Belle and Adam, Cogsworth, Daisy and Donald, Ernesto de la Cruz, Fawn or Periwinkle from Disney Fairies, Olaf, Sven, the Hatbox Ghost, any of the Hitchhiking Ghosts, the Sanderson sisters, Kim and Ron, Wendy Darling, Pinocchio, Gideon, Prince John, Luke Skywalker, Finn, Pascal, Oogie Boogie, Buzz and Jessie, Bunny or Ducky, Meg and Calvin from a Wrinkle in Time, Timon or Pumbaa, Hades, the Evil Queen, Dylan Piper, Davy Jones, Flounder, Randall, Hawkeye, Bucky Barnes, Bambi and Faline, Tiana and Naveen or Maleficent !
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sternvonafrika · 5 years ago
i was tagged by @klaus-hoffmann​ to list the ten books i want to read in 2020. first title is in english, title between brackets is the original one (if applicable). oh, thank you so much for the tag!!💖
Last Letters of Jacopo Ortis (Le ultime lettere di Jacopo Ortis) - Ugo Foscolo
Ernesto (Ernesto) - Umberto Saba
Ward N.6 (Палата № 6) - Anton Chekhov
Young Törleß (Die Verwirrungen des Zöglings Törleß) - Robert Musil
The Late Mattia Pascal (Il Fu Mattia Pascal) - Luigi Pirandello
Mémoires - Suivi de Journal de guerre (i have no idea whether or not this has been translated into english) - Roland Garros
The Master and Margarita (Мастер и Маргарита) - Mikhail Bulgakov
Peter Schlemhil (Peter Schlemihls wundersame Geschichte) - Adelbert von Chamisso
All the light we cannot see - Anthony Doerr
The gentleman’s guide to vice and virtue -  Mackenzi Lee
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materiali-sonori · 2 years ago
disponibile TONDELLI E LA MUSICA a cura di Bruno Casini - nuova edizione (con nuovi interventi) per Interno4 Edizioni
su #thebigcatalogue
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danielpico · 6 years ago
María de Naglowska
Publicado: Jueves, 30 de Septiembre de 2010 00:18 por Ernesto Milá enESOTERISMO
Infokrisis.- En el París de los años 30, una mujer se recogía en una iglesia de Montparnasse, pero en la noche daba cursos sobre magia sexual. Era conocida como “la Sacerdotisa de Lucifer”. Se llamaba Maria de Naglowska. Discreta, pero extremadamente influyente, fue sin duda la gran difusora de la magia sexual en el siglo XX.
María de Naglowska nació el 15 de agosto de 1883 en San Petersburgo. Era hija del gobernador de Kazan, el general Dimitri de Naglowski que en 1895 resultaría envenenado por un nihilista. A la edad de 12 años quedó huérfana. Su tía la matriculó en el instituto Smola para jóvenes aristócratas. Allí culminó brillantemente sus estudios. Durante ese tiempo, según su propia confesión, contactó con la secta de los Khlistis a la que pertenecía Rasputín y cuyos ritos incluían técnicas de magia sexual. Ese fue el primer contacto con la doctrina que absorbería toda su vida.
La revolución de 1905 la impulsó a frecuentar círculos cerrados de intelectuales. Enamorada de un músico de origen judío, Moisés Hopenko, abandonó con él Rusia para instalarse, primero en Berlín y luego en Suiza, donde se casaron. Allí continuó sus estudios universitarios siguiendo simultáneamente varias carreras. Para salvar su matrimonio y permitir a su marido terminar su formación como músico, dio clases particulares. Poco después nacieron sus tres hijos: Alexandre, Marie y André.
Hopenko seducido por las ideas sionistas decidió partir hacia Palestina abandonando a su mujer y a sus hijos. Maria continuó enseñando y escribiendo algunos artículos para diferentes revistas. Dio también conferencias. Pero estas actividades y la aparición de un libro le costaron ser encarcelada por actividades políticas y espionaje. Tras su liberación abandonó Ginebra para radicar en Berna y luego en Bale.
Pronto abandonó Suiza y se trasladó a Italia instalándose en Roma donde permaneció entre 1921 y 1926. Siguió enseñando y se convirtió en redactora del diario "L’Italia". Quiso trasladar a sus hijos desde Suiza, pero Alexandre se unió con su padre en Palestina.
Pronto surgieron los problemas: Maria perdió su empleo y debió dar clases a cualquier precio para sobrevivir. En Roma, frecuentó a un grupo de escritores ocultistas. Este contacto le permitió conocer a un filósofo ruso exiliado que le reveló las tradiciones Boreales más secretas.
En ese período conoce a Julius Evola y a otros amigos suyos que formarán poco después el “Grupo de Ur” de magia operativa. Evola, junto con René Guenon, son dos de los esoteristas más prestigiosos del siglo XX y aun hoy sus obras son frecuentemente reeditadas.
Su hijo Alexandre que consiguió un buen puesto de trabajo en Alejandría, la llevó a Egipto con sus hermanos. Pronto fue invitada a dar conferencias en la Sociedad Teosófica en la que ingresó finalmente. La logia de Alejandría había sido fundada por la propia Blavatsky. Así mismo se convirtió igualmente en redactora del diario “La Bolsa”.
En 1930, volvió a Roma, sus amigos le encontraron un trabajo en una editorial de París donde pudo establecerse. Desgraciadamente no obtuvo autorización para trabajar en Francia y debió contar con su hijo André para sobrevivir.
María se estableció entonces en Montparnasse donde conoció a escritores, artistas y poetas. Pronto inició la edición de un semanario mágico, "La Flèche" en la que colaboraron Julius Evola y otros destacados esoteristas de la época. Aparecieron 18 números que hoy se cotizan a precios extremadamente altos. La revista se subtitulaba “organo de difusión del Tercer Término”
Estableció su cuartel general en el restaurante La Coupole dónde se reunían los ocultistas de la época. La dirección le ofrecía gratuitamente cada tarde la cena y los numerosos cafés que consumía a lo largo del día. El miércoles daba conferencias en el Estudio Raspail situado en el número 36 de la cercana rue Vavin y todas las tardes acudía a la iglesia de Notre-Dame des Champs para concentrarse y meditar. Diariamente, durante 2 horas, recibía a sus discípulos en el Hotel Americano (15, rue Brea) no lejos de allí. Estos llegaban desde muchos países extranjeros; no en vano María de Naglowska dominaba el inglés, el ruso, el alemán, el francés, el italiano y el yidish, comprendía el polaco, español y checo y, finalmente, algo de árabe.
Su biógrafo y discípulo más directo, Marc Pluquet, cuenta que a las conferencias solían acudir en torno a 40 personas, luego, al concluir, un pequeño grupo pasaba a la sala contigua y realizaba ritos más discretos. Allí confería iniciaciones que ella misma calificada de “satánicas”. La prensa se ocupó frecuentemente de ella y un artículo en la revista “Voilà” fue suficiente para que su nombre alcanzara fama y relieve.
A finales de 1935, anunció a Marc Pluquet que acababa de terminar su misión y que preparaba la partida. Profetizó que el advenimiento del Tercer Término no podría hacerse más que en dos o tres generaciones cuando el mundo estuviera preparado para las transformaciones sociales y políticas que implicaba el advenimiento de una nueva era. La misión de los que han compartido su obra será conservar la enseñanza para que pueda reaparecer bajo una forma clara y comprensible a hombres y mujeres que no estarán necesariamente formados en el simbolismo.
El pequeño grupo de sus discípulos estaba formado por conocidos esoteristas, entre los que figuran Claude Lablatinière (alias “Claude d’Ygée”, luego dedicado a la alquimia), Camille Bryen y su biógrafo Marc Pluquet. Algunos de ellos, como d’Ygée, se movían en el entorno en el que aparecieron las obras de Fulcanelli, el misterioso alquimista del siglo XX.
A principios de 1936, María dio su última conferencia un sábado en el Estudio Raspail (36, rue Vavin, en un hotel que, reformado, aun existe y en el que vivieron entre otros Aleister Crowler y Eliphas Levi) a fin de las cual se despidió de la concurrencia sin dejar ningún sucesor. Luego se reunió con su hija María en Suiza.
Contrariamente a la versión que se ha dado de sus últimos años, el 17 de abril de 1936, María de Naglowska, la Sophiale de Montparnasse, como fue llamada por unos y “sacerdotisa de Lucifer” para otros, murió en casa de su hija en Zürich. No es cierto que los alemanes la detuvieran en 1940 en París y la deportaran a Austwitz tal como han publicado erróneamente autores como Jean Pierre Bayard (“La meta secreta de los rosacruces”).
Maria de Naglowska, con el pequeño grupo de sus discípulos constituyó la Orden de los Caballeros de la Flecha de Oro de los que Marc Pluquet era el más próxima a ella. Pluquet constituye, al mismo tiempo, la fuente más preciosa de datos sobre la Naglowska. En la Biblioteca del Arsenal de París se encuentran depositados 75 folios mecanografiados con el título de La Sophiale, Maria de Naglowska: sa vie – son oeuvre. Pluquet era, al mismo tiempo, arquitecto y trabajó en un período de su vida –justamente en la época en la que estuvo en contacto con María de Naglowska- con el arquitecto Le Corbusier. Pluquet afirma que las ideas de la Naglowska influyeron en el estilo y en las ideas de éste renovador de la arquitectura.
Por esas fechas (1931), el famoso arquitecto, había ido a vivir a París a una casa que él mismo diseñó en rue Molitor. Poco después, en 1935, Le Corbusier interviene en el congreso Internacional de Arquitectura Moderna con una ponencia titulada La Ciudad Radiante. En 1935 desarrolla este tema en un libro del mismo título. Su propuesta es constituir edificios con la planta en forma de cruz, lo que permitiría aprovechar al máximo la luz. Su idea consistía en construir un rascacielos en París de 220 metros de altura, que permitiera circular entre los pilares. Poco después, cuando le encargan el plano urbanístico de Sao Paulo (Brasil), vuelve a insistir otra vez en la forma de cruz, para toda la ciudad.
Estas ideas se encuentran en las obras de María de Naglowska. Por otra parte, no hay que olvidar que Le Corbusier tenía en aquella época una vena mística muy acusada que le llevó incluso en visitar Barcelona las obras de Antonio Gaudí por invitación del pintor José María Sert (hombre muy versado en esoterismo y uno de los grandes maestros y amigos de Dalí).
En 1931, María de Naglowska publica en París un libro, generalmente atribuido a Pascal Beverly Randolph, Magia Sexual. En la biografía de Randolph resulta probable que viajara a París, pero se desconoce la forma en que llegó el manuscrito de “Magia Sexual” a manos de María de Naglowska. De hecho no hay pruebas siquiera de que el libro fuera escrito por el propio Randolph. Algunos fragmentos del libro son sospechosamente idénticos a los que contienen otras de sus obras (en especial todo lo relativo a los espejos mágicos y la animación de estatuas), pero, en general, el estilo es diferente y parece más influido por Josephin Peladan (artista y ocultista rosacruciano francés de finales del XIX y principios del XX) que por el propio Randolph.
La Naglowska explica en su revista La Fleche que el texto le fue remitido “por un desconocido en una céntrica calle de París, sin darle tiempo a preguntarle nada más”. A pesar de que Julius Evola, no solamente dio por auténtico el texto, sino que además lo prologó, por nuestra parte pensamos que Magia Sexual encierra un misterio difícil de resolver, pero que, en cualquier caso, la clave está en Maria de Naglowska, la mujer que publicó el libro en 1931 y que, probablemente lo escribiera a partir de fragmentos de Randolph, de ideas de Peladan y de las suyas propias.
Si esto es así, a la “Sacerdotisa de Lucifer” le cabe el honor de ser la inspiradora del libro sobre técnicas sexuales mágicas más difundido en Occidente incluso en nuestros días. El mensaje esotérico de esta gran desconocida sobrevive en nuestros días, sin que la mayoría lo perciba.
[ r e c u a d r os   f u e r a   d e   t e x t o ]
En 1931, Salvador Dalí pasó una temporada en París donde se encontraba el centro mundial del surrealismo. Cierta mañana de junio, fue a visitar a su amigo Joan Miró y éste le propuso ir al restaurante La Coupole donde estaba el fundador del dadaísmo, Tristan Tzara. En La Coupole, los surrealistas tenían una animada tertulia en la que participaban los exponentes más destacados del movimiento.
Dalí frecuentó este artículo durante los años 1931-1933. Iba acompañado por Gala Dianokov, su esposa.
Resulta difícil pensar que ambas mujeres no se encontraran en la Coupole y no sintonizaran. Gala, nacida en Kazan (donde residió la Naglowska mientras su padre fue gobernador de esa provincia), rusa, interesada en la magia sexual y en el ocultismo (por entonces Gala oficiaba de médium de los surrealistas e introduce en la mediumnidad a otros miembros del grupo; ha aprendido a tirar el tarot) y le apasiona el ocultismo y la astrología. Aparecía por entonces y en los años que siguieron una réplica de la Naglowska.
A decir verdad, la influencia de la ocultista rusa aparece en la vida de Gala en distintas ocasiones. Su psiquiatra contó que en 1973 Gala estaba convencida de que el semen de muchachos jóvenes la rejuvenecía y, hasta sus últimos meses de vida, siguió manteniendo relaciones sexuales. Muy frecuentemente sus amantes quedaron destrozados por la experiencia: Jeff Fenholt, por ejemplo, protagonista de Jesucristo Superstar, pasó a un grupo de rock satánico; varios se convirtieron en toxicómanos.
Por lo demás, las ideas de Dalí sobre el andrógino, sobre la sexualidad mágica, su misticismo neocatólico y sobre todo sus concepciones en el terreno del  erotismo parecen extraídas directamente de las doctrinas de la Naglowska sobre el Tercer Término.
[recuadro II]
La idea central del pensamiento de la Naglowska consiste en intuir como será la religión del Tercer Término. Para ella el judaísmo es la religión del Padre, el cristianismo, la del Hijo y queda todavía por manifestarse el Tercer Término de la Trinidad que inspirará la religión de la Nueva Era.
De la misma forma que atribuía un carácter andrógino al Padre y un carácter masculino al Hijo, la nueva religión del Tercer Término debía de surgir e la unión de los contrarios y tendría una naturaleza femenina. Para esto era preciso dominar las técnicas de magia sexual.
¿Y Satán? ¿por qué la Naglowska se hace llamar Sacerdotisa de Lucifer? En su particular visión, en el ser humano están presentes dos componentes,  el cuerpo de Dios (la vida) y la Razón. Ambos son interdependientes y complementarios. La Naglowska afirmaba que la razón está al servicio de Satán e incluso sostenía que la razón es Satán. Existe una relación dialéctica entre Dios-Vida y Satán-Razón. La práctica hermética tiene que enseñar el calvario de Satán que resuelve la relación dialéctica en una síntesis que es precisamente el Tercer Término, el Espíritu Santo.
El elemento ritual central de este calvario es la llamada Misa de Oro. En 1935, Maria organizó reuniones para presentar los ritos preliminares de la Misa de Oro cuyo fin era consagrar el advenimiento del Tercer Término. La Naglowska daba mucha importancia a un ritual extraño y siniestro en el cual el adepto era colgado por el cuello. Incluso dedica una de sus obras más turbadoras Le Mystère de la Pendaison (literalmente El Misterio del Ahorcamiento) inspirado en la carta del Tarot. Para la Naglowska esta carta era algo más que un símbolo. En esa posición, el acto sexual parece tener una mayor intensidad traumática; se sabe incluso que los ahorcados experimentan una erección que llega hasta la eyaculación en el curso de su agonía. Sería el momento en el cual, confundido el placer con la muerte se alcanzaría el punto álgido del calvario de Lucifer y... justo en ese momento el adepto provocaba en sí mismo el nacimiento del Tercer Término.
[recuadro III]
Pascal Beverly Randolph, tras escindirse de la Hermandad Hermética de Luxor, constituyó su propia organización iniciática, la Fraternidad de Eulis. Tras su muerte en 1875, Freeman B. Dowd asumió la dirección. En 1878, fundó una gran logia en Filadelfia y en 1907, al retirarse fue sucedido por Edward Brown.
A la muerte de éste en 1922, el teósofo rosacruciano R.S. Clymer tomó el relevo. Nacido en 1878, Clymer fue recibido como Neófito en el seno de la F.R.C. y de la Fraternidad de Eulis en 1897. En 1911, se instaló en Berverly Hall donde estableció la sede de la Orden. Tuvo una agria polémica con Spencer Lewis y su A.M.O.R.C. (Antigua y Mística Orden rosa Cruz) a quien acusó de falsario y mistificador.
Con otros iniciados, Clymer construyó la F.U.D.O.S.F.I. (Federación Universal de Ordenes, Sociedades y Fraternidades Iniciáticas) a fin de combatir a Lewis y la influencia de la F.U.D.O.S.I. (Federación Universal de Ordenes y Sociedades Iniciáticas) que éste había constituido.
La Naglowska conoció la obra de Clymer mientras permaneció en Roma junto a Julius Evola y tuvo contactos con la F.R.C. en París, sin embargo, considerando que la enseñanza sexual de Randolph estaba muy atenuada, prefirió fundar su propia estructura iniciática, la Orden de los Caballeros de la Flecha de Oro.
© Ernest Milà – Infokrisis – [email protected] – http://infokrisis.blogia.com – Prohibida la reproducción de este texto sin indicar origen
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discobar · 3 years ago
Il meglio del djing per prepararsi al Decibel
Il meglio del djing per prepararsi al Decibel
Quattro appuntamenti estivi con il meglio della musica elettronica mondiale, il modo migliore per prepararsi all’edizione 2022 di Decibel Open Air, in programma sabato 10 e domenica 11 settembre al Parco delle Cascine di Firenze. Quattro appuntamenti in calendario all’Ultravox, l’Anfiteatro delle Cascine Ernesto De Pascale di Firenze, che iniziano nel pomeriggio in una vera e propria arena da…
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