Champion of the Underworld
922 posts
Well now, isn't this something. Greetings. Zagreus, son of Hades.Heir of the Underworld. He/Him.Not sure quite what I'm doing yet.-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-((Pokemon IRL Faller blog of Zagreus))((CW: Mentioned violence, blood, death))((Follows from @repair-bear))
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
hot-footed-heir · 5 months ago
Keep going. Live on in spite of those who want us dead. Build community. Hold tight to those close to you. Survive. It's your solemn duty to survive above all else now.
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hot-footed-heir · 1 year ago
Well, let's catch up shall we?
First off, my team and I acquired our fifth gym badge of the Hoenn League, the Balance Badge.
[ID: Photo of Zagreus posing with a Shiftry, while holding the Balance Badge. The Shiftry looks incredibly proud of himself. /ID]
We found a Leaf Stone, and Halva opted to evolve right away. He was the main star of the Petalburg Gym, but Fate did end up getting some action in as well.
Finally, we've made preparations to set out for Fortree City. Bags packed, and we'd be heading out if it weren't for a certain lightning-infused feline who refuses to leave my legs right now.
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hot-footed-heir · 1 year ago
Had I not, as you put it, "put her destiny over her life," she would not have a life remaining in that instance, regardless. This is necessary. Without guidance, all I could do was to make sure she did not become lazy and insolent.
How dare you insinuate I was the one who caused my kingdom to fall? I was not the one who needed to and failed to acquire the one thing that was needed to stop the Calamity. All I could do in that time was to uphold my kingdom as best as possible.
~Rhoam Bosphoramus Hyrule
And here you are with the same exact words Father used for me. Lazy and insolent. If I had an Obol for every time I heard those words thrown at me for any perceived lack of discipline, I'd have enough to pay Charon to ferry all of Greece.
From what I'm hearing, you pushed a poor girl who was hardly even of age to the point of breaking under the stress. You never even tried to support her as you did so. You just foisted the responsibility onto someone who could hardly even understand the gravity of it at the time and left to tend to your precious throne.
And what did you even do to uphold the kingdom? And I'm not asking what you told others to do. I'm not asking what you delegated to whatever servants to the crown you held so dear. What did you, yourself, ever do to support those under your rule? Did you take up arms alongside your army? Did you pick up a hammer to assist your masons in building your fortifications? Did you ever, even once, do so much as lift a finger to let your subjects know that you truly ever cared for them, and not just your title as King?
I rarely ever use the word, but you've earned it.
You, Rhoam, are pathetic.
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hot-footed-heir · 1 year ago
When everyone else smells of manure, make sure it's not under your own sandals.
I finally find a connection again and what am I greeted with? A fellow heir to an undesirable throne being reprimanded by the one sitting upon it.
You, Rhoam. You remind me of all the worst parts Father showed me. The incessant push for training, for improvement with no hint of support. The lack of compassion. If all I'm reading here is true, you aren't just a worthless king. You're the one who caused your kingdom to fall to ruin. You put your title over your daughter, put her "destiny" over her own life, and you have nothing to show for it.
And now you blame her for everything.
How telling.
⚔ Zagreus //@hot-footed-heir
Seriously, I thought he would have realized some things by now given the immense amount of opinions that attack his own by a vast amount.
as with Maria-- all of this is true.
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hot-footed-heir · 1 year ago
The welcome is appreciated, Maria. I hope I didn't miss anything too important.
For the love of-- Finally, a connection.
<Zzt, I still have no idea what cut it, zzt.>
🦴 Maybe ya got a few too many knocks to the noggin, pally.
Whatever the case, I'm here again. I'll elaborate on what happened in my absence later. For now, I'm stuck under a purring lioness and can't exactly leave the room.
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hot-footed-heir · 1 year ago
For the love of-- Finally, a connection.
<Zzt, I still have no idea what cut it, zzt.>
🦴 Maybe ya got a few too many knocks to the noggin, pally.
Whatever the case, I'm here again. I'll elaborate on what happened in my absence later. For now, I'm stuck under a purring lioness and can't exactly leave the room.
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hot-footed-heir · 1 year ago
OOC: hey, using this blog because it's got a shit ton of followers and I can use it for good purposes
Some of my friends over the year and a half I've been on here have been harassed or pressured into dropping stories or feeling like they can't play the character like they want to. I've seen this happen a lot with blogs that are a little darker in nature or have storylines that involve a darker tone.
That's not okay.
No one has the right to tell anyone else what they can or can't do just because their blog is different from theirs. This is a fucking community, and that means that there's going to be stuff that only a fraction of the people will like.
This does not excuse blogs that have tried to do plots that involve actually disgusting topics or storylines. There are some things that shouldn't be put out there for anyone to stumble across, let alone in a public space like this.
The point is that if you deliberately drive away a member of the community just to make yourself happier, that's the absolute wrong way to handle it.
Just block them for god's sake.
You don't want to see the story but you like the character? Block tags.
And if tags would get rid of too much, then I'm sorry but you should just not interact with them anymore. Live with the guilt/sadness about not interacting with them. Don't make them change to fit your narrative.
There's a difference between setting healthy boundaries and intentionally making a situation more difficult than it has to be.
I'm disappointed in anyone that has done this to others. This is a creative outlet for many of us, and you don't have the right to restrict how they can express themselves. It's supposed to be fun. Don't take it so seriously that it's affecting you in real life.
I'm done with this shit.
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hot-footed-heir · 1 year ago
//...Blegh, sorry, but creative energy is kinda dead thanks to... well. [Waves hands at everything] and I'm just plain exhausted. I think I need a hiatus of a few days or so.
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hot-footed-heir · 1 year ago
//...Blegh, sorry, but creative energy is kinda dead thanks to... well. [Waves hands at everything] and I'm just plain exhausted. I think I need a hiatus of a few days or so.
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hot-footed-heir · 1 year ago
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hot-footed-heir · 1 year ago
I can at least confirm that much. I have a full Pokemon team at my side, some of whom have taken it upon themselves to make sure I take care of myself as well.
...Hypnos? Please tell me I haven't succumbed to madness and that's actually you. I thought you were watching over the book of the dead? Keeping track of all the Shades coming and going, the sort? What happened?
⚔ Zagreus //@hot-footed-heir
ZAG???? I am. here, I think I fell like you did too. I don’t know how to explain it and all that? I think I’m in Paldea, one of the continents here?
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hot-footed-heir · 1 year ago
OOC: Ooh, hey, if you want this guy to pop into your inbox to do a little bit of promotion for the rehab center and/or give out fun water-type facts, give this a reblog! Feel free to say what's okay in the tags if you want to get specific :D
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hot-footed-heir · 1 year ago
Well if you're not my Hypnos, then you're close enough that it would hardly matter at this point.
...I'm sorry, I'm still trying to process the thought that you're in this world as well now.
Before we continue, tell me... How was everyone at the House handling my absence? Wait. No, don't answer that. Knowing would only make me want to go back even more.
...Hypnos? Please tell me I haven't succumbed to madness and that's actually you. I thought you were watching over the book of the dead? Keeping track of all the Shades coming and going, the sort? What happened?
⚔ Zagreus //@hot-footed-heir
ZAG???? I am. here, I think I fell like you did too. I don’t know how to explain it and all that? I think I’m in Paldea, one of the continents here?
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hot-footed-heir · 1 year ago
I managed to land over in Hoenn, so it sounds like we got thrown into different regions entirely.
But never mind that, are you... MY Hypnos, if that question makes sense? Was I gone for an unusual while before you Fell here?
...Hypnos? Please tell me I haven't succumbed to madness and that's actually you. I thought you were watching over the book of the dead? Keeping track of all the Shades coming and going, the sort? What happened?
⚔ Zagreus //@hot-footed-heir
ZAG???? I am. here, I think I fell like you did too. I don’t know how to explain it and all that? I think I’m in Paldea, one of the continents here?
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hot-footed-heir · 1 year ago
heyyyya zag, theres a hypnos in this world too! @incarnateeepy is their blog as well they dont seem to be in the same region as you tho??
There's what.
Stranger, you'd better not be just messing with me for an emotional response.
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hot-footed-heir · 1 year ago
[ID: Photo of two golden Obols held in Zagreus' hand. The gold is slightly tarnished, yet still beautiful. /ID]
My last two Obols, kept just in case I end up being sent down the River Styx again. Not that I imagine I'll need them, but still.
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hot-footed-heir · 1 year ago
[ID: Photo of a very standard-looking Pokeball, albeit with a black-painted lid. A crude white picture of a cartoon bone is also painted on the front. /ID]
I got around to marking Skelly's Pokeball a while ago. I'm still not sure why he managed to fit in one at all, but I won't complain.
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