#Ember the Torchic
hot-footed-heir · 9 months
Well then, I completely forgot to mention that I was heading out for the gym challenge.
<Zzt. I mentioned it, but you didn't respond, zzt.>
Let's just say I was focused.
<Zzt, whatever. Zzt.>
Anyway, there's some good news here. A few points, actually.
First: The new feline companion I caught - the Shinx - now has a name. Nemea. I know she's not a lion, but I can't help but imagine her standing against Heracles in battle. She has a fierce heart.
Second: I now have my second badge, thanks to a few critical strikes from Ember.
Finally: This happened in the middle of the match.
[ID: A photo of a Combusken, with determination in her eyes. Flames crawl up her feet, in the middle of a Flame Charge. The Makuhita opposing her has a shocked expression, as does his trainer. End ID]
<Zzt, I was surprised too. She just kinda started rushing in and bam, one KO'd Makuhita and one shocked Brawly. Zzt.>
We're back at the Pokemon Center for some well-earned dinner. And yes, I'm actually remembering to eat as well. An actual meal. Not just the snacks I've been living off of for a few days.
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liviavanrouge · 5 months
Poke Twst: Bond
Livia: *Grabs Totodile's PokeBall then walks over to him*
Totodile: To? Dile?
Livia: *Drops the PokeBall in front of him* This is where we part ways
Totodile: Dile....
Deuce: *Stares at them, his Torchic on his shoulder*
Livia: *Turns away* I'm sorry for being a trainer you dislike....I really tried to be patient, I swear.......
Livia: *Walks over to Deuce, her head bowed* I think it's best to find a trainer you respect...
Deuce: *Waves to Totodile* Cya Totodile, I hope we meet again one day
Deuce: *Turns and walks after Livia*
Totodile: *Quickly Grabs the PokeBall, chasing after her* To! Dile!!
Totodile: *Trips over a stone, falling over then lifts his head*
Livia: *Walks out of view with Deuce, heading down the hill*
Totodile: *Trembles, his eyes watering* DILE!!!!
Totodile: *Picks up the PokeBall, his head bowed as he walked a different way*
Deuce: It's raining really hard...
Livia: *Stares at her book* Yeah...
Deuce: Totodile is a water type...but don't you think this is a little much?
Livia: *Grips her book* It's better for me and Totodile-
Torchic: *Looks up at her silently*
Deuce: Livia- *Flinches as lightning struck* WOAH!!!
Livia: *Trembles then jumps up and grabs a raincoat* TOTODILE!!!!
Livia: *Runs through the rain* TOTODILE!!
Deuce: *Runs after her, Torchic following with its own little raincoat* HEY TOTODILE!! COME ON!
Livia: *Cups her hands around her mouth* TOTODILE!!
???: DILE!!
Livia: *Perks up then turns and runs away, her eyes wide* TOTODILE!!!!!
Livia: *Stares with wide eyes coming to a stop*
Totodile: *Shields the PokeBall, covered in bruises, Mightyena growling at him their teeth bared* Dile...
Livia: *Grabs a tree branch* GET AWAY FROM HIM!!
Mightyena: *Turns and lunges at her, chomping down on the branch, growling at her*
Torchic: *Rams into Mightyena's jaw, forcing it to release the branch*
Livia: *Drops the branch, her hood falling as she rushed towards Totodile, Torchic folloeing her*
Torchic: *Fires a weak ember, destroying an incoming shadowball*
Livia: *Shrieks in alarm, ducking down as another shadowball was destroyed just above her head*
Livia: *Gasps, slipping on the wet ground, hitting her shoulder* Totodile....
Totodile: *Stares with wide eyes, gripping the PokeBall* Dile...
Livia: *Shields her head another explosion going off*
Torchic: *Dodges a Mightyena, firing another ember*
Livia: *Gets up, running towards Totodile* TOTODILE!! STAY THERE! I'M COMING!!
Mightyena: *Growls and leaps towards Livia aiming for her face*
Livia: *Freezes in shock, her eyes wide*
Totodile: *Dashes over, his eyes wide and Rams into Mightyena's side sending them both tumbling*
Livia: Huh...
Totodile: *Turns and runs over to her, his arms out* DILE!!
Livia: *Runs forward, catching Totodile when he leapt forward* Totodile....
Totodile: *Smiles, resting his head on her shoulder*
Livia: *Smiles, tears falling down her cheeks* I'm sorry, I won't do it again, I really thought you'd be happier without me bothering you..
Totodile: *Shakes his head* Dile...
Livia: *Gasps, her eyes wide as a Mightyena leapt at her*
Totodile: *Whips around and fires off a water gun sending Mightyena flying*
Mightyena: *Stands up and shakes itself off, then quickly runs off with the rest of its pack*
Totodile: *Huffs then looks up at her smiling*
Livia: *Smiles slightly then rubs her eyes* Thanks buddy...
Deuce: Liv! The storm is getting worse! Come on!!
Livia: *Nods, Totodile handing her his PokeBall* Let's go...
Totodile: *Leaps into her arms and nods*
Deuce: *Quickly runs off, Torchic under his rain coat*
Livia: *Runs after him, carrying Totodile*
Livia: *Sighs, drying her hair off*
Totodile: *Runs over to her smiling* Dile!
Livia: *Picks up Totodile, hugging him close* Ready for bed?
Totodile: *Nods then yawns* Toto....
Livia: *Lays in bed and yawns rubbing her eyes*
Livia: *Lays beside Totodile, Deuce walking in*
Deuce: *Looks over then chuckles as the two fell asleep*
Torchic: Chi?
Deuce: I think Totodike liked Livia but he didn't know how to show it..so I guess he acted defiant with her
Torchic: *Smiles and nods* CHI!
Deuce: *Chuckles* I'm glad they seem to be getting along now, let's head to bed ourselves alright!
Torchic: *Nods and hops into the bed*
Deuce: *Lifts the blanket, clinbing into bed chuckling* Looks like things are gonna be better from here on out
Livia and Totodile: *Smiles in their sleep, their breathing matching*
@queen-of-twisted @teddymochi @pekoetiikapu @writing-heiress @yukii0nna @zexal-club
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Ahoy !
My name's Marine, member of Team Aqua !
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I've been in the team for a long while with my big brother Skiff. Team Aqua is like a big family to us !
Relationships :
My big brother Skiff, who doesn't have a Rotomblr
My best friend @team-skull-grunt-lin , who's in Team Skull
I am Rayquaza's chosen
All Team Aqua members are friends :] !
All Team Aqua members are ennemies >:[ !
This blog is dedicated to all Team Aqua things ! My goal is to meet other Aqua Team members out here and be friends ! Feel free to DM me, let's unite on Rotomblr and expand the ocean together ! Pelipper and Musharna Mail are ON !! Magic Anon and Malice are OFF !!
Lore : //my blogs aren't exactly lore-heavy but here are some stuff you should know :
Marine and Lin met while Marine was on vacation in Alola. They kept contact through Rotomblr and are now besties.
After the events of ORAS, Team Aqua's objective is to make the sea a better place for pokémons by protecting it. I will still make jokes about catching Kyogre and expanding the ocean, but it's not actually serious. Team Aqua thinks that catching Kyogre might help with protecting the ocean tho.
My team :
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Morsure the Mightyena ! (means "bite")
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Désastre the Absol ! (means disaster)
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Brèse the Blaziken ! (means ember, with a typo). I know that blaziken is not really a "team aqua pokemon" but torchic was my first pokemon ever, so he is very dear to me.
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Ténébris the Sableye !
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Steel the Aggron !
//OOC : Hiyya, my main blog is @local-hyena-reblogs. Everyone can interact with this blog (including Team Magma don't worry, I'll be playfully rivalrous :] ). My pokémons are based on my own team in Alpha Sapphire (reworked a bit, I usually have Rayquaza and Kyogre). Alpha Sapphire was my first pokemon game ever, and it is my Favorite. I love this game (and Team Aqua) with all my heart. My favorite pokemons are Rayquaza and Blaziken. I do a little bit of cosplay, my one and only cosplay is Team Aqua grunt (male uniform, I'm more comfortable that way).
I finished Alpha Sapphire a LONG time ago and I do not want to re-start my game because I'm not done with completing the pokedex (I'm over 360 hours in. I just enjoy chilling in the game) and I somehow ended up remembering Archie saying something like he wanted to reform Team Aqua into a more peaceful organization aiming to protect the ocean called Team Neo Aqua, which is apparently does not what happens in the game ??? Anyway I clung on that idea for years. I am not working on a fangame called Aqua Sapphire in which you are a new team grunt and you experience the events of the game, and then experience the transition to team neo aqua and have new missions as a team neo aqua grunt.
Btw I'm french that's why my pokemon names are in french.
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yutopia-eleftheria · 6 months
Pokémon in my AU : Fire Starters
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Designing all the Fire Starters in my AU. They will have their own designs and different possible races that exists in my AU, based on their classic designs in the Pokémon games.
Note that the First Stages are pre-teens/teenagers.
004 : Salamèche (Charmander)
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Name Given : Sadahige
Race : Draconequus
Gender : Male
Height : 6'0'' (183 cm)
Weight : 165 lbs (75 kg)
Zodiac Sign Representation : Sagittarius
Blood Type : A+
Home : Bourg-Palette (Pallet Town), Kanto (Japan)
Nature : Hasty
Signature Move : Ember
"Anthem" : Burn it Down by Skillet
155 : Héricendre (Cyndaquil)
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Name Given : Heihachiro
Race : Earthling
Gender : Born Male ; Agender
Height : 4'9'' (145 cm)
Weight : 115 lbs (52 kg)
Zodiac Sign Representation : Aries
Blood Type : A-
Home : Bourg-Géon (New Bark Town), Johto (Japan)
Nature : Impish
Signature Move : Smokescreen
"Anthem" : Welcome to the Fire by WillyEcho
255 : Poussifeu (Torchic)
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Name Given : Poko
Race : Vastayan ; Magmavia Tribe
Gender : Born Female ; Deminonbinary
Height : 5'4'' (162 cm)
Weight : 170 lbs (77 kg)
Zodiac Sign Representation : Sagittarius
Blood Type : O+
Home : Bourg-en-Vol (Littleroot Town), Hoenn (Japan)
Nature : Rash
Signature Move : Aerial Ace
"Anthem" : Fighter by The Score
390 : Ouisticram (Chimchar)
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Name Given : Okyoito
Race : Vastayan ; Shimon Tribe
Gender : Born Male ; Non Binary
Height : 5'8'' (173 cm)
Weight : 132 lbs (60 kg)
Zodiac Sign Representation : Aries
Blood Type : A+
Home : Littorella (Sandgem Town), Sinnoh (Japan)
Nature : Hardy
Signature Move : Flame Wheel
"Anthem" : My Songs Know what you did in the Dark (Light 'Em Up) by Fall Out Boy
498 : Gruikui (Tepig)
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Name Given : Greyson
Race : Earthling
Gender : Male
Height : 5'10'' (178 cm)
Weight : 205 lbs (93 kg)
Zodiac Sign Representation : Aries
Blood Type : AB+
Home : Renouet (Nuvema Town), Unova (USA)
Nature : Bashful
Signature Move : Heat Crash
"Anthem" : Warriors by Freedom Call
653 : Feunnec (Fennekin)
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Name Given : Félicité
Race : Vastayan ; Vesani Tribe
Gender : Female
Height : 5'5'' (165 cm)
Weight : 88 lbs (40 kg)
Zodiac Sign Representation : Leo
Blood Type : A-
Home : Illumis (Lumiose City), Kalos (France)
Nature : Modest
Signature Move : Psybeam
"Anthem" : Just Like Fire by P!NK
725 : Flamiaou (Litten)
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Name Given : Fareani
Race : Vastayan ; Vesani Tribe
Gender : Born Female ; Transgender (Now Male)
Height : 5'7'' (170 cm)
Weight : 99 lbs (45 kg)
Zodiac Sign Representation : Leo
Blood Type : A+
Home : Lili'i (Iki Town), Alola (Hawaii)
Nature : Lonely
Signature Move : Lick
"Anthem" : Rumble by Zayde Wolfe
813 : Flambino (Scorbunny)
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Name Given : Flanagan
Race : Vastayan ; Viscacha Tribe
Gender : Born Male ; Quoigender
Height : 5'6'' (168 cm)
Weight : 143 lbs (65 kg)
Zodiac Sign Representation : Sagittarius
Blood Type : AB-
Home : Brasswick (Wedgehurst), Galar (England)
Nature : Adamant
Signature Move : Double Kick
"Anthem" : Fireball by Pitbull ft. John Ryan
909 : Chochodile (Fuecoco)
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Name Given : Chucho
Race : Vastayan ; Makara Tribe
Gender : Male
Height : 4'11'' (150 cm)
Weight : 187 lbs (85 kg)
Zodiac Sign Representation : Leo
Blood Type : O+
Home : Cuchalaga (Cabo Poco), Paldea (Spain)
Nature : Relaxed
Signature Move : Bite
"Anthem" : Fire by BTS
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so-sures-blog · 10 months
First Meetings
Summary: May and Drew meet for the first time, and it goes about just as well as you expect it to.
……… | flirting, fighting, and explosions. Not necessarily in that order. |
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Drew against the bridge that was facing the shoreline and watched. The girl in a red bandanna was flinging frisbees at her Beautifly — and failing.
“Amateur,” Drew said in his head. The Beautifly had just failed to complete the move Silverwind. “You’re too nervous, Beautifly is sensing it.” He thought.
“You’re not on the same wavelength. You’re rushing your commands.” Drew recited in his head. He watched the three guys cheer up the girl that had just sunk to the ground in defeat.
A rugged boy around Drews age with messy raven hair and a red hat was encouraging the girl enthusiastically, a Pikachu by side.
“Whatever,” Drew let out a breath and closed his eyes, flipping his green hair from his face. That girl could try her hardest to perfect Silverwind, and those guys can keep on being her personal cheerleaders, but by the end of the contest he was going to end up on top.
“WATCH OUT!” a feminine voice suddenly shouted at him.
A lazy smirk glided along Drew’s mouth like an unwinding ribbon, and he didn’t move a muscle. Drew held out a hand and let the frisbee fly right into it. The cold, hard plastic pressed against the palm of his hand as he heard the girl footsteps against the sand as she reached the front of the bridge.
“I’m sorry,” she panted when she came to a stop.
Drew leaned against the banister and spun the girl’s frisbee around his finger, scoffing, “Please don’t tell me you’re planning on entering the Pokémon contest with the cheesy act like that.”
Drew almost jolted when the words came out of his mouth. He was almost about to apologize before he stopped. He was Andrew Hayden, and Andrew Hayden never apologizes.
Eyes still closed, Drew tossed the toy at the girl's feet and jumped off the bridge, navigating his way to the girl and her personal cheerleaders with ease. Now closer, Drew could feel her offense rolling off her more than the waves behind her.
“You have no finesse. No moves.” Drew continued. The mean words wouldn’t stop rolling off his tongue.
“Hey, who are you to tell me that!” The girl raged on like a Toros.
“If you must know, I’m Drew.” The said person did a cocky flip of his hair, smirking. “Pokémon Coordinator.”
Drew let his eyelids rise and came face to face with the most stunning pair of blue eyes he had ever seen.
Green Guy opened his eyes, and May felt caught off guard when she faced the most stunning pair of eyes she had ever seen.
They weren’t emerald, exactly — they were a lighter, softer shade of green that May would no doubt ponder about later at night. But right now Green Guy — Drew — stared back at May with a strange expression on his face. His pupils are dilated, and May couldn’t help but feel self-conscious as his eyes drank in her every feature.
May felt, as accurately as possible, like a Goldeen out of water.
“Really?” Ash's voice cut through the tension, and both coordinators snapped out of it. “That’s just like you May!” Ash exclaimed happily.
Drew cringed like the very thought of being related to May was painful and Max and Brock practically fell to the ground.
“Please, no comparison,” Drew flipped his hair and held out his hand in front of him, as if he couldn’t bear the sight of them. May looked ready to order Torchic to use Ember on the arrogant excuse-of-a-coordinator.
Drew continued insulting May as Beautifly flew down and elegantly perched herself on her head, tilting her head with curiosity. “You and your Pokémon here,” the green brat addressed May, “you have no style.” He turned his head away from them pridefully.
And … that’s it.
With an animalistic growl, May dove for the boy, literally ready to tackle him in her rage. Luckily, (for Drew sake, everybody but the two thought) Brock lunged forward in the nick of time and grabbed the girl by her forearms, successfully preventing May from her attempts of murder.
Drew didn’t flinch as May struggled to get out of her friend's grip.
Drew pressed his hand against May’s trap to prevent his eardrums from being injured. He tossed her a careless smirk, amused and not at all intimidated by her temper.
May squirmed angrily in Brock’s death lock. This guy — this arrogant, cocky, grass-headed guy — had the audacity to touch her after insulting her and Beautifly? He must be joking.
“Whoa, just calm down little girl. I know you want a piece of this —” Drew gestured to his body with his other hand, “but I’m not interested in children.”
May got immense satisfaction when Drew actually took a step away from her as she went in for the kill again, dragging a shocked Brock along with her. Pikachu quickly shot off his partner's shoulder to grab onto the leg May was prepared to kick with. Beautifully quickly dropped back down on the brunette’s head to calm her down.
May took a deep breath, shutting her eyes for a second. She focused on the comforting weight of Beautifly weighing down on her neck before releasing her breath.
“Who are you calling little? We’re the same age," May retorted.
Drew simply ignored her comment and flipped his hair, purposefully ticking her off further.
Max jumped into the conversation, sensing his sister was about to blow again. “May, don’t listen to him," he said, sweating at the way May was eyeing Drew like a Mightyena would pounce on its prey.
“Yeah, why don’t you show us all your great Pokémon,” Ash butted in.
Drew rolled his eyes and answered snootily, “Why, what good would that do?”
Drew flipped his majestic (please note the sarcasm) green hair and locked eyes with May again. “I think,” he continued slowly, “that you all should be on your way.” Drew didn’t take his eyes off the blue-eyed girl as he jabbed his thumb behind him to the five-star hotel none of them had noticed before. “This is a private beach reserved for people like me staying at that hotel.” Drew tilted his head to the side, slightly challenging May — challenging them all — to argue.
May dragged her eyes from the fancy hotel to the boy standing a few feet ahead from her.
She hated him.
Rivalry burned in the pit of her stomach and she made sure she channeled all that heat into the glare she was giving him.
“Let’s go,” Ash broke the silence, grabbing May's wrist and tugging.
“Pika,” Pikachu, who was still at May’s feet, agreed and jumped on Ash's shoulder as the latter turned away and walked in the opposite direction.
“Yeah,” Brock said, unlocking May from his death grip and following Ash. Max followed the others, not before glancing nervously between the two coordinators who were in the middle of a face-off.
“Would you stop glaring at me like that? You look like a Gible,” Drew broke the silence as soon as the boys left.
“No,” May snapped back, anger evident in her tone. Beautify flew off her head and hovered above her.
Drew ran a hand through his hair and let it rest for a moment on her. Then he flipped his hair out and walked right up to her, not stopping until he was inches away from her. “I’ll see you at the contest, May,” he said teasingly, daring her to push him away.
May felt her hands ball up on instinct and her face burned with anger and embarrassment. The girl willed her feet to move, but to no avail.
That’s right,” May heard herself say. “You’ll see me win.”
Drew’s smirk grew wider and he leaned closer. Sapphire and emerald eyes burnt into each other. Both coordinators just stood there, staring at each other, standing in each other’s personal bubbles until May finally had the strength to pull away. Both watched each other like a hawk as May backed away from Drew scowling.
“Come on Beautifly, let’s go,” May finally said.
“Beautifly,” her Pokémon agreed.
Still, the trainers would not move, nor remove eye contact.
Finally, Drew turned on his heel and left, heading back to the hotel he had previously pointed out earlier. May and Beautifly stood and stared at Drew’s retreating form and May was left to ponder what had just transpired, blinking.
“What in Arceus’s name just happened?” May thought bewilderedly. Beautifly startled her out of it by landing on her head once more and May smiled at her Pokémon.
“I’m going to pound that arrogant piece of green hair into the battlefield when I win that ribbon,” May murmured to herself.
The young girl turned around and broke into a sprint, shouting, “Hey Ash! Let's have a Pokémon battle!”
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Starter Natural History Lesson: Three!
Ah, starters. The first showcase of what life as a trainer will be like, full of their own challenges and experiences. In this series, we go over the "original" starters of galar and how they came to galar
Now then...
Torchic, combusken, and blaziken were first documented in Galar!
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Remember in our second lesson, where we spoke about a group of exiled paldeans?
Before they ever set foot on our great land, blazikens traversed the colder areas of galar with ease! This includes towns we now know as circhester, wyndon, and freezington. As their feet are built with a large, flat surface in mind, it was and is easy for them to walk on top of the snow!
Torchic's were well-known as great pets and livestock, and for good reason. If eggs are not fertilised, blaziken eggs are practically boiled before collected, which makes a great breakfast dish! Torchic's love nothing more than to rest beside their trainer, preferably by a campfire they made!
While torchic likes the quiet solace of a dwindling ember, blazikens love nothing more than to dance and leap on a large bonfire! Known as the "fire of summer" festival, many blazikens travel for miles to enjoy a massive bonfire. This festival involves dancing around a fire, lighting herbs and spices, and finally ending in a large feast! But, due to the local species having bird brains, blazikens often allowed humans to join in the festivities in return for cooking the meal.
Nowadays, they still love festivals. Next time you're out at a concert or show, maybe bring along your torchic!
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Who was your starter mon? And can you give us a story on all 10 of the pokemon you have?! My gosh!
Aw, of course! I love any excuse to talk about my team~
Pyrrha, my camerupt, was my starter. I got her as a numel when I was ten years old. It's rare for camerupt to have more than one calf at a time, but Pyrrha's a twin. My own twin has her brother, Tephra.
Ever since I was a kid, I've been fascinated by fire types. My grandfather was on the Elite Four and I knew I wanted to follow in his footsteps, and fire's the type for me. I caught Andromeda and Ruby not long after I got Pyrrha; torkoal and slugma are both pretty common around Lavaridge, where I was born, so that's what I started with. They're especially easy to catch during the rainy season--magcargo aestivate and actually get cool enough to touch with your bare hands. They're still pretty hot, though!
I started my pokémon journey at 18, and caught Kosuke, Caine, and Ember over the next two years. Torchic and houndour are both pretty rare, so I had to spend quite a bit of time hunting for them. Turtonator are relatively common up in the volcanic areas of northwestern Hoenn, near where the Draconids live, but boy are they a difficult catch. Ember really gave me a run for my money. But I wanted something to counter old Drake on the Elite Four.
I took on the gym challenge and the Elite Four with Pyrrha, Andromeda, Ruby, Kosuke, Caine, and Ember, and got a position as a senior gym trainer at the Lavaridge Gym after hitting champion rank. I didn't really care about being champion myself--I wanted to do something for the town I grew up in instead, and becoming a gym leader is a good way to give back to your community.
So I apprenticed under the previous gym leader, Deirdre Hayashi, for a couple of years. During that time I caught the rest of my team. Ten fire types is a lot to keep up with, but fortunately working for the League gets me the funding and support I need to make sure they live well. Then Deirdre retired a few months ago and left the gym to me.
Obviously I don't battle with all ten pokémon at a time--I pick whichever ones will give my challengers, well, a challenge. Here in Hoenn, gym leaders will match the number of pokémon a challenger has in battle, so even if somebody comes at me with a full team of six, I have options!
Thanks for the ask, sweetheart! ❤️‍🔥
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who do your OCs choose as their starter Pokemon?
Siv: Charmander
Jay: Bulbasaur (he's the cutest one of all)
Hailey: Eevee
Cassandra: Pikachu
Gina: Totodile
Esme: Cyndaquil
Arya: Somehow got their hands on a Charizard (definitely stole it)
Cat: Eevee
Ember: Squirtle
Kyle: Piplup
Max: Rowlet
Jacob: Litten
Eric: Snivy
Liah: Squirtle
Marie: Treecko
Qiara: Torchic
Soraya: Pikachu
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daintydoilypon · 2 years
TMI Tuesday: What would your Pokemon team be if you were a Pokemon trainer?
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There's a part of me that wants an all pink team, but I love dark types too much //WHEEZE, so I think I'd be a Fairy/Dark trainer. Torchic is there because Sapphire is my favorite gen since I played it the most as a kid, so oddball Torchic for a Type Surprise in battle lol.
Fun Fact: Ember was based off a Mightyena to some degree when I made her back in High School ahhh
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pokeglitchden · 1 year
Hey everyone! In the wake of All That Mayhem we all just endured, it looks to me like its time for a LAB UPDATE!
Er... first of all a big thanks to @battlelegendsredandblue for taking the time to come out and help out the Glitch City Labs with their Weather Trio Torchic problem. There's a lot of water damage at the lab and a lot of cleanup to do, but it looks like things are turning around now that it isn't pouring rain.
That said HERE'S an update into everything else we have going on here.
First of all, the lab is welcoming a new slightly accidental addition to the team, Meet Rascal the 94!
[ID- A photo is uploaded of a large golden plumed, bird like pokemon. It seems slightly etherial, and its bright golden plumage sports a bizzare pattern, that even in this presumably SAFE picture is still very hard to look at or focus on. The pokemon seems slightly ethereal, like it might have the ability to turn incorporeal if it wanted to.]
94 is a relative of the Missingno family. Like the common Missingno it has the ability to effect items that are near it when its stressed or curious, but UNLIKE Missingno, instead of duplicating items it transmutes them instead! For example, this persim berry used to be a DexNav!c
Fascinating! And Expensive!
Another interesting facet of 94 is their coloration. You might not be able to tell from the photo, but the plumage of a 94 is constantly shifting, and tends to change based on its mood, whether or not its stressed, and sometimes depending on whatever opponent it is facing in battle. Some of these patterns can produce a potent visual toxin when viewed from behind, so it is recommended to train it while using goggles.
It isn't lethal, but it DOES feel like getting poked in the eyes, and I can confirm it is NOT very pleasant.
This pokemon also has a great deal of volatile energy, and needs to be consistently trained in order to make sure it doesn't cause a surge. I have successfully trained it out of this tendency once so far, but it will have to be done several times in order to ensure it doesn't try to pick up the habit again.
Rascal will be a tentative member of my team for now. I am working on acclimating it to the other lab members and its new surroundings. Luckily Pidgey (which are for some reason a pokemon it tends to consider a major threat) are not very common in this region, so acclimation is going smoothly so far.
MOVING ON I'm sure what you're all interested to hear about is the status of the Many Torchic Eggs that were delivered to the lab over the course of the last few days. Here is their status so far
[Photo of three unhatched Torchic Eggs. One is strangely reflective looking, a second one is purple and levitating and the third is patterned like a Zapdos. The Zapdos patterned one has a few cracks in it, and looks like it is getting closer to hatching. The other two do not look as far along.]
So far these three eggs have not hatched yet. The first two were recieved more recently and have yet to complete their egg cycles, while the third just seems to have taken a longer time to hatch.
In the mean time, as for the ones that HAVE hatched
[Image of Five Torchic sitting together on the lab table. One is a completely normal torchic. The second is a very strange looking one that seems to distort the camera a bit. It has a bizarre green, red and beige pattern to it, that makes it look almost like it has simply loaded in the wrong color pallet. Its collision with the table also doesn't seem to be quite right, as it seems to be slightly clipping into the table. The third is a bright blue torchic, that, while it doesn't appear to be aquatic, it does seem to be emitting a few embers of a bright blue flame. The fourth is a scaly, fish like Torchic that appears to have fins in the place of wings. And the fifth is bright pink and levitating with a long, lithe tail curled slightly beneath it.] We were incredibly relieved to find that the blue egg simply contained a blue torchic and not another Kyogre Torchic or something of the like. It does have a strangely blue tinged flame, but otherwise it seems mostly like a normal torchic.
The Glitched Torchic we've determined is very similar to an unhatched torchic being accessed via temporal manipulation. It can interact with the world, but it tends to pass through things or clip into things as if it isn't sure they are there yet. Raising this one is likely going to be a challenge and as such it will be staying at the lab.
The aquatic one is very similar to the one born at Glitch City's lab. Air breathing, but able to hold its breath for long periods of time and highly acclimated to living in the water. It retains its typing as a fire/water type here in Hoenn.
The final one though is the one that concerns me the most. As you can probably see, it seems to bare a very close resemblance to the Kanto mythical pokemon Mew. Upon hatching it actually disappeared for a time, but it's reappeared now and keeps... floating and staring at me. Like it's trying to read my mind.
It's a little unnerving...
Anyway this is becoming an incredibly long lab update! I'll update you all about the Espurr eggs once they are hatched. We've recieved quite a few both at the lab, and a few had to be retrieved from the Glitch City labs for safety reasons. For more safety reasons these will NOT be kept here at the lab. I've made a few contacts already with some potential adoptees once we've determined the hatched pokemon are healthy.
These pokemon will be hatched off site.
And I think that's it! Thanks for reading!
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hot-footed-heir · 9 months
Well, that was a bit more of a challenge than I thought it'd be. Halva easily enough got through the rocky creatures - Geodudes, she said. But then Roxanne summoned some kind of living statue with a giant nose. It knocked Halva out, leaving Ember and Fate to finish it off. Ember got roughed up a bit too much to fight, but Fate managed to finish the battle.
After a congratulatory speech, Roxanne presented me with a badge to honor my victory.
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She also gave me a disc, which she claimed can teach my Pokemon an important move: Cut. Not certain why or how, but I accepted my winnings and went on my way.
Now I'm back at the Pokemon center with my team, giving everyone celebratory treats and extra affection for a battle well fought.
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liviavanrouge · 4 months
Poke Twst: Brewing Trouble ot 2
Cheka: *Stares at them wide eyed, a beaten Victini in his arms*
Deuce: You alright-
???: I FOUND HIM!!
Jack: *Looks over finding masked people running over* Huh
Cheka: *Gasps, scrambling to his feet*
Livia; *Grabs Cheka placing him behind her* Stay behind me..
Cheka: Huh...
Grunt B: Or don't! We love a good fight!
Jack: You'll have to go through us first!
Grunt A: *Tosses a PokeBall forward*
Houndoom: *Lands and snarls at the kids as a Sneasel landed beside it*
Livia: Totodile! WATER GUN!!
Totodile: *Leaps past her and blasts a full speed water gun, knocking Sneasel into Houndoom*
Grunt B: Sneasel fury swipe!
Totodile: *Perks up as Sneasel leapt towards him*
Deuce and Jack: EMBER!!
Torchic: *Leaps onto Littens back*
Litten: *Leaps up and fires a combined ember with Torchic, sending Sneasel flying back again*
Epel: Popplio, use bubble beam!
Popplio: *Fires off a storm of bubbles, blocking the group from view*
Grunt: A: What-
???: EMBER!!
Houndoom: *Cries out in alarm, getting blasted backwards into his trainer*
Sneasel: *Crashes into its trainer, burn marks on his arms*
Grunt A: Ugh...
Grunt: Stupid kid-
Totodile and Popplio: *Fires off a water gun, sending the two grunts and their pokemon flying*
Livia: *Grabs Cheka as Deuce quickly packed lunch up*
Epel, Livia, Jack and Deuce: *Returns their pokemon to their balls*
Livia: *Runs off, carrying Cheka*
Jack and Deuce: *Runs off, Epel following behind them*
Epel: Let's run to the Pokemon Center
Jack: Got it!
Lilia: *Watches them go, sitting on Noivern's back* She did well, what do you think bud?
Noivern: *Nods, smiling proudly* Va!
@queen-of-twisted @zexal-club @yukii0nna
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torchickentacos · 1 year
AG Watchthrough Episode 2: Ruin With a View, AG002.
Business first. The poll on the last watchthrough has fourteen hours left as of me typing this but it seems unanimous enough (92.9% pro-explosion) that I am adding an explosion counter. To retroactively do so, I must inform you all that AG001: Get the Show on the Road! had a total of 3 explosions (counting hypothetical explosions that were shown on screen and animated in but did not actually happen). Updated explosion counter is at three going forwards, which is half as many as I thought the episode had. No worries, it'll go up very soon. For the amount Birch spoke about Pikachu exploding, I recalled more frames about explosions. I might have missed a couple of frames too, I skipped around to look.
Onto AG002: Ruin with a View! Long post. We talk about Ash as a mentor, the really shitty bunk beds I had in a dorm room at jesus camp, inconsistencies/questions I have about petalburg gym, Team Magma, and other things.
The episode opens in a way we will soon grow very accustomed to: With Ash jollily (?) marching forth and May complaining about it. Sometimes it will be the other way around. One person is ahead of the group, the other complains about it. Side note, the narrator calls May an 'aspiring' pokemon trainer. Two things there. One, she is technically already a trainer. She has a pokemon. Two, she does not particularly aspire towards being a trainer, but it's far too early for semantics. Moving on.
We're headed to Oldale town! May and Ash are already arguing on the second day of knowing each other. Ash thinks May is walking too slow. May points out that she'd HAD A BIKE... and Ash slows down, unable to argue with that. (Well, he's able to argue about anything in AG, but chooses to not pick a fight with the random girl he's supposed to be friends with now. Smart choice).
Anyways, May asks about Pikachu being out in the ball and Ash explains. This sets up something that WORKED about AG (when they remembered it): the group dynamic. Borderline nonexistent but VERY FUN WHEN IT WAS EXISTENT. Ash and May specifically have a mentor/mentee relationship for a while that I've always liked. It was a nice change of pace that set Ash as a more mature version of himself. He's abrasive and cocky but he does have genuine skill and experience to back it up now, and May is unsure of herself and... well, incompetent as a trainer as of right now. Ash has a real opportunity to shine here.
Does pokeani TAKE that opportunity...? Not really BUT it's there and we do see glimpses of it, like with Ash patiently explaining that May can use her pokedex to learn more about her new Torchic.
Anyways, they keep walking, May tries and fails to catch an Azurill. She sees it and throws the pokeball immediately. Rather hilariously to me at least, Ash just watches her make the same mistake he did, standing behind her like this.
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The Azurill gets away, May forgets all of Torchic's attacks, Ash makes this weird face, and Torchic hits its head on a tree just like May did a single episode before.
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Torchic then uses ember!...Which hits Azurill's family, a Marill and an Azumarill. Hey, didn't someone else start their journey by trying and failing to catch a pokemon rather pathetically and then angering other pokemon? Contest/Pallet solidarity isn't relevant yet (do take note I never claimed to be an unbiased narrator here), but Ash and May solidarity IS relevant and beloved. May and Ash are really similar, with May being outwardly a bit softer and, well, nicer usually (though Early AG Girlboss May™ is, if we recall from Ag001, a bit snide which does dwindle off). But we're going to start seeing a lot of similarities, which I don't think are a bad thing at all! I quite like it actually, especially in early episodes since it so nicely mirrors the last brand-new trainer we saw, which was Ash himself at the start of OS. This is Ash's first time not being the underdog, the new guy.
He (usually) takes this role rather well, and is happy to explain to May that Torchic, now-knocked-out-via-Azumarill's-watergun, can be healed at a pokemon center.
Also, explosion count goes up as Pikachu thunderbolts the water types. We're at four now, counting last episode.
Anyways, we find a bunch of rocks that I guess are just chilling in the middle of route 101? Normal Hoenn things, honestly. It'll get weirder, this is perfectly normal and fine. Just wait for the Claydol episode. Or the Gulpin episode. Or WWWWW and the Wynaut wall/rope/slide. Sigh. They're like tiny aqua legos or something. Or Monkeys in a barrel, I guess, which the slide was a reference to. ANYWAYS moving on, that is a discussion for AG113. So. Rocks.
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We meet Professor Aldan and his WEIRD LITTLE PONYTAIL and he explains that these are "the Ruins of Oldale". (Not Oldale Ruins, I guess?)
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He is researching the ruins and points out the pokemon center for Ash and May. I like this random ass little palm tree.
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Look. There he is again below. It took all day for them to cross that single hill, by the way. It is nighttime now. It was a single hill they were on, overlooking Oldale.
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Nurse Joy heals Torchic up, and Ash calls Professor Oak! May interrupts this call and gets all up in his personal space, which she tends to do to people on occasion, to which Ash makes this face, which looks like an Aang expression to me. I swear Aang has made this exact face before.
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We learn that May has a brother (who "never misses one of your [Oak's] radio lectures!"). Amusingly, Oak seems slightly offput by May's enthusiasm, to which I ask, has Oak not met Ash??? Anyways, we switch over to Team Rocket, who is... here???? Wherever 'here' is???
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They're talking to Giovanni, they ask for money, they get no money. BUT Giovanni tells them that if they set a TR branch office in Hoenn, then they can talk money. This, of course, is nothing but a carrot dangle because Giovanni wants them to stop fucking calling him for money. Also, he wants to learn about some MYSTERIOUS NEW TEAMS called Team Aqua and Team Magma.
Don't get your hopes up for that. Yes, TA and TM were in pokeani. Yes, there's a reason nobody remembers this outside of maybe, like, Diane and Butler. ANYWAYS. Oldale's trainer rooms are nicer than when I stayed at (redacted) university for Jesus Camp. You know what? Side tangent. This warrants a side tangent.
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This college's dorm rooms had bunk beds that were two regular beds stacked and held together by a single thin wooden peg. Look at this. I had top bunk. I could have died. Also when I was there the elevator broke while people were in it and two girls passed out from the heat. This was in July. We weren't allowed to wear revealing (read: cool and summer safe) clothes. It was a weird two weeks in my life. We had a Jesus Rave. Twice. They played old town road. I have video proof of this.
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Stripey shirt on the left is talking to their friends about Petalburg Gym (May is notably not thrilled about this). Ash is like YO GYM BATTLES! I DO THOSE.
WAIT I JUST FUCKING NOTICED @soulsilversprings tagging you here because of a convo we had. They say NEW GYM LEADER which I guess is what bulbapedia used to assume Pokeani Norman was also from Johto? I still like native-to-Hoenn May but ...there's that, I guess.
But actually, that doesn't make sense, because later we find out that May was 'never allowed to watch any of her father's gym matches' and it's made out to sound like Norman was always busy with the gym as May was growing up in a few offhand lines I'll get to??? So either he was already a gym leader and transferred, OR this line is bullshit and Norman's BEEN the gym leader and stripey shirt and co. are full of tauros shit /lh. Will update with any new information.
We are almost halfway done with the episode.
Interestingly to me at least, May IMMEDIATELY yanks Ash away and we don't learn who the new gym leader is, at her own insistence. Young Taylor certainly didn't imprint on May's direct-and-then-forgotten-by-the-writers avoidance of her father. /sarcastic joke, you can laugh at this LMAO. Moving on again but this does come up again and I'll discuss whatever feels relevant then.
We see Prof. Aldan again! Then we switch to Wobbuffet digging a hole! Then we switch back to Ash staring at a picture of the rocks on the wall! Enthralling, truly. Anyways, Aldan just... lets the random kids into his research base in the pokemon center. He talks about a stone chamber that is "a sort of bridge or portal between our world and the ancient pokemon world", that is so unstable that any attempted entries cause it to begin crumbling. Sounds safe.
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May is oddly fascinated by the idea of ancient pokemon. Being a gym leader's daughter (spoilers.) did nothing for her, but hearing about an ancient pokemon in a hole in the ground? Now THAT'S interesting, I guess. And she's in luck, because Aldan shows them that he has the right way to enter the stone chamber!!! He met these children today and is inviting them to his unstable hole in the ground. Hoenn's gonna Hoenn, once again. At least there's no king of pokelantis to possess you in this specific hole in the ground. Don't worry about it <3.
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Turns out there's 4 keys needed to enter, though, which he doesn't have. We then see team Magma grunts lining up outside the window, and they turn out the lights to the center, and break down the door and they kidnap Prof. Aldan in front of the kids. Nurse Joy interrupts and is also captured.
Side note that tells me I know way too much about AG but we all knew that: May's hair is animated uniquely here. It flips at the end a lot more, almost curling upwards. Maybe it's just really humid in southern Hoenn.
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Anyways they LITERALLY FUCKING THROW MAY and I assume Ash and Nurse Joy too (but we only see May landing???) into a spare room and lock the door. Joy says with the power out, all the pokemon being treated there are in danger WHICH SEEMS LIKE AN OVERSIGHT TO ME but oh no, torchic is being treated there! But there IS reserve power that they can turn on once they escape the room.
Does anyone remember those room escape flash games??? I really liked those as a kid.
Pikachu points out an air vent, Ash says "That's grea-" but the sound engineers done fucked up and Ash is hilariously cut off by the WHO'S THAT POKEMON??? section. Which, note, still has Brock and Misty's voices in it.
It's Crobat. 👍
Team Rocket time. Insert 'posting hole on main' joke. They're in a hole. Get it?
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TR picks a fight with Team Magma, who's heading out with Aldan. They get scared off back into their hole. We switch back to Ash and co.
Ash is crawling in the air vent! I guess he fully intended to leave May in the room, because he's suprised when she's crawling right behind him. Again, let's revel in May having a decision that she was able to make, or an order that she was able to defy. We'll run out of those soon enough. She asks, quote, "Why should I miss out on the adventure?". I really do love this characterization of her and wish it had stayed a biiiiiit more consistent, even if I do really like later AG May. But we eventually get someone who pushes her to be annoyed and fiery later, yay rivals, so that's good. Her character needs it to balance out the sweet/dumb/inexperienced aspects. They get a key for the door and switch the power back on and retrieve Nurse Joy.
They then rush off to help Prof. Aldan, who is being bothered by TM (Team Magma) to open the stone chamber. He says they need the keys. TM has the keys, conveniently. For some reason.
They put the keys in the holes, it opens, they go in. This is... a normal ancient chamber. Animation budget running a little low already, huh? /lh.
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I think I hear Lisa Ortiz voice one of the magma grunts. I'm getting a migraine, let's speed this up a bit. Not much even happens past here anyways. TM leaves, TR shows up and blast off, explosion counter goes to 5, the sun comes up, they enter the chamber hole and find some Relicanth, and they get Torchic back from the center, and we head to Petalburg City.
What an oddly disjointed but enjoyable episode.
End of episode metrics:
Explosion count: 5.
Height ranking: Ash is arguably like four pixels taller. Ash>>May. Switched from episode 1 already.
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kitsquared · 2 years
BSD Pokemon AU: Main Route
Chuuya's team
Torchic -> Blaziken
Ralts -> Gardevoir
Below the cut is the long explanation for Chuuya's team and other details
Ralts is Chuuya's first pokemon. Chuuya actually went a few years without a pokemon because his ability was enough even against pokemon and rival groups ( he also had the support of the Sheep's pokemon). Ralts is the first pokemon he made a connection with since waking up in Suribachi. Ralts is not usually seen around Suribachi but it seemed to have wandered into the vicinity and had an interest with Chuuya. Ralts are known to gravitate (ha) towards cheerful people and idt Chuuya was that approachable at first but he has his happy and thoughtful moments. He's straightforward and kind. And seemed interested in this shy wandering lil pokemon, too. They got along quite fine.
Chuuya and the psychic/fairy type Ralts together make a formidable team altho id think Chuuya does most of the rough work and Ralts levitates and teleports allies away. The later evolutions are known to manipulate gravity which is a plus in having paired with Chuuya while also being attuned to his emotions. I also think there is an elegance to Chuuya having a Gardevoir and the whole evolution line can work for whatever rich girl act couldve happened. I think Kouyou would love Chuuya having a Kirlia/Gardevoir, too.
Ralts/Kirlia did not feel comfortable with Dazai at first especially during his and Chuuya's more rough interactions but it sees the bond they have and how trusting they are with each other that Ralts/Kirlia trusts Dazai, as well. When corruption is activated, it is agreed that Dazai will take care of Chuuya's pokemon. Kirlia is usually instructed of Corruption's use or aware of Chuuya's emotional state to make the decision to teleport itself and Combusken to Dazai for safety.
For one Stormbringer scenario, I would put Verlaine's Dusclops against Chuuya's Kirlia for being pokemon that can manipulate black holes.
Torchic is Chuuya's second pokemon. He inherited it from Rimbaud as a Torchic along with his hat. Rimbaud found the little one after he lost his memories. Hugging a torchic grants you warmth so I thought it nice to give Rimbaud a Torchic. I would think the vast energy created by the two transcendental's fight plus Arahabaki attracted random pokemon to gather and thus Torchic and Rimbaud met.
For Chuuya, when I was picking pokemon associations, I was picking a lot ot fire types (my bias). But having a fire and fighting type pokemon that I could give a connection to Rimbaud sealed the deal. I think it great for Chuuya to have a sparring partner that excels in devastating kicks, too. Fire cuz i liken Chuuya for being a bright presence with a fiery personality( a star that turns into a dying star with corruption) and Arahabaki being a fire god. Blaziken can jump 30 story buildings in one leap so I also liked the image of Chuuya and Blaziken soaring through buildings side by side.
I think Torchic would have evolved into Combusken by Stormbringer especially since it had experience as Rimbaud's pokemon as well. I don't want Verlaine to beat a baby torchic.. but i have Ralts evolve during Stormbringer so...
(Also from the start i wanted Kirlia to go up against Dusclops but i just found out Dusclops tend to swallow embers or will-o-wisps into their void of a stomach and I really want to sell why Chuuya lost to Verlaine on their first meeting even with both a ralts and combusken).
Other details (includes a lot of Dazai)
The little tidbit about hugging torchic and getting warmth applies to Dazai who liked holding it before its evolution even when they were around Rimbaud.
Torchic /Combusken is closest to Dazai between Chuuya's two pokemon especially with their sparring and is usually who Chuuya lends/trades to Dazai when he needs a strong pokemon.
Chuuya either has one or the other at his side or both in their pokeballs. It's for intimidation purposes when both are out and at his sides. Both pokemon have quite a refined and strong look about them so Chuuya has quite the image as an executive.
Ralts/Kirlia preferred to be in their pokeball in HQ so Chuuya often walked around with Combusken at his side.
Kirlia and Combusken evolve before the main story but after Dazai's defection.
I imagine him to be a gentleman with his Gardevoir.
The Ralts evolutionary line all have psychic and fairy typings and fairy-types are strong against dragon-types (Dead Apple hmmhmmm )
If Chuuya didn't already have two pokemon at their final evolutions while being a busy executive, I would bet he would have gotten a dog pokemon. Maybe laterrr...
^ I've thought of how he was satisfied with seeing Dazai's Zorua around but then Dazai defected. Chuuya had to restrain himself around Zorua after SKK's reunion 4 years later.
This follows canon BSD, so abilities are still not widely known. Yet quite a number believe god Arceus or some other Mythical bestowed upon humans these abilities.
Corruption exists. They still call the entity Arahabaki.
I'm stubborn about having it connect to a legendary/mythical cuz thats for the legendary route ..
I have a thing where i hand my favorite character a Ralts because it is the emotion pokemon and i need my faves' feelings to be validated and have a dear ralts cheer them up.
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off-screen post
[sidon has one of the torchic use ember to defrost the window so he can climb out of it, then hops on Gal the lunala's back to pick up his friend]
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astralcat · 2 years
About One Young Hero
So... you might have noticed I've deleted everything on my blog that's OYH-related. (But it can be found on FF.net and DeviantArt, which is fine as I don't use them to upload stories and art anymore.) That's because with where I am now, the quality of the fic is something I can no longer stand behind. Plus, a lot of story stuff I had planned for the fic was ripped wholesale from One Piece, which is a big no-no.
But don't fret. OYH will live on as PMD: Echoes of Adventure. There will be a LOT of changes to the story and I decided to excise Axel the Axew (for being too flat of a character in my opinion) and Bruce the Machop (just didn't like him that much) from the Leafdew Town Six.
The new premise is that Team Embers (Growlie the Growlithe, Tessa the Vulpix and Lili the Torchic) are going on an adventure expedition when they find Taiki the Riolu, who wants to join them. But a Breloom named Porto has other ideas...
EDIT: I should mention that Echoes of Adventure will be posted on AO3, just to clear up any confusion.
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