#hero writing
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chaotic-orphan · 1 year ago
VENDETTA IS 💃🏽💅✨❤️‍🔥🔥 SCRUMPTIOUS (I heavily dislike emojis so me using them at all really says something)
Vendetta: part V
Read part one here Continued from here
First of all I want to thank everyone for their support with this series, it is my little baby and I love Hero and Vigilante so much, I'm glad you like them too!
My exams for college start on the 12th until the 21st so this will (probably) be my last update until Christmas time where I plan on bulk writing and publishing weekly, or bi-weekly, updates to series so I will put a poll up tomorrow where you can vote for what series are your favourite to let me know which ones to spend more time on.
Thank you again for all your kind words for vendetta, but especially this anon whose comment made me giggle. Enjoy!
Hero didn’t stir.
Hero was comfortable. Warm. Cozy. They didn’t want to move, they really didn’t.
“Hero,” more pressing this time and Hero let out a sigh.
A hand was in their hair then on their cheek, gentle and soothing and warm.
“Open your eyes,” the sweet voice coaxed and Hero obeyed. They were met with two brown eyes so dark they looked black in the dim hut. “There. Now. Show me where you are.”
Hero froze as they became fully conscious and the hand on their cheek went to their chin, gripping it hard and wrenching Hero’s head up.
Hero recoiled back suddenly, squeezing their eyes shut and it felt like they were falling, falling, falling.
Hero gasped awake, heart drumming in their ears like an unending drone as they sat up suddenly away from Vigilante’s arms.
“Hey. Hey, Hero. It’s okay! It was just a nightmare. You were screaming, it’s okay. I’m sorry I startled you, c’mere.”
Hero was drawn back into Vigilante’s warmth. They were shaking like a leaf, tongue heavy and obstructive in their mouth, unable to form words or a coherent sentence.
“Sssh, it’s okay. I got you.”
Hero sat in Vigilante’s arms for a minute or two, calming their breathing before they spoke.
“I must’ve fallen asleep,” they mumbled and Vigilante squeezed Hero tighter to them, pressing a kiss into their hair.
“I did too,” Vigilante admitted. “It’s not the worst thing for healing, you know.”
“I know but— Supervillain… they were here.”
Vigilante stiffened behind Hero. “What?”
“They— I mean, it felt like they were here. I could have sworn he was… I mean it was probably just a nightmare, but it felt so real.”
Vigilante moved their hand from where it wrapped around Hero, moving their hand to rest on Hero’s cheek, turning them to face them. They smiled down at Hero, and then pressed a soft kiss against their lips. It was short and sweet and it made Hero feel safe and loved.
“We’ll get Supervillain, Hero. We won’t let him win.”
Hero tried for a smile and failed, instead they nodded, “I know. We should get moving. Try and find Superhero.”
Vigilante released Hero and Hero leaned forward, looking down at their knee. The bandage was bloodstained already. How long were they asleep? It was daylight outside again, shining into their little trench hut.
“I should change the bandages before we go again,” said Hero. Vigilante was off the bed and got the med kit returning it to Hero. “Thank you.”
“Just tell me what you need me to do.”
Hero’s heart fluttered at Vigilante’s easy words.
They changed the bandages quickly, quicker than last time anyways. Vigilante’s hands were a little more sure and when they wiped the wound Hero was happy enough that the wound wasn’t going to get infected. They would be fine.
Everything would be fine.
They just needed to find Superhero and regroup.
Everything would be fine.
Vigilante handed Hero their twin scabbards harness which they affixed to their back and hip. Hero released a content sigh when the weight of their twin blades returned. It felt like they could do anything with them and Vigilante by their side.
Vigilante lead the way out of the hut and fashioned an invisible ramp that they walked up and onto the battleground again.
It was eerily silent.
There was no noise. No bullets flying or screaming or crying or anything, it was just… quiet. Hero looked over to where they fought Assassin and saw her lying still in a pool of black blood.
“Where do you think Superhero will be?” Vigilante asked, glancing to Hero and following their line of sight to Assassin. Vigilante stepped between Hero and Assassin’s body, reaching forward and tilting Hero’s chin up. “Hey. It’s okay, Hero. I need you to focus.”
Hero blinked at Vigilante. When the words registered in their brain they sighed and shook their head. This wasn’t the time to get emotional.
“Right. Sorry… they weren’t at the Guild, which means— well, I thought it meant that they would be out fighting here, but…”
“But there’s no one here,” Vigilante said.
“Yeah. Which now makes me think our best bet would be the Guild.”
Vigilante frowned. “Do you think they’re still alive?”
“They have to be,” Hero said. “Plus I don’t think Supervillain would be private or gracious if they killed Superhero. If Superhero was dead, Supervillain would probably have them hung on a flagpole or something outside the Guild.”
“But what about all the villains that swarmed the guild? Didn’t you say there was an evacuation plan?”
“I— yes,” Hero sighed, rubbing their eyes. “But I think… I think it’s our best option. Our only option. I’d rather take on a swarm of Villains than be out here and searching for Superhero who we may not even find. There’s still Heroes at the guild. If Superhero’s not there maybe we can help them instead.”
“Okay. Back to the Guild then.”
Hero nodded. “Yeah.”
Hero stepped forward but was stopped by Vigilante’s hand snaking around their waist and turning them to face Vigilante who smiled their cheeky smile down at Hero. The smile was contagious, goofy, and Vigilante looked so young in that moment. As if they were just on a hike with a date and wanted to be romantic in the natural scenery. They pressed a hand to Hero’s cheek, thumb under Hero’s chin tilting their head up and leaning down to kiss them.
Hero almost floated when their lips met. It was gentle and soothing, then it was passionate and aggressive so much so that Hero thought Vigilante’s lips would leave a bruise on Hero’s but they didn’t care. They responded in kind, wrapping their arms around Vigilante’s neck and drawing them closer, a hand going to Vigilante’s hair and Hero smiled against Vigilante’s lips as they felt Vigilante nearly float away too.
It was everything they couldn’t say to each other. Something words wouldn’t cover properly or even hint at. Vigilante nipped at Hero’s lower lip and Hero opened their mouth willingly, letting Vigilante deepen the kiss, wanting to stay here like this forever.
The certainty of being wanted, and knowing exactly what they wanted. It was bliss.
Everything they needed in their embrace, between their breaths, their lips, tongues and touch.
Hero could have died in that hut and being with Vigilante in that moment was heaven. No worries, no concerns, only that passionate certainty.
But they were still alive.
They still needed to breathe.
Vigilante was the one to break the kiss, pressing their forehead against Hero’s, their soft breath fanning Hero’s cheeks.
“I love you, Hero,” said Vigilante, tightening their grip on Hero’s waist. “I want you to know that. In case—”
“In case nothing,” Hero replied. Not even daring to think like that for a second. “You’re the only person I’ve ever loved. I love you more than the world, and if Supervillain wouldn’t have a hit out on me then I would have run away with you. Somewhere quiet. We could just be me and you, no heroes and villains and vigilantes. Just us.”
“Hero—” Vigilante said but it came out half sad, half strangled.
“No,” Hero sniffed. They didn’t realise they had been crying until then, because what if this was their last chance together? What if this was it forever? Hero had to say everything, everything they loved about Vigilante. They had to know just in case. “No, I need you to know.”
“I know,” Vigilante whispered, thumb wiping away the tears streaming down Hero’s face and sniffing in return. “I know. Maybe when all this is over, we can just give up. We can go. Together. Okay?”
“Yeah,” Hero sobbed and sniffed, trying to console themselves. “Yes.”
“Okay. We have a plan now. Guild first, save Superhero, defeat Supervillain and then retirement. Easy.”
“Easy,” Hero laughed, wiping their eyes with the back of their hand.
Vigilante took Hero’s hand in theirs and interlocked their fingers, and it felt like Hero was grounded. Back on earth, back in their body. There would be no just in case. Hero wouldn’t let Vigilante die. They tightened their grip on Vigilante’s hand.
Vigilante would live, Hero promised themselves then and there, even if Hero had to sacrifice themselves to make sure of it.
Without teleport they had to walk back to the Guild. They didn’t meet anyone on the way, no heroes or villains or anyone in between.
“I know,” Hero said. “They’re probably all at the Guild.”
“Do you think Supervillain’s there?”
Hero swallowed. It felt like their throat was made of sandpaper, not wanting Hero to say the words out loud because then they would be true.
“Yeah. I do. I think he was there this morning.”
“This morning? You mean—”
“Yeah. When I saw him in my nightmare. He was in the hut with us, he wanted to see where I was. Tried to get me to open my eyes and show him.”
Vigilante stiffened as they walked, squeezing Hero’s hand in theirs. “Do you think he raided the Guild and when he realised you weren’t there—”
“Yeah. He looked for me another way.”
“It’s okay,” Hero said without any real meaning behind it. It wasn’t okay. None of this was okay. Their friends dying around them wasn’t okay, Doctor, who didn’t even fight, dying trying to protect Hero.
None of it was okay.
They didn’t voice any of these thoughts. What was the point? Vigilante knew, Hero knew. Still they walked hand in hand.
They continued in silence until they saw the lights from the Guild, the sun was only starting to set but it was still dark. The autumn blues bright, with shards of red glaring through the sky.
Hero’s shoulder twinged the closer they got to the building which used to bring Hero so much comfort. Its high walls and beautiful artwork. The Guilds magnificent marble arches and the colourful gardens where they trained. It was home, and right now home had fires burning the grass in the gardens and a giant hole went through the medical wing where Doctor’s body was.
All this for what?
How many dead?
“We’ll go through the medical wing,” said Vigilante, dragging Hero from their thoughts. Hero looked up at them, memorising the half far away expression on their face when they were thinking, planning. Vigilante caught Hero staring and shot them a grin. “It’s our best chance of not getting detected.”
“You’re probably right.”
“And if I’m wrong we’ll find out quickly.”
“Exactly.” Hero reached up and cupped Vigilante’s face in their hands bringing them down for a kiss. “I’ll never get tired of that.”
“I’ll hold you to it,” Vigilante said with mischief glinting like diamonds in their eyes. Hero pulled away but Vigilante caught their hand and kept it pressed against their cheek for a moment longer. The gesture damn near broke Hero’s heart. They were acting like they would never be able to do this again, and they can’t. They shouldn’t.
They can’t face Supervillain half defeated.
“We’ll win,” Hero told Vigilante. Vigilante pressed a kiss against Hero’s palm, and then their knuckles before giving it back.
“I know.”
They moved quickly after that, Vigilante leading the way, showing Hero the way down and how the Villains got in without being detected to blow the hole in the medical ward.
Hero swallowed down a sob when they saw Doctor's coat, a spear sticking from his chest. Vigilante was moving ahead of them, taking a sheet from the bed and draping it over Doctor's body.
"We'll bury him properly after, Hero," said Vigilante taking Hero's hand and gently pulling them forward passed Doctor’s body. "We need to keep moving."
“I know,” said Hero, resting their other hand on the hilt of their sword. They’d avenge Doctor.
When they got to the door, Hero cursed under their breath as they touched the solid wall. “Fuck. I forgot Medic sealed it when we were here.”
Vigilante kicked the door but it didn’t crack or break.
“They fused it to the wall, it’ll all be as solid as each other.”
“If only we had Bomber here now, huh?” Vigilante asked with a slight laugh. Hero let out a laughter of disbelief.
“I never thought I’d have to break into the Guild, but here we are.”
“Here we are,” Vigilante echoed with a cheeky grin.
“Here we are,” a third voice said behind them. Hero and Vigilante turned on their heel, eyes settling on Villain ahead of them. Hero drew their swords immediately, fear gripping their heart like a hand had reached through their ribs and squeezed it. “So nice to see you again, Hero. We didn’t get to finish our little conversation last time.”
Villain inclined his head at Vigilante, his chocolate curls falling over his forehead, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. “Supervillain is not happy with you, Vigilante, but good news. You’re both to be brought in alive. Did we assume you were stupid enough to walk straight into the Guild? No, but the sentiment is appreciated.”
“Villain,” Vigilante said, voice calm and low. “You don't have to do this. We don’t have to fight.”
“Mmm,” Villain hummed, his deep melodic voice rumbling a vibration through the air. He lifted his chin higher, cool eyes holding Vigilante's gaze. “Vigilante… I want you to know… I liked you. You were one of the few people I could tolerate, but like? That’s a whole new level of betrayal.”
“Villain please," Vigilante pleaded with a cautious step forward, hands raised placatingly.
“If it’s any consolation I’ll ask Supervillain to spare you. Save your begging for him. That’s as far as my mercy will extend Vigilante...” Villain said, their voice didn’t break but there was some kind of emotion at the back of it that Hero couldn’t identify. Villain's eyes went to Hero. “Then again... I don’t know if it will be considered a mercy.”
That was the last thing Villain said before Hero screamed. Hero reached up and grabbed their bandaged shoulder where Villain had shot them last time they fought but it felt like there was something inside it, something ice-cold, trying to break out from under Hero’s skin.
“Hero!” Vigilante yelled, but their voice was distant as Hero clawed the bandage off their arm trying to get the thing inside them loose. Hero felt Vigilante’s hands on them but it burned and they stepped back out of their hold and fell, their knee buckling under them and Hero was still screaming.
“Villain! Stop!” Vigilante cried, but Villain didn’t respond, they just kept their cold eyes trained on Hero as they wailed and screamed and cried.
The thing finally broke free from Hero’s skin and Hero let out a whimper of pain as they clutched the reopened wound, warm blood trickling between their fingers. Hero glared up at Villain, the motion making them sick. Villain stood emotionless, cool eyes on Hero, the shadow from Hero's shoulder slinking around his fingers like a pet mouse.
“We can do this the easy way,” said Villain nonchalant. “Or we can—”
He didn’t get to finish his sentence before a wall of rubble was slamming into him. Hero got to their shaking feet, almost falling again but Vigilante had an arm on their elbow helping them up. A cold sweat washed over Hero as they stood, and they shivered, their hair sticking to their forehead.
“Hero, are you—”
“I’m— yeah, I’m… I’m okay. I’m fine. Are you—”
“Yeah,” Vigilante said, but Hero knew from their tone that they weren’t. Maybe Villain was Vigilante’s version of Superhero, and Hero couldn’t imagine fighting having to fight Superhero. “I’m fine. We should go.”
Hero kept their swords out, just in case, as they started walking back the way they came. "If Villain was surprised that we were here that means that we were right and Supervillain raided here and didn't find me. We should check the-"
Hero looked over their shoulder at Vigilante and stopped walking towards the hole in the wall. Towards freedom. Vigilante hadn't moved a muscle from where they helped Hero get back to their feet. Their body was tensed, but Hero could tell from the way they were trembling that Vigilante was trying to break free from something. To fight something unseen to Hero.
"Vigilante?" Hero asked, voice barely above a whisper. Petrified eyes found Hero’s with a resolute hopelessness as they let out a soft "Fuck."
"Vigilante?" Hero asked again, concern lacing their voice.
“Villain has me. I can’t move.”
Hero looked back to where Villain was under the rubble, but Villain wasn’t there. Hero turned back to Vigilante, running towards them and skidded to a stop when they saw Villain materialising out of Vigilante’s shadow.
“You are fast, Vigilante,” said Villain, putting a hand through Vigilante’s hair and yanking their head back. “But I’m faster.”
“Let them go!” Hero said, voice hard, at the same time that Vigilante said: “Hero run!”
Villain scoffed, drawing his gun and pressing the barrel under Vigilante’s chin. “Come on Vigilante, we both know Hero won’t leave you here, so let’s make this easy on us all, hmm?”
Hero swallowed hard, but they were already lowering their swords at the threat.
“Hero please, please—”
Villain shoved the gun against Vigilante’s chin silencing them effectively. “Vigilante hush. Hero and I are negotiating.”
Villain rolled his eyes at Vigilante’s blatant disregard of his instruction. “Okay. Fine. Here’s what we’re going to do, Vigilante, if you speak again I will shoot Hero in their good shoulder.”
“Please Villain, let them go, please! Hero leave me,” Vigilante cried but Hero couldn’t even if they wanted to, they were rooted to the spot. They couldn’t move their trembling legs if they tried. Blood didn’t run through them anymore, it was lead and concrete keeping them stuck.
This couldn't be happening. This had to be a nightmare. Maybe they were still in the shack in the trench and Vigilante was beside them trying to wake them up, or sleeping soundly beside them unbeknownst to the horrors happening in front of Hero's eyes.
It was a dream.
It had to be a dream. Anything else was too horrible to even consider, and yet Hero knew this was real. That they did wake up and come here with Vigilante. That Villain found them and caught Vigilante. That a tear was rolling down Hero's cheek at the sight, because they promised themselves they wouldn’t let anything happen to Vigilante.
Hero sheathed their swords. It felt like the executioner’s axe falling on their heads but they couldn’t do anything else.
“I’ll come willingly if you let Vigilante go.”
Villain’s cool gaze went to Hero, drinking in their blazing eyes and defiant words. “Darling, you’ll come willingly if I drag Vigilante along with us kicking and screaming. I think I’ll take the two for one special.”
“Hero…” Vigilante whispered, despair colouring each syllable black and dull. Villain smiled at Hero over Vigilante’s shoulder, letting go of Vigilante’s hair and Vigilante could finally right their head to look Hero in the eyes.
It was almost too much to bear to see Vigilante’s eyes but neither of them could chide the other too harshly. If the roles were reversed Vigilante wouldn’t run... even though Hero would want them to.
“Your power dampeners Hero,” said Villain, holding out a long arm, brown curls falling over his forehead casting shadows over his eyes.
“I don’t have any.”
Villain smiled. “If you want to be difficult I can just knock Vigilante here out and let you carry them to Supervillain.”
“Hero,” Vigilante said, “it’s okay.”
“I really don’t have any,” Hero protested, throwing their arms wide. “You can search me if you want. I lost them when I was fighting you and Other Villain.”
Villain hummed. Then realisation dawned on them and they scoffed, “oh, I do remember you dropping them. No matter. I’ll just have to trust you.”
Hero blinked at Vigilante who stared right back at them. Villain grinned at the exchange.
“I know neither of you are telepathic, but all the same, I’d rather we have our conversations in public. What was that look about, hmm?”
“Just thinking you’re dumb,” said Vigilante easily. Villain let out a sharp bark of laughter.
“Oh that’s cute. That’s funny, Vigilante," Villain said with a bark of laughter, voice deadpan as they continued: "I genuinely missed your humour, so witty. That was a good one, but look, I have a better one.”
Villain lifted their gun and aimed it towards Hero. Vigilante jerked forward, pushing Villain’s arm wide as they fired the gun. Hero flinched at the sound while Villain laughed again, pressing the barrel back against Vigilante’s temple.
“Hero, dear. Tell Vigilante to calm down or you will carry them to Supervillain.”
“Okay! Okay, Villain you made your point,” Vigilante huffed. Villain rolled their eyes for Hero’s amusement.
“What do you say, Vigilante?”
Vigilante scrunched their lips up then let out a quiet, “I’m sorry.”
“There now. Remember your manners or the next shot won’t miss Hero,” Villain said, letting Vigilante go finally. Vigilante took a step forwards only for Villain to slam their hand out, grabbing Vigilante's arm and stopping them from moving further.
“Hey what’re—”
Villain slapped Vigilante on the head lightly to stop them talking and after a beat he let go of Vigilante.
"On second thoughts, I don't trust you not do something stupid Vigilante, so, Hero find me a bandage and some medical tape."
Hero looked at Vigilante who lowered their gaze in defeat and gave Hero a small nod. Hero walked to one of the bedside lockers and got a large roll of dressing and the medical tape that Villain wanted before walking over and handing them to Villain.
Villain took them with a grin.
"Thank you, Hero," then turned and dragged Vigilante's hands behind their back and tied them. Villain wrapped the bandage around Vigilante's hands and wrists locking them together in a cocoon, then wrapped the entire roll of medical tape around the bandage before tossing the empty roll over their shoulder. "That should do it, Vigilante try and escape quickly for me."
Vigilante obliged, the muscles tensing in their arms and shoulders as they tried to pull their hands back around to their front but they couldn't. Villain shot a grin at Hero, cool eyes curving up happy with malicious glee shining behind them.
"Wonderful. Let's not keep Supervillain waiting any longer. After you Hero."
Continued here
The Orphanage (tag-list lmk if you want to be added or removed <3): @micechomper @aarika-merrill
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paladinsandruffians · 2 years ago
Turnt Up
The world seemed to swim, swirling about as Villain lowered the glass from his lips. It slips from his trembling fingers as faintness overtakes him.
His eyes dart about. There are two exits: one there, at the front, and the fire door towards the back. Both are blocked by the throng of partiers. The one at the front is closer, but the crowd is more densely packed. If he could just...
"Hey, man, are you alright?" One of the partygoers approaches him, his own glass in hand. His brown hair is in a crew cut and he has the physique of a football player. He looks to be around Villain's age, maybe a little older. If he had to guess, he probably plays for one of the local colleges. Has he seen him before...?
"Really. I think you've had too much to drink. Do you want me to call an uber?
"Mmm." He can't open his mouth. His tongue feels sluggish and thick and all he wants to do is take a nap. A nap sounds really good right about now. His eyelids grow heavier and heavier. It couldn't be that bad, could it? Just...a few...minutes...
"Oh, don't worry about him," a chirping voice calls out. Who?
A slim but firm hand lands on his shoulder and squeezes tightly. He catches a glimpse of glittery red nail polish before a pair of arms wrap around his neck and someone presses their head against his.
"Sometimes he gets carried away, but don't you threat. I'll take good care of him."
"Are you sure?" the muscular stranger asks, looking between the two. If you guys need a ride, I could-" She waves him off.
"I own the big blue truck out back. Transportation won't be a problem." The stranger nods, sparing a final concerned glance at the lethargic villain before disappearing amongst the inebriated lot. He shouldn't worry so much. It's his day off after all.
Mumbling incoherently, Villain feels as the woman slips her arms under his and lifts him by the armpits. She begins, more carrying than, guiding him towards the door. His legs nearly give out after only a few feet. He...he shouldn't be this drunk. He...something...something's wrong.
They step out into the crisp, evening air, slowly progressing along the poorly lit parking lot. Halfway down the lot, the stranger pulls out a ring of keys. Finding the right set, she clicks a button.
Opening the passenger door, she heaves the weakened man up into the seat and latches him in with a normal-looking seatbelt.
Slipping into the driver's seat, she smirked at her unconscious passenger. Vigilante is going to love this.
She peels out of the parking lot, no one the wiser.
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the-overanalyst · 1 year ago
it's always so fascinating and heartbreaking when a character in a story is simultaneously idolized and abused. a chosen prophet destined for martyrdom. a child prodigy forced to grow up too fast. a powerful warrior raised as nothing but a weapon. there's just something so uniquely messed up about singing someone's praises whilst destroying them.
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megumismyhusband · 1 month ago
bakugo never meant to get this distracted. seriously. it wasn’t his fault.
it was yours.
because every damn time you sat in front of him, every time you rested your chin on your palm, every time you furrowed your brows while scribbling something in your notebook—he got stuck. like, full-on, brain-short-circuiting, totally-useless kind of stuck.
he should be paying attention. should be listening to aizawa’s lecture. should be taking notes instead of memorizing the way the sunlight caught in your hair or how your lips pursed when you were thinking.
but no. instead, he was sitting here, burning every little detail of you into his brain like some lovesick idiot. the curve of your nose, the way your fingers absentmindedly twirled your pen, the way you tucked your hair behind your ear when it fell into your face.
he was so screwed.
his whole body stiffened. aizawa was staring at him, unimpressed.
“what?” he snapped, maybe a little too defensive.
“i asked you a question.” aizawa sighed. “maybe if you stopped zoning out, you’d know the answer.”
a few people chuckled, and bakugo’s face heated up—not because he was embarrassed, but because you turned your head just a little, just enough to glance at him.
for half a second, your eyes met his.
and fuck, that half-second nearly killed him.
then you turned back around, totally unaware of how wrecked he was, how his heart was still beating too damn fast, how his hand was gripping his pencil like it owed him money.
this was getting ridiculous.
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animentality · 8 months ago
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captain-hawks · 6 months ago
red feathers fan across your line of sight, blocking the television from view as keigo chirps, "hey baby, what do you wanna order for din—"
leaning forward off of the couch, you grab keigo by the pocket of his sweatpants and tug him sideways out of the way. he blinks, letting out a small huff before unceremoniously collapsing onto the cushion beside you, face smushed against your shoulder.
"imagine if you liked paying attention to your boyfriend as much as you like watching your sho—"
his wings droop, and he groans, sliding even lower to drop his head face down in your lap.
keigo perks up and rolls over, eyes darting from the footage of his skyscraper fire rescue the other day to the proud smile on your face as you stare at the screen.
his feathers ruffle, and he preens.
"you know you've got the real thing right in fron—"
this time, when you place a finger over his lips and continue to ignore him, he just rolls his eyes and grins, making himself comfortable in your lap.
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bethanydelleman · 6 months ago
I was talking about a historical male author I dislike because I found his works misogynistic and the person said, "Oh, well I suppose you don't read Shakespeare either." and I was like, "Shakespeare? SHAKESPEARE?!?! Of course I read Shakespeare, that man loved women."
Shakespeare wrote a wide variety of fleshed out female characters. He wrote Damsels in Distress, Cross-dressing Girlbosses, and Complex Female Villains. He wrote a woman who refused to sell her virtue to save her family and then shamed her brother for suggesting it. He wrote Taming of the Shrew and it's opposite, All's Well that Ends Well, in which the wife hunts down and tames the husband. He wrote men who are good because they listen to, trust, and defend women. He wrote women of all kinds. He wrote women who drive the plot and women doomed by the narrative. He wrote women in love and women who pathetically follow a man who doesn't like them and women in hatred. He wrote sensible women and silly women and everything in between of all ages.
I wish modern authors could write women as well as he did.
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teaposee · 9 months ago
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This will be fun ^^
1 / 2 / 3
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katsu2ji · 1 month ago
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katsuki LOVES seeing you spend his money. you tell him you're having a bad day? he's sending you some money and telling you to buy something nice for yourself. you guys are going out on a date? he reminds you not to bring your wallet—he's got it. and you've reminded him time and time again that he doesn't have to do any of that, that you feel bad spending his money!!! but he doesn't care.
he reminds you every time that he wants to spend his money on you, no matter how big or small. he knows full well that you can pay for the things he buys you. he knows how hard you work for your money, how dedicated you are to your job.
but if he's there, why should you have to worry about anything at all?
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katsu2ji © 2025. please don't copy, modify, or do anything of the sort with my work! i work very hard and you simply do not have my permission.
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baurem · 6 months ago
cw: children, bakugo being a tired dad and then some wc: 604
with the soft patter of small feet and the door’s hinges quietly crying as it was pushed open, you feigned sleep. through ajar lids, in peeked your mixture of love, your husband and your own affections personified into something you both cradled and loved undoubtedly.
biting back a grin, you listened for the shuffling of your bedsheets as your daughter forcefully settled in between the spooning position that bakugo held you in. 
“papa..” your three year old called out in a whisper, her palm lightly tapped his cheek.  still in his drowsy in between, bakugo hummed roughly to let her know he was listening. 
“move over..” she whined as she pushed his shoulder to create more space for herself
“no, i was here first.” bakugo’s tongue languid with sleep but unmoving to your daughter’s attempts.
her little lips pursed like yours and her brows furrowed like his as she conceived a way to convince her hard-headed father to move. she turned her body to you, preparing to wake you up until a large hand interrupted her. 
“no, don’ wake y’er mama up.” his voice mellowed by fatherhood and patience. katsuki’s daughter turned with a pout at his whispered chiding, the same one he often wore against you.
  still, even while unconscious and in his grasp, he sought to preserve your sleep though there wasn’t a need for it (not that he should know). 
he lured her back with his hand splayed out on her tummy which earned yet another whine from her as she sat back into the tight space between you and your husband. 
she stared back with a disgruntled expression he knew all too well; cheeks puffed up, eyes narrowed that were still swollen with sleep, and a deep frown all at the lack of space her father provided. 
katsuki stared back, now more awake than before, but still just as adamant and stubborn as the red-eyed girl before him. 
“gotta use your manners if ya wanna be here.” 
after a beat of contemplation, your daughter spoke up, “papa..?”
“hm?” katsuki hummed, attentive.
“can you— can you pleeaase move over?” she asked, softer as to not disturb her mother. 
katsuki deemed it good enough since it was too early in the morning for a lesson. abiding by her plea, he shifted over which opened up the space for his little one. 
“mm.. thank you.” his daughter murmured as she squirmed into her place under the sheets and between her parents. 
katsuki hummed in a quiet response. his attention on the way her eyes fought sleep, nestled in the warmth and scent of her parents. once he’s sure she’s asleep, his attention shifts over to you.
“were you going to help at all?” he huffs. 
“i knew you had it.” you toss over to gaze to your family with a sapped grin at his discovery of your consciousness; your husband furrowed his brows at you like your little girl would when she didn’t get what she wanted and your daughter’s face squished on the pillow like his would whenever he came home from a long patrol.
katsuki saw you too in that moment, you think; with her hair disheveled in the mornings just like yours would be and the light snoring from her— the snoring you both vehemently denied though he insisted on it. 
he must’ve also been feeling that same swell in your chest too, the overflowing of love seeping out of your chest and into your throat. the kind of feeling that only mornings like these could bring out of you both; you, your husband, and the whole of you both combined snuggled in bed together.
“you always do.” 
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lilislegacy · 7 months ago
leo: hey percy, what goes through your mind when you control water?
percy: uh, i don’t know. i don’t really think about it. i just do it. you know?
leo: but like, how do you tell it what to do?
percy: i don’t tell it what to do. it just does what i want. i don’t really think it. i feel it.
leo: so like bluetooth
percy: huh?
leo: you bluetooth connect to the ocean
annabeth, putting her book down: leo, Poseidon himself does not bluetooth connect to the ocean. he embodies the ocean. he is the ocean. when poseidon is calm, the ocean is calm. when poseidon is angry, the ocean is angry. because they are both the ocean in different forms. so being poseidon’s son, the ocean is part of percy. it’s the same as when he moves his arms and legs. it’s like another limb, so he doesn’t have to think about controlling it. that’s why water reacts when he’s scared or angry. it’s his reflexes. water is part of him.
leo: so… like icloud
annabeth: that doesn’t even make sen-
percy: yes
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ryuucam · 22 days ago
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this is so real !! you’re not even dating yet, he hasn’t worked up the courage to ask you to go check out that coffee shop nearby, but he’s oh so in love with you. completely stunned with the way you move, talk, head over heels with watching you hang out with your friends. his friends, on the other hand, are busy laughing at him, cackling as he hastily places his jacket over his lap. he doesn’t mind though, he doesn’t even listen to them because he’s so entranced with how good your legs look in these shorts.
he knows he’s being a real loser, a gross one at that, but he’s just so nervous. you don’t put two and two together, thankfully, and you just think he has a deeply rooted adversity against you, with the way he avoids you like the black plague. what you don’t know, is that he spends his nights pawing at his cock, desperately trying to relieve himself but he just can’t stop leaking sticky fluid, tip all red and angry and balls still heavy with cum. he thinks he’s a perv, he definitely is, with the way his eyes fly down to your tits and ass as you walk by.
but he can’t help it, you just look so soft, so perfect, and he just quickens the pace as the fantasizes about making sweet, sweet love to you. or maybe you’d beg him to go faster, harder, to treat you like a slut and… no, a cute girl like you deserves to be fucked nice n slow, no teasing, he’d make you his very own pillow princess, yes, he’ll take really good care of you…
oh, he really should ask you out. what will you think though? will you be grossed out by him? have you noticed the bulge in his pants, sitting heavily on his crotch? you’ll hate him, of course you will, so he figures it’ll be best to stick to jerking off at night, brain flowing with lewd scenarios of you. but when you appear in front of him, cheeks flushed and sweet words telling him how much you like him, he thinks this is a dream come true.
xiao, wanderer, kazuha, ororon, gaming, thoma (genshin impact) moze, sunday, dan heng, phainon, maybe mydei?, luka, gepard (honkai star rail) ness, isagi, sendou :3 (blue lock) kiyotaka, chihiro, naegi, nagito!!!, hajime, kazuichi omg, shuichi, korekiyo (danganronpa) souya “angry”, kazutora, hakkai, kakucho, inui (tokyo revengers) atsushi, tanizaki, poe, akutagawa, sigma, mark twain (bungo stray dogs) deku, tokoyami, tamaki, kaminari (my hero academia) yamaguchi, goshiki, ooc bokuto, tendo, maybe kita .. (haikyuu) choso!!! higuruma, yuuta (jujutsu kaisen) kylar the loner, robin the orphan (degrees of lewdity)
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candiiee · 1 month ago
"see ya later bro."
denki falling to his knees, clutching his heart after you call him bro as you collect your clothes after you two fucked.
Izuku's mouth falling open when you call him bro, looking like he was gonna cry.
"oh.. I thought we were more than that..did I not do a good job?" :(
Katsuki side eyeing you so hard when you call him bro.
"I was literally inside you. you don't get to call me bro. Matter of fact, let's do round two and let's see you call me 'bro' after it."
Eijiro deeply inhaled, obvious hurt on his face.
"usually if a friend called me bro, I'd think it's manly... this doesn't feel very manly.. considering we just fucked.."
Shoto blinks, not sure if he heard you right.
"bro..? I thought we were dating.. for the last few hours.. y'know, cause we just made love.."
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megumismyhusband · 24 days ago
you’re going to cry. you swear, you’re going to lose your mind right here in the middle of class because this stupid problem refuses to make sense no matter how hard you try.
your pencil is shaking in your grip, and you can feel your breathing getting uneven. you’re on the verge of either breaking down or blacking out, maybe both.
so, against your better judgment, you turn to katsuki bakugo.
“bakugo,” you whisper, tapping his arm. he scowls, glancing at you with that usual irritation in his eyes, but when he sees the desperation on your face, he sighs. “what?”
“help. please.”
he rolls his eyes but takes your paper anyway, muttering something about how he’s “not a damn tutor.” you watch as his sharp eyes scan over your work, and then his gaze pauses, his expression freezing for just a split second.
you don’t notice, too busy fidgeting with your pencil and trying not to let your stress consume you.
but katsuki sees it. the faintest pencil indent next to your name at the top of the page, the remnants of an erased word. his last name.
his crimson eyes flicker to you for a moment. you’re oblivious, chewing on your lip as you wait for his help, completely unaware that he’s just discovered your little daydream scribbles.
his face doesn’t change. not one bit.
calmly, like nothing happened, he picks up his own pencil and rewrites his last name next to yours. then, beneath it, he adds an arrow pointing to the words with a single note.
he hands the paper back to you like nothing happened.
“you were messing up here,” he says, pointing at the mistake, explaining the problem in his usual blunt but effective way. you nod, relieved to finally understand.
it’s only when he turns back to his own work that you notice the little addition to your paper.
your heart stops.
your brain short-circuits.
you slap a hand over your mouth to muffle the squeak that escapes, your face burning so hot you’re surprised you haven’t spontaneously combusted.
you steal a glance at katsuki, but he’s acting normal, like he didn’t just casually flip your world upside down.
but you don’t miss the tiny, satisfied smirk tugging at the corner of his lips.
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dattebroyo · 3 months ago
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half return
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shonen-brainrot · 1 year ago
Deaf prohero!Bakugo, who woke up in the hospital after a tough battle, only to realize he had lost his hearing. Fueled by overwhelming anger, he went on a rampage, demolishing his hospital room. The doctors had to step in, applying calming drugs to try and bring down his intense emotions.
Deaf prohero!Bakugo, who, upon being discharged, adamantly declined any assistance offered to him by you at home.
Deaf prohero!Bakugo, who fell silent and staunchly refused to communicate with you or others in any way.
Deaf prohero!Bakugo, who struggled immensely to come to terms with the significant change in his life, frequently shedding tears during the silent depths of the night while you slept.
Deaf prohero!Bakugo, who quickly learned sign language with remarkable speed
Deaf prohero!Bakugo, who found warmth in his heart upon discovering you had learned sign language to communicate with him. He deeply appreciated this gesture.
Deaf prohero!Bakugo, who realized that despite losing his ability to hear you and the world around him, he continued to fall more and more in love with you and all the little things.
Deaf prohero!Bakugo, who regrets the most that he won't hear your child calling him "daddy" ever again.
Deaf prohero!Bakugo, who melted on the spot when your child ran to him one day, climbed onto his lap, and signed, "I love you, dad." Before he could control himself, a few tears rolled down his cheek — the first tears in his life he wasn't ashamed of.
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