#Education For All
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c-u-c-koo-4-40k · 4 months ago
What should you bring to school?
For the people of Gaza, the memories of days spent in school are distant. But education is not Only a Right but a Duty.
Meet Anas and Ahmad, they are related to Osama Basil, who has his own gofundme.
While managing his own gfm, Osama is also trying to help Anas and Ahmed fund their education somewhere safe, away from the Turmoil in Gaza.
They are Bright Wonderful students who want to pursue careers in computer business and medicine!
Please give some time to this Verified campaign!
Current Funding
€4,870 / €29,000
~16% Funded
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And to others putting me in mentions I am So Sorry I'm not getting to many of them, I'm trying to balance between DM campaigns, ask campaigns and the mentions I get each day.
@a-shade-of-blue @sunnylittledragon
@selflovejolteon @virovac
@frustrated-froglet @qattdraws @heydreamchild
@amvs @boosting-donations
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call-of-daydreams · 3 months ago
Striking Point Locations (From most effective to least effective)
- High:
Top of head, temple, eyes, nose, throat, clavical, sternum, diaphragm, belly (below navel), skull, back of neck, spine, kidney.
- Medium:
Shoulders, chest, arm pits, ribs, median nerve, groin, femoral nerve, peroneal nerve, knee, sciatic nerve, hamstring
- Low:
Shins, back of hands, calves
Join my community to discuss more about topics like this and discuss CoD characters.
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hackeocafe · 7 months ago
The Best Learning Tool in History - 400 years ahead of its time
It's intriguing to observe that video essays, commonly found on YouTube, have inadvertently become the preferred content format for many students. What began as begrudgingly created assignments has evolved into the most eagerly consumed type of content.
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humanrightsconnected · 2 years ago
🚨 New Blog Post Alert 🚨 After the Taliban’s return to power in Afghanistan in 2021, Afghan women and girls are yet again facing severe restrictions on basic human rights, such as the rights to work, education, and freedom of movement.
In our blog post, in addition to discussing further about how the Taliban is committing egregious human rights violations, we also look into what actions are being taken to stand up against those human rights abuses.
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ashidentshappen · 2 years ago
24-hour libraries would be pretty punk rock
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asraspeaks2 · 4 months ago
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Rich WHYTE people.
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partnersrelief · 1 year ago
This is personal.
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“Teacher, I am so sad I can’t sleep.” 
This message appeared on my phone at 3AM. 
How do you respond to that? Is, “I’m so sorry,” good enough? 
How can you sleep when you know that your parents can hear the sounds of fighting all around their village at home in Myanmar? 
How can you focus on studying when you're scared that the next time you try to go home or even renew your passport, you will be drafted into the army that is killing your own people?
I’m used to my students' laughter and smiles, their enthusiasm for life and their incredible motivation in the face of difficult odds, but there is a point where reality becomes overwhelming and anyone would feel trapped.
The recent announcement about the enactment of the draft by the Myanmar military is causing worry and fear for young people from Myanmar both inside and outside the country. To try to enforce this law, the government will not allow young people to leave the country or renew passports until they have fulfilled the draft requirement. This will affect almost all of my students who are studying for their GED Exams within the next couple years if not months as their current passports expire or their visas for Thailand run out. 
Here are some glimpses into the lives of my students as they grapple with this new reality:
A 17-year-old girl will have to return to Myanmar in 6 months when her visa expires unless she can find some alternative visa to transfer to in the meantime, which is very unlikely. By that time, she will be 18 and would not be let out of the country again. She said to me, “I’m so worried, I just want to cry. I can’t go back. I don’t know what to do.” 
Another student told me that the active fighting has now reached his home village. Even though his relatives had scraped together enough money to pay for a flight out, they were turned back at the airport. Apparently, all flights had been grounded to prevent people from leaving the country. 
A young man summed up his feelings saying, “I just don’t know what to do anymore. My country doesn’t care about me, and no one else wants us. I don’t belong anywhere.”
“My country doesn’t care about me, and no one else wants us. I don’t belong anywhere.”
As my students were confronted by the news and public discussions surrounding this draft order, the conversation spilled over into our class time. Many of the students expressed anger and frustration, obviously fueled by the fear they are feeling. They reacted to the way that academics handle this topic as a theoretical problem to be examined and debated, rather than an alarming reality. For the students, this is personal and is already impacting their lives. It is not just a projection of what might happen in the future.
In their own words:
“This has been our life for years already. Our people have been forced out of their homes continuously over the past decades. That is why there are so many of us in Thailand. It is not easy for us. We did not want to leave our homes.”
"We did not want to leave our homes.”
“What about the poor people who cannot pay money to leave the country? What about the children who are trapped by the fighting? What about the old people who can’t get visas for anything and have to stay where the fighting is? Who is thinking about them?”
Together we contemplated how we can turn these feelings of frustration and helplessness into something productive. What small goal can each of the students set their sights on to give them purpose right now, so they are not dragged down by despair?
At the end of the conversation a 19 year old girl who had listened quietly to the others came to me and said, “I am not going to get angry, because that won’t change anything now. Right now I will just focus on my studying. Then in the future I will be able to teach and help improve things and help people. That is the only thing I can do now.”
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tellqivi · 1 year ago
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Education is NECESSARY for all children.
Not only for the children of a certain gender; Not only for the children of rich parents; Not only for the children living in certain region; Not only for the children with a certain skin color; Not only for the healthy children.
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exquisitedeadpanda · 11 months ago
This is a big fucking deal that I think a lot of people fail to understand.
This is the first step in creating an educated population: opening access to quality, well researched, peer reviewed information. Making it free of charge.
Fun fact: you can also access most academic articles through your public library. If they don’t have the article in their collection, interlibrary loan exists. These services are also free of charge (thank you, taxpayers!).
And the best thing? Conservatives fucking hate this shit. So you’re not only learning new and interesting things, you’re also pissing off the people who actively want to do you harm.
Which is super fun.
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We are pleased to share a significant milestone: JSTOR is now available free of charge in 1,000 correctional facilities worldwide, benefiting more than 500,000 incarcerated individuals. This accomplishment, made achievable through the generous backing of the Mellon Foundation, highlights JSTOR's steadfast dedication to promoting inclusive education.
Learn more about the JSTOR Access in Prison program.
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wildernezz · 1 month ago
hey chat did you guys know there's a whole website with informational videos on the rights you hold when interacting with ICE or witnessing interactions with ICE. all written by immigrants and for immigrants. idk man it'd be a shame if people watched these informational videos y'know.
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littledeadpotato · 5 days ago
I'll rant about libraries. Just because I find them extremely important. If you wanna know more about stuff I'll write about, I recommend watching this video.
One of the reasons why libraries are so important, is because they're third places (home-1st place, workplace-2nd place, 3rd places are places where one isn't forced to be, isn't tied to this place financially or legally, 3rd places also usually dont want anything in return for your stay). 3rd places are important, because everyone has a right to be there. Besides libraries, 3rd places can also be churches, cafes, bars etc. They also often exist to connect people.
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But libraries aren't just great because they're 3rd places, they're also awesome because they're... well... libraries. Usually you pay low money yearly (80czk in my library for students and seniors, 50czk for kids, 100czk for adults), and you can borrow infinite number of books. To most, this just sounds like an ordinary library thing, but in a time, when education is crazy expensive or not many people get to study at awesome schools, libraries are an (almost) free alternative. 'But doesn't internet work the same?' And the short answer is Yes, and the long one is no.
On first glance, internet works the same. But out of the 2 positives I just listed, internet fullfills only one of them. Internet, as far as I know, cant be a 3rd place. It's not a physical place, you cant actually meet locals. Internet might have unlimited knowledge, and in some cases, even more than libraries, but it doesn't work as a 3rd place. And i didn't even get to bigger libraries! Which are even more awesome (there's not one near me, and in case you've never been to one), those usually have computers, scanners and plenty other stuff.
Internet also doesn't exist. In a way. Stay with me, you can hold this book, you have the right to keep it for a certain period of time. Internet??? Seems forever, right? Well unless your phone runs out of battery or breaks. But... what if they take it away from you? Think of those times when people bought movies online, which then the streaming platform casually removed. But didn't they own those movies? Basically. No. The streaming service was plainly offering their services (aww, how sweet of them, right??? To trick you to spend money :3). I dont believe Internet is that different. You have unlimited knowledge only as long as they allow you to. It's not yours. Dont act as if it is. And dont act as if those bots are yours. They're not. He gets really mad when you talk about them like that😡.
Seriously. Stop.
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But most libraries (if they're not connected to some school) are dependent on the city's support and membership fees. So It doesn't matter if you know you won't read anything from the library, I'd advice you to get a membership and support your local library. Because if you won't, there's a chance kids few years down, won't have this much knowledge and comfort of a place anymore.
Also, if you're worried about your library not having a book you want, ask the staff! Librarians are usually very kind, and alot of libraries are connected to each other (your local doesnt have it, they'll borrow it from some other library and borrow it to you).
This has been more of a rant than actual know stuff, but I enjoyed writing it anyway:3
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hackeocafe · 4 months ago
20 Most Useful Keyboard Shortcuts I Use Every Day (Windows)
In this video, I’ll show you the keyboard shortcuts I use personally every day on Windows to save time and make navigating Windows easier.
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manasastuff-blog · 1 month ago
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"International Day of Education"#trending#viral
we will delve into the history of the International Day of Education, the role it plays in advocating for educational reform, and real-world initiatives that make a difference. Education is essential not only for personal development but also for fostering peaceful societies and driving economic growth. We'll highlight inspiring stories from around the globe that showcase how education is transforming lives and communities.
#internationaldayofeducation, #educationforall, #qualityeducation, #inclusiveeducation, #educationalequity, #transformativeactions, #globaleducation, #humanrightseducation, #educationreform, #january24, #educationalinitiatives, #sustainabledevelopment, #lifelonglearning, #equalopportunity, #inspiringstories, #communityeducation, #roleofeducation, #importanceofeducation, #educationcounts, #supporteducation
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educationcambodia · 1 month ago
The International Day of Education, celebrated annually on January 24th, serves as a global reminder of education’s power to transform lives and societies. This day underscores the importance of ensuring inclusive, equitable, and quality education for everyone—no matter their background or circumstances.
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partnersrelief · 2 years ago
"They burned my hands."
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Photo: Our team met Pah La Er* on a relief trip in Karen State earlier this year.
Pah La Er*
was captured and tortured by the Myanmar Army.  It’s not easy viewing. But his story mustn't be left unseen. Watch.  Share. Respond.
*pseudonym used for safety.
recently told our SEED staff an all-too familiar narrative.
“I studied in a government school for 9 years…they didn’t want the students to know how the Myanmar military committed violence against and killed our Shan people.”
Read how she’s working to help other kid’s dreams come true.
home behind again. But this time, the reason is worth celebrating. Ten Rohingya refugee families, most led by mothers like Fatema, recently moved into their newly reconstructed homes. Built by you, to keep them safe and dry.
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Pest control 
isn’t usually in our wheelhouse.  Until kids in Newroz and Roj camps in Northeast Syria start suffering sores from infected fly bites. Then it’s our thing. With your help, these pesky flies are biting the dust.
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Photo: Local partners completing a pest treatment at a camp in Northeast Syria.
scenes that make our hearts sing. Our local partner Inhalation of Hope’s most recent 3-month trauma care session has wrapped up with what all kids deserve: a celebration.
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Photos: The graduation party held to celebrate the students completing their 3-month session.
Kids who have experienced the trauma of war smiling again is just another sign this hope-filled work you’re a part of is truly transformative. Thanks for sticking at it with us. 
Your friends at Partners.
Donate Now.
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