#villain mentor
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chaotic-orphan · 1 year ago
VENDETTA IS 💃🏽💅✨❤️‍🔥🔥 SCRUMPTIOUS (I heavily dislike emojis so me using them at all really says something)
Vendetta: part V
Read part one here Continued from here
First of all I want to thank everyone for their support with this series, it is my little baby and I love Hero and Vigilante so much, I'm glad you like them too!
My exams for college start on the 12th until the 21st so this will (probably) be my last update until Christmas time where I plan on bulk writing and publishing weekly, or bi-weekly, updates to series so I will put a poll up tomorrow where you can vote for what series are your favourite to let me know which ones to spend more time on.
Thank you again for all your kind words for vendetta, but especially this anon whose comment made me giggle. Enjoy!
Hero didn’t stir.
Hero was comfortable. Warm. Cozy. They didn’t want to move, they really didn’t.
“Hero,” more pressing this time and Hero let out a sigh.
A hand was in their hair then on their cheek, gentle and soothing and warm.
“Open your eyes,” the sweet voice coaxed and Hero obeyed. They were met with two brown eyes so dark they looked black in the dim hut. “There. Now. Show me where you are.”
Hero froze as they became fully conscious and the hand on their cheek went to their chin, gripping it hard and wrenching Hero’s head up.
Hero recoiled back suddenly, squeezing their eyes shut and it felt like they were falling, falling, falling.
Hero gasped awake, heart drumming in their ears like an unending drone as they sat up suddenly away from Vigilante’s arms.
“Hey. Hey, Hero. It’s okay! It was just a nightmare. You were screaming, it’s okay. I’m sorry I startled you, c’mere.”
Hero was drawn back into Vigilante’s warmth. They were shaking like a leaf, tongue heavy and obstructive in their mouth, unable to form words or a coherent sentence.
“Sssh, it’s okay. I got you.”
Hero sat in Vigilante’s arms for a minute or two, calming their breathing before they spoke.
“I must’ve fallen asleep,” they mumbled and Vigilante squeezed Hero tighter to them, pressing a kiss into their hair.
“I did too,” Vigilante admitted. “It’s not the worst thing for healing, you know.”
“I know but— Supervillain… they were here.”
Vigilante stiffened behind Hero. “What?”
“They— I mean, it felt like they were here. I could have sworn he was… I mean it was probably just a nightmare, but it felt so real.”
Vigilante moved their hand from where it wrapped around Hero, moving their hand to rest on Hero’s cheek, turning them to face them. They smiled down at Hero, and then pressed a soft kiss against their lips. It was short and sweet and it made Hero feel safe and loved.
“We’ll get Supervillain, Hero. We won’t let him win.”
Hero tried for a smile and failed, instead they nodded, “I know. We should get moving. Try and find Superhero.”
Vigilante released Hero and Hero leaned forward, looking down at their knee. The bandage was bloodstained already. How long were they asleep? It was daylight outside again, shining into their little trench hut.
“I should change the bandages before we go again,” said Hero. Vigilante was off the bed and got the med kit returning it to Hero. “Thank you.”
“Just tell me what you need me to do.”
Hero’s heart fluttered at Vigilante’s easy words.
They changed the bandages quickly, quicker than last time anyways. Vigilante’s hands were a little more sure and when they wiped the wound Hero was happy enough that the wound wasn’t going to get infected. They would be fine.
Everything would be fine.
They just needed to find Superhero and regroup.
Everything would be fine.
Vigilante handed Hero their twin scabbards harness which they affixed to their back and hip. Hero released a content sigh when the weight of their twin blades returned. It felt like they could do anything with them and Vigilante by their side.
Vigilante lead the way out of the hut and fashioned an invisible ramp that they walked up and onto the battleground again.
It was eerily silent.
There was no noise. No bullets flying or screaming or crying or anything, it was just… quiet. Hero looked over to where they fought Assassin and saw her lying still in a pool of black blood.
“Where do you think Superhero will be?” Vigilante asked, glancing to Hero and following their line of sight to Assassin. Vigilante stepped between Hero and Assassin’s body, reaching forward and tilting Hero’s chin up. “Hey. It’s okay, Hero. I need you to focus.”
Hero blinked at Vigilante. When the words registered in their brain they sighed and shook their head. This wasn’t the time to get emotional.
“Right. Sorry… they weren’t at the Guild, which means— well, I thought it meant that they would be out fighting here, but…”
“But there’s no one here,” Vigilante said.
“Yeah. Which now makes me think our best bet would be the Guild.”
Vigilante frowned. “Do you think they’re still alive?”
“They have to be,” Hero said. “Plus I don’t think Supervillain would be private or gracious if they killed Superhero. If Superhero was dead, Supervillain would probably have them hung on a flagpole or something outside the Guild.”
“But what about all the villains that swarmed the guild? Didn’t you say there was an evacuation plan?”
“I— yes,” Hero sighed, rubbing their eyes. “But I think… I think it’s our best option. Our only option. I’d rather take on a swarm of Villains than be out here and searching for Superhero who we may not even find. There’s still Heroes at the guild. If Superhero’s not there maybe we can help them instead.”
“Okay. Back to the Guild then.”
Hero nodded. “Yeah.”
Hero stepped forward but was stopped by Vigilante’s hand snaking around their waist and turning them to face Vigilante who smiled their cheeky smile down at Hero. The smile was contagious, goofy, and Vigilante looked so young in that moment. As if they were just on a hike with a date and wanted to be romantic in the natural scenery. They pressed a hand to Hero’s cheek, thumb under Hero’s chin tilting their head up and leaning down to kiss them.
Hero almost floated when their lips met. It was gentle and soothing, then it was passionate and aggressive so much so that Hero thought Vigilante’s lips would leave a bruise on Hero’s but they didn’t care. They responded in kind, wrapping their arms around Vigilante’s neck and drawing them closer, a hand going to Vigilante’s hair and Hero smiled against Vigilante’s lips as they felt Vigilante nearly float away too.
It was everything they couldn’t say to each other. Something words wouldn’t cover properly or even hint at. Vigilante nipped at Hero’s lower lip and Hero opened their mouth willingly, letting Vigilante deepen the kiss, wanting to stay here like this forever.
The certainty of being wanted, and knowing exactly what they wanted. It was bliss.
Everything they needed in their embrace, between their breaths, their lips, tongues and touch.
Hero could have died in that hut and being with Vigilante in that moment was heaven. No worries, no concerns, only that passionate certainty.
But they were still alive.
They still needed to breathe.
Vigilante was the one to break the kiss, pressing their forehead against Hero’s, their soft breath fanning Hero’s cheeks.
“I love you, Hero,” said Vigilante, tightening their grip on Hero’s waist. “I want you to know that. In case—”
“In case nothing,” Hero replied. Not even daring to think like that for a second. “You’re the only person I’ve ever loved. I love you more than the world, and if Supervillain wouldn’t have a hit out on me then I would have run away with you. Somewhere quiet. We could just be me and you, no heroes and villains and vigilantes. Just us.”
“Hero—” Vigilante said but it came out half sad, half strangled.
“No,” Hero sniffed. They didn’t realise they had been crying until then, because what if this was their last chance together? What if this was it forever? Hero had to say everything, everything they loved about Vigilante. They had to know just in case. “No, I need you to know.”
“I know,” Vigilante whispered, thumb wiping away the tears streaming down Hero’s face and sniffing in return. “I know. Maybe when all this is over, we can just give up. We can go. Together. Okay?”
“Yeah,” Hero sobbed and sniffed, trying to console themselves. “Yes.”
“Okay. We have a plan now. Guild first, save Superhero, defeat Supervillain and then retirement. Easy.”
“Easy,” Hero laughed, wiping their eyes with the back of their hand.
Vigilante took Hero’s hand in theirs and interlocked their fingers, and it felt like Hero was grounded. Back on earth, back in their body. There would be no just in case. Hero wouldn’t let Vigilante die. They tightened their grip on Vigilante’s hand.
Vigilante would live, Hero promised themselves then and there, even if Hero had to sacrifice themselves to make sure of it.
Without teleport they had to walk back to the Guild. They didn’t meet anyone on the way, no heroes or villains or anyone in between.
“I know,” Hero said. “They’re probably all at the Guild.”
“Do you think Supervillain’s there?”
Hero swallowed. It felt like their throat was made of sandpaper, not wanting Hero to say the words out loud because then they would be true.
“Yeah. I do. I think he was there this morning.”
“This morning? You mean—”
“Yeah. When I saw him in my nightmare. He was in the hut with us, he wanted to see where I was. Tried to get me to open my eyes and show him.”
Vigilante stiffened as they walked, squeezing Hero’s hand in theirs. “Do you think he raided the Guild and when he realised you weren’t there—”
“Yeah. He looked for me another way.”
“It’s okay,” Hero said without any real meaning behind it. It wasn’t okay. None of this was okay. Their friends dying around them wasn’t okay, Doctor, who didn’t even fight, dying trying to protect Hero.
None of it was okay.
They didn’t voice any of these thoughts. What was the point? Vigilante knew, Hero knew. Still they walked hand in hand.
They continued in silence until they saw the lights from the Guild, the sun was only starting to set but it was still dark. The autumn blues bright, with shards of red glaring through the sky.
Hero’s shoulder twinged the closer they got to the building which used to bring Hero so much comfort. Its high walls and beautiful artwork. The Guilds magnificent marble arches and the colourful gardens where they trained. It was home, and right now home had fires burning the grass in the gardens and a giant hole went through the medical wing where Doctor’s body was.
All this for what?
How many dead?
“We’ll go through the medical wing,” said Vigilante, dragging Hero from their thoughts. Hero looked up at them, memorising the half far away expression on their face when they were thinking, planning. Vigilante caught Hero staring and shot them a grin. “It’s our best chance of not getting detected.”
“You’re probably right.”
“And if I’m wrong we’ll find out quickly.”
“Exactly.” Hero reached up and cupped Vigilante’s face in their hands bringing them down for a kiss. “I’ll never get tired of that.”
“I’ll hold you to it,” Vigilante said with mischief glinting like diamonds in their eyes. Hero pulled away but Vigilante caught their hand and kept it pressed against their cheek for a moment longer. The gesture damn near broke Hero’s heart. They were acting like they would never be able to do this again, and they can’t. They shouldn’t.
They can’t face Supervillain half defeated.
“We’ll win,” Hero told Vigilante. Vigilante pressed a kiss against Hero’s palm, and then their knuckles before giving it back.
“I know.”
They moved quickly after that, Vigilante leading the way, showing Hero the way down and how the Villains got in without being detected to blow the hole in the medical ward.
Hero swallowed down a sob when they saw Doctor's coat, a spear sticking from his chest. Vigilante was moving ahead of them, taking a sheet from the bed and draping it over Doctor's body.
"We'll bury him properly after, Hero," said Vigilante taking Hero's hand and gently pulling them forward passed Doctor’s body. "We need to keep moving."
“I know,” said Hero, resting their other hand on the hilt of their sword. They’d avenge Doctor.
When they got to the door, Hero cursed under their breath as they touched the solid wall. “Fuck. I forgot Medic sealed it when we were here.”
Vigilante kicked the door but it didn’t crack or break.
“They fused it to the wall, it’ll all be as solid as each other.”
“If only we had Bomber here now, huh?” Vigilante asked with a slight laugh. Hero let out a laughter of disbelief.
“I never thought I’d have to break into the Guild, but here we are.”
“Here we are,” Vigilante echoed with a cheeky grin.
“Here we are,” a third voice said behind them. Hero and Vigilante turned on their heel, eyes settling on Villain ahead of them. Hero drew their swords immediately, fear gripping their heart like a hand had reached through their ribs and squeezed it. “So nice to see you again, Hero. We didn’t get to finish our little conversation last time.”
Villain inclined his head at Vigilante, his chocolate curls falling over his forehead, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. “Supervillain is not happy with you, Vigilante, but good news. You’re both to be brought in alive. Did we assume you were stupid enough to walk straight into the Guild? No, but the sentiment is appreciated.”
“Villain,” Vigilante said, voice calm and low. “You don't have to do this. We don’t have to fight.”
“Mmm,” Villain hummed, his deep melodic voice rumbling a vibration through the air. He lifted his chin higher, cool eyes holding Vigilante's gaze. “Vigilante… I want you to know… I liked you. You were one of the few people I could tolerate, but like? That’s a whole new level of betrayal.”
“Villain please," Vigilante pleaded with a cautious step forward, hands raised placatingly.
“If it’s any consolation I’ll ask Supervillain to spare you. Save your begging for him. That’s as far as my mercy will extend Vigilante...” Villain said, their voice didn’t break but there was some kind of emotion at the back of it that Hero couldn’t identify. Villain's eyes went to Hero. “Then again... I don’t know if it will be considered a mercy.”
That was the last thing Villain said before Hero screamed. Hero reached up and grabbed their bandaged shoulder where Villain had shot them last time they fought but it felt like there was something inside it, something ice-cold, trying to break out from under Hero’s skin.
“Hero!” Vigilante yelled, but their voice was distant as Hero clawed the bandage off their arm trying to get the thing inside them loose. Hero felt Vigilante’s hands on them but it burned and they stepped back out of their hold and fell, their knee buckling under them and Hero was still screaming.
“Villain! Stop!” Vigilante cried, but Villain didn’t respond, they just kept their cold eyes trained on Hero as they wailed and screamed and cried.
The thing finally broke free from Hero’s skin and Hero let out a whimper of pain as they clutched the reopened wound, warm blood trickling between their fingers. Hero glared up at Villain, the motion making them sick. Villain stood emotionless, cool eyes on Hero, the shadow from Hero's shoulder slinking around his fingers like a pet mouse.
“We can do this the easy way,” said Villain nonchalant. “Or we can—”
He didn’t get to finish his sentence before a wall of rubble was slamming into him. Hero got to their shaking feet, almost falling again but Vigilante had an arm on their elbow helping them up. A cold sweat washed over Hero as they stood, and they shivered, their hair sticking to their forehead.
“Hero, are you—”
“I’m— yeah, I’m… I’m okay. I’m fine. Are you—”
“Yeah,” Vigilante said, but Hero knew from their tone that they weren’t. Maybe Villain was Vigilante’s version of Superhero, and Hero couldn’t imagine fighting having to fight Superhero. “I’m fine. We should go.”
Hero kept their swords out, just in case, as they started walking back the way they came. "If Villain was surprised that we were here that means that we were right and Supervillain raided here and didn't find me. We should check the-"
Hero looked over their shoulder at Vigilante and stopped walking towards the hole in the wall. Towards freedom. Vigilante hadn't moved a muscle from where they helped Hero get back to their feet. Their body was tensed, but Hero could tell from the way they were trembling that Vigilante was trying to break free from something. To fight something unseen to Hero.
"Vigilante?" Hero asked, voice barely above a whisper. Petrified eyes found Hero’s with a resolute hopelessness as they let out a soft "Fuck."
"Vigilante?" Hero asked again, concern lacing their voice.
“Villain has me. I can’t move.”
Hero looked back to where Villain was under the rubble, but Villain wasn’t there. Hero turned back to Vigilante, running towards them and skidded to a stop when they saw Villain materialising out of Vigilante’s shadow.
“You are fast, Vigilante,” said Villain, putting a hand through Vigilante’s hair and yanking their head back. “But I’m faster.”
“Let them go!” Hero said, voice hard, at the same time that Vigilante said: “Hero run!”
Villain scoffed, drawing his gun and pressing the barrel under Vigilante’s chin. “Come on Vigilante, we both know Hero won’t leave you here, so let’s make this easy on us all, hmm?”
Hero swallowed hard, but they were already lowering their swords at the threat.
“Hero please, please—”
Villain shoved the gun against Vigilante’s chin silencing them effectively. “Vigilante hush. Hero and I are negotiating.”
Villain rolled his eyes at Vigilante’s blatant disregard of his instruction. “Okay. Fine. Here’s what we’re going to do, Vigilante, if you speak again I will shoot Hero in their good shoulder.”
“Please Villain, let them go, please! Hero leave me,” Vigilante cried but Hero couldn’t even if they wanted to, they were rooted to the spot. They couldn’t move their trembling legs if they tried. Blood didn’t run through them anymore, it was lead and concrete keeping them stuck.
This couldn't be happening. This had to be a nightmare. Maybe they were still in the shack in the trench and Vigilante was beside them trying to wake them up, or sleeping soundly beside them unbeknownst to the horrors happening in front of Hero's eyes.
It was a dream.
It had to be a dream. Anything else was too horrible to even consider, and yet Hero knew this was real. That they did wake up and come here with Vigilante. That Villain found them and caught Vigilante. That a tear was rolling down Hero's cheek at the sight, because they promised themselves they wouldn’t let anything happen to Vigilante.
Hero sheathed their swords. It felt like the executioner’s axe falling on their heads but they couldn’t do anything else.
“I’ll come willingly if you let Vigilante go.”
Villain’s cool gaze went to Hero, drinking in their blazing eyes and defiant words. “Darling, you’ll come willingly if I drag Vigilante along with us kicking and screaming. I think I’ll take the two for one special.”
“Hero…” Vigilante whispered, despair colouring each syllable black and dull. Villain smiled at Hero over Vigilante’s shoulder, letting go of Vigilante’s hair and Vigilante could finally right their head to look Hero in the eyes.
It was almost too much to bear to see Vigilante’s eyes but neither of them could chide the other too harshly. If the roles were reversed Vigilante wouldn’t run... even though Hero would want them to.
“Your power dampeners Hero,” said Villain, holding out a long arm, brown curls falling over his forehead casting shadows over his eyes.
“I don’t have any.”
Villain smiled. “If you want to be difficult I can just knock Vigilante here out and let you carry them to Supervillain.”
“Hero,” Vigilante said, “it’s okay.”
“I really don’t have any,” Hero protested, throwing their arms wide. “You can search me if you want. I lost them when I was fighting you and Other Villain.”
Villain hummed. Then realisation dawned on them and they scoffed, “oh, I do remember you dropping them. No matter. I’ll just have to trust you.”
Hero blinked at Vigilante who stared right back at them. Villain grinned at the exchange.
“I know neither of you are telepathic, but all the same, I’d rather we have our conversations in public. What was that look about, hmm?”
“Just thinking you’re dumb,” said Vigilante easily. Villain let out a sharp bark of laughter.
“Oh that’s cute. That’s funny, Vigilante," Villain said with a bark of laughter, voice deadpan as they continued: "I genuinely missed your humour, so witty. That was a good one, but look, I have a better one.”
Villain lifted their gun and aimed it towards Hero. Vigilante jerked forward, pushing Villain’s arm wide as they fired the gun. Hero flinched at the sound while Villain laughed again, pressing the barrel back against Vigilante’s temple.
“Hero, dear. Tell Vigilante to calm down or you will carry them to Supervillain.”
“Okay! Okay, Villain you made your point,” Vigilante huffed. Villain rolled their eyes for Hero’s amusement.
“What do you say, Vigilante?”
Vigilante scrunched their lips up then let out a quiet, “I’m sorry.”
“There now. Remember your manners or the next shot won’t miss Hero,” Villain said, letting Vigilante go finally. Vigilante took a step forwards only for Villain to slam their hand out, grabbing Vigilante's arm and stopping them from moving further.
“Hey what’re—”
Villain slapped Vigilante on the head lightly to stop them talking and after a beat he let go of Vigilante.
"On second thoughts, I don't trust you not do something stupid Vigilante, so, Hero find me a bandage and some medical tape."
Hero looked at Vigilante who lowered their gaze in defeat and gave Hero a small nod. Hero walked to one of the bedside lockers and got a large roll of dressing and the medical tape that Villain wanted before walking over and handing them to Villain.
Villain took them with a grin.
"Thank you, Hero," then turned and dragged Vigilante's hands behind their back and tied them. Villain wrapped the bandage around Vigilante's hands and wrists locking them together in a cocoon, then wrapped the entire roll of medical tape around the bandage before tossing the empty roll over their shoulder. "That should do it, Vigilante try and escape quickly for me."
Vigilante obliged, the muscles tensing in their arms and shoulders as they tried to pull their hands back around to their front but they couldn't. Villain shot a grin at Hero, cool eyes curving up happy with malicious glee shining behind them.
"Wonderful. Let's not keep Supervillain waiting any longer. After you Hero."
Continued here
The Orphanage (tag-list lmk if you want to be added or removed <3): @micechomper @aarika-merrill
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seafoam-icecream · 1 year ago
"If I were you, I'd pick a name before the media does it for you."
"Ok, I was kind of hoping you'd have better advice for me."
33 notes · View notes
hurtmyfavsthanks · 2 years ago
Whumptember day 19
“You are not a hero. You’re a child playing dress up. Now take off that silly mask and go home.” Villain mentor | In over their head | Trembling
Content warning: drugged drink
Whumpee was nothing short of a fool. They were a child playing in a world they didn’t understand, flaunting their powers as if they were untouchable. It was laughable, it was boringly typical, and Supervillain wouldn’t have paid it any mind under normal circumstances. Whumpee would meet the same fate as most who manifested powers. They’d fly too close to the sun, and then they would burn. Another name in the newspaper.
They'd seen it countless times. Supervillain would have let it happen to Whumpee, if not for their potential.
Supervillain watched Whumpee, who sat opposite them at the dinner table. Their posture was surprisingly relaxed for someone face-to-face with the most feared criminal in the city, an excited grin on their face. Around them was a mess of miscellaneous junk; a toy car the size of a truck, a stack of office pens, a potted plant, a bar of gold. Anything and everything Whumpee had thought of, they had simply manifested with a snap of their fingers at Supervillain’s request. Supervillain had inspected the gold; it was real as far as they could tell.
It was a fascinating ability, so much so that Supervillain hadn’t believed it was real when they’d first heard word of it. Even after they’d seen the now viral video of Whumpee summoning a house-sized cake at a child’s party, Supervillain hadn’t quite believed it. After all, illusionary abilities weren’t particularly uncommon.
So they’d sought Whumpee out themselves. It'd been painfully easy, and Supervillain had gotten a dinner invitation to them within the hour. The fact that Whumpee had actually accepted such an invitation, had brazenly walked past the line of police and bystanders and entered the restaurant Supervillain had closen, had almost been evidence enough. Only someone drunk off of their own power would walk into the lion’s den so happily.
“So,” Supervillain spoke, drawing Whumpee’s attention from the scenery around them. Whumpee had been gawking at the expensive interior since walking in. They’d been simply giddy when their dinner was served, too focused on the expensive meal to care how terrified their waiter appeared to be. It’d been amusing, seeing how utterly amazed they were at what Supervillain would consider humble accommodations. They were so clearly in over their head that Supervillain struggled not to laugh. “An everyday citizen manifests such an…impressive power. It must be quite the adjustment for you. What will you do with it?”
Whumpee hummed, sipping at their wine. “I don’t know yet. I know most people do the whole hero thing, but I’m not really looking for another job right now,” They giggled, laugh carefree and twinged with tipsiness. “I’ll probably just do my own thing, see the world or whatever. Maybe buy a boat? Money isn’t exactly an issue for me anymore.”
Supervillain resisted the urge to roll their eyes. “But aren’t you limiting yourself?” They gestured to the clutter Whumpee had summoned. “You can create your heart’s desire from thin air at the snap of your fingers. You’re potentially one of the strongest people in the city, and you intend to live a mundane life?”
They seemed to consider it for a moment. "I guess? I’m just going to do whatever I want. If I wanna travel, I’ll travel,” They shrugged. “Why not? Who’s gonna stop me?”
“Who will stop you?” It was a laughable question, and Supervillain couldn’t help but chuckle at it. “You truly think you’re invulnerable now, don’t you? Do you think you’re a god, now that you’ve gotten a taste of power? You’re denser than I thought. You would’ve been dead within a week if I hadn’t found you.”
For the first time that night, Whumpee’s smile fell.
Supervillain didn't break eye contact as they spoke. Whumpee shivered under their stare. “Do you really think you’ll be allowed to simply run free? Tell me, how many powered individuals do you know who aren’t in contracts with the city or criminals?” They didn’t wait for a response. “None. They're all owned, wanted, or dead. You'll be no different”
“I’m–” Whumpee cut themselves off, swallowing thickly. “I’ll be fine. I’m one of the strongest people in the city. If someone comes after me, I'll just leave,” Whumpee made an attempt to stand, nearly stumbling over themselves as they did so. They rested a hand on the table, tipping their near empty glass over. “I’m leav–”
“You’re not untouchable,” Supervillain cut them off. They stood, movement graceful in stark contrast to Whumpee's unstable stance. “Beneath that power, you’re still human. Still fragile, still as easily killed as anyone else. A gunshot wound, an ‘accident’ at the wheel…” They let their eyes scan over Whumpee. They were trembling, a light sheen of sweat beginning to cover their face. “…A poisoned drink. Did you really not think that this dinner was suspect?”
Whumpee’s face paled, and Supervillain couldn’t help but grin. They didn't rush as they approached Whumpee, watching them stumble over themselves attempting to get away. They saw the moment Whumpee remembered their powers, the moment they lifted their hands to summon some sort of defense. Supervillain was faster. Before they could do anything, Supervillain had them by the wrist.
Supervillain allowed their powers to flare, sending a painful shock of electricity through Whumpee’s bod. Whumpee screamed, and Supervillain relished the sound.
Supervillain’s voice was firm, dripping with condesention. It could barely be heard over Whumpee’s panicked cries. “You’re nothing but a cocky child, drunk on power and the comfortable lies of righteousness the heroes tell the public. Do you really think raw power is enough to keep you safe? Do you think you'll ever be left alone?”
The flow of electricity finally stoped, and Whumpee slumped to the ground, Supervillain’s grip on their limp wrist the only thing keeping them afloat. The only movement they made was a shuddering sob and the sporadic twitch of spent muscles.
Supervillain allowed them to drop to the ground. They leaned over their body, eyes alight. “You’re a diamond in the rough. Be thankful I intend to refine you.”
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iwritewhump · 2 years ago
"you're not a hero, you're a child playing dress up. now take off that silly mask and go home" + villain mentor + in over their head + trembling
day 19 of @whumptember
421 words
warnings: young whumpee, building on fire, cursing, passing out
Hero’s arms shake with effort, trying to keep the building from falling. The rest of the occupants run outside crying at the sight of their home in flames. Hero grunts and almost falls when someone puts their hands next to his on the support beam. 
“No!” he shouts, “Get out! It isn’t safe for you here.” 
The person almost scoffs, “I’ll manage.” 
Hero turns his head and stumbles back at the sight of Villain. She stands next to him, arms high above her head. “What are you doing here?” 
“Oh,” she says. “I started the fire. But, when I saw you struggling to keep it up, I ran in to save you.” she repositions her hands and rolls her eyes. “Is that what you wanted to hear? I live here, dumbass.” 
Hero shakes his head and coughs, “No, you-you must’ve had something to do with this. Buildings don’t just set on fire.” 
“They do if the landlord doesn’t give a fuck about his tennants and cuts corners to save a few bucks.” she scolds. “Now, get out of here and go home.” 
He shakes his head again and holds the bar up, making no difference on Villain’s weight load. The fire heats the beam and burns his hands, it takes everything in him not to recoil. “I need to do a sweep of the building and make sure everyone’s out.” 
She lets go of the bar with one hand and lifts him off the ground. “Look at me, you are not a hero. You’re a child-" she's overtaken by a coughing fit, nearly dropping him and letting go of the beam- "playing dress up. Now take that silly mask off and go home before you get hurt.” 
She coughs and throws him toward the door before letting go of the beam with her other hand and barreling toward the doors, grabbing Hero’s collar and dragging him out with her just before the building collapses. 
She rolls over and stares at him, searching his chest for signs of breath. After a few seconds, she sees a shallow breath and almost laughs in relief. In a fit of coughing, Villain stands up and waves her burned hands high above her head.
“I need a doctor over here!” she shouts, tearing the mask off of his face and throwing it back into the burning building. “I need a fucking doctor!” 
She sees two people in uniform run up to her, a bag in one’s hand. Before they reach her, she collapses next to Hero.
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edorazzi · 7 months ago
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Page 28 of my Miraculous Mentor AU comic A Matter of Trust! In which Felix's grand, extensively-researched plan of deception gets off to a less than impressive start... 🌹🌙
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Weekly updates each Sunday! You can also read ahead early on Patreon, and/or buy me a Ko-fi if you'd like to support my work! 💖
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satoshy12 · 1 year ago
Cujo the Ghost Dog
poor Bruce is just confused
Batman found the Joker to defeat him from his new plan, only to see the Joker fight against a tiny dog with a hat.
Joker stopped midfight:" I can't believe you had to find it out this way, Batman."
Batman:" What?"
Joker:"Yeah, I am sorry. But I and a few villains cheated on you."
A goon patted Batman shoulder to comfort Batman:" We are sorry you had to learn; we all tried to hide it from you and the Robin's."
Joker:" We have a new Nemesis, Cujo the Dog."
Cujo with a tiny hat:" Bark."
Robin/Damian:" Fair, I too would take a new mentor."
Gives the dog a treat.
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the-cypress-grove · 10 months ago
Prompt: 218
"This is not how I raised you."
"No, you raised me to be weak. You raised me to be your puppet and do your bidding."
"It was necessary."
"And it will be the end of you."
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sciderman · 5 months ago
Yk, I hate that adaptations keep making Peter a high schooler, and not just because it means he never evolves, but because the adaptations now also include wider Marvel, whitch usually (thanks to the MCU) is at the modern day stage with legacy characters and new age teen heroes, meaning that Peter is taking up Miles' spot and you can really tell when they put him next to someone like Kamala Khan or Sam Alexander who are Miles' pals. Tho Peter taking Miles' stuff is just a modern issue overall, just look at MCU whitch just stole and re-skinned Miles' personality, characters, story-beats, even the costume to an extent and then made it worse.
agree 👏
#sci speaks#sci. release the script doctor you did where it actually was miles in the mcu and peter parker is a grown ass man.#it was funny. peter was a really bad intern at stark industries#who stole stark tech on the sly.#and of course. tony catches wind of this because he has cameras everywhere and. those cameras happened to also catch.#him sneaking out of work as spider-man.#and tony ropes him into civil war or whatever because otherwise he could Literally press charges.#and peter's :((((((((#begrudgingly joins tony's side.#in the post credit we see that he's been gathering stark tech to build miles morales some very neato webshooters.#and voil.a. miles is the star of homecoming and. peter is the mentor figure that encourages miles to start small.#miles: but YOU teamed up with the avengers a#peter: do as i SAY not as i DO.#sighs. so little would have to change.#but no more child soldiers and no more over exposure of tony stark. fantastic. superb.#also showing a slightly sneakier peter parker who isn't exactly entirely morally upstanding.#steals from billionares while they're not looking to serve the people who need it.#robin hood figure !! sexy. would falll to my knees for a peter parker like that. would be my favourite on screen peter ever.#and it puts him more in an interesting spot with the villains in the movies too.#if we still go with the route of all the villains being affiliated with stark tech and stealing / using stark tech#then peter is like. in a more complex role in the story. he stole stark tech too. is he better than the criminals?#he uses it for good. he thinks. but that's his judgement.#just i think it would be neat. all the “you're just like me” rhetoric falls so flat in those movies.#but what if it hit different.#but that would be if marvel had the courage to make a complex spider-man movie#where peter parker is allowed to make morally complex decisions asides for “uhh. stupid kid makes stupid mistakes”#sci talks movies
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tina-armani · 11 months ago
Walton made his career on "humanazing" bad guys. He has said it before that whenever he's playing a "villain", he always tries to find why that person is like that, what made him this way, what is inside his heart. And more often than not he finds that pain and that struggle and it shines through during his performance. This is a lesson about how you make people root for the bad guys on screen 😄😄 👍
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lemeblogs · 1 year ago
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merakiui · 1 year ago
Okay speaking of magical girls.... Evil villain tako that has a crush on the cute magical girl at NRC but he doesnt know shes the magical girl that's trying to thwart his evil plan of taking over sage's island mwhaha
YES YES YES. And every week he gets his ass handed to him. You're determined to keep Sage's Island safe!!!! He's trying to get to know you through the fights. The (one-sided) sexual/romantic tension is too much. Tako who flirts at every chance during your fights... you genuinely want to take him out (defeat him), but he wants to take you out (on a date). And it's so obvious he's down bad for you, but you have no idea he's Azul Ashengrotto (your fellow classmate) and he has no idea of your identity either. Azul's trying to balance his love for the magical girl he fights on weekends and his darling classmate who he sees during the week hehe. How fortuitous that they are the same person.
Please imagine that trope where the villain ensnares the hero in tentacles, but it ends up looking more erotic than threatening....... orz evil villain tako whose tentacle is holding you upside down by the ankle and he's monologuing about how he'll take over the island and you'll get to watch, powerless against him. But then he looks at you and your skirt has flipped up and he's granted a gratuitous panty shot!!!!!!! Tako who gets a nosebleed on the spot. He's such a loser pervert. <3
Omg omg or you're squirming in the tentacles and ranting about how you'll get him for this, but Azul's trying so hard not to give into the horny thoughts because the way the tentacles are looped around you and squeezing is so attractive to him.
Like that one scene where Stocking's fighting the octopus ghost LOL.
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narratwoda · 6 months ago
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Tammy really looks up to her
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atalkingrat · 8 months ago
Deku's final battle: recognising his self-worth
I really wanted Kacchan to tell Izuku he could be a hero without a quirk, but I just realised how important it is for Deku to come to that realisation on his own.
Everyone always told him he could never be a hero. Even though he was persistent in pursuing his dream, he was still desperate for validation, haunted by his mother's apology to him after finding out he was quirkless. When All Might tells him he can't be a hero without a quirk, Deku seems to give up. He only accepts the chance to stand in the ring that AM offers him with OFA.
We have yet to see Izuku break free from the feelings that he has to make himself worth everything he was given. While part of this is his own satisfying journey of self-improvement, as Kacchan points out: "deep down, he doesn't take himself into account" (ch284). Izuku lives to be useful and approved of by others.
I would love to see Izuku recognise his inherent worth and unique skills, and to reconnect with a desire to save people, not out of necessity or to be a satisfactory successor, but because it fulfills him.
As for what quirkless hero Izuku could look like:
I don't think AM was wrong for telling Izuku he needed a quirk to be s hero. His logic was sound, and AM has the irreparable injuries and decades of experiences both quirkless and with OFA to back it up. However, AM does not have Izuku's creativity. While they have the same spirit, Izuku' ingenuity, intelligence, and appreciation for different kinds of quirks is his own unique combination. He was never going to be a hero like All Might, as much as a desires it. His stature does not allow it, and the damage he has done to his body means his fighting style is completely different. Izuku has to find his own way.
This could be through support items. I believe All Might's super suit demonstrated his own admiration of Deku as a hero, and teased what Quirkless Pro Hero Izuku could look like.
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another-ninjago-person · 24 days ago
if we doing ras x lloyd crack shipping we should give it one of those old fandom shipnames that you can have no idea whom they involve from the name alone. like citrus, bruise, etc.
i propose custody or custody battleshipping.
no love nor lust between them just the unresolved tension of fighting for custody of arin ninjago
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patchworkorphan · 1 year ago
The Hero and the Infant: Part Two
Read part one here
The hero didn’t shout it. They didn’t need to. Villain would hear them fine even over all the destruction and screaming and emergency services. Hero just stared from the street up at Villain and Villain looked down at Hero. Hero lifted their hand in a wave and then pulled the cigarette from their lips, exhaling a lungful of smoke.
“Hero –” sidekick began but Hero shook their head.
“It’s okay kid. I got it from here,” Hero said still staring at Villain. “So, you gonna invite me up or do I have to climb twelve flights of stairs?”
Villain just stared. Sidekick moved forward, suddenly hesitant in bringing Hero here. Just as they opened their mouth to say it to Hero, Sidekick was wrenched into the sky by an invisible hand and suddenly Hero and the street were below them.
“Fucking shit,” Hero cursed, flicking their cigarette to the ground as they started running to the apartment building to the left of Villain and taking the stairs two at a time.
Villain stared at Sidekick with a probing, scientific kind of curiosity, like they were able to look under Sidekick's skin and unravel all their secrets with enough determination.
“You’re new,” Villain purred. Their voice like liquid silver dancing its way through the sky to Sidekick’s ears sending a shiver down their spine.
“Yeah. I’m Superhero’s sidekick.”
Villain tilted their head to the side and asked, voice deadpan, “do you know the mortality rate of Superhero’s previous sidekicks?”
Sidekick stared Villain in the eye as they said, “I do.”
“And you took the job anyways?”
“I did.”
“Hmm. Not very chatty. You remind me of an old friend of mine.”
“Forgive me, I don't usually chitchat while floating this high in the air."
"Hmm," Villain rumbled, "how about falling?"
For a single terrifying moment, Sidekick felt gravity's effects on them, yanking them back to earth and they gasped, reaching forward and grabbing Villain's leg like their life depended it.
"NO! Nononononononononono, wait! FUCK!" Sidekick cried as their grip on Villain faltered and they slipped. They fell an inch further in the air before they were suspended again, this time with their back to the ground below, staring up at Villain with wide frightened eyes. The only thing keeping them from the hard tarmac below thirteen stories below and being alive.
Villain turned over in the air, rolling onto their stomach and lying like a schoolgirl on their stomach with two hands supporting their head as they grinned down at Sidekick, drinking in their fear.
"You sound just like my favourite hero, Sidekick. I knew letting you fall would loosen your tongue a bit."
Villain was fucking insane, Sidekick realised, their heart still pounding like a rabbits at seeing a hungry dog catch their eye.
"Hero, I’m guessing?" Sidekick said eventually, though their voice still came out higher than it should have.
Villain smiled a fond smile that went to their eyes and lit up their entire face. “Yes. My dear cantankerous hero, so foul-mouthed."
“I met them today," Sidekick said, just trying to keep Villain talking and keep themselves suspended until Hero was able to talk Villain into hopefully letting Sidekick go. Where the fuck were they?
Villain's interest was piqued and they dove slightly towards Sidekick, grabbing Sidekick by the collar of their shirt and sitting on their waist, legs dangling over either side. Somehow, Villain made sure that even flying in the air, Sidekick could still feel the restrictive weight of Villain on top of them.
"And what did you think of them?" Villain asked.
What did Sidekick think of Hero?
"They were... difficult," was the first word that came to mind. Villain grinned and nodded sagely, agreeing with Sidekick as if it was a sacred moment.
“Nothing easy is worth having, Sidekick. Some parting advice.”
“You’re letting me go?”
“Oh yes,” said Villain with a disarming smile. “Quite literally.”
Sidekick didn’t have time to process Villain’s words before Villain shoved Sidekick down below them and wind rushed through their clothes, through their hair, through them as they fell like a comet to earth. This was how they died.
Then their momentum stopped suddenly, and they were swinging into a brick wall, their arm yanked out of its socket and Sidekick cried out in pain. Craning their neck up, they tried glancing up to see Hero above them, leaning half out a broken window, two feet planted on the sill and pulled Sidekick up despite their cries and cursing.
“God, I know. I’m sorry Sidekick. You shouldn’t have been here, god where the fuck is Superhero in all this!” Hero pulled Sidekick in the window and into their chest before stepping back and setting Sidekick down on the window sill.
“Fucking what the fuck?!” Sidekick mewled cradling their arm to their chest.
“I'm sorry, Villain doesn’t usually act like this,” Hero told them.
Sidekick blinked, pain lancing through their shoulder and down into their chest. “What?”
“They don’t usually act this way. First impressions are everything, but I swear there’s good in them.”
Sidekick blinked at Hero, shaking their head. “You’re defending them?!”
“Well, it’s my fault you see. This whole temper tantrum. I haven’t been returning their texts.”
“You haven’t—” Sidekick asked, then blinked and let out an exasperated “what?!”
“Your shoulder—” Hero said. “It’s dislocated.”
“No fucking shit!" Sidekick mewled. "You yanked it out of its socket!”
“Would you rather be a splat on the concrete? Cause I can still push you out the damn window, kid.”
Sidekick walked to the stairwell, fury and pain mixing in their heavy breaths as they braced themselves against the wall. Hero stepped forward a warning on their lips: “kid, I wouldn’t do th—”
It was too late. Sidekick had already thrown themselves against the wall. A resounding pop echoed throughout the stairs, followed by a sharp shriek of pain from Sidekick as they slid down the wall, breathing harshly through gritted teeth.
Hero opened their mouth, but Sidekick just held up a finger from their good arm and wagged it in Hero’s stupid face: “don’t. Say. A thing.”
Sidekick braced themselves against the wall, sliding up it with a groan of pain and rolled their shoulder. Forwards. Backwards. Then they set their furious eyes on Hero and without a word turned and started ascending the stairwell to the roof.
Hero laughed, stunned at the kid’s resilience, and followed them up the stairs. “Do you want some—”
“Just shut the hell up,” Sidekick said, kicking the door to the roof open and looking down pointedly at Hero who was midway through taking a bag of sweets from their pocket. “And go out and do your job.”
“Yes boss,” Hero said with a smile, putting a fizzy lace through their teeth. They emerged onto the roof, arms spread wide and yelled: “Hey! What the fuck are ya doing?” to Villain who was no doubt still floating in the sky, and Sidekick sat down heavy on the steps and took a few deep breaths.
They nearly just died.
Villain almost just killed them.
They would have killed them if not for Hero, and all they wanted to do was cry, but they were too angry.
“Just go out and do your job,” Sidekick chastised themselves, standing and wiping the remnants of tear trails from their cheeks before joining Hero on the roof.
Crying could come later if they lived that long.
Continued Here
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mango-sp1ce · 1 year ago
REMEMBER CALCULATOR??? THE CALCULATOR? Whatever the fuck his nerdy ass name was???
He like, was the villain equivalent of oracle in dc-online. And he’s like a character that I don’t think dc really uses often… (Yes I still play that- shut up)
Yeah, anyways-
Boom, make him Tucker. Or make Tucker him??
Tucker = The Calculator
Get it? Got it? Good.
then do whatever the fuck with that. Like- Danny could be a villain in training (dc-online story arc???)
Or maybe no one else knows, and then the bats find out and Tucker freaks the hell out
Or I dunno- Danny is a “villain” (but in the fun way, not so murderous) and ends up being recruited as one of the villain mentors (yknow; Lex, Joker, Circe)
(Since each is a counter to a hero; Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman. What if Danny’s the counter to another hero? Or even the counter to the entire Justice League Dark. I think it’d be pretty funny if he’s the counter to Flash or something)
And now he’s gotta mentor a bunch of villains-in-training who literally busted out of test tubes and have no memories from before… and god hes just adopting kids isn’t he?
maybe somehow Klarions here, too.
I rambled in the tags a lil bit btw…
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