#Elisabeth von Österreich-Ungarn
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potatosonnet · 1 year ago
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Requests from plurk; JVJ be thinking abt which one of them abc gays is Marius
Joly/Musichetta and Elisabeth nostalgia
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cerasifera · 9 months ago
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okaeylah · 1 year ago
“Whatever happiness I have lost at your expense… has given me new experiences. These I can classify as neither good nor bad. I am not a martyr – I find nothing good to be derived from my suffering. But I have made peace in it, found meaning.” She paused before saying, “nothing will cheat me of it now. No-one– no-body. Not even you.”
Tags: Elisabeth von Österreich-Ungarn | Elisabeth of Bavaria & Der Tod | Death (Elisabeth), Elisabeth von Österreich-Ungarn | Elisabeth of Bavaria/Der Tod | Death (Elisabeth), Genderfluid Character
5 times Elisabeth meets a familiar face and the one time she doesn't.
Based off the idea that Der Todd's appearance is based on what Elisabeth idealises for herself.
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ambrosethepoet · 3 months ago
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‹Sisi› - Elisabeth von Österreich-Ungarn
Kurze Einführung in ihre Biografie
Am 10. September 1898 verlässt Kaiserin Elisabeth von Österreich zur Mittagszeit ein Genfer Hotel, um über den See nach Montreux zu fahren. Ihre Hofdame, die Gräfin Sztáray, gibt später zu Protokoll: “Beim Hotel ‘De la Paix’ kam ein Mann auf uns zu. Unmittelbar vor uns schien er plötzlich zu straucheln; er machte eine Bewegung mit der Hand. Ich glaubte, um sich beim Stolpern aufrecht zu halten. Die Kaiserin sank zu Boden. ‘Es ist mir nichts geschehen’, antwortete sie ruhig. Wir erreichten die Anlegestelle. Plötzlich sagte sie mit erstickender Stimme: ‘Jetzt, Ihren Arm, schnell, bitte!’” Kaiserin Elisabeth stirbt noch auf dem Fährboot. Ein kaum bemerkter Stich mit einer spitzen Tischlerfeile hat sie mitten ins Herz getroffen. Der italienische Anarchist Luigi Lucheni verhehlt seine Befriedigung nicht, ein so prominentes Mitglied der verhassten Aristokratie ermordet zu haben. Elf Jahre nach seiner Verurteilung zu lebenslänglichem Kerker erhängt sich Lucheni in seiner Zelle. Die 60-jährige, von Depressionen geplagte Kaiserin hat mehrmals Todesahnungen geäußert, aber Polizeischutz für ihre Reisen abgelehnt. Zu ihrem Schwager, dem Herzog von Alecon, sagte sie, kurz vor dem Attentat: “Wir werden eines gewaltsamen Todes sterben…”
Elisabeth ist die Tochter des bayerischen Herzogs Maximilian von Wittelsbach und seiner Frau Ludovika. 1853, mit 15 Jahren, wird Sisi, wie man sie allgemein nennt, überraschend zur Gattin des österreichischen Kaisers Franz Joseph auserkoren. Der junge Monarch hat sich Hals über Kopf in die kleine Schwester der ihm zugedachten Helene verliebt. Sisi, später oft als eine der schönsten Frauen ihrer Zeit tituliert, ist fröhlich, witzig und ungestüm. Ihre Jugend hat sie fast ausschließlich auf dem Landsitz in Possenhofen verbracht. Ihr Vater, der nichts von aristokratischer Erziehung hält, hat einmal zu ihr gesagt: “Wenn du und ich nicht Fürsten wären, wären wir zweifellos Reiter in einem Wanderzirkus!” Es ist daher nicht verwunderlich, dass sich die junge Kaiserin nur schwer mit dem Wiener Hofzeremoniell und der strengen Schwiegermutter Sophie zurechtfinden kann. Sisi bringt vier Kinder zur Welt: die Prinzessinnen Sophie und Gisela, Thronfolger Rudolf und Marie Valerie. Sobald diese dem Kindesalter entwachsen sind, nutzt sie jede Gelegenheit, um ihren repräsentativen Pflichten zu entgehen. Franz Joseph toleriert die Lebensweise seiner Frau, die ihre Zeit am liebsten mit Kuraufenthalten und ausgedehnten Reisen verbringt. Elisabeth, die auch gerne Gedichte schreibt, verfällt immer mehr in tiefe Melancholie, die sie ihrem Cousin, dem unglücklichen Ludwig II. von Bayern, seelenverwandt macht. Nach dem Selbstmord ihres Sohnes Rudolf zieht sich die beim Volk beliebte Kaiserin gänzlich vom Hofleben zurück. In den Zeitungen kursieren immer häufiger Meldungen über eine fortschreitende Geisteskrankheit Elisabeths. Sie zeigt aber auch Besonnenheit und Toleranz, nicht zuletzt dadurch, dass sie ihrem vernachlässigten Gatten Franz Joseph den Umgang mit der Burgschauspielerin Katharina Schratt empfiehlt. Sie selbst lässt sich auf der Insel Korfu einen eigenen Palast, das Achilleion, errichten. Viel Zeit verbringt die Kaiserin auch auf Schloss Gödöllö in Ungarn. Ihre Vorliebe für die Magyaren und ihr Nahverhältnis zum Revolutionär Andrássy haben jahrelang immer neuen Gerüchten Nahrung gegeben. Die große Leidenschaft von Elisabeth ist aber zeitlebens das Reisen. Sie führt die Kaiserin im Herbst 1898 nach Genf, wo sie der Tod ereilt.
Quelle: Siehe Link im Titel
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pumpkidgrove · 4 months ago
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"Luigi Lucheni † 19.Oktober 1910⁠"⁠ "Luigi Lucheni † October 19, 1910⁠"⁠
Mörder von Kaiserin Elisabeth von Österreich-Ungarn Murderer of Empress Elisabeth of Austria-Hungary
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gazetteoesterreich · 5 months ago
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higherentity · 4 years ago
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solitaryviolence · 3 years ago
Major Character Death
Rudolf von Österreich-Ungarn | Rudolf Crown Prince of Austria/Der Tod | Death (Elisabeth) and Rudolf von Österreich-Ungarn/Marie Alexandrine von Vetsera
Warning: Unfinished. I will probably get around to writing the last instalment sometime within the next decade.
TL;DR - Rudolf's downfall, told from my perspective. It's a weird mix of Elisabeth das Musical and RPF, topped off with a huge dollop of angst. Read the tags for TWs.
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coffeenewstom · 3 years ago
Korfiotisches Kaffee-Tagebuch II: Von Mäusen und Fliegern I
Korfiotisches Kaffee-Tagebuch II: Von Mäusen und Fliegern I
Durch die angenehme Mittagssonne fahre ich vom britischen Friedhof nach Perama. Heute steht nämlich noch einiges auf dem Programm. Zum Beispiel das am häufigsten fotografierte Motiv der Insel. Doch da muss ich erstmal hin. Auch auf der To-do-Liste: einige der Attraktionen, die ich beim letzten Besuch auf der Insel gar nicht oder nur von weitem gesehen habe. In Perama macht die Straße nach…
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ninallthatjazz · 6 years ago
that's fucking wild
I.. oh my goodness, guys, the empress of Austria, Elisabeth, was murdered 120 years ago today.
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dermontag · 3 years ago
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Dreharbeiten beginnen Serie "Sisi" bekommt zweite Staffel 06.04.2022, 12:11 Uhr Mit "Sisi" landet das Streamingportal RTL+ Ende des vergangenen Jahres einen riesigen Erfolg. Fans der Serie können sich freuen, denn jetzt beginnen die Dreharbeiten zur zweiten Staffel. Schon Ende des Jahres soll es ein Wiedersehen mit der berühmten Kaiserin und ihrem Franz geben. Zur Freude vieler "Sisi"-Fans sind soeben die Dreharbeiten für die zweite Staffel der RTL+-Serie über die legendäre Kaiserin Elisabeth von Österreich gestartet. Dominique Devenport und Jannik Schümann stehen aktuell wieder als Sisi und Kaiser Franz im Baltikum vor der Kamera, wie RTL mitteilt. Die Dreharbeiten für die sechs neuen Folgen der zweiten Staffel finden demnach von April bis August 2022 in Lettland, Litauen und Polen statt. Neben Devenport und Schümann sind wieder Désirée Nosbusch als Erzherzogin Sophie sowie Giovanni Funiati als Graf Gyula Andrássy zu sehen. Neu dabei sind unter anderem Murathan Muslu als ungarischer Rebellenführer Ödön Körtek, Amanda da Gloria als Gräfin Emanuelle Andrássy und Bernd Hölscher als Otto von Bismarck. Sisi gerät zwischen zwei Männer In der zweiten Staffel bekommen Sisi und Franz mit der Geburt ihres Sohnes endlich den ersehnten Thronfolger. Doch das Glück wird von den Machtkämpfen in Europa überschattet. Otto von Bismarck droht damit, Österreich in einen neuen Krieg zu treiben. Sisi versucht mit aller Kraft, für ihren Mann und ihr Land da zu sein. Als sie in politischer Mission nach Ungarn reisen muss, trifft sie auf Graf Andrássy. Hin- und hergerissen zwischen ihrem Ehemann und dem Rebellenführer, steht Sisi irgendwann vor einer schweren Entscheidung. Die erste Staffel der RTL+-Serie eroberte im Dezember 2021 die Herzen der Zuschauer im Sturm und legte den erfolgreichsten fiktionalen Neustart aller Zeiten bei dem Streamingdienst hin. Grund dafür war unter anderem der neuartige Ansatz, mit dem die bekannte Story erzählt wurde und den Sisi-Darstellerin Devenport im Interview seinerzeit so erklärte: "Das Neue an 'Sisi' ist, dass wir sie überhaupt erst mal zum Menschen machen. (...) Wir zeigen die Figuren als vielschichtige Personen mit Interessen, Stärken und auch Schwächen." Die Ausstrahlung der zweiten Staffel ist für Ende 2022 auf RTL+ geplant.
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yudonomi-stuff · 4 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Hetalia: Axis Powers Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Hungary (Hetalia), Elisabeth von Österreich-Ungarn | Elisabeth of Bavaria Additional Tags: Historical Hetalia Summary:
8 June, 1867: Erzsébet is getting married and Elisabeth is getting coronated. They have a few words before then.
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batsfromwesteros · 5 years ago
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Quick book reviews!
I’m not gonna rate them bc I’d rate everything with a 10/10 lol
Brigitte Hamann - The Wandering Empress /Erzsébet kiályné/
Amazing. It’s quite a long book, 600 something pages, but trust me, it’s totally worth reading. Hamann used sources that nobody had used before including letters, newspapers, even Elisabeth’s poems. I’m not a huge fan of poetry, but I really enjoyed reading Sisi’s in this book (there are a lot!) because you can get to know her in her own words, it’s really fascinating! If you believe in the magical world of the 1950′s “Sissi” films you might not want to read this, because this book will destroy the myths haha. Again, it was truly amazing and I got to know the real Elisabeth. The only thing I didn’t like about the book is Hamann forming her own opinion in some chapters, but there’s nothing wrong with that as long as you know that those are not facts! 
Stephanie -  Ich sollte Kaiserin werden:  Lebenserinnerungen der letzten Kronprinzessin von Österreich-Ungarn /Császárn��nak szántak: Rudolf trónörökös özvegyének emlékiratai/
It was a very interesting read for sure! It’s all written in first person and goes from Stephanie’s childhood at the Belgian court (which is very exciting on it’s own!) until Rudolf’s death and it’s aftermath. The way she describes her life, wedding, the events, engangements, travels and court life is absolutely amazing. Everything is so detailed that you can literally see everything in front of you. This is a memoir so you have to understand that everything is written in her personal view, she defends herself and she writes her truth. You cannot take everything in it for granted as she wrote this book about 50 years after the crown prince’s death, so she mixed a few names, titles etc. Idk about other version of the book but the Hungarian one has a summary at the end. It talks about what Stephanie got wrong, it “debunks” her mistakes she covered in the book, it adds additional information about her life that makes her less innocent than she describes herself. It also includes some lines that didn’t make it to the final book, for example about the illness she got from Rudolf. 
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mytwilightimagines13 · 5 years ago
Vampire (Caius Volturi) (Part Nine)
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(Alright, this is mostly just the musical. Only the last part is back to the main characters part. If anyone wants to see the musical with English subtitles: Part one Part two I hope you will all enjoy it!)
Word count: 2480
“Kommen Sie her meine Damen und Herren! Während da drin in der Kathedrale an diesem denkwürdigen 8. Juni 1867 der Kaiser von Österreich und die überirdisch schöne Elisabeth... König und Königin von Ungarn werden, haben Sie hier die einmalige Gelegenheit, ein wertvolles Erinnerungsstück zu erwerben! Alles sehr billig! Bitte, treten Sie näher” Lucheni yells as he walks through the crowds. It is the 8th of June, 1867, the day the Emperor and Empress of Austria became the King and Queen of Hungary! Soon the new King and Queen walk out of the Cathedral where they had just been crowned, the people waiting impatiently for the new couple, a happy day for all. Everyone happy as the new king and queen helped unify Austria and Hungary, defeating their enemies. Elisabeth returned to Death shortly after, gloating in her triumph, gloating in the knowledge she was right, and that she did not need him at all. When she wanted to dance, she would dance, and she alone would decide when, where and to what music. Only Death herself had a different view on that. She won by using her against her enemies, and through that they are bounded. “Was für ein Triumph.” Elisabeth sang. “Mein Triumph.” Death sang back, starting their duet. “Welch ein Fest.” “Mein Fest.” “Ich hab die Feinde überwunden.” Death leaned forward towards Elisabeth as she stood upon the carriage Elisabeth had used to go the the palace. “So änderst du den Lauf der Welt In meinem Sinn. So eng sind wir verbunden” Death replied. “Ich tus nicht für die Welt.” Elisabeth shot back. “Nicht für die Welt.” “Nur für mich.” “Für mich!” Death sang, almost threatening. “Jetzt hab ich meinen Weg gefunden.” “Sie haben über dich gelacht. Doch jetzt hast du dich durchgesetzt. Und sie besiegt” “Sie hielten mich an Drähten fest. Als Puppe die man tanzen lässt. Doch ich werd' keine Marionette sein” Elisabeth sang before going to the refrain of the song. “Wenn ich tanzen will, Dann tanz' ich so wies mir gefällt. Ich allein bestimm die Stunde. Ich allein wähl die Musik. Wenn ich tanzen will, Dann tanze ich auf meine ganz besond're Art. Am Rand des Abgrunds. Oder nur in deinem Blick” she sang as she looked Death in her eyes, daringly. Death smirked before hanging on the carriage, waving her arm while playing Elisabeth as a puppet on strings. “Schwarze Möwe flieg...” She sang “Ich flieg” Elisabeth sang, answering Death. “Ich allein...” “Allein...” “Will dich durch Nacht und Sturm begleiten.” Ich will nicht mehr begleitet sein, Auch nicht von dir. Ich lass mich nicht leiten.” Death jumped down from the carriage and grabbed Elisabeth’s arm, her hands still securely wrapped in gloves. “Frei bist du nur durch mich.” She said, the sweet tone in her voice now gone. “Nur durch mich...” Elisabeth protested. “Nur für mich” “Für mich...” “Den du sollst mir den Weg bereiten.” “Ich geh jetzt meinen eig'nen Weg. Ich habe mich getrennt von dir. Lass mich in Ruh” Death now had both Elisabeth’s wrists in her hands, playing her around like a little doll. “Du hast dich in mich verliebt. Weil's Freiheit ohne mich nicht gibt. Und keiner dich versteh'n kann, außer mir.” No, nobody would ever understand Elisabeth like she did, no one would love her like she did. And never would she have freedom without her. Together they sang the refrain again while Death held Elisabeth down as she ‘flew’. “Ich bin stark genug allein...” Elisabeth said as she escaped part of Death’s grip. Death frowned and dropped her other arm while walking away slightly. “Stark warst du nur solang Du noch geglaubt hast schwach zu sein!” Death sang, slightly frustrated. “Ich ruf dich nicht!” “Du wirst mich rufen!” “Ich such dich nicht!” “Du wirst mich suchen!” “Ich fang an das Leben zu lieben!” “Bald wird es dir verhasst sein!” They sang the refrain once more together, now dancing around eachother, never once leaving eachothers glance. “Wenn ich tanzen will, Und mit wem ich tanzen will, Bestimm nur ich Allein!” They both sang the final word in an amazingly strong and powerful note, clearly stating the discussion between them. Elisabeth soon fled the stage and her youngest son Rudolph ran on, shouting for his mother. His mother had not looked once at Rudolph since she became queen of Hungary, and he missed his mother dearly. Death watched the young boy closely and soon approached him. “Sie hört dich nicht, ruf nicht nach ihr.” Death sang as she approached the young boy. “Wer bist du?” the young boy asked in wonder. Death smiled reassurlingly at him and sat next to him on the couch. “Ich bin ein Freund. Wenn du mich brauchst, komm ich zu dir.” She said as she started to stand up and leave, yet Rudolph placed his hands on her shoulders and pulled her back. “Bleib da!” he said, fear of being alone creeped through him. “Ich bleib dir nah.” Death sang to him as she sat back down on the bed, listening to the young boys worries. “Ach Mama, ich möchte immer bei dir sein. Doch fährst du fort nimmst du mich nicht mit Und wenn du da bist schließt du dich ein. Warum lässt du mich allein?” the boy sang while Death took the boy in her arms and carried him towards his bed, like he had done with the boys’ mother many years ago.
Elisabeth and Franz Joseph grow distant, apart from the occasions where they would share the bed, and Franz finds the satisfaction of his needs at many different Salons, one of which is owned by Frau Wolf. Soon Elisabeth falls ill and a doctor is send to check up on her. The man was dressed in a cloak and a top hat. The doctor asks what has happened and the first maid rapidly tells him what happened. “Lassen sie uns… Allein!” the man said as he made his way towards Elisabeth, who was layin ontop of a few chairs. “Der Puls…” he sang “Es geht schon besser.” Elisabeth sang, answering the dokter. “Die Stirn ist heiß.” “Es fehlt mir nichts!” Soon the voice of the Doctor became lighter, more feminine. “Der Lidrand beinah’ weiß. Wenn ich mich nicht irre, Und ich irre nie, Ist dies die gewisse Maladie. Eine Infektion, Majestät. Nicht lebensgefährlich, aber unangenehm. Das was man eine "Französische Krankheit" nennt.” The doctor sang, her voice now completely feminine, a small smirk plastered around her lips. “Das ist nicht wahr! Was fällt Ihnen ein! Was Sie da sagen ist ganz unmöglich!” Elisabeth said offended while standing up. “Unmöglich, warum? Auch Kaiser sind schwach!” the doctor sang as she removed her top hat, revealing beautiful and long curls. “Mein Mann ist mir treu!” Elisabeth sang, her voice now desperate. “Das ist ein Irrtum!” the doctor said as she removed her cloak. “Gott, wenn das stimmt, hat mich mein Mann tief in den Schmutz gezogen” “Das allerdings!” “Ich werde ihn hassen! Werd’ ihn für immer verlassen. Noch besser, ich bringe mich um!” Elisabeth shouted. “Tu es, Elisabeth!” the doctor now revealed to be death herself shouted, a huge smirk on her face. “Ich freu mich auf dich!” “Du!” Elisabeth said in confusion, taking a few steps away from Death. Death soon closed the space and danced around her. “Das ist vielleicht die letzte Chance, Ergreif sie, flieh mit mir! Komm tanz mit mir den letzten Tanz Lass alles hinter dir!” she sang, trying once more to tempt Elisabeth to choose for her, for her love, for freedom. Away from the pain her husband caused her. “Nein, ich bleib da! Mein Mann hat mir in Wahrheit einen Gefallen getan! Wo seine Moral zu Ende ist, Fängt meine Freiheit an! Was mich nicht umbringt, macht mich stark! Ich werde es allen beweisen! Seine Schuld gibt mir das Recht, die Kette zu zerreißen! Geh!” Elisabeth ripped the necklace she had recieved from Franz Joseph as a first gift off of her neck and threw it at Death, whom had walked up the slobe once more. Death caught the necklace and ran off, hurt, but she knew one day, Elisabeth would give in to her embrace.
A decade passes by, and Rudolph starts to stand against his father, thinking he has his mothers back. Yet Death creeps up to him, his never ending battle with Death, the temptation growing with each passing day. Once he calls for his mother once more, yet she leaves him alone once more is the cause for him to snap. Death plays around with him, dressed like his mistress, gloves now gone, for a little longer before helping bring Rudolph the pistol to his head. And with a final kiss to the mouth, Rudolph commits suicide. This event completely breaks down Elisabeth and she begs Death to take her. “Komm öffne mir! Laß mich nicht warten... Bin ich nicht genug gequält? Erbarme dich! Komm, süßer Tod... verfluchter Tod... Erlöse mich!” she sang, her voice broken and tired. However, her scorned lover now refuses to take her in. “Zu spät! Ich will dich nicht - Nicht so! Ich brauch' dich nicht! Geh!” she sang, frustrated. She wanted her now, but Death did not want her like this. She had given Elisabeth multiple chances to come to her embrace, but she loved the strong and independent woman, not this mess that was laying at her feet. Another decade goes by. Elisabeth still wanders from place to place, dressed in permanent mourning. Franz Joseph visits her from time to time, begging her to return home to Vienna, firmly believing that love is the answer to all sorrows, but Elisabeth refuses, citing that sometimes love is simply not enough to cure old wounds. Finally, in a horrifying vision of the fall of the House of Habsburg, Franz Joseph at last meets his mysterious rival. “Was ist das hier? Ein Irrenhaus?” he sings “Ihr sinkendes Schiff, Majestät!” Death now stood high up on the slope again, her black suit now replaced by her white, angelic outfit once more. “Wie komm' ich hierher?” Franz Joseph asks, as he stands eye to eye with his rival. “Fragen Sie mich nicht! Das ist doch Ihr Alptraum!” Death laughs, her laugh angelic yet devious. “Alles ein Alptraum, Alptraum!” the dead sing, confirming Franz Josephs nightmare. “Wo ist die Kaiserin?” he asks, looking around for Elisabeth, making Death furious. “Elisabeth? Meine Elisabeth?” she screams. “Meine Elisabeth!” Franz argues, angering Death only further. “Sie gehört mir!” she screams “Impertinenz!” “Sie liebt mich!” “Schluss mit dem Unsinn!” Franz Joseph shouts at Death, but she only laughs. “Das ist doch Ihr Alptraum?!” she asks him, laughing all the while. “Ich gab ihr mein Leben...” Franz Joseph sang to Elisabeth. “Armseliges Geschenk!” Death sang, knowing she and she alone possed the one gift Elisabeth longed for. “...geb' ihr Halt und Sicherheit...” Franz Joseph sang. “Ich geb' ihr die Freiheit!” Death sang to Elisabeth, reaching out to her. “...und Glanz!” “Der Augenblick ist nah” Death sang, getting more excited with each passing minute. “Du willst sie mir entreißen.” Franz Joseph sang but his words were useless, Death’s voice was stronger, more powerful. “Ich erlöse sie!” “Du? Wie denn?” Franz Joseph asked ironically. “Mit dieser Feile!” “Mörder!” “Hey Lucheni, es ist soweit!” Death said, showing she was indeed the one who had ordered Lucheni to murder Elisabeth for her. For their love. She threw the dagger towards Lucheni, whom caught it, unsure of himself. “Her damit! Sofort! Ich befehle es Ihnen... Nein!” Franz Joseph sang. He watched as Death throws Lucheni a dagger, but crushed by the weight of his imperial crest, he is powerless to save his wife. “Alle tanzten mit dem Tod. Doch niemand wie Elisabeth. Alle tanzten mit dem Tod. Doch niemand wie Elisabeth.” The dead sang as everything grew dark.
On September 10, 1898, while on her way to board a ship in Geneva, Empress Elisabeth of Austria is mortally wounded, stabbed in the heart with a crudely sharpened file. “Der Schleier fällt. Verlass die Schatten Ich hab’ mich so Nach dir gesehnt. Laß mich nicht warten.” Death sang as she slowly walked from the shadows. Her once tied up hair now flowing down her beautiful face. Elisabeth’s face seems to get some of her youth back as she strips herself from her black dress, revealing a light and white dress underneath it. “Mach die Nacht zum Morgen. Lass mich befreit sein und geborgen. Lösch die Erinn’rung in mir aus. Gib’ meiner Seele ein Zuhaus.” Yes she was ready for Death, her Death to take her, to keep her safe and to give her soul a home. “Lass die Welt versinken.” Death began singing and soon the two sang their duet together. “Ich will mit dir im Nichts ertrinken. Mit dir als Feuer aufersteh’n. Und in der Ewigkeit vergeh’n!” Elisabeth made her way towards her Death, finally falling into her arms, completely embracing her. Death couldn’t believe it at first, but soon wrapped her arms around her Elisabeth. Elisabeth presses her forhead against the forehead of her Death. “Ich weinte, ich lachte, War mutlos und hoffte neu. Doch was ich auch machte. Mir selbst blieb ich immer treu.” She sang before being joined by Death once more. “Die Welt sucht vergebens Den Sinn meines (deines) Lebens.” “Denn ich gehör…” Elisabeth sang, getting ready for her final note and final breath. “Du gehörst…” Death sang, feeling the anticipation for her victory. “…nur mir!” they sang together in a beautiful and strong last note. As she lies dying, Death comes to claim her spirit with a kiss. With their embrace, the show ends.
The show had ended and I, along with my fellow actors, walked onto the stage to receive our applause. The adrenaline still rushing through my veins, and the largest smile I had every produced was plastered on my face. The audience was clapping, whistling, shouting, all in excitement. Goosebumps of pride formed themselves on my skin and tears of happiness pricked behind my eyes. I looked up towards the balcony, where the Cullens and the Volturi where standing. Emmett, Jasper and Felix where shouted, and whistling. Alice, Rosalie, Bella and Renesmee where clapping hard as well, huge smiles on their faces. Aro, Carlisle and Esme all had looks in their eyes of proud parents. Alec, Jane and Demetri where politely clapping, still smiles of amusement plastered over their faces. But I saved the most important one for last. The man’s whose approval I most longed for, even though I would never admit it out loud. Caius was standing up, a huge smile of pride on his face and adoration in his eyes. He was clapping the hardest of them all, something that seemed way out of character for him, but it made the smile on my face only grow wider. The curtains fell for the final time and silence surrounded us.
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emptymasks · 5 years ago
Wither and Wilt
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Pairing: Rudolf von Österreich-Ungarn | Rudolf Crown Prince of Austria/Der Tod | Death
(as in Rudolf has a crush on Der Tod, it’s up to you whether Der Tod truly returns his affections, I wrote it that he does truly like Rudolf but you’re welcome to interpret it anyway you like)
Words: 2032
Rating: General Audiences
Tags: Anxiety | Self-Esteem Issues | Self Confidence Issues | Fluff | Slow Romance | Pre-Slash | Pre-Relationship | Genderfluid Character | Pansexual Character | Bisexual Character | Bisexuality | Bi-Curiosity | Implied/Referenced Homophobia | Period-Typical Homophobia | a little mention of it | Flowers | Flower Crowns | Vignette | Drabble | m/m f/m and other tags because death is genderfluid
Read on Ao3 @ emptymasks. I can’t put the link or tumblr blocks the post.
Notes: Death is based on Uwe Kröger's Der Tod from the original 1992 production, with a little bit of inspiration also drawn from the Hungarian production's A Halal. You could probably picture anyone as Rudolf, I kept imagining Andreas Bieber and Lukas Perman's portrayals while writing it. Death is genderfluid in this because 1. I'm genderfluid and I see Uwe's death as genderfluid and that representation matters a lot to me , and 2. Uwe literally descried his Der Tod as fluid in gender and sexuality. So there's your canon genderfluid, pansexual Death.
So... you will most likely laugh when I say how i got the idea for this fic, that after having several WIP's for various Elisabeth fics, I ended up writing this because, right, I was playing Animal Crossing and of course I've made several of Uwe's and Máté's Der Tod costumes for me to wear in the game and while wearing my 'Uwe Tod Jacket' I put a white wildflower in my hair and literally had to leave the game so I could right this because the idea came straight away.
It was unusually sunny for April. Sunlight peaked in out of the tree branches of the gardens, casting speckles of stained glass windows onto the grass. The many flowers and shrubs only sought to pair with the weather and make the most pleasant day of the year so far.
It was the weather that had driven Rudolf outside. He loved the fresh air, loved feeling it on his skin, despite how his family would prefer him cooped up inside. (Though they always seemed to want him inside when he wanted to be outside, and outside when he wanted to be inside. Forever wanting for him whatever he wished for the least.) He'd forgone a jacket or coat, allowing the breeze to flutter against his white shirt that billowed out as he moved.
A glimpse of sunlight and a walk alone through the gardens was one of the few pleasures in life Rudolf had at the moment. One of the few things that was just his. He was fortunate that the spring air hadn't coaxed anyone else outside and he got to enjoy all of it to himself.
Although... there was one person who couldn't damper his walks, only increase the joy Rudolf found on them. And as if he'd been waiting for Rudolf to think of him, the wind turned bitterly too cold for a moment and a pair of footsteps were at his side.
They didn't speak for a while. They didn't need to. Rudolf found comfort in his old friend simply being by his side, he needn't do anything. They walked in tandem until they came to a small clearly populated by wildflowers and Rudolf could feel the wind high on his cheeks.
"It's beautiful, isn't it?" His voice was quiet, as if afraid it was a stupid thing to say.
"Quite," Death's reply was soft and it called to Rudolf like a siren and he turned his head to find Death wasn't staring at the clearly, he was simply starting at Rudolf.
Rudolf felt his mouth part and cheeks flush and he didn't know how to prolong the moment and he definitely didn't want to say anything that would cause Death to leave. He walked a few paces more.
"Would you like to sit with me for a while? It doesn't have to be long, I know you're always busy, and you shouldn't feel like you have to spend any time with me and..." Rudolf trailed off as Death sat down at his feet.
"I assure you, Rudolf, I wouldn't be wasting my time by spending it with anyone I like."
"Oh..." He winced at how stupid he sounded. "Alright then."
He sat down opposite Death, not close enough to touch, afraid of what would happen if they did but also longing to know. Death turned his head and looked out across the gardens and Rudolf took the chance to stare.
Out of all the times Death had come to him, only a couple of them had been outside of his bedroom. (Not that that had any implications, he pleaded at his heart). The few times they'd been outdoors had been at night or in the evening, the light low and dark, Death rivalling the moon with his glow.
This was the first time he'd ever seen Death in the daylight.
Rudolf felt like he had to hold his breath as he gazed. The sun made Death's hair a more buttercup yellow, more colourful than he'd ever seen it, and only highlighted how pale his skin was even more. Where human's skin would darken a red colour, his seemed to be... blue. Rudolf thought about how impossible that was, but this was Death. For all he knew Death's blood was blue, if he even had blood at all. Light gleamed off his skin and it almost looked as if there were tiny, intricate crystals along his cheekbones, glistening and shimmering.
He didn't know what Death could be looking at, and realised Death very well might not be looking at anything at all. He may just be content to let Rudolf stare. And so Rudolf tore his gaze away and looked down. The more colourful flowers had given way to ones of pure white and Rudolf plucked one up with an idea. A stupid, childish idea that Rudolf found himself acting on.
“Here,” Rudolf reached up, the pale white flower trembling in his hand, and tucked it behind Death’s ear. “White looks nice on you.”
Death’s face cracked for a second, broke out of its usual cold and calm expression into one of quiet shock, and then the smallest smile at the corner of his mouth.
“Why, thank you, my little prince,” He spoke and Rudolf thought about how often Death’s voice sounded like it was only for him, as if everything Death said to him was their own little secret. A black gloved hand reached towards the bundle of white wildflowers in Rudolf’s hands. “Why don’t you match with me?”
Rudolf’s hands jerked back and Death’s face morphed back to looking cold. He tilted his head. Always so curious about humans and their funny little worries.
The cold gaze lingered on Rudolf, he could feel it baring down on him as he looked at his hands.
He hadn’t meant to react as quickly and sharply as that. Should he explain himself? He wished sometimes Death would just ask him things more often, but Death was so content to just sit and wait until Rudolf was ready to share and that just caused more anxiety to swirl around in Rudolf’s stomach. What if Death wasn’t really waiting until he was ready to speak? What if Death just didn’t want to know and if Rudolf opened his mouth he’d just be bothering another person, disappointing another person, words and ideas tumbling out of his lips before he can stop them, his passion seen as immaturity and naivety. What if Death was merely humouring him, and as soon as Rudolf spilled his heart all over porcelain skin and black velvet, he was met with jeers; His mother sat on her throne as Death coiled around from behind her and leaned into her ear, lips brushing against skin, heat and temptation and desire pouring out of his mouth as she looked down on him in scorn.
A sudden coldness brushed against his hand, then slowly pressed down and Rudolf fought the urge to shiver.
Death’s hand laid bare against his own.
He knew of course, that all that was ever under those gloves were hands, just ordinary hands (well ordinary looking hands), but he half had expected something monstrous. Perhaps gnarled or scared skin. Perhaps a blue glow that seemed to linger around Death just as he would enter or leave his visits. Perhaps claws.
Instead pristinely manicured nails decorated the soft, albeit cold, skin that rested against him. Death was a prideful being. He still had his head slightly tilted, eye’s deciphering a puzzle.
“This is about more than you not wanting to wear flowers in your hair…?” Death said it like he himself quiet sure he was asking a question.
“It’s…” Rudolf felt like he’d surfaced out of water and had the urge to take gasping breaths. “It’s not that I don’t want to… It’s… It’s not something a man does.”
“According to whom?” Rudolf forced himself to keep still, even as he thought he heard Death almost chuckle.
“Grandmother said-”
“Oh, your family and their silly, little ideas-”
“Grandmother said that men don’t wear flowers. Flowers and pretty things are for women and girls to wear and for men to admire.” Rudolf was surprised at how he continued to talk over Death. From anyone else he would have received a reprimand, but Death looked proud.
“…You’ve put one in my hair.”
“Yes, well, to be honest I’m never really quite sure if you’re a man.”
He didn’t mistake Death chuckling at that.
“I’m never quite sure of that myself, either. I find it tends to change with the wind," And Death got Rudolf to chuckle in return. "So, tell me,” He leaned forward and got that glint in his eyes as if he’d just spotted an opportunity to gain something, some new piece of information or emotion. “Is it wrong for me to be wearing it? Or are you seeing me as a pretty woman to be admired by your masculine gaze?”
Rudolf could feel his face heating up.
“Or perhaps, my dear prince, you don’t think it’s only women who should be admired?” Rudolf tried to pull his hands back, but Death had a firm grip on them. “It’s alright, it’s quite alright. I’m truly flattered. And, let me tell you this because I think you need to hear it, it’s perfectly normal. There’s nothing wrong with it. Your grandmother’s opinions on the other hand… Who is she to say what you can and cannot wear? My future emperor,” Death reached out with his gloveless hand and brushed his fingers over Rudolf’s cheek and he shivered. “Only you are in charge of what you do, how you choose to dress, and who you choose to be.”
He held Death's gaze for what felt like an eternity. Everything seemed to be waltzing around them as they themselves where held captive in their own dance, twirling as the world fell down around them.
Death seemed like he was waiting for something. Rudolf sat, frozen, and Death retracted his hand.
"I think you'd look rather fetching..." Death murmured as if talking to himself, but well aware that Rudolf could hear him. His fingers skated over the flowers standing proud from the ground, ghosting over them but never touching. The flowers almost seemed to bend out of his way, as if they knew who he was, what he could do.
Their eyes met with a challenge in Death's that said 'pick one'. Rudolf's hands moved blindly as he wrapped his fingers against what he hoped was a flower and tugged. He'd thought his hands had been shaking when he tucked one behind Death's ear, but it was nothing compared to how much they were quivering now.
"Will you...?" Rudolf held his hands forward and Death hesitated for a moment, fingers twitching. Was there a reason why he hadn't just picked one himself and placed it in Rudolf's hair? Rudolf knew what Death's kiss could do, and he'd wondered if the reason Death wore gloves was the same. But he'd just been touching Rudolf, and he was still alive.
Death's eyes flickered between the flower and Rudolf's eyes, before he leaned forwards. He picked the flower up carefully by its stem and slid his finger and thumb together, causing the flower to twirl around. He watched it with a curiosity Rudolf would have described as 'child-like' if it wasn't Death he was trying to describe.
He was almost mesmerised by the spinning of the flower that he almost didn't notice it at first. The flower was drooping ever so slightly. He thought perhaps Death's group was just squashing its stem, but it seemed to keep drooping and drooping. Death moved his hand and Rudolf followed with his eyes as the flower was drawn up to Death's face.
White petals brushed over cold lips.
The flower yielded.
It furled in on itself and faded, the top of the stem turning a pale, rusted brown. Death's hand moved and Rudolf was amazed that the petals didn't fall out. Perhaps somehow Death was keeping them in there? Rudolf expected cold brush against his ear, but none came. Death was still moving, picking and plucking more flowers, and as he wove them together they cried out and wilted. He closed up the chain and held it up, inspecting it, before shifting his gaze back to Rudolf.
Death raised himself up into his knees and placed the circle dead flowers on Rudolf's head.
"There," Death said. "A crown fit for an emperor. My emperor."
There was a sound like the ghost of a snapping branch and Death turned his head.
And then he was gone, and Rudolf was alone, frozen as the petals started to fall from his head.
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gazetteoesterreich · 2 years ago
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