#Leo does love his hoard
paintedkinzy-88 · 5 days
(So sorry i feel like im spamkmg yoyr ask box but i just rotate this au around in my brain like microve)
So i was checking out the posts linked through your coi au master post, and this part:
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Did this this cut more deep than Donnie intended? Like does Leo still think about this one line even months past? Like does he think, as hes going on his nightly falling/flying sesions how his brothers couldnt even think of leaving april behind but didn't hesitate to leave him behind
Meanwhile donnie and bros dont see it that that. They see leo as equal, even without wings, they never once thought of it as leaving him behind. Because hes their brother, theyd NEVER leave him behind.
But then that got me thinking... did they accidentally like ACTUALLY leave leo behind that first night donnie made his wings. Cause i can see donnie and the ither two being caught up in the joy of flying together for the first time, maybe going too fast for leo to keep up on the rooftops, cementing the idea in his head that his bros dont need him.
This is long winded lol i just got angst on my mind 😭
Spam me all you want!! I may not be able to promise I’ll get to every ask I ever receive, I just don’t have that time, but I CAN promise that I see, read, and overthink everything anyone sends me (ง’̀-‘́)ง So send away!!
As for your question: Absolutely, yes, that moment struck Leo down to his core — but not like. Personally. He knows Donnie didn’t mean it like that! Realistically, he understands that his brothers/sister care just as much about him as he does about them. They’d never purposefully leave him behind!! At the end of the day, he trusts that, should he ever get seriously knocked down, his family would turn right back around to help him get back up.
But he still has a MAJOR barrier that he sees between them. One that Donnie AND April are now able to literally fly over. And now that he’s outnumbered, that wall feels even higher than before. He’s not alone, not ever, but it certainly feels like it sometimes…
And all of that is exactly why he doesn’t want to say anything. He not only feels a little silly to have this impossible dream in the first place (his hoard is literally birds and butterflies and shit, that’s so weird and pathetic, isn’t it???), but he doesn’t WANT them to worry about him. He doesn’t want them to turn tail and come back just to make sure he’s keeping up with them. He can’t hold them back like that!
It’s better to pretend he’s on the same level, train himself into the ground (even literally if that’s what it takes) to prove he’s on the same level, make them focus on his stellar swimming skills that are (to them) on par to their flying, than for them to ever realize that all he’ll ever do is look up at them from below.
Also, yes, after Dee made his first fully functioning flight pack, they all went on a quick flight around the city. April was the one to suggest they move it to the ocean so Leo could at least keep up with them and cheer them on…
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Could you do anymore headcannos for the tmnt 2014/2016 boys? Idc what the headcannon is but I love it hc so much
Sleeping Headcanons
Headcanons you say? Let's get into it!
Warnings: mental health, drugs/alcohol
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We spend nearly half of our lives asleep, and the boys are no different! They're a little backwards, being basically nocturnal, but they sleep (and struggle to), just like anybody else.
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Bed. Leo is a traditionalist and sleeps on a firm Japanese Futon. He sleeps on his plastron because that's the most practical. He's usually on his side, hugging a pillow, by morning.
Temperament. Even as always, unless he has a migraine, then he's in his room the second he gets home. Dark and quiet. If someone disturbs him, he'll get up and address whatever it is that needs seeing to, but don't expect conversation. However, he *is* a morning person! They all hate him until about 10 am.
Routine. If he has a headache he'll usually have no choice but to just lay down the second he's off the clock. If he doesn't, he has a very strict routine that is *always* adhered to, or he can't sleep (no, that's not a joke):
Tea (usually jasmine) with Dad while processing the day.
Meditate for 30 minutes.
The morning is much the same but in reverse:
Wake up.
Meditate for 15 minutes.
Get dressed.
Downstairs for coffee/breakfast/discussing the day with Dad.
Sleeping with a partner. Having someone around to upset his routine is ROUGH. Don't ask to sleep in his bed. Seriously, don't. Sharing *his space* is a HUGE step for him and if you push it, it'll just take longer. He'll start small, inviting you into his room for tea. Be PATIENT with the boy. Once you start sleeping in his bed it'll take him a while to get used to it. The first few times he doesn't sleep. But eventually, you worm your way into his routine, and he can't sleep without you. Until then, he will happily hold you until you fall asleep, even stay watching over you until morning. But he won't sleep.
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Bed. Pillow pile! He started collecting pillows as a kid to add to his hoard, which is now comically large and takes up 1/3 of his room. He loves the weird ones and has ones with tassles and beads and insane shapes. It's actually pretty impressive and could probably double as a modern art piece!
Temperament. It's all good! No matter what state he's in, he's always the life of the party. Always.
Routine. He's usually parked in front of the TV until everyone disperses (video games/tv/ect). Then, depending on how hard his depression is hitting that night, he'll either grab a bong (hard) or a bottle (harder). He'll drink in his room , but he'll skate down one of the south tunnels to smoke because he doesn't want to hear about it from Leo. Splinter knows about the weed, but doesn't have a problem with it, because it really does seem to help. He would, however, have a problem with the liquor. Once Mike is thoroughly gone, he tosses himself on his pillow pile and attempts to pass out. Sometimes he does. He gets hangovers from the alcohol, but the second he wakes up that mask is firmly back in place and he's good to go! 😃
Sleeping with a partner. ALL. THE. CUDDLES. Expect him not to let go. Like, pee beforehand. He may not be as big as his brothers, but he's still pretty damn heavy. You are HIS Angel. You are HIS miracle. And you aren't going ANYwhere. Lots of nuzzling/scent marking, LOTS of churring, and when he does eventually fall asleep, he snores like a diesel engine. Just poke him in the side and he'll shut up.
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Bed. What's a bed? You mean the cot in his lab? On the rare occasion that *someone* convinces him to actually sleep in a bed, it's pretty much whatever bed or bed-adjacent thing they bring him to. By the time he's tired enough that he can be convinced, he's too far gone to care.
Temperament. When Donnie is tired, expect to be snapped at. He'll apologize immediately, but his temper is a hair trigger when he needs sleep. And my dude goes until he stops. Don's body wakes up before he does. Expect mumbled one-word answers that may or may not make sense as he gradually comes to consciousness over the next half-hour.
Routine. Donnie doesn't make the decision to go to bed. He just wakes up and it's later. When he does wake up, his body has been conditioned to perform all the necessary morning tasks without him having to actually be fully conscious. Sit up. Grab freshly brewed espresso from desk next to cot. Shotgun espresso. Wrap joints. Stand up. Go to kitchen for second cup of coffee (because Raph has already brewed a pot, and because at some point in his teenage years, his father insisted on seeing him at least once a day). Make/drink coffee. Eat the closest edible thing. Go back to the lab. By this point, his conscious mind has usually kicked in and he can get back to work.
Sleeping with a partner. I hope you like to be lulled to sleep by computer fans! You'll get used to the phrase, "go and lie down, Dove. I'll just be a minute." It's always a lie. You know it. He knows it. The wall of computer towers behind you knows it. But he does the song and dance, anyway, because he thinks it makes you feel better. It doesn't. If he does happen to fall asleep with you, of COURSE he's the big spoon. He wraps himself around you and holds you as close as he can (he's still working on getting past all those pesky air molecules), with his beak buried in your hair so that he can breathe you in as he falls asleep (at least the air molecules are good for something).
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Bed. My guy is BIG, and needs a ton of support. A traditional flat mattress is uncomfortable unless he sleeps on his plastron which he HATES doing. His carapace is HEAVY, and it feels like he's literally being crushed under his own weight. Besides, he's in enough pain when he wakes up, and as much as he loves working out, he really doesn't want to have to do pushups first thing in the morning. Instead, he has a carbon fiber hammock that he wove himself. It hangs from a reach stacker arm modified with two lifting jacks bolted to the floor, all "liberated" from the shipyard. It supports all of him with the added benefit of pressure on all sides due to his weight, which helps him sleep, especially when he's in a low.
Temperament. When he's tired he's a grump. He's not quick to anger, but expect a lot of grumbling and begrudging acquiescence to things. He doesn't usually push it too far before heading to bed, because let's face it, pain is exhausting, and if he's laying down he's not having to hold himself up. He's not a "morning person," but he's usually okay as long as he knows there's a cup of coffee in his near future.
Routine. Pretty standard. Shower, teeth, etc. Once in bed, he'll mess around on his phone for a while, watching movies/tv/anime, before eventually falling asleep. In the morning, he rolls out of his hammock and heads to the kitchen for coffee with his Dad before everyone else emerges. After that it's his morning workout and he starts the day. Honestly the mostly boring/normal out of all of them.
Sleeping with a partner. He won't sleep in your bed. He just won't. Don't ask. He'll hold you until you fall asleep, no question, but he won't stay. The only hope for a sleepover is at his place. He likes to give you a big hug around the middle and roll into the hammock with you, and it always leaves you giggling as you snuggle up against his plastron. That's when he sleeps best, with you laying on his chest, his arm wrapped around you. Not only is it added pressure, but this way he knows you're safe.
Tag list:
@thelaundrybitch @the-cauldron-witch @fyreball66 @ninnosaurus @tmntngl @thegirlwiththeninjaturtletattoos
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aroaceleovaldez · 10 months
I need to see more demigods who bite. Like jason totally feels the need to bite stuff, and leo half-jokingly suggests getting him a chew toy (like a dog). Nico absolutely bites to show affection, (maybe not willy nilly like jason but still) like just randomly biting people he's close with shoulders or hands because he just loves them so much (jason both bite to express affection and stim)
Anyways petition to normalize neurodivergent people who bite as a form of expressing affection or stimming.
oh absolutely. I actually have a tier list of "which of the Argo II crew & co are most likely to bite:"
Jason gnaws on people to show affection. He is extremely "Everything I love belongs in my mouth and everything I hate belongs between my teeth." He mostly stopped doing it for awhile cause of the whole "being trained to be the Perfect Praetor™" and having to mask a lot more, but he picked it up again a bit when he and Reyna became friends cause she didn't care and then more with the Argo II crew. He definitely hoards chewlery. He also definitely bit Krios real bad when they were fighting, if not outright killed him with his teeth.
Nico is a younger sibling. He has no qualms against biting in fights, any fight, but he does associate biting with fights. Jason tries to friendly-bite him one time and Nico just takes it as declaration of war and they end up tussling for like five minutes. After he gets used to Jason though he picks it up a bit too, mostly just chewing on people's hands. Also I 100% hc that when he was in Tartarus he just went full teeth-and-claws mode to survive. Honestly he bites more in regular combat and even training than Jason does, mostly just cause he's not above fighting dirty. If it works, it works. Also I hc he has sharp canines and is small so he might as well.
Frank's third but only on technicality cause shapeshifting. When he's human he's pretty much equal level to everybody else which is "only bites as a last resort."
Everybody else is pretty on-par with each other but Percy is probably just sliiightly more likely to bite not for any particular reason, he just considers it a valid fight tactic in a pinch (unlike Nico, who just considers it a general fight tactic). Also he got the oral stim adhd vibes. He has a lot of chewlery. They're all sea-themed, of course. Thalia is also pretty equal to Percy in terms of "biting as a valid fighting tactic."
Annabeth is also like. She's less likely to bite than Percy but more likely to than the rest of the crew. It's just a valid battle tactic under certain scenarios to her (and that includes training). She does consider it a low-blow though. She's also definitely got the oral stim adhd too. Lots of chewlery, rip her pencils and pens, etc etc. Her and Percy probably have a shared chewlery collection.
Piper is not the bitey type but she does have little to no formal combat training so yknow, wet cat technique. I do also totally believe she'd also have a chewing stim though. Like yknow how I draw her with the little braid sidebangs? Yeah she definitely chews on those and that's part of why she wears her hair like that. The other reason is that braiding it is one of her other stims.
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aspenonpawzzz · 7 months
HENLO! (pls read )
My name is Aspen! I’m the host of the Canis Constellation. My pronouns are They/them and It/its, so please use gender-neutral, non human terms when refering to me! I am a TransAlterine Omniromantic Asexual, and support All identities (except p3d0s, z0()s, maps, dreamsexuals, or other thing such as those!) NO POLITICS PLEASE (alterine https://yb3.fandom.com/wiki/Alterine)
term hoard sideblog: @aspens-hoard
@aspec-warriors Mafia acc
I am :
a Leo, a 5, a chaotic nutural, introvert ,and a INTJ, plus a red fox, Mexican coy-wolf, and AA wolf THERIAN!
I Mostly shitpost/reblog, but my main theme is The owl house, alterhuman, fandom and art posts!
I have dislexia, discalucla, and disgraphia, along with AuDHD, triocotillamania and MaDD. I’m a median gateway system, with a Monoconscious! I still use I/me but also we/us!
Our system side blog is @canis-constellation
I am a vulture culturist, mask maker,a cosplayer, a quadrobist, a fanfic writer, a fan artist, and my aesthetic is Goblincore and cryptidcore!
my favs:
-turn off the lights (panic! at the disco) {IT GOES SO HARD}
-Oh geeez, not again. (band)
-the owl house
-Spirit of the north
-wild rescuers
Questioning cryptid kin of some kind, possibly Runalong!
Our Alters!
✨🌳 aspen |15.5 mentally| {they/it} [Madd, AuDHD] /Omniromantic ace\ ' “human”/ Alterhuman’ <The Creator,Multiversal vessel>
💦💫 Polaris |400| {They/them} [Madd] /Aroace\ 'divine being' <Sentinel of the stars, they the divine>
briar 🪶🥀 |16| {They/Them} [ADHD] /Asexual Aromantic\ ‘Grimwalker’  <Silver scout>
Hunter/phantom🪶🐺{He/they/it/canine themed neos} |16| [Autism, C-PTSD] /Biromantic Asexual\ 'shapeshifting grimwalker' <He who guards, The Golden Guard, It who transforms>
Hycan 🐺🔩 {He/it, } |16/17| [Autism] /aroace\ ‘human’ it does have a animatironic form but it prefers human form (credit to @wolfsnooze for AU) <None currently>
Salem 🔪 🩸 |13.5| {it/Its, ok with masc terms} [Sociopathy, Unable to feel Love (A-spec)] /Aroace\ 'Void-kin'  <Death, It who comes for all, Grim-reaper>
River 🌊🐺|16.3| {it/they/wolf themed neos} [Autism] /omni ace\ ‘werewolf’ (in qpr/relationship with phantom) <none currently>
Information :
aspen yips: silly stuff
aspen speaks (REAL): importiant
aspen barks: alterhuman stuff
aspen squeals: fandom/ hyperfixtion
aspen crows: neurodivergency
aspen howls: creative
[instert word or something]] Au: a au of mine Phantom posting: fictionkin/ hunter related stuff
screaming into the void: system stuff.
anti-lgbtq+, people who ship canon (insert sexuality) with (instert gender that the person is NOT attracted to) ei, a lesbian with a male, anti-furry,anti-therian,anti-vulture culture,anti-quadrobics, 18+ or kink blogs, if you’re older that 18(unless I knew you before you turned 18, or pass The Vibe Check{stalk ur blog}) , ableists, racists, exculionist, The works.
Alterhumans (Therians, otherkin, otherkith, otherhearted, animal hearted,otherlink,copinglink, furrians[furry therians], holotheres, soul shards, phytanthropes, and ANY OTHERS PLEASE ) furries, TOH or gf fans, artists and writers and cosplayers and musicains, freaks and werdios, vulture culturists, quadrobists, mogia and liom, enbies and enbyfluxes, fictionkins and fictives, systems,LGBTQIA+and people with decency.
treat me lesser/younger than you, treat me like a child, call me human, or person/people, talk Abt politics ,or involve me in such matters, repost(reblogging is fine) my ideas.
This is a "Ship and let ship" blog. only exceptions are "insert orenation" with "a gender orenation is NOT attracted to" , Minor with not minor, [age] with [ age more than 2-3 years apart] aroace with anyone, bully x victim (ie bochlow) villian x hero with in certain bounderies, ab#sive or toxic ships, or proships.
any aggressive hating/ threats will be blocked. only z0()s, n3cr0s, p3d0s, and other harmful “philia”s are allowed to be hated on here. if you support/are these, find help and leave this blog. this is not for you.
gatekeeping is not allowed. at all.
support of KOSA and other things like this is not allowed.
take your discorse and politics elsewere. this is a fun blog for fun stuff.
I am a minor, if +18 dni unless I, a trusted person, or a mewtual vet your blog.
I use tonetags.
Biggest Mewtual- @justalexisfine
‼️If you request anything,(pfp especially) CREDIT ME‼️
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Hey, could you do a rottmnt boys with a dragon yokai S/O who's roughly 8' foot, really tough scales, and is a bit of an older sister/mom friend.
Thanks, I love everything you do ❤️💙💜🧡
Thank you for the kind words :)
I've already done 2012 Leo with a dragon Reader, check it out if you want!
Raph, Leo, Donnie and Mikey x dragon yokai Reader
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★ Canonically Raph is six feet tall, so you are taller than him by two feet. The hight difference between the two of you makes him blush. He's not used to being around someone who is taller than him.
★ He's always had to be the responsible one in his family so giving someone to share that burden is a godsend. The first time you showed concern over him getting hurt he froze up because he didn't know what to do.
★ Don't even get me started on when you clean up after him. He feels really bad about making a mess but with his size it is unavoidable, it's something that you both know well.
★ I like the trope of dragons hoarding treasure but imagen your "treasure" being stuffed animals. Hear me out. Just think about him walking into your home expecting it to be full of treasure. Only to see a literal mountain of stuffies in front of him. He'd be smitten.
★ Mom friend head cannons! (Might have repeated some stuff)
★ Lord knows that this guy needs a mom friend to keep him in line. Remember the episode where he continuesly eats poison? When you found out you dragged him to his room by the tails of his mask and lectured him for about a hour.
★ He's a little scared of you, not gunna lie. Leo would never admit it though. If anyone in his family found out they all would start threatening to invite you over when he's back on his bullshit.
★ He pushes every button you have but it's worth it because he would give up anything for you. And you would do the same. The things you put up with in the name of love....
★ At first he hated it when you motherd him. He doesn't need to be babied! Honestly he only hates it because it's a blow to his bad boy image. Later when you start to date he can't get enough, just as long as his family isn't in the room.
★ He has a bad boy image to maintain, so don't try to dote on him in public. If you do you will get a death glare because he can't bring himself to push you away.
★ Similar to 2012 Leo you gotta hide your mystical valuables from him. But unlike Leo's 2012 counterpart he doesn't want to give them back two there original owner. He wants to study any/all mystical items you have.
★ Big lady! Please carry him when he doesn't want to get up. The only person who has been able to carry him in the past 5 years is Raphael. He does the grabby hands thing and everything to try and get you to pick him up.
★ The size difference between the two of you is great because you always end up being big spoon while cuddling. This includes making massive pillow forts in the lair to binge watch shows and have lazy days in.
★ He practices drawing dragons in a traditional Japanese art style (also known as ryu or tatsu). Your figure is really unique and it inspires him to draw more inhuman characters.
★ Although he loves it when you pick him up, it can be very scary when you fly high up with him. It takes him awhile to warm up to it, pretty funny considering his future self floats. (that's basically flying, right?)
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solara-bean · 1 year
As an undiagnosed autistic I LOVE talking about my random interests with people and vice versa. So here's what I think the Touchstarved LIs random interests are 😊
Astronomy/ Astrology
assuming that he really is an ancient Angel he probably had a hand in or watched the universe being made so it still fascinates him how it has developed over the centuries
especially what humans have discovered about it
also the meanings they've given to constellations and other parts of the cosmos in tradition and folklore
it's all intriguing and quite amusing to him
he knows all the LIs zodiac signs as well as his regular patients
would sneer and say ' of course you're a Leo ' without any other context and just walk away in that swift angelic manor that he does
has a vintage telescope that he refuses to replace
if you indulge him long enough and let him ramble on about stars he'll stop and be like ' Wait I could just show you'
hope you're not afraid of heights
especially the poisonous kind
he finds them poetic in a sense because of Co he does
like to have a small journal about them and wishes eridia had more nature for him to explore and document
sketches flowers when he has free time and might even color them
he's not the most skilled artist but he good at drawing plant life because he's done it so often
knows the meaning of plants and makes/ buys bouquets accordingly
hints at how he really feels about the person he's giving a bouquet to
has given ones with negative meanings to people he didn't like but needed something from, he knew they wouldn't understand and would just be like "oh a bouquet how thoughtful" " yes this was made especially for you " *wink wink*
has admired the gardens of high town snobs him and his bloodhounds have raided interacted with ( he'll take a few home just because )
is learning how to make teas, medicine, poison and lotions from plants for the fun of it and to help others
wants to have a large garden one day
Fungus/ Mushrooms
they just think they're neat
like how could you not there's so many cool kinds of fungus
they adore that such life can grow from death
will rarely pick mushrooms because they want them to stay where they belong
doesn't want to separate them from their fungi families 🥺
really REALLY likes cool colored fungi that glow
I imagine magical fungi exists in their world so they get really excited when they find some in the wild
they go crazy for those really big mushrooms and will stare at them for hours if they could
has dreamed of sleeping on a mushroom many times like a little fairy but won't tell ANYONE ( ok except Kuras but they didn't mean to, got really embarrassed )
if you gift them a glowing magic mushroom to keep as a nightlight they'll act unfased at first but congratulations you're basically married now
eyes dilate like a cat when he sees one
oooo shiny
has stolen found more than he's bought
has a mini hoard of stones stashed away somewhere in his room
he only shows it to people he really likes ( Ais and S/o )
Ais' earrings intrigues him
Ais noticed and took them off so he could see and was more than willing to talk about where he got them
Vere knew exactly what they were made of right away and wanted to tral them as his own to mess with Ais, but lost interest when Ais admitted he wouldn't mind
would lay on a giant pile of gemstones like a dragon's hoard in his full demon fox form if he had the means to ( would put his S/O in the pile too as one of his treasures )
he'll know exactly which gemstones look best on you for jewelry
like alot of animal facts dude
he has a wide range of knowledge because he can't choose a favorite animal. he likes SO MANY
ranging from the scariest of predators on land and sea to the cutest little fellas ( sharks, tigers, bunnies, small birds, sparrows *hint hint*)
if you tell him what your favorite animal is expect to be randomly given little gifts based off of of it ( illustrations, mini figurines, plushies etc )
asked Vere alot of questions about his fox nature ( " does your coat change color in the winter?" " ...Ais I'm trying to get frisky stop asking weird shit" )
was the type of kid to bring strays home so you can imagine how happy he is about having a pack of soulless
he immediately knew which animal/animals they were all based on and knows how to interact with them accordingly
his love for animals kinda messes with his instincts like yeah I shouldn't pet that large predator but what if he's lonely like me 🥺
is totally fine with getting bit and scratched because he overstepped a boundary and will learn from it
I bet eridia's highborn snobs have captured exotic creatures for show so guess who's pulling up with his red eyed soulless gang for a jail break ( he'd give the creatures to a shelter that can relocate and take care of them )
wants to raise alot of pets with his S/o as they grow old. just one big happy family of strays they've taken in: wild soulless, escaped highborn pets, barn animals, alley cats, Vere, etc.
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nikoofdeath · 4 months
So! Well I'm working on my tfw comic here's some info on the characters! Mostly red unless marked otherwise.
Spy: is tough love, he keeps others at a distance. But truly cares for the younger ones on the team (scout, runt, demo, sniper. [He isn't sure of pyro])
he will train them but push them to their limit. Rarely swears, but when he does it is in French.
Scout's mom is the only person to ever see through every disguise he has. She knows his body language and calling cards or quirks. When he would disguise himself to see Scout against his contract. She knew it was him every time and always found a way to kiss him.
Sniper: social to learn what the others quirks are. Would in theory betray them for half a peach.
Will steal items of the her mercs and hoard them. Can become obsessive sometimes.
Isn't interested in romance or sex, he'd rather observe others than get his hands dirty. But has strong friendships he refuses to admit are friendships.
Reads alot of books.
Climbs trees to get away from others will sleep anywhere. Has a habit of passing out in the middle of the day due to a poor sleep schedule.
Forgets to hydrate and eat, drives medic nuts.
Soldier: the only man to ever scare this brave American is heavy, has a respect for that man and will not cross him.
Made his wedding ring out of shrapnel from battles he and Zhanna have been in.
Speaking of Zhanna he loves her more then anything. If anyone slanders her they are dead. Very. Very. Dead.
His raccoons are his children. He thinks Pauling doesn't know about them, but Pauling is the oen that feeds them food that keeps them from getting ill form the poor diebt soldier gives.
Soldier can speak at least one other language, but no one knows what it is. He rather use it to easedrop on others then use it.
Collects things that remind him of his childhood and his wife for the possible prospect of children. "They will grow up as I did!"
Engie: when higher had a beard, pyro makes him shave it though as the comic gose.
Met Pyro before Pyro was given thr job. Was the one to tell Pauline about them.
Grew up with Leo in bee cave. Got him the job when Leo ran out of money for med school.
When is mad gets loud and stomps. Will drown self in work jf stressed.
Uses ductape for too much. Atheist 40% of his tech is reliant on duck tape somewhere on its body.
Pyro: is female.
Was daughter of someone who gave her skills to run a company.
Is very smart along the lines of Dell, tarvis, medic and Leo. But dosenr flaunt it. Sees it as nothing.
Has panic attacks. The mask helps with them liking being held tight and in smaller spaces.
Can read people well. Has those who are therapist of the crew check on those who are not ok. Knowing they are scary.
Collects taxidermy, runt gives them the failures if hers. Decorates the taxidermy in hats and doll clothing.
Can set anything on fire.
Demo: has made his own alcohol it sadly if touches the air will explode so uses it in bombs.
Loved Hawaiian shirts. Has always wanted to go but never had the time.
Is the one that tends to thr guardens of the base. Won't let pyro touch them after thr incident.
Is the therapist's friend but also the trouble maker will give you good life advice but also tell you to do something stupid. Thare is no invtween.
If it wasn't for heavy he would be the glue. Will talk to anyone. And helps cook most nights.
Has tattoos and feckless.
Scout: keeps a plush bear his dad gave him. Him. The others tease him but spy struggles not to tear up when he sees it.
Has a baseball his mom gave him when he got the job. Dosent know spy is the reason he got thr job. His mom begged him as their wasn't any Jobs for him.
Is forced to mentor runt. Iant a big fan of this but dose it for pauling.
Is more respectful than he acts. He acts loud and rude to seem cool. But his mother put a strict respectful streak in him.
Gave his dad a feather when he was 4 he doesn't remember. But Spy keeps it in his hat.
Heavy: is quiet gentle gient.
He is very smart and rather watch then talk.
Is very loyal and has had a..talk with soldier that if he ever hurts Zhanna he is a dead man. Soldier now refers to him as Sargent. He won't tell the others what he said.
Cooks well, but rather not do it. Not something he enjoys.
Is a artist. Paints in his free time.
Sings alot as well and plays five instruments.
Medic: is of Jewish descent. Doesn't..talk about his family or what happened in the war.
Has a gold ring he wears at all times on a necklace.
Dosenr talk much. Unless you get him talking about science. He loves to learn.
Is older than everyone. Rumor has it he knew the original mee teams. Uber has some interesting effects on life expectancy.
Guilty pleasure is anything chocolate.
Has money insecurities due to past. Will do anything for a bigger paycheck....anything
Leo: is medics apprentice. Has been working for 3 years.
Is quiet but loyal.
Has a gf back home. Sees runt as a little sister.
Runt and he have been pen pals for over ten years. A school project is how they ended up sending letters.
He knows what happened to Runt. He is the one who convinced Pauling to interview her.
Is shocked runt got the job was fully ready to tey to blackmail Pauling.
Runt: the youngest of the group. Only having a year of work under her belt.
Was trialed for six months before first battle.
Has alot to learn. But wants to do everything perfectly. Is rough on herself for this reason.
Can't lose this job. If she does she is sent back home or die. Has hallucinations so fears will be put into a loony bin if family finds out.
Is eldest of six. Loves her family.
Spy teaches her how to torture people. She enjoys it perhaps too much. For her she likes to know how people tick.
Blu engie (G): is quiet bur social.
Has a sadistic side. Will gutt you if given chance.
Second in command of Blu.
Was born without left hand, when engie lost his right he'd make jokes to his short cousin about it.
Is Dell's cousin. He is younger but taller.
Is patient and if mad gose silent. He dosent emote much unless he's with someone he likes or trusts..oddly enough..runt of red is one of those people
Pauling: finds scout cute but puts job first.
Is nerdy type. Has played dnd at least five or seven times.
Loves to collect rocks. Has a few scout and the mercs gave her.
Loves to read.
Has coffee more than anything else. Her hands shake because of this. Still is one of the best shots of the whole crew.
Teaches scout to read when they have days off.
Runt and her go out to get coffee and Runt gives her info she already knows but likes having a female friend.
Well that's it suffer I guess idk I got a comic to make!
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bellysoupset · 10 months
SOUP!!! i know you’re focusing on the thanksgiving stuff rn and slay yes go off but this is me begging you to torture wendy sometime soon <3333 i know you know i love her and i’m trying SO hard not to be annoying about requesting her too much but ,,,, the type of dopamine i get whenever i read one of *those* fics (wen as sickie) is truly unreal and i’ve been craving it sm lately (and i’ve already reread all your old ones *almost* too many times LMAO) 🤭 also PLS DONT TAKE THIS AS ME PRESSURING YOU OR EXPECTING THINGS FROM YOU‼️‼️‼️ THATS THE LAST THING I WANT‼️‼️ THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING YOU DO‼️‼️‼️ im just putting this out there to gently suggest that you torture her whenever you have the time and energy to lolll <3
the trope can be literally anything you want but i’m really feeling a migraine fic 👀 like a bad one!!! but having her kind of hide it until she can’t anymore? and then vin maybe feeling all guilty about not noticing it sooner + him being all soft and adorable and worried? smiling and blushing just thinking about this ahhhh
thank u sm i love u
And 🧷 asked:
HI Just jumping on board the girly request train (To add this to your hoard for if you have the time/will). Consider, if you will: Wendy sick at work with Jonah as a not-so-great caretaker having to call Vince like "Come get your girl." (Wendy does deserve belly rubs and also just... hugs. Lots of them. And a gentle smooch on the forehead) (And you know I love bitchy Jonah and I can't think of a shittier caretaker /pos /aff /very affectionate /I love him okay?) -🧷
Jonah was in a bad mood. Which he knew wasn't saying much, because these days he was always in a bad mood, but whatever. He was in a shitty fucking mood.
Graduation was closer than ever, happening in a little less than two weeks. Meaning he had exactly 4 days to finish all the documentation and essays and double check his hours and also pick an outfit and send the bloody invitation to his mother and stepfather and his father, fuck, he had forgotten about-
"Switch with me," Wendy interrupted his stream of thoughts, entering the office area. Jonah let out a scoff, rolling his eyes.
"Absolutely not," he said, turning back to the paperwork he had been filling in. He had already done his hours in the ER, there was no way he was gonna do Wen's too.
"Please," Wendy said, although she didn't sound like she was asking, "switch with me, I'll take your hours tomorrow-"
"Nope," Jonah shook his head, not bothering to look up from where he was filing up the report of each patient he had had all day, "you're distracting me, Wendy."
"Jonah, I really can't do the ER right now-"
"No one likes the ER," Jonah shrugged, signing his name with a little too much force. He really wanted to go home. It was almost 10 PM and he still hadn't had dinner and although he didn't have classes tomorrow, he had so many things to hand in. Did he revise his residency application?
"Jon, please I..." Wendy whined and Jonah's head snapped up, pissed off.
"Wendy no," he glared at her, "I'm not switching, give up."
She pressed her hands to her face, before letting out a sigh and turning around, wordlessly leaving the office.
Jon's stomach sunk and he felt a pang to his chest, but he stood his ground. He had worked his hours today and he really needed to go home and Wendy was not going to puppy eye her way into getting him to do a double ER shift, not when he was this exhausted, even if it was just the remaining one hour and half.
He got back to the task at hand and by the time he glanced up again, it was time to get going. 11:30 PM, Leo would probably be asleep, Jonah thought sourly, locking all the documents inside of his designated drawer and getting up.
Claire was just getting in as Jonah walked to the doctor's staff to strip his white doctor coat and grab his bag as well as his scarf. She waved at him as he unlocked his locker, "hi, Jon."
"Hi Claire," he yawned, folding his coat.
"Uh..." Claire frowned as she unlocked her own locker. She shared with Wendy, but Wen's clothes were still inside, "that's odd, I didn't see her in the ER..."
Jonah felt a weird sense of unease wash over him. He draped the scarf around his neck, "here, take mine. Just let Todd know when he clocks in..." he said, "I'm gonna check if she's still clocked in."
Jonah hated the guy who had been doing the last round with Wendy. Chris wasn't just annoying as hell, he was also a careless idiot who messed up constantly. Jon had lost count the amount of times he had gone toe to toe with the guy.
"Chris," Jonah said, managing to get him alone just as he turned the hallways, Chris probably going to clock out too, "did you see Wendy?"
"No," Chris scoffed, glaring at him, "not since she bailed on me. If you find her, let her know that she's fucked. I made a complaint with our supervisor."
"What...?" Jonah frowned. Wendy didn't bail, Jon could count in one hand the amount of times she had taken time out of her clinic hours. She often covered for others. She would never just quit and up and leave.
"Yeah," Chris rolled his eyes, "said she was gonna get water and I haven't seen her since. I had to go through all of her fucking patients. Peters is gonna chew her up tomorrow."
"How long ago was that?" Jonah asked, feeling anxiety prickling all over him. This was widely out of characters.
"An hour ago? I don't know," Chris shrugged, before stepping around Jonah, "excuse me."
Jon didn't acknowledge him at all, already fishing his phone out of his pocket and pressing the 3, Wendy's speed dial digit. It rang and rang and no one picked up.
Her car was in the parking lot still, getting covered with snow. Shit.
"Wendy, it's me. Please pick up your phone, I'm worried," Jonah send her a voice message, before immediately trying to call again. If the car was still there, then she was still in the hospital.
The question was where? Their university hospital was a big place, since they were the reference not just for their town but for other five around them. It had four floors and was almost as large as a whole block.
"Shit, shit, shit," Jonah chanted, heading to the main nurse station near the ER. The head nurse from Wendy's shift probably had clocked out already, the new one wouldn't know where she was...
"Marjorie! Nurse Marjorie!" Jonah ran down the hall, catching her just as she was about to walk to walk out of the door to the parking lot. She paused, looking confused and spooked.
"Dr. Banks-"
"Hi," Jonah panted, catching up with her, "sorry, I didn't mean to startle you- Did you see Wendy?"
"Wendy?" she frowned and Jonah nodded.
"Dr. Marshall?"
Marjorie's frown twisted into a grimace, "oh yeah, downstairs," she nodded, "about twenty minutes ago? She was in a bad shape, poor thing."
"A bad shape?" Jonah's heart squeezed and he looked around as if he'd somehow spot Wendy in the crowd that was coming and going, "where was she exactly?"
"Well, I entered the ladies room and she wasn't looking so hot, but she said she'd go home, so..." Nurse Marjorie shrugged, "she's probably left by now."
"Which side?"
"West wing-"
"Thank you," Jonah shook her hand awkwardly, before turning around and running back towards the stairs. He just wished no supervisor saw him running around like that, he'd for sure get called out.
There were two bathrooms down in the west wing, where they got the x-rays exams done. One was gender neutral, then two gendered ones down the long hallway. Jonah made a silent prayer before entering the female bathroom.
It was empty.
Or rather, it seemed empty, but a small sob cued him to the fact that it wasn't so. Jonah power walked across the room, before knocking on the last stall, "Wendy? Wen, is that you?" please let it be her.
There was a small groan from inside, a voice he recognized and he spotted her white shoes peeking out, with the lilac details.
"Wendy, it's me," Jonah knocked again, "can you unlock the door, please?"
"Uhm..." she grumbled from inside and he heard the sound of fingers drumming on the door, as she clumsily attempted to unlock it. It took a minute before she managed to do so and then Jonah pushed it in, regretting it as Wendy let out a whine as the door hit her thigh.
He waited until she moved out of the way to push the door again and Jonah frowned. Wendy was sitting on the ground, one arm draped over the toilet, her head resting on her hand. The little he could see of her face, Jon could tell was extremely pale.
"Goddammit, Wendy..." he crouched down next to her, "Wen? Hey, look at me, sweetheart-"
"Hurss...hurts..." she slurred instead of answering him, her voice barely above a whisper. The toilet was empty, but Jonah could tell she had already thrown up at least once, if the wet spot in front of her baby green scrubs were anything to go by.
"What hurts, Wendy?" he leaned in, planting a hand on her shoulder. She was freezing, even though she was wearing a long sleeved shirt under the short sleeved hospital clothes.
"Head..." Wendy whimpered, curling up even more, sounding dangerously close to tears. She hugged her knees, pressing her forehead to them and rocked back and forth, "I don't feel well, Jon..."
"I know, Dee," Jonah whispered, moving even closer and ignoring the smell of vomit, so he could cup her chin and force her to lift her head, "let me see your eyes, Wendy."
They were filled with tears, squinting from the pain. The minute he raised her face, she flinched from the overhead white light, and gulped nervously, shoving his hand off her face.
"I'm... I'm gonna be sick..." she groaned, leaning over the toilet again. Jonah scrambled forward to grab her hair, immediately gagging as he felt one of the front pieces was already wet and sticky.
He buried his nose in his shoulder, gagging fruitlessly. There was nothing for him to puke and clearly, nothing for Wendy to bring up either, because after a little more retching, she let out a sob and resorted to resting her forehead to the porcelain, sobbing.
"No, darling, don't do that, this is disgusting..." Jonah cooed, sliding his hand between her forehead and the toilet and wrapping his other arm around her waist, pulling her up.
Although she was unstable as a newborn fawn, she didn't immediately collapse, clinging to his coat with all her force. Jonah pushed the stall door open, slowly guiding her to the sinks and Wendy slumped over the granite with her whole body, letting out a whine as he ran his hands under the tap to turn on the motion sensor and then ran his now wet, cold hands on her face, washing her mouth and chin, as well as the sick covered piece of hair.
"Shhh, you're okay, I got you," Jonah whispered, more for his benefit than hers, as Wendy's whole face scrunched up in pain, tears leaking from the corner of her eyes.
"I don't... I don't want you," she groaned and Jonah's stomach turned for a different reason, simple and plain guilt.
"I know, I'm gonna get you to Vin," he answered instead, "I'm really sorry, Wen, I didn't know you weren't feeling well..."
She let out another groan, ignoring his apology and Jonah bit his tongue to stop the string of words he wanted to say. He wanted to apologize again, he wanted to grill her about her symptoms, why she hadn't started off by saying she was sick previously when requesting he switched with her, why she hadn't told him...
She shuddered, hugging herself and Jonah stripped his coat, wrapping Wendy in it and closing the first button on the front. It was far too big for her, it reached the middle of Jon's thighs, but on Wendy the coat was brushing the floor.
Wordlessly she slumped forward, pressing her forehead to his chest and Jonah wrapped an arm around her, guiding her out of the bathroom.
As soon as they reached the ground level floor, she let out a loud whine. The place was much more crowded, so much more noisy, and Wendy let out a sob, pressing her face to his chest with even more force.
"Hurts..." She said, grabbing at the roots of her hair and pulling, to try and escape the pain inside her skull.
He left her planted on the couch in the waiting room, as he sped back to the staff quarters to retrieve her purse, as well as her other belongings. Wendy was rocking back and forth when he got back to her, much to the unnerving of the other patients, who kept glancing at her nervously as it looks like she was going to throw up.
"Okay, let's get you out of here," Jon whispered, wrapping his arms around her and guiding Wendy to the car. She shivered violently once they walked out of the hospital, the drastic temperature change hitting them both. Jon's teeth started to chatter and he forced Wendy to keep moving, pushing her inside her car.
"No, don't do that, Dee," Jonah whispered, holding her head as Wendy tried banging it against the window to stop the pain inside, "shhh, lie back down, lie down..." he lowered her seat a little bit, smoothing the hair out of her face.
Wendy let out a pitiful sniffle, curling up on herself, his coat serving as a blanket on top of her. She turned her head, away from his touch and Jonah's stomach sunk a little more.
He parked inside her building, in her designated spot and then scrolled through his contacts. Wendy seemed to be asleep and he didn't want to wake her up unneededly so.
"Hello?" Vince sounded half asleep and Jonah glanced quickly at the clock. It was almost midnight, no wonder, "Jon?"
"Hey," he whispered, "I have Wendy with me, can you unlock the door, please?"
"Wen... Why? What's wrong with her? Are you outside-" there was rustling around, "I don't see you outside."
Jonah rolled his eyes, "I'm downstairs in the parking lot, she-"
"Is she okay? Let me talk with her."
"She's asleep," Jonah started to say, but Wendy stirred and groaned, turning to blindly grab his phone.
"Is that Vin?" she whined, not bothering to open her eyes and, in Jonah's ear, Vince exclaimed.
Jonah let out a scoff, "just unlock the door," then hung up, turning to Wendy, "can you walk?"
"Yes," she said, sounding annoyed. She pushed the door open and stumbled out, bracing against the car and taking deep breaths, "my head is exploding."
"You sound better than before," Jonah said hopefully, circling the car to hold her arm, "c'mon, Dee."
"Uhm..." Wendy slumped against him, letting him guide her the rest of the way and Jonah chewed on the inside of his cheek, pressing the elevator button.
"I'm really sorry about before, Wendy. I had no idea you were sick, if I knew I'd have switched."
"It's fine," she said sourly, crossing her arms, "it's fine."
"Wanna say that one more time?" Jonah said, "doesn't sound fine."
"Shut up, Jonah," Wendy groaned, pressing her forehead to his bicep with all her force, "I don't have the energy for this, just shut up."
As soon as the elevator came to a stop, Vince was already there. In the middle of the hallway, wearing just sweatpants, socks and a huge orange hoodie that made Jonah cringe in distaste. His curls were a messy mane around his head and he had been clearly about to fall asleep.
"Hey, hey..." he crossed the hallway in two steps, cupping Wendy's face, "what's wrong, honey?"
She let out a groan, that quickly morphed into a whimper, "my head..."
"Migraine?" he guessed, glancing up worriedly to Jonah, who flinched as if he was somehow guilty for Wendy's migraine.
"Yes, she threw up earlier-"
"It's not as bad anymore," Wendy scoffed, glaring at his direction, before snuggling up with Vince, wrapping her arms around his middle, "I just wanna lie down."
"Thank you for bringing her home," Vince whispered, offering Jonah a big, relieved smile, which only made him feel ten times more guilty. Vin was unaware to his little conundrum, hugging Wendy to him and bringing her inside the house.
Jonah followed them in, planting Wendy's keys and her purse on the little living room table that was littered with books and notecards, where Vince clearly had been studying.
A minute later Vince emerged from the room, having tucked Wendy into bed, Jon's coat draped over his arm, "here. Thank you Jon..."
"Please don't say that," Jonah cringed, taking the coat back, "tell Wendy to call me when she feels better."
Vince frowned, confused, but he nodded, "yeah, of course. Are you calling a taxi?"
"You can wait in here," Vince said hopefully, "or just crash the couch, it's no problem-"
"No," Jonah shook his head. He was feeling terrible, he really didn't want to stay and witness anymore of Wendy in pain, "no, I have to go home. Leo's probably having a heart attack, I should've been home two hours ago."
It was a little lie. Yes, Leo would be stressing if he was aware, but more probably he was simply asleep by now.
"Okay," Vince crossed the room and then pulled Jon into a hug, causing the man to let out a startled yelp.
"Let go of me."
"Thanks again, man."
"Yeah, let me go..." Jonah shoved him off, "and tell Wendy not to worry about tomorrow, I'll explain to her supervisor what happened."
"Thank you," Vince nodded, although he wasn't sure what he was nodding along with, "you're a great friend."
Jonah grimaced, "yeah, bye."
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n3onstarss · 1 year
Headcanons; How the Rottmnt boys deal with a reader with depression and muscle pain
Relationship; Rottmnt boys x reader
romantic or platonic?; either!
reader type; reader with depression, possible bipolar and constant muscle pains (projecting again)
Definitely tries his best to help
will nab you some Tylenol if it's bad, or mother hen you till you do something to relieve the pain and get yourself moving (eating, hydration, shower, etc.)
doesn't take shit during your mood swings, if you tell at him he'll yell right back. he knows what he's doing, probably
will let you wrestle or train with him during high energy episodes to blow off steam
on the other hand, will cuddle and comfort you during depressive episodes
Will gladly let you vent or talk shit with him
he encourages you to repair whatever is messing with you, be it a relationship or an activity or just yourself
love language is acts of service
He tries his best but it may not work at certain points
He also struggles with taking care of himself, so it's kinda a symbiotic relationship with y'all
you remind him to eat or moisturize his shell or even sleep and he'll remind you to drink water and brush your teeth and wake you up if you sleep too much
Will gladly let you camp out in his room or lab and just parallel play while he works
when you're high energy he either has you come help with moving heavy projects or helps you find an outlet for it (or just straight up banishes you to hang out with Splinter, it depends)
Will reluctantly but happily split his hoard of Tylenol and ibuprofen (that battle shell HAS to hurt)
Gets a lil territorial over his giant heated lamp, but after about a week he didn't mind anymore and would just flop down back to back for together alone time (Raph got to name it because he tried to explain it to Mikey after you both passed out one time)
love language is quality time
Eugh boy. he tries so hard but he doesn't notice that sometimes you need space and copic mechanisms aren't universal
will cling to you all the time during depressive episodes if you let him, and will gladly watch movies with you to keep you both busy
hyper episodes are his specialty though! blue boy is always down for chaos and will gladly portal you both to, like, the middle of Disney world if you're both stupid enough
insists that cold showers are better for muscle pain than lava showers, gets bit.
doesn't mind parallel play, but something in him eggs him to be constantly talking and expecting a response (that man is not neurotypical) so he usually just rambles about how everything will get better and little affirmations till you return them or ask him to stop
Will share his heated blanket, unless it's winter, then it's his unless you bribe him with a turtle pile
does his best to remind you to take care of yourself, but is also forgetful and so it's just chaos
love language is words of affirmation
Will try to doctor feelings you and let you know you have someone to talk to
when it gets especially bad he organizes a movie binge and turtle pile with all the siblings (which includes April, Cass, CJ and Sunita!) and heated lamps until everyone feels better than before
Very much avoids babying you. he grew up with it, knows it's not nearly as fun as people make it out to be
will leave little sticky notes about very important things, but doesn't tend to be overbearing
will ask you to help him cook during any mood because it's calming and not too stressful
Definitely enjoys parallel play or cuddling, as long as you're cool with it! Will walk over and just cuddle you while you're sitting on the counter while he cooks (arms around your waist, head on your stomach)
Steals Tylenol from Dee for ya (aka asks for some) and encourages you to steal Leo's shampoo for shits n giggles
love language is physical touch
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enstarsagere · 4 months
nazuna nito cg / little headcanons!
my… my nazunii… i love
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- flip w a heavy caregiver lean
- the worlds big brother!! littles of all sorts love him
- obviously, his main kiddos are the ra*bits juniors. he also watches mika, shinobu, kuro, and arashi
- he also babysits when carers get busy! frequently babysitting gigs include natsume, leo, tori, and eichi
- has tons of little essentials and even carries some with him incase someone drops
- hoards pictures and little gifts from his kiddos
- regressed more during high school (especially 2nd year), but still does occasionally
- his main caregiver is kuro, but will also go to wataru, eichi, or izumi
- he’s a little too shy to let his ra*bits juniors care for him, but they always offer! eventually they will
- has a pretty big age range but is normally either at the beginning or end of his range (toddler or upper elementary kiddo)
- his favorite activity is playing with koppe!
- he also likes playing with dolls and blocks! will make castles and houses for the dolls to play in
- he does sometimes regress with the other ra*bits members and kuro watches them!
- a little sweetheart but can get veeerry mischievous and even a little bratty sometimes
- his regression has gotten more positive, but he can still get pretty upset. he is especially sensitive during these times and when he’s younger
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aldrawsstuf · 7 months
Zodiac Signs as Deities (Part 1)
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Aries the Flamebringer is the first Lord of the Zodiac, is the goddess of Courage, Fire and Warfare. She is a god with a fiery temper, unafraid to stand up for what she believes in and champion her causes.
It is said she granted the first mortals with the gift of fire, a tool that would shape their destiny and allow them to overcome the harshest of obstacles. Aries believed that courage was not merely the absence of fear, but the ability to face adversity head-on and emerge victorious. Her followers are taught to embrace their inner fire, to use it to forge their own paths in life and to stand up against injustice. Her domain encompasses not only the element of fire, but also the battlefield, where her champions prove their mettle in the crucible of combat.
Aries blesses those who stand up for what is right, who fight against tyranny and oppression, and who have the courage to forge their own destinies. She does not condone senseless bloodshed or the destruction of innocent life, but rather champions those who use their strength and skill to protect the peace that has been fought so hard for.
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Taurus the Opulent is the second lord of the Zodiac and the goddess of Metals, Wealth and Prosperity. A goddess who loves luxury and comfort but believes that wealth is to be earned.
She taught her followers the value of hard work and perseverance, that true wealth comes not from taking what belongs to others, but from creating value through one's own efforts. Her domain was filled with precious metals, gems, and other treasures, which were used not only for personal adornment and display, but also for crafting tools and works of art.
She blesses those who have earned their wealth through honest and hard work, as well as those who share their fortune with others in need. However, she does not tolerate greed and avarice, and those who attempt to hoard wealth at the expense of others will find her wrath swift and unforgiving.
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Gemini the Craftsman is the third Lord of the Zodiac, is the god of Duality, Reflections, Music, and the Arts. He is an inventor of great skill and ingenuity. His inventions have changed the course of history.
Gemini teaches his followers to embrace both their light and dark sides, as it is through the union of opposites that true greatness is achieved. He encourages them to explore the endless possibilities of existence, to question everything and to never accept anything at face value. His domain spans across the vast realms of imagination and creativity, where his most devoted worshippers find solace and inspiration. It is here that they channel their inner Gemini, crafting works of art and music that resonate with the deepest parts of their souls.
He blesses pursuers and patrons of the arts, music, and crafts, as well as those who strive for knowledge and understanding. However, he does not tolerate those who use their creativity for ill intent or to spread lies and misinformation.
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Cancer the Riptide is the fourth Lord of the Zodiac and the god of Filiality, the Seas and the Moon. A strong-willed and compassionate god. He holds the sea's power in high regard and treasures its beauty.
His teachings emphasize that the family is the cornerstone of society and that the ties that bind loved ones ought to be treasured and guarded. He is also the protector of those who find themselves alone or abandoned, offering them comfort and solace in times of need. He and Pisces both rule the oceans, but he rules over the waters that are connected to the land, where the tides play a vital role in sustaining life. His domain also encompasses the moon, whose phases govern the tides and evoke a sense of mystique and wonder among his followers.
He blesses the people who honor and protect their family, as well as those who find solace in their bonds. However, he is not one to tolerate those who seek to harm or exploit their loved ones. His wrath is swift and merciless against such individuals.
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Leo the Resplendent is the fifth Lord of the Zodiac and the god of Valor, Passions and the Sun. A god who values pride and courage more than anything else and anyone who dares to disrespect him will not find forgiveness.
His teachings is that of raising oneself above the mundane, to achieve greatness through one's own efforts. Leo exhorts his disciples to follow their interests with all of their might since it is only through the crucible of hardship that they may genuinely blossom into greatness. His dominion spans huge deserts and boundless plains where the sun's heat may inspire as well as burn. His most committed followers congregate here in search of his direction and favor.
While Leo honors those who take pride in who they are and aim high, he does not support conceit. People who take the risk of flying too near to the sun or publicly bragging about their achievements run the danger of earning his wrath. Leo is a deity who cherishes humility and respect just as much as he does vigor and pride. He acknowledges that real greatness comes from motivating people to aim for the stars rather than from stepping on them.
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Virgo the Sustainer is the sixth Lord of the Zodiac and the goddess of Nature, Care, and Agriculture. Virgo is a god of balance and moderation.
She imparts to those who follow her principles the knowledge that nature may be both an ally and an enemy. Life requires constant attention and vigilance, as well as a constant effort to preserve equilibrium. Her realm encompasses not just beautiful forests and fruitful farmland, but also dangerous slopes and terrible deserts. Wherever there is life, there is Virgo, guiding and protecting.
Seeking her favor requires those who seek to understand how to balance their personal demands with those of the world. Virgo is not one for token gestures or hollow words; she expects real results and actionable steps. She punishes not just those who would take advantage of nature for their own benefit but also those who would do nothing but watch while pain continued.
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ladytauria · 10 months
10, 11, 16, 32??? 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
thank u leo!!! 💞
10. Ctrl+f "blinks" on your WIP & copy paste the first sentence/paragraph that comes up
i searched both the WIPs i’ve been working on the last couple of days—one i’ve had for over a year and the other i’ve had for??? two days??? which has just rapidly unfolded in front of me—and! surprisingly blinks only showed up once?
anyway, this is from the second fic, which features jaytim + student/teacher roleplay:
Mr. Drake’s hand wraps loosely around his wrist; his hand cool. “Good job,” he praises, softly, and Jason blinks rapidly again, the praise making him feel pleasantly warm and tingly. He tugs Jason forward, guiding Jason over his lap, until his hips and belly are firmly settled over Mr. Drake’s thighs.
11. Link your three favorite fics right now
just 3???? sigh… okay, i’ll try 😂
in no particular order!!
I Know What My Brother Is – @bi-bats -> Reverse Robins. DamiTim. This fic… Damian’s POV is gorgeous. The prose is so poetic, there are so many gut punching lines! Also everything abt the AU and the way the relationships are effected by it is just… yes. So much yes.
Mother Knows Best – @kieran-granola -> JayTim. I have read this… so many times. Little afraid to look in my history just to see how many xD Kink exploration is so much fun to read. Also, love when a fic awakens something in me 😂
and then… okay, i was talking about this one earlier and i adore it so, so:
American Beauty (American Psycho) – TimmyJaybjrd -> JayTim. Toxic relationship. Love, love, love it. It’s not the usual fic I seek out but I read it anyway, and omg. It’s so good. Controlling, dominant Tim and needy, eager to please Jason just hits the spot for me! Damian was also really good in this~
16. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Share one of them?
i don’t have an official count but more than 30! again it’s tempting to share more than asked but 😂
okay, let’s go with an urban fantasy one!! this one features dragon!tim/selkie!jason!
Dragons are possessive of their hordes. Tim isn’t as bad as some (who don’t even allow people to look, let alone touch), the instincts are still there. So, when they start dating, Jason decides to hide his coat.
It’s just a precaution, really. He doesn’t think Tim would trap him like that. Not really. But if Tim has decided Jason is his, what if he decides Jason’s coat is his too? After all, then Jason could never leave—and he definitely wouldn’t disobey or ignore when Tim tells him to do things, either. So. It’s just—better this way. Safer.
Tim notices when Jason switches from using his disguised coat to a real leather jacket, but he doesn’t say anything. Selkies are shy, and just as protective of their coats as dragons are of their horde.
However, as time passes, the coat stays hidden—except when Jason gives in to the call of the sea. He’s always let the ache grow as long as he can, though, before finally giving in. Months will pass, sometimes, before he finally goes. With his coat now separated from him constantly, though, the ache grows faster, until he’s going around once a month.
Tim is worried, but he has no idea how to bring it up without scaring Jason. He’s also maybe a little hurt, by this point, since Jason still doesn’t trust him—but, at the same time, access to a selkie’s coat gives you a lot more power over them than access to a dragon’s horde does!
This is where my brain likes to skim over the details, but there’s some angst, some hurt/comfort, maybe a minor disaster (perhaps someone finding the coat? 🤔), but one way or another, Jason & Tim end up having to actually have a conversation. I’m not exactly sure how that goes, either, only that my brain is pretty fixated on Jason’s coat ending up in the heart of Tim’s hoard for safe-keeping, and both of them getting the warm & fuzzies over it!
32. Name three of your favorite fanfic writers.
@kieran-granola ; @waffleinator-inator ; @bi-bats
dearly love all of their fics 🥰
[ get to know the fic writer! ]
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tokusaatsus · 2 years
HI HI POOKIE CONGRATS ON 300!!!!! U DESERVE ALL THAT N MORE MWAH MWAH (wipes tear... they age so fast)
aside from that im here for the event aswell >:) Q R W with natsume leo and tsukasa if i may request !!!! if you dont feel up to it feel free to change the characters or ignore! congrats once again <3
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warnings: mild mentions of guilt/unhealthy coping mechanisms (leo)
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q = quizzes (how much would they remember about you? do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Despite Natsume’s lax personality, he’s actually quite good at remembering things. Though he may act like it slips his mind, he will never mention it ever but he’s trained himself to memorise all those important dates–like your anniversaries, birthdays, etc. He might not be as good at recalling everything about you, but he does his very best to at least keep the things that he or you deem important in mind. Your favourite food, your favourite colour, your likes and dislikes–and so on and so forth. Though it may not seem like it, he hoards all the information you tell him, treasuring every part of you that you share with him, because it comes from you. 
The minute you say something, rest assured that Tsukasa is noting it down–mentally, if not physically. A compendium of notes in a small booklet that he carries around everywhere, containing nearly everything you’ve ever told him about yourself. He takes care to memorise as much as he can–and it’s enough that, if tested, he can rattle off a rapid list of information pertaining to you. It’s cute, honestly. This is his first time being in a relationship, and Tsukasa doesn’t want you to ever feel underappreciated. He cares for you, truly, and he does his best to show it to you by paying attention. And if you remember things about him, you’re guaranteed to make him smile and blush.
When it comes to this, Leo’s funny because his brain is almost always on overdrive. He’s constantly thinking about something or the other, composing countless melodies in his head, that anything he’s told goes in one ear and out the other. Oh, sure, he tries to pay attention but, well–it’s hard. However, that’s not to say that Leo doesn’t remember anything about you, he does. It’s just… Leo’s the kind of person who doesn’t know your favourite colour, but knows the name of your third-grade teacher. He knows all your obscure knowledge. It’s endearing, really, when you think that he at least made an effort to learn about you–even if he still doesn’t know your favourite colour.
r = remember (what is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Natsume’s favourite moment is when you confessed to him. You were so cute, stuttering slightly as you told him, I like you! It had made his heart skip a beat, watching your eyes dart here and there, as though you couldn’t bear to meet his gaze–like you were afraid of rejection. But how could Natsume ever say no to you? The way you smiled tentatively as he accepted, replying to your declaration of love with a confession of his own, is something he’ll never forget. A memory that is always circling in his thoughts. Of course, it definitely helps that he got to kiss you afterwards–got to taste your chapstick and hear you giggle against his mouth.
Leo’s favourite moment is any moment when you’re paying attention to him. He likes resting his head in your lap, like a spoiled cat, while you pet his hair as he rambles to you about his day or vice versa. Just being able to spend time with you is calming to him, soothing the nervous energy that circulates through his blood, like he’s just taken a shot of espresso. When you look at him, he feels seen. He knows you’re a busy person, but that only makes it all the more special when you take time out of your schedule to be with him. Staying with you, no matter where in the world you are, is something Leo feels he could do forever and never get tired.
Tsukasa’s favourite moment is when he gets to shed the pretenses and simply be himself with you. There’s no specific scenario, to be honest. He just likes spending time with you–not as the Leader of Knights or the Suou Heir, but just… Tsukasa. Your Tsukasa. And he thinks he might like that part of him best. The one that gets to hold your hand, that gets to go on dates with you, that gets to kiss you…! Any time that he’s with you is important to him, is special to him. As long as he’s with you, he’s content. He’s happy to do anything, so long as it’s you who’s next to him as he does it. Being with you is one of the pleasures of Tsukasa’s life–one that he wouldn’t trade for anything.
w = whole (would they feel incomplete without you?)
Natsume wouldn’t necessarily feel incomplete without you. He’d feel a little empty, sure, but it’s not like it’s something time won’t fix. He’s not the kind of person to give love too much importance, so he’d be more calm about it. He’d miss you, definitely, but he wouldn’t make a big deal out of it. If you ever break up, it’d take him a while to get over it, but he’d manage in the end. Natsume would try to treat you the same, and not act like there are any problems that stem from his lingering feelings, but he’d be good at putting them aside if he deems it necessary. He’d force himself not to think too much about it, only allowing himself to indulge in nostalgia when he’s feeling especially down.
For Leo, who’s the kind of person to love unconditionally and passionately and with wild abandon, he’d feel hollow. Not incomplete per se, but something similar. He’d blame himself at first–for not being good enough, for not convincing you to stay, for all those things–and he’d self-isolate. From you especially. Keeping away from the thing that hurt him, hiding himself away as much as possible. Being around you reminds him too much of how things used to be, which is a constant ache now, and Leo is a master of not dealing with things healthily. He’d probably just keep avoiding you for as long as possible, not giving any chance for either you or him to talk your issues out.
Tsukasa would feel guilty. His first relationship crumbling? And so easily? Was it…was it something he did? Not incomplete, but he’d feel awful. A sick sort of feeling, a persistent ache that won’t go away, that won’t leave him alone. Heartbreak, Narukami-senpai would tell him, a wise look on her face and Tsukasa thinks, oh. Maybe his heart is breaking…? Interactions with you after that would be awkward, because he isn’t quite sure how to treat you, other than not like a lover and not like a stranger, leading to a strange mix of overly-familiar and overly-distanced. He wants to ask you why, but he doesn’t want to ruin this carefully crafted equilibrium, so he just stays silent.
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WC: 1.1k words
reze txt HI NATSUME TYSM <3 ILY ILY SM OMG !?!??! ofc u can request babyyyy i hope u enjoy ur skrunklies !! here they are !! at long last !! tysm again and mwah mwah <33
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bluepeachstudios · 2 years
Does Leo sometimes remind Ghost of his Mikey?
Because I noticed both 2003 Mikey and Leo have similar self worth issues. Honestly my headcanon is that 2003 Mikey and Leo would probably get along pretty well! Although Leo is a Leo, would Ghost see some of his little brother’s qualities in Leo?
Will Ghost be worried that Leo may go down a similar path to his Leo? Or does he already know that since his kids’ personalities are different from himself and his brothers that there maybe a chance that things will go differently with his kids?
Also have you read the Last Ronin and if you have: what are your opinions on Ronin, and the new turtles Uno, Yi, Moja and Odyn?
Leo definitely reminds Ghost of his Michelangelo. He deflects things with jokes, he acts cocky, he likes to be the one to lighten things up when the discussion gets too heavy. Ghost sees a bit of his brothers in all of them! He sees a bit of Raphael in Donnie, a bit of Leonardo in Raph, a bit of himself in Mikey.
Ghost is searching for similarities, though, and it's easy to find them when you're looking.
Ghost's Leo never went through his post-exodus Trauma Arc(tm). Ghost disappeared just before it happened, which meant that no one was there to stop the Shredder from leaving in that rocket. Now, Leo DID go through a completely different depression arc, but he was never sent off to the Ancient One. They had already lost one brother, they couldn't bear to be separated after that. Ghost never saw that, though.
Ghost still hopes things will go differently for the kids. He worries about them a lot, he hopes that they won't suffer as much as he and his brothers did, he hopes they don't get broken. He doesn't want Leo getting left alone fighting off a hoard of ninja. He wants them to be able to stay kids as long as possible and not have to grow up because they have to fight all the big bad adults in the world.
As for the Last Ronin, I have not read it, but I know what happens. I'm not good with constant angst and a bad ending. I get emotional easily and Last Ronin will just absolutely crush me so I haven't read it and am absorbing it through osmosis and reading of synopses. I am reading the Lost Years, though! Because babies...
I love the kids, they're adorable, they seem to have interesting dynamics going on. Uno seems like an asshole but I love him lmao. Yi looks like she's taking after Donnie in that she's interested in engineering with April! Moja's got a temper on her but seems like she'll be a good foil to Uno's arrogance. ODYN. ODYN MY DEAR SWEET BABY BOY. I LOVE HIM SO MUCH. He's so cute, he doesn't want crusts on his sandwiches, feed him please,
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sm-baby · 1 year
Um Mushy... do you think witches can get warts and vitiligo
I'm planning on making a witch oc then I was suddenly reminded of other skin conditions, but I couldn't choose
Also hows the Nether? Like how did Leo got his familiar?
Yes ofcourse uwu! Their Queen is albino after all! and yeah, warts and moles are kinda their thing :3c Absolutely go for it dawg
As for the nether,, BOYY... The nether is considered dark and illegal magic to witches... they took its resources CENTURIES AGO to get their potions, but now it's absolutely unheard of to enter it. (this is my excuse why ruined nether portals are a thing and why no one but the players visit it fhfkghafk)
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It's WHY Leonardo never met his familiar! At some point though, he does uwu... Sharky and I spoke about this-- nether episode!
In short, Leonardo ended up with whoever came with him (Or it could be a solo Leo adventure ���) to the nether, the other person started beef with the piglins, and now they're fighting hoards off of each other. But then.. a certain.. brute... locks eyes with the man. and it just feels like time stops for both of them. things fucking go in slow-motion in the middle of a dangerous battlefield, but it didn't matter, because they had just met their soulmate <:3c Through their connection, the two shake on a truce of peace between the piglins and the people he came with-- and we come to learn that the brute himself is chief! that's why he had the power to do so :3c Leonardo is estatic to stay because he wants to make up for lost time, cuz, ofcourse, he's never met his familiar! FOR 250 YEARS NOW!! He's being a sentimental dork about it! Leo learns that Mr. Brute also has a close and loving family and it was just nice vibes during his whole stay. Leo gets invited to dinner vibesss, they have a lot in common and Leo's just happy about it...
Sharky thought of the idea of Simon's familiar to also be somewhat related to the brute family X3 like also being the brute's son-in-law or something. I WANNA GIVE IT MORE THOUGHT BUT IT'S JUST FUNNY, I WAN'T IT CANON.
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TMNT Headcanon time (2012) ☺️
Parts might or might not be projection lol.
Mikey: Autistic and ADHD. Stims constantly. Always moving. Rocking, flapping, wiggling his fingers and toes, chewing on things, food. Hoards thing he loves and nests. Trans, genderqueer trans boy, (oriented?) aroace, complicated relationship with gender and orientation. Part time mobility aid user (I have seen this boy hit so many walls and I'm only ten episodes in. He has to have chronic pain 😅 also what kind of effects could the mutagen have? Getting turned from a turtle to a turtle person has to have lasting effects lol. He sometimes uses his forearm crutches on patrol and always wears afos but his other mobility aids are mostly for at home use. CVI (this is projection but I am blind and i'm rubbing my grubby disabled paws all over this character lol. And I always see blind Leo. So my headcanon is blind Mikey. Because mutagen). He has trouble with his brain processing what he is looking at. He has trouble with depth perception, identifying objects (especially unfamiliar ones), takes him time to id objects, clumsy because his lower visual field isn't great, trips over things on the floor and runs into walls because he can't see them, but he's really good at compensating for it so sometimes he even forgets he's blind. Uses a white cane sometimes, mostly in new places (it's a super cool folding one Donnie made him in his favorite colors). Mikey loves bright colors because they are easier for him to see. (he's not totally blind. And his vision fluctuates depending on a number of factors).
Apraxic. Situationally mute. Mostly nonverbal, makes a lot of noises but doesn't really have understandable self generated speech anymore. Can repeat things he's heard before but it's not 100% under his control. Every so often he can ramble like he used to, but he has to be not stressed and comfortable. Aphasia. Sometimes wrong words come out if he can talk or they come out wrong (wrong order, slurred, gibberish). Closest thing to words that come out of his mouth are sounds that sound like words to people who know him.
Multimodel communicator. He has a speech generating device that Donnie built him and it sounds like his body voice or he can choose what it sounds like. Has a fuck ton of different apps and vocabularies. He really likes PODD and LAMP because of how they are arranged. He also has low tech AAC (his favorite is his custom one page opening PODD book that Donnie somehow made bullet proof??? and totally waterproof. Mikey doesn't get how it works but he's glad it does because he has dropped it in some gross stuff 😅 but he can just rinse it off and go about his day. Fucker has literally used it as a shield against the Kraang's blaster fire, not a dent to be seen. All the turtles know the signals Leo uses during patrols but they also use a ASL modified for their three fingers. And he loves picture cards. He'll be hanging out with his brothers and just hand one of them a no card to be obstinant. His fuck you (playful) card is his second favorite. His picture cards stay at home because they are easy to lose because small and hard to transport because it's several thousand 1.5 in square cards with velcro on the backs. He does have a small binder with a few in it for patrols, just in case.
Dyslexic and has a hard time reading print between that and his vision. Needs enlarged print, a magnifier, or braille for reading.
He has some sort of hearing impairment /might be deaf but he doesn't know what's going on exactly. He just knows he has a hard time understanding speech especially if there is a lot of background noise. And he can't hear well while he is actively focused on seeing (CVI).
More about gender. He's a trans boy bu he's also a demigirl. He's bigender. But he prefers masc pronouns. Or neopronouns.
He loves food. And he's also kind of a walking hazard to himself (clumsy much) so his brothers prefer he be supervised while cooking.
He's 5" even and the shortest of all of them.
He sticker bombs everything he can get his chronically grubby little hands on.
Chronic migraines and photosensitivity. He has a special mask ge keeps on him that doesn't have eye holes and is made out of light blocking materials so if he gets overwhelmed by the light he can just put it on and rely on his other senses. His ability to fight without thinking really comes in handy for this.
He is really fast with his forearm crutches because they make him more stable.
Oops all Mikey 😅
I'll make another post for Donnie I guess.
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