#Episode 32
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deathnotewiki · 3 months ago
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December 6, 2009: Light Yagami has a secret meeting with Kiyomi Takada at the Imperial Hotel.
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chuckle-clips · 9 months ago
Ted: What part of the sandwich are you though? I don’t think you answered that. 
Charlie: No, he didn’t. 
Will: Oh. 
Hasan: Oh, what part of the sandwich am I? I was so caught up with the chip thing that I forgot what I would do in the sandwich.
Schlatt: Swear to God, if he says pickle. I take those fucking things off. 
Ted: Well, I felt like he might be close to saying a pickle. 
Schlatt: Every single— Yeah, that’s why I—
Charlie: We talked about pickles for like twenty minutes. 
Ted: I don’t think there’s something wrong with a pickle, dude. 
Schlatt: No, no. What are you, pregnant?
Ted: Okay, here’s an explanation—
Schlatt: What, do you got a baby in your goddamn pussy?
Ted: So he was ordering, he— What?
Charlie: [Laughs] What?
Schlatt: You really into pickles? You just start eating pickles? Every time those shits are on my sandwich, I take them off. 
Ted: Hey, hey, hey. 
Hasan: You are big anti-pickle, dude. 
Schlatt: Fuck lettuce too. Fuck lettuce too. I don’t want lettuce. 
Ted: Hey, Schlatt.
Hasan: What? Why not?
Schlatt: I don’t want tomato. 
Ted: Calm down. 
Schlatt: I get plain—
Will: You’re scaring us. 
Schlatt: Plain, cheese, sauce. Three things you need—
Ted: [Shushes] It’s okay. It’s okay. It’s okay. 
Charlie: Quick, before he gets mad again, quick, what are you on the sandwich? 
Will: Listen, I will get—
Charlie: Sedate him! Sedate him! Sedate him! 
Hasan: I was gonna say pickle but I don’t wanna say it anymore! 
Schlatt: Please don’t say it. 
Ted: I just sedated him. 
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alipeeps · 4 months ago
Episode 32
I feel like it was a really bad idea to leave Wen Xiao alone and undefended with her catatonic - but demonised - dad. Like... we literally know Wen Zongyu can control his hybrids...
And I am once again proven right....
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Where the fuck is Pei Sijing?
Oh she's pointlessly trying to fight demonised lackey-boy at Chongwu Camp.
He's fucking invulnerable? He's the cdrama version of Luke Cage with unbreakable skin?!!
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Ohhhh what the fuck did that do?
Well that doesn't look good!!
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Is this another poison dream?
Because you're a bad guy. Next question.
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His skin might be invulnerable, but that doesn't mean his eyes are. Shove that blade through his eye and into his brain. That should do it.
Where is "here" exactly?
Bits of Zhou Yichen's armour are flaking away?
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Nooooo Zhao Yuanzhou caught him... and turned to protect him, taking the blast himself!!
Oh shiiiiiiit....
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(I think this is the stuff Hou Minghao was filming on his last day of filming in that BTS video)
Zhuo Yichen would you please teleport all 3 of you out of there before you all fucking die?!
He can't be dead. You can't fucking do this to me, show
Oh fuck, they are not still dreaming are they?
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Okay it's definitely still a dream, cos otherwise how would their bodies suddenly be there?
God the smoke still rolling off Zhao Yuanzhou's body....
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This can't be real, cos no fucking way the entire team except Zhou Yichen is dead with 2+ episodes still to go...
Wait, is the bell missing?
And THAT's how he knows it's not real.
You're still in the fucking dream Zhuo Yichen!!
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So is it kill yourself in the dream to escape? And that's why the dream shifted when they were about to do that before, making them think they'd woken already.
Ugh this is so fucking tense though because what if it's not!!!
So the whole time it's only been Zhuo Yichen in the dream.
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Wait, why did we just see Li Lun's primordial root shimmering and disappearing?
Is he coming to help? He sure does have reason to hate Wen Zongyu.
I thought he had to cultivate for 100 years though?
Yup, here comes our boy fucking Li Lun!!
God, the way Zhao Yuanzhou just shields Zhuo Yichen with his hand... and then Li Lun wraps around them shielding them both...
I thought he had to cultivate for 100 years to regain a human form?!!
Is that a redemption arc I see before me?
Ahhh dammit, as I suspected, by doing this he's sacrificing himself.
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Oh DAMN. Li Lun really said, I only need a short while to fuck this guy up for you.
Oh shit yeah, the Truth Eye could wake him from the dream...
Oh what, it's not a permanent fix?
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Then get him to Bai Jiu? Maybe he can detoxify him?
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Oooh or even better Qing Geng to the rescue!!
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Oh fuck he's gonna set Fei loose...
Yeah she's sure cos Fei would never try to hurt her.
Meanwhile... back at the Demon Hunting Bureau...
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Why is there never anybody else around at the Bureau? This is why spies and enemies can just waltz in whenever they like and cause chaos. They need some more fucking staff!
Oop foster daddy is fighting back...
YASSSSSS it's Liu Yuning's banger of a track back in play - we haven't had it in aaaaages!!
Didn't do her much good though, sadly...
Was "Fei" a hybrid given the original Fei's powers? Or the shapeshifter hybrid?
He's not disintegrating so he's not a true demon... just another hybrid.
Oh I stand corrected, he is disintegrating...
That's not her core is it? She's not going to sacrifice herself too, to save Zhuo Yichen?
Xiao Jiu's bells... please let that be enough to wake him?
If all that was needed for him to be cured of the poison was for him to touch the glowy ball... why didn't she float it right up to him?
And it fucking was her inner core. Of course.
Not one single fucking demon we have met in this show has survived. Not one. This bodes extremely poorly for Zhao Yuanzhou.
Ugh, both Zhao Yuanzhou and Zhuo Yichen reaching out to catch him.
Hero shot.
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Tell em where his core is Li Lun...
I mean... he might be afraid, but he's doomed himself anyway by taking human form too soon...
Oh Bai Jiu don't do something silly!!
Christ even Li Lun telling him to go, to save himself...
Now would be a great time for Bai Jiu to manifest some of mama Bai's divine power...
FUCK, that didn't look good!!
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Where is he going with the feather?
Oh owwwwww....
Oh DAMN, I was thinking it looked like he was gonna straight up rip his arm off but I thought naaaaah, they wouldn't go there!!
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If the puppet is broken does that mean his spirit will dissipate?
That's a no.
Go on baby bro, beat that fucker to death with your own severed arm!😁
YES!! Pei Siblings for the win!!!
Nah fuck you sunshine, you don't get to hold out a candy and make like you've ever cared for Bai Jiu...
So demonised humans disintegrate in the same way demons do. So fake Fei more than likely was a demonised human.
Well that was a fucking rollercoaster ride of an episode. So we end with ?Wen Xiao still being attacked by foster daddy at the Demon Hunting Bureau, and Zhao Yuanzhou, Zhuo Yichen and Li Lun being blasted with a mahoosive fireball.
Bring on episode 33!!
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221bnassau · 6 months ago
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The fact that Silver wants to do something against Billy for what he did to them but Flint doesn't want to because of Madi's advice... I mentioned it once at the very beginning of my rewatch I think, but as I said then: Madi is as important to Flin't evolution as Silver.
Look at that shared glance.
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detco-hell · 2 years ago
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[episode 32 - Coffee Shop Murder Case]
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sakurastarkey · 9 months ago
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helxya · 1 month ago
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icy-watch · 5 months ago
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p4n1cl0v3r · 10 months ago
episode 32 of cinderella boy spoilers so DONT read unless you have a fast past….
chat. IM GLAD THEY MADE UP also buddy was bold asf for wiping chase’s cheek “well a little idiot should have brought more 🤓” 💀💀 it was nice seeing buddy try and fix what he did, even if it seemed difficult for him, im quite excited to see how they act towards eachother since buddy said he would think about staying chill about the keys for now
deacon and his disney princess moment with the seagulls was so funny 💀 i saw all the text when he was with the birds and i was like “wtf is this dude yapping about” and then i realized he was reading to the damn birds 😭😭 horses may not like him, but maybe hes more of a bird person than a horse girl 😔
ALSO. was what deacon was saying foreshadowing? i meannnn kinda seems so 🤓
excited for crimecation… i think, seems so silly lol
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deathnotewiki · 3 months ago
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December 7, 2009:
Kiyomi Takada airs her own opinions as Kira’s representative, on the suggestion of Light Yagami.
Light Yagami and Teru Mikami talk by phone for the first time and discuss how future judgments will be handed down.
Light Yagami reveals to Kiyomi Takada that he is Kira.
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ninjachewie42 · 2 years ago
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After listening to today’s episode of Steeplechase I HAD to draw this
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ginsoakedgirl80 · 1 year ago
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lurve. the cure for this fantasy mental health issue is luv (bang his brains out >_>)
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yahoo201027 · 4 months ago
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Day in Fandom History: November 6…
When Connie tells Steven that her parents want to meet his parents, Steven, worried about making a bad impression, convinces Pearl, Amethyst, and Garnet to fuse into one giant gem for the upcoming dinner with Connie’s family. “Fusion Cuisine” premiered on this day, 10 Years Ago.
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221bnassau · 6 months ago
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Max unknowingly giving Silver the information that will allow Flint to finally achieve the peace he has been searching for at the end... the queer power of this series has no limits.
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lynati · 7 months ago
"I cast Pinterest at 9th Level." X D https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/www-32-the-vote/id1670750937?i=1000663784094
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detco-hell · 2 years ago
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[episode 32 - Coffee Shop Murder Case]
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