#Eddie doesn't mind the pickles
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trashiiking · 2 years ago
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lolahasmoxie · 1 year ago
Friends to Something More (E.M.)
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Friends to Lovers with Eddie Munson.
But not the "we've secretly been in love with each other for 15+ years since we were kids" FtL.
It's the "we're in our mid-20s and are just now noticing each other." FtL.
You could admit that Eddie was attractive; you had eyes. But he was Eddie. You were his bro and best bud, and you occasionally played wing-man for him at The Hideout.
Eddie could admit that you were beautiful, but he always saw you as more like a sister. He would fart and burp in front of you, but also wing-man for you as well.
Then, one day, you're both 25.
You're at The Hideout with the gang, and Eddie can't help but watch you walk away to the bar to get the next round of drinks.
Had your ass always jiggled like that?
You give the drink order to the bartender and turn around just in time to catch Eddie looking at you.
Wait, since when did his lips get that plump?
Throughout the night, Eddie sidles closer and closer to you. When his arm wraps around your shoulder as he talks to Steve, you can't help but give a quick inhale. You hope Eddie doesn't notice; he absolutely does.
Fuck, has he always smelled this good?
Eddie is talking to Steve, but all he can think about is how the perfume you're wearing makes him want to bite your flesh and how wonderful your body feels pressed to his side.
At the end of the night, you and Eddie decide to share a cab since he's staying at your apartment for the night.
He has a small go-bag of items in your bathroom, and you take turns getting ready. Once in your PJs, you settle on the sofa to watch a bad horror movie. Eddie is tense, but you don't say anything because you know he'll tell you when he's ready.
About 40 minutes later, Eddie finally turns to you and clears his throat.
"Everything okay?"
"I want to do something, and if you at any point don't like it, just tell me to fuck off, and we'll never speak of it again."
"Okay, now I'm scared."
"I really, really, REALLY want to kiss you right now.
"Oh, fuck off, Eddie."
"It's not a joke. I don't know why, but the thought popped into my brain at The Hideout, and I feel like I might die if I don't find out."
Your mouth hangs open, and you feel the same desire as you study his face. Good lord, he was so fucking pretty. Your eyes glance down briefly to his lips before you return his gaze.
You learn Eddie is serious and intense when he has his mind on something. And he doesn't do anything half-assed, either.
He raises his calloused hands to cup your cheeks, warm brown eyes staring intensely into yours. You feel like melting as his thumbs slowly caress your cheeks. You've never had anyone look at you like this, had someone look at you so reverently before.
Eddie can't remember when a woman looked at him like you were now. Had a woman ever looked at him like this? Like he was the sun, and you were simply compeleld to follow.
He leans in, and there's a slight pause before your lips touch.
It's the last breath before the dive.
He rubs his nose softly against yours and smiles when you softly gasp. He would do anything to hear that noise again.
Then his lips are against yours, so soft and featherlight.
A kiss.
Then there's another, but with slightly more pressure.
He's the one who licks across the seam of your lip; he's the first to hum as you open for him. His hands keep you secure, thumbs caressing your face as he pulls you closer.
Then you're in his lap. You rest your weight entirely on him, and you can feel his cock grow hard under you. When Eddie finally pulls away, his eyes are almost all black, and he looks at you like he wants to devour you.
"Please let me take you to bed?"
"Isn't that kind of fast?"
Eddie can't help but chuckle as he pulls you down wholly on top of him. He peppers your face with kisses as you giggle.
"You take your coffee with a touch of cream and 1 sugar. You absolutely HATE pickles; you won't even eat the fries that touch the pickle spear at Benny's. Your favorite relative is your Aunt Deb, and you would throw me into traffic for a chance with Jason Newsted."
Your jaw hits the floor as you rest your head against his chest. Even though he can't see the smile on your face, he knows it's there.
"You tell people you like your coffee black, but that's a lie. You like it with enough milk that it turns a light tan. You love pickles so much that you always eat the one off my plate. Uncle Wayne is your favorite person on the planet, and you would throw me into traffic for a chance with Lita Ford."
He pulls you up and claims your lips once more.
"It may be fast," he mumbles against your lips. "but I'm not freaked out. Are you?"
"The only thing I'm freaked out about is how good you are at kissing. Seriously, who knew Eddie Munson could kiss like this?"
"Let me take you to bed; there's a whole lot more I can show you, Sweetheart."
FtL: where both participants know that they've just had their last first kiss.
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oneforthemunny · 2 years ago
So all the Eddie’s are tatted up but I wondered if you had any particular tattoos in mind for them?
I think you mentioned rockstar being particularly inked with tattoos for the girls and nepo baby before!
so for modern!eddie I think he'd have a lot of really kinda meaningless tattoos lol. not a whole lot like completely covered, but if he thinks somethings cool he's like yeah I'll put that on my body. definitely has a pickle rick tattoo and you know he does.
rockstar!eddie has a lot. he has the bat symbol from corroded coffin. he's definitely got something for wayne and his mom too. he's just got like a fuck ton of tattoos tho lol. most of them are like gothic and kinda scary looking to match his vibe, then like as he gets older there's drawings from the girls. they use him as their own personal doodle bear lol and he gets them tatted.
older!eddie has brielle's name and delilah's name on his chest. has a tattoo for gina that was in a heart that he got covered up into like a heart with a dagger lmao on his ribs. gets a bunny for reader, and has her initial on his ring finger too.
mafia!eddie has skulls down his forearm and upper arm, a sort of tally for all the people he's killed. he doesn't have a lot a lot, but has one for reader somewhere hidden entirely. wouldn't want anyone to ever see it bc then they would know he has someone who he cares about at home and might go for her.
cowboy!eddie would never ever ever admit it but he has a little horseshoe on his ass lmao. makes you swear not to tell anyone. it's like barely an inch tall and he got it drunk while at a competition but you think it's so fucking funny. has a medusa tattoo too for his favorite horse lol <3
janitor!eddie definitely doesn't have a lot, probably least tatted out of all of them, but has your name or initials on his ring finger. probably something for his mom and you and the kids on his ribs, like dates or even flowers or something.
bouncer!eddie has the stereotypical mom with an arrow heart on his arm bc he thought it was funny. recently got a dagger going down his forearm and you think it looks really fucking hot. also has cupid on his right shoulder blade bc you dared him too and... he did lol.
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little-annie · 2 years ago
Closets & Dill Pickle Chips [1/2]
Bi- Panic
Tonight was Eddie's return to the stage and Steve was proud and excited and couldn't wait to show off his friend. He'd brought a date, some girl from high school he hardly remembers. She's pretty, sweet and he didn't quite want to show up to Eddie's gig alone, because that'd be weird. Right?
So he sat with his arm around the woman's waist and at the moment couldn't even remember her name as he took in the show. Eddie was killing it, he looked like a real rockstar, crop top, leather pants and a magnetism to his performance. It proved difficult to look away and if the energy of the bar and the music got Steve going, well, he didn't mind and apparently his date didn't either. Her dainty fingers lingered on his thigh, venturing higher and higher until she squeezed and whispered something in his ear. Something that was drowned out by the sound of Eddie's voice coming through the speakers as back up vocals, low and raspy. But Steve's gut twisted with excitement so he must have heard what she said. Right?
As the show came to a close, Eddie came to their table to thank Steve for coming to support them. A strong hand resting on his shoulder the whole time, gently squeezing. Steve couldn't pull his eyes from Eddie's. They were lined with kohl and nearly hypnotising as he looked into them and noticed the varying colours dancing within their iris'. Chestnut, oak, amber. They were quite beautiful. The world seemed to blur around them as Eddie spoke and smiled like sunshine.
"I'll see around Stevie, thanks again for coming out tonight and bringing your lady." Eddie's grip shifted, moving further up to Steve's neck where he gently held, fingers hardly breaching into the line of baby hairs at his nape, a calloused thumb rubbed once and their eyes never once left each other. If anything Steve's eyes darted to Eddie's lips and he felt the need to get closer. "I'll let you get back to your date. Night, Harrington."
Why'd he feel so breathless 
"Night, Eddie." Steve quietly spoke, fighting the need to follow the man's touch as he pulled his hand away
His date said something, her quiet voice lost to the sound of Steve's thoughts and the image of Eddie's lips that so suddenly burned into his brain for the whole half a second he took them in.
Steve knew what he wanted and it made his stomach twist, his brow sweat and his sanity slightly crumble. He wanted a kiss. He wanted a kiss so goddamn bad he felt his lungs may give without. He wanted to know what Eddie's lips felt like on his. What his breath tasted like mixed with his own. How their lips would move together. How Eddie would hold him. If he'd pull him in by the waist or if he'd cradle a cheek in his guitar string bitten hand. How the calluses Steve knew he had would feel against the soft skin of his jaw. 
Steve wanted to know all of it
Everything down to the damn pulse of the man's heart beating through kiss bitter lips.
But what the fuck? He's here. He's here on a date with a beautiful woman and he's thinking about Eddie? He's just horny that's it, he needs to leave and get his date home and things will be fine.
Steve Harrington doesn't kiss men.
Steve Harrington doesn't kiss Eddie Munson.
Few words were exchanged over one last glass of whiskey before Steve and … he still couldn't remember her name, made their way back to her place. 
Out of desperation to shut up his groaning mind, a mind that kept comparing this woman's features to that of a friend; Steve walked the nameless woman backwards with aching lips to her bedroom. Not bothering to kick the door shut behind them, they carried on with their evening. A sweaty, meaningless evening that honestly seemed to last too long for Steve's liking. The dark eyes meeting his, the auburn curls tangling in his fingers, it was too much and it was doing quite the opposite of what he wanted. As those curls wrapped around his fingers and hot gasping breaths poured over his lips, he couldn't shake the thought of Eddie and how he wished it was him tangled in his grasp.
The second things were over, Steve grabbed his clothes and stormed out. He didn't know where he was going, he just knew it was somewhere. Crazy probably being the most likely destination.
It wasn't a far walk but exhaustion had gotten the best of him and he found himself perched on a park bench. Head held in his hands, he willed his stinging tears to stay at bay. He let the chill of the evening air wash over, encase him in an icy embrace and allow his heartbeat to settle and his mind to clear. 
He didn't know why he was reacting the way he was. Maybe he was just confused, scared, maybe he just really fucking needed to talk to Robin, but he didn't even know what to say. 
I wanna kiss Eddie, I wanna feel the pressure of his body wrapped around mine, I wanna feel his calloused fingers pulling at my skin? 
Fuck that 
It's not like he could even let Robin know it's Eddie he was thinking about. Right?
But he sat there anyway, contemplating the words that'd most likely spew from his mouth the second he saw his girl.
Steve wasn't fine.
The moment the door clicked shut behind him, he slumped against it. Pulling his knees to his chest, dropping his head to his lap, Steve wrapped his arms around his shins. Squeezing tight and still trying to will the tears to stay at bay because 'men don't cry Steven.''
He shook. His breath grew erratic and soon unmanageable. Jesus Christ, he'd never felt more sick in his life but as he pulled himself from the floor, wobbly knees and blurred vision, he made the trip to the bathroom with great difficulty.
Knee caps crashing into the cold tile floor, Steve clung to the porcelain bowl. Dry heaving until his stomach hurt, he curled into a shaky ball on the bathroom floor. 
As the cold tile against his cheek dulled his mounting headache, it did nothing to steady his breath. Every shallow inhale burned and forced his eyes to water. He was alone, suffering through whatever this was alone because he had no one. He had no one to hold him, no one to kiss him, no one to sing to him… to sing to him the way Eddie does.
Because he does, because he's so fucking sweet and anytime they spend together it's domestic bliss. Steve cooks, Eddie sings to Fleetwood Mac of all things and spins around the kitchen haphazardly with a bowl full of something that eventually splashes onto the floor. Because when Steve wakes up from a nightmare, shaking and scared, traumatised from the flashing images of razor sharp teeth and leathery wings, he calls Eddie. The only person who fully understands and Eddie will hold him without question. Sing him to sleep and, Steve knows, he knows for a goddamn fact that Eddie has kissed the top of his head to help comfort him and it always does. 
It always does.
But it can't be Eddie, it's not allowed to be Eddie.
After what felt like an eternity of burning lungs and panicked breaths Steve's mind eventually calms. Or maybe it just went numb to save itself.
Now he's sat on the floor of the bathtub, arms wrapped around his shins, cheek pressed to his knees and scalding hot water raining down on him and he eventually comes to. His vision cleared and the fog in his mind dissipated enough to realise he'd been staring at the same bottle of shampoo on the ledge of the tub for so long that his body was stiff in its position and his fingertips had shrivelled under the constant exposure to water. 
He was just lonely. That's it. That's something he could drink to, right?
Dill Pickle Chips
Steve spent the last week avoiding Eddie like the plague and honestly, it hurt so goddamn bad. He missed him. He missed him like he missed air when a Demmobat had its tail wrapped around his neck. Missed him like he missed the sun on his skin after staying in the hospital for weeks on end. Missed him during those nights where he knew the only thing that could comfort him was Eddie's arms around him and his lips pressed to the top of his head. Missed him although he was something he never had, not really anyway. They were good friends, joked around, got high together, did stupid shit and cared about each other but the realisation of last week hit Steve like a brick wall, and now, well, he didn't know if he could look at Eddie without thinking about him in that way.
Without wanting him.
Within the last week Steve had come to the realisation that he's not just lonely. He filled his days and nights with women and not one of them filled the empty feeling in his chest he knew that the other man could. It was a startling realisation to come to, but he eventually did. He's okay. Kinda. He's getting there at least. He needed to talk to Robin though and that was his plan for tonight. 
Well maybe.
He just needed to wrap his mind around this. Wrap his mind around Eddie. Wrap his mind around everything. All with the help of Robin. 
Letting Eddie's name escape his lips in the dirtiest of whispers far too many times since his realisation, Steve eventually found himself in a cold shower, trying to wash away his sins before he got ready to head over to Robin's for night. 
Maybe spending time with his emotional support lesbian could get his mind off of things. 
Things being Eddie Munson.
Though that didn’t fare well.
To her credit Robin hadn't the slightest clue (to Steve's knowledge) about his recently somewhat accepted attraction. So, she supposedly hadn't the slightest clue as to why Steve's cheeks aggressively sprung to crimson when he stepped into her apartment and saw none other than the object of his attraction splayed out on the couch. 
Hair wild and wispy, coffee coloured bloodshot eyes sleepy, Eddie was truly nothing less than a liquid form on the thrifted orange and blue sofa. Legs hanging over the back of the furniture, arms lazily falling around his upside down head. He looked as if someone had poured him out of a glass and he chose to remain how he spilled out. Haphazardly and with part of his midsection peaking out just enough to get Steve's blood flowing a little faster.
"Stevie," Eddie smiled, voice raspier than usual, quite literally tumbling onto the floor to spring up and make his way over to Steve before pulling him into a strong embrace. Carding his fingers through Steve's hair and unavoidably making Steve's night that much more difficult; Eddie was high off his ass and when Eddie was high, he was touchier than usual and the usual was already a lot.
Steve, already half hard from his earlier 'activities' shivered as Eddie's fingers gripped his hair and pulled him back into view to witness a devilish smirk and the way the man's lips lazily moved as he continued to speak, "Looking as beautiful as ever." Eddie whispered, breath ghosting over Steve's lips. 
And maybe if Steve was sane, not lingering in the bliss of his previous release from mere hours ago, he wouldn't have whined from the sensation alone. He also probably wouldn't have caught onto the way he swears he felt Eddie's dick twitch against his hip as he bit his lip trying to silence the sound that had unfortunately escaped his lips.
Tonight was going to be hard and unfortunately for Steve, in more ways than one.
Robin had stood there with a knowing look on her face before she pulled a stoned Eddie back to the couch and threw a bag of chips at him to hopefully distract his wandering hands. Much to Steve's disappointment.
Steve wasn't planning on this this evening. The object of his attraction hazed out, giggling to himself about God knows what while he continued to melt into the couch while simultaneously working his way closer to Steve. Because of course the only other seat available was next to Eddie. Of course.
Robin none the wiser (or so Steve thought), he couldn't blame her. She hadn't the slightest clue what was going on inside his head and for the time being he didn't know if he was 100% sure on telling her just yet. So in an effort to remain casual, he had to play the role of everyone's straight friend. Even though that was something he was quickly realising he wasn't. 
So he sat there, allowing Eddie to inevitably melt into him while he continued to giggle to himself forcing Steve's heart to swell from the sweet sound alone. Watching some God awful European movie Robin 'liberated' from Family Video, Steve allowed his mind to wander and maybe his eyes as well. 
Both, fortunate or not, focused on Eddie. Legs hanging over the armrest, head resting on Steve's thigh, he picked at the pile of chips he'd deposited on his chest. Dill Pickle, because they were Eddie's favourite– and no, Steve didn't remember that, nor did he keep a bag stocked at his place and Robins just in case. 
Oblivious to Robin's curious gaze, Steve's eyes hardly left the features of the man before him. Yes, having Eddie's head so close to his dick could prove to be a problem, but with all the willpower he could summon, Steve opted for admiring the arch of Eddie's nose and wrinkle of the pale skin around his eyes as he continued to occasionally giggle about nothing. Because that's wasn't fucking adorable.
Stoned Eddie was nearly comparable to Kryptonite for Steve, only second to an on stage, sweaty in a crop top Eddie that unknowingly served as Steve's Bi- awakening. But this form sparked something different. Steve didn't feel the intense need to go home and continue his earlier 'activities ' No, this form caused his cheeks to warm and his heart to twist. He felt warm and fuzzy and so goddamn happy. This wasn't just attraction, it was something much more and truthfully that scared Steve more than anything.
Gay, Bi-Sexual, whatever he was, he could handle that, hardly, but he could, he's growing to accept that. Maybe. But love? No, no, love's too much and way too soon. Like? He could hardly lie to himself and settle on that because the idea of having his heart ripped from his chest was currently too much to bear. That was a feeling he'd have to shove down. 
Maybe he could let himself drown in it, just for this evening. He could allow himself that. Right? 
Hardly realising he was mid spiral, Steve's attention was pulled back to reality by a gentle tap to his bottom lip. Brows pinched, he minutely flinched from the touch before his eyes focused on Eddie looking up at him from his lap. Those deep pools of coffee and amber looking back at him with a goofy grin. 
"Chip?" Eddie quietly suggests, tapping a Dill Pickle chip to Steve's bottom lip again, because of course Eddie was feeding him. Goddammit.
Okay, so maybe Steve hadn't confessed anything to Robin that night like he'd originally planned, but it was the first time she'd witnessed Steve's predicament. A straight man doesn't stare so lovingly at his friend and unknowingly comb his fingers through said friend's hair while neglecting to watch a movie. The look of adoration was so vividly painted across Steve's face, Robin hoped he realised what he was feeling, because it looked like something powerful, pure and beautiful. 
Bi- Schedule
After a week of avoiding Eddie like the plague, sleeping with a sickly amount of women, coming to the acceptance that, yeah, he might just have a thing for one of his best friends and falling asleep on Robin's fire escape with the man while smoking a joint and carding his fingers through Eddie's curls; Steve found himself back at the Hideout again.
Jonathan of all people convinced him to go out. Apparently a little "Guys Night" while he and Argyle were back in town from Cali. 
Never in a million years would Steve have thought he was going to have a guy's night with Jonathan Buyers and a stoner named Argyle wearing every colour of the rainbow who had hair down to his ass. But here he was, squished around a small table in front of a stage, waiting for Corroded Coffin to play.
And dear lord did they play. The bar was full, word getting around that a suspected Murderer/ Cultist/ Satanist was playing in a metal band at the Hideout was apparently very good for business. Who would have thought. So, Corroded played their hearts out, the band was on fire and Christ,  Eddie was magnetic. Women rushed the front of the stage just to be close to the man and if it wasn't for the little amount of self control he had, Steve would've too.
Earthen eyes lined with Kohl. Chocolatey curls frizzy and bold, gathering in the streams of sweat running down Eddie's neck and clinging to his shoulders. Leather pants that were illegally tight leaving nothing to the imagination. Steve's surprised he didn't pass out when the man tore his shirt off in the few spare seconds of a drum solo. 
He knows he looked like a dope. His beer had long gone warm as it sat in his grasp and he stared in awe at the man before him. Sweaty torso, a pierced nipple and the newest addition to Eddie's ink; Steve could hardly keep his jaw from dropping let alone his dick from stiffening. Shifting uncomfortably in his chair, willing the ever growing mass in his jeans to dissipate,  Steve continued to stare. His eyes mapping out Eddie's newest tattoo. It mimicked the lightning of the Upside Down, cascading between scars and splaying the vast canvas of Eddie's etched torso and side. It was hypnotic to see, let alone watch as Eddie ground his hips against his guitar while he played.
What Steve would give to be that guitar 
"Hey man, you alright?"
Oh shit, he's here with other people, that's right
Throwing back the rest of his beer (all of it) Steve turned to meet Jonathan's concerned expression
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine, just uh-" remembering the severity of his erection, Steve shifted to sit with his legs crossed, no matter how painful, "-just tired, is all."
"Oh dude, sorry, we can get going if you want."
Well he doesn't want that. If anything he wants to stay later to witness Eddie in all of his post show glory and glow, "Nah, it's alright, it'll do me good to have guys night out."
So that's what they did. After the show they made their way back to the bar lining up a round of shots to do with the band. They waited for the other guys while they chatted about nothing in particular. 
As weird as it may be, Steve could smell him before he could see him. Eddie's pine and tobacco scented cologne wafted into his lungs like the welcome breeze of spring's first rain and dear lord did it do something to him. The smell of the man's sweat and cologne made Steve's knees nearly buckle. 
He was in deep.
"Harrington!" Eddie bellowed pulling Steve into a sweaty side hug that made his skin burn with need, "You made it man,-" Eddie squeezing his waist Steve had to fight off the groan that clawed at his throat, "- I missed you at last week's show."
Steve just smiled trying not to think about last week and the journey that'd been. Sexuality crisis and all. Reaching for two shot glasses, Steve moved to hand one to Eddie while he complimented the man on his performance.
"Thanks Stevie," Eddie winked, flinging his hair back to pull it into a low knot, leaving his sweat stained skin glistening in the bar light, on display for Steve to drool over. It was then that Steve noticed Eddie was still shirtless, and he couldn't help but let his eyes wander. His surprisingly toned figure, fucking nipple ring and that goddamn tattoo. Steve wanted to touch him, wanted to bite him, wanted to lick the sweat and tattoos from his skin. Fuck.
"Steve- " Eddie whispered, gently tapping the man's nose with his finger, "- I'll take my shot now Sweetheart."
Trying to not combust from the nickname alone, Steve handed Eddie the ounce of liquor, fingers brushing in the process sending a shiver up his arm.
The men did shot, after shot, after shot, ending the evening with rosy cheeks, blurry eyes and loose lips. Steve, way too many times to be platonic telling Eddie how pretty he was or how beautiful his eyes were. Many times did Steve find himself leant against Eddie, arms around the man's bare waist as he leaned his head either into Eddie's neck or chest, grumbling about how he felt he was going to be sick.
"You're alright Stevie," Eddie would whisper, rubbing Steve's back or carding his fingers through the man's hair soliciting a hardly audible groan, "I'll call you a cab okay. You going home or to Robin's?"
"Yours" Steve grumbled, burrowing into Eddie's neck further, hardly resisting the urge to bite or lick the man and maybe if he rubbed his lips against Eddie's skin and licked the salt from his lips, that's his secret to keep
"I don't think that's a good idea,-" Eddie quietly spoke, pulling Steve back to look into his eyes, gently holding a hand to his cheek and rubbing a thumb over Steve's flushed skin, "- I'll send you to Rob's, okay?"
Steve nodded, however minutely and hung onto Eddie as the man walked to the bar and called for a cab. It arrived shortly after and Steve found himself being carefully helped into the vehicle and buckled in. He may or may not have taken a not so subtle inhale of Eddie's cologne one last time before the man clicked his buckle into place and placed a gentle hand on his cheek again.
 Steadying himself with a hand resting on the roof of the cab, Eddie spoke, "You get to Robin's safe, okay? If I don't hear from you tomorrow Steve Harrington, believe me I will show up on your doorstep to make sure you're alive and well. Got it?"
Steve nodded, drunken eyes getting lost in all that is Eddie Munson
Thumb brushing Steve's cheek again, Eddie spoke quietly, "I need to hear you say it Sweetheart."
"Yes, Eddie." Steve whispered, turning his face ever so slightly to the side to press a kiss to Eddie's wrist 
And maybe, he meant nothing by it, but the way Eddie blushed and whispered, "Good Boy," sent a pulse of electricity through Steve's body, settling happily in his core.
2 a.m., nose red, lips numb, vision slightly blurry and mind racing with one burning topic, Steve stumbled into the quiet apartment he called home (well his second home- Robin's apartment.) Falling back against the door and literally yelling for his best friend who slept less than twenty feet away, Steve's head began to spin and he loudly repeated, "ROBIN!"
Bright lights suddenly burned his eyes and he groaned in protest as he slumped to the floor. Drunken knees giving out under his weight with a dull thump of his ass hitting the hardwood. Eyes shielded, Steve tucked his head into his knees with another groan, only this one was followed with a hiccup.
The padding of fuzzy socked feet against hardwood thumped down the hall and soon stopped at the threshold of the small entryway.
Hands on hips, hair messy and a white t-shirt nearly to the knees stood Robin Buckley. Who, truthfully looked a little less than pleased, "Are you drunk?"
Steve shook his head, which was a very obvious mistake when the room began to spin even faster and his stomach twisted resulting in another groan
"You're drunk. Great. And at 2a.m. Nice. -'' but it's not like she could stay mad as the man on the ground in front of her groaned like a wounded animal. Hands falling to her sides in defeat, Robin let out a rather dramatic sigh and moved to settle her hands on Steve's shaky shoulders, "-Come on big guy. We going to the bathroom to throw up or am I taking you straight to bed?"
"Your bed." He grumbled against his knees (Because of course Steve had his own room at Robin's but hardly used it, opting to normally gossip with his best friend until they passed out) 
"No, I'm not having you puke on me in my sleep. Now come on." If that happened maybe she could stay mad for more than a few seconds 
"Needs to talk Robbie."
"Steve, you're in no shape to talk, come on."
"No." He pouted 
"I'm not going to argue with you."
And like a stubborn four year old he continued to persist, "No."
"Christ,-" Robin squeezed her eyes shut in frustration, "-you know, as much as I want to leave you here to choke on your own vomit, I can't do that. Get your ass up."
"Your bed."
Pinching the bridge of her nose and honestly too tired to deal with anymore childish pouting, Robin gave in, "Oh my god, fine. Come on then."
Though it took a moment, some cursing and a pit stop in the bathroom, Steve finally made it to Robin's bedroom. It was with very little grace that he stripped down to his boxers and shuffled through her pile of dirty laundry until he found a pair of sweatpants. Struggling through every second of pulling on pants and climbing into bed, Steve uncomfortably settled onto the mattress with a groan.
Laying on his back, trying to will the room to stop spinning with his mind, Steve mumbled, "Still needs to talk Rob."
With a pleading tone and the sweet land of slumber calling her name, Robin regretfully answered,  "It's nearly 3a.m. can it wait 'til morning?" 
"No." Steve answered, voice not far off from sounding like a wounded, tired whine 
"Fine,-" With far too much movement Robin flopped over to lay on her back, causing every inch of Steve's stomach to twist until the bed quit shaking. From there she inched her way up in bed allowing her back to lean against the headboard while she pulled Steve's head to her lap. With instinct he laid his ear against her thigh and her hands began to card through his hair, "- what's up Dingus?"
Steve was quiet for a moment, the liquid courage running through his veins slowly fading with every second, but that persistent voice in his head still remained, 'just tell her you idiot, if anyone understands it'll be her'.
"I think I like him, Rob." 
Her body tensed for a hot second, this wasn't the conversation she thought she'd be having tonight, especially at 2:56 a.m. on a Saturday morning. Normally drunk Steve liked to ramble on about nonsense, sometimes Nancy Wheeler, the kids or his undying love for herself but not...this…not yet anyway, well except for that one drunk phone call a few weeks ago. Though she knew it'd come eventually.
She took a deep breath, essentially preparing herself for the conversation though she was curious if he'd even remember it come morning. Then she finally answered, "Tell me about 'em."
And so Steve did, in a little too much detail of course because his brain to mouth filter wasn't totally functioning at 100% at the moment. He went on about eyes the colour of the earth and curls he wanted to tangle his fingers into, adding the fact that he did last weekend while they smoked a joint on her fire escape. Salty porcelain skin and tattoos he wanted to lick off, ones he could picture in his mind right now if he tried hard enough. That lightning tattoo specifically that seemed to cascade down Eddie's beautifully etched torso. 
He'd rambled on about the man's figure for a good several minutes before Robin cut him off, "Steve, honey-"
"Hm?" He turned his head to look up at her from her lap
She couldn't help but smile as she carded her fingers through his hair again, "You like anything more about this guy other than his looks?"
"Guy?" His brows furrowed in question like he hadn't realised he'd been talking about a man this entire time
"Mmhm," she answered gently with a nod, fingertips softly scratching his scalp
"Oh God," Steve breathed. Needless to say he was sobering up a touch. 
There was a rather long moment of pause, Robin allowing him to process his sobering thoughts to the point where she thought he passed out. That was until he finally spoke, "Him, Robin, as in a guy. Oh wow. Oh my god, wow. I um…I do though…I like him, like a lot. I think. He makes my heart feel all fuzzy and my stomach feel like it's doing somersaults when I'm around him." 
He sat up, maybe a little too quickly for his settling stomach, but now his position matched hers, back against the headboard and legs straight out. He stared forward, looking into the darkness ahead, "Oh my god-" he breathed again, Robin grabbing his hand, lacing their fingers together, he continued, "-I uh… Robin…I think I like men too… like men and women?… is that allowed? Can I do that? Can I like both? I don't know if there's enough Steve Harrington to go around for that."
Robin couldn't help but chuckle, Steve obviously wasn't 100% sober with that last comment, "Yes it's allowed, Yes you can do that and Yes you can like both,-" she squeezed his hand, hoping to gain a little more attention and thankfully she did as his head turned to face her, "-it's called being Bi-Sexual, Steve."
"Bi-Schedule." He wrongfully repeated, gaining a giggle and a nudge to the shoulder.
"Bi-Sexual, Steve."
"Bi-Sexual Steve" he stated matter of factly in his drunken state 
"Close enough,-" Robin mused, "-yes, Steve is Bi-Sexual."
Robin remained silent, only slumping her head against his shoulder to be met with his following suit. Resting his cheek on the top of her head, slumping the rest of his body against hers Steve fell silent with a satisfied hum.
And well of course that wasn't a conversation Steve would remember, but Robin would. 
If anything the word Bi-Schedule rang a weird bell in Steve's head for the following weeks.
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And here is the desperation mechanic!
Obviously there's a good argument for, if this was his normal you know habit and he didn't mind that all the officers thought that of him and he was just smug that he consistently Got out of tickets this way, Maybe he just goes ahead and does it right? Maybe he doesn't give a shit That Eddie is there?
Buuuut, maybe especially if they are like not dating or very very newly dating, maybe Steve hesitates. Maybe he doesn't quite know how that's going to go down with Eddie and he doesn't want to make it weird?
So maybe he doesn't intend to do it, sort of figures well he'll just you know take the ticket this one time. Officer has to win you know sometimes...
Only He has now primed himself to respond in a very specific way to the red and blue lights coming up behind him. Which, he should have known, because sometimes it'll catch him off guards at other times, he'll see the lights and hear the siren for you know something else just over a routine day and he will find himself needing to cross his legs or grab himself to ward off the sudden urge
(lol maybe Eddie has even noticed that specifically about him, and has sort of come to the conclusion that Steve has some kind of a law enforcement kink or something, and isn't super sure how he feels about that.)
anyway, lights and siren go off, Steve's body prepares to be desperate, Steve decides actually he doesn't want to do that... Not in front of Eddie... But it's too late.
his body is used to letting go, now. It's like key in the door syndrome, when you have to go so much worse the moment you've actually got your keys in the door and you're actually close... And the way that's even worse if you ever have given in once inside your house, that that increases the likelihood that you won't be able to make it the next time...
suddenly Steve is really genuinely desperate, and is desperately trying to hide it from Eddie, even as he pulls over, even as the officer gets out and comes up alongside him.
Steve crosses one leg over the other, fighting not to grab himself, and rolls his window down, wincing as he does so.
"license and- ah, Mr Harrington. Do you know how fast you were going?"
and Steve is biting his lip in between questions, and he can feel sweat pop out all over his body and he needs so badly to plunge his hand into his lap, he could make it if he was allowed to hold himself, but he doesn't want to do it in front of Eddie, doesn't want Eddie to know...
and the officer totally clocks it, and absolutely interprets this as a situation where Steve was, as per usual, speeding because he was desperate to piss, only he doesn't want his buddy to know.
And The officer just shakes his head at the pickle this stupid teenager consistently gets himself in, but indulgently figures he doesn't need to ruin the guy's day by making him piss himself in front of his buddy. Especially when it seems likely that that's going to happen anyway, even if the officer walks away...
"This is your last warning, kid. Get home quickly but safely now."
and as the officer heads back to his car, Eddie is whooping softly, not even daring to believe that they just got out of that...
But where he expects Steve to join him, he looks over and clocks that something's wrong.
Steve turns over the engine again, but he's got to uncross his legs if he wants to get to the gas pedal, and he can't can't can't, not unless he wants to lose it right here right now, it's frustrated because he didn't even really have to go before this, and now he's absolutely going to fucking lose it right there like a child and his seat in front of eddie-
"Steve? What's wrong?"
And there's nothing for it. There are only a few ways out of this one... So Steve gives in and grabs himself and uncrosses his legs.
"uh, Steve? Is now... Is now really... Really the time?"
And as he pulls back under the road, practically using his dick as a stress ball, trying to keep it together, He has to explain.
"But why didn't you go at the diner? We were just there?"
And then Steve has to explain that really genuinely this is not helping his case of you know feeling like a child, but genuinely he didn't have to go then. And then he has to explain the most humiliating part... Maybe the most humiliating part? Is it more humiliating to choose to piss yourself or pretend that you're desperate to get out tickets, or is it more humiliating to have accidentally given yourself a pavlovian response, to have accidentally trained yourself to be desperate in those situations?
XD poor bastard.
(Eddie of course will not mind, will think that it's hilarious, will love that Steve has been getting one over on the officers, and maybe is going to find it a bit hot also. XD)
cw: wetting
Steve pissing himself as a way to get out of trouble any time he got pulled over for speeding.
Sometimes he would get away with just squirming in his seat, and "I'm sorry officer, I just have to go to the bathroom so bad. I, I don't think I can make it home."
Other times it would take some crocodile tears, a gasp of "Oh, shit," and looking down as a small wet spot appeared at the crotch of his jeans. A hand shoved between his legs and a beg of "Please, I think I'm going to have an accident."
And sometimes he had to take it further. Loud, slightly exaggerated sobs as he completely flooded his pants, his stream hissing as it broke through and a soft patter as drops overflowed the edge of his car seat and ran onto the floor. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I just, I couldn't hold it anymore. I was trying to get home before it happened."
And honestly, it was worth the wet pants, having to clean his car, and having most of Hawkins PD thinking that he had a bladder control problem to get out of paying speeding tickets.
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corrodedcoughin · 2 years ago
no but wait abba's take a chance on me but steddie and there are so many ways it could go!!
high school Steve dating around and getting a reputation for being a ladies man and Eddie watching from the sidelines thinking 'if you're all alone when the pretty birds have flown honey I'm still free take a chance on me'
s4 steddie, Eddie thinking Steve is pining for Nancy after the upside the down forest scene and he watches as Nancy dresses Steve's wounds but Eddie wishing it was him 'if you change your mind, I'm the first in line, honey I'm still free take a chance on me'
post vecna and they are spending more and more time together, in Eddie's trailer, going for drives/dinners/any spare moment they can have in each other's company they do 'we can go dancing, we can go walking as long as were together. listen to some music maybe just talking, get to know you better'
Eddie is so hopelessly heart achingly in love and he can't even deny it, he tries to hold back but he just cant, imagining what it might look like to be with Steve, how it might feel to openly show how much his heart belongs to him but too scared to try for fear of his worsts nightmare being true 'so much that I wanna do when I dream I'm alone with you its magic'
Eddie losing countless hours convincing himself that Steve would never feel the same way about him, not the Steve Harrington 'you want me to leave it there afraid of a love affair but I think you know, that I can't let go'
that is until there's a party for the older one's at Steve's. he ends up lying on the floor with Steve in his kitchen, everyone else in the living room debating the benefits of sweet and savoury flavour combinations. Steve lets his walls down, tells Eddie that he is scared to let anyone close to him in case the find out what he's really like and decide that he's not worthy of their love and attention after all. he doesn't look at Eddie when he's saying this, knows he can't look at him because Steve's resolve would dissolve and Eddie would know just how much Steve wants him to prove him wrong. Eddie had been talking to Nancy before this, finding out that her and Steve aren't an option, haven't been an option for a long time now so he just decides that now is time, if nothing else he hopes confessing will show Steve that Eddie knows him and he loves him, not in spite of who he is but because of who he is. so, he tells him 'you say that I waste my time but i can't get you off of my mind. no i can't let go 'cause i love you so'
later on, Argyle decides he needs snacks to prove his culinary point which is when he stumbles into the kitchen to find Eddie and Steve wrapped up in each other while sat on the floor, propped up against the cupboards, smiling into each other and letting out little puffs of laughter. argyle needs his food though so he carries on, grabbing his pickles and giving them both a thumbs up 'congratulations muchachos may your ride on the love bus be everlasting'. neither Eddie nor Steve hear him, too infatuated by each other. Argyle doesn’t mind, humming a song as he leaves the kitchen ‘honey I’m still free, take a chance on me’
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mccall-muffin · 2 years ago
Little Kitty Christmas Special // Babe Heffron x Reader
Summary: How Christmas is in the Heffron-Household.
Warnings: Just a lot of fluff!
A/N: This came to my mind cause I didn't want to make a third part actually, but this was fun.
Tagging: @liebgotts-lovergirl, @brassknucklespeirs
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December 24, 1946 - South Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA  
Humming, you stand in the kitchen preparing the stuffing for the turkey that will be on the table tonight. You've been in the kitchen for hours anyway, getting everything ready. Pigs in Blankets, Yorkshire Pudding, Brussels sprouts, mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberry sauce, and a few other odds and ends. Also, the English Christmas Pudding has to be prepared, for which the fruits have been pickled in rum for several weeks.
As you look out the kitchen window, you see Babe standing in front of your house but staring into space. You take a deep breath, briefly washing the potatoes off your hands before stepping outside. Babe doesn't even seem to notice this because he flinches when you put your arms around him from behind.
He quickly realizes it's you and visibly relaxes. He sighs, and you rest your head on his shoulder. "What's wrong, my darling?" you ask him. He puts his hands on yours and leans his head against yours.
"It's just... This time. It's - especially hard," he says after a while. You sigh and bite your lips before stroking his hands. "I'm sorry about that, love," you whisper, "It's okay, dear. I'm afraid it can't be helped." You both stand there, looking out at the street for a moment. "Christmas used to be my favorite time," Babe tells you, and you listen intently. "The family was together, the food was excellent, and there were presents." Babe chuckles. "The atmosphere was always very nice, but now... All I can ever think about is that God-forsaken forest."
Babe lowers his head, and you break away from him to wrap your arms around his neck. "Hey," you say, forcing him to look at you. Tears glisten in his eyes, nearly tearing your heart out. You know you can't take away what he's experienced, and it's incredibly hard for him, but you can only be there for him.
"I know I can't take away the pain, love, but I'm here for you; I hope you know that," you say, putting a hand on his cheek. "I love you, Babe. Eddie loves you, and if I can bring even a little joy back to you, I'll do anything to do that." You lean in and kiss your husband tenderly. Babe takes your hand in his and smiles gently at you. "I love you more than anything, Y/N. You don't even know how much." He kisses you again, and you pull him towards you.
You break away from each other as you notice little Eddie standing on your porch, being led down the two steps by Babe's mom. "Hey, my little man," Babe says happily, taking his son into his arms. He lifts him, and Eddie laughs happily. You stand by and smirk with one hand in front of your mouth.
Babe walks up to you with Eddie in his arms and kisses you again.
"There now, you two. We know how in love you are, but save it for the bedroom, will you?" Anne, Babe's mother, now interferes. "I wouldn't mind having more cute little angels like that," she laughs, taking Eddie out of Babe's arms as you and Babe exchange looks. "Ma," the latter then says, annoyed. "What? You can't blame me for wanting more grandchildren," she justifies herself. "It's not like you don't already have eleven," Babe laughs, and his mother smacks him on the arm. "Edward James Heffron, don't get cocky now."
Babe rubs his arm playfully. "Very well, I must return to the kitchen," you say, giving Babe's hand a quick squeeze. "Dinner's not going to prepare itself." Babe gives you a pat on the butt as you walk past him. You turn around in surprise and look at him, startled, but Babe shrugs innocently, which makes you laugh.
When the food is ready, you stand in the kitchen frame to watch Eddie and Babe play with each other. The sight keeps putting a smile on your face.
"You're fortunate."
As you turn around, Anne smiles at you. "I know," you agree with her. "You guys gave me quite a scare when Babe came back from the war, and he suddenly had a son. But that shouldn't have surprised me that much. What surprised me was that he also had a girl with him, whom he was determined to marry by all means in the world." You look at Anne, frowning.
"He's so damn happy with you. It warms my heart to see my son like that." You take a deep breath. "I'll do what I can." "He needs you, Y/N." You look at Anne, then nod slowly. "I know. And I need him. I love your son, Anne." "And I know that, my child."
Suddenly your front door opens, and you look up in confusion. "Hello, fellas; Uncle Bill is here," you already hear the familiar voice of Babe's best friend. You give Anne's hand a quick squeeze before walking into the entryway, where Babe, with Eddie in her arms, is already greeting Bill.
"Y/N," Bill then says, pressing a kiss to your cheek. "Bill, good to see you," you speak with a smile before greeting his wife, Frannie. "And Frannie. It's good to have you here. How are you?" you ask, pointing to her round belly. "Oh, been better, if I'm honest," she says, out of breath, and you take her coat from her. "It's getting close to the end, and I can tell." "Yeah, and then I finally get to meet our rascal," Bill grins before walking up to Frannie and kissing her.
"So, how's my godson?" Bill then asks, nudging Eddie to the side. Babe hands him off to Bill and smiles. "He's getting bigger, that's for sure." Babe smiles at you.
It's not long before the rest of Babe's family arrives, which means you have a full house. His three brothers with their wives and children and his two sisters with their husbands have come. Babe's dad also followed when he was done with work.
The mood at the dining table is boisterous, and you enjoy the family together. Now and then, you squeeze Babe's hand when you notice his gaze becoming absent and then smile at him encouragingly. You see, it's no different with Bill.
"Don't you miss home, Y/N? Your family?" Jimmy, Babe's brother, asks you, and you look up. "Of course I do," you reply with a smile. "But my parents are arriving soon, and I'll see them then. Traveling that far with Eddie isn't a good idea yet." "I guess that's true," Jimmy's wife Vera agrees with you. "And when is baby number two coming? Eddie is 18 months, after all," Joey laughs now, earning a nasty look from Babe. "Can't you just leave her alone?" he asks, looking at his brother.
"What, Babe? Martha was pregnant again after only six months." "Yeah, but not everyone has as pronounced a reproductive urge as you, Joey," Jimmy now laughs and smacks him on the back of the head. "Hey!" the latter exclaims and wants to retaliate, but their mother intervenes. "Stop it, boys, and behave!" she says sternly, looking at her boys. "Sorry, Ma..." Jimmy and Joey mumble meekly, which brings a smirk to your face.
When it's time for the gift-giving, you're sitting on the sofa next to Frannie and Vera, sipping your wine glass. You're all sitting around the beautifully decorated Christmas tree, and some have already started singing cheesy Christmas carols.
Then suddenly, Babe gets up and stands in front. "Okay, okay. Before you all pounce like vultures on the presents, I want to say something," he says and then looks at you. "Hear, hear," Jimmy calls out, raising his glass. "He hasn't even started yet, you idiot," Joey says, and you shake your head in amusement.
"My very dear wife Y/N. Please come forward," Babe says, and you blush slightly before walking forward to join him.
Babe takes your hands in his and looks you in the eyes. "I wanted to tell you that you are the most wonderful person in my life. You are the best mother to our son. You are the best wife to me. I love you with all my heart, and I couldn't imagine my life without you," Babe says as tears start to well up in your eyes.
"Hey Babe, you know you already married her, right?" exclaims Bill, and everyone starts laughing. Babe looks at him for a second and then nods. "I know, but that's why I still want to say thank you. After probably the most horrible and difficult time in my life, you gave me the most beautiful and loving time, and for that, I am forever grateful!" Babe leans down to you and gives you a quick kiss. "I love you, Y/N. I always will. And as a token of that," he then says and takes out a box.
Confused, you look at him. "What's this?" you ask, and he smiles. "Open it."
Carefully, you open the lid and what's inside the box melts your heart. "Oh my God!" you exclaim, dropping the top to the floor before reaching into the box and pulling it out.
It's a little white kitten.
"Oh my God, Babe," you then say, giving your husband a big hug. "The first time I saw you, you were petting a little thing just like that on the streets of Aldbourne. That was almost three years ago, but I've thought about you every day since. Whether I've seen you or not." You hold the little thing in your arms and stroke it gently.
"It's perfect," you breathe then, kissing Babe passionately. "I love you," you say, smiling at him.
"Hear, hear," Jimmy repeats and raises his glass, which you all do to him now.
You and Babe are cleaning up the mess his family left behind together. Eddie is already in bed, and Anne and Joseph, Babe's parents, have also said goodbye.
Tired, you put the dirty dishes in the sink while the kitten jumps around your legs. "Well, you little one? You must be hungry," you say, petting the little one before giving it some food.
"Have you decided on a name yet?" asks Babe, standing in the doorway with his arms crossed. "Not yet, but it can wait," you whisper, then look at Babe. "How about April?" he asks, and you look at him questioningly. "April?" "Well, it's a girl, and that month, I got to marry the greatest woman in the world." You smile, bend down and pick up the little cat. "Are you an April?" you ask her, and as if to confirm, she meows. Then you look at Babe with a smile before putting the little thing back on the ground. "April it is."
You walk past Babe and start clearing more plates before you hear him doing something on the gramophone and look up as the song 'Have yourself a merry little Christmas' by Judy Garland plays.
Surprised, you look at Babe, who holds out his hand to you. "No, honey, we should finish this," you say, pointing to the mess still on your dining room table. Babe walks up to you and hugs you from behind as he kisses your neck. "That can wait," he whispers, making the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. "Babe," you say again, but he's already taken the plates from your hands and placed them on the table.
He pulls you into the middle of the room and then toward him. He begins to move slowly with one hand on your back and one in your hand. You look at him before sighing and resting your head on his shoulder.
Slowly you move to the rhythm of the music, and Babe gently strokes your back. You breathe in his all-too-familiar scent and then sigh happily.
"You know, I thought of something today," Babe says, pushing you off him a little so he can look at you. "Uh-huh, and what's that?" you ask, and he grins. "Well, I've been thinking about what Ma and Jimmy said. About - well, about having a second baby." You widen your eyes. "What?" "Well, Eddie's getting big enough now, and I'd like him to have a little brother or sister."
After the initial shock, you smile at Babe before touching his cheek. "You know I would do anything for you, sweetheart. And if you want to have a big family... Then let's have a big family. I didn't know that's what you wanted." Babe kisses you passionately. "I'd have a hundred kids with you," he says, and you laugh. "You're not serious, are you?" "No, but one or two more wouldn't hurt." "Well then, Babe Heffron, let's make another baby," you say, and he grins.
Babe lifts you without waiting any longer and throws you over his shoulder. "What right now?" you ask with a laugh, but Babe doesn't give you an answer, instead carrying you up the stairs. Once in your bedroom, he lays you on the bed and places himself over you.
"You just keep surprising me, love," you're still laughing, and Babe kisses you tenderly. "I should hope so. Otherwise, it would be boring."
You look into his eyes again and bite your lips. "I love you, Babe. I hope you don't forget that." A big grin appears on Babe's face. "If I should, I hope you'll remind me again immediately." He brushes a strand of hair from your face, then places his lips on yours.
"I don't think I'll ever call Christmas a favorite holiday again, but I can tell you that as long as you're by my side, at least one light will shine." He kisses you again, more passionately, before pushing himself away a little. "I love you, Y/N. Nothing in the world can change that ever. And now... Let's get to that Christmas miracle," he grins, and you laugh. "Well then... baby-me, love." "Oh, you don't have to tell me twice."
Even though it will take some time until you get pregnant again, the love between you and Babe still is as strong as ever. He is the rock in your life and will always have your back. Times will be challenging, but he will be there for you and your children. You couldn't wish for a better husband or father of your children in your life.
You love him with all your heart.
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newtonsheffield · 3 years ago
So if eddies trying to set up Kate with Eloise’s brother - building owner Anthony. Does Anthony realise that Eddie and Eloise are trying to set them up? X
Okay, so Anthony knows that Edwina and Kate are related (He's the one giving them cheap rent) and Kate knows that Eloise's brother owns the building.
Anthony also knows that Eloise and Edwina have been trying to set him up with Edwina's sister and he was not into it. He doesn't need his younger sister setting him up, thanks. He dates plenty. Maybe too much.
And of course, when he meets Kate he absolutely is interested but now he can't have them set it up because she thinks he's the handyman. And She also called him a rich arsehole which is apt but a little hurtful given he wouldn't mind her thinking a little more kindly of actual him. It's a bit of a pickle.
Particularly when he gets a text from Edwina that says
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foxxsnacks · 3 years ago
Gimme the Eddie stuff, I agree with you
God okay so like. I'm still figuring out my hcs a bit I suppose but I do have a bit so far!
• at first, he's a very nervous pred. He doesn't want to risk hurting his prey at all, and is very sensitive to their needs. If you want out, just say the word.
• but as he grows more experienced and knows what certain people's limits are? Like, Dustin for example? He becomes a MASSIVE tease
• he can easily tell if he's going too far, and will cut it out immediately, but if he's in a playful mood he taunts his prey SO MUCH
• licking, swallowing around them, hanging them over his mouth... then pressing and prodding at them way too much once they're in his stomach
• if his prey is upset beforehand, he'll be a lot more gentle with the whole experience, and will likely offer to just let them inside to hide away for a bit. When he's calmer like that, his touches to his middle are much more gentle and caring.
• some days, if it's someone he knows, he'll let them hotbox his stomach so they can get stoned together. Definitely one of his favorite things to do to pass the time
• he actually hates genuinely scaring his prey. If it's for an act, he doesn't mind it, but if he can tell they're actually scared? Nope. He's spitting them out immediately to make sure they're okay. No buts about it.
• I don't think he'd mind squirmy or still prey. If they're squirmy, he might pull up his shirt just to look at his middle, probably snorting in amusement when he can see them move. If they're still, he might mess with them a little to try and get them to move, but not much. More of just poking at his stomach on occasion and going "c'mon, do something"
• although he does like the idea of eating prey with food, he generally doesn't. Not unless he's high and has the munchies. If that's the case you're stuck inside him with whatever he can get his hands on to eat. This probably leads to some disgusting combos. Like pickles and whipped cream or something.
• belly rubs make him melt. Like, literally. He'll need to sit down if you rub at him. He's not used to any sort of positive attention, so you do that and he'll just swoon.
God. I have so much more but none of my thoughts are really coherent.
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stevethehairington · 2 years ago
☯ - likes/dislikes headcanon for eddie!
ty for sending this in!! this is a fun one!!
his favorite movie genre is horror, the gorier the better too (and he says he hates romance movies, BUT that's a lie and his guilty pleasure movies that you can pry from his cold dead hands (too soon? dfjksd jk jk he is ALWAYS alive and well in my mind <3) are when harry met sally and you've got mail (he's got a soft spot for meg ryan okay? she just GETS to him.) (also YES ik these movies come out way later but whO CARES HE'S ALIVE TO SEE THEM SO.)
his favorite food is lasagna, specifically the lasagna that wayne made for him the very first night eddie came to live with him. wayne isn't the best cook and he doesn't like to do it much, but if there's one thing he KNOWS in the kitchen it's how to make a damn good lasagna.
eddie also GREATLY enjoys breakfast for dinner, it is one of life's simple joys and he indulges in it whenever he can.
he also likes chaotic food combinations (e.g. syrup AND hot sauce on his scrambled eggs, bananas on his pizza, if he liked pickles (he doesn't) he'd be into pickles and peanut butter), also not a weird combination but he is definitely that bitch that dips his french fries in his ice cream/milkshakes.
he likes spicy food even though he cannot handle very much of it, but he refuses to let that stop him and he WILL suffer through it (and make it everyone's problem)
he likes tomatoes and steve hates tomatoes, so steve always asks for tomatoes on the side instead of no tomatoes completely so he can give them to eddie.
he loves to sleep in, the morning sun is a CURSE and waking him up before double digits on a weekend is something EVERYONE quickly learns NOT to do. the ONLY person that can get away with it (and even then, it's still rocky) is steve, and there are loooots of bribes involved.
eddie likes the color green most, but yellow is a close second (that only jumps to the top so quickly because of steve), and he also likes red a lot too. (he, of course, loves black too, but he IS a colorful bitch when he wants to be!! and he is full of surprises!)
halloween is his favorite holiday!! he loves to go all out and decorate and dress up and go through his queue of halloween movies and he enjoys handing out candy and seeing all of the cool costumes the kids are wearing too.
he loves metal music, obviously, but his music tastes vary greatly outside of metal too. contrary to popular belief he does genuinely like some of the kitschy bubblegum pop that steve likes to play, and he also has a soft spot for the more bluesy, folksy stuff that he grew up on. he ALSO is a not so secret dolly parton fan (thank you wayne, for that)
he likes it when people touch his hair, but only people he is comfortable with (i.e. steve, the girls, the party). he lets el and max braid his hair, likes it when robin scratches at his scalp when she can't keep her fingers still, and he always lets steve get his hands up in his mane — running his fingers through it when it's smooth, gently detangling after a show, curling his finger around a strand, tucking it behind his ear, gripping onto it and tugging when they're getting hot and heavy.
and, of course, his more obvious likes: metal music (duh), dnd (duh), lotr (duh), fantasy genre in general (duh).
waking up early (of course) lol. he'll do it if he absolutely has to but he WILL complain about it and he will NOT be a ray of sunshine.
he doesn't like organized sports of any kind — of the amateur or professional kind. phys ed fucking SUCKED and he refused to participate, and there is no WAY he would take any of that shit up by choice either. he does NOT follow or watch any professional teams either, and the superbowl/world series/nba championships/WHATEVER are his least favorite times of the year lol. THOUGH, he does end up making an exception to all of this for steve, because as much as he hates sports, he loves steve, and steve loves sports. so whenever steve wants to hit the court, eddie will go with him and he's absolutely shit at basketball, but it's actually not so bad when he's doing it with steve, or with the kids too. and same with watching sports, he doesn't understand the rules or really care too, but he loves how enthusiastic steve gets about it, and he'll jump up and cheer with steve when his team scores a touchdown or whatever (especially because steve's team winning means eddie's gets looots of excited, happy celebratory kisses lol)
in a similar vein, eddie hates running. he does NOT understand people who choose to do it for fun, he thinks they're masochists (and not the fun kind) and also have something wired wrong in their brains to make them actually enjoy that kind of physical activity. it's just so boring. BUT. he is whipped enough that every time steve (who IS one of those weirdos that enjoys running — and seriously, eddie haaad to go and fall in love with a jock what is wrong with him??) wakes him up with the sun, somehow already so awake and far too peppy for this hour, and asks him sooo sweetly to join him on his morning jog, eddie just does not know how to say no, no matter how much he wants to.
eddie also does not like houseplants. not because he dislikes plants, but because he is SHIT at taking care of plants. like, no matter what he does, no matter how hard he tries, every single plant he has ever owned has died on him. he's even managed to kill a succulent. so yeah, he has the opposite of a green thumb and he and houseplants just Do Not mesh, so he Does Not like them.
he dislikes pickles GREATLY. thinks they're fucking disgusting (and he's RIGHT). he also hates raisins because "why the FUCK would i eat a raisin if i could eat a grape?? why would someone suck the juice out of a grape and leave the skin?? that's nasty! no one likes that!!"
he also haaaates it when people try to gatekeep music. he thinks people should be allowed to listen to and enjoy whatever music they want, and they can be as big or as little of a fan as they want too. people don't need to dedicate their whole entire lives to the metal scene in order to like black sabbath or metallica or judas priest. if someone likes a couple of their songs that's fucking cool and that's it. if it's something they're passionate about then that's fucking rad or if it's something they aren't ridiculously into but can appreciate that's cool too. it doesn't make anyone more or less of a fan. he also hates it when people criticize other people's music tastes. like, there's nothing wrong with some gentle ribbing about someone's music taste, but the second it turns from lighthearted teasing to GENUINELY trashing someone for the music they listen to he gets reeeeeal mad about that. because who the fuck cares what kind of music a person listens to and loves?? the fact that they found something they're passionate about is all that matters. and there's no need to be dicks about that.
eventually (not for a while, but it Does happen later in life), he too has to get glasses and he Does Not like them, but every time he starts to complain about them and call them stupid and ugly steve tells him he's not allowed to like them on him and hate them on himself, especially since they drive steve just as crazy as steve's glasses drive eddie. that helps, that definitely helps.
Headcanon meme
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eddiescumfilledsock · 3 years ago
more (mostly romantic) eddie hc because this man never leaves my mind now
CW for having a kid and marrige if that bothers you, I think i made sure it stayed all gn though
-he would love to give you pretty flowers he saw on a tree or bush, even just nornal leafs and dandelions, as well as any cool rock or button skjdjdj
-if you do the same he will get so giddy and press them before glueing it to some paper and keep it in a shoe box with the other little things you gave him and theyre his most prized possessions hed say its a tie or right after his guitar but he's lying
-hes like that its a crystal nothing more meme but instead of a crystal its any neat little thing he found on the side of the road lmao
-him putting fruit stickers on you <3
-hed put it right in the middle of your forehead and say some shit like you cost 1.98 but are priceless to me like the sweet dork he is if you do the same to him he will stick them to the inside part of the lide in the show box too
-hhhhhnnnn him not being able to really buy you a big pretty bouquet of flowers so he picks a bunch of random ones he thinks look nice from peoples yards and those planters outside shops and gives them to you in a gas station cup
-he is kinda embarrassed once he gives them to you because he couldnt get you something fancy and is scared youll hate them but that all melts away when he sees how happy you are
-taking a couple polaroid pics of them so even when they eventually wilt and die you will both always have a physical memory :)
-he would also do that thing if you dont like the pickles on your burger or a specific flavour of skittle he will eat them even if he doesn't like them either instead of just like,,, neither of you eating them
-he doesn't do it becuase hes worried about wasting money or food or anything like that hes kinda stupid sometimes but its okay hes cute and means well <3
-hed do that shit where hed blow his nose and hand you the tissue or burp and blow it at you and say for you babe <3
-a menace
-if you draw or make him something he will cherish that shit until the day he dies, even if its just a random little doodle on a sticky note
-expanding on that, if you're an artist and draw his dnd character he would literally never recover im not even kidding it could look like shit and hed still show everyone, rub it into the guys faces that his s/o drew his character and only his
-if you did the hellfire symbol thing hed put it in the front pocket of the binder he uses to keep the papers and stuff in
-matching jewlery with him <3 whether it be a necklace or bracelet or even ring, if he picks it out itd be one of those silly little kid ones but if it's t o o childish hed probs just have it on his key ring or hanging in his van though :/ gotta keep up that bad boy rocker look
-if you guys have a special song together he would wanna get some lyrics tattooed on him, that or as cheesy as it is your name/initials in your hand writing
-hed wanna get one with your name and the day you met/started dating/got married at first but it looked too much like a remembrance one for someone thats died so he scrapped that idea
-hed be over the moon ecstatic if you did the same or something for him but would understand if you didnt want to get a tattoo, they arent for everyone :)
-fucking you know that scene from the movie up where they put their hand prints on the mail box? he would do that shit on his van and any other vehicle he gets
-when you guys get a house or apt hed wanna do the same on the wall
-if you have a kid(s) someday hed like them to add their hand print too <3
-carving your names into trees and picnic tables all the time
-hed want you to kiss his guitar pick before any shows he plays for good luck, if he ever gets famous in any capacity hed say your kisses helped
-if you have hiccups he would scare you by yelling as loud as he can no matter where you are then say you're welcome :)
-why do i get the vibes he would be the kid at lunch that just d r i n k s ranch
AN: i don't think giving gifts is his main love language so this might just be me projecting but i think hed also do these ksjdjd if anyone actually reads this and wants to share a hc pls feel free!! i love seeing content for this dude <3
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dragonmuse · 2 years ago
So Leda House gang: favorite comfort food?
I have a stuffy nose, comfort food is on my mind.
Stede- Mashed potatoes. He just likes that they're bland and salty. No particularly memories attached.
Eddy- Banana bread. Their mother used to make it frequently, so now it's a go to on rough days.
Lucius- Garlic bread dipped in marinara. It was almost all he ate his first year living on his own and now it just settles his soul a little to revisit.
Pete- Hot dogs cooked in baked beans. His dad made it for him a lot growing up and then it was easy to make on the road for himself.
Izzy- Chicken parm. Eddy used to order it wherever they went and split it with him when it was inevitably too much food. Now he just makes it himself, purposely makes too much and has it for days.
John- Grilled cheese. Nothing beats butter, cheese and bread.
Frenchie- John's 'Frenchie Toast' which is regular french toast, but made with affection and sometimes sliced up strawberries.
Jim- Any citrus themed pastry, but lemon danishes are very high on the list. Ideally they are a little warm and served on their favorite plate which has a chip that fits their thumb perfectly.
Oluwande- Pickles. He doesn't even like pickles most of the time, but when he's bummed out, they just hit the spot. They generally have a jar around because Jim likes them, so when they see him eating one, it's as good as a bat signal.
Roach- Cooking is really his comfort activity, so everything, basically.
Read- Oatmeal. It's a recent occurrence and no, not for any particular reason. Definitely not.
Anne- Milka bars. She doesn't have a big sweet tooth, but Cadbury does it for her when she just needs something nostalgic and mellowing.
Alma- Carrot and ginger soup. Pop makes it for everyone in the family when they're under the weather and it's all she wants sometimes.
Charlie- Peanut butter out of the jar with a spoon, ideally with chocolate chips sprinkled on top. This will be washed down with a quart of milk.
Felix- His grandmother's moqueca. He has the recipe and does occasionally make it, but he much prefers to have it in her kitchen. It's an ambiance thing.
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munsons-maiden · 3 years ago
Oh the struggle of being a bisexual hurts! How could I ever choose between Chrissy and Eddie!? What am I going to do!? I know I have two hands, I could hold one of each hand but don't make me choose. I can't choose between them, god- What a pickle it is to be bisexual today, you know? You're just minding your own business and suddenly BAM ''Chrissy'' and you start sweating but all of a sudden you're hit again BAM ''Eddie'' and now you're melting and its awful because how am I possibly going to choose between these two? I can't.
So I will choose both of them, we can all hold hands and get ice cream! It'll be nice and we can just hang out and talk about music, me and Eddie can talk about how pretty Chrissy is! We could! I'm tellin' ya we could! Hey, we totally could.
Okay so for the record I'd always always always chose Eddie because he owns my heart.
That being said, if I didn't already know I was bi (or pan? idk it doesn't matter I'm not straight that's a fact) Chrissy Cunningham/Grace Van Dien would have been my bi awakening. She would have been for me what Eddie Munson is for Mike Wheeler.
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berrymoos · 3 years ago
did i hear baby jonny was on your mind!? i might have a few things up my sleeve(>▽<)
the first time he was over steve’s house regressed for the night he was super embarrassed because he needs a nightlight to have a peaceful sleep and steve being the best babysitter ever could tell he was fake sleeping and jus wants him to feel comfortable
“ hey jonny you okay??”
*shakes his head because he doesn’t wanna speak*
“ do you need anything?”
he wants to say he wants to go home where his nightlight is but instead he just points to the light
“ you want the light on buddy?”
*nods sheepishly*
“ i don’t wanna wake the gang up so how about i put the tv on? is that okay?”
steve absolutely hates the glow of the tv shining on him but does it anyway for jonny because he loves him<3
now steve has a nightlight for whenever jonny’s over so he feels safe:>
another idea is that he enjoys being max’s doctor whenever she gets hurt from skateboarding and always makes her feel really good
“ jonnyyyyy i hada fall again!” *whisper yell bc she knows he doesn’t like yelling*
*he runs over to assess the damage and takes her hand and brings her to the bathroom*
he has a bunch of colorful bandaids in every print imaginable and he lets her pick which ones she wants
“ i wan’ ra’bow one’s pease!!”
*fixes her up and gives each one a kiss afterwards*
“ t’ank you jonny:)”
i also feel like eddie’s really sneaky and he’ll steal a few of jonny’s crayons and whenever he’s in a pickle he’ll trade the crayons for jonny to buy him some time
“ hey jonny i needa favor”
*shakes his head no*
“ pease pretty pease look! i’ll give you these!” *shows the colors that “mysteriously” went missing earlier*
“see? all for you jus don’ let stevie come in your room”
“ hey jonny can i go in your room? i think eddie might be in there and he’s in big trouble”
*shakes his head no*
“ why not? it’s really important buddy he gave stevie a mustache while he was sleep, hey don’t laugh at me!”
*shakes his head no again*
“ how about i get you two new coloring books later?”
the only thing jonny loves more than reuniting with his crayons is a new coloring book
“ m’kay”
“ thanks buddy:) eddie! i know you’re in here!”
(his favorite word is “m’kay” if you couldn’t tell)
i rambled A LOT but oh well(*^ワ^*)
💡 awww & steve flicks it to a some kid's show to help lull jonny to sleep — actual sleep. and and and steve stays up with him until he fully falls asleep with his head in his lap, but he still keeps the tv on in case jonny wakes up for any reason (*^^*)// steve buys a handful of nightlights too, in case any of them go missing or break; you can NEVER have too many nightlights ;~)
mmm i think mayybeee he might be a little shy when it comes to using his nightlight in front of the rest of the gang at first? steve and nancy r fine bc nance is his primary cg & steve is the one who bought him the 5 nightlights, but robin and eddie r iffy bc he doesn't know them that well!! it isn't until rob & ed reassure him that there's no way they're gonna make fun of him for needing some light in the darkness & actually use a nightlight one night they're all staying over that he fully feels comfortable w them <3
🩹 AWWW MAX'S INSIDE VOICE FOR JONNY (≧∇≦) the moment he hears her whisper yell from the door he drops his crayon & zooms to her before any cg can — like nancy could already be on her way to assess the situation & jonny races past her in the fastest little dash she's ever seen from him while in smallspace
he's got SOOO many bandaids, ur right!! blue bandaids, pink bandaids, puppy bandaids, kitty bandaids .. u name it, he's got it. max likes making it a game of asking for random bandaids to see if he has them, & 9 times outta 10 he does; he did not, in fact, have hotdog bandaids when she asked, but i bet he does now HSJSKS
but WAAAA jonny is such a sweetie <3 he will give kissies to all of her owies even if they don't hurt ヾ(´︶`♡)ノ max always always returns the favor when he takes a tumble & she fixes him up
🖍️ oh no eddie is deff a sneaky guy, regressed or not 👀 he steals the crayoms when jonny's napping or LITERALLY when he leaves for just a second & hides them until he needs them ,, jonny is well aware that his crayons are going missing but he really doesn't wanna worry steve too much so he just makes do with what he has (and has since learned the art of mixing crayon colors to get a similar one he wants)
& JONNY INSTANTLY GIVING IN THE MOMENT A NEW COLORING BOOK IS ON THE TABLE HSKDJSKDH ,, steve sticks true to his word abt them every single time which is the reason why jonny has like 10 coloring books stacked for later use in his room. eddie's deff been rubbing off on him in terms of being cheeky — never to his exactly level, tho — sooo sometimes only one or two new coloring books isn't enough ����
"hey, jonny? i think eddie's in there, and i need him."
he shakes his head no
"cmon, bud; it's super important, i think he hid my hairspray and i need to know where he put it."
he keeps coloring
steve sighs. "new coloring book?"
jonny thinks for a second ... & looks down to his coloring. "three."
"mhm. three."
"why not two, instead?"
"mm ... no. three."
and finally, steve sighs. "fine. three."
jonny smiles & shimmies from in front of the door. "tank ou."
and that, my friends, is how jonny got three coloring books in the same day
(ALDKSKDKS i see 🤭 short words like that r his faves in general: mkay, uhuh, nuh-uh ... things like that. AND NEVER BE SORRY FOR RAMBLING I LOVE BABY JONNY <333)
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sinsiriuslyemo · 7 years ago
Hey! I hope your inbox is not too flooded! (But who can blame anyone? Your writing is always on top!) I was wondering if you could write something (headcanon, drabble, doesn't matter) where Barba's s/o is a career woman and they're pregnant, they planned it and they both wanted to work and get help from a babysitter/Lucia/Eddie. But now his s/o wants to be an at home mom and she doesn't know where this comes from, it confuses herself
One shot of baby shopping with Rafael? 💕
I’m so so sorry that this took me so long, but I hope this is worth it!
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“How much could a little baby possibly need? I don’t understand, we already have the essentials, why can’t we just get anything else on an as needed basis,” Rafael said as he helped you out of the cab in front of Skip Hop on 50th street.
The two of you had been waiting to have a day off together for months so that you could go shopping for your baby girl. It seemed like a small miracle in and of itself that your cases in homicide had dwindled, especially in a city like New York, which always seemed to have some kind of crime going on. Still, you weren’t about to complain up a Saturday where you didn’t have to stare at a dead body instead of your husband’s green eyes and intoxicating smirk.
“Honey, I’m telling you, we’re gonna need more than just a crib, changing table and a few outfits. We need diapers--”
“--My mom is getting us diapers--”
“--Will come with the diapers--”
“--We need more onesies--”
“--How many onesies can one baby go through?--”
“--Okay, I’m gonna stop you right there,” Rafael said, gently taking your elbow to stop you from going into the store. “The baby won’t be able to play with any toys for a few months, we don’t need toys right now.”
“Babe, the baby needs stimulation, and I’m sorry  as awesome as it is to listen to you recite case law, we are not enough stimulation.”
He rolled his eyes as you pulled him inside the store and led him towards the clothes. You were almost there when you were distracted by the baby activity gyms.
“Oh look, Rafael! This one is perfect!” you said, looking at one that was shaped like a cloud with pillows built in on one side. “Look, the Silver Lining Cloud Activity Gym, see? It’s got rattles and things the baby can swat at, like a little cat.”
“Did you seriously just compare our child to a feline?”
“I mean, it is like a cat, have you seen babies swat at stuff? It’s like a cat with one of those mouse-on-a-string things,” you answered.
“Fine, get the Silver Lining Cloud,” he replied with a smirk.
“Or should we get this one?” you asked, looking at another that was owl themed.
“No, I like this one better, it has pillows built in, it looks way more comfortable,” he replied, putting a hand on the Silver Lining box. “I like this one,” he said again.
“Okay.” You smiled at him, kissing his cheek and gasping.
“What?” he asked in a panic. “Are you in labor? It’s too soon!”
“No, I’m not in labor, your daughter is kicking,” you answered, moving his hand to your stomach, making him smile when he felt the kicks. “Looks like she agrees with you, Silver Lining Cloud it is.”
“What about a baby bouncer, mija?” he asked your belly, receiving another round of kicks. “Is that a yes, muñequita?” he cooed, bending to press kisses against your belly as a third flurry of kicks began. “Okay, anything you want mi princesa.”
“Did I just become obsolete in this conversation?” you teased.
“Aw no, mi amor. Of course not,” he answered, kissing your lips.
“We really should get some onesies,” you said, continuing through the store towards the clothes.
“Honey, we have plenty of--”
“--Oh. My. God. We’re getting this,” you said, turning and holding up a onesie that read, it’s all shits and giggles...until someone giggles and shits.
“-- And this one!” you exclaimed, grabbing another and holding it up for him to see. “Made in Vachina. Get it? Vachina,” you said, giggling as you looked back at the onesie. “That’s fantastic.”
“Dear God,” he chuckled, seeing another onesie that was light pink and smirking to himself. “How about that one? I’m not allowed to date, ever. I like that.”
“Of course you do,” you replied, rolling your eyes playfully as you grabbed his pick and continued looking through the clothes. “Do you ever get nervous that we won’t do a good job?” you asked after a moment, coming across a onesie that said, Daddy’s little girl. A fond smile came over your face as you pulled it off the shelf and placed it on top of the pile in your arm.
“Sometimes, but...honestly, I think as long as we stick together, we’ll figure it out,” he answered. “I know it won’t be perfect and it definitely won’t be easy, but as long as we have each other to lean on, we’ll be okay. We’re gonna love this baby so much.”
“Yeah,” you answered, smiling at him. “I’m hungry,” you said after a moment, and he snorted as he followed you to the counter to pay for all your chosen items.
“What does mi amor feel like eating?” he asked as the cashier rang up your haul.
“The biggest crispy chicken salad we can find,” you answered as one hand rubbed over your belly. “With pickles. Lots of pickles.”
He chuckled. “You should really try to cut down on the pickles, babe, they have a lot of sodium.”
“Don’t you dare try to take a pregnant woman’s pickles. I will cut you,” you replied, shooting him a pointed stare.
His face fell and he looked truly terrified as you grinned again, taking up the bags with all the goodies for your baby.
“Come on, counselor. Your daughter needs noms!” you cooed, walking to the exit doors.
Letting out a sigh of relief, Rafael followed you out of the store and hailed a cab for the two of you. His eyes went down to your rounded belly  resting comfortably atop your thighs, your hands flat against the circular shape your body had formed and the corner of his mouth stretched into a half smile. The thought of the baby girl that lived inside you, his baby girl, warmed his soul in a way nothing else in his life had. Not even graduating from law school at the top of his class could compare to the pride that he felt knowing that in just two short months, he would become someone’s father. The notion excited and terrified him in a single breath.
His arm raised until it was curling around your shoulders and it was then that he realized that you were staring down at your stomach and that the corners of your lips were ever so slightly curled downward.
“You okay, mi amor?” he asked softly, his hand squeezing your shoulder affectionately.
“I’ve been thinking about how busy we both are with our careers,” you answered. Your eyes watched as your baby girl rolled in your belly, a visible bulge making your skin stretch to accommodate her movements. “I don’t want us to never have time for her.” Your vision blurred as tears filled the brims of your eyes, a single blink making them drip down your cheeks.
“Babe, we talked about this,” he whispered to you. “My mom said she would help us with childcare as much as she can and--”
“I know, but she’s our daughter,” you replied, voice going up an octave as more tears streamed down your face. “What if we miss things? Important things? What if she graduates pre school and we don’t even realize it until she’s graduating high school? What if she doesn’t realize we’re her parents?!”
“Honey, what are you talking about?”
“What if she thinks we’re the babysitters?!” you shrieked, sobbing loudly and devoid of all control as your husband glanced at the frightened expression on the cab driver’s face.
Rafael sighed softly as the hand holding your shoulder came up to stroke your hair as the opposite hand went to rest against your belly. “Corazón, calm down,” he whispered.  “Shshshsh, baby, don’t cry.”
He tried his best to soothe you and calm you down as the cab came to a stop at a red light. Glancing at the street signs outside the window, Rafael turned his attention back to you as hiccups replaced the sobs and he used the back of his index finger to wipe away the latest teardrops that had slipped past your lower lids.
“That’s it, honey, just breathe,” he said, still combing his fingers through your hair. Your daughter kicked against his palm and Rafael’s heart fluttered in his chest as a smirk planted itself on his lips. “See look, even the baby wants you to calm down.”
You let out a laugh that sounded more like a sob and sniffled as you wiped your eyes.
“I don’t want to miss everything,” you said in a shaky, cracking voice.
“Tell me what you do want,” he replied softly, tilting his head to try and meet your eyes.
“I don’t know,” you whispered, looking down at your stomach again. “I want to be there for her. Really be there for her. I want…”
He could sense what you wanted to say, but knew that it had to come from you and you alone. You’d been working as a homicide detective for as long as he’d known you, and not only did you love your job, but you were damn good at it. Rafael knew that if you were thinking about leaving, it wasn’t a decision you were making lightly.
“I think I want to be a stay-at-home mom,” you said, finally looking up to meet his gaze. “I didn’t think I did before, but…”
“What brought this on?” he asked as his fingers slid between your locks.
“I was talking with your mom the other day, and she was saying how she never wants us to hire a sitter or a nanny because the baby should be raised by family, not a stranger--”
“Honey, don’t let my mom make you feel badly about wanting to go back to work. You know, I support you going back to the precinct after your maternity leave,” he said.
“I know and it’s not because of what she said. I’ve just been thinking about how even if I did go back to work, my mind would be with her. Wondering what she’s doing, if she did anything cute that day, if she had a poop explosion…”
“You do realize we’re on our way to eat food,” he said.
“I realized that I want to be home with her. I want to be the one taking care of her, feeding her, changing her, taking her to the park,” you said, looking up at him. “I already love her so much.”
“So do I,” he replied.
“I really think I want to stay home with her,” you said again. “I’m changing...I want different things. I feel like I’m in a new place in my life. The only murder I want to solve is the murder of my nipples when she starts teething--”
“--Honey…” Rafael glanced at the driver, catching a glimpse of the smirk that the man was desperately trying to hide.
“The murder of her undies when she gets her first period--”
“My point is that I’m turning into a different person...and at first I wasn’t sure why I was feeling this way, but I can’t help but want this,” you said. “Please don’t hate me--”
“--Why would I hate you? How could I hate you for wanting to stay home with our baby?” he asked. “I could never, never hate you for that, mi amor. Never.”
You sniffled as the cab pulled up to your favorite greek restaurant. “Really?”
“Of course not,” he replied as he reached into his wallet and paid the driver before the two got out of the taxi. Taking your hand, Rafael spoke with the hostess and pulled you to the table that the young lady led you to.
As you opened the menu, he tucked some hair behind your ear and kissed the skin beneath your lobe.
“Mi vida, if what you want is to stay home and raise our child, I’m behind you. I’ll support whatever decision you make,” he said.
You took a moment to consider the rollercoaster of emotions you had experienced over the last few days. Your hand fell once again on your stomach as you decision became clear and you looked up at your husband with resolve. “I want to be a stay-at-home mom.”
He nodded once. “Okay.”
“I can put in my papers next week, and with any luck, get my pension by the time she’s born,” you said.
Smiling at you, he leaned forward and firmly kissed your lips. “I love you,” he whispered, kissing you again. “I love you so, so much. You’re an amazing wife. You’re gonna be such an amazing mom and I couldn’t be more proud of you.”
“I love you too,” you answered, smiling at him. “Thank you for not divorcing my crazy, pregnant ass.”
He chuckled and shook his head. “You’re just a little emotional, honey. It’s okay. You’re the love of my life...besides you’ve seen my crazy and you’re still here. I’m not entirely sure anyone could handle it as gracefully as you do.”
“I love your crazy, babe. My crazy attorney.”
Rafael grinned at you and kissed the corner of your jaw as a server came up and took your orders. He sipped his water after the server left to put in your food and reached for your hand.
“We still have to name her,” he mused, kissing your palm.
“I know...and you’re for sure against Petunia?”
“Babe...Petunia Barba? Do you want her to be bullied?” he replied. “I think I’d like her middle name to be Olivia…”
“Yeah...Liv’s been really important in both our lives and since you want your sister to be her Godmother--”
“--Earthmother,” you corrected.
“Right. I thought we could give a nod to Olivia in a different way,” he said.
“Okay, I like Olivia for her middle name,” you replied, nodding your head.
“How about Juana?” he suggested.
“I thought you said you didn’t want her to be bullied?”
“Juana is a beautiful name,” he replied.
“It is but for a baby? The name is pretty dated,” you said, grimacing.
“Okay, you have a point,” he answered.
“What about Colbie?” you asked, drinking from your water glass.
“Colbie Olivia Barba.” He said the name under his breath several times, testing the feel of it on his lips. You grinned, bringing his hand to rest against your belly where your daughter was kicking happily against you.
“I think she likes it,” you whispered.
“I think you’re right,” he replied through a smile. “Okay...Colbie it is.”
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