#Dream Catcher scenarios
shironezuninja · 5 months
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Finally!! After holding onto this preserved project for 9 months, I get to finally use it. Thank you for the early Uncut Yugioh dubs that spoiled me with Samurai Deeper Kyo.😊☺️🥰
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darlingmbappe · 1 year
When We’re Ready [1] | Kylian Mbappé x Fem Reader
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[Part One] [Part Two]
Summary: Kylian's blatant desire for a baby has your head spinning. Though, you must say, he is quite convincing...
Warnings: SMUT! Minors, go away. Penatrative sex, oral (female receiving), groping (semi-public), breeding kink, cussing, horny mfs, kinda cringe and cheesy but I stand by it. Let me know if I missed anything! – English is not my first language. –
Kylian was easy to read. His expressive face always gave him away; scrunching and elongating against his will. Even when he was meant to hide his true feelings in certain situations, there was always a little twinge of the eyebrow or crook of the lip to let you know exactly what he was thinking.
Maybe you just knew him too well, spent too much time with his elastic face to pick up on the micro expressions that made it possible to know his mood at any time. But, something was different about tonight. Cheeky? Yes. Pensive? For sure. Annoyed? Maybe… It was hard to say with the way he stared at you from the bed. One hand propping up his heavy head while he watched you intently putting lotion on. 
This expression was new.
“Babe?” You call, rubbing together the leftover lotion on your hands, sitting in front of him on the bed. “You okay?”
“Mhm.” He hums, still seeming out of it as he shifts and stares at the TV now, though it only reflects a dark image of himself back at him, seeing as it wasn’t even turned on.
You narrow your eyes at him. “I don’t buy it. Something’s on your mind.” You take your rings and earrings off, setting them in your jewelry catcher by your nightstand. Kylian stayed quiet as you got under the covers, drawing his attention back to you.
When he didn’t give you any sort of answer, you had no choice but to scroll on your phone in an attempt to ignore the burning stare that came from your husband's side of the bed. Eventually, it was impossible to pretend you didn’t feel his eyes dead set on your face. You shut your cell off and set your phone on your stomach, looking directly at him, your sudden view shift taking him by surprise. “Okay, seriously. What?”
“Nothing.” You catch a smirk barely grazing his lips before he just shakes his head, turning and switching off his bedside lamp, cozying up under the duvet. “Don’t worry about it.”
You huff and sneer at his answer, shutting off your lamp as well, curling up with an obvious annoyance at the lack of information. “He thinks I'm not gonna worry about it.” You mumble to yourself passive aggressively, your back turned to him. “You’re being weird. I don’t like it.”
“I'm not being weird.”
“Are too.”
Kylian stared at the back of your head, quiet as he slowly reached for your waist, effectively pulling your body up against his to share his warmth.
“Oh, so now you wanna cuddle?” You grumble, settling in comfortably despite the bite that laced your words.
He kissed your hair, lost in his own racing mind, not fully convinced he should bring this up to you tonight. Your annoyance was surface level, nothing he was deeply concerned about because he felt the way you relaxed against his own muscles, letting his arms act as your blanket. 
He was sure that the thoughts that persist in his skull had crossed your mind as well. As he lay there with you, the love of his life, he let his brain think without hesitation; no if’s or but’s, no playing devil's advocate with himself. He let himself indulge in the future fantasy that he had dreamed of since he was a small boy. He felt lucky he had you in all of his delusions, always right there with him. You’re around in every scenario he makes up; ever present, making you laugh, making you swoon. He feels so lucky that you stand with him in the tangible world as well, looking better than anything he comes up with in his mind. Saying funnier things, sweeter things.
As your breathing stables, he’s not sure if you’re fully asleep yet, or how long the silence has even run for. His throat would close at the words when you were awake and responsive, but now that he couldn’t tell, it was easier to whisper them to your sleeping figure – nothing holding him back from telling you his little secret.
“Let’s have a baby.”
His voice could have been mistaken as a sigh as he breathed the words gently into your ear… but you heard them.
Your eyes shot open wide, the air becomes harder to take in your lungs at the shock, laying still in his arms. Slowly, you lift your head and stare back at him. He feels just as shocked upon seeing that you’re actually awake, gulping at the confession he let slip. 
He knew you wanted kids, just like he did. You’ve been married just about four months and had previously talked about waiting two years or so to start a family. The pair of you agreed stability in the home was necessary before bringing a child into it – which was fair enough – but his baby fever was deadly. There wasn't anything he could do to keep away the images of little toes, and bassinets, and rolls on their tummy, and dimples on their legs and… just everything. He wanted to see them grow up. He wanted to debate you on who they got it from. He was prepared to do anything for that baby, and the baby itself is just a thought. A sweet little figment of his imagination… but they already had your eyes.
“Did I hear you right?” You sleepily mumble, feeling his grip on you grow tighter and his heartbeat quickening just a smidge.
He kisses your sleepy cheek, resting his face against yours as his arms wrap more securely around you. “Oui, mon coeur. I want a baby with you.” He repeated, voice still soft.
“You think now is a good time for us?”
“Mm…” He ponders a moment. “I think so.”
“Is this what you were thinking about?”
He kisses your shoulder. “Yeah. Been thinking it for a while.”
“A while…”
“A month or two.” Kylian shrugs like it's casual… like it hasn't completely taken over his brain from the second he saw you walk down the aisle. “Imagine our little family. Just the three of us." He lets the silence marinate, unsure of whether or not you've fallen asleep on him. "Don't you think?" He squeezes you gently, needing to keep this conversation going now that it's started.
You burrow your back into him to let him know you're still lucid. "Yeah. Just the three of us... but... is now the time to bring a baby into the world?"
His sigh sounds defeated, tickling your face. “You don’t think it is…”
“I don’t know… I haven’t really thought about it.” You admit, looking at him once more. His eyebrows furrow and now you can read him clearly. 
The overthinking face. 
Despite being confident in himself and his actions in pretty much every aspect of his life, Kylian is a chronic overthinker. He’ll let his thoughts drag him into a darker place. He begins to question little comments or actions that he wouldn’t have thought twice about if the little voice in his head would just leave him alone. The crease between his eyebrows tilt upward, his tongue finds his top row of teeth, his stare points away to a still object that will allow him to daze off into the flying spiral of introspection. 
You tap your finger on his chin to get him to look back at you so you could ground him. “I have thought about it. A lot. Just not so much recently…” You say, not only doing damage control on your last comment, but a true statement on the topic of family that you’re interested in exploring further. “With the wedding, moving, family stuff, you know. Everything’s a little jumbled right now.”
The gears turn in his head and he purses his lips. “No, I get it.” He sighs deeply. “I guess you’re right.” You turn in his arms, now curled into his chest. He kisses your forehead before resting his chin on it, engulfing your body completely in his. “But, maybe two years is a little long to wait.”
“Yeah, I agree. Who knows if we’ll even still be together by then.” You grin mischievously into his skin and feel the vibration of his deep chuckle from your obvious joke.
“Shut up.” 
You move your head so you could look at him, pressing a kiss to his chapped and upturned lips. “Let’s give it until the end of the summer. That’s like, what, three months? If we both feel like the time is right, then we start trying, For real.”
He closes his eyes to feel your presence in his, content enough with the compromise. Isn’t that what marriage is all about, anyway? 
He wiggles his eyebrows. “You up for a little practice?”
He rubs a firm hand down your back, letting it rest lower than it was before. “Just a little refresher…”
You caught on, rolling your eyes as he pulls away to gauge your reaction to his suggestion. 
“Ky, if anything, you’re a little over-practiced in that department.”
“No such thing, baby. Take it from me, I’m an athlete.” He smirks cheekily, letting only one finger run against your skin, tracing where the hem of your tank top had been resting on your hip. He dipped it lower and pulled up at the waistband of your underwear, letting it snap back gently, stinging only slightly but your sleepy state caused you to feel it ripple through you like he had whipped you.
“Hm…” You were sleepy, sure… but Kylian dipped his face into your neck. His lips could not have been more supple against your skin. The open mouth kisses he placed were gentle, soft, beyond seductive. Your eyes shut against your will at the feeling, his large palm flat against your side and moving up under the material that separated his bare chest from yours, tongue prodding out just slightly to taste your skin. “... I guess we can practice. Just a little…”
That night changed everything for you. 
You see babies everywhere now, it’s like the population multiplied overnight. There was nothing that could stop you from cooing at their tiny socks and chubby ankles, the sound of their giggle echoing through the grocery store, their innocent little smiles when they looked at their mommy or daddy… God, does everyone have a damn baby but you?
The months went on and the late summer sun was hotter than it had ever been. At least for as long as you’d lived in Paris. You could barely walk outside for the mail without sweating and needing a shower. You verbally thanked the heavens you weren't pregnant right now, not being able to imagine carrying a human inside of you with all of this heat. Kylian brushed it off, still holding out hope for a new addition to the Mbappe household. 
Kylain might be an extremely intelligent man, but, boy… subtlety is not his strong suit. It started with him leaving open baby magazines on the kitchen counter, flipped to the cutest, smallest, chunkiest little one they had on print. He’d send you baby TikTok videos with a message that read “do you like this color for the living room walls?” 
In his defense, he was never trying to be subtle. He continued to think about what you said that night he first mentioned trying, and he still thinks that bringing a baby into the mix is right for you two. He tried to chop it down to his social media algorithm sabotaging him with constant baby content or maybe the honeymoon phase after the wedding had him feeling this strongly, but those explanations just didn’t feel right. After knowing you for six years and getting to love you for almost all of that time, he was eager to create a family with you right in the center of it. 
The baby discussion had made a sharp turn at some point this last month. You couldn’t exactly pinpoint when it all went from questioning every aspect of your life together and reasoning with one another about very serious doubts and scenarios, to unhinged conversations about things that just caused you to giggle. Things like: where the pair of you would bring your newborn on their first vacation, what their first word would be, if they’d follow in Kylians footsteps, how much money the tooth fairy would give them for their first lost tooth.
It’s safe to say, you finally came to the silent conclusion that you were ready – but that realization couldn't have come at a more awkward time.
Dinner with his whole side of the family was a blessing for you both. It wasn’t very often that every schedule cleared up in the same time frame. A large restaurant section was rented out in the heart of Paris for family and friends to get together. It was a nice time to make conversation and catch up on everything life had churned out since the last time you’d seen each other. The appetizers were spectacular, the drinks were doing their job, it was all so nice…
… Except that nothing – yes, nothing – is more awkward than being unstoppably horny for your husband in front of his entire family. You cut yourself off after martini number three when you noticed it was turning your brain into goo. The buzz wasn't enough to make you drool and incoherent, but seeing your Kylian playing with his niece and nephew, picking them up and turning them upside down, pressing affectionate smooches to their bulbous cheeks… drooling and incherency was not far behind. 
He was going to be such a good dad. He was already the most caring husband, even with all of his responsibilities and commitments. He found time for you in every sliver of open space in his schedule, needing to soak up quality time with his wife as if it were as necessary as air. 
The entrées began to come out as everyone took their respective seats. Kylian was still oblivious to the googly eyes you’d been throwing in his direction all night, but it wasn’t long after he sat down that he caught on. 
He leans over to whisper to you, lips brushing the shell of your ear. “I know that look. Very well.”
You shudder at his breath tickling your skin. Flustered beyond belief, you could only manage to shake your head, letting out a shy and breathy laugh.
Kylian bit his lip and snickered along with you, setting his hand on your knee and faces forward. His touch was hot. A skillet off of the stove would have sent the same wave of heat all the way up your limbs. You reach for the water on the table, positive that the fierce blush overtaking your face would be obvious to anyone who decided to look at you in your current state. His long fingers began moving against your knee, tracing mindless patterns that only sent you more goosebumps. He knew that every gentle touch or fragment of affection he would give you right now would be heightened tenfold… he loved knowing that you were putty in his hands. He knew your mind – and right now, he had completely taken over it.
“Feeling okay, mon amour?” The sly smirk on his face gave him away. He was just teasing you, and Lord, does he love teasing. His hand moves upward to your midthigh, stopping and moving his thumb up and down above your dress, crinkling the material. “You’re looking a little flushed.”
You’d been avoiding eye contact, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of your needy gaze. “Kylian, stop it. Your mom’s sitting right there.” You reprimand in a soft voice, not wanting to raise any attention to the pair of you up to nothing decent.
“I’m not doing anything.” He chuckles, moving his hand a little higher. You suck in a sharp breath as he leans into your ear again. “Won’t you look at me, bébé?” 
You shake your head no, feeling quite shy as your throat dries up. You clear your throat discreetly and reach for the cold water once more, but Kylians hand grabs your palm, bringing it to his lips. “Let me see those eyes, baby.” He mumbled against your hand. His back was turned to the rest of the table, acting as a human curtain for your obvious discomposure.
You roll your eyes before looking at him. You tried your best to give him a scolding look, but the second you saw that same glimmer in his eye that matched yours, your current sensitivities doubled down. The pace of your heart heightened quickly, the warmth in your cheeks increasing by the second.
You felt like leaning in to kiss his lips. He licked them right when he took a quick glance at your own, your hand still taken in his.
“Your eggplant parmesan, madame.” You didn’t even see the waiters bringing out the entrées being too engrossed in Kylian's burning stare. You smile up and thank her then look around the table. You’d forgotten that there were other people there for a second, much less his family. His mom, dad, nieces, nephews, aunties – distant or otherwise… You had to pull yourself together before they caught on to your overly horny demeanor. 
Kylian took his hand off your thigh when his chicken alfredo was placed in front of him, noticing how you sat up straighter. For now, he’d let you do your best to make regular conversation with his cousins that sat across from the both of you, but he noticed how tightly your legs were crossed together. He saw your eyes dart away from his whenever you turned his way. When he brushed your pinky on the table before engulfing your hand, you took in a sharp breath. So sensitive. 
He nodded toward your empty plate. “Feel like turning in early, mon coeur?”
You raised a brow at him. “Ky, you sure? Your whole family’s here. Don’t you wanna stay a little longer?”
He shrugs. “We’ve been mingling for like,” he looks at his watch, “almost three hours. Besides, I’m quite a bit distracted tonight.” He peeks down at your cleavage, darting his tongue out to wet his lips. “I think I wanna take you home.”
You shudder when he leans in and kisses the corner of your lips. To anyone watching, it’s a sweet gesture of affection, but to you… it was erotic. Sensual. It made you tighten your thighs even more.
His attention is taken back to the others at the table, letting them know that the two of you would be leaving a little early, blaming it on his morning training schedule. You two made your rounds to every seat, kissing cheeks and rubbing shoulders, making sure you left a good impression with each and every one of the members of the group. 
He opened the car door for you, grabbing your hand to help you in, kissing your knuckles before hopping in the driver's seat. He weaved through traffic with a sure hand on your upper thigh, slowly and subconsciously getting higher and higher. 
It’s unfair that he holds all the power right now – making you sweat and need him with every purposeful tap on your skin. The pads of his fingers migrated downward over your dress until it reached the hem of the frilly garment. His eyes were fixed on the red light in front of him as he let his hand travel under your dress – the simple skin to skin enough to invade you with goosebumps – feeling each and every one on the trail he formed toward your panties, toying with the band wrapped around your hip.  
You didn’t even mean to swivel your hips closer to his hand, but when his forefinger traveled lightly to feel your slit over the elastic material, you couldn’t stop yourself. “Ky…” You whined as he wiggled his digit against you. 
You look over to see his smirk facing forward, practically visualizing his ego growing at just your involuntary mewl. Looking at his lap, you saw the trace of his member was much too prominent to assume your neediness wasn’t affecting him. You reached over and took hold of it, gripping with a single squeeze that had his breath shake in surprise. 
“Merde, cherie…” He hissed, taking sporadic peeks down at your hand as it rubbed him through the layer of cloth. It wasn’t responsible to grope him while he was behind the wheel, but the standstill traffic and ultra tinted windows lent you enough feelings of safety to continue your motions. You felt him getting harder as you pumped your fist as best you could over his stiff zipper. 
Half his mind wanted to ask you to wait until you got home so he could shove you between him and the wall, feel, kiss, bite, lick every centimeter he saw… but how could he? Your fluttering lashes made him forget how to speak coherently. He just couldn’t resist you. 
His personal fucking kryptonite. 
There you both sat, hands on each other's most intimate parts in the center of traffic. It was kind of exciting that the people on the same road had no idea what was going on. That the thick steel doors and blackened windows were the only thing keeping them from seeing you throw your head back when he pressed on your clit. That they were oblivious to the sweet sounds that bubbled up from Kylians chest as you ran your knuckles over his tip, the hand that wasn’t lost under your otherwise innocent dress gripping the steering wheel so, so tightly. 
Kylian took a quick and sharp left, finally away from the traffic going down the last road until you reached your private residence. His foot pressed all the way down on the pedal, impatiently rolling the stop signs. In any other scenario, it would make you nervous, but you truly didn't even notice the way he broke traffic laws once he had removed his hand in the urgency of it all. 
You unbuckled as he drove down the last couple of blocks, leaning over the center console to attack his open neck, surely leaving a big purple bruise in your wake. Your hand wrapped around his face, pressing him further into you. He grunted and closed his eyes as soon as he put the car in park inside the garage, wasting no time grabbing for your leg so you could straddle him in the tall SUV. 
Kylian hiked your dress up with his hand firmly placed on the globe of your ass, squeezing your flesh harshly as you grinded down onto him. With his lips now on your own, all the sounds of pleasure were muffled and smothered.  
“J'ai tellement besoin de toi, putain.” I need you so fucking bad. His hands roamed higher around your waist as he got access to your neck.
“J'ai besoin que tu mettes un bébé en moi. C'est si dur.” I need you to put a baby in me. So bad. When you say these words, you feel him stiffen. His hands cease their movements, now only gripping you in place as he leans his head back to look at your face. He needed to see if you were joking or not. Breathless and completely earnest, you stare into his wide eyes, feeling the way the mood changed with just a single phrase. 
He hints at a smile. “You’re serious?”
You nod, kissing the tip of his nose, brushing your thumb dearly on his cheekbone. “So serious.”
He grins happily, pure excitement behind his eyes as he rubs your back with an incredible gentleness. He’s overtaken with fondness as he leans in to kiss you again. He smiles into it, letting out a joyous giggle when he hugs you tightly.
He barely pulls back. “Let’s get you inside. My beautiful wife.”
He couldn’t keep his hands off of you as he hugs you down the hallway toward the master bedroom, taking small detours when he simply couldn't help himself; grasping your neck to kiss you lovingly, slowing down to press you against his front and whisper sweet things in your ear. 
You half expected him to throw you on the bed, rip your dress off, and take you like it was an animalistic instinct. By his conduct in the restaurant and in the car, you’d expect nothing less than a rough and primal fuck. 
But, no. He walked you backward toward the bed, only staring into your eyes adoringly as he lifted you up to lay your head down on the pillow comfortably. 
He kissed you once before just looking at you on the mattress, knees turned in and pathetic little squirm demanding its way through your limbs. Your pretty purple dress was now wrinkled and twisted, halfway up your thigh, straps hanging loosely off your shoulder.
He beamed, deciding to sit on his knees with you in between him as he began undoing his white dress shirt, button by button, eyes never leaving yours. Your grabby hands untucked the material from his pants, matching his slower pace as you undid the buckle of his belt.
Once his shirt just hung on his shoulders, he placed two warm hands on your legs, allowing them to wander up and up, the material of your dress all scrunched up in their path. He unveiled your body to his hungry eyes, tapping the side of your ribs so you’d sit up and let him take it off of you completely. You both giggled softly when it finally went over your face, disheveling your hair in the process. Kylian brushed it all away from your features, grabbing your face sweetly and laying you back down, noses only an inch away as he balanced his body on top of yours.
“Mon amour.” He mumbled adoringly, brushing his nose with yours, grazing your lips slightly. “We’re really doing this.”
You just smile, pecking the cheesy wide grin that had taken over his features. “We’re ready.” You confirm, wrapping both your arms around his neck. 
He slowly made his way down your body, inch by inch, kiss by kiss. His tongue made soft and swift circles on your left nipple, your other being pinched and soothed by his strong fingers. As he ventured further, he placed his palms firmly on your tummy, kissing it so tenderly, as if to prepare a space for his future baby. Blessing it’s temporary home before they even had the chance to get there.
“You’re going to look so pretty when I get you pregnant.” The words were strangled between the emotions in his voice and the ringing in your own ears; the pressure of his lowering hands making your head spin. 
He tossed his shirt aside along with his pants when he reached your underwear, placing himself with purpose as he began pulling down the lacy garment. He hummed delightedly when a string of your slick clung onto the material. You showcased your pussy to him like he paid for it, jutting your hips toward him with pure need. 
“You’re so fucking wet.” He murmured as he ran a finger through your folds, just to tease, perceptive to the shiver that formed a sweet noise from your chest.
Without needing further instruction, he kitten licked your clit, gently sucking on it now and then. You turned your head into the silk pillow, letting it catch most of the crude noises you were making for the man between your legs. With his arms securely wrapped around your thighs, he pressed his face further into your core, shaking his head back and forth before adding two fingers. 
“God – fuck, Ky.” The abstruse praises spewed out of you when he curled his long, long fingers up, pumping them as they hooked inside your rigid walls. 
He pulled them out too quickly for your liking, taking his magic tongue with him as he stared down at your pussy. He stretched your skin apart with his thumbs, playing with you for his own visual gratification before slowly inserting three fingers inside at once. He watched them intently disappear into you, then quickly looking at your face that twisted in delight as he stretched you open – preparing you for his thick member. 
You wailed in pleasure, your hands gripping the sheets until your knuckles turned white. “Oh my god, Kylian.” How he loved hearing you moan out his name. It only made him need you more, staring up at you dotingly past your stomach. “Please, baby… I need you.” You begged.
His fingers slow down before leaving you bare. He watched your empty pulsing hole for only a second, licking his fingers clean as he shuffled around to be on top of you once more. 
He hovered over you, staring deeply into your eyes. You sighed in contentment at his gazing, allowing one of your hands to go astray to lower his boxer briefs over his ass, pulling down the front as well. You took hold of his thick and hard cock, pumping it while keeping eye contact with your lover. It was so beautiful to observe the tiny fragments of expressions that waved over his face. The microscopic twinges of his eyelids, the slight curve that forms between his eyebrow, the gentle pursing of his lips. 
You tugged him to your opening, running his dick along your soaked lips, lubricating it as you began to try and prod yourself open with him. Just the feeling of his tip beginning to enter your tight pussy had him shuddering. Kylian met your hand, helping it guide his cock to your entrance, slowly inserting his desperate mushroomhead.
He moved slightly, watching your expression for discomfort. “You’re so tight.” He huffed. Your hand stayed on his base, his small and paced movements still only to stretch you out for him. He felt the pads of your fingers as he shallowly pushed in and out of you.
“Faster.” You demanded, moving your hands to his ass to follow his movements. 
He complied, heavy breathing fanning your face, his pace increasing, stuffing more of himself inside of you. Kylians eyes were shut tightly, head lulling down and occasionally planting a sloppy kiss on whatever skin happened to be closest to his parted lips. His arms shift into a plank position and he nuzzles his face in your neck, body pressed firmly against you – the beads of sweat on his muscles rubbing against your middle in tandem with his thrusts that still only went in halfway. With your hands still on the globes of his ass, you clenched and pushed him deeper with your palms. 
He groans at the feeling, almost all the way inside of you. “You want it all? Huh?” He asks between gasps of air. “You want me to stretch out your tight little pussy. Take it.” He kisses you, tongue aggressively scouting your mouth. He lifts your legs up and sets them around his shoulders. 
While staring into your eyes, he snaps his hips forward until his pelvic bone was pressed deliciously on your own.
“Fuck!” You scream, feeling him so, so deep inside of you. The slightly upward curve pinned against your g-spot as he stayed still in that position. The way your strained walls grabbed him and kept him buried inside made his eyes cross for a second. He tilted his head and kissed your left knee. Your foot grazed his back when he pulled out almost all the way, and, Christ… the look he gave you was debilitating when he thrusts back in.
When you say Kylian is easy to read, you really meant it. You could stare at his face for all of three seconds and gauge his mood. It was something he actually found a little annoying sometimes; coming home after a tough day and you’d force him to talk about it before he would even get a hello out. He could say he hated your perceptiveness all he wants, but he’ll never truly convince himself of that. He loved that he could communicate with you with just a simple impression on his features. 
Now, he thrusted in and out, in and out as he gazed down at your hooded eyelids – and the look on his face was, again, one you've never seen before. 
And despite this, you just knew what it meant. You felt it in your heart. 
Love. Passion. Devotion. Care. Companionship. He'll be there for everything that is to come.
You saw your future in the shining glimmer in his irises. You saw everything. 
Tears naturally welled in your eyes, one slipped, rolling down the side of your face. There was a glint of concern in Kylian as he slowed his unforgiving pace, but you moved your hips to keep him going.
He halted his motions and was about to ask you if you were okay or if you were hurt, but your hands cradled his face and you leaned up to peck his lips. “I just love you so much.” You say, answering the question he hadn’t even asked yet. 
He lets out a deep sigh, wavering and telling. His thumb grazes over the trail of your tear, then leaves it there to stroke your skin. You gave him a light and playful spank on his right butt cheek, making you both giggle. He leaned down and kissed you feverishly – smooching once, twice, three times and pulling back only slightly.
“I love you. Je t'aime. Dieu, je t'aime tellement.” I love you. God, I love you so much. He planted sweet kisses all over your face, still smiling. “Tu es tout pour moi.” You are everything to me. 
He pulled completely out of you, leaving you empty. A whine bubbled out of your chest and Kylian traced over the crease that had formed between your eyebrows, just before inserting himself back. Your mouth opened in pleasure, a moan stuck inside your throat as he gradually powered through your tight walls, inch by fucking inch. It was a feeling of complete satisfaction when his tip collided with your sweet spot once more. Even better when the drag of his thrusts nudged it over, and over, and over, A slow pace. A gentle pace. A pace that he felt necessary for the beginning of this new chapter. 
He knew he was close, but kept his rhythm to get you there with. His hand found your clit quickly, making you jolt up, wrapping your arms tightly around his neck and pulling him into you.
“Oh, shit, Kylian… God! Yes! Fuuuuck…” The heaps of praise melted like butter in Kylians ears. The sweet voice of the woman he loves praising him made his heart flutter, soaking in the feeling of your teeth sinking into his shoulder. 
“I’m gonna fill you up.” He stuttered into your hair, changing the motions of his fingers of your sensitive bud to get you there faster.
“Please, please, Kylian.” You kiss his neck, biting the skin. “Get me pregnant. Please.”
He moaned at your words, feeling like he couldn’t stop himself from orgasming for a minute longer. “Putain, je suis sur le point de... bon sang!” Fuck, I’m about to… Jesus Christ! 
It was there. Right there. His thrusts faltered, he took your face from his neck and ran his free thumb over your lips, pressing his forehead to yours as he groaned deeply. He squeezed his eyes closed as you felt his hot spurts of cum painting your walls, shooting into you delightfully until you were sure you were full. He cursed, eyes screwed shut as he continued thrusting sporadically. The feeling of it all made the knot in your abdomen pop. You screamed his name, legs shaking on his shoulder violently, toes curling, thighs shivering.
He pulled his hand away and kept fucking his cum into you through his groans of overstimulation, right until he had to gently and slowly pull out. He kept your legs pressed against your chest as he ventured down the mattress to get a better view of your pussy; his seed spilling out of you in dribbles, forcing him to stuff as much as he could back into you with his thumb. You shivered, lifting your head to watch him admire his work as if you were a piece of art he’d spent centuries perfecting. Slowly, he brought your sore legs back into a more natural position, soothing your aching muscles with a gentle massage. You were still coming down under his touch, both of you absolutely breathless. He throws himself down on the pillows next to you, whisking your hand from your heaving stomach – just holding it as you both calmed down and caught your breath. 
“Christ…” You mumbled, chuckling a little bit. You rotate your body toward him with a giddy smile on your face, cuddling into his side and kissing his cheek. He began chuckling along with you. “What if I'm pregnant right now?” You ask, excitement comfortably taking over your face. 
He shakes his head and looks at you, then down to your exposed stomach pressed against him. His hand snakes onto your middle, gently pushing you on your back as he steadied his hand right on your belly button. 
He didn't even need to say anything. His face said it all. 
The excitement of it all carried through the following weeks. It took everything in you to not tell every one of your friends and co-workers that you guys were trying. With the media breathing down your necks, it was agreed that this would be kept on the down low and you’d only announce when you were showing and could no longer hide it. Privacy was important to you both as a couple, and saying you're trying was really just a socially acceptable way of telling people you and Kylian were just constantly having sex.
Your leg bounced in anticipation as you asked your Alexa (again) how long was left of your fifteen minute timer. Kylian chewed on his thumbnail as he sat next to you on the bed with the same frustration at the slow clock ticking down, needing to know if the little stick that sat in the bathroom had one or two lines painted on it. 
“I’m not pregnant.” You say into the silence with no evidence that that was true.
He leans back, taking his raw nail away from his teeth. “You could be.”
“I don’t think I am. Wouldn’t I, you know, like, feel it, or something?”
He sighs, placing a sure hand on the small of your back. “I have no idea. I don’t know if you know this about me… but I’ve never been pregnant before.” He smiles, earning a forced grin from you. He notices the unnaturalness of your curved lips to appease his bad joke, never reaching your eyes as they darted around the room nervously. He scoots closer, hugging your shoulders comfortingly, rubbing them like it would take away your anxiety. “Whatever it says, we have time. We keep trying.” He kisses your cheek with a quirk in his smile. “I quite enjoy trying.” You huff out a laugh – a real one – and playfully jab his stomach with your elbow. 
That moment lasted no longer than a few seconds before the sound of the alarm went off. You audibly gulped down the minimal moisture in your mouth, taking a deep breath in as you both walked to the bathroom, Kylian holding your shoulders as he walked behind you into the tiled room. 
“You want me to look?” He quietly asked after you just stared at the stick that was face down on the counter, not moving a muscle or even blinking. You nod, wiping your hands on your pants. 
It felt like everything moved in slow motion when he reached for the otherwise insignificant plastic test that your future was written on. He kept the stick face down in his hand and took a deep breath in. You subconsciously crossed your fingers at your side. You’d never done that before, but you were hoping the universe would listen to your silent pleading superstition. You watch his face so intently, hyper-analyzing it before he even turns the stick in his hands. 
His eyes shot down to it and he pursed his lips with a miniscule sigh. Without saying anything else, he sets it back down on the counter and pulls you in for a hug. Your heart dropped into your stomach as you needed confirmation of your suspicions, looking over at the stick with only one single line. 
He put his chin on top of your head, squeezing you dearly. “It’s okay. It was our first try.” He murmured as you wrapped your own arms around his torso disappointingly. 
You nod despite the grave let down, having convinced yourself that it would happen now like you had both hoped. “Yeah. I don’t know why I expected to get a positive that quickly. I shouldn’t have gotten my hopes up.”
He shakes his head, not really knowing what to say to comfort you while dealing with his own waves of sadness. Embracing each other in lieu of speaking was just as comforting, knowing you both were having the same experience together was consolation enough. 
He kisses the top of your hair with a whispered I love you, holding you, holding him. 
A/N: Part 1 of 2 (possibly 3). I'm back! Thank you to everyone for being patient with me and checking up on me through my little month hiatus. Sometimes, you just need a break and I appreciate you guys so much for being so kind through it! Huge hug and kiss to everyone here! Based on these requests (anon 1) (anon 2). And, don't worry, @megannandrewss , yours is coming in the next parts!
Taglist: @trentione @mentalbaddie @neymarsrealgf @akiraquote @mrswhitethornbelikov @kymb-10 @formula101x @photmath @marcelineslove @tsikik @iheartkyky @freshfraise @jokertbh @germanapples @urfuturesoccerwife @nightlockcornucopia @laylaynaynay130 @starlight8374 @depressoesssspresso @mbappesbae @ maddyperrezz @gigiboss @xanjoy @lovekm @jkkiks @vvbasmavv-blog @suzysface @ lolarmy72 @lizzz2967 @kylians-world @superswaggycooch @shashla @mehrmonga @abayo222 @missmo79 @tties24-7 @gurleenkl @drewstarkeysbae @ vibinwkay @ctn26 @ippid @i0veless @abayo222 @b-bradshaw @http-isabela @zoeeeruiz @mitruscity @kenanlotus0 @mbapbaesluvr @alwaysclassyeagle @nhatquynh @philipetchebest @ricsaigaslec @dfswfvf @urfav-tz @kylianswag @fanatica2023 @alexisquinnlee-bc @megannandrewss
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guentzel · 1 month
anyone want a (un)healthy dose of sidgeno baseball au bc I got it. first off sidgeno would not be a catcher/pitcher bc while the relationship between battery mates is sacred it doesn’t possess the level of crazy sidgeno have bc a pitcher doesn’t pitch every day so they’re not always working together and while you can have some crazies (yadiwaino) it’s not the same. (also if we’re going to be honest, geno is always the pitcher in these scenarios and sid the catcher, bc tall skinny guys do Not make for great backstops but short wide guys do. anyways)
what they should be to match the level of crazy: the hot corners. geno 1st base, sid 3rd. bc 3rd base sees the most activity; the way sid would always need to be on his feet, always quick and accurate, screams sid. sid, aside from the catcher, is one of the last stops to prevent runs. allowing any runs—especially bc of errors he made—would drive sid the appropriate amount of insane. sid SCREAMS third baseman who will stab you for fucking up an easy double or triple play. probably would take any ball in his space as his responsibility and won’t even let the shortstop touch it, sorry.
meanwhile you got geno who already has the two attributes desired for a 1st baseman: Tall(tm) and left handed. but aside from that the relationship between the first and third baseman, imho, is sacred. most ground balls are knocked to the third baseman, so who does the 3rd baseman need to be able to trust? the 1st baseman. being able to trust that the 1st baseman will be able to receive your throw—even make impossible stretches to catch it—is so fucking important. a good 1st baseman with steady hands is a 3rd baseman’s wet dream. they are the first line of defense (bc you can’t really call what the pitcher/catcher do defense). any soft contact, they are the ones making sure that the runner doesn’t make it to first, or if there’s any on base, don’t advance. you also play with this man literally every day—very rarely do baseball players get the day off and even rarer that it happens to be 1st or 3rd. these guys are workhorses like sid and g and that trust in the other guy, to know they’re as good as you… idk it’s just special. it’s them
anyways thanks for coming to my tedtalk
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develation · 2 years
Mythical Dreamtale (OSD AU)!
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So! Chapter 17 had me really inspired by the whole story @calcium-cat had set up, so naturally, started forming another au. Here's what I came up with!
I haven't come up with separate names for them, but Nightmare is dark matter, the blackness that makes up the negative space in well, space. Dream is a star, and the gases that make one up. They're both quite wispy, and while Nightmare is smooth to the touch Dream is soft, almost fluffy. They can shapeshift, which is a lot easier to do when you have a form of reference, which is why they take the form of animals. They are also Dream Catchers, and will feed on their respective ones to survive. Though another thing they can do is collect Chimeras, lost dreams that have gained sentience. They are formless, though when there collected they tend to take the form that the collector envies or feels the most comfortable in. That's why Dream's and Nightmare's cloaks have deer or crows coming off of them ;3.
The twin's cloaks are purely made up of Chimeras and they usually only come out (shown in the second pick) like that when they and their barer feel content or are afraid and in need of protection. Nightmares are a lot more confident so they tend to show themselves more (the eyes on the cloak).
For the OSD scenario, I'm thinking about two ideas. One is that since dark matter is infinite and stars have an actual cycle, Dream has died of old age and was reborn from his own supernova.
Two is that there was a sort of "apple incident" (this one will be much, much different, it might not even be a tree with apples), and during the mess of feelings Nightmare accidentally killed Dream, who was reborn in the same fashion. Chimera get panicky when fearful so friendly fire isn't that slim of a possibility xD.
Oh and they both can float, Nightmare just doesn't like to go very far off the ground lol.
But yeah that's all I got for now! I might do some different designs for Horror, Cross, Killer, and Dust, and might even have Ink and Error be celestial forces to match the look. Oh my god, whelp I just accidentally made an Outtale Multiverse without even realizing it, whoops. Holy crap I can make Error and Ink soul/world eaters here.
Cal this is all your fault, I CAN'T STOP MAKING HUGE AUS!
Ugh, anyway, there are some crops under the cut lol
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babyboiboyega · 1 year
We are the Champions (Athlete!Shuri x GF!Reader)
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Athlete!Shuri x GF!Reader
Summary: Dating an athlete meant constantly traveling for games and reassuring her when she needed it. Dating a champion meant having to fight for some alone time with her.
Word Count: 8.6k
Content: nothing but fluff y’all; well, the slightest bit of angst if you squint, but its really not angst at all; softball references; profanity; Shuri and Ri as athletes, that’s a warning in and of itself. 
Babyboiboyega’s Marvel Masterlist
Babyboiboyega’s Masterlist of Masterlists
A/N: HEY! Sorry I’ve been gone, but here’s a little oneshot that I was really excited to write after having a dream about it as an apology! Of course, thanks to Liya for giving me the idea of making her a softball player!
I tried to make sure that the rules of softball were explained pretty easily in this, but if you have ANY questions, don’t hesitate to reply with them or send me a lil message! I got yall :) But I will put a few definitions for a few words, just in case!
Also, the Women’s National World Series is fictional and based on the Women’s College World Series, but I just made it different to fit the ages as yall aren’t in college anymore in this oneshot! The UCLA Bruins is an actual team and they’re a mf beast, I actually love watching them play softball, but they’re a college team. But just forget that and pretend like they’re a little older and out of college lmao
“Ump/ Umpire”: a person who watches the game and enforces the rules; think of a referee
“Pitcher’s Mound”: the place in the middle of the field where a pitcher stands and pitches.
“Back catcher”: the person who squats behind the batter and in front of the ump who catches the ball the pitcher throws.
The last play is also called a “drop play”. To put it simply, if the back catcher drops the ball on the third strike, the batter can run to try and get to first base. In this scenario, there’s a runner on third who takes their chance at getting to home plate while the back catcher is getting the ball. When the back catcher isn’t at home plate, its up to the pitcher to be there and cover it, which is what happens here. I hope that’s easy to understand LMAO
Go and read! Hope y’all enjoy!
Song Inspo (the songs that were on replay while writing):
- Lockdown : Koffee
- Found : Tems feat. Brent Faiyaz
- Essence : Wizkid, Tems
- Gonna love me : Teyana Taylor
Beyond the large opening were stands filled with softball fans, eager to see which team would win the WNWS (The Women’s National World Series): The UCLA Bruins… or The Panthers of Wakanda. Excitement radiated from every part of the stands and the field, from fans and players alike. The Panthers would be going against a team known for winning the WNWS multiple times; a team that was a huge fan favorite and famous for their wins and their skill.
This was only The Panthers' first time making it to the championships, and there had been multiple news outlets, sports companies, and fans in general that had doubted their abilities and how they had gotten here. It didn't matter if each player's stats spoke for them, or if their wins as a team were highly impressive for one as new as theirs; they'd always be doubted just a little more than other teams. It was partly the reason why they worked so hard to get to where they were today, as a way of telling all of those who doubted them that despite their words and their insults, they had gotten here on their own. The other part was simply because it always felt good to win, and winning the championships would accomplish both of those goals.
Shuri's confidence in her team never wavered, nor did it when it came to her own abilities, but there was something about today. Maybe it was because it was the championship and they were on UCLA's home turf, and the home team always had an advantage in some way, whether it came from crooked umps or boosted morale; or maybe it was because she was their top pitcher, and everyone was looking to her to close out the game in their favor. But as she leaned against the wall of the hallway, trying her hardest to block out the buzzing noise in the stands and the announcer's voice booming over the speakers about damn hotdogs, she suspected it was the latter.
You didn't have to be in Shuri's mind or hear her thoughts to know them; you could deduce from the nervous passing back and forth of the bright yellow ball in her hands that she was temporarily trapped between fighting thoughts of self-doubt and embracing the confident ones that would ensure her a straight head while on the field. It was a scene that you had walked in on many times before important games, and this time was no different. Not for you at least.
A soft 'psst' left your mouth as you approached, and it prompted her to immediately raise her head and turn towards you. Her mouth had been pursed in thought when she first looked at you, but they quickly upturned slightly as she copied the noise
"What's goin on, babe?"
Shuri knew better than to lie, and it wasn't just because she knew you would get on her. You had the ability to read her as well as she could read herself, and you weren't afraid to use this skill when you felt she was downplaying her feelings. She had learned early on in the relationship that that shit wouldn't fly with you; it was something you constantly reminded her of in times like this.
You paused in front of where she rested against the wall, resting your homemade sign against the wall beside her. It was a simple black poster with gold trimming and the words 'Wakanda Forever" on it in silver letters that sparkled. On the other side, it said 'I'm with #15' - Shuri's number. When she had first seen it she had thrown her head back and laughed before nodding and pulling you in for a kiss. 'Damn right, you are' she had mumbled against your lips; ever since then, you had kept it in pristine condition.
"I thought I was fine, but that was before I saw the pitcher's mound. Now…I'm feeling the pressure."
Her voice was slightly rough around the edges, a hint of frustration creeping into it; no doubt aimed at herself. The ball hit her glove a little harder after she spoke, and her eyebrows furrowed slightly. It was obvious that she was delving deeper into those thoughts, and doing that would only make the pressure grow for her. You turned and leaned against the wall beside her, giving her space but standing close enough to where her arm brushed against yours whenever she moved it.
"A bit of pressure is good, it means you care about the game. It means you wanna win, which I know you do."
The corner of her mouth lifted a little more as she glanced over at you, her head nodding in agreement. The ball paused where it rested in her glove.
"Of course I do. We've gotten this far despite everything- we have to win."
The determination in her voice didn't go unnoticed, but neither did the slight shakiness of it. Her eyes stayed focused on the bright yellow ball, her eyebrows furrowed and her jaw clenched slightly.
"It'll be amazing for you to win…but even if that doesn't happen, and that's a huge fuckin 'if'," she huffed out a small laugh, shaking her head. "It matters that you got here in the first place. A lot of people didn't want you to get here but look at y'all. Can't tell y'all shit."
You weren't the best at giving motivational speeches, but one thing you excelled in was making sure Shuri was good whenever you knew she wasn't. And if your words couldn't do the trick, you'd simply move on to the acts that you knew would. This situation called for a bit of both; it had to do with Shuri's self-confidence and how she applied it to something she was passionate about and damn good at.
Anyone could see how much she loved playing softball; it was just as easy to see how good she was at the game, but you knew exactly how much it impacted her life. She hadn't started at a young age, but she had always been connected to the sport in some way.
Her brother, T'Challa, had played baseball for their country, and he had been a star player in every sense of the word. Shuri had looked up to her brother- she still did, and that included wanting to be like him in every way she could. So it only made sense that when she was big enough, she had begged him to teach her how to throw correctly and how to swing a bat, and of course, being an older sibling who spoiled and loved on their younger sibling, he had done exactly that. He had been the first one to see her potential in the sport, and while he hadn't pressured her to try out for a team, he had always reminded her of what all she could do and how talented she was- even when she moved to America to pursue an education.
He had gifted Shuri her first bat when she had joined her first team in secondary school, middle school being the equivalent for Americans, and he had been in attendance at every game and tournament she'd had. Even after he had grown sick, he had promised her that he'd try his hardest to make it to every single game, and he had held that promise all the way until the time of his death. But Shuri had once told you that he still attended every game she had, as she still carried around that bat that he had gifted to her. She had outgrown it a while ago, but the metal still bore her brother's handwriting and it still held sentiment, so it'd always be like he was with her.
You had known her at the time of T'Challa's death, having met her in your first year of college and his death happening during both of your second years, and you had never seen her attend a game without the bat. In fact, that same bat peeked out of the side of her softball bag as it leaned against the wall next to you two, her eyes naturally drifting to it as another source of comfort.
It took no effort at all to reach for her hand, taking her glove off and placing it on top of her bag before lacing your fingers through hers, and then you were stepping around to face her. The curve of her back rested against the wall, though as you stepped around, she straightened slightly. Her gaze connected with yours and you could see the smallest bit of turmoil in them.
"What did T'Challa always say?"
The question was the beginning of a pre-game ritual you two always did, and the recognition made her smile grow in the slightest. There were traces of lingering sadness, but it was inevitable when she spoke of her brother. It wasn't exactly a mournful sadness, but rather one that showed how his memory lived on in everything she did.
"He'd say 'stay in the game.'"
"Exactly." You squeezed her hand as you raised it, placing it on your chest over the spot where your heart was while your other hand rested over where hers beat. It was something the two of you had started a while ago, following her first anxiety attack before a game. The game had been the first one she'd had to play after T'Challa's passing, and the only thing that had gotten her out of the locker room and onto the field had been you sitting in the corner of the locker room with her. You had placed her hand on your heart so that she could feel something solid and calm enough for her to try and match, the same way you were doing now.
Her heart wasn't beating as fast as it had been then, but it was still slightly faster than normal, and the little ritual still worked no matter how skilled she was at the sport.
"That means you take all of those thoughts that are frustrating you, and confront them by playing the game the way you know how to. You know you're good at what you do. Your team is good. Go out there knowing that they got your back, babe."
It was obvious that she was taking your words and trying her best to not only commit them to memory but also apply them to the current situation. She always did, eventually, but the importance of today's game made the process a little longer. You knew she had told herself whatever she needed when her eyes closed momentarily, a deep and slow breath flowing through her body. Her thumb absentmindedly rubbed your collarbone, something that was more for her benefit but still felt good to you.
It only took a minute or two for her to open her eyes, a look of decisiveness now accompanying that look of determination on her face. Her gaze once again met yours, a deep appreciation gleaming in them as her smile grew.
"And you say you're bad at pep speeches." You could practically see the clouds of self-doubt receding from over her as she spoke, laughter in her words. It made your own smile grow.
"Because I am. I just know you well enough to say the right things."
She hummed in agreement, her eyebrows raising slightly as she nodded. Her hand shifted, following the length of your arm before resting over yours where it still resided on her chest. You had been with her for 3 years and her touch still threatened to steal the breath from you, and she loved to remind you. As much was evident in the way her smile grew almost teasing as she used your hand to pull you closer until the tips of your shoes scraped against her cleats.
"You always know what to say, don't you? How'd you even know I was back here anyway? Not that I don't appreciate you coming to check on me, it's very sweet of you-" You smacked your teeth, lightly kicking her foot at her joking and causing a laugh to escape her mouth.
"Ri told me 'you should go and check on your girl', so here I am, checkin' on my girl." You reached a hand up, raising her visor to see her face clearly. Not only did her touch continue to affect you, but the look of adoration in her eyes as she looked down at you still managed to send shivers down your spine.
The joy and excitement on her face made your own anticipation for the game grow, knowing that it'd be an evenly matched game and knowing that if there was one thing Shuri would do, she'd make sure to play her ass off. It was always amazing watching her play…and hot.
(It was the uniform that hugged her legs. And the tucked-in shirt. And the short sleeves that bared her muscular arms from years of playing. And most definitely the sounds she made whenever she pitched or hit-)
"I should be out there getting ready to lead the wave for when y'all start-"
A sound left her mouth, partly horrified and partly comical. Leave it to her to be dramatic.
"Absolutely not, you don't do the wave at a softball game, when have you ever seen someone start the wave at a softball game-"
"Uh, today, the fuck? I'll do whatever I damn well please, Udaku."
She threw her head back as she laughed loudly, the sound making your own laugh bubble up from your throat. It completely drowned out all other sounds, effectively creating a bubble of tranquility around the two of you that you both were reluctant to leave.
She continued to gaze at you once her laughter had died down, a soft smile taking over her face. The pre-game ritual always ended with some sort of physical contact, and you knew that it was coming next as she released your hands to wrap hers around your waist, pulling you flush against her.
Your movements worked in tandem with hers as you slid her team visor off, showing off her cornrows that formed a pattern on her scalp. It was only that morning that you found yourself oiling them while she rested between your legs, head leaned back and eyes closed in contentment. You could still smell traces of the manuka oil you had used as you leaned your forehead against hers, letting out a small sigh that she immediately copied.
"You got this, usana." The nickname rolled effortlessly off your tongue, as you had heard it so many times that it was now a part of your regular vocabulary when it came to Shuri. The term of endearment resulted in Shuri's smile growing, her arms tightening around your waist.
Her shoulders had dropped as you two talked, the tension melting away and making way for the adrenaline she usually felt right before each game. Her jaw had unclenched, apparent in the relaxed feeling of it as you raised your hands to hold her face.
"And when y'all win- when, not if- we'll find some way to celebrate. Just the two of us. We can both take a break and just go somewhere, alright?"
There was a short silence between you two before she pulled back slightly, nodding her head.
"…only if you promise not to do the wave."
"See, I'm just tryna be nice and cute, and you playing games, Shuri-"
Not only were your words cut off because of her laugh, but they were quickly stopped as she leaned forward, placing her lips on yours. She placed a hand on your back and used it to press your body closer to hers while her other moved to tilt your chin up.
Not only did her touch have the ability to steal your breath away, but it also made you completely forget that she had a game to play. The reminder came in the form of one of her teammates appearing in the large opening that led to the field. Ri's voice traveled effortlessly and popped that bubble of tranquility surrounding you two.
"Ayo! I told you to check on your girl, not fuck her in the tunnel! We got a game to play, let's go!"
She received an annoyed eye roll and a curse in Xhosa from Shuri but only smiled and turned, bouncing back into the dugout. The interruption served its purpose for as soon as Ri was out of sight, Shuri was letting out a breath and picking up her glove, slipping it onto her hand. You couldn’t ignore the longing in her eyes or in your chest even if you wanted to, but she had a job to do. 
Her smile had the makings of someone who knew exactly what they were about to get themselves into but still carried that small bit of remaining anxiety, but it was easy to see that she was okay. She'd be okay; you knew it and now she did too.
"I'll see you in the stands."
She held out a hand and you immediately grabbed it, the both of you completing the little handshake you did before each game. It was another ritual stemming from when you had absentmindedly created it while playing with her fingers before a game, and she had insisted that your actions had given her that extra bout of good luck for that game. Now, before each game, she had to complete the handshake with you, otherwise, she'd feel a little lost on the field.
"And I'll see you on the field."
And just as every single one of your handshakes ended, she pulled you quickly to her, planting a kiss on your lips before squeezing your hand and letting go. There was a cheeky smile on her face as she grabbed her bag, slinging it over a shoulder before sending a wink your way.
"We've got a game to win."
"Folks, we're at the bottom of the 7th and last inning with The Panthers having 8 runs and The Bruins having 7. It's been a tense battle on the field today, both teams evenly matched in defense and runs."
The game had been tense but in the best way possible. The Panthers would never let The Bruins get too far ahead, and vice versa. While the home team could hit exceptionally well, The Panthers played defense as if their livelihoods depended on it. You had seen Riri go airborne to catch a ball, watching and wincing as she had fallen to the ground in a heap of limbs; she had caught the ball, though, and it had been an out. You’d had a front-row seat to her girlfriend letting out a string of curses, muttering ‘I’m not tryna go to the hospital while in California, she better chill out.’
 You had also seen Shuri run right into the padded wall separating the stands from the field trying to catch a ball. Of course, she had caught it, but you had also let a few curses slip after seeing her fall to the ground.
Being the girlfriend of an intense and serious softball player is kinda stressful.
"That's right, John, its been incredibly entertaining and a treat watching these two teams. The Panthers have come a long way from being the underdogs to now holding their own against the reigning champs of the tournament."
Even in a professional setting like a championship, there were still fans who had no trouble talking out of the side of their neck. If the ump called a play that ruled in favor of The Panthers, there were always groans and yells of anger that echoed across the field. At one point, a woman with horrible extensions had yelled at the ump for calling one of Shuri's pitches a strike. 'Stop giving them handouts' she had yelled, her voice shrill and laced with all kinds of malice.
It had taken a stern look from Nakia in the dugout and all of your willpower not to turn around and offer your own handouts of ass-whoopings to the lady. The last thing anyone had needed was you getting into a fight with a middle-aged white woman who had wanted to show her ass after seeing a successful, all-black softball team.
"You're right, Steve, and it all comes down to this. Shuri Udaku, number 15 of The Panthers is pitching to Layla Cavanaugh, number 22 of the California Bruins. Home team has two outs, and this pitch has 3 balls and two strikes. It's all falling on whether Udaku can get this last strike or whether her team can stop number 7 on third from scoring. If they get this last out, The Panthers are going home with the championship."
Your knee bounced nervously and your jaw had grown a little sore from stress-munching on a bag of pretzels by the bottom of the last inning. Shuri stood on the pitcher's mound surrounded by her teammates after calling an infield meeting. As they spoke, you could see Shuri's eyebrows furrow slightly, her eyes glancing about the field and taking note of which plays they could complete. Her teammates did the same before, their heads bowing together as they discussed the best course of action. You loved watching them converse on the field, as a team who communicated with each other was a team that won. It also helped to see their smiles as they hyped each other up whenever one needed hyping, and before long, they were bumping gloves with her and running back to their positions.
A tense silence had fallen over the stands, but the home team had no problem breaking it by yelling and hitting the fence in an effort to distract Shuri. It was obvious that she had noticed it, judging by her pursed lips and her narrowed eyes; but it was also obvious that she wouldn't let it bother her. They had gotten too far to be distracted by some yelling.
You found yourself nervously clutching the pretzel bag in your hands as she readied herself for the pitch. Her shoulders rose and fell once, a few seconds passed, and then she was stepping forward and wounding her arm for the pitch.
The ball left her glove at a speed that would result in one missing it should they blink.
The batter swung and missed…but the ball kept going past the back catcher's glove, hurtling into the fence. A series of things happened at once, and if you hadn't been to so many games and gradually learned the rules, you would've been lost as hell. But even with your knowledge of the sport, you still found yourself holding your breath as everything transpired.
The batter dropped her bat and began running to first base while the back catcher turned and lunged for the ball that had gotten past her. You heard multiple yells of 'she's running' before your gaze landed on the runner on third, now sprinting towards an unguarded home plate.
Between one blink and the next, Shuri went from being on the pitcher's mound to right at home plate…but so was the runner.
The catcher turned, throwing the ball to Shuri who then threw herself towards home plate, her eyes set on the runner nearing it. The ball landed in her glove and she turned quickly, touching it against the runner right before her foot landed on the home plate.
It was completely silent as the entire field waited for the ump's call, and you didn't know if you were breathing so quickly that you couldn't feel the breaths or if you had stopped breathing altogether. Your eyes quickly moved between Shuri and the ump, willing him to stop playing games and just call the play-
You heard the single word and saw his hand motion, but it didn't fully register how much weight it held until Shuri jumped up, her mouth instantly opening on a triumphant yell. Her teammates ran from the infield and outfield, gathering around her where she stood on the home plate, all of them embracing and cheering. That's when it registered in your mind.
The Panthers had just won the championship. They had just won the National Championship.
The scream that erupted from your mouth made your ears ring as you stood up, your arms pumping in the air in celebration. Riri's girlfriend, a wonderful woman named Imani, wrapped her arms around you, jumping up and down and yelling directly into your ear…but you didn't care. This was huge.
You didn't care about the few fans yelling at the ump to review his call, and you sure as hell didn't care about the ugly faces being thrown your way and toward the team from the opposing fans. The only thing you could see was a team of champions that had worked their asses off and that had reaped the rewards that came with it.
Turns out, the events that happen after a championship are very different from the events that follow just a regular game. And given that this championship was one at a national level, the difference was stark.
They had allowed the team members' friends and loved ones to join them on the field for the medal ceremony after the game, and having been given a lanyard with your pass dangling from it, that included you. The team had stood in a line along the first base line, smiles on every single one of their faces as their names had been called over the speaker along with their number and their position. You had cheered for each player, but as Shuri had stepped forward to receive her medal, you had nearly screamed yourself raw. Your volume had only increased when she had been given the game ball, the same ball she had used to get the last out and win the game.
As soon as the medal ceremony had concluded, she had ran towards you, opening her arms and effortlessly gathering you against her. You had learned a long time ago to ignore the sweat and orange dust sticking to her clothes after each game, so you had eagerly wrapped your arms around her, whispering your congratulations and how proud of her you were into her ear. There were a number of people gathering around her to congratulate her as well, but in that moment, she had only wanted to feel you in her arms. 
"T would be so proud of you, babe." At your words, she had only tightened her arms around you, burying her face into your neck. The possibility of the wetness against your neck being tears had been just as probable as it being sweat, but you hadn't called attention to it. Your words rang true, and she knew it. 
When she had finally pulled back, her smile as wide as ever, she had leaned forward and captured your lips with hers. She had tasted vaguely of salt and the mint gum she loved to chew during the game. You would have been perfectly content standing there in the middle of the field, kissing her silly and congratulating her in your own way, but she had been pulled away by none other than Riri who yelled an apology and said something about pictures. 
You had barely gotten a few minutes with Shuri before the entire team was being pulled away for a 'few photos'. 
That had taken almost an hour and a half.
After the photos, while on their way back to the locker room, a few of them had been pulled for interviews, and Shuri, having done the winning play, was among that group. 
That had taken another 30 minutes.
You had thought that after the interview the two of you would have had a little time to yourselves away from the photographers and the sports channel anchors, but alas, the next thing you knew, she was being asked to follow a representative from the softball's organization to answer questions about potentially joining another team. Even though both of you knew that she wouldn't leave The Panthers, it was still a proud moment to see other teams chasing after your girl. It had also been incredibly entertaining seeing Coah Okoye glare at the representative as they passed her. 
The last time you had seen her, she had been walking out of the locker room with her bag thrown over her shoulder and an apologetic smile on her face. While she had walked towards you, her team had walked the opposite way to where their bus sat. You had perked up, your smile transforming your face into an expression that made Shuri's smile grow. 
"Where y'all headed now? Damn, I can barely kiss my girl before they're pulling you away."
She had laughed, taking your words for what they obviously were, a moment of teasing. While you had wanted to see her for the past few hours, you had understood that they were now champions, and the title came with a lot of people wanting their attention for different reasons. Besides, the two of you had a suite where you could give all of your attention to her later. 
"I know, I'm sorry. That's actually why I was coming over here...to let you know that we've been invited to a luncheon with the president of the organization, and we're heading over there now. And then we have a conference that's closed to the public...and then we have more pictures to take-"
"So many damn pictures-"
"-I know right? And then we have that dinner later tonight for the whole team and their families." 
Out of all the plans she had relayed to you, you had only been aware of the very last one, the dinner. But judging by the look that had been on her face as she had told you, she had been in the same boat. There was no doubt that the entire team had just been told where they were going and what they were doing for the rest of the day, and they had no choice but to go along with it. 
That had meant that the guests who were with the team were to be left to their own devices until the dinner, and the thought had made you sigh. But the excitement for the team had still been evident on your face, even when Coach O had hollered for Shuri to 'move her ass'. 
"Well...then I guess I'll see you at dinner tonight...where more pictures will be taken."
She had rolled her eyes, pretending that the idea annoyed her, but the smile on her face had told you differently. There had been excitement in it with an abundance of pride, and you were sure that your face had echoed the same sentiments. 
That excitement had only grown throughout the day, even without Shuri by your side. In fact, it had only bounced off of you and Imani as the day carried on, the both of you deciding to spend the day together while your girlfriends received the props that they rightly deserved. It was fun, Imani being a person who made you laugh hard and whose personality constantly reminded you why she and Riri were the perfect match for each other. But as the two of you sat at a bar, having finally made it to where dinner would be held, you felt that longing for Shuri growing even while giggling about any and everything that came up. You suspected it was because of the environment around you…and the alcohol, of course. 
Dinner would be held at a restaurant called Blue Streak, and it was placed on the Santa Monica Pier. The restaurant itself was nice; minimalistic decor mixed in with that beachy vibe most restaurants on the beach would have. The walls were mostly made of glass so that you could see the ocean, and the bright neon lights from the pier's small amusement park streamed through the windows, making the inside seem more like a nightclub with food than an actual restaurant. The two of you had taken a peek inside once learning that the team would be there and it had only made the two of you more excited to try the food, but you couldn't do so until the team had arrived for their reservation. All it had taken was Imani pointing to the open bar on the outside of the restaurant for you two to find a way to pass the time, and that's where you two had stayed until Riri called her. 
"Hey, babe. Are you here yet?" 
"Yeah, we just pulled up. Where y'all at- damn, it's a shit ton of people here." The both of you snickered at Riri's words, and when Imani turned the phone to face the both of you, you could see her girlfriend's eyes panning back and forth on the other side of the screen. 
"We found a corner of this bar that's pretty empty. It's at the same restaurant we're having dinner at. Come around the side and you'll see us, Ri."
Instead of answering, Riri only pulled her phone closer, her forehead and eyes taking up the entire screen. Imani's eyebrows furrowed at her actions, a soft laugh leaving her mouth.
"Ri...babe...what are you doing? We know you got a big ass forehead, but you don't gotta show it-" 
A sharp laugh left your mouth, and at the same time, another familiar laugh came from the speakers. Riri's eyes widened, her mouth dropping as she looked from her girlfriend to the other person who had laughed from beside her. You didn't have to see her to know that it was Shuri who stood out of frame, her laugh being as familiar to your ears as your own name.
"And I was just about to tell Shuri how good the two of you looked, but nah... never mind. You get a drink in you and be talking all types of crazy." 
If anything, Riri's words only made the both of you laugh harder. Shuri's laughter also increased but quickly stopped once Riri quickly turned to her out of frame, raising an eyebrow. 
"The hell you laughing at Udaku?"
”Yo, don't start that with me. I'm a champion- you can't roast me tonight."
An exasperated scoff left Ri's mouth as she turned the camera so that Shuri was in the frame. The two of them looked at each other, both of them wearing grins that showed the playfulness that constantly existed between the two of them.
"Nigga, I'm a champion too, you're not special."
Before Shuri could respond, Imani spoke up, interrupting a conversation that surely would have become more comical. It was a normal one between the two women- one that you and Imani had both gotten used to breaking up at certain times. 
"Aht, aht. Don't y'all start. We're hungry and the alcohol can only do so much, so hurry up and get here."
"We're already here." Instead of Ri's voice coming from the speakers, it came from behind the two of you, prompting you to turn around. You sent a smile Ri's way before turning your gaze to your own girlfriend and the sight of her made you pause.
You had seen her in a few professional settings where she had worn formal clothing...but it was something about her appearance tonight that made your heart skip a beat. 
It wasn't just the short-sleeved, black shirt that hugged her torso and her arms, effortlessly showcasing how toned she was from years of sports. It wasn't just the gray slacks that adorned her legs, loose but still fitting her perfectly and secured with a black and gold belt. It wasn't even her gold accessories consisting of a number of rings on her fingers and a single, simple necklace around her neck. Despite how utterly hot her ensemble was, it wasn't what made you pause, your eyes roaming over her entire being. 
It was the confidence and professionalism that she exuded as she stopped in front of you. She had always carried an air of confidence in herself, but tonight it was amplified, for obvious reasons. 
You had no quarrels with it; it looked good on her. The self-satisfied smirk on her face, the way her shoulders were held back, her chest puffing out just enough to tell you that she knew her own worth, and the way she tilted her head as she, too, looked you over. Her eyes trailed slowly over your being, resting shortly on each aspect of your outfit. 
Her eyebrows rose slightly at the black, silk shirt adorning your top half. You left it open, opting to tie the two sides of the shirt into a knot that rested right in the middle of your torso. The look in her eyes had darkened slightly at the sight of your exposed skin, the pier's neon lights smoothly reflecting off of your skin and making it seem more vibrant. The smirk on her face only grew as her eyes trailed down to the straight-legged jeans covering your legs before raising once more to meet yours. 
You were suddenly longing for the two of you to leave and head back to the hotel, but the day wasn't over just yet. You'd just have to wait and pinch yourself whenever your thoughts started wandering...which they continued to do as Shuri stepped forward, wrapping an arm around your waist and bending down to brush a kiss against your forehead. You took a breath in an attempt to get your thoughts back on track, remembering that there were two other people with you and an entire crowd around you, only to get a strong whiff of her cologne; you had to bite your tongue to stop the small noise of content from leaving you.
She smelled mostly of lavender and something huskier, but there were hints of manuka oil in the air that she stirred around you. She had taken her cornrows out, her curls now washed and moisturized for everyone to see. They shined in the neon lights, showing just how healthy her hair was and completing her outfit seamlessly. 
"How was lunch and the conference?"
She shrugged lightly, nudging your legs apart so she could stand between them. Her hands lowered, resting on your thighs that dangled from the barstool. It sent a jolt through your body, your eyes narrowing in warning at the knowing smile on her face that had slowly started to form.
"Lunch was okay. The food was pretty good. The conference? Well..." She grimaced slightly, her eyes flickering over to Riri who had stepped behind Imani, wrapping her arms around her girlfriend's waist and resting her chin on her shoulder. 
At the mention of the conference, her eyes narrowed and her body straightened. The twist of her mouth made it obvious that she was about to say something, and there was a good chance that it would be out of pocket. 
Better here than at the conference, right?
"Some people don't need to be reporters or journalists, because some of the questions they were giving us were borderline disrespectful and just straight dumb."
Irritation laced Riri's words, and it also showed up in the way she rolled her eyes, drawing a laugh from Imani's mouth. Your eyebrows raised in surprise as you looked back to Shuri, your hands resting on top of hers. 
"You would think that they'd know how to act when interviewing the winning team, but they didn't. There was this one woman who actually asked Aneka -"
"Baby, I think the team is ready. But you can tell us all about it at the table." 
Imani's words were soft and reassuring while her gaze was teasing as she looked at you and Shuri. All three of you knew Riri well enough to know that when she got going, it took a while for her to stop. You all had a better chance of getting to the table and having her become distracted than sitting and letting her rant pick up steam at the bar, and you suspected that that knowledge was what prompted Imani to stand and take Riri's hand in hers. She slid off of the stool, alerting the bartender of her continued tab before pulling Riri behind her as she walked towards the main entrance of the restaurant. You heard only a small portion of their conversation as you gathered your things, and it made you laugh, your head shaking at the two of them and how they bickered.  
"Come on, I wanna get a good seat by the window."
"The entire restaurant is one giant window, babe, that won't be hard-"
"But the entire restaurant isn't facing the ocean, now is it?"
"Well...it kind of is-"
Their voices joined the countless others on the pier as they walked further away. There was still an amused smile on your face as you turned to Shuri, watching as she stepped back and made room for you to slide off of the stool. The smile turned to a grimace as you lightly questioned her. 
"Was the conference really that bad?"
Instead of answering, she simply sighed and shook her head, stepping to the side to approach the bar. You watched, slightly worried, as she proceeded to take a bill from her wallet and place it on the bar, turning to you afterward and offering a hand. 
"It was...interesting."
It was both easy and difficult to think about their conference not going well. Easy because experiencing hostility in the sports world was not new for The Panthers, and only someone without common sense would think that it would be magically fixed when they won the championship; if anything, you'd guess that the hostility and criticism would only increase from now. Yet, it was difficult imagining them being questioned unfairly and about the most trivial things when they should've been commended on their work ethic, their skill, and how well they worked together as a team.
You were upset for them, and you didn't know if you looked forward to watching the conference when it was finally released...but you admittedly wanted to know what had gone wrong. But it only took you looking into her eyes to realize that maybe now wasn't the right time. Now was the time for celebration with her teammates for a game that they had worked their asses off to get to. 
"Nevermind, let's just enjoy dinner. Apparently, they have this hot-smoked salmon that's popular as hell, and I can't wait to try it- wait, where we goin'?"
Shuri wordlessly led you in the opposite direction of the restaurant, making your eyebrows furrow in confusion and a questioning noise fall from your lips. Your eyes roamed across the crowd, looking for any indication as to what her plans were, but upon finding nothing, you squeezed her hand.
"Shuri, not only is Coach O going to get on your ass, but she's also going to get my ass if you miss dinner. I don't know why she always thinks I'm the bad influence."
The sound of her laughter reached your ears, even over all of the noises of the pier. It did become clearer once she pulled you into the little photo booth she had originally been heading to, quickly pulling you into her lap before making the two of you comfortable and closing the curtain. It was a relief that the booth didn't smell and that it was clean, but you barely paid attention to the state of it; you couldn't- not when her lips were immediately on yours, drawing the air from your lungs while breathing life and a familiar pleasure into your body as a whole. 
Her hand raised, cupping the back of your neck to pull you closer in the small space of the booth, her other hand landing on your waist to keep you seated. The surprised sound that left your mouth was immediately swallowed by her, quickly being replaced by a sigh of contentment.
The amount of time you two sat there, hiding in a photobooth and kissing was unknown; you just knew that when you two pulled away, you could positively say that you were dizzy.
"Oh- what was that for?"
Shifting her hand slightly allowed her to gently rub her thumb across your cheek, her eyes bright with adoration and the faintest hint of mischief. Her voice was slightly lower than normal as she spoke, and the sound of it speared straight through you. 
"I just missed you. I haven't seen my usana all day, and I just wanted some alone time."
It was endearing, her pulling you into a photo booth and making out with you as if you two were high schoolers. It was also obvious that she needed this. She was good at hiding when she was overwhelmed from her teammates, but not from you. Not to mention that the last time you had seen her, she had sported those strained lines of tiredness around her eyes. 
Now? Now she looked up at you with nothing but love and excitement that set your heart racing. 
"Ah, got it. Here I thought you actually wanted to take a picture with me." You didn't let her answer before leaning forward, placing a kiss against the underside of her jaw and smiling as her hands lightly squeezed your waist in warning. 
"Well, we can still take a picture. But then I was thinking..." You sat back, your eyes meeting hers as her words trailed off. There was the slightest bit of trepidation in her voice as she continued, her hands gently fidgeting with the silk material covering your body.
"Maybe we can get something else and head back to the hotel to just chill for the night? Today was a lot, and, and I'm sorry, but I haven't really had time to just... decompress and breathe without a mic or camera in my face."
As she spoke, the confidence and self-assuredness melted away a bit, revealing the fatigued and slightly overstimulated Shuri beneath. Eyebrows furrowing in worry, you cupped her face gently, running your thumbs across her cheeks. You made sure to meet her eyes when you spoke, wanting her to see and hear just genuine you were with your words. 
"Shuri, there is nothing to say sorry about. Of course, we can get something and take it to the hotel- if that's what you want, then we'll do it. You may be a champion, but you're still human. You gotta take care of yourself, first. I'm sure Coach O will understand."
And if she didn't, then you'd gladly talk to her...from the other side of the pier...preferably on the phone. The lady was kind of scary, you could admit that, but you’d do whatever you had to in order to keep Shuri from being chastised for simply taking care of herself.
If possible, the intense look in her eyes deepened as they gazed at you, the corners of her mouth lifting into a blinding smile. This time, when your heart skipped slightly, it was at the fact that you were the one person who could make her smile as brightly. The fact made you giddy, to be completely honest, and that giddiness was apparent in your actions as you quickly reached into your bag. 
In the span of a few seconds, you had taken out your card and swiped it. The booth's main menu was prompted, and you quickly picked the standard option, turning slightly to face the camera in front of the booth. The screen displayed the exact picture that would be taken, and a quick glance at it showed that Shuri's eyes were still on you. There was a swarm of butterflies that had been released in your stomach as you smiled, leaning back against her chest and looking into the camera.
"You gotta look in the camera, Shuri."
She reluctantly tore her eyes away from you, turning to face the camera and offering a crooked smile while her hands lowered to land against your thighs. The first picture was taken with a bright flash and a countdown that started immediately after. 
You could only think to turn your head with the intention of planting a kiss on her cheek for the next picture; however, as soon as you turned your head, your lips were coming into contact with hers and not her cheek. Your laughter and hers mingled slightly as the camera went off once again, capturing the moment at the perfect time before starting the countdown once more. 
This time, you gently grabbed her chin, turning her face to the front where the camera was and taking the chance to place your lips against her cheek, your lips still curled into a smile. Your eyes were shut, but if they had been open, you would've seen the way her smile had grown at your actions. The flash went off before restarting the countdown again. 
She managed to turn her face towards you, her eyes flickering down to your lips which were only a few inches from hers. You placed an arm around her shoulders, using your hand to lightly pick out the curls she had. Her eyes were half-lidded while her hands ran smoothly up and down your jean-clad legs, and it made your breath hitch slightly. The camera flashed once more before starting the countdown. 
"So what did you want to eat for dinner?" You asked, willing your voice to stay steady and not betray your inner thoughts. You were in public, for heaven's sake; you could wait until you got back to the hotel. It made it harder to do exactly that, though, when she was hellbent on touching every part of you that was socially acceptable in the type of environment you were in. 
That plan flew out the window as she leaned forward, kissing your bottom lip and gradually making her way down to the corner of your jaw. It was hard to mask your gasp as a soft laugh, but you managed to do it. The gasp only came back, slightly louder as her fingertips grazed just under the knot of your shirt, ghosting against the valley of your breasts. You took a breath, leaning more into her. 
"Shuri, we gotta figure out what we're eating-"
"Do you know how good you look tonight? And the fact that you dressed up for me..."
The temptation to tease her and tell her that you hadn't dressed up for her was right there on the tip of your tongue...but who were you kidding? You had absolutely dressed up for her, knowing that it was a special night and wanting to look good for her. Never mind the fact that she had told you multiple times that you could wear a literal garbage bag and she'd still be just in love with you, but tonight was a night for her and her teammates. It was a night for her. 
"You know I had to. Tonight's all about you. At least for the rest of the night it is."
"Good, because I think I finally know what I want for dinner."
"What's that?"
You tilted forward slightly, resting your forehead against hers and humming in question. Her hands continued rubbing against your thighs until they suddenly stopped and squeezed, making your lips part slightly as you jumped. She took the opportunity to fit her lips against yours, instantly sliding her tongue between your lips without any hesitation. 
It finally clicked in your mind what she wanted for dinner right as the last camera flash went off.
A/N: I hope y’all enjoyed this! We should be getting back to our regularly scheduled program with “Next To Me” by next week, as I’ll be done with finals then! But I hope this can hold y’all over until then! <33
Taglist: @luvvspice​ , @motherlandrip , @vivisspam​ , @oceean​ , @sleepystarzz1 , @amaberry20​ , @randomhoex​ , @euph0ricx0​ , @motheroffae​ , @shinsousliya​ 
If your username has a line through it, that means tumblr wouldn’t let me tag you for some reason!
Just a reminder that if you’d like to be tagged on other Shuri x reader works, pls fill out the form at the top of the page; I don’t want to subject someone to constant tagging when they only want Next to Me or vice versa! :)
Stay safe, y’all! <3
213 notes · View notes
vexcor · 2 years
Shenanigans with the Dream Ghost Catcher- I cannot for the life, or death, of me remember the actual name. But by this point in the sentence you probably know which one I'm talking about.
First idea that comes to mind?
Danny, still hiding the fact that he's Phantom, tried to use the device to get rid of Jason's Pit juices. (Doesn't have to be this exact context it's just an example, any other scenario can be used)
Since the catcher expunges all things ectoplasmic, it should work.
Keyword should.
Because it didn't.
Instead of flushing out just the Lazarus ecto, we get an even weirder repeat of the Super and Fun Danny's.
Congratulations, now you have split Jason into Red Hood, who has taken all of the pit and the anger, etc. And Jason, who is way too calm and chill.
390 notes · View notes
sugar-omi · 1 year
Tags for u <3: Baxter/masc mc (trans friendly!), sexting, car sex, bottom Baxter
Baxter is at work, leaning back in his chair, counting ceiling tiles. He has nothing to do but wait for an email response, and unfortunately- he must be at the office for it. He was literally the only one there this late. "....Ugh. I'm bored." Baxter pulled out his phone and scrolled a moment before a custom text tone sounded from his boyfriend, making the device buzz in his hands. "Oh-! I figured he'd be in bed by now… Mmm. A picture-? I wonder what…"
Baxter opens the text and slaps his phone down immediately, making a strangled noise halfway between a moan and a flabbergasted squeak. Inside, was a picture of his boyfriend's huge, erect cock/soaking wet hole. "Holy shit…." Baxter takes a shaky breath and slowly lifts his phone again. Another text:
Thinking of you~
"Fuck…" He looked around. Well… no one's here…
He gets up and locks his office door, dialing his boyfriend.
"Hey babe~" He picks up, sounding right pleased with himself.
"You do know I'm at work, right?" Baxter groans, "Sending me pictures of your cock like that… A man gets ideas, you know?"
"What sort of ideas?~" The boyfriend shuffles, sounding like he's shifting on some form of fabric.
"Mm…. Here's a thought: You coming over to bring me dinner, even if it's well past proper eating time," Baxter draws on his desk in circles, "I come down to the parking lot to meet you. We kiss and talk… Hands wandering…"
"You suggesting we do it in the car versus the office?" The boyfriend snorts, "Comfy cushions versus hot leather?"
"Yes-" Baxter hums, "But I wouldn't be able to face the couch during appointments after…. And the car would rock as you thrust in me~ Windows steaming up…"
"Oh you're the catcher in this scenario-" His lover snorts again, "Figured my big bad wolf would want to punish me after sending you that picture~"
"You are being punished-" Baxter hums again, sultry, "All this can't happen… And I'm forbidding you from touching yourself until I get home-" Baxter stuck his tongue out for effect. Nyeh.
"Oh no-" Wait, why did he sound sarcastic? "How horrible. If only I had thought to take the picture at home and then drive over here and surprise you depending on your response…"
"You-..." Baxter blinks.
"I'm waiting~ Come and get me, big boy~"
Baxter slaps his phone down again and ran down stairs, abandoning his station. Work be damned!
His boyfriend was leaning against his persinal car door, looking smooth as butter despite his slippers. "Hey there," He winked, "Come here often?~"
"Shut up-" Baxter grabbed his shirt- he was still in his sleep clothes!- And pressed his boyfriend against the car, lips crashing together sloppily. His boyfriend moaned, getting his hands on Baxter's jacket and flipping them.
Baxter fumbled the door open, getting immediately pressed into the back seat. Patience and flirting was lost as his boyfriend unbuckled Baxter's pants, freeing his cock as he pulled down his boxers(his baxters? no- that was stupid.) and pants in one shuffling motion. His own pants were easier. Stretchy… Maybe the pattern was inappropriate for the moment but fuck it. Or, fuck Baxter.
"You have-?" Baxter gasped as his other half pulled back, pressing a biting kiss to his mole. Fuck- that would hickey…
"Yeah-" He produced lube, sitting up to pour some on his fingers. Fuck warming it up- He pressed a finger in, Baxter calling out in relief and pleasure.
It was a practiced dance; pressing one, two, three fingers in. Curling and pumping them at a more medium-slow pace. Letting Baxter get used to it, but impatience showing. Praising his perfect dancer's body as he pressed Baxter's shirt up so pre could drip on his bare stomach.
"I'm ready-" Baxter groaned eventually, eyes blown out in bliss. This had to be a dream, but he would ride the dream as long as he could- "Please- Please fuck me already."
His boyfriend stroked his cock with the leftover lube/poured some over a strapon he'd packed that he buckled on messily. As long as it pressed in the important spots-
He finally pressed in, both men groaning as Baxter was fucked within and inch of his life. The car rocking as promised as he fucked Baxter's perfect ass. It slapping with each connection of their hips.
"Yes-!" Baxter scratched down his love's clothed back, "Yes-! Ohhh fuck me-!"
"That's-" The lover giggled with a choked moan in the middle, "That's what I'm doing, love-"
"Shut up-" Baxter swatted his love's ass, causing a gasp and for him to fuck him harder.
"Yes sir~" Baxter couldn't help but loll his head back and cry out at the teasing usage of his sir kink- throwing his arm over his face as his world spun.
"Nah-uh-" The other man growled and pulled Baxter's arm off his face, pinning both his wrists together, "Let me see your face, baby~"
"Hah-! Huuuuhhh…" Baxter's cock bobbed with each thrust, dripping pre like he was a fountain, "Ohh baby-! I'm- Fuck-!"
"Mmm-" His perfect top wrapped a hand around Baxter's cock, pumping fast, "Cum for me, baby. Wanna see you cum all over yourself~ Ruin your work clothes for me~"
Baxter couldn't hold himself back, even if he hated the idea of being in sticky, wet clothes the rest of the night. He came all over himself, a little getting on the bottom of his pulled up shirt. His lover came right after in his hole, it dripping out over the seat as he fucked himself through it/all over the strap, making it soaked in their slick as they cried out in bliss.
Baxter panted after, holding his love close once his wrists were released. "Mmm… Fuck…" He groaned, "I have to go back to work like this…"
His lover chuckled as they pulled out, Baxter grunting at the feeling, "I brought spare clothes. And wipes and water and energy bars n stuff."
"You're a lifesaver-" Baxter sighed, "A horny, horny life saver."
omfg baxter would srsly love if you just showed up to his work n surprised him like that i... pls baxter is so good for my soul rn
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thespacejamber · 2 years
Have you ever wanted to TRULY live mas?
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Ask not for whom the Taco Bell tolls. It tolls for thee.
Originally designed for submission in Taco Bell Quarterly, Fire Sauce Fever Dream is a love letter to the home of "food I know is bad but tastes so good," to the inventors of Fourthmeal, to the origin point of some of my weirdly core childhood memories (why did I try to hide my excitement for the Digimon toys for so long?). Taco Bell is a fast food institution and cultural touchstone; this game is my way of simply saying thank you for all the late-night quesaritos.
Based on the feeling of being That One Guy™ enjoying themselves in Taco Bell in the year 2000, Fire Sauce Fever Dream guides players through creating and journaling their own Bell-inspired memories over four courses of play with a Cootie Catcher in place of dice. Players can choose to extend their fever dream as long or as short as they like -- after all, who's to say how long we should savor those flavors?
Buy this game for the low, low price of what it cost to get a Quesadilla around the turn of the millennium.
Fire Sauce Fever Dream is built on the Folds SRD by Fleet Detrik. The FOLDS SRD is licensed for use under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. This game is intended as a solo journaling TTRPG, but can also easily be used by GMs to create scenarios for their larger campaigns.
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ahmedmootaz · 5 months
Hey Ahmed! Bit of a weird ask this time around. I was thinking about my current circumstances and was wondering about silly scenarios with the AiP cast. If X went to get a supermarket going with Ayin, would it succeed in the city? Ignoring the head's taboos regarding X, they could sell scientific products like a modified de-ager, or use their own singularity (I believe L corp's was making figments of the mind reality?) to create marketable goods. What do you think they'd sell? And to who?
Dear hncdhnmfr,
Oooh, a new type of question! How pleasant, I always enjoy these asks. As always, it's a pleasure to see your asks!
As for your question, I think that X and Ayin would've probably tried to get a supermarket going in one of three scenarios: 1) They were expelled out of the Library and needed a way to survive and they found a method to conceal X's nature from the Head. 2) They needed a way to infiltrate the City from the Outskirts and a supermarket where people from all walks of like entered and bought their stuff was a good solution. 3) After the hypothetical operation by Angela to enter the City and defeat the Head succeeds, they need some method of gaining their livelihood. Assuming, of course, they don't get rich as celebrities who saved the City.
However, I think your ask pertains more to the first two scenarios, considering the Head is around and they need to find a workaround for X, or Ayin, to not be hunted down, and I honestly think that despite how 'normal' it may seem, their supermarket will be...
...A regular supermarket. Think about it; after years and decades of insane plans and inventions that break the boundaries of what was possible, I think the two of them would be more than content running a regular supermarket with food, cleaning supplies, maybe some electronics here and there and a repair section for electrical and electronic appliances...It would be calm, it would be quiet, and it would be exactly the sort of the thing they need after leading such hectic lives.
Alternatively, it could be the only thing they can run while attempting to cope with the amount of stress they're going through in order to keep up whatever workaround they found to hide X's clone nature and it's the only thing their limited budget would allow them to run. The amount of people who would need to shop their would allow them to form connections with all sorts of Fixers, Syndicates, etc. so it would be a good way to collect intelligence in the second scenario.
But of course, considering who we're talking about, it can't be too normal. I'm sure there will be some inventions here and there as you said. Maybe they'd even have a 'Invention of the Day/Week' section where they'd present toned-down inventions that, while making like easier, don't radically alter the fabric of reality.
For example, I think that, as you said, they might sell a miniature De-Ager that doesn't also wipe out the memory of the user, unlike what happened in AiP, which can be used to remove wrinkles and perhaps scars form the body, though it doesn't reverse ageing as a whole, just the physical aspects it leaves on the body. Maybe they'd also sell dream-catchers that materialise the dreams people have into holographic versions which can be later observed at any time, very useful for composers and writers, though not being able to actually materialise them unlike LC technology. Maybe they'd also be able to create some self-defence equipment to help residents against Sweepers invading their homes or create homing saws fired from a dedicated gun that aims at the Sweepers' vital cords, etc.
Overall, they'd create very useful but not overly spectacular items that can help common folk and Fixer and Syndicates alike, though they'd likely spend weeks if not months thinking of all of the ways they could be exploited for bad and attempt to patch out any misuse methods that would render their otherwise useful inventions into tools that aid in the perpetuation of the City's cycle.
As to who they'd sell it to...I think they'd be very specific about who they sell their inventions to. I mentioned Syndicates before, but those will get the inventions that make life easier, not aid the user or incapacitate the user's targets. They cannot refuse to sell their supermarket goods to anyone, otherwise that might earn them enemies or suspicions, but they'd only give the inventions to people who they deem morally upright...at least, whatever morally upright means in the City. I also believe they'll keep tracking devices on their gizmos and gadgets to see if they were stolen or otherwise being misused.
Again, thank you for the fun ask, hncdhnmfr, and I hope I managed to satisfy your curiosity! Until next time, be well, take care, and see ya'!
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quoththemaven · 8 months
2023 Favoritest Flicks
Take out your five faves and it'd still be a dynamite year for movies. My tops = Poor Things. Fave performance = Da'Vine Joy Randolph in The Holdovers. Fave score = Poor Things. Fave G'lord WTF is This Wild Gem = Dug Dug. The movie I liked a lot more than I expected to = Air. The Can't Wait for Their Next One = Kristoffer Borgli's Dream Scenario. Congratulations to all winners, you've won special mention on this Tumblr page 🏆
American Fiction
Anatomy of a Fall
Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret.
Asteroid City
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Beau is Afraid
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Dream Scenario
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Dug Dug
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Godzilla Minus One
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How to Blow up a Pipeline
Knock at the Cabin
May December
Oldboy (20th Anniversary Remastered)
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Past Lives
Poor Things
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Society of the Snow
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
Stop Making Sense (rerelease)
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The Boy and the Heron
The Holdovers
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The Iron Claw
The Killer
The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar, The Swan, The Rat Catcher, Poison
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The Zone of Interest
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A Haunting in Venice
A Thousand and One
Alice Darling
All of Us Strangers
Beyond the Infinite Two Minutes (2020)
Blue Beetle
Boston Strangler
The Burial
Cat Person
Creed III
Dark Harvest
Dicks: The Musical
Do Not Expect Too Much from the End of the World
Dumb Money
Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves
El Conde
Evil Dead Rise
Fair Play
Fallen Leaves
Fast X
Five Nights at Freddy’s
Flora and Son
Good Grief
Gran Turismo
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3
Halfway Home
Honk for Jesus. Save Your Soul.
If You Were the Last
Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny
It’s a Wonderful Knife
John Wick 4
Joy Ride
Landscape with Invisible Hand
Leave the World Behind
Little Bone Lodge
Luther: The Fallen Sun
Maggie Moore(s)
Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One
Mountain Woman
Mr. Monk’s Last Case: A Monk Movie
No One Will Save You
Para Betina Pengikut Iblis
Please Don’t Destroy: The Treasure of Foggy Mountain
Quiz Lady
Raging Grace
Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken
Shin Kamen Rider
Showing Up
Sometimes I Think About Dying
Starling Girl
Still Time
Talk to Me
Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem
The Boogeyman
The Book of Clarence
The Call
The Covenant
The Kitchen
The Last Voyage of the Demeter
The Machine
The Royal Hotel
The Strays
Theater Camp
There’s Something Wrong With the Children
They Cloned Tyrone
To Leslie
You Hurt My Feelings
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leeyanyanyaaan · 2 years
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leeyanyan's writing corner masterlist
✏ introduction | pt2
▶ playlist
requests info (coming soon...)
scenarios and prompts 💬
fake dating | otp
coffee for the first time | otp
outlaw x law enforcer | otp
evil sibling moment
soulmates childhood friends to lovers | otp
one piece ❌
sanji as your lover
onigiris for zoro
stray kids 🧭
stray kids as brothers
bang chan
at my worst | comfort, fluff, established relationship
han jisung
a curtain away | hospital fic, fluff, crack, undefined relationship
college au modern cinderella | imagine, fluff, kinda angst with good ending, love at first sight, college au
one piece nerd | crack, fluff, undefined relationship
yang jeongin
your eyes | fluff, established relationship
genshin impact 💫
yours to hold pt1 | shenhe, fluff, undefined relationship
imposter!sagau siblings au
oc profile: xue lian
xue lian design history | oc chara design
genshin!renge headcanons | oc au
heartsteel 💔
heartsteel audio edits
heartsteel vocal headcanons
creatively charmed series
kayn x grafitti artist
sett x craft store owner
k'sante x writer
yone x cover artist
ezreal x cover dancer
aphelios x twitch streamer
alune x vlogger
other fandoms 📖
ansatsu kyoushitsu fanfic prompt
irony | ansatsu kyoushitsu excerpt
damianya headcanon
matchablossom dream-induced content
original characters ⭐
oc profiles: otaharuryu
otaharuryu AUs
restless night | otaryu one-shot, fluff
time and memory universe
about + headcanons and stuff
oc profiles | pt1, pt2
kpop au ocs
park eunyeong
cheon seoyeon and min hyeseong
high school dayz (adoptable!)
kitsona koven
kitsona koven intro
individual oc profiles coming soon
genshin!renge headcanons | genshin au
alternate universes 🌏
dream catchers
soulmate red string of fate
dystopian celestial au (LEVANTER)
original works ✍
the wise old bird and the curious child
the map you take
fleeting memories
on my own
...and more to come!
navigation: 🔍
#leeyanyan's writing corner - general posts
#leeyanyan's work - original work by me :D
#leeyanyan's art - art by me :D
#yan's mailbox! - inbox answers
#noisyanyan - me being noisy and reblogging lol
all written stuff where reader is included are written gender-neutral unless stated otherwise
as of 28/11/2023, i am currently on hiatus
technically requests aren't closed but be aware that i am yet to set some ground rules so there's no certain guarantee it'll be accepted unless it's a completely safe request.
i'm not good w tags so my blog might be a lil difficult to navigate, sorry ;;;
also, pls bare w the poor layout of my blog TwT
my mailbox is always open and i'd especially love to make new friends :D
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Day 101
Title: “I Still See Those Stars”
Features: Jiyoo (Dream Catcher) | Seola (WJSN) | Seulgi (Red Velvet)
Word Count: 2,609
Inspiration: angsty one shot starters - "It really hurts."
Tags: Apocalypse/Dystopian AU | Angst | Open Ending
cw// blood
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(I actually think this might turn into a full flic. There's a little more backstory regarding Hyunjung and a continuation for Seulgi and Jiyoo. I'll keep posting WIPs for the time being. Enjoy this little excerpt for now!)
(Minor context that will be in the full version: I haven't fully developed the story, but this is taken place some time in the beginning of an apocalypse. Just from a little research, it seems that electricity and satellites would still be working, especially in bigger cities. That's why my characters are still using them.)
“It really hurts.” Yoohyeon wants to follow up with another snarky comment, but finds herself completely winded after saying those three simple words. She lets out a gasp and attempts to cover it with a chuckle.
Doom washes over Minji and ferociously drains into the car seat below them. Yoohyeon wasn’t one to bluntly voice her pain. She was only like this in dire situations. Minji checks the gash on Yoohyeon’s side. Fighting her tears, she puts pressure on an area that was still bleeding and ignores Yoohyeon’s wince.
“We’re only twenty minutes away from the nearest encampment.” Hyunjung presses down on the accelerator.
Minji knows she needs to stay positive, but the logical side in her couldn’t help but think of the worst case scenario. What if the next encampment was already run over by a mob of monsters? What if it didn’t have medicine or food? They were running out of backup plans and extra supplies.
The weak woman puts a hand over her girlfriend’s fist. Not wanting to look at a bloody bandage, Minji looks back up at Yoohyeon and brushes away some stray hair.
What if she lost Yoohyeon?
“Stay strong.” Hyunjung’s timely advice is directed towards Yoohyeon, yet looks at Minji through the mirror in the sun visor.
Minji hates it. Twenty minutes was a long time. So much time, with little to do. She could stare out the window to calm her anxieties or stare into the love of her life’s eyes in case it may be the last time she does so. She could think about what her life will be like in a new base or reminisce about her college days with her girlfriend before this biological warfare started. Twenty minutes in this universe could be nothing or everything. Should Minji help look into other encampments and check radio signals or should she comfort the person she loves the most and mentally prepare for the worst?
She looks out the window to check for any signs of refuge. They were driving on a road that was right in between farmland and the city. Unfortunately, there were no signs of activity on either side. The factories were far out and didn't promise resources. Scavenging city buildings was risky and they already showed signs of abandonment. “How far out are we?” She isn’t coherent enough to think of a plan, but she could at least brainstorm something. The other passengers can put together the pieces.
Hyunjung looks at the GPS. “I’d say less than 30 kilometers.” Minji hates how unsure she sounds, but understands any satellite device has a growing margin of error in terms of accuracy. Time will only tell when cell towers and the electric grid will start to fail like in the movies.
Due to its damaged suspensions, the truck shakes rather violently as Hyunjung runs over some carcasses. Minji wants to scold her for driving so fast but still feels a wave of anxiety when Hyunjung slows down to an appropriate speed. The internal battle irritates the leader, making Minji hate her desperation for a safe haven.
Yoohyeon grunts. The aggressive shaking caused her to bleed out again. Minji fumbles around for the first aid kit. After making so much noise, Seulgi reaches behind them to pass on a clean bandage.
Minji dresses the wound. Thankfully, it’s not deep, but it’s undeniably sizable. “You’re gonna be okay, Yoo.” The patient reaches up to bite on her first. Minji hates seeing her in so much pain.
“Make a left at the intersection,” Seulgi commands in a low voice. Hyunjung follows her orders.
“Do we know anyone at that encampment?” Minji continues distracting herself.
Thankfully, Seulgi doesn’t hesitate to respond. “Our main point of contact is Kim Taeyeon.”
“Kim Taeyeon.” Minji ponders over her name. “Why does that name sound familiar?” Uncertainty hasn’t ever been a stranger to Minji ever since this horrid adventure started, but she wished there wasn’t so much of it at a time like this.
Seulgi visibly gulps. However, she knows not to test Minji’s patience. “Taeyeon-unnie took Joohyun-unnie into her care.”
It’s a rather bitter memory.
This Taeyeon-person seems trustworthy, but considering Joohyun’s fate…
Minji doesn’t like how there hasn’t been a single odd in their favor.
Still, she pushes for answers. “How do you know we can trust her?”
Seulgi bites the inside of her cheek. Even Hyunjung glances over to check on her. “Taeyeon-unnie took Joohyunnie in without any question.” She pauses to brace herself and to push back the affection. “I understand what happened to Joohyun-unnie, but we all know that was out of our control. I’m still grateful that sunbaenim took her in without question and treated her as best as she could.”
Minji can hold onto Seulgi’s hope, but continues to dig for a peace of mind. “And what if she’s not there?”
“I was in contact with her yesterday. They still have control over a communications tower and haven’t had to resort to using a backup power generator. They seem to be doing fine.” Seulgi’s defensive nature is a rare occurrence and tips Minji off.
“That was before the attack.” Minji sounds a little more volatile than she ever wants to be. “What if she’s not there? What if they were affected, too?”
Seulgi sighs. She doesn’t know how to give an answer that an angry Minji will accept.
This time, Hyunjung steps in. “The next camp after is another 12 kilometers from Taeyeon-ssi’s base. Hyojung-unnie and Hyunwoo-oppa are there. I haven’t contacted them, but their base camp is pretty big and I’m pretty confident that they’re still there. We’ll radio in when we get close.” Her supposed backup plan still had holes in it, but the concept was enough to ease some of Minji’s worries.
In the back, Yoohyeon takes a shaky breath. Minji immediately consoles her.
Hyunjung looks at her backseat passengers in the rearview mirror. “You think you can hold up, Yoo?” She won’t be able to see, but Yoohyeon smiles.
“She’s holding a thumbs up.” Minji lets out a chuckle.
It’s enough to keep the driver going.
“How about you?” Hyunjung lowers her voice and looks towards Seulgi. “Are you doing okay?”
Seulgi hesitates. Her silence is enough of an answer.
The tension in the car is rather unbearable, so Hyunjung rolls down her window and turns up the music. She mentally prepares herself for what she’s going to see—who she’s going to see. It’s a lot to think about and she may never be ready to return, but knows she doesn’t have a choice.
At least there’s a hint of excitement. That’s gotta count for something, right?
Trying to stay awake amidst the silence, Yoohyeon looks out the window and notices the Lotte World Tower. She smiles. “We’re on our way home.”
The message was a little too obscure for Minji’s comfort. Was Yoohyeon starting to see The Light ™? “What do you mean by that?”
Yoohyeon continues to stare out the window. “Everytime I took the bus home from uni, I knew we were close to home when I saw the Lotte World Tower. Don’t you remember?”
Minji doesn’t remember, and she’s about to lie, but suddenly remembers bus rides with Bora and Siyeon and finds comfort in the past. She wonders if her other friends are there. She wonders if they’re alive. She wonders if she can go home.
The car stops. Minji looks outside and sees that they have reached a bridge.
Hyunjung turns in her seat to crack her back. “It’s a rather long line, but the coast is clear and at least things are moving along. She pauses to take a deep breath. “We won’t be moving for a while. I’m going out to stretch and—” to brace myself. Hyunjung doesn’t complete her thought. “Is that okay with everyone?”
Seulgi looks back, mostly for Minji’s approval. She senses this magnetic pull between her and Yoohyeon that is just begging to be satisfied and mentally scrambles a way out of the car as well. “I’m going to check our inventory.”
Hyunjung unbuckles her seatbelt and scurries out. “Knock on the window in case you need something. I won’t go far.”
The driver’s window and the back door are open, but it’s the most privacy Minji and Yoohyeon have had in a long time. Minji allows herself to decompress, but tries to keep her emotions at bay. She can’t relish in relief until they pass this bridge.
“Minji-yah,” Yoohyeon weakly calls out to her.
The owner of the name looks down at her girlfriend and squeezes on her weakening hand. “We’re almost there, Yoo. Just wait a little more.”
The injured woman pitifully smiles. “Do you remember the time we went stargazing after finals?”
Minji doesn’t like this one bit.
She doesn’t like how Yoohyeon sounds tired of clinging onto hope. She hates thinking that Yoohyeon is resorting to their time at university to stay optimistic. She doesn’t want to remember their happiest memories at a time where it might be her worst one.
Yoohyeon chuckles. Even if her eyes were jaded, that smile peaked through the windows of her soul. “I was exhausted, but you pulled me out of bed and drove an hour out. You held me as we stared into the sky.” Despite her diminishing health, she forces herself to talk. It’s something she wants. It’s something she needs.
Minji remembers that day. She doesn’t think she’ll ever forget the moment she finally confessed to Yoohyeon. Yoohyeon doesn’t have the energy to retell the story in detail, but Minji probably doesn’t need it.
“Can I tell you a secret?” Although faint, there’s a hint of mischief in her smile.
Thinking this is Yoohyeon’s way of lightening the mood, Minji plays along. “What’s that?”
It takes a moment for Yoohyeon to respond. Be it the fact that the adrenaline is no longer numbing out the pain or the reality of Yoohyeon digesting the idea of exposing the truth because she might not have the chance to do so at their wedding, the younger woman musters up some courage. “You were so upset about all the fog at the top of the mountain.”
Minji giggles out of embarrassment. “Yeah. You tried to make me feel better by saying you saw a shooting star.” She stares out the window. It was barely past noon. If only Minji could wish on a star, she’d pray for Yoohyeon’s safe recovery. “I know you were lying, but you were persistent that you saw it.”
Yoohyeon’s smile is so beautiful yet painful to witness. “You’re right, I didn’t see a shooting star that night.”
She pauses to catch her breath. When she closes her eyes, memories seem to flash in a span of seconds. Yoohyeon does see the day they actually went to see a meteor shower. She remembers wishing how she wanted to spend the rest of her life with Minji. Oh, how unfortunately short that time might end up being. It’s a shame she never got to give Minji the ring she bought considering how their apartment was blasted over like the rest of the neighborhood. Just like the star she bought, the ring was only a form of symbolism in their relationship, but it was better than nothing.
After a long period of silence, Minji caresses her. “Save your energy, Yoo.” She presses a gentle kiss on her forehead.
Rushing back into consciousness, Yoohyeon decides to push through. She opens her eyes. Minji’s face is full of concern. Yoohyeon wishes she could simply wipe away all of her worries, but knows that’s only possible if she were to stay alive, so she tries to stay positive. “Minji, I did see stars that night though.” She reaches towards her girlfriend to caress her cheek. Even if this memory may be short-lived, she wants to ingrain it in her heart along with the other ones that she’s collected throughout the years. They longingly stare into each other’s eyes. “That night, throughout university, through this apocalypse, right now, I still see those stars.”
Minji doesn’t understand Yoohyeon. She doesn’t understand how she can be so gentle and poetic and caring and romantic at a time like this. She doesn’t understand how through all this pain, she tries her best to rid someone else’s.
It breaks Minji’s heart even more.
She grabs Yoohyeon’s hand and gently kisses each knuckle. At a time like this, she wishes she could give Yoohyeon every romantic phrase every language could offer, but when words fail her she does her best expressing herself physically. “I love you.” It’s the best thing she could muster up without falling apart. It’s short and sweet and doesn’t measure up to how she’s feeling, but she knows it’s enough.
Yoohyeon continues, “Your eyes were the first thing I fell in love with. I liked a lot of things about you, but once you finally confessed to me, I allowed myself to dangerously fall in love with you. Your eyes were the first of many things.”
It’s the tip of Minji’s emotional iceberg. Tears break free past her ducts. They don’t go far though. Yoohyeon won’t allow it. She knows Minji hates when that happens. She does her best wiping her tears with her thumb.
Actually, she understands why Yoohyeon is like this.
Just like her, loving her girlfriend was easier than loving herself. Loving Minji was easier than fighting for her own life.
What she doesn’t know is that Yoohyeon has been brainstorming this speech for years. It’s a shame because Yoohyeon wanted to say this at the altar with Minji and all their friends, not while she was bleeding out in a dead friend’s car with two of Minji’s roommates. It’s the best she can do in this apocalypse and as long as said apocalypse is going to last, she’s going to keep wishing she could give Minji the better they deserved.
Minji grabs her hand and kisses each knuckle again, this time a little more slowly and one by one. Yoohyeon is saddened by the fact that she can’t feel the sensation anymore.
The adrenaline is definitely running low. A wave of exhaustion hits Yoohyeon and she’s not sure if she can fight it anymore. “I love you.” Yoohyeon blurts out.
This time, Minji can muster up some words. “I love you, too, Kim Yoohyeon. I love everything about you. I love everything we’ve shared, even this damn apocalypse. I’ll love you ‘til the end of time, even if that may be sooner than later, but you deserve to hear it.” She continues peppering Yoohyeon’s hands with kisses. The words are still not enough, but she knows she needs to say it.
It’s bittersweet. The words are comforting, yet dampen her spirits. At least she knows that Minji will always be there for her. “Hold me?” Even if it were to be the last time?
After staring into each other's eyes for a moment, Minji looks down to check on Yoohyeon’s wound. The most recent bandage has a small peak of blood, but nothing as bad as Yoohyeon's initial gash. A little cuddling doesn’t seem to hurt.
She unbuckles her seatbelt and shimmies closer to Yoohyeon. Not wanting to move Yoohyeon too much, she wraps an arm around Yoohyeon’s shoulders and pulls her close.
They stare at the unmoving tower. It’s not as sparkly as the stars Minji promised that fateful night and Hyunjung’s yelling isn’t as romantic as cicada chirps, but with the way Minji holds her close and whispers her profession of love to her, Yoohyeon falls just like the first time.
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merry-andrews · 1 year
Tagged by @mackwinnon (I thought I was dreaming?! Why on the earth would you want to know about me?! Love you!💕)
Last Song: Con Calma by Daddy Yankee (ok BUT don't laugh when I tell I'm fixated on this song ok)
Last Show: bruh Interview with Vampire 🧛 :)))
Currently watching: ......my uhh phone screen?
Currently reading: The Catcher in the Rye for nth time bruh
Current obsession: @mackwinnon that fic of yours ok!? It IS in my mind!! I can't stop thinking about it like UUGH what's gonna happen next?!? Or silly scenarios like something happens to Jake then Bradley hhn bursts in with guns and all only to swoop Jake up and save him🥺🙏💗💖✨💗 (I'm little crazy hxyehx ignore me hehe)
Tagging: @mypomeloworld @gottaread2 @fandomsmeantheworldtome @ilovewhiteroses @thecorilove86 and @yikes-00 (tagged me so you'll be tagged hehe💜💜) and @esperata !
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idv-news-boi · 2 years
->College AU HCs~
Note// Take in mind I don’t know much about college and I’m just doing this for fun-
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Both Laurence and Akihiko majoring Communication & Journalism, Rosalyn with Digital Design, Kitty with Pastry Arts, Eiji with Biology (Becomes a pharmacist in this AU), and Angel with Fashion Design.
Roommates// Laurence & Akihiko along with 2 other guy, Rosalyn & Kitty along with 2 other girls, Eiji & Angel along with one guy(no person got assigned to the spare room for some reason so it is just used as their storage room lol-)
The News Duo would still do newspaper and news tv media for the college- So imagine a college oc walking in the halls and you see a chaotic-passive duo at the tv screen talking about macaroni day/ih
Akihiko and Rosie often visit Eiji’s room side to have a sophisticating tea party-(have nice conversations while trying out herb teas brought from China/Japan-)
Rosie is a Mandala aesthetic art girl- you’ll see her outfits and bags having the mandala drawings along with flower patterns,,,
Kitty owns a lot of dream catchers in her room side- also puts glow in the dark stars on the ceiling along with hanging white Christmas lights around her.
Akihiko’s room is so vintage and clean that you’ll see a clean organized desk with photographs pinned on the wall so neatly,,,, also has a bonsai for therapeutic practices.
Eiji has like those Chinese doorway posters on his door- usually when a special Chinese event happens.
Laurence keeps bringing the American flag when a federal holiday happens- just like default,,,
Rosie just decorates flowers around the room, all natural and well attended. Like warm colors for summer and autumn, and other colors for winter or spring.
Very efficient during lectures: Angel, Eiji, Rosie, Aki
Likes to fool around, but still serious with work: Lau, Kitty
Easy to work on a project with: everyone- unless you’re a slacker and not doing your part of the project then Eiji will just nag at you like an Asian parent if needed-/ih
Most likely to go all nighters and drink coffee, big workaholics: Angel and Laurence
Drinking tea all the time, their work going smoothly despite nearly sleeping less: Rosalyn and Akihiko.
Works part time: Lau and Kitty.
Does internship: Lau, Eiji, & Aki
Has a massive brain full of ideas: Rosalyn, Angel, Kitty
Has Instagram with many followers: Akihiko(aesthetic pictures go brrr), Kitty(her creativeness leads to her making crazy cakes- along with promoting her YouTube channel for baking and later on gaming), Angel(he shows his designs along having a program that sells his clothes)
Most likely to party: *creak creak*
Most likely to drink party while studying: *creak creak*
Hosts events to make connections that don’t relate with drinking: Lau, Eiji, & Kitty
Lau is extremely tolerant with drinking out of the group, but still wouldn’t risk his future career over such scenarios that usually would go wrong if done.
Studies SO HARD LIKE A CUTE NERD-: Rosalyn & Akihiko
Would watch some anime if they have free time: Rosie, Aki, Kitty
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dzthenerd490 · 12 hours
File: The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl
Code Name: Planet Drool, the World of Dreams
Object Class: Apollyon Thaumiel
Special Containment Procedures: The Anomalous Celestial Body Management Department has created a large holographic mirror made of hundreds of satellites to cover SCP-AIX’s presence from the rest of the solar system. Site-DREAM has been constructed on SCP-AIX in hopes of cooperating the world into Project Medusa. Mobile Task Force Zeus-9 “Dream Catchers” are responsible for establishing security for Site-DREAM and fighting off hostile entities that reside on SCP-AIX. Resources and staff transitioning is done on a monthly basis, Space Task Fleet Apollo-1 is responsible for protecting transportation ships. 
Description: SCP-AIX is a world that exists on the very edge of our solar system, even more beyond Pluto. SCP-AIX is not actually a real world but instead created from the dreams of a boy named [data expunged]. Though he was only discovered in 2005 and in the same year was revealed to be a Level 4 Reality Bender. He created SCP-AIX entirely by accident but after being exposed to its existence he unlocked his Reality Bending abilities on the planet. For whatever reason [data expunged] can only activate his powers when on SCP-AIX. This has earned him the title of SCP-AIX-King. 
SCP-AIX as a whole is created from the bits and pieces of SCP-AIX-King’s chaotic dreams and imagination, the main driving force that unites them all is his desires. Despite the seemingly lawless nature everything within SCP-AIX follows their own set of rules, the real problem is finding out what those rules are. For example, in the land of cookies and cream of SCP-AIX, there are giants that exist to eat the giant cookies that populate the area from time to time. The power that flows through SCP-AIX to power the machines and robots is operated by large serpent-like plugs as well as various other plug and wire-based creatures. There are also floating cuckoo clocks that actively shoot out robotic cuckoo birds to attack people to signify the annoyance of alarm clocks. There are many other areas and various other rules regarding SCP-AIX, but this is the basic rundown of what the Foundation has discovered as of late. 
However, SCP-AIX is much more complex as it is filled with all sorts of living beings that all have their own job and abilities. The most notable of these are Shark boy and Lava girl also known as SCP-AIX-Shark and SCP-AIX-Lava. SCP-AIX-Shark is the king of all aquatic life on SCP-AIX despite seemingly only being 10 years old. He was supposedly born on earth and raised by talking sharks at least according to SCP-AIX-King though whether this is true and not another dream he made up is unknown. Regardless he is very strong, has teeth that can bite through steel, swim at a speed of 30 mph, and can manifest water from his hands. 
SCP-AIX-Lava is a girl seemingly made out of lava, she possesses great power but also intense and dangerous heat being able to burn almost anything she gets too close to. Originally this was thought to be a curse on her but in actuality she is the living source of power for all machines and living beings in SCP-AIX. Without her SCP-AIX will be stuck in darkness forever and SCP-AIX-King might end up losing his powers forever. Though thankfully the three of them are powerful enough to ensure that such a scenario will never happen. Furthermore, the Foundation has agreed to assist them in protecting SCP-AIX.
SCP-AIX was discovered in 1995 the same day SCP-AIX-King was born, though at the time there was no known connection between the two. At the time SCP-AIX was seen as nothing more than a spatial anomaly as it was a floating bubble of random shapes and colors. SCP-ANO seemed to have great interest in SCP-AIX; as such, the SCP Foundation and the Global Occult Coalition took interest as well. This led to a long and detailed observation of SCP-AIX, please see Addendum X-67 for details.
Addendum X-67
The following is a list of major events regarding SCP-AIX and possible SCP-ANO if involved, as well as the year they happened.
1995 - SCP-ANO observes SCP-AIX upon its manifestation for an extremely long time and even creates a tendril to get closer. The O5 Council and 108 Council agree it is not worth the risk to engage SCP-ANO, so they leave it be. This proves to work out in their favor as SCP-AIX seems to react badly to SCP-ANO’s contact and releases a wave of energy greatly harming SCP-ANO and forcing it back. From here on out SCP-ANO merely watches from a distance. 
Side Note: Upon the discovery of SCP-AIX-King Foundation agents reviewed archives and camera recordings of him as a baby. They found that at the exact moment SCP-ANO made contact with SCP-AIX, SCP-AIX-King eyes turned black, and he cried in fear while shedding a single tear of blood. His family quickly took him to the hospital, but he was confirmed fine as soon as SCP-ANO backed off. This is deeply concerning but there's not enough information to confirm what this exactly means.
1996 - [data expunged] entered our solar system but was destroyed after [data expunged] survivors of Space Task Fleet Apollo-1 noticed that several pieces were falling towards SCP-AIX and were absorbed by it. They seemingly disappeared from reality though if that is true or if something else happened is entirely known. 
1998 - SCP-AIX starts taking up a form of a planet but is changing form all the time which is most likely due to SCP-AIX-King still too young to keep an idea for very long and often letting his imagination go crazy. 
2001 - SCP-AIX finally take a concrete shape and different lands and continents start forming. Eventually SCP-AIX starts to resemble a large world, with different lands based on SCP-AIX-Kings’s dreams and ideas. 
2005 - SCP-AIX-Shark and SCP-AIX-Lava are spotted manifesting on earth for some reason and take SCP-AIX-King to SCP-AIX to help quell a rebellion caused by the plug creatures and their leader Entity of Interest: Mr. Electric. They succeed and SCP-AIX-King unlocks his power to manipulate everything on SCP-AIX. Thankfully anomalous exposure is limited so Foundation agents are able to quickly give amnestics to anyone who witnessed the event. 
2006 - The ACPA agrees to allow the SCP-Foundation to have custody of SCP-AIX and thus diplomats are sent to meet with the three. They ask for a means to colonize SCP-AIX by establishing Site-DREAM. This unfortunately led to lots of back and forth and nearly led to an all-out war between Foundation forces and the inhabitants of SCP-AIX. Shockingly it was only after SCP-ANO tried once again, to attack SCP-AIX that led to the alliance.
Space Task Fleet Apollo-1 tried to attack SCP-ANO while SCP-AIX-King imagined his own space fleet to attack the Celestial Scale Anomaly. Because the ships were made from SCP-AIX-King’s imagination, he could make an infinite number of them and thus eventually wore down SCP-ANO, for the first since its discovery SCP-ANO actually was hurt and retreated as a result. Peace was finally made, and the construction of Site-DREAM began.
2006 - The SCP Foundation helps SCP-AIX-King establish a more stable way to travel from earth to SCP-AIX without having to rely on imagining ships that don’t always work every time. 
Because SCP-AIX was able to harm SCP-ANO far better than any Foundation weapon or any weapon owned by any organization within the ACPA it is considered an extremely valuable asset. As such it must be protected at all costs, this includes SCP-AIX-Shark, SCP-AIX-Lava, and SCP-AIX-King obviously. Site-DREAM isn’t just a sanctuary designed to continue Foundation work should earth fall but also a place where new science based on SCP-AIX is made to assist in protecting the planet. It is with hope that SCP-AIX will be the spearhead in the eventual attack that will finally lead to the destruction of SCP-ANO.
Though it should be noted that SCP-AIX is not indestructible against SCP-ANO or other Celestial Scale Class Anomalies like it. We've already seen that SCP-AIX-King can get hurt if SCP-AIX is heavily damaged in any way. As such it is possible that to overuse SCP-AIX or for a possible God Like anomaly such as SCP-ANO can manipulate it. Still. as of late, SCP-AIX is the only viable candidate for Project Medusa.
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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shiftermod · 1 year
State of play and AUs
Prime timeline: blogcanon
Queen Twilight is on the throne. Queen Chrysalis and her colleagues have been defeated and petrified. And then there was much rejoicing. 
Metamorphosis (AFAB He/Him) has been grandfathered into a Pony/Changeling peace treaty and has migrated to Ponyville and has gently manipulated Twilight and local officials into accidentally allowing him to effectively build a fortified magic-negating wizard tower at the edge of town disguised as a fully functional book bindery called Dusty Books Binding And Restoration. As part of the negotiations, he was forced to relinquish his claim to the changeling throne, leaving King Thorax in charge. The Nightguard provide Morph and his family monthly boxes of rations: single-serving bottles of simple syrup infused with magically-produced love energy using a variant of Princess Cadance’s signature spell-that-we-only-ever-see-her-use-twice. 
Morph owns and operates the book bindery as his business and is trying to be a pillar of the community with some degree of success. His building is enchanted with so many changeling enchantments and is built so securely that it is now the safest place in Ponyville should a cataclysm strike. He still generally wears the guise of Dust Jacket because it’s comfortable and makes for better snuggles. 
Morph’s fiancé Dream Catcher (AMAB He/Him) spends off days and some weekends with Dust/Morph, sleeping in the living quarters above the shop when applicable in The World’s Comfiest Bed. Eventually Morph and DC will wed and later have a daughter named Lobelia (AFAB She/Her). 
The lore for this universe is the end result of the blogcanon stuff I’ve been developing since 2013. Morph and his home being over-the-top ineradicable forces and/or safe places are a direct result of the sheer amount of violent anti-changeling sentiment I observed in 2012, back when the Ask A Shapeshifter blog started out as grimdark. 
Geddoffmalon AU: NOT canon
Prince-Regent Metamorphosis rules the mountainous Kingdom of Geddoffmalon with an iron hoof, having wed Prince-Consort Dream Catcher sometime before, and has established trade relations between the Changelings and the Ponies. Unfortunately Metamorphosis is not merely The Ruler of the Northern Hive but also its Gyne, and thus must repeatedly and regularly lay large clutches of eggs—up to 500 at a time—over the course of every single day in order to stave off the perpetual threat of immobility. Morph has difficulty getting around without DC’s physical assistance. There is a Royal Do Not Disturb Sign. There is a Royal Wheelbarrow or Wagon which has seen use multiple times. There are a lot of snuggles and a lot of married flirting noises, tummy rubs, and massive amounts of innuendo with an emphasis on “massive.” 
Season 7 made it clear that this sort of scenario was not remotely canon and that changelings do not appear to have a specific reproductive caste, and honestly it’s a relief; Chrysalis doesn’t seem like the kind to have kids anyway, but seeing her standing alone in an egg chamber in mid-Season 6 (2016) made me question if she was the origin of the changeling species and forced me to consider throwing out much of the blogcanon I had been working towards up to that point. 
Cat AU: 
Everybody is cats! There are cuddles for all! All the cuddles, all the time! DC is a cloud Maine Coon or something similar, super fluffy big boy; Dust is either a Savannah or a really big Bengal. They cuddle. Sometimes they get up to go eat food or play or have adventures. And then they cuddle. They are well cared-for so I assume they live in a house with some kind of people. 
Bad End AU: 
Pending. This would be “What if blogcanon led to events that ruined all the things?” I’ll need to mull it over, but the short version is some terrible fate would befall everyone. Maybe the war reignites. Maybe someone harms Morph’s and DC’s daughter and Morph finally loses his temper. Who knows. Destruction, chaos, badly hurt feelings, who knows. 
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