science-lover33 · 1 year
Unraveling the Wonders of the Neuron and Brain (Part 1)
Hey there, Tumblr fam! Today, let's dive deep into the intricate world of neurons and the brain. 🧠✨
Anatomy of a Neuron
Neurons are the building blocks of the nervous system, responsible for transmitting information throughout your body. They have a unique structure, consisting of three main parts:
Cell Body (Soma): This is like the neuron's control center. It contains the nucleus, which houses the cell's DNA and controls its activities.
Dendrites: These branch-like extensions protruding from the cell body are the neuron's antennae. They receive signals from other neurons or sensory receptors, transmitting these signals to the cell body.
Axon: Think of the axon as the neuron's transmission line. It's a long, slender, cable-like structure that carries signals away from the cell body, toward other neurons or target cells.
At the end of the axon, you'll find axon terminals, where neurotransmitters are released to communicate with the next neuron or target cell.
Physiology of a Neuron
Neurons are all about transmitting information through electrical impulses and chemical signals. Here's a quick rundown:
Resting Membrane Potential: Neurons have a resting state where the inside is negatively charged compared to the outside due to the uneven distribution of ions (like sodium and potassium) across the cell membrane. This creates a potential difference called the resting membrane potential.
Action Potential: When a neuron receives a strong enough signal (usually from dendrites), it can generate an action potential—a rapid change in membrane potential. This electrical signal travels down the axon like a wave.
Synaptic Transmission: When the action potential reaches the axon terminals, it triggers the release of neurotransmitters into the synapse, the tiny gap between neurons. These chemicals bind to receptors on the next neuron, initiating a new electrical signal.
The Marvelous Brain
Now, let's shift our focus to the brain—the command center of your entire nervous system. 🌟
Your brain consists of various regions, each with specific functions. Here are a few key areas:
Cerebrum: This is the largest part and is divided into two hemispheres, each responsible for various cognitive functions like thinking, memory, and sensory perception.
Cerebellum: Located at the back of your brain, it plays a crucial role in balance, coordination, and fine motor skills.
Brainstem: Situated at the base of the brain, it controls basic life-sustaining functions like breathing and heart rate.
Hippocampus: Essential for memory formation and storage.
Amygdala: Involved in processing emotions and emotional memories.
And there's so much more to explore!
Bear, M. F., Connors, B. W., & Paradiso, M. A. (2016). "Neuroscience: Exploring the Brain." Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Purves, D., et al. (2017). "Neuroscience." Sinauer Associates, Inc.
Kandel, E. R., Schwartz, J. H., & Jessell, T. M. (2012). "Principles of Neural Science." McGraw-Hill Education.
These references will provide you with in-depth insights into the fascinating world of neurons and the brain. Remember, your brain is a universe waiting to be explored! 🌌💡🔬
Stay curious, Tumblr pals! 😊🧠
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bunnywip · 10 months
Achilles tendon rupture.
Aerosol burn.
Asthma attack.
Abdominal pain.
Ankle sprain.
Adrenaline crash.
Aortic disruption.
Anaphylactic shock.
Bear trap.
Blunt kidney trauma.
Broken bone.
Buried alive.
Blood poisoning.
Blunt cardiac injury.
Burn out.
Blood sugar crash.
Black eye.
Cat bite.
Coping mechanisms.
Car crash.
Carbon monoxide poisoning.
Carpal tunnel syndrome.
Chemical burn.
Chilli burn.
Cardiac arrest.
Corneal abrasion.
Dangerous diet.
Diffuse axonal injury.
Dog bite.
Diaphragmatic rupture.
Electric shock.
Electric burn.
Emergency surgery.
Ear infection.
First-degree burn.
Flail chest.
Flash burn.
Food poisoning.
Falling from height.
Falling over.
Friction burn.
Groin pull/strain.
Gunshot wound.
Heart attack.
Herniated disc.
Human bite.
High fever.
Home invasion.
Heat exhaustion.
Hay fever.
Hidden injury.
Heart palpitations.
Ice (slipping, falling through, etc).
Internal bleeding.
Jet lag.
Knee dislocation.
Kidney stones.
Memory loss.
Muscular atrophy.
Muscle bruise.
Muscle overuse.
Menstrual cramps.
Neck sprain.
Open fractures.
Penile fracture.
Perforated eardrum.
Pulled muscle.
Pinched nerve.
Puncture wound.
Rotator cuff tear.
Rib fracture.
Shoulder dislocation.
Shark attack.
Stubbed toe.
Skull fracture.
Sting (wasp, jellyfish, etc).
Smoke inhalation.
Slipped rib.
Smoke inhalation.
Second-degree burn.
Stomach ulcers.
Spiked drink.
Stab wound.
Snake bite.
Skinned flesh.
Scraped flesh.
Sleep deprivation.
Sleep paralysis.
Subconjunctival hemorrhages.
Traumatic aortic rupture.
Torn muscle.
Third-degree burn.
Traumatic asphyxia.
Uterine perforation.
Vomiting blood.
Wisdom teeth.
Worked to exhaustion.
Water infection.
Yeast infection.
Zombie apocalypse.
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compneuropapers · 27 days
Interesting Papers for Week 35, 2024
Functional diversity of dopamine axons in prefrontal cortex during classical conditioning. Abe, K., Kambe, Y., Majima, K., Hu, Z., Ohtake, M., Momennezhad, A., … Sato, T. (2024). eLife, 12, e91136.3.
The pupil dilation response as an indicator of visual cue uncertainty and auditory outcome surprise. Becker, J., Viertler, M., Korn, C. W., & Blank, H. (2024). European Journal of Neuroscience, 59(10), 2686–2701.
Visual statistical learning in preverbal infants at a higher likelihood of autism and its association with later social communication skills. Bettoni, R., Cantiani, C., Riboldi, E. M., Molteni, M., Bulf, H., & Riva, V. (2024). PLOS ONE, 19(5), e0300274.
Computational reconstruction of mental representations using human behavior. Caplette, L., & Turk-Browne, N. B. (2024). Nature Communications, 15, 4183.
Spiking activity in the visual thalamus is coupled to pupil dynamics across temporal scales. Crombie, D., Spacek, M. A., Leibold, C., & Busse, L. (2024). PLOS Biology, 22(5), e3002614.
Role of dopamine neurons in familiarity. Fleury, S., Kolaric, R., Espera, J., Ha, Q., Tomaio, J., Gether, U., … Mingote, S. (2024). European Journal of Neuroscience, 59(10), 2522–2534.
Infralimbic activity during REM sleep facilitates fear extinction memory. Hong, J., Choi, K., Fuccillo, M. V., Chung, S., & Weber, F. (2024). Current Biology, 34(10), 2247-2255.e5.
Information-based TMS to mid-lateral prefrontal cortex disrupts action goals during emotional processing. Lapate, R. C., Heckner, M. K., Phan, A. T., Tambini, A., & D’Esposito, M. (2024). Nature Communications, 15, 4294.
Jointly looking to the past and the future in visual working memory. Liu, B., Alexopoulou, Z.-S., & van Ede, F. (2024). eLife, 12, e90874.3.
Self-organization of modular activity in immature cortical networks. Mulholland, H. N., Kaschube, M., & Smith, G. B. (2024). Nature Communications, 15, 4145.
Grouping in working memory guides chunk formation in long-term memory: Evidence from the Hebb effect. Musfeld, P., Dutli, J., Oberauer, K., & Bartsch, L. M. (2024). Cognition, 248, 105795.
Peripheral preprocessing in Drosophila facilitates odor classification. Puri, P., Wu, S.-T., Su, C.-Y., & Aljadeff, J. (2024). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 121(21), e2316799121.
Heuristics in risky decision-making relate to preferential representation of information. Russek, E. M., Moran, R., Liu, Y., Dolan, R. J., & Huys, Q. J. M. (2024). Nature Communications, 15, 4269.
Ventral tegmental area dopamine projections to the hippocampus trigger long-term potentiation and contextual learning. Sayegh, F. J. P., Mouledous, L., Macri, C., Pi Macedo, J., Lejards, C., Rampon, C., … Dahan, L. (2024). Nature Communications, 15, 4100.
The expression of decision and learning variables in movement patterns related to decision actions. Selbing, I., & Skewes, J. (2024). Experimental Brain Research, 242(6), 1311–1325.
The differential impact of active learning on children’s memory. Stanciu, O., Jones, A., Metzner, N., Fandakova, Y., & Ruggeri, A. (2024). Developmental Psychology, 60(5), 904–915.
Predictions and errors are distinctly represented across V1 layers. Thomas, E. R., Haarsma, J., Nicholson, J., Yon, D., Kok, P., & Press, C. (2024). Current Biology, 34(10), 2265-2271.e4.
Graded decisions in the human brain. Xie, T., Adamek, M., Cho, H., Adamo, M. A., Ritaccio, A. L., Willie, J. T., … Kubanek, J. (2024). Nature Communications, 15, 4308.
Visual boundary cues suffice to anchor place and grid cells in virtual reality. Yang, X., Cacucci, F., Burgess, N., Wills, T. J., & Chen, G. (2024). Current Biology, 34(10), 2256-2264.e3.
The tuning of tuning: How adaptation influences single cell information transfer. Zeldenrust, F., Calcini, N., Yan, X., Bijlsma, A., & Celikel, T. (2024). PLOS Computational Biology, 20(5), e1012043.
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quitepossiblyknot · 14 days
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Where physics and engineer meet art and neuroscience
Where memories are collected
A point, one-dimensional, existing in a sphere, becoming 3-dimensional, emitter, the signal from infra colliculi
A line, the base, a plane that exists, at the basilar artery
V for volume is the equivalent to the sentence that made the point, what exists in the sphere is an angle, the mention of becoming is an aspect, in this trifecta of subject matter exists an energy, frequency, and vibration
The 2nd dimension is the line, what extends outwardly, where that extent reaches is b
B with an arrow pointing back is the remembering of 2D, I being induction, the quantum mechanics*** of that act on the parahippocampal gyrus**, recalling*
Induction to C is angular momentum with parietal lobe of recollecting I with the arrow under b, the magnetic field density, Volume to C is the current to the circuit within
The last 3 sentences are a trisynaptic circuit from a current, from Ic, Ie being the trisynaptic loop and Ve being episodic memory
(C) tuned into a frequency
(E) tapped into a vibration
(B) put out a particular energy
Collector at p is the higher plane of what gathered angular momentum
Base at n is where is the emission was neutralized at length to distribute a wave form
Emitter at p is the lower plane of radiating what made active a line, the comingling of what emitted in time for linear expansion to a frequency modification and amplitude modulation
Vb, the base for the basal ganglia to behave in a manner that corresponds with angular gyrus****(angular acceleration amplifying a brain wave), as the angles that met amplitude were particles to the amplified modulus, the voluminous flux from descriptions that modified within the frequencies of the axes that orbitted as potential for 3d to be the proportion what became a shape, thus, thought form inducing a state to describe what signaled a blood circuit to crystallize a circulation where Ve is the volume of the energy to encapsulate linearity of encoded information to dispere across channels, the ion to what came to be ionic Vc, the vacuum that coordinated to aspecting the collapse of the wave function, therein, Vce < 0, the entorhinal cortex sensing the postsynaptic axon terminal ending the point, the extending of a nerve to the paraterminal gyrus to begin signaling the beginning*** of Vbe* to a brain function***** what be that as an oscillation amplified is where it is now a wavelength Vbe<0
A neural connection based on a neural current, the vein and insulat cortex from brain stem and emission expressed, from a medium spiky neuron at nucleus accumbens and the pineal gland from astroglial cells
Clearer than before and continually clearing the way
Inner engineering relative to metaphysics, the art of learning and observing
The knot quite possibly tied it all together[indefinitely]
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I have really good memory and I remember every detail of everything of everyone and I remember all my dreams.
I know every word in the raw vegan dictionary and I remember all the vitamins and minerals from memory and I know what a dendrite is and hemoglobin and nuclease and mitochondria and nucleotides and beta-carotene and lysosome and metabolites and artery and axon and neurotransmitter and gaba and dopamine and oxytocin and norepinephrine and serotonin and RNA and actg and synapse I know Avogadro's number and mole and I know all the elements on the periodic table from memory and benzene ring and electron and electron orbitals and proton and neutron and quark and the second law of thermodynamics I know gravity and the speed of sound and the Doppler effect I know question hypothesis experiment results conclusion repeat I know t cell I know white blood cell I know red blood cell I know microgram, milligram, gram, kilogram I know virus bacteria mold spore mildew pathogen microorganism cortisol I know nuclear fusion and fission and atom and solar energy and solar panels I know photosynthesis and cell wall plant and cell membrane animal and transport vesicles I know ureter urethra I know plague, cure, treatment, psychiatry, I know antidepressant, antipsychotic, stimulant, sleep suppressant, I know expectorant, I know laxative, I know diuretic, domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species, mammal, reptile, insect, fish, avian, predator, prey, endogenous, exogenous, malignant, benign I know spine femur bicep tricep glutes shin pectoral abdomen arachnid exoskeleton vertebrate invertebrate the Mohs hardness scale amnesia CAT scan thermal imaging gamma ray microwave radiowave infrared ultraviolet emulsification forearm allele dominant trait melanin plasma Wi-Fi fiber optics cable e = mC² radius diameter pi algorithm √ exponent algebra area of a circle formula isosceles scalene equilateral acute obtuse lava magma bedrock sedimentary rock igneous rock metamorphic rock metamorphosis incubation pap smear uterus fallopian tube maxi pad.
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swanno-arts · 1 year
👀 🤲 any details about your fallout au gamer
GRIPS YOUR SHOULDERS. can i talk about cygnus and formes' downfalls? can i talk about them being what they once HATED???
okay so this got WAY TOO LONG, I have to splice this into two so here's Cygnus' bit under the cut first!! I'll reblog this and add Formes' after!!
[CW mention of gun violence/injuries and suicide]
Cygnus and The Balancing Act SO, Cygnus! He's the sixth courier from the Mojave Express tasked to deliver packages to Mr. House. Only he has the actual package, the Platinum Chip and because of that he got fucked over by Benny and his gang and was almost left for dead. Thankfully Doc Mitchell saved him even though he has to live with losing one eye and a dreadful amnesia.
Cygnus goes on a wild goose chase to retrieve the package he lost and ends up later in New Vegas. Though he HATED New Vegas as someone who had to survive the hard way and see people die just trying to live while these people are getting high off their asses gambling everything the have. Meeting Mr. House did not make anything better. Distraught and overwhelmed, he told Swanno and Axon (his companions, Swan once being a thief in Primm and Axon being Courier Two) that he'd need some time alone to walk off the stress and that he'll deal with Benny when he's in the right mind to talk things through.
Though, on his lonesome, Cygnus just ends up stumbling into MORE problems. Such as having his entire spine, heart and brain swapped with cybernetics in Old World Blues (though he did get a cool new cybernetic robot eye just because one of the Think Tank guys didn't like an empty face hole?). Got in an entire argument with his own brain and decided to LEAVE it. He's growing more and more distraught and exhausted. My GOD he just want to get this all over with.
THEN, the big kicker, Lonesome Road. Cygnus stumbled into the Divide, and although the place seemed familiar to him, his amnesia just couldn't pin it down. Though, you can IMAGINE the amount of emotions going on in him when he learned that the entire destruction and the creation of the Divide was HIS FAULT. He gave birth to its community, he kept the community alive and YET, it was also him to bring it to its demise. He caused so much hell and he WALKED FREE AWAY FROM IT. Cygnus grew so distraught that he couldn't convince Ulysses to not fire the missile without going down in a fight. As if killing a fellow courier wasn't enough, having to see ED-E sacrifice itself to stop the missile just broke him entirely. He fled the Divide a changed man completely. With the Old Glory in his hands, he decided he'll right the wrongs.
Cygnus returned to New Vegas and stormed into The Tops. Getting access to Benny's room, he waited before he ambushed the poor guy and starts to beat him up senselessly. When Benny begged for mercy, Cygnus shot him twice, on the forehead and on the eye. Snatching the Platinum Chip (and one fun little encounter with Yes Man) he returned to House, demanding his pay (curse his People Pleaser perk, he can't bargain beyond 1000 caps). When House elaborates his plan with the chip, Cygnus simply did as told as he later activated the Securitons (and maybe fuck over Caesar while he's at it). Returning to New Vegas however, he betrays both Yes Man and House, killing House with the strike of the Old Glory. Manipulating his cybernetics, he gains control to House' systems and uses it to control his securitrons in the Battle of Hoover Dam. New Vegas, now independent... sike! Manipulating his cybernetics even more, Cygnus literally wires himself into the system ala House, taking over completely. He enacts what he calls The Balancing Act, a rule for all of New Vegas and the Mojave that EVERYONE is going to live an equal life. There won't be a poor nor a rich, SOMEHOW, everyone has to be in the middle grounds of it. He though YEAH that'll fix everything and everyone's gonna live happily ever after!
Except, no, it can't work that way. The act was so vague and this imaginary middle ground is even vaguer. The Balancing Act was a complete failure and people were MAD about it, but Cygnus... ahem, Mr. Six, had grown oblivious about it while he played dictator and House Part 2. The more people protest or slightly go off the balance, Six would sic a bot on them. Swanno and Axon got wind to the whole crap and when they learned it was CYGNUS that's behind all this, oh boy what the HELL and HOW THE THE HELL did that happened. They tried confronting him once, and Six was kind enough to offer them to stay in the Lucky 38 for several months because hey we're friends and I love you both dearly wanna be my second and third in commands? No? After everything I did for you two? Get out. They both got booted out and oh boy this cannot go on. So both Swanno and Axon planned to confront Six once more.
Axon created a rouse to distract the securitrons while Swanno sneaks his way back into the Lucky 38. Fucking around with the terminals, he finally gained access to where Six was expecting him. Six will threaten Swanno to back out, saying it was for her own good. After debates of the Balancing Act's failure and lots of emotional hell, Six decided that if Swanno won't listen, she can just try to kill him if that's what she wanted so badly. From here, there would be several options.
First Bad End, Swanno chooses to attack Six, initiating a fight. Swanno kills Six and severed his connection to the system, bringing New Vegas and the Mojave back to independence. ... Though, with Six dead, so was Cygnus.
Second Bad End, Swanno tries to reason with Six but failed to pass the needed checks. This will end up with a fight that would also end in Six's death.
Through difficult checks, Swanno manages to reason with Six and convince him to see what he had brought upon. Seeing the reality of the Act, Cygnus snaps back and drops the Six facade. Falling back, he broke into a break down, completely distraught that he was (once again) bringing destruction, this time by his own choice. Swanno attempts to comfort him, but Cygnus insisted that she shouldn't be near him as he tries to sever himself off the system - tripping the security systems as it registered himself being attacked. After disarming the security (through combat), Cygnus finally severs himself off the system, cutting off his control over the securitrons. Swanno attempts to comfort Cygnus once more as he broke down into a sob. Cygnus mentions that what he had done cannot be fixed and he should pay for what he had done. There was no righting his wrongs anymore. Again, Swanno would be given several options to end Cygnus' dilemma.
Third Bad End, either by allowing him or failing to convince him otherwise, Cygnus would commit suicide, claiming death was the only way he could repay everything he had done (referring to not only The Balancing Act, but to the Divide as well).
The Good End, Swanno convinces Cygnus not to take his own life. Instead, he tells him that if he really wanted to disconnect himself to his deeds he could leave (read: exile himself from) the Mojave altogether. Cygnus takes the suggestion but tells Swanno that he'll be going alone, unable to bear the possibility of hurting them again. Swanno refuses and insist that she and Axon would travel with him. Cygnus finally relents and the three of them would make their escape out of New Vegas and the Mojave completely. (Who runs New Vegas now? Who knows, maybe Yes Man came around lol)
The three would end up as wanderers in the greater wastelands with no real destination in mind. Cygnus still finds it hard to disconnect himself from what happened... but he's trying. Really hard.
On their mile long journey across what's left of America... they encounter a peculiar man with his Mr. Handy companion... and a strange feeling of an always lurking gaze.
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explodingsillycat · 4 months
gang i’m bouta go on a big fat ramble about miracle musical art of MY interpretation that makes no sense cuz i can
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CW!: Mention of st*bbing (a), unsettling thoughts (?), small mention of animal sl*ughter (a), small mention of D*vil (e), implications of insanity (?)
Stella + Simon :]
1: Stella!!1 - Inside her head during “Murders” (Conceptualized Art of her thoughts/brain, kinda)
-Swirls, Spinning, Dizzying, Dark
She’s so confused, her head reeling, a blur almost. Why would he say such confusing, terrifying things? Going on about how if they die together, then they’ll be together forever! Where was the sweet, charming man who always reassured her, comforted her, who loved her?!
Did he get lost in the forest?
Why was he talking so fast? His words nearly gumbling together, why does he look so hysterical?! His voice was flat, almost emotionless, yet quick, panicked almost.
She was terrified. Maybe the most she’s ever been in her life. What a strange thing, your emotions being heighten around your love. Never would she imagine she’d make her feel so scared. It’s suppose to be that he makes her so much more happy.
She tried to look into his eyes - it was difficult with the dark shadows in contrast to the bright moon.
His eyes were only darting all over her, tracking every single movement she made. Was he aware she was so terrified?!
“We must. It’s necessary. We must be together. Together. Together forever.”
Why would the love of her life stab her?
2: Simon!!1! - Inside the Mind of Simon (Ta—💥💥) during “The Mind Electric” (Same Thing W/ Stellaaa)
-Scattered Sparks, Electric Line (idk gang look at the photo), Dark, Sharp
Where Am I? Where is he? Where were they? Who are they? Who is he? What is this?
Where is She?
Are you an animal? A pig to the slaughter?
Where am I? Am I even here?
He was so confused, scared—
What is this on my head?
Who am I?
Please, I didn’t want to. I didn’t mean to.
“Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT for short) is a treatment that involves sending an electric current through your brain.”
Save (me) us.
Stella, my love, I am truly sorry. Forgive me.
H u m m i n g
“It’s the devil! The devil is within that boy!”
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bpod-bpod · 1 year
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Laying Down Axons
To send a message between nerve cells, a signal needs to leave the terminal of one, cross the space called a synapse, before arriving at the next. Like a train following the tracks to reach the correct destination. These tracks are laid down when our brains are developing, but what controls exactly where was unclear. Researchers have revealed in fruit flies that interactions between axons – nerve fibres – in the central nervous system contribute to where synapses are positioned. Pain-sensing neurons (magenta) normally form a ladder-like arrangement (the rails and sleepers), whereas touch-sensing neurons (green) mainly form along the rails but don’t cross the middle (top panel). Each type of neuron has their own zone. Researchers disrupted the ability of pain-sensing neurons to form their usual pattern and found that more touch-sensing neurons could now cross the middle (bottom panel), showing how axons work together to lay down the correct patterns.
Written by Sophie Arthur
Image from work by Samantha E. Galindo and colleagues
Mortimer B. Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA
Image originally published with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Published in Development, March 2023
You can also follow BPoD on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook
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Well, I got one person that said yes to the previous post, and that's technically 100% of the vote, so here is the entire list, in alphabetical order, of the Terran Task Force, complete with their ID code. Put under the cut because. Obviously 😂
Which one is your favorite? I'm dying to know 😊 send me all of your thoughts cuz Primus knows I'll need help developing these bitties
Accelerator (A-1)
Ace (A-2)
Aero (A-3)
Alkaline (A-4)
Allele (A-5)
Ammunition (A-6)
Ampere (A-7)
Antiseptic (A-8)
Arrowhead (A-9)
Ashfall (A-10)
Atlas (A-11)
Atom (A-12)
Aurturius Maximus (A-13)
Axis (A-14)
Axon (A-15)
Backstab (B-1)
Backstrike (B-2)
Barrier (B-3)
Baseline (B-4)
Bastion (B-5)
Blazewing (B-6)
Blockade (B-7)
Bodybag (B-8)
Boombox (B-9)
Brainwash (B-10)
Breakcheck (B-11)
Breeze (B-12)
Broadcast (B-13)
Bullseye (B-14)
Catacomb (C-1)
Catalyst (C-2)
Chainsaw (C-3)
Chisel (C-4)
Cirrus (C-5)
Clearsky (C-6)
Clearwater (C-7)
Cliffclimber (C-8)
Clockwork (C-9)
Constellation (C-10)
Cremator (C-11)
Crossbow (C-12)
Crossflare (C-13)
Crypt (C-14)
Cutlass (C-15)
Cyclone (C-16)
Dart (D-1)
Daybreaker (D-2)
Debris (D-3)
Demo (D-4)
Detonator (D-5)
Double Dash (D-6)
Double Dutch (D-7)
Downburst (D-8)
Dropkick (D-9)
Earthquake (E-1)
Echolalia (E-2)
Echolocate (E-3)
Enigma (E-4)
Equation (E-5)
Figment (F-1)
Firefly (F-2)
Flamethrower (F-3)
Flashflood (F-4)
Flashfreeze (F-5)
Flourescence (F-6)
Fogbank (F-7)
Fragment (F-8)
Freelance (F-9)
Frostbyte (F-10)
Froststar (F-11)
Gadget (G-1)
Galaxy (G-2)
Gasket (G-3)
Gauge (G-4)
Galvanize (G-5)
Geocache (G-6)
Glaciate (G-7)
Glaive (G-8)
Goldstrike (G-9)
Greenbeam (G-10)
Gripper (G-11)
Hailstone (H-1)
Hailstorm (H-2)
Handsaw (H-3)
Hardcore (H-4)
Hazmat (H-5)
Hellraiser (H-6)
High Dive (H-7)
Highwire (H-8)
Horizon (H-9)
Hyperdrive (H-10)
Ice Storm (I-1)
Igneous (I-2)
Ignition (I-3)
Illusion (I-4)
Illusory (I-5)
Imager (I-6)
Imperius (I-7)
Iodine (I-8)
Jailbreak (J-1)
Javelin (J-2)
Jumpdrive (J-3)
Jumpstart (J-4)
Keynote (K-1)
Kinetic (K-2)
Killswitch (K-3)
Lacerate (L-1)
Latticework (L-2)
Levellor (L-3)
Lightning (L-4)
Lightspeed (L-5)
Lobotomy (L-6)
Lookout (L-7)
Mach-3 (M-1)
Mach-4 (M-2)
Mach-5 (M-3)
Magma (M-4)
Maze (M-5)
Microbe (M-6)
Mirror (M-7)
Mistcover (M-8)
Molotov (M-9)
Myriad (M-10)
Network (N-1)
Neurotoxin (N-2)
Nightbuster (N-3)
Nightfall (N-4)
Nightwatch (N-5)
Nimbus (N-6)
Nocturne (N-7)
Noisemaker (N-8)
Nucleus (N-9)
Oasis (O-1)
Operate (O-2)
Orbit (O-3)
Overboard (O-4)
Overcast (O-5)
Overflow (O-6)
Paladin (P-1)
Paradox (P-2)
Patchwork (P-3)
Pathfinder (P-4)
Pendulum (P-5)
Permafrost (P-6)
Petri Dish (P-7
Phalanx (P-8)
Phobia (P-9)
Pipette (P-10)
Pitfall (P-11)
Placebo (P-12)
Quantum (Q-1)
Quicksand (Q-2)
Quickshot (Q-3)
Radiowave (R-1)
Raindance (R-2)
Rainglow (R-3)
Ratio (R-4)
Resevoir (R-5)
Riptide (R-6)
Roundhouse (R-7)
Sabotage (S-1)
Scoria (S-2)
Serpentine (S-3)
Shatter (S-4)
Shuriken (S-5)
Silhouette (S-6)
Skyline (S-7)
Skyscape (S-8)
Skysplitter (S-9)
Snapshot (S-10)
Snowglow (S-11)
Snowshower (S-12)
Sonar (S-13)
Soundblaster (S-14)
Spectroscope (S-15)
Spectrum (S-16)
Spillover (S-17)
Spire (S-18)
Spritz (S-19)
Squall (S-20)
Static (S-21)
Storm Cell (S-22)
Storm Warning (S-23)
Stratus (S-24)
Stunt Double (S-25)
Subatomic (S-26)
Sunshower (S-27)
Sunwave (S-28)
Supercell (S-29)
Supernova (S-30)
Swiftwind (S-31)
Symmetry (S-32)
Synthwave (S-33)
Syringe (S-34)
Tarot (T-1)
Thunderstorm (T-2)
Tidbit (T-3)
Tornado (T-4)
Trailfire (T-5)
Traintrack (T-6)
Transfusion (T-7)
Tripwire (T-8)
Tsunami (T-9)
Twirl (T-10)
Ultrasound (U-1)
Ultraviolet (U-2)
Uprise (U-3)
Vaccine (V-1)
Vantage Point (V-2)
Vaportrail (V-3)
Vaporwave (V-4)
Vial (V-5)
Void (V-6)
Warpgate (W-1)
Washaway (W-2)
Weathervane (W-3)
Whiplash (W-4)
Whistlestop (W-5)
Whiteout (W-6)
Widget (W-7)
Windchime (W-8)
Windcutter (W-9)
Windfall (W-10)
Windspirit (W-11)
Workshop (W-12)
Xenolith (X-1)
Xylophone (X-2)
Yellowcard (Y-1)
Yellowjacket (Y-2)
Zigzag (Z-1)
Zipzap (Z-2)
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mlobsters · 1 year
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supernatural s8e3 heartache (w. brad buckner, eugenie ross-leming)
another jackles directed episode. hold on to your butts.
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oh boy they're in minneapolis, i lived there for 8 years? 7? *trying to calculate the year based on my oldest being 3.5 when we moved....* ok yes, 7. anyway. lake! no wait, river. wait, that's actually the minneapolis skyline. i worked downtown for a while. did you know the mississippi river goes through minneapolis? (i did not before i moved there)
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cool thing about minneapolis?? skyways! enclosed walkways between buildings downtown so you don't have to go outside because it's fucking cold in the winter: The Minneapolis Skyway System is the largest contiguous system of enclosed, second-level bridges in the world—composed of 9.5 miles of pathways connecting 80 city blocks. all right. weird. getting nostalgic. MOVING ON
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oh babes with the orange faces, again. i am so sorry.
SAM [slowly] Farmers' market. [He holds up the apple.] Organic. What? I had a year off. I took the time to enjoy the good things. DEAN While avoiding doing what we actually do. SAM Wow, Dean, does it make you feel that much better every time you say it? DEAN All right, man, look, I get it. You took a year off to do yoga and play the lute, whatever, but I'm back. Okay, we're back, which means that we walk and kill monsters at the same time. We'll find Kevin. But in the meantime, do we ignore stuff like this? Or are innocent people supposed to die so that you can shop for produce?
i so do not like this conflict. putting all this weird shit on sam, taking the year off from hunting and settling down because he thought dean was dead, that's fine! whatever! maybe that's in character maybe not, i dunno! but having him totally fail kevin.. maybe you could argue without dean he stops caring about anyone? but i don't think it's that deep :p (also the whole girlfriend dog situation)
so i think they wrote sam into a shitty situation. i think dean is being extra asshole-ish about it. i'm mad at everyone in this scenario
DEAN All right, case is coming together. Things are coming together, man. You and me. It is all good. [SAM doesn’t respond.] Hey. SAM What? DEAN What are you thinking about, organic tomatoes? SAM Uh, I'm not thinking about anything. DEAN I don't know about you, but this last year has given me a new perspective. SAM I hear you. Believe me. DEAN I know where I'm at my best, and that is right here, driving down crazy street next to you.
oh, dean. why'd they set you up like this. (lol also it sounds like he smacks sam's leg when he says right here *pat*)
SAM Makes sense. DEAN Yes, it does. SAM Or... maybe you don't need me. I mean, maybe you're at your best hacking and slicing your way through all the world's crap alone, not having to explain yourself to anybody. DEAN Yeah, that makes sense, seeing as I have so many other brothers I can talk to about this stuff. SAM Look, I'm not saying I'm bailing on you. I'm just saying make room for the possibility that we want different things. I mean, I want my time to count for something. DEAN So, what we do doesn't count?
what year is this, i feel like we've been down this road enough. i can come up with good justifications but i don't think again the show is doing the work to support that.
DEAN Well, this is gonna singe your axons.
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SAM So, everybody knows about Brick's football career, obviously, but no one knows much about his personal life. Was he ever married? MRS HOLMES Just to the game. He gave it everything he had. It's a difficult life.
LOLLL she made him do the sad thinky thoughts how this parallels my life and i can never get married either if i stay married to the job ;( ;( i am so over this plotline lol
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looks like we're back to the old desktop again (s8e1 for comparison)
DEAN Uh, oh, got another e-mail here, too. This one is for you. From a university. Answering questions about admissions. SAM Just something I'm looking into. An option. DEAN You're seriously talking about hanging it up? SAM I'm not talking about anything, Dean. I'm just looking at options.
my heart hurt with that one. having no privacy, including email, really sucks. i was in an abusive situation for years where my partner could read my email. that said, sam knows it's shared, he knows dean could very well see it. and well. hurts dean sam wants to leave again. so now i'm hurt by proxy while also being mad at the contrivances of the plot. bah.
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DEAN Maybe she moved into Brick's room after he died. Or... DEAN looks at the bed. SAM Oh. Thanks, Dean. Now that image is permanently etched into my retinas.
did the supernatural fraternal incest subtext-bordering-on-text show just make a joke about incest
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oh no. get someone better at photoshop, please, it's dick all over again 😭 (looks like we're back to the new desktop)
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that's some kind of situation he got himself in
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did dean need to almost get his heart ripped out for sammy to learn some lesson about his brother needing him? (nope) *insert imaginary future arguments of "well why don't you just go hunt with benny"*
SAM Dean, listen, when this is over – when we close up shop on Kevin and the tablet – I'm done. I mean that. DEAN No, you don't. SAM Dean, the year that I took off, I had something I've never had. A normal life. I mean, I got to see what that felt like. I want that. I had that. DEAN I think that's just how you feel right now.
continue to hate this lalala
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um. okayyyyy
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s3e10 dream a little dream of me (dean's dream of lisa)
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and he's tearing up over the memory. all right. crisis of faith at the altar of dean.
HAH actually it's like that awful nonsense lisa braeden said, about how the past year was the best of her life - meanwhile dean said he was falling apart and miserable (she deserved better writing) -- except in this case, dean died (presumably) and sam moved on and it ~WAS (apparently) THE BEST YEAR OF HIS LIFE~ (he also deserves better writing)
good luck getting down here to my deep thoughts when you gotta wade past a glowing review of minneapolis minnesota first
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science-lover33 · 1 year
Delving Deeper into Neuron Anatomy and Brain Functionality (Part 2)
Welcome back, Tumblr enthusiasts! In Part 1, we took our first steps into the neuron and brain universe. Now, let's journey further into their astonishing anatomy and intricate physiology. 🌌💡
Now that we've dived even deeper into the neuron's inner workings and explored more brain regions, I hope you're as captivated as I am by the wonders of neuroscience. Continue to feed your curiosity and stay tuned for more brainy adventures! 🧠
Neuron Anatomy (Continued)
Myelin Sheath: Wrapped around many axons, this fatty insulating layer is like the neuron's protective armor. It speeds up the transmission of electrical signals by allowing them to "jump" from one gap in the myelin sheath, called the Nodes of Ranvier, to the next. Think of it as a high-speed neural highway.
Schwann Cells and Oligodendrocytes: These specialized cells produce the myelin sheath. In the peripheral nervous system (PNS), Schwann cells individually wrap around axons. In the central nervous system (CNS), oligodendrocytes extend processes to multiple axons, forming myelin sheaths around them.
Sensory and Motor Neurons: Neurons aren't one-size-fits-all; they come in different shapes and sizes. Sensory neurons (afferent) bring sensory information from your body and surroundings to your brain and spinal cord. Motor neurons (efferent) carry commands from the brain and spinal cord to muscles and glands, allowing you to move and react.
Neuron Physiology (Continued)
Neurotransmitters: These chemical messengers are the key to communication between neurons. When an action potential reaches the axon terminals, it triggers the release of neurotransmitters into the synapse. These molecules bind to receptors on the neighboring neuron, initiating or inhibiting a new electrical signal, depending on the neurotransmitter type.
Synaptic Plasticity: Neurons can change the strength of their connections through a phenomenon called synaptic plasticity. This allows us to adapt and learn. Two important types include long-term potentiation (LTP), which strengthens synapses, and long-term depression (LTD), which weakens them.
Brain Functionality (Continued)
Thalamus: Often called the "relay station," the thalamus acts as a switchboard, directing sensory information (except for smell) to the appropriate regions of the cerebral cortex for further processing.
Hypothalamus: This small but mighty structure regulates many essential functions, including hunger, thirst, body temperature, and the body's internal clock (circadian rhythms).
Frontal Cortex: Located in the frontal lobes of the cerebral cortex, this region is responsible for higher cognitive functions like decision-making, planning, reasoning, and personality.
Temporal Lobes: These are crucial for auditory processing and memory. The hippocampus, nestled deep within the temporal lobes, is essential for forming new memories.
Purves, D., et al. (2017). "Neuroscience." Sinauer Associates, Inc.
Kandel, E. R., Schwartz, J. H., & Jessell, T. M. (2012). "Principles of Neural Science." McGraw-Hill Education.
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cretaceousoverbs · 2 years
Lexember 2022: Sagaian
Instead of my Cretaceous languages, I've been working on Sagaian this year. Sagaia is the primary country in my Narnia-inspired fantasy; it is a country of talking animals, centaurs, satyrs, fauns, river-dwelling naiads, and dryad-filled forests. The story itself is a feminist exploration of the explicit and implicit themes in Narnia: spirituality, nature, gender, social inequality, and how to build a just, diverse community.
Sagaian is a mix of Irish and Latin. The first settlers were humans from early 20th-century Ireland, but it was later conquered by a witch who spoke a variety of Latin, and imposed her language on the country. (The name "Sagaia" is "Land of the Witch" in Latin.) One of its most distinctive features is a sapient / non-sapient distinction in the grammar: all nouns may be marked for sapience with definite determiners "an/na" (for sing. / pl.) or post nominal modifier "fár" (for indefinites).
Here are the words I've created thus far for Lexember:
From Irish amhránaí (singer), OS avrané, CS amrané.
Vocalist; singer.
A siren (aquatic creature).
An alternate name for the banoa (bittern), one of the loudest birds in Sagaia.
From Irish coinín (rabbit), OS canén, CS canél. Compare Eng. dialect coney.
Rabbit; bunny. Distinguished from *góéa*, hare.
Ex. canéatargha: rabbit-speech. Compare dénatargha, human-speech.
From Irish ealaín ("art, artifice"), OS elén, CS elél.
Art, skill, craft.
Ta nadú aghat eleá aghat póit aghaa, aghat muaa láu šir, cadh iš láu?
I have nature and art and poetry, and if that is not enough, what is enough? -- Van Gogh
From Irish athrú, OS athrú, CS athú.
Change, shift, move, alter.
Ex. Šéadh šér nas bú ir ar a irtia a athú, né fádi ló rúdabith a athú. They self not be in them their mind to change, not possible with-them anything to change. Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything. -- Shaw
From Irish uisce, Old Sagaian išca, Classical Sagaian išca.
Water, sea, ocean, lake.
Ex. Iš šir fár a fá midh is rilt išttaša: Be self-our that find we in PL water-the It's ourselves we find in the waters. -- e e cummings
From Irish roinnt, OS raint, CS railt.
Plural marker for all nouns except sapient creatures (which take a special plural article, na.)
Some, a few, several, a sample.
Ex. Cúhia gas ac rilt mâ. Creates every evil some good. Every evil begets some good. - Voltaire
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compneuropapers · 5 months
Interesting Papers for Week 16, 2024
Signatures of cross-modal alignment in children’s early concepts. Aho, K., Roads, B. D., & Love, B. C. (2023). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(42), e2309688120.
Competing neural representations of choice shape evidence accumulation in humans. Bond, K., Rasero, J., Madan, R., Bahuguna, J., Rubin, J., & Verstynen, T. (2023). eLife, 12, e85223.
Initial conditions combine with sensory evidence to induce decision-related dynamics in premotor cortex. Boucher, P. O., Wang, T., Carceroni, L., Kane, G., Shenoy, K. V., & Chandrasekaran, C. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 6510.
A large-scale neurocomputational model of spatial cognition integrating memory with vision. Burkhardt, M., Bergelt, J., Gönner, L., Dinkelbach, H. Ü., Beuth, F., Schwarz, A., … Hamker, F. H. (2023). Neural Networks, 167, 473–488.
Human thalamic low-frequency oscillations correlate with expected value and outcomes during reinforcement learning. Collomb-Clerc, A., Gueguen, M. C. M., Minotti, L., Kahane, P., Navarro, V., Bartolomei, F., … Bastin, J. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 6534.
Large-scale recording of neuronal activity in freely-moving mice at cellular resolution. Das, A., Holden, S., Borovicka, J., Icardi, J., O’Niel, A., Chaklai, A., … Dana, H. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 6399.
Top-down control of exogenous attentional selection is mediated by beta coherence in prefrontal cortex. Dubey, A., Markowitz, D. A., & Pesaran, B. (2023). Neuron, 111(20), 3321-3334.e5.
The priming effect of rewarding brain stimulation in rats depends on both the cost and strength of reward but survives blockade of D2‐like dopamine receptors. Evangelista, C., Mehrez, N., Boisvert, E. E., Brake, W. G., & Shizgal, P. (2023). European Journal of Neuroscience, 58(8), 3751–3784.
Different roles of response covariability and its attentional modulation in the sensory cortex and posterior parietal cortex. Jiang, Y., He, S., & Zhang, J. (2023). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(42), e2216942120.
Input-specific synaptic depression shapes temporal integration in mouse visual cortex. Li, J. Y., & Glickfeld, L. L. (2023). Neuron, 111(20), 3255-3269.e6.
Dynamic emotional states shape the episodic structure of memory. McClay, M., Sachs, M. E., & Clewett, D. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 6533.
Trajectories through semantic spaces in schizophrenia and the relationship to ripple bursts. Nour, M. M., McNamee, D. C., Liu, Y., & Dolan, R. J. (2023). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(42), e2305290120.
Contribution of dorsal versus ventral hippocampus to the hierarchical modulation of goal‐directed actions in rats. Piquet, R., Faugère, A., & Parkes, S. L. (2023). European Journal of Neuroscience, 58(8), 3737–3750.
Neural dynamics underlying successful auditory short‐term memory performance. Pomper, U., Curetti, L. Z., & Chait, M. (2023). European Journal of Neuroscience, 58(8), 3859–3878.
Temporal disparity of action potentials triggered in axon initial segments and distal axons in the neocortex. Rózsa, M., Tóth, M., Oláh, G., Baka, J., Lákovics, R., Barzó, P., & Tamás, G. (2023). Science Advances, 9(41).
Working memory and attention in choice. Rustichini, A., Domenech, P., Civai, C., & DeYoung, C. G. (2023). PLOS ONE, 18(10), e0284127.
Acting on belief functions. Smith, N. J. J. (2023). Theory and Decision, 95(4), 575–621.
Thalamic nucleus reuniens coordinates prefrontal-hippocampal synchrony to suppress extinguished fear. Totty, M. S., Tuna, T., Ramanathan, K. R., Jin, J., Peters, S. E., & Maren, S. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 6565.
Single basolateral amygdala neurons in macaques exhibit distinct connectional motifs with frontal cortex. Zeisler, Z. R., London, L., Janssen, W. G., Fredericks, J. M., Elorette, C., Fujimoto, A., … Rudebeck, P. H. (2023). Neuron, 111(20), 3307-3320.e5.
Predicting the attention of others. Ziman, K., Kimmel, S. C., Farrell, K. T., & Graziano, M. S. A. (2023). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(42), e2307584120.
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chr0mat0s3 · 2 years
Th e Name ‘ s ULYSSES V. LYTE! !! But You Ca n Call Me U . V ! ! !
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lollypopvietnam · 18 days
Bộ Tứ Ban Giám Khảo tại Designathon 2024 🌟
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Cùng khám phá dàn Ban Giám Khảo "xịn sò", những người sẽ "cầm cân nảy mực" để tìm ra các đội thi suất sắc nhất trong cuộc thi năm nay nhé!
📌 Thái Lâm - Product Design Manager @Axon
Với hơn 10 năm chinh chiến trong lĩnh vực UX, Product & Growth, anh Thái Lâm là gương mặt đã gắn bó với nhiều công ty công nghệ hàng đầu như Baemin, Seedcom, Zalo, và Lazada. Anh cũng là Nhà sáng lập của UXVN, cộng đồng chất lượng dành cho những người đam mê UX tại Việt Nam.
📌 Tony Nguyễn - Head of Design & Development @Lollypop Design Studio
Xuất thân là một Software Engineer, anh Tony Nguyễn đã vận dụng tư duy sắc bén cùng kỹ năng quản lý chặt chẽ của mình trong suốt 12 năm để dẫn dắt những dự án nghiên cứu, thiết kế và phát triển sản phẩm số trọng điểm của Lollypop với các nhiều doanh nghiệp lớn trong ngành Finance, E-commerce, Edtech, Retail,…
📌 Tuệ Ngô - Associate Product Director @MoMo (M_Service)
Với nền tảng từ ngành Kỹ thuật Máy tính tại Đại học Bách khoa TP.HCM, anh Tuệ Ngô đang giữ vai trò Head of Product cho các nhánh sản phẩm Growth, Bank, Risk, Sources of Fund của MoMo. Bên cạnh đó, anh còn hỗ trợ giảng dạy môn Product Development tại đại học Fullbright - chương trình đào tạo Product Owner/Product Manager chính quy đầu tiên ở Việt Nam.
📌 Khánh Phạm - Associate Lecturer, Design Studies @RMIT University Vietnam
Với hơn 10 năm kinh nghiệm trong Graphics, Motion, và Industrial Design, anh Khánh Phạm đã tham gia nhiều dự án thuộc Sở Giao dịch Chứng khoán Việt Nam, Robb Report Vietnam, và UNESCO. Hiện anh là Giảng viên Thiết kế tại Đại học RMIT Việt Nam, nơi anh chia sẻ niềm đam mê và kiến thức với thế hệ Designer tương lai.
Bốn giám khảo với đa dạng background và các thế mạnh chuyên môn chuyên biệt hứa hẹn sẽ có những "cán cân công lý" uy tín, mang đến cho thí sinh những nhận định sắc bén và giá trị. 
#Designathon2024 #DesignathonVietnam #LollypopVietnam #UIUX #terralogic
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Studio townhomes near downtown Austin
Alta Wildhorse Ranch is a luxurious studio townhome near downtown Austin. This community offers different floor plans. It has a variety of living spaces for studio, one-, two, or three-bedroom townhomes. The community also boasts a resort-style atmosphere that features a range of amenities such as a swimming pool, tanning ledge, pool deck with cabanas, outdoor kitchen with grill & bar area, two-level fitness space, yoga or exercise room. This is also a gated community with controlled access. Then, the residences themselves are equipped with designer ceramic tile backsplashes, stainless steel Energy Star appliances, 9-foot ceilings, modern bathrooms, and advanced technology features. With convenient access to major transportation routes, Alta Wildhorse Ranch offers a truly upscale and comfortable living experience. For inquiries, contact Alta Wildhorse Ranch using their website.
Austin, TX, Strong Economy
Austin boasts a robust economy fueled by technology, healthcare, and education. This simply means that there are plenty of job opportunities in Austin, and it continuously provides a wealth of employment prospects for all the job seekers. By looking at the city's business, it can be deduced that Austin's business climate is very favorable, and it attracts ambitious individuals and experts from across the globe. This strong economic foundation serves as a magnet for entrepreneurs and professionals seeking new opportunities. With a diverse range of industries and a spirit of innovation, Austin continues to thrive as a hub for career growth and development.
Texas State Capitol
One of the historical landmarks in Austin is the Texas State Capitol. I like this place because it's a magnificent building that stands as a symbol of the state's rich history and heritage. The visitors at Texas State Capitol can explore the Capitol's grand halls, learn about the government of the state, and admire the stunning architecture of this place. The visitors can also take a guided tour to gain insights into the building's history and significance. The Capitol provides a unique and educational experience for the visitors of all ages. This provides a glimpse into the heart of Texas government.
LPD Uses AI to Draft Reports
The Leander Police Department (LPD) has introduced Draft One, a new program developed by Axon that can draft police reports in seconds using body camera audio. This is a time-saving measure as the law enforcement industry faces staffing struggles. However, local prosecutors have expressed discomfort with using AI in the police report space, as it may miss out on the human element and potentially impact prosecutors' and defense attorneys' actions. Probationers and defense attorneys also have concerns about the potential impact of AI on probable cause affidavits. Axon spokespersons state that safeguards are in place to ensure accuracy, including officers reviewing and signing off on the report's accuracy before submitting it for the next round of human review. I think the review is a good part of the process.
Link to Map Driving Direction
Texas Capitol 1100 Congress Ave., Austin, TX 78701, United States
Get on I-35 N/US-290 E 4 min (0.9 mi)
Continue on I-35 N. Take US-290 E and 290 Toll to US-290 E. Take the exit toward Airport/TX-45Toll S/TX-130Toll S/San Antonio/FM-3177/Decker Ln/Harris Branch Pkwy from 290 Toll 9 min (9.0 mi)
Get on TX-130 S 3 min (2.0 mi)
Take Exit 439 to Blue Bluff Rd 1 min (1.0 mi)
Alta Wildhorse Ranch 10350 Blue Bluff Rd, Austin, TX 78724, United States
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