#Echoes from The Void
froggiebi-moved · 11 months
"There were no signs of you being autistic/ADHD as a teenager" dude i hyperfixated on Charlie the Unicorn for years after the craze had died down and had all the words memorised. I had the videos downloaded on my computer and backed up on my hard drive. Even now I remember all the words to "Put a Banana in Your Ear" because that was my favourite and would constantly break it out even when people groaned or rolled their eyes. Wdym "no signs" no neurotypical i ever met was that obsessed with Charlie the fucking Unicorn
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wisesnail · 2 years
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Have I told you about this? 👀
I had the incredible honour to paint a variant cover of #EvanescenceEchoesFromTheVoid - maybe you'd like to check it out: https://twitter.com/OpusPublishing/status/1572564470471471105? s=20&t=brbT6SuXkAZw0M8JjvPtMw
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i-liveinmyimagination · 11 months
If I surround myself with the walls that I built, will by you I'll ever be found?
Will you hug me from behind the walls that surround?
Will you paint my walls with different shades of your hue instead of breaking them down?
Will you decorate them with picture frames and teeny-tiny stickers that you found?
Will you hear my echoes behind them that sound?
Will you lend me a hand and save me from the memories that hound?
Will you wait till I take the walls brick by brick down?
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neverlostmycrown · 3 months
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Some time ago I bought this last piece of the first print Echoes From The Void #1 - Better Without You from Kelly McKernan and she signed it for me. It took a long time but yesterday it finally came home and it's so beautiful. Now I need to track the other ones! I'm glad that I could support two artists I love.
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teethcore · 5 months
how long after your partner hits you and sexually harasses you until you stop spending every waking second afraid they're going to do it again? asking for no reason in particular
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thecreepingvoid · 6 months
Hey you wet beasts
Go ahead, fuck around, find out
Go ahead and bop the void a bit, see if it bops back
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starrfault · 1 year
the void beckons
hiya! welcome to my personal little corner of the internet! i'm pidge, but you can call me seven, void, voidseers, seers, or anything else you can come up with!
i'm an aroace nonbinary artist who uses they/them and voi/void pronouns! my favourite colour is purple and i refer to myself as being the lord of the void! (because... i'm obsessed with void critters, haha!)
sometimes i swear!! sorry if that bothers you
i'm not plural, however i have a habit of referring to myself as "we", "us", "our", etc [may be due to my kinning :/]
i use text faces a lot! such as :) :( :/ :? :3 and more
problematic people like proshippers, non-con enjoyers, p//do/z00philes
nsfw accs
believe asexual/aromantic people and anyone under the umbrella aren't real :/
basically don't be a POS
i'll add more to this when i feel like it
common tags i use are below
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ourgalaxiescollide · 1 year
𝕰𝖈𝖍𝖔𝖊𝖘 𝕱𝖗𝖔𝖒 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖁𝖔𝖎𝖉 𝖁𝖔𝖑. 𝟐
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A list of random quotes that have echoed throughout the in-between. It’s not sure if there words were truly spoken, or if they were just the strange doings of the colliding magics ANGST ADDITION!
Jaz + Astrin (Troubled Lovers)
Jaz: N-No… no, no, wait, I didn’t mean to- Astrin: It doesn’t matter if you meant to. It’s done. Now, come on. We have work to do.
~ Jaz: No, I love you— Astrin: I don’t know! You’ve put so much doubt in my mind and maybe— Jaz: Don’t say it, please don’t. Astrin: Maybe I didn’t— don’t love you the way I thought I did.
~ Astrin: I can’t live without you. Jaz: You’ll have to learn to.
Callahan + Riake (The Bard and The Rogue)
Callahan: You're too good for me. Riake: I'm not good enough for you.
Riake: You LIED! You’re a goddamn liar! I trusted you! I told you EVERYTHING and all my words did was from the knife you stabbed me with. Callahan: Don’t say that, you’ll break my heart. Riake: I hate you. Callahan: No, you don’t. ~ Callahan: Please, my muse-- Riake: thi-this was a waste of time. you were a waste of time (Random assortment)  Cyrus: We were supposed to be together forever. don't I deserve my happy ever after too? Mossie: You do, just not with me. ~ Elina: I want to get better, I just don't know how... Rowena: That's bullshit. ~ Callahan: Why do you cry so often? Mossie: I'm sad often. Callahan: You seem so happy. Mossie: Yeah. I do. ~ Isabelle: I can’t stand it here! I don’t know why I chose to stay around. Riake: At least you had choice. I never did.
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stories-all · 7 months
Echoes of Silence
It all began on a stormy night, the rain beating against the windows like an ominous warning. The Harringtons' eldest son, James, and the Martins' daughter,
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7jpegs · 1 year
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wistfulechoes · 1 year
The soul inside me has long been dead. All that resides now is a barren emptiness and echoes of what once was. I'm tired of carrying the burden of my lifeless corpse all the times. I yearn to shed this unyielding burden, and release the shackles suffocating me at every turn.
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froggiebi-moved · 11 months
i am so ashamed to be australian tonight. i understand the reasoning behind the progressive "no" vote, i do, but we cannot pretend that the majority of the "no" vote is progressive when racist white australians have made it clear they believe in the equality pie fallacy. this cannot be a win for first nations peoples, and i sincerely hope progress can be made despite this result.
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spotsupstuff · 2 months
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On the Echoes, cosmology, Saint's quest(/inner identity) and the Rubicon. Half of these are from February...
bonus Théta doodles:
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its-rat-time-babey · 2 years
“The Artificer’s campaign has little impact on the overall story” bitch I cannot stress how much of an impact the Artificer had on the entire world. You just need to pay attention to some things.
By the time of the Artificer, Scavengers are basically in the middle of a massive golden age. They have a Chieftain (with a mark of communication (maybe Five Pebbles gave them the mark and citizen ID drone and tried to use them for something but they rebelled and found Metropolis)) with armour made from Red Centipede Scales, they have a permanent home in metropolis above the rain, they figured out how to harvest electrical scrap and broken down Rarefaction Cells from the ruins of Looks To The Moon and pieces of Five Pebbles to make electric spears and Singularity Bombs, they even have specially trained Elite Scavengers, which did exist before in the time of the Spearmaster but it’s still worth bringing them up.
Overall, Scavengers are at a golden age of invention and life in general.
And then they anger the Artificer, who slaughters countless Scavengers, kills their Chieftain and drives them out of Metropolis, locking the gate behind them.
After that, a new Chieftain is never made, armour like the chieftain once wore is never made again, Scavengers suffer a massive population loss, they can’t enter Metropolis without a Citizen ID Drone and Elite Scavengers slowly disappear as the methods used to teach them and the knowledge of how to scavenge and create electric spears and singularity bombs is lost, with the last Elite Scavengers being seen in the Hunter’s campaign, which happens next in the timeline. In other words, the Artificer literally sent Scavengers into a dark age.
It takes until the time of the SAINT for Scavengers to show real signs of recovery, now appearing in larger numbers than before. And even THEN Scavengers never do anything like they did during the time of the Artificer. The Artificer plunged Scavengers into a dark age for countless years, and they STILL haven’t recovered.
And that’s not all. According to the wiki, Scavengers are afraid of Slugpups, most likely because they remember how the last time they killed one they were hit by the full force of an angry explosive lobbing goddess of destruction that slaughtered countless members of their kind. They are afraid of Slugpups in all campaigns, even the Saint’s. So even by the time of the Saint Scavengers know not to mess with Slugpups, presumably because the last time they did so is a legend among Scavengers by that point in time.
Hell, the Artificer’s existence even explains something about the Hunter. The reason that the Hunter starts with a negative reputation among Scavengers is because they look like the fucking Artificer. Scavengers look at the Hunter and see the goddess of vengeance and destruction that they’ve only ever heard of from stories.
Both of them have red fur and a scar on one eye, and will the time gap between campaigns, there’s a good chance that only a few Scavengers that saw the Artificer in person are even alive by that point in time (without even taking into account how the Artificer murdered so many Scavengers that it’s probably rare that a Scavenger saw them and lived to tell the tale), meaning that the Artificer is probably told about in Scavenger stories and her appearance would therefore differ, leaving the most obvious details like the scar on one eye and red fur.
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rotclaw · 1 year
ever since hatching him i've struggled with how i want my double white/abyss dragon to look, but i think.. i've finally figured it out
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teethcore · 5 months
and the latest: making a joke about one of my most severe (in terms of how bad of an effect it has on me) OCD themes, and having to be begged to stop
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