#Eddie Brock fan fiction
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angel-inked · 2 years ago
What happens when they dream about you
Original prompt
Taglist: @vvkingofgaybisciutsvv @thequeenofthewinter @thedevilshardy @mollybegger-blog @wandawiccan60 @cameleonhardyfan63 @inkwolvesandcoffee @liliac-dreamer @potter-solomons
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"Oh my God, you're so cute." You awed, recording a video of your boyfriend bottle feeding a fawn. Tommy looked up at you with a huge grin on his face. You didn't tell him where you were taking him this morning, but he seems pretty happy with your idea of a date being a petting zoo. After admiring the deer, the two of you walked around for a bit, coming across a pen of very friendly horses. Phone in your hand once again for an ungodly amount of pictures and videos. A Chestnut colored mare with a dark red colored main and tail stretched her neck towards you to ask for nose pats. "Hi beautiful." You greeted her, rubbing her nose as she shoved her head into your hand even more. "Hey, bebe, are you taking a video?" Tommy asked, making you turn to him. "Yeah, what are you up to?" You giggled, knowing Tommy well enough to know he was planning something.
"Watch this." Tommy said, gesturing to you with a carrot stick in his hand. The buckskin colt didn't seem to be pleased that he was no longer receiving ear scratches, tossing his head around, but was soon happy again when he took notice of the treats Tommy had for him, Tommy placed a carrot stick between his lips and held it out to the colt that way. Your phone camera vibrated as you laughed at the sight in front of you. The horse's lips brushed against Tommy's noise before sniffing and ultimately snatching the snack, happily crunching away on the carrot as Tommy started to laugh with you. "Oh, what a wonderful rendition of Lady and the Tramp!" You exclaimed between laughs. "Now you get to tell all your friends your boyfriend frenched a horse with video evidence." Tommy joked, making you double over laughing, giving the camera a good view of the dirt path.
You grinned and snorted at the videos and pictures of the day from your comfy spot on the couch, wrapped up safely in Tommy's arms as he snored softly against the back of your neck. Finally, you got to the picture of you and Tommy sharing a kiss at the end of your visit to the petting zoo. Tommy has never divulged much of his past to you, but you know enough to know it was traumatic, so seeing him happy and laughing never failed to fill your heart to the point of overflowing. Tommy's hands lazily explored your stomach in his sleep, making you glance over your shoulder to check on him. You had learned quickly that Tommy moving in his sleep meant he was dreaming, albeit usually a nightmare, but this time, you felt his lips curl into a smile against the soft exposed skin of your neck. "I love you." He murmured, a sleepy slur in his gruff voice. Your face broke out into a smile so hard it almost hurt. At least this time, it was a good dream.
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Midnight bathroom trips were a pain in the ass, quite literally. Not only did your body force itself out of sleep, but it also woke you up enough that you couldn't go back to the wonderful abyss that is sleep. You groaned as your berefeet padded down the hallway of the small apartment you shared with your boyfriend. Upon entering the bedroom, you saw a dark shape looming over Eddie's sleeping from. Swallowing stiffly, you reminded yourself that Vemon wouldn't harm you anymore than they would Eddie. The symbiote has been desperately trying to gain your trust, though that proved somewhat difficult after your first time "meeting" Vemon involved them consuming a creep whole that was trying to get handsy with you. Eddie apologized profusely and had a slight breakdown at the thought of having scared you. Insisting that Vemon liked you as much as he did and just wanted to protect you.
Vemon has proved how useful an extra set of arms can be and is more than willing to watch the cheesy romcoms and movies like "P.S. I Love You" with you that Eddie can't stand. However, your nerves still often got the better of you, and you would freeze up. Gathering what courage you could, you made your way to the bed and attempted to get comfortable under the covers. Vemon watched you silently for a moment, "your hreat rate is up." They said quietly. "No shit." You mumbled, grabbing your phone off the nightstand, knowing you'd be awake for a while, so you decided to entertain yourself. "We are sorry for scarring you." Vemon said, hanging they're head shamefully. "It was never our intent." They added. "It's fine." You replied, not looking up from your mobile. You and Vemon have gone through this more times than you could count. They apologize, and you tell them it's fine.
Vemon glanced down at Eddie and hummed lowly. Your curiosity got the better of you, so you looked between Eddie and the symbiote, "do you know what he's thinking even if he's asleep?" You questioned tentatively. "Yes, and his dreams." The symbiote replied. "He's currently very happy in the dream and is dancing with someone very special." Vemon explained. You thought about the recent impromptu dance party you and Eddie had in the living room. He spun you around to the song playing while the credits rolled on the movie you just watched, Vemon even pitched in to help Eddie lean you into a dip and pull you back up. When the song faded out, Eddie sat you up on the arm of the couch and connected your lips with his own. The memory was almost as lovely as being in the moment. It also prompted you to ask the symbiote another question, "Hey, V?" You started, Vemon perked up at their nickname. Usually, Eddie was the only one to call them that. "Yes?" Vemon's voice rumbled. "Who's Eddie dancing with in his dream?" You asked. Vemon thoughtfully looked back down at Eddie, who is still fast asleep, and is likely to remain that way for some time.
The rum made me do it.
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The room was dark, and Alfie's vision was blurry, probably something to do with all that rum. As he had said once, rum is for fun and fucking init? it has led to both in this case. He was laid out on his back, and in his haze, he realized he couldn't move his arms out from under the weight of his torso. Was he tied up? Maybe. Honestly, between his drunkenness and the familiar shape of his spouse climbing on top of him, he couldn't find it in himself to care. Straddling his lap, you lightly ran your nails up and down his sides under his shirt, "Mmmm." Alfie rumbled at the shivers your actions sent through him. "Are you gonna be a good boy for me?" You asked, the rum also coating your voice. "Yes, dove." Alfie purred, part of him desperate to please you, another part was desperate to be pleased by you. The two of you seemed to cancel each other out. You were both the dominant sort, but Alfie didn't have to be drunk for you to convince him of this.
Undoing the buttons of his shirt with a lazy pace, partly due to taste testing your own products too much and partly due to not being in any particular kind of rush. Your hands explored his chest, earning a grunt from him as you massaged his pecks. "Are you enjoying that, Mr. Solomons?" You asked softly. "I enjoy anything from you, love." Alfie murmured with a rum influenced smirk on his face. Alfie's vision grew even more blurry than before, and finally his eyes fell shut either by way of the rum finally getting to him or by way of you continuing to massage his muscles, he wasn't sure.
You had been puttering around the house for most of the afternoon, and now you were looking for your husband as the house had been unusually quite for far too long for you not to wonder where your old man had buggered off to. Finally, making your way into the parlor, you heard a satisfied grunt from the couch, stopping you in your tracks. Taking steps towards the back of the red colored piece of furniture, peering over the back of it. There was your husband, Alfie, back slightly arched and head pressing a small indentation into the cushion underneath it. You narrowed your eyes as they hovered over the bulge Alfie had acquired. Safe to assume he was enjoying whatever dream he was having, you thought.
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A soft breeze helped waft the morning brid songs through the window of a small cottage in the English countryside, the bacon sizzled as you dropped it into your cast-iron pan. A soft sigh fell from your lips lazily as the sweet aroma of food cooking in the morning filled the kitchen. You pulled out the folding toaster and placed it over another burner with four pieces of bread, enough for two bacon and egg sandwiches. "Morning love," Farrier said as he walked in, voice gruff from waking up and rubbing sleep from his eyes. "Smells heavenly in here." He smiled. "Then, let's hope it tastes that way too." You replied, returning the smile and pecking his lips. "Would you make the tea dear?" You asked. "Of course." Farrier answered, beginning to fill the kettle with water. He stood idle for a moment as he waited for the water to boil, watching as you drifted around the room, just as gently as the breeze was, turning the pieces of toast so that both sides would be even and then doing the same with the bacon to ensure it would cook evenly.
You happen to glance his way and notice the far away look in his eyes. It usually meant he was lost in his thoughts before this look was usually accompanied by a frown as he would think of when he would be sent away again, off into war. However, now that he's not in active service anymore and attempting to settle back into civilian life, this look was usually accompanied by a smile. The kettle began whistling and thus brought him out of his thoughts. "I had a dream last night." Farrier stated. "Oh? What about?" You questioned. "This," Farrier explained with a vague gesture to the room as a whole. "Just existing, gardening, baking, all and all just a picturesque day spent together." He added, placing a tea bag in each mug. "It was pleasant." He finished. "Sounds it, pleasant, that is." You agreed.
"It made me happy," Farrier started up again as you put the sandwiches together, "to think that kind of calm actually exists after... after.. the incident at the beach." He said, mumbling the last few words. You encircled his neck with your arms, his snaked around your waist. Your lips continued in a drawn-out kiss. It wasn't the kind of kiss that was steamy and left you wanting more. It was the kind of kiss you'd give Farrier before he left, but this time, he wasn't going anywhere. You tucked your head under his chin, "Thank you." He said. "Thank you for what?" You asked, looking up at him.
"For reminding me there's still some kind of pleasant to be found in this world."
Sleep deprived.
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Sweeping, clearing tables, wiping down the bar, and now doing the dishes. You were out visiting your folks on your day off, and his brothers were God knows where. So, Forrest had to close the station by himself tonight. His eyes were heavy with exhaustion. He picked up the last glass that needed putting away, and he eyed the sink tap. Largely because you'd given him an ear full when he had that bout with heat exhaustion from working out in the summer sun for too long, he filled the glass with water and took a drink, savoring the feeling of the cool liquid gliding down his throat, nothing quite like it. He ambled to a table with his cup, settling his tired body into a chair with a sigh. He was dreading the thought of hauling himself to bed tonight. His eyes were begging him to close them, and he did for a moment or two with his head resting on his forearms. His dreams took him back to when you, himself, and Howard were teenagers, and life was just a little bit sweeter.
Thanks to Howard, it was well known to your and the brothers parents that you and Forrest had been going around together for a while. Thankfully, neither family involved seemed too bothered by the fact. Your father's only reaction was, "If he hurts you, I taught you how to use a gun for a reason." Forrest had seemed to take offense to this. The very notion that he'd ever hurt you was wildly out of the question. You were an only child, though having known the Bondurant boys since you were born and being age wise smack dab in between Forrest and Howard, it didn't feel like it. Tonight, you and your parents were joining the Bondurants for dinner. The adults were chattering about everything from crops to the weather, nothing that was of particular interest to you. What was interesting to you was that Forrest, who was sitting next to you, hadn't taken his eyes off of you since everyone had gathered around the table. You smiled at him, laying a hand on his leg. "I'm gonna make a Bondurant out of you one of these days." Forrest stated, as if it were inevitable, a matter of fact. This brought a halt to the grown-up conversations, "Forrest.." his mother said with a warning tone. "What?" Forrest asked, "I'm a man of my word, I don't give my word to just anybody." He explained, looking back at you, holding your hand above the table for everyone to see. "I'm dead serious." He murmured.
A harsh shove woke Forrest up in an instant, "Jesus fucking.. Howard!" He snapped with a raspy voice, running his hands through his hair as Howard stood over his slumped over form with a smug grin on his face. "Howard, what did I tell you about tryin' to give your brothers heart attacks?" A voice called, Forrest lifted his groggy head and watched as you sat a couple of brown paper bags on the bar. "Sorry.." Howard mumbled, dropping his head and taking a few steps backward away from Forrest. You stop just short of the table momentarily, eyeing Forrest up and down. You shook your head as his eyes tried to shut on their own again. After closing the distance between Forrest and yourself, you ran a hand through his hair and glanced around at his brothers. "You and Jack better be here to close tomorrow night, or I'll get out the wooden spoon." You stated, ordered really, eyeing Howard, who merely nodded and gave no other reply. Jack didn't dare say a word.
"You and I'll get to bed earlier that way." You smiled, ushering Forrest to your room for some much needed rest.
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reidsbuckley · 2 years ago
The Eddie Polls
Hi, and welcome to The Eddie Polls, aka Battle of the Eddies. So, there are four heavily popular fictional characters named Eddie. So, I figure, why not see which one is the overall fan favorite through a week-long poll? (Eddie Diaz and Eddie Kaspbrak, I apologize in advance, for this does not bode well for either of you with I have you up against).
Think long and hard before making your final decision, and pick wisely, for there's no going back.
This should be fun...
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followsfrankiep · 2 months ago
Tom Hardy Imagines
Dear Frankie (TW: Light smut, Alcoholism)
Home Alone (Christmas Special) 🎄
Candied Prayers (Johnny Davis x Reader) smut
Haunted (Alfie Solomons; TW: Smut, Explicit Language, Age gap, crimes)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Don't Worry About Her (Eddie Brock x Reader)
Part 1 - Under the table (smut)
Part 2 - Her Emergency Contact (smut)
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leonkuwatastan · 1 month ago
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ೃ⁀➷ Name: Robbie
ೃ⁀➷ Preferred Pronounz: She/He/They
ೃ⁀➷ Sexuality: Bisexual
ೃ⁀➷ Age: 14
ೃ⁀➷ Fandomz I’m In: Linkin Park, Eminem, Meg And Dia, Danganronpa, The Slim Shady Show, Coraline, Clue, Little Shop Of Horrors, Star Wars, Doki Doki Literature Club, Ghostbusters, Spiderman
ೃ⁀➷ Fav Music Artistz: Eminem, Linkin Park, Meg And Dia, 2Pac, Chappell Roan, Tyler The Creator
ೃ⁀➷ Fav Fictional Characterz: Leon Kuwata, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu, Natsuki, Orin Scrivello, Akane Owari, Coraline Jones, Wadsworth, Eddie Brock
ೃ⁀➷ Proud Leftist and anti-conservative! XD
ೃ⁀➷ I’ll post stuff like my latest fan fiction or fan art or whatever’z on my mind
Janitor AI: TotallyNotLeonKuwata
Pinterest: LeonKuwataStan
Discord: w31rd.k1d03
TikTok: w31rd.k1d03
LPFiction: EminemandLinkinParklover (my pen name is “Robbie :3”)
AO3: MikeShinodaFanatic
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nsfw-cherry · 3 months ago
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Get to know me 💫
Since I just did a semi rebrand I figured I should introduce myself since I didn't before!
Hi! My name is Cherry, however my real name is Hayley! And I have a huge passion for writing and everything that comes with it. I really like writing fan fiction about my favourite fictional characters, and personal short stories about my life.
I am 18 years old, and I am from Australia! I go by She/Her pronouns.
I first found my passion for writing in Primary School, grade 4 to be exact. I wrote a comedy story about a seagull that wore an Afro and tutu named Bobina, and his enemy was a merdog-human named Robert that constantly made Bobinas life miserable. Crazy, I know. I was given a really good mark on my writing, and it became a class favourite to read during story times. (You have to remember, I was around the age of 10 when I wrote it LOL).
Ever since that moment, I wanted to share my stories with the world, but I was always too scared of judgement, or that people wouldn't like my writing. So here it is, my wonderful Tumblr page where I am going to start dumping my writing in hopes that people find enjoyment from it!
The people I like to write for/have written for in the past is:
Eddie Munson
Steve Harrington
Tate Langdon
Colby Brock
Ghost (from COD)
König (from COD)
Damon Salvatore
Benedict Bridgerton
Harry Styles
I want my page to be a judgement-free space where people can feel comfortable enough to read and enjoy my writing, and to have the occasional chat every now and then!
I really hope we can be friends, and go on this journey together!
I love you all 💫
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bisexualtrashpanda · 1 year ago
God This is Pathetic
You really have people getting honestly upset that parts of the GIANT, NUCLEAR WASTE LASER SPEWING SEA LIZARD are now pink instead of blue.
Because pink isn't "masculine." Never mind the fact that Godzilla isn't always depicted as being "male" (not even really a Godzilla "fan," only seen a few of the movies, and even I know that), and, honestly, assigning gender, much less gender ROLES, to fictional giant nuclear dinosaurs is fucking stupid.
"But it's not his original color!!1!"
My Brother in Christ, not only has Godzilla used pink before, the original movie was in BLACK AND WHITE.
How damn fragile can some cis-het dudes' egos even GET?! This is the whole "(Movie) Venom has to be straight so I can project my self-worth onto them, and will therefore bend over backwards to redefine as many words and meanings as I have to to make that happen!" debaucle all over again.
(For context, when, after the 2nd movie came out, and they had Venom straight up say that he and Eddie loved each other, and showing that neither of them were straight, the cis-het "comic" dude-bros threw an absolute fucking fit. Not only would they violently chuck aside the info that Eddie Brock had been canonically bisexual in the comics since the 80's and that the two had 100% been in a very much romantic relationship for decades, but they would also claim that "Venom's not gay because he's asexual!!" Except, A}, You're [purposefully] throwing asexuality and asexual reproduction into a damn blender. And, B}Asexuals are 100% part of the LGBTQ community)
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geekgemsspooksandtoons · 1 year ago
The concept of a "Thunderbolts: Kill the Avengers" really intrigues me. Yet I just want to write down my own take on it of what I would do with it. But be warned, this is essentially fan fiction and takes elements from certain stories. Because alias, this was something that really has been on my mind. And you can be critical about it if you've read comics.
The roster of the Thunderbolts is not fully known. Originally, I REALLY wanted Agent Venom/Flash Thompson to be in this and the "Lead character" in a sense due to how I love Flash's story and development as a character. But I feel it would make more sense and more interesting if it was Eddie Brock as THE VENOM. While Flash as Agent Venom would be...less of a "Reformed supervillain" and more of a superhero. I just really loved the idea of Symbiote gameplay with guns. And I feel like Flash needs more spotlight with his character development during the years. But the idea of an Eddie Brock/Venom being the "Lead character" in this game would get more people's attention. Where in this world after he had teamed up with Spider-Man to fight Carnage, Venom had killed Cletus and was sent back to prison. Even if Eddie and Peter have a new form of relationship where Peter can trust him but not fully. And now, with a new threat on the horizon, the idea to add Venom into new team gives Eddie more of a chance to prove himself (Or themselves, Eddie and the Symbiote) as a "Lethal Protector". Venom is silly but can be serious when he needs to be. This is also in a time where Mac Gargan never became Venom.
2. Songbird is one of the other major members of the Thunderbolts, a member from the original team. The other choices for the other two are unknown because I want the team to be unique and not have maybe like two Spider-Man villains.
Possible choices are Whiplash and Taskmaster. Each member has their own unique skills and move set. While Venom is a heavy but with Spider-Man like abilities but also using the Symbiote. Songbird is able to fly and use sound-based powers.
The story takes place in a time where the "Civil War" was prevented, Peter's identity was never revealed, and Steve and others never died. And the Thunderbolts weren't formed yet. Or a new version of the Thunderbolts not led by Baron Zemo. I am aware the Thunderbolts were a thing before "Civil War". But because of the threat of a villain unlike any other. Thunderbolt Ross brings out the idea of the Thunderbolts back into the spotlight because there seems to be no other choice.
Edit update there is a likely possibility of Bucky Barnes/The Winter Soldier being the third official choice in this Thunderbolts team. Going with the idea that he was only recently defeated and having his memories restored. He is no longer a brainwashed assassin. And despite going into prison, Steve was personally trying to help out Bucky through possibly therapy to help him on the right path. But when the invasion started, Bucky is one of the villains who wants to be on the Thunderbolts to possibly save Steve if he can. Because I realize there's a tragic angle of Steve almost going through the same thing as Bucky did.
The Winter Soldier's skills would be familiar to fans of shooters and essentially the Thunderbolt's own Captain America in a sense. Someone with similar skills but not like Venom and Songbird.
3. The main villain is a weird choice. The original idea was Doctor Doom. But I question if that would work right. Other ideas are Ultron, Kang, and Red Skull. But Ultron would mainly make robot copies of the Avengers while the other two are a different story. You'd also have to include Hank Pym in an Ultron story because Ultron was his creation.
I thought maybe the best course of option would be to make an original villain who has divided many of the superheroes on Earth. Because he's very aware if you have all of those teams uniting, there's going to be trouble. The Fantastic Four and Doctor Doom are stuck in Latveria dealing with an invasion. The X-Men and Brotherhood of Mutants are stuck in another area. While other major Avengers like Black Panther, Falcon/Captain America, Scarlet Witch, Captain Marvel, Doctor Strange are stuck in another area. Even other characters like Ghost Rider are transported somewhere else and a scary idea that the villain erased Deadpool out of existence, but everyone knows he was killed. It sounds fuckin stupid but scary as shit because the villain was aware of how self-aware Deadpool is and considered him way too dangerous to be left alive.
The main villain in a sick way wants to make his own Avengers or something. Almost like a sick game of roleplay. New York City is put into quarantine because S.H.I.E.L.D. does not want any of the invasion to go anywhere else. Have the main villain be voiced by Alex Brightman in his Adam voice from Hazbin Hotel.
The main four Avengers that have been brainwashed to do the villain's work are the big four that many people know. Captain America/Steve Rogers, Iron Man/Tony Stark, Thor, and Hulk/Bruce Banner.
Cap has killed Nick Fury. Iron Man has killed Hawkeye and Black Widow. Thor has killed Loki. And Hulk has killed the Abomination. Maria Hill is in charge of S.H.I.E.L.D. now after Fury's death and the recruitment of the Thunderbolts is a last resort because there are hardly any heroes left in New York City.
4. Spider-Man/Peter Parker is essentially the "Wonder Woman" of the game. Despite not really being an Avenger and having an off and on relationship with them. Particularly having issues with Iron Man and Thor. But he is rather fond and friendly with Steve Rogers and Bruce Banner. Peter has been Spider-Man for a decade and likely 24 years old.
Being one of the only heroes left not brainwashed in New York City. After the Defenders were gravely injured, and his close ally Daredevil nearly dying. Spider-Man is Hellbent on stopping the invasion despite how stressful it's been. He is making jokes, but he stressed and pissed. Especially with having a mixed relationship with the Avengers. He is surprisingly OP how he is in the 616 comics which is the reason he's been able to survive for so long. He's also Hellbent on stopping the invasion because Mary Jane is six months pregnant with Mayday during this time and is still in the city but safe.
He is trying to figure out a way get the Avengers out of the villain's control despite what they've done. And he's not dealing with the Thunderbolt's bullshit, especially Venom. Because even though Carnage was killing people, Peter did not want Eddie to kill Cletus, but he did it anyway. This sounds stupid but Peter has not wanted Venom to kill Carnage before. Despite Venom doing it to protect innocents. Which Venom brings up of what he's able to do what Peter won't.
But he is horrified when he learns from Steve that they need to die in order to save the world. The brainwashing/corruption is irreversible, and Spider-Man now has to accept the harsh reality that the Thunderbolts need to kill the Avengers.
5. Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur are stuck in the city as well and help the Thunderbolts by making them gear and whatever else. But honestly, this addition seems kind of insane because of three things.
The idea of that Moon Girl, a literal middle schooler living in this reality and inadvertently or...helping the Thunderbolts kill the Avengers. And living in this dark reality that they have to kill them.
I swear, if she is in this. People would straight up say, "Wait, wouldn't she be able to come up with a way to free the Avengers?"
The funny irony that the four big Avengers died...but the only remaining heroes in New York City are Spider-Man, Moon Girl, Devil Dinosaur, and a bunch of reformed supervillains.
Anyway, there is also the idea of adding Doctor Octopus into the team to invent stuff for the team too.
6. The corruption of the Avengers is viewed as a literal nightmare. And their deaths are viewed as a literal tragedy instead of a joyous victory or a joke afterwards. Including details that before their corruption. Tony was going through a possible "Demon in the Bottle" arc before he got brainwashed and was trying to do better.
And things like Venom not wanting to kill Captain America. But also, before their deaths, they have small moments of being able to be free of their brainwashing. Or when near death, they are free of it but realized what they have done.
One of the most tragic ones is the Hulk who is considered to be the most dangerous. While Hulk is being brainwashed, Bruce isn't. And knowing he sadly can't cure his condition or that his "Friend" can't be helped. Bruce decides to sacrifice himself in some way, saying he'd rather die like a man doing the right thing. And asks either the Thunderbolts or most likely Spider-Man to tell Betty he's sorry.
I think I've said enough. I just wanted to ramble about that.
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docrotten · 4 months ago
THE STONE TAPE (1972) – Episode 227 – Decades of Horror 1970s
‘Before I forget, sir. Them conservation inspectors was here again. In there a long time, they was. They said there would be a summons. And before they went, one of them said, “Did you know about the room?”… Just that, sir. Just, “Did you know about the room?”’ Obviously, they didn’t know about the room. Join your faithful Grue Crew – Doc Rotten, Bill Mulligan, Chad Hunt, and Jeff Mohr – as they learn about the room in The Stone Tape (1972), a science fiction horror movie written by Nigel Kneale!
Decades of Horror 1970s Episode 227 – The Stone Tape (1972)
Join the Crew on the Gruesome Magazine YouTube channel! Subscribe today! And click the alert to get notified of new content! https://youtube.com/gruesomemagazine
Decades of Horror 1970s is partnering with the WICKED HORROR TV CHANNEL (https://wickedhorrortv.com/) which now includes video episodes of the podcast and is available on Roku, AppleTV, Amazon FireTV, AndroidTV, and its online website across all OTT platforms, as well as mobile, tablet, and desktop.
Synopsis: A research team from an electronics company moves into an old Victorian house to start work on finding a new recording medium. When team member Jill Greeley witnesses a ghost, team director Peter Brock decides not only to analyze the apparition, which he believes is a psychic impression trapped in a stone wall (dubbed a “stone tape”) but also to exorcise it, with terrifying results.
Directed by: Peter Sasdy
Writing Credits: Nigel Kneale
Produced by: Innes Lloyd (producer)
Sound Department: Desmond Briscoe (special sound effects: BBC Radiophonic Workshop)
Music Department: Desmond Briscoe (composer: electronic music) (uncredited)
Selected Cast:
Michael Bryant as Peter Brock
Jane Asher as Jill Greeley
Iain Cuthbertson as Roy Collinson
Michael Bates as Eddie Holmes
Reginald Marsh as William Crawshaw
Tom Chadbon as Hargrave
John Forgeham as Maudsley
Philip Trewinnard as Stewart Jessop
James Cosmo as Cliff Dow
Neil Wilson as Sergeant Paterson
Christopher Banks as Vicar
Michael Graham Cox as Alan
Hilda Fenemore as Bar Helper
Peggy Marshall as Bar Lady
Derek Chafer as Man in Suit (uncredited)
Leave it to Grue-Believers to identify excellent films the Grue-Crew knows little or nothing about. Such is the case with The Stone Tape (1972), a BBC TV film written by Nigel Kneale, directed by Peter Sasdy, and shown on Christmas Day in 1972.
Kneale, as can be expected, weaves an excellent story, blending science fiction and supernatural elements that solidify a subgenre of ghost stories. The Stone Tape overcomes the expected shortcomings of videotaped production and 1972 special effects through story and performances. Michael Bryant, Jane Asher, Iain Cuthbertson, and Michael Bates ain’t no slouches. Thanks again to all those who recommended The Stone Tape. Your 70s Grue-Crew loves this movie!
At the time of this writing, The Stone Tape (1972) is available to stream from Shudder, AMC+, and PPV Amazon. The film is scheduled for a December 9, 2024 release as The Stone Tape (1972) (Limited Edition), a standard Blu-ray formatted disc from 101 Films.
Gruesome Magazine’s Decades of Horror 1970s is part of the Decades of Horror two-week rotation with The Classic Era and the 1980s. In two weeks, the next episode, chosen by Chad, will be The House of Seven Corpses (1974), starring John Ireland, Faith Domergue, and John Carradine. Yeah, baby! A haunted house, corpses, and ghosts!
We want to hear from you – the coolest, grooviest fans: comment on the site or email the Decades of Horror 1970s podcast hosts at [email protected]
Check out this episode!
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daniel306gaming · 2 years ago
¿What if the symbiote possessed Ultimate Spider-Man?
To: Brian Michael Bendis and Marvel Entertainment 
¿What if events went differently in the Ultimate Marvel comics and the PS2 Ultimate Spider-Man game? ¿What if the symbiote possessed Ultimate Spider-Man? In today’s fan fiction we’re going to be exploring what would have happened if Peter Parker from the Ultimate Marvel universe had not removed the symbiote becoming Venom in the process. ¿How can this affect the future of the Ultimate universe going forward? This is an original what if created by me taking inspiration from the Ultimate Spider-Man comics while following the mythology of Spider-Man and the timeline of the Ultimate Spider-Man comics and the PS2 game of the same name. Without wasting anymore time sit back and relax and enjoy this very dark fan fiction.
In your reality Peter Parker becomes Venom for a few moments before he breaks free from the symbiote because he does not want to commit murder but ¿what if that never happened and what if Peter Parker chose a different path where he ends up killing the the man who killed Uncle Ben? All this can be made possible by one person's statement which was from Eddie Brock where in this reality he is greatly affected by the death of his parents to the point that he has rage issues. Join me and see how everything turns out. Peter Parker was disturbed by a particular fact as Trask’s company had killed his parents but Peter was just coming back from his meeting with Eddie Brock and he had gotten a lot to think about. As Peter stared at the rapidly passing building he was overwhelmed by his memories of the past but he closed his eyes and he remembered what happened to him during the past few days. Peter had been crying his heart out at home after Mary Jane had broken up with him as what he saw shocked him which were his parents belongings and tapings. Peter had completely stumbled upon them by chance and he was grateful that he did. Peter had immediately viewed a tape and the content evoked a lot of emotions within him. He saw his father and mother along with a young version of Uncle Ben and Aunt May. Peter also saw unfamiliar faces such as a married couple and their son whom Peter was reportedly close with. May had sneaked in while Peter had been viewing the tape and her emotions were also evoked at the sight of Uncle Ben. Aunt May knew who the unfamiliar faces were and she told her identities to Parker. According to Aunt May the boy was Eddie Brock Peter's closest friend at the time as Aunt May also suggested that Peter’s search for him and he immediately did that. Aunt May felt that it would help him take his mind off Mary Jane and Peter caught on to her intention but he did nothing to show it. He also thought that it would also be a great idea to rediscover and reconnect with Eddie Brock. Peter had gotten the location of Brock in within minutes from the internet as Eddie was a student from Empire State University and Peter had reached out to him. Peter and Eddie’s conversation went smoothly as if they had been long lost friends which they were. Peter had met up with Eddie and he had given him a copy of the videotape containing both of their parents. Eddie was so excited and he had given Peter an unusual gift in return. Eddie carried Peter to Reed Richards’s Research Center showing him a black goo which he said was his and Peter's inheritance. He had told him how Trask’s company had seized all their parents research as when they discovered that they could weaponize it he also told him how their parents had started the research again and how that led to their subsequent mystery deaths. Peter had been able to deduce that Trask’s company had killed both their parents because it seemed like the logical thing as when Peter asked Eddie what their parents research was actually on the answer had shocked him but they were researching on how to cure cancer and Eddie had replied. The cab had arrived at Peter's apartment and he stepped down. When he entered the apartment his sad demeanor was suddenly changed as he saw Aunt May and Gwen Stacy making cookies while laughing and dancing. They seemed to always put him in a good mood as Peter brush aside all of his thoughts of his parents and Trask’s company as he went in to make frosty with them. Peter was at school and he had just seen Mary Jane. His heart skipped a beat and he was running to meet her but he was stopped by Gwen and thankfully so because Peter did not trust himself to say anything sensible to her. Gwen asked Peter where and when he was going but he gave her a smile. Suddenly, Eddie Brock pulled up in a dazzling car as Peter had not informed Gwen yet of Eddie and from her happy expression he wished that he had done it sooner. Gwen begged Peter to ask if she could join them in the car and he obliged. Eddie replied “affirmative” and Gwen's joy held no boundaries. A few moments later Eddie zoomed off in his car with Peter as well as with Gwen as his passengers but Peter's thought as he noticed Mary Jane from the side window looking at him as if in pain and he quickly brushed aside. “Today is for fun and not sad memories” Peter told himself. Peter looked at the car and wondered feeling a little jealous. As his parents left little to nothing for him Eddie had gotten a dazzling car from his own parents with happy and fun moments that only Peter said to himself. He cleared his head again of all the sad thoughts having promised to take them out to have a nice time and he was looking forward to it. Peter had to admit it was good to have Eddie back as Eddie had taken them to a restaurant and they had a fun time. Peter was happy that Gwen was there. “Do you like reggae” Eddie asked when she immediately affirmed. Eddie proceeded to ask her and Peter out for a musical concert. Peter had declined but Gwen immediately jumped on the idea as Peter could not attend because his job at the Daily Bugle and Eddie was pleased to know that he was working. Gwen and Eddie empathized with them but that did not make the outing. Peter even encouraged them to embark on the event as they continued having a good time until suddenly Peter could not hold it anymore but Peter decided to ask Eddie the question that had been bugging him in his mind and ¿whether Trask’s company killed their parents? Eddie told Peter that he was not sure but it was not good enough for him as Peter pointed out to Eddie that during their first meeting he had implied that their parents were killed by Trask’s company and he heaved a deep sign telling Peter what confirmed his greatest fears. Eddie told Peter that he did further investigations and he found out that Bolivar Trask the owner of Trask’s company had ordered Richard Parker to test the unstable specimen of the research on their plane and that's what had killed them both. Peter noticed that as Eddie talked he clinched the metal table but they were eating on and this tone increased because of the rage he was feeling. “I just wish I had the means that I would rid this world of evil” he said. Peter tried to calm Eddie down as he reached a rageful fit with his explanations and he succeeded. Eddie really calmed down as Eddie released the table and Peter noticed a huge dent on the metal. Peter was quite surprised that Eddie's outburst of rage and then Eddie explained to them he had developed rageful fits after the death of his parents for which he was currently on therapy for that. Peter decided to dig more and it turned out that Eddie had been looking for ways to exact revenge on Trask’s company but he did not have the means to do so. Peter smiled as he knew that he possessed the means as Trask’s company would get what is coming to them. “Do not worry” Peter had assured Eddie who looked at him puzzled. Peter was at home studying his father's work while applying one of his tapes as Gwen had gone out for the reggae party with Eddie and Peter was left alone with his Aunt May in the apartment. Peter had hoped that Gwen Stacy would have a good time because she actually deserved it and needed it as she had recently lost her dad Captain Stacy. Peter had decided to drop Trask’s company vendetta as he remembered Uncle Ben's quote of great power and responsibility. Peter figured that both his parents and Uncle Ben would frown at his actions if he took them against Trask’s company. Peter decided that looking through his parents’s belongings would clear his mind off things while Peter was reading his dad's journal as the current tape that he was playing froze him but what froze him in particular was the tone of his father's voice and his father’s voice broke his heart. Peter finally focused and discovered what his father was talking about how the research was snatched away from them by Trask’s company. “I would never say this to your face Ben but you were right to ever trust a man on a tie” Richard Parker sobbed and there was more than Peter could handle. Peter immediately put on his Spider-Man costume and took off to Reed Richards’s research facility. Peter made up his mind to collect and complete his father’s research. “I would make them proud” he said in his head. Peter's emotions were currently in a mix as he was feeling sympathy and sadness for his parents with great anger and rage at Trask’s company. Peter decided that Trask’s company could wait as he had to take care of his father's research. First on the list was the cure for cancer as Peter landed with a cat-like grace on the roof of the building but he heaved a heavy sign and he thought of the implications of what he wanted to do. After pondering on it for a while Peter decided to go on with the idea and he descended from the ceiling to the lab with his web. Peter wasted no time and he got to the safe where the black goo was kept. Peter remembered faintly how Eddie had told him that his father’s DNA was used for the black goo research as Peter started scooping the black goo from the container into his glass vial when suddenly some of it dropped onto his skin but Peter was alarmed at first and when nothing happened he signed a huge relief. He was too fast in judging the situation as the black goo on his skin started spreading rapidly fast around his body but to his horror Peter tried all he could to detach himself from the goo and within a few moments he was already completely engulfed by the goo. Peter looked at himself and shouted in horror. Peter felt great the black goo had formed a sleek suit for him and it was amazing. The suit had greatly increased his powers and reflexes and Peter had maximized the benefits in saving a popular actress from a kidnapping in the city from a villain. Peter could not help but appreciate the great minds of both his father Richard Parker and Brock. The black goo was simply mind-blowing as Parker remembered Eddie telling him that the DNA used in the experiment was from his own father and he was shivered as the thoughts of what would have happened if he touched the black goo without possessing his dad's DNA. Peter had landed on a building after he had escaped the police to the cheers of the crowd as he spotted a thief but the site made Peter's smile under the suit and it was an opportunity to test out his new abilities. Peter leaped from the building and set off on a pursuit of the criminal. In within seconds Peter caught up to the criminal and tackled him to the ground. When Peter looked at the man's face he felt a great surge of rage and anger. The man was the burglar who had killed Uncle Ben and Peter wanted no more than to kill him on the spot. Peter then suddenly recognized that it was the suit as the suit was controlling him and he looked at his hands. He was squeezing the life out of the criminal as Peter tried stopping himself from killing the man when he remembered the conversation that he had with Eddie Brock. “I just wish I could rid the world of evil and having said the words of Eddie were enough motivation for Peter to gave control to the suit and the man's neck immediately snapped. Peter examined the man and he saw that he was dead. Peter looked at his hands in disbelief and fear. He had done what he thought he would never do as Spider-Man but he had just killed a man and what scared Peter the most was not that he had killed a guilty man but that he enjoyed it. The reggae party had exceeded both Gwen and Eddie's expectations and they were both happy. So much so that Gwen accepted when Eddie invited her to his dorm but Gwen did not expect when Eddie attempted to kiss her as she quickly pushed him away and throtted his efforts. Gwen immediately told Eddie that she was 16 but that did not seem to faze him as he had attempted to kiss again but this time Gwen dodged and brought her knees up to him groaning before she scrambled out in a hurry. “They're all the same” he said with disgust. Eddie immediately put on the TV to take away his mind from the incident and what he saw in the news had shocked him. The news reporter showed sightings with videos of a black Spider-Man and how the crowd were behind him.  Eddie was still bothered because something looked familiar about the black suit but then suddenly it came to his mind and he screamed. The black suit he kept at Reed Richards’s science facility as his inheritance and he quickly rushed out of his room to the facility. While his heart was beating rapidly Eddie prayed with all of his heart that his thoughts would not be a reality as the black goo was not stolen but when Eddie arrived at the facility what he saw shocked him and Peter had suddenly felt more alive when he had killed the criminal. He now had crossed the line and he was a new Spider-Man. He now had this coming and the black goo started pointing into words a location and Peter started following the words. He felt like a different thing from a lost body part as Peter saw the destination and he was not surprised. It was Reed's science facility as Peter went in through the road that he used to get in the first time with too much ease but Peter landed on the roof and he was being led to the jar. He left open what contained of the black goo and the suit immediately had absorbed it. Peter felt much stronger and powerful. The absorption gave him a surge of strength that he never had felt before as Peter's physique was now more bulkier and huge and Peter loved it. Peter was about to go when he now felt another location guided by the black goo and he had followed it. He reached another safe and forcefully opened it with ease. Peter was shocked to find another mass of black goo as he figured that Eddie had kept two of them in separate places for scientific research reasons but Peter quickly absorbed all of the black goo in the jar and was almost taken it back. When Eddie rushed into the room the look of horror and lethal was divided on Eddie’s face and Peter felt sorry for him. Peter wanted to reveal himself to Eddie but he never got the chance to do so as Eddie cried with the voice that surprised even Peter and charged. Peter did not want to harm him but he was not in control of his actions as the black goo was and he was perfectly seized up by his neck and quickly decapitated by then laws that punctured out of Peter's suit. Peter couldn't believe what he had done and suddenly heard voices approaching the lab. He quickly shot a web and escaped while still glancing at Eddie’s body in shock and sorrow at what he had done. By the time the security forces had arrived at the lab Peter was far gone as Peter stood at the edge of the buildings still reflecting about his past actions as Peter had discovered that the suit could diffuse into his body and emerge anytime he wanted it to. On his way out of Reed Richards’s science facility Peter suddenly only cause the suit to re-emerge by his thoughts and it did. Peter looked at the suit and considered what he had done. He had killed two people now in the span of one night as Peter discovered that the suit was manipulating him but what made him scared was that he actually enjoyed the killings and the only death that he felt remorse for was that of Eddie Brock. All this would not have happened if Trask’s company had not seized her dad's work in the first place or caused their deaths Peter said in anger. Peter decided that to honor the death of his parents, Eddie and his parents he would have to take down Trask’s company. Peter felt a rejoice at his decision as Peter noticed that the suit craved violence, death and revenge. Peter did not know that the symbiote was manipulating him and that caused the deaths of two men. Peter was beating himself up for it as Peter looked at the suit and figured that he could not call himself Spider-Man ever again. A memory of the name that had been written on the jar but suddenly came to Peter's mind and he smiled. “Venom” Peter said. Peter had swung home and when he approached his apartment he entered an alleyway and ditched his Spider-Man clothes for good as he figured that he would never be able to use the mantle of Spider-Man ever again. Peter went into his home after causing his body to absorb and hide the suit. Aunt May and Gwen Stacy noticed an unusual change in Peter's attitude. He was arrogant, harsh and prone to anger. It made Aunt May and Gwen Stacy concerned. Gwen blamed it on his recent breakup with Mary Jane and Aunt May blamed it on his recent discovery of his parents and probably how they had passed away. Peter did not care what they thought as he paid them no attention but it seemed like the suit was causing Peter the lack of empathy and Peter was no evil person. When Gwen told him about her near rape experience with Eddie even though the name of Eddie’s truck a chord in Peter's heart he just stood up and went inside his room leaving Gwen astounded. Peter quickly laid down on his bed as he knew he had a bigger day tomorrow  but tomorrow was when he would attack and burn down Trask’s company. School had been a blur for Parker as he just wanted to focus on destroying Trask’s company but later in the day Peter’s new bold attitude did not go unnoticed by the staff and students of the school. Mary Jane just got word of it and she also witnessed it firsthand when Parker had gotten into a fight in the hallway with a bully. MJ knew that something was fundamentally wrong with Peter as Peter would never fight in public at school but when MJ had finally decided to swallow her pride and approach Peter she was met with rejection and it broke her heart. Peter had just laughed at her face while he walked away but Peter was nowhere to be found after the final bell had rung as he was already on his way to enact his revenge and the reason Peter decided to go early was to catch up to Mr.Bolivar Trask himself at the company. Peter was on the building to the company and he was literally burning with anger. “It is time for vengeance” he said in a husky voice. Venom tore through the gates of the facility with ease as the security men thought that it was Spider-Man and they were no match for his strength and speed. Venom threw one of them over the fence and the other one plastered on the wall with blood. Spider-Man alias Venom just made easy work for all of them now until none remained to challenge him but suddenly, Venom heard police sirens and he cursed under his breath. Trask had called for help as the police lined up and opened fire on Venom. Though the bullets gave him some pain Parker shook it off and healed fast.  The only thing that bullets did was to annoy him as Spider-Man tore through the steel gates of Trask and threw it to the police cars. The officers fled for their lives as the gates caused a massive explosion on impact with the police cars that should take care of them for the meantime but Venom said in his mind looking up at the Trask facility when Venom caught a glance of Bolivar Trask and he pointed at him and did a slice gesture at his throat. As he proceeded to enter into the Trask building Bolivar Trask was hyperventilating but he recognized the black goo from some years back and the bad deeds he had done came rushing back to him. He knew that Venom wanted his life but he was not ready to die now as Bolivar and David pep talk to Silver Sable and her wild pack and promised them a fortune if they could stop Venom here and now before it was too late. Sable and her wild pack found the whole thing amuse him but they did not show it. They did not think Venom was much of a threat as they were confident in their ability to bring him down but they quickly secured Trask in a secret compartment just in time while Venom rounded the corner and the fight began. Trask could not see anything but he heard it all at first as Bolivar heard the pain screams of Venom and that seemed to give him joy but after a while he heard the surprise screams of the wild pack and Silver Sable begging for mercy. He then screamed in pain as if nothing and the silence was so eerie that Trask tried to stop himself from breathing so hard but to no avail. Venom suddenly tore apart the entrance to where he was held and he was held by the neck bringing him into the open. Trask pleaded for his life and because of it Venom just smiled and suddenly the face of Peter Parker was unveiled and he told Trask who he was and why he wanted to kill him. After that there was only one person alive in the building and it was Peter. Nick Fury had gotten reports of some mutants destroying Trask’s company building and the policemen car and he was currently on the case. His men had eyes on the building and they discovered that everyone was dead apart from Spider-Man. The staff awaited Nick Fury’s orders and told them to torch the building and a missile was sent to the building and consumed in the flames. Thankfully the building was in an isolated area as Nick Fury deduced that if not were the case he would not have been able to risk the lives of civilians but looking at the fire Fury knew that nobody could have survived a blast like that and when his men checked the building Spider-Man’s body was never found...
                                                                                   THE END!
And that is going to be ¿What if the symbiote possessed Ultimate Spider-Man in the PS2 game? It was really interested to see a world in the Ultimate Marvel universe where Spider-Man has became Venom killing Eddie Brock in the process and it makes you kind of wonder if a part 2 is possible because this story has a LONG way to go before we get to the Death of Ultimate Spider-Man so if you want me to make part 2 of this story do let me know and I will do it. Also on a side note it has been a while since I’ve posted mainly not only due to personal issues but because I’m going to be releasing double sized long fan fictions for all of you to enjoy and the first season which I have been working on for a long time should be wrapping production very soon so be on the lookout for all that content and more fan fictions coming soon and I’ll try to post more often. Anyway do make sure to like, comment and follow my channel so you’ll don’t miss any of my fan fictions. Take care guys and have a fantastic day. Peace out!
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starryevermore · 3 years ago
Hi I don't know if you do him if not that ok
But can I have yandere Eddie x reader x yandere venom please
Where the reader is a sweet heart and very kind to them and is there natvorbsr
But when they hear bang's from nextdoor they quickly find out the reader boyfriend is abuse and then kick his ass and take the reader in please
the object of their affection ✧ eddie brock & venom
angst city™ library | send in a request (consult request faqs first)
request: Hi I don’t know if you do if not that ok. But can I have yandere Eddie x reader x yandere venom please where the reader is a sweet heart and very kind to them and is there natvorbsr. But when they hear bang’s from nextdoor they quickly find out the reader boyfriend is abuse and then kick his ass and take the reader is please
pairing: yandere!eddie brock x fem!reader x yandere!venom
word count: 245
warnings?: yandere, soft!dark, not proofread
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“You, um, didn’t have to do that,” you mumbled, watching as the sweet journalist that lived across the hall reappeared from the black goo that once covered. “Um, what happened to…you know, him?”
The black goo covered Eddie’s face, its voice deep as it said, “We had a snack.”
“A snack? Oh. Oh,” you said, ducking your head down. Well, you couldn’t say he didn’t deserve it. “Are you going to, you know, do the same to me?”
Eddie was suddenly in front of you, kneeling, taking your hands in his. “No, no, we could never hurt you.”
You wrapped your arms around you, trying to ignore the dark look that cast over Eddie’s face as you pulled your hands away. “I-I…Are you sure? Because you…ate him without any issue.”
“He hurt you,” the black goo said, this time appearing as its own head and neck attached to Eddie’s shoulder. “We can’t let him hurt you.”
You blinked. “Um, how did you know that he…”
“He was a bad man. Eddie says we get to eat the bad men,” the goo said. 
“Um, I’m sorry, who are you?”
“We are Venom,” the goo said, “and we will protect you.”
You looked between them, realizing that there was way out of this. Though, you weren’t so sure you wanted out. They did save you after all… “Well, thank you. I appreciate that.”
If only you knew what exactly you were getting into.
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vulpinesaint · 6 months ago
i actually can't write fanfiction about venom because my interest in it is so delightfully scientific and analytic that the thought of engaging with it from a "fandom" perspective makes me feel kind of bummed out... same reason that i can't be a "i love eddie brock!!" guy i don't care about him i just need to stare at him and the symbiote in this jar for hours and hours and hours while i shake them around... and anyway nobody out there wants to read my comics canon eddie brock suicidal catholicism character study it'd be— post canceled actually i just remembered all of the mutuals reading my aro crowley fic even though half of them didn't watch or read good omens. hey if i really cared about something and i was a good writer you guys would read it right. right. i think i need to write fan fiction
dear lord. i fear i may write fan fiction
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babblydrabbly · 3 years ago
Stumbling (Eddie Brock x reader) | fluff oneshot
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Pairings: Eddie Brock x f!reader; Eddie Brock x Venom
Warnings: Alcohol. Drunk singing. Mostly just practicing fluff. Some hurt comfort. Can also be read as platonic Eddie and reader if you want!
Wordcount: 1.3k
[ A/N: I see a big muscular man with emotional baggage, I prescribe him with hugs. I don’t make the rules. Post-Venom 2. ]
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Your friend Eddie has always been a better guy than he gives himself credit for. Lately it seems like he hasn’t been giving himself any credit at all. You don’t know it, But Venom agrees- in their own way.
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Eddie Brock was getting too old for this.
Not the fun evening with you and Venom part, of course. But certainly the trying to find his way back to your apartment at two in the morning part. He stops on the corner of somewhere familiar- somewhere definitely, definitely familiar. He’d picked you up from your place enough times to know what the building itself looked like, but actually getting there from the bar…
I am pretty certain you passed it, Eddie. The symbiote’s voice manifest, unimpressed. In Eddie’s deliberation, their pleasant buzz had worn off, leaving Eddie with a dull headache. You, on the other hand, seemed to still have your fill of cucumber-vodka martinis.
“...Don’t wanna close my eyes! Don’t wanna fall asleep… Cuz I’d miss you, babyyy!” You belted out onto the empty street.
“No, no it’s definitely this way.” The reporter grumbles. Somewhere behind him, you are using Eddie’s back to perform an arrhythmic drum solo.
Why don’t you let ME carry her? I can FEEL how much you are struggling to multitask.
“Listen- listen! I know that if I head down this way, there’s a convenience store just across the street from her place. We are almost there.”
You pull Eddie from his thoughts when you wriggle a little in his grasp. Eddie hikes you up onto his shoulder some more, his arm wrapped securely around your thighs. You crane your neck fruitlessly to look back at him. “Who're you talking to?” You slur.
“No one. Nothing.”
I am not nothing! Venom pouts.
“Can it, please!”
“Where are we?” You ask dizzily.
“Everyone- just- calm down, just for a second.” Eddie mediates. You blink, confused, but oblige.
“D’you wamt me to type it into my phone?” You finally say when no answer comes. You reach up into your back pocket but in your drunken state, it slips and lands onto the sidewalk with a clatter. You gasp a little louder than necessary.
Look what you have done, Eddie!
“Oh, for f–” Eddie cuts himself off. Relenting, he heaves you back over his shoulder and sets you down on your feet with surprising ease. He crouches down to pick up your phone, handing it to you when he’s certain the screen is fine. “Sorry ‘bout that.” He mutters.
“Why didn’t y’just tell me you were lost, silly?”
The man sighs, raking a hand through his disheveled hair. “I can get you home just fine, [Y/n]. I can do that.”
You watch Eddie tentatively as he deflates a bit. His brows pinch together then, and you wonder again for the hundredth time that night what your friend is toiling over so much.
“Hey,” You try. You step closer to him, and even through the spinning vision, it’s easy to find the side of his face as you reach up and cup it gently in your palm. “Let’s just walk for a while, hm?”
Taking his arm, you pull him down the street. Eddie smiles a bit and follows you. You rest your head comfortably on his shoulder, your fingers curled around his bicep as the two of you walk down the block.
“Did you have fun tonight?” You ask.
Eddie nods. The sight makes you laugh.
“What?” He mutters down at you.
“You couldn’t say it with a more annoyed face, Ed. I thought a few beers would help you loosen up.”
“Oh. Sorry.” He trails off again, and you know him well enough to see whatever is bugging him hasn’t let up.
“…You doing alright, hon?”
Had you been anyone else, Eddie would have brushed off the query immediately. Ever since Ann, the rest of the people in his life had treaded lightly. And they didn’t even know about Venom.
Ann and Dan knew. But he wasn’t exactly in a position to confide in them about how he was feeling. In fact, Eddie would pretty much rather drop dead then let them know just how things had been going.
He could feel himself grow more anxious-more wary over the last few years. And as much work as he had put into constantly living with Venom, the secret itself still took a toll.
It was isolating, guarding himself from other people’s reactions. There was no getting rid of Venom. But there was still the risk of someone else getting hurt. Or scared. He thought about telling you once or twice, but you’d known him so long. What if he ruined everything by telling you?
Venom stays surprisingly silent at the thought.
“Eddie?” You pull away and move around to stand square in front of the reporter. When he looks up, he sees the familiar facade of your apartment building.
“Hey–” He looks back down at you. “I thought you were wasted.” He chuckles.
You smile lopsidedly, shrugging. “Seeing something upsetting you has always been kind of sobering.”
Eddie’s scowl returns- the permanent fixture on his face you wished would ease up. But he’s always done his best to come off as strong. He is strong. But that didn’t mean he had to keep things from you.
Eddie reaches up to scrub at his eye tiredly.
“I didn’t mean to ruin Friday Night Drinks.” He says with an apologetic murmur.
“Hey, you didn’t. FND’s always a good time with you. Why do you think I’m always dragging you out for it?” You grin.
“I… I don’t know, sometimes.” He admits. “Lately I’ve–”
There it was again. Something he just can’t seem to tell you. It’s a little disheartening, you’ll admit to yourself. If only there was a way to convince him there’s nothing he could unburden that would scare you off.
So, you wrap your arms around him instead, your hands slipping inside his leather jacket to pull yourself snuggly to his warm torso. You bury your face in his chest. And it doesn’t take long for Eddie to curl around you with a deep, wordless sigh.
“I don’t care what’s been rough, Eddie.” You say, your voice muffled by his gray v-neck. “I just want you to know you can tell me about it, if you want to.”
The two of you stay like that for a few minutes, swaying back and forth gently. Eddie presses his face into your hair before finally drawing away, the tension in his face releasing.
“I know. Maybe we can… meet up have dinner or something again? Next week. I mean- maybe we can hang out more, I mean.” He quickly adds the last part, clearing his throat. No need to scare you off with other feelings. The potential symbiote talk was going to be big enough.
You grin. Eddie’s done his fair share of writing, but he can’t help all the cliches that pop into his head- not when you’re aiming that smile right at him.
You give a little wave as you stumble back toward your door, and Eddie’s closed-lip smile split into a grin.
He waits until you disappear inside to walk away, his hands in his jean pockets and his mood a little lifted. He even throws Venom a smile when the creature morphs to peer at him from his shoulder.
You need to do that more often.
“What?” Eddie scoffs. “Smile?”
HANG OUT with [Y/n]. Receive more HUGS.
Her gesture flooded a large amount of endorphins into your system, Eddie.
Meaning [Y/n] is SAFE. [Y/n] is good for us.
Eddie wants to huff again, but inside, the concept sinks in. It did feel good. You did feel safe. It would certainly get more complicated than that. But for now, Eddie pretends he can still feel the pressure of you wrapped around his chest.
He arches a brow when he feels Venom reach around him with liquid tendrils and replicate the memory.
“Thanks, V.” He chuckles. “…I didn’t mean to call you nothin’ back there. You know what I meant.”
Yes. I know how bitchy you get when you are lost.
[Y/n] will ease your tension. With dinner. We ARE going.
“Yeah, yeah.” Eddie grumbles. It was his idea after all. Still, the prospect of seeing you again floods him with more of that warmth, just like Venom said. He strolls the rest of the way home, less anxious than he’s felt in weeks.
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boogiewrites · 5 years ago
Reports & Repertoire 18: Sex and Set backs.
Characters: Eddie Brock x Venom x Candace Miller (OFC)
Summary:   With Eddie weighed down with worry, he's not much for getting it up, so Venom steps in to ease a tense Candy's stress. Candy's best-laid plans play out.
Warnings/Tags: Candy x Venom sexual content. Talks of defeat, revenge. 
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Eddie hadn’t been sleeping particularly well and it was time for Venom’s weekly feeding, a combination that led them both to be more difficult to deal with. Without Candy they went out someplace new and snatched up a mugger. Just another Friday night. They return to Candy’s through the upstairs window left open on this particular night every week so escape was seamless.
Venom was feeling very full and satisfied afterward, alive and awake. The total opposite of Eddie. They shut the window behind them as they spilled into the dark room to see Candy in bed. Eddie is relieved at the mere sight of her safe and resting, posed under the thick comforter. Venom rustles inside him at the sight. Blood pumps fast through them, both theirs and the latest victims.
“Let’s have her Eddie.” Venom hisses hungrily in his tired mind. “She is relaxed and she tastes so good when she’s like this. Bet she tastes like strawberries.”
While stripping off his clothes sloppily and stumbling all the way, with none of the grace he held while Venom was in control, Eddie groans. “Yeah, she’s hit the daiquiris hard lately. But I’m too tired, man. We’re sleepin'.”
“You may sleep. I can be awake for… lots of things.” Eddie feels a prickling up his spine that he wishes he could react to, but his spirit just wasn’t as willing as his symbiotic counterpart was.
“Yeah, sure, whatever dude. Go for it.“ he dismisses him with a yawn and crawls into bed to a mewling woman. He hadn't thought Candy would go for it, but a horny alien wasn't something he had the energy to barter with right now. He didn’t even notice she was wearing lingerie when he pulled back the covers. He was already out as she stirred to kiss his cheek.
With a frown, she sighs, running her fingers through his hair. It was hard to be mad at him when he looked like that. He’d been so sweet and protective lately, but not in an overbearing way. She expected him to come home a ball of energy as he usually did after Venom fed. But she was left with a sleepy puppy who wasn’t any use to her needs tonight.
“Night Eddie baby.” she gives him another kiss before rolling over to her side of the bed. “Goodnight Venom” she calls out sweetly.
“You are not sleepy.” he responds.
She turns her head to see him looming over her. “Well, not exactly no.” she shrugs.
“You are... disappointed. And… aroused.” his second accusation is growled out and she narrows her eyes at him as he leans in closer. “I can smell you, Candy.”
“Yeah I…” she takes a breath to see Venom and his silky skin just like her nightie rippling at her confession. “...wanted to have sex with you tonight. I needed some stress relief and some, closeness, y’know but…” she motions her head to Eddie’s softly snoring face mushed into a pillow.
“He is tired. But I am not.” he grins and rubs against her cheek as affectionate as a cat in his mannerisms.
“Well I kinda... need him don’t I?” she huffs out an almost nervous laugh, getting ready to roll over, call it a loss and try again tomorrow.
“Do we?” he suggests, the tone and question caught her attention. “We are close Candy. As close as you and Eddie. We are three. We are all one now. A team. Why can we not play without Eddie when you and Eddie play without Venom.” there was no hurt in his voice but something peculiar to it.
“I…” she looks over at the sleeping man, oblivious. “I don’t know? I’ve never talked about it with Eddie.” It was almost an excuse but it was also the truth. She didn’t want to cross any lines she couldn’t step back over later with Eddie.
“I have.” Venom bows.
“You have? Really?” she pauses and looks around the room in thought. The information came as a surprise. But perhaps it shouldn’t? “What did he say?” Her voice is quiet and Venom can feel the curiosity in it.
“He said he didn’t care.” A tendril flips out casually in its explanation.
"Really?” she challenges over with uncertainty clear on her face.
“Yes.” he nods again.
“I mean... I was looking forward to it all day, I’ve been… annoyed and horny and thought he might wanna get close and fool around before we went to sleep.”
“I can do those things.”
“Well, I was going to include you.” she grins sheepishly, making him hum contentedly.
“Then let me take care of you. We have been growing closer Candy. You and I. Venom and Candy. Yes? With the murders. The vengeance and the blood. I can hear your heart race, feel your body vibrate with excitement. I know what it does to you. It does not do this to Eddie. We understand one another.”
“I get killing for survival, killing one to save many, yeah.”
“Yes, and I want to… reward you for it. It is so nice to have a human understand.”
“Reward me?”
“Give you what you want tonight. I’ve wanted some one on one time with you, but the occasion has never presented itself in such a way.”
“By one on one you mean-“
“Let us fuck, Candy, our sweet. Our babe, our love, our-.”
“You’re being very sweet Venom... but Eddie.”
“I told him I could handle your needs alone. He did not care.”
“You aren’t lying are you Venom?”
“Lying is what bad people do. And we are not bad.”
“No, you are not.” She shakes her head and believes him. And technically, he wasn’t lying. “I don’t wanna wake up the poor baby if he’s that tired.” After a pause, and a small snore from Eddie she continues.”How do you want to… do this?”
She smiles at his answer. “Yes, and without much movement.”
“Agreed. Which is easily achieved with me.” A certain pride comes from his animated face.
“That’s true, you slippery thing.” She coos affectionately.
“Then let me explore you, our beautiful girl. Let us make you cum.”
The words in his deep tone that sounded like Eddies but with a wild distortion and bass makes her blush at the words. She agrees and lays back, watching him slither up and caress her face.
“You are nervous. Why?”
“We’ve never done this. Just you and I. It’s like our first time or something.” She gives him a more reassuring smile.
“And I will rock your world.” He promises with a lick of her cheek. She forgives the dated terminology immediately and feels the soft warm silk and slip of him against her skin.
He slinks beneath her nightie with no trouble, warm and almost wet as he moves across her like vines. A circling and sucking of her nipples first, a heavy caress of her thighs before parting her legs himself. Reassuring strokes to her skin when he felt her heart speed up, feeling the tension growing between her legs and waiting for his moment. Without Eddie's thoughts, without any orders or suggestions, he’s free to do as he pleases. He uses her as a playground and explores almost every bit of her. He covers her almost entirely, becoming in tune with her on a more intimate level. He knew her pulse, her Ph, her ticklish spots and the way her breath escaped her lips in a sweet puff that smelled of a fruity cocktail she’d had before bed.
He begins the part he’d craved, to be solely responsible for a woman’s orgasm. Eddie took such pride in it that Venom wanted it for his own. He could make Eddie cum, he could make Eddie squeal like a pig if he wanted, but a woman was different, more Complicated and his complex brain was wanting the challenge. Tendrils encase her, pressure and strokes, lapping at her clit first, teasing around her opening as she grew wetter for it. He sucked and flicked, pinched and circled all the while waiting to hear those moans that got Eddie, and thus him, so hard.
She holds it in with shakey breaths at first. A bitten lip and eyes squeezed shut to cope but eventually one does escape As her toes curl, her hips buck, he's there to catch it. He covers her mouth and allows her to breathe through her nose and still make all the sound she wanted.
“See? Quiet. Only I can hear you now Candy. Let me feel all those sounds of pleasure. I want to know what I’m doing to you.”
She nods, not left with any choice really but to give in, and it was glorious.
He could feel her swollen insides, pushing on the outside to the underlying pleasurable pieces of her clit, a pressure to her lower stomach as he enters her, each stroke growing in girth until she whines at the stretch.
“You can take so much, Candy. So much more than Eddie. You can take me. I can touch you in ways he never could. We love Eddie, don’t we Candy? But he cannot do this.” And with the taunt he swells to push her insides, hooking over her pelvic bone and surrounding her cervix she lets out a wanton moan she’d never released before. She felt so impossibly full. Every inch of her full and throbbing with him. He pulsed like a vein inside her, a tendril rubbing away at her clit and within a few beats, she was gone.
He encased her shaking body, extensions between her fingers to hold her fisted hand and keep her from waking his host. A rush of cum from her from the pressure is whisked away by him and savored. Something he’d never tasted before and hoped to taste again. Eddie would like this, he thought. Eddie would like to see Candy enjoying herself like this. Venom was already planning how to play with her while Eddie watched.
“There, there.” He whispers, resting her back in the bed and brushing her hair back. “That was perfect our sweet.” He states softly in her ear as he unravels around her and leaving her mouth last so she didn’t make too much noise.
“That was perfect.” She agrees and smiles out a quiet dopey laugh. Giddy on the high of her first full-body, squirting orgasm. “I… I needed that. Thank you. Thanks for… talking me into it.”
“We can do it again soon.” A smile of his rows of sharp teeth didn’t frighten her anymore. The moonlight hit them like pearls and his veins shined like Opal. He was a beautiful thing, truly.
“Yes, we can.” She strokes his cheek as he nuzzles back. “Do you mind if I sleep now? You kinda… wore me out.”
“You get sleepy after orgasms.” He states it as the observational fact that it is.
“I do.” She admits.
“Sleep then Candy. I will see to Eddie. We will be with you tomorrow.”
“Night sweetheart.” She sighs out as he pulls the covers up over her shoulder.
And Eddie was none the wiser.
Despite what Candy considered the most dangerous bits of her plan being over, it was never far from her mind. Having the two boys in her life made things easier most of the time, others not so much. Like when she would get lost in thought and someone was there to snap her out of it. She didn’t want to lie but she didn’t want to worry them when they asked what was wrong. Like now. She wished someone had told her that doing the right thing would be so hard.
She was at work, a place where she could usually find some distraction from her worries. She’d kept this case entirely separate and had done a good job. Or so she thought.
She’s handed her usual stack of mail and goes to open them, nothing out of the ordinary until she unfolds a very generic looking envelope.
“You have been warned. Stop now. Or face the consequences.”
No header, no signature or anything else on the blank page. For as vague as it was, it was perfectly clear what it was about. This was a sign she thought. They’re worried. She’s got something that could do some damage. But they would be looking to her to make the next move. So she had to be one step ahead.
Candy has everything lined up. The footage and proof all set and now given over to the small-time reporter looking to take on the big guys Candy couldn’t. The exchange was simple. Candy's name was left out, there was no footage or the sound of her voice on the videos, she could now sit back and watch it all unfold. She had done it. She’d outsmarted them.
Except it didn’t happen.
There was nothing for a week. Candy became worried, reaching out to the girl and receiving nothing in response. She takes the chance to go to the brick and mortar of the small paper and she was there, but reluctant to talk. She spoke with her in a backroom and was clearly shaken.
Tells her she should forget it. She can’t say more. But she isn’t the woman to do it for her. Telling her the proof was gone. The things she printed were gone. Her laptop, phone, everything. Telling candy to be careful because who they were messing with was willing to use violence to keep the status quo.
And with that, Candy was left to feel defeated again, guilty for a new reason. These men weren’t fucking around. But neither was Candy. But what could she do to get back at people with infinite resources? Venom couldn’t eat them all. As much as he’d like to try I’m sure. She needed something new. Something they couldn’t touch.
“I don’t know Candy. I think we should leave it.” Eddies rubbed the back of his neck defensively.
“Really? They’re breaking the law, raping women and covering it up. Threatening people to keep quiet about it. It’s bad!”
“And YOU don’t have to be the one to expose it. I’m sorry babe, I really am but it’s not worth the risk. Venom and I… we can only keep you so safe.”
“We just need something they can’t deny! Something-“
“Something that’s going to draw too much attention to you. I need you to stop and think for a minute. You’re just one person. A major network won’t take this, won’t print it, won’t broadcast it or post it. There’s no way to get it out there without them knowing and it reaching enough people to make it known. It’s just not in our power. Maybe just do a piece on Roofies? No names or places or accusations?”
“They need to pay for what they did.” He sees her growing more tired, the hurt and sadness and fear catching up to her as she took a shakeup inhale.
“Comfort her.” Venom whispers and moves him towards her.
Eddie holds her and it only takes a moment for her to break. She starts to cry, and for so many reasons. Frustration, it all felt so unfair. The fear she felt that night, the need to help others and keep them from suffering the same fate or far worse. She was powerless against them no matter how much she fought, there was no winning this one.
“I’m so sorry Candy. I know how much this meant to you.” He didn’t know what else to say. And neither did Venom. He felt Eddie's pain, a dark cloud washing over them at being unable to fix it, unable to save those that needed to be saved. But even he and Venom have their limits.
@hardygal69​​ @marvelgirl7​​ @emerald-bijou @brianaisasongbird​​ @vale0413​​ @izzy-the-ginger​​ @chortletortoise @onomatopoetic-aesthetic @anrm1 @jademox​​ @nightcraver​​ @venomous-possibiities @tinastarkandco​​ @chipster-21​​ @ugly-crying-over-bucky-barnes​​ @queenof-wakanda @s-h-e-w-r-i-t-e-s​ @peakys-mystic​​ @jaegeeeeer​
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queen-of-the-avengers · 6 years ago
Not Really Good With Heights
Characters: Eddie Brock x Reader, Venom, minor characters
Word Count: 1,259
Warnings: angst of heights, fluff
Summary: Eddie has to go to extreme measures to get you to help him against the battle with Carlton Drake.
Author’s Note: This is for Kari’s @until-theend-oftheline Tom Hardy Writing Challenge. My prompt is the quote “I’m not really good with heights”. If you have any requests, please send them in! This is unbeta’d and any and all mistakes are all on me.
Feedback the glue that holds my writing together
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Working for a man like Jack wasn’t always easy. He’d give his reporters some jobs and while they may not be the best ones, you had to sit back and watch it happen. The one person who kept coming in and out of his office was Eddie Brock.
When people ask you why you’re best friends with Eddie, you tell them because he’s an amazing guy, thoughtful, protective, and kind. They don't see it, but it doesn’t really matter what they think. It shouldn't matter. It’s been 10 years since you’ve known Eddie, but lately, he’s been a whole other person.
As soon as Jack gave him the Carlton Drake interview, he’s been acting suspiciously. All he ever talks about with you is how sketchy Drake is. A part of you wants to believe him, but the realist in you wanted to keep your job. If Jack saw you entertaining Eddie’s accusations, he’d fire you as well.
All you ever wanted to do was support your best friend, but it was hard to believe someone like Drake had evil intentions. You’ve met the guy on a few occasions, and he’s been nothing short of kind. It’s been a hard few weeks knowing that Eddie was out there trying to fix something that might not be broken.
“Cancel all of my appointments. I am leaving for the day,” Jack said as he exited his office.
“Of course,” you nodded, getting right to work.
“I need these documents faxed and filed before you leave. That’s all I have for you to do so you can go home after that,” he informed as he set down a stack of files. Nodding, you took them as he left, leaving you to do his paperwork for him. It’s all part of the job, but you wished you could tell him to stick it where the sun doesn’t shine. For the most part, he is a good boss, but there have been times where he’s snapped at you for doing one little thing wrong.
Gathering the top few files, you walked to the fax machine before setting out to work. Right above the machine was a TV where people on break could watch it, and Eddie’s face was all over it. Lately, he’s been getting into trouble with Drake, but the news won’t cover it. Since he lives in the same apartment building as you, you’ve noticed his appearance changed as if he was getting sicker.
You’ve tried talking to him, but all he’d do is shut you out. Maybe all he needs is a good day to just think about how he’s been treating you. At this point, you didn't know what to do anymore except work. It keeps your mind off it anyway.
About halfway through the stack, the elevator dinged, signaling to you that someone was exiting off it. Looking up, you saw a very sick Eddie make his way to your boss’ door.
“Eddie, what are you doing here?” you asked, forgetting about your task to deal with him.
“I need to see Jack,” he coughed and entered his office. Quickly following him, you let the door close behind you.
“He left for the day. You need to go home. You look like shit.”
“I like her,” Venom snickered.
“Look, can you give this to him, please? It’s important,” he pulled out a cell phone and handed it to you.
“What’s on here?”
“It’s Drake. Everything that I’ve been saying is true. He’s up to something bad, Y/N,” he panicked.
“Eddie, you’re going to get me fired,” you sighed as you set the phone down. “Look, I love you, you know this, but Drake has done nothing to prove he’s a condescending asshole.”
“Y/N, you need to help me. Trust me on this, I don’t know who else to turn to.”
“Eddie, what’s going on? You look sick, you won’t talk to me, and all of a sudden you come barging in here demanding that I trust you when you’ve done nothing to earn it? I am the last person to judge you so talk to me.”
“Drake is dealing with alien matter to better a human’s body. Only this alien matter has to have a specific host, and I broke into his lab a few nights ago, and now I have one of these… parasites inside me.”
“I am not a parasite!”
“He’s not a parasite,” he said quickly after before speaking to himself. “It just came out. I’m sorry.”
“Fine, don’t tell me,” you scoffed. Sighing, you walked to the window to take in the night view when the glass shattered. Bullets came flying into the office, and you screamed at the top of your lungs as you backed away. Eddie grabbed you as he pulled you to his body, knowing exactly who was firing at him.
“Don’t leave through the hall, they are all in there. Escape through the window,” Venom advised.
“Look, we need to get out of here and the only way out is through the window.”
“Are you out of your fucking mind? We are on the top floor of a fucking skyscraper!” you screamed.
“Trust, remember. The only way out of here alive is to jump. I’ll catch you.”
“I must be out of my fucking mind,” you whimpered as you looked at the city below you. “I’m not really good with heights.”
“Neither am I, but he is,” your best friend said as he took a step back from you. Black goo started forming around Eddie’s body as he grew taller and slimmer. The black goo swallowed him whole, and huge spikes enveloped his head, and only until you saw they formed a face you realized those spikes were teeth. Pure white eyes seemed to elongate and curl at the top, and a wide lipless smile showing all the pointy teeth and slimy but long tongue.
“What the fuck is that?!” you screamed, freaked out immensely.
“Do not eat her!” Eddie spoke from within the species. “Protect her on the way down.”
“As you wish,” Venom sneered before grabbing you and pulling you into his body. The symbiote leaped out the window, using its claws to scratch his way down. Fear gripped your heart, and you closed your eyes in case this was the end for you. The creature shielded you from the incoming bullets, jumping to the ground and hiding where the shooters could not find you. As soon as he let go of you, your knees buckled.
“I am going crazy,” you muttered as Venom slithered back inside Eddie’s body.
“Y/N, please calm down,” he begged.
“What’s happening?”
“He’s inside me!”
“He?” you asked worriedly.
“I know it sounds crazy but--”
“You’re sick! Eddie, you're really sick!”
“No, I’m scared!” he exclaimed, his voice trembling. Even after all that you witnessed, you could tell he really meant it. “And I need help.”
“Okay,” you took a deep breath and nodded. “What’s going on? What was that thing?”
“That is what Drake has been working on. When I broke in, he got attached and hasn’t left since. Drake wants to unleash this all over the world. If the symbiote doesn’t match the host, the host dies. Venom is a match for me.”
“Oh my God… oh my God!” you exclaimed, feeling like an idiot for not trusting him about this. “You were right this whole time. Eddie, I’m so sorry for not believing you.”
“It doesn’t matter. I need your help in stopping Drake.”
“Yeah, whatever you need. I believe you.”
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2-fast-2-curious · 3 years ago
You’re Running After Something That You’ll Never Kill
Part 2
Pairing: Platonic Venom/Eddie Brock and Gender!Neutral Reader, Gender!Neutral Reader x Matt Murdock
Warnings: Other than the fact that I’ve only watched four episodes of Daredevil...none?
Author’s Notes: Title is from My Chemical Romance’s appropriately titled Thank You for the Venom
I love writing for Venom and just started watching Daredevil so when I saw anon’s asks on @cressidaclearwood and @carters-things show up in the Matt Murdock tag, I couldn’t resist.
Also I’m planning on writing a Matt Murdock breeding kink fic for @princessphilly​ breeding kink challenge which will come in time for Valentine’s day because I’m a sap and now that I’ve put it out in the universe I have to write it, right?
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Okay so imagine Eddie has to go somewhere and Venom can’t come with him like maybe he has to go to the airport to meet a source and since it’s so loud and stuff Venom decides to come with you to work.
Venom has attached himself to you here and there sometimes when he accidentally got separated from Eddie but today would be the first time you and Venom would spend all day together. While you and Venom weren’t symbiotic the same way he and Eddie were, the worst of the side effects when you became Venom’s host was that he made you tired and hungry.
“We’re going to have so much fun, Eddie.” Venom tells Eddie as Venom transfers himself from Eddie’s fingertips to yours.
On your way to work you pick up donuts for the office and buy Venom one of those large one-pound chocolate bars from your local bodega to keep him occupied during your work hours. 
It was a slow day so having Venom around was pretty fun and helpful. Venom’s extra limbs made it super easy to tidy up the desks before any of the workers came in and took over your hands and typed out your report at a record pace. You also introduced Venom to the pigeons that had built a nest on the other side of the window ledge.
You also had to lug a giant delivery up three flights of stairs and barely broke a sweat. It was in the hallway with your large stack of boxes where you ran into Matt Murdock and Foggy Nelson who looked like they just returned from the courthouse.
There were no two ways about it. You were very attracted to Matt. But so was almost everyone he came in contact with. Usually, when Matt spoke to you your heart would race and you’d get flustered and you could tell by his smirk that he would get a kick out of how easy it was to get a reaction out of you
But none of that happened this time. As you greeted Foggy and Matt, any nervousness inside you was swallowed up by your heartbeat evening out. You guessed it might have to do something with the symbiote in your nervous system.
Matt let Foggy go into the office to stay out in the hallway to speak with you.
“Are you feeling alright?” Matt asked “There’s a cold going around and I just have a sense for these things.”
“Nothing really out of the ordinary.”
“Just promise to see a doctor if you start feeling any symptoms.” Matt gave you a reassuring smile. “We don’t need you getting the whole building sick.” 
After you and Matt said your goodbyes, Venom and you unpacked the delivery in the storage closet.
[Y/N], I think you should stay away from him.
You were caught off-guard by Venom’s voice in your mind. You knew he and Eddie would sometimes do this when they wanted to keep a secret from you but even when he had previously occupied your body, Venom rarely ever chose to communicate with you telepathically over verbally.
“Vee-” But Venom covered your mouth.
What’s wrong with Matt?
No reply came from Venom
Venom you hate anyone who’s interested in me
I just want to eat their brains, that is not an indictment of them as a person. Plus if you move out don’t think we’re going to let you back into the apartment that easily. 
Matt’s just being nice, I doubt anyone will be out here asking me to move in with them any time soon. The apartment is rent-controlled so I’m definitely not leaving unless the building burns down.
The only thing that was worse than Venom being disruptive was Venom being quiet. It wasn’t until you took your lunch break that Venom explained his quiet contemplation.
We know him
You know him?
You thought it over for a moment
He’s a defense attorney and sometimes Eddie goes to the court house to cover stories-
No it’s not from that.
Your heart sank, you really didn’t want to believe it but you had to ask.
Is he … a villain?
The answer was definitive and you let out the breath you had been holding. You and Venom spent the rest of lunchtime reading the news on the internet. You particularly liked reading the Twitter account that posted user submissions of acts of vigilantism they witnessed around New York.
So knowing the identity of the man in black who goes around beating up bad people would help Eddie’s career?
Well I guess…it would be a pretty big scoop for a reporter.
You would suspect Venom and Eddie of being the man in black but the posters explicitly said he was a man, not a 7 and a half foot tall monster.
But I know you’re too soft for that, Vee, you couldn’t betray a fellow vigilante.
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jennisahoe · 3 years ago
Ya’ll the fact that a (now deactivated) semi popular fic writer (who i won’t name just cause I don’t wanna add fuel to the fire) for a certain fan base was literally caught sending themselves anon hate from their own account when they accidentally forgot to choose the anon option and exposed themselves is just a different level of insensitive😭
the hate msgs were MEAN AF too! I’m so shocked like is this a thing?? Do some people send themselves anon hate sometimes to gain sympathy?? SICK
Meanwhile some talented and sweet writers are genuinely dealing with very awful and hurtful anon msgs that they don’t deserve. This is gross
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