#Echkart Tolle
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epanouissement-spirituel · 2 years ago
#2 Comment j’ai mis le Pouvoir du Moment Présent au service de mes Relations et de mon Bonheur
Salut à toi ! 😊 Voici la BASE n°1 de la Voie de la Communication Consciente ! Je vais même plus loin, je t'y propose un exercice ! Laisse-moi un commentaire sous l'article pour me faire part de ton ressenti. 😊 À toi de jouer ! 😉
Salut à toi ! Petit rappel avant de commencer : ce contenu fait parti de Mon Défi Personnel. Je t’invite à le lire si tu ne vois pas de quoi je parle. 😊 En quelques mots, l’objectif de ce Défi est de poser les bases d’une Voie Spirituelle appelée la Communication Consciente qui a pour but de t’aider à: Harmoniser tes Relations Devenir plus Heureux ! Maintenant (c’est le cas de le dire vu le…
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mysticalblizzardcolor · 1 year ago
Behringer UB-Xa - Polyphonic Aftertouch Sound Demo
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elira0 · 2 years ago
"The gift of thought is the most precious thing we have"
Echkart Tolle.
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damascus · 2 years ago
book recommendations?
Well .. i dont read books that much i just cant find the time.. im just always busy doing shit in my life
But lately I’ve started to read a book called “The power of now” by echkart tolle
And this book is actually changing me.. it is all about living the moment and not thinking about the past or the future and that what makes us exist
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a-path-by-the-moon · 3 years ago
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thetdump · 3 years ago
"Sometimes letting things go is an act of far greater power than defending or hanging on."
- Echkart Tolle
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lokoja · 4 years ago
There is great strength in [surrender]. Only a surrendered person has spiritual power. Through surrender, you will be free internally of the situation. You may then find that the situation changes without any effort on your part.
The Power of Now by Echkart Tolle
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sleepygyal · 5 years ago
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The Power of Now - Echkart Tolle
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epanouissement-spirituel · 2 years ago
Mon Défi Personnel
Mon tout premier article ! 😁 Je t'y partage un Défi que je me suis lancé ! Est-ce que tu penses pouvoir y apporter ta touche ?
Avant de parler de Mon Défi Personnel, laisse-moi me présenter un poil : Je m’appelle Rahner Carpel (c’est bien moi sur la photo😄). Professionnellement parlant, je suis Coach & Consultant Spirituel. J’ai accompagné, et aidé, un certain nombre de personnes avec succès. Et pourtant, concernant ce Défi, je pars de zéro. Du néant. Enfin presque en fait (j’en parlerai un peu plus tard). En…
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mysticalblizzardcolor · 1 year ago
You are not from this world
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You are not from this world 
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elira0 · 2 years ago
"The present moment holds the key to liberation. But you cannot find the present moment as long as you are your mind "
Echkart Tolle ,The power of now
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taboo-u · 5 years ago
Echkart Tolle's Power of Now? How About Power of You!
I love Eckhart Tolle. He's his own holy trinity of calm, patient, and witty. The guy's just hypnotically likeable, and people that understandably like him tune-in for guidance only become confused...
"How the hell do I not learn from past mistakes or plan for tomorrow? Damn! I'm failing already! I gotta think about now and now and now and now and now. Staring at this breadbox is boring. Maybe I should eat something? I am feeling kinda hungry. But I gotta lose weight. I can't eat carbs! All those kids bullied me in school and a reunion is coming up. I'mma show those bastards looking fit and thin. I remember when Johnny & Mandy made fun of me. That really hurt my feelings. It still hurts. I'm so hurt and pissed-off! Ahhh man! I'm screwing-up again! I suck! I gotta think about now and now and now and now!"
What Eckhart Tolle's philosophy leaves out of the "now" equation is confidence & personal empowerment. People are trying to find their confidence and empowerment, and he's like "that's all ego" forget about it and focus on the now as we make ourselves unaccountable dust in fate or destiny's winds.
Confidence is not ego. Confidence is humble. Narciscissim is ego, but narcissicism is not confidence. It took considerable self-confidence for Eckhart Tolle to sit and write the "Power of Now". It took more confidence to send it to publishers where it could be rejected. It took even more confidence to do lectures to empty seats, yet keep pushing oneself to lecture till those seats became filled.
The focus on the "now" had nothing to do with Tolle's ultimate success. Confidence has everything to do with it.
The "Power of Now" is only beneficial if we consider it terms of building self-confidence as it does no good to dwell on how someone hurt you in the distant past and continue to beat yourself up with the echos of their actions and words. It also does no good for one to perpetually live for a magical future and measure one's current circumstances by a future ideal.
Self-confidence recognizes it's past, present, and potential future's imperfections minus the self-abuse. It makes the best of all these things to become a better self, not a perfectly enlightened self. To consider oneself "enlightened" or to even seek holy enlightenment is itself an egotistical endeavor.
When we start seeing ourselves as "enlightened," than we start seeing everyone else as inferior. That's the breeding ground for narcissicism and narcissicistic abuses.
I think Tolle realizes this, but he's so caught in the "spiritual/philosophical" admonishment of the ego, he fails to teach people the importance of confidence and personal empowerment. There is no power in the abstract of "now;" the power is in the person making the best of oneself in the now.
You are the power. The "now" is just the bullshit you are trying to sort through & make the best of while focusing on the pretty colors of a breadbox, or the feeling of soap suds as you wash the dishes.
Ideally, the "now" would be used for meditation that goes within in an attempt to become self-aware, not of one's breath, but of one's own hypocrisies and character flaws that could've contributed to past and present problems and affect one's future as well.
When we start seeing ourselves for the imperfection we all are, than we start having a natural compassion for the imperfection in others. This, too, builds confidence because we realize we're not "lesser-than" or inferior to anyone else. We're all on the same playing field trying to find our way through the game.
Maybe the real "enlightenment" doesn't come from rising above suffering in a mindless focus on the now, but in using the now to realize how everyone suffers in a way that meliminates our self-victimizing rage, hate, and anger and finds compassion for oneself and others?
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angelaeleni · 6 years ago
“The ego wants to want, more than it wants to have.”
— Echkart Tolle
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victoryquote · 6 years ago
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"There are two ways of being unhappy: One is not getting what you want, and the other is getting what you want." - Echkart Tolle [800 X 400]
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great-quotes · 6 years ago
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"There are two ways of being unhappy: One is not getting what you want, and the other is getting what you want." - Echkart Tolle [800 X 400] MORE COOL QUOTES!
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dailymotivationalquotesx · 6 years ago
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"There are two ways of being unhappy: One is not getting what you want, and the other is getting what you want." - Echkart Tolle [800 X 400]
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