#Environmental Hero
Unveiling the Green Guardian
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riacte · 11 months
how it started:
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one ren peeing twaddle conversation later:
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wachinyeya · 7 months
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magicaltrash · 5 months
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Navigate DCA's San Fransokyo Square and "step into a vibrant, diverse locale full of neighborhood restaurants and small businesses — home to Big Hero 6!" // Disneyland Resort, Disney California Adventure, San Fransokyo Square, 2024 [Source: disneyland_on_film. Used by Permission.]
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stupidsexpotflanders · 5 months
Me whenever I remember the hardcore environmental subject,taught by one of the toughest professors at uni,then remember how RT made Logan an "environmentalist"
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How the fuck one (1) guy riding a bicycle is going to do anything against air pollution? And considering how intelligent and well-educated Logan has always been(yes,always. He had plenty of problems at school,but none of them were with grades,AFAIK),he'd have realized it was merely an empty virtue signaling gesture. One would think Logan could help clean beaches and other places in Neptune(small scale,but still something with real results - making the city prettier and healthier),petition for proper disposal and treatment of residues(in all scales,not only in the industrial one),be invested in basic sanitation and water supply(those affect the poor disproportionally - see,Noir-relevant),engage in environmental education(bonus points if he gets to mentor troubled youth and take them under his wing - just like the professor did with him). Young!Logan might have plenty of flaws,but he got shit done.
Logan Echolls became what he hated the most - a virtue-signalling shithead who half-asses good deeds to stroke his own ego. Also,a State-Sanctioned Mercenary. Not very different from the vapid Hollywood he hated so much. I know the Doylist explanation was simply incompetence from RT,but can anyone think of an Watsonian one?
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rabbitsonthemoon · 2 months
silly little headcanon
After a lifetime of Incidents and Shenanigans™ with his capture weapon, I bet Aizawa would be God-tier at untangling slinkies.
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Hero x Villain writing prompt:
A hero with environmental allergies has to fight a villain with plant-based powers
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rizzoto-whump · 1 year
Military whump, but the focus is on civilians:
Whumpee watches helplessly as their once-peaceful town is ripped apart by bombs and gunfire, struggling to accept that life will never be the same again.
As the war wages on, Whumpee feels an immense sense of helplessness as they are unable to do anything to protect their loved ones.
As supplies become scarce, Whumpee witnesses the slow deterioration of their once close-knit community as neighbors turn against each other in desperate attempts to survive.
As the death toll rises, Whumpee becomes numb to the constant tragedy, struggling to feel anything at all.
The constant barrage of explosions and gunfire invade Whumpee's dreams, blurring the line between the waking world and terrifying nightmares.
Envy and bitterness consume Whumpee as they gaze upon a photograph of their old classmates, untouched by the devastation of war, enjoying a simple day at the beach.
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iwritewhump · 1 year
"you're not a hero, you're a child playing dress up. now take off that silly mask and go home" + villain mentor + in over their head + trembling
day 19 of @whumptember
421 words
warnings: young whumpee, building on fire, cursing, passing out
Hero’s arms shake with effort, trying to keep the building from falling. The rest of the occupants run outside crying at the sight of their home in flames. Hero grunts and almost falls when someone puts their hands next to his on the support beam. 
“No!” he shouts, “Get out! It isn’t safe for you here.” 
The person almost scoffs, “I’ll manage.” 
Hero turns his head and stumbles back at the sight of Villain. She stands next to him, arms high above her head. “What are you doing here?” 
“Oh,” she says. “I started the fire. But, when I saw you struggling to keep it up, I ran in to save you.” she repositions her hands and rolls her eyes. “Is that what you wanted to hear? I live here, dumbass.” 
Hero shakes his head and coughs, “No, you-you must’ve had something to do with this. Buildings don’t just set on fire.” 
“They do if the landlord doesn’t give a fuck about his tennants and cuts corners to save a few bucks.” she scolds. “Now, get out of here and go home.” 
He shakes his head again and holds the bar up, making no difference on Villain’s weight load. The fire heats the beam and burns his hands, it takes everything in him not to recoil. “I need to do a sweep of the building and make sure everyone’s out.” 
She lets go of the bar with one hand and lifts him off the ground. “Look at me, you are not a hero. You’re a child-" she's overtaken by a coughing fit, nearly dropping him and letting go of the beam- "playing dress up. Now take that silly mask off and go home before you get hurt.” 
She coughs and throws him toward the door before letting go of the beam with her other hand and barreling toward the doors, grabbing Hero’s collar and dragging him out with her just before the building collapses. 
She rolls over and stares at him, searching his chest for signs of breath. After a few seconds, she sees a shallow breath and almost laughs in relief. In a fit of coughing, Villain stands up and waves her burned hands high above her head.
“I need a doctor over here!” she shouts, tearing the mask off of his face and throwing it back into the burning building. “I need a fucking doctor!” 
She sees two people in uniform run up to her, a bag in one’s hand. Before they reach her, she collapses next to Hero.
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AMOW Winter Whumperland
@amonthofwhump Day 9: Unwanted Gift
(got a bit carried away with what was supposed to be a short piece. Chances are, I won't write more, but anyone who likes the concept is invited to continue the storyline lol)
Hero tapped their fingers on the table in an anxious rhythm. Vigilante was due over for lunch any minute now, and as usual, they didn't know whether to look forward to or dread her visit.
True, their agendas were aligned as far as crimestopping was concerned, but their methods… not so much. Vigilante was fun, but unpredictable, and outright bloodthirsty when it came to justice. Hero had never been bold enough to confront her more chaotic methods, no matter how much they wanted to.
Still, she was more or less a friend, and one of the few people they could actually talk to about their chosen occupation. And it was fun to have joint complaint sessions about their shared nemesis, Villain, though it was apparently his quiet season. Maybe he'd taken to hibernating all winter, like some kind of woodland creature.
Adding to their anxieties, last time they'd spoken with Vigilante, she'd slyly mentioned having a surprise for Hero. Considering the last present she'd left them was a roomful of unconscious criminals (a gift Hero had accepted with the grace of a cat owner who'd found a dead lizard on the porch), Hero was a little… uncertain about their stance on this.
A knock pulled them to their feet with a light sigh. They opened the door to reveal Vigilante, a smile on her face and a huge crate sitting on a dolly behind her. Hero raised both eyebrows, squeezing their eyes shut for a moment to compose themselves.
"Vigilante. Uh, wow. That's, uh, that's a bit more than I expected."
She laughed, tugging on the handle of the dolly to pull the package inside after her. Whatever it was, it looked like it weighed a lot. "Duh, wouldn't be a surprise if you expected it."
She hung her hat and coat, kicked off snow-covered boots, then wheeled the thing into the carpeted living room, where it took up most of the free space. 
Hero clicked their tongue. "So… you want some lunch, or..?"
"Are you kidding? I wanna see you open this up first."
Hero nodded, putting on a smile that felt more like a grimace. They always felt so awkward opening up gifts in front of people, nevermind a gift that was so unexpected. It was more than a little nerve wracking. What would be inside? Knowing Vigilante, it could be anything from a lifetime supply of biscotti, to a live tiger, (to a dead criminal...)
Hero shook off the thought with a shudder. She wouldn't. She wouldn't go that far, at least… at least not in front of them. Right?
Vigilante nudged them. "Come onnn, crack it open! I wanna see the look on your face."
Hero let out a nervous laugh. "Okay." They reached for the crate. It had latches running down the side, so that it would swing open like a refrigerator once they were removed. At least they wouldn't have to bring out a crowbar.
They undid the first latch. Something inside the crate moved.
Hero took a hasty step back, casting a glance at Vigilante. 
"What the–"
"Just open it! Don't freak out, okay? I promise it's safe."
Sure it was. Taking a breath to steady themselves, Hero moved back to the box, undoing the remaining latches one by one, their stomach doing backflips as they slowly, slowly, pulled the door open to reveal…
"Villain?" they murmured, momentarily frozen in place. 
It was him alright. Curled into a tight ball, his hands shielding his face, his body shaking. Hero took it in. The bruised flesh, the lack of warm clothing, the fear they could practically feel coming off of him.
"Vigilante– this, it's… no. This isn't—" Hero stammered, unable to form a coherent sentence.
"Do you like it?" Vigilante was unfazed. Maybe she took Hero's shock as something good. They'd been surprised all right. 
"You don't have to worry about him bugging you anymore," she said brightly. "Watch." She snapped her fingers, and Villain flinched, then slowly uncurled himself and crawled out of the crate, pushing himself into a kneeling position, head bent.
Hero couldn't move, could only watch, horrified, as their once-proud enemy trembled before them.
"You… you trained him?"
"Surprise!" Her cheer was undampened. How could she be so okay with this? Had it been her who'd left all those bruises and half-healed wounds?
Villain's hair had grown long, shaggy strands obscuring his face. Hero took a cautious step forward, and instantly regretted it as the new angle gave them a good view of Villain's back, split open by dozens of whip marks. Their hand flew to their mouth. They were going to be sick.
"What did you do?" they said, barely past a whisper.
"You don't like it." Vigilante sounded disappointed.
"I don't— I— you hurt him. This isn't… I can't stand for this kind of torture." They tore their eyes away from Villain, who didn't seem to be reacting at all to the situation.
Vigilante had a pouty expression on her face, completely oblivious to the gravity of all of this. "Not even if it's Villain? Come on, you hate him. I thought this would make you happy."
Hero shook their head. "No. No, I wanted to stop Villain. I-I wanted him to be caught. To face justice."
"That's what I did. I caught him. I delivered–"
"This isn't justice."
She fell silent for a moment, looked up at them with puppydog eyes. "I did this for you, Hero," she said quietly.
I never asked you to, Hero wanted to say, but what would happen if they rejected her misguided gift? Would she take him back? Kill him? No matter what Villain had done, Hero couldn't sentence him to torture, to death.
So they swallowed down the words, nodding. "Okay. Just… just give me some time, okay? We'll talk about this later, I-I just need to think."
Vigilante nodded back, and they could see tears forming in her eyes. She'd truly believed they would like it. They tried to quell the barrage of mixed emotions within them as they saw her to the door, pushed down every questioning thought as they walked back to Villain, who still hadn't moved.
How long had it been since they'd last seen him? Five months? Six? How much of that time had he spent a captive?
Hero knelt in front of him, caution at the forefront of their mind, but more out of habit than any real sense of danger. They had no doubt they could easily overpower the beaten figure in front of them if the need arose.
"Um, hey," they said, eliciting no response from Villain. How far gone was he? They tried again.
"Look at me," they said, trying to make the command soft, non-threatening. Villain took a quiet, shuddering breath, then raised his head to meet their eyes.
His face was partially obscured by dark hair, but Hero could see bruising on his cheekbone, his jaw. His eyes were sharp with fear, and Hero felt like he was searching them. Looking for intent.
"I'm not going to hurt you," they said. "You, uh… I'm sorry this happened. I never intended–"
With a sudden cry, Villain lunged forward, knocking Hero onto their back. Hero threw up an arm, ready to defend against a blow, but Villain was already stumbling away.
He wasn't attacking. He was running. 
Hero pushed themselves up as their nemesis reached the front door, fumbling at the handle with shaking fingers before throwing it open and running outside.
After a moment's consideration, Hero ran after him. They couldn't just let him go, but more than that, he was barefoot and barely clothed, and it was snowing.
It didn't take long to catch up. When he looked back to see Hero in pursuit, he put on another burst of short-lived speed that left him collapsed in the road.
Hero knelt down to help him up, and was met by several weak blows.
"Don't. Please, just…" Villain barely got out a few words before the sentence dissolved into sobs.
Hero scooped him into their arms, his body shaking violently against the cold. No matter how big a pain in the ass Villain was, they'd never wanted to see him like this. But like it or not, here he was.
They couldn't hand him over to law enforcement. They couldn't give him back to Vigilante. Hell, they didn't even know if he had any friends who would take him in. They were all he had.
They carried him through their still-open front door, set him on the couch, and piled on a few blankets. It was several minutes before Villain's sobs began to quiet, and Hero took that time to put soup on the stove and boil water for tea.
It was obvious Villain didn't trust them. Why would he? He'd probably try to run again as soon as he had the chance. He'd need an eye kept on him, and a lot of patience to go with it. 
Vigilante hadn't been wrong. This was certainly a surprise. A difficult one, but Hero was willing to work with it. To wait, to hope for the best.
To help their enemy heal.
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magicaltrash · 1 year
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Disney California Adventure's reimagined Pacific Wharf area - now named San Fransokyo Square - reflects the hybrid design sensibilities of Disney's Big Hero 6 film, combining San Francisco and Tokyo. The Imagineering story is that "as the tech industry began to emerge and the local fishing trade fell on hard times, entrepreneurs came together to reinvent the seaside canneries into a vibrant, multicultural district of neighborhood restaurants and small businesses where you’ll be able to eat and shop." Or Disney just wanted to shove more IP into DCA. Curiously the logo style, which uses the initials "SFS" to represent the land, somewhat mimics the design of the Smoke Tree Ranch, a private community in Palm Springs of which Walt Disney was a member, often wearing the "STR" initials as a tie tack on his Walt Disney’s World of Color television program. // Disneyland Resort, Disney California Adventure, San Fransokyo Square, 2023 [Source: bluekittygrl. Used by Permission.]
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ghostoffuturespast · 1 year
Heroes - Part I
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unofskylanderspages · 4 months
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Seen above: Skylanders: Ring of Heroes concept art of an area that was ultimately scrapped and unused by HA KO
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skullsandcorals · 2 years
click for better quality if you're on the mobile app. don't repost.
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“Remake the wild, a little at a time, each in your own corner of the world. You cannot wait for anyone else, even a god, to do that for you.” (Pan, The Battle of the Labyrinth)
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saresmusings · 1 year
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The Earth is not dying, it is being killed. And the people who are killing it have names and addresses.
- Utah Phillips
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nest-being · 5 months
about to put myself through an anime inspired training sequence but for art!! gonna practice and push myself real hard and get super good so i can eventually feel capable of writing and illustrating the comic i've been planning on and off for months
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