#Election European
myosa · 4 months
Vous souhaitez voter aux élections européennes :
Mais pas carte d'électeur ? Pas grave votre carte d'identité ou permis suffit. Penser à vérifier votre bureau de vote auprès de votre mairie ( cookie pour vous si vous avez votre position dans la liste pour la personne qui vous fait signer.)
Mais pas pour un "gros" parti alors .....télécharger et imprimer votre bulletin sur le site du parti souhaité. Certains partis n'ont pas les moyens d'imprimer des bulletins pour tout les bureaux de vote.
Et si vous ne savez pas pour qui voter .... il y a des applications (palumba par ex) ou des sites internets qui vous aideront. Nhesitez a en faire plusieurs et voyez.
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yomamaslefttoenail · 4 months
Why aren't the fucking european elections trending on here. Man y'all were all over eurovision but the elections were today and nobody is posting abt it??? Dude here in germany a right wing extremist nazi ass party is the second strongest one. Same in france and other countries as well. I feel like im in a dumpsterfire. Please fucking talk about it.
Ich geh jetzt im strahl kotzen tschau
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emily84 · 4 months
friendly reminder it's not "20% of germany" that voted for fascists, or italians that voted for meloni, or france for the far right
it's 20% of VOTERS
so, once again, i am here telling you ABSTENTIONISM is the problem. and it always fucking is.
people who feel demotivated, underrepresented, or adhere to some purity culture where it's the revolution or nothing.
THAT is the fucking problem. you get your head out of your ass and you fucking vote
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murphyslawyer · 4 months
Good morning everyone! Friends in *takes a deep breath* Austria 🇦🇹, Belgium 🇧🇪, Bulgaria 🇧🇬, Croatia 🇭🇷, Cyprus 🇨🇾, Denmark 🇩🇰, Estonia 🇪🇪, Finland 🇫🇮, France 🇫🇷 , Germany 🇩🇪, Greece 🇬🇷, Hungary 🇭🇺, Lithuania 🇱🇹, Luxembourg 🇱🇺, Portugal 🇵🇹, Poland 🇵🇱, Romania 🇷🇴, Slovenia 🇸🇮, Spain 🇪🇸 and Sweden 🇸🇪: kind reminder that today is your day to go out and vote! 🇪🇺
People in Italy 🇮🇹, if you did not go out and vote yesterday you can also do it today.
Edit: no more reblogs because voting is closed everywhere. Even though the outcome is disappointing please never stop fighting in any way you can, fellow progressives. Fuck the far-right.
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platypusplayhere · 4 months
besties, french results for the european elections are kinda disgusting (as expected) and the president just dissolved the national assembly (unpredictable and stupid) which will probably lead to more far right ppl in the parliament (expected and horrible) so my french besties lets go vote on june 30 pls (im begging)
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ardri-na-bpiteog · 4 months
Just a reminder to my European followers that the European Parliament elections are coming up and they are very important! The far-right parties are projected to win a lot of seats and many of the left/environmentalist parties are expected to do poorly.
This could have serious implications for major issues like climate action in the EU. It is very important that young people turn out to vote, EU elections typically have relatively low turnout but the composition of the EU Parliament does impact the lives of people in the European Union in a lot of ways.
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fabcreature · 4 months
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rabarbarzcukrem · 4 months
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To all the people asking "how are we feeling after seeing the results 😀😀".
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castielsprostate · 4 months
Stop posting about the European Elections. It is so annoying no one cares
if you are european and of voting age, please please please go out (or online if your country offers it!) and vote this weekend! it is ESSENTIAL that we all use our right to vote, and we should make it our duty to do so!
queer rights, women's rights, and immigrants' rights are SEVERELY threatened if a right-wing alliance would be formed within the EU parliament. we cannot and should not stand for this!
if you are of voting age, please go out and vote! bring your mum, your dad, your brother, your sister, your friends, your neighbour! carpool together, get a little treat afterwards!! do it scared, do it angry, do it sad, do it nervous. but by god PLEASE do it!
we are stronger together!
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carladuquette · 4 months
European elections are on Sunday, June 9 🇪🇺
And for the first time, 16- and 17-year-olds get to have a say!
If you are
- 16, in Austria, Belgium, Germany or Malta
- 17, in Greece
you can vote in this election.
European elections might sound boring, complicated, less sexy than your average national elections. But they matter greatly.
Since the establishment of the EU, this previously volatile region has not seen war. We are stronger and better together 🫶 But our peaceful life together doesn’t run on autopilot. Right-wing populists across the EU are spreading hatred, trying to draw lines between “us” and “them.”
Democracy and the EU we have right now depend on all of us to get involved. So make your voice heard. Vote in the EU election on Sunday, June 9. In some countries (for example in Germany), you are already able to vote now, via mail-in ballot or by going to your city’s election office. Whichever way you do it…
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You get to brag about it here afterwards (and, you know, get to keep living in a democratic society 🙂)
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were-my-demons-hide · 4 months
The european elections are showing: we have a nazi problem. We have a massive shift to the right. Not only Germany. It is a collective problem. France, Austria, Netherlands, Poland, Italy, Portugal, Hungary.
Talk to people. Talk about politics. Talk about right winged receivables. Try to talk about the bullshit and nonsense. I don't think people realize what they are voting for.
Our time to act is now!
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saecookie · 4 months
Just so you know. In France at the EU elections, more than 35% votes were for the 2 ultra right fascist lists m.
So bc this is apparently unacceptable (funny from what his politics has been so far)
Macron just dissolved the National Assembly
(one of the two legislative chambers in fr)
To call people to the vote at the end of the month again.
What is gonna happen is just: fascists are gonna win the legislative chamber
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The most depressing thing about elections these days is that you will find out that many of your fellow citizens will actually vote for a party that hates women, non-white people, lgbtqia+ people, disabled people and more, a party with ties to neonazi organisations that explicitly does not want to improve anything economically and minimises climate change on top of it.
Most people seem to prefer hurting people they don’t care for above even protecting themselves.
What a sad, disgraceful display.
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seenthisepisode · 4 months
europe is like ah yes <3 let's recreate the 20s in the most horrible horrible way <3 right wing parties winning literally everywhere, crisis everywhere, war on the east borders, ignoring / supporting genocide in the middle east... do i have to go on. I don't want to go on
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visit-ba-sing-se · 4 months
Hello I do not know how to say this in a way that would do numbers on tumblr.com but if you are a citizen of an EU country this your reminder to vote in June. Elections for the EU-Parliament take place from the 6th to 9th of June depending on where you live, you can find more details on when and how to vote here.
I know that the EU can seem like this far away thing that you can have many complicated feelings about. But at this point so many key decisons are made at the European level, where the Parliament really can make or break a law. And I am talking about big topics like climate change and global politics but also everyday situations like buying stuff online or getting a refund for your delayed flight.
So even if it might not always be visible, who makes those decisions in the EU-Parliament does affect you now and will continue to do so in the future. Use your vote to determine in which way.
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enlitment · 4 months
In honour of the EU Parliamentary Elections, let me briefly interrupt the staple frev/classics posting and tell you about the terrible, beautiful insanity that is the Czech political scene.
Okay, so we have three brothers who are all in politics, except each of them is in a party that is diametrically opposed to the other two.
The most famous one of them is a notorious right-wing populist who made his fame by running on the 'I hate foreigners and immigrants' platform (even though he's half Japanese)
The other one would almost be a decent guy, except he is a member of a Christian party that continues to push for 'traditional values'
The youngest one is a gay architect who aligns himself with what is arguably the most progressive party on the current Czech political scene
I know it sounds like something straight out of a sitcom, but I swear that I'm not making this up
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