#sim : pope
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conclavevisualnovel · 16 days ago
Delectatio Morosa: A Conclave Visual Novel
We’re very excited to announce Delectatio Morosa: A Conclave Visual Novel coming soon in early March!
Play as Dean Thomas Cardinal Lawrence as he prepares for an All Saints’ Day Celebration at the Vatican, and try to manage his fellow Curia members too!
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crowliphale · 15 days ago
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Humanlight or something like that
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qvrics · 1 month ago
enhypen x outer banks; a moodboard ★
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ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ hunting for treasure…
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storiesbyjes2g · 17 days ago
3.218 Giving me life
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The next day, I made a point to get up extra early so we wouldn't have another frantic mad-dash out the door. That kind of stress isn't good for anyone. I took a long, hot shower, did my hair, and put thought into my outfit vs. just grabbing something. I went to get Desi up, but as always, she had already beaten me to it. She was playing in her room, so I left her to make breakfast. We enjoyed a nice, slow morning, just like in the old days, but something troubled me. I had another nightmare. This time aliens abducted me, and they did all kinds of experiments on me while I was still conscious; it was terrible. I know it's natural to have lingering stress after a traumatic event, but the trouble I felt didn't seem related to the fire. The heaviness around me felt more unsettled than fear or panic. Deep down, waaaay in the crevices of my subconscience, I knew what plagued me, but I hadn't allowed myself to address it. The fire trauma was just the mechanism used to get my attention, and now, with all these nightmares haunting me, I can't ignore it. I kept telling myself I wasn't ready and stuffed those thoughts in the farthest parts of my mind, but I should have known they would come back to bite me. I need to visit the cemetery.
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The groundskeeper threw away all the flowers and candles we had left at each visit; that's how long it had been. I was so ashamed at the sight. Their name plates were all dusty, and my grandparents' were barely legible from being covered in dirt. I knelt in front of Mama and wiped away the dust.
"I'm sorry, Mama. I didn't think I was ready to see you, so I kept putting it off. But days turned to weeks, and weeks into months, and here I am."
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"So many things remind me of you, and I can't stand it. But I love it too. You're unforgettable, not that anyone could ever forget their mother. I don't know what I'm saying... Desiree is so big now. We had a fire at our house, and she's still pretty rattled, so I don't think bringing her here will be a good idea right now, but as soon as she's ready, I will."
"Less' kids are great. A little rambunctious, but great. And she's excellent with them, too. You would be so proud of her. I bought a duplex in San Sequoia so she could live next door. It's been great. I'm doing what you asked: taking care of my sister."
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"Long time ago, you told me to find someone who fits into my life who I can't live without. Every day, Sophia shows me how there is no one else in this world who could have given me such a wonderful life. I may have had a lot of insecurities about relationships early on, but I never forgot what you told me. I always thanked Dad and gave him credit for getting me from a boy to a man, but I never gave you credit for giving me a framework to guide me. So...yeah. Thanks."
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"It looks like it's gonna rain soon, so I guess I'll get out of here. Hopefully, you'll be able to see this before it goes out. I'm lighting a candle, so you'll know I was here. I love you, Mama, and I wish you could see how wonderful my life is. We've had lots of challenges, but I wouldn't trade any of it. I miss you. I'll see you soon."
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I stood there in silence, remembering our good times and feeling grateful for the wisdom my parents bestowed upon me. An odd surge of energy coursed through my body, and I knew for sure this visit was what I'd been needing. The truth behind my procrastination is simple: I didn't want to feel broken again. Grieving my parents, especially Mama, drained me, and I felt like I would never be whole again. I hated that feeling and didn't want to experience it again. But standing there, holding that candle, thinking about my beautiful mother gave me life.
I put down the candle and started to leave. Just before I reached the exit, I heard, "Wait! I'm here!"
"Me too," another echoed voice said.
Both of them?? What are the odds?
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All at once, I was a little kid again, happy and excited about hanging out with his parents. Mama wanted to know about the duplex, so I started from the very beginning with Dub moving to San Sequoia and buying his house. I rambled on and on about that, and the money tree, and our vacations, and Desi getting into yoga, and my SimTube channel... I felt like Chi Chi had possessed me, ha ha. Talking to them again filled me with such delight.
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I thought hearing about everything they missed might upset them, but my life events elated them. I swear, with every story I told, Mama got more and more pumped up. By the time I was done, she was squealing with excitement. I guess when you live a full life like she did, you don't feel like you're missing out when you die. You just cheer on everyone as you watch them grow. That's a life lesson right there.
"I'm so proud of you," Dad said.
Hearing those words again healed my soul. I tend to think I live right and make good decisions, but receiving affirmation that I'm on the right track never gets old. I'm really glad I came.
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empiredesimparte · 9 months ago
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Live broadcast of ‘Le Sacre de Napoléon V’ on the national channel Francesim 2, hosted by Stéphane Bernard
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(Stéphane Bernard) The Emperor will become a quasi-sacred figure through the anointing: it is a sort of transfiguration. The imperial canopy conceals this profoundly sacred moment because the rite must remain a mystery to the common mortals. We are witnessing a revival of the triple blessing from the Reims ceremonial of the kings of Francesim. Their Majesties, kneeling before the altar, receive the triple anointing from the Pope: one on the forehead, the others on both hands. First the Emperor, then the Empress.
In his prayer, the Pope asks God to bestow the treasures and graces of His blessings upon the Emperor. He prays that the Emperor will govern with strength, justice, loyalty, foresight, courage, and perseverance. The Emperor must combat Evil and defend the holy Christian Church. The Empress, for her part, receives God's support, and that of Christ, to preserve the Empire and the French people for eternity.
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(Stéphane Bernard) Such a ceremonial highlights the spiritual and mystical dimension of the imperial monarchy. It is a moment steeped in tradition, where every gesture, every word, carries deep symbolism, reminding us of the sacred bonds that unite the sovereign to his people and to God. (Mgr. Morlot) Almighty and eternal God, who have decreed that, following the example of David, Solomon, and Joash, the foreheads of Kings and Emperors should be adorned with a diadem, so that, through the brilliance of their gemstones and the splendor of their ornaments, they might serve as a vivid and striking image of the majesty that surrounds you to the peoples while they reign on earth…
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(Mgr. Morlot) … Pour out, we beseech you, your blessing upon these crowns, so that your servant Napoleon and his spouse, who will wear them on earth, may shine with the radiance of all virtues.
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(Pope) May God encircle your brow with the crown of glory and justice...
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(Pope) ... May He arm you with strength and courage so that, blessed by Heaven through our hands, filled with faith and good works, you may reach the crown of the eternal kingdom…
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(Pope) ... By the grace of Him whose reign and empire extend throughout all ages and ages. Amen.
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(Napoléon V) Amen.
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⚜ Le Sacre de Napoléon V | N°11 | Francesim, Paris, 28 Thermidor An 230
While the bells ring out and the cannons roar, the Emperor and Empress of Francesim are crowned at Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris. It was broadcast live on television by Stéphane Bernard, the famous journalist for the crowned heads in Francesim.
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⚜ Traduction française
(Stéphane Bernard) L'Empereur va devenir un personnage quasi-sacré grâce à l'onction : c'est une sorte de transfiguration. Le dais impérial cache ce moment tout à fait sacré car le rite doit rester un mystère pour le commun des mortels. Nous assistons à une reprise de la triple bénédiction du cérémonial de Reims des rois de Francesim. Leurs Majestés, agenouillées devant l'autel, reçoivent du Pape la triple onction : une sur le front, les autres sur les deux mains. D'abord l'Empereur, puis l'Impératrice.
Dans son oraison, le Pape demande à Dieu de répandre les trésors et les grâces de Ses bénédictions sur l'Empereur. Il prie pour qu'il gouverne avec force, justice, fidélité, prévoyance, courage et persévérance. L'Empereur doit combattre le Mal et défendre la sainte Église chrétienne. L'Impératrice, quant à elle, reçoit le soutien de Dieu et du Christ, afin de conserver l'Empire et le peuple français dans l'éternité.
Un tel cérémonial met en lumière la dimension spirituelle et mystique de la monarchie impériale. C'est un moment empreint de tradition, où chaque geste, chaque parole, porte un symbolisme profond, rappelant les liens sacrés qui unissent le souverain à son peuple, et à Dieu.
(Monseigneur Morlot) Dieu tout-puissant et éternel, qui avez voulu qu'à l'exemple de David, de Salomon et de Joas, le front des Rois et des Empereurs fût ceint du diadème, afin que, par l'éclat des pierreries et la splendeur de leurs ornements, ils fussent aux des peuples, pendant qu'ils règnent sur la terre, la vive et frappante image de la majesté qui vous environnement...
(Monseigneur Morlot) ... Répandez, nous vous en conjurons, votre bénédiction sur ces couronnes, afin que votre serviteur Napoléon et son épouse, qui les porteront sur la terre brillent de l'éclat de toutes les vertus.
(Pape) Que Dieu ceigne votre front de la couronne de la gloire et de justice ; qu'il vous arme de force et de courage, afin que, bénis du Ciel par nos mains, pleins de foi et de bonnes oeuvres, vous arriviez à la couronne du règne éternel...
(Pape) Par la grâce de celui dont le règne et l'empire s'étendent dans tous les siècles et les siècles. Amen. (Napoléon V) Amen.
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thestressedsimmer · 2 months ago
June, 1316: The Vatican, Willow Creek
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Today was a special day. His Holiness Pope John XXII was turning 30 years old. As far as popes go, he's fairly young - but he was handling some great crisises of faith over his time as pope.
He's been doing his best to keep the followers of the Watcher civil with each other, but there had still been wars. He had tried to instruct his priests on how to keep people calm and believing in their Watcher through this horrible famine, that (at least) he feels he has mostly been successful with. Even if some people have strayed from the path of light, he's positive that more people have flocked to the churches to pray for an end to the famine. The more who do that, the more likely it is that it will end soon.
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All of this being said? He's grateful that the Watcher has gifted him another year of life.
Not only that, but She has gifted him with a new life stage. Not everyone is lucky enough to make it this long so he should say an extra prayer of thanks that day.
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shesthespinstersimmer · 1 month ago
Because the Night (1)
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Previous / Next / Beginning
(🎩 tip to @lesmana-enterprise-ltd and their beautiful build )
✏️Transcription under the cut
MINERVA: where are the guestroom sheets?
CLAUDINE: That depends. Who’s coming? 
MINERVA: just got a call from Jude; she and Cora are going to be hitting the road soon. Wanna make sure the room is ready when they head our way.
CLAUDINE: you’re so cute when you talk to your Bestie; you’re like a little kid.
MINERVA: I miss her. Plus, I’m just so proud of her – look how far she’s come.
You know the best part? I finally get to watch her be in love just as much as I am.
[ minerva gives Claudine a smooch ]
JAKE: how was your trip?
LO: Really nice – thanks for upgrading our tickets to the business car. 
JAKE: it’s time you started thinking bigger; another reason why I brought you here – this is where the big boys play. 
Plus, I only have the best Kleenex selection in the city.
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sixamese-simblr · 10 months ago
Me booting up crusader kings 3 for the first time: hee hoo fun dynasty game I love playing with my silly medieval people
Me a month later: whelp guess I have to conquer Italy and human sacrifice the pope
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dashainfernich · 8 months ago
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cause i'm busy with cc shopping i'll post this attempt of popee from popee the performer from 2022 (my beloved)
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softplumbs · 1 year ago
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Noelle Pope *(codename Ǵ̵̡̟̱̺͙̰̩̥̯̭̥̣̞̰͕̦͖͖̩̥̈̊̀̿̎́̐̂́̈́̋̀̚͝͠͝ḻ̶͓̗͍͙͆͐́͊ͅi̶̢̛̟̰̝̥̣͇̜͎̺̤̖̗̩̩̲̞̯͌̀̊̾̎̌̈́̎̂̒̋̅t̶̡̡̢͉͓̥͍̲͕̝̠͓̖͕͎̞̟̹͚̥̼͚̙̱̪̖̉̓̋̿͆́͌̿̃̾͆̍͗̍͌̌̐̈̍͊c̵̨̧͔͉̗̳̻͕̖̯͓̜͈̲͚̥͙̬̩͕̤̺̱̈́̀̍̿͛̒̃͆̓͗̐͗̓͊̈́͐̒̈̓̚͝͝͝ͅh̸̡̨̙̟̫̘̹̭̭̥̳͓̦̮̯͔̰̟̖̗͙̰̜͎͉̤̬͛̊̋̍̊̉̈́̚͜) - Infiltration and Stealth* Expert, also Sophie's scary dog priviledge™. ( ͡° ᴥ ͡° ʋ)
Stealth in the lowest lowercase possible because she is anything BUT stealthy, which is why she excels at close combat.
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conclavevisualnovel · 16 days ago
And a special treat from the devs at Delectatio Morosa, some Spicier Valentines Day cards too!
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aliengirl · 1 year ago
I love catching small lives where you can really interact with the streamer, its always a cozy time to watch they play and chit-chat
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thetameddeer · 1 year ago
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: 🪷 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝑫𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒚 🪷 :
THESIMS4 Ref. Dech&Karaked (Pope&Bella) From Love Destiny (Bupphesanniwat) Series
Welcoming the new SEA/Thai inspired pack with my favourite lakorn!!
Love Destiny (Bupphesanniwat) is a Thai historical television series that contains elements of romance, comedy, and time travel. Starring Bella and Pope (The majority of Thai people ship them 😂) Love Destiny gained popularity across Asia and contributed to a rise of tourists in the filming locations (Ayutthaya). It was such a major hit in Thailand and now it is coming back to be the talk of the town again after the airing of season 2!
Male/Female young adult sims
2/8 Outfits
Tray file + CC list
ʚ Download here ɞ >> Free on my patreon
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storiesbyjes2g · 6 months ago
Farewell, Emerald Kierra Pope
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I know we said this at the end of the first generation, but this really does feel like the end of an era! We spent so much time with Emmy and her mess because it spilled into generation three. Her life was such an adventure with so many twists and turns. Apart from Melany, Emmy was one of the first sims I ever "raised" from birth through adulthood. Don't get me wrong, I've had pleeeeenty of toddlers in all my gameplay saves, but Melany and Emmy were the first ones I ever spent significant time with and saw them to adulthood. She was very special to me, and I was very attached to her for a long time. I think because she was the only child, and I could only control Amina, it really felt like I was raising this child lol. I was very protective of her and didn't want anything bad to happen, especially off the heels of relationship problems. She started off so naïve and sweet, and I thought she was so adorable. But, like parents IRL, I had to let her go do/be whatever she wanted to do/be. She kept showing me what she wanted, but I didn't want to do it. Eventually, however, I saw an opportunity for her to grow, so I gave her the green light lol. I'm gonna miss her a lot. Even though I knew her time was around the corner, it still caught me off guard, especially because I witnessed it!
R.I.P., Emmy, Em, Kiki, Mama! Thank you for the laughs and side eyes. You were brave. You were strong. You had a big heart. You owned your mistakes. Like your mom, you were one of a kind.
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empiredesimparte · 9 months ago
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⚜ Le Sacre de Napoléon V | N°13 | Francesim, Paris, 28 Thermidor An 230
His Holiness, Pope Gregorius XIX, walks towards the Grand Throne to enthrone Emperor Napoleon V of the French. After blessing him, the Pope turns to the assembly and exclaims: "Long live the Emperor in Eternity!"
"May God establish you on this throne, and may Jesus Christ our Lord make you reign with Him in His eternal kingdom, He who is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, who lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever.
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⚜ Traduction française
Sa Sainteté, le pape Gregorius XIX, marche vers le Grand Trône pour introniser l'Empereur Napoléon V des Français. Après l'avoir béni, le Pape se tourne vers l'assistance et crie : "Vive l'Empereur dans l'Eternité".
Que Dieu vous affermisse sur ce trône, et que Jésus-Christ notre Seigneur vous fasse régner avec lui dans son royaume éternel, lui qui est le Roi des Rois et le Seigneur des Seigneurs, qui vit et règne avec le Père et le Saint-Esprit, dans tous les siècles des siècles.
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crazy-hazy-sims · 1 year ago
Happy Friday the 13th 🖤🖤🖤
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