#EN I can defend you but not today what is this?
justanotherfanfolks · 20 hours
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Literally sounds like fake names they'd use to hide their identities, not their literal names!
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pinkyqil · 3 months
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- Devil In Disguise
Featuring: barcelona femeni x mischievous !teen reader
Summary: you finally meet your teammates but things take an unexpected turn for the best
Notes: my most awaited fic hope you all enjoy this and it reaches your expectations more chapter's are to come every wendays and Monday and if you guys have any nicknames we can give to this little devil I'm open to suggestions or any requests for this series feel free to send them in thank you again for reading 🫶🏾
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Today was the day you finally meet your teammates least to say everything went well or as mapi would end up calling you at the end of the day "niña del diablo".
You got the opportunity too meet them for team bounding which vicky invited you too as she was one of your closest friends before joining the team.
the location for tonight's occasion was at a bowling alley which you loved very much. the girls where very welcoming to you as it took a few rounds of conversation for everyone to feel comfortable with each other before the chaos unfolded.
It was meant to be a small prank vicky got you to do with her but things went downhill on your side.
"Come on it'll be fun". vicky told you
"Are you sure?". You asked her
"Sí now all you have to do is slowly trip mapi and I'll do the rest". She told you
"If you say so".
"Let's go now". She said grabbing your hand so you both could go join the other girls.
You found yourself close to mapi who had her girlfriend close to her as she was yapping about something. it happened so fast one moment you were casually talking to jana next thing you knew had tripped a very angry defender who landed straight into vicky's bowling concoction.
It gained everyone's attention who started laughing at the harmless pranks.
"You tripped me". mapi accused you
"No I didn't. you said your best trying to contain your laughter as vicky pulled you in for an high five.
"You can't lie mapi she got you smooth like butter. Patri said this time around approving of the trick you pulled on mapi who was still laying on the floor with sticky popcorn butter surrounding her.
"Your one lucky diabol".she told you
"But I didn't do anything".You told her with a wide grin on your face
"W-What why are your trying to deny it we all saw you trip me and Vicky's stunt".
"We didn't do anything I think your just very clumsy".
"You little mierd-".
"Mapi no". Getting interrupted by her girlfriend this time.
"See Ingrid sides with me". You stated as you started teasing her
"Oh you little diablo". She said before launching herself right at you grabbing your left foot taking you down with her.
"Mapi". you yelled out getting surrounded by the sound of laughter coming from your teammates.
"Hahaha I'm definitely posting this". Vicky said as she pointed out her phone that was on film the whole time.
"You wouldn't do that".
"Yes I would". she said laughing
"Then I guess you wouldn't mind joining us". You yelled out before pulling her out joining the pile that was formed.
The whole room busted put laughing once again due to you silly tactics.
"Peak comedy the nena already as it out for you three". patri said
"She's the devil alright". Mapi voice echoed the whole room as she got up.
"No soy solo un león atrevido". You said
"Bravo she speaks spainsh everyone".
"claro que te hago imbecil ". You spat back
"qué". This time around it was your captain alexia who had been observing the whole thing without saying a word until now as she dragged you by your ears.
"ah ah I didn't meant it". whining as you were currently getting scolded by your captain on your first outing.
"This all gold el diablo ya se encontró en problemas". mapi said bursting into laughter
"Keep talking and your next maría". alexia told her
"Lo siento". You both said at the same time apologizing to your captain.
"Good I don't want to hear any insult to adults even though that one there is quite childish". She told you.
"And you too maría I don't know why your whining when we all saw you fall on your own feet". alexia spoke up using the same joke on her friend that had everyone laughing again.
"Yeah mapi". You said
"No me caí fue ese diablo". She said looking annoyed at you.
The rest of the night felt magical to you it felt like all the girls welcomed you with open hands feeling like a true family barcelona was. You spent the rest of the night getting to know each one of the girls before heading home but you had one more trick in mind before your taxi came.
You were heading outside with everyone after taking some photos and that where you decided to trip mapi on your way out. but this time you got her off guard which she wasn't expecting thinking you were done with your devilish acts. for tonight but she was absolutely wrong.
"niña del diablo". she yelled out as she fell on the ground for the second time. hearing your teammates laughter once more
"Adios buenas noches a todos". You yelled out running at full speed getting inside your taxi before mapi could catch up.
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Too sweaty🌡🫂
Ona Batlle x reader
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warning : fluffy 💭💗
(my first language isn't english nor spanish, sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes)
Summary :
You refuse to hug your girlfriend after a match because she's too sweaty. With the help of her team, she will do everything and anything to get that hug.
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The final whistle blew, the sound of roaring cheers erupted across the stadium as FC Barcelona Femení secured yet another victory. The players on the field embraced, exchanging high-fives and grins as the crowd celebrated their hard-earned win. You stood in the stands, clapping and cheering, Ona had been relentless on the pitch today, showing why she was one of the best defenders in the world.
Ona spotted you almost instantly. Her eyes lit up, and with that characteristic grin of hers, she jogged over, arms wide open for the post-game hug she always demanded. You smiled, knowing exactly what was coming next, but as she got closer, you could see just how sweaty she was. Her hair clung to her forehead, her jersey was soaked through, and her skin glistened with sweat. You loved her to pieces, but there was no denying that Ona in full post-match mode was a sweaty mess.
- ¡Cariño! (Love !)
Ona called out, still grinning as she reached the edge of the stands, arms stretched wide.
- Come here!
You took a step back, hands raised in defence, laughing nervously.
- Ona, you’re—
You gestured up and down at her completely drenched form.
- —you’re a little too sweaty for that.
Ona stopped, her grin turning into a dramatic pout as she dropped her arms.
- ¿En serio? After this great match ? You’re really not going to hug me ? (Oh really?)
You shook your head, laughing.
- I love you, but I draw the line at drenched hugs. You look like you just went swimming in your kit!
Ona groaned, shaking her head in exaggerated frustration, though her eyes were still sparkling with amusement.
- It’s just a little sweat, cariño. You’ve seen me worse. (love)
- Yeah, but I didn’t have to hug you then either.
You shot back, grinning. She rolled her eyes but didn’t let up.
- Fine. No hug for now
You smirked, leaning down a little closer.
- Once you’re clean, you can have all the hugs you want.
Ona stared at you for a moment, pretending to be annoyed, but then she leaned in suddenly and gave you a quick, mischievous kiss on the cheek, pressing her sweat-covered face against yours just enough to make you recoil slightly.
- Ew, Ona!
You exclaimed, wiping at your cheek with an exaggerated grimace, but your laughter betrayed you.
- That’s payback
Ona said with a wink before jogging back to her teammates, leaving you shaking your head and laughing as you watched her retreat.
The players had started celebrating in full force, and you could see Ona being pulled into hugs. Their joy was infectious. You sighed as you watched the love of your life soaking in the victory with her team. It didn’t take long for the other girls to notice the slight pout on your girlfriends face. Alexia, having seen the scene, sidled up to Ona, raising an eyebrow as she nudged her friend.
- Entonces, ¿no te da ningún abrazo tu novia después del partido? (So, no post-game hug from your girlfriend?)
Alexia teased, her voice loud enough for you to hear. Ona groaned, but a smile crept onto her face.
- No, al parecer sudaba demasiado. (Nope. Too sweaty, apparently.)
Alexia grinned, clearly finding it hilarious.
- No puedo culparla, honestamente. (Can’t blame her, honestly)
- Pero no me rendiré. (But I’m not giving up)
Ona said determinedly, casting a glance back at you, where you stood watching them from the sidelines, waving innocently. Alexia raised her eyebrows, a mischievous glint in her eye as she quickly whispered something to the other players. You couldn’t hear what she said, but a few of them turned to look at you with knowing grins.
Before you had a chance to react, the entire team started jogging in your direction, their expressions filled with a playful determination. Your eyes widened, and you instinctively took a step back.
- Oh no, no, no,
You muttered, shaking your head as they closed in. Ona was at the front of the pack, her grin widening as she saw your reaction.
- You shouldn’t have refused the hug, cariño.
She teased, her teammates fanning out behind her like a wall of sweaty determination.
- You’re all sweaty!
You protested, starting to back up further as the group approached.
- This isn’t fair !
Alexia, laughing, called out,
- We just want to help Ona get her hug !
Before you knew it, you were surrounded by the entire Barça squad, and any chance of escape vanished. In a whirlwind of laughter and playful jostling, they scooped you up, passing you straight into Ona’s waiting arms. Ona, grinning victoriously, pulled you into a tight hug, ignoring your protests as she pressed her sweaty body against yours. You squirmed, but it was no use. The team had made sure you weren’t going anywhere.
- Gotcha
Ona whispered, her face close to yours, her eyes full of affection despite the playful scene. You sighed in defeat, trying to suppress your laughter as you rested your head against her shoulder.
- Okay, okay. You win. But you’re still really sweaty.
- I’ll take it
She replied with a laugh, kissing your cheek again. The team cheered and clapped, clearly amused by the whole spectacle. You couldn’t help but laugh too, the warmth of the moment washing over you despite being covered in your girlfriend’s post-game sweat.
As the players finally dispersed and Ona loosened her grip on you, you looked up at her with a smirk.
- Next time, maybe I’ll bring a towel.
Ona grinned, her eyes twinkling.
- Or you could just hug me straight after every game, no matter what.
You pretended to think about it.
- Hmm... no promises.
She laughed, wrapping an arm around your waist as the two of you walked off together.
- You’ll come around eventually.
And as you walked side by side, with the stadium lights dimming and the echoes of the crowd still ringing in your ears, you knew that sweaty hugs or not, you wouldn’t trade these moments with her for anything in the world.
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blancdansnoir · 1 month
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I won't be that deep on this matter, but the one thing I thought after today's episode events is that what happened to Marta was especially dedicated to all the ones who were taken out from the closet in an unexpected and violent manner. To all the ones who didn't see it coming, who were taken by surprise and were disrespected, humiliated and despised. Many of us went through this at some point (in my case, it was more than 20 years ago, when I didn't really have the tools and maturity to defend myself and not to be a coward), but all I can say is that, eventually, we will all overcome the hard times and end up being strong and proud women. And Marta de la Reina, you were brave, hella brave. And I'm so proud of you, so proud you stood for yourself.
I really hope Marta's attitude today had inspired many women out there to embrace their truth. It's never too late.
No me voy a ir tan en la profunda con este tema, pero solo voy a decir que lo que pensé cuando vi el episodio de hoy es que lo que le ocurrió a Marta fue dedicado especialmente a todas aquellas que fueron sacadas del clóset de forma imprevista y violenta. A aquellas que no lo vieron venir, que fueron tomadas por sorpresa, a la que se les faltó el resto y fueron humilladas y despreciadas. Muchas de nosotras pasaron por algo así en algún punto de su vida (en mi caso, hace más de 20 años, cuando no tenía ni las herramientas ni la madurez para defenderme y no ser una cobarde). Sin embargo, todo lo que puedo decir es que, al final, todas superamos los momentos agrios y terminamos fortalecidas y orgullosas. Y Marta de la Reina, fuiste valiente, tremendamente valiente. Estoy orgullosa de ti, orgullosa de que te hayas defendido.
Espero que la actitud de Marta hoy haya inspirado a muchas mujeres por ahí para que abracen su verdad. Nunca es demasiado tarde.
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ripleylove · 4 months
Just the way you are.
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requested by @nekosounds saying: Can I please request a Rhea x Reader where the reader is chubby and feels a little insecure about their weight. Especially around so many muscular people. But Rhea tells them they're perfect just the way they are? Maybe some backstage people make fun of reader and Rhea defends reader. Sorry if this is long
pairing: Rhea Ripley x fem chubby reader.
genre: friends to lovers,angst,fluff.
summary: while your friend Rhea bought you to your first wrestling show,something goes wrong. But,as always, Rhea handles it her way,secretly receiving a kiss from you.
warnings: bodyshaming.
⋆ ˚。⋆𔓘⭒๋࣭
You have always been insecure about your weight.
Since you were a teenager,you never liked to be the biggest of the group,you never liked to expose you body,you never liked the way everyone always seemed to stress you about getting a boyfriend or to get skinnier.
You always longed to feel love,like other beautiful girls did.
What did you have that was different from them? You were still lovable,it's not like you were a toy without feelings.
That's what your bestfriend Rhea told you multiple times during your whole friendship.
She never judged you for your body,and she slowly made her way into your heart,causing you to develop a massive crush on her.
You never dared to tell her though, because you knew she wouldn't like you back,and you didn't want to ruin the beautiful friendship you had. (Oh,you were so wrong.)
This week,Rhea invited you to your first WWE Monday Night Raw show,since she wanted you to watch her wrestle against Alexa Bliss. (Also,because she wanted to show off her skills,trying to impress you.)
You eagerly accepted her offer,and you just couldn't wait to see her in the ring,too mesmerised to even take your eyes off her in normal circumstances, so imagine seeing her fight: a (not so) straight dream came true.
During the journey in the airplane and in the car to arrive in New York, she never left your side,because she didn't want anything to happen while she wasn't there.
"I'm so excited!" You were literally jumping on the car seat from the happiness,and Rhea couldn't help to smile.
"Girl! Calm down!" Rhea said while giggling at your cuteness,while you comically stopped in your tracks,a shy smile plastered on your face.
The two of you continued chatting while the car you were in was bringing you to the arena,talking about Rhea's gear tonight and her asking you who would win.
After arriving at the arena,a backstage worker was showing Rhea her locker room,and you felt like you were some sort of intruder.
"It's pretty big in here, it looks like a bedroom." You said after the backstage worker left,looking around curiously.
"It is! I forced my manager to pick the biggest one so we could enjoy our time together." Rhea smirked,and your face became as red as a tomato.
You saw a lot of muscly,strong and attractive wrestlers,males and females,greet Rhea, and you felt out of place.
Everyone is so jacked and strong and you were just the opposite.
Your insecurity started to take the best of you,and you were ashamed of being the way you were.
But your thoughts were interrupted by someone shouting:"Rhea Ripley! You need to do your entrance in 5 minutes!"
"Oh God." She said,while hurriedly putting her gear on and fixing her hair.
"Okay,Y/N,come with me,I'll bring you to the audience seats." A backstage assistant told me,already knowing that Rhea wanted you to see her fight.
You shyly followed after him,while everyone was starting to stare at you,they wondered who you were. (But they were quickly shut up by Rhea's glare.)
Finally,after almost 5 minutes,Rhea made her entrance.
Her powerful aura and her loud music made her look magical,and you couldn't help but stare at her,hoping she wouldn't notice.
But oh,she did.
She winked and blowed you a kiss,and your face immediately flushed.
Today,she had a match against Alexa Bliss,and soon enough,you heard her entrance music blast in your ears.
While Alexa Bliss was entrataining the crowd with dance moves and with little waves,Rhea was secretly watching you.
Your round face's features were highlighted by the stage lights,and you looked beautiful as hell.
"Oh,dear Rhea. Long time no see,huh?" Alexa smirked,while Rhea was glaring at her.
"I see you have company today! Mind to introduce that fatty right here?" Alexa said while pointing at you in the crowd,and Rhea was furious.
Your bestfriend landed a punch on Alexa's face,not even caring about the script. Her enemy was clearly taken off guard,and didn't have any time to fight back,thanks to Rhea's unforgiving punches.
"never. talk. about. my. girl. like. that. again. Understood?" Rhea said while throwing punches to Alexa Bliss' body,while said girl was crying in pain.
Rhea got out of the ring and took a steel chair,swinging it on Alexa's back,while you watched in horror.
"Oh my god" Your mouth was wide open,just like your eyes were about to come out of your head.
Referees had to take Rhea off Alexa,and you stood up to follow Rhea,who was storming out of the ring,going straight to the backstage.
"This bitch!" Rhea shouted while running through the hallways,you following closely behind her.
"Rhea! Calm down!" You shouted,while holding her arm.
She turned to face you,and you saw her gaze softening.
"I'm sorry this happened,baby. At least I gave her a good beating,no one treats my girl that way. You're amazing just the way you are,don't forget that." She smirked while you shyly smiled,and she came closer to you,and your lips were lightly touching.
"You know what,I really really like you,Y/N. And I'm sure you do too,right?" She mumbled with her deep voice,and you answered her question with your actions.
Your lips collided with hers,a sealed promise to always be togheter no matter what.
"You did all of that just for me?" You asked while wrapping your hands around her waist,and she hold you tight.
"Oh hell yeah. Under any circumstance,I might do even more than what I did out there." She answered, pointing to the ring.
"I love you,baby." She said,and you kissed her again.
taglist: @stellakiddsblog @bibibi-tchx @p-mp @teenagedramaqueenlisa
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Hey Raven! Hope you're doing well, and I hope you had a great holiday, if you celebrate, that is.
I hate to clutter your ask box with something like this, and you don’t have to answer, you can just read this with an open mind, but I feel you're the only one I could go to with this without being straight-up attacked. It's also why I'm asking anonymously.
But, what's your stance on the whole war between the JP and EN versions of the game? I'm not asking you to pick a side or anything, I just wanna know your thoughts.
Obviously, I'm an EN player, and idk if you seen, but there's some hateful things out there about us, and honestly, it's hurtful and disheartening to every time I get up here. And it's always on this we as players can't control. Mainly the dialog translations and it's changes.
I've seen people calling us dumb and weak, saying we water down everything because we can't take it, etc. I've seen people saying we don't know how to really correctly and analyze characters and that we're not even playing the same game. They say we've ruined the game, the fandom, and that they wished it was never localized. I've also seen quite horrible things, but I don’t wanna repeat the things said, but yeah.
And the kicker is, it's only the JP side I've seen post this stuff. I've seen more hate come from that side more than anything, and of course not all, like you. You're my fave btw.
So yeah, thoughts?
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Hello, hello! ^^ I’m not really a super big celebration person but I’m hunkering down for a cozy hibernation this winter ❄️ I hope everyone had/will have a good 2023 holiday season~
Before I provide my response to the question posed in this ask, I want to make sure we're all on the same page for this discussion first:
Please be advised that my perspective is coming from that of someone who started off playing JP in March 2020 and then picked up EN when it came out in January 2022. I have played on both servers since their initial launches.
When I refer to TWST JP and EN fans in this post, I am only referring to the English speaking fans (as in, English speaking fans who play JP and English speaking fans who play EN).
For the sake of simplicity, I will be disregarding “hybrid” fans (English speaking fans who play both JP and EN) as a separate category and will lump them in with “JP” fans (English speaking fans who play JP). This is because I assume most mixed fans started off with JP and then adopted EN later on.
I am not talking about ALL English-speaking JP and/or EN fans here; I am only talking about the ones Anon described in their ask.
As the Anon said, I ask that you go into this post with an open mind; do not assume that I will bash JP and/or EN, take sides, defend or condone toxic attitudes, or that this post exists just to “stir the pot”. That is not the purpose of my response. The purpose is to have a meaningful and constructive discussion about TWST’s fandom culture, particularly as it pertains to English-speaking fans. I hope that in talking about this, we can better understand “the other side” (however you may personally define that) and work toward making the fandom space more welcoming for all.
Please read the entire post and think about your own choice of words before commenting and/or sending in an ask about this topic, should you choose to.
To the Anon that submitted this ask and to anyone else that plays EN and may have had similar thoughts: I’m sorry to hear about the negative experiences you’ve had in the TWST fandom. I hope that this post brings you some peace of mind, if not at least some catharsis for what you may be feeling.
Firstly, it’s important to understand the mindset of both JP and EN fans. As such, I will delve into the background and the development of each side. It is NOT meant to justify either side, but rather to inform you on how each perspective originated and grew to what it is today.
The animosity and opposition to an official English version of TWST has been present for a while. An English version of TWST has always been contentious, even long before the localization was announced. Some wanted it to happen for accessibility reasons (as some people find it tedious to hunt for translations) or were supportive of the idea because it means a larger fanbase and thus more potential to make friends or to discuss the game. Others were more apprehensive of the quality of a localization (as much tends to be cut or censored to make the content more palatable) and/or claimed that expanding the fanbase in such a way would bring in more “bad apples”.
When EN first came out, it did, in fact, expand the fanbase. However, many were quick to notice the many (and I do mean many) errors and short sightings present in it: frequent spelling and grammar mistakes in the game and on official social media posts, inconsistent phrasing, incorrect translations, game-breaking glitches, frequent censorship, half-hearted promotions, etc. EN also became infamous for its absolutely brutal pacing of content in the early days, particularly related to the limited story event schedules (including back-to-back Halloween events). This, in combination with EN’s constant pushing of paid gems (which occurs far more frequently than in the JP server) has left a bad taste in JP fans’ mouths. To them, TWST EN did not make a good first impression and continued to misstep again and again. This is especially true of the many dialogue changes to make the TWST localization more “culturally appropriate” (which is the definition of what a localization is; there is a reason why TWST is not called a translation, which would be a more accurate/“faithful” or direct translation of the dialogue).
The claim that “EN fans are weak/can’t handle the real story” likely arises from how EN has removed or altered details which may offend western audiences. This includes things like the term “master”, the mention of Azul’s weight, Kalim’s “30-40” siblings, etc. These are conscious decisions made on the part of the game localizers to make TWST more broadly appealing and appropriate for a western audience, where such topics are contentious or considered taboo. This is adapting TWST to a new culture so that it can (in a dry business sense) perform well. However, I also want to mention that some cultural changes EN made do significantly alter the story/characters (such as Jamil no longer stating his family will be on the streets if they defy the Asims; in EN he only says his parents will be mad at him), particularly if you are viewing through an EN-only lens. Unfortunately 😔 as much as I can point the nuances of localization out, there will always be fans who still oppose any sort of censorship. This is also true of the anime and manga community in general, and this post isn’t large enough in scope to tackle those issues. I only mention this here to help you, the reader, better understand the changes from Disney/Aniplex.
A lot of the original negative feelings that were there before EN was announced were then confirmed by the official release, and this strengthened the dislike of EN on the part of JP fans. These JP fans may then become hostile toward EN fans who defend the localization (whether or not they have the context of TWST JP) because, in the eyes of the JP fans, the localization is not as good as it could be. Ultimately, it seems like their intense feelings stem from passion for what they love and not wishing to see it “desecrated” rather than an actual hatred of fellow fans. JP fans are upset because they fear EN fans are not getting the full scope of the characters and a story they enjoy, and they want others to appreciate those aspects of TWST as well.
Of course 💦 the fact is that EN fans are not responsible for the localization. But EN is there and that is what is the easiest and the most time efficient for English-speaking audiences, so most people will go with that rather than alternatives (ie hunting down fan translations). The issue is that some JP fans conflate simply consuming the localization as being bad or the “wrong” thing to do, and thus, by proxy, extend this frustration to EN fans themselves (especially those those are EN only and have zero prior knowledge of JP) and not just the product. Again, this is because they tend to see JP as the “full” version, without the changes or censorship present in EN. This inevitably leads to discrepancies in understanding between JP and EN, whether due to staggered release of new content or how the characters are presented differently between the two servers. To those who say “the versions are basically the same except for minor changes”, I disagree. There are several dialogue changes that appear small in isolation, but because TWST’s narrative is told primarily via dialogue, those “small” changes are actually very large and can drastically modify how one perceives a character or situation without explicit knowledge of JP to balance it out. When Jamil is made an “employee” rather than a “servant” and worries about his parents being mad at him instead of his entire family literally being on the streets for defying the Asims, it takes away the bite from his motivations. When Cater inserts a #WOW that wasn’t there in JP while Riddle is breaking down sobbing, or makes him come off as far more insensitive than emotionally aware. These are just a few examples, but they are very prominent ones that can change how an EN only fan sees things. The idea that “we aren’t even playing the same game” can ring true to some JP players because of this.
It cannot be helped that EN fans would interpret the characters and stories differently when the localization is their only or primary source of TWST content. Not everyone has the time or the desire to look for more accurate fan translations (not all fan translations are the same quality), as some JP fans have suggested. If EN fans want to, that’s great! It’s nice to expand one’s knowledge and to be cognizant of the changes between the versions. There are many blogs out there dedicated to educating people on these matters, and many EN and JP fans alike flocking there to be informed. But that level of engagement shouldn’t be demanded of anyone. To deem those that don’t engage in “further research” as “lazy”, “dumb”, or a “fake fan” is not acceptable, not in the name of love or otherwise. The expectation to “do homework” only puts pressure on EN fans to be a certain way or else be rejected by the fandom, and that only breeds more hatred and negativity. It makes EN fans feel “not worthy” of being a fan unless they study up, when the truth of the matter is that no matter how much we like TWST, it’s… media at the end of the day. People are free to consume their choice of media however they like, and that includes casually or at their own pace. It’s not fun to be in a fandom where others are breathing down your neck and policing everything you do, especially since these spaces are meant to be a temporary escape from reality. If JP fans meant to gatekeep in an effort to make others recognize the “real” greatness of TWST, then it’s failing because this kind of attitude only serves to drive new fans away.
Among EN fans, there is this idea that “JP fans are stuck-up”. I can understand where this thinking comes from, as I have witnessed hatred for EN myself which comes unprompted and has killed many conversations. Admittedly, some points are geared toward the company themselves (and those are valid), such as rushed and/or inaccurate translations or the pushing of paid gems, but I’ve also seen my fair share of nastier, invalid comments directed at EN fans. There are JP fans who actively hope that EN will shut down or who outright dismiss EN fans because of the version they play, thinking of their thoughts and opinions as “lesser” or doubting their media literacy skills. It’s true that this behavior is out there in the fandom, and that is unfortunately a sad reality.
That being said, JP on EN hate is not the only form I see, and nor is it the majority. It goes both ways (and I would say about equally for all, although this is just based on anecdotes and not objective data). There is plenty of JP on JP hate (particularly when someone spreads mistranslations around as though it were the truth) and EN on EN hate (arguments over what is and is not appropriate to ship, differences in headcanons, harassing fans that fall outside an “acceptable” age range, etc). There is also EN on JP hate which feeds into a dangerous back-and-forth with JP on EN hate. I briefly mentioned before that EN fans tend to believe JP fans are elitist, and this leads to assumptions being made about anyone that critiques EN and sometimes lashing out about it. I myself have previously been accused of “hating” EN because I often make posts commenting on the changes made between EN and JP (which ones I think work and which I think don’t). This preemptively defensive behavior drives another wedge between JP and EN fans, making JP fans reluctant to engage with EN fans, which then fuels the belief that JP fans think they’re “better” than EN fans (when really, some JP fans may be intentionally distancing themselves for their own wellbeing). Additionally, a lot of behavior deemed more acceptable in western oriented fandom spaces (such as moral justifications, taking pictures without crediting, callouts of other fans, and incorrect use of fandom tags) are not so for JP spaces (or those familiar with JP spaces). There have also been times when EN fans harass the actual Japanese-speaking side of the fandom (be it Japanese fans or the devs themselves) and demand (not ask, but demand) content that caters to them or free translations of fan comics they make. When EN fans fail to observe such “basic fandom etiquette”, it leads to JP fans thinking them rude or entitled, which makes JP fans reluctant to interact with EN fans and, again, feeds into confirmation bias. It’s a viscous system.
What is “ruining” the fandom is not just one side. There has always been turmoil present in fandom spaces. It just appears more visible now that TWST’s popularity has grown to this scale. Right now, both sides (JP and EN) are antagonizing each other because of a loud minority that’s attacking the other side. That minority then gets extrapolated and assumed to be behavior of the entirety of the other side, and that is what keeps the hate going.
If I’m being entirely honest 😔 I don’t think these tensions will realistically ever die out; the fandom is too large to “stomp out” what has already been established in its culture. When both sides are fueled by something so strong—a passion for TWST—it’s hard to seek out and/or to consider alternative perspectives. We become fixated on their own negative experiences and fail to think about where the “others” maybe be coming from, and then close ourselves off from discussion. That promotes isolation and contempt rather than friendliness and cooperation.
If we want change, then it starts at an individual level and in smaller TWST communities. We shouldn’t assume the worst of “JP” or “EN” fans; we are all TWST fans. Let’s keep open-minded and welcome other fans and their diverse schools of thought. And if you don’t feel comfortable with that, that’s also fine! You’re allow to keep a distance and curate your online space as you like; just please don’t go out of your way to disparage others, you have your own lane and others have theirs. Don’t encroach on other lanes.
Maybe we don’t necessarily agree with each other or we think may hold different opinions—but that’s good, isn’t it? The freedom of thought and the open exchange of ideas promotes flexible thinking and can lead you to see things from a new angle, or perhaps develop a new idea of your own. If we all thought the same way, then life becomes boring or it can cultivate an “us versus them” narrative that sparks online wars.
Let me put it this way to close off the post: isn’t this the message that Twisted Wonderland itself is trying to teach us? The true value of attending Night Raven College isn’t just about receiving a good education. Countless times it has been stressed to us (and often by Lilia, the oldest and wisest of the core cast, someone who used to be resistant to opening up to outsiders) that it is vital to understand other people in spite of how different we may be. Let’s take a page out of the students’ book and try to live up to that ^^
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ducktoonsfanart · 3 months
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Donald Duck, Daisy Duck and Drake Mallard with their kids support Palestine in Jerusalem - Happy Eid al-Adha - Happy Father's Day! - Duck comics, Ducktales and Darkwing Duck - Duckverse
I wish all Muslims who celebrate a happy Eid! That is, Eid al-Adha. In addition to Eid al-Fitr, one of the biggest Muslim holidays when the Hajj begins and the day of offering to God as well as the remembrance of the deceased. On those days, sacrificial meat is cut, especially meat related to Eid al-Adha. It is celebrated because on that day, Abraham was supposed to sacrifice his son at God's command until the Archangel Gabriel (Jibril among Muslims) intervened, so Abraham (Ibrahim among Muslims) instead slaughtered a ram as a thanksgiving sacrifice to God the creator. An animal (mainly a lamb) is sacrificed and the meat itself is sacrificed and divided into three parts. The family keeps one third; the second third is given to relatives, friends and neighbors; the third third is given to the poor and vulnerable.
Today is also Father's Day, which is celebrated every third Sunday in June in America and around the world, while in some countries, Father's Day varies from country to country. So Happy Father's Day to all fathers, uncles and grandfathers.
On this occasion and because of current events, I drew Donald Duck, Daisy Duck and Drake Mallard with their children holding Palestinian flags. I am not in the habit of promoting anyone like this, nor am I on anyone's side but the right side, but a great tragedy is happening in Palestine, especially in Gaza where people are dying en masse, especially women and children. And not only Muslims, but also Palestinian Christians (Catholics and Orthodox), with whom I most identify and sympathize. However, many people send through their mobile phones what is happening and most people are engaged to help them as well as about the crimes committed against them. I'm just against such injustice so I drew this, of course they are in Jerusalem where they defend the Golden Dome of the Rock as well as Al Aqsa, important Muslim temples because that's where Muhammad ascended to heaven. A certain group of orthodox and ultra Jews want to destroy it in order to build their temple, and for me as a Christian, this is unacceptable, especially considering that their messiah is a Christian Antichrist, but that is a long story to tell. Certainly, after Gaza, the next goal is Jerusalem and the expulsion of Muslims from that city as well as Christians, and I am against that and that injustice, and I am asking people to get involved in this and to help people as much as possible, regardless of whether through prayers, petitions or sending donations. Like sending real food, not toys. And no, I'm not for Hezbollah or the terrorists, but for the common people who are suffering from it, and they need a lot of help. Here's one way to help: https://afsc.org/news/6-ways-you-can-support-palestinians-gaza
Of course, support drawings like this mean nothing, but they mean moral support and will definitely not stop the current genocide that is happening, but it can help you know what it is about and spread the message to others. And if someone asks me, a lot of Jews who advocate for a Palestinian state are in solidarity with Muslims and Christians and are against the evil that is happening. So spread the word, so they know what's going on.
Yes, I drew Donald Duck, Daisy Duck, Drake Mallard, Huey, Dewey and Louie Duck and Gosalyn Mallard from Darkwing Duck fighting wrongdoing and defeating the evil in Jerusalem with unity and harmony against the evil happening in Gaza. Of course I drew in my own way in the classic version. My only apology is that Daisy is not wearing a headscarf, my fault.
And not only in Palestine, but all over the world where injustice is done. Rest in peace to those people who have suffered so far, amen.
And I hope you liked this drawing and if you support this, and who support Palestine, please like and reblog this! Just don't use my same ideas without mentioning me, thanks! I also wish all Muslims a Happy Eid al-Adha and a Happy Father's Day to all fathers, uncles and grandfathers! Yes, Donald Duck is a great uncle to his nephews, just as Drake Mallard is a great father to his daughter.
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anarchotolkienist · 2 months
would you say then that neopagan celtic revival movements are primarily centered outside of ireland (&the other isles) instead of there be perhaps large movements of celtic revival in these ancestral lands? it seems to me from what you’ve said that in the ancestral lands, most people of celtic descent are practicing or nominative Christians. And it also seems that any existing celtic revivalist movements in the ancestral lands today are afflicted by that noble savage folkloric fetishism you’ve spoken of. From your perspective and experience, I wonder that there aren’t many or any that don’t play to those harmful tropes? Seems rather rare. I ask because in Canary Islands there’s been syncretic revivalist movements seeking to reestablish indigenous Canarian spiritualities within contemporary religion. Perhaps that’s different than most neopagan revival with the Christian syncretism being incorporated, rather than discarded. Food for thought
I would first caution against even using the term 'celtic' in this way, of a unitary territory or ethnic group - such a thing has never existed outside the minds of the far right, whether they conceive themselves as in favour of the 'celts' (as most of them do today) or against them (as the eugenicists who invented the racial category did). Someone being "of Celtic descent" means absolutely nothing if they don't have the language and never knew someone - say, a parent or grandparent - who did. This is of course quite different from the Canaries, where the indigenous language has been completely wiped out, so long ago that very little is known of it, as I understand the situation - though I am more ignorant of Spanish colonialism than I want to be.
I think the most important thing to remember about the neo-pagan 'revival' with regards to 'celtic' spirituality is that it emerges completely outside of the actual language community, the people who actually carry Gaelic/welsh/Breton culture in some way. It is fundamentally shaped, therefore, by stereotypes and other ideas that can't be checked by them against the actually existing people and culture. The Gael, speaking of the group I know the best, is weak, in practice, and has no voice of their own to speak up and defend themselves - they try, again and again, but they mostly do it in their own language, which none of the intellectuals who invent this rubbish speaks. Due to the history of suppression and oppression, there is essentially no Gaelic middle class, which can read and write in English, which can defend them. The few intellectuals who could (Fear Chanaigh, Alasdair MacIlleMhìcheil, maybe) were easily ignored. Because of the presence of Gaelic within the imperial core - on the English-speaking core - it's much more known of than, say, indigenous Canarians, but this means that false information spreads even faster to people - Americans - who have even less connection to the actual culture than, say, Scottish Lowlanders do. I think this matters, too, for why it's so incredibly widespread.
I think you're right to identify the openness towards syncretism as being core to it. To the extent that there is some animistic survivals on modern Gaelic folklore (which I'm less than convinced of myself, but some people, including some Gaels, believe), it has been syncretic with Christianity for more than a thousand years at the time it starts to be recorded in a modern form. It needs to be remembered, too, that unlike in the Canaries the introduction of Christianity did not come through colonialism at all, but it was adopted by the Gaels en masse long before colonisation begins, a significant difference between Gaeldom and the natives in the Canaries or elsewhere in the Spanish empire. I hope that sort of answered your question?
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somewillwin · 13 days
in my opinion, seven has every right to feel hurt by the band and the vote, HOWEVER what they did to Mc after taht and are doing during BOTB is not justifiable or even excusable just because that. Don't get me wrong I don't think MC was completely blameless, but they also had their own burden and were victims of this situation too, and honestly? my blood starts to boil when I see people trying to excuse seven's behavior (not even Amy does that ) and put all the blame on mc, like please what you wanted them to do???? Abandoned the band and their career??? No like genuinely what they could do that wouldn't hurt one of the parts irreparably?? Please let them leave, they already payed enough for this mistake.
Yes I agree in that seven reaction it’s a bit much! Dhhshshsjjs for saying the least. But I’m gonna reserve judgement til we get to see what was said at the party. I think this issue is so much deeper than just the vote.
They are def both at fault here, both were waaaay to dependent on eachother so a break up (being friendship or romantic) would be devastating. Seven lashed out and blocked everytime and set out to hurt the mc with going out partying and all that, while for me, nico fell down a depressive episode and focused on music and alcohol and drugs to cope. The point is… they both hurt eachother. The mc when they didn’t sided with seven (even if you went against the vote). And seven hurt the mc with the fallout.
Like, I don’t know how to explain this. I have best friend, we met when we were 3-4 yo and are friend til today (I’m 31). We have been friends for most of each others life so I can kinda see where the mc and se en are coming from.
If we had been in a band, that we formed together (fun fact we almost were Jsjsjsjjd) and all of a sudden the rest of the band organize a vote to throw her out???? Bruh I’m walking with her idc. And I KNOW she would never asked me to do that, but honestly? It’s what one expects from that kinda friendship. It’s a ride or die. Is it rational? No. Is it logical? No. Is it selfish? Fuck yeah it is. That’s why I think the mc was put in an impossible situation here… even more when they were ALL friends. But yeah I just get seven…. That kind of heartbreak it’s devastating.
Im not saying seven is blameless tho. They fucked up too, but I also think they could be A LOT worse. It’s obvious they still care about both the mc and the band and that’s why they don’t want to share spaces together. Seven got involved in the fight to separate the band from Blake’s band, they have also defended the band against the cheating allegations….. then at the end of ch3??? Going directly to the mc and ask AND BELIEVE THEM.
ANYWAYS yes! There are people there that justifies everything that seven does which is messed up (I do it jokingly but nah, I don’t believe she is blameless)
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hotchs-bitch · 2 years
Fluffy Feb Day 9- Pine
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Warnings: platonic relationship, BAU reader, not quite fluffy but also not not fluffy (I’m sorry I’ll be better), mutual pining
Pairing: Hotch x blank slate Fem!Reader (no use of y/n)
Word Count: 668
“You know,” Derek says from across the desk, fiddling with an elastic band, “there’s an old wives tale that my ma used to tell me.”
“Yeah?” You don’t bother to look over at him, knowing that he’ll talk either way.
“Yep. It went a little something like this.” He clears his throat- dramatic- before speaking. “If you spend more than ten minutes at a time staring at your Unit Chief’s office door, it’s time to tell him how you feel.”
A month ago, this conversation would have gone a lot differently. “Derek! Shut up!” You would have hissed, your face burning hot with embarrassment. “Someone’s going to hear you!”
Now, you roll your eyes. “I thought old wives tales are supposed to rhyme,” you point out.
“Not always,” Spencer chimes in from his desk. It looks like it’s physically killing him to keep from going on one of his rambles, but he keeps it short and sweet to say, “Especially in this case.”
Ugh. Your crush is really no secret these days; the only people who don’t know are, hopefully, Hotch and Rossi.
Unbeknownst to any of you, the two men are having a similar conversation. “You can ask her out, Aaron. I’ve dated colleagues before.”
“Strauss is breathing down my neck for anything these days, let alone a relationship with a subordinate.” Hotch blinks twice, taken aback by his own words.
Not a relationship. The chances that you would be interested in him are dirt-low. If anything, he’d be lucky to get away without an official report being filed against him.
“Just think about it,” Rossi implores, standing up to leave the office. His last words on the way out are, “No one can stand watching the two of you pine like this. I’m going to put in for extended leave if you don’t do something about it.”
And then he’s gone.
Wait, did he say ‘the two of you’?
Before he can consider it- obviously, because if he could think about it he would be keeping his feet firmly planted right now- Aaron beelines for the door with his empty coffee mug in hand and makes his way down to the bullpen.
The ongoing chatter ceases as soon as his feet hit the ground, and he wonders what’s been going on down here. No one says a word, but you’re glaring daggers through Derek. 
“How is it going here?” Hotch stops to ask at the juncture between each desk, not wanting to seem like he’s checking on you in particular. By some miracle, the only person who pays him any attention is the person he came over here for.
“We’re making good time today. You might be able to leave before midnight, at this rate,” you joke, and Hotch cracks a smile at that.
“One of these days, maybe. Good work, everyone; keep it up.” He continues en route to the coffee machine, pours himself a cup and adds a bit of sugar to it.
When Hotch is on the way back to his office, you get his attention. “Hotch! I brought more of those cookies for Jack, the ones that I made for his birthday and he loved.”
“Thank you.” Hotch takes the plastic-wrapped plate, wonders if he can get away with cookie theft without Jack knowing. “And thanks again for doing that. It was a huge help, and he was really happy with the cookies; he hasn’t stopped talking about them yet.”
“Anytime.” You grin up at your boss. “Tell him I say hi.”
“I will,” Hotch promises before retreating up the stairs into his office.
Emily's face is buried in her hands. “What, is that your version of foreplay?”
“What? No! I’m just helping him out,” you defend, but you’re not blind to the looks your colleagues shoot each other in response.
It doesn’t matter, though. You’ve got a steady rhythm of interaction and laughter with Hotch, one that keeps you satisfied with not rocking the boat.
You can pine a little longer.
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Fluffy Feb tags: @doctorsteths-fluffyfeb @iammirrorball @hausofwhores @allthefandomstogether @myweepingangel @hotched @spacecowboyhotch @chibsytelford @honeybrowne @formulapierre (send me a dm or ask to be tagged!)
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empiredesimparte · 1 year
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Napoléon V: Dear godfather, as agreed, I'm soon to be married Pope Gregorius: I'm delighted, my child, and may I say, congratulations. Your resolutions are appreciated in Rome, I can assure you
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Napoléon V: Thank you. What about the coronation? Pope: Your father, god rest his soul, imposed on me at his coronation what every Napoléon imposes
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Napoléon V: What are you referring to, Your Holiness? Pope: I will simply attend your ceremony. Isn't that what was agreed upon with your advisors?
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Napoléon V: Yes, of course. Only, I want His Holiness to work with me, for the greatness of Francesim Pope: I see… My son, the only condition for attending your coronation was this religious marriage. But once you're crowned, I'm asking you to defend the interests of the Catholic people. You are the eldest and spiritual son of the Church, my godson. You must never lose sight of that
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Napoléon V: Yes, Your Holiness. I give my heart to God
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Pope: You must cherish this steadfast love, my son. Love for the Crown, love for your people, love for your future wife and children-
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Napoléon V: You know, these days all my prayers are with my father. I miss him so much… What does the coronation mean if God didn't help him that night?
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Pope Gregorius: Louis…your father may have departed this world on that tragic evening, but though he is gone, the Emperor remains. He is a symbol, an eternal entity, just like our Heavenly Father. Yesterday he was incarnate in Napoléon IV, today in Napoléon V, and tomorrow it will be your son, Napoléon VI, who will be God's mediator has as you and your father were before him
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⚜ Le Cabinet Noir | Palais des Tuileries, 19 Prairial An 230
Beginning ▬ Previous ▬ Next
Napoléon V confided his concerns to his godfather, Pope Gregorius XIX. Pope thanked him for his diligence and reminded him of his duties as a Christian sovereign.
⚜ Traduction française
Napoléon V confie ses inquiétudes à son parrain, le Pape Gregorius XIX. Le pape le remercie pour son application, et lui rappelle ses devoirs en tant que souverain chrétien.
Napoléon V : Cher parrain, comme convenu, me voilà bientôt marié Pape : Je m’en réjouis, mon enfant. Vos résolutions sont appréciées à Rome Napoléon V : Merci. Qu’en est-il du sacre ? Pape : Votre père, paix à son âme, m’a imposé à son couronnement ce que tous les Napoléon imposent Napoléon V : A quoi faites-vous référence, Votre Sainteté ? Pape : Je ne ferai qu’assister à votre cérémonie. N’est-ce pas ce qui est convenu avec vos conseillers ? Napoléon V : Si, oui, bien sûr. Seulement, je souhaite que Sa Sainteté travaille avec moi, pour la grandeur de la Francesim Pape : Ma seule condition pour assister à votre sacre, mon fils, était ce mariage religieux. Une fois sacré, n’oubliez jamais de défendre les intérêts du peuple catholique. Vous êtes le fils aîné et spirituel de l’Eglise, mon filleul. Napoléon V : Oui, Votre Sainteté. Je donne mon cœur à Dieu Pape : Chérissez cet amour, mon fils, aimez. Aimez votre Couronne, aimez votre peuple, aimez votre femme et vos enfants Napoléon V : Vous savez, ces temps-ci, toutes mes prières se tournent vers mon père. Il me manque tellement… Que signifie le sacre, si Dieu ne lui a pas porté secours cette nuit-là ? Pape :  Louis… Cette nuit-là, votre regretté père nous a quitté, mais l’Empereur lui demeure. Il vit éternellement, tout comme Dieu. Hier, il s’incarnait en Napoléon IV, aujourd’hui en Napoléon V, et demain ce sera votre fils qui sera le médiateur de Dieu
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pancake-breakfast · 1 year
I should be sleeping, but I'm not known for my wisdom in that particular field, so on with Trigun Book Club!
Trigun Volume 1: Covers + 1-3, 3 Detailed Thoughts, 4, 4 DT, 5-6, 5-6 + DT, 6 DT, 7-8, 9-10
Trigun Volume 2: Covers + Extras, 1, 1 Supplemental Research, 2-4, 5-6, 7-8
TriMax Volume 1: Covers + 1-2, 2 DT, 3-4, 3 DT, 5-6
TriMax Volume 2: Covers + 1, 2-4
Stream-of-consciousness thoughts for TriMax Vol. 2, Chapter 5 below.
Chapter 5: Desperado
Oh, no. They're coming for Vash's friends on the sand steamer.
Wait, that's the girl from the end of the last chapter, huh? That means they can't be far from Milly and Meryl.
"Did your work go well?" Heh. I'll note he does not answer this question. Nicholas D. Wolfwood. The "D" is for "Deflection."
Gods, his hands. This is so much more traumatic in context.
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NM, it's just Vash's bad driving. Or maybe he noticed WW wasn't sleeping so good and decided to unsubtly wake him up?
LOL, I have SO MANY THOUGHTS about what's going on in WW's head here, but they're all spoilers, so I'll keep them to myself.
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LOLOLOLOL, WW dragging unconscious Vash into the inn and demanding two rooms is just so funny to me. Like, no wonder these people are staring at him like that. They must have SO MANY QUESTIONS.
I assume there will only be one room. And one bed. Edit: My assumption was wrong.
LOL, nothing wakes Vash up quite like the sound of someone else in need, trying to do the right thing against impossible odds.
He's so cute when he's semi-conscious.
WW, what the hell life have you been living? I'm so sorry, my guy. No wonder Vash is giving you such a headache.
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I wish I could find a suitable picture to show just how much this building looks like the old Spanish missions dotting the landscape in certain parts of the Southwestern U.S., but it seems like 99.9999% of the pictures are of the buildings inside the walls... or of the ones that have been extensively renovated rather than having crumbly bits like so many of them do. (Also, it's late and so I can't be arsed to do a detailed search. Maybe this will help get my point across? IDK, I'm not writing an essay on Spanish missions right now. I already did that back in 4th grade.)
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If I had a son who was recklessly hellbent on getting himself killed alongside me as I defended the town/inn/whatever, I'd tie him up and lock him away, too.
LOL, dehydrated Vash. Gods, babygirl is in baaaaad shape. He's trying, though.
I dunno, a half-dead Vash is still probably pretty competent.
Is now a good time to point out that the word "Desperado" means "The Desperate"? (Also, apparently it's not actually Spanish. We're learning things today in Trigun Book Club.)
"What was that, Vashie?" *Vash barks insistently* "You think you can come up with a plan?" *Vash barks enthusiastically* "Ok, I trust you, boy!" *Vash wags his tail.*
Some quick Spanish notes on page 134 here for those who may not hear these terms so frequently: Mi Amigo = my friend (may not actually indicate a friend; can also be used to create a mock-friendly tone in a situation where intimidation is coming into play) Jefe (pronounced "heh-fay") = slang term meaning "boss" or "leader" (can also be used sort of like "man" or "dude" in English, or in a mock-friendly tone to kinda rub in that the person being called "jefe" is not in charge of the situation) Comprende? = Do you understand?
This guy has too many teeth. And a weird way of standing. Is... is he wearing metal underwear?? What kind of weirdness do you have to go through to get this kind of anatomy? How does he close his lips??? M... maybe it's a mask of some sort??
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Holland en Flambe sounds like a dessert.
Rest in peace, vodka. I'm sure someone out there misses you.
Hahahahaha, this kid. He's having to hold the whole weight of intimidation because Vash looks like a rag doll someone left out in the rain too long. Wait. Does Wolfwood know Vash is here?? Heheheheheheheh.... BF's gonna be maaaaaaad....
I love Vash's expression through this bit. He's trying, but he does NOT have the energy for this right now.
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Listen to your father, Rob.
Ohhhhh, shit.
Ok, I LOVE LOVE LOVE this. I love the absolute chaos of the top part taking over the whole page, with this guy's shouting bearing down on Vash and the family from the top, claws sweeping in from the left with a motion so fast and deadly it leaves motion lines going all the way up the page... and then, cutting in at the bottom, in a panel that's practically pure-white serenity, the soft but definite *click* of the Punisher's machine gun opening. Beautiful.
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And, of course, we turn the page into a two-page spread of Wolfwood letting 'er rip, adding a more controlled and entirely different type of chaos to the scene.
LOL, BF's mad. Just a little, though. Confusion has tempered his anger.
Ok, this, though. How the angle goes from him carelessly tapping Vash on the head with his gun (while practicing shit trigger discipline, I might add) to us looking up at Wolfwood from a perspective very close to what Vash's would be if he could lift his head. How, in the second panel, Wolfwood looks like a desperate man about to pull an executioner's trigger out of fear and confusion for the unknown before him. How, even so, he's debating if Vash is actually the monster he's heard of when there's so much evidence that, despite superhuman skills that Wolfwood has witnessed multiple times firsthand, Vash seems so kind and cares so much for people he ends up in this situation even while half-dead.
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Meanwhile, Vash seems to be taking well-deserved nap....
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{Modern/college au SasuSaku} Ino, Naruto, Lee, Hinata, and Shikamaru gathered in their dorm lounge, their attention drawn to the vacant sixth seat at the rectangular table.
"Where's Sakura?" Lee inquired, turning to Ino, who was usually inseparable from Sakura.
"She left Organic Chemistry all excited, but I haven't seen her since," Ino replied, her gaze fixed on her own tasks, her tone tinged with annoyance.
"Did anyone notice the strange looks Sasuke was giving her during class?" Hinata interjected. The girls had decided to take a class together this semester, and coincidentally, Sasuke Uchiha, another resident of their dorm floor, had ended up in the same class.
"Ugh! Don't even mention that jerk's name," Ino sighed. "I can't understand how Sakura can be infatuated with someone like him. Sure, he's good-looking, but his personality sucks."
"He's just cold and reserved," Naruto chimed in.
"Are you defending him?" Shikamaru leaned in, addressing Naruto.
"No way! He's too arrogant for his own good. He thinks he's the best in our team," Naruto vented in frustration.
"Overall, I don't like him. But let's stop talking about him and his..." Ino's voice trailed off as she noticed Sakura and Sasuke walking hand in hand towards them.
"Sakura!" Hinata called out, her surprise evident. Were they now a couple?
Approaching the group with a wide smile, Sakura shared her news, leaving the whole group in disbelief. "Guys, Sasuke and I are dating now!" she announced.
Ino and Hinata exchanged glances, their mouths smiling, but their eyes revealing their shock. "Oh my god! Congratulations to both of you!" Ino managed to say.
"Mphm!" Hinata murmured, her face turning slightly red, realizing they might have been overheard. However, judging by Sakura's expression, it seemed they hadn't been caught, although Sasuke wore his usual impassive face.
"Oh, let me go and show them the flowers you got me!" Sakura exclaimed. She released Sasuke's hand and disappeared down the hallway. Sasuke watched her with a smile.
Breaking the silence, Shikamaru spoke up. "So when did this happen?"
"Today," Sasuke replied as he took a seat in Sakura's spot. Needless to say, Lee was fuming. "Also, I wanted to address the elephant in the room..." All five of them leaned in, eager to hear what Sasuke had to say. "I know we might have gotten off on the wrong foot, but for Sakura's sake, let's all try to get along, please."
"Seems fake. I don't trust him," Lee whispered to Ino.
"You've never wanted anything to do with us before. How can we trust you... Hey, Sakura," Ino trailed off as Sakura returned with a bouquet of flowers.
"Sakura, those are your favorite flowers!" Hinata pointed out.
"I know, isn't Sasuke just so thoughtful?" Sakura gazed at the flowers with immense adoration. "Oh speaking of, sorry I can't hang out right now--we're about to go out." "Oh if you wanna hang out for a while go ahead." Sasuke spoke to Sakura. "Oh are you sure?" Her face softened. "Yeah of course." He said with a smile, he leaned down and gave her a kiss on her cheek. "I'll hope to see you guys around more." He said before leaving off into the hallway. Sakura's animated face was smiling more than ever before. "OH MY GOD! It finally happened!" She said all giddy before taking her seat. Naruto, always one to wear his heart on his sleeve, spoke up with a mix of excitement and a tinge of jealousy. "So, are you two, like, really serious? Is this a forever kind of thing?" "Naruto!" Sakura exclaimed as her face brightened with blush.
"Pshh, I'm just curious as to why him of all people?" Ino quipped, her tone teasing.
Hinata chimed in with a mischievous smile, "Maybe it's his brooding personality. Girls always fall for the mysterious types."
Lee couldn't help but interject with a touch of sarcasm, "Oh yeah, because nothing says 'romantic' like a guy who can't crack a smile."
Shikamaru, always the laid-back observer, joined in the banter, "Well, I guess opposites do attract. Sakura is full of energy and enthusiasm, while Sasuke is...well, the complete opposite."
Naruto joined in, "Who would've thought? Maybe we've misjudged him all this time."
"But hold on," Hinata interjected, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Does this mean we have to plan a double date?"
"Woah! I think we might be getting ahead of ourselves here!" Sakura said, her hands outstretched. "We just started dating today. I know I like him a lot, but it's still new for both of us. More so for him--"
"You sure about that?" Shikamaru interjected, his eyebrow raised inquisitively.
Sakura's eyes widened in surprise. "You know something we don't?"
Shikamaru leaned back in his chair, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Well, if you pay attention to the way he's always looked at you, and the fact that he might have overheard you girls talking about your classes and decided to take one that you're in... His major doesn't require that particular class. All I'm saying is, maybe it's not a new feeling for Sasuke."
The group fell into silence, each member lost in their own thoughts, contemplating Shikamaru's revelation. Sakura's cheeks flushed with a mix of excitement and curiosity. Could it be possible that Sasuke had harbored feelings for her for longer than she realized?
Sakura turns to go to Sasuke's room, "Im gonna ask him." She said proudly.
"NO!" The whole group exclaimed all at once. As she sat directly back down blushing.
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she-karev · 1 month
First Day Back (Japril Imagine)
Previous Part Here
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Age Rating: 12+
Chapters: Five of Five
Fandom: Grey’s Anatomy
Ship: Jackson Avery x April Kepner
Trigger Warning: Elements of human trafficking
Human Trafficking Resources: https://humantraffickinghotline.org/en, https://www.dhs.gov/blue-campaign/what-human-trafficking,
Canon Episode: Season 17 Episode 6
Summary: April is relaxing at the tent outside with Amber where they make up. They later talk about their relationships and whether or not to give their respective exes another chance.
Words: 2419
May 2nd, 2020
April sits in a chair staring at the manila envelope in her hands on the table under the tarp of the attendings tent outside. She listens to the pitter patter of the heavy rain that comes to Seattle most of the year. She thinks it’s fitting that it’s raining on a day like today. A day that has tested her limits and makes her worry for her daughter more than she already does.
She did her best to help Jada and Shanice so they can feel safe for the first time today. April saw the video of the altercation at the scene between firefighters and cops and her heart broke at the sight of one of the mothers being slammed into the hood of a car like some criminal further traumatizing her daughter. April is well aware that if it was her on the scene defending her daughter the cops wouldn’t arrest her because she doesn’t look like a threat to the cops and it infuriates her.
All of this makes April’s blood boil with rage. In an already terrible time, she didn’t need to be face to face with the injustices of the police system. She didn’t need to get a glimpse of what could have happened to her daughter. She didn’t need to see the world her daughter is gonna have to grow up in. Her rage shifts to sadness when she acknowledges there is nothing, she can do to fix this big problem for Harriet who deserves all the good things in this world.
“Is this tent taken?” April looks up to find Amber Karev approaching the table across from hers wearing a rain jacket. Amber takes the wet hoodie off and looks at April with guilt that she also shares with her friend.
“It’s a free country.” April responds leaning back in her chair, “Or it should be at least.” Amber sits down in a chair facing April from the table ten feet away from her. They are silent for a moment before they both speak up in unison.
“I’m sorry.”
“No.” April shakes her head at Amber apologizing, “I shouldn’t have said those things to you. You were just unloading and instead I projected all my problems on you and I’m sorry. I’m sorry for coming on too strong that night it was stupid.”
“Yeah it was.” Amber agrees, “But I said some things too, things I shouldn’t have brought up unless I wanted a punch in the face.”
“That is very true.” April nods with a slight grin, “Your lucky I’m more even tempered than you otherwise you would have ended up over the balcony that night.”
“I would have taken you down with me I guarantee it.” Amber retorts with a smile causing April to chuckle lightly, “Yeah I was waiting for you to apologize but then…I heard about those girls you were treating.”
April nods with a frown, “Yeah it makes our little squabble stupid and slight.”
“It really does.” Amber sighs in her chair before saying another apology, “I’m sorry for bringing up Samuel that was low, I am so sorry.”
April inhales and nods, “Well you weren’t the only one who brought up another person’s painful past that night. I’m sorry for calling you a coward for not giving DeLuca a chance because of your mom. It wasn’t my place, and I don’t know the extent of what that woman put you through. I’m sorry for belittling it and trying to make you feel worse than you already do.”
Amber looks down at her hands in sadness, “There might have been some truth to what you said that night. Not about me being a coward but about letting my mom and brother cloud my judgement when it comes to Andrew. I am so afraid of him triggering me again that I haven’t considered that maybe he won’t. I mean he’s doing the work; I can see that but all I can think about is how my mother did the work too until something came up and she broke.”
“Well, everyone treats their own mental illness differently.” April reminds Amber, “And not that I am defending her but back when she was first diagnosed people would lock mental patients up and toss the key. And the was before medicine evolved and people started to live with this disease. It’s the same with DeLuca’s father. Andrew’s illness is hard, and I get how his behavior triggered you but he’s trying to get ahead of it. I know you don’t have much exposure to it, but people can live with mental illness and be their best selves around their loved ones.”
“…Yeah I think I’m starting to see that with DeLuca.” April looks at her friend in sympathy listening this time instead of responding, “I mean just an hour ago he told me what I needed to hear. He told me he would keep prioritizing his mental health and not putting our relationship second to his mania. It’s what I wanted to hear from him months ago only now so much has happened.”
DeLuca’s Speech Here
“I saw him break down in tears in the middle of the lobby and it was like seeing my mother all over again. He kicked me out when I tried to help, and he left without so much as a call or a text. All of that happened and I don’t know if I can make myself vulnerable to him again. I mean he opened me up and it made what he did that much more painful.”
April sighs and looks up at the ceiling in torment, “Love sucks.”
Amber chuckles, “Yeah it really does, I would have expected me to say it first but the fact that you did tells me I’m not the only one with trouble in the personal life lane. What’s going on in your end?”
April sighs and holds up the manila envelope, “Divorce papers came in yesterday and Matthew already signed them.”
“Ouch. Do you want me to kick his ass when this thing is over? I’m sure your grudge can last that long.”
April grins at Amber’s need to step in and fight, “No I’m fine. It was coming sooner or later I knew that I’m not upset about that.”
Amber senses something amiss and pries, “So what are you upset about?”
April sighs looking at the envelope in her hands in thought before confessing, “I’m…I’m not upset about the divorce, I’m upset about how not upset I am.”
Amber furrows her eyebrows in confusion and clarifies, “Your upset that you’re not upset?”
April looks around to make sure there is no one around to overhear them and tells Amber in a low voice, “Jackson and I kissed.”
Amber doesn’t look the least bit surprised telling April that her friend already knows to her annoyance, “He told you?”
“I’m his best friend honey, he tells me everything.” Amber tells April bluntly, “If it makes you feel better, he sounded as conflicted as you probably are and it explained why you were so testy that night I came back.”
April scoffs offended, “I never got testy.”
“Mmm a little testy. But I get it, I’ve taken out some of my own personal crap on people.” Amber states understanding, “What does the kiss have to do with your reaction to the divorce?”
“The kiss was a thing that should not have happened…yet I think. It was a possible future kiss, a kiss that might happen in the future possibly, but the possible future is not now, it can’t be.”
“Have you been reading sci-fi again?” Amber asks completely lost in April’s rambles.
Kepner groans rubbing her temples to center herself, “I told Jackson the kiss meant nothing, that it was just his reaction to the world crumbling and when I told him that and he agreed…it was like my heart got ripped out. I felt sadder over a kiss with my ex than I did when my current one sent me the divorce papers. It was like those feelings I had for Jackson they never really went away.”
Amber nods listening intently feeling giddy inside over her best friend possibly about to be with the woman he never stopped loving. She knows the connection between Jackson and April never really went away and was just waiting for them to realize the same.
April continues leaning against the table on her elbows, “I mean with Matthew it was comfortable, we had the same interests and the same passion for God and the same need to help people. On paper we are perfect together but with Jackson…I feel things I have never felt with anyone. It was exhilarating…and scary, it was exhilarating and scary how much I could love someone who on paper I shouldn’t even tolerate let alone love. And that’s what made it more unbearable when he and I divorced. When I signed those papers, it was like I was signing away the most passionate and loving time of my life and I was never gonna get it back.”
Amber sighs knowing the feeling too well, “Love sucks.”
April nods with a frown as Amber continues, “But it’s also great. Falling in love with DeLuca, letting myself open up to him it was…it was like he opened up a part of myself I closed off to survive.”
April looks at Amber in thought as her mind goes to Jackson and whether he felt this way with her. She wonders if her leaving to go to war led to the same impact in his heart that DeLuca’s actions had on Amber’s. She wonders if Amber was also right that night as well.
“It must have been hard.” April says and Amber nods in response, “Having your heart open like that and to have someone you thought you could count on rip it out because they were reluctant to face their own pain. I imagine it makes it hard to see things from their point of view and understand that…that you weren’t the only one that was hurting all those months.”
Amber narrows her eyes at that explanation feeling like April is talking about herself and Jackson, “I take it we’re not just talking about me and DeLuca, are we?”
“Is it that obvious?” April asks in slight amusement before elaborating the accusation Amber told April the night they fought, “Do you really think Jackson is afraid to give me another chance because he thinks I’ll leave again?”
Amber sighs and collects her thoughts before speaking, “I think you both went through an unimaginable tragedy, and you needed to deal with it in your own way. But April you need to understand that Jackson’s father left him. He left because he couldn’t handle the pressures of the family legacy and Jackson ended up closing that part of his heart so he wouldn’t get hurt again. I know this because it’s what I did when my dad left too. We’re completely different but the one thing we have in common is that we have been burned by people who were supposed to love us and it had a lasting impact.”
April looks at Amber in thought as she continues, “And then you and Andrew walked in and you showed us how to be vulnerable. You showed us that it’s okay to love. So, to have you leave Jackson to go to the middle east and having Andrew leave me after his breakdown it was…it was like that pain our fathers left behind came back again only it was so much worse. It was like you healed our wounds only to reopen them again.”
April sighs and chastises herself for not considering this five years ago. She thought that Jackson was being stubborn but really he was protecting himself just like Amber is, only unlike DeLuca she never acknowledged her own mistakes. She never apologized for leaving him to grieve alone because she was so caught up in her own. She understands now that she’s not the only one afraid of getting hurt again.
“I hurt him, and I didn’t realize that.” April says in shame, “I told myself he was overreacting, but I didn’t consider that I left him like his father did…it’s no wonder he didn’t bring up Montana.”
“Well, that was his own mistake.” Amber points out, “You both made mistakes, and you hurt each other. You can never take that back, it’s always gonna be there and you can’t go back and change it…but maybe you can find a way to move forward.” Amber has a look of realization as she shares this advice that she begins to consider for her own relationship.
April knows that look too well, “I take it you’re considering taking your own advice just like I am?”
Amber inhales and nods, “Yeah, I think I am…I think I’m gonna try not to let my past stop me from a chance at happiness. I think I’m gonna learn to trust Andrew again…I don’t know if he’s gonna earn it but he’s earned the chance to try and I’m gonna let him.”
April nods in approval, “It’s a big risk but it might be worth it. Meanwhile…I’m gonna see if Jackson is willing to take that chance with me.” April stands up and leaves Amber in the tent to go see Jackson so they can finally talk. She enters the pit and goes up to a nurse at the station.
“Hi is Dr. Avery still here?”
“No Dr. Kepner, he left, he said he needed to see his daughter tonight.” April sighs knowing how Jackson needs to see Harriet after Jada and Shanice, “Do you want me to page him?”
April shakes her head, “No I don’t need him, I just wanted to know if he was still here, thank you.” The nurse leaves April in the pit alone. The trauma surgeon pulls out her phone and opens her texting app. She types up a message to Jackson contemplating whether or not to send it. She fiddles her fingers around her phone before pressing the send button.
Hi, can we talk?
April sees the three bubbles start to form and it’s like an eternity is passing before she gets an answer back.
Sure, we’ll talk tomorrow morning at the park bench 9 am?
April texts back sure and puts her phone away so she can finish her shift and finally settle things with Jackson once and for all.
Next Part Here
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epickiya722 · 2 years
You know what goes on here.
And here's the beginning of the one Deku Arc that gets me in my feels.
Yes, give me that Izuku narration! Even though it was just for the letter reading.
Ochaco, don't cry. Please don't cry! 😭
There goes his pose! That he makes looks cooler than Batman.
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He looks and depressed already and this arc just started!!
The last time he wore that hoodie was back in season 4.
Oh, it's Shindo and Nakagame!! Grand and fucking Turtle Neck!!! Why is her hero name so funny to me?! 🤣
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Shindo and his thot version of Froppy's hero suit. Keep doing you, boo!
It's nice Shindo mentions Ms. Joke since she is their teacher. I like that. And I like Ms. Joke, she funny.
I'm okay, I'm fine.
I get that you want to defend yourselves, but allow the heroes that are still around to help.
That's right, Shindo, tell them.
"... sticking their noses in our lives?" Uh, if Shindo and Nakagame are there to take you to their school...
I can't stand the citizens sometimes because oh, you were worshipping heroes before but now that they're quitting you want to give the heroes who are still around a hard time? They ain't perfect but damn.
"If we could take them by force..." May be extreme, but you gotta protect folks and if they're giving you a hard time... return the fafor. I'm joking.
Ah, shit, it's that muscly fuck!!! I HATE HIM!!! SO MUCH!!!
"You two, let's have fun!" SIR, THOSE ARE KIDS, DAMN!!!
Did he just push her?!
12000 layers? Sir, that is disgusting.
"Sometimes, we have to sacrifice our lives!" SHINDO! 😭
"I'll turn your brain into a milkshake!" PLEASE DO!! I HATE HIM!!
I'm glad, as a purple lover, that Smokescreen is purple!!! 💜
"It's you, isn't it?" You're gonna wish it wasn't Deku, bitch.
Dingy looking ass rabbit... looking like a cryptid... I adore him.
"I'm just a human, too." You are???
Why would he put that rock there?
"Fight me will all you have, Midoriya!" Alright then, you asked for it. Don't cry now, don't cry.
"I can't see his face through the smoke." You won't be able to anyways, Tatami. He's wearing a mask.
EN!!! Wait... you're the purple one?! YES!!
En is also very pretty to me.
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Ooooh, he's still being all calculating and stuff in a fight. My green boy!!!
Real quick, I love how Midoriya's mask makes his eyes look like All Might's. Especially since All Might's eyes like that are a reflection of him being a shell of what he used to be in his prime. Current Midoriya is well... a shell of himself. He's pushing himself and neglecting how others feel just as All Might did.
"I want a life without regret." Bitch, you ain't Miruko.
I'm not fighting anyone who looks at me like this and just standing there. That is a person ready to snap your kneecaps.
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But damn it, this arc just makes me sad...
Fucking wow...
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Oh, it's those other hero kids!!!
"We don't want him to die." OH DO YOU?!
Deku passing by the glass just like All Might... THE DAMN PARALLELS!!!
You think Smokescreen smells like lavender? I hope so.
All Might got drip, huh? Them glasses!!
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He still has that ringtone?! 😆
I need Izuku to get a bath and a blanket like today.
I forget how buff Midoriya is sometimes... his face just hides that, okay?
"Please be more cautious." We can only hope...
All Might standing there like "... ah, crap, here we go again..."
Pretty shot of Izuku. He gets his looks from his mom. She is a damn pretty woman.
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I'll be honest, out of all the families, the Midoriya's is my favorite. They have had the most tender moments and I swear I shed tears with them.
Ooh, the baby Izuku flashback playing with Inkoooo... 😭😭😭💚💚💚
"Don't worry. I'll come home." 😭😭😭😭😭
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Why in the absolute hell is Best Jeanist holding that phone like that?
"The way he holds that phone is so cool." Hawks, stop lying.
I am impressed though.
Ooooh, Gran Torino giving him the cape...
Ooooh, getting more of the 2nd & 3rd Users next episode? 👀 Lady Nagant??
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Sam Heughan: "A romantic comedy set in Madrid would be very passionate"
We went up to one of the most representative domes of the Madrid 'skyline' with the Scottish actor to talk about superpowers, time travel, Madrid and the characters in his life, such as Jamie Fraser from “Outlander” or the journalist from “ Love Again”, the romantic comedy that opens in theaters on May 12.
By Ana Pérez and Photography: Alfonso Ohnur / Styling: Jesús Cicero
"A coffee and in five minutes we are ready. He's in a very good mood, by the way,” says Wendy, a cheerful and charming middle-aged Scottish woman who is featured as the hair and makeup manager in today's session, although we soon discover that she is much more than that. She belongs to the actor's circle of trust, so she goes down in advance to see that everything is in order. The Esquire team is already prepared in the spectacular 300 m 2 suite that the Four Seasons in Madrid has given us for the occasion. There are nerves, because it's not every day that you have a star like Sam Heughan on your hands(Galloway, Scotland, 1980) and everything has to go perfectly. While he goes down, the team from Sony Pictures and Movistar Plus+, the producer and distributor in Spain of Outlander , respectively (the series that has catapulted him to fame), review the outfits so that, once we start, everything goes smoothly.
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Fendi trench coat, and Pedro del Hierro shirt and pants.
Finally Sam arrives at the suite. He is serious, but so charming that the nerves dissipate. Everything happens with astonishing agility under the watchful eye of Wendy, who reviews each shot with efficiency and alternates her suggestions (all of the most sound, really) with her enthusiasm for the work we're doing. There is nothing that this herculean Scotsman of almost two meters in height does not defend with solvency. He doesn't care about a modern Prada trench coat with green squares or an impeccable summer suit from Emporio Armani. Once the photo session was over we went to the suitepresidential, overlooking Calle Alcalá, where the interview will take place. “On my next trip I want to stay here!” She says, joking for the first time, as she crosses the threshold. We settle into some seats, facing each other, and I have to confess that when Sam Heughan gives you all his attention, he's intimidating. I perceive an obvious barrier of shyness, so I try to break through it and reach him through his characters.
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Tell me, Sam, what is the first memory you have of being on stage?
I went to a very creative school, where the arts, music, theater were very encouraged... My first role was Bill Sikes, the drunken villain in Oliver Twist , in a school play. He hadn't acted before and he wasn't very good, but I vividly remember having a lot of fun on stage. Later, my first professional role was Romeo, in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet , already at acting school.
You became known to the general public with the Batman from the musical Batman Live . What was your favorite superhero as a child?
Batman , without a doubt, a very dark character who lost his parents very young. He dresses up as a bat, but in reality he is not a real superhero. He's just an ordinary human being, who has had privileged access to a lot of technology. And yet I think it's very interesting.
"Teleportation would make my life easier, because I would no longer have to travel continuously."
And if you could choose to have one superpower that you could use in real life, what would it be?
Perhaps teleportation, so he can travel wherever he wants. It would make my life easier, because I would no longer have to travel all the time. It would allow me to be anywhere in the world in a moment.
After Batman, Outlander and Jamie Fraser come into your life. What has this character meant to you?
Jamie has changed my life. Since I started playing it eight years ago, everything has completely changed. Until then, I was a normal actor; you know, towards theater, television... But Jamie really changed my world, he's given me a lot of opportunities, I've been able to create my own projects, write, produce... He's an incredible character that I've been growing up with, living with many experiences, I have grown old with him... It has been an incredible challenge to play him.
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Sam is wearing Giorgio Armani total look . ALFONSO OHNURESQUIRE
And what do you think is, in your opinion, the secret of the success of this series?
I think the incredible relationship that Jamie and Claire have, without a doubt; their romance, which never dies despite all the obstacles that come their way. No matter what, their love endures and I think that everyone would like to have a relationship like this. But this is to the credit of Diana Gabaldón [the American author of the saga of novels on which she is based]. She created these characters, who people love and season after season are waiting to see what will happen to them.
“Jamie has changed my life. Since I started interpreting him, everything has changed completely ”
In the seventh season, which premieres in Spain on June 17 on Movistar Plus+, will Jamie be alive from start to finish?
We are studying it... [laughs]. Yes, this story has to last even longer [recently it has been confirmed that the eighth will be the last season of the series]. Diana has written a tenth book, so we still have a long way to go.
If you could travel in time , as Claire's character, your wife, does in the series, what era would you travel to?
Wow, so I would love to go to Ancient Egypt, to Rome, and maybe I would also like to travel to the future to see what will happen in a hundred years.
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Sam Heughan, in the dome of the Four Seasons hotel in Madrid with a total look by Zegna.
Although Heughan has often stated that it doesn't have much to do with his character in Outlander , what he does have in common with him is his Scottish origin, something he wears with pride, to the point of becoming its ambassador worldwide. In fact, in parallel to this series, he stars in another, Men in Kilts (its second season will also be available on Movistar Plus+ in the coming months), in which he tours Scotland accompanied by Graham McTavish (Dougal MacKenzie, in the series), to divulge the secrets of their culture and customs. And he also makes his own whisky, which he has named Sassenach, after the Gaelic word for non-Gaelics and Jamie for his fictional partner.
Outlander has been very successful in Spain. What do we Spaniards and Scots have in common?
I think the energy and passion in Spain is incredible, similar to ours. Scots and Spaniards have many things in common: we are very warm, friendly, passionate about sports and we also like to party. We are very similar.
The first thing you premiere now is the romantic comedy Love Again (Sony Pictures) , on May 12, in which you share the bill with Priyanka Chopra and Celine Dion herself . What can you tell us?
The film revolves around a great romance, although underlying it there is also a tragedy: the protagonist loses her fiancé and writes text messages to his old mobile number, which my character has, a journalist named Rob Burns who falls in love her. It is tragic, but also very beautiful. It's a very sweet film, with the presence of Celine Dion, an authority on romance [laughs]. I think people are going to have a lot of fun watching it.
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Sam Heughan and Priyanka Chopra in a scene from Love Again. LIAM DANIEL SONY PICTURES
[Notice to fans: Watch out for Heughan singing Celine Dion's It's All Coming Back to Me Now while taking a shower.]
In the case of the characters in the film, technology is crucial to finding each other. What do you think about using technology to find love?
I think technology helps us communicate and allows us to connect people who might not otherwise be able to, like the two characters in the movie. Dating apps and social media allow for more interaction, but maybe sometimes we rely too much on technology and hide behind it. I think an in-person connection is always better.
Perhaps Madrid could be the setting for your next romantic comedy... Where would it take place?
I love Madrid, it's great, romantic and full of energy. A romantic comedy set in Madrid would be very passionate. Perhaps in the Royal Palace, with a prince who meets a girl in the El Retiro park, but finds out that she is actually a professional soccer player. They see a game at the stadium and end with dinner and dancing in the San Miguel market.
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Prada trench coat and Paul Smith pants. ALFONSO OHNURESQUIRE
In addition to work, you lead a project, My Peak Challenge, with which you collaborate in various solidarity initiatives. What is it about?
It is an online fitness program . The peakers , which is what the members are called, pay a fee for daily training, adapted to each one. They include yoga, mindfulness , nutrition program... In addition to the fee, 15% is contributed to charitable causes. It is about working for your health, for yourself, and at the same time helping others.
And what is the peak or challenge that has been the hardest for you to reach in your life?
Perhaps the large number of projects I have on my hands. Finding time to dedicate to all of them, but I am very lucky to be able to get them going.
After this interview, Waypoints came into my hands. My Scottish Journey (recently published in Spain by Principal de los libros), a kind of memoir in which Heughan alternates reflections on his life, parallel to a trip along a complicated hiking route, the West Highland Way, in the homeland of he. Among other things, he tells that he grew up without a father (he abandoned him at 18 months) and gives some clues that explain the man behind the actor. In fact, he is perfectly summed up in this fragment: “According to my mother, he was a little adventurer, although he could also be quite sensitive. When left to my own devices he could lead any attack, but in company he preferred not to be the center of attention. He wasn't shy: I just felt more comfortable watching from the rear."
Photography assistants: Dani García and Elisa María Lozano · Styling assistant: Aline Patiño · Makeup and hairdressing: Wendy Kemp Forbes · Tailor: Maribel Madrid · Photography editor: Carolina Álvarez · Production: Marta Sánchez · Acknowledgments: Hotel Four Seasons Madrid.
*This report appears in the May 2023 issue of Esquire magazine, on sale since April 21.
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Now it is understood why Wendy Kemp Forbes was part of SH's speech in Madrid last year. His improvised speech was not for social reasons. His interest in women's participation was very doubtful. The credibility of his speech was put aside by his opportunism 🤨
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