#Dragon Hoard AU
guesst · 1 year
leathery wings brush against mountains of treasure. a fathomless gaze slides towards the intruder.
- ah, another hero has entered my territory . state thy name, o hero .
- iruma .
a clawed hand reaches out. pauses in surprise.
- you ... are smaller than the others .
- i won't be, in a few years !
- a few y - oh -- you are a child -?
- what of it ?
hands clench around a pitifully small sword.
- then i will not fight you .
- you have to !
- ha ! --
a harsh sound. grates against the throat.
- --what right does such a small one have to tell me what i must and mustn't do ?
- but - you -
- you can do two things here . the first , to go back home , with a small portion of my riches . i have taken pity on you, and can part with small trinkets at least .
the sword, pointed so diligently at the mammoth before it, wavers.
- or ?
- or your people never hear of you again . and you will stay here , and i will do what a dragon does best .
- ... eat people ?
another grating laugh. he has not found much humour the past few decades.
- your people evidently do not care much for you . if at all . did you think you could defeat me , really ? do you believe they thought so ?
- . . .
- what does a dragon know best ? it is keeping a hoard , iruma . i am offering to keep you as part of mine . does it sound so terrible to you ?
- . . .
- it makes no difference , which you choose . it might be better for you to choose the second . your people have walked you to your supposed death quite willingly .
- . . .
- would it be so bad ?
- . . .
- . . .
- no ?
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bluegiragi · 6 months
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early access + nsfw on patreon
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looooofa · 1 month
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the king and the hoard
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puppetmaster13u · 3 months
I was reminded of a Thing from the reblogs on the Mermay 03 Prompt
Very similar vibes. But with platonic omegaverse, and dragons. Gotham? Already cursed to hell and back. But then another curse was formed via the museum bringing in this strange statue. That of course got stolen because solid crystal and gold. Then got broken, split in half. And oop. New Curse.
Now before I get into the curse, lemme explain the omegaverse side of things. Everyone is born a secondary gender labeled Alpha, Omega, or Beta. There's also medical conditions where one is neither, usually a mix of genetic and hormonal issues. Gotham however, is Weird. They have no set scent according to Outsiders. Really? They can shift and switch (Yes there's a large LGTBQ percentage in the population) at will. It can take months for someone new to the city, but those that have been there for a few generations can do it in hours. For those like the Waynes or other founders who have been there since the beginning of the city? Minutes. It's more than a little unnerving to Outsiders who are used to things staying the same.
But that curse (or blessing as others call it) mixed with the new dragon one. See, they can all change into draconic form, and do their best to keep that secret. But they also have different forms depending on the secondary sex they are at that time.
@f4nd0m-fun & @golden-buddle idk if u'd be interested in this but-
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here-there-be-drag0ns · 6 months
This just in: the dragon!chip au in my head has consumed me, it wont leave. I'm supposed to be doing homework but instead i sketched a scene from the dragon au
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basically chip is a dragon who true polymorphed into a human form very young and Forgot so he genuinely didnt know he was a dragon for a long fuckin time. This sketch is based on these messages from me chatting about him:
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sea-lanterns · 9 months
Hmmm, a penny for thought
What do you think aftercare with the Dragon ladies like? Assuming they partake in post-coitus things of that sort at all?
Well first and foremost, they obviously clean you. Whether it’s with a traditional, lavish bath that they have in their castle, or they just use their giant tongue to lick you clean in their dragon forms, they want to have you clean regardless, so no going to sleep until you’re bathed. 😅
After that, expect lots of cuddles and quality bonding time with your wife. She’ll curl around you with her tail (and wings, if she has any) and keep you tightly curled against her while you rest. Your wife understands that humans don’t have as much stamina as dragons do, so while taking breaks is something they are not used to, they understand what they need to do when it comes to human traditions :)
I won’t say the dragon women are absolutely perfect at aftercare, after all they are doing something they’re not used to with a human lover. But you could tell that they are learning and trying, and that’s really all you could ever ask of them 💘
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fullmoonfireball · 1 month
gamers of tumblr. what should i make Russ in the Pikmonster AU. i dont know what to do with him
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somegrumpynerd · 5 months
What kinda style do you think Nightmare would paint in? Like do you think he'd have something more classical? Maybe realism? old timey stuff? Or impressionism maybe, I feel like he'd enjoy painting outside
I wanna hear your thoughts on this!
Hm yes yes, I definitely have thoughts about this (<- failed their art exam and very quickly googled painting styles lol)
If I'm understanding what I've read right, I think he'd be into realism or impressionism, I can see him spending ages on lots of little details in a picture. I could definitely see him painting outside though! It's easier to just set up in a secluded area than get anyone to look normal while the king of negativity stares at them for a few hours lol
It kind of goes hand in hand with the idea that he documents aus as a hobby as well I guess, like maybe he tries to paint little scenes of certain aus that stick out to him or just to keep as reference in case anything happens to them. Maybe Horror has a little painting in his room of his snowdin to help when he gets homesick?
He definitely doesn't have several paintings hidden in a closet somewhere of his own au before the incident, with a big tall apple-filled tree and a little yellow flag around the trunk and two yellow and purple dots nearby that are probably just a mistake didn't mean to add those don't read into that
Also not that I read your tags on that post but imagine him trying to do a family portrait. First problem is none of them will sit still. Okay that's a lie Cross probably would stand completely still for hours he has royal guard training, but the others are definitely not. I give it 10 minutes at most before Killer's annoying Dust into trying to kill him, Horror probably forgets what they're doing after an hour and starts walking off and has to be called back. At the end of it all he miraculously has a painting but immediately gets hit with "hey wait this is just us!! why aren't you in it? D:" as if he was supposed to go stand behind them and paint himself somehow??
About a week after he hangs it up, he finds somebody has drawn a little cartoonish version of him and taped it onto the painting like he was in it too and he pretends it doesn't make him as happy as it does.
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paintedkinzy-88 · 12 days
(So sorry i feel like im spamkmg yoyr ask box but i just rotate this au around in my brain like microve)
So i was checking out the posts linked through your coi au master post, and this part:
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Did this this cut more deep than Donnie intended? Like does Leo still think about this one line even months past? Like does he think, as hes going on his nightly falling/flying sesions how his brothers couldnt even think of leaving april behind but didn't hesitate to leave him behind
Meanwhile donnie and bros dont see it that that. They see leo as equal, even without wings, they never once thought of it as leaving him behind. Because hes their brother, theyd NEVER leave him behind.
But then that got me thinking... did they accidentally like ACTUALLY leave leo behind that first night donnie made his wings. Cause i can see donnie and the ither two being caught up in the joy of flying together for the first time, maybe going too fast for leo to keep up on the rooftops, cementing the idea in his head that his bros dont need him.
This is long winded lol i just got angst on my mind 😭
Spam me all you want!! I may not be able to promise I’ll get to every ask I ever receive, I just don’t have that time, but I CAN promise that I see, read, and overthink everything anyone sends me (ง’̀-‘́)ง So send away!!
As for your question: Absolutely, yes, that moment struck Leo down to his core — but not like. Personally. He knows Donnie didn’t mean it like that! Realistically, he understands that his brothers/sister care just as much about him as he does about them. They’d never purposefully leave him behind!! At the end of the day, he trusts that, should he ever get seriously knocked down, his family would turn right back around to help him get back up.
But he still has a MAJOR barrier that he sees between them. One that Donnie AND April are now able to literally fly over. And now that he’s outnumbered, that wall feels even higher than before. He’s not alone, not ever, but it certainly feels like it sometimes…
And all of that is exactly why he doesn’t want to say anything. He not only feels a little silly to have this impossible dream in the first place (his hoard is literally birds and butterflies and shit, that’s so weird and pathetic, isn’t it???), but he doesn’t WANT them to worry about him. He doesn’t want them to turn tail and come back just to make sure he’s keeping up with them. He can’t hold them back like that!
It’s better to pretend he’s on the same level, train himself into the ground (even literally if that’s what it takes) to prove he’s on the same level, make them focus on his stellar swimming skills that are (to them) on par to their flying, than for them to ever realize that all he’ll ever do is look up at them from below.
Also, yes, after Dee made his first fully functioning flight pack, they all went on a quick flight around the city. April was the one to suggest they move it to the ocean so Leo could at least keep up with them and cheer them on…
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soniccrazygal · 8 days
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M and his Cores
After being in high heat for so long, the other murder drone cores got damaged. They can't currently do their automatic rebuilding protocols to make themselves new bodies and they're more basic instinct than high-functioning thought. They recognize M as one of their big brothers and often cling to him and M's pretty protective of them in turn.
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ekat-fandom-blog · 2 years
Dragons and Ghosts prompt
Dragons and ghosts are kind of similar in that some of them can (1) look passably human, (2) be super strong, (3) use magic, (4) take hits better than humans can, (5) heal fast, (6) have obsessions, (7) change forms, (8) have deafening screams/roars, (9) fly, (10) be territorial, (11) use fighting as a form of playing, and (12) probably make attacks come out of their mouths(fire, wind, water, sound...) please note that I used the word can as there are many different types of dragons and ghosts. thank you.
What I'm saying is: Mix Dragon!Batman au with DPxDC.
Danny thinks Batman is a ghost because of multiple of the reasons listed above and tries to reach out with gifts or something as a peace offering. Ghosts don't usually become heroes, so it would be great to meet a few(or one). He doesn't know ghost culture very well, so he probably gets some help. For ghosts it's simple to gain allies, but also extremely difficult. Don't enter another ghost's haunt without permission(unless you plan on fighting them). Gifts in general can be seen as peace offerings unless it's death or obsession related(then it's a courting gift). You can't just show up and wait outside of their haunt to have a chat because it can be seen as you issuing a challenge. If you don't (a)receive an in person gift in return, or (b)an in person meeting with the other ghost in a week, you can try again.
Bruce is unsettled because the scent on the gifts smell weird. He's not the most well versed in magic (just because he's a magical creature, doesn't mean he has to be good at it) but he does know dragon culture. Don't enter someone else's territory without express permission. Gifts have meanings. (If it's shiny, they want something. If it's food, they probably want to be friends/family or to form an alliance. If it's something to add to your hoard and aren't already part of your family, then they are trying to court you. Side note: if you hoard food or shiny things, courting items mostly come in even numbers.) Always, someone is supposed to wait with the gift to explain/negotiate more minor details. Everything is always done on the same day; no waiting, no return gift or searching out the other person/dragon. He assumes a baby dragon found out about him being a dragon and is trying to remember how to contact an unfamiliar dragon. (or if you want bruce/danny: he assumes his potential suitor is unfamiliar with dragon culture and trying to learn)
The cultures overlap, so neither realize that the other isn't the same species, but they're also different enough that they do not understand what's going on.
(feel free to add or disregard anything in this prompt if you want to write something based on this)
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more song recommendations for TDSB because im literally so crazy about this fic
half return, and forwards beckon rebound- Adrianne Lenker
mama’s boy- Dominic Fike
dog days are over- Florence and the machine
first love, late spring- mitski
I kept trying to look up the first line as one song and couldnt find SHIT-
Fowards Beckon Rebound- Not even kidding I love songs where im like "Idk what the fuck you're saying but I got the vibe" like I hear the words but no one meaning fits Half return- THIS ONE, My god, from the very first verse I got the vibe and I LOVE IT. Okay this one is gonna make me cry I gotta stop. Mamas Boy- "They like their vacation home more than they love me" AHHHH The Drakes GODAMM- God knowing whats to come w/ Janet just.... AHHH Dog days are over- Okay okay loving the build up, oH WAIT I THINK I RECOGNIZE THIS???? RUN FAST FOR YOUR MOTHER- YES- YES YES YES THIS IS ADDED NOW, ITS SO PERFECT YES First Love, Late spring- "Please hurry leave me... Please don't say you love me" "I was so young when I behaved twenty five.. Ive grown into a Tall child" sobbing rn, goddammit this is my own angst WHY AM I SAD OVER IT
Anyways short to say- I love all of these, and thank you.
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writersrealmbts · 5 months
Treasured Hoard: Part 6
Part 5
Description: Dragon Hoseok! You’re spelunking when you come across a dragon, and suddenly your life is a lot more complicated as he adds you to his hoard.
Posted: 04/20/2024
Tags: Dragon!Hoseok, Shapeshifter!Hosoek, Hoseok X Reader
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Hoseok was going to have a coronary.
You had ventured outside because it was a beautiful day and waiting for him to get home in the evening was making time pass so slowly that you decided to explore the area, just a tiny bit!
You were lost.
And quite possibly concussed.
This didn't look like your home cavern, but there were dragon tracks that looked like the right size for Hobi's.
And there was a dragon hiding in the shadows of the ceiling.
Could be Hobi pouting because you weren't home when he got back?
Continue Reading on Ao3...
Part 5 ~  Part 7
Masterlist ~ Hoseok Masterpost
Tagging: @alex-awesome-22 @missmoxxiesworld​  @bryvada​ @knjhe​  @i-dont-even-know-fck​ @sinceritythatcouldntbedelivered
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fae dick grayson
vampire tim drake
werewolf damian
dragon bruce wayne
zombie jason todd
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puppetmaster13u · 9 months
So thinkin more of Dragon Gotham, and once more, I am not drawing three separate dragon forms for Every gothamite ever. So I used Predict Morphology on Flight Rising to come up with general ideas/visualizations for each dragon form. So I guess have a Part 1 of that lol.
SO, first of all, each of these will be in the order of Alpha, Beta, Omega, though some characters might prefer one gender over the other, or not bother to change into one of these forms often. Anyway, enjoy.
Alfred Pennyworth
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Jim Gordon
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Bruce Wayne
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Kate Kane
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Lemme know your ideas and thoughts lol. I am also open to reblogs with goons and civilians. Pretty much original character Gothamites lol. Hood needs his Merry Men and the Goonion needs people in it after all lol.
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airplanecrashingdown · 2 months
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