#Dunno if I’m making sense
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squirrel-gay · 8 months ago
i always see people talking about how bilingual people speak but I don’t remember anyone talking about how we write
‘cause let me tell u I’m so sleepy I started writing “squeleton” (first half is esqueleto-spanish, second half is skeleton-english, kinda)
and sometimes in spanish we write english words but, in spanish. Like, we write them how they sound (to us, because that’s kinda how spanish works), the other day at the market I had to explain to a guy from the u.s. that the pin that said “cuir” was indeed the same as the one next to it that said “queer” because it’s a way people here write it too, because the way we read it sounds the same and stuff
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grimxark · 2 years ago
I think feminizing transformers is rlly fun and I love calling Megatron a woman because in my heart he is. But I think sometimes some things should be left alone and it’s insane how some people will sexualize characters to hell and back if they perceive them as a woman and I think that’s a little insane. Like genuinely a little crazy. Er I hope I’m making sense. Not to say ppl can’t have fun with it
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cowardlykrow · 1 year ago
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“Not my circus, not my monkeys”… Except those are his monkeys and they are the circus
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iwoulddieforienzo · 1 year ago
Something I really appreciate about TOA that I don’t see get talked about much is that I never get the sense that Apollo finds Lester ugly.
For all that he complains about the body he’s stuck in, I never got the feeling that it came from a distaste for Lester himself. When he sees Lester’s traits reflected in others, like Meg being chunky, he is completely unaffected by it. Finds it charming, even. (In fact, the only times I can remember him having Opinions about how someone looks is when they’ve chosen something about their appearance that he either approves or disapproves of, like a tacky jacket/hair cut or when he finds someone attractive. The only time I can remember him calling anybody ugly was when he pointed out that Dionysus was choosing to look as ugly as possible to piss of Zeus, which is a statement of fact and doesn’t necessarily mean he thinks that Dionysus’ form is actually ugly. He makes no mention of finding it so before or after that line. It’s a statement of fact that Dionysus is choosing a form that either he or Zeus finds ugly to piss of their dad.)
The thing about Lester is that he is so devastatingly mortal. He has flab and acne and no upper body strength and his voice squeaks when he’s nervous and he sweats a lot and he has a silly name and messy, curly hair that’s impossible to tame. He is the Most Teenager To Ever. There is no godly blood running through his veins, no powers he can call upon. If Apollo were to run into him in the street, I don’t think he’d pay him much mind. He’d probably just think, “sweet kid”, and move on. If he got to know him, I think Apollo would adore him because that’s just who rrverse!Apollo is. He loves mortals despite himself, flaws and all. He’d argue against anything bad Lester had to say about his own appearance and mean every word.
The problem is that it’s Apollo in this body. Apollo, The Golden Child, the perfect son, a God. His distaste for this body is because Lester is so devastatingly mortal and imperfect. Apollo has to be perfect, he has to be shiny and pretty and strong because he has nothing else to offer otherwise.
And.. I dunno, there’s something about Apollo hating the things that draw him to others when it’s him. The flaws that he tears apart in himself he finds endlessly charming on others, or he thinks that they have better reasons for why they have them, or he thinks they have enough positive traits to counteract them. The positive things that he hides deep enough that even the reader can’t see right away, like his kindness and genuine desire to understand and connect with everyone around him, that he’s shocked to find directed at him in turn.
That Apollo accepting himself and reclaiming his personhood leads to him being comfortable with being Lester, imperfect and mortal as he is. That he takes that imperfection back with him to Olympus… I dunno man I’m Emotional. Also it’s just plain nice that Lester is never treated as ugly for looking like a normal ass teenager, even by the guy stuck in this body. That’s neat.
Or maybe I’m just rambling and this means nothing at all and I’m reading too far into Blorbo from my books.
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doctorsiren · 6 months ago
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he’s mad she ratted him out
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0m3n-0f-d3ath · 4 months ago
Cable management
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ruby-the-bunger · 6 months ago
Headcannon that Chips mind has basically attuned to the bandanna of disguise and now his appearance reflect how he’s feeling. And ever since his death, he’s had that hole in his chest. as much as he want to look normal and alive again, he can only get rid of the hole in his chest by taking the bandanna off
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your-unfriendlyghost · 2 months ago
it feels so…… weird… seeing a cishet dude be so chill with queer themes lmao your soda-in-drag moment, the stevepop of it all, even guys with queers in their friend circles can’t bring themselves to partake sometimes lmao 😭 but it’s cool !! refreshing even sjksksndks this is a /pos statement I promise
Thanks lol! I think it’s cos I’m fairly secure. Sorta. (I’m still prone to compensating for things and being a stupid teen boy, but like, I’m aware of it, at least when I stop to think. Yk I’ll still join in on dick measuring contests, but deep down I’ll know it’s dumb and performative.)
I guess I feel a kinship to queerness. I go to art school where I’m sometimes the only guy in a class of girls, and I’ve been the token straight guy in every friend group I’ve been in since freshman year of high school. Beyond that, growing up I was frequently mistook for a girl- I had long-ish hair (post bowl-cut era 😭) and I’m part Asian, I was pretty androgynous lol. People irl have thought I’m gay, or a trans man on testosterone (I mean fine, I guess I am pretty short and hang with a lot of trans guys.) Hell, I did drag on a dare once, back when I was even more secure. (And I was hot asf in drag lemme tell ya. It felt lousy and it’s definitely not my thing, but man if I had a clone who was a girl-) All this to say, I say I’m straight, but honestly I don’t really know. I like girls a lot, but I have seen a buddy of mine in drag, and lemme tell ya I felt something but I’m not gonna examine that rn lol. Straight just feels comfortable, safe, and it’s good for interacting with folks who ain’t so progressive, so it’s what I’m sticking with…but I’ll admit there’s a gray area.
I relate a lot to the guys in the Outsiders, and irl I like to present myself as a tough, cool, Very Masculine guy. Hell, sometimes I play dumb about stuff because it’s “feminine” and a guy like me shouldn’t know about it. I act a lot like how I write Steve Randle, he’s my guy I like to project on lol. Honestly, I’ve got a fair amount of internalized toxic masculinity. But I think because I know how silly it all is deep down, I can interact with queer themes in art without feeling like I’m not “man enough”. Idk, I suppose it’s an outlet in some ways. Who knows maybe in 2027 I’ll come out as bi or something, but don’t wait up.
idk, I guess what I’m trying to say is that I like exploring queer themes, not because they’re queer necessarily, but because they’re human and I relate to them. And that’s hard not to partake in, y’know?
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ii-meeple-confessions · 7 days ago
so are we ready to watch mephone dying/4s downgrading again in glorious hd (< not ready for it)
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pizzazz-party · 11 months ago
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Going through my files. Mostly finished lines vs initial drawing.
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largemandrill · 5 months ago
I’m obsessed with an item description, please don’t help me
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Also I made these to help with the illness he gave me
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Close-ups of the main illustrations (I’m never fully rendering them but I still like them)
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As always, I’m willing to clarify my notes if asked! I know my handwriting can be hard to read sometimes lol.
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poedays · 7 months ago
Does anyone think about Alexis and wonder if secretly she’s dying from guilt in her mind about Sam? That maybe she was so in love with him she couldn’t bare the thought of loosing him, but by saving him, she lost him anyway?
Maybe she’d thought about an infinity with him before, and knew she could do it with him - spend an eternity with him. Maybe she loved the idea of Sam more than she loved the man in front of her. Maybe she expected to be his saviour one day. So, that when the chance arose, she was all too keen to keep him; to start their forever together.
Maybe she saw him as ungrateful for a while. Her talents had been wasted on someone who didn’t appreciate her effort. She saw Tank and thought of how ignorant they both must be - without her they wouldn’t of been able to be together. She was spiteful, vile even. Her words were sharp because how could Sam live like this? Without her? How could he love while knowing he wouldn’t be able to if not for her?
But maybe, do you think that after the Summit Alexis thought about Sam and Darlin’. Wondered that maybe they could spend forever together one day. Do you think, maybe, that she misses the thought of her forever with Sam?
Maybe, maybe, maybe.
Maybe it’s not guilt. But grief instead.
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candycryptids · 8 months ago
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Was doing Endwalker Hildibrand with my favorite guy and made an off-hand remark that Tuesday and Brandihild should kiss. It’s only the gentlemanly thing to do. And Tuesday can relate to being a kinda-not-quite Clone that has crazy amounts of calculating power. ….. and I wanted them to kiss.
Shaders are Kore's [Lay Here] and [It Felt So Real] + also Ixora's [Have I Always Loved You] AND I used [This Pose] Cut for some..... Hm... Brandihild had... He was…. Troublesome to pose.... [CW: Face Horror]
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It’s wonderful that I was given two hands so I could make art.
I can’t say with certainty if this is truly crack or if it’s a whirlwind romance, destined to end in a tragic sacrifice. Like his first romance. He must have a type. Or a curse. Someone cast Esuna on this poor guy. Also HUGE love to the guy who made the pose I used it only took some nudgy adjustments. Also, for some reason Brandihild hates Ktisis. Can’t figure why, but he behaved when I used Anamnesis, so thank you to them too uvu I would’ve never achieved my silly flight of fancy otherwise.
Also please consider this my rent lowering gunshots fired or something. I have never been serious in my whole life and I’m not about to start now uvu; I’m out for a good time, not a long time
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rosesradio · 1 year ago
so richard. you’re telling me. richard. that leo grew up with a mom who struggled in the field of mechanical engineering due to not being taken seriously as a woman. and so naturally leo grew up. to not respect women. for sure
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0m3n-0f-d3ath · 3 months ago
Kat the knight
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Pleading her allegiance
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quietlyblooms · 3 months ago
on a separate but related note, i wanna point out that part of chiyo’s journey is supposed to be finding love. it’s that thing of loving someone else is easier than loving herself, but in that love, she grows. she learns to not be so hard on herself. she learns that where she sees an ugly, overgrown garden, others see flourishing flowers. now!! that isn’t to say that platonic and familial love isn’t super important — it is!! so very much!! that’s why i want to try and build up the people around her so that i can think about how those relationships help her grow too. if not for them, chiyo would be so much worse off. there’s a lot about herself that she would always hide and stress about if not for her friends and family. she would hide away from the world itself if not for them.
but i just wanted to explain why sometimes i focus so much on romance as a concept with chiyo. i mean, i do just really enjoy shipping bc of the build up of that relationship. the development and journey is very rewarding bc it isn’t a smooth ride with chiyo 90% of the time. but pls know you are never obligated to ship with me, nor do i go in thinking you will automatically want to ship together. if i feel chemistry? yeah i may eventually say something or test the waters with a meme. but just as there’s no pressure if you want to ship, there’s no pressure if you don’t want to ship. i’m excited to write together no matter the kind of dynamic we decide on 💜
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