#rambling: k. takami
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red feathers fan across your line of sight, blocking the television from view as keigo chirps, "hey baby, what do you wanna order for din—"
leaning forward off of the couch, you grab keigo by the pocket of his sweatpants and tug him sideways out of the way. he blinks, letting out a small huff before unceremoniously collapsing onto the cushion beside you, face smushed against your shoulder.
"imagine if you liked paying attention to your boyfriend as much as you like watching your sho—"
his wings droop, and he groans, sliding even lower to drop his head face down in your lap.
keigo perks up and rolls over, eyes darting from the footage of his skyscraper fire rescue the other day to the proud smile on your face as you stare at the screen.
his feathers ruffle, and he preens.
"you know you've got the real thing right in fron—"
this time, when you place a finger over his lips and continue to ignore him, he just rolls his eyes and grins, making himself comfortable in your lap.
#hawks x reader#hawks#keigo takami#keigo takami x reader#dee writes#my hero academia#rambling: k. takami
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Ramblings about the Himura family
So, the past time I was rambling about the Shimura family and the Takami family.
Now generally, when I made those posts about those families, I focused on the dynamics about family members… but for the Himura family there’s hardly something to work with as we barely see any interaction among them.
However… there’s plenty of history (which I kind of discussed in a past ask), and since I thought this could be interesting and worth being preserved, I decided to make a post just for this.
Generally, to make my posts, I use the canon material as basis, but since in this case the story of the Himura family involves history, well, I’m going to report info you don’t find in the manga but which are probably common knowledge in Japan.
For the sake of this observation I’ll assume this:
- ‘What happened in the past in our world history is also true in the BNHA universe’ which might not be true but unless Horikoshi specifically stated there were change, likely is.
With this said let’s start with the Himura family.
We learn more in detail about who the Himura family was in… chap 387 in which Geten will reveal to belong to the Himura family as well as a bit of their backstory.

‘Furuku kara no shōya datta Himura ha nōchi kaikaku go mo bunke wo fuyasu koto de zai to PRIDE wo nantoka tamotte kita.‘ 「古くからの庄屋だった火叢は農地改革後も分家を増やす事で財とプライドをなんとか保ってきた」 “The Himura, who were village heads from long ago, managed to maintain their wealth and pride even after the land reform by increasing the number of branch families.” [Chap 387]
Let’s consider this bit, ‘were village heads (庄屋 'Shōya’) from long ago’ and see what it exactly means.
'Shōya’ (庄屋) can be translated as “village heads” but which is actually a bit more complex than what it might seem to us.
Basically a Shōya was a person who, during the Edo period (1603-1868), was in charge of the village affairs under the direction of the magistrate and worked as the leader of the village. The term was used predominantly in the Kansai regions (other regions used other names), so we can assume the Himura were originally from that region.
Just to give you an idea the Todorokis instead are from the Shizuoka prefecture (along with other characters like Midoriya and Bakugō).
To be more exact, the office of Shōya in Japan was generally established between 1688 and 1704.
To get a better idea of how rich Shōya could be, just think even though they technically were considered peasants, many of them were financially better off than samurai, or even top class Daimyo, lived in large mansions, owned large tracts of farmland , and were also intellectuals representing the village due to their work involved in document creation . The families that served as Shoya during the Edo period were often from prestigious families or previously were powerful vassals of warlords of the Sengoku period (1467-1638).
Of course it wasn’t mandatory for the Shōya to be that rich but… well, it gives you an idea they generally weren’t just a random nobody in charge of a village.
Their duties included tax collection, general village administration, management of public natural resources (such as mountain, field, river and ocean) of a village, as well as negotiating with the territorial lord as the representative of the villagers. The most powerful of them, administered between a dozen to several dozen villages, and ruled an extremely large territory. Some of them were given the privilege to bear a surname and to wear a katana and were treated like members of the samurai class. Their duties also included the communication of laws and the coordination of lawsuits.
Just so you know, Japanese surnames were not really born until 1875. Before, the Japanese mainly carried the name of their clan. Before this date, only people of high rank such as nobles and samurai had a surname. The common people used, in case of need, the name of their place of birth, for example, their village.
Now… Himura is written with the kanji for “ice” (氷 'hi’) and “gathering, collection” (叢 'mura’)… but the interesting part is that 'mura’, written with this kanji 村 means “village”.
So it’s possible originally they were the people from the Hi village, and then they took the word Himura, changed the kanji so as to make it sound less common people and turned it into their surname… either by becoming important enough to gain the right to a surname or much later, in 1875 (I tend to think they gained the right to their surname but that’s just me) or maybe even after this date, when they gained their Quirk.
Going on.
Let’s consider this bit ‘managed to maintain their wealth and pride even after the land reform (農地改革 'Nōchi kaikaku’) by increasing the number of branch families (分家 ‘Bunke’)’ and see what it exactly means:
So here Geten mentions a 'Nōchi kaikaku’ (農地改革) which means “Agricultural revolution” or “Land reform”.
Although Japan had various land reforms, in Japan, when you talk of the 'Nōchi kaikaku’ (農地改革), you are talking of the reform of the agricultural land ownership system carried out by the Japanese government in 1947 under the direction of the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers.
The purpose was to reduce the wide gap between absentee landlords who owned agricultural land but did not farm it themselves, and tenant farmers who rented the land in exchange for giving the landlord a high proportion of the crop. The land reform laws were intended to limit the amount of farm land one household could own to about the amount of land that one family could farm themselves, without outside labor. The government forced absentee landlords to sell all their land to the government. Farmers were allowed to own a small amount of farm land that they could rent out to others, and had to sell any excess to the government. The government then sold this land, usually to the tenant who had been farming it. The result greatly improved the living conditions of farmers.
Why Geten says the Himura maintained their wealth and pride creating branch families?
Likely the Himura owned more than the land they would be allowed to own by the reform… but my guess is that, in order to continue controlling it, they decided to split their family in many branch families and share the land among them so that the control would still remain in their hands even if they would technically comply with the law.
In fact let’s look for a moment at how the whole main family/branch family work in Japan.
The “main household” of a Japanese family, which Geten will mention later in his talk, is called ‘Honke’ (本家 literally “source house”) and it is characterized by a patrilocal residence and patrilineal primogeniture and is part of the system of family branching that establishes a multiplied structure to create familial relationships.
In fact, in Edo period it was decided the eldest son would inherit everything, all of the family’s assets, including movable and immovable property, including the household as well as the responsibility of taking care of his parents as they aged and even the family Butsudan (since in the Todorokis’ Butsuma room, the room in which the Butsudan is, there’s also a photo of Enji’s father on the wall, this implies the Butsudan had also been ‘his home’ and so we can figure out that, if Enji had siblings, he was the eldest son merely by him having the Butsudan which hosts his father). The eldest son is also expected to live with his parents when they grow older. This change was essentially intended to prevent further division of a territory into smaller sections. Due to all this, particular attention was given to the oldest son’s upbringing and education as he would be the next family head.
What’s the family head?
The “family head” (当主 ‘tōshu’) is basically the person who has inherited the headship of the family.
This means they have authority over their wife and the rest of the family members and the duty to protect them as well as the right to disown those who violate his wishes. Basically, disobey him and you can be literally kicked out of the family. They also had authority over the family's customs and rituals and are responsible for the management of the family property and the family business.
What about the other children of the family?
Normally they would get zero inheritance (or a very small one). The daughters would get married off and would come to belong to other families, as for the younger boys, they could remain in the family and continue obeying to the family head or, if the family head were to allow them, form a branch family, the ‘Bunke’ (分家 literally “part house”) “branch households”.
The branch family was supposed to remain subservient to the main family (so the main family still keeps control of things) and remains to live close to it.
Note that a family could also adopt an adult (generally someone who worked for them) and then use him to create a branch family.
The Himura already had some branch families they controlled since the text say they increased (増やす ‘fuyasu’) the number of the branch families.
Long story short, if the Himura decided to not let anymore the male firstborn inherit everything but to split the land between more people so as to create many branch families, the main family would still be in control of everything.
I’m speculating, I don’t know if this is how they handled the whole thing, but it seems the most logical assumption.

‘Demo chōjō ga okiru to tomoni kasokudo-teki ni reiraku shite itta. Chi ga mazaru no wo kirattanda. Kekka bunke… tōen dōshi de no kekkon ga aitsuida. Mizukara wo heisoku kankyō ni oki Himura-ke ha shukushō no itto wo tadori.’ 「でも超常が起きると共に加速度的に零落していった。血が混ざるのを嫌った���だ。結果分家…遠縁同士での結婚が相次いだ。自らを閉塞環境に置き火叢家は縮小の一途を辿り」 “But as the exceptional happened, things (for them) started falling down at an accelerating rate. They hated mixing their blood. As a result, the branch families... had marriages among distant relatives which occurred one after another. As a result of placing themselves in a closed environment, the Himura family steadily shrank.” [Chap 387]
Now… during feudal Japan, clans traditionally encouraged cousin relationships to perpetuate family dynasties, and the Himura split their family on paper to keep control of their land… so it can be the Himura always married between themselves because back then it was normal to do so.
It’s hard to say.
However the way Geten claims it was the advent of the “exceptional” (超常 ‘chōjō’) or, if you prefer, the appearance of Quirks, which speeded up their downfall as they didn’t want to dilute their blood, seems to imply when they turned out with having an ice Quirk, things started to take a turn for worse, causing them to hate mixing their blood.
Possibly the Himura’s ‘ice Quirk’ became another reason due to which they didn’t want to mix their blood with people who didn’t have it. If before it could have been fine to adopt someone into the family, afterward it wasn’t anymore because that someone wouldn’t have an ‘ice Quirk’, if before whatever family member could be okay for marriage, afterward only whose who inherited the ‘ice Quirk’ were eligible.
Shōto too kind of hinted at this, when he talked of Quirk marriages.
‘Kosei kon. Shitteru yo na. “Chōjō” ga okite kara dai ni ~ daisan sedai-kan de mondai ni natta yatsu… Jishin no “kosei” wo yori kyōka shite tsuga seru tame dake ni haigūsha wo erabi…… kekkon wo shiiru. Rinri-kan no ketsuraku shita zenjidaiteki hassō.’ 「個性婚知ってるよな。“超常”が起きてから第二~第三世代間で問題になったやつ…‘自身の”個性”をより強化して継がせる為だけに配偶者を選び…… 結婚を強いる。 倫理観の欠落した前時代的発想」 “Quirk marriage. Do you know about it? After the ‘paranormal’ happened, between the second and third generation they became a problem… In order to pass in inheritance a further strengthened version your ‘Quirk’ choose a spouse… and get her married to you by force. Old-fashioned way of thinking which lacks in ethics.” [Chap 31]
Likely the Himura started marrying into the family before Quirk appeared but, once they did, the marriages weren’t just between family members but between family members with an ice Quirk. I’ve theorized the Himura might have changed their surname in the past… but it can be that the ‘hi’ part of it became “ice” after the appearance of Quirks… or the fact the Himura started having an ice Quirk ended up being seen as a requisite to belong to the “ice gathering” family.
So it’s likely they were also doing Quirk marriages among family members, not so much like Enji did so as to mix his fire Quirk with a suitable Ice Quirk so that they would both compensate each other, but only in order to strengthen or maintain their ice Quirk. Which made Quirkless people, which previously were the majority, ineligible for marriage.
How distant had to be those distant relatives the Himura married each other off?
Currently, by law, in order to marry among them, relatives had to be at least second cousins or more distantly related (4th degree or higher).
If you've no idea of what this means here there's a potentially useful scheme which show you which degree are your family relatives from 1st to 3rd (the ones without degree are 4th or higher).

Now the huge declining birthrate in Japan might have caused the thinning of their numbers… and to make matters worse, if people keep marrying distant relatives, with each passing generation those distant relatives become less distant and therefore no more eligible for marriage, which might have made harder for the Himura to find a potential partner… and if having a ice Quirk was a requisite to get married, the fact some Himura might have been Quirkless thinned their options further…
So, anyway, Geten blames the Himura downfall to the thinning of their numbers… but honestly though, I tend to think it’s more like they were bad investors/administrators and so they lost their own capitals.
I mean, whatever you think about their marriage policies, they shouldn’t affect the money they had and we know if Rei was married off to Enji it wasn’t because there wasn’t an Himura available for her to marry but because her family was poor.
‘Obā-chan-tachi ga binbō shiteta kara okā-san wo uttan daro. Okāsan ha sōsuru shikanakattan daro.’ 「おばあちゃん達が貧乏してたからお母さんを売ったんだろ。お母さんはそうするしかなかったんだろ」 “Grandma and the others were poor, so they sold you, mother, isn’t that right? Mother, you had no choice but to do it, isn’t that right?” [Chap 302]
In the anime Enji himself confirms the reasons why he won the Himuras over were also tied to their lack of money.
'(Katsute ha meika datta Himura-ke mo ima ha aoikitoiki…)’ 「(かつては名家だった氷叢家も今は青息吐息…)」 “(The Himura family, which was once a prestigious family, was now in deep distress…)” [Ep 130]
Okay, so he doesn’t quite talk of them lacking money as Tōya did but he makes clear what won the family head over: his status and the bride’s dowry.
'(No.2 HERO no chii to meiyo, soshite djisankin meate ni Himura-ke no tōshu ha ore no teian wo assari to ukeireta.)’ 「(No.2ヒーローの地位と名誉、そして持参金目当てに氷叢家の当主は俺の提案をあっさりと受け入れた) 」 “(The head of the Himura family easily accepted my proposal, aiming for the status and prestige of the No. 2 hero, as well as the dowry.)” [Ep 130]
The “dowry” (持参金 ‘djisankin‘) generally refers to the amount paid by the bride’s family to the groom, while the groom instead should give the bride “betrothal gifts” (結納金 ‘yuinō-kin‘) .
So what happened here?
When the bride is poor she brings as dowry the betrothal gifts given to her by the husband. So likely Enji, in a roundabout way paid her dowry, by giving her money as a betrothal gift and it’s possible that part of it was held back by the Himura themselves so that not all the money was returned to him. Or not. We don’t know but again, the Himura were interested in money, that’s why they agreed with his proposition.
Let’s go on.

‘Tōtō honke ga miuri wo hajimeta koto de jijitsujō no shūen wo mukaeta. Nokori no wazuka na shizoku mo risan shi sono naka no hitotsu datta boku ha saikōshidō-sha (read: RE-DESTRO) ni hirowa reta.’ 「とうとう本家が身売りを始めたことで事実上の終焉を迎��た。残りの僅かな氏族も離散しその中の一つだった僕は最高指導者(リ・デストロ)に拾われた」 “When finally the main family started selling themselves, it came to a de facto end. Even the few remaining clans are scattered, and I was among them and then picked up by the supreme leader (read: Re-Destro).” [Chap 387]
Geten also says the Himura family came to an end when the main family started selling themselves. This is likely a reference to how Rei was allowed to marry out of the family, the Himura being interested in Enji’s money and reputation.
What does this mean?
The family is carried on by a male heir. Likely Rei’s family had no male children and, since Rei didn’t marry a Himura nor her father adopted a Himura and made him the next heir, the main family couldn’t continue.
Well, to be honest, in theory it could have continued if Enji had agreed to take Rei’s name (yes, the husband can take the wife’s surname in Japan) but, of course, Enji wouldn’t have agreed.
Probably the main family kind of kept the organization of the other families until the family head died. With no new main family head, Geten explains the remaining “clans” (氏族 ‘shizoku’) ended up scattered.
What do we mean with “clan”?
A ‘shizoku’ (氏族), a “clan”, is a group of families that are related to each other.
Remember the whole ‘you needed permission from the family head to form a branch family, if not you would remain in the family under the family head authority even if married’ thing?
Evidently the Himura were still organized like that, with all the children who were born in the branch families continuing to live in the huge Himura residences with their parents (regardless of being married or not) under the authority of their father first and of his heir after, unless they were allowed to become a new branch family and leave.
This until the main family dies out. Once it does they probably started doing what many do, who gets married or is an adult capable to support himself, leaves the birth family and build his own house. Hence they scattered.
Likely this could have been because the old, huge Himura residences were sold because the branch families were poor and couldn’t keep that lifestyle, and the result was no family member could support the others. That’s why Geten ends up being picked up and groomed by Re-Destro from when he was a child, so that he doesn’t even attend to school and starts training his Quirk way sooner than other Heroes.
So Re-Destro to whom Geten is fiercely loyal, becomes his savior from a life of misery and poverty with no support from his other relatives who, apart from Rei, might be deep in misery as well.
The obsession of the Himura for not mixing their blood with others, might have made easier for him to embrace the 'Quirk supremacist’ theories of Re-Destro (those with the strongest Quirk should rule).
But let’s now go back to the main family and to Rei.
We get some information about them which confirm the story Geten told us in chap 301 and episode 130.
In chap 301 we’re shown Enji, Rei and the Himura family head taking part to what looks like a Miai (見合い), as the anime confirms.
‘(Ichiō, miai to iu katachi wo totte ha iruga, kore ha “kosei” kon)’ 「(一応、見合いという形をとってはいるが、これは"個性"婚) 」 “(Just in case, although it is made to look like what we call an arranged marriage meeting, this is a “Quirk” marriage.)” [Ep 130]
An “arranged marriage meeting” (見合い ‘miai’) is a Japanese traditional custom in which a woman and a man are introduced to each other to consider the possibility of marriage. Fundamentally is a meeting opportunity with more serious considerations for the future as a process of courtship.
Prior to it, both the families involved investigate the potential candidates.
So was Rei forced into it by Enji or not? When I say ‘families’ I mean parents who not always feel necessary to inform the future bride about it, in fact Shōto will say Enji persuaded Rei’s relatives, not Rei.
‘Kosei kon. Shitteru yo na. “Chōjō” ga okite kara dai ni ~ daisan sedai-kan de mondai ni natta yatsu… Jishin no “kosei” wo yori kyōka shite tsuga seru tame dake ni haigūsha wo erabi…… kekkon wo shiiru. Rinri-kan no ketsuraku shita zenjidaiteki hassō. Jisseki to kane dake ha aru otoko da… Oyaji ha haha no shinzoku wo marumekomi haha no “kosei” wo teniireta.’ 「個性婚知ってるよな。“超常”が起きてから第二~第三世代間で問題になったやつ…‘自身の”個性”をより強化して継がせる為だけに配偶者を選び…… 結婚を強いる。 倫理観の欠落した前時代的発想。実績と金だけはある男だ…親父は母の親族を丸め込み母の”個性”を手に入れた」 “Quirk marriage. Do you know about it? After the ‘paranormal’ happened, between the second and third generation they became a problem… In order to pass in inheritance a further strengthened version your ‘Quirk’ choose a spouse… and get her married to you by force. Old-fashioned way of thinking which lacks in ethics. He’s a man with achievement and money… My father persuaded my mother’s relatives and obtained my mother’s ‘Quirk’.” [Chap 31]
‘Marumekomi’ (丸め込み) literally “rounding included” means “to talk someone into doing what you want”, “to persuade him” but also “to manipulate”, “to swindle”. Shōto is clearly giving a definitive negative connotation to how Enji managed to win Rei from her parents, but in the end it seems all Enji had to do was to show them the money and the fact he was the Number Two Hero and they capitulated easily enough and decided he was a better potential partner than any distant relative she could have.
Tōya also paints a picture that looks rather negative.
'ENDEAVOR ha katsute chikara ni kogarete imashita. Soshite ALL MIGHT wo koe renai zetsubō kara yori tsuyoi “kosei” wo motta ko wo tsukuru tame muriyari tsuma wo metorimashita’ 「エンデヴァーはかつて力に焦がれていました。そしてオールマイトを超えれない絶望からより強い"個性"を持った子を作る為無理やり妻を娶りました」 “Endeavor was once thirsty for power. Therefore, out of despair of not being able to surpass All Might, in order to create a child with a stronger "Quirk” he took a wife by force.” [Chap 290]
Tōya uses 'muriyari’ (無理やり), which means “Forcibily, against one’s will” but again, later on, it seems it’s just because Enji didn’t swoon Rei over but merely persuaded her parents to agree by showing them money.
‘Obā-chan-tachi ga binbō shiteta kara okā-san wo uttan daro. Okāsan ha sōsuru shikanakattan daro’ 「おばあちゃん達が貧乏してたからお母さんを売ったんだろ。お母さんはそうするしかなかったんだろ」 “Grandma and the others were poor, so they sold you, mother, isn’t that right? Mother, you had no choice but to do it, isn’t that right?” [Chap 302]
In truth, apparently, Rei was given options by her parents, limited as they were, as she claims she actually chose this.
‘Sentakushi ha kagira rete itakeredo erande susunda no ha watashi no ashi de. Semete sono-sakide ha waratte iyou to omotte ita… noni’ 「選択肢は限られていたけれど選んで進んだのは私の足でせめてその先では笑っていようと思っていた…のに」 “Although my options were limited, it were my feet which chose to advance. At least I’ll try to smile in the future, that’s what I was thinking… and yet…” [Chap 302]
'(Kotowaru koto mo dekita hazuda. Daga kanojo ha “kosei” kon de aru koto mo shōchi no ue de, ie no tame ni ore no tsuma ni naru to iu.)’ 「(断る事もできたハズだ。だが彼女は"個性"婚である事も承知の上で、家の為に俺の妻になると言う)」 “She could have refused. However, even if she was aware that it was a "Quirk” marriage, she said that she will become my wife for the sake of her family.)” [Ep 130]
‘(“Kosei kon”de aru koto mo shōchi no ue de... Ie no tame ni ore no tsuma ni naru to iu.)’ 「(“個性婚”である事も承知の上で……家の為に俺の妻になると言う) 」 “(Even though she was aware it was a “Quirk marriage”… she said she would become my wife for the sake of her family.)” [Chap 302]
Likely her options were either to marry Enji and, at least, ensure financial stability for herself and her family, or marry a distant relative and ensure the continuation of the Himura family as well as its economical decadence.
Tough choice.
Anyway, during the Miai, the family head let us know it was Enji who approached them for a bride.
'Jiki No.1 no yobigoe takai ENDEAVOR-sama kara o koe kake itadakeru to ha yume ni mo omoi masendeshita! Gyōkō no kiwami ni gozaimasu!!’ 「次期No.1の呼び声高いエンデヴァー様からお声掛けいただけるとは夢にも思いませんでした!僥倖の極みにございます!!」 “I never dreamed that I would receive an invitation from Endeavor-sama, who has been hailed as the next No. 1! We are at the height of luck!!” [Chap 302]
So ‘okoegake’ (お声掛け) or, more simply ‘koegake’ (声掛け) as the ‘o’ is just an honorific, is generally used to imply you’re calling out someone or inviting someone to a meeting… but it is a word also used to imply you requested for a Miai.
Mind you, it’s not so weird in Japan. When organizing a Miai the parents of the future grooms tend to approach the people they know, asking them for potential candidates and even investigate said potential candidates. So either Enji checked on the Quirk registry and found out all the families that had an ice Quirk, investigated them and then approached the Himura with a proposal knowing they were in financial needs, or they were recommended to him by someone else.
It can also be the Himura also informed the people they knew they had a daughter they wanted to marry, just in case they decided PRIOR to Enji offering them money that they were willing to sell Rei to the best offering, but didn’t expect Enji to volunteer himself.
If the Himura were already planning on selling their daughter off, it means Rei too had her pick of rich potential husbands among whom to choose in addition to the distant relatives, which would increase her options and Enji had to persuade her parents he was the best candidate.
Hard to say but, from the way the family head, which I take is Rei’s father (it could be her grandfather as well but since the main family crumbles short after I’ll assume it’s her father) is enthusiast of having been approached by Enji who doesn’t even have to say a word, he didn’t really have to work hard to persuade them.
The guy is absolutely delighted to give Rei to Enji.
‘Himura mo katsute ha meika to yoba reta yuisho aru iegara ni gozaimasu ko - top Hero-sama no hanryo to shimashite ha jūbun ni tsuriai ga toreru mono to’ 「氷叢もかつては名家と呼ばれた由緒ある家柄にございます故―トップヒーロー様の伴侶としましては充分に釣り合いがとれるものと…」 ``The Himuras also come from a distinguished family with a prestigious lineage, so I think she would be a perfect match as the Top Hero-sama’s companion…” [Chap 302]
The family head confirms what Geten will later say.
He calls the Himura a 'Meika’ (名家) which can be translated as “noble/distinguished family” with a ‘yuisho aru iegara’ (由緒ある家柄) which can be translated “with a prestigious/with a long history social standing/lineage”.
In the anime Endeavor also confirms this, he probably picked the Himura also for this as, as I said, it’s considered perfectly fair to investigate the family of a potential bride.
'Katsute ha meika datta Himura-ke mo ima ha aoikitoiki…’ 「かつては名家だった氷叢家も今は青息吐息…」 “The Himura family, which was once a prestigious family, was now in deep distress…” [Ep 130]
Also, since Rei knew it was a Quirk marriage, he came clear with them about his intentions…
‘(“Kosei kon”de aru koto mo shōchi no ue de... Ie no tame ni ore no tsuma ni naru to iu.)’ 「(“個性婚”である事も承知の上で……家の為に俺の妻になると言う) 」 “(Even though she was aware it was a “Quirk marriage”… she said she would become my wife for the sake of her family.)” [Chap 302]
I’m honestly curious on what the Himura thought about Enji’s idea. Their Quirk marriages were to preserve and strengthen their ice Quirk as it was, they didn’t want to mix blood and create a different Quirk, so Enji who instead wants to marry outside of his family with someone with a different Quirk to strengthen his own by mixing it with Rei is definitely someone who’s doing something that runs in a parallel line to what they’re doing, meaning something similar but with no contact points.
The Himura don’t praise Enji’s family, just his status as Number Two Hero, which makes me think the Todoroki weren’t a noble/distinguished family with a prestigious/with a long history social standing/lineage but who cares, Enji has prestige as Hero and money so he can stand on an equal level with Rei.
What else do we know or can speculate about the Himura family?
The house in which Enji and Rei have their meeting might have been a place Enji rented for the meeting… but might have also be Rei’s house. Since the Himura were land owners this might explain why the garden is so large, and maintaining such a large property might be expensive hence why the Himura are desperate for money.

We’re told that Enji and Rei are at their first meeting/date.
Normally if the initial Miai introduction was successful, the potential couple went through a series of dates until a decision was reached. Don’t expect a long courting, the decision was usually expressed at the couple's third meeting. If they chose to marry, they went through a formal marriage process known as ‘miai kekkon’ (見合い結婚 “arranged meeting marriage”), in which a “betrothal ceremony” (結納 ‘yuinō’) was arranged by the groom's family.
Now… considering Rei is wearing a scarf which is what we see the character doing in January, the Miai might have taken place in January.
We don’t know when exactly Enji and Rei met and married, it was after Enji became the Number Two Hero and we know he became as such at 20. This means he became Number 2 either in the November Hero Billboard Chart, or that he had to wait until the following one which was in May. If it was in the November Hero billboard chart, the Miai might have taken place at the beginning of the next year, when Enji was still 20, if not it would take place in the following year, when he was 21 (but would turn 22 in August of that year). It can’t be later as, since Tōya is born in January he was probably conceived in April of the year in which Enji would turn 22.
Long story short Enji and Rei had, at best, a year and four months from their first meeting to the moment in which they conceived a child, and four months only at worst.
By the way, the best period for marriage is April so yes, Tōya could have been conceived short after they married.
With the marriage Rei stops being an Himura, her name is written out from the Himura “family registry”, better known as ‘koseki’ (戸籍) and written into the one of the Todoroki family.
If Enji were to kick her out of his family in theory she would need the family head permission to go back into the Himura family. Divorce is a big shameful deal for all the parties involved so it’s not as easy as in the west.
So, what happens to the remaining Himura of the main family?
We know Rei’s mother was alive when Shōto was five.
Tōya calls his grandmother ‘Obā-chan’ (おばあちゃん), which is an affectionate way to call your grandmother (he might have used the more respectful ‘Obā-san’ (おばあさん), and his view on them is sympathetic (they were really poor so they had to sell his mother off) so it can be that he has a good relationship with his grandmother.
‘Obā-chan-tachi ga binbō shiteta kara okā-san wo uttan daro. Okāsan ha sōsuru shikanakattan daro’ 「おばあちゃん達が貧乏してたからお母さんを売ったんだろ。お母さんはそうするしかなかったんだろ」 “Grandma and the others were poor, so they sold you, mother, isn’t that right? Mother, you had no choice but to do it, isn’t that right?” [Chap 302]
Even Rei tried to turn on her mother for help when she believed she couldn’t take it anymore… and calls her ‘Okā-san’ (お母さん), which is the standard way to say mother in normal families (people from upper class families might use, for example, the much more respectful ‘Okā-sama’ (お母様)) so, I guess, by Japanese standards she was present enough as a mother/grandmother.
We can even speculate she’s the old woman we see watching over Tōya, Fuyumi and Natsuo as they’re playing in the garden under Shōto’s longing gaze (though she could also be a helper/servant).
Shōto has not Tōya’s sympathetic opinion on her mother’s family relatives, nor refers to them in an affectionate way, calling them just that, ‘haha no shinzoku’ (母の親族 “mother’s relatives”).
‘Kosei kon. Shitteru yo na. “Chōjō” ga okite kara dai ni ~ daisan sedai-kan de mondai ni natta yatsu… Jishin no “kosei” wo yori kyōka shite tsuga seru tame dake ni haigūsha wo erabi…… kekkon wo shiiru. Rinri-kan no ketsuraku shita zenjidaiteki hassō. Jisseki to kane dake ha aru otoko da… Oyaji ha haha no shinzoku wo marumekomi haha no “kosei” wo teniireta.’ 「個性婚知ってるよな。“超常”が起きてから第二~第三世代間で問題になったやつ…‘自身の”個性”をより強化して継がせる為だけに配偶者を選び…… 結婚を強いる。 倫理観の欠落した前時代的発想。実績と金だけはある男だ…親父は母の親族を丸め込み母の”個性”を手に入れた」 “Quirk marriage. Do you know about it? After the ‘paranormal’ happened, between the second and third generation they became a problem… In order to pass in inheritance a further strengthened version your ‘Quirk’ choose a spouse… and get her married to you by force. Old-fashioned way of thinking which lacks in ethics. He’s a man with achievements and money…My father persuaded my mother’s relatives and obtained my mother’s ‘Quirk’.” [Chap 31]
The implication of Shōto’s words is that they just did it for an old-fashioned way of thinking which lacks in ethics and because Enji persuaded them.
So it can be that Rei’s mother either was kept away from Shōto as well or died early enough, hence he has no fond feelings for her.
Since Geten said:

‘Tōtō honke ga miuri wo hajimeta koto de jijitsujō no shūen wo mukaeta. Nokori no wazuka na shizoku mo risan shi sono naka no hitotsu datta boku ha saikōshidō-sha (read: RE-DESTRO) ni hirowa reta.’ 「とうとう本家が身売りを始めたことで事実上の終焉を迎えた。残りの僅かな氏族も離散しその中の一つだった僕は最高指導者(リ・デストロ)に拾われた」 “When finally the main family started selling themselves, it came to a de facto end. Even the few remaining clans are scattered, and I was among them and then picked up by the supreme leader (read: Re-Destro).” [Chap 387]
We can assume this also implied the family head didn’t live long after that or, otherwise, since he would have kept on ruling over the other branch families, he might have stopped them from scattering. If Rei’s father died without an heir instead there would be no one to rule and the families inside the clans can scatter. It would also explain why Tōya said it was ‘his grandmother and the others’ to say ‘his grandparents’ instead than ‘his grandfather and the others’. The man might have died when Tōya was young so it’s to his grandmother he thinks, even though the decision was very clearly taken by his grandfather, the family head.
Well, that’s all we know about the Himura.
We can speculate Rei is a forth generation Quirk owner like Midoriya Inko, which would mean since the Himura married among them with ice Quirk users, that their ice Quirk is very strong genetically, which explains why Enji’s kids tend to take more from Rei than from him… at least this was clearly Horikoshi’s intention when he inserted the Himura family history just before revealing Tōya too had an ice Quirk.
Basically of Enji’s kids, all 4 of them inherited Rei’s Quirk and only 2 inherited his Quirk albeit each of them inherited variations of those over mentioned Quirks… but well, as far as I’m involved that’s the less interesting part of the Himura history.
I doubt we’ll get more info about them before the end of the story, even though it could be interesting.
We'll see.
#Boku no Hero Academia#BNHA spoilers#Todoroki Rei#Todoroki Enji#Todoroki Touya#Todoroki Shouto#BNHA Ramblings#bnha meta
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My Eden
Summary: After casually seeing each other for weeks, Hawks is desperate to take things to the next level with Dabi... but the villain is desperate to tell him the truth.
~My, my, those eyes like fire~ ~I'm a winged insect, you're a funeral pyre~
(Inspired by Sleep Token's "Take Me Back To Eden")
Non-Spicy Tags: canon-typical violence, DabiHawks, canon-ish timeline, swearing, fluff, smut, light angst, intimacy, alternate canon, making out, love confessions/confessions in general, (demisexual Dabi timeline of mine?)
Word Count: 2,867 words
AO3 link
Spicy Tags: virgin Dabi, sub top Dabi, flirty bottom Hawks, explicit s3xual content, grinding, quirk use during s3x, first time, praise k!nk, a n a l s3x, sweet/hot
Dabi can't take it anymore. He simply doesn't know what to do with himself. Every fleeting touch. Every light laugh. Every adoring glance. Hawks has been nothing but angelic toward him, and Dabi is utterly obsessed. Their first date was unnaturally natural...they were like two sides of the same coin. Dabi found himself wishing Hawks would never shut up; just hearing his voice was enough to make his heart flutter and his stomach fill with butterflies. Even though he tried to fight it, he's fallen in love with Keigo Takami all over again...his childhood friend turned enemy...turned partner as of a few weeks ago. Keigo had no idea...and, surprisingly, he hadn't seemed to make the connection yet. He'd rekindled his feelings by jumping headfirst, and Hawks seemed to return every subtle gesture with unmatched intensity. Dabi had never felt more loved in his entire life. He never thought he'd deserve this...he never thought someone could think about him in these ways before. He'd been biting his tongue with every passing second. He loved Hawks. There was zero doubt that he loved Hawks...but something inside him forbade him from voicing it aloud. He was afraid. Dabi's paranoia had a chokehold on him. Hawks was still a Pro Hero. Hawks could still be a traitor... Still...some part of him wanted Keigo to know the truth.
Typically, it was Dabi that would orchestrate meetings with Hawks...so it caught the scarred villain off guard when the Hero messaged him, requesting a rendezvous at their usual warehouse by the harbor on the outskirts of the Gunga Mountain Villa.
Dabi takes a deep breath as he straightens the collar of his leather jacket before pushing the sliding door and stepping into the darkness of the warehouse. Usually, it smells like dust and salt...but tonight, Dabi can smell faint jasmine and cinnamon. He raises his eyebrow.
"Hawks?" Dabi calls out cautiously, his eyes adjusting to the darkness as he sees faint orange glows and shadows flickering off the walls. He walks down the aisle of boxes, turning through the maze until he gets to the alcove where they usually meet. His eyes widen. Hawks has laid out scented candles sparsely on the metal beams, and he leans against the back wall, seemingly impressed with his minimal efforts to set a mood.
"What's all this?" Dabi mutters, feeling his heart race. Hawks smiles smugly.
"Oh, it's nothing. I just...I wanted us to finally get a little alone time is all. I know it's hard with that Skeptic guy bugging the entire base. It's not like we can go to the movies either. You: one of Japan's most wanted. Me: one of Japan's most loved. We wouldn't get to enjoy it," Hawks rambles as he slowly struts up to his boyfriend, batting his long eyelashes up at him.
"So you wanted to meet for some alone time? You don't wanna talk business?" Dabi stammers, a little confused. Hawks is wearing one of his tighter compression shirts, and he can see the shadows of his sculpted muscles through the flickering firelight.
"I mean...it's our business," Hawks smirks, tracing his finger on the low neckline of Dabi's T-shirt. Dabi's face feels hot, and he gulps.
"You don't have some patrol you need to be at?" Dabi tries to make an excuse. He's not used to this tension. He's not used to wanting it to snap in a split second. Usually, he'd want to burn anyone who dares touch him...he even only limits Toga and Twice to five-second hugs. But...Dabi could let Hawks touch him until the world ended...until his brain dissolved into nothing.
"You're more important," Hawks trills, golden eyes melting into cerulean as their gazes meet. Dabi feels like his chest is going to implode at the words. Hawks praises him so casually...it's all intoxicatingly alien. If his skin was his own, Dabi would be feeling goosebumps.
"Please," Dabi rolls his eyes, trying to brush it off, but he can't hide the subtle want in his tone. Hawks picks up on it instantaneously. He walks his fingers up to the edge of Dabi's jacket collar, teasingly pushing at it.
"Maybe we should lose these jackets...it's getting a little hot in here," Hawks grins, and Dabi feels his mouth dry out. He lets the hero slip off his leather, and the silver conductor cuffs resonate as the jacket falls to the floor. Without a word, Dabi helps Hawks out of his Hero jacket, absentmindedly tossing it to the side. Dabi sharply inhales as Hawks immediately traces the scars that run up his arms. He presses just hard enough to where Dabi can feel it, his manicured nails dancing delicately over the purple skin. Dabi can't take his eyes off of Hawks' biceps as they flex; it's like he's in a trance.
"You know...I've been doing a lot of thinking," Hawks murmurs softly, making Dabi freeze.
"And...I think...I want to take our relationship to the next level, Dabi," Hawks breathes, leaning forward to whisper in the villain's ear.
"Would you like that?"
Dabi can feel the grin on Hawks' lips before he presses them just below his ear, and, on pure instinct, he grabs him by the shoulders and shoves him against the wall. He hates how vulnerable he feels. He's supposed to be stoic. He's supposed to be untouchable. Dabi doesn't feel things... Touya does. The part of him that died all those years ago...consumed by too much emotion. He's felt that part of him awaken the more he interacts with Hawks. Touya...Keigo's childhood friend. Touya...the part of him that refuses to remain silent for much longer.
"Sorry. Sorry. Forgot you prefer things slow," Hawks laughs light-heartedly, eyes twinkling in the darkness, and Dabi's grip slacks. He expects Hawks to fear him...maybe he should want Hawks to be afraid. Yet, he never is.
"Let's just...see where...this takes us," Dabi admits, feeling his heart skip beat after beat. "I'm just...I'm still not sure if I trust you."
' I'm not so sure that I trust anyone, ' Dabi thinks to himself. It physically pains him to speak it aloud. He doesn't trust Hawks...he trusts Keigo .
Hawks' gaze softens, and he gently reaches up, cupping Dabi's face in his hands. "Then...let me help you learn to trust me."
Hawks' eyes flutter closed, and he leans in. Dabi lets the darkness envelop him as he submits, letting the hero join their lips. Hawks' kisses are ethereal, and Dabi melts into every single one of them. The Pro Hero's hands travel past Dabi's cheeks, wrapping around the back of the villain's neck limply, and Dabi moves his grip to Hawks' waist, pulling him close. They drink each other in, completely losing themselves in the moment. Dabi feels his broken heart swell once again, and he shudders at the hero's touch.
'Tell him...tell him...call him by his real name .' Dabi's head swims, and it forces him to break the kiss.
"Something wrong?" Hawks cocks his head to the side, eyes scanning... calculating . Dabi breathes heavily through his nose, staring blankly at his lover, holding his tongue. Hawks drops his hands back to his sides as the hair stands up on the back of his neck. Dabi's mouth hangs open ever so slightly, words refusing to come out. Dabi regains his composure, shaking his head and digging his black, painted nails into Hawks' hips as he presses hungry kisses down the hero's jawline. Hawks leans into the touch, a pleasured sigh dripping from his lips as Dabi gently sinks his teeth into his neck. Hastily, Keigo shoves him away, frantic to return the gesture as he presses Dabi up against the wall, fangs biting into the scarred flesh on his neck. The sensation catches the villain off guard, and he speaks without thinking.
" Keigo ," He sighs, and time stops.
A feather blade is pressed to Dabi's neck, digging in ever so slightly right where Keigo's mouth was moments ago, and a chill shoots through the villain.
"What. Did you call me?" Hawks growls, and when Dabi opens his eyes, the hero's amorous stare has been replaced with piercing fury.
"K-Keigo, please-" Dabi croaks, voice straining beneath the pressure of the feather, but he's only met with hostility as Hawks presses the blade further, threatening to cut into his flesh.
"SHUT UP! HOW DO YOU KNOW MY NAME?!" Keigo snarls, and Dabi's heart drops. He's never seen the Pro so feral before, and it's making a part of him regret everything. Blood beads between the staples beneath his eyes.
"You really...don't know?" Dabi coughs, his throat clenching on nothing. Curse his fucking burned tear ducts. "You're smarter than that, birdie. Think about my Quirk for two seconds."
Hawks remains silent, gritting his teeth as his eyes bore into Dabi. Finally, the puzzle pieces click.
“Touya?” Keigo whispers, dropping his weapon. He always thought there was a shred of familiarity in the BlueFlame wielder’s cold gaze, and, now, he understood why. Dabi goes into a coughing fit, gasping for air, unsure whether to be relieved or not as Hawks tentatively reaches up to touch his face, his fingers ever so slightly brushing up against the burn scars with newfound recognition.
“You're alive?” Keigo breathes, a tear streaming slowly down his face.
"You could say that," Dabi snorts, catching his breath. "I didn't realize your real name was a touchy subject."
Hawks' lips curl into a deeper frown, and he sighs. He continues to gently stroke Touya's cheek, as if he's trying to memorize the exact texture of his skin.
"Did...did I ruin the moment?" Dabi chuckles, and Hawks forces a small smile.
"Please...just...don't tell anyone," He murmurs, and Dabi blinks.
"I won't tell if you won't," He teases, trying to lighten the mood, and Hawks nuzzles into his chest. Dabi sighs when he feels his lover's lips gently pressing into the unburned flesh on his chest, pulling down his V-neck to expose more of his body.
"So...this doesn't change anything?" Dabi huffs, and Hawks shakes his head as he pulls off the villain's shirt before removing his own.
"Not a damn thing," Keigo whispers before he practically drags Dabi toward one of the ledges against the wall, coaxing him to sit down as he crawls into his lap, straddling him. A gasp bursts from the villain's lips as Hawks softly grinds against him, tilting his chin up with his finger and kissing him passionately. Touya moans softly into the kiss, eyes rolling back into his head as he feels Keigo's tongue gliding across his lip. His arms reach up, running his fingertips through Keigo's feathers and forcing low groans out of the hero as he pulls him even closer. He sharply inhales when he feels Keigo unbuckling his belt, sweet chills rolling underneath his skin as he hears the button on his pants unclasp and his zipper un-zip. His tongue eagerly meets his lover's, and his hands heat up ever so slightly, warming up Hawks' wings. Keigo cups Touya's face as he pulls back, a thin strand of saliva still connecting their lips.
"You're so beautiful," Keigo whispers with a soft smile, and Touya becomes putty in his hands, eyes shimmering, blood slowly trickling beneath his eyes.
"You lie," Dabi laughs so quietly that it's barely a whisper, but Keigo gently kisses his nose.
"I'd never lie to you."
Those words shake Dabi to his fucking core. Oh, he's so far gone. He...he feels like Touya again. Vulnerable. Emotional. Catalytic. A ticking time bomb full of tears and joy and anger. Dabi shudders as Hawks' feathers rip away at the rest of the Pro's clothes, leaving him completely naked on his lap. Dabi leans his head back, eyes fluttering closed as Hawks delicately frees him from his boxers. A cold, slick sensation sends shivers down Dabi’s spine as the Pro gently massages lube over his erection. An uncharacteristically high-pitched whine leaves Dabi's throat. No one's ever touched him in this way before. He hasn't let anyone dare...not that anyone has wanted to in the first place. His body is so broken...it's a miracle that he's even able to feel any of this. In fact, for the longest time, he wasn't sure he was capable...yet Hawks...no...Keigo is proving him wrong. His heart is wrapped up like a present...all for this Pro Hero...and now...he's completely submitting himself to him. Gently, Hawks lowers himself down onto Dabi's cock with hitched breaths and fluttering wings. Dabi gasps, moans pouring from his throat as he feels himself bottoming out inside Hawks as the winged man sits flush in his lap. The sensations are completely new and intoxicating. His mind turns to jelly as his brain fogs with pleasure.
"Shhhhh," Hawks coos, leaning forward to press a tender kiss to Dabi's forehead, his own words stuttering from the overwhelming feelings. "Fuck, you feel good inside me."
"So...goddamn tight," Dabi grunts, reaching up to wrap his arms around the hero, stroking his wings and sloppily kissing him. Slowly, Hawks begins bouncing up and down, creating exhilarating friction that makes Dabi whimper into the kiss. Keigo gasps as he breaks free from the kiss, mouth hanging open with heavy breaths as his insides squeeze around Dabi. Their eyes stare with heavy lids, caught in a war of love and lust and obsession.
"God...," Dabi pants, feeling his Quirk prickle beneath his skin. He takes deep breaths, trying to calm himself as Hawks continues to ride him.
" I love you. "
Dabi almost chokes, eyes widening simultaneously with fear and love as he hears Hawks groan those three little words with such genuine passion.
"What?" Dabi grunts, part of him hoping that Hawks will act like he didn't mean to say anything, but Hawks just laughs between sighs of pleasure.
"I...I love you, Touya," Hawks smiles, and Dabi's heart practically explodes; his cheeks burn and his eyes sting. He feels red trickling beneath the scars beneath his eyes. If his tear ducts weren't burned shut, he'd be sobbing. A choked gasp bursts from his throat as he clings to his Hero. He's lost. Oh, he's so fucking lost in his emotions that he doesn't think he'll ever get back to that cold, callous front he'd spent years crafting.
"Fuck...I love you, too, Keigo," Dabi huffs, crimson streaks streaming down his face as he embraces Hawks as tight as he possibly can, feeling the dull tug of his staples straining under the pressure. "I love you so fucking much," He breathes out, panting heavily as he ruts up into Hawks with a fervor, forcing cries out of the bird.
"Oh, Keigo ," Dabi moans, his raspy voice cracking as he feels something stir in the pit of his stomach. " Keigo...Fuck...Keigo...Oh God...Keigo ," He pants over and over, his voice laced with liquid lust and love. Keigo seems to whine louder every time Touya says his name; it's previous enraging effect has been completely replaced with intense devotion.
" Touya , ~ah~," Hawks gasps, stuttering his lover's name repeatedly. The sounds of flesh smacking against flesh echo throughout the warehouse, interrupted by the sighs and cries of the lovers.
" Kei. ..Kei, I'm gonna-I'm gonna-" Touya stammers, his thrusts becoming haphazard, and Keigo flexes his muscles, squeezing Dabi in all the right places.
"Me too," Keigo whines, his voice hitching on a soft wail.
“Oh, Touya. It feels so good. So good, ” Keigo sobs, tears pricking at his eyes as he lets his true emotions overtake him, his hero persona momentarily vanishing. They scream each other's real names in a simultaneous heated cry as they both release moments after one another. Slowly, they come down from their highs, and Keigo's feathers sweep away the sticky white splashes that cover Touya's exposed abs. The second Keigo pulls himself off of Touya's cock, the villain hurriedly zips himself back into his pants and pulls the hero into a loving embrace. Keigo's wings wrap around Touya, shielding him in a ruby red sea of soft vanes.
"Fuck," Dabi's sigh dissolves into a content laugh, and Hawks grins, nuzzling into Touya's neck. "That was...amazing."
"You're not so bad yourself...for a virgin," Hawks teases, and Dabi rolls his eyes.
"Not a virgin anymore, idiot," He snaps, only to be shut up with a kiss. He melts into his lover's touch immediately, tongues intertwining and satisfied hums bubbling in their throats. Dabi opens his eyes, seeing red from his bloody tears, and he hastily moves to wipe them away. Hawks kisses the scars beneath his eyes, gently caressing his face before pressing down on the scars with the pads of his fingers, keeping the blood from spilling out.
“Here. Lemme stop the bleeding. Just for a minute,” Keigo whispers tenderly, and Touya gulps, nodding slightly. He gently strokes Keigo’s wings, holding him close as Keigo tends to his wounds.
In this moment, they are no longer a villain and a hero. They are only Touya and Keigo.
#my hero academia fanfiction#dabi#ao3#dabi x hawks#dabihawks#toukei#ao3 writer#fanfic#hotwings#keigo takami#touya todoroki#dabi smut#hawks smut#dabihawks smut#dabihawks fanfic#bottom dabi#villain dabi#alternate universe#light angst#bnha smut#smut#mha smut#pro hero hawks
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Bnha as siblings
They figure out your crush
Heyo! Same deal with your gender, and also, you’re the same age. Alrighty. But fr, imagine listening to Aizawa get pegged while writing😒… F U C K happy reading🗿
Melanie’s been stuck on my mind, this song specifically.
B/M:Birth month
Katsuki Bakugou sister
It was a p- “Y/N BAKUGOU.” Your brother yelled, bursting into your room, causing you to jump, screaming “LISTEN UP MINI HAG, I’VE BEEN NOTICING HOW STRESSED YOU ARE.” He said, stomping into your room, to glare down at you. “And I wanted to help.” He said, his mood taking a complete change. You looked dumbfounded, as he grew impatient. “So!? What the hell is up!” He asked, you sighed, blushing. “Igotacrushonsomeoneinschool..” you mumbled incoherently, as he looked dumbfounded. “Hah? Speak clearly idiot!” He said, as you sighed. “I got a crush on someone in school..!” You exclaimed, blushing more prominently, as he grew a tic mark. “WHAT? NO ONE CAN HAVE MY BABY SISTER” he yelled, as you scoffed, crossing your arms, and snatching him down to sit on the bed. “It’s not clear if they like me back!” You said, annoyed. “And you’re only a few hours older than me!” You exclaimed, as he shrugged. “Who is it?” He asked which made you stumbled over your words. “U-Uhm he- uh..” you stuttered, as he sighed. “I got all day baby sister.” He shrugged, leaning on his hand. You smacked your lips, sighing. “Deku..” you mumbled, as he looked dumbfounded. “I can’t fuckin hear you” he said. You sighed. “Izuku Mid-“ “WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU SAY!? OF ALL THE GUYS AND GAYS, YOU DECIDED ON STUPID DEKU!?” He screamed. You unintentionally rolled your eyes. “I WOULD RATHER YOU DATE SHITTY HAIR THAN STUPID DEKU!! AND EIJIRO IS MINE!” He screeched, as you sighed. “I knew you’d react that way..” you mumbled, while he rambled on about hating Midoriya.
Eijiro Kirishima brother
“Blood clot?” “No!” “Ketchup?” “Not that bad.. But no!” “Regurgitated uterus?” “What??” Your brother asked, confused and also annoyed, as you asked what you could call him. “Well, I don’t fuckin-“ “stop swearing!!” “I don’t duckin.. Know! I just want that cool brother nickname thang, you know?” You said, shrugging your shoulders. “Uhm…” he pondered, as you waited. “How ‘bout.. Duckling! Since you follow me around all the time, AND NEVER GIVE ME A BREAK” he said, causing you to scoff, shoving him, crossing your arms. “You’ve been hanging out with Bakubro too much!” he whined, dragging his feet, as you gasped. “I can call you shitty hair too!” You exclaimed. “NNNOOOOO” he groaned, you nodded. “But hey..” He started, before you glanced at him. “Hm” you hummed, placing your hands on your hips, as you two just so happened to pass by Hawks. You shrieked, hiding behind Eijiro while fixing your hair. “Bitch- you’re like, way younger than him!” Eijiro said, ducking down so he wasn’t your human sheild, as Hawks stared back at you two. You smiled awkwardly, waving at him, before turning to Eijiro, hitting him on the back of the head while yelling at him, as the pro sweat dropped. “And you reprimand ME for swearing!” You exclaimed, as he whined. “That’s cause you’re only fourteen!” He yelled, which you hit him again. “Yell it louder why don’t ya!?” You exclaimed, stomping away. “STOP HITTING ME” he screeched, as you crossed your arms again, the pro beginning to walk over to you two. “LOOK WHAT YOU DID STUPID ROCK HEAD, HES COMING OVER!” You screeched, jumping behind him again. Your brother acted like everything is normal. (The weird thing is I’m listening to a Kiri audio😰) “so uh.. My brother wants to marry you in four years, whatcha say?” You asked, as you cursed your life. “WHAT THE FUCK YOU FUCKING DUMBASS!! Y’KNOW WHAT-“ you said, the hero began laughing. “Y’know, your brother seems fun, I might take you up on that offer.” He said, chuckling, as you gasped. “I- I’m just kidding rock head, you’re the best brother I could ask for” you said, hugging him, Hawks handing you a feather. “Here ya go kid. Until you’re eighteen!” He said, taking off. You smirked, beginning to strut back to UA where you were previously going before.
Kaminari Denki sister
“PUT ON THE CONJURING YOU WHORE!” You screeched, as Kami scoffed, turning on The conjuring. You sat on the couch, Bakugou leaning on his hand. You scooted closer to him. (I’m listening to Aizawa x male listener👹🥵) “The fuck?” Bakugou muttered, scooting away, as you whined. “I’m scared!! And you’re big bad Bakugou, no ugly monsters would fuck with you!” You said as an excuse. He stared blankly at you, before scooting closer to you again. Denki soon plopped down, his mounds of perfume sticking to his body rushing your way. “Ewww there’s one right now!” You gagged, switching to the other side of Bakugou, as Kami rolled his eyes. “Well, you smell just like him, you shouldn’t be complaining” Bakugou muttered, smelling the same cologne except less, lingering on you. “Oh yeahh! I guess it would make sense since we do everything together.. Includes sharing a dorm..” you said. Bakugou nodded. “Well. I guess I should grow up y’know.. Bakug-“ “No” he immediately interrupted. You whined, Kami cackling at you. “Shut up, retard! You can’t even get the purple headed freaks, so you don’t have room to do your ugly little witch laughs!” You screeched, as he stared blankly at you, before glancing between you and Bakugou. “Hm.. In two years, get married.” He said. Bakugou flushed, and began yelling at Kami. “Hmm.. That does sound alluring..” you said, snatching Kami from Bakugou’s threatening remarks. “Thanks, bro! Hey Bakug-“ “Maybe..” “Okay- you gotta stop cutting me off man..”
Shota Aizawa brother
Walking into your brothers class, everyone stared at you, some of them smiling at you. You blushed, rushing up to Bakugou’s desk. “Here you go..” you mumbled, giving him some chocolate truffles and m&ms. He just glanced at you, you looking towards the ground. “Thanks kid.” He said, taking them, and placing them in his bag. You nodded, the class beginning to talk again since your brother was asleep. You walked up to Deku’s desk, doing the same, before moving onto Kirishima’s, doing the same as the last two, before walking to the front of the class, squirming into Shota’a sleeping bag. “God dammit.. Why do I keep waking up like this..” Aizawa muttered, as you realized he wasn’t in his sleeping bag again, as he looked towards his class. “where’d you guys get chocolate?” He called, Bakugou immediately snapping his gaze up. “What!? Who else got chocolate?!” He asked, Midoriya hiding his in his bag. “I did Bakubro!” Kiri exclaimed, as Bakugou clicked his tongue. “Oi! Mini sensei! Explain” Bakugou called, as you sat up in the sleeping bag. “I gave the chocolate to my future husbands” you said, caterpillaring from behind the desk. Deku’s face burst into flames, as did the other two boys’. “Five year age difference isn’t that baddd” you shrugged. Aizawa got up, swinging you over his shoulder. “Bye husbands!!” You called, your brother carrying you to the teachers lounge again.
Izuku Midoriya sister
“I wish you were gay so we could make out..” you muttered, texting Izu, Kiri, Kami, Sero, and Kacchan. “Who said I wasn’t gay?” She blurted out, texting the girls without registering what she just said. You flushed, getting up to go sit next to her. “So.. Wanna make out..?” You asked, scooting closer. “Sheeeesh, I don’t mind!” She exclaimed, pulling you into an uhm.. sexthy😫 Innocent.. Kiss. Your phone pinged with messages from the guys, you ignoring it, and throwing your phone behind you. “Alright children, let’s go see why our poor child Y/n isn’t responding to our fucking texts.” Sero said, gathering the boys in the group chat to go see if you’re okay. Once they finally reached your dorm, they just bust in with no hesitation, only for their jaws to drop, a blush coming to their faces, excluding Izuku. Mina paused fingering you for the sussy little baka’s interruptions. you stared horrified, diving under your covers, Mina licking her fingers clean. Izu immediately left the room, as you whined slightly. “Can I-“ “shut the fuck up dunce face!” Bakugou quickly cut him off, trying to be a good best friend.. that didn’t stop them from getting boners💃🏾
Don’t look that up
Siriusly don’t
Do you like my HP joke?
Shoto Todoroki brother
“Ayo siblings of mine!” You called, Fuyumi and Natsuo walking out of the kitchen, Shoto walking down stairs. “Don’t you guys think Dabi is honestly hot?” You asked, leaning on the couch. “I- He’s a villain, you whore” Natsuo said, pushing you over the couch, causing you to hit the floor with a loud thump. “FUCK YOU!” you yelled, sitting up and rubbing your head. “No, but you’re right that’s incest.” Fuyumi said, turning to Natsuo. Shoto looked confused, as you got up, and walked towards your two siblings with a strut in your step. “I doooon’t care” you said, walking towards Shoto to swing your arm around his shoulder. “Our teacher’s hot, eh Shoto?” “I’m gonna go meet up with Midoriya and Iida..” he mumbled, uncomfortably chuckling. “Bye bestay!” You yelled, waving at him. “Y/n, why is your crush someone way older than you.” Fuyumi sighed, sitting on the couch, as Natsuo went to lean on the couch behind her. “Well, older men are always hotter. Like Miss Midnight~” you cooed, sitting down next to Fuyumi. “Thought you said you liked that smarty pants kid.” Natsuo said, shrugging. He jumped onto the couch next to you two, causing it to bounce. “Shut the fuck up Jack Frost” you mumbled, blushing slightly. “Ohh! That makes a lot of sense.” Fuyumi said and nodded, petting your head. “Would dad be mad at me?” You asked, your siblings going quiet. “Don’t worry about it..” Natsuo said, Fuyumi hugging you. “I wanna stay like this.. For a while…” you mumbled, as they nodded.
Tomura Shigaraki brother
“Tenko-nii?” You called, peaking into his room. He was asleep. You shrugged, taking silent running steps towards him. Crawling into bed next to him, you cuddled into his chest and fell asleep. “Y/n?” You heard him mumble, you opening your eyes to see him groggily rubbing his. “What are you doing here..” he yawned, running his hands through his hair to get any knots out. “I.. I had a nightmare.” You lied, sitting up and blinking a few times. “I almost finished Haikyuu like you said..” you mumbled. “But I wanted to see if I should finish bungou stray dogs season two” you finished, sliding off the right side of his bed. Slipping on your slippers, you stretched, yawning. “I’m still tired..” you muttered, taking Tenko’s blanket, wrapping it around you. “Hah! You look like a burrito!” Tenko sputtered, as you grumbled, making sure to drag his blanket on the floor. You yawned, stumbling into the bar and sitting down on the couch next to Magne, Twice, and Toga. “Hi big sis..” you greeted, leaning on her shoulder. “Hey mini R.” She greeted also, ruffling your already messy hair. “Hi Toga, Twice, Kurogiri.. D-Dabi!?” You shot up, surprised he was actually at the base for once. “Sup kid.” He monotoned, the other three waving at you with smiles (two were visible) on their faces. “Dabi said he got hurt pretty bad, you think you can fix it?” Toga asked, as you flushed, hiding it behind your brother blanket. “W-Where is it..?” You stuttered, him pulling his shirt up for you to see some of his purple burnt skin peeling slightly. You looked slightly concerned at him, but got up, walking behind the counter. You knelt down to the ground to check for the med kit, finding it stored in the place it always had been. Grabbing it, you popped back up, a confident smile on your face. “Alright, let’s see what you can do kid.” Dabi mumbled. You nodded. Grabbing his hand, you brought him to the bathroom, as he jumped up on the counter, taking his shirt off for you to do your thing. “You okay with needle and thread instead?” You asked, pulling it out to show him, chuckling at the rhyme. “That rhymes..” you giggled. “I don’t mind. It hurts like a bitch though” he shrugged, you nodding, and taking the bandages, cloth, and alcohol out of the med kit. “Good thing we got pain meds.. But y’know, it’s gonna take a while to set in. Wanna get to know each other?” You stated, handing him some water and the pills. He gulped it down, nodding. “So uhm.. What do normal twelve year olds talk about..?” He uttered, you shrugging. “I don’t know.. I don’t know any other twelve year olds. And Toga only talks about Izuku and Ochaco, Magne isn’t bad at all since she talks to me about the LGBT community, Twice just confuses me with stopping in the middle of his sentences to say something else, Spinner complains about how I keep calling him a ninja turtle, mister keeps acting like I’m a two year old wanting to see a magic trick, Kurogiri at least listens to me, Tenko is great to be around but teases me often, and All for one doesn’t talk to me.” You finished, taking a deep breath, as he listened. “Huh. That’s tough. Well, you got Dabi to talk to now, kid.” He said, placing his hand on your head. You smiled, slightly flustered at the gesture, but you’re wayyy younger than him so.. “You got something on your mind?” He pondered, retracting his hand to grip onto the sink. “…Six years.” You mumbled, him looking towards you confused. “Six years what?” He asked, quirking his head to the right. “Sid years.. Is when it would be okay for me to legally be with you..” you mumbled under your breath, only loud enough for him to hear. The quiet bathroom turned warm. You turned to look at the older man, seeing his wide grin. You flushed, glaring annoyed at him. “What?! Damn it! I knew I should’ve kept it to myself!” You exclaimed, hiding yourself in your arms. “No, kid, that’s not it. I’m not mad at you for having the hots for me, since I AM devilishly handsome. So, in six years, why not, right?” He said, you looking at him, smiling like a dork.
“Man.. Must be awkward planning to date a twelve year old, huh?” You snickered, as he chuckled. “Oho yeah, super weird.” He nodded, as you remembered you were supposed to be fixing him up. “Uhm.. I’m gonna clean your wound and whatever now, the pills probably working now.” You claimed, jumping off the counter, landing softly on your feet. You poured some ouchiehol on the cloth generously, lightly dabbing the wound, as he groaned in pain slightly. “Sorry..” you mumbled, wiping gingerly at the dried blood on his torso. (Blah blah blah, skip skip skip) Walking out of the bathroom a few minutes later, you brought him back to the bar so he could continue his alcohol spree. Your brother sat at the bar, spinning a cup of whiskey. “Hi Te-.. Tomura” You waved, sitting next to him, as Dabi sat besides you. Swinging your legs, Tenko scowled at Dabi “Heard your little chit chat, patchwork.” He growled, glaring at him intensely. Dabi glanced off to the side, Kurogiri sliding him some whiskey too. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, flakey..” he mumbled, shaking the glass as the liquid swirled around. You groaned, stretching your arms over the counter. “It’s six years, Tomura! It’s a long time before you have to be the jealous helicopter parent-brother!” You whined, now bouncing your leg. “Tsk..” was all you heard from him, Dabi looking at you strangely. “You gotta piss?” He asked, gulping down the glass. “No.. I’m fidgety and my head’s pounding” you complained, bringing your arms to cradle it in. Dabi pat you on the back, taking a swig of his freshly poured whiskey. “Yeah.. Poor kid.” He said, retracting his hand before Tenko could slap it away. “I’m tired again..” you muttered, dodging your brothers hands going to snatch you into a bone crushing hug. “Not on you Tomura..” you grumbled, snatching his blanket from off the catch. “I’ll be in Tomura’s room” you called, walking down the hall to ignore the bickering of the two males at the bar.
Dabi sister
“Ughhh you look fine!” Dabi exclaimed, annoyed. “You sure? I don’t know if red is actually my color..” you mumbled, plopping onto your brothers stomach, causing him to groan. “Why are you worried anyways? Ain’t there that saying that says it the inside that counts?” He grumbled, recovering slightly. “Yeah, but do I look fu-“ “Yeah, sure, your sexy” he mumbled, pushing you off him. “So Miruko is sure to like me?” You asked, getting up to put on stupid high heels. “Yeah, probably. Don’t rabbits eat like- apples or somethin? Maybe she’ll eat ya up” he shrugged, sitting up to push you off the bed. “Oki doki, thanks bro! And yes, bunny’s do eat apples, they shouldn’t eat a lot though since timothy hay is more healthy.” You informed, brushing off the whole falling of the bed, and began to curl the rest of your hair. “Oh my goddd why do girls take so long!” He groaned, getting up to get some water. “Cause we take our time to look good for our lovers..” you mumbled, finally finishing your hair. Looking at yourself in the mirror, you winked. “You’re right! I am sexy!” You called, grabbing your phone and keys. “Love you see you, be home later!” You yelled, finally setting out to meet up with Miruko on a date. “Love you tiny!” he yelled back, as you slammed the door. “Gon break it off the damn hinges..” he muttered, throwing his cup in the sink. “Eh, I’ll wash the dishes later.” He shrugged, going back to your room to wait for you to come back and torment him instead of having you drag him out of his room again.
Keigo Takami sister
“Owww..” you groaned, holding your pounding head. “What’s wrong, Hawks’ offspring?” Tokoyami asked, as you shoved your head into your crossed arms. “Headache..” you whined, wincing when the throbbing became more intense. Keigo burst through the door, immediately rushing towards you. “My brother senses were tingling” he said, checking you over. “It’s just a headache..” you grumbled, biting at his hand. “You fuckin weirdo-“ he said, as he jumped back. “I don’t feel in the mood Keigo..” you growled, slouching away from his desk, and towards his couch. “I’m gonna lay down..” you mumbled, with the intention of falling asleep. “Good night, sister.” He cooed, plopping into his office chair. “I’m not going to sleep..” you shot back, wrapping yourself in the blanket he threw at you. “I know how you can’t sleep without a blanket.” He said, then whined at all the paperwork he had to deal with. “How old is your sister?” Tokoyami pondered, standing in the corner. “Fourteen” He said, leaning back in his chair. “She’s gonna be fifteen in B/M. Why?” He asked, turning fully towards Tokoyami. “N-no reason..” he stuttered, sitting down and pulling his knees to his chest. “You got the hots for my baby sister?” He asked, now sitting up, as Tokoyami began to stir. “Haha! You do!” He teased, Tokoyami now facing the wall. “I should have kept to myself..” he muttered, as Hawks kept teasing him.
Amajiki Tamaki brother
Oh brother.. Loud chihuahuas and ketchup bottles I tell ya😕☝️ I think we all know whom’st the fuck I’m talking about, right? Bakugou. Kirishima. Bakugou and Kirishima. Bakugou scares Amajiki ever since he went training with 1-A, he clung to your side whenever Katsuki came to talk to you. “Oi, midget, my mom wants you to come over again. I’m just telling you just in case you wanna come around..” Bakugou muttered, placing his arm on your head. “I thought you said your mom was out of town..?” You mumbled, tilting your head, as he flushed. “Yeah, we’ll she just got back! Stop being a pry!” He yelled, causing you to snicker. “Yes sir.” You tantalized, as he scoffed, crossing his arms. “You don’t have to come to my house, I’m just wondering..” he muttered, noticing Amajiki slouching to escape his gaze. “Oh, hey calamari.” He greeted, shoving his hand in his pocket, as Amajiki flinched. “H-Hey Bakugou..” he stuttered, jumping once he heard Kirishima’s cheerfully loud voice getting louder. “Gotta go, bye!” He shrieked, sprinting to get away. “Where’s Tamaki-senpai going?” He asked, tilting his head. “You’re so cute!” You exclaimed, cradling his head in your hands. “Bakubro, did you invite Y/N-senpai too?” He asked, glancing at the surprisingly calm Bakugou. “Yeah, he hasn’t said if he wants to go or not.” He said, as you three began walking again. “I like Mitsuki, so I can come over! She’s fun to be around.” You began, as you rambled on about how great Bakugou’s mom is, Kirishima sweat dropping, and Bakugou growing a tic mark from how you sounded like Deku.
#bnha boys#bnha#katsuki bakugo#katsuki bakugo x reader#eijiro kirishima#eijiro kirishima x reader#denki kaminari#denki kaminari x reader#aizawa shouta#aizawa x male reader#deku x y/n#izuku midoriya#shoto todoroki#todoroki x reader#shigaraki tomura#tomura x reader#dabi#dabi x reader#bnha dabi#takami keigo x reader#keigo tamaki#wing hero hawks#amajiki tamaki x reader#tamaki amakiji#mha x you#mha
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[a/n: here it is! Thank you for the request @realityisoftendisapointing ❣️ I hope it’s angsty enough 🥺👉👈 I’m still trying to get better at it but enjoy! -yours truly, bunnyy -`ღ´- ps. there’s fluff if you squint hard enough but not really]
* He’d be confused as to why you were so down for the last couple of weeks
* He had been on more patrols than usual so the only time he saw you was at the end of the night as he was crawling into bed beside you and in the morning when you were half awake to give him a kiss goodbye
* He finished work early one evening so he wanted to surprise you, picking up some take out and flowers on the way home, he had been planning this for a while and now, he’d do it.
* He was finally gonna do it, give you what was in the little velvet box that had been hidden away in his drawer for months
* “I know I have to tell him but I just can’t, h-he’s always so busy and I never k-know when the right time is...I-I know, I will mom. O-Kay, mhmm. Bye.”
* He put everything on the table. ‘What did you have to tell him?’ ‘Were you gonna break up with him?’
* His racing thoughts were brought to a halt when your sobs reached his ears.
* “Angel? Is everything all right.” You froze at the call of your nickname
* “Takami?” Your voice was trembling, there was no going back now
* “(y/n), what did you need to tell me?” He sat down next to you, holding your hands in his
* “Remember I went to the-the Doctors a c-couple weeks back?” the tears were streaming uncontrollably as he motioned for you to continue
* “Well, t-they said that it w-was a brain t-tumor that was causing the headaches...but it’s too late, i-if I’d gone s-sooner then I’d h-have a chance but-“
* Seeing you breakdown in front of him was devastating, he pulled you into his chest and let you sob into his chest
* He clutched onto the back of your shirt angrily, this is what he hated most
* He was supposed to be a hero, he was supposed to be able to save you
* All he could do was attempt to comfort you through the agonizing pain you were going through
* Aizawa was absolutely heartbroken to find out that you weren’t going to make it, that they had been too late
* He had tried to move on, going to work like it was any other day but he couldn’t
* He couldn’t go on about his day while you were at home, cooped up in the bedroom all day
* So he came up with a plan
* Present Mic and All Might had helped out
* Regrettably, his class had gotten attached to you
* You had stopped by to drop off his lunch one time while the two of you had started dating and the class loved you
* You had come in multiple times to help them out with quirk training
* You also insisted that he invited them and their families to the wedding
* (He had moaned and groaned with complaints but he had been planning to do it anyways)
* The Mid-Autumn Festival was approaching but neither of you were sure you’d live long enough to go so, he had the students help him make a mini festival on school grounds
* They didn’t really know why Aizawa wanted to do it but he had seemed determined so they did everything in their power to make it amazing
* Saying you were surprised was an understatement
* The entire festival/pick nick was breathtaking
* The lanterns, the food, the decorations, all of it
* Finally, at the end on the night when Aoyama and a couple of other students were putting on a light show, he held you close
* He held every memory of that day close
* The memory of you smiling, laughing, and goofing around with his students
* Those were the only things he wanted to remember, when you were happy and laughing without a care in the world
* He couldn’t believe that he was going to lose the love of his life
* He vowed to make every precious moment count, big or small
* He was slowly losing his patience
* You had been so out of it these days
* You would rarely talk like you used to, your exam scores were slowly getting worse, you’d spend any extra time you had, locked up in your dorm room
* He had finally had enough of Kirishima and Denki’s questions about what was wrong with you so he stormed up to you room and pounded on the door
* “You better open this door right now, (y/n)!! Or I’ll blow it up!”
* When the door opened and he was met with your bloodshot eyes and disheveled state
* “Oi, what’s wrong?”
* So you pulled him in and sat him on your bed, explaining the lack of energy and headaches that ultimately led you to schedule a doctors appointment where they told you that you had an inoperable tumor
* “Why don’t we just take you to recover girl? She’ll be able to heal you!
* “Bakugou, she can’t-“
* Or why don’t we tell Aizawa? Hell know what to do!”
* “Baby please, just-“
* “Or why don’t we talk to-“
* “Bakugou! Please just listen to me!” You cut off his rambling, fresh tears rolling down your cheeks.
* His eyes were starting to water at the sound of your cracking voice
* “There’s nothing we can do, I-I’m sorry but I don’t think I’m g-gonna-“ he pulled you into a hug, running a comforting hand through your hair
* “Don’t apologize idiot. It was out of your control.” He didn’t know what to do or say
* For once, he was speechless
* “I’m not leaving your side, so good luck trying to get rid of me.” He spoke softly
* He was ready to fight with you till the end
* “I love you, (y/n). Nothing will ever change that.
* “I love you too, Katsuki. Thank you....”
#bnha x reader#mha x reader#my hero academia x reader#bakugo x reader#aizawa x reader#hawks x reader#headcanon#anon ask#anon#request
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good. keep doing ur work. I'm proud of ya for always working hard even when I'm not around. I'm always cheering you on when the going gets rough.
someone as good as you shouldn't get involved in this kind of business... maybe it was a mistake dragging you into my world, I dont want to put you in danger. whatever you do, don't engage with the villains. I'm saying this for your own safety, understand? sorry for always disappearing on ya but... God do you know how badly I've missed you? you're the only one that makes me feel... feel good. augh- fuck im rambling again, maybe I've said too much. (hawks pats ur head and ruffles ur hair. he pulls you in for a deep embrace, planting kisses on ur forehead.)
- k. takami
// LOL pls take care of ur friends I'm glad u have people who care u
wraps my arms around your neck, my fingers gently running through the hair at the back of your head.
babeeee don’t talk like that. I’m happy you brought me into your world. I’ve never felt safer than with you. <3 I pinky promise I won’t engage with any villains and I know I got you on speed dial if something ever happens.
moves one of my hands to cup your cheek, leaning in to kiss your lips softly, my tongue slowly rubs against your bottom lip.
0 notes
Happy Spicy Saturday Dee!!!
Methinks a certain winged hero, the man himself, one Takami Keigo, enjoys the occasional Sexy Phone Call when away on a long mission hehehe 🪽🪽(pretend those are red LMAO and thank you in advance!! 💙💙)
keigo takami x f!reader
c: masturbation, implied p in v
-> spicy sleepover
“So…I liked that dress you were wearing today.”
Keigo Takami may be hundreds of miles away right now, but you can hear the pout in his voice all the same as his feathers rustle noisily on the other end of the phone.
Thumbing at the hem of the soft material sitting gathered along the tops of your thighs as you lie in bed atop the rumpled sheets, you smirk, “I thought you would.”
Admittedly, you did buy the flowy little red dress with every intention of wearing it as a surprise when Keigo arrived home from his mission—he’s a sucker for seeing you in his favorite color, after all. But he’s been away for over a month now, much to your chagrin, so your impatience led you to post a casual photo wearing it instead (knowing just what kind of a response it would pull out of him).
“Did you…take any more pictures?”
“Yeah?” he asks, voice entering that familiar, husky territory you know all too well.
“Check your messages.”
You know the exact moment that he clicks the notification, an audible groan punching out of him when he sees the images—
—the fabric of the dress soaked through with water and clinging tightly to your breasts, your hard nipples showing through—
—the straps of the dress lying loose down the sides of your arms, tits spilling out, bottom lip tucked between your teeth—
“Oh fuck, baby,” he exhales, making no effort to hide the distinct sound of his zipper sliding down as he undoubtedly frees his cock from the confines of his pants.
Arousal simmers hot in your gut as you imagine him spread atop his hotel bed, the pupils of his golden eyes blown wide with lust as he tips his head back against the pillow and begins to stroke his erection.
“There’s more.”
The next sound that escapes his lips is a little more feral, caught somewhere between a growl and a whimper when he sees them, and you smile with satisfaction.
—your ass on full display as you bend over—
—the skirt of the dress rucked up, your legs spread to reveal the slick leaking from your cunt—
“Jesus Christ,” he murmurs, and you hear him spit into his palm, each heavy stroke of his palm against his cock punctuated with a wet, slippery squelch.
“One more.”
Honestly, Keigo’s not sure he can handle any more.
His cock is painfully hard, flushed red and throbbing, and if the heavy ache of his rapidly tightening balls is anything to go by, he’s worried his cum might end up on the ceiling if he doesn’t snatch the box of tissues on the nightstand in time.
But his finger automatically hits the play button on the video nonetheless, and he fucking chokes as he’s treated to the sight of you teasing your folds with one of his stray feathers, the fluffy red barbs stained dark with your sticky arousal.
He’s going to fuck you in that dress every night for a week when he gets home.
“This isn’t fair,” he whines, pumping his cock harder in earnest, hips canting upward off of the mattress as he desperately fucks his fist.
Your responding laugh is breathy and innocent, but then you let out a little moan, and he knows you’re touching yourself to the sound of him jerking off.
With each rapid stroke up and down his shaft, he imagines all the ways he’s going to fuck you in that goddamn dress—
—atop the kitchen counter, your hands threaded in his mussed blonde locks, your legs wrapped tightly around his waist, his hands shoving up the skirt of the dress and digging into your hips as he buries his cock inside of you—
—his hand clasped over your mouth to muffle your moans as you writhe in his lap on the couch out on your apartment’s balcony, dress fluttering in the warm summer breeze—
—up against the door inside of a restaurant bathroom, his patience drawn thin by the tantalizing swell of your tits across the table all night—
—you on all fours atop the mattress, whining and begging him for more as he pushes up the dress and palms the globes of your ass before burying his face in your cunt—
Keigo comes with a shout, hips stuttering as the pleasure of his climax rolls through his body in a wave of liquid heat, barely grasping a tissue in time to partially catch the flood of cum that sprays from his cock, half of it painting his chest.
When you’re both sated, breathing heavily in tandem on either side of the phone, he looks at the mess he made and murmurs tiredly, “Send me the link for the dress so I can order you more...can’t promise I’m not going to ruin that one.”
#takami keigo#takami keigo x reader#my hero academia#mha#spicy sleepover with captain-hawks#hawks x reader#dee writes#rambling: k. takami
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For the pwp ask:
Keigo + pegging ;///;
Its my lifeblood
18+, takami keigo x f!reader
sputtering around a face full of red feathers, you pinch your boyfriend's ass.
"—sorrysorrysorry," he gasps, head collapsing down against the pillows as tries to regain control of his wings, though they continue to tremble and shudder as several rogue feathers zip across your bedroom.
there's a crashing noise somewhere to the left.
"it's not even halfway in," you mutter, trying to hold back a snort as you watch the number two hero desperately claw at the mattress.
something caught between a groan and a whine spills past his lips as you ease the dildo another inch deeper into his ass, and he smacks a pillow, inhaling sharply.
"i know, i know," he whines. "it just—fuck baby—i didn't think it was going to feel so good and—fuuuuuuuuuck."
he starts babbling nonsense into the pillowcase.
"hey kei?" you murmur.
"mmm?" he chokes out, voice muffled. he might be crying.
"take a deep breath," you say, before reaching around to wrap a hand around his throbbing dick while giving him the rest.
#takami keigo x reader#takami keigo#dee writes#my hero academia#rambling: k. takami#dirty sprint ✨#hawks x reader#hawks
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keigo gets distracted whenever he’s out flying around the city on patrol and spots you down below on the way to your favourite coffee shop on break.
[no2hawks is now live!]
a flash of red feathers cuts across the live feed, replaced by the windswept, grinning face of the number two hero as he whisper-shouts, “HOT GIRLFRIEND ALERT!!!” and proceeds zoom in on an extremely blurry shot of you looking up at him, shaking your head with your hands on your hips.
#keigo tries to keep your relationship on the dl for a while#but once the secret’s out he’s like okay fine if you’re all that nosey you’re gonna be subjected to my simp behaviour publicly!!!#keigo takami#takami keigo#keigo takami x reader#hawks#rambling: k. takami
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Hiya! If you're still taking asks for the spicy sleepover-
I'm so weak for Keigo and pegging 🫣😳He's just so perfect for Switch vibes.
Thanks for doing all these! I'm so excited to read the rest!!
💜 grey-the-demi
keigo was born to be a switch <3
keigo takami x f!reader
c: pegging, coming untouched, oral sex
“Oh fuck.”
Somewhere out in the living room of your apartment, a news segment plays with footage of Japan’s Number Two hero swooping through the air before saving three people from a burning high rise office building. Onlookers cheer and squeal in delight as he walks by, probably grabbing a pen or two with a stray feather to lazily sign autographs before winking and letting the reporters descend upon him.
His voice is smooth and steady as they interview him, nothing short of the cool, collected persona of Hawks.
It’s nothing like the sight before you now.
“Don’t stop,” Keigo gasps, the red feathers of his wings trembling, every muscle in his body taut like a bowstring.
Keigo Takami is Japan’s Number Two Hero, and you’re currently easing the tip of a lubed up dildo into his equally lubed up ass.
“Fuckfuckfuckfuck,” he groans, fingers scrambling for purchase to no avail along the smooth, silky sheets.
“You sure you want to do this, Kei?” you ask, running a soothing hand along the dip in your boyfriend’s lower back.
In response, he pushes backward, effectively driving the dildo another few inches into his ass, and he whimpers.
“Y-yes,” he pants.
Heat licks and curls its way through your gut at the desperate, needy sounds tumbling from his lips, now slightly muffled as he shoves his face into a pillow. Between your legs, your panties are soaked through with arousal.
But for all that you’re entranced by the sight of him on all fours, your cunt absolutely throbs beyond belief with need when he switches positions, pulling your mouth to his as he rolls onto his back, legs spread wide while you fuck the dildo back into him.
“You like this?” you whisper.
“Feels so good,” he slurs into your mouth, lips slick with the saliva of a filthy, desperate kiss. “So fucking good, baby.”
He reaches between your bodies to palm at your breasts, fingers teasing your peaked nipples, and his hips rock upward to meet your thrusts.
“You’re taking it so good, Kei,” you murmur, running a hand through his blonde hair.
Keigo looks fucking wrecked beneath you, and you’re not sure if you’ve ever been so turned on in your life.
“Want you to…fuck me all the time,” he exhales, hardly able to get the words out between his moans of pleasure.
(Ultimately, Keigo doesn’t even need a hand on his flushed, leaking cock, the dildo lodged in his ass more than enough to make him come so hard he nearly blacks out, thick, hot ropes of semen spraying all over his chest.)
(And yet somehow he still finds the energy to eat you out after like the pussy drunk man he always is, dick already halfway hard again as he messily laps at your folds till you’re gushing all over his tongue.)
#keigo takami#takami keigo#takami keigo x reader#hawks#hawks x reader#my hero academia#dee writes#spicy sleepover with captain-hawks#rambling: k. takami
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