#Eloisa Ravenscar
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brothersnackariahsbitch · 10 months ago
In case you missed the full story of the story of Silas Pangborn and Eloisa Ravenscar, here it is: In the Bane Chronicles, Magnus briefly meets Silas and Eloisa. Magnus notes that Silas introduces Eloisa as his parabatai but it reminds him of someone introducing their wife. In The Infernal Devices, Gabriel and Gideon recount a story that their father told them. Silas Pangborn was their uncle on their mother’s side of the family. Silas and Granville Fairchild (Charlotte’s father) were close friends, however Grandville snitched to the Clave that Silas and Eloisa were in love. Because of the events that followed this, Silas killed himself. Benedict Lightwood, manipulated this story though to claim that his wife died of grief from losing her brother to divert from the fact that he killed her from infecting her with demon pox (🎶demon pox oh demon pox🎶). This story comes back in during The Dark Artifices when Silas and Eloisa are mentioned because of Emma and Julian’s situation. They’re basically referred to as a cautionary tale about the consequences of parabatai falling in love.
I definitely missed putting those pieces together on my first read. It wasn’t until my chronological reread that it all clicked. It’s not really anything that consequential to the plots, but it is interesting that this story comes up throughout the series.
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thalia034 · 2 years ago
Can someone who follows Cassandra Clare and she is following them back, please ask her if she is ever going to expand the story of Silas Pabgborn and Eloisa Ravenscar? I want to know more about them and how they fell in love and what that cost them.
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nishikigai · 2 years ago
word vomit on parabatai
bc i have a lot of thoughts even though none of them are organized!! we know the parabatai bond is one that's really intense it's not just platonic not just familial not really romantic either it's essentially loving someone entirely as they are, more than you love yourself, it's one of the things cassie uses to demonstrate that the nephilim are half-angel and 'set apart' from regular humans in a way. the closest thing humans have to parabatai are 'soulmates' and even then it's not really that because a parabatai is someone you actively choose, someone you tie to yourself and vow to be buried beside bc you can't even bear to be separated in death. and i think its ambiguous nature is really interesting bc then u think about parabatai who've fallen in love, like silas pangborn and eloisa ravenscar, like julian and emma, like michael wayland with robert lightwood and alec with jace (both unrequited r.i.p). parabatai by the law can't fall in love right, but that doesn't stop it from being ambiguous and strange to humans, no law is higher than human love. it's already easy to confuse strong platonic love for romantic love, it must be even harder when the 'platonic' feelings are amplified through a bond as all-encompassing as parabatai. none of this really makes sense or seems to have a point but i guess i'm just wondering whether the intensity of parabatai itself makes way for romantic feelings to naturally occur
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rinadragomir · 2 years ago
Um so... it's totally okay and 100% platonic when...two PARABATAI who fell in love and wanted to fuck each other so bad they DIED, show up at your PARABATAI ceremony for some reason....I— it's only me who has questions or?...
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thomastair · 8 years ago
Parabatai Bond Theory
lmao this is going to be a mess so bear with me
So I was thinking about how the parabatai bond starts going into affect and I remembered the mention of Eloisa Ravenscar and Silas Pangborn in Clockwork Prince. What we know about them so far is that- Silas took his own life and Eloisa died after. From what we know about the parabatai bond it seems likely that she died because Silas died. Since the parabatai bond strengthens to the point where Julian started drowning when Emma did, we can assume your death kills your parabatai.
Fast forward to LoS when Mark and Cristina are talking about faerie bonds. 
“A binding spell like that can tie two people together and send one of them mad, make them drown themselves and pull the other in after them.”
wow a reference to drowning (could be a coincidence but maybe not). “A binding spell like that.” Maybe this is a nod to all powerful binding spells when love is involved, including the parabatai bond.
So assuming one of them goes mad I think it’s safe to say that the curse is already starting affect Julian. He was acting a lot more intense in LoS while Emma doesn’t seem to be effected yet.
So based on this information we know that:
 parabatai fall in love and mutually recognize it and are happy for a short while
curse starts going into effect on one of the parabatai
we don’t know what happens between here and the end but we’re assuming it’s bad because of all the “go mad and destroy everyone around them”
one parabatai (Julian) loses it completely and either kills everyone they love (and themselves in the process) or kills themselves
other parabatai (Emma) dies as well because of the parabatai bond EMMA AND JULIAN’S FUTURE ISN’T LOOKING GOOD GUYS
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lightwood-less · 7 years ago
the only pair of parabatai I gave a shit about was silas and Eloisa cause I wanna know how a dude and a girl came to be parabatai in the 1800s!! I remember how cecily says that she wants to see girls becoming parabatai but what about Eloisa??? lucie and cordy is another pair I care about but I just know that matthew and James are going to claim the spotlight they are so unnecessary just stop
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jamieisnotrich · 2 years ago
spoilers for Aught But Death//
cordelia carstairs, the ancestor of emma carstairs, and lucie herondale, the ancestor of julian blackthorn, meeting silas pangborn and eloisa ravenscar during their parabatai ceremony means so much to me
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ladyhindsight · 3 years ago
Ok but what's with the parabatai pairs and being in love with the same girl/each other? :/
Like the ONLY parabatai pair who isn't like this is Alec and Jace, and I guess that's because they have different sexualities. (Like, I'm sure if Jace was gay CC would have made BOTH him and Alec fall for Magnus or some shit like that lmao 🤣🤣🤣 and I wonder who would've gotten him since we definitely don't know who's CC's favorite 👀👀👀 )
But seriously, take a look:
Will and Jem: in love with Tessa
Matthew and James: in love with Cordelia
Luke and Valentine: in love with Jocelyn
Emma and Julian: in love with each other (cause they're the only opposite-sex pair so there's no wonder)
Like? What's wrong with this dudes? It's like they're sitting somewhere waiting for their parabatais to fall in love so they can go fall in love with the EXACT same person 👀👀
Oh good lord, thankfully that isn't the case with Jace and Alec. 😂
But yep! here's a list I stole from the wiki of all the known parabatai pairs:
Jonathan Shadowhunter & David the Silent, same sex.
Amicia of Poitiers & Gundred of Meissen, who the hell even are these people? (The second pair of parabatai who teamed up to combat a major dragonidae demon infestation in the Teutoburg Forest, says one news letter.), Amicia is French female name and Gundred, from what I could find, is an old Germanic name and there was a Countess of Surrey named Gundred, hence I deduce: same sex. ((Also there is apparently a statue of them in Idris? How about the world-building in City of Glass?? That would've been a nice to know if Clare didn't come up with this many years after.))
Silas Pangborn & Eloisa Ravenscar, different sex, in love with each other.
Jem Carstairs & Will Herondale, same sex, in love with the same girl (Tessa).
James Herondale & Matthew Fairchild, same sex, in love with the same girl (Cordelia)
Cordelia Carstairs & Lucie Herondale, same sex, besties.
Michael Wayland & Robert Lightwood, same sex, Michael was in love with Robert.
Valentine Morgenstern &d Lucian Graymark, same sex, in love with the same girl (Jocelyn).
Jace Herondale & Alec Lightwood, same sex, besties, misplaced feelings.
Julian Blackthorn & Emma Carstairs, different sex, in love with each other.
Julie Beuvale & Beatriz Mendoza, same sex, besties.
Clary Fairchild & Simon Lovelace, different sex, besties, Simon was in love with Clary and they tried dating.
There's a pretty fucking obvious trend here. All the major parabatai pairs are exactly as you said: if they aren't in love with each other, they are in love with the same person. And unsurprisingly, all the pairs in love with one another at one point of the another are heterosexual couples, though Michael and Robert are a bit of an outliers in this case.
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ninacarstairss · 4 years ago
I have a question, it’s probably an insignificant thing because they were mentioned once, but I got curious
In the story of the accords in tbc we see silas pangbornd and eloisa ravenscar and they are presented as parabatai. But in the extended family tree they seem to be married.
So I’m guessing the family tree is wrong since that’s against the law. But why would that be reported wrong?? Do we know anything about that?
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inspodands · 7 years ago
Precisamos falar de Parabatais.
Rogo não deixá-lo, ou voltar após segui-lo; Pois, para onde fores, irei, E onde estiver, estarei; Os teus serão os meus, e teu Deus, o meu Deus, Onde morreres, eu morrerei, e lá serei enterrado. O anjo o fez para mim, mas também. Nada senão a morte partirá a mim e a ti.
(Oi seus lindos e lindas do meu core. Como aqui estão surgindo muitas duvidas tanto nos whats das moderadoras quanto na central sobre parabatais no geral aqui abaixo do read more  vocês vão encontrar todas as informações que precisam para seus bebes que possuem ou querem parabatais, tudo o que é proibido para parabatais e tudo o que é permitido.) 
Parabatai é um par de guerreiros Nephilim que lutam juntos como parceiros ao longo da vida, unidos por juramento, independentemente do seu gênero. Seu vínculo não se reflete apenas na sua proximidade e vontade de dar a vida uns pelos outros, mas também no juramento — um juramento em frente ao Conselho.
Nem todos os Caçadores de Sombras são obrigados a ter um parabatai; na verdade não é muito comum eles possuírem um. Um Caçador de Sombras tem apenas 18 anos para encontrar e escolher um parabatai; Se o Caçador de Sombras tiver mais do que 18 anos o ritual não é mais aberto para ele.
Atualmente, os parabataiS devem ser ligados na infância; isto é, antes de um deles ter completado dezenove anos. Eles não são apenas guerreiros que lutam juntos; os juramentos que os recém tornados parabatai fazem em frente ao Conselho incluem os votos de dar a vida pelo outro, de viajar para onde o outro for, e de fato, serem enterrados no mesmo lugar.
Na cerimônia formal realizada para vincular o parabatai, existirão três anéis de fogo no chão: dois para os indivíduos, e um terceiro no meio que servirá como o anel comum, aparentemente, simbolizando a união ou junção do par como parabatai. As palavras do juramento parabatai são faladas, e runas parabatai são trocadas e colocadas uns sobre os outros.
Os dois primeiros homens Caçadores de Sombras, Jonathan e David, lutaram lado a lado como o primeiro parabatai. A tradição diz que o ritual que realizavam era bem diferente da atual: Eles tomaram o sangue um do outro, falaram as palavras do juramento, e inscreveram as runas de ligação um no outro.
Rogo não deixá-lo, ou voltar após segui-lo; Pois, para onde fores, irei, E onde estiver, estarei; Os teus serão os meus, e teu Deus, o meu Deus, Onde morreres, eu morrerei, e lá serei enterrado. O anjo o fez para mim, mas também. Nada senão a morte partirá a mim e a ti.
Um Caçador de Sombras pode escolher apenas um parabatai em sua vida e não pode realizar o ritual mais de uma vez. A maioria dos Caçadores de Sombras não tem um parabatai; assim, ter a sorte de encontrar alguém digno de se tornar parabatai é considerado uma bênção. Este ritual de vínculo reforça os sentimentos naturais de amor e amizade que já existem entre o par; no entanto, isso não impede que a rivalidade ou ódio cresça entre eles. [4]
As runas parabatai colocadas sobre eles lhes permitem recorrer a força um do outro na batalha. Eles também mantêm uma forte ligação entre si e são capazes de sentir a força vital um do outro; Caçadores de Sombras que perderam seus parabatai descrevem ser capazes de sentir a vida sair de seu parceiro, e quando algo sobrenatural acontece com o outro. Além disso, Marcas feitas por um parabatai sobre o outro são mais fortes do que aquelas desenhadas por outras pessoas, e há marcas que apenas parabatai podem usar, porque eles desenham nos parceiros com o dobro de força.
O único vínculo vedado ao parabatai é o vínculo romântico. Como confirmado pela Clave e escrito no Códex dos Caçadores de Sombras, esses pares ligados devem manter a dignidade do seu vínculo guerreiro e não devem permitir que isso se transforme no amor terreno conhecido como Eros. A maioria dos Caçadores de Sombras não sabem o motivo, mas é, em parte, porque a possibilidade de a paixão acabar arriscaria o vínculo que o parabatai é suposto e obrigado a manter para sempre, e também é considerado algo além da emoção humana.
No entanto, a razão pela qual foi escrito na lei, além das razões simbólicas e práticas, é geralmente desconhecida para a maioria dos Nefilins e é considerado um mistério há muito escondido, sobretudo um determinado evento que aconteceu uma vez no passado em que um par de parabatai se apaixonaram e tentaram ficar juntos, e algo terrível aconteceu. Devido a este evento no passado, assumiu-se que o incidente poderia ser repetido, a menos que fosse posta uma proibição, daí as regras e punições. (SIM HÁ PUNIÇÕES) Os Caçadores de Sombras trovadores no final da Idade Média, fizeram várias canções que retratam o amor proibido de pares parabatai e as tragédias inevitáveis, tanto de sofrimento e desastre mágico, que se abateu sobre eles quando eles se tornaram romanticamente ligados.
De acordo com Jem Carstairs, um vínculo de amor entre parabatai vai reforçar a sua energia no ponto da magia, mas porque Caçadores de Sombras não são destinados a usar magia, o poder também é corruptor e perigoso. Aparentemente, o poder acabaria por levá-los a loucura e cercá-los de mortes e destruição até eles mesmos morram.
nyhnight disse: Oi, Cassie! Livro maravilhoso como sempre! Eu estava me perguntando se a runa parabatai destruída magicamente ou não poderia quebrar o laço, permitindo que certos amantes proibidos pudessem ser livres para ficarem juntos?
Não. Mesmo Jace morrendo (ainda que brevemente) em Cidade de Vidro não quebrou seu laço com Alec. A runa parabatai é feita com um poderoso feitiço e uma cerimônia. Se você pudesse quebrar ela apenas mexendo na runa, não seria uma conexão tão poderosa, nem as consequências tão terríveis porque você só precisaria cortar a runa fora.
Eu me divirto vendo todo mundo tentar achar um jeito de tirar a conexão parabatai mesmo assim.
yesbookish disse: Oiii Cassie Eu terminei LM hoje. Muito obrigado por este primeiro livro surpreendente e seus personagens. A minha pergunta é: É certeza que parabatais ficam maus quando existem sentimentos românticos envolvidos? Mesmo se o casal é meio pé no chão? E Jem disse que amor não correspondido entre parabatais poderia aumentar seu poder… Por que Emma faria Julian a odiar quando ela mesma ainda tem sentimentos por ele? Quero dizer os sentimentos seriam não-correspondidos, mas ainda estariam lá… sabe?
Jem, na verdade, se refere a esta coisa muito específica:
“Não foi muito tempo depois que o ritual estava em uso por algumas gerações”, Jem disse, abaixando a voz, “Que foi descoberto que, se a ligação fosse muito próxima, se inclinasse para amor romântico – então iria começar a deformar e mudar o tipo de poder que foi gerado pelo feitiço. Amor de somente um dos lados, até mesmo uma paixonite, tudo que parece passar pela regra – mas amor real, correspondido? Isso tem um custo terrível.” – pagina 642
Jem não sabe porque, mas ele certamente sabe o que. Ele disse especificamente que amor unilateral não vai derrubar a maldição. Nem uma paixonite unilateral. Ele está falando sobre “amor real, correspondido” e é isso. (Provavelmente por isso que os sentimentos unilaterais de Alec para Jace nunca fez mal a nada).
Jem é muito claro que apenas amor dos dois lados vai transformar o vínculo parabatai em algo perigoso. Emma não podem controlar seus próprios sentimentos. Ela acha que (corretamente ou não) que ela pode controlar os de Julian, pelo menos, ao ponto de fazê-lo parar de amá-la.
Como o vínculo matrimonial, o vínculo parabatai é quebrado, normalmente, apenas pela morte de um dos membros da parceria. No entanto, a ligação também pode ser cortado em algumas circunstâncias raras: Se um deles se torna um ser do submundo, se deixa a sua vida como um Caçador de Sombras para estar com um mundano, e se é exilado. Quando um se torna um Irmão do Silêncio ou uma Irmã de Ferro, o vínculo se dissolve naturalmente como as marcas de transformação que novos oblatos recebem estão entre as mais poderosas que existem e oprimem e dissolvem as marcas de ligação parabatai, assim como eles dominam e dissolvem marcas de guerreiro mais comum.
Além disso, quando a ligação é cortada ou torcida de qualquer forma, o parceiro sente a quebra de conexão ou alguma outra sensação estranha facilmente associado a ele. 
“E sucedeu que, a alma de Jônatas se ligou com a alma de Davi e Jônatas o amou, como à sua própria alma...E Jônatas e Davi fizeram aliança; porque Jônatas o amava como à sua própria alma.”
–1 Samuel 18:3, O Códex dos Caçadores de Sombras
É um ideal de companheirismo guerreiro que remete a um longo tempo atrás. A ideia de laços parabatai veio de um velho conto, particularmente o conto bíblico de Davi e Jônatas, guerreiros que se amavam muito e cujas almas foram unidas pelo Céu depois de formarem uma aliança. Fora dessa história, Jonathan Shadowhunter e seu companheiro David, que eram homônimos coincidentes dos personagens bíblicos de mesmo nome, tiveram a ideia de parabatai e codificaram a cerimônia na Lei. 
Parabatai Conhecidos ( CONTEM SPOILERS)
Jonathan Caçador de Sombras e David O Silencioso (separados pela transformação de David em Irmão do Silêncio)
Silas Pangborn e Eloisa Ravenscar (separados pela morte de Silas)
Jem Carstairs e Will Herondale (separados pela transformação de Jem em Irmão do Silêncio e pela morte de Will)
James Herondale e Matthew Fairchild
Cordelia Carstairs e Lucie Herondale
Michael Wayland e Robert Lightwood (separados pela morte de Michael e o exílio de Robert)
Valentim Morgenstern e Lucian Graymark (separados pela transformação de Luke em um ser do submundo)
Jace Herondale e Alec Lightwood
Edward Longford e seu parabatai não nomeado (separados pela transformação do último em crepuscular)
Julian Blackthorn e Emma Carstairs
Clary Fairchild e Simon Lovelace
Julie Beauvale e Beatriz Mendoza
O termo parabatai vem de heniochoi kai parabatai, o que significa "condutores e companheiros" em grego antigo. O Companheiro não pode deixar o condutor do carro; o Companheiro luta na carruagem para proteger o outro, enquanto o condutor dirige; um é inútil sem o outro.
Um feitiço de geminação demoníaco que se liga às pessoas tem sido comparado e referido como uma forma mais escura do vínculo parabatai, onde um indivíduo é superior ao outro e é capaz de imprimir em cima do outro membro seus pensamentos e sentimentos. Quando um é ferido, o outro também é, e quando um morre, ambos morrem. Uma vez que este rouba de um membro do vínculo sua livre vontade, é considerado o equivalente demoníaco do vínculo. 
As palavras do juramento parabatai é uma variação do versículo de Rute 1:16,17 da Bíblia: "Não me instes para que te abandone, e deixe de seguir-te; porque aonde quer que tu fores irei eu, e onde quer que pousares, ali pousarei eu; o teu povo é o meu povo, o teu Deus é o meu Deus; Onde quer que morreres morrerei eu, e ali serei sepultada. Faça-me assim o Senhor, e outro tanto, se outra coisa que não seja a morte me separar de ti."
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clockworkopera · 8 years ago
I'm a bot confused... so Silas and his sister were parabatai but fell in love and he didn't want the curse to harm them so he killed himself? Pls correct me if I'm wrong
Silas’ sister was Barbara Pangborn. She married Benedict Lightwood and was Tatiana, Gideon and Gabriel’s mother. His parabatai was Eloisa Ravenscar whom he fell in love with.
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sixofsummoners · 7 years ago
TRUE i was thinking that silias pangborn and eloisa ravenscar were made an example because the supposed curse went into effect with them, but they didn’t even get that far. no one even in the clave really knows what happens when two parabatai fall in love, and i think the theory that emma and julian become “divine” in a sense makes a lot of sense, especially after seeing the poster of them with wings
a thing to consider: what if the curse isn’t even real? like what if the curse does give parabatai in love great power and/or turn the parabatai into angels and when the clave found out they didn’t believe that anyone should have that much power so they started a rumor that there’s a “curse” that will destroy you but before it destroys you it makes you stronger so when the parabatai start seeing signs of the power they just assume that it’s the start of the curse and therefore attempt to stop it by death or being stripped of their runes
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clockworkopera · 8 years ago
Disclaimer: My theories are built not just on the Dark Artifices, but from all the previous books as a whole, and will contain spoilers if you haven’t read them. I haven’t watched the Shadowhunter TV series, so these ideas are based solely on book canon.
(This was written before LoS was released, and while so some of theories are out of date they are still interesting!)
Silent Brothers are twisted and mutilated, and I think Angel magic done right isn’t going to make them look that way (See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil, and all that).
What makes them so different: Runes. The problem with parabatai who love each other: Runes.
              When rescuing Tavvy they spoke to each other with their minds (something only the Silent Brothers can do). Their Runes were powerful enough to rival the healing of Silent Brothers. I think Julian had to have used the White Runes (that’s what I’m coining them) to help Emma heal after the whipping, because she was whipped that morning and facing Malcolm that night—no Shadowhunter could have healed that kind of damage that fast. I think because of that incident, coupled with Julian surviving the poisoned crossbolt, Diego is going to become suspicious and nosy (poking into Julian’s locked room), —and may even report his suspicions to his superiors and turn them in.
              Jem says, (LM pg659), “Not everyone has a parabatai, but the fact that they exist is part of what makes Nephilim what they are. Without them, we would be infinitely weaker, in ways it is forbidden for me even to explain.”
Theory: What if the Silent Brothers and Iron Sisters were created as a means of separating Parabatai that become too powerful? Jem was told they go mad, but is that the truth? We take his words as canon, but what if his information isn’t accurate.
Could they just become something too powerful for the Clave to control and that is something the Clave cannot abide by?
So, the Clave separates them: the men become Silent Brothers and the women become Iron Sisters, and their excess magic becomes the fuel for the Clave’s power from everything from wards to witchlight to Seraph blades. But in separating them they become oath breakers before the Angel, sworn always to be together, but forever separated by the Clave and that separation, despair—lack of connection to their humanity turns them into something else. And that something is not good. We assume they are heroes because they saved Jem’s life—but what if they aren’t?
              In ‘After the Bridge’, on Cassandra Clare’s Tumblr, it’s the most we hear about Jem’s life as a Silent Brother. On Tessa: “He’d wondered during his time in Idris, after the heavenly fire had cured him, if it would still be like that with them: if his human feelings would return to him. He had been able to touch her and be near her as a Silent Brother without wanting her as he had when he was a mortal. He had still loved her, but it had been a love of the spirit, not the body. He had wondered—feared, even, that the physical feelings and responses would not come back the way they had. He told himself that even if Silent Brotherhood had killed the ability of his feelings to manifest themselves physically, he would not be disappointed. He had told himself to expect it.”
              And if that isn’t bad enough in COHF (pg233) Jem tells Jace: “We—they don’t die, you know; they fade after many years. Stop speaking, stop moving. Eventually they are entombed alive.” (What do you think Will would have thought of that?) He also says, (COHF pg232), “But, I was never an ordinary Silent Brother.”—we assume it was because of his yinfen poisoning, but could it be he never reached that level of power because he wasn’t in love with Will?  
              If this theory holds true, then how depleted of power would the Shadowhunters have been after Valentine’s attack on the Silent City when so many brothers were killed? And I would then be curious to know what the parabatai rate between orphans and mundane children who ascend (both without families to look for them, or care what happens to them), are compared to the general Shadowhunter population. That’s a good question for Ty’s statistical and analytical mind. And what of Simon who spends a great deal of time extolling the virtues of being Parabatai, (especially to mundane hopefuls), how would he feel presenting the option without telling the full disclosure of it?
              There are tests prospective Parabatai go through and Julian could have faked it with the help of his splash of Eidolon blood and his penchant for lying, but what if the Silent Brothers have been watching them in hopes of gaining new recruits. Carstairs have served them well before and there are a lot of Blackthorns.
              My theory is that if Emma and Julian are caught, they’ll be forced into servitude with these organizations. Traditionally, families were probably told Parabatai pairs heroically died in battle together, while in reality, they were imprisoned with runes behind the Citadel and the Silent City: given new names and identities, separated forever from the families who love them.
Did Silas Pangborn really kill himself? And there is no mention to the fate of Eloisa Ravenscar, his parabatai. The marks used to keep their mouths and eyes permanently closed are the Marks of Fettering (Codex, pg195). The very definition of fettering is to restrain with chains or manacles—that doesn’t seem like a voluntary act, while the Sisters (Codex, pg197), “They wear simple clothes, long white gowns bound tightly at the wrists and waists by demon-wire.” (bound by demon wire?) The book says it is to protect them from the fire of the forge, but maybe that is misleading—why wouldn’t one use Angel wire instead of demon wire in that case?
OR, (I think this would be the case of Julian and Emma) their families would step up to the Clave to keep them from being taken away, and the Clave would kill anyone who got in their way. The Clave cannot allow something as powerful as loved parabatai to exist because they simply cannot control them.
A twisted version of “They would destroy their families, the others they loved. Death would surround them until eventually they died themselves” (LM pg659), becomes true simply because their loved ones fought on their behalf to keep the Clave from taking them and the Clave killed them for interfering—not because they are inherently mad. It becomes a sort of sad self-fulfilling prophecy.
**Note: Silas Pangborn’ s sister, Barbara Lightwood (Gideon, Gabriel and Tatiana’s mother), supposedly killed herself over grief of her brother’s death. Then upon further investigation it was thought she killed herself because her husband gave her the demon pox. And I’m disappointed Charlotte Branwell never asked the question: “Well, my husband is banging demons, perhaps it’s a good idea if I just kill myself now and allow him to raise my three small children.” But, maybe she never killed herself, maybe she was too close to her brother’s secret, trying to help him and Eloisa and was killed for her trouble. The Clave would need an explanation for her death, and Charlotte, I know you had a lot on your mind during the Infernal Devices, but why didn’t you ask that question?
              But, maybe that is something she learned when she became Consul and that leads to…
              I wonder if this is what Henry was working on, a fix of some sort in his secret project with the Iron Sisters and why Clary would want to help. Luke’s mother left two young children to become an Iron Sister, out of the blue, leaving them virtually orphaned. Why? Was this something she had a choice in, or did this scenario happen to her? Sister Cleophas was the one to meet Jocelyn Fairchild and Isabelle Lightwood to talk of the similarities of Sebastian and Jace’s bond and you guessed it—the Parabatai bond.
              In Shadowhunter history how much is true and accurate vs. how much does the Clave wants Shadowhunters to believe is true and accurate? And who writes the Codex and the history books, teaches what is canon law—it’s the Silent Brothers.
              I read a lot of ideas about Cortana being able to cut through anything—meaning the Parabatai bond. I think this is a red herring. I think Cortana is going to have an entirely different purpose.
Theory: (Codex pg33) Reveals that Henry Branwell was in a long collaboration with the Iron Sisters back in 1914, “the results still remain secret”, and with Clary’s special gift with runes, I think the Iron Sisters want her to work with them for the equivalent of her year abroad—an internship of sorts. I have more on what they might be working on below. But, I don’t think she’ll feel like she can commit to a marriage until she has finished that work—even while she knows that it will evoke all of Jace’s self-doubts and insecurities. Plus, she’d have to tell him she was going away.
***I’m brand new to Tumblr, joined just so I could pass along theories, get feedback and don’t have any followers and I’m not quite sure how to get my ideas out there—so if these ideas intrigue you, please pass them along. Over the next few days I’ll post lots of my theories from the Fae to Church and everything in between. So, please let me know what you think.
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ohcoolnice · 4 years ago
From Lady Midnight: 
‘Or parabatai, like Silas Pangborn and Eloisa Ravenscar,’ Livvy went on,
They’re mentioned several times in tda so something definitley happened there but I’m not sure if it was ever fully explained? 
I have a question, it’s probably an insignificant thing because they were mentioned once, but I got curious
In the story of the accords in tbc we see silas pangbornd and eloisa ravenscar and they are presented as parabatai. But in the extended family tree they seem to be married.
So I’m guessing the family tree is wrong since that’s against the law. But why would that be reported wrong?? Do we know anything about that?
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