#Todoroki Touya
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class1akids · 4 hours ago
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Light color style chibis for Anime Japan 2025
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lakesidepurple · 2 days ago
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mha textposts but some of them are sad part 5!!!!
previous part first part
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chainelunaire · 2 days ago
Hi, can you write a virgin Dabi headcanon? Or like his reaction to getting his first blowjob by the reader?
(this is kinda heavy and not smutty at all)
dabi's so repulsed by the idea of sex, it's funny (it's very much not).
growing up in a home where he had not witnessed gentle heartwarming love between his parents, then being traumatized by near death experience, which then resulted in a constant body horror in every sense of the word, and Then for years trying to survive on streets while simultaniously keep training hard - yeah, i think he kind of haven't had enough time or energy for anything other than his Great Goal.
(from here i believe it can go two ways, one him being so closed off physically, and the other is for another post, if ever interested)
his mind is set on revenge, his entire soul is dedicated to a great cause, and while this all is true, it is also true that he clearly understands how scary (read, ugly in the eyes of others) he looks. he lives in this new body designed for him specifically not so long, yet he already knows every little disgusting detail about it, and every day he's finding a new one. deep deep inside he is terrified to the core. not only is he experiencing a major body dismorphia issues, but this also comes with a fact that this body was quite literally sewed together, replacing the burnt parts with flesh he doesn't want to ever question where came from. this body fails him every day. he lost his nails not once, but many times. he expericenced almost every infection known to mankind due to constantly open wounds. he frequently steals clothes, because they end up getting stained, in some parts slimy, and he's a clean freak, he kind of needs to be to survive. once he left a small piece of his ear on a pillow in one of lov's hideouts and was freaking out after. because the police could figure out his identity (not quite, he later realised, since they were not really his ears), and because he was really fond of the lost earring. compress later gifted him a new one. you get the picture.
he himself made the decision to cut off anything that will bring him any pleasure in life (sex included). it's a plethora of reasons why he doesn't want any of it, the main being is that of course, he doesn't believe anyone would genuinely want him in that way, and the second one, very vulnerable and naive, is that he realises that that will make everything harder for him. he's living this life on a hell mode already, he doesn't really need any more disappointment. so he build his later life so that it would be easy for him to let go in the end. and believing that someone found him attractive enough to have sex with him without any ulterior motives would make it harder (not that it'd ever happen, of course!). he's smart enough to understand that.
so he, of course, has much more important business going, and so you know - he's not interested. no one would be interested in that. no one in their right mind would want that, because there's nothing to want.
and you would think it'll take forever for him to fall for you, but it's easier than it seems. him still being that depending on what others think of him, still wanting the so long delayed approval and attention, it really won't take much of you for him to like you. he's so sensitive to kindness, especially when it's not towards him personally (that would make him alarmed, if anything) but rather casual small things, it really does something to his hardened heart. make no mistake, him liking you does not equal trusting you, that's a different story for another time. for now, he tries to hide it and he does it really well. so well in fact that for a long time you're quite sure that he wants you dead. he kind of does. but he still likes you.
fast forward to the subject of sex: he tries his best to avoid it at any cost. by that time, being in a relationship and trusting you enough to simply entertain the thought of it, he still thinks it's better if he dies on the spot rather than try. all of his insecurities come alive and well the exact time he thought he got rid of them.
the thing is, he doesn't necessarily want sex in itself, but he surely wants love. he wants to be loved so much and to him you seeing his body and running away in horror is a very real fear. he knows he won't be able to survive this, his mind would be completely broken. he's self-aware enough to understand that even knowing he's not the most sane person in the room. he will be able to live without sex, he was living like that and he was fine, but he won't be able to move on if he'll see the disgust on your face. if you'll find out what he truly is, it will crush him.
he will make it incredibly hard for you. he doesn't want to be a walking emotional rolling coaster, but he can't help it. he's terrified. one day he thinks that it's not a big deal let's go and later in the evening he'd disappear for a week. one moment he kind of wants to catch up and at least learn something on the matter and second later after opening the first link on google he's embarrased, disgusted and wants to set himeslf aflame. in general, he kind of wants to cry the whole time. he's angry at his dad, his mom, psychos that sewed him together, you, who's still by his side being annoyingly patient, but most importantly, he's mad at himself. he's already doing great mental gymnastics in favor of his own life, which he hadn't consider his for more than a decade. turns out, it could be very painful to realise how much you were robbed of, even after claiming for years that you didn't even want it.
needless to say, it'll take more than one shot for you, but eventually he will come around, probably on a random tuesday. tries to be nonchalant about it, but he is so chalant actually. after so much talking about everything he was capable of muster, after so much reassuring and constant showing of love and respect, he could one day wake up and suddenly realise that that fear while not fully gone, but he's at least capable of trying through it. you always knew he would be a sweetheart, him, however? not so sure.
in the end, you are right.
by that time, he's a lot more calm and collected. tells you to be serious and stop giggling, his ears red as a flame when you start laughing full chest - sometimes you are nervous too, he realised later in your relationship, even though he still doesn't understand why, anyone would want you. learnt to accept the fact that complete darkness won't save him in the end, but still asks for a very dim light. he doesn't really care about himself, but he tried to learn more so it would be good for you at least. compensates the lack of experience with observing every reaction he can get out of you (and he has a mental list from all the time before too). he's slow - because he's shy and inexperienced and afraid, - annoyingly so, but he's surprisingly precise and selfless. he would never be rough, especially the first time. needs gentle encouragement, which is perfect - not only he gets to hear your voice more, but his thinly veiled praise kink is enjoying the attention too. cracks some joke about begging the god not to lose his second earring in the middle of it, and you actually laugh so hard he needs to stop because now he's laughing too. the whole time not once has he found in your eyes something he was so afraid of finding. you look at him with nothing but love and adoration, hold his face in your hands, your palms warm and soft and tender, and his chest is tight with pain and with the lightness of it all. at some point he thinks that he really was right, it was easier to just die than to experience it all. he wants to cry, again. he can't really explain why, so he lays in your arms silently, letting you hold him, caress his hair and skin until you fall asleep. it will take all of his willpower not to run away in the middle of the night, he stays because he doesn't want to hurt you like that.
interestingly enough, in the morning without doing anything at all he feels significantly better. he can't help but smile when he enters the kitchen, seeing you preparing the breakfast and brewing hot black coffee. none of you mention the night before, yet you both are smiling at each other when you start to eat.
in this scenario, he'll need quite some time and hard work to only warm up about the idea of a blowjob. he'll forever be disgusted of the body he's currently living in, the best he can hope is to grow neutral about it, which is very real possibility with time. yet, he probably realises he's not ready to take this step now. he's not even sure if he ever will.
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cosmic-evening · 22 hours ago
ᯓ★ enigma
college au!dabi x gn!reader
a/n: reader is roommates with toga! also dabi & reader both study literature bc i said so
mha m.list | gen m.list
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DABI was known as the 'enigma' around the college.
he was in your year, and you'd heard all the stories about him in high school. everyone either had a crush on him or was intimidated by him—or both. he was the enigma—no one knew what course he did or how he even got into this college. you almost never saw him around campus, except when you finish you lecture, when you could see him sitting on the bench outside your classroom.
you never talked to him. you never needed to.
until he finally showed up to your literature lecture.
it's monday morning, and you're still rubbing the sleep from your eyes, when he steps into the classroom. you're shocked when you see him walk in, and you can't help but stare. it had been two months since you'd started this course; how had you never noticed him in your lecture?
he glances at you as he walks in, but takes a seat at the very back of the classroom.
there's a twinge of something in your gut that feels a little bit like disappointment. don't be silly, you think. why would he even think about sitting next to you?
throughout the lecture, you feel someone's eyes on you the entire time.
you don't think too much about the encounter until a week later.
your roommate, toga, had some friends who were throwing a flat party, and she desperately wanted you to come.
"please, y/n? it'll be fun, i promise. it's the weekend, we don't have anything better to do anyway."
and really, you think, how bad can it be?
so you show up, in a semi-fancy outfit, hair deemed 'perfect' by toga, not knowing quite what to expect.
as soon as you enter the flat, your eyes immediately latch onto one person.
he was looking at you already, and made no effort to hide it. unsure of what to do, you smile at him.
he smirks back, and lifts a hand in greeting.
but the interaction is short-lived; before you can fully process what's happened, toga's already dragging you away to meet her friends.
so much for that, then.
whoever planned a literature lecture at 8am on monday morning must be a sadist.
you're still in a state of half-delusion, still waking up, before you realise that someone's decided to sit next to you.
from the corner of your eye, you see dyed black hair and a leather jacket.
you stiffen slightly.
there's no way. you knew you should have gotten more sleep last night.
"everything alright, doll?"
his voice is scratchy, like he's just woken up too.
you panic.
"i— uh, yeah, i'm alright, i just didn't know you took this class—"
shut up, you think. you decide right then and there that you should never speak again.
dabi laughs.
you'd never seen dabi laugh before. not without mockery.
but this?
he sounded full of mirth.
and you decide right then and there that you would cherish the sound forever.
dabi opens his mouth to speak, but the teacher had already walked in.
then you feel that twinge of disappointment again.
for some inexplicable reason, you start to notice dabi everywhere. suddenly, he's not just sitting outside the classroom after your lecture, but in the class too. he's showing up at parties, studying in the library, hanging out on campus more and more. suddenly, dabi has a social life.
you start seeing him at every party toga drags you to. every time, it's the same: he smirks at you, raises a hand in greeting, and then disappears for the rest of the night.
it confused you.
why was it that he'd hidden from everyone for so long? why now is he making his presence known?
he really was an enigma.
no, you think. he's a different type of enigma now.
before, he was an unknown. back then, you were questioning who he was. but now, after he's started hanging out with the other students, you're starting to question his intentions.
every literature lecture, dabi would slide into the seat next to you. you'd exchange some words before class. it ranged from the books you were studying to your plans for the day. and on monday mornings, right before the worst lecture time on earth, dabi would hand you a steaming cup of your order from the café across the campus.
and little by little, you start to learn little things about dabi.
like that one time he told you his favourite food was soba. or the other time he told you his birthday was in january. or the time he showed up to class, a little too quiet for your liking, and told you about his dad.
and slowly, but surely, dabi becomes less and less of an enigma to you.
the final step of the puzzle—your puzzle, the one you've been mystified by since the start—is given to you one monday morning.
dabi's not there, but you're not surprised; he tends to get to class later than you do. what did surprise you, though, was the rose and note that sat on your desk.
dearest y/n, i know that we haven't known each other for that long, and i know that sometimes, you're still confused by me. i see it in your eyes when i sit next to you in class, or when i catch your eye at a party—your gaze is calculating. i feel like every time you look at me, you've figured out a secret of mine. like you know something about me that even i don't. you feel like you've only known me for a short time; i feel like i've known you much longer. i feel like i've known you since the day of the first literature lecture; when i saw you from the window into the classroom and couldn't find the courage to go in. because you're so insanely beautiful, y/n. i felt intimidated by you—the only thought in my head at the time was 'what if you hated me?' and i was too much of a coward to find out the answer. in fact, i was so much of a coward that i couldn't find the bravery to step into that classroom until two months later. and then i got to know you. you're so incredibly smart and eloquent and so interesting to talk to. you made me want to be just as intelligent or expressive or as delightful as you, and when i thought i could never be, your words gave me motivation. so i guess what i've beeing trying to say is—i really like you, y/n. you're the first person who's ever made me feel like this, and i'd really like to take you out to the café across from campus tonight, if you'd let me. or any time you'd like. yours, dabi
when you look up, dabi's standing by the door. he's nervous, you can tell—his hands are fidgeting with his backpack strap, and his smile is a little wobbly.
when you nod, his beam is blinding.
you've solved your enigma.
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shinymoonbraixen · 1 day ago
Nevermind I found it.
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If you look closely you can see it.
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Y'all his little foot stomps are too cute, I can't
I wonder if Dabi actually does this in the future... 🧐🤔
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jgyapologism · 12 hours ago
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I'm not used to drawing fanart, but I made this earlier today and thought I'd share. My favorite narrative foils ❤️
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into-the-feniverse · 2 days ago
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eternalera · 3 days ago
have some more
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katsdynam1ght · 14 hours ago
i appreciate that people are still liking my dumb little doodle
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is this anything
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class1akids · 18 hours ago
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New official art - Light color style for Anime Japan 2025
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froagie · 3 months ago
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smystermy · 2 days ago
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𝐭𝐨𝐮𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐢—「touya x nandini」—𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞.
To me, our home is a charming blend of light academia and cottagecore—soft colors, warm lighting, and just the right amount of organized chaos to feel lived-in. To Touya, though, it’s an aesthetic disaster—a tragic clash of bad taste and even worse decisions. And yet, despite all his dramatic sighs and eye-rolls, he somehow spends nearly all his time here when he’s not out being Dabi—without making a single attempt to “fix” it. (If you ask me, he likes it more than he lets on—besides me, of course.)
no pressure tags: @cloudwisp, @gothsuguru, @kissxcore, @philosians, @satocidal, @satoruxx, @shoyoist, @storiesoflilies, @sukunasweetheart + anyone else who'd like to participate!!!! 🥰🥰
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home life with → silas + naoya – ver. 1
what's up mtv? welcome to our crib ¬‿¬ most of the decorating is done by yours truly. natural wood, ambient lighting, pops of orange, and luscious plants that are only alive because naoya is a plant whisperer. sprinkled throughout are my trinkets and zen'in family heirlooms. almost everything is vintage and/or secondhand. top right corner is naoya's beloved hairless cat affectionately named chikin, almost always wearing a little sweater because he gets cold.
open tags → rb and show me the inside of your selfship home!
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peterokii · 1 year ago
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biovyxart · 10 months ago
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Ah yes. Me. My boyfriend. And his 4am zoomies.
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demonicsuffrage · 5 months ago
They could've just shot me in the head instead of this
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silversoulsociety · 10 months ago
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Todoroki Touya
Bnha S7E3
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