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Soul & Love
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immiesblog · 4 years ago
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immiesblog · 4 years ago
I’m really drained.
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immiesblog · 4 years ago
Few hours back an angel was sent to deliver great news, so great to bless the land and show directions to the great light of milk and honey
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immiesblog · 5 years ago
I searched for you, I found you.
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immiesblog · 6 years ago
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immiesblog · 6 years ago
No title
Feels, it is always about you.
Laugh, you bring out the physicals
At the tip of the mountain, sharp arousing nose of the sun, middle-felt shivered breeze of almost all the holiness of the day ahead. Spring rises most exquisite petals that bloomed in the middle of the night, where silence creeps in dearly... Dearly to create chirps and cracks.
Feels, it's the way you make me express my thoughts and my body into something that they will like and most influencial enough to make them gaze and try to liberate themselves into my clone.
Laugh, you make things seem and sound way too easy but not easy enough to not hurt my stomach. You make me release all the toxines in my system and simultaneously create new, it's called Reality.
Sun set, all set.
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immiesblog · 6 years ago
I thought they were too artistic until I went too deep, face right up, contradiction is always part of the plan. It's really the true side of every piece of glorious pieces of God. Reality, I thought It was it but really am inside out it.
It's fine.
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immiesblog · 6 years ago
It's always the circle that will punctually get smaller, erasing matters that don't really matter.
It's this big toe that makes my whole feet qual, or probably the heel, something that balances the whole foot. It's the sun rise that my senses are wider and more clearer but yet again the sun sets reminds me of my reality and everything clears out and senses shiver to make my reality more denser and simpler enough to knock up out my thoughts that I thought I was just tripping. There's nothing like that, you can never unset what will actually appear as a dream. I'm sure you do realize that its what it is(my reality talking) it's so sad to the tip that you can't run or hider away from it.
In this world, almost everyone can relate but they can't feel what you're feeling and your mind posting thoughts of on how will thing might turn out to be I mean in the next second or rather sentence. Of course there are voices in my head, probably 68% of them wants bad and negative to oblige my paths. You see this theory "majority rules" its a great example of what will succeed but truth of the sense is its 90% wrong.  I mean type of things that are not suppose to be occurring. When dawn comes somehow my face shrinks and tend to make me believe that it's actually dawn and you are single, I guess that's how things makes one to be stronger day in day out.
I'm learning to be strong, to accept my reality. This path has thorns but sometimes it's new thrones, they're still wet...i guess what am trying to say is not everyday its way too tough.
Like I said, I'm Ready.
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immiesblog · 6 years ago
The question
Its dark, can't really see but purposely am the light, which am unaware. They always say don't look back when you move forward or running
Involuntary so, I will look back, then I tripped and fall, simply because am scared of the dark, no wait, it's because am running from something.
It sounds impossible yes, but it feels impossible.
Staying and being alone scares me, feels like not knowing if you should hold on or let go , it's goosey, I'm scared.
Why can't I stay alone? Is it really that hard? No, it's all in the mind, you can do it... Well I suppose. Ohh yeah I got it. It's called Fear. My God, it has made a home in my soul, hard and difficult part is I can't speak its language. It gives me uncertain indecisive thoughts that I try to run away from. Reality is, that's the whole mission of Fear. Makes me lose yourself and try to be someone else, whom do things because they've been done like that. Living doubtful scenes will never befit your true self. Ok, since well fear has taken over how would I really know that this is my true self?
I'm still trying to understand where is all of this coming from? Can't be normal, can't be the inner true self of one. Why?
It doesn't feel right, right, it's crazy how life works... But wait, this has nothing to do with life, it's about what others can influence one's soul in a good or bad way. It's always like that, and it turns out that it's unfair... Please life can never be unfair, people are making it seem impossible and unfair. Like it or not, whatever that may be your actions its because of what people did to you, perhaps unaware or deliberately.
I still stand, why can't I be alone?
Truth be said
Nobody can never do things alone, that's why you are born with duals, everything on your body has another party to assist... Except majors of which can contain all the effects but somehow they can't function without a little push from somewhere. So, No, you can't be alone, you can't do it alone.
Its never dark, don't run.
Immaculate Somo
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immiesblog · 6 years ago
“Why can’t I wear my tunic with the suitors?” she muttered. Miriam clicked her tongue gently.
“You’re a princess, you’ve got to present as such or else the men will find you intimidating,” she replied, helping her step into her shoes.
“I’d rather be intimidating than a doll. I’m one of the best fencers on the continent, I’m a much better diplomat than his Majesty, king of the-” she gestured, trying to think of a proper insult. “Either way, I hate being a woman.”
“Yes, yes, I know, I know, Princess,” Miriam soothed as Nimue placed her tiara on her head. “But we all have to do things we don’t like, and this is just one of those things.” She dusted some sparkling powder on Lorenza’s cheeks. “There we are.”
“Thank you girls,” Lorenza replied, looking in the mirror. Nimue had plaited little blue flowers into her hair and painted her eyelids gold. She strapped her sword around her waist. At least she looked amazing. “Let’s give those ‘men’ a day they’ll never forget.”
“No murdering now.”
“Yes Miriam.”
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immiesblog · 6 years ago
*The other street*
It's a one way tip,
It makes everything move fast, I love sport cars. It's the furioucity that exceed my adrenalin to reach its peak.
See, something about climax, you lose control
We all want to control (at some point) I like that, it's like ectasy, your body controls your mind, it's good for sometime.
You smile when the speed is out of control, you see the starts way upfront your eyes like your cerebellum immaculately perfecting your motor nerve(the connector doing its function)
You make me smile.
"addiction is a Monster"
I didn't pledge not to get addicted to you. Ohh I have a plan, let's make u my Rehab, feed me drugs everyday but reducing the amount now and then. Ok, it won't won't. Why? I want to stay addicted you.
It's you.
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immiesblog · 6 years ago
Metaphorically cleaned.
Every moment you think of something your cerebellum has already sent the message as it's as to how your body should pose. All thinking aspects combined to form at least one reflex. A reflection which will get you thinking afterwards about most probably your life, the actions you're taking every second of the time and also how slightly different thoughts can infiltrate your fibres haha
Voluntary movements.
Deliberate is never part of the punch. Moving in circles is based as a "time wasting" relapse. But on the basic, it's practicing to know your moves before attempting to think about them, it's actually about understanding how practical your brain can work, the heart on the other hand, dribble for a very different thing. I don't like that, it messes with my mind and also other beings... Sun set, almost 90% of the things you did today will come back to you but in a dream form, see the mind is very Intriguing, truly. It captures 100% of the minors and majors done daily, majors I mean all that may occur in a pleasant way and those of life threatening, no happiness threatening yep. And when the body is relaxed, including the heart(except beating and pumping blood), the mind is free to work, really no interruptions, giving you back what you had during his the day. Respect that.
The following day, somehow it is Cleaned.
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immiesblog · 6 years ago
... But I wouldn't lie and love you
And mortal sin Not
Philosophy of a Rebel
I cannot trust your truth,     So tell me all your lies I fear not the uncouth    I embrace what you despise.
Bind me never to a law:    Freedom cannot lie therein –  For how can all I felt and saw   Be but one great mortal sin?
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immiesblog · 6 years ago
You and I
As I tend to misconcept you with I, the true meaning though is I will always go with You or maybe it's the zeal that I get ... Me with you works perfectly punctual but "We" always takes the girl home. I, no wait We are so twirling better than a grape vine. I like me better with you and it's only because now it's a cult of You and I.
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immiesblog · 6 years ago
I didn't lie.
One point in a railway will perhaps make the train go lower half strokes, I get that. Different streams and different velocities, at that end, there's one point. It's always one.
Even my metabolism would agree, sometimes it attempt all the right stuff but don't apply to what the body is taking. They thought apologizing for every reason was the best option to minimize the lies, of which was a lie on itself. Inner self also questions every action, have quarrels within, ending it it's one point.
I'm not running away... but to something, something that I think I know but truth is am not sure of what to expect, though disappointments will always be part of the menuva. It's ok, the heart can take as many drills as it can... Actually to a point where the mind can't do it anymore. Now, see how the heart can mislead one? Right, the concept of quite easy, well at least being said but reacting to it its another hole with sun ants.
The mind takes what the inner mind decides and eventually, what the body acted on but it's all in the Mind. I accept that. I, I and I
In every cell and Fibre of my being, always, there's something dancing and drumming in a different way, truly its confusing, and the tricky part is I know the last point. Instead am just gonna dilly-dell with all the answers of which are just contradicting... But now, does this also happen to some beings? I suppose yes. And yes, I know the perfect stream which will benefit my thoughts and will definitely won't mislead me.
I lied.
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immiesblog · 6 years ago
I'm ready
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