#Dungeons and Dragons: Honour Among Thieves
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vik-the-prik · 2 years ago
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This specific scene reminded me of something-
And then I realised
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I truly adore the smug boyfriend + absolutely done boyfriend dynamic
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felayslay · 2 years ago
best part of dnd honour among thieves is that as a dm i would totally do all that bullshit like making the party dig up 5 seperate corpses or having the intellect devourers just pass by them
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basement3441 · 1 year ago
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rave-lord-nito · 2 years ago
Watched Dungeons & Dragons: Honour among thieves. Thought it was pretty great! A not-too serious and fun movie. And I have to give major props to including an Aarakocra, a Dragonborn and a Tabaxi as minor characters and having them played by actual physical actors in suits rather than have them be CGI
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katiebelleart · 2 years ago
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i watched dnd: honour among thieves for the first time yesterday and it was so fun!! doric was my favourite so i just had to draw her! 💚🍂
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starlight-archer · 2 years ago
So... Dungeons and Dragons: Honour Among Thieves is amazing and you should all go and watch it
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thenightling · 2 years ago
My favorite bard characters
The new Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves movie and The Witcher has popularized the fantasy character class of bard. A bard, in fantasy settings and historically, was usually a storyteller, or a minstrel who would tell stories in song. In fantasy settings they are usually minstrels. In Nordic culture a skald was the term for a storyteller (usually a highly creative and very prized slave).
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Here is a top ten list of my favorite fictional bards.
13. Bonus: Loki: I'll start with number 11. Bonus: Loki. There is a viking skald in Loki: Agent of Asgard that is revealed to be Loki in disguise. So Marvel's Loki goes on this list. Loki is believed in by Asatru people so this entry is specifically in regard to Marvel's Loki. He also gained the title "God of Stories."
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12. Morpheus AKA Dream of The Endless AKA The Sandman. Morpheus is The Lord of Dreams in Roman mythology and in Neil Gaiman's the Sandman . In The Sandman he is also known as The Prince of Stories.
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11. Lucien The Librarian and Cain and Abel from The Sandman by Neil Gaiman. Lucien was changed to Lucienne for The Sandman Netflix series but they're pretty much the same character. Lucien is the keeper of the largest library in the multiverse and was also the host of the horror anthology comics Tales of Ghost Castle. I'm sort of cheating a little here by mentioning Lucien and Cain and Abel since they're not actually bards but I love horror hosts. Cain, Abel, Lucien, Eve (Raven Woman), Destiny (Destiny of The Endless), The Hecate (The Three Witches), and The Mad Mod Witch (The Fashion Thing) all started as horror hosts for DC's horror anthology comics. I'm reserving this spot for Lucien, Cain, and Abel. Hosts of Tales of Ghost Castle (which only ran for three issues), The House of Mystery (DC's oldest comic), and The House of Secrets (Spin-off of The House of Mystery and comic where we first get introduced to the concept of Swamp Thing).
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Before Neil Gaiman used these characters in The Sandman they told scary stories in DC's horror anthology comics which were DC's answer to EC's Horror anthology comics which brings us to... 10. The Crypt Keeper, Vault Keeper, and Old Witch. The Crypt Keeper hosted the Horror anthology comics Tales from the Crypt. The Vault keeper hosted Vault of Horror. And the Old Witch also told scary stories for EC comics. The Crypt Keeper hosted HBO's Tales From the Crypt TV series as well as Tales from the Cryptkeeper animated series. Season 2 of Tales from the Cryptkeeper was co-hosted by The Cryptkeeper, Vault Keeper, and Old Witch. They also collaborated as hosts for the joke book called Jokes from the Crypt. Again, I admit I am sort of cheating here by listing horror anthology hosts instead of actual bard characters so this is the last Horror anthology hosts for the list.
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9. Peter Vincent in the 1985 film Fright Night, the 1988 film Fright Night: Part 2 and the Fright Night comic books. In Fright Night Peter Vincent is a has-been horror movie actor who now hosts a late night TV show where he shows his old movies.
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Peter Vincent meets a teenage boy whose neighbor turns out to be a real vampire and Peter overcomes his own cowardice to become the hero he always pretended to be. Though Peter Vincent was originally just a stage name the character eventually embraces it to become a hero and protector of the innocent.
In the comic books Peter Vincent continued to host his late night horror movie TV series while working in secret to help Charley thwart the forces of evil. I consider Peter Vincent to be a contemporary bard character.
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I would put Peter further on the list at number 3 perhaps but I left him at number 9 because he is an unconventional addition to this list.
8. Evyn AKA Shadow from the novel The King's Shadow.
Evyn wanted to be a bard but was mutilated in a brutal attack His tongue was cut out and he was left mute. His own uncle sold him into slavery. But thanks to fate's benign intervention Evyn was able to learn to read and write so he was able to become a storyteller as a scribe and eventually became an adopted son of the king.
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7. Gabrielle from Xena: Warrior Princess. Gabrielle was Xena's travel companion and very likely love interest (Lucy Lawless, the actress who played Xena) believed they were practically married in the end. Xena: warrior Princess was the spin-off of Hercules the Legendary Journeys. I have often described The Witcher as being a gender inverted Xena: Warrior Princess. Gabrielle was a novice bard who wanted to write about Xena's adventures and to eventually go on those adventures, herself.
Just as I sort of perfer Jaskier with longer hair, I actually liked when Gabrielle's hair was cut short later on in Xena.
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6. Essi Daven. I'm a little confused to if Priscilla (Callonetta) from the Witcher video games and Essi Daven from The Witcher novels are supposed to be the same character or not. Essi was from The Witcher novels. I suspect they are the same character but I've seen arguments that they are different enough that they count as separate characters. But I have also seen people try to claim that Jaskier and Dandelion are different enough to count as different characters as well and Jaskier definitely is Dandelion. Dandelion was just what he was called in the English translations of the novels and in the English language video games. Essi is a woman bard from The Witcher who was very much in love with Geralt though Dandelion (Jaskier) had feelings for her. Sadly she eventually died of smallpox. The burden of living in a medieval-esque society.
Dandelion was in love with her.
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5. Priscilla AKA Callonetta is a woman bard from The Witcher video games. A rival and romantic interest to Dandelion (Jaskier). Possibly the same character as Essi Daven but some Witcher fans have argued that they are not the same character so I am listing them separately.
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4. Edgin. Edgin is a character from Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among thieves. In fact he is the main protagonist. He is a "Harper" that has fallen from grace. A Harper is a spy that poses as a bard to gain info and to stop criminals. So he is a bard but he used his status as a bard to work as a spy, hence the term "Harper." Later he got a little greedy and it cost him dearly but he and his band of misfits set out on a quest to set things right.
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3. Fflewddur Fflam. I hate the character's name but love the character. The version in the Disney film The Black Cauldron is very different from the book character, including being much older, but I still found him to be an enjoyable character. He is a classic bard with a bit of a mysterious past.
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In the books he's actually a king of a small kingdom but prefers life as a wandering bard. It makes him sound a bit like a role playing game character.
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2. The Storyteller. This character's name is not actually given but he was a mysterious (possibly not entirely human) traveling storyteller, with a talking dog that appeared every week on Jim Henson's The Storyteller. He was portrayed by John Hurt and the dog was voiced by Brian Henson (Son of Jim Henson). There was a spin-off called The Storyteller: Greek Myths. John Hurt's portrayal of The Storyteller may have been why he was chosen to voice Morpheus AKA Dream of The Endless AKA The Sandman for a scrapped episode of Batman The Animated series.
Currently Neil Gaiman is involved with a revival of The Storyteller in development by the Henson company where he hopes to explore The Storyteller's own mysterious backstory.
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1. Jaskier (Translates from Polish to Buttercup) / Dandelion. Jaskier is the bard companion of Geralt of Rivia AKA The Witcher (Monster Hunter) from The Witcher novels, short stories, comics, Netflix series, and video games. In the English language versions of The Witcher novels and The Witcher video games he was known as Dandelion. But in The Witcher Netflix series and in the original Polish he was known as Jaskier which directly translates to Buttercup.
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Whatever you call him, Jaskier is a great character. He is the companion of Geralt of Rivia in The Witcher and he is also his own well-developed character. By season 2 Jaskier had evolved from the slightly-conceited rock musician-esque bard into a compassionate freedom fighter who smuggled people to safety.
I absolutely love Joey Batey's portrayal of Jaskier as well as his incredible singing voice as the character.
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And though there has been some criticism over his look in season 2, I actually think he looks better with longer hair.
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hayleysayshay · 2 years ago
The unintentionally funniest part of the DnD movie was the dead wife under the sheets memory trope???? They played it straight. I laughed
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wheelybard · 2 years ago
Kept smiling during the whole movie!
Dungeons and dragons is fun! Like Mummy 1996 fun!
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thatmentallystablechick · 2 years ago
I saw "Dungeons and Dragons: Honour Among Thieves" in theatres a few months ago, and ever since then, I've been thinking: I want Hollywood to make a D&D movie (separate from the "Honour Among Thieves" characters and storyline) in the style of the movie "The Princess Bride". What I mean by that is that the main part of the movie focuses on the heroes and their adventure or whatever...but every so often, we cut back to the nerds sitting around the table rolling the dice and choosing their next moves - similar to how "The Princess Bride" cuts back to the grandfather and grandson every so often. I can't be the only one who thinks this'd be awesome, right?!
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phantomcatboy · 6 months ago
….mayhaps it is….
here's my holding out for a hero xenk edit <3
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thehmn · 4 months ago
Finally watched Dungeons & Dragons: Honour Among Thieves and now I’m a little sad it didn’t do well (and clearly I was part of the problem) because it was actually pretty sweet and very funny.
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One of the best depictions of a platonic couple raising a child together I’ve seen. By the end you’re like of course Holga is mom.
Also it’s fucking amazing that Edgin isn’t Holga’s type because he’s too immature but also not short enough. Yeah she can lift any man she wants but she wants one who fits snugly in her arms too, ya know?
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rubysunnday · 2 years ago
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Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves (2023) dir. John Francis Daley, Jonathan Goldstein
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starlight-archer · 2 years ago
Okay so I went to see the dnd movie again and I still can't believe they shoved my boy Jonathan the Aaracockra out the window twice. Two whole entire times
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thenightling · 2 years ago
Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves Review
I originally wasn’t too interested in seeing Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves but much like with Over the Garden Wall I was pleasantly surprised after I had heard many good things about it and finally checked it out for myself.
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The tipping point to make me finally check out the movie was when someone said it was essentially “Jaskier the movie.”  Jaskier (often translated to Dandelion) is my favorite character from The Witcher novels and Netflix TV series (The novels are Polish, the show is American / UK made).  
Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among thieves has nothing to do with the previous films (and animated series) with Dungeons and Dragons in or as the title.  This is a stand-alone movie, just set in the same world as those other stories.  You do not need to have seen any previous Dungeons and Dragons movies or played the role playing game to be able to follow this movie. The movie has the atmosphere of a fun high fantasy film from the 1980s.  Someone described it as being the Dungeons and Dragons version of Pirates of The Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl.  And they’re right.  It does have the same vibe.  
This is very much a high fantasy.  I define high fantasy as a fantasy story set in its own world with its own cultures and social norms and this his definitely a high fantasy in the common tradition of resembling the middle ages.
I used to think it trite that so many fantasy stories are set in the middle ages but some years ago I came up with the theory that worlds that have magick as a crutch would be slower to technologically develop.   After all necessity is the mother of invention.  If magick is there you don’t need to invent a lot of the technology our own world relies on and so the culture would be slow to progress.  Though I admit to having a soft spot for the rare high fantasy story set in a world that resembles The Victorian Era (late nineteenth century).   Carnival Row is a good example of that rarity known as Gaslamp fantasy.
The main protagonist of Dungeons and Dragons: Honor among thieves is Edgin who is sort of a spy or secret agent known as a “Harper” who poses as a bard.  He eventually decides that the selfless life isn’t as rewarding as he hoped and he gets a bit greedy, which unfortunately leads to disaster for him and his friends. But they are actually honorable and set out on a quest to rescue Edgin’s daughter and stop the scheming of a former ally and a Red Wizard. There’s a lot of humor and heart and though parts of it are predictable (such as what the tablet of re-awakening would end up having to be used for) it was still fun and enjoyable.  I liked it.  It stirred fond memories of similar movies like Willow, Dragonslayer, or LadyHawke and other beloved fantasies from the 1980s.  My favorite scenes are the interrogation of the dead (though I sort of guessed how it would go).  And the single-person transformation chase with the Teifling.
I genuinely think Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves had better writing and more likable characters than the ones in The Witcher: Blood Origin. This is what The Witcher: Blood Origin should have been like.  Instead The Witcher: Blood Origin tried too hard to be dark and edgy and lost all sense of fun.  Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves remembered the fun.  
It was nostalgic and good.  Not the greatest movie ever but fun one and I’d happily watch it again.
If I were to have any complaint it’s two petty things.
1.  I had to Google it to make sure the children from the 1980s Dungeons and Dragons cartoon (who make a cameo in this as live action characters) were not killed. The movie does not make it clear they survive but the director says they survived, he did not kill them off.  2.  I think they could have done a better job with the movie poster.  It’s pretty generic.
But as I said, I liked it.  It’s a good, fun, popcorn movie.  It’s a bit predictable at points and I wouldn’t have minded a new twist such as Edgin actually being able to bring back his wife (because I’ve seen the “almost resurrected a loved one but didn’t” plot done to death).  It’s still a fun movie though and very nostalgic in nature.
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hayleysayshay · 2 years ago
Okay DnD movie thoughts!!! I loved it a lot and it’s a shame it’s not going to make its money back it seems, I would love a sequel with the same cast of characters.
This contains spoilers!!!
— I thought three cast were great! I think Michelle Rodriguez was a standout as Holga and so was Rege Jean Page as Xenx despite the more limited screen time. But the whole cast was great, Chris Pine has a lot of charm. I think Justice Smith’s accent was very good.
— Hugh Grant was very Hugh Grant and it was great
— the film was very sincere and I loved that. It was funny but very corny ina good way.
— it was pretty funny at times! Some of it was just the snarky ‘well that happened hur hut’ humour that isn’t great but there were some good set pieces.
— I loved how DnD it felt. I could just imagine a player going ‘my character loves potatoes’ as their character quirk they role play all the time and those moments really worked for me. I can just imagine people coming up with the plan around a table.
— I liked the plot construction. For example Xenx makes Edgin promise to give the treasure to the people and he does in a way that serves his character arc but also serves the plot and helps them defeat the bad guy! I just thought was really neat how the plot unfolded the way it did.
— I thought Doric was the weakest character. Like she didn’t have much to do? They obvs realised she didn’t have much conflict and gave her some tiefling angst but it wasn’t angsty enough. Maybe she could have felt out of place with the elves though they loved her and the team stand up for her and they feel like a group of people that accept her would have been a bit more than what she got? She just hates humans then goes they’re okay at the end just because she worked in a team. I just wanted a window in her personal world.
— I also think Doric should have been infernal red. I understand not wanting any odd races in the main cast due the risk of not being able to take it seriously but they could have painted Sophie Lillie red. I have seen Critical Role cos play, it could have been done fairly naturalistic. It would make the team look less samey. They also don’t explain what a tiefling is? Sophie Lillie looks adorable it’s really not clear why her parents would have cast her out unless you know DnD lore. Her being red would make it more obvious.
— I like it’s implied that Helga’s husband is just really into tall buff women and that Helga is really into halflings
— Damn it I got emotional at the end when Holga died and they do a flashback of her raising Kira I was like damn you got me movie you got me
It’s deffo like 4/5 for me I had a lot of fun. If Doric was better it could be a 5 but sadly not.
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